#Janus being a nostalgic little man
melissa-s23 · 4 years
Private lesson
Sumarry: Janus try to decieve himself into a timeline where he can save his friends. He does not expect reality to offer him an opportunity to prove himself.
Word count: 3127
Characters: Janus Sanders, King creativity Sanders
Warnings: Sword fighting?? Idk please tell me if you think something else should be added here.
Author’s note: MY FIRST ONESHOT EVER COMPLETED! Yes! And the honor goes to @rondoel ‘s King!AU! ( @kingcreativityau ) :D Now: are the characters OOC in this? Most probably. Do I really care about it? Only a tiny bit. I only started to post Sanders Sides content here recently, but I’ve been a fan of the series for a few months now so I had time to read a lot of fic... however I’m still not sure on what I got wrong so if you have any criticism, positive or negative, please let me know! Lastly, this was at first supposed to be an animatic (on the song called ‘This is war’) but I have NO TIME to draw and lot of time to write so enjoy! When I do get time, I might try to animate a certain part of it that I don’t think I nailed that well in the fic. Anyway, I’ve been rambling for long enough. ENJOY!!!
Janus stood there, in the empty training room. Since King's return, he felt very conflicted, and he hated himself for it.
The king was merciless, he cursed Patton to make him look like a toddler, he removed Logan's vocal cords, he cursed Virgil into torturing himself into deadly downward spirals, and...
And he was very spiteful, he was angry... because he'd betrayed him.
Janus clenged his fist. He couldn't help but remember the look of betray and rage that his King gave him when he discovered his team-up with Logan. Those orange eyes that could burn him down on the spot. Those oh so intense eyes... Damn it, he was back at it again. This is over now. His king was gone. Now it was the King. The tyrant. The side who hurt his friends.
He was standing in the empty room, looking at his reflection by the mural mirror. His now half-half face looked so tired. Was he really this tired ? He was probably very very tired... but he'll rest later, as the memory of his most recent wound was still fresh in his head, replaying this utter humiliation, he just couldn’t sleep. Anger soon filled him up.
He could have tried to stop him. He could have tried to save his friends, and instead he just... froze. He just let it happen like he couldn't do anything. And he knew how to fight ! He knew how to defent himself for crying out loud ! He could've done something, and instead... Nothing ! He recalled the scene, bit by bit. How Logan stood at his left, how virgil was just behind, how the king was looming over them, despite being 10 feet away from them. He remembered every movement, every word, and every second of that moment like it was written in his metaphysical blood.
And in a second, it was like he was dragged back to this hell again.
And he would not let it happen a second time.
He summoned his cane and raised it up at the memory of King. His mind wandered off now. He had to imagine how he would've react. Would he summon his sword or take full creative control to just trap him ? He wanted to think he had a chance, so he chose the sword scenario.
And just like that, the imaginary fight was on. Step forward. Left. Right. Dodge. Go protect them. Put up a fight. He would have rushed toward the tyrant and aimed for the head, the sword would've get in the way and he could uses the top of his cane to project himself back to the group. Go. Dodge. Pare. Block and Dodge and Move fast and Dodge again and Block and pare and send it back. The world was spinning around him and the fight got more and more intense. He may have his eyes closed, but he knew perfectly where he was in the room, and he was completely in his daydream. Left and Right and Block again and Forward and Left and Block and backward and spin and swing the cane for it to stop only an inch away from the face of his enemy. He would have been a threat, and he would have been able to save his friends from the King.
He didn't expect, however, to be met with the actual King in front of him when he opened his eyes.
Janus' eyes widened and he immediately cursed himself for backing up. Great. He was all about putting up a fight and a second later, he was cowering. ‘Talk about blowing smokes.’ He at the very least kept his glare from fading away. He couldn't be scared of him. He couldn't show it. He was simply surprised... He had to make that a challenge for him, Deceit was not a side you could see right through, after all.
« You seem to have a quite... Interesting dancing style » King spoke, an almost mocking grin showing as he looked down at Janus. Crap. Did he knew ? Was he there the whole time ?
As the tyrant lift his hand, Janus snaps back into reality, setting his guard up and putting a stronger grasp on his cane. Only for the object to sudenly float in the air, shining with bright light and transforms into a sword that Janus grabbed back before it falls on the floor. This left only more confusion in the half-snake, confusion which turns into alert when he lifts his gaze back at the King only to be met with another blade. He jumps back.
« W... What ? » Janus was lost.
« Wouldn't you try and learn an acutal fighting technique ... » King's voice was composed, but also slightly amused at Deceit's confusion.
«... instead of the poor travesty I just witnessed ? » until it all vanished in favor of annoyance.
Janus tried to process the words as King switched his position for a dueling one. His sword in front of him, his torso on the side and his feet dug on the ground. Was he.... what ? What was happening ?? One thing sure was that he invited Janus to mirror his behaviour. And so he did, taking a deep breath, and standing still while carrying his sword to cross the others. And before he figured out what to do next, King took three blows and sent Janus' sword flying through the air and crashing on the ground.
« Whoa wHoa WHOA ! Hold on ! » Janus lifted his hands in defense and gulped as the blade of his enemy got dangerously close to his throat.
He then heard a chuckle, and the blade finally got away from his neck. « It was just too tempting. » He snapped his finger and the sword flew right back to Janus' hand, who was still confused.
« Alright, for real this time, I let you give the first blow. »
Janus hesitated, still not sure if the scene before him was really happening, but quickly composed himself. He came back to mirroring King's posture and came with a serious expression. He quickly analysed how he could start and how he could win the fastest. When he assumed to find a way to win quickly, he lifts his sword up and went for it.
Boy, was his assumption wrong.
He thought he'd move faster, but the moment the sword swingged on the left, King's weapon caught him off guard, and it only took two quick slays for Janus' to fly in the air again. He felt baffled and humiliated. And the amused smile from his opponent didn't boost his ego at the moment.
« How ? » He didn't understand. Even his instincts weren't nearly as fast as the King, and the tyrant didn't get the chance to train in years !
He only got an arrogant giggle in response before the sword flew back to Deceit's hand. Janus frowned deeper and dug his feet in the ground, ready to jump. King did not miss, nor cared for deceit's threat.
« Again. » He simply ordered. He only had to move his arm to be back to his initial position. Was there a point to it ? Or did his tyrant just liked to put him through this childish show of superiority ?
For some reason, Janus obeyed.
And lost.
« Try again. » the King ordered.
The other obliged.
After the 4th time the sword flew back into the yellow side, he had to face it : This was happening. King was training him to sword fight. And he just... accepted it ??? What ?? How was this happening ? Usually, he would try to bite back, make some remark, try to hurt him, but here he just... went along with it. And King seemed pleased with that. He looked...content. He looked satisfied with giving Janus private lesson. This moment...  against all odds... felt... not as bad as he expected.
The more they fought, the less cold the tyrant was, and the less tense they both get. King stopped trying to bring him to his knees and instead looked like he a professor, excited to give his student something to work on.
Of course, he would never admit it, but in this instant, in this moment of intimacy and challenge devoted from any animosity... It was calming, it was like a fresh wind coming after a heat wave of chaos, and the adrenaline that came from the fight was giving him enough energy to savour every second of it.
No no no no no.
He wasn't enjoying it. He wasn't enjoying it at all. He could not appreciate what was happening : the sadistic bastard was bellitling him and humiliating him right now ! And worst part is ? He couldn't even do anything about it ! Because King is so freacking good at sword fighting and Janus' main weapon has been turnd into a sword for crying out loud. There was no time to lust over past relationship !
And another game lost.
« I told you to pay attention to what was happening high up. Looking at my chest is not going to do much if you want to predict where or when I'm going to hit next. I thought you'd know that. »
« I was simply lost in another train of thought, I hope you could forg- »
'You be submissive, god dammnit.' He thought to himself before clearing his throat and returning to his cunning voice. He had to keep his distance.
« I don't need you to tell me that. I was simply lost in thought. Do you really I am this much of an idiot ? »
« Well, you didn't prove me otherwise yet so. » He chuckled low and got ready for yet another one. « En garde. »
Even though he couldn't hide the joy he was feeling at the moment, he could mask it behind his usual calm appearance.
