#I'm so excited even tho it's so damn early
freaky-flawless · 26 days
My work already got in some of our Halloween stuff and y'all...
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How perfect is this to display a Clawdeen doll???
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bluewhitehues · 4 months
Hug | Kim Mingyu
Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: Angst? (Little bit), comfort, strangers to lovers, fluff
Pairing : Idol Kim Mingyu × (f) reader
Warning: mentions of anxiety
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Author's note : These are lyrics from Hug by Seventeen ..you'll see it unfolding throughout the story.
Also I didn't expect this much of response but I'm so so happy you guys liked it 😭😭THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE THIS MEANS A LOT TO ME 🥺❤️
Part 2
You still are a little bit nervous but you aren't a quitter, you're one confident women.
You checked yourself one last time in the mirror, throwing that confident smirk to yourself cause you damn well knew you look good, you winked at yourself and finally went to the uber you booked. You decided to go a few minutes earlier so that you'd get a little comfortable at that place, first of all you've no idea who your date is and you don't wanna go through the trouble and embarrassment of searching him through the whole place so yeah no you decided to be there early.
Chan that a$shole didn't even give you your supposed blind date's number saying "I gave him your number he'll find you ."
So yeah here you were waiting for him in the cafe. You noticed it wasn't too crowded it was rather peaceful.
On the other hand there's Mingyu he was also nervous but excited the whole day.
He had asked chan about how did you say yes, "what was her reaction?" "Was she weirded out because I want to go on a date with her?" But chan has been dismissive of him saying, "Just eat the fruit hyung don't count the seeds."
He didn't think much of that, he was just excited for the date. Imagine his big but smol puppy self jumping here and there being all giddy, thinking about you. He even told seokmin and wonwoo about the date.
After coming from their schedule he showered and got ready. A black turtleneck, a denim jacket over it and blue jeans.He sprayed his favourite perfume on himself, took his car keys while wonwoo was teasing him about the date he left the apartment with the blush all over his cheeks. He was so giddy, tho while driving few things popped up in his mind, What if you don't like him, what if it won't work out but you said yes to the date so he was counting on that.
He arrived at the cafe finally. After parking his car, he went inside.
There you were looking all pretty and cute sipping your milkshake. He went towards your table, you noticed him when he was near, he saw your eyes going a little wide.. he removed his mask and sat down infront of you.
"Hey you are early, I thought I'd be the early one . Did you wait for too long? " He asked with a nervous chuckle .
And you ....there was shock written all over your face, you were freaking out from inside. Chan that mf was so so dead he sent Kim fking Mingyu as your blind date , and never in your wildest dreams you thought this would happen. You thought it must be some friend of his but A MEMBER? A SEVENTEEN MEMBER?? AS YOUR BLIND DATE????? What the fuvk was happening right now .
You were confused as hell but you talked, " Mingyu ? It's you?"
Now it was his turn to be confused, "U-uh chan didn't tell you? You didn't know it'd be me?" He asked tilting his head a little.
"No he didn't, he told me it's a blind date."
Mingyu closed his eyes shaking his head cursing chan in his mind , "I'm so sorry y/n , I swear I didn't know that you don't know it's a date with me , I thought he told you ..I know it's unfair, if I know you should've also known it's me ..I'm sorry " he sighed.
You were feeling so many emotions at once, you didn't know what to say. You said yes to this because you wanted to move on but you can't do this to Mingyu.. out of all the people not him. You know how good of a person he is chan has talked about him always. You can't do this to him while you like his little brother -his bestfriend. He doesn't deserve this he deserves better,even if it's just a date.
"I believe you mingyu you don't have to say sorry I just-" you sighed ,"I'm sorry i just didn't think it'd be you infact I didn't think at all that it could be any one of your members ..that's why I'm so surprised."
He smiled at you, " well yeah it's me and it's my fault as well I should've directly asked you insteading of involving chan"
And just now your dumb ass is realising that it's Mingyu who asked chan for a date with you and that information is like a bomb to your brain you're shaking your head to avoid the effects of explosion, you're hoping whatever it is you're thinking isn't true but mingyu decides to speak seeing your inner turmoil.
"So uh I really hope you're interested in this date but if this is too much for you and if you're uncomfortable because it's me, we can go if you're not feeling ok I understand."
Now you're feeling so much bad he's being so kind to you.
"You are not making me uncomfortable don't worry but I could really use some fresh air I don't think I can talk here ..do you mind if we go out?"
"ofcourse we can,let's go."
Like the gentleman he's he insisted on paying for your drink and you insist on buying a drink for him, the least you can do is that for ruining the date.Also you felt bad because you didn't even ask him if he ate you knew they had schedule for the whole day.
You were walking on the street, it is quiet here in this area, it's even surrounded by nature , you both were a bit awkward but yeah.
"Are you feeling better now?" He asks you.
You smile a little at him "yes I'm ..thank you."
You stop at a bridge like place where wind is blowing.
He looks at you "y/n ...if it wasn't clear..I like you, I really really like you..I just wanted you to know."
He said it with such a genuineness with those eyes twinkling, your breath got stuck, your heart was beating so loud. You wish you could say it back to him but you can't ... Cause you like someone else.
"Mingyu..." You sighed "I- thank you.. I don't know what to say but I respect your feelings and I'm really sorry." You contemplated on telling him but you decided to say, " I like someone else...and I actually said yes to the date because I'm trying to move on ..and you don't deserve this.. so I'm gonna have to say no to you, I'm so so sorry" you got teary eyed while saying all that.
He kind of saw that coming.. your sad eyes your expressions gave it all away.
"it's chan, isn't it?
Your eyes widened and you don't know why instead of saying no and lying you say "How do you know?"
He gives you a sad smile .."I've seen you with him and I'm good at observing but I hoped I was wrong." "To confirm this I actually asked him if you guys are dating or something-" he was going to say something more but decides to stop cause he realises it might hurt you ..
You snort at that , "it's ok mingyu I know he doesn't like me like that." You look at him in the eye while your own eyes are teary ," Honestly it feels so wrong you know ..to like him-" he cuts you off at that shaking his head " there's nothing wrong in liking someone y/n ..get that in your head and hey I like someone too you know,even if she doesn't like me. See we're in the same boat if you ask me." He says it teasingly, you laugh a little at that.. despite his own sadness he's trying to comfort you.
"Hey now, are you trying to make me feel guilty?" You ask looking up at him.
He laughs," no I'm not I'm just joking."
You sigh.. "you'll not tell this to chan right?" You ask him a little scared.
"No y/n ..you can trust me, I won't say anything to anyone. Whatever happened today it's a secret between you and me"
"You promise ?" You look at him with hopeful eyes.
He gives you his pinky and smiles "I promise."
You hook your pinkies in a promise.
You think about how he must've looked forward to the date and you dropped all these bombs on him, you must've made him sad .."I feel like a jerk I ruined the date for you I'm so-"
"What are you sorry for please stop saying sorry, you didn't know it'd be me I'm feeling more sorry I must've startled you." He says looking at you because he really does feel bad about you not knowing.
"well you did startle me but you also don't have to say sorry ..Lee chan will pay for this, what if we both join hands to plan something against him"
He laughs at your playfulness, "deal."
There's a awkward silence then he says "we should go it's getting chilly ..I'll drop you off ?" He's hoping you'd say yes atleast to this.
You try to politely decline him but he insists and you decide to say yes.
