#Increased creativity
naturescenetics · 2 years
Alpha binaural waves
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vinceaddams · 7 months
17th century gloves are. very good.
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zimshan · 11 months
Greta Gerwig was on TCM picking films tonight and talked about inspiration/influences for Barbie.
She explained how “authentic artificiality” was the catchphrase for filming Barbie and named The Red Shoes as one of the films that captured that so well.
And after the film showing, she expanded on that catchphrase and how it influenced Barbie:
“I wanted it to feel like…and we always asked ourselves…how would they do this in 1959? If we were making it in 1959, would you use front projection, rear projection, how would we composite this shot, what would be the thing that we’d use then. Because to me I wanted to give myself the constraints of what a movie world is. Whatever Barbieland was was a sound stage, that it had a lid, it had an edge. And we looked at different versions of the design too, where we would see a corner joined at the end of the stage. Because I wanted that sense of being contained in a box. There’s so many examples in The Red Shoes where you both feel the edge of what the painting is but then you can also see the illusion and depth that it creates. And it was that type of juxtaposition I was interested in.”
She also named two easter eggs in Barbie for any Red Shoes fans out there:
Ken’s cateye sunglasses are inspired by the glasses on Lermontov in the train scene.
The scene Barbie walks up to Kate McKinnon’s house is shot to mimic the scene where Vicki walks up to Lermontov’s mansion in that great big dress.
She kept mentioning the “handmade” aspect of the visual in The Red Shoes. So this comment really resonated for me:
“There’s something exuberant about Powell and Pressburger’s joy of making. It feels like, ‘Well, why don’t we try it like this? Let’s make it like this.’ It feels like it gets at the heart of what I was hoping for Barbie, which…at its heart—it’s play. It has that play of cinema that I love.”
It’s a fitting statement for a movie about a child’s toy and extends to the wider realms of creative pursuits, where real life pressures often constrain child-like play and we lose the joy of making we once had.
Don’t forget the play aspect of creativity. At heart, we’re all still kids with our paint sets and dolls having fun making things and telling stories.
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8cfc00 · 5 months
getting into podcasts featuring age 35+ people and characters has actually been sooo enriching for my well-being and understanding of life cuz like... the teens and twenties arent that big of a deal, there is so much to still learn, create, be and do beyond them... life is never perfect but has the potential to be cool as shit at every age man
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skillzissue · 6 months
Just a little something I did,, <3
(Angst warning 🫶)
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doedipus · 1 month
a large amount of time I've been spending on -untitled undefined scope original fiction project- since the last time I posted about it has been trying to develop the protagonist concept I came up with last summer or whatever into like, a character that would feel real and era appropriate.
it's fun research to do. naturally a lot of the details I assigned to her are things that I already think are cool, so it's been a lot of fun trying to trace her traits back through the relatively recent past, getting reminded of how much things have changed, or where the gaps in my intuition are, and then doing a flurry of reading to get a sense for exactly how someone like her and the people around her could have happened and what her life was probably like leading up to her present day. hopefully this results in some good good verisimilitude.
#I wrote a short story from her perspective over the holidays and then didn't know how to continue it#and then I got distracted by real life stuff for a few months#I forget if I posted about that#and then I've been picking through archive dot org for the last few weeks looking at this stuff#the last big rabbit hole was trying to get a better feel for era appropriate ts/tv subculture#the current one I'm looking at is how she would've gotten into language learning and how that would've worked#nettle has been prodding me about the setting thing lately so I've been thinking about that more too#probably the biggest hurdle by far is figuring out how I want to play that#and how I want the thing to be divided up#since the original coc scenario I'm developing this out of is centered on a flight from LA to honolulu#and the airport dungeon was definitely meant to be a hook for a larger campaign#some amount of it is going to cover protag lady's failed life in LA and some of it is going to be worse things happening in hawaii#but it's like. how much do I want to balance it one way or the other#and realistically how much does the aesthetics of 20th century air travel add to the story#besides me personally thinking it's compelling ofc#a lot of what I find compelling about hawaii is that it's an east/west cultural crossroads and realistically that's also true of socal#and I can wax poetic about socal as much as I want without worrying all that much about mishandling something#and there's also a lot of socal specific history along similar parallels to pull from that I'm more familiar with#I guess it comes down to whether curiosity re: 'doing it right' is enough of a motivator to do the increased amount of research#which I guess it has so far with the above character details. so hopefully that will continue#but it also feels like using machine translation a bit yknow. it's hard to know how effectively I'll be able to sanity check#although depending on where this goes I might be able to get other people involved to sensitivity read down the line#with most of the creative things I do I just have a tendency to always rely really heavily on figuring things out myself#I also want protag lady to have a Cool Car and idk how to get that from point a to point b narratively#this is like an entire second or third post's worth of tags but I don't feel like unfucking this so whatever. suffer. I guess.
