#I'm so-so with arval
nammyfanficsblog · 2 years
ok, let's do this!
Arval is our newest mythic hero??? Wow! I mean I knew that they would be here soon but never thought that it's this soon! ( I'm kinda expect anankos or brammimond's sage friend ( forget his name again) but well,) and wow! What's that?!?! WTA AGAINST 3 MAJOR COLORES??? What the?!?! ( coloress still have no effect with this..., guess brave! Byleth or Fallen Edelgard and Legend Claude's turn to KO them lol)
Despite how OP arval is, I'm still want to skip this banner again. ( well, no Claude or the byleths here, so I'm leaving)
That's all guys! Hope you get what you wanted! As for me, I already skip this banner ( since no one interested me at all)
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rms101477 · 2 years
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the best way to cope with the lack of supports in this game with my favorite worm is to simply make my own S-support CGs :^) (source for the background template)
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oraclebell17 · 2 months
i think i forget sometimes that thinking (or mouthing or whispering) short phrases repeatedly over and over is probably not that normal
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unxpctedlygreat · 1 year
ever think about how in hopes we can literally kill byleth and sothis and it impacts the story in absolutely zero way
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Three Hopes Demo Spoilers:
I’m finally playing the Three Hopes demo and I’m having a great time
ngl Arval is growing on me fast. I think he’s funny. his whole vibe so far is just “haha you’re such a dumb little idiot Shez. ilu tho. serious tho you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever met. but like in an endearing way.”
also love that Alois was straight up just “come back to the monastery :)”
and Shez was like “no thanks”
and Alois was like *cocks gun* “it wasn’t a question :)”
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geekeryisafoot · 2 years
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Arval and Shez cute 🥰
From FEH: Meet Some of the Heros
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cake-wlk · 2 years
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the parallel between these scenes tho
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
Few3h Spoilers
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The amount of enemies killed was the absolute WORST
Not only is it just Arval as the SOLE UNIT on the field, but the map is also extremely huge. You waste a lot of time just running back and forth between areas you already cleared out and just wasting time, especially during the side mission where you have to go back to the start of the map. Then you have to run all the way back, wasting MORE time on ONE unit not defeating enemies, but just RUNNING
There’s also the fact to consider that Arval doesn’t have as much health as my other units who are all 60+. Like for example when one of my main units gets hit, it’s one percent damage, but when Arval got hit on NORMAL MODE it was 3 percent health, which really sucked because there’s just some attacks you just fail to or can’t avoid
While a lore heavy battle, the fact that it’s so hard but also so boring probably nerfed how impactful it’s supposed to be. Remember, I had my game on NORMAL mode and had to change it to easy because I was so frustrated and just wanted to move on with the game already after no less than seven restarts. I’ll admit that that’s on me because I could have absolutely been fine with A rank, but I digress
I’m so tired, and I didn’t even get a chance to post the SCREENSHOTS until now. Just thinking about it exhausts me
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tbh if you ask me I think that the odds of 3 Hopes getting some kind of DLC in the future's fairly high.
Koei Temco tends to put DLC in their games but Instys, ever since Awakening, have added some form of DLC into the FE games, even spin offs like the first Warriors and TMS.
Not just that but honestly 3 Hopes, as it is now, kinda gives me no-DLC/base game Fates vibes. Aka even if you beat all the routes there's still a shit ton of stuff that we don't know. Most of the protagonist's background is a mystery, there's plot points that looked like they should have been bigger but aren't (aka the whole Byleth/Sothis VS Shez/Arval/Epimenides plot or how even TWSITD seem to have barely an idea about what's going on with Shez).
Could be just my own wishful thinking. But the lack of info almost feels kind of intentional, like their waiting to do some massive lore drop. Would I be happy if that's actually happens? Probably not, I didn't like the idea of having to pay in Fates just to find out what was going on, but it that does happen then I'll still buy it.
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kanohivolitakk · 2 years
So remember when before the release of the game a few of my mutuals made the “Arval is a Pridak Bionicle gijinka” jokes?
I had a realization
Arval isn’t the Pridak gijinka.
Ephimendes is the Pridak gijinka
I mean
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I rest my case
Helps Ephimendes characterization is somewhat similar to Pridak as well
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calcescarp · 2 years
oh my god the three hopes demo is killing me
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fireemblems24 · 5 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 11
On we go to ch 11. Things are . . . uh . . . interesting.
