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a tall demonstration of some alternative versions of Sakura
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itssolonelyhere · 2 years
If your doing a new one why can't you update your jokesaku or madasaku fics too?
Hi, anon. It's not quite that simple. I mean, I definitely should update/finish my older stories before starting new ones. There are eight of them sitting on the back burner... I never intended to be one of those writers that left fics unfinished or on hiatus, yet here we are. Now, I understand some of those writers a bit more since I actually began writing myself. It's not always that easy.
Here's the thing. I'm not the kind of person who can work on multiple projects at one time. God knows I've tried. I told myself and others I can do it. But I've concluded that all it does is stress me out and nothing gets done. I'm someone who can't sit still, is unorganized, can't focus for long periods of time, and is a mess at the end of the day. Yet I still try to write chapters that are between 5-11k because I'm a big dummy that can't reel it in. And dyslexia only makes it more difficult.
I work a full-time and part-time job. I have bills to pay and a place to take care of. A partner, demon children (my cats), family, and friends that need me. So when I do get a little free time, I want to spend it doing something I'm excited about. That tends to be my current fixation at the time. Which is also something I can't necessarily control. Believe me, I've tried. Being in the middle of a project and losing what was once an all-consuming fixation on a ship/piece of media is heartbreaking. I can try to rekindle the flame but unless it happens organically, I'm screwed.
That happened recently. My fixations can last months, even a year or more. The last one was MadaSaku again (HeisenSaku and JokeSaku before that). Then the passion for it whittled away, little by little, until I was left spending months just trying to finish one chapter. It's agonizing. Eventually, it comes back. It's just the time in between that's hard. I'd sit at my table for hours on days off, staring at a single chapter and drawing a blank. I couldn't get anything done. In return, I'd feel embarrassed to the point I didn't even want to go on Discord and talk to my online friends. It might sound silly, but that's how it is...
Right now, I'm sucked into the Eddissy ship for Stranger Things. Seeing the gifs and fanart of those two ignited the feeling I was missing. It motivated and inspired me to write again after another long dry spell. The same way the other ships I write for did previously. I don't know how long it'll last, but I want to ride the wave for as long as I can.
So with the limited free time I have available, I'd rather spend it working on something that I'm excited about and actually putting out content than forcing myself to stare at a blank screen for hours while slowly spiraling into a self-loathing mess. For free, might I add. The only reason I do any of this is because I enjoy writing garbage and love hearing from readers.
This wasn't meant to be so long, but I've been getting quite a few messages like this recently. Especially on FF.net. Like, I spent hours over multiple days working on and editing a 5k+ Eddissy chapter, then get a review/DM saying "Nice so when are you finally going to update your JokeSaku fic, huh?" and it's just so... disheartening. I get it. Some of you are here for JokeSaku, MadaSaku, etc. And it's not fair to leave you hanging on an incomplete fic. It just doesn't feel great to have someone basically say, "if you have time to work on this crap you like, then you should also have spare time to write the things I actually want to read." I don't know... This is just me explaining and rambling about what's going on from my end.
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sakucrossing · 2 years
what is your fav sakura crossover ship?
first thought that comes to my head is joker x sakura which is completely because of @lchan3706 and I also watched the batman recently so the DC was in my thoughts
another is Levi x sakura bc of The Vessel
if anyone got recs hmu
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pusheencrazy92 · 4 years
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Sakura as Eris ~ goddess of discord
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jingmcastle · 4 years
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My tribute to @lchan3706‘s Queen of the Rhombus- a JokerxSakura fanfic.
I tried to convey the borderline danger and sexual tension between them as much as I could, as is predominant in the entire fic.
ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I know what y’all thinking... “Joker? Seriously? How weird can you get?” 
Well, I have to be honest and say that I raised an eyebrow at this too when I first stumbled upon it on Ao3. It’s just a bizarre concept that I really couldn’t imagine how it would work out. I didn’t mind Sakura being shipped to a character from another anime fandom but it’s my first time encountering one with Sakura being paired to a live-action character (Heath Ledger’s Joker).
But then my mind settled to a point that just basically doesn’t care anymore also because there’s no new fanfic to read on the archives lately.
