bluejb · 9 months
Queso blanco al estilo panameño
Prueba esta receta de queso blanco fresco al estilo panameño y experimenta un auténtico sabor de la cultura culinaria de Panamá. Disfruta de la bondad cremosa y sabrosa de este queso tradicional en tus platos favoritos
Con la receta de hoy dejamos atrás la provincia de Bocas del Toro y nos internamos en su provincia vecina, Chiriquí. La primera receta que el chef Charlie Collins dedica a su tierra es el queso blanco y no es una elección banal… luego usaremos este mismo queso para la elaboración de varias de las recetas siguientes. Como comentaba en mi video en instagram y tiktok, viviendo fuera de Panamá nunca…
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
Transiting Ceres enters Virgo
June 28 - September 6, 2018
Many astrologers think that Ceres - technically not a Lady Asteroid but a “dwarf planet” - has a claim to the rulership of the sign Virgo. Remember that one older depiction of the sign is of a woman dandling a baby on her knee, as well as an armful of wheat. She, and the sign Virgo, seem to have more of an association with motherhood after the kid has been born. (Ms M, who has heaved out two babies, feels that Cancer is pregnancy, Leo is the actual childbirth, and Virgo is the “ever after” part.)
Although this is the Roman goddess Ceres, not the Greek Demeter, and although the Romans “stole” most of the Greek mythology for their pantheon - we still have a little information about her purely Roman attributions. She was the goddess of grain crops (remember Virgo’s armful of wheat), agriculture, fertility, and motherly relationships. The connection seems to be tangible, proven fertility - the baby in arms, the loaf of bread.
Anyway, Ceres does just great in Virgo! Let’s look at some of her “areas,” as given by Demetra George in Asteroid Goddesses:
Procreative sexuality
The various parental relationships
Child care and children’s education
The family
Nurturing and helping professions
Agriculture and growing cycles
Food and food-related services
Concern and sensitivity for animals
Labor and productivity
Adaptation and survival of the species
These are all going to receive the “Virgo” touch - efficiency and sustainability, in particular - although we mustn’t forget that Virgo is also skillful, organized, and helpful. There will be a couple of “challenges” to achieving these goals, and as I keep hectoring, “flowing” doesn’t always equal “good.” Still, you can’t watch or read the news anymore without becoming very aware of the planet’s overwhelming need for some helpful Virgo energy. Nobody expects us to assimilate all that Ceres here has to teach us, in 2.5 months. We can get a good start, though, using some of the (frankly) amazing aspects ahead.
Celebrities with Ceres in Virgo:
Ringo Starr, Isabel Hickey, Madonna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Leonardo da Vinci, JFK, Al Pacino, Robert Pattinson, Tina Turner, Rafael Nadal, Michael Jordan, Roger Federer, George Michael, Meghan Markle, Marie Antoinette, Serena Williams, Fidel Castro, Michelangelo, Ralph Fiennes, Ella Fitzgerald, Mao Zedong, Conan O’Brien, Astrid Lindgren, Marcel Proust
Tuesday, July 3, Uranus/Taurus trine Ceres/Virgo, 2:03
The previous day, when the Moon is in Pisces, could be “the” day for feeling this energy. Perhaps we’ll have the opportunity (Moon sextile Uranus) to make a connection with someone (Moon opposite Ceres)? We can gain some innovative and practical ideas about how to maintain healthy family/tribal ties, as well as an opportunity to expand the idea of “family/tribe” beyond the immediate blood kin. After all, we all are descendants of Mitochondrial Eve! (LINK HERE)
Planets/Points affected lie between 1:03 and 3:03 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Tuesday, July 10, Saturn Rx/Capricorn trine Ceres/Virgo, 4:54
This, on the other hand, strengthens the more traditional family structure. It promotes (per Demetra George) “stability, longevity, and depth” in familial relationships. Try to think of this as manifesting via a wise old Grandma wishing to impart her wisdom to us and to teach us everything she knows.
Planets/Points affected lie between 3:54 and 5:54 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Monday, July 16, Venus/Virgo conjunct Ceres/Virgo, 7:33
Late on the 15th (US time), the Virgo Moon joins in, giving us a prim, proper, lady-like triple conjunction for a couple of hours. Venus is in her fall in Virgo, so there may be some issues with food complexes - overeating, binging/purging, or anorexia. However, the Moon and Ceres do well here - the Moon is the “esoteric ruler” of Virgo - with luck this will manifest as nothing worse than a loved one going on a health kick. If you live south of the Equator and are planning a garden, this is auspicious! (If you live north of the Equator, it’s a bit late for that - unless your plans are very long-term.)
Planets/Points affected lie between 6:33 and 8:33 of all signs.
