#I'm not used to drawing makeup still but this is a look I felt like I couldn't get away with not giving him some
natsu-tte-noodle Β· 1 year
Senseiiiiiiii!! Tsuzuru in 1995 onegaishimasu!
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POV Tsuzuru waits for you on the balcony of the Midnight Gala
This is from the Classique Collection! It's a series of limited edition dolls that showcase the fashion design and the brain behind it. This one was designed by Abbe Littleton.
I had to draw all the gold accenting by hand bc of the angle, and it looked so bad while it was still in progress lolol, I'm glad it looks good now that it's all present
Description from book: Black sheath dress and opera cloak accented with gold lace pattern
I purposefully put Just Some Guy in the fanciest option for this year so I hope you enjoy :D
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marsbutterfly Β· 8 months
idk if you’ve done this already.. but could i have some dating headcanons for hanma? πŸ₯Ή ilysm
a/n: HELLO BITCHLYN <3 I am so sorry this has taken me so long BUT I finally finally finished this <3 I was going to make it all very sweet and fluffy then the smut came out. oh well, it is what it is hehe
Dating Shuji Hanma π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ
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warnings: fem!reader, mentions of the following - blood, knives, bruises, violence, smoking and some creepy ppl at first, some anxiety if you squint. NSFW, oral sex (m! receiving), multiple creampies, no breeding kink tho. not proof read cuz i'm depressed 🫢🏻
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ You "first" met Hanma by accident. It was a simple summer day, you were on your way back from class when a group of men stopped you on the street. Their faces were some you had never seen before, even though you walked the same path everyday.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ A smile crept on the biggest one's face and you could feel the blood nearly draining from your face and yet, your heart was beating so fast. A fear you had never felt before as they take a few steps closer, nearly pressing you against the wall.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ You don't have time to scream for help because, before you even realize, a shadowy figure is already on top of them. A slim boy with duo color hair throws punches around in such speed you have never seen before. He laughs a deranged laugh and you notice that he is mostly using his right hand, yelling something about "punishing assholes."
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ Once all the creeps who cornered you are on the ground, a mess between bloody noses, swollen eyes and missing teeth, the boy turns to look at you. Splatters of red across his face as he walks closer, his left fingers rubbing his right knuckles.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ "Are you alright?" He asks, a blank expression on his face while his eyes give you a puzzling look that you can't quite decipher.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ "I think so," your voice cracks, hands shaking lightly as he walks closer. After a few seconds of examining his face, you realize you have met him before. In fact, it was a face you were maybe too familiar with, "Shuji?"
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ The right side of his lip curls into a smirk and he raises an eyebrow, "I go by Hanma now, it's more intimidating!"
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ After that, the two of you began spending more time together. While you weren't thrilled with his ways of getting what he wanted, you still accompanied him wherever he went. The gas station on the corner where he would threaten to beat the owner if he didn't give him a pack of cigarettes (of course you would pay the poor man behind his back)
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ Or when he would bring you to the gang's hideout and listen for hours as he instigated the boys to punch each other (it became common for you to mend battered knuckles and accessing injuries)
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ However, he could also be very romantic when he wanted to be. Like when he would take you out to dinner, though not typically to restaurants since he was banned from most of them, he would insist on taking you out for a night bike ride, the smell of the ocean mixing with the smell of whatever takeout food you ordered.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ You would spend hours sitting by the sea, the sand getting in between your toes after he splashed some water onto your feet. The cold breeze against your face and the sweetness of his lips against yours after eating dessert.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ He will bring out a deck of cars and insist on playing for a chance to see your boobies, he cheats and wins every time of course but he will deny it like his life depends on it if you call him out.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ I think he is caring in his own personal way. Even though he might sometimes get himself busted up pretty badly, he would never, EVER put your life in danger, willingly or not.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ I feel like he might also have a "special talent" though I'm not sure what it would be. Maybe he is really good at doing your makeup since his eyeliner is so on point.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ Or maybe he is really good at drawing and keeps leaving silly, little pictures around your house for you to find when you are away from him. Some are drawings of hearts, some are gory as fuck. Who knows what you'll find next time?
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ He is very protective of you. Like, any man who gets too close or even looks in your direction, gets a stern look or maybe even a knife to the throat when you look away.
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π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ The idea of having you all to himself makes him go crazy. He gets hard with the slightest of touches, and when he feels your mouth around his cock? He feels like he could bust a nut with the simply breeze of your warm breath.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ He loves it when you have your "bad girl moments", when you push his against his back and get on your knees, moving your hair out of your face to give yourself better access to his already throbbing cock.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ Oh, and he is obsessed with your pussy. The way he fills you up, the way you move your hips against him, the way he fucks you so hard his balls actually come in contact with your clit.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ He gets easily drunk on the scent of your sweaty skin mixed with his, the pool of your juices sliding down your legs towards the ground. Oh, how he loves the sounds you make.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ Also his pull out game is immaculate. The man has never worn a condom in his life, but every so often he will give into the temptation and release all of his cum inside of you. He will do it until you are dripping.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ Then he immediately goes out and buys like, three boxes of plan B. idk, the man knows the consequences to his actions.
π“ˆ’βˆ˜β˜οΈŽ Oh and to finish this off, did I mention that he definitely asked you out by beating a bunch of guys up and either using their blood or displaying their bodies to form up the words: be my gf? because he did.
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tan1shere Β· 3 months
Changes pt 2
Ellie Williams x female reader !
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A/n: it's here at last ... I hope you all enjoy it I honestly don't have much to say but, pt 3 ? Also this whole idea was inspired by a show slightly, if you can guess what it is down below I'll give you a kiss 😁!!
Summary: Ellies the bad girl in the school but she takes a liking to the reader, everyone's worried but the reader somehow changes her for the better ... or does she ?
Warnings: drinking, smoking, the mention of drugs like once. Swearing ? Mentions of anxiety and a beginning panic attack ! Think that's all :)
Masterlist || pt 1 ! Pt 3 !
A few weeks had past, and your bond with Ellie grew even stronger. You spent most of your time with her, although that wasn't very liked by the people around you. "She's gunna hurt you Y/n." Your roommate, Angela warns for what felt like the hundredth time. You know you should probably listen, but maybe Ellie just hasn't been around the right sort of people. Maybe she's changed. You were convinced that's what it was. As you started to get to know Ellie you learnt she was actually quite smart. She knew so much, but she constantly turned up late to classes. Never paid attention. You were confused as to why, she was so talented and bright, why would anyone throw something like that away.
You were currently walking down the halls on your way to your favorite place, yes ofcourse the library. It was like your home away from home. As you walk in you spot Ellie sitting there, doing her usual dribbles and doodles. "Whatcha doin there?" You beam at her as you sit down in a chair close to hers. She looks up at you and gives you a smile. "Just sketching, nothing exciting." She continues to look at you as you get a few things out. "How's the book?" She asks, setting a pencil she held on the table infront of you both. "Its the best, I've been reading it non-stop." You smile more at the question. She just smiles at your smile. "Told you, it's such a good read." A silence filled the air, not an awkward one, or a comfortable one. Just a silence, one that was as if there was something still to be said. You could feel it, so you look up at her. She was just looking at you, admiringly. But for some reason she stops, clearing her throat a little bit and getting back to her drawing. Odd? Maybe a little.
Ellie knew she wasn't the relationship type. She knew she wasn't classed as 'good' she knew she flunked on many things. She knew this. So why does it feel like she's feeling something for you. That never happens, she uses people- as bad as that sounds she won't sugar coat it, she knows she's done wrong. Is she going to do it to you too? She had no idea and the thought honestly frightened her, she's never felt this way for anyone in her life. She needed to put those thoughts aside she couldn't fall. But oh how beautiful she thought you were. Your hair looked so well taken care of, perfect features. Not too much makeup just light amounts, your pretty skin and how soft it genuinely looked. Minding your own business as you read, focusing on what it is you're reading. She couldn't, this isn't good. Especially when she has no faith in herself to not hurt you. But she couldn't give it up, she wanted to be in your presence you were so sweet and inviting it made her feel warm.
She had to not give into all these feelings at all. "Ellie?" You tilt your head slightly to get a better look at her face. You two were currently in her room working on something that was assigned to the both of you. She wasn't paying attention which you found out was normal for her to tube out and go into her little land. "Yeah sorry, just thinking." You slowly nod, continuing to speak about the project. She let's out a sigh. "I'm sorry am I boring you?" You let out a light hearted giggle as you say that, she begins to get defensive. Worried she had hurt you in some way. "No no no, ofcourse not! The complete opposite. Sorry I'm just a bit tired." She admits. You still laugh a tiny bit. "I'm just being silly Els." She swallows. That name that you acquired recently, makes her insane.
But definitely in a good way, she loves it. Was she a fool for you or something. You go to speak again, but shut your mouth. It had been dawning on you, the question you wanted to ask so badly. So you just come out and ask. "Why are you always ditching classes, why aren't you applying yourself?" She looks directly at you as you say this. She just shrugs. "You're incredibly smart Ellie. I don't know why you're-" You continue, although she shuts it down. "I really don't want to talk about this." She blurts, making you shut up for a sec. "Yeah no ofcourse." Awkward silence, but she breaks it with yet another sigh. "I'm sorry that was harsh." You just shake your head. "No no, I shouldn't of been nosey, it's not my business." You give her a tiny smile. Yet again. More silence.
"Right well, we shou-" "you want a smoke?" You were stunned by the question. You watch as she gets up. It was a little upsetting to see her not care about this project. "Elli-" She turns around. "Oh yeah no ofcourse, I shouldn't of asked." "El-" But she wasn't done. "That was a silly question, you don't seem like the type to do th-" "ELLIE." The room went quiet, she just looks at you. "Will you just shut up for a second." You laugh slightly. "Why are you avoiding this project?" She shrugs. She really likes doing that, huh. "I dunno, it's stupid." You furrow your brows slightly. "But this would be so easy for you Els." Theres that name again. She begins to smoke whatever the fuck she is smoking, seemingly to ignore you. You roll your eyes a tiny bit, closing the books that you had in your grasp, while going to get up, and walk over to her. She watches you, continuing to smoke. However she wasn't expecting your next move.
You get on your tiptoes and snatch it out her hand. "Hey!" She stands up properly. You keep ahold of it. "I'll give it back once you do some of this work!" You laugh a bit. She looks at you. With a 'be so serious' look. "Like I can't just snatch it right back." She walks towards you slowly, making you back up. "Well I won't let ya." She lets out her own laugh. "Did you forget your hight?" You glare at her. "I am not, that short." She raises a brow, getting closer to you going to try grab it, but you swiftly move your arm so she can't. "I may be tiny but I'm smart." She goes to try again. "Yeah well so am I." Again, she tries and fails. "Well if you're so smart use it for the project." She completely ignores that deciding to bend down and put you over her shoulder. You let out a small screech, going to grip the cig a bit tighter so it doesn't fall.
She drops you on her bed being careful still, making you bounce slightly on the mattress. She goes for the cig now that you are more grounded, but yet again you move it so she couldn't. You let out a giggle at how difficult she's finding this. "Not funny, you." She tries. Again. You laugh more at her poor attempts. "Right that's it." She pins your arms down as you try get out of her grasp, but before she could do all that you put it in your mouth having it rest there. "Gunna have to unpin my arms if you want it." You mumble still having it against your lips. "You're trouble huh." You let out another laugh. She goes to unpin one of your arms and when she does you quickly grab te cigarette from your mouth and hold it above you.
You could see the slight frustration in her eyes, you try hard not to let another laugh slip. "Gimmie it." "Do the work." She stares at you for a moment. "Oh you wanna play games?" She wastes no time into tickling you. One thing she didn't know but definitely was going to find out is that you were incredibly ticklish. Your eyes widen. "No no noooo." She doesn't listen, continuing the assault to your sides, you squirm trying to escape it. "Ellie!" You let out constant giggles. She smirks seeing you weren't paying attention and snatching the cigarette right back into her grasp, sticking it back into her mouth. But she didn't stop tickling you. "Say you're sorry Missy!" You laugh more. "Hell no!" Shes close to you. "Then the tickling shall continue." You keep laughing and honestly. Ellie enjoys this.
She really enjoyed your laugh, she loved to hear it. The fact she could make you laugh so easily made her heart happy. She's never seen anyone else make you laugh like she has, and sometimes she doesn't even try. But she manages to always pull a laugh or giggle from your lips. "Ellie pleaseee." She shakes her head. "Stand down!" You laugh. "Fine fine I surrender, I'm sorry!" You're still laughing even when she's stopped. But like most times silence overcame this scene. It was never an awkward one though. You look at each other. "Can we do some of the project now." You ask her. She stays quiet for a bit. Pondering. "Come on Ellie, it's not much and it's not like you'd struggle or anything-" you cut your sentence short. You hadn't realized how close you two were, she's most definitely noticing this too. You swallow keeping the eye contact going.
But she takes the cigarette out, turns her head and blows some smoke, beginning to get off of you. "Can I ask you something?" You sit up a bit once shes off, nodding. "Yeah ofcourse." You were intrigued. "What do people tell you about me?" You look at her, wondering how to go about this. "They just tell me to be careful and such." Now you shrug, sitting up more into a criss cross position. "Can I ask a question now?" She looks at you and nods. "Why do they tell me that. What's so bad that you've done." That silence was upon the room again. Another famous Ellie sigh. "I'm not a completely great person, maybe I'm working on it I dunno. But I don't date. I can't it's just not in me." You listen to all she has to say. "Why?" Usually people who asked such questions would get shut down by her. But she genuinely wanted to tell you, she loved the way you'd listen, to anyone. The way you'd take in every detail of information. "I'm not too sure."
She sits on the bed with you. "I just don't know if I can bring myself to being committed to anyone. You know?" You nod, taking in what she has to say. "I dunno, maybe I haven't found the right person." You keep looking at her. "Hmm, maybe." Silence. "You think you ever could?" She sighs a tiny bit. "I could do, no way of truly telling until the time actually comes." "Noted." For the first time ever with you two, there was a slight awkwardness in the air. You wanted to say something to fix it but you just stay silent. "What about you?" You became confused by the question. "What about, me?" You inquire. "Yeah, you been with people? You a relationship kinda girl?" You laugh a tiny bit at the question. "I've been in a few, nothing serious but I definitely am a relationship girl." She nods, going to take one last drag of her cig, going to put it out in an ashtray on her windowsill.
It was a few days later, you were currently on your way to your dorm, Angie was out for the night so you had a hot date with your blankets and your book. As you were strolling down the halls you caught sight of a friend in your class, you smile at him. "Hey, kenny!" You say with joy. He returns the smile, coming over to you. "Hey Y/n, what you got planned for tonight?" "I'm going to relax, read and eat." You smile more. "How about you? Anything exciting?" He shrugs. "Probably going to chill also, or go to a party." You nod, knowing he was probably confused on why you were staying inside on a Friday night, you didn't really know each other very well so you aren't surprised if he is. "You keep to yourself alot huh?" You nod proud. "Sure do, keeps me sane." He laughs a tiny bit. "Well I mean not completely to yourself." You furrow your brows. "What do you mean?" He pauses for a sec, looking at you. "I see you with Williams alot." "Oh yeah, she's cool to hang out with." He doesn't say anything immediately.
"What are you two? Like fuck buddies or something?" More confusion. "Excuse me?" You laugh slightly. "Well I never see her with many people unless she's fucking them soo." You stare at him. "Do people think that? Like about me and her" He shrugs. "I know I do, maybe others. But what are you two?" Why was he so intrigued by it. You knew she didn't have a great rep but seriously? "Well shes a good friend." He thinks for a moment. "She don't have many of those." You were baffled by this man and what he had to say. "I guess you just truly don't know her then." You don't know why you felt so irritated by this, but you go to leave. "Don't start anything with her, you're too pure for her antics." You stop in your tracks, going to turn back around. "And don't judge a book by its cover." You simply state. "Bit hard when that cover hasn't had the best past." You sigh. "People change." "Not Williams. Trust me we all thought that once, there's no changing her-" you go to cut him off.
