#I'm still a bit annoyed with myself
luimagines · 1 year
Can I request headcanons of the boys crushing on gn reader who can turn into a cat? And the more they turn into a cat the more they act like a cat. Sleeping,ignoring people, being annoyed at people etc. please and thank you!
Oh! That sounds delightful! Coming right up!
Headcanons you want and headcanons you shall receive.
Content under the cut!
He’s confused
How does that work?
But hey! He can make the same noises you can!
That being said he’s going to do as much research as he can on how cats behave and how they tick
He going to know so much
Wind’s going actually treat you like a cat
He’s trying his best, give him a break
Even if that were the case, Wind is also very protective by nature and will fight anyone who tries to wake you up from your mid morning nap
Wind might try to make the argument that he gets to keep you
His island is big enough and there’s lot of trees for you to climb on and avoid people if you wanted to
His home... also has a lot of water.... but that’s ok! Frankly it’s easy to avoid if you don’t go anywhere
The more you begin to act like a cat, the more he’s going to lean into it
Be prepared to have a lot of sounds thrown back at you 
Oh dear, literal cats and dogs
It would be harder to get along with each other in the beginning
He would want all of your attention and you would just want to be left alone and nap and not have any social interaction for at least eight hours
With time you both do find a common ground
Naps together are an essential part to the relationship and it’s the best Twilight can say that he’s slept in a really long time
He does try his best to meet you at your level
Literally and figuratively
But will also try his best to annoy you at random intervals because he thinks it’s funny and he has nothing better to do
Aside from saving the world but that can be ignored for a little bit, right?
But when you’re calm and chilling and in your animals forms it is the cutest interactions ever
Wild has so many pictures on his slate and he refuses to delete them
Will also let you ride on his back as long as the claws are in
Rides on Epona are also allowed in cat form- even if he’s willing to sneak a few in while in true form anyway just so he has an excuse to hold you for longer
Hello? Cuteness overload??
Sign him up
I’d think he’d be more of a cat person anyway so this is right up his alley
Warrior understands nearly every sentiment mentions
Sleeping? God he wishes he got more of it
Ignoring people? He can only do so much, let him do his paper work in peace... what do you mean he has another meeting to go to?
Being annoyed at people? Can you be his anger translator please? Some of the people he works with are actually idiots
Warrior would love moment where you’d be a cat and are simply curled up against him and asleep
He’d have to stay there- it’s the law- he can’t move now
But also just generally vibing more often than not because you’re the only one he can be next to and get some peace of mind
Wanting to stay in and relax instead of going out become the next big date night
He wants to settle down and live quietly and in peace
If he would have things his way, he’d also be a cat but this is good enough for him
Now some people are like cats and they get along with other cat people
This is not like that
He may like you a lot, but it’s like two cats that fight over territory
Lots of sass and hisses and maybe a smack of two
It takes the dogs like people to break you both up
That being said, he loves your cat form
You’re so cute, it should it illegal
His heart can’t take it
He probably wouldn’t even notice that you’re avoiding people because he does the exact same thing from time to time
Hissing at people? He still does it... but only when no one is paying attention to him
Flopping over people when they want attention? Do people not do that?
It might be the bunny showing through, but he’s not going realize that your cat like tendencies are connected to your behavior like of his bunny like tendencies
Meaning you might have to tell him and that’s going to be fun
His relationship with cats is a bit... tense to say the least
So his relationship with you would get a bit tense at times as well
It’s not that he dislikes them...
But after getting hunted by them time and time again does put a damper on the impression you can get from felines
He has no problem with you while you’re not a cat
It’s just... while you are one he tells you to keep some distance from the “mice” around the forge and his home
They are friends 
And sure you can handle that quite easily, but scaring them is out of the question
They smell you and get scurry away and Four becomes distraught when he gets wind of it
It’ll come to a head if someone gets hurt but hopefully it won’t come to that, right?
Maybe keep a bit of distance while you’re in cat form
For both your sakes... and for the “mice” of course
Oh boy- these two will never get up from a nap ever again
The only experience he has anywhere close to cats is with remlits
So to his genuine surprise and delight, kitty cats won’t try to kill him once the sun goes down
But Sky will more or less end up the mediator when you get into your hate people mode
Which is fine by him to be completely honest
It’s like a golden retriever puling away their cat friend by the scruff of their neck before they can get into a fight
Have you seen those videos? I’d say they’re fairly accurate to their dynamic when you’ve spent too much time as a cat
That being said, the whole fiasco is a bit... out of his comfort zone?
