#I'm so empty and broken
sensitivegoblin · 7 months
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a1m05t-en0ugh · 2 years
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dreamdirector · 1 year
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Still thinking of you… how beautiful your soul is and I miss you still. Everyday. 💔
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HELLO WIFI nightly thoughts anon again, first of all wish you to enjoy your vacation! Then I love reading so much about Marine and Arlecchino it was soo sweet ! I'd like to know more about Marine story if possible, you mentionned she can't see and has artificial skin, is she a puppet similar to Scaramouche and got broken or was she created blind ?
ohohoho you're encouraging meeeeeeee eheheheheheeheh :]
Marine is sort of like Scaramouche in that she's an artificial creation of an archon- she's specifically referred to as a "doll" at several points rather than a puppet
she's a creation of Focalors specifically to help guide Furina and keep her company (and on the right path), since Focalors knew that false godhood is a very long and lonely process, and thus Marine has a kind and motherly nature even if she doesn't completely understand it which often make young children and Melusine feel safe and protected around her. Focalors specifically made her without sight, since she wanted Marine to embody the phrase "justice is blind", and ever since then Marine has been looking after Furina and helping her and Neuvillette run Fontaine, which is why i said she's considered third in Fontaine's hierarchy
a few things about Marine's body specifically: -she has visible ball joints like a porcelain doll, and her skin has the texture of porcelain as well -the areas around her joints are decorated with wave-like engravings -the energy used to power her comes from Pneuma-Ousia reactions inside her body -her heart is made of the purest chunk of Condessence Crystal and is extremely important. if her heart is sufficiently damaged, Marine will shut down. it can be replaced, but crystals of such high purity and size are extremely hard to find -because of what she's made of, Marine's body can crack and limbs can break off, but those can be repaired -Marine can't see anything, not even light, and her lack of a need for sleep means she takes many nighttime walks -does not have a Vision, her affinity with Hydro is natural thanks to Focalors -her Arkhe is Ousia -she rarely opens her eyes since her irises and pupils are completely white and she thinks humans might find it frightening -she is waterproof and spends a lot of her limited free time underwater :]
Marine is the one who taught Furina how to fight (just in case!) and uses a rapier that's part of her parasol (the umbrella part is actually water that's being held in place). she was also fairly lonely due to Furina pushing her away and most of Fontaine's citizens finding her dependable but unnerving but has made more friends since Fontaine became more accepting and less formal over the years- she and Navia are close and Neuvillette is basically her best friend for life, while Wriothesley holds her in high regard because she occasionally does work for the Fortress. Marine's usually calm and gentle, but she's unafraid to become violent if anyone threatens her loved ones, and is very proficient at using her sword
and yes, Arlecchino knows. she's one of the only people who knows of Marine's nature, other than Furina and Neuvillette
(please ask me more about Arlecchino and Marine i go insane about them every day)
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poppies · 5 months
2023 was the worst year of my life. not sure what's to come or where to start but i know things have to change, i have to fix things somehow
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bittersweetstargazer · 2 months
pov txt's album was so good you almost majorly injured yourself listening to it
#background.#cleaning up bc yesterday was easter and we had ppl come over and there are a lot of dishes that I have to clean#I was emptying out the dishwasher to make space#I needed to put a wine glass back in it's spot but said spot is in a high place that's taller than I can reach#so I needed to grab the step ladder#I was listening to the new album and having a great time#so good in fact that I didn't notice that he step ladder was damaged (which it wasn't the day before)#and so I open it up and it's like shaky and fighting me#which should have been my FIRST CLUE bc it doesn't rlly take a lot of effort to open#and it's open and I'm like okay then and I get to the top step (which is the one that's broken)#and I have the wine glass in my hand and I'm reaching up when I feel the step under me start to bend and buckle under my weight#because it was BROKEN.#I realize that is not how step ladders work and very carefully put the glass down on the counter first bc I didn't to break if I fell#and then I placed my hands on the counter and leaned forward so I was holding most of my weight on my arms#and then very carefully stepped down until I reached the floor#my heart was pounding bc I knew anything could have happened had I not noticed in time#and when I checked one of the screws holding the ladder in place had been unscrewed and at first glance#it seemed totally normal but only after inspecting it did I notice the loose screw#my dad said he'd check it out but ugh I still have so much stuff to clean up
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camellia-thea · 3 months
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artxofartemis · 4 months
please tell me i'm not the only one has for headcanon that everytime kevin has a "egoistic" reaction about riko's probably reactions (for example his reaction on neil tattoo burned) he's not thinking about riko anger in general, but he's thinking about riko's fury because he know that riko will vent on jean, so in these moment he's afraid for jean
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tepli-mravenci · 4 months
Managing my own time is so fun
Watch Hazbin Hotel > go to work > aquire workplace injury that almost makes me faint > rewatch Hazbin Hotel
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a1m05t-en0ugh · 1 year
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I overthink certain situation and other times I just sit there and couldn’t give less of a fuck about what happens to me
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dreamdirector · 1 year
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Missing you, everyday still.