« And how many times are we going to do this ? » He asked, his tone playing between teasing and bored
«Until you get some actual fighting skills. » King answered, playing along.
« Ouch. I think I prefer the wounds caused by your sword. »
« Well then hurry up and grab your weapon. » Damn it. Why did they seem to get along of all sudden ?
« As you wish. This was merely a warm up. » he lied
« I do not doubt it any second. »
And just like that, the conversation became non-verbal again.
Truth be told, neither knew how long they've been fighting. Was it an hour ? Three hours ? 20 minutes ?
Truth be told, neither cared.
All janus knew is that he was getting better and better, almost becoming a challenge to the King , and the other side seemed glad to step up and fight with more intensity.
And both completely forgot to hide their excitement.
Janus started to tease king, even when he was clearly losing, and the other responded with as much sarcasm and complicity. The two glared at each other with malice and playfulness the whole time. And both couldn't help but smile.
And just like that, it felt as if they never left each other.
When he was younger, Janus and his king would play around with wooden swords, roleplaying like two ennemy seeking vengence in the most childish way. Janus sometimes would fake losing so he could see his king's proud smile which was worth losing 10 times again. His king would sometimes lose and janus would feel a feeling of acomplishment that was very strange to him, in a pleasant way. And at the end, they would most of the time lay down on the green grass and just talk about everything and anything.
And right now, he felt like he was playing with his king. Only the swords weren't made of wood anymore, and it was more professional. But still, it felt the same.
And it felt ...pleasant.
He could hear himself laugh just like when he was younger, and if he listened closely, he could feel king chuckle just like his king.
And it felt … nice.
From the talk, to the movement, both were on edge, calculating every move and waiting for an opportinity to strike. It was an amazing strategy game combined with pure raw strenght. And King's fighting style was both very classical and yet creative. He was very crafty and Janus only had to rival with his own tricks. They were in the moment, living fully the present.
And it felt...
And dear lord, it felt so, so good.
He could feel himself fly as he dodged, he could feel fire in his vein when he was about to strike down, he felt his head spinning, yet everything around him was so crystal clear, it was like a dance. A disturbing, aggressive, cold and passionate dance.
A dance...
They used to dance before.
His king and himself.
Most of the time, when they were done fighting, they would lay down on the grass. Most of the time.
Sometimes, he could have the biggest honor of all.
'Now, my dear, would you enjoy a waltz with me ?' his king offered his hand
-'I don't want to step on your foot again'
-'I told you you didn't hurt me ! Come now, it's not your job to be scared.'
despite his defensive approach, he adored those dances.
-'Alright, I'll dance with you. '
How did it go again ?
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3.
Left, right, right, wait no, was it left again ?
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
step up, forward, step back, and one turn and another. His king would have his hand on Janus' shoulder and Janus would have his hand on his king's waist. And they would dance, and the music filled the air, and his king would have made a room just for them to dance.
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
Turn around, then left then back up.
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
Then caught in their trance
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
They would just spin around, and turn and spin and spin again and everything was  spinning around them and they could only see each other and the whole world was spinning and it was just them. Just the two of them.
And they would smile and they would laugh and everything was still spinning around them and it was blissfull, passionate, affectionnate and in they would join their hands once more and their finger would interlace and once their hands was only one thing, they would lift it in the air with bravery as a victory for their hapiness.
And he would lift his hand in the air, with his king.
And they would lift their hands, hold together, in the air.
And they would yell a victory choir.
King's sword fell on the ground.
And he had his hand on King's chest.
Oh lord, he was too close to King.
Their faces were only two inches apart.
And Janus visibly forgot how to breath.
King was staring with wide eyes, clearly not expecting Janus to send his sword flying nor getting this close. None of them dared move an inch, and none of them could breath.
What... what just happened ?
How could Janus get so caught up in his dreams that he erased whatever was happening in front of him ? And how did this stupid dance from years ago helped him beat the King to his game ? And how could he, despite everything,  try to search for his king's eyes in the tyrant that stood in front of him ?
Right now, the King's red and green eyes were  flickering into orange glimps and his look was just tearing Janus up from the inside. He looked ready to cut his throat open if he had his sword in hand.
And yet …
For only a moment, only for a single instant, did Janus find his King shining through the side in front of him.
Sadly, this bloom inside of Janus' heart got cut fast as thorns grapped him and pulled him far away from his The King, and before he realized what was happening, the thons just gripped tighter and tighter, making Janus unable to hide the jolt of pain.
He struggled, trying to get away from the grasp, but they only tightened and eventually, he stopped, gasping for air. He tried to look back at the tyrant, who was simply observing with a serious expression, the joy of the past moments seemingly dissapeared the moment Janus got too close. And now, he was back to being a threat. Without looking away, he move forward, with slow steps. Janus tried to manage a sentence but the pain was too high for him to form anthing coherent. Eventually, The King was in front of Janus, and the yellow side swore he was about to get killed right on the spot, but instead he just kneeled down, grapping back the sword that flew away.
He got up and, with the other hand, brushed over the blade. Without looking away from it, he spoke : « You fought well. » He lift his eyes to meet Janus, struggling not to faint, and determined to look at him with rage. The corner of his lips twiched into the smallest of smirk and he turned back, opening the gap between the two.
And as the King took his steps, Janus' eyes widened, realizing what King was about to do.
'No. Not again.'
'Don't leave. '
'Don't leave me again. '
He turned into a snake to got away from the thorns and rushed towards him, ready to grip his cape. Anything. Anything but that. He was so close...
But the thorns got Janus back before he could make it.
He couldn't even hear his own grunts of pain. All he could listen to was the sound of footsteps, and a windblow that made King dissapear. Janus froze in place.
And the silence that grew in the room was deafening.
After what felt like an enernity, the thorns let go of Janus, who simply fell on his knees shaking. He hugged himself as hard as he could, and curled on himself.
He tried to fight back tears that wouldn't stop to threaten to fall.
And none of them ever left his eyes. Just like no wound ever left his heart.
------------------------- WHOOOOOO What a ride! This was really fun to write and the challenge of putting words on the visuals your head come up with is certainly something. Now, I hope you didn’t expect things for them to get better just like that, huh? ;) There is too much they need to discuss before being close to make peace, so that’ll have to wait! I have other ideas for those two so I’ll see if I get motivated to write it out. Hope you liked it!! :D
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Adorable Slimy Stranger
Chapter 3: Logan and Remus's Demise
Pumpkin seeks to make the collected Logan and the overly weird Remus become giggly babies under her tickly grasp. And boy, does she succeed!
SPOILERS FOR THE NEWEST EPISODE OF SANDERS ASIDES!The Episode: Working THROUGH Intrusive Thoughts If you haven't watched it, PLEASE watch the new video for context.
This triquel is also for PumpkinPaw! :D
Pumpkin was walking around, eagerly teasing everyone she could. She wiggled her fingers at Patton, earning a giggle and a few cuddles. She wiggled her fingers at Virgil, earning a squeak and a hood over his head. Lastly, Pumpkin wiggled her fingers at Roman, earning a big squeal and a big bear hug from Roman.
But Logan...didn’t react. He just placed his hand on Pumpkin and gently moved Pumpkin’s hands away. “Sorry Pumpkin, I’m just a little busy today. Your childish endeavors are going to have to wait.” Logan told the blob.
Pumpkin looked at Logan with big, black puppy eyes. Her lip even quivered slightly to add to the cuteness.
“Awwww, how could you ignore that cute widdle face?!” Patton asked.
“Pumpkin is a dear. However, she is also a little too distracting for my liking. So I would like to keep peace by kindly saying no to her motherly teases and cuddles.” Logan told him, talking way too casually about pumpkin.
“Jealousy is unlike you.” Janus told him.
Logan looked at Janus with confusion. “Jealousy? Explain, please.” Logan ordered calmly.
“Jealousy is a strange emotion for anyone, especially Logan. I find myself a little conflicted to see Logan acting soooo calm.” Janus reacted calmly. “It would almost be surprising to see you...crack open~” Janus hinted.