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
Absence Ushers, Fate Declares!
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Pitch blackness came with a shutter. Devoid of all outside this formless realm. That which materializes here is the product of Malevolence or Benevolence, judged in the corporeal plane, tried here… In this accursed place, it always felt there was no logic.       Nor rhyme, substance, only purely cryptic. The pirate was brought here in many ventures. Encountering specters, spirits, fragmented pieces of his own soul. Forcing answers to remove discord troubles. Ordinary referred to this merely, nightmares or dreams. His sole’s felt cold, as a small tide rippled through his toes. Recognizing this place he stood on a solid sea, but the wave’s were fluid… Separated layers of water… Impossible. In the real world, after he blacked-out, the Stranger recently met and took him to his place. Noticing this rogue broke out with a dangerous fever. Sweat rampant poured from his forehead and droplet’s collapsed onto his torso. Forcing the concerned gunslinger to remove the Captain’s shirt and noticing his countless battle scars… This didn’t appear to be a courtesan. He was shocked. A blanket was placed on him instead with a cooling rag on his forehead to dry combating the fever and balance his temperatures. In the parallel -- thick, dense, rain wept instead. Kuro shouted out, “What th’ seven hells… I-Is going on!” Silence followed for a moment. A new visitor was here. Abruptly breaking through sound, a feminine voice brought thunder-streaks with distorted laughter, echoing in absence. Meanwhile on the surface… Terrifying puzzles continued to unravel to the bystander,  “What kind’a plague or sickness is this! Are you cursed?” Looking over at the pirate’s chest, his heart physically was thrumming against his body, elastically and almost inhumanely beating against his thinnest walls even the loose blanket couldn’t conceal it. The slumbering man's facial features were distraught, fidgeting with affliction.
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Who on earth did this cowboy bring in? This wrangling, rough-weathered man’s room was an array of whiskey to moonshine bottles emptied and a complete mess,  he was an avid low-spirit drunk. A duet-picture framed, of a departed partner left on the nightstand. He wasn’t far different from the sailor. They both in that pub-crawl, in kismet decided for once to try to overcome their vices. Each carrying weighted grievance and unprecedented burdens. Captain yelled back into the void. “W-who is there?! Reveal yourself…” That damnable silence, called back… For a short-spell. Until finally salvation. “So hastily… No one desire’s sloppy rushes.”                                                   “I can’t wait to meet you.”             “Didn't you state that you’d conquer me in that hell.”     “Remember; inside that pit for sinners?”               “I wonder, are you man enough?”                                   “Come on, I thought you held the answers…”          “Concerning isn’t, there’s more questions.”                            “Know this…”         “I will be your judge.”               “Every wrong, every self-interest.”                         “All the hearts you broken, Captain.”   
