lvnarsapphic · 7 months
Every time with you people. You will happily, gladly, even proudly reblog posts that salute "the freaks" and sing their praises and align yourselves with "the freaks," but then in the next breath you go back to your pearl-clutching and act on your gut reaction of disgust for "the freaks" you've selectively chosen as not being part of whatever arbitrary line you've set up around "the [acceptable] freaks"
Oh yeah I'm a freak, but not like those freaks, y'know? If we're talking freaks, make sure you're not including those freaks
Like what is the meaning of "atypical and non-normative kinks that people are allowed to enjoy" to you? Only the ones you personally enjoy? "Socially" acceptable kinks? God forbid if you say, "ones where people aren't harmed." You imagine yourself as a purveyor - a connoisseur even - of "gross kinks," and yet still hold strongly onto your yuck reaction as being truth.
Every OP of a kink-positive post has to clarify that, yes actually I am including the ones you personally find disgusting and should not be included, and yet people still feel like they're in the right for saying, "yeah, yeah totally, I agree... But not this 'kink' cause we all know and agree those are the gross freaks and don't get to hang with us cool freaks!" Like, no! Sorry! I do not agree with you on that!
You're all spineless and truly do not understand what it means to be kink-positive in any sense of the word. Every single time someone brings it up, you all cite the same three or five kinks as being the "truly degenerate" ones that should not be included in "the freaks" and it's exhausting that we have to clarify the same old adage of "don't yuck people's yums" and that defining who the "real freaks" are is just an exercise in moving the goal posts until we find ourselves in the "we have to protect the children!!!" camp. And I don't think I have to explain why that line of logic does nothing but harm IF we really have been on the same page from the beginning.
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 months
just venting about personal stuff <3 <3
i want to cry. i asked for very simple things from the grocery store to make dinner tonight because our neighbor very kindly gave us a bag of bone-in lamb chunks and i made my roux and then went to get the things i asked for and nothing. and like, it's my fault that i didn't check first i guess but i just assumed my partner would get what i needed. and this stupid pot their parents bought me is still a learning curve because it's a very good pot but it heats up so fast and i'm not used to that. i'm used to my old pot i had for literally 15 years. so now the roux is ruined, the lamb is ruined, i don't even have the stuff i need to maybe salvage it, i can't go to the store because our car is wrecked after the accident and i don't even know if i'd have the money to buy the stuff i need in the first place.
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I see posts about international women's Day which is fine, the part that bothers me are the people who claim to care about women's rights but neglect Palestine Congo Sudan etc
Yes there are people who do work offline and behind the scenes and that work is greatly appreciated but all you have to do is put a watermelon or something in your bio
And I see comments under Palestinian journalist posts and they are genuinely so gross and disgusting, like how dare you?!
Or people who go under Palestine posts and say what about this place in a condescending manner whilst ironically staying silent on it they piss me off
There are so many things you can do
For Palestine
You can boycott there are apps like no thanks, and boycat for that there is a website called bdnaash to help you
There are discord servers
Do your daily clock
For Congo
Stream songs by YANATHEARTIST and lagrace cause all funds go to Congo I literally have made countless posts about these songs for all places
Spread awareness on Tumblr Congo is never talked about which is concerning especially considering the humanitarian disaster over there
Attend protests
For Sudan
Stream figure it out by Yanatheartist
There's a sudan action campaign which you can find on @literally21 blog
You can spread awareness
For West Papua
There's a whole website called free West Papua there are so so many helpful sources
For kashmir
There's a website dedicated to it I'm pretty sure it's called freekashmir.org
There are so many things you can do some take no effort and you can do mindlessly like streaming music
If you ever need help you can reach out please don't think there is nothing you can do when every tools you need is at your fingertips
They are Tryna ban tiktok, pass kosa and the earn it act please call your reps email idc
I have a post on auto emailing your reps for Palestine a phone bank and so much more I have so many important sources on my page you can literally scroll a bit and find so many helpful things
Please fight for the people who need you most there are many more sources I have that I could share although I'm being shadowbanned so maybe it isn't the greatest idea I might open up a discord server for y'all so I can spread it more effectively
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istopaskingmemate · 1 year
spoiler for season 4
Can we like not have wukong written out of the show every season, please?