“Janus, I am a very black and white individual. I do not have hidden spots in my personality that quote on quote ‘crack’ open. And you will be treated with nothing if you even tried to ‘crack’ me open.” Logan told him.
“Ohh sure~” Janus teased. “Then you wouldn’t have an issue at all, if Pumpkin were to tickle your sensitive spots right now.” Janus hinted.
Pumpkin’s head shot up, sprouting puppy ears that lifted up curiously.
“Hey Pumpkin~” Janus called. “Logan is quite ticklish, and you would find his laughter quite amusing.” Janus told him. “All nerds have cute laughter.” Janus added.
Pumpkin gurgled eagerly and slid right over to Logan. “Nope.” Logan stopped the slobbery blob from going any closer. “Unnecessary. You know the rules, Pumpkin.” Logan told the blob.
Pumpkin gurgled and slid her gelatin bits through his hands and surrounded his arm in an orange blob as she moved closer to Logan. She gurgled happily.
“Nooooo...Don’t even think about it, Pumpkin.” He warned.
Pumpkin gurgled and walked away. Then, she ran up and fluttered her pseudopod onto Logan’s side.
“eeEEK! Pumpkin-” Logan warned.
“Yeah! get Logan, Pumpa!” Patton encouraged.
“No, DON’T get Logan! I am way too busy to get caught by a gelatinous monster!” Logan warned.
The little blob gurgled more and more as she let off nostalgic smells to calm him down.
“No, no, NO. Your childish endeavours will NOT overwhelm me! Your nostalgic smells that replicate Patton’s cookies will not cause me joy! It won’t!” Logan warned.
“Oh really now, Logan?” Patton teased.
Now Pumpkin looked very determined to get Logan to laugh, or even smile.
“Pumpkin, you are sorely mistaken to make me laugh. I will not laugh. I only laugh out of pity.” Logan warned.
“No you don’t! You have a cute laugh!” Patton protested.
“No I don’t! I have an ugly laugh! Much like my face!” Logan shot back.
Patton GASPED. “Did you just...talk bad about yourself?!” Patton asked.
“Yes. I did. It is not that surprising.” Logan told him.
Patton smirked and ran to Logan’s side. “Here Pumpa!” Patton pulled his arm up above his head. “Get his armpit!”
Logan shrieked and pulled on his arm. “NO! NO! PATTON PLEASE!” Logan begged.
Pumpkin jiggled her pods inside Logan’s underarms. This made Logan wheeze in surprise and jump about 5 feet in the air. But he didn’t laugh...Not yet.
“Come on Logan...Laugh for us! You’ll feel better if you do!” Patton encouraged.
“N-No!” Logan begged, hoping and praying he would give up soon.
Patton giggled and blew a raspberry on his belly. Logan snorted and threw his head back. “STAAAAAAAP!” Logan shouted.
Pumpkin started to take notice of something in his eyes. Something...unusual. But eager to see what it was, Pumpkin blew little raspberries onto Logan’s armpit.
Logan finally snorted and bursted out laughing. “STAHAhahahahahahap! Ihihihihit tihihihicklehehes! Plehehehehease!” Logan begged.
Pumpkin gasped and stared at Logan with awe in her eyes. She quickly went back to tickling Logan in a matter of seconds. She even tickled his neck and his ribs with even more pseudopods!
Logan tried to get out of her grip as quickly as possible. He feared he might’ve already shown the SCP something that he’s been keeping secret for years! Logan begged and hoped that Pumpkin didn’t see it.
Pumpkin smiled and gurgled as she cuddled Logan tightly and continued tickling Logan on his sides, belly, neck, and ribs.
Logan’s eyes were glowing orange...almost like an anime character.
Patton widened his eyes and stared at him in surprise. “Logan...Your eyes!”
“Oh what a surprise…” Janus reacted calmly, flipping a page.
Logan gasped and covered his eyes. Pumpkin looked at Logan and patted his shoulder. She made worried gurgle sounds.
“No. No I’m not okay. This was what I was worried about.”
“Oh what a tragedy…your eyes glow! How terrifying!” Janus reacted in the most monotone voice ever.
“JANUS!” Logan yelled.
“I don’t understand-”
“And you never WILL!” A voice said from behind. Remus giggled and showed Patton his big mace covered in blood.
“YOU!” Patton shouted.
“Oooooh! Think you can do something to-” Remus yelped as he felt something hard hit his head.
“Take THAT! And THAT!” Patton was throwing something at the dark creative side.
“OW! OW! HARD COVER-” Remus caught one of the books and shrieked. “BIBLES?!” Remus screamed.
“I’VE GOT 20 MORE READY FOR YOU!” Patton shouted.
“LANGUAGE!” Patton screamed as another bible smacked him in the head.
Pumpkin gurgled in a confusing tone and looked to Logan. She got closer to Logan and hugged him tightly. Logan widened his eyes in surprise at first, but smiled as he took the hug. “It’s…it’s alright. You were only trying to cheer me up.” Logan told her.
Pumpkin smiled and wiggled her pseudopods onto Logan’s ribs and in his armpits as well. Logan jumped and laughed again, surprised by the amount of tickles Pumpkin was giving him.
Pumpkin giggled a little and wiggled her fingers with a coo. She fluttered her pseudopods on the belly as well as his hips and chin to find other ticklish spots.
Logan giggled and wiggled around. His hips didn’t really tickle all that much, but his chin was making him do the giggle giggles. Pumpkin loved hearing Logan’s different volumes of laughter. It was new and refreshing to see Logan so vulnerable and giggly under the cute little blob.
Soon, Pumpkin cuddled herself closer to Logan than she ever had before. She hugged him, cuddled him, tickle him lightly and kissed his cheek. Logan didn’t know how to handle all the love he was getting, or any of the giddy happiness he was feeling from all the love as well. Pumpkin was really a genius at making anyone fall victim to the cackles.
“Ihihi wanna see Remus experience this.” Logan admitted.
Remus looked up from picking his nose. “Huh?” He hummed.
Logan picked up Pumpkin and showed him to Remus. “Hey Remus! Feast your eyes on the most happy go lucky being to ever exist. Though Patton is a super close second compared to this creature we call Pumpkin.” Logan told him.
“Logan, NO! Keep that powerful thing away from me! EEP! Fluff! It’s evil!” Remus shrieked, hiding behind Roman.
“Come on Remus...It’s not that bad.” Roman told him.
“Yes it is! It’s the most happy being to exist! And it’ll make me more fluffy and happy than even deodorant will ever make me!” Remus begged.
“Do you have something against being happy?” Logan asked.
Roman showed up in the background. “He thinks it makes him weak!”
“Yes! That is the exact problem.” Remus replied.
“We won’t judge you for being happy…If anything, we’ll encourage your happy mood.” Logan told him.
“I...But being happy is so...exhausting!” Remus complained.
“When it is forced happiness, yes. But when it is genuine, it feels completely free.” Logan told him.
Remus narrowed his eyes at him and showed his teeth at the man.
Logan finally placed Pumpkin onto Remus. “You’ll feel euphoric...like being drunk without the alcohol.” Logan told him.
Remus lit up brightly at that explanation. He had to admit: that sounded great!
Remus kneeled down to the floor and laid down so Pumpkin could access him better. Pumpkin happily took this as a sign to ‘get tickling’, and quickly made 8 separate pseudopods. Remus immediately widened his eyes and started to wiggle around out of nervousness. As you could probably tell, he was already growing nervous of the tickles he was gonna get.
The moment the 8 pseudopods hit Remus’s ticklish spots, Remus broke right open with literally no resistance. All the laughter came out at once!
“WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHOHOHOHOHOA! THIHIHIHIS IHIHIHIS-” Remus reacted as he curled up like a big turtle. It made him wanna scream with joy! It made him wanna do cartwheels around the house! It made him crave those gorey zombie TV shows again!
Logan smiled and adjusted his glasses. “Precisely. I experienced the same glee and irresistible euphoria.”
Remus rolled around all over the floor, laughing himself stupid beyond his expectations. This was more ticklish than what Roman was capable of! This creature really WAS the best tickler! Everything about the creature was true! It was the best tickler, the cutest little thing, and even the most puppy-like! Remus would even say...Pumpkin was a big gift to their life.