I already love lchan’s MadaSaku fanfic: Dreams of a Monomaniac (which is something I also highly recommend); so I just said: “Ah screw it! I’ve been falling too deep in the MultiSaku rabbit hole of a fandom anyway”. So I obviously read it and...
I’m always a sucker for a BAMF!Sakura and Heath Ledger will always have a special place in my heart (God rest his soul), but what really got me hooked was how well-written they all are. Yes, @lchan3706, I hope you’re reading all this. I read every story in your Bloody Petals collection TWICE. I swear this is no exaggeration, I read through every. single. one. TWICE because that’s how effective they caught my attention.
Another reason why I just had to pay tribute to the author is because reading through their JokeSaku fanfics inspired me to write again. Though I won’t be making a JokeSaku fanfic anytime soon, what I meant was my previous fanfics left on hiatus due to priorities set aside since the pandemic started. Creativity could become really stagnant when you’re forced to work.
So thank you very much, @lchan3706, for the inspiration you brought and I hope you update soon. All of them, hopefully, haha I hope this little something was able to express my appreciation of your works. 
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kaywhatsup · 4 years
Im not an artist so I can’t really make anything nice for you @lchan3706​ but I used this to put together a lil jacksaku image 💟💝💪🏾💃🏾
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They didnt have an an option to make jacks hair curly but i tried! Its spose to be them from tsuyaku as teenagers with cutie pie sakura and badboy jack in hs 😜. hope you like it 
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radita328 · 4 years
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@lchan3706 😁😁😁
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timeinhereyes · 4 years
JokeSaku discord server
hello, hello! i made a jokesaku (that’s joker/sakura in case you didn’t know) discord server! if anyone wants to join just shoot me a dm for the link :D
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kyoties · 4 years
Queen of the Rhombus by LChan3706, Joker/Sakura, Romance/Drama, M 
Their cells were right across the hall from each other, the bulletproof glass giving neither any privacy. He couldn't stand the way the strange looking woman laughed at him through the small spaces meant for the guards weapons when they got out of control. The Clown Prince refused to become a jester to that infuriating Queen.
Tsūyaku also by LChan3706, Joker/Sakura, Romance/Drama, M 
She doesn't remember him, but HE remembers her...There wouldn't be any chance of getting away from him this time. The Clown Prince would make sure of that, no matter how many lives it took in the process. Rated M for a good reason. Takes place during "The Dark Knight".
Darth-Sakura: Ya'll please give these fics more luv. I never knew I needed Joker/Sakura (jokesaku ????) until I randomly stumbled across these. I don't know much about DC but the way the author breaks him down is beautiful. Sakura's and Joker's relationship are different between these two fics but they both depict the tension and intimacy so well I can't help but fall in love with them <3 You could see my fangirling in the comment section XD 
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I made this art thinking about what sakura from queen of the rhombus would look like for @lchan3706
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itssolonelyhere · 3 years
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🌸Queen of the Rhombus ~ Chapter 22 "Composure"🌸
Just watching the panic and confusion painted across the doctor's face is making his blood sing. She's distressed, completely frozen on the spot. Her mind is racing a hundred miles per second and can't decide which option is better… or worse. It really comes down to two options: tell and lose him as a patient or keep quiet and throw her dignity as a respected psychiatrist out the door, becoming something of an accomplice to his antics.
'Don't give her too much time to think about it. She can be useful in some ways.'
"C'mon, Har. We both know the answer." Pushing off the bed and getting to his feet, Joker slithers up towards the shaken woman. When someone's mind is in tatters, the best thing to do is take advantage of the moment. Snatch the fragments and use them to create something new. An image of his choosing. She's getting so close to reaching a breaking point. He can see the anguish in those blue orbs.
There's something deep inside that's trying to get out. What it actually is, is the real question. A person can only hide their true selves beneath a polished exterior for so long before it tries to claw its way to the surface. Everyone has one. He just realized it sooner than most and willingly embraced those demons. Harleen, on the other hand… She just needs a push in the right direction.
"Listen." The doctor looks stunned when his deep voice breaks her from the raging battle going on in her mind. She's slow to react, finally realizing that he's no longer on the bed but mere inches away. "No one has to know. It can be our little secret, 'kay?"
