#ver :: college ( craig )
troublcmakcrs · 3 months
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▸   @multiparked   ⟶   ❛  ❛   do  you  think  you  would  ever  hurt  me  like  that ?   ❜ (kyle @ craig LMAOOO)  ❜   ╱   (  dangerous , accepting .  )
Craig answered quickly, “Of course not.”  It was hard to tell if they were taking steps forward or back.  He had always wanted Kyle to acknowledge his part in the bullshit between him and Tweek, but ow that that was happening, Kyle was, perhaps rightly, looking at him like he was a monster.  And sure, he was.  It took a special kind of fucked up to do everything he had, but at least, he regretted it.
“I’m trying to do better.”  Craig had his arms crossed over his chest, probably not the most inviting stance, but it was a habit to go on the defensive, even subconsciously, when his relationship with Tweek was brought up.  “I’ve not hurt anyone since Tweek.”
Actually, that was not entirely true.  He still got in the occasional fight here or there.  But when it came to dating, as much as he hadn’t done a lot of that seriously, he kept his fists to himself.  “Well… nobody actually important to me, anyway.”  And Tweek was important to him, and Craig learned that he didn’t enjoy being that way to the few people in the world who mattered to him.
He chuckled a little, although he knew the joke he was about to make was dreadful.  “That’s why I take everything out on the shit on the counter instead.”
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petnews2day · 2 years
Dog owners warned to beware of 'silent killer' as UK set to reach 34C highs this week
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/?p=50916
Dog owners warned to beware of 'silent killer' as UK set to reach 34C highs this week
The RSPCA has advised dog owners in London – where temperatures could reach up to 34C on Friday – to avoid walking dogs in the heat, saying: “If in doubt, don’t go out”
The RSPCA has advised dog owners in the capital against walking dogs in the heat (file photo) (
Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Dog owners have been warned to beware a “silent killer” that could endanger their pooches as the UK is set to reach 34C highs this week.
Parts of the South East, London and Wales could reach at least 27C, rising to a possible 34C on Friday, hotter than Portugal, Jamaica, Costa Rica, the Canary Islands and Cyprus.
Friday is also predicted to be the hottest day of the year so far, eclipsing the 27.5C set in mid-May at Heathrow. It could even be the hottest June day for the UK since records began if the mercury tops the 35.6C recorded in Southampton in 1976.
In light of the scorching temperatures, the RSPCA has advised dog owners in the capital against walking dogs in the heat, reports MyLondon.
The charity said to be particularly careful in places where there is little to no shade, such as beaches and fields, adding: “If in doubt, don’t go out.”
Friday is predicted to be the hottest day of the year so far (file photo) (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Esme Wheeler, an RSPCA dog welfare specialist, said: “The truth is walking dogs in hot weather can be a silent killer.
“While the majority would never leave our dogs in a car on a hot day, or even take our dogs for a really long walk in the heat, many people may still be putting their dogs at risk even on a short walk, or taking them to places such as fields and beaches with little or no shade.
“We have long-campaigned that dogs die in hot cars, but this year we’re highlighting that dogs die on hot walks, too. The message remains very simple – never leave a dog in a hot car because ‘not long’ is too long, and when it comes to walks, ‘if in doubt, don’t go out.'”
Dr Dan O’Neill, associate professor companion animal epidemiology at the Royal Veterinary College, has also warned about the serious dangers of walking dogs in the heat.
He explained vets see dogs with a range of issues, saying: “Heat-related illness can lead to organ failure, brain damage and ultimately death.
Dog owners can provide a paddling pool and make frozen treats to keep their pets cool (file photo) (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)
“Most people know that dogs die in hot cars, but the reality is that more than 10 times as many dogs need veterinary treatment for heat-related illness following exercise as for being overheated in cars.
“It can take weeks for a dog to acclimatise to hot weather, so after a spell of cold weather, periods of hot weather can be particularly dangerous.”
Dog owners can provide a paddling pool and make frozen treats to keep their pets cool and entertained if they are worried about missing exercise during hot weather.
Meanwhile, animal charity The Blue Cross urged cat owners to be cautious when leaving windows open after a kitten fell three storeys and fractured a leg.
The warnings come as parts of the UK may see an official heatwave between today and Saturday, which is when at least three consecutive days have daily maximum temperatures meeting or exceeding the heatwave temperature threshold. The threshold varies by county.
Beachgoers enjoy the sunny weather in Brighton, East Sussex (
Adam Gerrard / Daily Mirror)
The threshold for a heatwave is 25C for Wales, Scotland and south-west England, 27C for southern and eastern England, and 28C for London.
Brits have been told to expect “uncomfortable” nights when trying to sleep, with temperatures remaining in the low 20s in the evening.
And people looking to top up their tans, swim in open water or use public transport have been warned to be wary.
Craig Snell, a Met Office forecaster, said: “Very high UV levels are expected in the South this week, meaning people should really avoid being in the sun during the midday hours.
“Wearing sunglasses, a shirt, a hat and sunscreen are essential to protect the eyes and skin, and drinking lots of water is important – long exposure to the sun can be dangerous.
“People should avoid overdoing it. We all love the sunny weather, but being sensible can help you avoid a nasty sunburn.”
Giving an outlook for Friday, the weather service forecast hot and sunny conditions, although cooler in the north with rain.
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jccamus · 4 years
Periodismo de datos y visualización con herramientas gratuitas
Periodismo de datos y visualización con herramientas gratuitas https://ift.tt/37RvG2i
Esta página de recursos presenta el contenido del curso masivo, abierto y en línea (MOOC, por sus siglas en inglés) del Centro Knight para el Periodismo en las Américas titulado “Periodismo de datos y visualización con herramientas gratuitas”. El curso de seis semanas se llevó a cabo del 14 de octubre al 24 de noviembre de 2019. Ahora, hacemos que su contenido esté disponible de manera gratuita para los estudiantes que tomaron el curso y cualquier otra persona interesada en el periodismo de datos, la visualización y las herramientas gratuitas que existen en el mercado para desarrollarlo.
El curso, con contó con el apoyo de Google News Initiative, fue impartido por Alberto Cairo, Simon Rogers y un gran equipo de instructores. Ellos crearon y curaron el contenido del curso, que incluye video clases y tutoriales, lecturas, ejercicios y más.
Los materiales del curso se dividen en seis módulos:
Mientras revisa esta página de recursos, le alentamos a que vea los videos, revise las lecturas y complete los ejercicios según lo permita el tiempo. Los materiales del curso se complementan unos a otros, pero los videos y las lecturas también actúan como recursos independientes a los que puede regresar con el tiempo.