Note: Heyy this is it for today, I don't know how many parts it'll be may be 1 or 2 more ...I'll try to post daily I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading byeee❤️
Part 3 👇🏻
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Damn yall are liking this Hazbins Fallen au- I'm glad!! Honestly I was hoping people would like it but like, still a shock you know-
Anywaysss, I am busy but figured I'd post some fact/headcanons of the au, aoke plot points, mostly surrounding Emily because she's the main change of the au
Emily has a pretty big sweet tooth, and when she does get sweets she always gets extra for Razzle and Dazzle
Again, I will say this, Vaggie, Charlie and Emily are wrangle and dazzles moms. Keekee is not counting as a child cause the seems more like. A ept while Razzle and Dazzle seem mroe sentient, at least to me
Charlie and Seviathans relationship, post break up ofc, is like Ron Swanson and Tammy 2s, no the uh- getting back together part but the '....she's here-' part, Charlie absolutely hates his guts and whenever he's near her more demon features come out as she looks around trying to spot him
Emily barely holds herself back from killing slaviathen, you'd think it'd be Vaggie, but no, it's Emily
Emily design resembles a succubus, it was by complete accident, she lieks the color of horns and didn't realize what it could resemble-
Emily absolutely hates Al but hides it ebhidn a cheerful smile, silent anger so to speak(she does end up snapping at Al and I am so excited to write that scene)
Husk is Emily's father figure I already have a whole chaoter planned surrounding how they bon, Emily calls him dad from that chaoter onwards
Angle constantly makes 'I fucked you dad' jokes, even if they aren't true, at Em cause he knows it pushes her buttons....she retaliated by buying water balloons and throwing them at him one day when he makes the same joke again
Husk just watches.
In the pilot, vaggie holds up her spear and Emily pushes it down like "...no, no..." the Katy says soemthing homophobic and she immediately moves her hand away and says "nevermind. Do what you want."
Emily hates waking up early, she's done it for YEARS in heaven she'll eb damned if she does it for more in hell (plus there's nobody on her about being on time to places)
You knwo that scene where Husk is calling everyone out? Well, he looks at Emily and goes "and SHES....well....I've got nothing on her, she's perfect" you can tell who his favorite is
Remember when angle brings them ti a bdsm club? Yeah, I've- I've got a FUN scene idea for that-
Screw shoes let charlie show her hooves- especially since I 70% sure that hoped animals have to walk on their hooves or else they risk a lot of different things so- yeah, I'm throwing away her shoes.
Also have her show sone more demon features, I love making designs so much- and of course their gonna be more animalistic, cause I love expanding on animal nosies and behaviors and stuff, it was always planned tho I didn't have a specfici bird in mind for vaggie until the hawk feather exorcists au, she also makes moth noises
I am going to have so much fun making their designs-
Also, Emily and Peter are best friends in this au, mlm and wlw solidarity when they go back up to heaven while Sera is tlaking Peter is jsut staring at her
'I know' she knows he knows....she silently promises to catch him up before the trial and he finally looks away satisfied
I feel liek while Emily would be very quick to accept husk is her father figure I think Husk would be a bit hesitant to accept that HE is a father figure
You know victor from lackadaisy? I dont knwo why but I kinda like to imagine husk as him- like I'm debating if I should make husk have had a daughter when he was alive who he didn't get to see cause of the divorce and turned to alcoholism slowly. And Em reminds him if her and that makes him SCARED
Fun little idea I had that I may or may not include, depends how I'm feeling honestly, I do wanna ta leats keep some things liek how 'gruff' he is and apply it to husk, idm I feel like their personalities are every similar, thoguh that might jsut be me-
Husk would teach Emily how to play Chess
Charlie knows Vaggie and Emily are angles and all that stuff, as I've said before. So I'm debating wether or not to keep Al's deal in, I think I will but tweak it a bit
I love Al, but he is an above avrage overlord at best, the only reason he was able to fight agaisnthe exrocists and Adam was due to them not being used to people attacking BACK and seeing it more as entertainment then actual hunting.
Anyways Em may or may not call him out casually on multiple occasions- 'he does realize if he fights Adam he'll die- oh, and there he goes called it!' She doesn't like him
Em was very much called 'lucifers replacement' by many angles, not Sera but even Sera soemtimes accidentally said lucis name instead of Ems at Keats a few times. Anyways she hates lucifer despite never meeting him and for soem reaosn never realized he was Charlie's father-
Al and Rosie are Charlie's uncle and aunt, foudn family my beloved
The reveal that Emily is Emily the seraphim....well, lets hsut say when revealing vaggie to be an exrocist doesn't work. lute notices how fimiliar Em looks..... it's gonna be a very interesting chaote rthats for certain
Speaking of the episode list- probably gonna alter them cut ep6 into 2 parts to, I'll make a diffeent post about it-
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on-leatheredwings · 2 months
i've found your account only a few days ago but ever since then I've been STUCK here rereading your fanfics, especially ones with damian. i wasn't even a dc fan (heard about some stuf, watched some films and cartoons, but that's it) but now im reading comics since im Obsessed and need more batboys in my life (rip my productivity😔)
Anyway, after Sleepover i'm curious what will Bruce (and maybe even Thalia) think of batboys strange behaviour towards reader. He's smart, so he definitely notices it early on, but how he'll react....
I can see him being weirded out (like he was by Jason's anger issues, before his death), but he also can be an enabler, since Robin (literaly any of them) had a hard life, so if those relationships can help him why not pretend that everything is normal? you'll be safer in a Wayne's Manor anyway
All in all, thanks for a new hyperfixation 💞💞
P.s. About games:
1. Boyfriend to death 1&2 - since you're into yanderes you might want to check this game out. I prefer the second game, but the first is also fun. But beware the trigger warnings!!
2. Long live the Queen - more of a raising sim than dating sim but you still can romance some guys and girls.
,3. Hatoful Boyfriend - mostly a comedy, but there is a yandere.
4. The Royal Trap - it's been a long time since i played it, but it used to be one of my favorites so i'll just mention it.
5. Higurashi - once again not really a romance sim, but its an interesting horror mixed with a slice of life
and yes yes get into DC!!! (girl who hasnt even read a full run since like. injustice)
damn now you got me thinking and excited. incoming spiel
i agree entirely about bruce just knowing how Bad things can get, so to make things simpler, he's like "yes, your darling(s) can stay in the manor, boys. 🙄"
mmm yes..... when it comes to bruce noticing the batboys are yandere, i think it's always sinfully delightful to just have him be reluctantly okay with it. 😈 it's also easier narratively ngl but i also like the idea that the batfam is all just corrupted.
bruce's thoughts are that they (his sons) fight for vengeance and justice but this is where they could use some leeway.... we all need our vice... they fight so hard for gotham, they deserve a little treat (getting rid of your human rights)... it's very "Dad who wants his sons to have happiness even if its not healthy" of him. in fics where bruce is a yandere, well, he's the exact same way so he can't judge. although if that's the case, i like the idea of bruce just being like "yes what we do isn't right. let's not talk about it. just don't kill <3"
still wondering what i like more. a yan!bruce who's self aware what he's doing is wrong but he just refuses to think about it. or a yan!bruce that justifies it all because of his paranoia, Tower of Babel style (if you don't know, that's when it's revealed batman has plans to subdue/kill the justice league just in case they go rogue.)
for the batboys depends on their personality... for damian, he's so resolute in things that i prefer when he just believes 100% what he's doing is okay, if not actually righteous. ^_^
hmmm talia.... I'M STILL UNSURE HOW I PREFER THAT AS WELL... i think talia being a you-arent-good-enough-for-my-son mom is a little cliche but also. she kinda would say that. you'd have to prove your worth somehow but idk how tf darling would do that LOL. in the end, i think talia is just relieved/comforted that her son indeed feels desire and wants love and will continue the family legacy (regardless if youre afab/can biologically have children.)
no THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! AND THANKS FOR RECS!!!! heheh yeah ive checked out btd and im not averse to the warnings its more like im not that most of into the designs ngl. fox guy seems cute? AND LMAO FUNNY BC IM ON A HIGURASHI REWATCH (never played it tho)
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
College anon dropping in to say that the dubs aren't very good. Some, like the french one, sound like the text went through google translate (and the dubbing in general is terrible despite France having a good rep in the industry). The Italian version of Poison is low-key good tho
As for my reaction to Poison, imagine that gif of the happy yellow emoji looking traumatized/dead inside. I stared at the screen wondering what led me to watching this and how ANYONE would think this was a good scene. Vivziepop claiming that the leaks don't represent the full scene was right for once... It was so much worse. I could think of a more tasteful way to picture it in 5 seconds, it isn't that hard. She could have even kept most of the scene, just remove the graphic stuff to keep the suggestive dancing (a smart idea that should have remained subtle) and maybe keep the Val part à la Addict to show that, yeah, on top of "working" all night (because the graphic scenes made it obvious he stopped "enjoying" work early during the night), Val SA'd him and that shows the entirety of the hell he's going through. It explains why he breaks down and lashes out. Viv didn't need to keep most of the SA, the entire thing was implied.