Its not any easier like you said it would be💔
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seulgikisser · 1 year
anyone who says that materialistic things don't bring you happiness LIES
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townofcrosshollow · 1 year
Idk man if you're constantly talking about your crushing loneliness and feelings of being ostracised and left out when you ostensibly have a bunch of friends around you then maybe the feelings of loneliness aren't the problem there
#i would always feel really empty and distant and 'act out' after our hangouts#and i always framed it as like 'i get the high when i'm around people and then i crash afterwards'#and didn't really consider that maybe sitting in a vc for 4 hours feeling left out while other people have fun is just soul sucking#it was always framed as my behaviour that was the problem. 'you did this and you did that.' so i just kinda internalized that#if i felt like shit it must be my fault. everybody knows i'm the one who causes problems so i'm just causing more problems#if i say that something made me uncomfortable and the response is 'i wont make accomodations and how dare you even ask' it must be my fault#idk. we filled out consent forms in the game i'm really not excited to play and i was reminded that nobody ever asked my consebt#and when i tried to advocate for myself and voice that i wasn't consenting it was treated like i was causing problems by trying to say that#and i saw that as a reasonable reaction at the time cause i had been so deeply convinced that i was broken and horrible#that if i was trying to revoke my consent or even just negotiate it then i was ruining everything for everybody else#that if i was uncomfortable with what was going on i needed to just shut up and live with it#i wish i had realized that and dropped out months ago. maybe that could have preserved some semblance of my relationships with those people#far too late for that now. i'm trying to accept that#and all that effort was wasted anyway#i tried to say once that i was putting in a massive amount of effort and i felt like nobody was recognizing that fact#and i still kind of feel that way#i put hours of mental energy into trying to be enough for people who kept demanding more from me and kept giving me less in return#did that do me any good or did it just cause me 3 months of grief and an empty bank account from therapy?#the problem is that i still wish things had turned out better even though i know i had no control over that#if i had kept advocating for myself it just would have been over far faster. i guess that might have spared me a bit of money#if i tried to talk about the problems it would have just been dismissed with some quick quippy therapy phrase amounting to 'not my fault'#we're already living in the universe where i put all my effort into changing in the ways i was told to change and look how well that went#idk. the attitude was never 'let's fix the problems.' it was always 'you need to fix it.' and then when i did it was#'now there's a new problem. fix that one too. and this one. and that one.'#and to do all that work for somebody and then be told they thought you never even cared about them. man it just stings#idk. it's in the past now. but i can't build new relationships. i'm trying and it's impossible#i try meeting new people and they all suck. i try strengthening relationships with old people and they all get too busy or leave.#the only reason i post these things on tumblr is cause i don't have anybody else to talk to about it#the only person i could talk to has their own shit going on. there really just isn't anybody else#personal
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dazedabby · 7 months
Definitely feeling that finished game emptiness.
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doggirlnarcolepsy · 8 months
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
What an awful curse to be a person who theoretically loves maximalism but hates seeing stuff that has been stored outside cupboards, hates dusting, is terrified of somehow decorating The Wrong Way and being laughed at, is extremely clumsy, and has no real motivation to purchase nicknacks
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