cyberdragoninfinity · 1 month
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foilshipping, huh..........
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72 notes · View notes
1427 · 3 months
When the Levee Breaks (pt. 4)
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Daryl Dixon x OFC
The one in which a stripper that used to know Merle and Daryl shows up at the Atlanta camp. Daryl’s feelings are complicated but mostly he hates her, right?
Chapt. Setting: Highway outside of Atlanta. 
Chapt. Warnings: degrading and sexist language, degrading behavior, season 2 Daryl, smut, oral (m receiving)(kind of) weird. Just weirdo perv (out of desperation) Daryl. 
Word Count: 3200
A/N; Daryl’s POV 😩🤷‍♀️ 17+ mdni
Been keepin’ Merle’s stuff pretty well hidden. Guess I should probably just get rid of it, right? But I can’t. S’not mine to get rid of. So I just hide it. Separate bag from the rest of his meds, all the way at the bottom of a backpack, stuffed under the seat of my truck. 
Beatle says she’s been sober off spazz shit for three years. Pretty sure three years ago s’when I met her though, so I’unno how she figures that. 
But now we’re ditchin’ the truck and I gotta find a way to carry it without Beatle finding it. Don’t even have time to be upset about my truck. Had it for at least the last ten years. Loved this thing like it was the only thing I had. Basically was for a while. 
Takin’ Merles bike. It’s got some dumbass Nazi shit on it, but ‘m not complainin’. That shit don’t matter anymore. Neither does bein’ upset over a truck that’s not gonna do me any good without gas. 
Pack myself two bags. One goes with Beatle in Dale’s RV, the other is the pack I’d had stuffed under the seat. Spazz gets hidden underneath a few shirts, smokes, the couple sips left of girlwhiskey, and the rest of Merle’s scripts. Stuff I don’t trust Beatle with.  
I think she knows, too. She doesn’t say it but she gives me a look when I tell her ‘m holdin’ onto it. I offer her a whole cigarette. All for herself. And it shuts her up enough not to push it. 
Don’t know if I like when she’s happy or not. Kinda makes me feel sick so I try not to think about it. Dunno. Whatever. Don’t got time to think about that shit anyway. S’always somethin’. 
Don’t really even got the time to think about what a shit show the CDC was. Just gotta keep movin’. Guess the plan is Fort Bennet? Don’t know. Don’t care. ‘m just goin’. 
It’s nice to be back on a bike again. Can’t feel nothin’ but the vibrating underneath me and the air in my face. Can’t hear nothin’ but the engine. By myself. Like all this shit hasn’t happened…
No use in thinkin’ ‘bout it that way, though. Has happened. And I ain’t gonna be one of those sorry sacks that wants to pretend shit ain’t the way it is. That’s one thing I like Beatle for. She don’t pretend shits gonna go back. Don’t miss nothin’, ain’t lookin’ for no one. Far as I see it, she’s happy mostly. Guess it’s easy when someone’s takin’ care of everything for ya. Me. Giving her my smokes and buildin’ fires for my damn self, thinkin’ everything tha’s mine is hers. It ain’t. 
Other people makin’ plans. Other people findin’ shelter. Other peoples food. 
Too many people in this group ain’t pullin’ their own weight. It’s gonna catch up sooner or later. Beatle’s a weak player. Can’t decide if I should help her out or not. Can’t decide if I should protect her or not. Cuz she don’t want it, she don’t think she needs it. But she’s gonna need it. Sooner or later. 
Cuz I know I hate her and all that. Dumb fuckin’ bitch for sure. But after what happened at the CDC? Thought we were gonna die. Thought she was gonna die. Fuck. I’unno. Guess I felt somethin’. 
I’m in between knowin’ it and hatin’ it. It can be both right? Cuz it’s definitely both. One more thing I gotta care about. Real fuckin’ stupid. 
We’re only on the road a few hours before shit blows. Literally. Dales radiator. Good ‘n done. Then more bullshit happens but ain’t that the way shit is now?
A whole herd of ‘em come through and everyone’s fine. Andrea’s havin’ a panic attack ‘bout the geek that almost ate ‘er, Carol’s kid run off into the woods, and T-Dog’s all but bled out. But to me? Basically fine. No one’s dead or nothin’. 
Don’t know where Beatle was when the herd came. But she’s fine too, and any worryin’ I’d been doin was a waste of fuckin’ time. Not gonna waste any more of it bein’ mad I was worried in the first place. That I couldn’t think ‘bout anything else. Just images of her stupid happy face gettin’ ripped apart. Guess I care now. At least ‘bout her not bein’ dead. ‘Bout her bein’ here.
She’s standin’ outside the RV with me, sharing a cigarette cuz I don’t know how else to tell her I’m glad she’s alive. Can’t stop lookin’ at her. She’s either ignoring my staring or pretendin’ I ain’t doin’ it, and ‘m grateful. Don’t wanna talk ‘bout that shit. Just wanna look at her, and fix all those images in my head. Her face still happy and perfect and smilin’ at me like it wasn’t bein’ eaten by monsters a few minutes ago. 
I feel sick. Somethin’… different. 
“Can I just hug you, please?” She asks like she’s been waitin’ to say it. 
“Why?” I squint at her, dragging the smoke. Kinda want to - kinda mad she asked instead of just doin’ it, “Since when do you ask permi-“ I’m cut off by her body wrapped around mine. All four limbs holdin’ on like I’m keepin’ her anchored to the world. 
I hug her back, arms pulled tight around her. Why am I doing this? What the fuck is this? Goin’ fuckin’ soft for some dumb little girl. I can hear Merle laughin’ at me from inside my head, and I drop Beatle back down to the pavement. 
“I’m glad you’re alive.” She says, and I look down at her. Now she’s all covered in the gross shit I’m covered in. She doesn’t seem to care. Doesn’t even seem to notice. 
“Yeah?” I say at her, cuz I don’t know what else to say. Can’t tell her Im glad she’s alive. Can’t give her that. I hugged her back, that’s enough. She should know. 
She nods, smiling that stupid fuckin’ smile that I’m startin’ to like. ‘Fore her face starts wrinklin’ up somethin’ nasty. There it is. She looks at me, then down at herself. “What the fuck, Daryl?” 
Me?! “‘Pleeeease can I hug you, Daryl?’” I mock her. 
“I was worried!! And then you’re alive and okay and I  didn’t have time to look at you covered in guts and shit!” She squeals. I swear she knows it irritates me. I can see her goin’ to punch me in the arm so I let her, then pull her into another hug. 
Grabbin’ at her head to bring it close to my chest, covered in week old decaying monster meat, “C’mon, Beatle. Gimme a hug!” She’s tryin’ to fight it but ‘m stronger. 
She bends her knees and slips down and out of my arms. The blood on my hands making her too slippery to hold onto. She starts runnin’. I run after her til we get to the side of the road and she tries to hide underneath the trunk of a car crashed into the rail. 
Maybe this ain’t the time for fuckin’ around, but it don’t matter. Not when I finally got her cornered. The look of fear in her eyes does somethin’ to me. Not real fear.  Naw, cuz she’s smilin’. Cuz she’s laughin’. Just excited that we’re both still breathing. Still, smile on her face and laugh in her throat, she’s cowering beneath a cars trunk, beggin’ me to stop. The beggin’s doin’ somethin’ to me too. Fuck. 
I pick her up, slingin’ her over my shoulder, she yelps. Don’t she know how this shit works yet? “Fuckin’ quiet, Beatle. Dumb bitch.” I slap her ass once and she fuckin’ yelps again. “Wha’ did I just say?” And I slap her ass again. This time she’s quiet. 
Shit, that worked? Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. My dicks hard. 
I’unno if it’s cuz I never carried a girl over my shoulder like this, cuz I spanked her couple times, or cuz she listened. My dick gets even harder and I realize it’s definitely fuckin’ all of it. But mostly that she listened when I told her what to do. Maybe I should tell her what to do more often. Fuck. ‘m not helpin’ myself, or my problem, at all. 
I dip my head down to smell the sick I’m covered in to make it go away. It works. Even with her ass next to my face. So close I could bite it. For fucks sake. I put her down but she doesn’t run away this time. We walk slowly back to the group. Not sayin’ nothin’. Me, cuz I’m trying to focus on the smell of rotten flesh and definitely not Beatle beggin’ me to stop. Definitely not about what her face looked like when she felt my hand on her ass.  
Wonder if she’s quiet cuz she’s thinkin’ about it too.
 Wondering what she’s thinkin’ about and tryin’ to will away a stiffy. Fuck this fuckin’ high school bullshit. Like she reads my mind, I feel her needy little fingers snake into my hand. For a second I think maybe I’m smokin’ a cigarette I don’t remember havin’ but ‘m not. She’s just tryin’ to hold my hand. 
At first it feels nice, and then I feel sick again. Too many questions unanswered. Too much shit that’s already happened. Can’t trust her. So I shake her hand off, “Stop.” 
“Fine. Fuck you.” She stomps away and back into the RV. I’unno what the fuck’s wrong with me that it makes me smile. Do I like when she’s happy? Shit, I dunno. If I did, wouldn’t I not like it when she’s upset? So why does her being mad at me do it for me too? 
She comes with me to go look for Sophia. Andrea stood up like she was gonna come too, but once Beatle and I are standin’ next to the RV Andrea doesn’t follow us out.
 We don’t stray too far from the road. It’s dark, and mostly just came out here to help ease Carol’s mind. ‘m definitely goin’ soft. But I’unno. Hurts to watch people lose stuff. Their families. Hurts to watch people hurt. 
Gonna hurt Beatle in a fuckin’ second if she doesn’t shut the fuck up. We’re walkin’ through the woods. At night. She’s gotta know this shit by now. “Beatle, keep your fuckin’ voice down. Please.” Did I just say please? Fuck me. 
“Did you just say ‘please’?” Fuck. Me. 
“Shut up.” 
“Don’t think I know how.” 
“Yeah, no shit.” She laughs, and it makes me smile. And that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Again. 
Her voice cuts through while I’m makin’ myself even sicker thinkin’ about it, “You wanna play another game?”
My eyebrows raise in her direction, “Yeah, that went real well for ya last time.” 
“Nevermind.” Her face falters and she crosses her arms across her chest. 
“What, you don’t wanna get half naked and cry again?” And for fuckin’ once I wish Beatle had somethin’ to say back. Some smartass shit that isn’t even funny but she definitely means it to be. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t say anything. She just lets my question hang in the fuckin’ air and suffocate me. Cuz now I’m thinkin’ about her half naked and crying and my fuckin dicks hard again. What is this shit? Rock hard cock every time I pick on her now? ‘m not gonna be able to do this. She’s gonna notice. Where the fuck is a guy supposed to jerk off and relieve some of this shit? 
On her fuckin’ face.
She’s been quiet for too long and my brain won’t stop. It’s just getting worse. Images of her now, her face covered in my cum, her lips humming together making little bubbles with it, smiling. Shit. 
Beatle, say something. Anything.
“How big’s your dick?” Not. Fucking. That. 
She listens… right? She wants it, right? Why else would she ask that? Now, when it’s just the two of us out in the woods in the dark. She wants me to show her. 
So show her.
“Beatle.” My voice is low, barely there. Just a rasp of a word. 
She turns around, ready to explain herself before she even looks at me, “I-“ 
“C’mere.” If I don’t cut her off she’s gonna say she was just jokin’ but we both know she ain’t jokin’. She wants ta know. So she’s gonna know. 
Feel like I can see her blushin’ in the moonlight as she walks toward me, even though I can’t. Just know she is. Smile on her face like I ain’t about to wipe it off with my cock. Shit, hard as a fuckin’ rock right now. I rub my palm over the length of it, and I watch her eyes follow my arm down. Watch ‘em get bigger, wide and nervous, and it makes my dick twitch against my jeans. I pull out a smoke and light one, for a second I see a disappointment in her face, thinkin’ maybe I’d just called her over to share a smoke. Naw. “Down on your knees.” 
And Jesus Christ, does she kneel so fuckin’ fast. She stares straight ahead, and somethin’ comes over me. Can’t wait. Don’t want to. Don’t need to. Beatle does what I ask, at least when it comes to this. Like a good little slut would. That is what she’s good at, ain’t it? 
So maybe it’s a little fucked up that I grab her head and force her against the rough fabric of my jeans. Pushing my cock into her cheek as hard as I fuckin’ can. Holding her by the hair and rubbing her face on me. 
But this little bitch moans. At first I wasn’t sure, but she keeps fuckin’ moaning. She likes this. Somethin’ close to a laugh escapes my throat, past the cigarette between my lips. I take it with my fingers, letting one hand go from her head, the other hand pulls her back to look up at me. Her expression absolutely blown. She just looks at me for a second, before putting her face back on my cock on her own. It’s not the same amount of pressure but it still feels fuckin’ good. And somethin’ about her doin’ it on her own. Like she can’t fuckin’ help it. Like she needs it. 
She’s starts to lick at the fabric right where my head is and my dick spasms again at the sight of it. This time she can feel it underneath her mouth. She smiles up at me, smirkin’ down at her. Putting the cigarette in my mouth, I drag it, before bringing it down to her lips. A little reward for listening. 
She drags it once and I drop it on the ground. Beatle says “Thank you.” In the smallest voice I ever heard come out of her mouth. Fuck. I could fall in love with this Beatle. It’s just your dick talkin’ Dar, don’t get crazy. 
I grunt a laugh and start to unbuckle my belt. Unbutton my pants. Barely have my cock in my hand ‘fore her mouths around it. I pull her back by her hair, sharply. She winces in pain and reaches up to her head where I’m holdin’ on. Her eyes shoot up to look at me. 
God, fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have that image burned in my brain for the rest of my life. Her face, all discomfort and contempt because I won’t let her touch me. Like she’s fuckin’ dying for it. “Nah, keep your mouth shut Beatle. Gotta learn ta do what yer told.” 
She nods, and closes her lips. Looking from my eyes back down my body again. I lean back, takin’ myself in my hand and pressing my cock into her face. 
For a while I just rub myself all over, letting her feel the weight of it. Letting her know just how big it really fuckin’ is. Lifting it off her face and smackin’ her cheeks. Makin’ her flinch, her eyes squish closed but I press my hard cock against her eye and push up forcing her eyelid open. Fuck. I do the same thing with her lips. Smushing and rubbing the head of it into her lips to open them, I fuck against her mouth for a second. Beatles groaning and moaning but she doesn’t open her mouth. Somethin’ about it makes me need to cum. Now. No more fuckin’ around. “Open up.” 
She does. I spit into her open mouth, and she moans again, without swallowing it. Like a good slut. “Fuck, Beatle. Shit. Now stick your tongue out.” 
She does. I can see my spit falling off her tongue and I quickly catch it with my cock, before smearing as much of the slick spit from her mouth onto me. Taking myself from the base, holding hard to cut off the circulation. Always feels better when I do that. Rubbin her tongue with my cock til I can’t fuckin take it anymore. I’m about to fuckin’  cum. I pull away for only a second, my breathings all fucked and I can barely speak, “Close yer mouth.” She looks confused for a second but closes her mouth. Good. Was about to smack her. 
My left hand finds a place on the back of her head again, gripping into her hair to hold her in place. I push my hips forward and put the whole length across her face. My other hand pressing myself down into her from above her. And I fuck myself on her face. Grunting and sloppy and desperate to cum. Never done this before, shit, does anyone do this? But fuck, it’s so fuckin’ hot. Her lips and her cheeks and her eyelids and her nose all squished and being fuckin’ ruined by my cock. Shit.  Fuck. 
Right as I’m about to cum I put both hands around her head and hump her face like… I don’t even know. I feel fuckin’ insane, but she’s still moaning at the feeling of being used. Not even in a way that should be enjoyable to her. 
I don’t think I’ve ever cum that much in my whole fuckin’ life. Most of it ends up in Beatle’s hair, but there’s still a whole lot of it on her face. I mess with it for a second. Swirling my puffy post-nut dick in it before I get oversensitive. 
I put myself away, and sit down on the ground next to Beatle. Still in the exact same position. I let her kneel there, don’t tell her she can move or nothin’. Guess that’s why she doesn’t. Don’t think she can open her eyes either. S’funny. 
Relighting the short I’d dropped to the ground, I pull a bandana from my pocket. “Is it big, Beatle?” I ask her while I wipe only her mouth off, and put the cigarette between her lips. 
She sucks on the filter, and smiles. “Yep.”
Eventually I wipe off her eyes too. Can’t do anything about her hair though, so I promise to find her a hat from one of the cars on the walk back. 
And I don’t let myself think about what this might mean. Who cares? I don’t. Don’t think Beatle does neither. We’re just goin’. 
pt 5
A/N: Yeah okay,  I know. Daryl’s all back and forth. Does he not give a shit about Merle and Beatle? Does he know deep down they never did anything together? Or maybe he just wasn’t thinking about it at the time? He’s confused, guys. He also really doesn’t have all the information (Eventually he’s gonna ask but first we have to deal with Sophia. Sorry. I don’t want to either.)
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azulera · 5 months
Jadon and y/n coming back to Dortmund. The first game back and everyone is super happy to have these to back
By Night in Dortmund
Pairing: Jadon Sancho x Black Reader
Words: 2.5k
Notes: anon i know you probably wanted something short and cute but the emotions were flowing and i needed to let them free (i am in a writing slump). verrry mushy fluffy hurt / comfort forgive me, hope u like it  
By night, Dortmund looks just how she remembered it. Locals are still trickling out from the shops and bars downtown, but the thin, quaint streets are familiar as the chauffeured car zips toward the hotel the club has booked for them. The driver’s English is fluent and though it’s nearing 22:00, his manner is chipper, and polite. He doesn’t blink an eye when Y/N leans over, pressing into Jadon’s side in the backseat.
“Are you alright? You’ve been quiet.”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Jadon reaches for her hand and pulls them both to rest in his lap. “Just thinkin.”
“About what?”
“About how when I came here for the first time, remember I saw someone’s nan, like, a group of em, leaving the pub like 2am. Couldn’t believe it.”
She huffs, and leans her head against his shoulder. Her hair and ears are protected by a yellow, silk-lined BVB hat.
“The exact same as England, no? All the nans love a pub run now and then. What was the one in Manchester all the aunties went to?”
“Don’t remember.” Jadon fidgets in his seat, and a cold surge shoots down her back. Perhaps it wasn’t the aptest comment to make. She can do better than to mention the city that for the next five months at least, they will both hope to forget.
“Well, anyways, it’s normal. Do you think the physios will-”
She interrupts her own sentence with a yawn, which is long and drawn out and makes both Jadon and the driver laugh.
“Are you tired? You can stay at the hotel while I go to medical.”
“‘No,” She shakes her head, rubbing the drowsiness from her eyes that has seemed to strike from out of nowhere. “No, I’ll go with you.”
“My sleepy girl,” Jadon tutts, and kisses her on the forehead, right above her frowning eyebrows. She is determined not to let his affection relax her into sleep. “M’sorry it’s so late. Know you had a long day.”
It’s all of the past week– the past three years, really– that have been long, and even though leaving Manchester feels like a genie's wish finally granted, there is a balloon of tensions still swelling just under the surface. She’s thrilled to be back in Germany, and beyond excited to see Jadon in action again on the pitch, but also knows the current solution is only a quick one. A long term plan for her boyfriend’s career is not yet in their hands, still fluttering up in the air.
The uncertainty has been a frigid block of ice in her stomach since they deboarded the plane.
“So have you.”
“Yeah, but, still. How bout you decide after we check in our room? We’re almost there.”
Jadon peers out of the window, and she follows his gaze. The colorful passing lights, and the possibility of receiving more of his kisses are motivation to stay awake.
“We’re almost there? How d’you know?”
“‘Cause I know.” He continues looking out the window, but his hand tightens in her grasp. Leaning against his chest, she can feel his deep, hopeful sigh when it escapes him. “I’m at home, innit.”
