#Illegal Activity
gh0st1804 · 2 months
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I know I haven’t really drawn Nora in a while and my friend (who I based Nora on with her help) suggested I should draw her so I did. I wanted to draw her doing something illegal because; 1. That’s how she is and 2. Why not?
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wittgensteining · 2 years
any photo of a racoon that is a little bit blurry makes it look as if they were doing some illegal activity
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dudefrommywesterns · 11 months
who allowed him to have such kind eyes
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bobby-jones67910 · 18 days
Painted radical graffitti on my neighbor's L.A.M.E uv van Then lit them on fire w/ my awesomeness mixtape. Yeah that's right , call the police!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care! I'm BOBAY 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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defensenow · 2 months
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irnbraw · 5 months
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“I would break 100 rules”, “and I would tell 100 lies” …
All rules apply only to you - not us
You may not use ANY of our words as proof of what we meant - or even what we said
We didn’t do it - whatever it was, and we’re on holiday when it happened (unless it’s ’The Baby Box)
Grandmas and Granddads die - we are not responsible for that fact of life
Sometimes records, texts and even phones or computers get lost… still, transparency applies to all SNP actions in and out of government… 🤭
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pennydreddfull · 11 months
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
List 10 things you know to be absolutely certain. 1. Smoking is bad for you, but so is Diet Coke 2. Water is liquid, steam is a gas, ice is a solid. But they are all H2O 3. I am very lucky but I have worked hard for what I have achieved 4. Hurling is the sport of Kings, but Camogie is the sport of Queens (ref. Chess) 5. I am paying a mortgage on a house I don’t live in 6. Not everybody…
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canidaezy · 2 months
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how do transmascs not want to kill themselves all the time honestly
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hajihiko · 1 year
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it's watermelon 🍉
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decolonize-the-left · 7 months
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Just found out my father in law is way fucking cooler than I thought.
He's been doing some on the ground work for asylum seekers near the border with local orgs and tribes.
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A lot of this work looks like securing resources and humanitarian aid for people.
Sometimes it's looks like food, sometimes tents, and sometimes flights so the people they're helping can safely get where they're going. Today he posted a whole bulk size bag of beans so he could make burritos for some of the 500+ people there (including organizers), so you have an idea for scale.
And he says some of them have been in open air detention centers for days.
Plus, with flu season and winter coming they need some more things than usual and there just isn't enough supply to meet demand right now.
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They're desperate for more help. I just saw his posts and reached out since I have y'all (my amazing followers) who've helped me out personally on way more than just one occasion.
So if you would like to contribute here are some things he's given me permission to share with you all (along with the photos).
The link to donate directly to the Border Kindness
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An Amazon wishlist of necessary supplies
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A link to the FreeshitCollective on Instagram for updates
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Posted Nov 26 2023.
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faeriekit · 4 months
It always baffles me when people are so mad about how ao3 operates as an archive and not, like, as an algorithmically driven recommendation machine or as a moral measure of appropriate writing or as a social media site or as anything else people want it to be... It's an archive. It hosts text. That's the sole summary of its job. If you don't like it, you don't...have to use it?
If you want a stricter hosting site for fanfic, ffn exists. If you want something that has an algorithm, pick any social media site nowadays...even tumblr recommends stuff to you now. Ao3 is not going to be your arbiter of fandom discourse nor will it enforce your personal opinion on certain topics because that's a really weird thing to ask of an archive and its staff, and that's straight up not what the site is for. That's like walking into a library and asking snidely why the librarians aren't stopping you from reading the books there. If it makes you mad, there are other fanfic hosting sites that aren't archival-model-based.
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seenfull · 7 months
If you keep drawing ronnie bigger I wonder how big he’s gonna end up??? 👀👀👀👀 what’s the fattest you’d be comfortable drawing him?
Nothing drastic, for now >:)
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narcoticwriter · 4 months
Me: I will stop talking about Nijisanji EN as it is bad for me and they are probably going to want to have it die down eventually.
Nijisanji EN: Not only are we disclosing legal details on a stream, but we're going to have three of our most popular livers (that were also quite close to Selen) read some of the content that sounds like it was read off of a script!
Me: Oh, for fuck's sake- SINK THE YACHT.
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excessive-moisture · 8 months
sorry about being kinda weird about the lizard drawing, i got jumpscared and almost reported as explicit on reflex
Yeah nope thats it
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I bit soap. Out of sheer frustration.
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cairamelcoffee · 7 months
“No climate justice on occupied land”
Respect for Greta Thunberg’s vocal commitment to the cause of Palestine.
Man interrupts climate activist, Greta Thunberg, grabbing the microphone to say "I came here for a climate demonstration, not a political [unintelligible]."
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"When President Lula da Silva took office this year in Brazil, many environmental and indigenous rights groups hoped he would fulfill campaign promises of better protection for the Amazon rainforest and the people who live there.
Nearly four months into his tenure and early signs are that Lula was telling the truth, as Brazilian police have evicted dozens of illegal gold miners from the Yanomami Reserve, an area the size of Portugal inhabited by around 35,000 [Indigenous people].
Illegally-mined gold accounts for around half of all the country’s exports, and a new Environment of the Amazon division of the federal police is seeking international assistance in building a first-rate structure for targeting the outside funding toward and sales from illegal gold mining.
Reuters says that so far, the new division has ousted nearly all miners from the area, including overseeing the destruction of 250 mining camps and 70 low-tech boats used for dredging. 48 planes and helicopters for smuggling the gold out of the reserve have been seized as well.
The police hope to use radioisotope technology and methods to be able to pinpoint the exact mineralogical makeup of illegally mined gold as a way of targeting it in the market even after it’s melted into ingots.
They also plan to remove miners from 6 other Amazon reserves this year, while setting up a permanent, floating police station on a river in the Yanomami Reserve.
At the moment, the Lula Administration is considering the best set of laws for tackling the problem. While 804 miners have been arrested in the raids, all were let go, and many others fled in the police advance.
Humberto Freire, from the new Amazon division, told Reuters he and his department hope to create a sophisticated electronic tax receipt for any transactions of precious metals to help pinpoint sales and distribution of suspected illegal bullion."
-via Good News Network, 3/23/23
-video via Reuters, 3/22/23
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