"What are you talking about." He looks at you as if he was the one confused now. "You don't know?" You shake your head. "This has happened before, she almost dated this girl who thought would change her, she shitted big time on her. She doesn't even go here anymore and it was all because of Williams." You didn't want to believe that, it sounded horrible. "I'm sure she didn't leave just because of that." There was a tiny pause. "Nope, definitely was. She broke that poor girls heart. Couldn't even bring herself to come back, so she moved. I'm just trying to save you from-" you shut that down immediately. "I can handle myself, thank you though. But I don't need you telling me this." He shrugs. "Alright, just letting you know before you get too far gone with her." And that was that you both turned to leave. Did everyone just hate this girl? How could almost the whole school be so against her. You try to ignore all of this, wanting to go read, that is until you get a text.
-Hey, you busy tonight?
Speak of the devil. It was Ellie. You couldn't help but smile at your phone.
-I was going to have a night of reading, but you're more than welcome to join me, my roommate isn't going to be there so it'd be nice and quiet.
-how could i possibly decline that generous offer ;) see you soon?
-bring a book! πŸ€“
-holding one right now πŸ“–
You smile more, making your way to your door and grabbing the keys to unlock it. You were brought to your senses when you could smell what seemed to be vanilla, you knew it was Angies perfume, she would always wear it whenever she'd go see her boyfriend. It always made you smile when she'd go on dates, she'd be so genuinely happy to get dressed up, telling you how amazing he was and how happy he made her. It was nice to hear. You set your things down on the couch, heading into your room to grab some blankets and such, making a space on the couch for them. You were soon startled when you hear a knock on the door, to it being opened. "Hello hello hello." Ellie says coming in. "Oh hey, I was just getting the couch nice." She closes the door behind her. "What book did you bring?" You ask, looking over at her. "I- honestly have no clue just picked up something random." She states, coming over to the couch and sitting down. "Good day?" She leans back into the cushions, kicking her feet up on the coffee table.
"Yeah pretty good, bit slow but it got there in the end. And you?" Coming over to sit down next to her, bringing the blankets up your body. "Pretty much the same." You couldn't help but laugh. "What's so hilarious." She smiles ever so slightly. "I dunno, I just assume they're boring because you don't do anything." She raises a brow. "Not true. I have so much fun." "Oh yeah? What do you do that's so fun?" You open your book up, taking the Bookmark out preparing to read once you were done with the conversation. "I go on a secret mission, shhhh I can't talk about it." You laugh and roll your eyes. "You're so incredibly goofy." She smiles more. "You love it." Your smile softened a bit, you truly did. You loved how she would be so silly, especially since you didn't get to see that side of her until you were alone together. You avert your eyes over to the words on the page, beginning to read your book. She does the same opening up the random book to start.
After a little bit, you wanted to just talk. As you're still looking at your book you speak up. "I had a weird interaction today." She looks up, and at you. "Oh?" You do the same, nodding. "Got told to stay away from you, again." She lets out a sigh. "I'm sorry people are bombarding you with that-" But you just shake your head. "Trust me it's fine, it doesn't bother me. What gets to me is how hung up they are on the topic." You truly couldn't wrap your brain around it. "He told me about this girl you had almost gotten into a relationship wi-" "he?" She stops your words. You look at her as she does so. "Yeah?" She furrows her brows more. "Who is this guy?" "His names Kenny, you know him?" She rolls her eyes. "Who doesn't know him, he's always in people's faces." You keep looking at her as she speaks, when a sudden sigh comes out.
"The reason he told you that was because he was super close to her. He got furious at me when the whole thing happened and it eventually turned into a huge fight. Silly, drunken fight." This makes you raise your brows. "Oh my God." "It was all okay, no one got badly hurt but it happened, I moved on. Clearly he hasn't." You think for a moment, wondering if you should ask what you wanted to or stay in your lane and just keep quiet. She noticed your silence. "What're you thinking 'bout pretty girl?" Trying to ignore how happy that name made your heart, you push all the fear away and just ask. "What did you even do to her." Ellie goes quiet tho as if she didn't want to talk about it. "I- uhm just forget that sorry." You bite your lip feeling awful for even bringing it up. She puts a reassuring hand on your knee. "I don't mind. It's ok, I promise just caught me a little off guard is all." Listening to what she says, you nod. "I was never really present in the relationship, sort of a bit closed off. It wasn't even a relationship really, more of a- I dunno. We got on very well but at the same time I don't think she understood me truly. She was a great person, I honestly thought she was going to be my very first girlfriend." You cut her off. "Wait wait so you haven't dated anyone at ALL?" You knew she struggled to be in relationships.
But to have never been in some sort of one before, shocks you. "Never ever?" She lets out a breath. "Okay, sorry continue." You hear a tiny laugh come from her, making you smile a bit. "Anyway, I just couldn't do it. I knew I felt something but not enough to commit to anything serious like I knew she wanted. But I couldn't bring myself to let her go for so long. When one night she asked me, and I froze. I stood there trying to find some words to tell her nicely that I couldn't." Ellie stops for a second, which worried you. "Oh God, what did you do." There was silence. "I told her she wasn't relationship worthy.." Your mouth opens slightly. "Jesus Ellie." "I know, I'm not proud of it I'm really not. Especially her face after, I felt so bad deep inside but I think I made things worse with my dry facial expressions.." shocked would be an understatement. You had no idea how to respond. "No one knows that. Your actually the first person who knows the true story. The rest just made up silly rumors of how it ended, she left soon after so no one really knows the full story but me."
Still not knowing what to say you move your gaze to her. "Please say somethin." She says awkwardly. "You're not the best with words are you?" You let out a tiny giggle. She scratches her neck. "Is it obvious?" You shake your head slightly, with a roll of your eyes. "Dumbie." That silence you two always came across, occurs. You love it, it was comforting if you were quite honest. "We aren't doing much reading." She pipes up, making you look at her. "We aren't are we." You laugh a bit, setting it down and going to stand. "Where are you off to?" Honestly you didn't know, but you felt like putting music on. "Going to get my speaker, I always put on some music when Angela is out." Ellie learns more about you everyday. "What kind of music. Some heavy metal shit." Another laugh escapes you. "What do you take me for?" "I dunno, you surprise me very often." You had the speaker in hand, setting it down on the coffee table. "Honestly, if I like a song I like it, I don't have a specific type." She smiles. "Well said." You turn your head, looking at her. "And you?" She thinks for a sec, letting out a hum in thought. "Well as long as it's not some yehaw shit." This makes you laugh, harder than you have before. "Really? Now that's something I would've thought you'd like." She scoffs, throwing one of the pillows that were rested on the couch at your face.
But you catch it quickly. "Ugh, rude." Throwing it back at her she just laughs. You grab your phone and play your Playlist, sitting back down in the position you were in before. "So, loves to read, doesn't like heavy metal, is very ticklish." The last one makes you pinch her shoulder, resulting in her holding her arm with dramatics. "What else am I going to find out about you." You think for a moment. "I guess you'll have to wait and see." She tilts her head. "You a party person?" Honestly you had no idea, you hadn't been to the kind of party she's talking about in your entire life, so how could you tell if you liked them or not. "Can't judge when I've never been to one." Now it was her who was gobsmacked. "Never, ever?" She quotes you from before. "Shut up. I find fun in other things." She looks offended. "I've been to some pretty wicked parties ma'am." You roll your eyes. "You love doing that too, don't you?" She points at your face. "What? Roll my eyes?" She nods. "They'll get stuck like that if you aren't careful." She says, seeming serious but you knew she was being a dickhead.
"Oh Har Har." "No need to fake laugh around me. We all know how hard I can make you laugh." You raise a brow. "Oh really?" She nods. "Yes really, I'm the master." She notices the look on your face and smiles wickedly. "Challenge accepted." "Wait-" But she pounces on you, going straight to tickling you. You try to push her off, giggling as you do so. "Ok ok stop, point proven." Shes now laughing too, but they both die down as your eyes meet. As corny as that sounds its true, you two were currently so close to one another. You could feel the coolish air from her nose. Then something just clicks in her brain and. "Y/n." You keep the eye contact. "Mhmmmm." "I think I like you." You let out another giggle. "You think?" The look that's on her face makes you giggle more. "No like I know I do.." There was a long pause which made Ellie worry. "Is this the first time you've ever said that to someone." She nods reluctantly. You soon become more serious. "Like actually like me?" You sit up, staring at her at the confession. "I've never said that to a girl before. Never."
Looking down, you take in this information. "I think I like you too Els." You let a small smile slip but she just playfully rolls her eyes. "So what now then?" That, she hadn't thought too far into. But as she wonders what this could become those bad thoughts of hurting you cross her mind, usually she wouldn't care. Horrible as that is she never did care. Maybe you truly are changing her. And what she does next truly shocks the crap out of you. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
You had said yes. Ofcourse you were thinking of those thoughts too, but you had hope she wouldn't, consider yourself stupid? Maybe. You just wanted to live in the moment, if anything keeping it a secret was the most hardest thing throughout this all. The first time you and Ellie kissed you were just hanging out in your room, Angie was home and she had come in without knocking, thank goodness she saw nothing. You've also gotten closer with Jesse and Dina, they were so kind. You were sitting with them and Ellie one day having some food in the small Cafe they have down there. "I'm just going to get some more of that Cake, you want any?" She looks at you, you just shake your head no. As she goes to leave tho, Dina turns to you. "She has this new glow to her." A hum leaves your lips as you eat. "Maybe being around you is changing her." She continues. "If so can you like stay forever." Jesse then speaks. It made you laugh slightly. "I'm not going anywhere." They look at eachother. "Well that's if she doesn't do anything stupid." Damn, even her close friends have no hope in her. You'd be lying If you said that didn't worry you much.
More time passes and it's getting harder to keep the secret, you didn't really care for what anyone else had to say about it, but you sure did worry about Angie, Dina, and Jesse. You had bonded with all of them so well you didn't want them to hate you entirely. Today, you weren't as careful. You were currently hanging out with Dina and Jesse in your room, chilling. When you hear a knock at the door. "Hold up let me just get that." As you get up to go see who it was, you forgot to close your bedroom door. You open it, but before you can process anything you're being kissed, you froze. "Hey baby." Ellie then says after pulling away, gently grabbing the flesh of your ass. Open, your mouth was open in shock. "BABY?" You then heard Dina screech, coming out of your bedroom along with Jesse. "Uh oh-" Ellie then says, removing her hand. You swallow as you turn around slowly. "Ermmm." They were shocked. "Ain't no way." Dina continues. You were stumped. What were you suppose to say? "Really Ellie, another poor heart?" Ellie furrows her brows.
She was going to say something but you step in. "Hey, that's not entirely true. How do you know she will do that, she can change you kno-" Dina shakes her head. "She's not changing Y/n, she will hurt you." Ellie scoffs. "Right here you know." Dina looks at her. "Don't even think about hurting her, Ellie. Come on Jesse." They both go to leave. "We warned you." She says to you. You just stay quiet, watching as they go. Silence was left in the room. "I'm sorry I should've said something-" Ellie shakes her head. "Don't be, seriously. What's done is done it's not your fault, promise." She says, putting her hands on your shoulders then moving them to your cheeks. You nod slightly. "Well, do you think they hate us now?" She laughs a tad. "You? Never. Me? Always. But it's understandable so I can't blame them." You look down, it sadden you how they saw her, you knew she hadn't been so great in the past- but that was in the past. Right? She makes you look at her again, putting her thumb and index against your chin. "Don't worry about them or anything else yeah? That shouldn't be a concern." You nod at her words, getting on your tiptoes to kiss her. "Anyways are you hungry?" You asked as you make your way into the small kitchen you and Angie had.
Ellie shakes her head. "Well, not for food." She shrugs while having a sly smirk on her face, that makes you grab a piece of bread that was sitting on the counter and throw it at her. Which earns a chuckle from her lips. "You're gross." She holds her hands up. "Whattt can't admire my yummy girlfriend?" You roll your eyes. "Far from that-" "Ay! Dont talk about my girlfriend like that thank you very much." This only makes you laugh now, making her smile too. "Well, I'm going to have a snack because I'm quite hungry." You state, going over to grab something to munch on. You then feel hands on your waist, and a chin on your shoulder. "May I help you." She just shakes her head, soon after hiding it in your neck. "Nurp, comfy." That warmed your heart, she was such a sweet person. As you were fixing up some food you felt warm soft lips on your neck, so delicate and gentle. It made you close your eyes relishing in the tenderness. "You smell so good." She blurts out, keeping the warm kisses going. You hum in response. "You smell so.. bad." She pinches your waist making you giggle. "Ow!" "I don't smell bad, take that back!"
You only giggle more. "You smell like cigarettes." She gasps. "You've told me you love the way I smell! Liar!" You roll your eyes, but she swiftly turns you around in her arms, grabbing your face and squishing your cheeks. "Els-" She stares into your soul, making you laugh out. "What on earth are you doing?" "Shhh, making your eyes stay like the way they did since you love doing that so much." She continues to do whatever with her eyes. "Oh my god." You proceed to shove her off of you, but her grip tightens. "You're such an idiot." She smiles. "Yeah well I'm your idiot, so suck it up buttercup." She kisses your nose and loosens her grip, going to lean against the counter. "You really do look great today. Just thought I'd remind you." You smile sweetly at her. "You look pretty beautiful yourself." Shes now smiling too. "Im the pertyest." You laugh at the way she said it, making her smile grow. She could never get over how pretty your laugh was. It was her favorite thing, ever.
It had been a few months or so since you and Ellie first got together, maybe a bit longer but who's counting you. Currently you were making your way to her dorm, like most Friday nights. Knocking on the door to be greeted by your beautiful girlfriends green eyes. "Hey baby." You smile, and so does she. "Hello Ms thing. Come in come in." She moves out the way so you can enter, going straight to the couch and making yourself comfortable. "What have we got planned tonight?" You ask. You two usually always did a special something on a Friday night. Her roommate was out on most of them so you'd come over to Ellies. "Well I know how you feel about parties, and if you don't want to we can chill out here for the night, but there's one a few dorms down." You ponder this idea, and honestly, why not. You figure it'll be fun especially with Ellie and how enjoyable she could make anything be. "Sounds like a plan." She raises her brows, genuinely happy you agreed. "Awesome, I'm getting changed because I just came straight here from my last class." She mentions going to go do that.
You do a double take. "You? In class?" She scoffs. "Shut up." Which makes you smile. "Noo, it's great i'm glad." She shortly comes back out. "Your sarcasm is lovely." She sarcastically replies. "You ready?" You nod at her question. "Sure am."
The music was booming, so many crowds of people. The smell of alcohol and potentially what you assumed was drugs. Pleasant. "Oh this ones going to be a good one I can feel it." Ellie says looking around, scoping everything out. "You're so silly." "Come on let's get a drink." You follow but she knows you don't drink. "I'll be the sober help." She looks at you. "Not even one love?" Her question makes you shake your head as she puts a hand on your shoulder. "Alright, just make sure you're comfortable yeah?" She says before giving you a kiss. You smile at her words, beginning to feel weirdly anxious about the night, and you had no idea why.