Tuesday, July 31, Jupiter/Scorpio sextile Ceres/Virgo, 14:01
If you were waiting for the “procreative sexuality” portion of our program - we’ve arrived. Otherwise, this will of course amp up whatever Ceres/Virgo things you have going on. “Go big or go home,” says Jupiter/Scorpio. We might think about joining some group which aligns with what we want to accomplish. There’s a Pisces Moon on the 30th which (again) may bring someone into our lives.
Planets/Points affected lie between 13:01 and 15:01 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Sunday, August 5, Neptune Rx/Pisces opposite Ceres/Virgo, 15:56
We may not see our loved ones clearly, or vice versa, under this aspect. Family troubles make us prone to escapism, via one’s poison of choice. Perhaps someone wants to play the victim, but someone else won’t cooperate with that agenda. Use the Taurus Moon on the 4th to keep grounded, steady, and sensible.
Planets/points affected lie between 14:56 and 16:56 of the signs Taurus, Gemini*, Cancer, Virgo*, Scorpio, Sagittarius*, Capricorn, and Pisces*; and between 0:00 and 1:56 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Monday, August 13, Pluto Rx/Capricorn trine Ceres/Virgo, 19:17
Proserpina’s mom and hubby are getting along! Pluto is playing its very long game, Ceres is focused on the minutiae of the details, and they find ways to maximize and bless their endeavors together. Our understanding of others is much deeper. As there is a Virgo Moon this day, conjuncting Ceres, look for a mother or grandmother figure.
Planets/Points affected lie between 18:17 and 20:17 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Thursday, August 23, Vesta/Sagittarius square Ceres/Virgo, 24:04
So many ways for this square to manifest. Vesta’s idealism is sorely tried by Ceres’ practicality, in a nutshell. (Which is pretty much the entire Virgo-Sag relationship.) Expect conflicts between the demands of the job (Vesta) and of the family (Ceres). We need a better balance between career and tribe, obviously. House positions in the natal chart point out where you need to tweak. (Ms M has these two sextile in her natal chart - so this square represents a temporary chasm between them.)
Planets/Points affected lie between 23:04 and 25:04 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius* and Pisces*; and between 8:04 and 10:04 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Tuesday, September 4, Mars/Capricorn trine Ceres/Virgo, 28:59
This again emphasizes “procreative sexuality.” With both planets so very well placed (Mars is exalted in Capricorn), what can we expect? “Harmonious aspects,” according to Demetra George, “denote a productive individual whose drive and energy are channeled into caring for or defending others.” It also can denote a single parent, or a parent whose primary partnership responsibility is the tribe.
Planets/Points affected lie between 27:59 and 29:59 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
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ahealthywonderland · 7 years
LET THE CHALLENGE COMMENCE | One Cook, One Book | Little Beach Street Bakery
LET THE CHALLENGE COMMENCE | One Cook, One Book | Little Beach Street Bakery
I’m sure plenty of you have read a book where, when you finished it, you felt a hole in your chest where the characters had once laid; where their emotions had once danced; where their stories had once stretched. I’m sure that at the end of that book, you may have even felt that a chunk of your life was now missing.   This feeling has just come upon me for the first time in, like, ever.   I’m…
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bluejb · 1 year
Bragadás (cod fritters) with curry mayonnaise
A delicious recipe fro Bocas del Toro, Panama.
Today’s recipe is the premiere of the Bocas del Toro province within my Julie & Julia challenge from the Panamanian recipe book, T’ach. The first recipe dedicated to this province in chef Charlie Collins’ book is for Plantitá or plantain tarts, delicious empanadas made from ripe bananas and a mysterious reddish color. Years ago I made that recipe, so here is the link in case you want to take a…
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bluejb · 1 year
This sweet bread brings me back to my childhood when things were much simpler and happier. On the other hand, it is a typical recipe of Lent and Holy Week, so it seems ideal for me to be able to publish this recipe today, Palm Sunday
With today’s recipe I end my gastronomic tour of the province of Colón within my Julie & Julia challenge of the Panamanian recipe book, T’ach . I can’t think of a better way. This sweet bread brings me back to my childhood when things were much simpler and happier. On the other hand, it is a typical recipe of Lent and Holy Week, so it seems ideal for me to be able to publish this recipe today,…
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bluejb · 1 year
El bon es un dulce que evoca en mí momentos de la infancia, trae a mi memoria una época mucho más simple y feliz. Por otra parte, es un dulce típico de cuaresma y Semana Santa y me parece ideal poder publicar esta receta hoy, domingo de ramos
Con la receta de hoy termino mi recorrido gastronómico de la provincia de Colón dentro de mi challenge Julie & Julia del libro de recetas panameñas T’ach. No se me ocurre una manera mejor. El bon es un dulce que evoca en mí momentos de la infancia, trae a mi memoria una época mucho más simple y feliz. Por otra parte, es un dulce típico de cuaresma y Semana Santa y me parece ideal poder publicar…
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bluejb · 1 year
Mondongo a la culona (English version)
Mondongo, a delicious way to evoke our culture, traditions and childhood while away from home.
