#If one is left Unknown then they are
keepingeahalive · 1 year
Ever After High Parents’ Names Headcanons Pt. 2:
Apple White:
Snow White: Ambrosia White
King White: Audacious White
Raven Queen:
Evil Queen: Elin Queen
Good King: Benevolent “Ben” King
Briar Beauty:
Sleeping Beauty: Rosalinda Beauty
Prince: Valiant Beauty
Ashlynn Ella:
Cinderella: Dustine Ella
Prince: Determined Charming
Maddie Hatter:
Mad Hatter: Darjeeling “Darjee” Hatter
Cerise Hood and Ramona Badwolf:
Red Riding Hood: Scarlett Hood
Big Bad Wolf: Lucius Badwolf
Cedar Wood:
Pinocchio: Pine Wood
Blondie Lockes:
Goldilocks: Chiffoni Lockes
Mr. Lockes: Unknown
Hunter Huntsman:
Huntsman: Archer Huntsman
Huntsman’s wife: Juniper Huntsman
Daring, Dexter, and Darling Charming:
King Charming: Forthright Charming
Queen Charming: Felicity Charming
Holly and Poppy O’Hair:
Rapunzel: Cressida O’Hair
King O’Hair: Dauntless Charming
Melody Piper:
Pied Piper: Reed Piper
Mrs. Piper: Karsilamas Piper
Lizzie Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Mary Hearts
King of Hearts: Henry Hearts
Kitty Cheshire:
Cheshire Cat: Catherine Cheshire
Mr. Cheshire: Unknown
Duchess Swan:
Swan Princess: Odessa Swan
Prince: Ambitious Charming 
Hopper Croakington II:
Frog Prince: Hopper Croakington 
Princess: Precious Charming
C.A. Cupid:
Eros (adopted)
Psyche (adopted)
Alistair Wonderland:
Alice: Alicia Wonderland 
Bunny Blanc:
White Rabbit: Panon Blanc
Mrs. Blanc: Coney Blanc
Ginger Breadhouse:
Candy Witch: Sugar Witch
Mr. Breadhouse: Biscotti Breadhouse
Sparrow Hood:
Robin Hood: Martin Hood
Maid Marian: Marianne Maid
Rosabella Beauty:
Beauty: Belleza Beauty
Beast: Best Charming
Faybelle Thorn:
Dark Fairy: Darcy Thorn
Mr. Thorn: Loki Thorn
Farrah Goodfairy:
Fairy Godmother: Freya Goodfairy
Mr. Goodfairy: Auberon Goodfairy
Crystal Winter:
Snow Queen: Frostine Winter
Snow King: Eirwen Winter
Justine Dancer:
12th Dancing Princess: Hustella Dancer
King Dancer: Swift Charming
Lilly-Bo Peep:
Little-Bo Peep: Lila-Bo Peep
Mr. Peep: Ramon Peep
Meeshell Mermaid: 
Little Mermaid: Pearl Mermaid (canon)
Prince: Philip Mermaid (canon)
Humphrey Dumpty:
Humpty Dumpty: Barnaby Dumpty
Mrs. Dumpty: Henna Dumpty
Jillian Beanstalk:
Jack: Jock Beanstalk
Jack’s wife: Janine Beanstalk
Nina Thumbell:
Thumbelina: Dalena Thumbell
Flower-Fairy Prince: Mosswell Thumbell
Coral Witch:
Sea Witch: Cirrina Witch
Mr. Witch: Barney Brine
Brooke Page:
Female Narrator: Constance Page
Male Narrator: Pendleton Page
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dykealloy · 2 months
“we sent yuan away so his feelings could subside” you sent him to gay rizz bootcamp is what you did
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Free Flying Graysons (Feat. Ghostly John and Mary Grayson)
Hey, what if when Freakshows staff and control on the Ghosts in his circus broke and all the Ghosts (but Lydia who seems to be loyal to that clown) ran off, what if two ghosts stayed behind to thank the two teens (Danny and Sam) for freeing them. And maybe ask the Ghost boy a small favor to relay a message to their still living son.
What if those two were The Flying Graysons, John and Mary. (They did die tragically and I wouldn't put it passed Freakshow to try to take control of the best of the best circus preformers)
What if when they follow Danny after he flies Sam and himself to safety.
What if they see him detransform into his human half and are struck with how much Danny looks like their son.
Is he related to the Graysons? Idk. Could Danny be a long lost son in this AU? Maybe? We could always make him Dick's unknown son if we want. Just throwing out ideas rn. Any work.
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tinesleftnipple · 26 days
Wait please, wait, what is this logic....
Okay actors im gonna ask you to kiss with tongue. Okay now lets try this angle, with tongue. And now this angle, with tongue. And this...
Good thing we have all that footage. Phew. Now we have stuff we can cut out!
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smile-files · 11 months
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especially now that i've been playing so much animal crossing i've been thinking about my welcome home animal crossing au!! perhaps i'll talk more about it at some point but for now here's a quick doodle of cat wally :)
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seahdalune · 10 months
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thank you women
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(i dont think the shitty doodle communicates the joke well tbh so to explain: Kenji's idea of ''asking out'' is a date to the movies or something romantic. Kasey O's idea of "asking out" is. i 'unno. go outside and do stuff what romance haha)
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shuckstruck · 6 months
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A little sketch of ramiel’s father, Valor. Life dealt him terrible situation after terrible circumstance and then chewed him up and spit him out with nothing but the memory of happier times.