Like I get the first season. Everything is starting out you need to get the characters and their roles clear to the audience. you need to establish the norm so it's more meaningful when it's taken away later in seasons 3 and 4. you need to know what the characters are possibly missing. From a writing standpoint it makes sense
the second season I can also get. like there is a really good reason he's out of the show and only popping up here and there. He is in heaven and every day in heaven is a year in the mortal plain. in the show it makes sense.
but in season 3 it's just ridiculous. they are in a van together traveling the whole season I mean come on. he is only really a part of two episodes and in one of them, he can't remember anything.
by season 4 which would be the perfect time to have him hanging around and having to make up for his mistakes, he is taken out in the first episode. I know we see past him in a later episode which is great but I don't know it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth
like even in the gosh darn speshle he is written out. In the New Year's speshle he is captured by spider queen and lbd and in the season 3 speshles he is possed. this is because he's OP and if he's in the fight he'll win before Mk and crew do anything but still it's getting ridiculous.
there are so many ways you could have him there and not get in the way of Mk. like, have Pigsy or someone ask why he never helps and have him say something like "I'm his mentor if I always helped he'd never be able to handle it himself. I'm here if he needs advice or if it gets too much for but other then I just note down what needs to be done in training.". you can have him not messing anything up writing wise and we get to see more of him being MK's mentor.
I don't know hopefully their building up for something like they did with lbd but right now it feels like a waste.
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beevean · 6 months
gdi it's so frustrating because I really want to fix Lenore, I see the good ideas behind her, but my rewriting would boil down to small changes such as
remove the "good boy" moments
remove the rape scene, just have Lenore slip her ring on Hector while he's considering her proposal
change her dialogue to be less cringe
bonus: have Hector show more signs of repressed anger, make clear that his politeness is a façade. You can even have him conflicted if it's necessary, as he does understand Lenore's moral code but you know he's not happy about being betrayed. And have him go on a rampage after he cuts his finger.
if you think N!Hector lying is OOC because he's too innocent for that, then explain that he has to learn some proper etiquette in Dracula's court. be sure to show that there is a difference from being sheltered from the world and being a fucking idiot.
and that's it! no joke this would be enough to turn her into the fascinating character her fans believe her to be! hector being charitable would make far more sense! but it's too boring to commit on paper because these are such braindead changes that I only curse That Writer for neglecting them in favor of rape fetishism
(you know i will have reached irreversible mental illness when i will write a fic about this bitch, give her the Surge treatment)
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starlightcleric · 1 year
Let me just ride this wave of writing productivity and not examine the fact I’ve been waking up early and barely eating and low-key vibrating and-
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dirtytransmasc · 8 months
I need to go on a rant, cause I'm sick and tired and if a TG fan wants to check me on anything I said, go ahead and do it, cause I feel like with how frustrated I am, I might step out of line (I'm trying my hardest not to I swear)
genuine question, what happens when *Those* TB stans go out of their way to """""discourse""""" (argue to the point that they make stuff up, resort to insults, or remove any and all context form a situation to make their take make sense) and then get absolutely destroyed, almost every time?
like after they bombard your page/inbox with more asks/rude comments/etc. what happens?
also, why do they do it? if they're not willing to have a constructive conversation and don't care about plot at all, why do they strive to have "conversation" at all. like I get the ego boost and their need to preach their love for TB, but at the same time, isn't it tiring?
espeically when they target people they must very well know aren't gonna change their minds? like neither of us are gonna shift our footing bud, just leave it?
and then the attention seeking, dear god. if I ignore or block these people, they pop back up with a vengance, and then I'm risking danger to myself and my page (via death/harm threats, cyberbullying, dox threats even which take my safe place away) but if I react I give them what they want.
what my question really is, is why do some TB stans have to act like toddlers? I don't say this to belittle or insult or call names, that just the only way I can describe it. the impulsivity. the anger, the short tempers, the immaturity. it makes this fandom a hellhole I don't want to be a part of.
and yeah, it sucks for TG fans, but you wanna know who it also sucks for? other TB fans, ones who don't follow this blind worship of the TB characters, the TB fans who like TG as well, TB fans that enjoy genuninly discoursing.
like... I don't want to say "TB fanbase get your fans please, be a productive fandom, share space with TG and set a precedent so we don't all have to be miserable" cause that kinda unfair, fandom shouldn't be a job or something to be tasked with, but at the same time, I kinda do. I kinda wanna say it cause while I can't speak for all of TG fans, I know a majority of the people I'm close with in this fandom can agree, there's a constant degree of just... bleh. I won't say we're all miserable or considering quitting the fandom, but its just like, "why do we have to put up with this?"
like, why do we have to get rude asks? why do people have to make targeted posts about us/our content? why can't we just enjoy the fandom space?