People were everywhere it was all quite alot to take in. As you were sitting on Ellies lap you noticed how drunk she was. It was different seeing her like this. "Mmm I want another." She would slur. Making you let out a light giggle. "You're so gone Els-" "your laughs so pretty, makes my heart warm." She suddenly says. You smile more at her. "Well that's very kind of you." After a little you let out a sigh, you felt like you weren't being fun right now, you didn't want to disappoint Ellie but you had so much anxiety currently, and you had no idea on how to stop it. "Can you pretty please get me another drink my beautiful girlfriend." She taps your side, holding up her empty cup. You smile at how precious she was right now. "Sure can." You take it from her going to get off and head over to the drinks. As you're over there you feel someone next to you. "Here with Williams?" It was Kenny. You look at him. "Is that illegal?" He stares at you. "Are you dating her?" You huff. "What even is it to you Kenny?" He shakes his head. "Youre going to get hurt." "Im doing just fine thanks." You turn to leave, back to Ellie. "Here you go." You say a little dryly. "Thank youu." She muddles her words, grabbing it off of you. You sit back down in her lap. "Was he hassling you?" You hear her ask. "Who, Kenny? Nothing I can't handle my love." You reassure her, although you think it was slightly getting to you. She just nods in return.
The night went on, and your chest still had that same feeling, your anxiety was increasing. You wanted to have fun with your girlfriend and friends but you just couldn't seem to relax. It made you more anxious that Ellie wasn't with it. You're starting to think its childhood trauma that's making you feel this way, you didn't know how to just shut this weird feeling off. "You alright mama?" Ellie asks, rubbing your shoulder, still drunk as anything. You just nod and bite your lip, chewing that silky skin off nervously. "I'm just going to go for a pee." You tell her, getting up and heading to wherever the bathroom is. Once you find it you head in, going to the sink to splash water on your face in hopes it'd calm you down just a little bit. "You're fine, Y/n just take a breath and relax. Everything's fine." You say to your reflection. You leave, entering the booming party once again, going over to where Ellie was last seen but she's not there, odd. Making your way around you try to find her, hoping she's alright and she hasn't got into something bad, knowing how some idiots can be with drinks. As you make your way around the room your heart completely sinks to the floor, you stand there unable to move.
All your emotions crashing down on you. Shock being the main one, then anger. You truly couldn't believe any of it, was it some silly nightmare? There Ellie was just stuck to some girl. Kissing her. After that shock wears off you felt your anxiety push your anger into motion, moving your feet over to her. You make a cough noise, seeing her pull back from it turning slightly. She may of been drunk but she knew exactly what had happened. "Fuck-" She says under her breath. "Wait baby no i-" You grab her drink and chuck it in her face. "No." You point at her, the girl silently sneaking off. "Ellie what the actual fuck." She just stares at you. Now you feel your tears now they start to come, and her heart breaks. Tears spill at the sight you just witnessed, she's never seen you cry before. You're always so cheerful. So it truly ruins her. "Y/n no no please-" "After everything we've been through, after what you told me. They were wrong. You cant change for anyone. I should've listened to them." She immediately shakes her head. "Don't say that please- it was an accident fuck- she just-" But you shove the cup into her chest. "Shut up Ellie." And she does but she needed to tell you how sorry she was.
After a second of standing there you couldn't look at her anymore. "Wait-" She pleads as you begin to walk off, getting lost in the crowd of people, it was such a huge room you had no idea where you were even heading. The anxiety approaches again, all you wanted was to get back to the comfort of your own room. Your tears still dripping slightly, fogging your vision. You plop down on a random sofa, feeling a panic attack arise. Which freaks you out as you haven't had one of those in many years. You try to even out your breathing, which you managed to do. But everything was so overwhelming. Someone sits next to you, and great it was none other than Kenny. "Did she do something." You sigh. "Good God Kenny. Please just stop." He scoffs. "So im right, correct? Fucking Williams." You turn your head away, just wanting to get out of this unfamiliar place. He places a hand on your leg, making you stiffen. "I'm sorry she did, you never should deserve something like that." This makes you turn your attention to him. "She always steals the girls I like. And ruins their lives." Your eyes widen. "Wha-" "I could treat you so much better." He says. You were baffled by this. "Kenny what are you even-" When you couldn't think this night could get worse, it does. He goes to try and kiss you but you dodge it immediately, standing to your feet. "Kenny no- im really not interested." He begins to stand too. "That's what she said." You smelt it on his breath. "Kenny you're drunk, I think you need some water-"
He shakes his head getting close to you again, your overwhelming anxiousness comes back again, especially once you see him flush to the floor. Your attention is now on Ellie who punched the living shit out of him. "Ellie what the fu-" "He touched you!" You facepalm. "Good God I have nowhere near enough energy for this shit." The night couldn't get any worse as Kenny stands back up, the two drunk as anything. "You bitch." He goes to swing at her but she moves. "Fight round two then, you fucker." She begins it all. You don't even know what to do anymore. "You're both children." You state, going to try find the exit. You had to get back, this night was all too much. But Ellie notices you leaving, so she goes after you. "Wait no- please let me explain!" She grabs your arm but you yank it. "No Ellie. Don't ever touch or even speak to me again." "They weren't right, you have changed me i swear to you!" You shake your head. "Once a dick. Always a dick. You. Have. Not. Changed." You spat.
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littelestvic Β· 4 months
About the Damon Baker x Kris Gustin photo session and what it means to me as a queer artist obsessed with Joker Out
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Note, this is not me trying to look smart and trying to talk about someone else's art pieces, although my dearest Daria made a small analysis on the Kris-Bojan set that I found very interesting, and it is interesting that these are a somewhat subjective views of Bojan and Kris's souls, or at least a visual representation of themselves as people. In any case, this is, if anything, an overview of what these art pieces make me feel and their significance to me.
First I must admit, as an artist, that these photos are beautiful and actually hold a lot of artistic value from my perspective. I think these should be seen as pieces of art and must be perceived in a different way than other Joker Out photos. However it is still very interesting how much these photos actually talk about the subject: these pieces are an exploration of Kris Gustin, the person portrayed, and I've honestly never have seen portraits that explore the nature of the subject in such a personal manner. Kris is displayed in a subjective, intimate way, whether how Damon sees him or how Kris himself sees himself deep down. I'm sure more elaborate and accurate explanations of Damon's art can be found online, as I actually didn't know of his work until now, but as I was able to read he focus a lot on the intimacy of the subject.
Anyways, there's a clear theme this session follows: femeninity and vulnerability. The usage of visible makeup (a first time for Kris on camera if I'm aware), the flowers, the exposed skin, the cloth (a typical femenine piece of clothing on Balkan/Slavic cultures), I think they were all choices to purposefully provide a more femenine vision of Kris. But he still allows himself to do poses similar to those I've seen him do before, there's still a hint of the Kris I know, his posing flows naturally and doesn't feel forced because this is just a natural extension of what he is, this is a natural exploration of his most femenine side, he is simply letting himself flow.
I think we all know Kris seems to be a man with a complex relationship with normative gender roles. Even as a cishet man he has this appearance and mannerisms that can be more related to a more "femenine" convention of gender and I have always wondered if he has ever struggled with this, and that if he has ever felt forced to keep the normative conventions of what a man should be. Things like asking to have his hair cut shorter after being called a girl when he was a child, or denying to be put makeup on by fans, he sometimes tried to run away from things that could be perceived as "feminine", maybe out of insecurity, maybe out of fear.
But there he is,
Glitter on his eyes,
Flower in his head,
Embracing himself.
I am a person with a complex relationship with gender roles. I was born a woman. I am short and tiny and have feminine features that simply cannot be ignored. I will forever be perceived as a woman by the people around me. I look like a girl, I have long hair because I am not allowed to have it short and I wear women's clothes. And while I don't want to be a girl, my relationship with femininity is actually very strong. I like pretty things, I like sparkles and pink, I like everything girly, I like girls. I've been told it's stupid to perceive myself as a guy since I look so girly, since I like so many girly things, and in times I don't feel I have deserved the masculine pronouns I use and my neutral name I've given myself (the ones I can only use online out of fear).
So I try to put some sense into it. I draw girly things because I like girly things. I draw men because I want to be like men. I draw men in pretty soft pinks and sparkles and sequins because that's what I am.
And I've found a safe place in Kris, with his non conforming masculinity that more often than not becomes femininity. As many other people like me, I like him because he helps me put sense to my feelings. I draw him in soft pastels and pretty clothes and delicate features because in my mind, if a man like him can be allowed to be femenine, then I can allow myself to feel the way I feel too. I can allow myself to simply not fit any binary gender convention, and I can allow myself to be myself. I like Kris because I find a part of me in himself, I relate to him and I see myself in his eyes. It is a complex relationship where I don't necessarily like him because I find him attractive, I am not actually sexually attracted to him; I see myself in him, in my own little weird way. I have distorted my own reality to make my own perception of him fit my needs. This is why I draw him the way I draw him. And perhaps that's why so many praise how I draw Kris. It is unique because it's personal. And I know he doesn't necessarily see himself this way, at least not in the degree I do. My Kris talks much more about how I see myself than how I see him. The way I draw Kris represents myself. My Kris is myself.
So when I saw him in this session, with the glimpse and the passion and the attitude I draw him like, it felt special.
"He looks like my art" I told myself. "He's seen himself the way I see him."
This is Kris,
This is my Kris,
This is me.
So I'm very thankful for Kris trying to open himself, and embracing this vulnerable side of him I purposefully push into the narrative of my art. He called these "therapy sessions", so I can't help but wonder if these have been helpful to him, if he has found something about him, if he has learnt to accept himself the way he is. He has helped me cope with complicated subjects of my life, and I cling to him to keep with life. He is my special little obsession that keeps me alive. So I can't help but sometimes wonder if he's happy, If he's loved, if he's content with himself.
And I think this exploration of himself will be very helpful to his soul. I am very proud of him, I am hopeful for his future, and I wish him the best.
I love you, my muse, and thank you for allowing yourself to see you with my own eyes.
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166 notes Β· View notes
Hi please can u write Edward Cullen x sick reader. Where the reader is stubborn and still shows up at school despite being sick. (I’m sick rn and can’t find any Edward fics) hope u have a nice day
Thank u :))
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Warnings: none really, sick!reader, potentially getting other people sick πŸ˜…, stubborn!reader, firm and patient edward, thank you for the request btw and sorry it took so long for me to get to it ❀️
Words: 1307
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Edward knew immediately when you sat in the front passenger seat of his car that you were sick.
His brows draw heavy with concern. "You're-"
"I'm fine." You croak and buckle up. Moreso lying to yourself than to Edward. Your head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and you were pretty sure a small fever was beginning to rise on your forehead. Like hell you were missing school that day. You'd studied day and night for your test; was finally confident that you were going to pass.
Reading your thoughts, Edward sighs and leans back into his seat. "(y/n), a test doesn't matter when your health is in question. Your teacher will let you take a makeup test. You need to go back to bed."
There was no energy in you to roll your eyes. "After I take my test then I can rest. I just want to get it over and done with."
"You won't do well if you're si-"
"Edward, please. I know my body. I can survive until second period." Arguing did nothing to help you feel better.
He could just grab you and take you back to your room. Doing that would further enrage you.
"You promise to let me take you home after second period?" The pleading in his voice softens you.
"I promise."
Exhaulting another sigh, Edward nods to himself. "Alright. I'm holding you to that."
A part of you doubts that you'll be able to make it to second period, but you would try to.
Edward may not have fought you more, that didn't mean he was pleased watching you struggle that morning. You were bumping into other students and walls as you lost your balance several times.
Alice pulled Edward aside, her honey eyes narrowed. "Why would you let her come to school like that? She's obviously sick, Ed!"
"I know. Believe me I tried. She promised to let me take her home after her test in second period." Edward lowers his voice, he doubts you can hear him. His gaze is on you as Jasper helps to steady you.
"I don't think she'll make it." Alice frowns and folds her arms in front of her chest. "I don't have to look into the future to see that."
"You try telling her then. See how easy it is."
She wouldn't even try, having experienced your stubborness before. You always wanted to appear tough to the Cullen family as you were selfconcious of being the only human among them. Compared to them you were weak. You compensated by doing whatever you could as a human to appear strong. Including refusing help when you were sick. Edward knew it would wound your pride greatly if he forced you home. So did Alice.
You didn't share first or second period with Edward. He kept tags on you via his mind reading to see how you were faring.
Struggling to stay up in your chair, your eyes were fighting every second to remain focused on the whiteboard at the front of the class. You don't remember much of what the teacher was talking about. Conserving your energy and mentally going over things for your test the following period. You were fading fast. Chugging water helped a little.
When the bell rang, finally alerting of the end of the first period, you were slow to get to your feet. If you tried to move any faster than your current pace, the world would slip from under you.
You use desks to coast your way to the classroom door. Barely making it to the door, there appears Edward. Frazzled when he takes in your flushed face.
Before he could object to you continuing the school day, you stop him by placing a hand on his chest. His mouth closes as he quietly surrenders.
Help me to my next class. Please. You ask him via your thoughts. Doubting you could talk without feeling vomit rise up your throat.
Edward breathes through his nose but doesn't complain about you overworking yourself when you needed rest.
Ever the gentleman, Edward cups your elbow and guides you.
"The moment the class ends, I'm taking you home." He whispers to you as he helps you through the scattering of students running late.
You'd smile if you could. I love you.
You catch the quirk in the corner of his lips and the brightening of his eyes.
It cost you the rest of your strength, but you did it. You fucking did it. All questions answered to the best extent of your knowledge.
There were few steps that were between you and the teacher's desk.
You suck in a breath and stand, hand gripping the edge of your desk for support. Navigating through rows of kids bent over their paper's, you focus ahead of you.
When your teacher notices you, she pauses at the waxen sheen of your face. The moment your test is on the surface of her desk you quietly croak "Can I go to the nurse's office?"
Edward was right outside the door, prepared to take you into his arms. You wanted to laugh.
The thought of a mother hen pops into your mind, making Edward scoff. "If I'm a mother hen so be it." You were unable to protest when he easily scoops you up and dashes to his car. Alice is waiting, rocking back and forth on her feet until she spots the two of you. There's a plastic bag in her hand that looks overly full.
"I'll tell the office." Alice takes Ed's car keys to opening the passenger door for you. Then she places the grocery bag in the back seat. "I googled what made people feel better when they're sick."
"Thank you Alice." You manage to get out as Edward opens the door with just one finger. He sets you down and straps the belt across your chest but not before tossing your backpack into the back seat.
Wondering what Alice had bought you, your forehead presses against the passenger side window, you momentarily fall asleep.
Only waking up when Edward is carefully picking you up from the car's passenger side. He's so careful with you. Always.
You realize when he opens the door that he's brought you to the Cullen house when the front door doesn't match your's.
"I don't want to leave you sick and home alone." He explained while hurrying up the stairs.
And. . .
"Ed. . ." Are you scared?
His jaw clenches. In his room he makes sure you're comfortable with whatever you needed. Water. Pillows. Blankets if you got cold.
Then he settles next to you. His face unreadable. You curl up closer to him and just that mere contact melted him.
"My mother and I. . . we were very sick when I became a vampire." This was something he'd told you a while ago. They'd become sick during the Spanish influenza outbreak. "I know the medical world is much more evolved than it was during my time, but it still terrifies me when you get sick."
"Oh Ed," You sit up even when Edward urges you to lay back down. "I should have-"
He furiously shakes his head. "No. You didn't do anything wrong. Sickness just reminds me how human and fragile you are." Rolling onto his side, you copy him. Head comfortably cradled by a pillow.
You could finally rest.
His fingers brush along your brow, soothing your warm skin. You shimmy closer against him. Edward's much larger frame conforms around you.
"I know you won't die from this. Not that I'd let you die from illness." Adding the last part a bit under his breath, you still caught it.
For a second, Edward pulls away from you to retrieve a bottle of medicine from the bag.
"Now be a good girl and take your medicine."
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charlidos Β· 9 days
I love the lore of the Fellowship, I can't get enough of it. And it's really turned into a kind of myth, hasn't it? The stories have been established, from being told again and again. Regardless if it's not the whole truth, or even not true at all. The lore has a life of its own. And it changes, depedning on who's talking, and over time.