The smell of fresh fudge filled Remus’s nose as he was tickled. Who was baking fudge at this time? Or...maybe it was Pumpkin being nostalgic.
Logan blinked and watched in surprise. Wow...Remus was super ticklish...But Pumpkin was smart enough to know when to stop. And Pumpkin was not stopping. She just kept on going and going.
Remus seemed to be loving it more than enough. I guess Remus liked his tickles neverending!
Soon, the blob wiped off some ‘sweat’ from her forehead dramatically before returning to tickling Remus. Logan found this rather humorous, considering the fact that Pumpkin had no sweat, and was made of gelatin and smooth peanut butter. The drama behind the sweat rub made the moment even better!
Soon though, Remus’s laughter turned silent. Quite silent. When his laughter hit that point, Pumpkin took that as a sign to stop. Pumpkin returned the pseudopods to her body and lifted Remus up to a sitting position with her pods alone. Remus huffed and breathed heavily with little giggles still leftover. Gosh, Pumpkin looked like she wanted to eat up all those giggles. His laughter was a brand new treat for the orange blob!
Eager to show her love, Pumpkin lifted herself up and molded herself into the shape of a heart. Remus gasped and squealed upon seeing the heart. “AWWWWW! THANK YOOOU!” Remus declared. He was a lot more happy and giddy than usual. Must’ve been more than enough euphoria still in his system. Remus pulled Pumpkin into a big hug and planted big, mustachy kisses all over the blob. Pumpkin seemed rather overwhelmed by the kisses, but quickly warmed up to the loving gesture the longer Remus pecked its face.
After Pumpkin was let go, Pumpkin giggled at herself. She was covered in kissy lips and mustache hair from all the Remus pecks. He was certainly a weird, but bold man! And pumpkin started to understand that better, the longer she got to know Remus.
Not only did she get to hear Remus at his most vulnerable, but he even got to hear LOGAN at his most vulnerable! HOW COOL WAS THAT?!
Logan was always a calm, put together person with all the self control in the world. But just like SCP-682, Pumpkin was able to make even the angriest and most collected people laugh. ANd boy, was that a true gift!
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leconcombrerit · 3 years
…dead janus fic? 👀
Ah, yes. The one I will never write if no one ties me to my computer with no pencil nearby. I made myself feel really sad and nostalgic while writing it in my head, but actually doing it turns out to be a pain. Unlike drawings, it can't be done in three hours or less. My attention span is just too short.
That being said, there's some info on it scattered around my blog :
Prologue ; You'll find it right there (I'm much too self-aware of my writing to actually promote it but it's here).
Art ; basically anything I make with specific designs comes from this fic (long haired Janus, tattooed Remus, manbun Logan, wavy haired Roman).
Bits of info
Remus and Janus design explanations
A small bit with no context
Man it's only Janus and Remus actually
Each character would get an arc (Logan - Patton - Roman - Virgil - Remus, in that specific order, as you get to know more about how much of a cool dude and a little shit Janus was, and understand everyone's reactions better).
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sander-sides-fics · 3 years
never again
This is Janus perspective fic with a lot of angst
word count: 639 words
He had known for years Virgil was unhappy he could taste his lies that seeped into his words whenever he was asked how he was doing. Then on the anniversary of the split when Remus was unusually nostalgic and out of it, it happened. Remus had been talking up a storm about how kind his brother used to be before he’d truly grown past his childhood innocence and decided there were heroes and villains when he started asking questions. The concept of “what if they’d been chosen for the light sides” got brought up and the tension was tangible as the room went quiet. Virgil had essentially stopped breathing for a minute only to start lightly tapping out 4-7-8 on his leg. “Oh come on you can’t legitimately say you’ve never thought about it emo,” he had said and of course the response of “of course I haven’t Remus they hate us remember,” was expected but the words tasted like lies. It also didn’t take a genius to hear the tinge of sadness with his words. So that’s why he stood here hesitating at a black door knowing he had to knock. For Virgil. He knocked and knew he couldn’t meet Virgil’s eyes as he muttered a few apologies as he forcefully hugged the anxious side. Once they pulled away Remus hugged Virgil and Janus had to force back tears at their unknowing smiles, and Virgil’s fake one. After all, he’d seen he knew there was no way it was real, not anymore. He put his hand on Virgil’s door watching the yellow border surrounding it. Confused mumbles came from the two next to him until a tear managed to slip down the human side of his face. “No… please don’t let this be what I think this is snakey,” the mustached man said. “Wha- what’s going on? Janus, I need you to explain and calm down you’re not thinking clearly” Virgil said and he had almost reconsidered until he saw the hope in his little spider’s eyes. “It’s what’s best, I’m not happy about it but it will all make sense later. I’m so so sorry it will get better you just have to trust me it’s the right thing and deep down you know it’s true. You can forget if it makes it easier.” a warm hand grabbed his hand, the bare skin contact making him decide when this was over he needed to find gloves to hold onto this moment forever. “Deep breath in” the door faded away to a place much brighter than here “you’re doing great breathe out” he started to become almost transparent. “You both are my best friends. I’ll never forget you,” he said as he faded into nothingness. Then he was gone, never to roam the halls of the dark side at absurd hours of the night. Never to help Remus brainstorm ideas. Never to insist on horror movies for movie night despite never being able to sleep after. Never to reassure Remus that he had value after his fights with roman. Never again would he steal his hat whenever he wanted attention and was too anxious to ask. Never again to tell them how much he loved them whenever one of them had a nightmare. Never again would he get to hug them because he always gave the best hugs that made you feel like everything was alright even if the world was crumbling. Never again would he smile, practically glowing, whenever one of his favorite songs came on. Never again would he fall asleep in the sink or on the fridge because he felt safe enough to relax. Never again would he giggle at a funny meme and promptly send it to the group chat. Never again would they see Virgil, at least not how he used to be.
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akp-1327 · 4 years
autumn breeze (ajay bhandari x mc)
Hello there, beautiful Choices Fandom!
Hi! This is my first time EVER sharing my writing. I hope you enjoy and that you and yours are well during this time <3 much love!
Pairing: Ajay Bhandari x f!MC (Charlotte Parker)
(Henry is Charlotte’s twin :)
Word Count: 1.2k
Synopsis: Ajay and Charlotte take a stroll through the park together on a blustery November evening.
The chilly evening autumn breeze blew through the park as Ajay and I walked hand-in-hand. It was a week before the opening night of the play; meaning that we wouldn’t have as much time together as we’d like. We decided that we’d spend the days leading up to Hell Week together in compensation for the lost time we’d spend tweaking the show.
“Look, Ajay! Look at the squirrels!” I squealed quietly, squeezing Ajay’s hand. He followed my gaze at the sight of the small animals skidding through the grass and chuckled.
“Can you speak the language of the squirrels, janu?” He asked. I watched as a teasing smirk spread across his face in my peripherals, sending a bolt of excitement down my spine.
“Of course not; I can barely juggle English and German as it is! What about you? Do you secretly communicate with squirrels?” I responded. His hand squeezed mine this time, gently pulling me closer.
“Sadly, I do not. Looks like we’re foreigners to them.” He said. I giggled and shook my head, though I pointed at another thing that moved ahead of us.
Ajay laughed. “One of those pooped on Mohit at the zoo once. It has since scarred him...”
I burst out into uncontrollable giggles. “Aw, poor Mo!”
Ajay was about to respond before a strong gust of wind came in from the east; the strength of the gust maneuvering underneath my three layers and sending a chill throughout my body.
“Holy cow, it’s windy today,” Ajay whined, pulling me closer to his side again, “are you cold?”
Despite my rosy cheeks, I shook my head. “I’m toasty. You?”
“Toasty.” He said mockingly, kissing my cold cheek and pulling away with a playful glare. “You’re sure you’re warm? Your cheek tells me otherwise.”
I smiled and pulled my scarf tighter with my free hand. “I am perfectly perfect, babe.”