I'm just tired. this isn't my first rodeo, it's so far from it. its happened in a lot of fandom's I've been in, and no matter what they're always those fans no matter where you go. I will give it to this fandom to be the worst, cause the level of eugenics like talk of blood purity and in-universe and out of universe racism is actually insane.
so while I've accepted that no fandom will ever be perfect I can't help but think, why? why does it have to be like this. it may be a fruitless conversation to have, as I've never seen it work before, but I'm really tired of just taking it and keeping my mouth shut.
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they were correct, arthur lester really is easy to hate
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Guys, I hate making posts like these but...I need to say it:
Please, I am politely asking/respectfully begging y’all to leave comments on my fics.  I never thought I would be one of those writers who beg their readers for comments but...here we are.
Like I am not kidding, I get more kudos than comments, which is fine but like...I want comments.  I used to complain about getting too many comments and not enough kudos but now it’s the complete opposite! 
Like, it doesn’t take that long to just leave a “I liked it!” or an “I enjoyed this!” or even a freaking heart emoji.  You don’t have to leave me a whole ass book report, anything is fine.  (But I will cry if you leave me a book report, those are my favorite types of comments).
Even on my devil judge fics I’m not getting comments.  And I used to get comments on them all the time.  And now I just get kudos!  Not even bookmarks!  (And for the Killer and Healer fandom, because it’s a lot smaller, the numbers are down for them too!)
I’m trying to be grateful for the attention that I’m given, I really am, but I swear I just feel like I’m posting into the void and it’s just kind of like...what’s the point of spending all this time and effort into something if no one’s going to appreciate it?  (I’m not saying that y’all don’t cuz I know you do it’s just...)
And like...I think the thing that’s so frustrating is that like, I reblog ask games that are like “ask me about my fics” or “get to know me as a writer” and it’s just like...I want to talk to people about my fics!  I want to talk about my writing and to just explode and share and ramble and everything and it’s just...I don’t know. 
I know people have lives and what not and when I finally get a job, I’ll have less time to spend on writing and on doing fandom shit (not like I’ll stop of course, I’ll just have less time in the day to focus and spend time on that) so like I get it, it’s just...*heavy sighs*
I’m rambling and I’m on my soapbox so I’ll just get off now
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cheadarchesse · 5 months
Once again salty that if you filter patterns on ravelry to be "men's" it's still all women modeling things. And not even in a masculine style? She's wearing very feminine clothes. How am I supposed to tell what this will look like on a guy?
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hostiae · 9 months
every person deserves to feel safe on their blog. 💀
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frostfairysteve · 6 months
if i could, i would take my head off and throw it against a wall
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queen0funova · 1 year
The other day I had someone say they thought it sounded like I would be happier focusing on writing instead of coding (they're not really wrong but we're not getting into that)
I mentioned the comment to my dad yesterday and he responded with something that really pissed me off: "Well writing is going to become pretty obsolete soon thanks to AI like Chat GPT"
First of all, GPT is a stupid idiot. It can't even write a poem that doesn't rhyme when specifically directed to do so, or when it's told to remove the rhyme after failing to write a free verse poem in the first place.
It's never going to top human creativity. It won't make a rant about romantic attraction wrapped in a prayer to frozen yogurt. It won't pull off Amphibia's Rube Goldberg machine of Chekov's guns. It won't do a good job telling the story of a Latina, neurodivergent, bisexual girl. These are all human things that humans will do better than the stupid AI. I'm tired of people having more faith in Chat GPT than other people
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strugglingyetvibing · 3 months
logging back on for the first time since dts season 6 dropped, how we feelin' f1blr?
i avoided socials like crazy because i didn't want any spoilers, but i just finished the season so i'm officially back, and i'm pretty miffed
putting an extender thingy here bc this is getting long and i don't wanna jam up your dashes too much haha
tl;dr - danica patrick sucks and the season was mid.
first of all, get danica patrick off my fucking screen. she, of all the women reporters they could have picked for this role, was the worst possible pick. give me rachel brookes! give me natalie pinkham! bernie collins (could you imagine??)! any of those fantastic women (or the others i didn't list) would be better than danica fucking patrick.
beyond that, the season was honestly kind of meh. they missed a lot of big plot points (hardly any mention of max's objectively historic run?? love him or hate him, it was something for the record books) for a lot of smaller plot points that really either could have been covered in just a chunk of an episode or were really just made up (e.g. they tried to make us think that liam and yuki weren't friends even though they literally are, and have been since before 2023). like, i get the fanfare of daniel coming back, but they also just did what f1 did and just stopped mentioning nyck ever again, which was so frustrating. it was so abrupt! i was shocked when the credits rolled.