So if you didn't see ch 10, I failed to recruit Byleth. I retried the level a few time, but honestly I just want to finish this game so I didn't bother.
Plus, the reason I failed was that Claude just sat there instead of moving forward on the escort mission, which got really frustrating, and honestly I didn't want to bother.
Ugh, I don't want to fight the Kingdom.
So those Houses that wanted to defect to the Kingdom didn't because Claude's battle was that bloody in that fire map.
Poor Dimitri and co seems like he's just betting bullied for no real reason by two imperialistic maniacs.
I love how Arval is getting snooty over Shez getting credit for their tactics lamo.
Man, this dialogue is dragging.
So Nadar is going to cause diplomatic chaos by utilizing the Almyran army without getting real permission.
Wait, Claude riled up Sreng? So much for "ending racism" lamo. Wasn't having two cultures not be prejudice against each other like his MO? The writers really just threw him in the trash, hunh.
I feel so bad for Claude fans. He's really a piece of work in this.
Everyone missing Judith has a lot more punch than Randolph. Even Monica was like "get over it" to Fleche (but nicely).
So, let me make sure I have this right. Mr. I Want to End Prejudice Between Cultures just provoked Sreng into attacking the Kingdom so Edelgard can take it over because Rhea is the reason for everything bad. Did I get that right?
Unlike SB, GW is entertaining as hell, but man is the logic here is just non-existant. And poor Claude RIP.
Like, I know I'm biased and all, but I don't see how you're supposed to be the heroes and not Dimitri here. The people just defending themselves are getting attacked on all 3 fronts for the crime of *existing.*
Not going to lie. I kinda wish Claude didn't side with you in AG either. It would've been hype to kick everyone's ass as Dimitri after getting cornered by all these land-grabbers.
GW!Claude is really just the mean girl's sidekick. 😂
If Felix and Rodrigue die in this chapter I swear to God . . . (I just remembered Rodrigue is dead in SB now 😭 - LET THIS MAN SURVIVE).
I had to fight Felix in a side mission. Lysithea said they had to "defend this place" - like, girl, you are invading.
When the challenge is "you can't dodge" but you're using Lorenz 😌👌 (FYI, he just does not take damage in this game)
They're talking about how Hilda exerted energy in a battle because she worried about Shez.
Hilda claims it's just self-defense bc she was cheering for Shez on the front lines and enemies were there (honestly, this is pretty boring so far)
It's the same-old Hilda claiming she's weak but that not being true.
I know she's an Empire character, but whatever.
She wants to create new magics to restore her noble house and wants to research Shez bc of their weird magic
Lamo, Constance low-key called us dumb
Shez suggests she get her house back through military accomplishments.
Constance refuses to train right now, she wants to at night (it's her dual personality thing, right?)
Their first one. Claude's unhappy Lysithea charged in the last battle. But Lysithea kicked ass, so she's upset with Claude.
Claude calls her plan dumb and that he thought Lysithea was smarter than that. Lysithea still argues it ended earlier bc of her.
Lysithea doesn't back down.
Honestly, I side with her here. Claude's being patronizing. And it's rich of him not to care about all the other deaths dragging out the battle would cause and only Lysithea dying because she's *important*
Oof, this one hurts. Claude accuses the church of creating all the systems to serve their own interests, because he doesn't know the truth here. That the Empire actually created most of it, and that all the church ever did was protect a genocided race from being murdered by more power-hungry humans.
It's also hysterical to hear Claude talk about wanting to improve foreign relations while instigating a war between two cultures.
Oof, Holst doesn't care about any of this. He's only worried Claude's going to send Hilda to marry a big, brown, scary foreigner. NOT a good look.
Holst says he cares more about Hilda's future than the whole Alliance. Yikes.
They're preparing a feast.
Oh, it's nice to see Hilda's insecurities about Holst's "perfection" come up in this, bc so far she hadn't said much.
After that last support though, Holst is actually a pretty shitty leader.
Holst wants to make the feast all about Hilda instead of himself though. Hilda likes the attention.
Hilda basically had to set up her own feast lol.
Hilda's cleaning, and Linhardt's honestly upset that he's lost a fellow lazy person.