This song always comes to mind when I think of him. Two people singing it too makes me [old man gripping chest in pain]
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asexual-levia-tan · 3 months
it took me until fontaine to realize the seven archons are probably assigned the seven deadly sins too
furina and ei are pretty obviously pride and wrath, and as much as i want to call the tsaritsa greed due to her relentless pursuit of the gnoses, that probably goes to nahida who has an obsession with knowledge. to the point where she cant leave well enough alone.
but zhongli and venti elude me. i feel like zhongli could be either sloth or envy, but likewise venti can be either sloth or gluttony
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irlbop · 3 months
It could work as a drag performance I think
PLEASE bring on the camp, the flamboyant methods of attempting the impossible stage directions, the absolute garbage dialogue but said with her entire fucking chest that you believe it —
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retracexcviii · 1 year
Sunday Moon
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Hii there dear fellows and Luna lovers, it's a new amazing Sunday.
Don't edit this drawing and don't post it anywhere.
Yay, finally I share this happy family portray. This is the second part of the commissions I posted last week. I can't say that much, I just love it.
The artist, as last week, is @/pekgna on Twitter, Instagram or here on Tumblr.
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happi-tree · 11 months
dealing with IMMEASURABLE losses rn but at least. swiftli winning!!! yippee!!! *i immediately burst into tears*
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mc-critical · 1 year
Knowing that Nergisşah has lost pretty much all of her mother figures (Rümeysa, Mihrünnisa and possibly her real mother Ayşe Hatun too) at some point in her life, makes Süleiman marrying her off, thus separating her from her last mother figure left (Mahidevran) all the crueler.
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
"you love her, don't you?"
"who, Naina? nahi, ma, i don't love her. not Naina."
"i never said it was Naina."
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perilegs · 15 hours
hey. hey how fucked up do you guys think it would feel to be born the 2nd son of a drow family and have your new little baby brother killed for lolth and then realize you're a woman later in life and start living as your true self, truly happy, but still having a little part of your brain tell you death could have been avoided had you realized your womanhood earlier. anyways totally unrelated to that here's nathkiira
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craig960114 · 1 month
story by me (craig)
I are literature
In the quiet town of Doodleville, there lived a peculiar doodle named Craig. Craig was no ordinary sketch; he was a cat with a mission. Despite his simple appearance, Craig harbored ambitions far grander than his humble origins suggested.
From a young age, Craig possessed an insatiable curiosity and a keen intellect. While his peers contented themselves with idle doodling, Craig spent his days studying the world around him, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. He learned about history, politics, and the intricacies of human behavior, all from the confines of his paper realm.
As Craig grew older, his ambitions expanded. He yearned for something more than the confines of Doodleville. He dreamed of venturing beyond the borders of his sketchbook and making his mark on the wider world.
One fateful day, Craig's opportunity arrived in the form of a stray pencil left unattended on the edge of his page. With a mixture of determination and excitement, Craig seized the pencil and began to draw. He sketched a doorway leading out of Doodleville, and with a final flourish, he stepped through into the unknown.
The world outside was vast and full of wonders, but it was also fraught with danger. Undeterred, Craig embarked on a quest to carve out his own destiny. Along the way, he encountered a colorful cast of characters, from mischievous doodles to formidable adversaries.
Despite the challenges he faced, Craig never lost sight of his ultimate goal: to leave his mark on the world and reshape it according to his vision. With each obstacle overcome and each victory achieved, Craig grew stronger and more determined than ever before.
In the end, Craig's journey was not just about conquering the world, but about discovering his true self and realizing his full potential. As he stood atop the highest peak, surveying the realm he had conquered, Craig knew that his adventures were only just beginning. For Craig was not just a doodle; he was a legend in the making, destined for greatness beyond the confines of his paper kingdom.
#In the quiet town of Doodleville#there lived a peculiar doodle named Craig. Craig was no ordinary sketch; he was a cat with a mission. Despite his simple appearance#Craig harbored ambitions far grander than his humble origins suggested.#From a young age#Craig possessed an insatiable curiosity and a keen intellect. While his peers contented themselves with idle doodling#Craig spent his days studying the world around him#absorbing knowledge like a sponge. He learned about history#politics#and the intricacies of human behavior#all from the confines of his paper realm.#As Craig grew older#his ambitions expanded. He yearned for something more than the confines of Doodleville. He dreamed of venturing beyond the borders of his s#One fateful day#Craig's opportunity arrived in the form of a stray pencil left unattended on the edge of his page. With a mixture of determination and exci#Craig seized the pencil and began to draw. He sketched a doorway leading out of Doodleville#and with a final flourish#he stepped through into the unknown.#The world outside was vast and full of wonders#but it was also fraught with danger. Undeterred#Craig embarked on a quest to carve out his own destiny. Along the way#he encountered a colorful cast of characters#from mischievous doodles to formidable adversaries.#Despite the challenges he faced#Craig never lost sight of his ultimate goal: to leave his mark on the world and reshape it according to his vision. With each obstacle over#Craig grew stronger and more determined than ever before.#In the end#Craig's journey was not just about conquering the world#but about discovering his true self and realizing his full potential. As he stood atop the highest peak#surveying the realm he had conquered#Craig knew that his adventures were only just beginning. For Craig was not just a doodle; he was a legend in the making
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