He instantly softened at the nickname, a small and sweet glint in his eye shining. Common pet names like ‘baby’, ‘sugar’, or ‘honey’ weren’t really our thing, per se, though there was an oddity about ‘babe’ that just made Ajay melt. It was the funniest thing: the world’s most stubborn and uptight high schooler melting like ice cream in the sun when he’s called ‘babe’. This encouraged me to use it in addition to ‘sweetheart’ and ‘janu’, solely to witness this adorable reaction alone.
“So...now what do you wanna do?” Ajay asked. I shrugged.
“We can continue down this path and take the scenic route around, if you want. Or there’s a lake-type thing that way with a couple of benches. A little birdie told me that it could be pretty romantic.” I said, pointing towards a group of tall pine trees. Ajay smiled.
“Then let’s go that way.” He said sweetly, making a laugh bubble in my throat.
“I still can’t believe that you’ve never been to this park before. It’s a staple in Cedar Cove; like the aquarium you took me to!” I asked, strolling slowly with him. He shook his head, an amused sigh escaping his lips.
“I am not a huge outdoorsy person, Charlotte. Does my inexperience with parks and nature really surprise you?” He smirked. I sighed and leaned my head on his jacketed shoulder as we walked, tightly intertwining our fingers together.
“Sometimes it’s just weird to remember that we had two very distinct childhoods. I basically lived here when Henry and I were kids. I mean, I still do when I have the time. I love coming here, especially now with you.” I rambled with a nostalgic smile. Ajay hummed, squeezing my hand.
“I must say; there is something relaxing about being here. Maybe it’s the company, but I am starting to love the fresh air more and more.” He crooned. I gave him a loving kiss on his cheek and led him over to a bench that overlooked the small body of water, the sunset reflecting off of it perfectly as if it were in a movie.
“Beautiful…” I whispered, gazing at the soft orange hue of the sky reflecting off of the calm water. Ajay hummed in agreement once more, though I looked over to see his eyes trained on mine instead of the view in front of us. I instantly felt warmth surge into my face and a smile overtake my features.
“I agree. Absolutely stunning, breathtakingly gorgeous.” Ajay whispered, leaning in closer to me. I picked up on his hint and met him halfway, brushing my lips tenderly against his as I let my eyes drift closed. One of his soft hands came up to cup my cheek as he deepened it, letting his tongue gently swipe over my bottom lip. I felt that his lips were formed in a smile right before he pulled away. He leaned his forehead against mine softly. “You’re so magnificent, Charlotte. Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe such a beauty exists.”
“Ajay, you are too. Your beauty is unmatched.” I smiled, opening my eyes. His warm hand was still on my cheek, circling my cheekbone softly, and our hands were still wrapped together. “Don’t sell yourself short.”
He chuckled and planted a gentle kiss on my ruby red nose. “You’re sweet, too. And brilliant. And any other positive characteristic that exists on Earth.”
I smiled and moved my free hand to push his glasses up his nose. “Ditto.”
The bitter cold wind whipped again and this time I wasn’t so stealthy in hiding my violent shiver.
“So you are cold!” Ajay exclaimed, immediately bringing me into his arms, “Janu, why didn’t you say something?”
His hands took both of mine and wrapped them together tightly before I could respond. “We’re having so much fun! I didn’t want to ruin it by being cold.”
Ajay pulled back and started to unzip his coat. “Well, I’m plenty warm. Hold on,” He removed his coat and wrapped it tightly around me, returning me back to my place in his arms and re-wrapping his hands around mine. “is that better?”
I smiled bashfully at his gesture. “It will be, but aren’t you gonna get cold?”
I felt his lips press a feather light kiss to my forehead. “I’d rather have you be warm, especially with the play coming up in less than a week.” He said, gesturing to his sweatshirt. “Plus, I have a few layers on underneath this.”
I felt myself swoon deeper into his embrace. “Awww…” He chuckled, holding me tighter against his chest.
“Man that was awfully cheesy of me by giving you my coat. It could’ve been a scene in a Nicholas Sparks novel.” Ajay teased. I rolled my eyes lovingly and cuddled against him.
“Lucky for you that I absolutely loved it, cheesy or not.” I grinned. He chuckled, the sound warming my soul.
“I love you, freezycat.” He said sincerely. I sighed, pressing a kiss to the juncture of his jawline.
“I love you too, babe.” I beamed. He held me closer as we watched the sun sink below the horizon and the stars start to speckle the night sky, our conversations fading into the night air.
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theradioghost · 5 years
You want some death? You want some death podcasts? Some ghosts? Some psychopomps? A little melancholia, a little black humor? I’ve got it. Of course I do. I don’t know what else you expected.
Glasgow Ghost Stories -- A young Glaswegian looks a little too closely during an encounter with a ghost, and is drawn irrevocably into the previously-invisible world of the dead who haunt the city’s streets. Haunting, moody, and beautiful.
LIMBO -- David is dead. Now he has to deal with what comes after. A more personal, philosophically-leaning concept of one person’s afterlife; also a very short self-contained miniseries (less than an hour long total). (You might know the creator, A.R. Olivieri, from any of the multitude of other podcasts he’s involved with -- 2298, Magic King Dom, Girl in Space, Janus Descending...)
Middle:Below -- Taylor Quinn is the only person who can open doors between the Middle (the land of the living) and the Below (where restless ghosts dwell). Heather is a woman who has somehow fallen into the realm of the dead. Gil is a ghost. Sans is a cat. And between the four of them, they’re going to have to fix the problems faced by the denizens of the Below. Bad things will happen. (That’s the show’s tagline, but it’s actually been rather sweet and funny so far.)
Gal Pals Present: Overkill -- When preteen medium Madison accidentally summons the ghost of 19-year-old murder victim Aya Valasquez at a Girl Scout camp, it’s up to Aya to finally figure out what exactly has trapped so many ghosts like her in Harding Park -- and why she was murdered there. Four words: sarcastic lesbian ghost narrator.
They Say a Lot of Things -- When a curious ghost hunter leaves her tape recorder in the legendarily-haunted mansion Arborwood Grove, resident ghost Caroline Carr takes the opportunity to tell the story of her life, her death, and the many lives she’s seen pass through her abandoned home over the years. Short, sweet, and lovely.
Death by Dying -- In the idyllic town of Crestfall, Idaho, people die. Often in bizarre and inexplicable ways. And when they do, it’s the job of the local Obituary Writer to tell the story of how it happened -- but in the process of finding out those stories, he is drawn into a much darker and more mysterious story of vanished homes, monsters in the deep woods, lonely hearts, haunted bicycles, and man-eating cats. Alternately hilarious and heartbreaking.
The London Necropolis Railway -- Barney is an unusually harried ghoul, an employee of the supernatural railway that removes the spirits of the newly deceased from London. Agnes is a stubborn private detective who was recently murdered in her office by a mysterious monster. And together, they’re going to have to dodge netherworld bureaucracy long enough to track down her killer -- before Agnes has to take her own train.
Wooden Overcoats -- Antisocial twin siblings Rudyard and Antigone Funn, with the help of their hypercompetent assistant Georgie and a mouse named Madeleine, have been running a funeral parlor on the tiny Channel island of Piffling for years. The secret to their success? It’s the only one. Or at least it was -- because Eric Chapman, who may or may not be the world’s most perfect man, has just opened up his own funeral parlor right across the square. Cue sitcom nemesis shenanigans and all the morbid black humor you could desire.
& Midnight Radio -- requisite egregious self-promotion! A woman who never expected to return to her hometown writes a letter to a long-dead radio host who never left it. But when she somehow receives an on-air reply, the two of them begin an unlikely correspondence that digs up long-buried questions about the meaning of home, the way our lives touch others, and what it means to be a ghost. Remember: all ghost stories are love stories. (This is a completed ten-episode miniseries, I promise it’s good, please listen to my podcast)
Death in the Afternoon -- If literally anything on this list appeals to you, then you should go to Youtube right now and subscribe to Caitlyn Doughty’s channel, Ask A Mortician. Then you should buy her books. Then you should listen to this, her podcast, in which she and her colleagues Louise Hung and Sarah Chavez from The Order of the Good Death discuss death and how human beings have dealt with it, now and in the past, across the world. Their storytelling is fascinating, thoughtful, compassionate, and sometimes a lot funnier than you’d expect, especially when they’re talking about subjects like the man who had to sue to get back his own severed, mummified leg (he’d left it in a barbecue smoker in a storage unit; seriously, just listen to the podcast). This is quite probably my favorite nonfiction show and I am very excited for season 2 to come out in March. Highly recommended.
