#I’m thinking of tagging all my Luke n Duke posts with
gildedlead · 5 months
Luke that engages in casual, mundane stuff with Duke. Luke that knows that the Waynes can be hardcore at times and even at their highest moments, they still play a little too rough for someone who didn’t grow up with The Life and it gets a little hectic.
Luke that shows up in the morning with a bag from the beauty supply store and sits in the living room with Duke for however long it takes to help him do a retwist. Luke that roughhouses––not spars or brawls, but just irritates, enough to get on your nerves but never enough to leave anything sore. Luke that buys two copies of all the newest games so he and Duke can play at their respective homes. Luke that trash-talks the whole time. Luke that drives Duke around, or lets him borrow his car when he needs driving practice. Luke that goes along with whatever lie Duke tells, then crosses his arms and stares at him until he gets the truth.
Basically, Luke that is Duke’s big brother.
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that makes four.
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Tristan had slapped his menu shut before you could even sit down. He’d been begging you to try a new place in Encino with him, you figured it was a good excuse to get Zoey out of the house and to let Maeve and CeCe duke it out in Shelli and Irv’s backyard instead of yours.
It was all work talk at first, he offered an update on a meeting you missed to drop off Maeve at a friend’s and Zoey sucked down a glass of wine promising to pump and dump before the night ended.
But now your plates were in front of you and you twirled spaghetti around your fork when she asked: “How’s your pool boy?” You stared up at her, unimpressed.
“He’s not my pool boy, and he’s fine.”
Tristan raised his eyebrows across the table. “Would you let Harry Styles be your pool boy?”
“Can we not talk about him like this, please?”
“Oh come on,” Tristan pulled a face. “If you’re not going to sleep with him at least let us fantasize.”
You must have twitched, a quick glance in Zoey’s direction or a quiver of your lip. Zoey leaned in and her voice was serious. “What was that?”
“What? Nothing.”
“What do you mean what was that?” Tristan asked.
“She made a weird face when you said that.”
“No I didn’t,” you defended. “I just don’t like talking about him in public, especially like this.”
“Bullshit,” Zoey laughed, leaned back in her chair. “What are you not telling us? Did you see him shirtless again?”
You let out a breath, wiped at your mouth and wondered if telling them would be the biggest mistake of your life. You couldn’t even get the words out before Zoey leaned in.
“You had sex with him?!” her eyes nearly bugged out of her head, Tristan’s fork clanked against his plate when his jaw dropped open.
You’d made it a whole week, almost. You pushed the thoughts down and brushed them under the metaphorical work rug. The body wash prototypes were in, you were booking models to do a photoshoot, video shoot, everything was getting lined up for the rollout in another few weeks. You didn’t have time to tell them about something silly and stupid and maybe a part of you didn’t want to fill them in because you were afraid they’d burst your bubble. It’ll never work out, what happens when his house is ready, he has a tour to go on.
“Be quiet,” you looked around and worried if anyone had overheard Tristan’s not-so-subtle name drop. “It’s not a big deal, okay? It’s not like it’s gonna be a regular thing.”
Tristan pulled his head back, offended by your words. “You had sex with him and you’re not going to make that a regular thing? Have you seen him?”
“Yes,” you made a face at Tristan. “I have seen him.”
“You are going to hit and quit Harry Styles?” Zoey leaned in and said his name much more quietly now.
“Well,” you dropped their gaze for a second, reluctant to be honest with them in fear of their reaction. “It’s happened once, and then we kissed once but CeCe came down, but she didn’t see anything. I’m just too old to be hooking up with a twenty-four year old.”
“Wait, okay, slow down. When did this happen?” Zoey asked.
“After my birthday dinner,” you shrugged. “We came home, had wine, the girls were out.”
“And when did you make out with him aside from that night?”
“The next night. And we didn’t make out, it was barely even open-mouthed.”
“Ew,” Tristan grimaced.
Zoey snapped to get your attention. “So twenty-four hours after you had sex, you kissed him?”
You made a face at her, unsure where she was going with it. You hadn’t been clocking or documenting your sexual encounters. “I don’t know, probably.”
“This is straight out of a trashy romance book written for middle aged women,” Tristan leaned back in his seat and took a pull from his glass of rosé. “I mean that in, like, a nice way.”
“Okay,” Zoey leaned forward. “So, nothing has happened since a week ago, then?”
“No,” you shook your head quickly. “Just those times. And I don’t think anything should happen again.”
They both groaned at the same time, Zoey’s shoulders sunk and she rolled her eyes. “You deserve to have sex with a hot guy.”
“I never said I didn’t.”
“Even if he’s younger than you.”
“I don’t want to traumatize my children.”
“Well you don’t have to have sex in front of them,” Tristan made a goofy face and you waved him off.
Zoey snorted out a laugh but you ignored their immaturity.
“I mean that having Harry here is already probably confusing for them, right? Their dad leaves, their grandpa dies, now we have some stranger in our house and he’s playing with them in the backyard and--”
“Being more of a dad to them than Luke ever was?”
Zoey’s words brought a sigh out from between your lips. “Exactly.”
“Having a positive male role model is good for them,” Tristan said.
“Sure,” you nodded. “But what about when Harry moves out? He’ll just be another man that will leave them. They’ll be super fucked up.”
Tristan reached forward and took your hand in his. “Hey--it’s more about the fact that they have you and they have other people who love them. Who cares if their idea of a family isn’t the stereotypic, heterosexual norm?”
“I know,” you relented. “I just don’t want them to be poorly adjusted.”
“Okay, that sounds like something an obnoxious prep school guidance counselor would say to you,” Zoey eyed you with skepticism.