The Merck-Stadion am Böllenfalltor is no Signal Iduna Park, but the incessant fervor of German football fans is found in almost every city. Blue flags and scarfs are scattered so densely across the stadium that it’s hard to make out anything else from her seat, but when the players exit the tunnel at kick-off her eyes spot Jadon like magic. He is a tiny dot, covered in black, a dark speck on the bench, and simultaneously the only one in the crowd who matters. She wants desperately to know what he’s thinking, how he’s feeling about the match, but knows his phone with her “good luck” texts is tucked dutifully away in his locker. So from here, she can only think at him: You can do this, You deserve this, Everyone here is behind you.
The ice block inside shifts every time she moves.
It has melted down a fraction when the first half ends, with a lovely finish by Julian, but not much else to show. Darmstadt are not the most formidable of opponents, but anyone knows that home or away, a one-goal lead rarely guarantees anything, is hardly enough to shrink the worry down to size. During the break, she orders two hot chocolates from the beverage stand to stay warm and for moral support.
Once she’s finished the first cup, she reflects, that, just maybe, the anxieties she’s harboring are unfounded. The homecoming, after all, has been mostly joyful: Jadon’s medical test last night went seamlessly, the other partners and families in the seats next to her have been incredibly kind, and the welcome from Terzic and Jadon’s new and not-so-new teammates has been sincere, and warm.
So she can’t explain why it feels still as if she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Or, for some snag or slip up to scratch the surface, and ruin the pretty picture that Jadon is fighting so hard to restore. There's no logical reason why, in the 60th minute, when the match resumes and she sees the yellow #10 shining on his back, she's teleported back to those dreadful evenings in Manchester. Then, it seemed that no matter what Jadon did or said, in public or in private, his actions were misconstrued, his words twisted up by a manager who was determined to misunderstand him.
She tried, in those moments, to do what she could to help. The days she got home before him, she would order his favorite meals - spicy curry goat and rice-, queue his favorite 90's American movies, and bring him tea before bed. When they settled beneath the covers, she would rub his back and pet his hair, his hands clutching at every part of her he could reach, and their heartbeats echoing. Some nights his dry lips would press against her throat, whispering, confessing. I just wanna play. After a while, she never knew how to respond. “It’s gonna be okay” was the truth of what she believed, but she knew that words, however heart-felt, were not what he needed to hear. He just needed her to be there.
And so she was.
And now, here they are.
Regardless the color of the kit- this is where Jadon belonged. On a green, frost-bitten field, panting, his face frozen and his lungs burning. Blitzing defenders and setting up his teammates, performing how the world always knew he could and giving everything to push the team toward a win.
As long as he can be somewhere, and doing this, she thinks, a future will sort itself out. She’s sure.
He flits his way down the wing, and she imagines she can see the fire in his eyes all the way from her seat. The ice block resting in her stomach begins to melt away in its heat. By the time he delivers the assist, Marco flying into the box to tap the cross home, there’s nothing left but a puddle, quickly drying up.
She beats the team coach back to Dortmund and looks up from her phone when the players begin to file out. Their shoulders are hunched against the cold, but even from a distance she can tell the three points, the clean sheet have lifted the daunting weight beginning to rest there. When she walks closer, she can even see the grins, hear the jokes and banter flying in a mix of German, Dutch, and English. She says a quick hello to Gio and Jamie when they pass, and congratulates Mouki on his goal, and it’s a lovely moment, - she’s more than pleased to see their faces, to be back among them. She’s almost taken by surprise when Jadon comes up behind her, sliding an arm across her shoulders.
“Baby,” She jumps into him, circling her arms around Jadon’s neck while he squeezes around her middle. They are in the middle of Germany but that spot between his neck and shoulder smells just like the body wash and cologne he uses at home, and for a second she isn’t sure she can let go. His new, old teammates still surround them, respectfully ignoring their PDA, but it’s all she can do to not kiss him on the mouth right there, in front of them all. “An assist first day back? You were born to do this, you know.”
“Yeah? You think so?”
The crest on her yellow BVB hat scratches against his coat as she nods.
“Yeah, it felt good, innit. Good to be back.”
She pulls away an inch to look in his face, at his cute nose which is pale from the cold, at the relief and fatigue and shine in his eyes which is back and which she hasn’t seen in long months. She cups his cheeks in her hands as she speaks, feeling her own grin spreading, making sure he hears what she’s saying, and feels it too. “I’m so proud of you, Jadon. And no matter what else happens, I’m gonna be here.”
Her words and their sincerity make Jadon smile, too, and he turns his head, kissing into the center of her palm, and nuzzling his fuzzy cheek there. His eyes slip closed for the briefest second. Y/N isn’t sure that her own eyes aren’t watering --she’s that happy for him, she loves him that much-- but is hastily wiping any moisture away when she catches sight of the platinum blonde standing just over Jadon’s left shoulder.
“Y/N!” She and Jadon separate long enough for her to offer the midfielder a tight squeeze that he returns in kind. Save for a short chat after a match in the USA in the summer, it has been years now, since she last saw him. “It is so good to see you again. How are things in England?”
“Everything is good, but I have missed it here, to be honest. We’re both happy to be back.”
“I am happy to hear this. You were taking good care of our boy while he was away, yes?” Marco asks in the same light-hearted tone, but she can tell his meaning hints at something deeper. Marco knows what the past years have been like.
“Yeah, I was. Someone’s got to keep him out of trouble, you know?” She looks over to Jadon who is sucking his teeth, his eyes almost rolling. “He’s wild, this one.”
“Nah, I’m a good boy. Marco knows.” Jadon defends himself with little success, as the former captain is cackling in disbelief and ruffling his hair.
“Yes, I know exactly what you are like. That’s why it is good that you are back here, we will at least try to make you normal. Now come,”
Jadon steps away to wrap his friend and teammate in an embrace, and then he tucks her back underneath his arm, their fingers are interlocked, and they’re saying not goodbye, but “see you later”. The walk to the car is short, but it seems as if Jadon still has a lot to say.
“Thank you for comin here with me, baby. Know it was a bit crazy, the schedule and everything so rushed. Know you’re tired, even though you pretend not.”
Y/N shakes her head, even as the adrenaline rush of the past 48 hours has begun to wane, and the physical and emotional toll of a mid-season loan has begun to set in. It doesn’t change her answer in the slightest. “You don’t have to thank me for that, Jadon. I’m happy to be here.”
“No, but, I mean–” It’s Jadon's turn to command her attention, as if he hasn’t been doing just that all evening since he walked on the pitch, from the first time they saw each other on a night in south London, and every day since then. His eyes are wide and shimmering, and he finds it’s easy to speak to her, even if the memories are difficult. “It’s been hard, lately, innit. Really hard. And you been there, even when I was … even when it was hard. And I’m happier now, but you put up with me when I wasn’t. And that helped me to get here, so. Thank you.”
She does lean up to kiss him this time, but the car is hidden enough and she is too in love to care whether his teammates or coaching staff watch. Jadon, whose hand has raised to cradle her neck, his tongue pushing against her lips, doesn’t seem to mind either.
“I love you, baby." He bumps their noses together. "Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Her breath flutters over him when she replies, telling him how she loves him back, how there's no place she'd rather be, in a small voice that's almost a whisper. Jadon is smirking, licking and biting his lips like he’s preparing to go in for more, but instead says Look, and tilts her chin to take in the twinkling stars crowding the purple-black sky above.
She was sure before that she had stopped crying, but Jadon’s hands are holding her so gently, his mouth is so soft, his eyes are so full of everything, that the tears may have returned. Because by night, like this, Dortmund is just how she remembers it. The sky is cold and dark but Jadon’s body next to hers, his hand along her throat is warm. The ice block in her belly is evaporated. They’re both a couple of years older and painfully wiser, but the thin, quaint streets that will take them back to the hotel, the taste of Jadon’s lips on her skin, are familiar.
The future opening up ahead of them is bright as a shining #10, as a yellow BVB hat.
As bright as they both make it.
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nexusnyx · 2 years
ultraviolet | steddie x you imagine
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PAIRING: Eddie Munson x F!Sinclair!Reader x Steve Harrington
WC: 7K
SUMMARY: A piece of garment leads Eddie to your room, then deeper into your life.
Consequently, Steve comes too. Although crazier things like the Upside Down happened, dealing with the two of them feels like an out of body experience.
OR; Eddie heard what you had to say about his clothing choices and ends up in your room. Then ends up taking you to one, two, several dates. That surprises him, but not as much as figuring out that you thought Steve Harrington liked him. And that you were okay with that. What world is he living in?
WARNING(s): Smut. Minors, DNI. I do not give permission for my work to be copied, uploaded, or distributed elsewhere.
A/N: Canon divergent from S4. I just sort of... shoved Reader in the middle of Hawkins somewhat and threw her in the Fruity Four. She's as fruity as them. Trust me.
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Eddie shouldn't be at the Sinclair at this hour of the night, but curiosity was eating him alive.
His mind kept playing your words over and over again like a song stuck in his brain—after agonizing weeks of catching your gaze fixed on it, overhearing you tell your best friend "almost snatched that thing from his hand and set it on fire. why would he wave it at my face like that? stupid thing—i'm so glad he wears it sometimes. that shit drove me insane those first couple of weeks; you remember. thinkin' about if he knew all the damn time. i bet i look better than him in that thing. why does he have to look so good in it? ughhhh.... anyway, let's get out of here before one 'em asks for a ride. let's go."
The way Cassie laughed as you spoke, open and vibrantly, interjecting with 'I know, I know. God, you were embarrassing, girl. I bet you do! Why don't you ask him to wear it, huh?' , it got Eddie thinking that he wasn't so crazy after all.
He'd seen your eyes on his arms. Tattoos. Rings.
He's seen the way something burns behind your eyes when you challenge him at the table—the way you leaned in before saying your next move—Eddie wanted to think he was going batshit crazy for these past couple of months because a) Sinclair was right fucking there, and he's trying not to be a dick and hit on his friend's sister but most importantly b) Eddie had a thing about you back in high school and wanting to admit that maybe just going forth and talking to you instead of watching from afar might've worked, and you two might have been friends if he hadn't just convinced himself everybody hated him.
So now here he was.
"What are you doing here?" the question is asked in a low tone at least, but the cadence in her voice doesn't lie.
"What are you doing here?" the question is asked in a low tone at least, but the cadence in her voice doesn't lie.
Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck—"Milady," Eddie whispers, turning around to face a smug-looking thirteen-year-old. "What are you doing out of bed so late?" He asks Erica.
The youngest Sinclar tilts her hips, resting one hand on it with a face that could answer for itself. "I believe I asked you a question first," she smirks.
"That you did." Eddie straightens up. "I'm here... for a late-night visit."
"Is that so?"
"It is so." Eddie gives her a little bow. "Permission to enter?"
Erica scoffs at him, and drinks another sip of her juice before answering. "Just don't let Lucas see you." She starts walking back in direction of the stairs. "He's got the 'who are you and why are you talking to my sister' syndrome lately. It's pretty annoying." With one last look over her shoulder, Erica throws him a final smile. "The side of the garden's got a pretty good structure on the side and these stairs creak." A shrug of her shoulder. "Just thought you'd like to know."
Eddie watches Erica climbing up the stairs and avoiding a couple before the final steps and smiles to himself.
She must be a good sister for Lady Applejack to have her back like that, he thinks.
For a moment, Eddie stays a little frozen, wondering what the fuck he's doing here again. It's not the first or the twentieth time he overthinks this today, but after this afternoon, he kind of can't take it anymore.
The intense looks and teasing remarks had been bad.
Catching your look on his arms as you and his friends drank a beer had been enough to get his throat dry even as the drink went down.
Hearing that?
He sort of skip-runs to your room, making sure to miss the same steps Erica did and stepping as lightly as possible in his worn-out leather boots.
Stealth came to him when it mattered.
Eddie knows your door because he's been here a few times by now, both to hang with you as well as Lucas. He walks past his friend's room, purposely looking away. Past Erica's room, and stops in front of yours.
At the end of the corridor, he sees the space between the floor and the door in your parents' room is pitch black. His clock shines with the number 01:18. He knocks lightly.
"No thank you, Riri," comes your voice from inside, in a loud whisper. Eddie drinks in your voice. 
Eddie breathes in deep, closes his eyes, and opens the door, stepping inside and closing it behind him.
His throat's dry, but he manages a, "Not Erica," with his eyes still closed.
There's a heartbeat of silence where he just stands there waiting for your answer, and since Eddie can't breathe in the silence with you he asks, 
"Can I open my eyes?"
"You're here." That's... not an answer. "You can open your eyes," it comes out a little breathy, and he hears the nervousness in your chuckle.
When Eddie opens his eyes, he almost regrets his choice in time.
In location.
If he'd asked you to meet him at the arcade, this wouldn't be happening.
He swallows thickly and looks away from your frame sitting down on the floor with what like nothing but a worn-out dark grey Def Leppard shirt, surrounded by a bunch of magazines and journal things. "Sorry about the time," he looks around your room.
A lot of what he expected, but a lot of things he didn't.
"Uh... it's fine," you clear your throat and Eddie catches you getting up from the corner of his eye, and he's drawn back to you. "What's up?"
You have the cutest shorts on, and—fuck. Eddie snaps his eyes up, too distracted already because there's a lot more thigh than he expected on display and he had no idea what to do in the first place; came here all the way thinking about what the hell he'd say or even do, biking furiously just by the force of that feeling just crawling under his skin—
He sits on the far end of your bed, and looks up at you.
So damn pretty.
Eddie pats the bed, a smile slowly forming on his face.
Obediently, you sit, suddenly as quiet as him, with your eyes just searching every inch of his face.
Eddie's hand goes to his back where the handkerchief is tied in a knot to one of the straps in his jeans, and he releases the item in a couple of practiced movements.
Then, he awkwardly just... lays the thing on top of your bed, in the perfect distance of the middle space between your bodies.
It's wrinkly because it was in the washing machine after he wore it during practice, but at least it smells good and is clean like it always should be.
He looks up, and your body became stiff.
It's easy to see it in the shoulders and the set of your jaw.
"You said you bet you look better with it than I do, and I need to know now." He shrugs his shoulders, ignoring the way your eyes widen. "I bet you do too, but. Just making sure."
"You heard," you breathe out, cheeks burning. He can see it even in the low light of just your lamp.
"I heard.”
Another heartbeat of silence. Eddie wonders if he jumped the gun. Presumed the wrong thing. He’ll hate himself to the bones if that’s the case. If he lost—
"You came here. To my house. Right now, at... I don't know what time in the morning. To see if I... look better than you in your—bandana."
"Among other things, but—the main one is that, yeah." Why does she look even hotter when she's embarrassed? "I wanted to know what you were wondering that I may or may not know about it. If you really hate it when I wave it in your face or was that just euphemism." That one was really important. "'Cause if you really hate it I'll stop doing it—I know I can get overly excited running the table sometimes. Dustin still moans about the water gun thing, and while I like hyper-realism to hype you guys up, if it bothers or gets annoying you know I'll quit."
The courage to sit on your bed Eddie had no idea where it came from, but the rambling always got the best of him when he was with you.
With a lot of people—people he found close to, not judged by.
Unlike most people, you always hear everything he says. The first time he really spoke with you again after joining Hellfire, the day you stayed behind to help him clean up everything, Eddie laughed more that day than he had in a long time.
And he noticed you listened because, for the first time, someone answered all the questions he did, no matter how many topics he talked about at the same time;
"Alright," you say, smiling. You pick up the piece of fabric and wrap it around your head, securing it with a knot on the back, then drop your arms to your side. "I wanted to know if you knew this is—uh—more. Symbolic. To some people." The stiffness of saying those words is replaced by a carefree smile when you follow with: "And nah. It doesn't bother me. You just make me mad. That's all."
"Oh." Eddie's having a hard time processing all of it, though.
You look too good with his handkerchief. 
"So?" You ask.
It takes a moment, but he nods. "Yeah." So much better. He squirms in the bed a little, feeling the heat creeping on the back of his neck. He wants to be embarrassed by how quickly he's already feeling the flames licking up his inner thighs too, but it's you and—"Lots better," he adds.
Your smile is so soft and nervous that it makes him move.
Eddie inches closer to you on the bed, searching in your face for that fire he's familiar with by now. "You know..." you drive me crazy too. I felt a hurricane in my stomach when you stepped inside that garage. "You stare at my rings a lot."
With only a few palms separating your bodies, Eddie gets to see your blush from up closer.
"You wear a lot of them," you whisper back.
"It's fashion," he feels one corner of his mouth lifting, and his shoulders dropping further. How long had it been since he flirted so openly with someone? One of his hands goes to the back of his neck, trying to scratch away the prickly heat in there. His mouth is dry. Fuck it. "What about the bats and snake?"
The way your eyes flutter closed makes the bottom of his stomach squeeze.
"Yeah, I kinda fucked up that day, didn't I?" you chuckle to yourself, opening your eyes to look at him.
"Sinclair! You're gonna stare Munson's tattoos away."
"Shut up! She's not looking at his—oh my god, you are! Stop looking at Eddie's tattoos! Ew!"
"Stop screaming. This is a lake. He's got them... out. I'm not allowed to look? Shut up, Lulu."
"I will drown you."
"Come at me, stick boy."
"It feels nice to have them looked at," Eddie shrugs, feigning nonchalance. Inside, he can hear the sound of his heart beating in his ears. When you lick your lips, Eddie feels like the movement sinks a hook in his eyes and pulls. "Y/n."
Just ask. You could've been doing this for a long time. Stop wasting time. "I'm gonna kiss you. And then I'm gonna ask you on a date," he feels his voice is lower than it's ever been, but when you nod, Eddie knows he was heard at least. "Ok?" He asks, as if you hadn't just nodded.
His brain might need to hear it.
"Ok," you answer in the same second.
You're sitting on the left side while Eddie's on the right one, so he swings his legs over until he's mirroring you and closes the distance between your hips.
If this was daytime and his daylight-thoughts ran the wheel, Eddie might've done the romantic slow, step-by-step thing. Taken your face in his hands and sat there for moments just staring at you, drinking in your features and enjoying watching your eyes softly close before finally diving in slowly, taking a moment to appreciate how your lips came together.
Night-time Eddie has been running on half a pizza, two energy drinks and a beer—he has the sight of you in your pjs burned in the back of his eyelids, popping in neon frames every time he blinks.
He can smell your body that probably came out of the shower not long ago.
Feel your warmth.
Night-time Eddie also knows your features very well.
He grabs you with one hand on your face — his hand big enough to cover all of the ride side — and the other goes to your waist, gripping and pulling you closer.
He smashes your mouths together in a hard press of lips, but hearing the breathy moan you let out makes up for his lack of decorum.
Your lips are so soft he moves his immediately, wanting to feel more.
Eddie's kissing you. For a second, he can't believe what he's doing, what is happening.
He's kissing with and you're kissing back, tongue peaking to push for entrance as your body presses closer and closer until your chest is touching his, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck.
The hand on your face grabs your hair instead, and the way your move your tongue on his might be melting his brain.
Where did she learn to kiss? Fuck, that's good—His own grunts are swallowed by even more of your sinful tongue moving so languid, lazily, tasting every inch of him. You kiss him until there's no air left in your lungs and you have to pull back, but with one breath you dive right back in.
Eddie's not ashamed of the way he whimpers.
He's kissing you, and the hand on your waist travels on your lower back until his arm is wrapped around you. He can't believe he's here, but it's so good he can't care that his brain seems to be in overdrive.
It'd been a while since he's made out with someone who's wanted to kiss him like this, but on that trip it had been a sloppy, strangers-who-shared-looks desperate exchange of kisses in a suspicious bathroom.
Nothing had ever been like this.
There's nothing strange or casual about the way you two are kissing each other, and Eddie is overtaken by the desire to just tug on the fistful of hair he has.
Your whimper sounds better than his.
Oh, fuck. "Fuck." He might be screwed. "Uhm." He swallows thickly, realizing just now how much his pants had become uncomfortable in the span of just a few minutes—just a bit of kissing. "This is the part where I ask you out."