Spirits -- The inimitable Julia Schifini and Amanda McLoughlin, along with occasional guests, pour a drink and discuss legends, folklore, and mythology from around the world, including quite a few stories about death and the undead. But if you have even a passing interest in folklore, or just in content that is good, you should listen to this show. Everyone should listen to Spirits. That is my official recommendation.
Macabre London -- Exactly what it sounds like: interesting and obscure stories of the macabre and odd in the history of London. They’ve covered stories like the actual London Necropolis Railway (a real thing which carried dead bodies out of the city to new rural cemeteries), disastrous fires on the Underground, cholera epidemics, the sinking of the Princess Alice, and a wide variety of ghost stories.
The Marble Garden -- Rather than focusing on deaths, this podcast tells stories of the incredible lives of the obscure but extraordinary who have been buried in the cemeteries of Toronto. I love this show a lot for personal nostalgic reasons, but I also find it generally lovely and thoughtful and really interesting. My favorite episode is probably Episode 3, The Blackburns, but this is one of the few shows, fiction or nonfiction, that I’ve listened through multiple times.
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Sorry for bothering you, but I couldn't help but wonder, what do you think of Janus' playlist? After several days of analysing it, I'm so overwhelmed with all the emotions towards the snake boy! The character potential, possible development, ideas for fics are just bashing me on the head and heart! I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Lots of love and have a good day! P.S. Expect some requests for songfics for sure!
It's not a bother, thank you for asking! Oh I have many feelings, as I usually do for all the playlists but this one...man. Hope you like long answers XD
First just the overall impression is great. I love the sort of contradicting roaring 1920s nihilistic aesthetic. Makes me think of a tired anti-hero, their cape swirling behind them as they turn away from the chaos, knowing they'll have a mess to clean up later but for right now they would very much enjoy a glass of wine. Its smooth. Its jazzy. It's dark. Its nostalgic in a different way from Patton, where instead of tugging softly at your heartstrings it settles a weight on your shoulders. Not in a bad way, just like someone added an extra five pounds of awareness to what you were already carrying, if that makes sense?
He boils down to an emo with class for me and I love it.
I'm not gonna go song by song but heres a few thoughts.
I absolutely love Black Hole Sun being on it as a vintage cover. Soundgarden is such a good band and this song in particular is one of my favorites, right up there with Tighter and Tighter and Spoonman. It's a dark song that has contrasting themes and means different things to different people, which is perfect for Janus' outlook on life and Thomas. And of course the reference to the snake fits right in.
It Seemed The Better Way is one of my favorites on the list. The style of the song and Leonard Cohen's voice reminds of Mark Lanegan's style and is so soothing.
Talking at the same time just made me think of all the Sides talking through a dilemma but really just arguing and talking over one another, contradicting each other and themselves in the process. It makes me want to bang all their heads together and yell "COMMUNICATION BITCH" which I really hope season 3 addresses the important of good and healthy communication and it takes the last side to do it but I digress. It's a song that points out unfairness and frustrating contradictions and I love that the angsty snake likes this song.
Scarlett Johansens Trust On Me is one I'm posting a fanart of soon, it put such a clear image in my head of Janus smoothly talking to Thomas about listening to him and taking care of himself while below surface level hes desperately trying to hold this vision together of everything being fine while the world crumbles. It's just Tbomas walking along with his sides as they smile as the sunshine while Janus is stumbling behind with an old umbrella, batting away dead branches with his staff while everyone else is oblivious.
Mandy Goes To Med School. Janus canonically listens to the Dredston Dolls and no one else I've ever met listens to them or knows who they are and it fills me with unreasonable happiness that someone on the team got this song on the playlist. Many have interpreted this song as back alley abortions and illegal sex changes, both elective surgeries that have consequences if done improperly. I honestly think the bare bones of this song apply to Janus. Percieved "selfishness over selflessness" and the consequences being up in the air for both. A sort of damned if you do, damned if you dont situation, which definitely paints Janus, at least for me, as a world weary tired ex-optimist who's experiences have shaped his perception of the world in a way that can be hard for others to understand. I think this song fits him to a T.
Evil Night Together makes me think of him, Remus and Virgil just having a ball of a night causing chaos together and laughing all the way through. It fills me with a lot of happiness thinking of the idiocy those three got up to when they were on better terms with each other.
Dont Tell Mama...makes me way too excited fr the last dark side. I get this strong feeling from the song the Janus very much works in the shadows, to the point where hes even a bit secluded from the other 'dark sides' to an extent. Maybe the last one is someone who really tries to run the show and wouldnt be pleased with what Janus is trying to do. Not saying Mystery Orange is evil, none of them are.
I feel like You're A Cad is a comment on him and Virgils relationship. The way that they are now, secretive and closed off, a friendship cant really work between them but they keep coming back no matter how many times they broke eachothers trust. I don't think Janus and Virgil hate each other, I just think they need to communicate better like everyone else does but they kept trying without knowing how and hurting each other in the process.
As Far As I Can See feels like a self deprecating view point that all the "dark sides" have and it makes me want to hug not only him but Remus, Virgil and even Orange until they feel even a little bit better. In this house we love and appreciate our good bad boys.
Change. Okay first: the first line of this song is "theres something in the wind" and in Sally's Song on Virgils playlist the first line is "I sense theres something in the wind." Coincidence maybe and probably but I'm holding out for Remus' for the third. 'Lately, I've been thinkin' it's just someone else's job to care Who am I to sympathize when no one gave a damn?' is such an OOF I just cant. I strongly feel like this is Janus rethinking what his purpose could possibly be if no one is willing to listen. Could apply to Logan too but he has Erase Me already so.....
Come Little Children by Erutan. That's it, Janus also canonically also listens to the Willow Maid and cries the first time he heard no you cant change my mind. He also watches Hocus Pocus every year and loves it. Remus joins him. Virgil did when they were on better terms. You also cant change my mind on this. I think this song is just commenting on how Janus hides the truth for Thomas so he can see the world from a better perspective than what it actually is. Self preservation and lying to ourselves and all that.
Into The Unknown from Over the Garden Wall I think is telling us everything is changing and revealing itself the farther we go with Thomas' dilemmas. They're all stemming from somewhere so where will we end up? Who can say, but in the meantime aren't the lies we're telling ourselves pretty? Janus is observing everything falling apart and hoping he isn't lying when he tells himself everything will work itself out. Only time will tell. It's a sad, longing note to end the playlist on, but it's very fitting.
Overall this playlist cements the fact the the Angst Train really just said "Choo choo mothfucker" and steamrolled on regardless of the fact that were stuck on the tracks. And I love it.
Janus is a sad, angsty boy tired of everyone's bullshit and honestly just wants everyone to get along so he can finally sit back and play his game cube without his gloves on in the common room of the mindscape without being hissed or glared at, and is that really too much to ask? Also, he's crying in the art on spotify, with such a resigned look on his face and I just...my heart.
Sorry this is so long, like I said I have a lot of feelings. Add your own thoughts if you like, you and anyone else who wants to. This is my interpretation of only some of the songs so of course there are more and different things worth mentioning. This is a judgement free blog where all opinions are welcome.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
The Adorable Slimy Stranger
The sides were having a normal Halloween afternoon. But things become very strange when a slimy substance shows up in the room and confuses everyone with their nostalgic smell, their adorable nature, and their giddy playfulness. Who knew such an adorable little slime could be this cute?!
For @kanene-yaaay 
This is it. This is really the end of Tickletober. I had lots of fun though! Went in with lots of new ideas, and came out with lots of new fics! And as much as I feel accomplished by this month...I also miss writing FNAF. So, I may switch back ot writing some FNAF for a bit! Maybe even some FNAF & Sanders Sides fics! Who knows?