Feet ran and traveled in the abundance of water-flooring trying to head to the voice. Being tormented, last time he solved this by punching his inferior-oppressor. This wasn’t the same force. Frustratingly the womanly voice with a sultry undertone, almost demonic, let a laughter amused by his failed attempts to strike against the untamable air. Only met with invisible connections. “Just who are ye?! What gives you th’ right t’ judge me?” He said frantically before recomposing trying to control what should be his, but unable.                                       Once again it taunted in the dark. “You act so innocent, oh but you’re so deadly.”                  “So am I…” “When you breathe it’ll be a hassle with me, silencing and muzzling you my beloved Captain.”                 “You lost your dominion here. This place isn’t yours alone.”                           “No sanctuary. “                           “No haven.”                                           “You’ll find power, it belongs to me.”                   Ominously whispers traversed and shook the realm. He felt his mouth gagged, unable to ask the dark anymore.         “Until our proper meeting. Try not to die.” "Everything will be explained." The rain fast-forwarded before a hailstorm of sanguine ichor and accompanying fallen bodies began to plummet like meteors into this tormented plane. Every single person buried to rest by Captain’s doing, or involuntarily ability to protect. His eye’s shot in horror, a lifeless cadaver like an anchor drop was going to squish him, holding his palm open to protect himself. He tried to scream but instead woke up in reality, before his savior who equally exhibited terror. After seeing this paranormal shit, one needed a drink again. Rushing to the Captain’s aide, “W-woah are yuh’ alright partner? How are you bleeding? Cut yourself? Hold on!” Still stricken in terror, trembling, never had the pirate felt so powerless and felt such a raw connection from what partaken in these psychedelic trips… This was indescribable. His palm actually was bloodied, the same one that tried shielding himself at the end of that frightful encounter. Recomposing from the dystopia. The wanderer attended to his bloodied palm by surveying and bandaging it, no cut’s visible or wounds noticeable by the naked-eye, almost if another’s blood entirely. “Name’s Castro Cassidy, take it you’ve got another story, aren’t tellin... I can't help but be interested.” Understandably trying to get answers, like someone with a sense of law. Settling down and looking on the side of his bed. He was going to confess truth, who he was. However, a disturbing turn occurred; he took notice of that photo of the couple, that other man, 'his partner', of this gunslinger. He recognized, Captain shot that man down in a life-or-death stand-off, a bounty hunter.
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Damn... From dangerous event, to anew. Fate always, catches up.
The man who saved Kuro, went unhinged from his sorrow, letting demon's devour his problems, as many chose this path. The Blackguard, knew this well. Seeker gulped noticeably heavily, and tried to subvert everything. "What a scary, nightmare! Pretty real one at that... Can't express enough you fending for me, listen I'm sorry ye had t' see that. I clumsily forgot but thank you fer this and even back there against th' goons." Inside mentally screaming... That voice, told him, he was going to be judged for heart's that were broken. Is this a cruel result?
He wasn't just in the room with anyone, the pirate, was with a Lawbringer with former deduction expertise, even if dulled from poor habits. Although once a former; bounty hunter, he changed his life around. Until his partner passed...
Both heightened Miqo'te's instincts were sticking up. A rift of tension felt between them. One thing known -- ...no felt. Captain needed to lie himself out of this to survive!
The often accompany butterfly, the spirit-guide, was soaked in blood observing and hiding behind the window-seal, cleaning it-self with teeth grown.
🌊 ♫The Hider♫ - Reference - Last Chapter 🌊
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 year
for the record, really, i am literally always okay with people taking the ideas i wrote and doing something else with them. i don’t lay exclusive claim to any idea i put in a fic. the main motivation i have to write anything is ‘i think this is cool and i want to see it in the world.’ if someone also thinks that thing is cool and wants to put it in the world? that is literally the best possible outcome i could hope for.
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yellowloid · 11 months
trying to write after like. i don't even know how long? and it feels like getting tore to pieces by a torture machine in some circle of hell but yes :) writing is my favourite hobby :) i love writing so much :)
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girlscience · 3 months
boy howdy, I am working myself into a full panic over this. if I get an hour of sleep tonight it will be a miracle.
