#I'm just sad
csphire · 5 months
So... Frazer the voice actor to Dammon doesn't want Tav or the Dark Urge to romance his character? Well, shit.
It's late, I'm tired and should be in bed, just saw the letter from Dammon from patch 5, and yeah I'm a little weepy now. So excuse any typos.
Fair warning: Just some venting below but no major spoilers.
Update: I've got a better understanding of where Frazer is coming from and a better solution suggestion is 👉here.
But feel free to read this slightly saltier 🧂post. lol
So wait... Frazer doesn't want more work? Why? I mean true, I don't really see Dammon getting along well with a Dark Urge or a Tav Murder Hobo type, but a majority of Dammon's fandom we genuinely adore him and Karlach. And, I'd like to think, most of us just love options. We want to romance him with Karlach and a player character of our own design too.
Would I romance him on every playthrough? Maybe or maybe not. But I do know it will be at least once as Karlach. (I'm on two immunosuppressants. I don't-can't get out much. I can sooo relate to her being touched-starved stuff. I cuss just as much as her too-if not more.) I've got no problem playing as her but again most of us want more options. So what's the problem?
For her, the devs could even put in a few special lines that are unique to their romance. Hells, I would romance them both all the way through the game with Tav if I could so nobody was feeling left out.
Respectfully, I don't understand what Frazer's hang-up is at all. But it feels like a slap in the face when Dammon has become a comfort character to so many of us. We're cheering him on and we're trying to drum up interest to get Frazer a bigger part.
We do this because some of us have a lot of shitty real-life stuff going on, and BG3 has become our escape. And, unlike every romance option we have so far, Dammon doesn't bring us big drama or a lot of demands to the table. Even as just a merchant, he somehow feels... just there for us... supportive. He's not just a pretty face to us, we seriously want to get to know Dammon just a little more! We want him to evolve and grow. We want to know what's his baggage. At this point many of us would settle for him to be just NPC we can romance-not a fling mind you. A full romance like what we see in Dragon Age Inquisition with Cullen or Josephine.
But wouldn't it be cool if we could get him as a full companion? One that could perhaps be an Artificer in a DLC that would introduce that class to the player too?
Even now, when my Tav visits him each day to sell their things, I forget for a little while all the crushing pressure on my play character's shoulders for a few minutes.
In early access, overhearing him grumble about wanting better tools had me roleplaying to collect every tool I could find. A little silly minnie quest. Giving him hammers, and other blacksmith-related stuff, for free taught me how to raise my relationship with a merchant and get a better discount.
Perhaps his simplicity or just his kindness is his appeal. Perhaps don't give him too much baggage if you flesh him out more please.
But how do we get around this Larian, if Frazer won't budge?
Hate to suggest this but consider, Dammon has a twin brother, a nearly identical one. Maybe he has more scars, a different hairstyle, have fun with his design. Oh, maybe he never takes his enchanted armor off, and we have to go into the relationship a bit blind with no idea what he looks like under it all at first. He finally takes his helmet off and seeing Dammon's face we're a little confused. Trust me, we will suspend our disbelief given magic and dragons, for starters, exist in this world. Dammon having a long-lost twin won't be a huge stretch.
So have the twin, instead of Dammon, drop as one of the stars in a DLC. Have him join our party as a fully fleshed-out, perhaps mysterious, companion featuring the Artificer class and fully romanceable. Finally, the fandom gets what we want, a male tiefling we can romance. Dammon can hammer away at his forge and pine for Karlach all he wants. Frazer can stand by whatever principles that are making him hesitant to take on a larger role, more acclaim, another paycheck, possibly more work, and maybe even a gaming voice acting award.
By all means Larian, please throw all that money and acclaim you would have thrown at him at another voice actor. Let the new guy have it all. Sure we'll still pine a bit over Dammon now and then. But if Frazer doesn't want a larger role, guess we'll have to try and respect that.
If you've got this far, thank you for reading, and feel free to share your thoughts.