Not to say that it weirds him out- let’s be real, after seeing the surface for the first time, Sky is willing to believe and work with literally anything that is thrown at him
But he doesn’t really know anything else to compare it too so he feels a bit lost
Does this mean you’re more animal? You act like it
Are there others like you? Maybe? Has he met anyone else like that?
Sky is a bit intimated by how much he doesn’t know but when has that ever stopped him from diving head first into the unknown?
OH OH OH OH He can change into something small and cute too!
You can go on adventures together!
You can cuddle up together in small spaces where no one will find and disturb you!
He doesn’t care about the ginore people part
He’s so happy about this merely as a concept
Seeing it in person is a whole other thing that he’s 100% willing to put up with any side effects that might come with it
Hyrule might ask to ride your back at some point
Don’t be afraid to say no to him about this 
Because he has wings, why does he need a ride?
Is going to steal you away, cat form or otherwise for naps in the sun
That’s a thing cats need, right? That’s why they sleep all the time? 
Please don’t hunt him in fairy form
Yes, blinking lights and glowing balls sound fun to jump on and chew but it will scare him half to death XD
Oh you are the sweetest little thing he’s ever laid his eyes upon
In retrospect he’s not that different from being cat like himself, huh?
It’s not something he’s familiar with, not is it something he’s thought about too deeply, but without realizing it, he’s working with and around everything that might be thrown as him
It doesn’t even click that it might not be what most people would consider normal behavior
The hissing is new though, he can admit that
He adore your cat form and will lovingly let you sleep on his lap more often than not
Time is going to make sure that you have your space when you need it, happily directing everyone that might be asking for your attention to something else until you feel like you can socialize again
Time is going to try to keep your attention as a human though just so that you don’t change into a cat so often
Don’t get him wrong, he loves it
But he’s also needy for attention and it’s a lot harder talking to a cat that can’t talk back than just talking to you as it is
Time will let you ride on his shoulders while you’re in cat form though!
It’s a shame that he doesn’t also have a hood, he’d let you sleep there too if he had one
You can be in his hood as he rides around Hyrule!
Which is obviously his first thought
He wouldn’t mind it too much
In fact, I doubt he would even register it
Climb random things? Avoid people? Hiss?
Even if he wouldn’t do those things often, he can’t say that he hasn’t actually done it
So he’s in no position to judge
Maybe you just need a dark corner and some quiet time?
He can work with that
Some days are better than other but he’s also a huge cuddle bug
If you can spend some time just laying down next to him by the fire then he would be one very happy boy
Honestly, he might just need someone like this to calm him down as well
But how does he get close to you without being hissed at as well?
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snarkspawn · 7 months
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advocatus diaboli
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awesometothe3rd · 3 months
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"No doubt, I'm sure you have expensive taste." "Actually, I don't."
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torchickentacos · 11 months
Anyways here's to all the people who are technically adults but feel as if they are behind for whatever reason. Be it because the pandemic interrupted the usual milestones of late teens/early 20's (or any age), or because of chronic illness that, by nature, doesn't conform to society's standard ideas of what independence looks like, or because the housing market means they will be living with parents for the foreseeable future, or any wide variety of reasons.
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his-writing-blog · 5 months
Crazy for you, oh boy | Shane x Harvey
Quick tags not in tags: suicidal thoughts mentioned, getting together, mostly fluff, bit of dark humor, they were friends before that, ooc sewers
Shane stood by the Saloon's bar in his usual spot. Also as usual, he was holding a pint of beer in his arm. And in his usual manner, Shane took a sip of his drink. Usually, his mind would be plauged by the visions (getting to work at jojamarkt next day).
Yoba, how he hated that place. He wouldn't work there anymore if he had any say in it. Sadly, he needed that money. Plus, he can't just leave poor Sam alone within the land of Tartarus under the lead of Krotos (Morris).
What was unusuall tonight, was the lack of thoughts regarding his little hell. Tonight his mind was stuck in the purgatory of longing after a feeling. A feeling that he wished for harder with each gramm of the alcohol in his blood.