Also episode 4 comes out of left field. Yes, it was foreshadowed since the beginning but why is Angel suddenly returning his calls? We SAW him ignore Val. He clearly HATES him. Since when is Husk calling him out and badgering him about being "fake"?? They've known each other for a WEEK. It's way too early for that. It's like we're missing 3-4 episodes of development in-between. Angel reconnecting with Val and showing hints that this is indeed a facade, Husk knowing a lot about everyone and giving a damn... This should be a mid-end of season arc for Angel. I'd personally make it end of season 1 so that he can show change during season 2, beginning as someone new, someone who slowly tries to show he cares and let down his bravado in small amounts, with clear hints of being a little scared of the reactions, until it naturally becomes his full-time persona. Maybe have Charlie notice at some point and subtly encourage him, DELIGHTED (in caps because that girl is extra) that Angel is getting better but having to keep her excitement in in fear of scaring him off (because Charlie should have SOME sort of emotional intelligence ffs).
Loser, Baby feels out of place. This is NOT the appropriate reaction to Angel's words. Did they rewrite the dialogue but not the song?? Here's how it sounds:
Angel: I feel like I've gotta be Val's perfect whore all the time so I'm trying to break myself enough he will be alone—
Husk: Well, it's okay to be a loser, baby! Look at me, I'm a failure too. You ain't special and it's okay!
....So Angel is a loser/failure/broken but Val is still into him??? Did they realize that this should send him the wrong message?! That Val will "love" him no matter what and that Angel cannot be free, that he's been making himself miserable for NOTHING?? First of all, Husk's greediness and addictions are NOTHING like Angel's situation. He signed with his real name. That alone implies that Val snatched him early on as he arrived. On top of that, he's being abused every way possible on the regular, for no fault of his own, and is self-destructing. He cannot kill himself and Val won't let him be killed. This is NOTHING like Husk losing a game for more power and being forced to be a bartender.
Here's how it should have gone for the song to work:
Angel: So?! The real me is a good for nothing loser who died in a ditch from some shitty coke! THIS is the famous, hotter than Hell pornstar that everyone wanna fuck! And I've— I've gotta be the part. 'Cause if I'm not... If I ain't then who am I?
Angel's fear should have been about being seen as who he was, as some loser that nobody loved. Let him feel like he beat his father, that now he's someone so suck it dad! You were wrong! Let Angel behave as if his life was a porn movie because that's all he knows now and what he thinks he should be like. Instead of trying to ruin himself so that Val discards him, have him try to be perfect... Because that'll stop the abuse, right? Val is happy when he acts like that. The perverts worship him. No one cares about Anthony.
That would make Loser, Baby work. It would achieve its goal of saying "it's okay to suck, we all do! Look at me, I'm a loser but my life isn't over!" and get Angel to accept that he's enough as he is. If you add in a few episodes beforehand to set it up, it could have worked better instead of being insensitive.
Personally I would have entirely changed the Angel/Val dynamic. Val can still be a whiny bitch but not in a drama queen way as is implied. He gets like that whenever he loses control of his favorite. Have one of the Vees groan and say something about Angel having done something as if it happened often. Make them used to Val throwing a fit because he didn't get what he wanted out of Angel or because he's having a jealousy fit. It already makes Val more controlling. It'll make the messages scene hit harder as, yeah, we can see why Angel left, the dude is unstable and obsessed. I'd be a little more fucked-up and have Angel kinda love him. Ofc in the Stockholm Syndrome way, he's been abused so much he's too attached to leave. That shift in dynamic would explain why he eventually goes back despite everything. Like in the show, he feels ignored in favor of the new resident and the way he's dismissed and talked about makes him feel like shit. He checks his phone again and ends up listening to Val's new voice messages... And this time, they're sickeningly sweet in a row. He's sorry, he's begging for him to come back. He loves him. And that's enough for Angel to go out or answer him. Put a few episodes in-between where Angel seems... Off? How weird, he's jumpy, more on his phone. He's out for parts of the episodes or clearly focused on something else. Then we get episode 4, where everyone culminates to show how bad the situation is for him. I'd personally not have Val hit him. He's smart enough to not leave bruises on his top whore. However, he's manipulative and threatening. There's no doubt that he COULD hit Angel whenever, especially with the way he cowers. Angel tries to diffuse the situation, so well that it's heartbreaking, and he gets bold. That line when he doesn't reply "Yes Val" is meant with silence as we wait for Val's reaction, waiting for him to blow up. A beat. He doesn't. He's not calm but he's not as angry. He's not going to hit him. He thanks Angel, touching him while the other flinches, a hint that he handles Angel roughly in this kind of situation, and just as Angel looks relieved, he announces that he'll have to work all night, distressing Angel again.
Ofc that would require extensive research and talk to specialists to do it well. Viv's audience can be stupid so it's more of a struggle to make it clear that none of this is Angel's fault and to not romantize this shit but it's more interesting than Val being so obviously abusive. IMHO he almost transformed into someone else in that episode and it could work but we didn't see enough of him to go "oh that's the old abuser trick! he's not as nice as he is with others when he's with his victim!". Idk how to put it sensibly but the impression he gave me was "whiny manchild who sadly was given enough power by Daddy Vox to abuse someone" instead of the intended "terrifying Overlord who is unstable and abusing his power to abuse whichever worker he fancies at the moment". I dunno Chai I just think it would work better if he were more manipulative and welding his power in other ways than by force. Like Angel isn't scared by his strength but by his influence. Also I would low-key find a way to make it so that Angel, mistakenly, thinks he can get away with some things to explain how he'd leave for the Hotel. Like having him not be a perfect victim. While he tries to cater to Val and keep him happy out of fear (and/or care because abuse fucks you up), he sometimes provokes him or tries to do his own thing. It'd show he's his own person and stuff. Sadly that would be lost on Viv's stans and it would absolutely spark some victim-shaming stuff or worse. But I think if she's gonna try to portray something like this, she could do with some nuance and not so... Cliché? Of course, it happens like this to too many people but it feels like she's applying a trope with no thought into it. The most cookie-cutter depiction she could do for quick satisfaction or to tick that case. A bit like how Stolitz is a mix of multiple tropes and is a terribly done version of that trope where a noble falls in love with someone whose class is lower with a sprinkle of badly done transactional relationship that sparks feelings. Thinking of HB, HH has better representation of abuse but not by much. I feel like if Stella was a man, she'd have written it this way? It felt like fetish fuel hiding underneath the surface whereas Stella was lazy writing.
I dunno man, I wanted to rant about Charlie and her design but episode 4 hit me like a wall of bricks
Thank you for all of this, College Anon. This was a great read, and you're right, the Italian version of Poison goes so much harder than the English.
Also Italian Val's voice is...yeah, 10/10 stars on that one. Mama mia.
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bidonica · 3 months
Oooh man I have quite the backlog to go through here not only because I finished the playthrough nearly a week ago at this point, but also because we're entering boss fight, epic cutscene, emotional confession, shameless blorbo thirsting at this point, and we're starting from this totally non ominous landmark at the edge of the map
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(Previous adventures in pizza delivery: a Death Stranding playthrough blog)
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This is the activation key for the chiral network? Surely nothing dark behind the fact it's a literal BB pod... like they would never put a real baby in here, haha so silly to even think of it
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Probably my favorite Norman face in the whole game? At least top 3
Now what was the point of putting up this breathy, slutty intonation for this prelude to the boss fight. Who made that decision and what am I supposed to do with it? Be normal?