Esperamos que disfrute de los materiales y los comparta con otras personas interesadas en los principios de periodismo de datos y visualización con herramientas gratuitas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, contáctenos en [email protected].
Conoce los instuctores
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Alberto Cairo ocupa la Cátedra Knight en Periodismo Visual en la Universidad de Miami (UM). También es el director del programa de visualización en el Centro de Ciencias Computacionales de la UM. Cairo ha sido director de infografías y multimedia en publicaciones de noticias en España (El Mundo, 2000-2005) y Brasil (Editora Globo, 2010-2012) y profesor en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte-Chapel Hill. Además de enseñar en la UM, trabaja como freelance y consultor permanente para empresas como Google. Es autor de los libros “The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization” (2012) y “The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication”.
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Simon Rogers es un galardonado periodista de datos, escritor y orador. Autor de ‘Facts are Sacred‘ (Los hechos son sagrados), publicado por Faber & Faber en el Reino Unido, China y Corea del Sur. También ha escrito una serie de infografías para libros infantiles de Candlewick. Editor de datos del equipo de News Lab en Google, con sede en San Francisco, es director de los Premios de Periodismo de Datos y enseña Periodismo de Datos en la Universidad Medill-Northwestern de San Francisco y ha enseñado en la escuela de Periodismo U Cal Berkeley.
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Marco Túlio Pires es el líder de Google News Lab para Brasil. Antes de unirse a Google en 2017, Marco era el director de programa de la Escuela de Datos, una red global de organizaciones e instructores que ayudan a periodistas y a ONGs a utilizar los datos con el máximo impacto. Marco cofundó en 2015 la primera agencia de periodismo de datos en Brasil, journalismo++, parte de la red internacional j++ de agencias basadas en datos.También trabajó como coordinador de producción en TV Globo, como reportero de noticias científicas en VEJA, y como director de innovación, transparencia y tecnología en la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social del gobierno de São Paulo. Marco tiene una licenciatura en periodismo de la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, y también estudió Ingeniería Eléctrica en la Universidad Católica de Minas Gerais; Ciencia de la Computación, Gestión del Impacto Social y Visualización de Información en la Universidad de Michigan y la Universidad de Georgetown. Hoy apoya a editores, periodistas y emprendedores de medios en Brasil y América Latina con lo mejor que Google puede ofrecer para que ellos puedan construir el futuro de los medios y contar las mejores historias de nuestro tiempo.
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Jan Diehm es periodista e ingeniera de The Pudding, donde utiliza datos para elaborar historias visuales. Antes de unirse a The Pudding, estuvo en CNN, The Guardian US, ABC News, HuffPost, Baltimore Sun y Hartford Courant. Ella aprecia las cosas buenas de la vida: el LEGO, exquisiteces sureñas como queso pimiento, tomates verdes fritos, un buen bourbon, y Britney Spears vintage. Ella vive en San Antonio con su esposa y dos gatos.
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Minhaz Kazi trabaja como desarrollador y educador en Google, centrándose en Google Data Studio. Minhaz, un veterano de la inteligencia empresarial, siempre está explorando nuevas maneras para que los desarrolladores recopilen, analicen y visualicen datos. Le gusta mantener largas discusiones sobre errores de referencia circular, los beneficios de los gráficos de tarta, torta o pizza, las comas en SQL y el diseño de las cosas cotidianas.
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Dale Markowitz es una desarrolladora de IA aplicada en Google Cloud. Ella trabaja para ayudar a los ingenieros de software a entender el Aprendizaje Automático y se desempeña como asesora técnica del Google News Lab. Antes trabajó en el procesamiento del lenguaje natural para Google Research y en el sitio de citas en línea OkCupid.
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Duncan Clark es cofundador de Flourish, una plataforma para visualización de datos y narración interactiva. Flourish surgió del trabajo premiado que Duncan y su cofundador Robin Houston produjeron a través de su estudio de datos Kiln para clientes como Google, The Guardian, LSE y el gobierno del Reino Unido. Duncan fue anteriormente periodista de datos, editor y autor. Trabajó como editor consultor en The Guardian, como editor ejecutivo en Penguin Books y Profile. Su libro, The Burning Question - en coautoría con Mike Berners-Lee y escrito mientras era investigador honorario en el University College de Londres - es una mirada guiada por los datos sobre el uso global de energía y el cambio climático.
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Katherine Riley escribe publicaciones en blogs y crea visualizaciones para mostrar nuevos recursos y plantillas de Flourish, además de brindar soporte a los usuarios que usan la herramienta en las salas de redacción. Anteriormente fue una Google News Fellow para el diario británico Financial Times y Editorial Fellow en la revista estadounidense The Atlantic.
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Debra Anderson es una ejecutiva de datos, emprendedora, oradora y educadora reconocida por sus enfoques innovadores en la narración de datos. Como cofundadora y directora de estrategia de Datavized Technologies, desarrolló herramientas de datos gratuitas y de código abierto para periodistas y salas de redacción con el apoyo de Google News Initiative y la Online News Association y creó un software de visualización de datos inmersivo utilizando WebXR. Ha dirigido talleres en la Escuela de Posgrado de Periodismo Craig Newmark en la City University de Nueva York (CUNY), el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT), la Conferencia WeCode de Harvard y en las Naciones Unidas. En 2018, Fast Company nombró a Debra como una de las principales ejecutiva de negocios y fue miembro del jurado y oradora en los 26º Premios Malofiej y la Cumbre Mundial de Infografía. Ella vive en Brooklyn con su esposo.