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Hoped to have this out last week, but I got a bit... distracted by some metal daddy lol. I'd like to thank the ladies of the JokeSaku discord group and those who sent me messages for motivating me and trying to keep this mess of a writer on track. I genuinely appreciate all of it!
My next update will be the first chapter for a new crossover I'll be working on. I'm giving Sakura a tiny break from Gotham and tossing her into the Village from Resident Evil 8. It'll be a Sakura Haruno x Karl Heisenberg pairing (dubbed HeisenSaku from the thirst squad on Discord fufu). I won't be forgetting about JokeSaku at all, so I'll be jumping back and forth between the two.
AO3 & FF link
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itssolonelyhere · 2 years
Hii! How are you?
This is a routine, pressure- free check-in on one of my favourite Joker writers/ works! How are you? How are J and Sakura going? Is there any more story to unfold for them in Queen of the Rhombus?? The tension was very high where they left off!! Our mr J had kinda shot himself in the foot (so to speak) and he was on the verge of a regret - if that’s even possible!! Great stuff 💜💜
I know how hard it is to find time to write, so I reiterate the pressure-free check in part! Also it’s just hi and I hope you are well ☺️
Hey!!! Sorry I've been gone for so long 🙇‍♀️... Life had been pretty hard the last few months, but it's a lot better now. J and Sakura are still knuckleheads lol. And there is definitely a lot more in store for them in QotR!!! Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) I don't have the tits to finish any of my stories out of fear of coming up with new ideas and it being too late to add them in, and of endings in general. I've been writing fanfic on and off now for 6 1/2 years and still have yet to finish a single one 😬.
I swear, J always either shoots himself in the foot or cuts his nose off to spite his face. He's close to something like regret but will probably wave it off or somehow make it Sakura's fault 😅. That man can never be wrong. This next chapter's going to be quite interesting for the two of them. I have lots of ideas going through my head and tons of writing I want to do.
Thank you so much for sending this in! I really appreciate you taking the time to send this to me and checking up. But how about you? I hope you're doing well (and J fufufu). Happy Holidays too!
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itssolonelyhere · 3 years
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🔥 Fever ~ Chapter 2 "Hearth"🔥
The problem is that some people can be too greedy. They want to have their cake and eat it too. Shit doesn't always work out like that. It's easy for someone to get so caught up in collecting all the pieces to create their ideal world, that one can slip right through their fingers and be lost for good. When that one's absence renders all the others useless, the person's left with a bunch of pointless fragments that are incapable of completing the picture. That world suddenly becomes unattainable… impossible. They can either try to put together the remnants to see how it comes out or tear it all apart and turn away, hoping to create something with new parts.
Slipping a leather-clad hand into the pocket of his trench coat, he grasps one of the various knives hidden throughout the garment. Sometimes just rolling the closed blade between his fingers is enough to help ease the tension. Right now, it's just giving him some splendid ideas on how to spend the rest of his night.
"Tch!" Joker's face contorts in resentment as he takes in the surroundings outside of the shabby old building. The cathedral's bright lights can be clearly seen even from multiple blocks away. Bars, stores, and apartment windows have a colorful variety of decorations to celebrate the holidays. Even at this late hour, a few people here and there walk down the streets, probably making their way home from some crappy Christmas Eve party that ended late.
'I hate them… All of them. Nothing but greedy pigs.'
AO3 and FF link
It's been a hot minute since I updated last (gomen) and I might be a bit out of practice. Anyway, this is just a little JokeSaku one-shot to add to my 'Fever' collection that relates to Tsūyaku. This was actually supposed to come out at the end of December but I'm an asshole so here it is in the middle of May 🙈.
Also, thank you to my fellow JokeSaku ladies who try to light a fire under my ass when I really need it and the beautiful work you all do 💖!
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itssolonelyhere · 3 years
Heya I don't want to sound annoying since you prolly get ask'd this all the time but do you know when your updating next and which might it b 👉👈 I rlly miss your joker x sakura stuff tho i like the new pairing too
Hello, anon! You don't sound annoying at all! I enjoy it when someone asks me about my work. It means you're interested which is a great thing lol. I'd rather be bugged about updates than no one care in the slightest. No writer wants to be throwing their material out into the void with zero response. That really kills motivation and can make it feel pointless to put so much time and effort into an update when there's no feedback. So, throw anything you want my way. Anon asks, questions, comments, reblogs, likes, whatever. I eat that shit up!