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Most genuinely grotesque BT you meet
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Real talk tho, a thing about Higgs is that he seems the only character who is aware he's in a videogame (save maybe for Amelie and her "Mario and Princess Beach") so he will make this sort of inside joke a lot. Since I'm actually a pretty mediocre player, he asked me "should we lower the difficulty?" embarassingly often... But it also made me think of his Fleabag wink at the camera in the DS2 trailer. We stan a genre aware loser
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Speaking of DS2... I said it before and I'll say it again, the mere thought of the Sam and Lou relationship being ruined makes me SPIRAL I mean look at her!!! She's ready to throw hands for her momdad! Nobody loves Sam Porter Bridges as much as BB Lou
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Feminism leaving my body,
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Sam: *literally almost died, is so exhausted he can barely stand*
Die-Hardman in his airpods: come on Sam aren't you excited to go to the BEACH? Chop chop! The early bird gets the worm!
Well I made Sam take a nap in the private room because I am not a monster.
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Coming soon: another Higgs boss fight!, Damn bitch you live like this??, DAD?????, My Sister Has A Lot To Say, a devastatingly emotional scene that makes me cry without fail, bonus content with Metal Gear elements that creates a few continuity problems!
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dulltoned · 6 months
the urge to write a fic about Branch being stuck in the diamond prison and getting his talent drained with all the angst possibilities is so damn high rn it’s insane
- 🪶 (decided to tag myself lol- gonna hang around your inbox every once in a while, tho I’d rather stay anonymous just bcs-)
Writing Branch angst is just so fulfilling in a way that it probably shouldn't be, but that probably says more about me than anything.
I'm excited to see what kind of fics pop up about Branch being the one in the diamond instead, just because regardless of the early concept those were going to float around. I haven't found one that really fits my needs quite yet but there's already a few out there.
Honestly, I implore you to jot down whatever you think of even if it's just in snippets. It can be really satisfying to come back to little blurbs and build off them later down the line.
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j4zzpunker · 3 months
D0 u 3ven sk1b1di bro? -_-
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Unpleasant Gradient x reader
Chapter 1
Summary: You and Kasper had been friends since basically diapers, but the two of you are now in college, and though still close recently he’s been awfully distant. But what do you do when you end up at infected apartment after a texting mishap that ends in your favor and the reason he’s been distant literally comes through the window.
Sprawled on your bed, You had been scrolling through your messages with Kasper on your phone, thinking about how your conversations never flowed like they used to. Youd tried to ask him what was wrong but he’d always brushed it off nervously. Saying something about how “college is really kicking my ass right now” or something like “I’m just really busy these days, I'm really sorry Y/N”. He was really the only person you’d had left from highschool, and now it was starting to feel like you’d had nobody left. Being a freshman in college was hard enough but barely getting any social interactions felt like it was literally killing you.
You shut your phone off and sit on the edge of your bed, you sigh and move to stand up when you receive a text from Kasper,
“wut? XP”.
Confused, you click on the notification, and stare at your phone mortified for a second. A speech bubble from you with a singular letter, “q” to be exact, sat there. You must have accidentally sent him a message while scrolling through your messages. “God damnit I am such a fucking idiot, what doI even say to that? “Sorry I was scrolling through our messages thinking about better times?” NO what the fuc-” you were cut off by another speech bubble from Kasper
“u gud? -_-”.
You take a deep breath and begin typing,
“yeah im all good must’ve texted you when i left my phone on in my pocket, my bad”
You thought it was a shitty excuse but no way in absolute hell were you going to tell him what you were doing.
“K, ttyl th3n”
Before you could think you began typing
“We havent seen eachother in like forever”
I was just wondering if maybe you’d want to hangout”
“You don't gotta say yes, thought maybe it’d do us both some good to get a break”
“U seem stressed”
“Idk :/ my appt is a m3ss rn”
“1 gess i cud do sum cl34ning tho”
“So can i come over?”
“Ye cum @ lik 6,if u want u can spnd n1te >:)”
To say you were overjoyed would be the understatement of the century. Look at your phone, wide grinning smile and fall back on your bed, staring at the ceiling, now smiling.
You began getting ready early, you were basically hopping up and down most of the time, singing to your favorite songs while showering. Once you were out of the shower, you stressed about what to wear for a good 20 minutes, eventually just deciding to wear something comfortable since you'd literally just be hanging out at his house, with only him.
You’d have to end up sitting on your couch for around 30 minutes since you’d gotten ready much too early. A giddy and anxious feeling sat in your stomach. You had barely talked to anybody these past weeks being swamped in school work so you were pretty damn excited.
Once the time had rolled around you sent a text to Kasper to let him know you'd be there soon
“K :D”
You begin driving.
Once you arrive you get to his floor and knock on his door. A couple seconds go by before you hear a muffled “COMING” and footsteps hurrying to the door before you see the grinning face of Kasper with his hands outstretched waiting for a hug. You basically tackle him into a big hug and you both go to the floor in fits of laughter.”KASPER!!!!” “Y/N!!!”. You kept laughing as you rolled over onto your back and sat up looking at Kasper who still wore a goofy grin. You stand up and offer your hand. He takes it and you help him off the ground.
At some point you two had made it to his one couch, laughing and talking about basically everything that's been going on in eachothers lives. But then the question of why he's been distant came up. He immediately tensed up. “Well uh, you know work stress, got alot on my plate.” You looked at him disappointed he wouldn't tell you the real reason. “..Kasper, you know you can tell me anything.. Is it you and Lampert again? You guys fight like brothers I swear to g-” You began before being cut off. “No no no, nothing to do with L dawg, I probably have been talking to you more than him recently lol”. “Oh..” Is all you could think to say. He sighed before continuing, “There's this… guy? Guy. whose.. Uh… I guess been a pain in the ass recently.. He loves to.. Hover? I don't know, he's just incredibly annoying.” he looked off a couple times to think about what to say. “Oh, well why don't you just stop talking to him if it's that big of an issue?”. You say, confused. “He's very persistent” Kasper looked at you with a straight face. You kind of just sat there awkwardly looking at his serious face before glancing down at your phone. “Holy shit it's already 2am dude don't you have class tomorrow?” you look at Kasper being glad to have a way out of that conversation. “Shiiiiitttt your right, alright, why don't you take the couch and i'll take the floor, that all cool?” You had no clue why he preferred to sleep on the floor but he always had. “Yeah that's fine” he looked at you and put his hands down. He turns the light off before laying on the floor next to you, you throw him a blanket from the couch and the moment his body hits the floor he's out. You toss and turn before you eventually start to feel exhaustion coming down on you, before you drift asleep you question who the mystery guy Kasper was referring to was.
You're awakened by a noise that sounded like rubber squeegeeing on glass and the sounds of the city directly after, as well as the noises of ruffling, a grunt and then a thump. You get over your drowsiness quickly, immediately concern fills you, your thoughts immediately go to some kind of robbery, then a murderer, and basically any other kind of dangerous situation. You began to freak out and slowly sit up, looking at Kasper who was still dead asleep. You slowly got up trying not to make a noise. You shuffle around to see a strange figure pulling their leg through the window. It was too dark to really see anything but they had the build of a man with long spiky hair that almost looks unnatural. You make a small noise of alarm before the silhouette looks towards you. You back up and hide yourself behind the shelf, whisper shouting to Kasper as you hear the silhouette remove his foot from the window and slowly make his way towards you. Kasper moves around a little bit, and grunts but you're not waking him up. You then feel somebody's hand softly pulling your jaw towards them. You're frozen, now face to face with the thing, you don't see any eyes but you can make out a big grinning mouth as it opens and begins to speak “Is this rizz?”. You scream loudly and pull back landing on your ass. He turned around and doubled over laughing like it was the best thing he’d ever heard. In your fear, confusion and terror you fail to notice the fact that Kasper was now up and flicked the light on. You quickly turn to Kasper taking in his exhausted and hunched frame, you hop up and cling to him crying hysterically. “Somebody b-broke in somebody-” Kasper wrapped a hand around you and looked at the thing, you hid your face in his chest too scared to look at the thing that was still laughing.