The lore of the (inappropriately named) Cuntybago is a favourite; that famed make-up trailer bus where Orlando spent so much time with Viggo (hours and hours for years and years if you listen to Orlando) absorbing everything Viggo did.
So here's the Ultimate (very long) Cuntybago Post.
The Cuntybago is apparently where all the after-work parties happened. Most of what actually happened on it is still secret, private events not to be shared; after hours, after some wine/whisky drinking. What kind of special stuff was in the drawers? What did they really smoke? And, most intriguingly, who exactly was left onboard when everyone were ordered to get out... (Erm, V&O, perhaps?)I'm sure there are many more photos from the bus. Like a photo of Viggo & Orlando - which has yet to be seen. Oh, to have been a fly on that wall!
(A clip from the last day of the reshoots, in 2003. Because it's the time the bus has been talked about the most. Even if I'm unsure if this is the actual Cuntybago or not. Since it doesn't look green...)
Mortensen and Orlando Bloom spent much of their off-time on a green bus they named the "Cunty-Bago." Instead of the standard luxury lodging demanded by most stars on set, Viggo and co-star Orlando Bloom shared a converted bus while filming Rings. Viggo stocked the bus with a wine cellar and wallpapered the inside with candid behind-the-scenes photos. A source on the set said the bus was the site of frequent cast parties, with the motto, "Everyone is welcome, but when it's time to go, get out!" Indeed, they formed a club β€” The Cunty-Bago Club. [Viggo, Sean and Orlando] shared a make-up Winnebago, and through hours of beard and pointy-ear application formulated the rules of their society β€” most of which boil down to getting gossip and posting it on. [on what? I think the text is cut?]
There are very few quotes from Viggo. If you read his old interviews about life on set it sounds like he mostly worked 6 days a week, 14 hours a day. And in his free time, he went camping and fishing by himself and just drove around to get some me-time. That's it. It all sounds like mostly work and no play for Viggo. Cementing this image of him being ever serene, wise and a hard working method actor who never stopped being Aragorn. But then, we have the stories of this bus, which shows his wilder side...
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(Viggo in ponytails, with a glass of wine and banana, in front of that mirror covered in photographs. They both took a lot of photos on set, so I guess a bunch of those photos are Orlando's.)
All Viggo's said is this:
"It was a crazy small bus." "Everything had cunt. It was 'cunt this' and 'cunt that'. We had a cuntmas tree, and we had cuntmas angels."
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(Orlando on the makeup bus. )
Orlando has mostly mentioned the bus in passing, as he loves on Viggo, his great hero. And in his words, it always sounds like it was just the two of them... (when in fact it was from time to time also shared with Sean B, Bernard and Liv - but only Viggo & Orlando were there the whole time).
[Me and Viggo would] sit next to each other for a couple or hours each morning in a make-up truck. You get to know someone that way, more than by being in scenes with them. I used to sit next to him on the make-up bus, and find myself just staring at him while he was having his make-up done and drawing in his book or writing his notes. I would find myself fascinated. When I went back for re-shoots, I was on my own and he wasn't sitting there, and I suddenly was sitting in the makeup bus that we'd been driving around in for 18 months in New Zealand and got really emotional and felt that it was kind of weird to be there without him there and sort of reflected on all of the happy conversations and chats and glasses of wine and talks that we would have at the end of the day or whatever. He really had a huge impact on my life as an actor.
But he did say a few specific things too:
"Ahhh yes, the bus. It was mine, all mine. It was my precious." Bloom christened the bus the "C-word" when the makeup artist was fuming about someone and asked Bloom's advice. "You should kick him in the cunt and tell him to fuck off!" Viggo just lost it for half an hour. He kept saying, 'What did you say?' [The bus] became all about "the word. We took that word and took all of its power away. We made it the most loving word in the world. If you were a true cunt, you were the most amazing person in the world. It was a very free-spirited bus. It came about because me and Viggo kept being moved around, and we ended up on this bus one day. And the actors were fed up and we said, "This is it. This is our home and we are not moving. If they come, tell them to go away."
And finally from Orlando's IG in 2019 (obviously, to this day, a very important part of his life):
Our fondly named makeup bus, christened by Noreen my makeup artist and Viggo Mortensen, was, and remains in my heart and memory the most female and male empowered, joyful, disreputable and yet totally respectful place of work and creativity ever. Hours spent in the the makeup chair to apply ear’s and wigs and contacts." (They can't even agree who named it, Noreen never got any credit back then...)
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(From the reshoots in 2003, Viggo gives Orlando some love and points out the photo message from Orlando on the mirror. But I want to know, who put up the pic of O with Brad Pitt? From this clip.)
The comments from everyone else in the cast about life on the Cuntybago are actually more enlightening. The rowdy gang reveal another side of life on set and of Viggo: as a drinking, partying prankster who loves crude language. It's definitely part of the fascination with Viggo. He's never one to talk about these things himself.
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(I think they're wearing the special cuntebago t-shirts here. No idea from whence.)
Bernard Hill:
You are not supposed to know about it!" "There were five or six of us - Viggo, Orlando and Sean [Bean]. Liv came in and out [of the group]. Viggo has this special kind of crudeness that he is capable of. We were in the same make up bus [along with Bloom]. When I came back [from a break] it was called the Cuntybago. It was our private club. We had wine tasting sessions and had lots of parties. We also kept lots of food in there. Anything that was out [on the table], you could have. You could drink it, eat it, borrow it, smoke it… but donΒ΄t go looking in any drawers. ThatΒ΄s where we kept our 'special stuff'! [The Cuntybago bar would on occasion open very early] like 6:30am. There were days that we needed it. [I've made life-long friends with] everybody who was in the Cuntybago. Leaving the first time was such a huge wrench. Especially because of the Cuntybago, it was like our club. Fortunately we managed to get it back for Return of the king reshoots, so ROTK was the Return of the Cuntybago. We actually drove it out onto the streets for Viggo’s farewell. Viggo didn’t know we were going to do it, and when it started moving, you should have seen his face. I kept shouting, β€œCunty libre! Cunty libre!” And the bus start leavingβ€”we were breaking free. For propriety’s sake it was called the C-Bago Club, because you couldn’t put Cunty on the call sheet. Sean Bean came in, Liv was also a part of it. As soon as I get back to England I’m going to start the C-Bago web site: Orlando will do fashion and Viggo will do current affairs. I’ll probably do gossip β€” you know, the social calendar. Liv will do Hollywood and Sean Bean will do the art of war. It’ll be our little corner of the world.
(Bernard & Orlando Bloom getting make-up done. Here's the green bus again.)
Cuntybago is an amalgamation of 'Winnebago' and Viggo MortensenΒ΄s cuss word of choice. I've gained an appreciation of the word cunt. Negative words - the best thing is to diffuse them by using and taking the meaning away. Cunt! Cunt! It's a great, great word. Very forceful. [Viggo] became utterly fascinated with it and it became the word of the film. Their Winnebago for makeup was called the Cuntybago. I was not a part of the Cuntybago unfortunately - it was the makeup room of Orlando, Viggo and Sean Bean - but it was a lovely place to visit. Cuntybago T-shirts were made up. There was a Cunty Christmas and we had a Cunty Christmas tree, all this stuff. Cate Blanchett [who plays the elf queen Galadriel] was deemed Her Cuntliness. I think we were all secretly jealous of the Cuntybago. I was anyway. I loved the atmosphere. Any place that had Viggo in the centre was always an interesting place to be… And that was where all the alcohol was. It was just spending all of that time with brits and Aussies. The word β€˜Cunt’ came up quite a lot. I was fascinated by that and how it could become not so dirty. It’s one of the few swear words that still shock people." Is that why you called Cate Blanchett β€œHer Cuntliness? β€œNot my creation. She was called that by Viggo Mortensen. I put the blame on him. It was used during the making of the movie and seems a bit silly now. Wood says that his Cuntybago T-shirt is home in a drawer. "It's too big for me. I'm a small guy."
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(A few photos up on the mirror in front of Viggo. I'm guessing it's Henry on the toilet (aww!), and Viggo and Orlando doing something something... Sharing a cigarette? Extinguishing a cigarette on Viggo's tongue? It looks kind of erotic. And who's the other dude?)
"On Lord of the rings we'd go to Viggo and Orlando's trailer which was called The Cuntybago. Viggo was good for getting Irish whiskey, which was great but I keep trying to educate him on malt whisky. (To Billy it was just V&O's trailer. Like it's where they lived together...) Hobbits, an elf, a King of Men, maybe a dwarf. And quite a few times a wizard, sometimes a princess. Ha ha! That's enough to make anyone feel pissed. We had some good times on that one, some great times."
Peter Jackson:
"The actors had a spiritual connection to it. I liked the way they had photographs [Mortensen and Bloom] taken behind-the-scenes, plastered all over the walls."
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(From the reshoots, I think. Beautifully blurry.)
Liv Tyler:
I can't believe he [Mortensen] talked about that. That was our private world. There was a lot of liquor on that bus. But the funniest thing about this bus is that this thing was a beast. It was so tiny; nothing worked. If they ever washed our hair it would go from scalding hot to freezing cold. There was no heat. Our makeup trailer became the center of things. It was given a really bad name that I cannot repeat. There were pranks, most of them also too dirty to tell. I love them all, all my costars. We would hang out mostly in the hair-and-makeup trailer, and after work at dinner. We would eat all the time and drink wine and laugh.Β  I think that a lot of that was the friendships that we made with each other and the fact that we all needed each other. It was vital that we all had each other to survive and to be able to laugh. Everybody had a really good sense of humor, thank God. We'd be constantly making jokes and decorating the trailer with ridiculous things and being rude and that was our sort of little bubble of escape in our makeup trailer.
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(Photo by Liv, in the bus. You can see all the polaroids and stuff behind the unicorn elf.)
Cate Blanchett:
Viggo is the funkiest person I've ever met. I am far too polite to . . . he had this thing he called "the cunty-bago" . . . no, I guess I shouldn't go into that. So, yeah, he's incredible, very funny.
So, I can't quite figure out which bus The Cuntybago actually is: the green one Orlando is seen exiting? Or the yellow-ish one seen in the vids from the reshoots? Because they aren't the same. And in the vid from the final day, Bernard says the bus he drove on that last day was the same they'd had "for years" and which never moved before. While Orlando said they drove The Cuntybago around "for 18 months". So which bus was it? And did they drive the bus around or not? Or was it stationary? It's a mystery.
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(This is the green bus - but is it the make-up trailer? Same as in the vid with Bernard.)
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(Here in the reshoots, the bus is yellow-ish? And completely different. Looks more like a Winnebago than the green one really... So which one is The Cuntybago?)
ETA: it's the green striped one! Here's it's on the Cuntybago shirt:
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That's all I have found about this infamous, mythical place, where all the magic happened, as they say. If anyone has info to add, please do! I want this post to be comprehensive!
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nirvanawrites111 Β· 9 months
Wedding Secrets (Sub!Taemin x Dom!Reader)
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Pairing: Sub!Taemin x Dom!Reader
Pronouns: none used, written as an afab! reader. Reader does wear a dress.
Genre: Exes to lovers, non-idol au, Taemin is a famous cherographer and you two see each other at Hoshi's wedding.
Warning: smut of course, pussy eating, dom!reader, femdom, cheating, pulling Taem's hair, and grabbing his shirt. Y/n is called mommy
Word count: 1789.. it was supposed to be only 1000 words.
BTW, this is NOT the story I teased a week ago. I'm still working on my Yandere!Taemin fic.
I'm just so in love with Taemin y'all.. but y'all already knew that.
Happy Subby!September! Thank you to everyone who is reading, writing, and reblogging. We are just getting started!
Smut below the cut! Enjoy.
The wedding reception was vibrant and full of energy. But, your heart drops when you spot him from across the room.
Your ex.
At Hoshi's wedding, of all places? You both shared a mutual surprised look, and suddenly, the upbeat song seemed a bit too loud.
Memories of old times flashed by as you caught his eye. This was going to be an interesting evening for you.
Not to mention, the woman by his side is drop-dead gorgeous, and you're sure she's a model or some influencer.
Being a choreographer, you know he makes his rounds around the entertainment industry.
You get up from the table and head to the bathroom. The last thing you want is to show any emotions and make this about you. This is about celebrating your good friend, and you don't want to draw any attention to you.
You retreat to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. Your makeup is still perfect, your hair is flawless, and you look amazing in your outfit. You take a couple of deep breaths.
"I don't have feelings for him anymore.. so why am I tripping?"
"You don't have feelings for me.. anymore.. mommy?" Taemin voices announces into the bathroom, and you glare at him as you stare at him in the mirror.
While you thought hearing that name would feel foreign to you, instead, you miss it. A little more than you would like to admit.
You can't even hide your facial expressions, so you turn around to face him. You wrap your arms around your body, holding yourself in hopes that you can keep it together.
"No, we're over... remember?" Your echo of the truth is a reminder that he doesn't belong to you anymore.
He wanted to end things because he felt like monogamy wasn't something he wanted to continue. So, he walked away from you.
"I know that, but you haven't answered the question. Because if I'm being real with you. I'm not over you. Every person I sleep with, I have to close my eyes and imagine that it's you that I'm with."
Of course, the most infamous choreographer and dancer in your home country has been with other people since the split. That was the whole purpose, right? But it still doesn't feel good hearing it.
But, simultaneously, you feel a little emotion stir inside you, because he still isn't over you.
"Does my answer even matter?" You challenge him.
Taemin tilts his head, and studies your body language. His piercing dark brown eyes, and you know that right now, he's the bold, confident, loudmouth Taemin. In a snap of a finger, if you step into "mommy mode," he will be a whimpering mess under your control. He can get into his subspace so easily for you.
"For me, it does," he responds softly.
A surge of memories hits you – the late-night rehearsals, the impromptu dance sessions at dawn. The way you two would hook up at his dance studio. The passion between the two of you is undeniable. But you know, along with those fun memories comes the bitter ones, the fights, and the jealousy.
"Why now?" you ask, trying to keep your voice steady. "After all this time, after everything that happened, why bring this up now?"
You watch him take a deep breath, looking down momentarily, before returning his mesmerizing gaze to yours.
"It's simple. Everywhere I go, all I see and imagine is you. You used to choke me the way I liked, spank me, spoil me, love me, touch me. Make me submit like no one else could. I'm still in love with you, Y/n."
You want to speak, and you open your mouth to do so, but you stop yourself. You take a moment to process what he just told you.
Your relationship with him was such a whirlwind. He's never been your typical type of guy you like to date. You are quiet and reserved around people you don't know. Only a selected person gets to see your true personality shine.
But, Taemin is outspoken, flirty, and outgoing all the time. He's always the center of attention in some type of way. You never wanted to dim his light or stop his beautiful energy. But, at times, his innocence gets misinterpreted by someone dying for his attention.
Which created issues in your relationship. He has five million Instagram followers, which is more than some of the idols he choreographs for.
He's pretty much a big deal to a lot of people. But, no one has ever experienced him in the way that you have.
"Kiss me," you mumble.
You get out of your head and try to ground yourself back into your body. You know you will ruminate over this if you don't let your body take the lead.
Taemin steps closer into your presence and presses his soft, juicy lips against yours. Your eyes shut immediately, and you allow him to take the lead momentarily. He deepens the kiss and wraps his hands around your waist, and you pull him closer to your body.
You pull back from him, and you feel that familiar feeling come over you. That surge of energy allows you to take control of the situation.
"Mommy? Can I taste you?" The words slip off his tongue so quickly, and you wanted nothing more than to shove his face right into your pussy.
How did he know that you even wanted him in that way?
You removed Taemin's suit jacket and laid it on the sink, and you hiked up your dress so that you can prepare his meal for him.
How could you deny yourself the satisfaction of having the best head in your life? Even if it meant this was just a one-time hookup.
You spread your legs for Taemin, and you are already wet with excitement.