Shane wasn't prone to those soul minglings before being brought back from the dead at The Clinic. The sight of his momentary guardian asleep on the fucking plastic stool, leaned agains the wall, legs curled to his chest and prepped against Shane's bed frame, made the ex-alcocholic stirr something deep inside of his chest and reset in his brain. He didn't think he could go back to looking at the man the same way he did before. In seconds, Harvey got promoted from being this mystical doctor seen by Shane once when he was running late to his job, to a real person that Shane wanted to get closer to.
Shane wouldn't have known what to call his current feeling if it wasn't for the new farmer, Laura. For someone so disorganised as him, Laura could muster up some good advice when coherent enough.
"The desire to be desired. And the desire to desire that thing the same way." Laura told Shane. He stopped in his track after hearing that. And then he burst out laughing. "What? If I didn't desire to pass down my legacy and Guiliermo didn't desire to be owned by me specifically, we wouldn't have each other!" She picked up her cat up to Shane's face. The orange cat looked at him right in the eye, as if challenging him. To what, Shane had no idea. But the devil's youngling must have sensed his lack of defense and meowed loudly in victory. Shane just turned around and went back to Marnie after loosing the one sided battle. He heard the farmer's laughter goes quiet as he walked.
Closing his eyes, Shane could almost see Harvey's face staring at him fondly. His mind tried to imagine his expression change to more passionate one. Shane tried not to let his mind take control. The more thoughts of this calliber, the most likely he was to send his addictions to the bottom of the cliffs alongside with him.
He looked down at his glass, half full with a beer. It was supposed to be his first and only one tonight. But with how things were going, Shane was tempted to throw the glass across the whole local and preach the words of his soul. How he felt because of the booze. How the will feel because of the booze. How it could ruin their life as hard as it ruined his. How one drink led to another to another to another to another to another to another to anot-
Warm chocolate eyes blinked at him right before his face. Shane relaxed his grip on the glass. He pushed it towards Gus, dropped some coins on the counter and left. He ignored the looks given by the townfolks and let himself fall into the fresh breeze outside. He stood in front of the darkness that loomed over the town at the edge of the forest. Without any more thought, he let himself be swallowed by it. It wasn't long before his eyes got used to the lack of the warm radiation of laps lit up around the town. The sky was truely one of the main reasons why Shane didn't get with his plans. Constelations of unwandered paths streched right above his small and meaningless life. Glittering and saying that maybe it was worth being there even if just to marvel at their beauty for a fleeting moment.
Shane wandered around the forest, his gaze lost in the stars, mind still by the fond eyes it couldn't bare to leave behind. He didn't know how long he was out there untill he saw the edge of the cliffs. Instead of heading acrossthe grass, Shane followed the overgrown path. It led to a narrow stairs that led to the large pipe that finished (or started?) the maze of sewer canals spread under the town. Drunk Shane liked to joked that it was an underground mirror reflecting the spiralls and labirynths made by stars. As if an artist scribbled down the unseen paths between stars and the pages landed on the desk of a rough engineer who tried and failed to recreate their grace.
As Shane marveled upon the genius of the cosmic blueprint, a quiet song was to be heard. He looked around, trying to find its source. After seeing nobody at the forest's clearing and no soul on the beach below, Shane was sure that it was coming from inside the pipe. His body tensed up, ready to initiate a fight or flight revalation at whatever might come from the sewer. The thing is, Shane would be nothing wothout his brain. And his brain, soothed by the strange melody, didn't want to response accordingly. So he sat at the top of the stairs, entranced by how sweet the sounds were. He was almost lulled to sleep by it when he started to sway to the rythm lightly. He got startled when he heart someone sing along the tune. What shocked him more was the fact that the voice was coming from his mouth. The words to the song came to him with a blink of an eye. Shane let himself be taken by the melody's current. And with a small smile on his lips, he sang.
"Harvey, nobody knows what I see."
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anastacialy · 5 days
y'know, i keep making a habit of swinging my bat at hornets nests, but i have to say i'm getting so, so tired of people complaining about shows not making perfect sense when they aren't even close to done. we're four episodes into this season of doctor who. we're four episodes into this season of bridgerton. and yet in both fandoms i keep seeing people whine that such and such didn't make sense or it wasn't explained all the way and by god you guys i think maybe explanations might come later in the season. this is something most viewers will recognize as being called a 'plot.'