Hilda claims she never pushes work on people. That, is a lie.
Linhardt is mostly worried how bad it'll look if he's the only one not working instead one of two.
All this support confirms that Linhardt is by far the superior lazy.
Their only support.
So, not related to their support (and watch it counter it), but I find it pretty amusing how getting a leadership position faster matured Felix and Sylvain, but Lorenz is still a bit of a joke and the butt-end of every support he's in.
He's just bragging about how awesome his position and power is.
Lysithea says she's not inheriting her house. She claims it's because she doesn't like what comes with nobility, but we all know why.
She worried that the land will go to chaos without it's leaders though. Lorenz offers help (which, imo, he's actually mature here!)
Lorenz suspects she's turning it down for another reason and encourages her to rely on others to help.
Raphael keeps snapping bows in half when he uses them. Leonie's shocked.
Leonie seems to actually make one and invites Raphael to test it while on guard duty with her.
Marianne found his picture. He puts it down, but she likes it (it's a horse, well a pegasus, but of course)
Ignatz gets carried away talking about it, but Marianne finds it cute.
Ignatz finds Marianne loving pegasus cute. She blushes.
He wants Marianne's help, helping him paint a pegasus bc they don't like men, but if Marianne is around he can get closer and get a better painting. She's happy to help.
Honestly, this whole support is really cute.
It sucks having to attack the Kingdom over and over again when all they want to do is exist in peace.
Oh, joy, Nadar wants to plunder Faerghus. I can see why Fodlan is so evil for not wanting to let them do what they will.
GW really had a chance here to finally do something interesting with Almyra. It even marketed itself as a route that WOULD. But instead it's just doubled-down on Almyra being a one-note lawless place full of barbarians. At least we have Brigid and Duscur so the only brown country isn't some racist stereotype. Since it's only 1 of 3, it's not AS bad of a look.
Fuck. I don't want to kill Felix and Rodrigue. It would be one thing if the Kingdom actually provoked this, but Felix and Rodrigue haven't done anything to deserve this.
I get to recruit Ashe again. Is he miserable here too?
Ugh, I was hoping Felix and Rodrigue weren't here. It seems vastly unfair that it's only Kingdom characters who die for reel in this.
Wow. Claude's really an A-class asshole. He told Ashe to surrender because Dimitri wouldn't want him to die. Maybe don't invade for no reason then?
Is Claude also going to single Felix out as a citizen of Faerghus who deserves to live? Or does only Ashe count and not the nobles and unnamed grunts he's slaughtering because he decided to team up with the person who plans on taking over his rule? (not hate to Ashe at all, I honestly feel awful for him in this game)
Ok, so fighting Felix is just a side quest. I'd rather fail a side quest than fight Felix so, going to try to avoid having to kill him. Ugh, he's attacking the engineers. And he's damn right saying he has every right to kill the people who are invading his home.
Thank God, he just retreated.
I still love how Claude got bent out of shape over Ashe, but Lorenz alone has killed 500 citizens of Faerghus this chapter so . . .
Felix is so worried about Rodrigue. I swear the writers wanted you to feel like shit playing this route.
Oh, fuck. Just when I thought I was finished killing people for defending themselves, Daddy Gautier shows up :( He's sacrificing himself to safe Felix and Rodrigue, isn't he?
Oh, fuck. He died for real 😭
It's really hard to like these characters, making mindless chit-chat after killing Sylvain's daddy. I hope Sylvain fucks them up a new one.
I've never wanted to slap a character more than I'd love to slap Claude right now. The moron has the audacity to be surprised people are going to die while he's invading a foreign country. What a fucking stupid moron.
He's also blaming - get this right - chivalry.
I'm like. I'm speechless right now.
That's right guys. Margrave Gautier died defending his king, his country, his home, and most importantly one of his fucking best friends from an asshole invader. But it's CULTURE'S fault he died.
I'm really confused what the hell Claude thinks he's doing. Does he REALLY think killing Rhea will magically allow people to live as they please? Didn't he grow up in another country where they had princes and shit and NO Rhea?? All he's doing is making Edelgard's take over easier.
This is starting to feel like a borderline spoof. Look at us end the war by invading another nation!!! I mean???
What's his plan? Kill everyone in Faerghus - profit - "freedom" from Rhea - Edelgard takes over - no profit???