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https://ift.tt/2vNkENu via Journalism February 3, 2020 at 09:44PM
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Craig Wright Says He Invented Bitcoin, Now He’s Suing These Who Doubt Him
http://tinyurl.com/yxkbh4cp At a conference on digital forex, hardly ever does an viewers Q&A session embody a query as incendiary as, “Why is that this fraud allowed to talk at this convention?” However that is how a dialogue about Bitcoin ended up final yr in Seoul. The supposed fraud is Craig Wright, an Australian-born technologist who gained notoriety three years in the past when he declared himself the inventor of Bitcoin. The provocateur is Vitalik Buterin, a baby-faced Russian-Canadian programmer who helped create one other well-liked digital forex known as Ether. Nobody disputes Buterin’s function in Ether; many reject Wright’s declare to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious genius behind Bitcoin. Wright is a comic-book supervillain for some on the planet of cryptocurrency. Buterin’s rant was applauded by a handful of individuals on the convention, together with one of many panelists and a person on the sidelines carrying a vest and metallic fiber shirt. It had the texture of an impromptu reside efficiency of a Twitter flame conflict. The entire thing lasted 90 seconds. Footage recorded from the group supplied an amusing YouTube video and sparked a recent spherical of tweets mocking Wright. That gave the impression to be that, till a yr later when Buterin obtained a letter from Wright’s lawyer. The authorized discover, dated April 12, mentioned Wright intends to sue Buterin within the UK for defamation. Lower than every week later, Wright filed go well with with comparable claims towards a podcaster named Peter McCormack, looking for 100,000 kilos ($129,000) in damages. And on Might 2, Wright’s attorneys served Roger Ver, an early Bitcoin investor, at a cryptocurrency meet-up in London. Ver says by electronic mail he intends to defend himself in court docket. Buterin and McCormack did not reply to requests for remark, however all three have just lately posted messages on-line calling Wright a fraud. In a weblog publish, Buterin painted the authorized dispute as being about censorship, free speech and fact. Wright has spent a lot of the final yr with attorneys. He is at the moment defending towards claims in a US court docket that he defrauded the property of Dave Kleiman, a former enterprise accomplice who died in 2013. Wright is accused of stealing Bitcoins he and Kleiman mined collectively a couple of decade in the past. A federal decide ordered Wright to submit documentation of his early Bitcoin holdings, which have been sealed on Monday, and he attended mediation Tuesday in Florida. In some unspecified time in the future, Wright decided the courts could possibly be a helpful venue for attaining his personal targets. Wright, who says he holds a grasp’s diploma in regulation from Northumbria College within the UK, hopes a sequence of lawsuits can set up himself as the daddy of Bitcoin. “This may give me the prospect to show my credentials in entrance of a decide, quite than being judged by Twitter,” Wright informed Bloomberg in an electronic mail. If he actually is Satoshi Nakamoto, Wright may have no hassle funding a protracted authorized conflict on his critics. The true creator of Bitcoin is estimated to carry about $9 billion of the cash. Most often, the costly prospect of getting sued tends to make rational individuals maintain essential views to themselves. “There’s some actually broad recognition that the specter of defamation lawsuits actually considerably chills speech,” says David Greene, senior employees lawyer on the Digital Frontier Basis, a civil liberties advocacy group. For no matter cause, that did not happen right here. On-line dialogue of Wright reached a peak shortly after his lawsuit towards McCormack, and the content material was overwhelmingly scathing. In the course of the week following his go well with, 65 % of posts expressed a unfavourable sentiment, in contrast with about half earlier than, in accordance with Model24, which screens conversations on social media. Crowdfunding efforts have popped as much as assemble authorized protection funds for a few of Wright’s defendants. Knowledge from Google suggests the litigation drew essentially the most consideration to Wright since his contentious claims in 2016, when he supplied what he known as definitive proof of his function in creating Bitcoin. Though digital currencies have a market worth of greater than $280 billion right this moment, the circus surrounding Wright reveals that the business nonetheless operates as a free-for-all. Specialists aren’t fully positive who conceived of the world’s most precious type of digital cash, however there’s sufficient of it to go round that the specter of pricey lawsuits does not appear to discourage anybody from talking their thoughts. John McAfee is a major instance. The software program pioneer turned digital coin advocate says he is aware of the true Satoshi Nakamoto, and it’s not Wright. “I’m going to inform the reality it doesn’t matter what the results are,” McAfee says. “I have been sued over 200 instances in my life. I’m not afraid of getting sued.” In response, Wright known as him “McScammer” and steered they resolve their dispute in court docket. The cryptocurrency enterprise is stuffed with vibrant characters. Wright joined the starring solid in late 2015, when Wired journal and Gizmodo reported that he and Kleiman could have invented Bitcoin. A couple of days later, Wired mentioned Wright could as an alternative be “a superb hoaxer.” Police raided Wright’s dwelling in Australia as a part of a tax investigation; he moved to Britain. In Might 2016, the BBC, the Economist and-most vital within the eyes of Bitcoin zealots-several outstanding leaders of the cryptocurrency motion mentioned Wright furnished what gave the impression to be proof of his declare to the throne. They mentioned he gave a personal demonstration of a particular digital signature utilized by Satoshi Nakamoto. “The proof is conclusive, and I’ve little doubt that Craig Steven Wright is the individual behind the Bitcoin expertise,” Jon Matonis, founding director of the Bitcoin Basis, wrote in a weblog publish on the time. This didn’t quiet the doubters, both. “It could be like if I used to be making an attempt to show that I used to be George Washington and to try this, supplied a photocopy of the Structure and mentioned, look, I’ve George Washington’s signature,” Peter Todd, a key Bitcoin developer, informed Vice’s Motherboard. Bitcoin holdings attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto have not moved in years, in accordance with on-line ledgers. Critics have urged Wright to confirm his id by transferring some cash, a proposal he has refused. As Wright spars with some cryptocurrency devoted, he is hoping to get the group’s assist with figuring out his subsequent authorized goal. He mentioned he intends to sue an nameless Twitter person generally known as Hodlonaut, whose profile image is represented by a cartoon cat carrying an area helmet. Wright posted a $5,000 reward for info to find the individual behind the account and referred bounty hunters to pictures the person had posted displaying arm tattoos. Hodlonaut wrote in a tweet Monday that he had issued authorized proceedings towards Wright in Norway. McCormack, the podcaster Wright sued in April, is piling on as he awaits his day in court docket. McCormack wrote a satirical response to Wright’s attorneys, saying, “I discover it obscure how I can have an effect on the status of your consumer; this mistakenly states that he has any status left.” Along with widespread derision, Wright’s campaign has inflicted harm on his enterprise pursuits. He is now pushing a coin known as Bitcoin SV, which he says is Bitcoin the way in which Satoshi Nakamoto really meant. Wright’s lawsuits drew a harsh rebuke from Zhao Changpeng, the pinnacle of one of many world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance. Zhao mentioned he was “towards fraud,” after which Binance delisted Bitcoin SV. The coin’s market worth plummeted 50% over two days, although it recovered throughout the broader cryptocurrency rally in Might. Wright and his few vocal allies are undeterred. On Might 21, Wright mentioned he was granted a U.S. copyright for early Bitcoin code and for the unique whitepaper authored by Satoshi Nakamoto. Three days later, somebody named Wei Liu filed a competing copyright declare. A spokesman for the company says it “doesn’t examine the reality of any statements made.” Calvin Ayre, a dot-com-era playing tycoon and essentially the most persistent supporter of Wright, mentioned he’d launch proof proving Wright’s declare by the top of Might. He did not. “However now that now we have anyone difficult the copyright, we are able to take that to a authorized conclusion, which is what we at the moment are making an attempt to do,” Ed Pownall, a spokesman for Ayre, wrote in an electronic mail. Wright sees the insults as one thing extra sinister than routine web trolling. He says his detractors are criminals, who revenue from human trafficking, and that their true motive is to sabotage his makes an attempt to get rid of unlawful makes use of of Bitcoin. “I designed Bitcoin to cease all of this,” Wright says. “That’s the reason they hate me.” © 2019 Bloomberg LP Source link
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ao3feed-creek · 5 years
Dead Eyes (Traducción)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RLzSsh
by Maya_0196
Craig Tucker, o también conocido como ‘Ojos muertos’. Por alguna razón, puede ver fantasmas… y eso apesta. Craig hace todo lo posible para tener una vida normal a pesar de su peculiar don, pero demuestra ser difícil cuando ve a un fantasma de cabellos rubios viviendo en su nueva casa. Adiós, vida normal.