#like maybe a tiny bit of media literacy... might save you#and if you think i'm being mean like. its okay if you don't get it at first. it's okay if you don't understand the themes. but maybe#instead of stamping your feet and saying this makes no sense and i hate what they're doing and and and#maybe you could try listening to other people's interpretations of things and you'll find that what the show is trying to tell you becomes#more clear! would you look at that. wild how that happens#like im sorry you're entitled to your opinions but calling things bad writing just because you don't quite get it or it doesn't resonate#with you personally... i don't think you should just say this was shitty and worthless#the examples im using are because both resonate with me btw. 73 yards was existential horror it was hill house and bly manor#(im going to write about this in another post btw bc it compels me so)#it was about the way fear of abandonment can haunt you how mental illness can haunt you how you feel like you can drive people away#just by being yourself (the Woman was Herself what caused ruby to be abandoned was Her it's about her feeling as though she was the cause#of everyone who left her even as a baby even the people who loved her most could decide to not love her at the drop of a hat)#colin bridgerton is masking and faking a personality because it has been proven that time and time again#being Himself is Wrong that he annoys people he makes himself into what people expect of him because he's tired of being abandoned too#his family ignores and does not reply to his letters this season PEN stopped replying to his letters#his brother was cruel to him for being a romantic his friends LAUGHED AT HIM for saying sex is meaningful to him and don't they feel lonely#his Fake Rake persona makes viewers cringe because! its!! fake!!! he's faking it! HE GETS CALLED OUT ON IT TWICE IN EP ONE#if you don't understand he's faking it then that's on you at that point! i don't know! maybe take a minute to sit in the discomfort and ask#why did this show make me react this way and do you think maybe it was on purpose#''73 yards was confusing'' do you think confusion may be one of the ways ruby feels about her abandonment?#there is a theme in all of her episodes so far is it ''badly written'' unclear to you or do you just refuse to think critically about it#txtly#and im sorry for tagging this its just for my blog i kinda wish they still didnt show up in tags if i tag them all the way at the bottom#[old lady ruby voice] ''i used to be able to tag things just for myself once upon a time''#bridgerton#bridgerton spoilers#doctor who#doctor who spoilers
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gonersgoners · 3 months
remember when i said over a year ago that vegapunk's arc would start revealing even more of sanji's power and potential and how hard that was worrying me? yeah
#i'm clearly talking to myself here since this blog is basically a corner of my brain#but last chapter having sanji deflect a light beam and both kizaru and franky reacting the way they did#and zoro commenting in wano you cannot possibly block a laser... lmao....lmao!#ooooh man i just. feel oda is cooking something for sanji. and since there was a parallel with the wings of the pirate king#in recent chapters (where oda typically shows both sanji and zoro fighting and not just one of them)#just... man. man! man. lol#i know i can't let myself go and talk about all things going through my mind anymore because of. lol guilt and fear of being annoying#but god. that moment stirred something in me. like you're resurrecting a fucking corpse#so i am both scared and excited about next chapters and what this means for sanji#i was saying from DAY ONE of this arc being centered about vegapunk that it would eventually#touch on sanji and this is it. this is happening#if this for some reason isn't it. and oda will for some reason just let this slide or die in the shadows? i won't understand it#because of JUDGE and VEGAPUNK and QUEEN being partners and being linked to vegapunk! like come on. the connection is there#and this laser deflecting thing seems to finally touch on this red thread i've been holding with both my fingers like an insane person#so yeah. lol. listening to a video right now about it and finally. FINALLY i see SOMEONE ELSE point out that#not mentioning judge still is giga weird. so here's hoping. here's hoping#also lol it was very fun to be on reddit and look at so many people being MAD that sanji managed to do that. and that we got a little bit o#mr prince vibes. LMAO STAY MAD. my boy is being treated good right now and i can't wait for oda to destroy me#(again) lol#GG rambles
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troublcmakcrs · 6 months
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//we're getting places "you're not getting anywh-" WE'RE GETTING PLACES!!!!!!