"Come on and eat it before your girlfriend comes looking for you," you taunt him.
"She doesn't care. She's just with me for her social media page."
You run your finger down your slit and feel how wet you are just from kissing Taemin. It never fails how you always react to him so easy.
Taemin smirks and kneels before you just enough to be at eye level at your core. He places his hands on your thighs for leverage as he jams his tongue inside you.
You instantly realize how much you have missed his tongue deep inside you. The feeling of his tongue warms you in a way that you can't explain. It's familiar, and it feels even better as he begins to lap at your folds.
"God, I've missed your tongue, Taem. You're still the best head I've ever had that."
You expect Taemin to respond to your comment, but he's lost himself inside of your sacred world. He mixes up his technique from sucking on your clit to giving you very slow, but passionate kisses that cause your body to jilt every time.Β  To do it all over again in between speeds and variations.
The feeling of having Taemin eat you out like it's his last meal on Earth has your mind spinning a bit when he services you like this. You know that his words are really true.
There is no way that he eats out that IG model like this.
Taemin is way too good and knows exactly what you need when you need it.
He's so good at reading your body language since he's an empath. He knows what you want before you even say it. That's how in sync you two are.
But, you snap out of the state of euphoria, and you grab him by the hair. "Taem, now I know you heard me when I praised you... Is that how you respond to Mommy?"
"No, mommy. I'm sorry, you just taste so good. That's whyΒ  I was in my own little world with your pussy. Thank you for praising me. You know I love when you do that. Can I continue to worship you?"
You instantly felt the aching of your sex when you pulled him away from you. You want to regret it, but you also know he must obey you.
"Fine, but you know I like it when you respond to me. Got it."
You stare into his eyes with his hair still in your hand and his beautiful plump lips covered in your juices.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes... Mommy."
"Good boy."
You release his hair and guide the back of his head back to your pussy. Not that you needed to guide him, but you like being able to control him in this way.
Taemin returns to pleasuring you like he never stops. He licks away at your pussy, and the gushy sound of his tongue and your juices mixed has you hornier than ever.
"Mommy.. I love pleasuring you."
"I can tell. You see how wet I am."
"I love it.. can I feel your juices on my fingers?"
Taemin turns his hand over and sticks his thick middle finger inside you, and you clench around him. He runs his thumb over your clit in circles.
You look down at him, and you can't get over the fact that you never expected to be on a bathroom sink with your legs spread with Taemin's head in between them during your bestie's wedding.
As if on cue, Taemin runs his tongue across his top lip slowly to savor your taste.
You grab him by the shirt and pull him in for a kiss. You slip your tongue into his mouth and savor the taste of yourself. These are the wild moments you miss.
Your tongue swirls around in his mouth as you two are locked in a passionate kiss. The combination of kissing him and his fingers working their magic on you is enough to tip you over the edge.
Taemin's skillful digits continue to pump into you, and you already feel yourself squirt on his middle finger.
"Finish me off," You pull away from Taemin and push his head back down.
Taemin holds onto you as he buries his face deep into your center, and he tongue fucks you because he knows that's what you like.
You both know your body is already so sensitive, and by the way, your hips are starting to buck you. The time to release is approaching.
You moan uncontrollably as Taemin's expert tongue explores every inch of your core, intensifying the pleasure coursing through your body. The anticipation builds, and with one final flick of his tongue, you explode in a mind-shattering climax.
Taemin comes back up and licks his lips again. "I will never get enough of how you taste, Mommy."
You hop off the sink and adjust your dress. Your legs are wobbly, and Taemin helps you with your dress.
You kiss Taemin on the cheek and say, "I might let you taste me again."
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creatingblackcharacters Β· 2 months
Hi. I’m a clown. I love clowns. I love drawing clowns. There is a specific type of clown called the whiteface clown that, you guessed it, covers its face in white makeup. Can I still do that with black clowns, since it’s like its own kind of clown, or should I try to avoid it or modify it?
In a similar vein, the sorta clown lips where it’s like red all around the lips, how should i approach those without making it seem like I’m turning them into a caricature of themselves?
Thank you for all the help you do
I'm glad you enjoy clowns, my friend! Ngl, this a new one, I had to go do some reading.
Well, I found this link on blackface, which is obviously something you want to avoid conveying in your drawings as a racist stereotype for sure. Clowning, especially in the US, does have a strong history with it.
I personally don't see why giving your Black clowns full whiteface makeup would be "racist" per se, in that it's not "whiteface" because the person wearing it is meant to mock a White person, in the way "Blackface" was meant to specifically mock Black people and our features. But I can see how the costume would cause an issue.
Though from a quote from this link- "The Classic (European) Whiteface, sometimes called the 'most majestic and beautiful' of the Whitefaces; an elegant clown, like the Pierrot or Harlequin of commedia dell'arte;" it definitely still shows a bias for whiteness πŸ˜…
From what I could find on Reggie Montgomery, Ringling Bros' first Black clown, he personally did not want to perform in whiteface. He preferred to do his own makeup. And given the history, I can see his discomfort with the idea. Another lady I found felt the same.
Essentially, I think that it's your call. Do your research, and recognize the risk you run if you don't have a genuine story to tell with your piece- the intent here matters! Do you have to do the whiteface? Why? Do you know any Black clowns in your clown community? Maybe it would be a good opportunity to go and build with them?
Me personally, rather than doing full whiteface, I'd opt for an Auguste clown. I feel like that's a safer bet, because if you're not confident... 😬And you don't have to use red lips, you could always try another color, and another shape rather than the racist donut lip look. Please don't do the donut lips.
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Hope this helps lol, wish I knew more about clowns. I learned something new today too!
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thatredmooninvenus Β· 1 year
she looks like fun
summary; Alex has a crush on shy Y/n and he would do anything for her to feel comfortable around him.
era; eycte alex!
warnings; none, pure fluff <3
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It was a cold but bright afternoon as Alex walked around the streets, greeting almost everyone he came in contact to.
He lets out a small sigh as he gets to his destination.
A pet store.
It wasn't just any pet store. It was the place where a pretty girl worked at.
He walks through the door as the little bell dings, "Hey puppy's!" He greets the little puppy's that were on a big box and pets one of them. He then turns to look at Y/n who was putting away containers of fish food.
"Hey, Y/n!"
"Hi." She shyly said, not even looking at him.
At first, Alex thought that she didn't like him because every-time he came to the shop, she wouldn't look at him and would rarely talk to him but later her boss had told him that she was just naturally shy and rarely talked to anyone.
He felt at ease at that but still wanted to talk to her because if he was being honest- he has aΒ teeny tiny crushΒ on her.
Ever since he walked through that store, she quickly caught his attention and although she rarely talked to him, he felt really attracted to her and would do anything to talk to her.
Today she was wearing a brown long sleeve and blue jeans with platform oxford shoes. Her long hair was curled and her makeup was done.
If he didn't know who she was he would of never guessed that she was so shy because the way she looked was the opposite of shy.
"Today has been so crazy, huh y/n?" He said but as always she kept quiet and as always, he kept on talking. "And it's so cold outside, got me shivering today."
She looks up at him only to see Alex already staring at her and she quickly brings her head back down, feeding the little birds in the cage.
The birds chirp as she places their bowl of food inside the cage and lightly smiles at the animals.
"You like them little birdies, huh?" Alex grinned at her and she nodded lightly, still not looking at him. "My grandma used to have some and she would sometimes let them out and they would fly all over the place!"
He kept on rambling on about his grandmothers birds while she walked from place to place, organizing things.
"Turner! What the hell are you doing here?" Marie, the boss comes in with a box of dog toys.
Alex quickly helps her with the box, setting it on the counter where Y/n was and smiles, "I was just stopping by... like always."
"Well you're always bothering, Y/n. Is he bothering you?" She asks her and they both turn to look at Y/n and she feels her cheeks heat up but nods in denial.
"No." She whispers.
"No." Alex repeated with a grin and Marie rolled her eyes with a sigh.
"Y/n why don't you go to the back room and organize some boxes over there, yeah?"
Y/n walks around the counter and gives Alex a shy stare while he gives her a big smile, keeping his eyes on her while she walked to the back.
"Alex." Marie draws his attention to her with a hum in response, "when are you going to stop goofing around and ask that girl out?"
"I'm working on it. I don't wanna scare her off." He shrugged with a smirk.
"You already do." She joked and he let out a scoff. "Just ask her out already. Don't wait on it because you never know when a new guy will come and ask her before you and the next thing you know... bye bye, Y/n!"
He stared off into space for a minute, a question rising within him.
Has someone caught her attention?
He hopes that no one has because he really likes her and he really wants to ask her out on a date but he just doesn't want to fuck up.
She seems so fragile and doesn't want to hurt her in any way so for now he's taking it at a slow pace.
Even if she ignores him most of the time.
Days later, Alex walks to his nearest flower shop on a mission to find the perfect set of sunflowers for Y/n.
Alex had asked Marie if she knew Y/n's favorite kind of flower and she said sunflower.
So here he was at a floral shop, searching for a bouquet of sunflowers.
After strolling around for a few minutes and with a little help with the lovely worker, he found them.
The flowers were a bright shade of yellow, not one single petal was misplaced and they just looked so perfect for Y/n.
He thanks the worker and starts making his way to the pet shop, suddenly feeling nervous but excited.
He walks through the door and literally almost bumps into Y/n and she lets out a small gasp at the almost sudden contact while Alex quickly hides the flowers behind his back.
He looks at her outfit today and she had a black v-neck, long sleeve with a red skirt that had big golden flowers on it with the same shoes from days ago.
Her hair was straightened this time and her makeup was the usual.
She looks so pretty.Β 
"Hi, Y/n!" He smiled at her and she quickly walked to the puppy's and picked one of them up as a sort of distraction. "It's really sunny today." He started talking as usual.
And as usual, she rarely payed any attention to him.
Or that's what Alex thought.
I'm reality, Y/n listened to every word he said to her. She knew that he would enter the shop at exactly 3:06 P.M every day and he would start off by saying "hi, y/n" every time he walked in through that door.
At first she was intimidated by him and wouldn't even look at him but as time went by she would steal quick glances at him and respond to him sometimes even if it was a really short answer.
The more he came to visit her, the more she was starting to develop feelings for him. She loved it when he visited her and she would sometimes put on her best clothes for him to see.
He started to talk to the puppy's and that was her chance to take a good look at him.
He had a black dress shirt, the neck opened just a tad bit to see his golden chain and skin that she desperately wanted to touch. His black pants made the whole outfit look so good she practically fell to her knees. His hair was gelled up with a strand of hair falling on his forehead.
He looked so good, she just wanted to stare at him all day.
"Y/n?" Alex's voice boomed in her ears. "Can I ask you a question?" She blinked and gave him a small nod for him to continue.
He took a deep breathe which ended out coming shaky and he realized he was nervous.
Really nervous.
With another breath, he continued. "Would you... like to go on a date with me, Y/n? Please?" He asked, pulling out the flowers and handed them to her and she hesitantly took them in her arms.
Her jaw almost fell open. Did she hear that right?
Alex askedΒ herΒ out on a date?
That couldn't be... right?
Y/n shook her head and let out a small laugh of embarrassment, "You don't wanna go out with me."
Alex furrowed his eyebrows, "of course I do Y/n! I like you... a lot actually. That's why I'm asking you out."
She felt herself cling onto the bouquet tight in her arms- a sign that she was getting anxious. Alex's eyes traveled to her hands, noticing her behavior.
"Hey..." He gently said, "it's okay, if you don't want to that's fine, no pressure." He gave her a warm smile.
Y/n let's a little sigh and relaxes a bit, easing at his words and looked down at the floor before looking at him in the eyes.
When she looked up at him, Alex was already staring at her with pure adoring in his eyes and you could tell that he was being genuine with his intentions.
"You really want to go out with me?" He nodded with a big smile and she smiled small.
She then took a deep breath, "Okay."
Y/n was shocked.
Shocked to see a a blanket with a picnic basket in the middle and guitar (that hopefully Alex would be able to sing her a song if she lets him) resting against a tall tree.
"W-what... what is this?" She asked with her mouth agape.
"Do you like it?" He smiled as he got in front of her, placing his hands on her forearms.
"I-" She really didn't know what to say or how to express her feelings.
No one had ever done something like this for her.
She didn't know how to feel or how to react, feeling like she was about to burst out of pure joy. Y/n wanted to jump at Alex and give him the biggest hug ever and probably kiss him too.
"I love it." She blushed with a smile and Alex's smile grew ten times even more.
"Yes!" He cheered with a laugh, "Come." He held her hand and gently pulled her down to sit.
He started taking out things from the basket such as sandwiches, two soda cans, and her favorites- strawberries.
Her eyes lip up at the red fruit and her gaze traveled to Alex, feeling all kinds of emotions that she's never felt before.
She felt like a little girl with so much excitement.
"Marie told me you like strawberry's." He said while holding the container and opened the top so she could grab one. "They're fresh." He smiled.
She grabbed one by the stem and popped it into her mouth, closing her eyes at the sweet taste of them, a smile creeping up in her face.
"Ya like them?" He asked with a smirk and she felt her cheeks redden up.
"They're really good." She giggles, covering her mouth from smiling so much.
It's crazy to say but... Alex felt so enamored by her. With just the way she blushed, how her eyes shined so brightly, how her hair blew in the wind.
It's the way she looked so angelic to him and he was in love.
"You're so pretty." He spoke and she brought her head up to look at him but soon hid her face in her hands, groaning. He quickly panics, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"
She kept quiet for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of giggles, "Nothing! It's just... I've never been this complimented in my life, you know."
"What?" He practically yells, standing on his feet. "No one has told you that you're pretty?" She sighed looking to the side, nodding her head. "Wow," He scoffed while throwing his hands up in the air, "I can't believe this!"
"Thank you." She whispered.
His gaze softened at her and gently pulled her up to her feet, accidentally pulling her to his chest.
Y/n eyes widened slightly a they stared at each other in silence, the only audible things were the birds, the soft breeze that the trees brought to the earth and their gentle breathing.
Alex wanted to kiss her so badly but was afraid that he was going to mess up because she looked a little afraid but he still wanted to kiss her so badly because she was just so darn cute!
"Can I kiss you, Y/n? Please?"
Y/n let out a shaky breath, her gaze traveling to his lips and back to his eyes, stepping on her tippy toes, she brushed her lips against his teasingly and he gripped her at her waist, practically groaning.
She wanted him just as bad.
She kisses him and Alex sighs let's out a huge sigh of satisfaction, his other hand traveling to head, gripping softly at her hair.
He's waited so long for this kiss, so long to feel his lips against her.
He always questioned what it felt like to kiss her, imagining so many things. But this was so much better than what he expected.
The kiss was soft and sweet, lighting up a fire deep into Y/n. She felt so good right now, so lightheaded but in the best way possible.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him down closer to her level. She then felt Alex pull away from her and she fluttered her eyes open.
"Why'd you pull away?" She pouted up at him.
"Just wanted to see your pretty face." He smirked, placing his forehead against her's. "You have no idea how long i've waiting for this."
Her heart fluttered at his words and smiled, "Was it worth it?
"Hell yeah." He grinned right before connecting his lips with her again.
─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───
helloooooo this is my first post on tumblr!! I mostly write on wattpad and I wanted to bring my work here because I always wanted to lol.
n e wayz I hope you guys enjoyed this n if anyone has any requests lmk <3
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changbinsboiledegg Β· 7 months
pls do catch-ups for sunoo and jw πŸ™
Okay lovely, I’m gonna use your ask for this lol 🫢 thank you for your request :) A bit late but I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: thigh riding kink, praise kink, hickeys, making out, smut or suggestive, not sure which to label this as???
Note: obviously if you’re uncomfy with these kinds of topics, don’t read! Anyways, if no one has told you today, ily! 🫢
Linking the Hyung line versions for those of you who haven’t seen them.