Traducción autorizada por RoseyR.
Words: 13908, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: South Park
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Tweek Tweak's Parents, Thomas Tucker, Laura Tucker, Tricia Tucker
Relationships: Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak
Additional Tags: ghost au, haunting AU, Older Characters, Character Death, Violence, Suicide, Suicide Attempt, POV Craig, Depression, Bullying, Ghost!Tweek, Traducción, One Shot, Alternate Universe - College/University
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RLzSsh
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demitgibbs · 6 years
Justin Theroux: The Spy You Wouldn’t Mind Being Dumped By
No straight man has ever offered to make me a crop top, but Justin Theroux is no ordinary straight man. If you’ve seen him in all his shirtless, ripped, oiled glory in 2003’s Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle or bore witness to all that was bouncing around in his grey sweatpants in HBO’s The Leftovers (I know you saw that; you haven’t stopped seeing that), you have likely wished him gay.
The vers 46-year-old actor is, at least, the closest a straight man can get to being gay, palling around with the new Queer Eye posse and portraying a deep well of gay characters during his two-decade career, from Marshall in 2000’s The Broken Hearts Club to an assortment of gay Englishmen in numerous New York theater productions. Significant gay cred aside, his acting instincts have resulted in an impressive mix of unpredictable career choices rooted in pathos and humor, David Lynchian mystery and Herculean ruggedness: from 1997’s Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion on through Mulholland Drive, Strangers with Candy, Sex and the City, Zoolander and, most recently, The Spy Who Dumped Me. Directed by Susanna Fogel, the action-comedy caper stars Theroux as Drew, an on-the-run spy who inadvertently gets his ex (Mila Kunis) and her best gal pal (Kate McKinnon) embroiled in his messy assassin-fighting mission.
Things are tamer in a hotel suite in New York City on the day Theroux sits across from me with his rescue pit bull Kuma. Theroux – imagine if he dumped you; what an honor – is not wearing sweatpants. But my mock disappointment isn’t sweatpants-related; it’s knowing that he made Queer Eye guy Jonathan Van Ness a crop top but didn’t bring me one. And do I let Justin Theroux wreck the shirt on my back? I do, right? “I would so do it,” he politely insists. “If you have a t-shirt and a pair of scissors, I’m happy to quickly fashion you one.”
Let’s talk about how you invented sweatpants.
(Laughs) I invented the grey sweatpants! I brought them back, I know! You know, I was the one who made a shirt for Jonathan. We were going to gay Pride and he was like, “F*ck, I gotta go out,” and so I made him a shirt. I was like, “I wanna make one of those crop top t-shirts with the tassels,” and he ended up wearing that.
Do you regularly make crop tops for your gay friends?
No, that was the first one I’ve done. It was just like, “It’s a perfect moment in time. I’m with Jonathan and I have a t-shirt and we have scissors and I think I could pull it off.”
We’ve become a good little clutch. Tan, Antoni and Jonathan have come over a bunch of times and we’ve gone back and forth, and I’ve disappeared into the bathroom with Jonathan and we’ve talked products.
Can a straight guy have a queer eye?
Keeping my fingers crossed. Season 3! Maybe we should do a whole thing where it’s like, “Straight Eye for the Gay Guy.” Find some gay guy who’s not got his shit together and I can go and help him out. I don’t know if I’d be that helpful.
I must say, you’ve got your shit together.
I put a little effort in sometimes. (Queer Eye guy) Tan’s trying to get me to wear some color. I’m pretty much blacks and greys. White is technically a color for me.
We need to get you in floral.
I don’t think it’s gonna happen! I just can’t pull it off. I keep looking for a Hawaiian shirt that’s 95 percent black with just a little pop of color in the flowers.
Recently, Jonathan was obsessing over your shirtlessness in Charlie’s Angels. Is that the role most gay men fangirl over when they meet you?
I mean, the first one was actually The Broken Hearts Club, which was a movie I did years and years ago. I remember being at gay Pride and people being like, “Oh my god, this is the guy from Broken Hearts Club!” (Playing gay) was kind of my bread and butter in New York on stage. I would do Joe Orton plays, or Shopping and Fucking. I’d do all these gay Englishmen. That was my thing that was my calling card.
Why go for the gay roles?
It was something that just happened. It wasn’t like I was seeking them out. It was just something that presented itself. At the time, there was that kind of question when you’d go into the audition: “Are you comfortable kissing a guy?” “Yeah, of course.”
In 2000, some actors were being told not to play gay characters for the sake of preserving their careers. Was there any pressure on you not to play that role?
No. My agent at the time was gay, so it was never a discussion. It always boils down to, is the part good or is the play good? If the material is good, I’m happy to do it. If it’s bad, then I don’t wanna do it. But I wouldn’t want do it for a straight part either.
Did it feel like an important movie at the time for the LGBTQ community?
It didn’t, because it’s not necessarily my community. But it was one of those I was happy (about). It was the first (LGBTQ) movie that showed – at least that I had been a part of, or had seen – just a normal relationship. No one’s dying of a disease, no one’s fighting with their parents. It felt like a great episode of Thirtysomething or a great episode of This Is Us.  (Its gay themes were) just built into the fabric of the movie, as opposed to being the fabric of the movie. There weren’t big red arrows pointing at each character going, “Oh, and by the way, they’re gay!” They were functioning, normal people in their lives, which is reality. In a weird way, its normalcy was the thing that made it special and that felt like a good reason to do it.
Growing up in Washington D.C., what was your introduction to the LGBTQ community?
God, you could argue it was probably Catholic school and noticing the priests. Not their behavior; I didn’t think anything nefarious was going on. I don’t think they were doing anything horrible to the boys of the school, but I remember thinking, “These men seem effeminate and they carry themselves in a different way, and I think these guys like other men, like other gay men I’ve seen.”