Only inches apart from his face, Eddie can see your lips, redder than before, and they look edible when you bite on them. "No more kisses?"
Eddie whimpers again, eyebrows creasing. You laugh lightly. "That might not be the best idea."
"Why not?"
"Well. Number one—You're a really good kisser. Really good." Your smile widens, and Eddie is definitely screwed. "Number two..." gets lost.
You're leaning your face closer to his again and that eats the words right out of his throat.
This time, the press of lips is slow and sweet.
You pout your lips and touch them on his, closing his eyes involuntarily. Eddie likes how they feel, and forgets any reasons why he should stop.
Kissing you is a lot more fun than thinking, even if he can't believe it's happening.
And neither can you.
You can't believe you have Eddie Freaking Munson sitting in your bed, whimpering and groping your body like he's trying to memorize your measurements, and the thought is too much to stop you from doing what you do next.
You rise to your knees and one leg makes a swift motion over both of his until you straddle his lap, and his response is a hiss the moment your hips make contact with his, the answer why hard and obvious underneath you.
"Fuck. Fuck—" Eddie's hands hold onto your waist and grip tight, squeezing the flesh and keeping you in place with the strength. "Y/n," it's so whimpery and strained, which is just like him.
You hold his face in your hands, heart beating fast enough to crash through your ribs. "More kisses?" You phrase it as a question, trying to rid all thoughts and insecurities aside, pushing away anything that isn't trying to figure out how much of this hazy dream-like reality you can get.
Eddie noses along your jaw, kissing on your neck. "This..." on your jugular, with his tongue. "Is more..." under your earlobe, sucking some of the skin between his teeth. "Than me asking you out."
Your legs squeeze around his hips when he bites there, and your hips grind down despite his tight hold. "I know."
"You know?" so close to your ear, you can hear even the raspiness in his voice. "And want more kisses?"
"Yeah." You would demand them, as a matter of fact, if you knew he was into that, but Eddie putting his lips all over your skin takes away some of your ability to rationalize a whole question. "Please?"
To your luck, the answer to whether he's good at taking control or not is answered with the way he scoots both of your bodies further up on the bed, laying down his body and pulling you by the nape to lay on top of him as he gives you one more kiss.
The position is comfortable, but practical.
Even as you kiss him, it's easy to quickly realize what he's done by lying down and allowing you to stay on top of him: Eddie's given you the control to dictate how far this goes.
His hips stay still on the bed, and his tongue moves in filthy drags inside your mouth while his hand massages your scalp, and the other gets under your shirt, caressing all the skin on your back.
It's easy to see that unless you do something, Eddie's trying to be respectful.
Dreading that he might misinterpret this, you pull back abruptly from the kiss to say, "I'll say yes, by the way."
You laugh. "When you ask me out." If this isn't a dream. "I'll say yes."
Realization dawns on his lustful eyes, and he nods. "Oh." A smile splits his face open. "Okay."
"Okay," you giggle. This time when you kiss him, you let your body do as it pleases.
It feels surreal to have his hands on you, but it feels even better when you let out your sighs and moans in his mouth and Eddie squeezes harder. When you grind your hips down on his, there's an intake of breath underneath you, and he pulls you back by your hair; he was hard before, but he's rock hard now, and there's nothing to hide how hot you are between your legs.
Eddie takes your grinding as permission, his hands slipping down further in your body until they're both cupping your ass, groping the skin and guiding your hips to do the motion again.
Both of you moan in each other's mouths, but it's him who smirks at you and goes, "Shhh."
"Don't shush me," you whimper. It'd been ages since you heard you voice come out this bratty.
Eddie enjoys it. He laughs in your mouth, kisses you shortly before using his body strength to flip you on your back, and then switches to be the one on top of you now. "I don't think you want us to be interrupted," he reasons.
His mouth starts dropping kisses on your face, and travels down to your neck slowly, leaving marks where his tongue sucked and leaving goosebumps where he nips on the skin.
The soft and breathy 'ah's that leave your mouth are not you trying to be blatantly disobedient—he's just so good with his mouth.
His hand underneath your shirt goes up until it finds one of your breasts and when he moans on your neck at getting his hand full of you, your legs come up to wrap around his waist a bit desperately.
The jeans hurt you, though.
When you seek friction against him again, desperate to release some of the tension building up inside you, the metal loops, belt and jeans prove not to be as comfortable as his pillowy lips, but Eddie's quick.
He realizes your next whimper is one of pain and not one of pleasure and pulls back, looking between your bodies.
"It's hurting you, right?" He asks.
You nod, panting. Part of you refuses the idea of letting your arms down and untangling your fingers from his hair — which is as soft as you imagined — but the other part wants... more.
And it wins.
Eddie gulps, still looking at how your bodies are joined, but when you say, "You can take it off," in a whisper, his gaze snaps to you.
He stares for a moment, smiling and breathing as hard as you are.
After adjusting his body more comfortably on top of yours and caging your head between his forearms, Eddie leans in for another kiss. "Should I, though?" He asks, kissing you again, running his nose on yours. "I..." He exhales sharply, lips pressing more roughly on yours. "Really don't wanna do this the wrong way."
The sentiment is beautiful. Truly, it is.
"Eddie." The thing is—wanting him is not new. "I've had a crush on you since sophomore year when you told me my ridiculous attempt of razor cutting my own hair looked 'metal. really. looks badass' and then just... walked away," you laugh, more at his wide and impressed eyes than at confessing to your stupid crush. "And now you're here. And you kinda asked me out. And you feel too good."
The last part comes off in a whine, with your body squirming underneath him.
Your point is proven when all the parts that connect you both can feel the heat shared between you both.
"If you wanna stop, we should stop now, but..." I don't want to.
"You're gonna kill me," Eddie whispers, mouth ghosting yours. "Dunno if I already died or this is some last-blink kinda dream, but fuck."
You laugh.
He grabs you by the waist and pushes you further up on the bed until your head is nearing the headboard, and the whole thing squeaks with the weight of you two on it.
Fucking old furniture.
Both of you stop at the same time, freezing with the sound, and taking note of how loud this would get if any more making out were to be done on this bed.
"Not gonna happen, right?" He asks.
"Hold on." He looks down to both sides of your bed, then gets up, leaving you cold and making grabby hands at him. He smiles widely when he sees them, chuckling at himself. "Just a sec, sweetheart." Eddie grabs all three pillows on your bed and throws them on the right side of the bed where your fluffy rug is, then starts undoing his pants. With his eyes fixed on every inch of your legs, he whispers. "Get down there."
Your mouth dries at the sight of him taking off his pants, then it waters when his pale legs come in sight. The black briefs, strained by his cock, it makes your mouth water.
You get up, then get down on the floor just like he asked, removing your shirt in the process.
Eddie's mouth is gaping wide when you look up at him again.
"Fuck." He looks just like you must—in disbelief, and too turned on for many words. He makes quick work of his shirt too, but before he kneels in front of you, Eddie reaches on top of the bed and—
"What are you doing?" you ask when he places the handkerchief next to both of you on the floor.
He crawls on his knees until he's facing you, then organizes the pillows: one against the wall, and two next to you both. "Nothing," his smug smile makes you even wetter. It's ridiculous that you can feel more slick gushing out of you when he pulls you to his arms, guiding your legs to each side of his waist. "Just... precaution," he adds, lying you down on the pillows.
"Against wha—ah, oh, fuck," your words are eaten, then moaned. With nothing but your underwear on, when Eddie grinds his hips up and you feel the outline of his dick pressing between your wet folds, it feels heavenly.
He chuckles, right on your ear. Sucks your earlobe with his teeth. "Against that," his own moan is muffled by his lips biting and sucking on your neck again. There'll be marks tomorrow. "You gotta keep quiet, sweetheart."
"I can't," you cry. Feels too good. Your hips now make circular motions down, seeking the friction that his clothed cock provides shamelessly, and you hold onto his neck and hair for dear life because Eddie's not big, but he's thick, he's so thick it's making your head feel a bit foggy and your pussy to feel like a waterfall. "Eddie."
"I'll gag you if you can't," he says simply. "And I really don't wanna gag you. You got any idea how you sound saying my name?" With his voice dripping in lust and a few octaves lower, hearing him whisper like this in your ear is not helping. "I'm never gonna get a shut-eye ever again. My head's just gonna keep playing this."
Since he likes it so much, you do it again. "Eddie."
He pulls back from your neck to crash your mouths together, and this time, nothing can stop either one of you.
Eddie kisses you holding your legs wrapped around him, gripping your face with his hand, running them all over your body and squeezing the parts he seems to be enjoying the most.
It makes you feel a bit like a slut to be so open, yielding and mellow under his touch, but you're unsure it could be any different.
It's clear that Eddie's as desperate as you are—he sometimes holds your head in place just so he can grind harder between your legs, and his groans might be muffled by your mouth, but the desperation on your bodies moving together is quite loud.
When he eventually pulls back, Eddie grabs a handful of one of your tits and you're ruined to anyone else: the sight of him with his mouth gaping, leaning down to suck on your tit like his life depends on it—you bite on your bottom lip so hard that you taste blood.
His hair looks a mess. With open eyes, you can see his long, messy curls all over the place, and with you two lying right under the lamp, you can see the red on his cheeks and his chest, too, when he gets up again.
Eddie goes from one boob to another, sucking on the nipple, then nibbling on it, while his hips move in short thrusting motions.
It's not enough.
"E-Eddie," you whisper.
"Hm?" He's a bit busy now groping your ass and having a mouthful of your tits, but you still manage to answer.
"The rest. Take—oh—take it off. Please?"
That gets him to stop what he's doing to look up. "Right." He's the most beautiful mess you've ever seen. "Uhm. Where do you keep condoms?”
You shake your head at him. "I'm on the pill."
Eddie raises both eyebrows, licks and bites on his bottom lip and then comes up until your faces are on the same level again. "If I could smack your ass right now, I would."
You whimper, and squeeze your legs harder around him.
"Why would I be spanking you now if I could, hm?" He asks, grinding his dick right on top of where your clit is, just because he's mean. "Answer me. Where's the smartypants I know and adore? A few kisses and she's gone dumb already?"
"Fuck." If you keep talking like that, there won't be a braincell left. "Eddie."
"C'mon, sweetheart," he licks your lips and grinds down slower. "You know the answer."
Fucking hell. You're gonna kill him when you have the chance. "I—I don't know—"
"Yeah, you do." One of Eddie's hands reaches to the side and comes back with the black fabric in its grip. "Use that smart brain."
The voice of your friend Mina who introduced you to all things that lead to your own black handkerchief which sits somewhere in your closet comes from somewhere in the back of your mind, saying, "Wrap up to save a life?" you tell him, and Eddie laughs, his mouth inches away from yours.
"Good girl," he kisses you.
Eddie's chastising you for wanting to fuck without a condom because, and he's right about that, doing so would be wildly stupid.
"I've never—I always do," you tell him, not wanting him to think you go around letting anybody inside you raw. "I swear. It's just—I know you."
Eddie sees in your face why you're explaining yourself, and one of his hands cups your cheeks. "I know," he nods. "And I'll go to the doctor's tomorrow, take all my tests and bring them on a red bow on our date. Pinky promise. I just—I need you to know I've been safe, too."
You nod vehemently, suddenly drowning in what the hell this man is. You want to reach inside him and press every single button that makes him tick. Want to make him smile like he is right now every day and night if he'll let you.
"I'll do it too," you whisper. Right. Where do I keep condoms? You reach your left hand to pat your bedside table. "Here."
Eddie looks at it and gets up on his knees to open the drawers, to you take advantage of that to try and get your panties off, but still being sat between your legs, he catches the motion and looks back at you, slapping your hand away. "Ah. My job." He goes back to his search and you lay there with your panties as ruined as the rest of you, and watch as he retrieves a condom from the drawer at last with an, "Ha ha!"
He puts it down on the floor beside the handkerchief. There's a heartbeat of silence and still where you two just look at each other, and it dawns on you.
He's nervous, too.
Eddie visibly swallows before reaching down to remove his briefs, and you can see under the yellow dim-light that his blush spreads further on his chest.
He kicks off the briefs somewhere else, not bothering to look up at you and see your reaction.
Instead, he reaches to your panties, seeming much more interested in watching them come down.
Eddie pulls them down your legs slowly, and when your legs part just enough for him to get a glimpse of your core, his jaw drops again.
You can only imagine how much you must be glistening. Shining and dripping. Desperate for his touch.
Just like him, though, you can't bring yourself to look away—from him.
You were right about his length—Eddie's average-sized, but he's thicker than both partners you've had in life. It makes your mouth truly water.
He grabs the condom again, opens it and rolls it on his length, but then you think—"Wait," you say before he moves to lie on top of you again.
Eddie stills, looking up at you. "What?" The request sits under very slutty truths, and he must sense your hesitation because his features soften again and he covers your body with his. "Gone quiet on me now?" He's teasing you because the bastard knows it works. "You can ask me anything."
"Wanna feel you deeper," you whisper, and it's your mouth's turn to open wide.
One of Eddie's hands is cupping your face but the other—that one has founds its way between your legs, and Eddie's palming your entrance with all of his fingers and the heel of his palm, getting all of your slick all over his hand.
"Fucking hell," he mutters, lips ghosting over yours again. "You're so wet, sweetheart."
With his hand moving in slow circles against your cunt, you can feel the wetness amplifying again. "Eddie."
"Fuck, there it is—say it again." He punctuates the request by slipping a finger inside of you, and your next whimper is definitely too loud for blanket of silence that's draped over this hour of the night. "Sweetheart, I'm gonna have to gag you," he seems almost sad about it.
He's also right.
You nod, whimpering and hiding your face on the crook of his neck while he works now two fingers inside of you, and you know you're fucked in more than one way.
You can feel the edge of his cool metal rings brushing against your entrance when his fingers get close to the knuckles, and you want to scream for him to fuck you with his hand.
"Turn around," he says, taking his fingers out of you.
He takes his wet hand and licks one finger inside his mouth, closing his eyes in appreciation, but then uses the rest of the wetness shining all over his palm to pump his cock.
You turn around, head swimming now in gratitude that he'll stop you from traumatizing anyone in the house.
Sitting on your knees, you crawl until you're close to the wall. Eddie does the same until his body is pressed against yours again, his torso gluing to your sweaty back.
The handkerchief pops in your field of vision, held by both of his hands.
You open your mouth, and Eddie's face is hovering over your right shoulder, watching the whole thing. "Good girl," he mutters, pressing a kiss on your shoulder.
The handkerchief smells good.
He makes sure you can adjust it before tying it in a knot at the back. Then his right-hand grips you by the chin, looking at you as if he's admiring a piece of work.
"Good?" He asks you.
With a nod, you feel your mind slipping further and further, falling entirely in the care of his hands.
Eddie sits on the heel of his foot and you feel his arm reaching to guide himself to your entrance. His right-hand slides down your arm until it catches yours in his, and he intertwines your fingers together.
With his lips brushing your ear, he says. "If you need me to stop, squeeze twice," he squeezes your hand two times to demonstrate, then places your joined fists against the wall.
Then, Eddie starts teasing you.
He slides his cock between your folds, wetting himself in the process. Your pussy is clenching around nothing, wanting more, and he can tell.
There's a kiss under your ear before he asks, "You wanted me fucking you raw just so I could fill you up, right sweetheart?"
And... thank god for gags.
Your head drops, and your hips push back against him, desperate.
"I know, I know," he coos on your ear, teasing the head now against your clit. The position is favorable for anything, and the torture almost makes you regret asking to feel him deeper. "I'll give it to you one day, 'kay?"
You nod, desperately.
"Fucking hell, sweetheart, you're dripping," he whines. 
Eddie's such a whiner, and it got to you before, but it'll absolutely make a mess out of you now every time you hear it.
Then, the head is pressing upwards right against your cunt, and Eddie sucks hard right under your ear before whispering, "C'mon, baby. Let me in."
Your moan is muffled by the gag, but you still register the desperation behind it.
He slips in slowly. It would be torture if it didn't feel so fucking good.
Eddie's so thick that he needs a few tries before he's fully seated in, bottomed out. He does so in shallow, slow thrusts until your ass is sitting flushed against his hips and every inch of him is inside of you.
That's when he lets go of his cock and puts that arm around your waist.
"There you go," he praises, kissing along your neck. "God, you feel so good."
He starts moving slowly at first.
Eddie goes as slow as he wants, and it takes you a moment to calm down your desperate need for everything before you can enjoy it.
He starts whispering sweet nothings on your neck, kissing and marking it all the way up until you're sedated on his movements and every other thought is vacant from your brain.
Once the fire in your body has been tamed, you manage to start moving your hips in the same motion as him, and feeling him grunt because of your hips matching his thrusts is all you could've wanted.
The way he keeps kissing you would be more than enough to make you cum. The whispers of, "doing so good, sweetheart, you like how I feel inside you?' and the way he sighs so happily when you manage to nod or shake your head as an answer to his questions guarantees that you'll be having dreams about his voice in the near future, night after night.
Your hands, intertwined and pressed against the wall, feel as sweaty and as hot as the rest of you, but you catch Eddie looking at them from time to time.
You wonder if he's checking on you. If he's just lost in the sight of you two joined in more than one way.
When he feels your whimpers growing closer together, Eddie makes sure to look you in the eye when asking, "Want more?"
Your eyes roll back at the question, and you hear him laughing. Like this is funny somehow.
It must be. Eddie keeps whispering, "can't believe this—you're too perfect—too fucking perfect; must be a fucking dream," so you can imagine how amusing it all is.
He gives you more.
Eddie, bless his cotton socks, seems more aware of the sounds you two are making than you possibly could be, and he tells you as much. "Can't fuck you too hard or too fast, sweetheart. Wish I could. Wish I could hear how pretty you scream, but this—fuck—it'll do. Right? Does that feel good?"
His hips go from slow, and deep thrusts, to short, hard, and deep. 
He's right, of course—if he fucked you into oblivion like both of you wanted to, the sounds would be more than telling even if you're gagged to keep your moans and screams at bay, but like this, you can feel him buried deep inside you, and Eddie knows he's found your spot when you squeal behind the gag and squeeze his hand, arching your back to him.
"That's it." He continues at that pace, coming up as close as he can be, gluing your bodies together while his hips fuck you like a bunny. "Fuck." He sounds so good. Wanna hear you scream too, Eddie. "Fuck, you're squeezing—you close, sweetheart? Hm?"
You nod.
The fire pooling at the pit of your stomach amplifies with each sharp thrust, and you bounce back against him, meeting him every time.
His whines are getting closer together, too.
A tiny part of you wanted to be eye to eye with him for this, to see the expression on his face perfectly as he comes undone, but it's too late for that now, and there'll be other times.
There'll be more times is the thought that pushes you over the edge. That, and the filth he keeps dropping on you, branding those words in your brain.
Eddie's grunting, his face buried in your neck now, and you can hear his, "c'mon sweetheart, let it go for me—I can feel you—fuck—I can feel you squeezing, let go for Eddie; cum for me, sweetheart, I'll fill you up next time—"
He stops talking when he feels you cumming undone, and you hear his short, breathy moans as he pistons his hips inside you in erratic motions before he stills too, and you feel his cock twitching inside of you.
You must be dreaming.
It would explain how and why Eddie Munson is running his nose on the crook of your neck, talking to himself.
It'd also explain why he's asking you if you're okay, and why the pressure in your mouth disappears when his hand goes to your hair.
"Sweetheart?" In heaven. "Oh." You hear him chuckling behind you, and pulling out despite the whines that meant 'I want you to stay in me'. "C'mere. Gonna put your clothes back on."
You're lost in the headspace that feels fuzzy and warm, but you still get to enjoy the process.
Eddie puts on his briefs, tosses the condom on your trash can and after wiping some of the sweat from your body with his t-shirt, he dresses you again in your sleeping clothes.
It's only when you're dressed and he's hovering over you, caressing your face with the fingers that were inside you not long ago, that you notice him looking between you and the window.
"No," you pout.
"Stay," you whisper to him.
Eddie's smile is so pretty. "Okay," he nods. "We should get on the bed, though."