Back to your question... I'm finishing up chapter 2 of Visele right now. I actually planned on having it out this morning but family-in-law(?) stuff kind of set me back a little. Hopefully, it'll be ready for tomorrow morning instead.
About JokeSaku, don't worry! More will be coming soon. With this next chapter of Visele, that'll be four updates I've done in the last month and a half that are all 9k+. After that long drought I had for a while, I'm pretty proud of myself for getting that done.
I'm thinking about doing chapter 18 of 'Dreams of a Monomaniac' next. It was my very first fic and needs some love after so long. I've been thinking about MadaSaku lately too. That story is definitely the best received by readers and they deserve some material for being extremely patient with me. BUT! After that, I will go around and try to update my fics the best I can, especially the JokeSaku ones. My chapters tend to be 8-10k+ so that's partly why they may take a little bit.
Thanks for sending this in, anon! I hope you're happy with the answers I gave you and that you enjoy the new updates coming in the very near future 💖
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itssolonelyhere · 3 years
Omg I totally binged all of ur fics and it’s 2:42 am lmfao. I just wanted to as how old Sakura and Joker are in all of your fics? I can’t remember if you’ve explicitly stated it 😣
OML... Thank you, anon 💖! I'm happy my writing was good enough that you wanted to stay up and binge read through them 🙈. I always get all flustered when someone gives me a compliment in any form lol.
As for their ages, I usually put Sakura at 20+ and J around 27-ish, but it varies depending on the story. I might not explicitly say it, like in Little Surprises, but I try to add it in at least once. Sometimes I forget what I set them as if it's a story I haven't touched in a while (shame on me), so it's totally okay if you can't remember.
I'll try to break it down by story:
Tsūyaku: 🌸 24, 🔪 26-27 (except in flashbacks) Queen of the Rhombus: 🌸20, 🔪27 Little Surprises: 🌸24, 🔪 30 Knives and Cherry Blossoms: 🌸 20, 🔪27 (I think I put her age as 19 in the story but I've been meaning to fix that) Fever: Same as Tsūyaku, since it's an off-shoot
I hope this helps! Thanks for sending this in, anon. And I'm more than happy to answer any other questions you might have 🥰. Sending lots of good vibes your way!
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itssolonelyhere · 3 years
Hi! Hope you are well! I ask this as a fan of your writing, with absolutely no pressure intended... do you plan to extend QOR past chapter 21? As you may know from my previous comments I beyond adore that fic! The joker Sakura dynamic is just spell binding! Thank you for the gift that is QOR, with or without more it is absolutely awesome.
Hello! I'm doing pretty well and hopefully you are too 🙏. It makes me so ecstatic to know there are readers who enjoy my work and want more 😊. These last few months have been rough dealing with a lack of creativity and motivation but I'm feeling pretty confident about finally getting over that pesky hump.
So, as for your question... Yes! I 100% plan on expanding QotR beyond chapter 21. It's kind of ironic that you sent me this now because last night I was on the JokeSaku discord chat, telling the group how I just finished a detailed outline for chapter 22 (that might run into 23 since I go overboard sometimes). I already began working on the new chapter this morning since everything's planned out and I have a good idea of which direction to go in.
Right now, I'm infected with the writing bug and I hope it's here to stay. There's so much I want to do with all my current projects and a few I've been waiting to start as well. The pairings dynamics in QotR give me life lol. It's probably the story I have the most fun writing and I'm glad you're enjoying it too!
Thanks a lot for sending this in and I'm more than happy to answer anything else you'd like to know. I'm hoping to have the new chapter out within the next few days then I can move onto my next update (stuck between Tsūyaku or Little Surprises). You're also welcome to join the JokeSaku discord group if that's something you might be interested in. We give each other updates, throw ideas around, and share some cute little HC's 😁. I appreciate you taking the time to read my work and caring about it 💖. That gives me the motivation to keep going.
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