This is Tickletober 31: Go Nuts
Every side was hanging out in the living room. Logan and Roman were reading while Remus, Virgil, Patton and Janus were watching a Halloween movie. They were nearing the end of the movie when Logan had finally started to close the book. “Man...I forgot just how morbid that climax is.” Logan admitted.
“What were you reading?” Patton asked.
“Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.” Logan replied.
“That’s a good book! But wanna know an even MORE morbid book?” Remus offered.
Logan placed the book onto the side table. “Enlighten me, Remus.” Logan replied.
“The Shining! Or, or Misery.” Remus told him.
Logan nodded. “I will admit, those are morbid choices. I’ve read The Shining, but I haven’t read Misery.” Logan replied.
Remus smiled and summoned a copy of the Stephen King novel. He lightly threw it, and let the soft-covered book land right into Logan’s lap. “Start it whenever you’re prepared…” Remus offered with a wink.
Logan smiled and held it up. “Thank you.” He said to him, before placing it on top of the Coraline novel.
As the credits started to roll, Patton began smelling something...familiar. “Guys, do you smell that?” Patton asked.
Logan sniffed the air and slightly smiled. “Yeah...Smells like you have freshly baked cookies cooking in the oven.” Logan told him.
“Yeah, I smell that too.” Roman told him.
“Me too.” Virgil added.
Patton shook his head. “No, it’s not cookies.” Patton admitted. “It smells like...McDonald’s fries!” Patton reacted.
Logan lifted an eyebrow. “That’s not what I smell…” Logan told him.
Remus smiled and giggled a little. “I smell play-doh.” Remus mentioned.
“Yeah...now that you mention it, I do too.” Janus added.
Logan tilted his head in confusion. “Play-doh, and cookies are opposite sides of the spectrum.” Logan told them. “How can one side be smelling something drastically different from another side?” Logan asked.
“I don’t know.” Janus replied.
“Spill.” Logan ordered.
“I’m...telling the truth. I seriously have no clue.” Janus admitted.
Suddenly, everyone froze as a gurgling sound filled the room for a few moments:
~Gurgle gurgle~
Logan looked around. “Is that the TV?” Logan asked, before pausing the movie credits. Logan listened for the sound as the TV was paused...
~Gurgle gurgle~
Logan blinked in surprise and looked at the others. Quickly, everyone hopped off their seats and began looking around the room for the mysterious gurgling sound. But besides the strokes of wet slimy stuff on the carpet, there was nothing.
“What do you think this is?” Patton asked.
Remus hummed to himself and rubbed his chin as he inspected the strokes of slimy stuff on the ground. It was a somewhat thick stroke, meaning a bit of the slime could be removed from the carpet with a finger. Remus wiped his finger across the stroke, and smelled it.
“Hey guys? Did any of you use play-doh in a DIY slime?” Remus asked.
“No. Why?” Roman asked.
“It smells like play-doh.” Remus told him, before moving his slimed finger to Roman’s nose.
Roman gave the finger a quick sniff and smiled widely. “Hey! The slime smells like cookies!” Roman reacted.
Logan turned around. “What?” he asked, walking up to Remus and smelling the slime. Amazingly, the slime DID smell like cookies! “...Huh!” Logan reacted. “Well, I guess we know what was fragrancing the room.” Logan declared.
Remus looked at the slime on his hand. He looked at Logan, and looked back at the slime. Logan immediately knew he was up to something. “Remus...Don’t EAT-”
Remus shoved the finger in his mouth and sucked on it with a mischievous smirk on his face.
“...The slime.” Logan finally finished his sentence.
Remus sucked and sucked on his finger like a pacifier, and started to widen his eyes and smile happily. Whatever was on his finger, must’ve tasted amazing! “Mmmm!” Remus hummed, impressed by the taste. “Orange-flavored jello!” Remus declared.
Logan blinked in surprise. “...Orange...jello?” Logan clarified.
“Yeah! It tasted like a slimy orange-flavored jehehello-” Remus told him, accidentally letting a bubbly giggle slip.
Roman widened his eyes. “Was...was that a giggle?” Roman asked.
Remus nodded his head. “Yeheheheah. Ihihihi cahahahan’t stohohop!” Remus reacted as he clutched his stomach and started to giggle more! “Hehehehehe! Whahahat’s tihihicklihihing mehehehe?” Remus asked.
“...I…” Logan muttered. “It couldn’t have been the slime you ate...could it?” Logan asked.
Remus couldn’t reply worth his life, and only continued to giggle and crumble to the ground.
Suddenly, Patton jumped up and pointed to the middle of the room. “LOOK!” Patton shouted.
Logan and the other sides turned around to see the thing that Patton had pointed out…
~Curious gurgle noises~
Logan’s eyes widened as he awkwardly adjusted his glasses. It was an orange slime of some sort!
Patton gasped. “It’s SO CUTE!” Patton shouted, sprinting up to it. Patton knelt down to the slime’s height and patted its orange slime head. Immediately, the slime jumped into Patton’s lap and made more gurgle noises!
~Happy gurgles!~
Patton squealed and pet the slime. “LOOK AT YOU! I’m gonna call you...Pumpkin! You are now Pumpkin.” Patton declared. The slime’s mouth opened widely to reveal a big smile, before it nuzzled into Patton’s chest. “Awwww!!” Patton reacted. He even smelled amazing! “He smells like McDonald’s fries!” Patton declared.
Logan smiled. “I guess this must be the source of the mixed up fragrances.” Logan reacted. “But where did it come from?” Logan asked. “And...Why do I feel so joyful by its arrival?” Logan asked, feeling a wave of happiness within himself.
“Cause it’s adorable! That’s why!” Patton told him. “Hi Pumpkin! I’m Patton!” Patton greeted.
“Can I see it?” Virgil asked.
Patton nodded and happily let the slime slide off his lap. “Go get Virgil!” Patton encouraged.
Virgil watched as the slime grew bigger and bigger in size so it was half of Virgil’s size, instead of less than a foot long. Then, the slime summoned big noodle arms and wrapped Virgil in the arms, pulling him into the slime’s body! “oOHGOD- ...Ooookay.” Virgil muttered, not sure what to do with this.
By this time, Remus’s laughing fit seemed to calm down. Remus laid on the ground quite limp, but still slightly giggly from the weird tickling sensation. “You okay, Remus?” Janus asked.
Remus nodded. “Ihihit felt like a bouncy slime ball jumping around in my stomach and tickling me!” Remus told him.
“Really?” Janus reacted, amused by the fascinating reaction.
Meanwhile, Virgil was very confused, but super happy. The man couldn’t stop smiling for the life of him. The slime was actually making him feel unbelievably happy! But, this was more than just the usual reaction to something cute. This was STRONG! This was like adopting a toddler and wanting to coo and give them affection for a long time. Heck, Virgil could say more than THAT!
“Wow! This is awesome!” Virgil told them. To add to the intense feeling of love, the slime started wiggling its noodle arms under his sweater and started fluttering them on his belly! “What are- eeEEEK! HEhehehehey! Thahahat tihihicklehes!” Virgil giggled.
~Mischievous gurgles~
“Oooooh...Haha! That’s not good.” Patton reacted with a giggle.
“Wahahait, WAHAHAIT!” Virgil reacted before being bombarded with laughter and squeals! The slime was tickling and squishing his belly and sides, leaving no spot unsquished. The slime was gurgling while it tickled him, and sneaking more and more noodly arms under his sweater to attack other spots. There was just no end to its tickling abilities! “HEHEHEHELP MEEEHEHEHEHE!” Virgil begged.
“I’ll help you, Virgil!” Patton declared, jumping up to the slime to pick it up. But the slime slid right out of his grip and summoned more noodle arms to combat the light blue man as well. “...Oops…” Patton thought aloud. “Wait! STAHAHAP! NOHOHOT THE HIHIHIPS!” Patton shouted, scooting backwards and crumbling into a mess of laughter and giggles. Now 2 people were being tickled at the same time!