“Dude what the fuck you promised you wouldnt do this shit tonight. I told you that you're never welcome in my home but…” he trailed on, your confusion now taking over. “Did Kasper know this guy? Surely not. Gay lover? No, probably not. weird creepy ex? Nah” You decided to shakily look at the guy who was now bathed in light. It was probably the weirdest thing you’d ever seen, no it definitely was the weirdest thing you’d ever seen. It was a tall skinny but well built guy who for one was a literal fucking gradient with a human(ish) body, he was doubled over laughing still. You fully turned around with blurry tear filled eyes and looked up at Kasper for some kind of explanation. “God I'm sorry Y/N, he told me he wasn't going to bother us, god you should have never come over in the first place, I’m sorry you had to deal with this.” he looked at you and then back at the guy, the tears going back only being filled with confusion. “Who is that?? What is that??” you looked at him, stepping back slightly. The thing was now finished laughing and came over to the two of you and stood farther away from you guys but closer. Kasper pointed to him, “I don't really know exactly what he is but I've just been calling him unpleasant gradient, usually just unpleasant. He's been haunting me like an angry ghost for the past few months.” He explains, exasperated.
The thing, who you now know as Unpleasant, looks at you with a toothy grin before outstretching his arm, seemingly to give you a handshake. You slowly take his hand and before you know it hes violently shaking your hand, somehow grinning wider than he has been before. “Good to finally meet Kasper's friend! I’d just like to say you’ve got a major gyatt!” he spoke, “...what? What does that even- you know what nevermind..” You continued, more than confused. You let go of his hand confused on how it was somehow moist and wipe it on your pants, trying to get whatever that thing had secreted off onto you.
“Soooo Kaspy kasp kasp, I’m just gonna be on your computer watching some videos, hope that’s cool.” he says and begins towards Kaspers computer. “Hey! Dude please dont do this tonight, if I have to hear that fucking toilet thing again or 3am challenges I’m going to go mad! And we have company, plus its fucking-” Kasper checked his watch, “3 in the morning.. can’t you actually just leave me the fuck alone for one night, one fucking night thats all im asking.” He’s practically begging Unpleasant. “Okay what about this, I’m gonna look at videos real quiet, and I mean real quiet, on your computer, and I swear I won't mess with your files again.” he says still grinning. “..god whatever fine as long as you're quiet and Y/N’s okay with it, if she isn't then you gotta leave man.” he says definitely extremely tired, looking towards you. “Uh, I guess it's fine?”, you said, unsure of what you'd be agreeing to. “Well, I wasn't going to leave anyways, but thanks you guys are goated.” He says before going to Kasper’s computer and immediately going to youtube shorts. Kasper looks almost depressive at you, as you hear Unpleasant making giggling noises “Im sorry Y/N he said he wouldn't come here, god if you wanna go home you can i'm not gonna make you deal with this weird creepo” he says “I HEARD THAT!” you heard Unpleasant shout from across the room Kasper ignored him, “No, I guess it's okay, I don't feel safe leaving you alone with this guy, Kasper. I’ll just go home in the morning.” you said kind of in a hushed soft tone. Kasper smiled at you, “okay, just try to get some sleep. I swear he's not dangerous, he's just a fucking weirdo.” He says before flicking the light off. “Goodnight,Y/N.” he says before you both go to your respective sleeping area, you on the couch, him on the floor.
You toss and turn for a while, being kept up from Unpleasants deep chuckles and strange comments that he’d make to himself. Stuff like “this is so ohio” and “BRO HE'S MOGGING CHAT HES MOGGING”, you didn't really understand. You’d also sometimes hear a song that went something like “sikbidi dah dah dah yes yesss” you had no idea what he was watching but it really did make sense that he acted like this if that's all he watches.
You were finally about to pass out when you felt a tap on your shoulder, you opened your eyes expecting it to be Kapser but it's Unpleasant, and he's looking down at you and grinning. “Y/N come look at this, I swear you’ll like it.” He looks at you, stifling giggles with one hand over his mouth. He grabs your hand and basically drags you to Kasper’s PC. You guessed he’d migrated to instagram reels and had a video of a still image depicting “red m&m”, “Mr.raisin” and somebody called “ freaky mix” all messaging one person. The m&m was saying “let’s knock boots” , Mr. raisin was saying “wanna collab”, and freaky mix was saying “you freaky vro?”. As well as the whole image being horribly over exposed and slighlty low quality. You stared at it for a good couple of seconds while reading it, before you started slowly laughing that turned into louder laughing and you had to grab only Unpleasant’s weirdly moist shoulder to keep yourself up, nearly doubled over laughing holding your stomach with the other hand. The pure just strangeness of the entire situation had caught up to you and you couldn’t stop laughing. Unpleasant brightened up immediately and looked almost proud of himself. “See, I told you you would like it!!” Your laughter eventually died down and you looked at him. “Yeah it’s pretty fucking funny, I’ll give you that.” you looked at him smiling.
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acheronist · 8 months
ok here's my player fansign event gossip
i was running a teensy bit late so i didn't get to say hi to rasmussen but he did look VERY handsome and looked a bit afraid LMAO. my sweet moose was probably out of his depth.. socially awkward darling
debrincat came out second and he was so so so so kind to fans. he was taking a ton of time to stop and sign something for EVERYONE who wanted something signed. about 8 or 9 guys passed him and went inside before he was nearly done walking thru the crowd to sign stuff... :'-) welcome home kitty we love u + it was so nice to see him recognize how excited we are for him too rahhh
i honestly dont remember seeing andrew copp at all but he must have walked by lol
berggren was sooo 🤏🏻🤏🏻 and cute and polite. he signed things very neatly and small and carefully (literally just JB48 in like a 1" square. its ok baby u can take up more space) + we congratulated him on getting called up again because we all love to see him skate and he seemed really genuinely surprised/pleased to hear it
it seemed like ville was bouncing back and forth between both sides of the walk a ton... also just trying to sign everything for everyone who wanted it... he was so 🙂 shaped though.. and he really is pale as fuck i think my guy was refracting sunlight as he walked by. i liked his signature a lot though it was very tight + angular + neatly written. big emphasis on the double Ls in his name. I dont even remember if he spoke though i'll be real.
ben chiarot looked sharp as FUCK. he had a turtleneck on under his suit jacket and his hair all slicked back..... he was serving sexy team dilf without children realness. so my bestie asked him if he just got done at a GQ model shoot while he was signing her shirt and he smirked and laughed under his breath a bit. whore <3
fischer was really fun to look at irl. his face is crazy i want 2 draw him. thats all i got LMAO. i dont remember anything else sorry to the christian fischer stans of tumblr dot com
compher was very polite too but he was moving thru the crowd really quick.. again i think he was just awkward and a little out of his depth w the crowd in the same way ras was? but he was very polite + nice + softspoken tho and i took a selfie w him for @comphy-and-cozy because she's violently in love with him but couldn't be there LOL
ghost looked SAUR sexy.. dark green suit well tailored very kind and polite.. i like that boy ! he was really softspoken too which surprised me because he's been such a freaky bitch on the ice lately
i also dont remember sprong at all but i do remember thinking it was kind of a #serve to match the toque to be the same burgundy color as his suit (also extremely well tailored. everyone looked very handsome). creative ways to make early male pattern baldness be kind of cunty + well dressed for the weather.
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he was so so lovely.. definitely doing the same move as debrincat where he was just taking his damn time to sign smth for everyone who wanted smth. he was kind of in Good Captain Autopilot Mode it really reminded me of clips of stevie from the 90s... hockeytown loves our captains so much its unreal. but he signed my jersey and said hi to our little group and i sooo shaky lmao. but i handed him the art & he started to sign the plastic sleeve it was in? and I went no it's for you! and he kind of checked back into real life and went oh OH!!!!! and smiled when he actually looked at it and carried it w him thru the rest of the line :'-) idk i feel like he must get a lot of gifts from fans? but he definitely looked at it inside the doors of the LCA and he definitely carried it w him and didn't throw it away immediately so. big win for people who are me.
lucas and mo were funny asf they made it about 75% of the way thru the line and then the sun came out and was in their eyes and they both said ok i'm done now thank u and left. #respect
joey was so cute.. my bestie made a sign calling him a himbo last year and (then) he asked what a himbo was so we said Lmao google it, and this year he was signing stuff and talking to us and we were like "did you ever google what a himbo was" and he went huh. ohhh yeah lol like he was somehow both Pleased and Very embarrassed about it . cutesie.
newsy came out too!! and his daughter was with him and it was so cute they had matching friendship bracelets and newsy was like (to us the crowd) omg guys can we take a selfie ? can we do that?? and we were like Dawg you're head coach you can do anything you want..... so we all got a selfie w him LMAOOOO and he was so sweet and gently spoken and kind to fans. which still is crazy. i get whiplash every time how different he is to blash (the old coach who was a bitch and looked like he wanted to call people slurs but knew better) its unreallll
i think all the interviews where walman's said how much he likes detroit + feels wanted here weren't lies or exaggerations at all.... he stuck around so long to sign things for everyone (like dylan and debrincat did) and I think he was the last guy on the walk? and he was so funny and smiley and happy to be there.. my fucking GUY!!!!