"Lock the door." The last thing you need is your mother opening it first thing in the morning and catching this metalhead sleeping with you.
Eddie locks the door and slips under the covers with you, his clothes still forgotten all over your floor.
If you're dreaming or not, you'll discover when daylight comes.
Either way, it was the best you ever had.
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🔔 nyxredwild for updates | ko-fi ♥
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blood-mocha-latte · 4 months
*crawls to you* rie if ur still taking requests may I plz req a lil sidsledge fic inspired by the lyrics/song ribs by lorde?? if possible <3
erin my beloved anything for you truly. i am always taking requests so long as they are this brilliant i hope you enjoy <3
i. ribs by lorde
He always left his window half-cracked open, if not to hear the cicadas or the soft murmur of wind through trees than so Eugene could slip nimble fingers under the glass pane and push into his bedroom.
He didn't ever go to the door, and Sid didn't blame him none; they both still lived with their parents, and although he was sure he could explain this in some way that made any semblance of sense to either the Phillips or the Sledge’s, he didn't feel like he should.
This was just them. Always had been, in a way.
Eugene didn't make a noise, climbing up the side of the house and pushing through his window, foot hitting the wooden planks of Sid’s bedroom floor with nary a sound. Sid stayed in bed, face tilted up towards the ceiling, pretending to be asleep.
Unlike him, Eugene closed the window all the way, blocking out all noise that wasn't his breathing, steady and slow, or Sid’s own. Sid imagined that he could hear a heartbeat, and pretended that it ain’t his. 
He only knew that Eugene came closer when the mattress dipped with the weight of him, Eugene pushing under the covers of his bed to lay next to him without saying a word.
Sid rolled over, throwing an arm around Eugene’s waist and tugging him closer, his back to Sid’s chest, tangling their legs together and keeping his eyes closed. “Dream?” He asked, a tired murmur.
Because he didn't think there’s any way that Eugene Sledge would clamber through his window and climb into his bed with him like they were eight years old, all over again, for anything less than a dream.
Eugene’s hand found his – both of them scarred and calloused, marked by motors and mud – and laced their fingers together carefully. Sid couldn’t see his face, pressed his nose to the column of his neck.
“No.” Eugene whispered to him, socked foot rubbing absently along the length of Sid’s calf. “Just thinkin’.”
That was even worse, than a dream.
“Good thoughts?” Sid asked, even though he knew that they wouldn’t be. Eugene leaned further back into him, and Sid tightened his grip to compensate for it.
“Not bad ones.” Eugene said, voice lilting around his words and softening them. “Just… different.”
“Mm. Thoughts I wouldn’t have had, before.”
What before was went unsaid, because it could. Because neither of them wanted to say it. Sid pressed his lips to Eugene’s pulse point almost absently.
“I’ve been havin’ more of those, too.” He said, like he was maybe at absolution. Like he had a confession. “All turned around on ‘em. They ain’t bad, just different.”
Eugene’s fingers smoothed along the back of his hand, where it rested over his sternum. “We got different minds now, I think.” He said, almost softly. “From what we had before.”
Sid hummed. “Guess it comes with gettin’ older.” He said, trying to feel wise, drowsiness not-withstanding. 
“Guess so.”
They were both about a million years old, now. Sid turned twenty-two three weeks ago, Eugene following after him a week after that. Both old enough to watch a nation turn, both old enough to watch friends turn into dust.
The thought made Sid close his eyes again. “What’re you doin’ tomorrow?” He asked, and Eugene hummed.
“Thinkin’ I’ll go down to the wharf.” He said. “Then, if it’s too busy, go out to the woods. Try and find somethin’ new.”
“Mind if I go with you?”
“Don’t you got a job?”
“I don’t have to go if I don’t want to. Don’t think I will, tomorrow. Not like my parents’ll do anything.” Sid would rather stay with Eugene, who shifted in his hold.
“I’d like it,” Eugene murmured. “If you’d go with me.” 
Sid just pressed his lips to Eugene’s neck again, letting himself be lulled back into a half-sleep.
He didn’t really mind much, being so old. Being so different. So long as Gene kept climbing through his window.
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ohnoitsjetster · 3 months
jesse!!! hi!! i have one very important question for you: ARE‼️YOU 🫵🏼 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS🎤⁉️
(okay now for my real question, what’s your fav hatchetfield installment?? it could be a musical or nightmare time ep or even workin’ boys if you’ve seen it :] i’m curious!! oh also if you want you can tell me about orin, i’m vaguely familiar with lsoh but it’s been a while!! so yea, free pass to talk about your lil gay sadist of a dentist <3 this was just an excuse to give you an ask so yk you can really just talk about whatever)
SOL! Hi hi hi hi !! (Sorry for the late response)
OHOHO! A dual fandom ask !! This means another long rambling post for my four most dedicated followers to read!!!! Im sorry in advance!!! this will probably be boring to everyone but me!!!!
I think my favorite might be NPMD. That one changed my brain chemistry for sure. But so did TGWDLM, I really believe that watching Show Stopping Number at the tender age of, like 11… well it just explains a lot about how i turned out ([obligatory “fuck Robert manion”]). I also frequently shake Time Bastard, Killer Track, and Abstinence Camp around in my teeth like a dog like HAUUFHGIGJHJGKKGKFGKRGJ RFRRRGJGG RRHHRHHRHH HREHHEGEGHGRGHRHHHHFFNFHFGGHF like that. But yeah at the present moment I'm being insane about NPMD. The songs are all bangers (Yes all of them) and I am in love with every character (Yes every character). High School is Killing Me is kind of my anthem right now. For no. Particular reason. Also, your honor those three nerds are all literally me and also i am in love with them and also im that fucked up dead bully but in a totally normal way.
So. Speaking of fucked up dead bullies… ‘,:]
Orin Scrivello, DDS <3 my beautiful bbg who has never done anything wrong in his life except for literally everything he did. Worst guy ever. But hey, you can’t choose who you rotate around in your brain, or how many Pinterest boards you make about it. Another instance of “he’s literally me but obviously not actually at all but I think he’s silly so that’s basically the same thing.” A tale as old as time. I don’t know how many queer awakenings one person can have but I was definitely already trans and bi when I saw Orin for the first(?*) time last year, and now, well now im the same but im more pretentious about it and I own a leather jacket. (*I actually saw LSOH a long time ago when i was way younger, but I didn’t remember it almost at all and I’d thought “The Dentist” was like this mad scientist type character, which, not exactly wrong ig, so anyway he’s been swimmin around in my brain making me silly for who knows how long, but yeah probably just since last year). I swear to cope with hyperfixating on such a fucked up character I’ve literally been making au’s in my brain where he’s morally ambiguous, or gets a redemption arc (he does not fucking deserve a redemption arc he deserves to be chopped up and fed to a bitchy gay plant), or where he’s literally just a nice guy. Yeah I’ll sometimes just remove the character from this character to appease the brain demons. But the cool thing about the Not an Asshole™️ AUs is that, in the og, the whole story basically goes south when Seymour justifies killing to feed the plant cause he can kill that jerk Orin, so if he’s not a jerk maybe they all survive?? Idk i just like thinkin. Also… ALSO!.. I made a post a while ago that I might someday make Orin textpost memes using pictures from my actual stage production, and well, that day has come! or, will come, soon. I’ve made the pictures I just have to make the post. It was very fun Im excited to share em. Okay thats all TYSM for the ask bestie!!!
Oh and to address your first question…
I 🧑🏻 AM 💥 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS 🎤 ✅
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underground-boss-clay · 11 months
Opinions on your fellow league members?
Not sure if ya mean as of now or includin' those from a coupla years ago. Might as well do both; never hurts ta cover all bases. This is... Pretty damn long, just warnin' y'all.
•The Striaton trio (think their individual names were Cress, Chili an' Cilan) kinda depended too much on each other. Guess that just comes with bein' a triplet, but I'm pretty sure that's a big weakness fer all three of them. They're so confident someone has their back that they ain't got plans for when no one can back them up.
•Honestly I wasn't too sure about Cheren at first; kid was goal-driven when I first met him on his Gym challenge. Which is admirable, and I'd been there, but he was a little too much so. Didn't think much about what he'd do after becomin' Champion; hell, I don't think he even knew why he was goin' for it so hard. Thank goodness for Lenora.
•Speakin' of, she and Hawes are... Wouldn't say close friends, haven't known em as long as I have, say, Joe, but decent enough associates. I've donated fossils to their museum on numerous occasions, and the woman treats each one with care, even before they're revived. Very strong willed and not afraid ta speak her mind or argue her case. Always good ta have someone like that on yer side! And even though he don't count as part of the League, Hawes is a very thorough researcher. Also knows a ridiculous amount of trivial things. Seriously, who needs to know what an aglet is?
•Anyway, Roxie is a bit of an odd one. My first impression of her made me think she was just a loud little punk, but she's actually surprisingly responsible. Thought she'd prioritize her band above Virbank, but girl has no problems wit puttin' that aside until Virbank's problems are solved. Still ain't a big fan of her music, but that's more personal tastes.
•Most creative types tend to be eccentric almost to the point a' hysterics, but Burgh is surprisingly calm. Keeps his cool 'n most situations, an' I can probably count the times I've heard him raise his voice on one hand. His Gym designs are out there, almost to be expected, but hey, least he ain't jumpin' off windmills right?
•Elesa is incredibly no-nonsense, an' with a stubborn streak ta rival Lenora. Very much a good problem solver, and accomplished a lot on her own very quickly. And on top a' that, able to keep succeedin', or at least minimize losses. That's the hardest part 'n businesses like hers (and mine, but different areas entirely).
•Skyla's a good girl--bit airheaded at times, 'f you'll pardon the pun, but loyal and ain't afraid ta help someone through tough times. Livin' as close to the Celestial Tower will probably do that.
•I'll be honest, Brycen was a bit of a strange one fer me. He's not bad, but he could be... Well, pretty damn dramatic. Not that Burgh doesn't sometimes have moments, but Burgh's theatrics are usually... How ta put this, quieter and somewhat predictable? Whereas Brycen could easily jump from one end a' the spectrum to the next quicker 'n you could blink. Made it hard ta really read him.
•Drayden... Is a good mayor, and an intimidatin' Gym Leader. To be expected when ya decide to work wit Dragon types. But there've been times where I don't think he focuses on himself enough. I don't even mean the wrestlin' dragons bit, I'm talkin' about how he tends to ignore his own problems in favor of helpin' others with their own. Which I can admire, he's helped me out of a slump once, but sometimes ya got to give yerself time to address a personal problem before it gets worse.
•Marlon is a good kid. Good heart, even if he ain't the sharpest pick 'n the box. Or the most alert, fer that matter.
•Marshall struck me as a bit compulsive at first, but he's actually got quite the quick-thinkin' head on his shoulders.
•No hard feelings against her, but there are times where Caitlyn can come off as... Uncaring, which irks me. I understand that probably ain't her fault, but it's one a' those things that makes me glad ta not work with her too often.
•Not fond of Grimsley's penchant fer risk, but as long as it ain't my money on the line I won't throw mud on him for it.
•Shauntal's a smart girl, but sometimes she talks too damn fast. Her writing's good according to some of my workers though.
•Alder was a bit too laid back as Champion in my opinion, but then again I do understand his reasoning for travelin' around the region instead a' stayin' cooped up with paperwork. Probably helped him understand folks more, which is a key element in a good Champion.
•And finally, Iris. I think she can be a bit hotheaded and impulsive at times, but that can be said for a lot of kids. And becomin' Champion certainly calmed her down a tad. Yer doin'great so far sweetheart, keep it up.
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adventuring rambles #1
HAHAHA I TOTALLY DIDN'T KEEL OVER BECAUSE OF SICKNESS, FINALS, AND GENERALLY JUST PERISHING LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AT ALL anyway, so i'm currently deep in the brain rot (i have been the entire time gone, u think this shit goes away? no, no it doesn't, i live here now) and i was thinkin abt like, yk, how time works in Teyvat. cuz like me personally i didn't start playing till after Sumeru (and my acc is as old as Inazuma release but i didnt play cuz reasons), but every nation is updated like what, every year or so? so, therefore, at least in my opinion (and thus my h/c's b/c SUE ME) the traveler is in each nation for about a year. which means Lumi's in Mondstadt for a year after the Dvalin thing, doing generally good deeds and getting commissions and figuring out how Mora and stuff works (bc this IS a new world for her, girl doesn't know EVERYTHING yet) so there's a year of her helping out around Mondstadt, working w/ Kaeya and essentially doing team building b/c he's gonna be traveling w/ her when the Rite of Descension finally comes around, wringing Paimon for information on everything she can (girl is feral for info on Teyvat), all that jazz. which makes sense; the Traveler comes to be Very Well Known TM and while fighting a dragon is cool i doubt that's the ONLY reason she gets to be well known, right?
anyway, this massive prelude is just me yapping abt how they totally go to Dragonspine nearer the end of the year to do stuff. and the only reason they CAN go to Dragonspine is b/c they meet Bennett (who Lumi immediately wants to adopt b/c HE'S A BABY), and Benny offers to take 'em up there. :) so,,, i like to imagine that when they're up in Dragonspine, doing everything that has to do w/ that place, a silly thing happens where Lumi and Kaeya kinda get separated from Bennett and like,,, trapped in a place and almost get murdered by a Frostarm Lawlachurl (i have horrible trauma w/ that one fucker by the goddamn crimson tree. he may be dead but i will never forget the fear). anyway, so Kaeya literally almost dies, and it culminates w/ Lumi almost dying to sheer cold to get him to a waypoint, and then her refusing to leave him while he's getting patched up b/c uh oh abandonment issues! (dw abt Bennett and Paimon btw, they made it back to Mondstadt to try and get help; tho tbf that was also an arduous journey in of itself)
now, u must be asking; why did i come up w/ this idea?
b/c it was the best way to express the general Dragonspine experience, and also bc i CAN. totally didn't also write a love confession afterwards, no not at all, i'm not a psychopath
after this, Lumi never goes to Dragonspine w/o AT LEAST 15 warming bottles. and after she finds out abt portable waypoints, u know for a FACT she carries 5 on her at All Times. also Kaeya would never admit it but he gets a little stressed around Frostarm Lawlachurls now.
anyway i WILL Return TM w/ the silly goofy Liyue chapter (at least everything i can FUCKIN REMEMBER BRO (tho i DID take notes when my friend redid it so!! :)c))
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Hello friends, today is Day 5 of my writing exercise. I was going to link yesterday's and today's, but honestly, finishing that section was really difficult for me. I plan on eventually publishing it, but it's going to take time. Instead, I wrote something on revenge. The plan was to go more fantasy with it as I've been playing a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 (around 160 hours. No, I don't have a problem) Anyway, I hope you enjoy! As always, I greatly appreciate any kind of feedback and support.
Prompt: Revenge is all I haven't lost.
“Damien, you need to calm down,” Rost said, running his hands through his long hair.
“Why? Why should I calm down when they're out there, living a happy life?” Damien fired back, mania was seeping into his voice. “They've taken everything else, why not take my fucking calm too?”
“Boy, it isn't about that,” Rost started, but Damien cut him off.
“They took everything Rost. They took my mother, my father, they even took my eye.” Damien said, pointing at his closed and scarred right eye. “Why do they get to take whatever they want?”
Rost almost slapped the man. “They can take what they want when they have the backin’ of a fuckin’ dragon. Have you lost yer mind? You know just as well as I that there's no stoppin’ a dragon when it eyes a treasure. It'll take ev'ything you have, just because you have it.”
A glint passed through Damien's eye. It was the thought of a mad man escaping a deserted island, a junky creating a plan for one more hit. All he needed was a little time.
Rost had know Damien for only a few months, but that was a look he'd seen on many men trying to get even with The Brood. “What’ver you're thinkin’ ain't going to work boy!” He said, trying to plea with the single strand of sanity that was still holding Damien together.
That strand broke.
“It'll want it. If all I have left is revenge, it'll want it,” Damien whispered. A madman’s smile threatened to rip his face in two.
“What're you blatherin’ about boy?” Rost asked, too afraid of what the answer will be. “Be careful of what comes out of yer mouth. Brood has eyes and ears all ‘round.” Rost was right, of course. The ale house the two men sat at was mostly empty, save for the bard tuning his instrument in one corner, having a jovial chat with a less than enthused barmaid.
Paranoia had kept Rost safe over the years, so when the kitchen door had seemed to have stopped part way open when Damien spoke, it was noticed. He had even caught the barmaid throwing glances towards the pair. Better safe than sorry.
Rost held up a hand to silence the newly minted madman Damien was becoming and waved down the barmaid. With a gracious look, she left the bard and came to greet the two men.
“Oy, lass. My par'ner here has never had yer pum’kin ale. Mind grabbin’ us two?” Rost asked in a cheery tone. “Maybe e’en a shank or two if you got ‘em.”
The barmaid looked annoyed, but Rost showing a silver coin immediately shut down any rude comments she was about to make, adopting a more friendly tone, “Right away, sir.”
“We'll eat n’ leave so the eyes of The Brood don't think anythin’ of us. Don't care if you ain't got no appetite. Sho'el it in or I'll do it fer ya.” Rost whispered to him. Damien's eye was beginning to get wide with manic energy, but the ale helped bring him down to an even keel. The two men ate and drank, eventually settling into an awkward, but normal conversation. Rost made sure the barmaid was well tipped to forget any conversation she had previously heard, which she graciously obliged.
(This is a WIP)
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blogofloathing · 5 months
Merry Crimbo To All! Let's Take A Peek At How Our Fav Loathing Losers Are Enjoying The Festivities!!
Hazel Helena finishes putting up the last bit of the decorations, just as the local drunkards spill into her speakeasy.
That's right, she thought to herself, her speakeasy, momma said she weren't gonna be worth nothin, look at her now.
With an extra little skip to her stride she hops down off the ladder, taking a step back to admire her work. Nothin too grand, some tinsel, and lights.
But the folks would love it, she was sure of it, Hazel had even set up a little Crimbo Tree, complete with a kitschy little beer bottle topper.
It was perfect, the festive sight finished off with a big ironically placed congrats on 6 months sober banner strung up along the bar.
That'll be another beer for ya, Clemens?" She shot at her favorite barfly (haha sorry Gygan)
"ayep, sprinkle in some of the Crimbo dust fer the holidays" and Hazel hit back with a wink
One which so clearly said "comin' right up" it was almost weird to not see her throw up a pair of finger guns in companion with it.
Stompin the drink down in a way that would one day leave some nostalgic marks in the wood,
She smiled a workers smile, it spoke of the many years she'd been in the livin business.
"Ya hearin this what's-it bits about some kind of cult? Ah hear all sortsa weirdness round heer"
The oft incompressible sot didn't seem to be ditching the schtick anytime soon.
"Well I don' know bout all that but hey you gimme the rest o' that hot pizzazzle next shots on house"
This seemed like a fair trade for the hokey fella, as he sat back, apparently readying for the tale.
"Now I ain't too mucha the noseyin type ya see? But I was looking for leckies in the alley, when
Ah suddenly come across there some kind circle or other, band o' weirdies chantin about a lord or so"
Taking a long sip of his shot before continuing on,
"An' so naturally I go up and I yell 'whata yall all doin there then!' And they go scamperin off like a bunch of common ratties, an' yeah so I'm thinkin well that's that," Hazel's eyebrows raise an octave as if to say "but..?" Knowing there would be more
"An' we'll basically ah don't know if I was drunk-" Hazel interjecting with "ya probably were I put it to ya but continue" Clemens rolling his eyes at that.
"An' next thing I know I see some sorta weird black thing scurryin off in toe! I could hardly tell it was there before it was gone, looked like a half torn off sheeta paper or like a drip of ink what grew legs!"
Hazel seemed mildly amused at the story, in no way believin the old drunk even for a moment.
But hey, gossip is gossip, tippin her imaginary hat to him they clinked their drinks and hammered em.
Letting off an exaggerated sigh after the good pull.