Thigh riding kink (Hyung line post)
β€œAlmost done already?” Sunoo’s whisper in your ear sent shivers down your spine as you moved your hips faster against his thigh, creating a damp spot on the fabric of his jeans.
β€œMmhmm…” you were a mess and he knew this. Sunoo’s hands caressed your hips, waist, and back as he allowed you to ride his thigh, coming undone with each moan that slipped through your lips.
β€œNext time, we can do more.” Sunoo smiled, watching your facial expressions. You knew you needed to hurry so he wouldn't be late to his dance practice before their concert, but you didn't care at the moment, feeling way too good to even want it to end.
You were pinned against the wall with Jungwon’s thigh between your legs after you had spent the evening full of tension with him.
He waited until you two were going to be 100% alone, pressing you against the wall and crashing his lips to yours.
He was unaware of your thigh riding kink until his thigh was between your legs and the soft whimper you let out upon contact.
β€œIs there a reason you're so needy tonight?” Jungwon asked, pecking your jaw next to your ear.
β€œNo…” You were at a loss for words, slightly rubbing yourself against his thigh. He chuckled as his hands slid down to your hips, moving you against his thigh.
β€œNo? Because I think I know the reason now.”
Praise kink (Hyung Line post)
β€œYou’re so perfect. Always so amazing to me.” Sunoo praised, tracing the skin on your arm, giving you a fond look.
β€œHey, you are perfect too. You always sound so pretty with the sounds you make.” You praised him back, knowing he loved it too.
Sunoo felt his cheeks heat up, and the desire that was there moment prior, had risen back up.
β€œWow…” He breathed out, a smile painting his face prettily. You found yourself smiling with him, your thumb gently rubbing against his cheek.
β€œAlways such a good boy, huh?” you knew what you were doing, but so did he.
He’s always praising you, not knowing how much it turns you on hearing him simply appreciate you.
That didn’t stop him when he did find out though.
β€œMy angel, you make me so proud.” Jungwon came up behind you, whispering in your ear while out at a party together.
He knew what saying that would get you going, and he was correct, watching you slightly squirm, trying to keep yourself together.
β€œYou’re so good at pretending you don’t want me.” He winked, still whispering so no one near could hear him.
You fought hard, trying not to melt at his words.
Hickeys (Reader giving) (Hyung Line post)
The moment you mentioned wanting to give him a hickey, he’d be on board, wanting you to mark him up.
Little did you know, he already had an excuse planned for if, and when, someone noticed the marks and asked about them.
β€œHow many should I give you?” You asked after the first hickey was left on his neck. Sunoo thought for a few seconds, a slight smirk on his face.
β€œKeep going until you feel like it’s enough. I'm all yours.” Sunoo’s smirk grew, giving you full reign of his skin.
The next day, with a ton of hickeys on his body, he had used markers and different colors of eyeshadow and eyeliner to draw around them, making them look like a form of artβ€” even if it was strange for him to suddenly draw on his body.
No one suspected a thing when the makeup artists and Sunoo himself tried to wash and wipe off the marker and makeup, thinking the hickeys were caused by smears and how rough they needed to wiped the makeup off.
β€œAnything for you.” Jungwon always said when you asked for something, no matter what it was.
Even giving him a hickey, he let you. But just one, which was fine by you because you didn't feel the need to mark him multiple times for your first time with him.
Just one, and it was on the crook of his neck, not too big, but definitely not small. Even his hoodie couldn't hide it completely.
β€œWow.” Jungwon looked at it in the mirror later. It was right before the guys were going to meet up with him and right after you left. His heart started to race, a mixture of the memories from when he was receiving the hickey and the slight panic from knowing the guys would see it if they looked at him too long.
β€œThis is going to be fun.” Jungwon nervously thought to himself, hearing the doorbell ring.
Hickeys (Idol! Reader receiving) (Hyung Line post)
The hickey he gave you was an accident. He intended to kiss your neck. He intended to suck on your neck after each kiss.
But he didn't mean to suck hard enough to leave a sizeable hickey in it’s wake.
β€œSunoo…” you were staring at it through your phone camera, shocked that he did this in the first place. β€œI don’t have makeup with me right now!”
Sunoo was confused at first on why you were worried about makeup, but as he got closer to you, he saw his mark.
β€œDo you need makeup?” He asked, wondering where and why you would need it right away. You put your phone down, looking at him.
β€œI have a photo shoot in ten minutes!” You crossed your arms. Sunoo laughed a little to relieve any tension, β€œthen why didn't you tell me?”
β€œI am so so sorry!” Jungwon wasn't sorry about giving you the hickey.
He was sorry that it got you in trouble with your manager. If he could, he'd give you more and he wouldn't care he saw.
But this was your career and he didn't want you to get in trouble, whether it risked your career or not. He certainly didn't want your manager to force you to breakup with him.
β€œDon’t worry, he’ll get over it.” You reassured Jungwon, who seemed more panicked than you about getting you in trouble. The hickey was covered in makeup so skillfully that it was almost as if it was never there.
β€œBut you were talking to him for a while, are you sure?” Jungwon asked, the worry was evident in his tone.
You cupped his cheeks and kissed him, easing his worries, β€œI'm sure. My manager isn't strict like that. He just doesn't want me getting caught in a scandal.”
Favorite body parts on their partner (Hyung Line post)
SFW: okay, as weird as this sounds, I think his favorite would be your nose. Like Jay, I think he’s a nose booper too, except more intense. Bops your nose (softly & with care) with his lips, finger, stuffed animals, even got to the point where he has to catch you off guard because you’ve started to block his attempts to touch your nose in any way. He just loves the shape and thinks it’s very cute regardless of your feelings about your nose.
NSFW: fingers. Hands down. (No pun intended?) if we’re head canoning rn, he strikes me as a finger sucker. I'm sorry, I see him as a sub, like y’all would have to provide hard evidence otherwise. Back to your fingers, catch them in his mouth while he’s looking up at you, waiting for the next move. Alternatively, he loves the feel of your fingers on him and how pretty they look needily touching him.
SFW: Arms. Arms. Arms. He loves your arms around him, holding him, hugging him, he just loves your arms. He feels his safe place is in your arms and always looks forward to feeling them around him. Every time he thinks of you, his thoughts always center around the feeling of how you held him and the words you two spoke while he was in your arms. (Take a shot for how many times I’ve said β€˜arms’ lmao)
NSFW: Alright, my immediate thought when thinking of what his favorite body part of yours is was hips. Out in public? His arms are around/ resting on your hips. In private? Hands. On your hips. :). Y’all know the drill, he’d be pretty handsy when it comes to your hips. It’s his favorite part to grip because it keeps you in place while you’re squirming too much :))))) BYE.
Note 2: I’m sorry, if weβ€˜re still head canoning rn, I would like to say I believe Sunoo has/would have a praise kink too. Like y’all can’t convince me otherwise unless you provide solid evidence.
Tagging: @peonywon
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hotxcheeto Β· 1 year
I was wondering if you could write something with Ellie x fem reader where reader is like an actress/film director who's passionate about just filmmaking and acting in general, maybe her and Ellie met because they're jobs crossed over or maybe Ellie was a fan of reader or something.
━ π‘π„ππ€πˆπ’π’π€ππ‚π„ ππŽπ‘π“π‘π€πˆπ“
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π™₯π™–π™žπ™§π™žπ™£π™œ(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
π™¬π™–π™§π™£π™žπ™£π™œπ™¨ - Cursing,Β fluff, mention of crappy dating??,
π™₯π™§π™€π™€π™›π™§π™šπ™–π™™ ? - Yeah/Nope/a lil
𝙖π™ͺ𝙩𝙝𝙀𝙧'𝙨 π™£π™€π™©π™š - so sorry this took months, I'm so behind but I was going through some shit lmao, thank you for the rq!! <3 ALSO making these banners here and there cause I'm running out of good gifs and got a lot of good screen shots and photos.. :)
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"Don't you understand, she was my daughter too.."
You muttered your lines to yourself as the artist did your makeup, brushing over your eyes as she captured an old timey look. Using so many reference photos that the entire table was filled when you walked in, giving you both something to talk about at first.
That was until a comfortable silence filled over, Mia having become a close friend of yours on set. You felt excited every morning to come and get done up for whatever scene you had as the duchess you played. Knowing she'd capture every dated detail on your skin.
But today your mind was filled with other thoughts than just the make-up. Stressed to all hell for the next few days, knowing you and the director needed to perfect both your acting and the shots that would make your performance come together.
And that was just it, you needed to be perfect.
"Nervous?" Mia asked with a smile, taking a hint from your shaky, silent nature, backing up to grab a different brush.
"Extremely." You responded with a light laugh, looking at yourself in the mirror. "You got this, you're being nominated for, not one, but multiple of the most prestigious awards in media. If anyone can pull off such an important scene, it's you. Especially with how pretty I'm making you everyday."
You nodded with a small smile, but still felt like you could pass out at any moment in time. Clutching onto the papers like they'd disappear while letting out a shaky sigh.
"I know, but-" "But you still act like you've never been in front of the camera every time they're ready for a big shellshock to be filmed. Mind you, the scenes start filming tomorrow, not today."
You winced at the very clear truth to her words.
"Too loud Mia." She laughed, continuing on with your makeup, ignoring the door opening to reveal your favorite stage manager, smiling too brightly for the fact that it was six in the morning.
"The painter is ready when you are, ready to be photographed Y/n?" You sighed in response, looking at the clock as Mia applied an old looking lip color to your mouth. "I'm ready to look like a renaissance portrait, that's for sure."
"She said she might need you for the sketch too, just to make sure she's got the best outline of you that matches, but other than that, you should be done quick and have some free time before shooting starts."
The stage manager spoke, looking down at the tablet in her hand while speaking. Mia pulling away to look at your face, turning your head lightly with her fingers.
"What's her name?" "Don't remember, all I know is that she's good and the directors favorite prop guy really likes her." Mia took the cover off your costume, allowing you to stand up in your long, olden style dress.
"Ready to be renaissanced?" You nodded, leaving the makeup trailer and telling Mia you'd see her later. Walking off towards one of the nearby buildings labeled for set creation and prop design.
The place was decked out too, even more so since the last time you'd come inside. Pieces from every time period hanging about complimented by posters on every wall. Familiar drawings and items from some scenes of your favorite shows displayed out to remind everyone that these people had made them.
They liked showing off their stuff where they could, most of the workspaces and offices a bit more boring depending on who you were talking to. But other than that, the entire building was the best on set.
"Miss Y/l/n?" An assistance appeared behind you, wearing pajama-like clothing making you wish you were them just because of how early it was. "That's me." "Right in here." They led you to an office room, though there was only a desk covered in papers and the walls lined with movie and TV art and dΓ©cor.
The rest of the room had easels and different sized canvases against the walls and laid on the ground, tarps on the floor with paint covering every corner. Jars of different colors and paint brushes laid about on different carts and shelves.
"She had to leave but she should be back in a moment. She said though, you can sit there while you wait."
The person pointed at a stood that was set up across from an empty easel, a very dim light pointed at the stool.
"Alright, thank you." They nodded and left, closing the door behind them leaving you alone in the silence to admire the painters area.
Spaceships hung from the ceilings in one of the corners, little figurines and action figures on the walls and done up to look cool instead of just sitting there. But some were still in boxes making you wonder if she collected them or would eventually sell them. Judging by the room though, collector for sure.
You sat down with a racing mind, messing with your fingers while you waited. You liked the warmth the office brought, it was like a child's daydream and it made you smile.
This person definitely had an eye for the arts.
"Shit, I'm so sorry." A girl then stumbled in through the door, her black tank top covered in colors that were probably not there when she bought it, as well as her blue jeans and shoes.
Her grown out mullet pushed back from her face that only showed stress. Arms lined with paint and markings, some of it even looked like dry clay making you wonder what kind of things she'd made besides paintings.
"Fuck, I shouldn't cuss. Sorry." You laughed, finally catching her attention but not her eyes.
"I don't mind, everything alright?" "You know, it's early, people are tired, you might accidentally drop something. But a perfectly good fucking vase someone spent hours making should not be one of them."
You clenched your teeth, feeling familiar with her frustration while watching her grab a few things from her desk drawers.
"Yeah, I agree. But I've also broken bones this early in the morning, so, I should not be talking." The girl laughed, rummaging for something and then grabbing an expensive looking camera and opening the bottom of it.
"How long you been doing this?" "Uh, couple years now. Fresh out of college." She stood up turning around but not looking up. "Something that I liked besides playing video games." You giggled. "Same. But with acting and you know, the other stuff."
Finally she looked up, meeting your eyes and then seeing your smile. The morning sunrise reflecting off your irises and skin, making you glow more than you already were before the window had assisted you.
She found herself at a loss for words as you continued to talk.
"I'm Y/n, by the way, but I mean by slight chance you don't already know that. I do hate saying that though, makes me seem like I've got a big head."
The girl didn't respond for a moment, suddenly nodding and humming.
"Yeah, no, I know you. Dina- my friend- loves you. Big 'Walking Dead' fan." Ellie felt stupid in the moment, thinking you probably thought she was an idiot especially when you chuckled, covering your mouth lightly with your hand.
"Aw, that's sweet. Tell her I love her too." You winked, Ellie still struggling to speak. "Yeah, for sure. I'm Ellie by the way! Probably should've said that when I walked in."
Ellie whispered a few curses under her breath while switching the settings on the light, trying to avoid your stare that was still on her.
"Heard you were one of the best at creating stuff like this." "Really?" She choked, making you laugh with a shake of your head. "Yep. Inclined to agree, you seem cool and cool people are talented. Even if they don't know it."
"Thanks, just doing my job."
Face palm, Ellie, c'mon get it together.
"So, anything you need me to do?" Ellie stood back, hanging the camera strap around her neck while stepping in front of you.
"Just, turn this way." Her hands brushed your shoulders while you positioned yourself, noticing how close she was when she knelt down. Adjusting your limbs to look as perfect as possible.
"Chin up, like this." Her finger went under your chin making butterflies erupt in your stomach. You weren't going to lie to yourself, she was attractive, very attractive. Somewhere inside your head hoping to all that would listen that this wouldn't be your last time seeing her.
"Just like that." She muttered, making the nervousness you felt in the tense room even worse than it already was. "Better?" "Yeah, perfect."
Ellie then adjusted your outfit and look, backing up to make sure it was perfect.
To her, with the lighting, you already looked like a portrait.
"How do I look?" You questioned, eye flickering up to meet her green ones. "Good.. good, yeah." "I mean in terms of beauty on this Monday morning, c'mon. Am I just, 'good'?" Ellie froze up, grabbing her camera to distract herself.
"I guess you're pretty."
"Wow, I'm so getting your ass fired."
You both laughed, Ellie getting down to the level she wanted for the picture while aiming the camera at you.
"Just stay still." You heard the camera click a few times, wondering to yourself if she ever got sick of looking at some ones face for hours on end. She then stood up, looking down at the photos.
"Perfect, stay like that though, just wanna make sure I get the-"
"Outline?" "Yeah."
"Ever get sick of staring at the same picture?"
"Not if it's you."
It just slipped out, Ellie panicking as soon as it happened. Her face burning red while she grabbed the canvas she had set aside for your portrait. Swallowing hard when you breathed a laugh.
"I knew you thought I was more than just 'good'. Was that an attempt at a flirt? Because if so, it definitely landed."
"Good to know I've still got it." She picked up her pencil, smirking at you when you giggled, trying your best to keep your pose.
"What's it like being you?" Ellie then asked, beginning to draw the shape of your head. "Eh, not all it's chalked up to be. Scary sometimes. Awesome most times. Lonely.."
"All the time?" You shook your head slightly making your earrings move. "No. Dating fucking sucks though."
Ellie snorted, quickly following up with a quiet 'sorry' making you grin.