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star-spirit-mayhem · 9 months
So Fucking Perfect~
Crossdressing!Sub!Dabi × GN!Dom!Reader
You come home early and he gets nervous and locks you out of the bedroom but forgets he only dose that when he's hurt so you panic a bit and get a very pretty surprise when he finally opens the door.
TW : Suggestive, Implied Sub & Dom dynamics, non-graphics mention of past injuries, Crossdressing, & Brief Implied Brat Taming.
😗 Once again on my ooc Dabi bullshit but he'd look so pretty in a skirt tho- 𖤐
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Coming home to your bedroom door being locked with Dabi on the other side, he was trying out an idea for a surprise for you and you came home a little to early.
He had heard you mention liking crossdressing to his and your friends a few weeks ago and he couldn't get the idea out of his head sense, deciding halfway through the first week of hearing about it that he was gonna mess with you and wear something to tease you about the whole thing. It was only after he managed to order something online with a stolen credit card, have a package delivered to an address he knew he could easily swipe the package from and even put the damn thing on did the insecurities start to set in.
What if you didn't actually like it? You could have been joking when you mentioned it. Why have you never mentioned it to him if you did like it? Did you think he'd look bad in a skirt or dress or was it his scars or something else?
Before he could slink out of the mirrors view and redress himself in something that wouldn't humiliate him he heard the front door being opened and he frantically moved to lock the bedroom door, sighing with relief as he pressed his head against the door when he was able to do so quickly and quietly at that. Now all he needed to do wa- "You in there dabs? Whys the door locked you ok? Do I need to get the kit?" the worry in your voice almost put a hole through his chest, for a second he forgot the only time he ever locked the door on you is when he's injured and doesn't want you to see how bad it is, his eyebrows knit together as he looks down at himself. "I'm fine doll I really am I promise, just sorta dressed... wrong right now so just let me-" "can't be that bad, if you're not hurt than let me see" he should of known nothing was gonna deter you. You probably think he's lying with the way your voice cracks and he knows you're gonna worry until he lets you in, he always lets you in eventually- why's he fighting it so much again? Oh yeah... thigh highs...
"Doll just give me a minute please" he doesn't even fully finish that please before he hears you counter him with "Dabi so help me, if you make me go through the fire escape-" he snorts in short amusement as you threaten him. He doesn't doubt you'd do it being that you've done it before, you're the only person he's ever met who's stubbornness supersedes his own. "Fuckin' hell- Fine! Just... Promise you won't laugh." it goes quiet for a minute and for a moment he worried you were already going for the fire escape but then he hears the door handle giggle, not enough to indicate you were trying to open it again, it just sounded like you placed your hand on it.
"Ok?... Dabi are you alright?" you hear him let out a heavy sigh before he starts. "I'm fine I promise love, ended up sorta-" he paused, voice shaky as his hand reached to unlock the door while still holding it shut. "I sorta dressed up for you, seemed like a good idea when I thought of it but Im havin' doubts right now." he listens closely for your response as he readies himself to let go of the door handle, however regardless of however thinks he expects you to react he never thought he'd hear you giggle? Laugh maybe, he'd get it if you started making fun of him for something like this but there's no malice in your voice, it takes him aback for a moment. "You dressed up? For me? Oh love why would I ever laugh at that? Come on, let me in I wanna see my pretty boy" You almost did a complete 180°, sounding so excited by the prospect and it took him a minute to collect himself before he actually open the door. He tried to step back a little, both to get out of the way of the door and to hopefully delay the moment you see him by just a few more milliseconds.
It doesn't work- the second he gives you the go ahead to open the door you almost burst in with excitement, eyes immediately shooting to take in the gorgeous view your boyfriend had gifted you with. He really went all out and you were almost offended he hid it from you for so long but you were never one for patience when it came to him. Pretty boy was dressed so nicely in his mostly black attire, he'd obviously worked hard picking out something that would suit his usual style and fit right in with the rest of his wardrobe with a little extra jewelry than usual. You couldn't stop thinking about the easy accesses the skirt gave you or how his thigh highs frame his thighs so nicely and the baggy tucked in sweater made your hands itch as you imagined taking him apart without taking any of it off.
You don't know what you were expecting but it certainly wasn't...this...
"Fuck you're so perfect..." You breath out before you can even register what you're saying, making his blush deeper than he already was before, a feat considering he didn't have much healthy skin to hold the blood pooling in his cheeks but you're sure if they weren't scarred too his ears would be red as well just by they way he looked at you, too nervous to really say anything as you pull him closer to you by his hips, eyeing him as if you couldn't believe the sight before you wasn't some cruel illusion playing tricks on you- but it was real, and judging by how he both cowered away from and inched closer to your touch- it was all for you. "Would it be pushing it if I started buying you more outfits like this?" you ask in a cheeky tone, knowing just a little praise and attention would get your pretty boy to wear whatever you wanted "fucking... Yes- I'd kill you I swear" Just had to get past his more bratty side first but that was always the fun part anyway~
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arthotsglasses · 1 year
Olympia Soiree Office Room
So, yk that project I planned like a year ago about making otome environments in 3D and intractable?
After a year of my game dev college program and a load of extra knowledge from Youtube and Twitch, I made it happen. Here is my first room built out of sooo many more to go, but damn I'm finally good enough to start doing this!
Here is a video of me running around in play mode (using wasd and mouse) in Unreal Engine 5:
Comparison photo: original Olympia Soiree Switch screenshot (left), my Unreal screenshot (right)
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Modelling process: Modelled and UV unwrapped in Blender, textures painted in Substance Painter:
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Exported texture maps (in order of textures, normals, OcculsionRoughnessMetalic, and emissive):
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Now, rambles as usual:
Jesus Christ that took long and lot of work... even had to get a new pc cuz old one couldn't handle Unreal5 and Substance paint, had to upgrade...
Had to learn sooo many new things, before this I only knew how to model 3D objects. I had to learn how to UV unwrap, entire process of Substance Painter, and Unreal Engine 5.
In modelling, I had to learn the low to high poly workflow, and edge shading settings. That's the only new stuff I learned.
UV Unwrapping learning wasn't too difficult cuz the UVs didn't have to be perfect. Substance was gonna be good enough to handle them. Textile density and all that is still new and I'm still trash haha but it did the job for now.
Substance Paint tho.... had to learn all from importing low poly mesh, baking the high poly into texture maps, how to paint, masking, allllll of that, and finally export to get the 4 textures above.
Unreal 5 intro was a solid few days of pain. Starting from navigating the interface, dealing with importing meshes, textures and making them into materials, landscape & foliage generation (that I didn't use for this project yet), lighting settings, colliders, bit of blueprint.... yep but thank god I knew some Unity so it wasn't terrible.
SO... ik a lot of things still need work and missing. The books on the shelf are unfortunate cuz they weren't properly baked in Substance Painter. Some little props like books and stuff are not yet made either. There's a lot of weird edges and shading issues on the model. The lighting and stuff still needs a bit of work as well, it's not right on yet.
But,,, damn I'm soooo happy for what I was able to achieve, I didn't think I could do it this early! When I played it in the engine for the first time, it felt soooo real, I felt like I was in the game universe. I'm very excited to keep making more, and getting better with this stuff!
In the far future, I'll export it as an exe so you guys can try it out as well!