They didn’t fit the typical heteronormative archetype. 
Yeah, exactly. And it was an odd kind of thing, where I thought, “Oh.” I’ve since come to think maybe the priesthood is like an enclave for people who aren’t comfortable with their sexuality and they wanna shut it down and they think, “Please make it go away. I’m just gonna go to this place and go to seminary school and hope that this feeling leaves me,” which is a shame.
You strike me as the kind of guy who’s surrounded by gay men for various reasons.
Yeah, of course. I went to a very progressive high school that had gay boys in it. In college, it becomes quickly normalized. But you can’t live in New York and not be friends with every kind of person, whether they’re gay, trans, straight, whatever.
You were ahead of the game?
Well, I think most people in the city or in pockets of the country were kind of ahead of the game. It felt like, “Wait, this conversation is still happening? Oh yeah, I guess it still is. I guess we do need to keep having this discussion.” (I) marvel at people who are still made uncomfortable by it. Like, how on earth? It’s like being made uncomfortable by a sofa; you’re like, “It’s a sofa.” It couldn’t be more normal.
You should know that you’ve been called a “gay men’s dream” by the National Enquirer, probably their most accurate reporting.
Cut to 10 years later: Ew, who’s that old guy? (Laughs)
No way. Our gay icons never age.
Oh yeah, that’s right!
So this movie: Was the title The Spy Who Dumped On Me ever considered?
(Laughs) It’s the James Bond they never made! Idris Elba, Daniel Craig, why wouldn’t you do that movie?
Susanna’s friends call her the “lesbian whisperer.” And, of course, Kate McKinnon is queer and one of two leading ladies in this film.
It’s so cool.
Did you get a lesbian read on Kate McKinnon’s character, Morgan, in the movie?
Yeah. But what I liked about her character: again, it wasn’t the focal (point). It’s kind of ambiguous. What she brought to the part was super hilarious. She works really hard on specific jokes, beats, alternate lines, trying to come up with other stuff that isn’t necessarily on the page or in the direction. Kate really goes in and scribbles on the sides (of her script) and it looks like A Beautiful Mind on her script. She approaches her work (in) really sort of (an) academic way.
You’re long overdue for a gay role.
What’s the last one I’ve done? Maybe (my character) Kevin Garvey from The Leftovers is, who knows. Don’t tell anybody. No, I’m joking. (Laughs) You could argue he was really put-upon and maybe that was the reason why, ’cause he was in a hetero marriage.
(Theroux’s handler peeks in to say, “One last question.” “Two more,” Theroux whispers, giving me two fingers.)
What would you look for in a gay role now?
I don’t know. It’s really always the story. I want the story to be good and compelling. I want the character to be good and compelling, and that could be anything. A la Broken Hearts Club, you do sort of hope that eventually these all become just the background to the characters, because it’s way more interesting just playing the relationship and playing the story than it is playing the orientation.
If you were to date any of the guys you have played in your career, which ones might you go for? Personally, I’d shack up with Joe from Six Feet Under.
Joe in Six Feet Under was a sweetheart. But if I dated Joe, he was straight, and so I think that would be problematic.
He’s only straight till he drinks four beers.
Until he drinks four beers, then all bets are off! The bondage gear comes out. Like, we all know Joe liked being tied to the bed. (Laughs) I don’t know if there’s anyone I’d really wanna date. And it’s weird to think about dating yourself. Just visually awkward.
Actually, Matt McGrath’s Broken Hearts character was an adorable character. But I don’t know, I played some pretty f*cked up guys, so they all seem like they’re not great relationship material.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/08/16/justin-theroux-the-spy-you-wouldnt-mind-being-dumped-by/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/177060262410
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hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
Justin Theroux: The Spy You Wouldn’t Mind Being Dumped By
No straight man has ever offered to make me a crop top, but Justin Theroux is no ordinary straight man. If you’ve seen him in all his shirtless, ripped, oiled glory in 2003’s Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle or bore witness to all that was bouncing around in his grey sweatpants in HBO’s The Leftovers (I know you saw that; you haven’t stopped seeing that), you have likely wished him gay.
The vers 46-year-old actor is, at least, the closest a straight man can get to being gay, palling around with the new Queer Eye posse and portraying a deep well of gay characters during his two-decade career, from Marshall in 2000’s The Broken Hearts Club to an assortment of gay Englishmen in numerous New York theater productions. Significant gay cred aside, his acting instincts have resulted in an impressive mix of unpredictable career choices rooted in pathos and humor, David Lynchian mystery and Herculean ruggedness: from 1997’s Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion on through Mulholland Drive, Strangers with Candy, Sex and the City, Zoolander and, most recently, The Spy Who Dumped Me. Directed by Susanna Fogel, the action-comedy caper stars Theroux as Drew, an on-the-run spy who inadvertently gets his ex (Mila Kunis) and her best gal pal (Kate McKinnon) embroiled in his messy assassin-fighting mission.
Things are tamer in a hotel suite in New York City on the day Theroux sits across from me with his rescue pit bull Kuma. Theroux – imagine if he dumped you; what an honor – is not wearing sweatpants. But my mock disappointment isn’t sweatpants-related; it’s knowing that he made Queer Eye guy Jonathan Van Ness a crop top but didn’t bring me one. And do I let Justin Theroux wreck the shirt on my back? I do, right? “I would so do it,” he politely insists. “If you have a t-shirt and a pair of scissors, I’m happy to quickly fashion you one.”
Let’s talk about how you invented sweatpants.
(Laughs) I invented the grey sweatpants! I brought them back, I know! You know, I was the one who made a shirt for Jonathan. We were going to gay Pride and he was like, “F*ck, I gotta go out,” and so I made him a shirt. I was like, “I wanna make one of those crop top t-shirts with the tassels,” and he ended up wearing that. 
Do you regularly make crop tops for your gay friends?
No, that was the first one I’ve done. It was just like, “It’s a perfect moment in time. I’m with Jonathan and I have a t-shirt and we have scissors and I think I could pull it off.”
We’ve become a good little clutch. Tan, Antoni and Jonathan have come over a bunch of times and we’ve gone back and forth, and I’ve disappeared into the bathroom with Jonathan and we’ve talked products.
Can a straight guy have a queer eye?
Keeping my fingers crossed. Season 3! Maybe we should do a whole thing where it’s like, “Straight Eye for the Gay Guy.” Find some gay guy who’s not got his shit together and I can go and help him out. I don’t know if I’d be that helpful.
I must say, you’ve got your shit together.