The writing in this route has gotten really fucking stupid. Like, I LIKE the idea of evil!Claude. Either a Claude who wants to take over all of Fodlan or one who's ruthless and will do anything to preserve Leicester.
But what I don't like is really fucking dumb Claude, which is what GW's devolved into.
Oh, God, now we get a flashback between father and son. Sylvain and Gautier :(
Sylvain better not be fucking recruitable in this route.
Now Sylvain's in charge 😭😭😭😭
I'm convinced someone who's a major Edelgard stan wrote the larger plot of this, but then a Dimitri stan wrote the actual dialogue 😅
We really go from one moment Claude being like - it's Rhea's fault Gautier died bc Kingdom culture bad because church bad to Sylvain being like, naw, he died defending his friends.
At the very least, I'll give Hopes credit here. At least they didn't write anyone opposing Edelgard as either evil or like they're idiots for resisting invasion, but I almost feel like they made the Kingdom especially too sympathetic which makes Edelgard look more interesting (since SB is more honest than CF) and Claude just look like a bozo. Rhea just doesn't look like anything since she's not even here.
Though, I REALLY wish Claude didn't side with us in AG. I really wish we got to see Faerghus backed into a corner and kick everyone's asses. They've very much the underdog and watching them do that would've been awesome.
Felix and Rodrigue are beating themselves up over this.
See, this is what I mean - Sylvain just said he's reserving all his hatred for the foreign invaders who take everything for no reason - I really feel like a Dimitri fan saw how everyone collectively decided to take a dump on the Kingdom in the big plot and got revenge by making everyone look like villains (or morons in Claude's case) for doing so in the writing.
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pathetic-gamer · 1 year
I'm really surprised yall liked that costume breakdown so much! Glad it wasn't a waste of time lol By popular demand, I'm back with more unnecessary analysis, this time of the lettuce fam (and the church as a whole).
I bring you:
Fashion in Fódlan part ii: a very long, still not comprehensive, but this time solicited analysis
FYI this post is way more detailed and is significantly more focused on the relationship between the Adrestian Empire and the Church of Seiros, especially relating to politics and power, rather than the clothes.
The Curch of Seiros: tradition!
The reason I didn't originally include these babies is simply that the pool seems at first to be very small. Besides, Flayn is in an academy uniform, and Sothis is a god, so there's really only two outfits and it's kinda hard to get a real feel for it overall.
Fortunately, I Am Very Smart (jk) and was able to gather a sizable amount of material by broadening my horizons a little
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Statues from left to right: Macuil, Cichol, Indech, Cethleann
The very first thing you will notice is that, unsurprisingly, there are a lot of similarities with the generic clergy outfits, and the Saints are just in regular class uniforms rather than unique clothes. You can actually see a sort of evolution from Sothis's dress (the og) to the generic female bishop and priest, and a sort of similar silhouette between the male monk and Seteth:
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Also, Rhea, dead Sitri, and the mural version of Sothis are all wearing the same white dress but with decreasing amounts of embellishments :) dragon ladies :)
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Flayn's version of the academy uniform actually keeps a couple of these influences, as well, primarily the center-front embellishments and the dropped shoulder bows.
Enlightened!Byleth, on the other hand, is a bizarre hodgepodge of stuff that doesn't immediately seem related to anything else.
The Saints being depicted in generic clothing makes sense, because the statues were probably erected after they had all "died." It is odd that Cichol, despite being a wyvern lord in game canon and a formidable warrior in CoS canon (whoa, so meta), is shown in the male bishop uniform in his statue. I think it's because they needed to differentiate between Cichol and Emperor Wilhelm.
The statue in the imperial palace of Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg, the first emperor, is in full armor, but the statue of Cichol is not - the years Cichol lived in Enbarr may have overlapped with Wilhelm's rule, so Cichol, despite being as much (or more) of a warrior as Wilhelm, held a more spiritually significant position. His association with Cethleann likely reinforced that, thus leading to the badass warrior-priest depiction.
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*pointing at myself in the mirror* don't draw warrior-priest seteth on a wyvern don't draw warrior-priest seteth on a wyvern don't dr
"But pg," you say, "of course they all look like the monks and priests, they're literally the church. What does this have to do with the empire?"