This was the life she'd always dreamed of, this was the best gift she could have.
All around, people laughed, people cheered, some people yelled, and people drank the night away.
Hazel smiled, it was a very merry Crimbo indeed.
Elsewhere in Porkham, a dusty hobo girl was set up in the dorm room of her favorite classmate.
Victoria Martinez marveled at the snow falling out the window, normally at this time she'd try to find a nice enough house to squat in til the cold passed.
But this Crimbo, Simone decided to invite her to stay in her dorm to weather the storm. It wasn't often Victoria spent this season warm
And something beyond her skin was prickly with the sudden temperature change.
At the sight of Simone waking towards her, two mugs of hot chocolate in hand.
Her face flushed red in a way that would be unremarkable if she were deep within a blizzard.
With a start that sent her nearly flying out the closed window, she greeted her classmate clumsily "Well-howdy-there-Simone"
Victoria's usual way-too-fast manner of speech when greeting Simone resurfaced. The latter girl rolling her eyes as she sat down on the bed with her, she seemed to glow, gosh was she pretty.
Victoria shook these thoughts off her, like one would bat away a swarm of fairies on the lake.
but was nearly knocked flat when Simone placed a hand on her forehead, raring up for another lecture
"you're all hot.." saying with a frown in her voice "I told you if you spend all your time out in the snow you're gonna get sick, but I should have known, but do you ever listen to my advice? god, I swear sometimes you're-" the rant fading from her ears.
she continued for quite a while, but Victoria wasn't really able to pay attention.
When she was preoccupied with melting at her touch. She would never say it.
Least of all to her face, but damn does it look good when she's telling Victoria off.
Their usual back and forth bickering came crashing to a halt by a loud thump, as Walter fell unceremoniously from the ceiling with a resounding "oouuh.." coming from his new spot laying on the floor of her dorm room.
Simone stared, in stunned silence for a moment, her glare fixating itself once more on Victoria. At a loss for words, Victoria was about to explain, before Walter groaned "she told me.. to hide on the ceiling.. cause it's.. the only way you'd let me in.."
Trying not to laugh at the absurdity while also mentally screaming at Walter, are you not strong enough to hold yourself on the ceiling all night??
Victoria chuckled nervously, "well it's freezing out so I thought-" but an uncharacteristic warmth had entered Simone's usually stony face.
"The more the merrier" she said with an equally unlike her smirk, maybe she had just realized part of why she likes Victoria so much, or remembered exactly why she kept her around, making one more cup of hot chocolate, they gave cheers.
Taking sips all around "this is actually really good I should come over more of-.... ten.." faltering at the end due to Simone's deadly expression.
Victoria patted Walter on the shoudler "hey don't worry about it pal, someone's gotta keep the bridge warm for me eh!" Giving a goofy smile.
"Right.." Walter mumbled lightheartedly, this did beat the cold, being together, the three admitted.
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Diamond In The Rough ch15 Settling Down In Circhester P4
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Gordie paused and he slowly looked up to Elsa. "It's okayin' my transfer to where?"
Her response was to turn the paper around with the official seal and the fancy writing and held it up to his blinking face. "It's okayin' our temporary transfer to the Pasio Region! You've been chosen to compete in the Masters League!" A bright smile was beaming on her face and her eyes were starry like, "Well...actually only you an Mum's been chosen."
Her big brother didn't answer at first instead taking the letter from Her and immediately opened it, breaking the seal and opening the folded paper to let eyes dance across the words plastered across it. It was thick too. The reason why was because there was already a passport, cruise ticket, and everything else he needed to take a trip overseas along with the very long and very detailed explanation from the Chairwoman in the letter for the Masters League and that he'd be going to Pasio for-....
"A whole year!?"
Elsa perked up hearing Gordie's voice and found her big brother staring at the paper wide eyed in disbelief. "Wha- No. Just ten months but almost a year! And you're leavin' at the end of this month! Isn't it exciting, Gordie?"....She blinked as Gordie still stared at the letter in his hands. "Oi! Are you alright?"
Gordie finally blinked to her before opening his mouth, closing his mouth, and then looking back to the letter. "I-...Y-Yeah..I'm good." He beamed a smile at her again. "This is great news, Elsa! C'mon. H-Help me hang up these tinsels then we can set up the Christmas tree."
He distracted himself by setting up the Christmas decorations and having dinner with his family before taking time out to actually look at everything he was sent. The Prince had found his battling exceptional and thus had picked him along with a few other Gym Leaders, his mother included, to come compete in the Masters League. And they were leaving right after the Christmas holiday. His FIRST Christmas he wanted to celebrate with YOU!! He wasn't expecting this so soon! How was he even supposed to break the news to you!? Well...Turns out he had to break it to you sooner rather than later when you came to visit him unexpectedly and by then he decided to rip off the band aid and tell you what exactly was going on. Your reaction was as expected when he showed you the official letter from the Chairwoman and felt guilty as your face went from happy to shocked. 
"W-What!? You're gonna be gone for THAT long!?"
"Y-Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and guiltily. "*sigh* It's not like I was expectin' it either." He felt terrible about all of this. He wouldn't be there to watch you graduate or spend New Years' Eve with you or spend so many other holidays with you. "But..This 's a big opportunity for Galar and for everyone else. I-...I was thinkin' about it and I think it would be best if I went, but I couldn't leave without tellin' ya."
"W-What about your brothers and sister?," you pointed out, "With both of you gone, who's going to look after them? And your gyms?"
"Dontcha worry. We already got our workers ta look after the gym, an' as for my sibs, a good family friend of my ma's is comin' over to watch 'em all for us! She's really great with kids and has watched them before. So they'll be well taken cared of. It's...I-It's what you thought about all this that worried me the most. Long distance in a relationship d-doesn't sound like something you'd like."
You nodded. "You're right. It's not something I like." He seemed to look dejected for a second before you reached out for him. One hand grabbing his and the other coming up to cup his cheek to make him look at you again. "But it shouldn't make you not want to go. I want you to go if you want to! I think you'd be great out there in the pokemon league! I love you and I won't hold you back."
With each word you spoke, his eyes went wider and wider until he stared at you like an owl. Until he smiled, chuckled, and allowed himself to lean into your hands. "Now I know why I fell for ya in the first place.~ I love ya so much."
"I love you too. And I want to do something to make things less stressful for you."
"Jus' spend time with me," he answered pulling your hand closer to his heart and leaning into your own touch. "That's all I ask for. It's all I want for us."
"Then that's what I'll do. In fact, I'll do you one better."
Something soft grabbed his hand and he froze still staring at the snowy ground beneath his feet. A sight he was hesitant to leave when he turned back to look at you again. Huh. And you were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the lights. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. Barely anyone was outside now, or pokemon for that matter. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away. He stared at the woman in front of him, this woman with the beautifully flowing hair and the cute smile. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. The wind blew some more rustling the snowflakes and blowing some of that pretty hair into his face, which he immediately reached to pull away and Y/n made no move to stop him from doing that. Or removing the hand that now cupped her cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
They kissed.
Gordie was leaving. For a full year, and he wouldn't be back until the very next year. You were in shock when he first broke the news to you, then heartbroken. You guys were just starting out and now he had to go away for another full year!? It wasn't fair! But there wasn't anything either of you could do anything about it. After all this was a big opportunity for him and it was an honor to compete in the very first ever Master's League so...You understood. That doesn't mean you didn't like it though. Gordie was one of the first Galar gym leaders to leave. He had one month to prepare to go on this extended trip so he spent it filling out the required paperwork, packing, and spending as much time with you and his siblings as possible. That's right. You weren't the only one who was upset he'd be gone for such a long time. And then soon it was time for him to leave at the end of the month. He'd be heading to Hulbury to catch a ship which would take him to the Pasio Region. Almost all of Circhester had gathered to see off their gym leaders which was filled with a few congratulations and goodbyes. He made sure to hug the triplets and Elsa good bye.
"Keep an eye on the gym and don't worry about paying the staff alright? The Chairwoman's already taking care of that for me. Be good for Auntie Sally ok?," Melony was fussing over her children like any mother would.  "Don't be out late and don't go anywhere without telling Auntie Sally first. You just make sure you do good in school and don't let Snowball in the house again! "
He then turned to you when all was said and done and you two stared at each other for a silent moment, before he held his arms out offering you a hug and you gladly took it wrapping your arms around his middle and him hugging you back.
"And YOU be careful living out there," he mumbled, "I don't want you getting hurt again and I can't be here to help you. Just the thought of that happenin' makes me mad I gotta go. If ya need anythin' call me. I don't care 'bout the stupid Masters League. I'll swim across the ocean and come back if I have too."
You chuckled. "Don't be so dramatic. I'll be fine. You just go and show everyone what you can do. Besides it's only until next year right? It won't be that long."
Although it would sure feel like it. He then left. Picking up his suitcase and giving the crowd one last good bye before he entered the taxi and took off for Hulbury leaving you to stand there and just watch it before it faded into the tiniest black speck, and then into nothing.
The following months were peaceful but almost bland and boring as you settled into a routine. Get up, go to school, get homework done, and then come back home. All day every day. You still on instinct looked over your shoulder expecting Gordie to be knocking at your door any moment to visit but he never did and you would feel disappointed. You still gone off in your life. Most of the hard assignments was over. School didn't end until around the end of February so those last two months of school kept you busy and helped to keep your mind off things, and it all went ok. Gordie had left one last gift to you before he left, he had message your battle studies teacher and attested to witnessing you catching three of your pokemon which was proof enough to help you pass that assignment. You'd be sure to make up that kindness to him later when he came back. But soon even the classes were over and you had to bid good bye to Topaz as you moved on out of the dorms and back into the hotel to await your notification from the school for your grades and when your graduation ceremony would be, which turns out took two months to be settled. In the middle of March, waiting there to be called on stage from within the front of the school building just to get that small piece of paper from Mr. Flake. You weren't too bothered by it. It was just like your highschool graduation after all. You also thought you saw Elsa in the crowd but you were probably just seeing things. Which left you with trying to figure out what was left to do while waiting for Gordie to return, so you prayed to Arceus to give you something to do other than continue your job at Bob's Your Uncle and living in a hotel room waiting for Gordie to return. And as if Arceus himself was listening, you found the best answer you could ask for.
You were just passing by it on your way to work one morning, and you saw the 'For Sale' sign in the window of the local bakery which doubled as someone's home. When you asked the owner about it, turns out they were retiring and selling their home/bakery to move somewhere warmer. This was-...This was it! This was your chance! So OF COURSE you offered to buy the place from the owners before anyone else could, and you thanked Arceus every night when the title of ownership was soon sighed over and placed into your hands. Sure your savings too quite the hit and this place was going to take some work-....Ok. A LOT of work that'd take you a LONG time to get this place up and running again between your job and trying to make this place your own, but things seemed to be looking up for you. So slowly days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Spring turned into Summer. Summer turned into Autumn. And Autumn turned into Winter. During all of this the you'd sometimes see one of Gordie's little siblings come to the cafe you still currently worked at, and you made small talk with them and they would relay any more news from Gordie to you. Until one day...one fateful day, you got a call. It was one random day, you were trying to figure out how you were going to hire some construction workers to come and fix up your large kitchen when a familiar ringtone caught your attention as Sparky flew out from your pocket.
"*ZZZZZTTT* Incoming call from Gordie. Do you wish to accept call or decline call?," he asked you.
You stared at him completely stunned. Gordie?....GRODIE WAS CALLING YOU!? You nearly dropped the phone book in your hands in favor of smiling at him. "ACCEPT!! ACCEPT NOW!!" You watched with held breath as the ringing stopped as Sparky accepted the call, "H-Hello!?"
"Y/n?,'' Gordie's voice came through the other side timidly before hearing your voice. "Y/N! My Diamond! Baby! Oh it's so good to hear your voice again!"
"My voice? What about yours?! I haven't heard from you in forever!" You instantly smiled. "Where have you been?!"
A tired sigh came from the other side. "It's a long story. There's been a lot of bandits and villains in this region this last year-"
"Villains and bandits!?"
"D-Don't worry! Everyone's ok, but a lotta the events have been pushed back because of 'em. That's why it's been takin' longer than usual for us to come home. I just wanted to call and make sure you were aware o' that."
Ah. That made sense...you guessed. "Well...at least it's all handled. But when are you all coming home?"
"That's just it! That's the good news! We're comin' home in two months!"
"T-Two months!?" Your draw practically dropped in both shock...and absolute happiness. "T-T-That soon!? You mean it!"
"Yeah! That soon! *sigh* It's gonna be so good to see you and my family again...I miss you so much."
"I miss you too."
More time passed. New Year's came and went and you went into January with a much better feeling. Gordie would soon return now, just after December. It made you start putting a smile on your face and a pep in your step again waiting for the day he'd finally return. It seemed all good things were happening to you now. Your bakery was starting to come put together more too, soon you'd actually be able to start baking and selling goods. And then it was FINALLY the end of the year! The day all the Master League finally took place was here and everyone gathered around the cafe including you to watch the hours long battling between trainers and gym leaders and champions from around the world! You saw Piers in one battle and Gloria in another and then there was Gordie who you paid very much attention too. He certainly made it very fair. To the third round in fact before he lost to the Sinnoh Champion Cynthia who proceeded onto the second to last round. It did hurt a little watching him fail so close to the finally but he did make it very, very far into the event and he tried his best which was all that mattered. The entire event ended in a tie between your very own Unbeatable Champion and Cynthia who didn't look the least bit bothered by sharing the winning title with another Champion. And soon after the event was over...Which meant one thing-
The thought made you as giddy as a munchlax at an all you can eat buffet. You counted the days as they all started slowly counting down to Gordie's eventually arrival back in Circhester, and then it happened. You were working and it was noon time. There you were just wiping down one of the tables near the windows when you both saw and felt it. People. LOTS of people running down the streets towards the entrance to Circhester and you were confused. Confused you went out of the store to take a look yourself and you froze when seeing it. A GIANT black bird just a little ways in the distance was coming forward towards the town and in it's claws was a taxi. That could only mean one person. GORDIE. Gordie was finally back! Before you could even stop yourself you found yourself running in the crowd all the way towards the entrance to Circhester where the taxi landed and you fought and pushed your way past people to the front as the Taxi door opened and someone with blonde-white hair stepped out and everyone cheered.
A smile graced the man's features as he gave a lighthearted but tired wave knowing the borage of questions and insisting a party be held thrown at him as he and his mother were swarmed by people. Blue eyes darting around before meeting eyes of all colors one after another until a single woman pushed her way to the front and he froze. Panting and tired, f/c eyes looked up to meet long lost blue ones. And the earth stood still for a moment. Neither moving an inch. Before in an instant you felt strong arms wrap around yourself and you gladly returned the warm embrace giving to you held close by the taller man before you. More cheers echoing out.
Soft tears fell from the man's eyes as he softly cried hold getting tighter slightly and a smile appeared on his features.
"My diamond."
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santaverse · 2 years
Traditions Pt. 1: “We’re Back!”
Christmas. You may or may not have heard about it. 
Christmas isn’t just a typical holiday, it’s multifaceted. To some people, Christmas starts as soon as Halloween ends! To others, the holiday season begins when Thanksgiving ends. Christmas Carols, Cheesy Holiday Movies, Hot Cocoa, Cooler Air, there are so many ways someone could describe the Holiday Season as. While any of those certainly could have their impact on someone’s holiday season, none of them compare to the importance of Santa Claus.
Okay, I know you’ve heard about Santa Claus. But, did you know there’s more than one Santa Claus? In fact, there’s an entire multiverse of Santas! We like to call this multiverse… 
The Santaverse. 
Each year around the holidays, The Spirit of Christmas calls a bunch of Santa Clauses to a single world, (usually to North’s Workshop in the Belief Dimension) where they prepare their sleds to reunite to their worlds and deliver a successful Christmas! Of course, each year brings a new ripple into play… (who would’ve expected an invasion of Evil Santas or a handful of Santa Helpers?) but it’s never anything the Santas can’t handle! 
High atop the frozen mountain cliffs of the North Pole, North’s Workshop stood. The shop was carefully crafted within the mountains so it could be concealed within the tundra. For some reason, North’s Workshop was the destination for each and every Santa Claus that the Spirit of Christmas decided to bring over. Truthfully, the Guardian didn’t mind at all! His Workshop was enormous as it was, and with all the elves and yetis he had running around already, he was well-acquainted with a busy environment. 
As soon as the clock struck midnight, Santas started arriving. Each Kringle emerged with their own CRASH of light accompanied with a red & green swirling portal. It wasn’t long before some heartfelt reunions broke out.
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“ Shaved! “ Celebrity Santa greeted with a big wave of his arm. “ Still living up to your title, I see! “
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“ Whenever the beard comes back now, it itches like crazy, “ the elder answered. “ Besides, I think it makes me look younger! Hohoho!~ “ 
The two shared a hearty laugh together, a sound that was very common amongst the Santas.
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“ What about you, hmm? I’m certain life has been far from dull for you, Nikki. “ Shaved Santa preferred to speak to others by their names, even if their given names were similar to others.
Celebrity Santa playfully shrugged before answering the question.
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“ Ho-Ho-Ho, you know me too well! Yeah, it’s been pretty hectic lately! Movie appearances, Brand Deals to turn down, and don’t get me STARTED on the elves and reindeer! “
As those two continued their conversation, more Santas arrived on the Pole.
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“ Merry Almost Berry Day, Jim! Any luck remembering anything since last year? “ Santa Pac greeted. The amnesiac Santa Claus looked around to look for whomever the Pac-Person was speaking to, then gasped when he realized it was him!
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“ O-Oh! Uh, thank you, Santa Pac! No… I’m still quite fuzzy on the details… B-But I’m certain I’ll learn more about myself this year! I always feel… better when I’m here with you all. “
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“ I feel exactly the same, Jim! I’m certain you’ll remember who you are one day! “
In the corners of the workshop, a few Santas were looking at the arrivals with disgust.
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“ I’m thinkin’ we sneak FLEAS into their presents. Kids open ‘em, then BAM!! Tecnicos’ll be itchin’ home for the holidays!! HEH-HEH-HEH!! “ Rudo Claus cackled.
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“ WITH THEIR OPERATIONS COMING TO AN END, SANTA CLAWS’ WRATH WILL SOON DESCEND!! “ The dastardly green Santa Claws chimed in. He was very on-board with Multiple Santa’s plan.
The few evil Santas began to share a few villainous cackles, but their vile joy would soon be interrupted by the sudden appearance of Classic Santa. He was known amongst the Santaverse to be the very first Santa Claus, ergo that made him de-facto leader of the Santas. (or at least he was someone who could be called extremely reliable!)
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“ You boys wouldn’t be thinking of doing anything Naughty, were you? “ He asked with a raised brow. Immediately the villainous Santa Clauses each put on gleeful facades.
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“ N-Not at all, C-Man! “ Rudo Claus said, turning away nonchalantly.
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“ UH, NAH... WE WEREN’T DOIN’ NOTHIN’ BUT UH... PLANNIN’ HOW TO HELP. “ Multiple Santa said, even throwing in a few chuckles for good measure.
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“ Very well, “ Classic nodded. “ It’s good to see you, again boys! Merry Christmas! “
As Classic walked away, each of the trio of naughty Santas mumbled something different under their breath… It was probably for the best that Classic didn’t hear what they were saying. Instead, the small elder walked to the front of the room and greeted everyone aloud!
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“ Hello, everyone! Welcome back! “ Classic placed a hand on above is eyes to get a good look at the array of Santas. “ I see some new faces amongst the crowd, so allow me to shed some light on where you are and what’s happening! This is the North Pole, in a different dimension! The Belief Dimension, to be precise! I am a Santa Claus, and so are the others around you! We’ve been summoned by the Spirit of Christmas to aid each other in fulfilling our Christmas duties! We may seem like strangers now, but if you’re willing to get to know us, we can prove ourselves to be one happy family you can be able to trust! “
Instantly, there were roaring cheers and applause within the crowd of Santas. Classic’s cheeks dimpled at the fanfare.