I put a little effort in sometimes. (Queer Eye guy) Tan’s trying to get me to wear some color. I’m pretty much blacks and greys. White is technically a color for me. 
We need to get you in floral.
I don’t think it’s gonna happen! I just can’t pull it off. I keep looking for a Hawaiian shirt that’s 95 percent black with just a little pop of color in the flowers. 
Recently, Jonathan was obsessing over your shirtlessness in Charlie’s Angels. Is that the role most gay men fangirl over when they meet you?
I mean, the first one was actually The Broken Hearts Club, which was a movie I did years and years ago. I remember being at gay Pride and people being like, “Oh my god, this is the guy from Broken Hearts Club!” (Playing gay) was kind of my bread and butter in New York on stage. I would do Joe Orton plays, or Shopping and Fucking. I’d do all these gay Englishmen. That was my thing that was my calling card. 
Why go for the gay roles?
It was something that just happened. It wasn’t like I was seeking them out. It was just something that presented itself. At the time, there was that kind of question when you’d go into the audition: “Are you comfortable kissing a guy?” “Yeah, of course.” 
In 2000, some actors were being told not to play gay characters for the sake of preserving their careers. Was there any pressure on you not to play that role?
No. My agent at the time was gay, so it was never a discussion. It always boils down to, is the part good or is the play good? If the material is good, I’m happy to do it. If it’s bad, then I don’t wanna do it. But I wouldn’t want do it for a straight part either. 
Did it feel like an important movie at the time for the LGBTQ community?
It didn’t, because it’s not necessarily my community. But it was one of those I was happy (about). It was the first (LGBTQ) movie that showed – at least that I had been a part of, or had seen – just a normal relationship. No one’s dying of a disease, no one’s fighting with their parents. It felt like a great episode of Thirtysomething or a great episode of This Is Us.  (Its gay themes were) just built into the fabric of the movie, as opposed to being the fabric of the movie. There weren’t big red arrows pointing at each character going, “Oh, and by the way, they’re gay!” They were functioning, normal people in their lives, which is reality. In a weird way, its normalcy was the thing that made it special and that felt like a good reason to do it. 
Growing up in Washington D.C., what was your introduction to the LGBTQ community?
God, you could argue it was probably Catholic school and noticing the priests. Not their behavior; I didn’t think anything nefarious was going on. I don’t think they were doing anything horrible to the boys of the school, but I remember thinking, “These men seem effeminate and they carry themselves in a different way, and I think these guys like other men, like other gay men I’ve seen.” 
They didn’t fit the typical heteronormative archetype. 
Yeah, exactly. And it was an odd kind of thing, where I thought, “Oh.” I’ve since come to think maybe the priesthood is like an enclave for people who aren’t comfortable with their sexuality and they wanna shut it down and they think, “Please make it go away. I’m just gonna go to this place and go to seminary school and hope that this feeling leaves me,” which is a shame. 
You strike me as the kind of guy who’s surrounded by gay men for various reasons.
Yeah, of course. I went to a very progressive high school that had gay boys in it. In college, it becomes quickly normalized. But you can’t live in New York and not be friends with every kind of person, whether they’re gay, trans, straight, whatever. 
You were ahead of the game?
Well, I think most people in the city or in pockets of the country were kind of ahead of the game. It felt like, “Wait, this conversation is still happening? Oh yeah, I guess it still is. I guess we do need to keep having this discussion.” (I) marvel at people who are still made uncomfortable by it. Like, how on earth? It’s like being made uncomfortable by a sofa; you’re like, “It’s a sofa.” It couldn’t be more normal. 
You should know that you’ve been called a “gay men’s dream” by the National Enquirer, probably their most accurate reporting.
Cut to 10 years later: Ew, who’s that old guy? (Laughs) 
No way. Our gay icons never age.
Oh yeah, that’s right!
So this movie: Was the title The Spy Who Dumped On Me ever considered?
(Laughs) It’s the James Bond they never made! Idris Elba, Daniel Craig, why wouldn’t you do that movie? 
Susanna’s friends call her the “lesbian whisperer.” And, of course, Kate McKinnon is queer and one of two leading ladies in this film.
It’s so cool. 
Did you get a lesbian read on Kate McKinnon’s character, Morgan, in the movie?
Yeah. But what I liked about her character: again, it wasn’t the focal (point). It’s kind of ambiguous. What she brought to the part was super hilarious. She works really hard on specific jokes, beats, alternate lines, trying to come up with other stuff that isn’t necessarily on the page or in the direction. Kate really goes in and scribbles on the sides (of her script) and it looks like A Beautiful Mind on her script. She approaches her work (in) really sort of (an) academic way. 
You’re long overdue for a gay role.
What’s the last one I’ve done? Maybe (my character) Kevin Garvey from The Leftovers is, who knows. Don’t tell anybody. No, I’m joking. (Laughs) You could argue he was really put-upon and maybe that was the reason why, ’cause he was in a hetero marriage.
(Theroux’s handler peeks in to say, “One last question.” “Two more,” Theroux whispers, giving me two fingers.)
What would you look for in a gay role now?
I don’t know. It’s really always the story. I want the story to be good and compelling. I want the character to be good and compelling, and that could be anything. A la Broken Hearts Club, you do sort of hope that eventually these all become just the background to the characters, because it’s way more interesting just playing the relationship and playing the story than it is playing the orientation.
If you were to date any of the guys you have played in your career, which ones might you go for? Personally, I’d shack up with Joe from Six Feet Under.
Joe in Six Feet Under was a sweetheart. But if I dated Joe, he was straight, and so I think that would be problematic.
He’s only straight till he drinks four beers.
Until he drinks four beers, then all bets are off! The bondage gear comes out. Like, we all know Joe liked being tied to the bed. (Laughs) I don’t know if there’s anyone I’d really wanna date. And it’s weird to think about dating yourself. Just visually awkward.
Actually, Matt McGrath’s Broken Hearts character was an adorable character. But I don’t know, I played some pretty f*cked up guys, so they all seem like they’re not great relationship material.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/08/16/justin-theroux-the-spy-you-wouldnt-mind-being-dumped-by/
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troublcmakcrs · 4 months
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//i needed something simple to get me back into digital art again after a long break so here you go
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ravenlightart · 6 years
“2077 – 10 segundos para o futuro”
Quem viu ontem a RTP 1 a seguir ao Telejornal, teve oportunidade de assistir ao primeiro de uma série de documentários que acrescenta muito a qualquer cidadão. Visões diversas, mas curiosamente convergentes, sobre como será a sociedade no ano de 2077.
Ou seja, um momento que, apesar de parecer muito distante, será vivido pela vasta maioria daqueles que são hoje crianças e adolescentes, os que não só irão experienciar o futuro mas, sobretudo, construí-lo.