The church and the empire grew hand-in-hand for a very, very long time, and that shows in lots of ways, including the prevelance of magic in the empire. I actually believe that the way the clergy dresses now is actually somewhat similar to how a lot of people used to dress, or at least influenced it. (Note that TWSITD, a group that has been around for longer than the empire and is separate from the church entirely, still wears their variations of clergy clothes, and Arval/Epimenides even have a similar silhouette to Sothis. That suggests that the styles are indeed very old.)
Now that more than 1000 years have passed, the Empire has continued to develop new styles and fashions, while the church, being a church, has maintained their ceremonial outfits. That being said, some similarities remain. I want to take a look at two of them:
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Most units have outfits that draw from their canon classes, so that's not unusual, and all the magic classes are clearly influenced by the church, but what we should consider here is why the fashion aesthetics lean toward the faith classes when these two characters in particular are clearly specialized in reason and dislike the church.
Dorothea's dress is elegant and fashionable and also happens to bear a shocking resemblance to a generic priest outfit (outlined in red the points of interest on Dorothea). The sleeves are also similar to the mage outfit, of course, but it's the cut of the skirt, the thing at her neck, and the waistband that make it a priest.
For Lord Arundel, I'm mostly saying the general *shape* of the thing is similar, but there's also the deep round collar and the strong vertical lines, but only on one side instead of both.
As a side note, I'll argue that the military jackets we discussed in the last post are actually related to the church too, since the Officer's Academy (which is of course founded and run by the church) uses the same button styles, and we don't see it in the other two nations. (If this all seems like a stretch, that's because it is <3 a thousand years have passed, okay, things have changed.)
Besides just the practice of magic in general and some of the styles, the ceremonial importance of wearing some kind of uniform to show your role also remained, imo. We have two clear styles of uniform in the Imperial nobility - robes and jackets (it's unclear exactly what determines who wears which - I would think it's based on military roles vs political roles, which would explain the strike force being in jackets, but Jeritza is heavily involved in the military and he wears the robes. Possibly the exception that proves the rule?) - which are of course related to the two styles we see the most of at Garreg Mach, those being the clergy's robes and the officer's academy students. They may have evolved pretty substantially by this point, but I'm inclined to say the robes worn in the empire are related to the clergy robes, especially if they're meant to be associated with the people in more politically-oriented positions rather than soldiers.
We see the importance of these uniforms in the fact that they actually supersede armor/class uniforms. Hubert (canon class dark bishop), Ferdinand (canon class paladin), and Lord Arundel (canon class dark knight), all wear outfits that aren't actually related to their canon classes at all, and they still keep those outfits when in combat as enemies.
One more similarity I'd be remiss not to point out:
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Love to be a bisexual God-King and wear a big tall collar and shoulder embellishment and gold stuff around my neck and a gold crown with a little dangly pearl thing on my forehead~
More analysis:
So, we've established that there's a connection between the clothes worn by empire nobility and church leadership, as well as the nature of those clothes. Cool. Now let's talk $$.
I'm not going to consider Sothis's outfit here, because she's a god and I don't think she's going popping into shops to buy ribbons. Likewise, I think Byleth's enlightened one outfit is more of a divine creation than an actual outfit that cost money.
Rhea's costume however, which as we discussed earlier takes inspiration from Sothis's, definitely did cost money, and a lot of it.
On the inner layer, we don't have a ton of excess stuff going on, as far as the cut of the clothing goes - the white dress is very simple, pretty fitted, not extravagant in any way, but we do have those extra gold details and the headdress, which is honestly a work of art.
What I want to pay attention to is the cloak in particular. That fabric with the beautiful, intricate repeating design of the Crest of Seiros is almost certainly a white and gold brocade (not only is that what it looks like, but it's also a typical fabric for liturgical vestments).
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Brocade is a very expensive type of fabric that's woven to look like it's been heavily embroidered, example above (fabric plus a painting of somewhere wearing it). High quality, 100% silk brocade, especially hand woven and using precious metals like gold, costs literally hundreds of USD per yard, and a cloak of that size would be multiple yards (4? 5 maybe? idk I can't actually sew). That's a lot of money.
You'll notice that Seteth has a similar pattern on the inside of his cape, but I highly doubt it's a brocade. It could be damask (similar to brocade but cheaper and easier to take care of - example shown below), but I think it's just a patterned silk.