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“ Of course, I shouldn’t do all the talking! Why don’t we hear from the Santa Claus who’s workshop we’re currently in? North? Where are you, my boy? “ 
Classic’s request was met with silence. Murmurs began to spark within the uncertain crowd as moments began to pass. The elder furrowed his brows, then turned towards some nearby Yetis. “ Erik? Kristov? “ Both Yetis looked around the workshop, at each other, then finally back towards Classic Santa with shrugs.
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“ Oh dear… “ Classic mumbled.
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“ A-Actually!! “ A voice shouted from the crowd. “ Nicholas is missing too! I can’t find him anywhere in here! “ The voice belonged to Mr. Santana; a retired Santa Claus donned in a pastel yellow suit. He hurriedly made his way through the crowd and up to Classic.
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“ Sleepy’s not here either!! “ Not far behind Mr. Santana was Sea Santa. He stumbled through the crowd, fumbling atop the Santas like a beach ball in a rave. He finally came crashing down besides the two Santas, but got up like it was nothing.
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“ I was gonna give ‘em one of my souvenirs from my trip to Hawaii, but he wasn’t here! He may be asleep most of the time, but Sleepy NEVER misses out on Santa Meetings! “
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“ Hmm… “ Classic stroked his beard in thought. “ That is certainly a good point. Well... Firstly, I need everyone to calm down! “ He shouted to the crowd of concerned Santas, who gradually listened to his plea.
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“ It’s not as if this is entirely out of the ordinary! It’s true the three missing have never missed a meeting here, but the Spirit of Christmas works in mysterious ways! They’re almost certainly alright! All we can do is hope and prepare for their safe return! “
Mr. Santana’s mustache drooped, but he mustered a whimpering smile. He gazed out the nearest window and exhaled deeply.
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“ Oh… I do hope you’re right… “
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November 1. 1883.
Today was when I finally decided to leave the town I was inning at. The talk of my birthday heist was over and I was gettin bored where I was. Besides, I got more important matters to tend. Last heist I grabbed said important matters somethin real pretty and I know she'll just love it. One of them rich old ladies was wearing a mighty fine necklace that was red with a bitova purple hue...couldn't think of anything more perfect for her! I can tell I miss her bad. I keep staring at the damn thing and thinkin' of how she's gonna react to such a beaut'. Not knowing quite where she is has been taking a real toll on me. Usually when ya miss a person ya can't see ya send em a letter. But I ain't got an address to write to. So I haven't seen or talked to her in a lil over a year and it's hurting. Man oh man does bein separated suck....
I left that inn today and got on another train. Usually I'd be excited about such things, I fancy ridin the train...but I was just far too sad thinkin about T. That means it's bad...when not even the stupid look on some scared rich man who thinks he's somethin rough and tough'll make me feel better. I'm just so close and I know it and I know it good...yet it all feels like it's so damn far.
Anyhow...the train took me into the next town over. I walked around for a lil while before finding my way to another inn. I ain't got no buisness here aside from moving ahead so I really ain't got a direction, so why not make another home away from home? I went in and asked for a room, got myself set up all over again and headed back down for food and a hard drink. I sat myself at the bar, placed an order and shot some whiskey whiles' I waited for my food. All was peaceful before I heard that conversation behind me....Some good for nothin guy was talkin.
"I went to the brothel the other night and was stuck with some ugly and mean broad." Boy, that alone made me upset but then he continued with "Worst part is she didn't even give me what I was paying for! I fell asleep all sudden and next thing I know all my stuff was gone! That ugly whore stole everything for me!" I had to restrain my anger as I whipped my head and asked "She didn't happen to be yeh high and have blonde, thick hair with some dark patches towards the top...did she?" "Yeah! She wore and all red outfit, bout the shade of your there flannel. That stupid thing steal from you too?!" "No...and don't talk about her like that." "Don't talk ab-?! That sonnova bitch stole from me, what is you, deaf?!" "No, I ain't deaf! And shut your filthy trap! I betcha just upset cause ya got showed up by a gal! Had I'd done that to ya you'd be yellow! Shakin!" "No I'm upset cause that lil-" "-Watch it." "-That lil sk-" "WATCH IT." "Because that lil skank didn't give me a bit of what I paid for!" I finally lost and swung at him, square in the jaw. He hopped on me and startin swinging himself. I flipped us over and almost had him but then his friends hopped in on me. That's when I finally did what I hadda...I hate doin it but they would tore me apart. I went for my pocket and whipped my gun out before shouting "GET OFFA ME!" and pointed it to his chest. Everyone stopped and stared at us. "I bet it ain't loaded." I lightly squeezed the trigger and pressed a lil firmer. "Wanna make that bet, buck?" He stared at me for minute before finally lettin' me go. "Now, imma ask real nicely and imma only nicely ask once! Where do you live?!" "What?!" "I SAY WHERE DO YA LIVE?!" I shouted in his face and pressed my gun to his face before he gave me directions. Had she had the time she would left me a clue, something. She's real smart like that. I tore outta there and fast. I ran, practically galloped to the guys place an started tearing apart his whole damn house. That was when I finally found what I was lookin for. Under his mattress wassa note she left me.
God she's so damn smart.
The note gave me details. Details on her safety and where her next stop was gonna be. I couldn't of been happier.
I went back to the inn, gathered my things and hit the next train. I kept that note in my left flannel pocket with a bitova smile on my face now. I'm gettin close...real close. I just hope she won't be mad at me for uh...hurtin a random civilian....
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
Canwe get a sneak peak at the tf getting railed fic?
oh go on, twist my arm then hahaha. necessary context: graves is on hands and knees over tf lying down on the bed and isn’t allowed to move until he’s told to, for bet and also light affectionate d/s undertone reasons. tf POV. also nswf ahead, obviously, though this is more a fun bantery part of it lol
Without moving [the metal dildo] away from his mouth I say: “Do you want a turn with this? In your mouth,” I clarify. “We can try it for other stuff some other time. I’ve got… ideas in that direction. Plans, even.”
He grins crookedly against the metal. “Most beautiful and ominous sound in the world, you sayin’ those precise words in that tone.”  
“I live to serve,” I lie humbly, scratching the fingernails of my free hand lightly through his chest hair. 
“Really? First I’ve ever heard of it.” Despite the snark he purses his lips to kiss the metal with more purpose, all his attention on me. 
“It’s going inside me soon,” I murmur, more transfixed by the sight than I would prefer to admit. “I like the thought of it havin’ been in your mouth first. Almost like you takin’ me a bit already. Besides,” I add, with exaggerated wide appealing eyes and a pout, “it’s so cold, Malcolm. You can’t expect me to just slide it in there like this. Help warm it up for me?” 
“Damn, you’re a loss to the stage, Fate, I’ve always said it.” 
“You’re throwin’ alternate careers at me like it’s candy today,” I say, fluttering my eyelashes for good measure. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were tryin’ to tell me something.”  
“Nah, if you start down that road I’d have to change careers with you, and I ain’t got the cerebral flexibility (enough paint to pretend to change my spots? haven’t decided on one for now lol) for that at my time of life. Bring it here, then, I’ll get it ready for your royally sensitive behind, yer lordship.”
“Now there’s a court position I’d love to see ‘em come up with a fancy title for,” I snicker, groping his pecs some more as I amuse myself with that thought, because I am nothin’ if not an opportunist.
He grunts like a man who’s seen the world and found it holds some things that frankly creep him out, pushing into my hand like a horse eager to have its flank petted. “Oh, you just know they’ve got some weird shit like that in Demacia or wherever.” 
“Yeah, probably. Look at me, being treated like a king. I’m going up in the world.”
“A royal pain, certainly. Just so long as you don’t go gettin’ any weird ideas about ‘groom of the stool’ or anythin’ messed up like —”
I grimace and poke him in the midriff with my toe, because I’m unwilling to let go of the emotional support of his ample bosoms in this trying time. “Ewwww. Not thinkin’ about that right now, thank you.” 
He beams affectionately at me over the dildo. “See, this is how I’ll always know the truth, no matter how many times I watch you pull the ‘Shuriman Prince’ con. You ain’t nearly inbred or fucked in the head enough for that kinda shit to make sense to you, even if you do have a closet full of fancy waistcoats and pretensions.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Monarchy’s one of the greatest cons you could ever pull,” I say wistfully. “It’s kinda like money that way. Only exists because for some godsforsaken reason everyone agrees it does, and once you’ve planted the idea it just keeps itself goin’ for thousands of years like that, without you needin’ to do much of anything.”
With the air of a scholar picking away at a tricky line of theory, he says: “Well yeah, but it’s a risky business, setting in motion a con that’s so much bigger’n yourself. You think you’re on top of it and suddenly you got, y’know, grisly emissaries and economic inflatables and primogenitures and everythin’, comin’ out of the walls at ya. It ain’t so much gamblin’ as throwin’ a grenade into a fireworks factory while still inside just to see how it goes. Or stealin’ coin given to the Bearded Lady. Askin’ for trouble, either way.” 
Only prolonged exposure to Malcolm’s particular patchwork of whimsical quayside idiolect allows me to work my way through most of that one. “Grisly… ah. You mean ‘éminence grise’.”
“Bless you, Tobias. I don’t speak Freljordian.” 
“It ain’t Freljordian, it’s — oh, nevermind. I get the larger point, and it’s an unexpectedly profound one. Considering where it came from.”
“Nevermind where it came from, it will end up shoved up your ass if you keep that tone up,” he says pleasantly. 
“It’ll be crowded in there soon enough, then. I should start charging rent.” 
He shrugs. “Knowin’ your place in the world is one of those things that’ll serve you better’n any weapon, or even all the gold in the world. Is all I’m sayin’.”
I grin at him. “Sounds uncharacteristically unambitious, coming from you. You feelin’ okay?” 
“Nah, it ain’t like the ‘know your place, peasant’ crap rich people’ll spout, ‘s more like… I’ll steal pretty much anything once, and probably twice, whether anyone wants me to or not. We all know this. But a crown? Nah, I ain’t that much of a fool. And neither are you, thankfully, I’d make for a pretty unconventional queen consort for the portrait painters to handle.”
While I do get a lot of my entertainment day to day from fondly mocking him — and who could blame me, I doubt you could find a target more deserving of both the mockery and the fondness if you went over the whole world with a fine-toothed comb — I do find more fascination and comfort than I’ll ever admit to his face in the oddly incisive conciseness of the Gravesian worldview as well. A man of bottom lines, on multiple levels. “Truly, a touching testament to your faith in me. Thank you.” 
“Anytime, T.F.”
I thoughtfully pet his chest. “I am havin’ a lot of thoughts about you in a dress and diadem now, though.”
“Ask me real nicely sometime, and we’ll see. C’mon, then, ‘nuf dithering, let’s have it.”
(and then a bit later, because it made me happy when I wrote it:)
“You okay?” Graves asks hoarsely, when I haven’t said anything in a little while.
I let my eyes slide half-open to look at him, almost drowsy with it. “Very.”   
“Is it still warm?” He’s ducking his head and going slightly cross eyed to try to see what’s happening down between my legs. It looks incredibly silly. I would die for this man. 
“Mmmmhm. Thank you for all of your hard work,” I grin.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
memory meme
✈ — an eye-opening memory
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"Eye-opening?" She tilted her head, "What does that even mean? Like..."
She sat and thought for a moment. It was hard to even understand the question, let alone think of answer. Wasn't impossible, but... where to begin, even? If she could just get a better picture of what they meant by eye-opening, she could--
And there goes the gemerald again, pulsating, glowing, thinkin' it knows everythin' and sierra.
Well, why not hand it off? Sure, gemerald--show the class what you brought for show and tell.
"Ya wanted to talk, Sony?" The wildcat stepped out of the treehouse's automatic doors, hand on her hip, brow raised. She saw the white hedgehog sitting on the edge of the balcony, twiddling his thumbs? Looked like he was contemplating something.
He looked up at the wildcat--his girlfriend--with a smile. A shakey, nervous kind of smile. He pat the empty space next to him, inviting her to sit along with him.
And she did. Took no effort at all--she even scooched closer to him, looking up at the orange sky. Nearing night, by now. Been a real lazy day.
Usually the three of them--Lilac, Carol and Sonar--would've spent all day doin' somethin', but for some reason, two out of the three weren't feeling it. And Carol wasn't gonna force anything if they didn't wanna. Let 'em be, let 'em be. No harm in it.
"Listen, Carol," he started, twiddling with a guitar pick, "I don't have an easy way to say this."
A pit fell in her stomach.
What was happening here?
"I just... I wanna leave."
"What?" She whispered, her face turning to him, fully.
"I, I wanna make it clear! I don't have anything against you, o-or Lilac!"
No. No no no no no. This...
This wasn't happening.
"I just, it's so--"
"Please don't leave me."
"Huh?" He looked over at the wildcat--oh shit.
Her face was turned into a frown, she had her fists balled, sniffling ever so slightly.
She repeats herself, "Please Sony, please don't leave me."
And all at once, he realized his mistake.
"No, no no no no no, babe you got it wrong!" He wrapped her in a hug, almost panicked, quickly trying to amend his mistake. "I'm not leaving you. We're not breaking up. I promise, that's not what this is."
She stayed silent. She didn't return the hug.
"I'm moving out, okay? I should have been more clear, god damn it," he cursed himself, his old habits peaking in again, "I would never leave you, sweetheart. I promise."
She sniffled.
He broke the hug. He stared into her eyes, her beautiful emerald eyes, a sorrowful expression painted on them. Fuck, fuck, why wasn't he more clear about this? Say ''moving out'' immediately, not leave.
"Why would you want to move out?" She spoke softly, quietly, obviously still hurt.
"I... It's just cramped--"
"But... but Milla isn't here anymore!" Her voice raised, "There's a bunch more space now!!! You could just..." she trailed off.
"I'm sorry, okay? I just... I've lived by myself for years, back on Mobius. I've had my own for so long, and yeah, living with you and your friends was nice, really nice, but," he balled a fist over the pick, before tightening his grip. "I just need something else.
"You two," he put a hand on her shoulder, "You made that house for each other. Don't you think it's better that it stayed that way?"
She looked away from him immediately, biting her tongue.
Did he... Did he know?
He recoiled, pulling his hand back, "I'm sorry Carol. I really am.
"If it means anything, you can come to my place anytime. I won't be far."
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She grit her teeth.
So. That's what it meant.
A sigh. She pinched the bridge of her nose.
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"I was really dumb, back then, wasn't I?
"Probably figured it out a long time ago, honestly. Just too nice to say anything. Like I was so slick.
"Almost lost him because of my stupid shit."
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She crossed her arms. She was really lucky, wasn't she?
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Love Doesn't Do Encores Ch15 Battle Gym Leader Allister
( I'm open for any further things my readers want added to this or future stories.)
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To say your exit out of Stow-on-Side was quick and abrupt to say the least was an understatement. Gloria literally dragged you out of town and the two of you two ran through the heat like the time the onix chased you two in the Wild Area until exhausted and too hot from the heat to handle and collasped under a shady ledge of one of the cliffsides that were still surrounding the path you took out of Stow-on-Side. Panting, sitting on the ground as your Drizzilie face planted the shaded ground next to you just as tired. 
.....You weakly raised an arm from your sweating tired self pointing up. "W-W-We...a-are *wheeze* NEVER r-running- *gasp* in the h-heat again! Hhhaaaaa-'' Your arm flopped back to your side as your laid there heaving your lungs out and Gloria weakly nodded agreeing to that proposal.
After a few tired moments of just laying there in the shade catching your breaths and regular temperatures back thanks to the shade provided Gloria eventually spoke. "W-Well...W-What now?"
You shrugged. "I dunno man. The past two days have been absolutely CRAZY!" During the silence as you were catching your breaths, the silence let it sink in for you two exactly what had transpired the last day and a half for the two of you. "It all happened so fast I can barely believe it happened."
Gloria nodded again patting her pockets. "If I didn't have these wee ones on me person I would nah believe it either but 'ere we are. UGH! What was that boy thinkin'!?"
You shrugged forcing yourself back up into a standing position despite your tired body's protest. "I-I dunno but I think it might be best for us to just leave Stow-on-Side all together before we get caught in anymore trouble's crossfires." 
She nodded immediately and used the ledge she laid again to help pull herself up. Before pausing for a moment..and pointing at your hand. "What's that ya got there?"
You hummed before lifting your hand up and coming face to face with the lightly dirty mask that Sonia's yamper had found. And you lit up in realization. "OH! It's the mask Sonia found." You held it out to her as she made a reach for it. "I must've forgotten I had it when we suddenly split town. But I think she said it might've belonged to whoever runs the ghost type gym around here."
"Allister," Gloria corrected you turning the small mask over in her hands...before smiling. "Well if it is we outta return it ta him! I was plannin' on seeing 'em anyways! Now might be a good time as any if we need a reason ta leave."
You nodded. Good enough reason to you too. "I...think Sonia said his gym was a day out of here by some grave yard."
"Oh yeah it is! In fact when I checked the map for his location, I noticed there's also an Inn and a taxi station right next to it as well! We'll have somewhere to rest up then!" You nodded, nudging your pokemon who made an annoyed noise but reluctantly got up from his spot on the ground. "I just hope he's not too scared to accept battling with me. Especially since I already go the same badge he give out from Bea."
You paused..looking up from your yawning water type to raise a brow at her examining the mask more. "..What are you talking about?"
She still looked at the mask almost sadly for a moment before looking at you. "Oh right. Of course you wouldn't really know about him. Even tho it's easily known." She sighed looking back down to the mask. "Allister accordin' ta Lee is one of the newest Gym Leaders in Galar, in fact this is gonna be his first Gym Challenge too."
You blinked wide eyed at her. "Oh really?"
She nodded slowly. "In fact he's only been an official gym leader for 'round two years, but he is a bit eccentric from what I've heard. He claims ta be able ta see ghosts after an accident when he was four that claimed the lives o' his folks." She looked at you and you stared back STUNNED at the words that came and still stumbled from her mouth. "Then he was taken in by the old Gym Leader of the stadium he runs now before he passed away too. From there Allister took over and I think the Chairman or Lee's the one who's taken on the responsibility for him about keeping the stadium up n' running since he's so young." She held the mask with a slightly bigger frown. "In fact accordin' to his league card he's supposed ta have at least a hundred of these things cuz he's so shy."
You still stared.....WHAT!? HOW COULD ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND PUT THAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITY ON A CHILD THAT YOUNG!?...Well you couldn't remember exactly HOW young he was since you remembered the only time you had ever really seen most of the Gym Leaders was during the Entrance Ceremony months ago and only for a short time. And in the game Allister's backstory, as much as it pained you too say, didn't have much impact because in fact JUST A GAME then. But now with it being your reality this was down right almost cruel! THAT CHILD NEEDS HELP!! 
"Who in their right mind would just put all that responsibility on a kid like that?," you asked scowling.
Gloria shrugged. "From what I've heard through the grapevine Allister insisted on takin' over and wouldn't budge til they agreed. He must've really wanted ta stay at the stadium if he did that."
You didn't at first and just sighed shaking your head. "Well...In any case if we're heading to see him we better start walking while there's still daylight to see by. I don't feel like camping surrounded by cliffs where more boulders could fall on us."
That got her motivated enough to slip the mask into her back pack as the two of you shoved back off in the summer heat, and began walking down the trail still surrounded by the Stow-on-Side's cliffs. By the time it was night time you two were still surrounded by cliffs, so the best thing either of you could do was pitch the tent as fair from the center of the pathway you could as to not block the entrance way in case some traveler passed by. The next morning waking bright and early at Gloria's insistance to start traveling again. As in her words it would take at least a day to get there but since you two had a head start if you started walking early in the morning now, you should be able to reach the inn before night fall. You grumbled but the promise of a proper bed and home cooked food that wasn't just trail mix or the like was enough motivation for you to get up and after packing everything away, started off once again. The sun was as hot as ever as the two of you walked with Drizzilie whining but keeping up at your feet, you were glad he took what you said seriously and began walking but you also regretted not having any water for him or Gloria who looked absolutely miserable in the heat. The sooner you got to that inn the better! As the three of you walked and walked, the sun slowly got to the middle of the sky and then started slowly going down towards the time of sunset. Also within the hours you walked, the cliffs around you started to become scarcer and scarcer until they started to break off from the path around you until you both would just walk by the occiasional one spread out away from the last one and more trees and vegitation started to replace them around you. Thank goodness. The trees offered some shade from the scorching heat luckily, but it still was a pain to walk through. Ahead of you along the dirt path it started to open up to open fields like most of the scenery of Galar you've traveled past and you groaned dreading the lack of shade once you got past the treeline.