they also just didn't mention qatar at all, which was wild. they could have used 'the shot' of lewis walking in the gravel with george's car going in the background! they could have talked about oscar winning something before lando! they could have talked about max winning the championship and how historic his run was! they could have talked about how fucking hard that race was for everyone on the grid and actually mention logan sargeant for once and show how williams and james vowles took care of him! there were a lot of missed opportunities there. as much as i don't like that race (due to the overwhelming strain it put on the drivers), it was an important one that probably should have been mentioned.
at first, i thought bringing claire williams in was a weird move, but i kind of appreciated her insight as an ex-team principle, similarly to how i appreciate bernie collins' insight during broadcasts. that was a good touch from the netflix team.
two episodes for alpine was too much. i get that there was a lot to go through for them, but they could have sped up the drama and made a super interesting single episode encapsulating both pierre and esteban's animosity (and them making it better) and otmar's departure. if put together, they could have made an engaging plot-twisty episode that would have been super fun to watch.
i also think it was really interesting how they didn't follow aston martin through their midseason fall. they propped them up in the first episode as a team poised to fight at the top, and then we never hear from them until abu dhabi. they mention that they had 'some struggles' throughout the season, but if you spend a whole episode hyping me up for a team, check in with the team at least once throughout the season. that was kind of disappointing that we didn't hear from them again until the end.
i honestly forgot that there were talks of lewis to ferrari in the middle of the season, so that episode was really interesting, especially knowing what we know now. the fact that the team told lewis to his face that he was wrong after a literal decade working together is absolutely bonkers, and i'm starting to understand more as to why he left. i just wish they had included the "hello lewis" moment at the monaco driver conference. they included another bit from the monaco conference, so i'm sad they missed that bit. would've helped with my bingo card tbh.
seeing the ferrari episode (it's like episode 8 or something) just makes me more mad that they dropped carlos. this isn't dts' fault, the episode was actually pretty good (aside from the pitting of charles against carlos, but that kind of comes with the show at this point lol), but seeing everything that carlos did for ferrari just for them to not renew his contract is insanely heartbreaking. back to back poles and a win (the only non-red bull win of the season!), as well as consistently performing incredibly well, bringing in consistent good points for himself and the team. i realize lewis is a seven-time world champion, and this isn't any sort of lewis hate (i actually love that man), but the decision to drop carlos and the manner in which ferrari did it is very infuriating. again, not dts' fault, but seeing the behind the scenes in that episode was so bittersweet.
i really didn't mean for this to get so long, jeez! i just have a lot of frustrations with the season (and honestly kind of the show as a whole, but i'll save this already long-ass rant from that lol). it's an enjoyable watch, but it's weird to think that this is the impression people who don't know f1 will get of the sport and the people inside of it when a lot of it is just plain wrong.
and again, fuck danica patrick. she should not be on that show at all, and i hope she doesn't return for season seven (i'm delusional, she probably will). she also should not be on the sky sports broadcast team, but again, i'm delusional, and she'll probably be around for much longer than jenson or i would like.
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Why the hell we only have 1 CG for this
beautiful, adorable, precious, human being huh?!?!?! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
Tumblr media
We have like 948474th CGs for AS Saeran, even Suit Saeran has couple of CGs and you just abandoned this precious broken baby of Saeran SE (OS Saeran). He doesn't even have his own opening CG! 👊🏻 I WOULD FOREVER BE SALTY ABOUT THIS.
Now we know with whom Cheritz took a favor with just because the new "remake" Saeran would benefit them in term of profit. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They "sold" him well huh .....
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darling-sammy · 1 year
idk guys, I'm part of a wincest group and if I can't talk about weecest (that is basically gencest, very sfw) without using a trigger warning then what are we all doing here? like I don't like the feeling of wanting to chat about sam and dean but constantly the thought is in the back of my head like 'watch what you say or you'll get your peepee slapped!'.
I'm here to chill and talk about wincest, and part of wincest is the fucked up childhood? I mean when I think about it though, if people are late comers to the fandom and are mostly like 'these two must bang because they're hot' maybe they dont get the true, deep, fucked up love sam and dean have always had. it's not about two guys being hot, honestly if they were plain jane I'd still be here.
idk i should shut up, but like wincest will never be gentle and it's about a love that is so deep it's down to their bones and in their blood and it's so consuming and painful? like get outta this kitchen if you want a when harry wet sally romance.
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