Mas mais que um documentário dedicado a um tema interessantíssimo, com uma produção excelente, desde a qualidade dos entrevistados (ver abaixo lista completa), entre os quais destaco  Manuel Sobrinho Simões,  diretor do IPATIMUP, da Universidade do Porto, e considerado o patologista mais influente do mundo – um português -, até à realização e à banda sonora, “2077 – 10 segundos para o futuro” é um trabalho português.  
Se mais provas fossem necessárias, esta série de docs mostra a qualidade nacional deste tipo nobre de produção televisiva que é ignorado demasiadas vezes tendo em conta a importância que tem. De facto, os documentários reúnem o que de melhor se pode ter em televisão: verdadeiros filmes em matéria de imagem, som e realização, entretenimento e saber/informação.
Afinal, para quem cresceu com os programas do National Geographic e da BBC e com heróis como David Frederick Attenborough, Jacques-Ives Cousteau ou Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, os docs foram – e continuam a ser – o melhor professor que alguém pode ter na vida para aprender a própria vida.
E se repararem, à parte do National Geographic, uma instituição independente de base criada com o objetivo de divulgar a ciência, a vasta maioria destes trabalhos foram produzidos por televisões públicas. E mesmo atualmente, excetuando os canais por cabo, quem destaca a exibição de docs na sua programação continuam a ser as estações públicas.
Eu sei que muitos nem sequer tomam conhecimento da existência de uma televisão pública em Portugal por entendem que a programação é uma chatice ou uma merda, como alguns tão explicitamente a classificam.
Mas lamento dizer-vos que, se produção desta qualidade – que também é exibida em alguns canais privados, mas que vocês teimam em ignorar – é algo que vocês categorizam como uma merda, então não merecem outra coisa que não seja os programitas que não vos obrigam a pensar. Normal, afinal trata-se de uma capacidade que vocês não possuem.
Às terças à noite, depois do Telejornal, acontece serviço público: “2077 – 10 segundos para o futuro”.
Partimos do Futuro. O Futuro a 60 anos. Em cada episódio contamos com um testemunho imaginário em 2077 e com as opiniões de grandes futuristas e cientistas internacionais sobre as grandes inovações e desafios que a Humanidade tem pela frente.
Onde e como vamos estar daqui a 60 anos? As próximas décadas vão sofrer a maior e mais veloz transformação de sempre. Na tecnologia, na ciência, no ambiente, nas relações interpessoais. Vivemos numa espécie de grande acelerador de ciência, em que o ritmo das descobertas não pára de surpreender. Nas últimas décadas acumulou-se mais conhecimento científico do que em toda a história da Humanidade. Em 2077 esse conhecimento científico terá duplicado várias vezes.
Vale a pena dar um salto ao Presente e perguntar: de que forma os nossos atos de hoje vão ter consequências no futuro? As nossas escolhas mudam o mundo.
Com testemunhos de:
Michio Kaku, físico teórico, City College of New York (EUA); Nick Bostrom, Diretor Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University (Suécia/UK); Paul Saffo, futurista, Singularity University e Stanford University (EUA); Gerd Leonhard, futurista, CEO The Futures Agency (Suíça); George Friedman, especialista internacional em geopolítica, Chairman Geopolitical Futures (Hungria/EUA); Rosi Braidotti, FundadoraCentre for the Humanities, Utrecht University (Austrália/Holanda); Dominique Wolton, Diretor National Centre for Scientific Research in France (França); Gilles Lipovetsky, filósofo, Université de Grenoble (França)​; Tahar Ben Jelloun, poeta e defensor direitos humanos (Marrocos/França); Prem Rawat, Embaixador da Paz (Índia/EUA); Chris-Llewellyn Smith, Diretor Energy Research, Oxford University (UK); Bernard Bigot, Diretor-Geral ITER, International Fusion Energy Organization (França); Ted Shepherd, cientista climático,University of Reading (Canadá/UK); Shenggen Fan, Diretor-Geral International Food Policy Research Institute (China/EUA); António Damásio, Diretor Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California (Portugal/EUA); Manuela Veloso, Diretora Departamento Ciência de Computação, Carnegie Mellon University (Portugal/EUA); Craig Dawson, Líder IBM Watson Europe (Austrália/Suíça); Niklaus Waser, Diretor Watson IoT Center Munique (Alemanha); Elvira Fortunato, Diretora CENIMAT/I3N Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal); Manuel Sobrinho Simões, patologista, Diretor IPATIMUP, Universidade do Porto (Portugal); Carlos Moedas, Comissário Europeu para a Investigação, Ciência e Inovação (Portugal/Bélgica); Pete Worden, Ex-Diretor NASA Ames Research Center, Ex-consultor DARPA, Chairman Breakthrough Prize Foundation (EUA); Leopold Summerer, Diretor Equipa de Conceitos Avançados – Agência Espacial Europeia (Áustria/Holanda); Brian Garret, Co-fundador 3D Hubs (Holanda);Brian Grim, Presidente Religious Freedom&Business (EUA); Yann Arthus-Bertrand, fotógrafo e realizador, Presidente Good Planet Foundation (França); David Basulto, arquiteto e fundador ArchDaily (Chile); Catarina Fernandes, astrofísica, Université de Liège (Portugal/Bélgica); Tiago Pitta e Cunha, CEO Fundação Oceano Azul (Portugal).
“2077 – 10 segundos para o futuro” “2077 – 10 segundos para o futuro”
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troublcmakcrs · 5 months
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//we're getting places "you're not getting anywh-" WE'RE GETTING PLACES!!!!!!