"LOOK!," Gloria suddenly pointed making you blink at where she was pointing. And you had to squint your eyes past the sun's glare to see what she was pointing to in the distance. And to your shock, a lil fair aways from you in the open area was a giant silvery stadium, and across from it was a few buildings. THERE IT WAS!! THE INN!! "There it is!" She started forward again waving to you. "C'mon. Let's get outta this bloody sun already! I'm more cooked than a burnt curry."
You could agree with that. Picking up your pace, the two of you quickly made down the pathway, sun be darned to the inn and the closer and closer you two got, the more you noticed this stadium was JUST as BIG as the others even tho it was smack dab in the middle of no where outside of a town. But that's not what got the two of you staring. It was the grave yard on the other side of the giant stadium that caught your attention. It was MASSIVE!! At least two hundred looking headstones surrounded by a very tall and sturdy looking black metal fence with the gates leading into there wide open. You two must've have noticed it at first because it was blocked from view by the stadium. Gloria was first to noticed as she just so happened to glance over her shoulder as you two went down the path that broke off from the main dirt road and towards the inn that in all honestly wasn't an inn. It was in fact just a regular two story house you'd find in Postwick,but very very BIG with what looked like lots of rooms. The only way you could've figured it was an actual inn was the sign in front of the home stating it was in fact a hotel. Just not a very big one. Beside the home was just a plain looking barn with LOTS and LOTS of hay scattered about the front of in like the kind of bard you'd keep cows and pigs in. You nearly made it to the porch when your Drizzilie squeaked and tugged on your leg, when you looked to him he pointed at Gloria, and you looked too confused, until you saw the massive graveyard she was silently staring at for a moment and you settled your gaze on it too for a moment. 
".....Gloria. Are you ok?," you eventually asked her once you got over your initial shock of seeing such a thing by a pokemon stadium of all things. 
She....eventually nodded and looked back to you. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I just thought I saw someone." She shivered before shaking it off and bounding up to you and you made a point of turning around to walk up onto the shady house's porch. "It was just my imagination tho. I guess I'm just a wee spooked about it all."
You nodded in understanding. The two of you walked up to the door and hesitated just a moment before you slowly opened the door which opened with a creak. What it opened too was a cozy looking regular living room and a few doorways leading to different areas, one of which was a kitchen from the looks of it and the other was a stairway leading up towards the second floor of the home. The two of you stared for a moment, relieved it looked normal, before looking at each other. This was an inn?? After a moment the two of you looked back inside and around, not too sure if you should step in from the shaded porch, even if the ac from the cool house was inviting. 
"Uh....HELLO!?," you called into the home eventually raising a brow and looking around, "Is anyone here?! We heard this was an inn with rooms!"
"Maybe the place is run by ghosts too," Gloria suggested half teasing half mumbled.
"OH CUSTOMERS!!" Both of you looked up as a young woman's voice shouted from the kitchen area and some noises that sounded like pots and pans and shuffling footsteps. "Please, come in and close the door! I'll be right out in a giffy!" You two looked at each other again before Gloria shrugged and walked in and you followed, closing the door behind you with a creak. As you two walked into the living room area the source of the noise finally made herself present. A woman who looked about a few years older than you with black hair in a short ponytail and black sweats and t-shirt came speed walking from the kitchen. A bright white apron draped over her otherwise dark wardrode. Some flour spread all over her face and front like snow. "Hello there! Good evening!" She greeted with a wave and bright smile. Huh. You didn't remember this in game. Must've been because this was an actual world too. "Sorry I couldn't answer the door. I was a little busy baking some soul cakes." She briefly gestured to the kitchen. "But welcome to the Stow-on-Side Inn and Corviknight flight service! How can I help you two today?"
You two briefly looked at one another again before you cleared your throat. "Well, I don't suppose we could get a room just for the night. ...And where's everyone else?" You rose a brow around you. "This place is pretty big just for one person to manage."
"Oh I'm not alone," the woman explained, "My family works as the caretakers for the Stow-on-Side Cemetery or employed at the stadium across the street. Except for my uncle. He's out right now but him and his corviknight are in charge of the taxi from here if that's what you need." You shook your head no. "It's just me and my grandmother here for the moment, but I'd be happy to ring you up and show you to the guests rooms." You both agreed to that and watched as the woman just walked on over to the closet, opened it, and pulled out an old timey looking cash register. It took a moment for the two of you to practically go through your entire bags to scramble just enough for how much the room would cost for the night and after putting away said register with the money, the woman gestured for you two to follow her up the stairs and onto the second floor. As you two followed, you were honestly surprised at the place being homey and not so scary despite working for the ghost type gym leader and caretaking the cemetery next to it. You followed her to a nice looking but big room with double beds on the opposite side of the house. "The bathroom is through there." She pointed at a closed door within the room. "Feel free to use our laundry room if you need too. It's just down the hall through the green door. Dinner will be served in about two hours. I hope you don't mind soup."
"Uh..No, no. That's fine," you assured her, "Thanks."
She nodded. "You can just leave your dishes outside your door and I'll collect them before sun down. I hope you two enjoy your stay here."
"Thanks again....By the way," you gave her another look, "Where's the gym leader now? I didn't see him when we came in."
"Oh Allister? Probably off somewhere in the gym. He prefers to be left alone unless some one's delivering him food or checking up on him as the Champion ordered. But I'm sure he's fine if you're looking to go battle him right now."
"Uh. No. I was just curious."
She nodded before leaving. "Well if there's anything else you need don't hesitate to come down stairs and ask us."
She seemed pretty nice, and you were surprised but relieved to hear that Leon had recruited someone at least to keep an eye on the boy. You wasted no time in using the provided shower and laundry room for your clothes, relief flooding away from getting to finally cool down from the scorching heat you've endured for quite a few days. Your Drizzilie sure seemed to like when you filled the bathtub just a little bit and let the poor pokemon jump in only to curl up for a nap within the water. He must've been more tired out than you. Gloria made herself busy as she went through her things before pulling out that camera and a lense thing that went over it. When you asked she explained it wasn't just a night vision lense, but one that would also allow her to take pictures clear as day without the bright flash. Sounded handy. Then the next thing you knew she was pulling out that mask you had let her take and headed towards the sink and when you looked over noticed she was scrubbing the thing  front and back with soap in the washroom sink furiously. As if it never had been cleaned before in it's life.
"Hey. What are you cleaning that thing off for?"
"Well I can't just give it back ta him all dirty now can I? It'd look like we didn't take care o' it at all 'n come off as rude don't cha think?"
Hmm. She had a point. It'd be rude of you to just give the poor boy his mask back in poor condition, it was better to clean it up before giving it back to him. By the time Gloria was done it was mostly ok looking. It still looked to have a few scratches and markings here and there from being obviously left out in the elements for who knows how long before being found, but it should still function ok. You didn't know how much time had exactly passed since you crashed on one of the twin beds provided for you but when you did eventually look up from your laid position was when there was a knock at the door and Gloria had found herself busy sticking more of the pictures she had apparently taken with her camera into the pages of one of her dex challenge books but looked up as you got up and answered the door. And on the other side was the same woman although without flour on herself or the apron this time, holding a tray which judging by the smell that hit you as soon as you opened the door was tomato or some kind of veggie soup.
She smiled. "Hello! Hope I'm not disturbing you folks too much." She held up the food. "But since you didn't come down for dinner I figured I would bring it to you as promised. Again, I hope you don't mind soup."
After a moment, you blinked and smiled. "That'll be fine thank you!" You carefully took it from her. It would be a nice change from curry, wild berries, and camping food at least. 
She nodded before you closed the door. "Just leave them outside your door and I'll collect them from you later."
You nodded back to her before closing the door and turning with the tray in your hands. Gloria perking up at the promised food you had collected and gestured for you to come on over and look at the pictures she had taken so far. My my. There was a lot already and the book of different pokemon was practically full. Most of them were really well done and showed off the pokemon really well. Victor must've really put a lot of time and effort into the hobby he was so passionate about. However the newer ones were more plain looking and there was a bit of a snap-and-go kind of vibe to them that was obviously Gloria's and some were a bit blurry but not to the point you couldn't tell what pokemon they were.  That's not saying Gloria's was worse just more different. One picture she pointed out to you was one of you asleep on the table back at the Stow-on-Side's pokemon center with your Drizzilie asleep next to you for her photo under the Drizzilie section....You had given her a look half way through your soup with a raised brow, but she only giggled in response teasing how he must've been your long lost twin to be stuck to your side most of the time. You decided to let it go for now since you were more focused on eating your food to fill the empty space in your stomach. Speaking of said water type pokemon, Drizzilie had given a bored but curious look over the still slightly filled tub once he heard the mention of food. Afraid he might've yelled and gotten you in trouble with who ever the owners of this place was, you had rummaged around in your backpack and had found a mini bag of what looked like granola bars and tossed it to him to keep his stomach in check. You also found the small bag of candy you had been 'tipped' back in Hulbury for your 'job' still sealed tight with the little ribbon. Deciding you didn't want for it you offered it to Gloria who, after giving a thoughtful expression, gladly took it and set it aside for the moment. For the next while you had finished the food offered, leaving it outside the door as requested, and you picked up helping her find the right pictures to put into place within the book until you were done. There was quite a number of them that you didn't remember her taking on her way to Hammerlocke or Stow-on-Side concluding she must've just not had the time to glue them all in yet. By the time you were finished and Gloria put the book and other things back into her bag the sun had set and darkness was settling in for a long night ahead. 
You stretched and yawned with a sigh turning to the bed provided for you with a smile. Happy you didn't have to worry about pitching a tent for the night again. "Ok! Time for bed-"
"UH! Don't ya mean adventure, Y/n?" You paused...turning Gloria with a bewildered expression plastered on your face as it what she meant by that. She meant adventure as in like a good dream right? She held up her camera and shook it a bit. "The best time ta capture ghost pokemon would be at night! And what better place than around a ghost type stadium n' grave yard!? I don't even have the flash on so it won't scare 'em off!"
"Oh HECK to the no with that idea!" You frowned immediately shutting her idea down and pointed to the floor. "Gloria we've been walking all day in the hot sun and I'd like to get a little sleep tonight. Plus we CAN'T just go tresspassing in a graveyard of all places! That's like high key illegal and very disrespectful might I add."
She gave you a look as if you had just insulted her mother. "WHAT!? Who said anythin' about goin' into that spooky place? I was talkin' 'bout just takin' pictures of 'em as they floated around. I wouldn't really just walk into a grave yard in the middle of the night are ya looney?"
Oh.....That actually made a lot more sense. Since ghost type pokemon wouldn't be too common during the day if any came out at all, and Gloria would probably need to get a few pictures of them if she wanted to finish up that challenge book. Being next to a ghost type stadium and the grave yard did seem like a good place as any to catch a couple of them floating about. But you two couldn't just be skulking about at night light this!! They'd think you were...were....I don't know! Grave robbers or something! 
You shook your head. "Glory. Don't you think this is ...I don't know. Strange looking? What if someone catches us and think we're up to no good? These people practically own this land after all."
She gave you that same pleading face she gave to you when she wanted to meet Raihan back in Hammerlocke. "Please! I know I said I wouldn't ask for any more favors but this could be a good chance to get some pictures I probably couldn't get anywhere else! And we wouldn't be actually goin' inside the cemetary for pictures anyways so there wouldn't be any reason for us to get in trouble even if we were found! Plus think of the scientific reasons!" You rose a brow. "Seein' ghost type pokemon first hand in their natural habitat! Documenting' 'em for the world ta see! It'd be a good first hand experience in case one ever crosses our paths!"
You groaned, reaching a hand up to rub at your face. "You're really settled on this thing aren't you??....*sigh* Fine!" You pointed to her. "But you can't expect us to spend all night out there! We'll spend an hour outside but then we need to come back and get some sleep for tomorrow."
"....An hour n' a half!"
You sighed again. "Fine. An hour and a half but don't push it anymore than that!"
She beamed brightly nodding and jumping to her feet with her pack still slung over her shoulders. "You got it! We'll be in 'n out so fast they'll think we're ghosts too!"
You dry chuckled before shaking your head and turning. The things you got yourself into on this journey. "Drizzilie!" Said water pokemon peeked it's head over from the tub as it was called and you pointed to your own bag. "We'll be right back. Watch my bag for me until we come back. Ok?" The pokemon made some kind of sound before sinking back down from view which you took as an ok and turned back to follow Gloria once she walked over to the door. "Hey." She paused. "We'll need to be quiet about this. Remember. In and out. We're not going to be doing anything crazy like in Stow-on-Side. Ok?"
She nodded and with a groan, you reluctantly followed her flipping the lights of your room off as you did. The dishes weren't in the doorway when Gloria stepped out so the lady must've collected them as she promised. The whole house was...quiet. And dark. You had snuck downstairs to the kitchen a couple times to grab a midnight snack without your parents knowing when you were back home a couple times, but this felt different. Everything was quiet and dark besides the odd night noises you'd usually hear and the moonlight leaking in through the windows being your only source of light around. You stood there for a moment taking it in, it almost felt like you two were sneaking away like thieves or something, even if neither of you had bad intentions it still felt strange sneaking out like this. You jumped as the door made a soft creaking noise as Gloria slowly closed it behind the two of you. The brunette turned to you before putting a hand to her mouth in the universal 'be quiet' motion that you guessed even in this universe was known. You nodded and together the two of you slowly walked towards the stairs. It was strange at night sounds seemed to be much louder especially when the two of you were TRYING to be quiet. Even though your footsteps were pretty light and soft considering to your slightly worried selves they might as well have been compared to an elephant's! You tried to not bump or trip over anything in the limited light the moon provided and did your best to try and let your eyes get used to the dark as fast as possible to help out. Eventually Gloria found the stairs and took the first few steps down with you right behind her of course praying you neither of you would accidentally trip down these. Someone must've heard your prayers because you both made it and headed towards the front door. Gloria made the first move as you looked around and were surprised no one from the family woke up. They must've all still been asleep. Gloria slowly reached over and grabbed onto the doorknob, slowly turning it counter clockwise until there was a small click noise alerting it had been all the way turned, and pulled back the door with a small squeak noise. You two cringed at it and in a panicked stopped half way from the noise looking back towards the stairs of the dark and still home......But no sounds of anyone waking up came. With a sigh Gloria finished opening the creaking door enough for you both to slip through and out you two went into the night before she as slowly as before closed it back with a creak and small click. You both stayed still for a moment a little on edge...before sighing on the dark porch. Whelp you made it outside at least. Turning around, you looked out onto the dark world around you and it didn't look so much different than usual. The stadium giant and silent blocking out some of the moonlight and casting the road in front of it and parts of the cemetery in a pitch black shadow. The moon full rising high above your heads as stars twinkled around it like diamonds and dark grey clouds lazily passed along the sky. Would've made a perfect scene for a halloween cartoon. As you glanced towards the cemetary, devoid of any life or light besides the moon, you couldn't help but let a shiver run down your spine. But you didn't see any pokemon. Not even ghost pokemon.
"Hey Gloria," you nearly said in a whisper turning. But jumped realizing she wasn't next to you anymore. It only took one look over your shoulder to locate her tho. She turned back to you and made another shush motion before waving you over from her kneeled spot on the ground facing down the road from the stadium. How did she move so fast? Blinking, you did end up walking over to her as she resumed holding the camera to her eye, leaning over to be eye level. "What's up?"
"Shh." She looked to you, held her finger to her now smiling mouth for a third time, before pointing in front of her. "Loud noises will scare 'em away." She whispered.
Raising a brow you looked forward....And your eyes widened. Down the road from the stadium (the side that didn't have the cemetery on it) was littered in taller grass and a few trees. And they were AB-SO-LUTELY FILLED with ghosts pokemon! And some lights which you quickly realized were chandelier and candle looking pokemon flying or shuffling around. THERE MUST'VE BEEN AT LEAST ONE OR TWO HUNDRED OF THEM!! Peeking through grass. Randomly flying around. Interacting with one another. Climbing over the barn building. A few you remembered the names of like that small group of driftloons. A few shuppets here and there. That there climbing on the barn's roof was a sableeye. You THINK those candle like pokemon walking down the pathway were litwick. There was this really pretty white pokemon who looked to be dancing in the moonlight and you were pretty sure it was a Frostlass.  IT WAS INCREDIBL- You gave a yelped and fell to your knees next to Gloria ducking as a loudly wailing Mismagius flew over head....And the teen giggled at you as you threw a frown at her.
"Oh haha. Very funny Ms. Get-Us-Chased-By-An-Onix."
"Hey! I said it was an accident. Besides unlike with that big rock for brains I know we'll be safe doin' this." She went back to holding up the camera towards the variety of pokemon around you. And while it was dark, and you were both a decent ways a way from the cemetery so you couldn't really have seen unless you could see in the dark....Neither of you saw the small figure peeking out from between the tombstones at you. Having heard the yelp you made thanks to the mischevious pokemon that whizzed by.
"Oh yeah? How are you so sure?"
"Ghost type pokemon are just different from rock types," she continued with a smile, "Rock pokemon would usually just mindlessly chase after ya far away if you even bother 'em in the slightest. And while ghost type pokemon can be pretty territorial if they have a territory of their own, usually they're just like this." She pressed the button again aiming at a ghost pokemon with a skull over it's face you couldn't remember the name off. Despite being so close to it and Gloria pointing the camera directly at it, it never even looked at her as it left. "They like to just mind they're own business most of the time as it is. As long as ye don't bother 'em or make 'em feel like you're gonna do something bad nine times outta ten they'll just leave ya alone. A lot of people think they're creepy or just plain ol' dangerous cuz of the bad rep some spread....But we're just sittin' here. Mindin' our own business while they do theirs. What reason would they have to just suddenly come at us?"
You stared at her completely in surprise. ".....Did you learn this from Hop too?"
"Yep!," she said snapping a picture at one of those chandelier like pokemon as it flew directly over the two of you. "He'd make a pretty smart scientist or pokemon researcher if he ever decided to become one."
You nodded. Not aware of just how smart Hop if he could know such astounding information. "...Well. How would you describe it then if a lot of people are too scared of them?"
....she paused...before looking and not even missing a beat said, "Beautiful. Wouldn't you?" The figure watching you's eyes widened.
You blinked a moment before looking forward as another driftloon lazily floated past close enough that if you wanted too you could touch one of it's yellow hand-thingies...before smiling. "You know I would. Because I can't really argue with how you described it either."
She hummed before turning and spotting a small mimikyu walking past towards the shadowed area of the path you two couldn't see into and pointed her camera towards it's disappearing figur- She froze. Eyes widening as through the night proof lense she caught a humanoid white face staring back before it swiftly ducked behind a tombstone- "GAH!!" You yelped as Gloria fell backwards onto her bum with a loud yelp. Startling some of the ghost pokemon into scattering away while others turned at the noise that disturbed the night. She pointed. "There's a bloody ghost in there!"
"SHHH!!" You quickly looked back towards the house relieved it didn't look like anyone was disturbed..before turning to her scared look with a scowl. "Gloria! You'll wake everyone up!"
her hand grabbed your arm as she scowled herself and pointed still. "I. Saw. A. Bloody. GHOST!! G. H. O. S. T. GHOST!!"