“Wait! I wanna join!” Remus yelled happily. Remus ran up to the slime and lifted up his shirt to reveal his belly, sides and ribs. The slime turned around, took one look at Remus and smiled super widely! The slime retreated it’s orange noodle arms and practically tackled itself into Remus! Remus opened his eyes, and looked up to see tons of slimy orange in his peripheral vision. “Hi there!” Remus greeted.
~Happy gurgles~
Remus giggled and smiled as he felt the slime nuzzle its upper head against his cheek and side of his neck. “Ahahahahawwww!” Remus reacted. “You really ARE cute!” Remus told it. The slime made excited little gurgles and started tickling Remus’s belly and belly button with its slimy body. “HehehehAHAHAAA!” Remus bursted out, bucking his waist. The slime quickly started tickling Remus’s other spots as well, and started fluttering and jiggling it’s noodly slime arms up the sides of his ribs. Remus wiggled and rocked left and right as his bubbly, and slightly manic laughter filled the room.
Logan smiled and couldn’t resist the urge to record the moment. He pulled out a video camera and willingly clicked play.
Everyone else watched and cooed at the cute scene.
“This is so cute! The slime can even make Remus all giggly!” Patton reacted.
“Gotta admit, this is a rare thing to watch.” Virgil added.
“This is not entertaining, whatsoever.” Janus added, summoning a bowl of popcorn to show his true amusement.
“Should we save him?” Roman asked.
“I’m not gonna.” Logan replied.
“Me neither. I’ve been tickled enough already.” Virgil replied.
“I really want to, but I think Remus deserves to laugh a while.” Patton mentioned.
Janus nodded in agreement as he ate his popcorn.
~Happy cheerful gurgles~
Even Logan giggled a little. “I think it likes you.” Logan told him.
“Awww...I wanted it to like me…” Patton whined.
Logan fluffed his hair. “I’m sure it likes you too.” Logan told him.
Soon enough, the slime let out one last gurgle and slid off of Remus. Remus curled into a ball almost immediately and continued to giggle.
Soon, the slime looked around and ran up to Janus next! And while Janus was being inspected and cuddled by the slimy being, Logan started trying to look up what the thing might’ve been, through google.
“Well…The only thing that’s popping up, is the SCP Foundation-”
“SCP FOUNDATION?!” Remus shouted, practically tackling Logan down for his phone. “GIMME!” Remus begged.
“Remus! Get off me!” Logan ordered.
“But I want the phooooone!” Remus whined.
“Well, I’m using it!” Logan told him.
Remus stared him down for a moment before looking at the blob. “Hey tickle blob! Get Logan!” Remus encouraged.
“Wait, WHAT?!” Logan shouted, scooting back a bit. The slime got off of Janus, looked at Logan and smiled widely! “Wait! Get him! Not me!” Logan ordered, pointing to Remus.
“What?! I was already got! Get Logan! He’s veeeerrry ticklish!” Remus told the slime before tickling his ribs.
“nNOOHOHOHO!” Logan shouted, slapping his hand away with his phone. But Logan was quickly grabbed and cuddled by the big orange blob. “aaAAH! Eugh...Slihime-hehehehehe! HahahahAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAIT! NOHOHO TIHIHICKLIHIHING! HAHAHAHAHA!” Logan shouted, dropping his phone before immediately kicking his legs and shaking his head.
It felt like his head was filled with pure happiness, similarly to an adrenaline rush! But HOW?!
Remus took the phone and started reading the information that was on the page. “WHOA! Not only is the SCP Foundation actually real, but this IS an SCP! SCP-999! Also known as: The-” Remus paused for a moment to giggle at the nickname. “The tickle monster! I should’ve known! There’s tickling all over this blob!” Remus reacted.
“So...it’s literally a tickle monster?” Patton asked, feeling kinda excited about it.
“And...why is it out of the foundation?” Virgil asked.
Remus began reading about the blob. “SCP-999 appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass of translucent orange slime, weighing about 54 kg (120 lbs) with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter. His temperament is best described as playful and dog-like: when approached, SCP-999 will often react with overwhelming elation, slithering over to the nearest person and leaping upon them, “hugging” them with a pair of pseudopods…” Remus paused.
“Pseudopods...meaning the orange slime arms that the slime has been making?” Virgil asked.
“His name is Pumpkin!” Patton told him.
“Actually, Patton...his name is 999.” Remus told him. Patton frowned, before crossing his arms and pouting. “The surface of SCP-999 emits a pleasing odor that differs with whomever it is interacting with. Recorded scents include chocolate, fresh laundry, bacon, roses, and Play-Doh™.” Remus further read.
“Hey! I smelled play-doh!” Janus added.
“Yeah, I did too.” Remus told him. “Simply touching SCP-999’s surface causes an immediate mild euphoria, which intensifies the longer one is exposed to SCP-999, and lasts long after separation from the creature.” Remus read further.
“So...The reason we feel so happy about the slime being here...is because the slime is making us happy.” Virgil reacted. “That would explain how abnormally comfortable I felt while surrounded by the slime. My brain was overwhelmed with happy hormones for it to become even slightly nervous about such a mysterious creature.” Virgil explained.
“GUHUHUHUYS! HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHE!” Logan shouted. But 999 immediately noticed the change of emotion, and slithered off of him.
~Worried coos~
999 started cuddling into Logan in an attempt to make him feel better after its tickle attack. Logan couldn’t help the calming feeling that filled him, and quickly forgave the creature.
“I think we should keep it!” Patton declared.
Everyone else looked amongst each other, in worry and slight guilt. “Uuuh...Patton…” Virgil started.
“If the SCP was truly roaming around and ended up in our house by mistake...then we should return the SCP to its rightful owner.” Remus told him.
Patton whimpered and looked down in hurt. Logan, knowing 999 would make him feel better, encouraged 999 to give him some love. 999 nodded its head before slithering up to Patton and giving him cuddles and hugs. Patton took the cuddles with a smile, and started to feel better despite the understanding that they couldn’t keep him.
“But...now that I look at this...There are no news reports of 999 escaping, or even a number to call if an SCP does go missing.” Remus told them.
“They wouldn’t put up information that 999 escaped, though...they would keep that secret and call government after government to locate the creature.” Virgil added.
“But...they wouldn’t even put a ‘SCP-999 is [Redacted] in the document?” Roman asked.
“I...I doubt it.” Remus replied. Suddenly, Remus put the phone down and started inspecting the SCP. He checked under the slime and on its back for any potential evidence of a collar. But...there was nothing. Well...Apart from the slight signs of red flowing through the slime.
Remus turned around to face Roman. “What were you reading before we found SCP-999?” Remus asked. Roman summoned his collection of books. “I was reading the Mr. Men books.” Roman admitted. Remus started looking through them and came across the first book ever written by Mr. Men: Mr. Tickle. Remus giggled as he looked at the book. “SCP-999 is a lot like Mr. Tickle. I will give you that.” Remus admitted.
“So...What are you saying?” Virgil asked.
“I’m saying, Roman went down SCP memory lane and accidentally created SCP-999.” Remus told him.
Roman widened his eyes and looked at the SCP. 999 looked back at him and had its orange tongue stuck out like a puppy. Roman started to smile a little bit as he scratched the back of his head. “I suppose I may have used my creative skills to unintentionally create SCP-999.” Roman admitted.
“Wait...So, 999 ISN’T missing?” Virgil asked.
“That’s right. I technically made my own SCP-999.” Roman told him.
“So we can keep him?!” Patton asked excitedly.
Roman giggled and nodded. “Yes, you can keep him.” Roman replied.
“YAAAAAYYY!” Patton cheered. SCP-999 started jumping up and down and bouncing happily along the floor, while Patton jumped around as well and clapped his hands.
While Patton and 999 were celebrating, Logan walked up to Roman. “Not bad, Roman.” Logan complimented.
“Why thank yo-...wait, what?” Roman reacted in surprise.
“You made the SCP very accurately. Good job.” Logan repeated.
“Oh...Why, thank you!” Roman replied proudly.
It didn’t take long for the SCP to become one with the family. Patton got the chance to nickname them pumpkin like he wanted, and Roman got to walk around with a cute creation living in the house! Talk about a treat-filled Halloween!
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