#vis :: ( craig )#ver :: college ( craig )#mun art#//i've been struggling with him for so long#//and it's bc i wrote myself into a corner on one thread. to say that craig basically hasn't changed hairstyles in like 10 years#//and then eli was like ehhh give him some hair gel#//which i was terrified if doing bc... again... my former hc that said craig did NOTHING with his hair#//BUT I'M SO GLAD I DID IT... IT WAS ONLY ONE THREAD... IT CAN AND SHOULD BE RETCONNED#//the first one was heavily referenced off a picture of jonathan togo#//he's not a perfect 1-to-1 for craig but i like his head shape and slightly droopy eyes#//he's a lil dweeby lookin but still cute 💕#//and the other two were my attempts at loosening him up a bit#//trying to push him towards my cartoonier style so he better matches with tweek#//it is so easy to go BALLS TO THE WALLS with exaggerating tweek's features#//one of my favorite tweek drawings is the final girl comic where their eyes take up like 75% of their face lmfao#//craig is DECEPTIVELY hard to draw bc he is by all accounts Just Some Fucking Guy#//i'm so annoyed bc i cannot draw his hair at the angle that best accentuates his scars#//but whatever we'll suffer thru it every time; labor of love 💖#//accepting that i'm gonna have to suck at drawing craig until i start being really good at drawing craig JDKAJSKAJ#//craig with half his face torn up: no dude i'm good; i've never suffered anything in my life#//i gotta draw him and tweek together; that would help with getting them stylistically consistent#//i also have got to draw craig looking more pissed off wtf is he so happy for? >:(
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astrxealis · 8 months
my favorite teacher plays dnd and bg3 do you know how crazy that is to me
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#LOTS OF THOUGHTS HII GOOD NOON TODAY WAS A REAL FUN DAY#I ALMOST BROKE DOWN AND ALSO I KINDA VENTED AND G#UH. WHY IS TUMBLR WEIRD AND CLOSING MY POST. ANYWAY!#i did vent to my friends abt annoying classmates (aka annoying ppl who are irresponsible) that bring me and my friends and groups grades#down. and yeah. but i bonded a lot w various frienda and and and fun day and and and I LEARN ^^ AND#things are quite bad sometimes but sometimes they aren't actually that bad and idk school is just really fun i'm almost sad#just really happy with where i am rn and my friends are noticing too sniffs ..... noticing how i'm talking more or whatnot#and more comfy and whatnot and hey it did take like. quite a while. but still! just. really happy#bcs this Quite A While was either basically immediate but in the making (two friends) or gradual but always getting there (group in class)#and etc !!! like hey maybe some friends online or irl i am not talking to as much atm but there's the comfort that we still greatly care#for wach other. and whatnot. and there's just a lot and damn if i gave up this wouldn't be happening lol my point is things do get better#and a lot of it tbh is on how you improve and see things (???) idk but damn i'm just rlly proud of myself#I COULD STILL DO BETTER mbut idk all of this is me and im just rlly secure in that and i have been since the longest time ngl. im amazing#yeehaw ANYWAYYYYFGEGKR BG3 I STARTED A DARK URGE RUN LAST NIGHT YE GODS ITS A BIT SCARY TO ME BUT I LOVE THE BLOOD#im trying to fight against it bcs im using my main tav but boom make him a durge guy so ^_^
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thecherrygod · 6 days
#my posts#...........................................................................................................................................#............................................................................................................................................#is that enough i think that's enough#yeah that's how its going#everything's been getting worse and I've been feeling very bad but also very pathetic and like complaining almost makes me feel worse but#i can't do anything else about this so like. vent post lmao bc I'm a dumbass#i truly just want to(redacted)but one of those isn't an option and the other i have a drs appointment soon and i don't want to explain that#everything is just. bad. and what isn't i feel like it's getting bad and it's my fault. and I'm probably right.#just. i hate it here#the deserving mentality is truly getting to me and i fucking hate it. it's not logical. I'll still agree with it.#i truly don't deserve the food stuff i can't keep in my life and i deserve the shit that in getting and i can't stop agreeing with that#'oh this classmate wants to have lunch with me on Saturday after working on something! i should cancel before it's too late-#-so i can continue feeling bad for being an apple bc people should hate me bc I'm horrible and don't deserve kindness' like#it's. it's false. it's not logical. and yet#everyone else there's the fucking plexiglass wall and where it wasn't i think it's getting formed and it is my fault probably#i am annoying that one is true#.... I've been making posts like this all day and deleting them bc I'm pathetic also. it's.#... there's a little too much going on lmao#nothing's worth it and i feel like shit and anything i could try to do about it doesn't work and I'm just tired#... in case someone does read this i know it sounds worrying but nothing will happen tbh I'm just a pathetic coward who's sad and tired#and tired of being sad in a way that feels like it's getting worse#I'm not very sure when was the last time i felt. this bad in just. i don't know how to make it stop lmao#also in already annoying so this is all i can do i think lmao#i think I'm seeing now I'm just. being redundant and if i keep this up too much i will delete this. and i should but. i don't think i will#also without saying much this year the one thing™ has been worse than usual and that's not helping either so it truly is just.#that everything is kinda very bad#.... yeah. whatever. it's just.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯#... i truly wish killing myself was still an option like when i was a teen bit it's not so i just have to deal with whatever this is#... i hate being aware this is all super illogical bc the logical post of my brain teams up making me feel worse somehow.