"Of course you're gonna see a ghost! We're surrounded by them-"
"No! Not a ghost type pokemon! I mean a real-..." She suddenly let go of your arm. "Hang on." With a fumble she managed to pull her camera's strap from around her head and forced the camera over to you. You nearly dropped to as she grabbed your shoulder and pointed towards a specific part of the cemetery across the road you couldn't see into because of the stadium blocking the moonlight. "Look. There! Right 'round that area there!" You looked to the camera, where she pointed, and then her unsure. But judging by the frown she wore, she wasn't going to take no for an answer. With a sigh you complied and held the camera up to your eye. Now you weren't sure whatever lense she used, but she was right that this thing made everything look like it really was in day time. Only with a yellow-ish hue to it. You could see the grave yard(making you shiver again-) clearly with this again, and could make out a bunch more ghost type pokemon doing their own thing among the graves there. Nothing really out of place as you could tell- until a humanoid black blur ran past  a few of them. Startled you gave a small gasped and dropped the camera from your face. Gloria wearing an 'I told you so' look before snatching the camera back. "Now do you believe me?"
You opened your mouth before closing it like a goldfish a couple times looking between her and the pitch black darkness a few times. Not sure what to say...before settling on. "W-Well....Maybe it's one of the caretakers. They could be doing night rounds or...or something?" Or maybe it was a ghost type pokemon you couldn't remember. 
She hummed. "Sure. Could be. But when did a graves keeper wear some kind of ghost ma-" Gloria froze...her hands lowering the camera back around her neck before dropping to her lap. her eyed wide and staring off into the darkness for a moment. ".....Wait a bloody second." You watched confused as she slid her bag off her shoulders(not sure why she brought it along in the first place) and opened it. Her hand hand shooting inside one specific area before pulling out the same white mask she had been cleaning earlier that day. It's white color shining in the moonlight as she held it up. Her brown eyes looked at it then at the dark cemetery then back to it again before she slowly stood up. Still looking at the mask as she slung her backpack back over her shoulders before looking back at the cemetary....and began to walk across the dirt road towards it. 
"HEY! Gloria!" You were quick to jump to your feet and run after her, reaching a hand out to grab her backpack again as she let out a 'Hey!' in protest to you stopping her. "Whoa whoa whoa! And where do you think you're going!? I thought we agreed no grave yard adventures!"
"But he's in there!,'' she insisted pointing forward.
"Him? Him who?"
"Allister." she held up the small mask tugging free from your grip. "We said we'd give it back ta him."
......You rose a brow. "You think that Allister is in the grave yard?.....I'm pretty sure he's not an actual ghost."
"I didn't mean like that! He's runnin' around in there."
"Gloria. He's younger than you and most kids even adults would be asleep by now. What makes you think a little kid is going to be running around in a dark cemetery filled with pokemon who'd rather not be bothered at ten at night by himself??"
...She sighed. "Look. I know it sounds crazy but-.."She looked back to it. "I can't explain it..But there's somethin' I really need ta check out there. SO...Please? It's not like we'd be causing trouble by just lookin'."
You understandably were WAY too ready to just say no, call it a night there, and then drag Gloria back to bed to see Allister IN THE MORNING especially not in a grave yard but-...You looked back up too. ....There was a strange feeling about this. Not a bad feeling like you'd get with Mr. Rose or an uncomfortable feeling like when Raihan tried flirting with you or a familiar feeling like when you remembered something. Just...a neutral one as you stared back towards the darkness. And you found yourself slowly walking towards it yourself. Gloria blinked but didn't questioning anything as she followed you into the darkness. It didn't take long for either of you to find the open gates wide open for the two of you and in you went with Gloria right after you. Right into the dark grave yard. And you instantly felt a scary feeling overcome you. OH BOY!! This was like NOTHING in a game!! As you two looked around, Gloria turned down one way for a moment before beginning to walk that way, you blinking before slowly following behind not wanting to be left alone in this place. And like you had seen through the lense there was plenty of ghost types running around here. Many you didn't pay attention too as the two of you walked and looked around. Besides being in a literally cemetery in the middle of the night, everything seemed pretty normal. Before you bumped into Gloria who had stopped suddenly right in front of you.
"Hey!" Her sudden shout made you jump and blink. She walked forward a few steps and you watched...and noticed there was something cowering behind a particular tombstone that didn't look like a pokemon. "I can see ya hidin' away there." Whatever the thing was shifted even more behind the tombstone as Gloria stepped forward- Until a sudden barracaded wall of purple and sound quickly materialized from out of the earth before you two and sent her yelping and stumbling back as a trio of ghastly, haunter, and a gengar made up it. They didn't too happy. Acting quickly, you held your arms out just in time to catch her back before pushing her back upright into a standing position from the scare. She stumbled, righted herself up, and threw you a smile over her shoulder. "Quick thinkin' Y/n!"
"Those three don't seem to be too happy to see us," you commented gesturing to the obvious trio blocking your way as they made more sounds of contentment and frowns your way. Huh. Strange. Usually when you saw these three in any pokemon media they were always smiling so why were these trio angry? Were you invading their domain?
The thing moved from one tombstone to behind another and you two got a glimpse of a person. A rather small person which made Gloria raise a hand and call out again. "WAIT! You're Allister right?!" She pointed behind her. "You're the gym leader here aren't ya?"
There was a moment of silence as the trio of ghosts still stood there .....before the TINIEST and softest voice you had ever come from a kid speak out. "......'M A-Allister." You two could barely make out what was said by the voice...before slowly ....a small hand grabbed onto the side of the tomb stone the figure was hiding behind and a white masked face with dark hair peeked an eye from behind it. You both stared at him and he stared right back at the two of you. First at Gloria, then you, then back to Gloria before he shrunk a bit back behind the grave stone. "...Gym c-c-challenger??" He whispered out.
You weren't sure if it was a question or statement but Gloria nodded. "Yeah. That's right." Before lowering herself to sit cross legged on the ground as you blinked in surprise at her actions. "I am one but I didn't come 'ere to challenge ye or anythin'," she assured in a soft voice Wait...She DIDNT?! Then why was see so inssistant on coming here? "So you don't have ta worry yourself over that."
There was a long pause and the figure didn't even budge from his spot, in fact he inched back even more behind the stone if you were seeing things in the dark corrected. "T-T-Then w-w-why ...W-What do y-y-you-" Gloria calmly held up the lightly scratched up mask to him, and it seemed to be he realized what it was because his visible eye that was reflected within the moonlight blinked at it. "....T-T-That's m-m-my mask."
She slowly nodded again. "I figured it was." Without getting up she slowly extended her arm holding the mask out to him. "We found it all the way in Stow-on-Side. I just...well I wanted to return it to ya. Since you're always wearin' 'em in all I figured you'd might want it back is all."
......The hand on the stone pointed behind her at you. "W-W-W-Who's t-that?"
 "Oh this?" She looked back to you before gesturing to come sit on the ground next to her and after a second of hesitation you complied and sat yourself on the ground next to her. "This is my pal Y/n. She was the one who found your mask by the mural in Stow-on-Side." There was another silence as he still stood there before Gloria slowly held it out to the purple pokemon trio in front of her instead. "Here. You can give it to him if it's make it more comfortable to him." 
The pokemon all blinked before looking at one another before the gengar reached out and took the mask from her. Examining it as it turned around and walked over to where the boy was still hiding behind the stone. Allister's head disappeared for a moment back behind the stone and you both watched as a hand poked right out real quick to grab the mask from the pokemon who held it out to him.
"I'm really sorry about all the scratches n' dents in it," Gloria apologised, "But I cleaned it up good. I hope that's alright."
Again another pause and while he didn't look out again his voice came back. "T-That c-camera a-around your neck."The masked face peeked out again." ...W-Were you going to t-t-take m-my picture w-w-w-with it?"
"Absolutely not unless you wanted too." The boy furiously shook his head no and Gloria held up her hands before reaching up and taking the camera off your shoulder and held it over to you. You understood and without a word, silently took it from her and placed it inside her bag as she looked back to him. "Ta tell ya the truth I came out 'ere to collect some pictures of ghost type pokemon for somethin' I've been working on."
The boy nodded but in a way that almost seemed guilty. "I-I know I-I heard you speaking....I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. We don't mind at all. And we were being a bit loud, especially when I got spooked by a mismagius," you finally spoke giving him a smile and the same tone Gloria used. Holding a hand to your chest. You're little tease bringing a small but single chuckle from the boy to your delight. "My name's Y/n and this is Gloria. It's very nice to meet you Allister."
"......Gloria?," he asked tilting his head to Gloria who nodded, ".....Like Leon said?"
"If it was Lee who told ya 'bout me then it was def me." She tilted her head at him. "Did he tell ya bout me?"
......"He s-s-said you were a v-very nice and k-kind p-person."
She chuckled. "I try to be. Which is why I wanted to return your mask to ya. Although I have no idea how it ended up all the way in Stow-on-Side."
There was another pause....before the boy disappeared behind the stone again only to shuffle out to meet his full body to face you, as if in case he'd have to duck back behind it again, and you widened your eyes in surprise. When you had originally seen him back in the Entrance Ceremony on the giant screen you estimated him to be only one or two years younger than Gloria herself, but judging by his height and tone he couldn't possibly be older than eight or nine years. As he clutched the lightly scratched mask to his chest he stared at the two of you for a moment. "I-I....l-lost it by accident..w-when I was visiting a yam-mask in the ruins."
"Well then it sounds like you have a bunch of friends from everywhere," you smiled and Gloria nodded. He seemed to brighten at the fact you didn't state what someone would probably usually say and that having a yamask for a friend and traveling to see him was strange. .....You hesitated but couldn't help but ask. "Hey. Sweetie, what are you doing out here so late at night? And by yourself?"
"Oh. I-I'm n-not alone," he said a slightly brighter tone to his voice before he looked at the now smiling trio behind him. "I'm here with my friends."
.....You nodded. "I can see that, and it's obvious to me that they must help take very good care of you." The three pokemon made proud noises and smiles at the praise. "But I guess what I mean is did you let anyone from the stadium know you would be playing outside this late? They might be worried if you didn't let them know."
"Oh no it's ok. They already know I like to come out here a lot so it's not a b-big deal." He said this like it was normal....You slowly nodded but didn't make any move to make him feel bad. Allister then cocked his head curiously at the both of you. ".....D-Did you really m-mean it? I mean. W-When you said you f-found ghost types...b-b-beautiful?"
"Of course we did!," Gloria stated proudly and loudly. Well a little too loud because it made Allister flinch from the loud voice. "Oh. Sorry 'bout that." She immediately apologized before nodding and talking in that soft tone again. "Yeah. We did. But genuinely if I'm honest I really like all pokemon despite what kind they are. Ghost, physic, grass....They're all really unique in their own way. Just like Gym Leaders even if they're similar."
He seemed confused as he stared at her. "What do you mean?"
She hummed in thought. "Well...For example Kabu and Bea exercise a lot to keep fit n' ta help with their motivation, and so does Nessa now that I think about it. All three exercise for their careers in one way or another, but for different reasons. Like how Bea uses that to compete in the Galarian Martial Arts tournaments while Kabu couldn't careless 'bout fightin' in those things." A brighter smile lit up her features. "Oh! Or how Raihan and Gordie like postin' lots for their fan base. But each o' 'em post different things and even if it's the same thing there's differences in each one. It's fun getting to meet all the different gym leaders as people and seeing what makes them so passionate about their lives and how they do things!"
".....A-A-And me?" His grip on the mask increased slightly as he hugged it to himself. "W-What would you w-w-want to meet me for?"
"Well, besides to return that mask like I was tellin' ye about," she explained with a smile, "I think I wanted to meet you to see that special connection ya got that no one else has."
"Huh?," he blinked at her confused.
She gestured to him. "I've been around for a bit n' I've seen some really good connections between some people and their pokemon. But not even Leon can communicate the same level those lovlies behind ya can with you." Allister looked to the trio around him before looking back to her. "I'm not sayin' people and pokemon can't be friend, cuz that wouldn't be right at all since pokemon can be your friends no matter what. But there's somethin' extra special about the way you talk and interact with 'em compared to the other trainers and their pokemon that just seems more......closely bonded in a way I don't know but I can kinda understand in a way.  ....That what makes it so beautiful about ya." Allister....didn't move....or talk.....Just stared silently. To the point even his ghost pokemon pals turned to look at him in question. And more long silence the two of you exchanged a worry look before Gloria looked at him. "H-hey mate. I'm sorry if I said something to upset ya."
"Hm?" He blinked..before waving his hands. "Oh n-no nono. I-I'm sorry. I-It's just....n-no body's ever s-said that to me b-before e-except for L-Leon a-and P-Piers."
"Well he's not wrong." He turned to look at you as you genuinely smiled at the boy. "Allister, I honestly don't know you or much about you ..but by kindly you've been and how ready your friends are to help you speaks that you're a really kind hearted person. And I think you're a great gym leader too. It wouldn't even matter if Leon told you you were special because I think you always were. We just all happen to be special in our unique ways."
He seemed to be taken aback at what you just said because he looked away and kicked at the ground with his foot. "You don't.....think any of this is scary?"
"Hm. Maybe some people would but that's alright too. We're all scared on something. I'm scared of heights."
"....Oooh. So that's why you never wanted to ride a flying taxi."
You nodded. "But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing at all Allister. I think you're a good kid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Besides. We've talked to ghosts too!"
A silence fell over the lot of you again as you blinked and everyone turned to Gloria who smiled. "........What?"
"Yeah. You remember her! Paula! She's the one who wanted us to deliver a letter-"....She blinked. "Oh wait!" You all watched as she slung her bag off her shoulders and once again went to dig through it. Allister tilted his head curiously at her rummaging until jumping back when Gloria pulled out the same letter she had received from Paula back in Hammerlocke. "Here it is!"
"Gloria. We can't just say that little girl was a ghost. She could've just been a regular person."
She rose her brow at you. "A lil girl who could run as fast as a rapidash and disappear as silent as a ghost type pokemon?"
".....Ok. You have a fair point but we can't just jump to conclusions like that-"
"M-May.." You both turned back to Allister as he slowly reached a free hand out the other one still clutching the returned mask to him. "M-May I see it?"
"Of course ya can." 
She gently handed over the letter and you two watched him take it as his ghost pokemon crowded around him to also look at it. He stared silently the entire time he looked at it, turning the thing front and back with his hands. ".........T-This has a strange aura about it." He finally looked at Gloria. "Y-You said she wanted you to d-deliver it?"
She nodded. "Yeah. Said it was for someone called Frank in Bellonlea. Also said I looked like someone she could trust."
He hummed for a moment before slowly handing it back to her and she took it back from him. "W-Well.....I think the b-best thing to do if she e-entrusted you with it is to make sure it gets delivered as soon as possible."
Gloria nodded putting the letter back into her bag. "Then it sounds like ta me the next stop we should make is the Bellonlea gym. I can go return the letter n' then battle the gym leader there....*yyyyaaaawwwnnn*"
"Yeah. Speaking of tomorrow, I think we've all had enough adventure for one night and should head back." You slowly stood up as to not spook Allister and Gloria slowly nodded and followed your example with another yawn. "We've all been out here for a while."
......Allister nodded. "U-Um...Yeah. I t-t-think I'll go back inside now too."
"Do you want us to walk you home?" He looked up to you surprised for a moment before shaking his head. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to get lost on your way back by yourself."
"Oh don't worry Miss. I'm not alone. I-I have my friends to help me.....b-but if you want y-y-you can come with me to the stadium doors. I-I don't mind."
You smiled and offered your hand out to him making him jump a bit in surprise....before silently looking between you and your hand....before slowly extending his free hand...and putting it in yours. You smiled as you turned around at a slow pace the young boy could walk without needing to change whatever pace he would've already had and walked with him towards the exit of cemetery. Thanking whoever answered your prayers that you were going to be able to get some sleep tonight after all. Even if Allister did this often in game or in this world often, you would feel better knowing that the young boy was safe inside his home and not out running around in the dark unsupervised and got home safely. So you slowly walked with him out of the cemetery and along the dirt path all the way to the big stadium doors where he eventually let go of your hand and you let him with Gloria and the spooky trio following.
"I-I can go on from here,'' he told you.
"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Alright. You be careful now. Ok?"
"I-I will." You smiled and waved a moment before turning and starting to walk away. Gloria turning too the moment you got to her.
"G-Gloria.." She stopped and turned to Allister who was still hugging the mask to himself. "U-Um....If...I-I k-know you said y-y-you didn't want to have a battle w-w-with me...b-b-but i-if you want too..y-you can stop by b-before you l-leave t-t-tomorrow a-a-and have a quick match."
She blinked at him for a moment before smiling and nodding. "I wouldn't miss it!" And then turned to catch up with you.
As you passed by the ghosts pokemon you gave them a smile. "You three continue looking after him ok? You've all done such a great job so far."
They all smiled and made happy noises so you took that as a yes. The both of you heard the door to the stadium open and close as you were walking signalling Allisters entrance and you sighed in relief knowing he'd be safe inside at least. You both returned the same way you got out. By sneaking inside through the creaking doors cringing all the way and being as quiet as you can to not wake anyone up. By the grace of some unseen force you managed to somehow not wake anyone up and successfully make your ways back into your room safe and soundly. And finding your Drzzilie had curled himself in your bag and had fallen asleep. Heh. Guess old habits died hard. You were sure exhausted though and practically fell dead asleep as soon as you hit the pillow. Sighing and closing your heavy eyelids as the peaceful darkness took over. Infact..... you didn't wake up. Not until much later the next day. Also not surprisingly in the slightest you ended up dead asleep again, not waking up until it was almost eleven in the after noon and when you eventually pulled your heavy feeling body out of bed you discovered Gloria folding some white clothing to stuff back into her bag with a plate of untouched waffles sitting next to her on the bed, and your Drizzilie boredly staring unmoving at the food. 
At the sounds of you groaning and sitting up she flashed you a smile and waved. "Mornin' Sleepin' Beauty! I hope you're hungry cuz I already went through the trouble of not lettin' this tyrant 'ere take your breakfast." You pokemon sent an annoyed look her way.
With a long yawn and quick rub of your eyes you waved back. "Mmmmmmm. Morning. *yaaaaawwwwnnn*".....Your tired eyes blinked more at the uniform she was stuffing back into her pack and you pointed. "Hey. How come you have your challenger uniform out?"
"Well it's required ta wear it when you challenge a gym leader. I swear both his and Bea's gym challenge was me spinnin' more than Kabu's arcanine's flame wheel attack."
.........You blinked, taking a moment for your tired brain to process what she had just said. "Wait. You challenged Allister?" She nodded. "When did that happen?"
"Early this mornin'. He said if I wanted ta challenge him I should do it before we left for Bellonlea this mornin'. I was thinkin' of heading there next anyways since it would be the closest Gym I haven't battled yet." She finished stuffing the uniform into the pack before slinging it over her shoulders before you noticed the camera slung back over her neck. "And I got the badge...Even if I didn't win exactly."
"....What do you mean by that?"
"There was four rounds with 'em. I won two and lost two. So it ended with a tie between us both. I didn't want to accept the badge if I didn't really win, but he said since we were even I should take it anyways since I technically won it in a way. I think he was really happen to just have a battle with someone who didn't pressure him into it and without a big crows ta watch, tho he said as an official battle it'd still is gonna be broadcasted online for everyone to see," she explained picking up the food and turning to you,"  He's a really strong trainer for a lil kid. I think he's gonna be a great gym leader. And I saved ya some food that the land lady brought."
"Thanks! ...But where is he now?"
"Asleep. He was pretty tuckered out from last night n' the battle." She handed the plate over to you. "But that's to be expected."
You nodded. "Yeah. So that means you got the Ghost gym badge right?" She nodded again. "...Oh. By the way, how far away is Bellonlea anyways?"
"Eh. It'd take a REAL long time if we walk, n' there's no train 'round here for a good distance too. Which is why I already told the taxi guy out front we would use the corviknight taxi as soon as you were all ready."
You paused. Food on your fork lowered as you looked at her wide eyed. A silence coming over you two as you stared long enough to not notice your Drizzilie take one of the waffles from your plate. 
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