Next up in future again is probably rooms in comte's mansion, Sakamaki's house rooms, some piofiore rooms, and continuing with Olympia Soiree. Those interiors seem the easiest to start with.
comment to be tagged in future updates of this project!
tagging:@pettyval @h34rt1lly @dark-frosted-heart @vampiresruinlives @h34rt1lly @bespectacledbun
also if any has any questions or suggestions plz feel free to comment or dm me! Any feedback is appreciated!
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babybammargera · 2 years
Knox x Reader thats been a member since the start
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Hi I'm that one rando on your feed and welcome to jackass hcs.
In the beginning he's super protective.
But he warms up to you doing bits and stunts.
He even gets excited when he writes bits for you.
And hypes up all your ideas.
He's the first to back you up if anyone is iffy about you being able to do a bit.
You know those street pranks they did in the early days? Yeah he uses you for those a lot.
He's super affectionate during your free time.
Like even when he's going through footage/editing/planning shoots.
He's gotta be touching you.
Either laying in your lap or just having his hand on your thigh mindlessly tracing circles with his thumb.
Taking breaks to just stare at you with those big eyes or kiss you.
The stress of the constant pranks melting away.
Please for the love of Dunn please take some time to relax yall need a mf vacation.
Yall work so hard and we all know how the jackass crew can be.
Like having to deal w your boyfriend having random buzzed patches in his otherwise perfect hair bc the clipper pranks.
Also having to deal w Spike and Jeff being around all the time.
There's been several nights you've sat in your shared bathroom cleaning each other's injuries up after shoot days with particularly sketchy bits.
You've had to suggest a shower together on multiple occasions bc he can get a bit stinky during shoots.
He's let you wear the belt at least once. You know the one.
And you've stolen some of those graphic shirts. (Like I said he's gotten you some too so you can match)
Matching converse.
Understandably worried when he's doing scary/dangerous stunts.
And you've spent nights in the er by his side.
He's had to do the same for you.
He's so cute and goofy at premiers and red carpets.
Like you can't stop smiling the whole time.
His eyes are for you like the cameras aren't even there.
Which makes for the cutest pics ever.
Like I've said he's just like a big southern sweetheart.
Please make him wash those damn wrist bands tho.
Sorry it's short I have nothing against Knox he's just not my fav. And I've written similar hcs but if you have any specific prompts I promise I'll try my hardest.
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risu5waffles · 4 months
Sombre and sTENtorious Came the Call
Welp, maybe our last go around for one of these, so let's do it right.
Cute enough early effort from brett169. It's got all those early LBP hallmarks, but you can see the creator is stretching to do something big wiv it. There are a lot of little secrets and scorebubble caches, and i do always love to see those. Unfortunately, it's ultimately broken in LBP3. i don't know quite what it is, but Collected Object enemies from LBP1 are never treated well in 3, and even before we get to the one blocking our path, we pass by enemies that look like they've shaken themselves apart before we got there. It's not even something wonky about being in a community level, like the creators have mucked wiv the objects or something; the Redcoat enemies in the PotC DLC get up to some really weird shenanigans. Come to think of it, if i'm remembering right there's a set of chattery teeth in the DC DLC that's bugged in a way that'll keep you from getting 100% prizes there.
This one was sure a little bit of a lot and no lie. Edgy little murder/mayhem platformer, but at least is its own thing, and not another Friday the 13th knockoff. i'd be lying if i said the level was all that good, but it has its moments. The paintball rain was a fun, old-school effect; and it was kind of... cute's not the word, but the way you can choose to put that guy out of his misery (and get a prize!) or torture him more was definitely something. The whole level is definitely something for sure.
Oh my gosh, this level. This level here? This was so freaking cool it's actually kind of silly. chronos had mentioned on stream that the rotating level thing was a bit of a trend in LBP1 for a hot minute, but i don't remember playing any that committed to the bit as hard as this one. You've got mazes. You've got traps. There are all sorts of mechanisms to help you navigate. There's that neat little contraption you ride, when you grab it, it puts out bumpers to stay in place so you can control when you fall? And all that's before you get to the surface of the planet, all the buildings up there, and you parkour(ish) to get up to the Moon, and ride a shooting star to the scoreboard? Like, what the actual fuck, tho'? How do you make something that goes this damn hard and is this damn cool?
We talked about this one a lot last time, and i don't know that i have more in the tank for it now, but i still think it's really good, even for its flaws.
We talked about this one a few weeks back, when we covered Librarian's Mansion 2, and it's still as charming as it was then. i really, really wish i'd had the chance to play through some of the levels introduced here, i imagine they were pretty fun. i got the chance to talk a bit wiv Goof-master, and they seem a pretty nice kid. Very excited to create. i hope whatever their future looks like, they don't lose that spark. To be honest, most everybody i've met through doing reviews has been pretty cool. i've been inordinately lucky in that.
This is just a little giveaway level i found, tho' i don't remember why i found it. i already had a mostly complete logic bit set. Ended up working out for the best, tho'; i didn't have the old Global lighting and water logic bits, because i never used them in a level, but damn if they don't look fine. It's one thing i always appreciated about LBP1 logic, since there was a stronger possibility the pieces would be visible in level, Mm went through the design effort to make sure they would look nice as objects, the logic pieces from LBP2 on are all very readable when you have them in a chip, and that is really important, but they almost always stand out like a sore thumb when you see them in a level.
It's cute and everything, and i bet it was fun wiv a friend; but if you lose your bike, you're just fucked, and that's no fun. Honestly tho', i'm way more interested in the creator. lust-for-1985? What does that mean? What does that even mean?!
i can't rag on this level too hard, and honestly it's a good example of why we shouldn't just go and tee off on someone 'cause we don't click wiv what they've made. POBFISH's bio tells us they've got MS, and (at time of writing) were having a time of it. Also, interesting and appreciated, they updated the bio wivout erasing the previous bits, so we see them start at 44yo, to 45, a jump to 50 and expecting 51. That kind of sits wiv you a bit. When did they write that. Did they make it to 51? Did they stop updating because they stopped playing because they were done wiv the game, or because they were done? The level is... i hope they had a good time making it and playing it wiv their friends. i didn't have a bad time wiv it; the fish-vehicle-thing was a hoot. But there really wasn't much in there besides that. Well, it's not in me to throw shade here.
The gameplay here isn't too much to write home about; i feel like it struggles to maintain momentum, and there are bits that just don't parse super well visually. But dang if i didn't love the environment. Excellent use of extra layers and depth of field in the cameras to give the feeling that it's really expansive. Lots of movement, and decorations. Very solid choices in materials. Just all around nice to spend time in, and that's worth admission alone.
i appreciate this one, but i just can't bring myself to like it. The pace is just all over the map, and the timing on the hazards feels just tight enough to rack up a lot of needless deaths. It's got a lot going on, and it feels like it stays pretty true its theme, but at the end of the day, it really wasn't much fun.
And that's that. Still thinking of how i want to handle the DLC review bits, but unless Sumo gets the servers back up, that'll be our last TENspot. i'll be honest wiv you, but it's melancholy as heck.
Thanks everyone for all the support for this Archive project. And just for everything up til now. You've made a major impact on my life, and i could never repay you for it. Keep yourselves safe, and remember that you're loved.
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notthestarwar · 5 months
your recent boba and jango posts have me thinking about how in "legacy of the force," boba repeatedly condemns himself for not loving mirta, his own granddaughter, despite clear evidence to the contrary. i was always like "lol idiot can't even reliably interpret his own emotions" but now i'm thinking about it and like... so much of the way he cares about mirta is wanting desperately for her to be safe, happy, and free from his own tainted legacy. what if boba knows damn well that he feels all of this, but because his definition of paternal love comes from jango, whose love for him was defined by an exacting desire for his son to be a perfectly groomed carrier of his own legacy (ultimately at the EXPENSE of boba's safety, happiness, and freedom), that now boba can't even recognize his own feelings as love? and then he feels like he's failed his father by not being as "loving" as he was. when the cycle is one of the few things you have left of your father, breaking it feels like betrayal...
omg i've been so excited to log on and answer this all day lol
ok so. yes thats exactly what I think it is. Jango didn't GET love, he didn't understand it because of what happened to him as a child, and Boba inherited this, only, its way way worse in Boba.