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anemoflower · 19 days
Is *checks calendar* 3 months too soon to think about marrying Elias
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havenpelt · 2 months
maybe this is my ""hot take"" for the warrior cats community, but are we really as a fandom complaining about the songs people are using in maps?
i can understand it from a "there should be more diverse music used" standpoint, but getting genuinely upset with younger people in the fandom using hazbin hotel songs or making the 100th rasputin map or whatever isn't the way to get your point across-
(the only reason you should really be mad at kids using hazbin hotel songs is the fact that they're kids using hazbin songs, kids need to get as far away from that as possible, it is a very adult show- not overly relevant but thought i should get that fact out of the way; or i guess people probably shouldn't be making maps using poison, that is the least appropriate song you should be using at all, but at the very least hazbin songs as a whole are just not thematically appropriate regardless of the fact that they're too mature for kids to be using)
the same goes for tearing into people for their music tastes
i thought there were more adults in this fanbase, but considering the amount of people i've seen have that attitude makes me begin to consider otherwise
is there REALLY no better way to get across the message that there should be more diverse songs used in warrior cats maps? i guarantee you, people will be 100% more willing to get on board with that if you stopped tearing other people, their music tastes, and their own projects apart
i also think that there's a serious problem with people in the map community being put on a pedestal-
i think people are forgetting that the warrior cats map community is a part of a fandom and ISN'T a funded studio making full tv shows or whatever, you all need to really stop talking and thinking about it like that, do you not realize how harmful that is?
the warrior cats map community is a group of warrior cats fans who like to animate characters from a book series to music they like, THAT'S IT
the people in the community are not celebrities and the majority of them are doing it for fun in their spare time and do not plan to be/are not professional animators or creators and on top of that, many of them are beginners or kids looking to have fun so trying to tear into them for having fun doesn't make you anything other than an absolute ass in my mind
it's one thing to go "man, why are there so many hazbin hotel maps popping up? what about hazbin hotel screams 'turn me into a warrior cats animation' at all?"
but it's another to start loudly complaining about how "UGH THERE'S NO GOOD WARRIOR CATS MAPS ANYMORE, I WISH SOMEONE WOULD START MAKING GOOD WARRIOR CATS ANIMATIONS AGAIN LIKE *insert whatever maps you want*"
i would like to remind you, warrior cats maps are fan projects- you are also a fan! make that map you have an idea for!
"but what if no one joins it? what if not enough people join and it doesn't get made? what if i fail completely? the warrior cats map community is hard to get into"
valid concerns! but isn't at the very least *trying* better than sitting on twitter loudly complaining and waiting for someone to do something for you? that sounds much more fulfilling to me at least, and even then you can try again!
maybe it's just my corner of the internet, but i don't see a whole lot of people advertising their maps, i see people *complaining* that not enough people are making maps that they want to see and i think that's something that should really change
i WANT to see more diverse and creative warrior cats maps, but i also don't want to stop seeing people making the maps that they want to make, whether that be the millionth mapleshade map to a breakup song! i don't care, let people have fun and make what they want to make as long as they're not hurting anyone!
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docholligay · 9 months
The wind is high and it's going to rain again and I have a fresh bottle of Bulliet Rye, my flowers have done well this summer, and so, I think it's pretty good.
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legionofpotatoes · 10 months
wait is there a story behind the shaming of someone recording a stranger in public?
nothing too exciting nonnie, no
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barkingangelbaby · 2 months
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m--bloop · 2 years
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columbo ocd moments
(I couldn’t fit them all in the post)
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