#vis :: ( craig )#ver :: college ( craig )#mun art#//i've been struggling with him for so long#//and it's bc i wrote myself into a corner on one thread. to say that craig basically hasn't changed hairstyles in like 10 years#//and then eli was like ehhh give him some hair gel#//which i was terrified if doing bc... again... my former hc that said craig did NOTHING with his hair#//BUT I'M SO GLAD I DID IT... IT WAS ONLY ONE THREAD... IT CAN AND SHOULD BE RETCONNED#//the first one was heavily referenced off a picture of jonathan togo#//he's not a perfect 1-to-1 for craig but i like his head shape and slightly droopy eyes#//he's a lil dweeby lookin but still cute 💕#//and the other two were my attempts at loosening him up a bit#//trying to push him towards my cartoonier style so he better matches with tweek#//it is so easy to go BALLS TO THE WALLS with exaggerating tweek's features#//one of my favorite tweek drawings is the final girl comic where their eyes take up like 75% of their face lmfao#//craig is DECEPTIVELY hard to draw bc he is by all accounts Just Some Fucking Guy#//i'm so annoyed bc i cannot draw his hair at the angle that best accentuates his scars#//but whatever we'll suffer thru it every time; labor of love 💖#//accepting that i'm gonna have to suck at drawing craig until i start being really good at drawing craig JDKAJSKAJ#//craig with half his face torn up: no dude i'm good; i've never suffered anything in my life#//i gotta draw him and tweek together; that would help with getting them stylistically consistent#//i also have got to draw craig looking more pissed off wtf is he so happy for? >:(
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troublcmakcrs · 5 months
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▸   @multiparked   ⟶   ❛  ‘  gay rights? true, as a gay, i am always right.  ’ (kyle @ craig LMAO)  ❜   ╱   (  gay rights , accepting .  )
Craig looked up at the sign as they passed it and rolled his eyes.  Knowing this town, somebody had read some online post about how corporations were terrible for taking down their pride stuff on July 1st, so they left it up well into the autumn months in an effort to seem more progressive than the rest of them.  He had never minded that Pride only lasted a month and actually preferred it that way.  It was people’s desire to seem progressive about The Gays that had fucked up his life for five entire years, so he wasn’t exactly as stoked on the whole ‘gay rights’ thing as other people were.  At this point, he cared about it more for Kyle’s sake than his own, wanting Kyle to stay safe and happy and not get hatecrimed, caring little about whatever happened to himself.
“Always is a bit of a stretch,” Craig deadpanned.  They were out shopping (more browsing, really), walking hand-in-hand, just something to give them both a break from their studies.  Finals weren’t too far off, and Kyle was as neurotic about them as ever, and Craig, not being able to stand another minute of it, dragged him outside.  At least, he seemed to be having fun with it now, and Craig would rather have him pointing out and giggling about obnoxious signage than whining about how he needed to be back in front of his books.
“I’d say giving you even fifty percent is pretty generous, but sure, go off.”  It was Kyle’s job to be a smug, know-it-all dickhead, and it was Craig’s to tease him and keep that ego at least marginally in check.
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troublcmakcrs · 6 months
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▸   @angelicgentleman​   ⟶   ❛  ❛ It’s four o'clock in the morning, what are you doing? ❜ for Craig!  ❜   ╱   (  concerned , accepting .  )
Craig was leaning over the railing of the bridge across the small creek that ran from Stark’s Pond, and he gestured vaguely over the moonlit water.  “Just hangin’ out,” he said, then cast a sideways glance at Pip as his serene expression steeled somewhat.  “I can’t sleep.  Not that it’s any of your business.”
He hated South Park, couldn’t stand coming back here, and he wished the few people he cared about, his family and his friends, would leave and join him in Denver.  That wasn’t feasible, though.  His family couldn’t really afford to leave right now, and his mom would likely have to find another job if she left, and that was a lot of stress she didn’t need to put up with.  So, he kept coming back here on breaks from school and sometimes during the school year, too, because South Park was only an hour or so up the mountain from Denver, which made it a more than manageable day trip.
And running into fucking Pip of all people and being asked how he was just threw the problems with this small town back in Craig’s face.  Nobody could keep their noses where they belonged, not like the city, where nobody gave a shit how you were or what you were doing.
“This place is almost tolerable when all the morons are asleep.”  Or at least, most of them, he added to himself.  “I thought I’d capitalize on it.”  He could say more, but he’d already said a lot more than Pip deserved to hear, so he held back.
“What about you?” he asked, more to get the conversation off of himself than out of politeness.  “Isn’t a proper gentleman supposed to have a bedtime or whatever?”
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troublcmakcrs · 1 month
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▸   @popularmxnster   ⟶   ❛ (read your headcanon and here comes Billy to flirt lmao) / "Hey Craig. You're looking hot today but i think you would look hotter under me."  ❜
   That might have bothered Craig more if he and Billy had not already had sex a few times previously.  He looked up from his phone just so that he could roll his eyes at Billy, straining to hold back a smile.  “Oh, come on, dude,” he said.  “You’re usually better than that.”  Okay, not really—that was par for the course with him.  Even so, he wasn’t getting anywhere with lame lines like that; Craig wanted to make him work for it a little bit.
   He pocketed his phone and stood up, allowing a slight smirk to come over him.  “Do you wanna try that one again?”
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troublcmakcrs · 8 months
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▸   @monmuses​   ⟶   ❛  ‘  yeah , i  don’t  have  a  yale  degree ,  but  my  bullshit  detector  is  excellent .  top  drawer ,  even .  ’ (fran @ craig)  ❜   ╱   (  you , accepting .  )
“Is that so?” Craig asked, skeptically quirking an eyebrow.  People in South Park often said they could detect bullshit, but then they went and got up to some of the worst of it he had ever seen.  People in this town seemed allergic to looking in mirrors.
“If that was true, I’d have no choice but to respect you.  As it stands, I’ll believe it when I see some proof of it.”  He didn’t know Fran that well, including who she was most given to hanging out with, and that could say a lot about a person.
He crossed his arms and continued, “Nobody’s expecting you to have a Yale degree.”  Shit, he couldn’t even afford to go to Yale and had been attending university in Denver to avoid out-of-state tuition.  “But everybody and their brother claims to be a master at sussing out bullshit, and that doesn’t mean they are.”
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troublcmakcrs · 8 months
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//why are you booing him? he's right
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troublcmakcrs · 1 month
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▸   @diresang   ⟶   ❛  [ WISH ] our muses stargaze.  ( craig & kyle :3 )  ❜   ╱   (  gay-ass , accepting .  )
   Craig shifted slightly closer to Kyle in the cool grass, brushing their pinkies together, and tucked his other hand behind his head.  Somewhere among the trees around them, a cricket thrummed incessantly.  The break in the forest where they lied was topped with a glittering violet dome.  The small town was good for that, at least, a clear view of the stars, screened off from light pollution, and he supposed he would miss it when he eventually got out to the city.  It was almost enough to compel him to stay—almost.
   Summer was fast approaching, and global warming had made the day unseasonably sweltering, but it had chilled tolerably once the sun sank.  It was helped further by a gentle breeze that drifted over the pair.
   Craig was hesitant to look at Kyle, already unbearably tender under the winking, scrutinizing eyes of the abyss.  But he managed it, anyway, just a little sidelong glance, barely turning his head any.  “What are you thinking about?” he asked softly.  There were typically two reactions when being faced with the enormity of space; you let go, or you panicked.  Craig found himself more often in the former, but knowing how neurotic Kyle could be at times, Craig wondered if he wasn’t feeling differently.
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