For Jango, he struggles to understand how to show love because he associates it with loss and fear and violence. He might have once known familial love but by the time he has Boba all those memories have been tainted by what came after. But he does have something of a foundation that would allow him to understand how to show it and untangle it from all his mixed up feelings about the rest of it. If he worked for it, he could get there without much of a problem, tho of course he never would have because he's Jango so theres all that denial and refusal to admit he might be wrong.
But when it comes to Boba? His idea of love isnt tangled up in anything after the fact, his entire foundation is rotten thanks to the generational trauma he inherrited from Jango and his absolutely bizzare upbringing with 0 role models to show him an alternative.
You don't need to understand love to be able to love. 'wanting desperately for her to be safe, happy, and free from his own tainted legacy.' this? is a natural human expression of love. but of course boba doesn't see that! when unhealthy attatchement is your baseline, loving someone enough to want them to be free, probably feels like you dont care about them enough.
Where Boba is at, isnt a place thats impossible to heal and grow from, tho he'd have a much harder job of it than jango would, thanks to his early foundation giving him such weird ideas and him never being exposed to anything else in later life (OF COURSE jango's behaviour towards boba is a huge part of this but, i also cant stop thinking about the influence of growing up around the clones would have? seeing them brought up in a way that was totally void of love. seeing how jango acted towards them in spite of them being from him, being the same genetically as Boba. in spite of them being children. like. god. Boba has SUCH a weird frame of reference here and then the life he lives later on doesnt really expose him to anything that would correct his distortions of thought (not that he ever would have let it))
because this is the second part. and youve hit it on your head here. its all about betraying jango. boba can not admit that jango made mistakes, and that boba has something he needs to heal from BECAUSE of jango, because to do so would be a betrayal of his father. his dead father, that boba lost before he got to the age where you see that your parents arent perfect and that they make mistakes. boba undoubtedly puts jango on a pedalstal, he idolises him and is forgiving of things that i really really dont think he would be, had jango survived.
i've played with this idea before of… what would boba's relationship with jango be if jango had survived? i think theres a very high possiblity that there would be a breaking point where all of a sudden he did begin to see that jango isnt always right. that jango had made mistakes. and maybe, to begin to question what this 'legacy' jango wants him to carry really is.
the truth is, boba's determination to do right by his dad, to carry this legacy. to be a bounty hunter and to do what he thinks his dad would have done. using jangos words to introduce himself. its largely thanks to the fact that Boba KNOWS that jango wanted him to carry jangos legacy, he has always known that, but what he doesnt really know is what exactly jangos legacy involves. jango wasnt honest with him. didnt give him all the details. boba wasnt old enough to ask for the reasons WHY, to read between the lines. he doesnt know what motivated jango. he doesnt know what jango wanted out of life, what jango considered to be his legacy, as the last of the fetts. all boba really knows is empty words told to a child. jango made a lot of declarations about his way being the right way, but he never actually explained, there was never any substance to it. Would he have? had he had time? maybe. but boba wasnt old enought to be told in the time they had.
boba cant admit that what he feels for Mirta is love because if he does that, he has to admit that its something jango could have felt towards boba himself, and yet he didnt. its to admit that boba missed out on something, thanks to jango. boba sees Mirta as a person, jango saw boba as a tool. To admit that he is doing right by her with these feelings, would lead to some uncomfortable questions. he would have to accept that jango did not do right by him, and how can boba do that? not at this kind of level. its one thing admitting your parent made mistakes (and thats hard enough) but to admit that your parent didnt love you right? didnt love you in a way you deserved? that there was a different way and they didnt take it? how could boba do that?
jango died his hero, and so jango always will be his hero. to do things differently to jango, to admit that jangos way isnt the best way? that is to betray his dead father, who he loves. Bobas greatest love will always be for this idea of who jango was, before he was taken from him. bobas idea of jango isnt based on facts, the adoration of a child who idolised his father and then lost him, far too early. he was left alone in the galaxy, so to him, jango will always be who jango might have been. the built up idea of a man who never was, based on childish memory, stretched out in to- what if he'd lived? and continued to be that forerver. its a fantasy. and any admission that jango wasnt a good father, wasnt the kind of father figure jango himself would want to be, could bring that fantasy crashing down.
i have lots of thoughts on this lol thank you so much for sending this!!!! i absolutely adore your takes and theyve really helped shape how i see jango
:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart::green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart::green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart::green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:
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sydmarch · 7 months
it's really sad to see that gen v is seemingly starting to drop off in quality - it had SUCH a good premise and beginning but is starting to fumble a bit :(
yeahhhh like don't get me wrong I'm overall still enjoying the show a LOT. i liked what they ended up doing with shetty basically being butcher & us getting to see things from the other perspective, i like everything they've done with cate (lowkey homelander but a girl?? what could be more compelling to me), i really liked how they brought neuman in & i'm excited to see where that ends up going, so there's still definitely a lot going for the show!
but fr they need to stop making the episodes so damn short so it feels like we just lose out on a out of stuff. it feels like there had to have been significant developments to jordan & marie's relationship for them to have gone from both of them being like "shit i need to talk to the other person" to casually kissing & acting coupley without us ever really seeing any of that get resolved? it's very weird & jarring and i'd felt like their relationship had been written really well up until recently.
& i definitely feel like andre is where they're fumbling the most like yeah i've rbd some posts like "he sucks" but really it's more like they did him dirty bcus in the first few episodes i REALLY liked him! what little we saw of his relationship with luke was so sweet & the dynamic between him and cate was so compelling early on, & even tho his whole nepo baby plotline wasn't exactly the most interesting out of all the main guys it WAS still interesting and it felt like it had potential. but instead of following through with that & having andre's moment in jumanji be something relating to his relationship with his dad... they decided to just make him into a fuckboy going behind his best friend's back to be with cate? & they couldn't even make THAT compelling by having it relate to say jealousy over luke, or a juicy misguided attempt at wanting to be with luke, nothing beyond just "i loved her"? come on that's sooo boring especially compared to finding out jordan had been clued into something fishy going on with brink early on, getting a deeper look into marie's trauma, cate's backstory. andre's part in that episode was so "go girl give us nothing"
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demonsfate · 10 months
harada finally commented on the leaks - claiming they're "old" and a lot has already been changed or altered. people are debating whether this is true, or if harada's just trying to do damage control. i'm gonna guess it's the latter. just because how long it took him to make a comment, likely it was PR trying to figure out what's the best way to handle this. (especially since harada referred to the leaks as "minor." ehich I'm unsure if you can consider a roster leak to be "minor" or not.) buuuut like. given that even before azucena's portrait was leaked in the entire roster leak (and it being true) - there was a post dating back in april this year that said there would be a newcomer named azucena whose entire personality is coffee. and well... they were spot on about that and they didn't even have any sources for their leaks lol. so... i just feel the roster is very damning and true.
however... it could be possible that harada meant that is not the final roster. as many people argued if it was the final roster or still an unfinished roster. as many important characters are missing (such as eddie, miguel, and lidia - who people were SURE was gonna be in it.) i didn't think it was unfinished bc even tho harada already confirmed tek8 will have a bigger roster than SF6... well, 32 characters is indeed bigger, and a decent size for a base roster. but who knows, maybe there will be more. that will be awesome and exciting.
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and i guess it's still very possible this is unfinished. because one of the reasons why somebody tried to claim this ISN'T a real leak (before the azucena reveal and now we're 99% sure it is) is because kuma's render looks just like his render from 7, but with something thrown on his face. and maybe it STILL is... even if this is a real roster. maybe not all of these characters renders are finished, therefore some has "place holders." this could be an early picture of the roster and there could still be more characters that will be added, or renders to be edited.
or harada could just be full of shit to save company's face and this is all 100% true and not old, and is just about finished. either way... GODDDD, i just hope the game comes out soon!!!! it's driving me craaazy to theorize and wonder about all this!!! omg!!!!
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