#like this is an INTERVIEW. do you know how many job interviews I have had in my life????#compared to how many jobs I have had???????#I GOT REJECTED BY WALGREENS FOR CHRISTS SAKE#I just. this man is holding my entire plan for my future right now in his hands#if he doesn't want me. If he decides I wouldn't be good in his lab I don't know what I'll do#like yeah yeah life will keep going and the world will keep turning and stuff#but I am not joking I will be devastated. and then I will have to TELL people about it#and like I still have yet to hear back from the other school and none of the professors there have talked to me#so idk if I could do what I want to there either (they do have the classes I want so I'm assuming one of the professors does what I want)#and everyone keeps saying it'll be fine and I'll do good and anyone would want me in their lab#but I DONT THINK IM IMPRESSIVE. I compare myself to other scientists and eh. I don't measure up#like sure I have good bench skills and I can learn pretty much anything you set me to#but I don't know how to come up with research proposals#I don't know how to ask good questions about papers I read#I don't have good ideas for further research#like. I did library prep at work for 3 years and we recently hired someone who has more or less taken it over#and he actually understands and talks about the actual molecular processes in a way I never learned#idk I just feel like yeah I'm good at science. but I'm good because I'm good at following directions#I am not actually inovative or creative or increasing understanding#point is I am stressed and people keep telling me not to be but I don't believe them and I am scared that I have got myself too excited#and I am about to be let down very hard very fast#and I don't really have any safety nets in place if it doesn't work out
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yohankang · 1 year
i'm making a list of things i want to do when this semester is over... i'm basically daydreaming about my hobbies lmao
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nabaath-areng · 8 months
I was planning to build new desktop this fall, but seeing that the winter half year practically chains me to bed making me incapable of sitting up I took some of my savings to get a laptop so I can have it in bed for drawing, writing etc at least. And so I'll save back up the coming months and build it once spring arrives instead (hopefully component prices has gone down then too)
All that to say I can only eat my hands as I catch glimpses of dawntrail news after having been ffxiv-less since july last year. my abstinence is out the roof
#that being said i am admittedly a little bit nervous about returning now that its been so long#i played without break from 2014 til 2020 and then its been on an off between 2020 and 2022#and then since then i havent had the means to play#like on one hand i dont dare looking too much into ffxiv happenings cause my abstinence grows worse#and on the other i worry that ill feel weird coming back#because returning from past breaks have felt weird#which admittedly might be because i dont allow myself to take my time and enjoy things but rather rush to catch up#but whenever i can play im just gonna take all effort possible to not rush and potentially even do things on my own#rather than feel stressed by not slowing down others#im glad for the increased single player options tbh#at the same time the break has done me good cause i feel like im further away from making those mistakes#and having a lot to catch up with before being up to date might be good for me#finding hobbies outside ffxiv has done me good too#my relationship to it wasnt the healthiest as it was my sole lifeline during horrific and traumatic years#but now ive been able to play tons of other games again and read books and draw more and write more than ever#and done more irl things again even finishing one type of education#so honestly? i think itll be fine#i dont have to feel bad over my relationship with the game evolving into a different form#i still love it immensely and its had a profound impact on my life as a whole#both in terms of friends and creativity and also significant other#anyway that got longer and rantier and more personal than i first intended#peace signs and sparkles
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
The Pavlov, Lua spy mission is incredibly creative and interesting which is a problem because single digit percentage drop chances
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keleksos · 6 months
I decided I'm going to try to do more art and make more videos in 2024 No guarantees on how that'll go but I think it'll be good for me
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me livestreaming the ohio senate in the minutes leading up to a vote that will determine whether or not gender affirming care is outright banned for minors: this is the bad place
"It also prevents doctors from prescribing hormones, puberty blockers or gender reassignment surgery before patients turn 18" per the Cincinnati Enquirer.
#j.2023.all#ohio#us politics#wow cool another new flavor of hopelessness amidst the enshittification of everything!!!!!! we love to see it!!!!!!!!#'parental rights' except if your kid is trans then no rights for you.#i kind of want to do the usual tumblr thing of imagining creative violence to let off steam but it does nothing i think. like it doesnt eve#do anything for me in these circumstances i just feel that dread of#we're in that part of the horror movie where we're watching people get picked off one by one#i have no weapons to speak of. cool#im watching this woman's face twist with emotion as she talks about trans suicide rates and i think she knows what i know#which is that she may make a valiant effort but it will mean nothing#and tomorrow the sun will rise and the legislation will have passed and the world will be a worse rates#and in ohio that suicide rate will tick up#and#idk theres nothing else to say really is there#this winter of 2023 has been really a uh. a time of political participation for me which is not unique#but what sets it apart is that each time i engage#the feeling of uselessness increases#the more i do things to try to help the more i sense that in fact it will all come to nothing and that the loss has already been secured#maybe really all i can do is either end of the spectrum. either get in there with the protesters or double the soup kitchen efforts.#because this democracy shit is severely not working#on the things which we need the most#the most basic. the most basic shit#sure yeah we kept abortion and all the clinics werent forced to close#but quite frankly what good does that do a trans kid who isnt pregnant#no im serious idk how much more of this i can handle#biden got some green funding through the inflation reduction act oh cool but literally what good does that do to the kids getting pummelled#from every side with starvation infection trauma and actual bombs. nothing. they don't care about that at all#and i dont know...if i can pretend to myself that i should care about that at all#im watching this guy read out the senators last names now
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workingchemistry · 6 months
Y’all aren’t going to know what to do with me once I’ve spent a week with no obligations.
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