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I think his main garment - cape included - is meant to be a play on a cassock, so it's probably a lightweight, soft wool with the decorative facing only on the cape part, possibly not lined at all in the rest of it. The details around his cuffs and shoulders and the back of the cape are probably embroidery or applique, I'm guessing the same as the academy uniforms, whatever those are.
It's definitely nicer than what most of the students or everyday people wear, but not nearly as extravagant as the jackets in the Empire. You'll also notice that Flayn's officer's academy uniform is a little fancier than the regular students, but not enough to be worth investigation.
The blue is probably a pretty expensive dye color, and you'll note that Rhea has it too. (The black of the academy uniforms would be similar in cost...)
(Speaking of blue dye, I did more research while writing this post and it turns out that the dull blues most of the folks in the kingdom have are actually some of the cheapest and easiest colors to get and maintain! Woad my beloved... Indigo is still extremely expensive, though.)
So anyway, as we can see, the issue of excess is really just Rhea. Being the Archbishop, it's understandable in the exact same way that Edelgard's outfit is - they're both trying to show their legitimacy as a sovereign, in part through their clothes.
However, I do want to point out something extremely important: Rhea didn't drop a shit ton of money on a fancy cloak any time in the last few centuries. When you observe her headdress during a tea party, she has this to say: "This crown is rather elaborate, but it has been passed down through generations of archbishops." So it was almost certainly created hundreds of years ago, likely during the early and much more prosperous years of the empire before the kingdom was a twinkle in Loog's eye. I think the cloak is probably the same way, created around the same time as the crown.
So, is she wasting a lot of money to make herself look powerful? Probably not. Is it still a little out of touch to be dressed so extravagantly? Yeah, on a social level. On a political level, she's reinforcing the idea that she's in control, especially while groups like the Western Church are acting up.
Because that's what this is all about: Control.
The church still has a significant impact on the culture of the empire, but it's more than just an old and famous church building still standing in the heart of Enbarr or the gown of an opera diva. It's explicit.
As our very last exhibit, I present a crown.
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The crown Edelgard is given at her coronation is not the same crown she wears during the war, and - though we can only see the tip of the little spire in the front - it bears a striking resemblance to the crown worn by Sothis/enlightened!Byleth. (Using the Sothis regalia to show it bc it's a better image lol.)
I believe this crown may have been crafted at the same time as the Archbishop's, though you'll notice it's quite a bit smaller.
That's because the church and the empire didn't just grow up together - the church was the empire. Seiros named the capital, chose and crowned the first empire, and gifted him her own blood to give him power. The Adrestian Empire exists because Seiros wanted it to, but the church was the higher authority.
The Archbishop traditionally witnesses the coronation of each new emperor not as a show of friendship or an alliance or whatever; it's to remind everyone that originally, the Emperor served at the grace of the Archbishop, not by virtue of their own authority.
Edelgard wears a different crown when she declares war on the church, because she can't have anyone questioning her authority, especially not the church. That means all remaining influence the church has over the Empire and Fodlan as a whole simply must be destroyed. Unfortunately, it runs far too deep. What's she going to do, make Dorothea wear a different dress?
-fin- (lol)
working on a much more lighthearted part iii, which will literally just be ranking the outfits on how expensive I think they are lol no promises on that one though
EDIT: someone pointed me to an item description from FEH that confirms Edelgard did *not* have a new crown designed, it's just a different crown that already existed. Here's the ask where we talk about it a little
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oraclebell17 · 1 year
happy trans day of visibility!!!!!! i hope it's okay if i put this Arval here..
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i myself am a cis woman but i am very supportive of all of my trans/enby friends out there!!!! ❤️‼️
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
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Now that I think about it, counting Shez as part of the normal, non-crested crowd is kind of.... ironic
Like, we're talking about a person with shape-shifting abilities, who can summon a sword at will and gain incredible strength and power................. They're not a baseline human, guys
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Arval Fire Emblem helped me realize that I'm nonbinary* as soon as the demo came out for Three Hopes, so when the full game released I named Shez "Theyz" for my actual playthroughs, because that's hilarious
*I'm sauntering vaguely womanwards now, but I think at most I'm Woman But A To The Side
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