#Jesus CHRIST if you want to fucking get clout just write your own shit it’s not HARD
rinhaler · 5 months
@saturnsatnin HAS STOLEN MY WORK
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So I wrote this fic for a collab back in early November and this person has decided to steal not only the entire thing, but my requests and drabbles too. I haven’t had a proper look but I am SHAKING with anger. The only thing they changed is the characters involved. I’m not sure if they’ve stolen anyone else’s work, but you know people like this are too lazy and in creative to write their own stuff so please make sure to see if anything of yours has been stolen.
I am FUMING I have no idea what to do in this situation.
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flameontheotherside · 4 years
Why I Don't Join Spiritual Groups
During the stay at home order I'm getting inspired to pass the time writing.
Bare with me if it sounds like a rant. I get very passionate and emotional and I'm claiming PMS to be my reasoning if it goes there. Lmao 😆...I have ovaries so sue me.
I think spiritual groups consist of a lot of fake people.
The type that tries to go the I'm Holier Than Thou route. They post about all the good they have down for validation. What they do is good but it's just for appearances. I've lived with Christian women like that. She was very spiteful, controlling, manipulative but she made sure to say God told her to do good.
🤔 Okay, how about just do it and like, not brag about it?
No one is perfect but some people know what they are doing and don't care. They just want brownie points. I'm sure people will take notice if deeds are genuine. That's what usually happens over time, you make friends and what have you.
Bullying and anxiety.
Social functions are hard to take part of especially if you're the only one with purple hair, facial piercings, and body tattoos. This is solely based on where I was living too. I also did things differently like eat meat and dairy in spite of being lactose intolerant. Because of my past with emotional abuse and bullying, I won't join a local group too big.
Drama and negativity triggers my anxiety. The twin flame community I feel is riddled with drama. I feel so much for people who have had bad experiences but I won't let their bad experiences taint my feelings about my unique journey.
Another thing, our spiritual journey is UNIQUE!
...And too many people want to stand on their soapbox with a list of 👩🏽‍🏫 "rules" like they are some hot shit because of sheep clout about what is required or expected out of a twin flame relationship! The FUCK you mean?? 😆 You have a phd in twin flamology all a sudden? Shit I know things but I don't expect everyone to agree with it. About 25% of the time I don't believe what erik says to me. ESPECIALLY IF ITS ERIK...lmao! Just kidding.
If you happen to agree with what I pull out of my asshole, cool. If not, take your negative vibes somewhere else.
No, I don't need to follow some "guru"!
The last lady I "followed" went full "Jesus freak" and called out new agers to be void of Christ when it's not completely true. While I believe in God 150%, I don't exactly line up with this women. I don't like change and changes of opinions on any given spiritual journey...
So to avoid being put off by a person, I no longer go out of my way to be a sheep or clout member of any kind. I don't watch specific YouTube channels, listen to podcasts or post in Facebook groups for these gurus. Mine is...
Jesus/God the REAL MVP, I don't need anyone else!
It's easier to be on this journey alone and with just a few people in my circle who believe me, believe in me, teach me and give me hugs every now and then. I love and enjoy the smells of my own shit..... It's therapeutic.
It's very rare I come across someone who can have a conversation without it becoming a battle of wits when its completely unecessary. Especially on matters of spirituality. We can hardly understand how to get along as a planet. We still have much to learn spiritually. None of us have the right to say what is and what isn't. Am I making sense? Because I'm starting to feel like at this point I'm rambling.
Anyway, being independently driven on my journey is rewarding and hassle-free. If you like community, awesome. But obviously not for everyone. This isn't to show off conceit but share my frustration with spiritualists as a whole. Most of them waste my time and offer nothing.
😘❤ Good night y'all!
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Please visit: Twin 🔥 Medium
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog run by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and 💩 at channelingerik.com.
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