"Especially when you like girls, it's an even smaller pool of fish, maybe like a puddle." "Puddle o' fish?" "My favorite dating app."
You could hear the pencil against the white surface, going both quickly and precisely, her eyes moving to you and back to the work in progress.
You shifted just barely, eyes scanning over her desk once again, admiring her green rolling chair. It looked kind of like yours at home, the color just different, but the design all the same.
"I get it though, sometimes I even wonder if the light is too bright." You laughed to yourself, Ellie even chuckling at your words.
"I just don't like paparazzi because I know I look like shit on camera." Ellie then said, making you snort and barely cover your mouth before returning to your pose.
"I beg to differ." "Trust me, you wouldn't differ if you seen some of the photos my friends have." You giggled again, hearing her pencil moving slower now against the the sketch.
"They're idiots though." "Just like mine, my dorks are a hivemind of morons." Ellie nodded in agreeance, smiling. "What's it like being you?" You questioned, Ellie erasing something from the sketch.
"Eh, probably a slower life compared to yours. I get a lot of freedom. Get to do shit on my own time. I like making stuff, art." Looking around the room you realized a lot of the dΓ©cor was her own, by her hand.
"I wish I could do that." "You do, in a different way." "How poetic, Ellie."
She wished she could hear her name pass your lips again and again. Something about the way you said it, like a sickeningly sweet hum.
Your eyes danced to the clock, noticing the time was becoming less and less, the sinking feeling of your departure creeping up your back.
"You gotta go?" Ellie asked, noticing your stare on the two hands pointing at their respective digits. "Not right this minute, but soon." "Might need you again."
No she wouldn't, not actually. But seeing you again was definitely on her bucket list.
"If I'm not on set, I'm available. Usually. For you though, I'll make time." You joked, copying her flirtatious nature from before. "Fuck me." She whispered with reddened cheeks, unheard by you, or at least she hoped.
"Yeah, I'll make sure to hunt you down." "Is that a promise?" Ellie felt like a school girl talking to her first crush, hoping the canvas hid her face well enough. "You bet it is."
You glanced at the time again, more minutes having passed.
"Times up Michelangelo. The camera needs me." Ellie felt a pang of disappointment, finishing up the near perfect outline of your upper half. "Alright, alright. I'm done with you, for now."
"Make me look pretty, 'kay?" "Can't fix what's not broken."
You picked up the bottom of your dress with a grin, standing up from the stool. Dusting off the long skirt as if anything had gotten on it.
"See you later?" You practically asked, walking towards the door with little happiness. "Door's always open."
"I'll take that as a yes, I'll be back to check on the painting."
"I'm counting on it." "Better be."
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A/n: Argh ( in pirate )
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animationmovieshipps Β· 2 months
From Rags to Riches: Chapter 3
After a week working at the agency, you were finally going to be part of your first fashion show. You barely managed to sleep the night before, you were so anxious.
Since you were little, all you dreamed of was walking down a catwalk, now it was finally so much closer than far, it made you feel a little strange.
You remained still as the makeup artist carefully applied shimmery gold eyeshadow to your eyelids to match the clothes you'd use.
"Open your eyes, hon." She asked.
You slowly opened both of your eyes, the intensity of your gaze combined with the makeup left the girl completely stunned.
"Uh, are you okay?" You asked her, noticing her strange behavior.
"Sorry about that, it's just that in all these years working as a makeup artist, I've never seen beauty like yours." She explained.
You smiled. No matter how many times you heard someone say that, you were happy as if it was the first time you heard it.
"Well, you're ready to go." She said with a smile. "Do you want to check on yourself?"
"Is that a question to ask?" You said between laughs. "Of course I want."
"Then get up and turn around."
You stood up from the chair and smoothed the skirt of your dress, before turning around and finally seeing how you looked reflected in front of the large mirror. You were completely speechless as you admired yourself.
You looked like another person, but you knew it was you.
You had dreamed of that moment so many times, if you were still dreaming, you never wanted to wake up. The makeup artist soon noticed the tears that were forming in the corners of your eyes.
"Oh sweetheart, don't cry." She said, resting her hands on your shoulders. "Or the makeup will be all smudged, the waterproof makeup won't arrive until next week."
"I'm not crying." You denied it, laughing, managing to contain the tears of emotion that wanted to escape your eyes.
"But you almost were..."
"Attention, girls!" Ms. Melanie, the owner of the agency, entered the models' dressing room, clapping her hands and making a fuss to draw everyone's attention to her.
"What happened?" You asked confused. "Any problems with the catwalk?"
"Satan save me from this happening, bitch." She retorted. "I came to tell you that my business partner brought a very important guest today, so it's best for you guys to continue with your jobs that you make a good impression on him."
"Wait, who exactly is 'he'?" Liana asked.
"No one important, just the most powerful being in all of Hell." She responded sarcastically, which made you all gasp in surprise.
"Lucifer?" Lauren asked, still surprised. "I don't think I've ever seen him in person."
"Well, people say he's very handsome in person." Reina commented between giggles.
"Really?" Danila asked with a smile. "I hope I get to see him."
"Yes, he's handsome as fuck, but you're not being paid to make goggle eyes to him, so just focus on doing your job." MS. Melanie warned sternly.
"Yes, ma'am." Lauren and Danila nodded obediently.
You were lucky you've never seen the King of Hell in person or through photos. You didn't make a point of wanting to know about the person who probably put your own species on the margins of Hell's society.
You probably wouldn't recognize him so you wouldn't be nervous.
Lucifer sat in the seat reserved for him in the front row and put on his sunglasses, knowing that the lights from the audience would bother his eyes.
Fashion shows weren't really his idea of fun, but he decided he would at least try to entertain himself at that event.
"Oh, that's one of my best dresses." Velvette whispered in his ear as the first model walked in and walked down the catwalk.
"It's definitely very beautiful." He commented, scratching the itch inside his ear that was caused by that whisper.
You waited anxiously for your turn. Even with all your nervousness, you felt a good feeling filling your chest, it was finally your turn to shine.
You walked until you were visible to the audience and struck a pose, only seeing the flashes of the cameras that were taking many photos of you, the lights that illuminated all over the catwalk made you only see partially.
Resting one hand on your waist, you walked down the catwalk, feeling that everyone's eyes were on you.
The moment he laid eyes on you, the bored expression on Lucifer's face slowly softened. It would never have crossed his mind that he would find something that would catch his eye at that fashion show.
The King felt overwhelmed by feelings he never thought he could ever feel again. There was something about you that was beyond his understanding, but for the first time in so many years, he felt his heart beat faster for someone.
When he realized it, he was already completely fascinated by everything about you, from your elegant walk, to the curved shape of your body, your penetrating gaze, your lips, tail, horns, hair and even the reddish tone of your skin.
He had to take off his glasses so he could see you better.
"Who is the girl?" He asked Velvette, yearning for an answer.
"I have no idea." The overlord replied in an uninterested tone of voice. "She must be a new model that was recently chosen. I must say that she is very beautiful, despite being an imp."
"It doesn't matter." He murmured. Even though you had already left the catwalk, your beautiful image was still engraved in his memory like a photograph. But even so, he didn't wanted, he needed to see you again. "I want that girl."
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svtdarlingbby Β· 5 months
Let’s Start Some Rumors The8xIdol!Reader - Part 3
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pairing:Β The8 x reader genre:Β idol auΒ  warnings:Β occasional cursingΒ  word count: 1594
Part 1 Part 2
β€œAre you absolutely sure Y/N?” sighed Minghao as he felt your squeeze his hand.
β€œYes, and hey, maybe we could have some fun out of this whole scenario. Trolling is your thing, right?” you laughed as you took your hand off his and playfully nudged his shoulder.
β€œYes, I love messing around with the press. I can’t wait to see what carats would say too,” giggled Minghao.Β 
β€œGood! Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow for the whole dating scandal?” you asked with a more relaxed expression.Β 
β€œYou bet! See you Y/N,” said Minghao as you two parted ways.Β 
Tomorrow was going to cause a scene for sure
The next day arrived rather quickly. Seeing the numbers from your comeback continue to dwindle just made you want to do nothing but sleep early. However, you just couldn't sleep knowing that you were going to go on a date with Minghao of all people the next day. Minghao was your friend, right? You had nothing to be afraid of. But why were you feeling so nervous?
Just as the managers had told you, you arrived to the dressing rooms bright and early that morning. The bright lights of the dressing room conflicted with the remaining sleep that harbored your vision as you rubbed your eyes and suppressed a yawn. But what really woke you up was your utterly handsome friend, dressed in nothing but a black tank top and gray sweatpants waiting patiently for the stylists to bring him his outfit for your "date." His long black hair fell messily above his forehead as he raised a muscular arm to brush his hair out of his tired eyes.
How many minutes had you spent ogling at Minghao? You're not quite sure until he notices you, his eyes instantly brightening. You swore you heard him chuckle before he caught your attention.
"Hey Y/N, come over here!" gestured Minghao, snapping you out of your trance.
"Hi Minghao," you uttered, somewhat softer than you meant to, but nonetheless happy to see him. "It's early, isn't it?"
"Yeah, but at least I'm treating us to coffee later today on our date" chuckled Minghao.
"Oh yeah!" you chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat up. That came out way too enthusiastic, oh god! you thought as you mentally cringed at yourself.
Minghao only smiled and was about to say something until you were both bombarded by an army of stylists pulling you in opposite directions. The sudden shift to your curtain snapped you out of your embarrassment as some of the stylists began to lay out the outfit they had chosen for you and the others began to work on your makeup. They had gone with a rather simple look compared to your music video and stage makeup, but it was still effortless and complimented your features nicely. The hair stylist came in shortly afterwards to fix your hair. Like your makeup, your hair was also in a simple style that accentuated your facial features. A cute, simple pastel blue ribbon was also tied into your hair.
You thanked your hair and makeup team before getting up to get changed. Before you, the stylists presented a form-fitting, plain white long sleeve top paired with a frilly black skirt, the length shorter than what you're usually used to. Thankfully, you had the option to pair it with some sheer black tights. The boots were leather and long with a flirty heel. To top it off was a pastel pink trench coat since the weather was colder this season. However, the most important piece of the outfit was the silver infinity sign necklace; the pendant sparkling against the lights was sure to draw attention.
"So, what do you think Y/N?" asked manager Lina, seemingly appealing out of thin air.
"AAHHHH!" you jumped, you scream was loud enough to ensue chuckles among the stylists outside the curtain.
"Sorry! Are you nervous?" chuckled Lina as she nudged your shoulder.
"A little," you admitted, picking up the white shirt.
"Let me give you some privacy!" chirped your overly enthusiastic manager as she stepped out, leaving you alone to change into the outfit.
Sighing, you began to undress and replace your sweats with the flirty outfit the stylists had chosen for you. Once all of the articles of clothing were on you, you looked into the mirror and damn. The stylists at HYBE deserved a raise for making you look so effortlessly hot. The outfit flattered you in every way possible, emphasizing your beautiful body so well. You didn't want to admit how long you had been staring at yourself in the mirror but snapped a full body mirror selfie nonetheless. However, the infinity sign pendant made itself known as it shone against the lights in your selfies. Not going to lie, the necklace really brought the whole outfit together.
"Y/N!? Are you ready? We don't wanna be late!" yelled manager Lina on the other side.
"Coming!" you chirped, this outfit giving you the extra boost of confidence for your date. Wait. Your date. With Minghao. He was going to see you look this sexy with his name practically wrapped around your neck. You were feeling conflicted to say the least.
"OH MY GOSH! Y/N!!?? You've gotta do a sexy concept for you next comeback!" complimented manager Lina as she took in your form, causing you to giggle and feel flustered.
"Ahhh stop manager Lina!" you smiled, hiding your face and turning your body away from her only to bump right into Minghao.
"Oh! Sorry Y/N!" apologized Minghao as he suddenly shut his mouth and took in your appearance.
"Minghao! Sorry I should've paid more attention," you apologized, feeling even more flustered if that was even possible.
"You two are so cute! You look like a real couple!" noted manager Lina. You hate to admit it, but she was right. Minghao's outfit complimented your outfit so well. In fact, your outfits were almost identical. Minghao was wearing a white button up top that was tucked into a pair of black dress pants. He also had a trench coat loosely hanging over his shoulders in a pastel blue shade, which you noticed matched the ribbon in your hair. Then it came to you: the set of your music video was pastel colors. Just like your infinity sign necklace, the shiny flower necklace you wore in your music video was clasped against his neck in an almost obvious manner.
Neither of you knew how to reply, but you swore you saw Minghao smile at her statement. "You look pretty Y/N."
"Oh! Thank you Minghao! Um, you look handsome!" you stumbled but your smile couldn't help but grow as a result of his compliment.
Just as you two were having your little moment, Minghao's manager seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "The matching couples bracelets! We can't forget that!" he gasped, practically out of breath.
The bracelets were simple silver chains with two dangling charms: an infinity sign and a flower, representing the two of you. The both of you promptly slipped on the bracelets, thus completing the visuals to the ultimate "dating" scandal HYBE was about to pull.
"Ah don't they look perfect, Lina?" asked Minghao's manager as Lina nodded.
"The head manager told me to send him pictures before you two headed out! Smile!" she said as she pulled out her phone.
You awkwardly shuffled closer to Minghao and he did the same, maintaining a respectful distance between you two. "Oh come on, you two are supposed to be a couple!" said Manager Lina as she playfully rolled her eyes.
You awkwardly just laughed as you felt Minghao slowly begin to wrap an arm around your shoulders. "Is this okay?" he whispered.
You nodded as his arm rested around you and tried to subtly lean more into him, but just to make the picture look more convincing! In reality, you felt yourself become even more flustered at the physical contact between you and Minghao. Something about him asking if it was okay for him to touch you also stirred some feelings within you as you smiled for the camera.
Nonetheless, you two were ushered into the car that the company had paid for the two of you. As you both sat in the backseat, it felt like you and Minghao were approaching the impending moment that could change the trajectory of your careers. Despite you two being friends, it was still a daunting task.
Minghao noticed how stiff your form was next to him in the vehicle as you fidgeted with the bracelet that represented the both of you. "Are you okay, Y/N? It's not too late, you know," he said softly.
"I know. And I'm as ready as ever if I'm being honest," you replied, still looking down at the bracelet.
"Okay, but just let me know if you are ever uncomfortable," he said, gently patting your shoulder causing you to look into his reassuring and sincere eyes.
"Thank you Minghao," you smiled.
"It's no problem. Treat yourself baby girl, food's on me" Minghao said jokingly, making his voice sound more manly before whipping out the gift card given to him by the company.
You only laughed at his antics. "Baby girl? Oh Hao, I thought you'd be better at pet names!"
"Better? I thought all girl want to be called baby girls?" he feigned offense as you two erupted in laughter.
You're not going to lie, you felt your heart thump at the fact that Minghao called you baby girl even though you couldn't explain why. This man is literally your friend, how come him jokingly calling you baby girl made you flustered? It couldn't be because he was dressed so nicely, matching you and smiling at you, his dimples appearing and his eyes lighting up. But even when you two were joking as usual, he never called you baby girl or anything romantic like that! Your laughter began to subside as the car pulled into the parking lot before Minghao spoke up again.
"Yup, trolling Dispatch and the media and fans is going to be so fun."