This one is hard to translate. The main ingredient is beef tripe and culona refers to big butts 🤣, so it would be something like big butt beef tripe…? Maybe not a very appealing name but a very delicious recipe for sure! Big butt beef tripe I’m still visiting the delicious cuisine from the province of Colon in Panama and this recipe is one that every Panamanian has eaten at least once in their…
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bluejb · 1 year
Mondongo a la culona
Mondongo a la culona, una receta del pueblo, deliciosa y llena de añoranzas.
Ya casi hemos terminado nuestro viaje gastronómico por la provincia de Colón en Panamá, cortesía del chef Charlie Collins y su libro de recetas autóctonas panameñas T’ach. Hoy os traigo un delicioso guiso a base de res, del estómago de la res. Como escribía hace algunos años en este mismo blog, el mondongo puede encontrase en muchos países con distintos nombres y preparaciones, pero siempre…
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bluejb · 1 year
New recipe from Colón, in Panamá. Follow for more delicious recipes in the Julie & Julia Challenge, expat edition
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bluejb · 1 year
¡Nueva receta desde Colón, Panamá! #JulieandJuliaChallenge #Tach
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bluejb · 2 years
Empanadas Patí
Nueva receta del challenge Julie & Julia del libro de recetas panameñas T'ach. Hoy desde la provincia de Colón: Patí.
Ya estoy de vuelta con una nueva receta dentro del challenge Julie & Julia del libro de recetas panameñas. Hoy entramos en la provincia de Colón, en la costa atlántica de Panamá. Una región grandemente influenciada por la construcción del ferrocarril y del canal. En ella conviven descendientes de todas las etnias llegadas (o traídas a la fuerza) para trabajar en Panamá hace ya más de 100 años.…
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bluejb · 2 years
Lobster in sea water with pixbae sauce
New recipe for my Julie & Julia challenge from the book T'ach. Latest recipe from the San Blas archipelago, in Panama.
This week, as part of my particular Julie & Julia challenge from the Panamanian recipe book T’ach, I’m cooking a delicious recipe from the San Blas region. As I told you in a previous post, in Madrid it is complicated and expensive to buy lobsters, so I have replaced this crustacean with bogavante (european lobster), which although it is also expensive, is easily obtained and is a lot…
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bluejb · 2 years
Langosta en agua de mar con salsa de pixbae
Langosta en agua de mar con salsa de pixbae
Esta semana, dentro de mi challenge Julie & Julia particular del libro de comida autóctona panameña T’ach, os traigo una receta deliciosa desde la comarca de San Blas. Como les comenté en un post anterior, en Madrid es complicado y caro comprar langostas, así que he sustituido este crustáceo por el bogavante, que aunque también es caro, se consigue fácilmente y es más económico. La gran…
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bluejb · 2 years
Dulemasi or Tulemasi
Dulemasi. New recipe from my challenge Julie & Julia from the book T'ach.
The new recipe from my Julie and Julia challenge this week comes from the San Blas archipelago in the comarca Guna Yala. According to the book T’ach this dish is a daily meal of the Guna Indians, although in a simpler version; In fact, in the Guna language, the word dule means guna and masi means food.My mother also tells me that the Guna Indians usually offer it to guests in their homes when…
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bluejb · 2 years
Dulemasi o tulemasi
Nueva receta del challenge Julie and Julia del libro de cocina autóctona panameña T'ACH
La nueva receta de mi challenge Julie and Julia del libro de cocina T’ACH de esta semana viene del archipiélago de San Blas de la comarca Guna Yala. En el libro de recetas autóctonas T’ach nos cuentan que este plato es una comida de diario de los indios Guna, aunque en una versión más sencilla; de hecho en lengua guna, la palabra dule significa guna y masi significa comida. Me cuenta mi madre,…
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bluejb · 2 years
Bodochi with roasted wild boar (saíno)
Bodochi with roasted wild boar (saíno)
Latest recipe from the Darién province of the Panamanian cookbook T’ACH. Made with few ingredients, although all of them very typical of our land. Bodochi is a cooked rice bun without salt highly valued by the Emberá and Waunáan indigenous people of Panama and the saíno ( Collared peccary) is a species of wild boar native to America. To make this recipe living in Spain I had to replace the bijao…
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