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never-sated · 12 days
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journeysfable · 7 months
Ngl, I really miss love and qmmunication smp
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Just finished Gideon the Ninth with a lot of expectation and I'm really disappointed :((((((
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holly-fixation · 8 months
They did say that young Sephiroth would be playable though and that we would get to hear him speak. They are probably saving the best for last.
At the rate trailers are going, and it being 2 weeks until release, I sincerely doubt we're getting another trailer. I know it's a mobile game, but if there was anything more interesting than the money shot of young Sephiroth in the fire, they should publish it.
Even though he's "playable", they'll probably limit his playability to one mission or a couple of consecutive battles. "Playable" can also mean the bare minimum. "You got to use him once! Look how strong he is! Alright, back to our short haired blond man."
Sorry for all the rudeness, Anon. I'm just...kind of upset. Disappointed. About how square is doing this. The opening scene of EC has Cloud+Zack and Sephiroth fighting. Most promotional material until yesterday focused on those three (of course limiting Sephiroth because it's the only actual new content, which I understand despite the frustration). Now we get Glenn. Another Roach. It just feels...empty. Like Square could do better.
I hope I'm wrong. I hope the game is amazing for mobile and the content is more than we ever expected. I hope I need to put my clown makeup on after this ask! But I'm losing that hope. The one consistency throughout this new wave of FFVII content is the fan base saying "Please stick the landing". We can have amazing games leading to a big let down. I really hope Square gets it together and either shows the good content for EC or the game blows expectations out of the water. Because my expectations are in the trash now. The one Sephiroth thing about EC now is the new trailer giving me Despair.
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shikishake · 11 months
they’re just kids, man. they deserved better. all of ‘em, even shaddiq, despite how mad I am at him right now. in a just world they would just be going to school, and making friends, and building an identity, and finding out what they want their lives to be like. not this horrible bullshit. I don’t know, I can’t think about anything else, it’s just such a waste.
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dewarism · 5 months
joseph you are literally not allowed to be injured cause i said so
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janexromantic · 1 year
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the betrayal lincoln and abel felt must be devastating. linc didn't like/trust his father and was this close to letting him in (most probably because of what connor said) but didn't know that matthias would go to this extent, to the point of using someone with the power again just like what he did to linc when he was young, and the attempt to kill his girlfriend. linc and abel fought countless of times just because of matthias. abel fought for him, defended him, believed that he was not as linc perceived him and actually think of him as his father but look where it all led to.
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gorkaya-trava · 1 month
well what do you think about this shit applejack
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fearsomeandwretched · 6 months
It's just wild bc I've idolized my aunt since she came into my life I've never even raised my voice at her like I've shown her the very most respect and deference for her and now everytime I think about her I'm just like what a fucking bitch I hate her so much
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berrywarbler · 6 months
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generaltrashshecox · 4 months
Me: 😀
My brain:
If Damien's freelance there's even less of a chance of him and Anthony interacting
Me: ☹️
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rosieethor · 6 months
funny how ed made stede breakfast and izzy told them they were well and truly docked and then they opened an inn and nothing else happened between those two events what a great finale
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So I’m rewatching season 1 of the dragon prince right now, and actually obsessed with “Just say the word, and I’ll go back into that tower with you.” Like Rayla was ready to fight and die to save Callum and Ezran’s dad. And then Callum says no, they have to take the egg to Xadia. They could have stopped Harrow from dying, and yet Callum chose the chance for peace over that. I think part of this is also Callum’s lack of confidence in his ability to create change. When Pyrrah the dragon is shot down in season 2, he says he wants to be the hero that saves the day, but he can’t. He doesn’t know how he can make a stand. He can’t actually help save his father, but he can help the world by bringing that egg back to Xadia. I’m obsessed. Oh my god.
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yankstrash · 1 year
the umich sophs breakup & the one direction break up are one in the same. 
i can’t handle this
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the-gotham-city · 1 year
Calling all the brazilians to curse France, just like they did to Germany and Belgium, so that they'll never get to a final in a World Cup ever again
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