Oh. That's right. You two aren't going on an actual date.
part 4 coming soon!
hiiiii sorry I've been missing! I've had school, work, and some major life stuff happen and I felt so bad putting off this series and leaving you guys hanging! I'll try to update more frequently, I forgot how much fun writing is! I hope you enjoy and let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist:Β @hoshipills @rodygr @shabzy1644 @spilled-coffee-cup @sev0-0 @jeonginssa
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sourbinnie Β· 1 year
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title -> alight genre -> angst turned into fluff pair -> jisung x gn!reader plot -> crushing on someone is easy (but anxiety and jealousy don't think so) warnings -> cursing + one mention of anxiety words -> 1421 lowercase intended
i'm so obsessed, i go to bed i get undressed i lie in bed, look at the ceiling and i find you in my head yet again, i wash my hair, i tell myself that i don't care about the girls you find appealing or what's under what you wear.
alight / ninajirachi
thoughts running a marathon in my head as i get home from minho(e)'s party. my glitter still hangin' and my mascara is intact but i still feel a heavy weight on my heart as i start to take it off completely. how pathetic can one be? to see the boy you like for so long, talking to another guy/girl and feeling that immediate weight on your shoulders, those bad thoughts crawling back and that heavy heart that won't be fixed with nothing but a confession. minho(e) is gonna kill me for leaving but i did not care, i needed to be alone in my room with my anxiety & emotions like a tsunami in me.
i knew i wasn't the perfect candidate but i always had hope we would be something more. when i first got introduced to him, i fell so hard, it hit me like a wave and i just had to be friends with him at least. now movin' on two years later and i'm still hanging on a crush (that's clearly not a crush anymore) and on a friendship (that i wanted it to be more) and all of my friends saying "you should just tell him!" (ehem, minhoe, ehem) but it's not that easy isn't it?. as i looked at myself once again in the mirror i realized that i was nothing like the guys/girls he used to have a crush on and i have so many flaws. this is where chan comes in and tells me "everyone has flaws" but if i hear that speech one more time, i might kick his ass back to australia.Β 
i wasn't crying this time, just staring at the ceiling and waiting for the messages of "where are u" to pop up. first one from minho(e) obviously, then binnie, then chan and lastly jisung. god he didn't even know how much a message from him turns my world around and my attention just draws back to him. but then i remember that pretty guy/girl he was chatting with, their long hair, their flirting...
yeah i was screwed wasn't i?
fuck why did you leave
you know i can't do these kinds of things alone
that was at 1:38 am and the second message was true, i was just like him. parties were never my cup of tea but i dealt with them mostly fine if i had my friends by my side, today wasn't one of those days. as much as i tried to get as pretty as i could to impress (myself & someone), all of them seemed to have better business and that was probably getting a hook up to go home to. i was never the hook up kind so i was just left all alone as i observed the other people in the house. but as soon as it hit 1:00 am, i decided that it would be better to head home. kind of dangerous to just walk to my home in the middle of the night but my heart felt so heavy as i tried not to picture jisung kissing another person.
can i come over?
i rlly wanted to talk to u
oh god, my worst nightmare was about to come true. i will have the impulse to confess and this night is gonna end more terribly than it already has. i debated whether i should pretend i was sick but i could never do that, they always see right through me so i just responded "sure" and tried to dress presentable. if i knew i was seeing him again i wouldn't have taken off my makeup but barefaced it is. it didn't take him too long since i wasn't that far from minho(e)'s house and i left the door opened. there he was in all of his glory with his beautiful squishy cheeks and his hair getting blonder day by day. i'm not drunk, just hopelessly in love with an idiot. which reminds me, why is he here? why isn't he with that guy/girl i saw him earlier? oh god if i ruined his chances of getting laid he will kill me.
"(y/n) hi." ok this is odd, he never calls me by full name but i'm gonna play along.
"han jisung what do i owe you the pleasure to?" i ask as i look at him from the living room. i didn't even bother to move since he opened the door himself and i was just too fucking broken over stupid shit to care anymore. "thought you would stay longer at the party."
"i got bored without you there." he said and i could tell he was being honest, his eyes never lie as he moved next to me and sat down on the couch. "i thought you would stay longer too but you didn't even tell anyone you were going."
yeah that was a bad move on me, one message would've been enough but when you get so fucking lost in sadness, you don't really care do you?
"i know, i'm sorry about that." i pouted and he just shook his head as he gave me that little smile of his. god i was so head over heels for this idiot and i don't know how much longer i'm gonna last with these feelings until i burst. "you shouldn't have left though."
"why not?" he asked and i could feel his hand on my thigh as he looked at me puzzled. i immediately blushed at the sensation and just didn't know what to say but i found a way to send my words out.
"i just thought you were having fun like chan, minho(e) and bin." i said and i wasn't wrong to think that. he walked in with the person and stayed with them most of the night. god what if it was his significant other? and i was just being an asshole? panicking is the only thing i know how to do.Β 
"me? not at all, just spent the whole night trying to think how to approach you and failing." ok that was also weird, why would he need to think how to talk to me? we've been friends for 2 years. "i'm sorry i didn't, i'm just a coward at the end of the day."
"what do you mean? you're not sung and definitely don't need to think of ways of approaching me, we're friends right?" i ask and he sighs, i felt like i said the wrong words immediately. i want to get inside his head just to see what he's thinking so much about, i wanna know what he's feeling and what he's saying, especially since i seem to not be getting anything at all.
"that's the problem, god how the fuck do i say this? i'm the worst with words." well that's also a lie since he's the best freestyle rapper i know (don't tell bin) and somehow he's more nervous than i am about this situation. i felt more calm in his presence which is something he always tend to drive me to. i love talking to him because it feels easy and like nothing's gonna bother me anymore when i'm with him. "can i do something? you can punch me in the face later but please just once".
"you can do anything sungie and i wouldn't punch you ever." i said and his trembling hand found it's way to my cheek, caressing it softly. i felt like i could melt right then and there as he just closed his eyes and i did the same, feeling a pair of my lips fitting right in with mine, it wasn't the perfect kiss but it was definitely more than perfection to me. it didn't get heated and it wasn't just a peck but it was so beautiful that i had to make it last. that's when all the doubts went away and i truly felt like i was floating.Β 
as we split away, i could only feel my hand on my lips as i looked at him and he just smiled again. his full on smile made me blush crimson red as i tried to hide from him but he just took my hands away from my face and whispered softly.
"i am so in love with you since i first met you".
i felt everything come into place just with those words as i responded.
"i've been dying to hear that since i first saw you."
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i drew Diana. not quite sure how i feel about it but oh well.
goth girls, y'know.
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since I've made aaron's fur pattern white, i thought his goth girlfriend deserved the red and black fur pattern he had.
some other Diana hcs:
she can sing really well, but avoids it unless its for a gig. She doesn't want to wreck her voice. She has a very soft singing voice too, so thankfully it's not too much on her vocal cords 80% of the time. But you can never be too safe. She will hum along to music occasionally.
I have lore about a dog-goth style in my rewrite which Diana slowly starts getting more interested in towards the end of college, though he's more vamp-goth before that. I could get into the Dog-Goth of my rewrite but oh you don't want me to. Because then I'd have to get into the werewolf punk scene i made up in my head.
She's always been very slight, but she's trying to bulk up some muscle mass. She's also quite tall ( about 6'3) but is the smallest in her band. Since they're all werewolves. And werewolves can casually be like 6'5 and no one bats an eye at that.
He grew up with punk parents, and therefore punk ideology. They were very supportive of him, and so he had a pretty nice upbringing.
She speaks quite monotone in her day-to-day life (though her singing is quite expressive). and so her and Aaron are matchy matchy with that. Autism-bonding and all.
He does not dress up every day. He usually slaps on some eyeliner, maybe some light makeup, and leaves it at that. and just throws on a nice shirt and skirt. He's got no time to make himself look fancy if he's tryna get through college with any shred of sanity left.
She shaved the tails of her eyebrows off. which are why her eyebrow piercings are BELOW her eyebrow (which she draws on). She carries around tweezers to pluck the hair that grows back in when she's bored in her lectures. Or in a dull conversation.
He's transfem, and uses he/her pronouns. People tend to over-correct and only use she/her pronouns for him but nah. BOTH. Obviously only using one or another in a conversation is fine. But only one for like ever? Nah. Nah.
I'm dianron dirt till i die. She occasionally goes through his spotify to judge the music he has on there, or 'make it good'. She put one of her band's songs on his longest playlist and he didn't realise until a few months after they broke up. He still listens to it after because like... Di can sing, y'know.
He self-labels as Queer, sexuality-wise.
She wears platform boots to feel taller. Especially when with Aaron, since it's embarrassing to be rocking around with a human that's taller than her. (She knows he's a werewolf, she just isn't a total dickhead and lets everyone else continue thinking he's a werewolf). He's still taller.
He met Ken when he caught Ken smoking weed in their highschool bathroom. They ended up sharing and talking about cryptids for the whole next period.
Ken is also on the band. He plays drums. Diana once broke his drumsticks because he wouldn't stop hitting everyone like they were drums. She bought him new ones for his birthday because she felt bad.
Him and Blaze are cousins. Their mothers are sisters.
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sarcastic-positivity Β· 6 months
(This is a one-shot I wrote based on the gerry x Tim roomates AU. It ended up a lot longer than I intended, but yk lol.)
Title: Another failed attempt at love
When Tim finally made it to the floor, his flat was on he stomped down the long hallway until he reached the door, where his flatmate, and more importantly, his bed was waiting for him.
He unlocked the door fumbling with his keys out of anger. He felt so stupid, he should've quit dating apps a long time ago but here we are. He shut the door louder than he intended and flinched at the realization. He wasn't sure if Gerry was awake or not, and he didn't want to risk waking that nightmare. Gerry needed his rest and lord help anyone who stand in his way.
But as soon as Tim turned to face the sitting room of his flat, if you could even call it that, he heard a raspy voice come from the unmoving figure sitting on the couch. "That bad huh?"
Gerry was sitting on the sofa, the only source of illumination being the graphics tablet sitting in his lap. His makeup was still on, though slightly smudged. Although Tim wasn't sure if that was intentional or not. Gerrys leather platforms were sitting off to the side in front of the couch as they usually sit, Tim was pretty sure there are dents in the dirty carpet where they sit.
"What are you a bloody vampire? Turn a light on!" Tim flipped the switch to his right and the room lit up. Gerry winced at the sudden light and indistinctly closed his eyes and tried to adjust.
"Unfortunately, no." The Gothic boy said sarcastically from where he sat. "So, did the date go well or not? You seem pissy."
Tim sighed and made his way across the room, "how difficult is it to pay for YOUR BLOODY MEAL!? He offered to pay or me! And then WHOOPS, forgot his wallet!" Tim waved his hands around to accentuate each word. He plopped down next to his flatmate as gracefully as a toddler doing a belly flop. "And I mean, I'm fine with paying for myself, but HE offered to pay! And then I had to pay for us BOTH!?" He continued.
"Wow, you've had a hell of a day." Gerry said mockingly.
But that was lost on the angry man sitting next to him. "Yeah! And he didn't even ask me any questions he just talked about himself and his ex the whole time." Tim sat with his arms crossed like a pouting child, mostly as a joke, but he was genuinely upset. There was a gap of silence where the two men sat in the thick tension filled air.
"Well, anyways, what are you drawing?" Tim broke the silence and leaned over the poorly died black haired man next to him.
"Eh, nothing, I just decided to draw you as a warm-up sketch. I'm gonna add some of the other archive workers." Tim looked into the bright tablet and saw a gorgeous drawing that shared his face. It honestly looked better than Tim did on a good day. It sure as hell didn't look like a bloody warm-up.
"That's amazing" he thought. He didn't realize untill Gerry responded that he had said it out loud.
"I mean, I've done better." Gerry said uncharacteristically shyly.
"Whats with the sudden humbleness? I thought you were good at everything?" Tim said sarcastically, and playfully elbowed his flatmate.
"I'm not good at everything, I'm just better than you." Gerry said with a smug smirk and a look in his eyes that somehow always seemed to make Tim nervous.
"Yeah, right." Tim teased, trying to hide the twisting feeling in his stomach and the rising temperature of his face.
Gerry went back to his drawing when he was finished teasing his flatmate. Tim watched him draw, he always did. But his eyes couldn't help but wonder to the artist. Gerry's dark gray eyes and smuged eyeliner were illuminated by the glowing tablet. The bright screen exentuated his features in a way that made Tim's face grow hotter.
Tim liked his Gothic roommate ever since they got to know eachother. They met through Jon, oddly enough. Apparently Gerry's mom worked in the institute in the 90's or something? Tim didn't really know the details, but based on how Gerry practically flinched each time she was brought up, Tim didn't want to ask. Gerry needed a place to live and Tim was barely affording his flat at the time, so they teamed up and Gerry moved in.
Tim didn't know how difficult it would be to live with the guy. He was only a year or two younger than Tim and he was hot, so he thought he would just jokingly flirt with him, from time to time like he did with everyone else and it wouldn't be a problem. Well little did he know that Gerry was also a huge tease, mostly to Tim which he thought was weird. Tim was really only on the giving end on the overly flirtatious friend, but Gerry would always find ways to knock him off his feet. Tim didn't know he had a thing for goths untill Gerry. Or maybe Tim just had a thing for Gerry.
"See something ya like?" Tim caught himself staring at Gerry's lips, that were twisted up into a smug smirk. That fucking smirk. Tim felt his face grow impossibly hotter as he tried to explain himself.
"I, well, I- I mean" Why was he bumbling like an idiot? He was good at this? This was his thing? He was the one who got people flustered, not the other way around. Tim heard Gerry start to laugh. God he loved Gerry's laugh. It was scratchy yet soft, it was like a shitty knitted jumper. But God it was cute. Tim watched the other man's lips as they laughed free of malice. He found himself leaning towards his gorgeous flatmate looking up into his eyes. Gerry suddenly stopped laughing and made a suprised expression. His pale face grew a bright shade of red as he looked at the man sitting next to him. He took a quick look at his lips then back to his large eyes.
Gerry quickly closed the distance between him and the other man. Tim genuinely couldn't believe he was kissing Gerry Keay. The man who flirted with him for more than a year and never actually made a move. Tim scooted closer trying to deepen the kiss. Gerry pulled away for a moment and before Tim could start to apologize for what he'd done. Gerry quickly moved the tablet from his lap and was back with his lips on Tim's.
Tim lifted his hand and placed it on the back of Gerry's neck. Gerry slightly parted his lips as an invitation and Tim quickly took it. Gerry supported himself on Tim's shoulders and Tim moved his hands to the other man's waist. Gerry was wearing an oversized jumper with a band that Tim didn't recognize, but it didn't really matter because Gerry swiftly pulled it off and threw it behind him. As Gerry moved to continue snogging his flatmate, Tim planted his hand on his chest to stop him.
"Why?" Gerry scrunched his brows in a puzzled expression and Tim continued. "Why are you doing this? Do you actually have feelings for me or is this just a fling?"
Tim was always awful with his words when it mattered most, but he felt he got his point across.
Gerry snickerd at his words and grabbed Tim's face with his tattoo clad hands "Tim Stoker, I have been in love with you for months." Tim lifted his brows in suprise.
"You wot?" Is all he could think of in response. The long haird man sitting next to him laughed, hands still wrapped around Tim's face. He pressed their foreheads together as Tim started to laugh as well.
The two men laughed together for a while. "I just, I never thought you actually had feelings for me." Tim said, the blood instantly flowing to his cheeks.
"I flirt with you all the time!?" Gerry responded throwing his hands in the air dramatically.
"You flirt with everyone!" Tim argued.
"No, no, no, you flirt with everyone. I only flirt with people I'm interested in and people who respond in funny ways. You just so happend to be both." Gerry looked at Tim with a smug expression and had the absolute gawl to wink! At the man who's already practically melting by the fact that the sexy goth he's shared a flat with for a year and a half, is in love with him. Tim felt his blood rushing a little further south than he'd like, so he turned away so as not to have even another problem on his hands.
"I love it when your shy." Gerry says with a smile. Tim turns and immediately grabs him by the neck of his t-shirt and kisses him. Gerry grabs his face and leans into the kiss.
"How's that for shy?" Tim says, pleasantly grinning at Gerry. The other man rolls his eyes and pulls Tim in for another kiss.
"Shut up, you tease."
Omggggg love love love
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