You shrugged your shoulders. “It was Maeve’s teacher.”
“Okay, fuck that teacher!” Tristan nodded. “Your kids are adjusting, and that’s because of how good of a mom you are to them. And mommy deserves a pool boy.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, even if his words were worthy of an eye-roll. Zoey tried not to let wine drip from her nose after a snort escaped between sips.
“Not my pool boy!” You giggled.
“Which is good,” Tristan nodded, his tone completely serious. “That would be so cliché even Nora Roberts wouldn’t write it.”
Slumber parties always made you anxious. They were one of those things that made you question how on earth people trusted you to watch a group of children when sometimes, you still felt like one yourself.
Maeve’s 11th birthday party was no exception. Five other girls danced around your living room and CeCe sat at the counter while you iced cupcakes. Her little face was scrunched into a pout so intensely that it almost made you giggle.
“You alright?” You asked her, dish towel over your shoulder when she let out another sigh.
“Just wish I could play with them,” she held her palms towards the sky in exasperation, reaching for a container of sprinkles when you let out a laugh.
“You get to go for ice cream with Uncle Jeff, remember? You’re gonna go to the beach, too, I think.”
You’d been trying to bribe her all week: a new tutu, a new doll, anything she wanted just to make her give up and accept the fact that her older sister didn’t want her at her slumber party.
And you couldn’t blame either of them. Of course Maeve didn’t want her younger (and very loud, dramatic, and demanding) younger sister trailing behind all night. But, on the other hand, of course CeCe felt left out when she saw all of the older girls arrive with their sleeping bags and birthday gifts.
She sighed again, your conversation interrupted by a ringing from your cell phone on the counter beside her.
“Uncle Jeff?”
She was right, you reached for the phone and held it up with your shoulder, hoping the laughter from the living room wouldn’t travel it’s way into the speaker.
“Hi--are you here?”
“Y/N, I am so sorry to do this--”
“Oh god, Jeff, no!”
“I just got called into the office because one of my artists apparently just posted some stupid shit on the internet--isn’t there someone else who can hang out with CeCe? Where’s Tristan?”
“I don’t know where he is, but I doubt he’d be thrilled to play dress up or skip through a park.”
You could hear traffic through his line, his karma for backing out at the last minute was having to sit on the 405. “She has a ten-week-old infant, Jeffrey.”
“Well where’s Harry? Can’t he pitch in?”
You let out a groan, CeCe had taken to pouring sprinkles into her hand and lapping them up with her tongue.
Harry was upstairs, hiding away from the girl gang currently singing karaoke and sipping on juice boxes. He had the day off and had dipped out in the afternoon to meet a friend for lunch. You tried to mind your own business--he could come and go as he pleased and just because you had slept with him once didn’t give you the right to suddenly start asking questions about his plans.
But the universe pitied you, apparently, because right when you told Jeff you’d figure it out and hung up on him aggressively, Harry pranced down the stairs and headed for the fridge.
“How’s it going down here?” He reached for a juice box, crisp apple, and fumbled with the straw when he turned to face you.
“Everyone is alive and nothing is broken,” you scanned the counter, another batch of cupcakes still in the oven with 10 minutes to go.
With the straw now between his lips, he raised his eyebrows. “Bar’s that low, huh?”
“Well, your friend Jeffrey just bailed on watching CeCe and going for ice cream.”
She was blissfully unaware of the change of plans, still licking sprinkles out of her palm, but now swiveled around on the stool to watch the girls jump around in the other room.
“I can take her,” he shrugged nonchalantly, ran a hand through his hair when you stared at him for a second.
If traffic was Jeff’s karma, Harry must have been yours.
“Are you serious? You wouldn’t mind?”
“Not at all,” he smiled. “CeCe? What do you say we do ice cream and pizza?”
She turned around at the sound of her name, her eyes lit up. “Pepperoni?” She asked.
“Of course,” Harry replied to her like it was a crazy question.
“Is Uncle Jeff coming?”
“He’s not,” You informed her, arms crossed over your chest. “You’re alright to go with Harry?”
You didn’t mean to make it awkward, but mom mode kicked in and you realized CeCe had never spent time alone with Harry except maybe in the backyard.
“Yeah!” She hopped down from the stool and grinned up at him. “Can I get a milkshake?”
Harry looked over to you and when you nodded, he held out his hand. “As many as you want.”
“That’s not what I said,” you called after him, watching as he led her over to the back door. He plucked his keys off the hook on the wall and smiled at you over his shoulder. “Please don’t be out late, text me when you get where you’re going!”
CeCe shouted a bye mommy!!!! before they disappeared into the driveway. A sudden raise in your pulse had you questioning what type of mother lets their 6-year-old get in the car with a pop star who’s probably hounded by paparazzi and maybe even doing cocaine on the weekends.
You picked up your phone and it rang four times before Zoey answered. “I need you to talk me off the ledge.”
“What ledge?”
The timer beeped and you gloved up to retrieve the rest of the cupcakes. “I’m apparently a psychopath because I just let Harry take CeCe for pizza and ice cream.”
You could tell she held back a laugh. “Why does that make you a psychopath?”
“Because he’s a stranger! What if he never comes back with her? What if he gets chased by paparazzi and CeCe is the next Princess Diana?!” The thought shuttered through your bones, a shiver down your spine when Zoey cleared her throat.
“Okay, so, as a mom, I totally get that. But I also think you’re freaking out too much.”
The cupcake tin rattled onto the granite. “How?!”
“He’s not a stranger, he’s been living with you guys for like, over a month now.”
You thought about it for a second. Two weeks turned into a few more, four weeks slipped by easily. What felt like it was going to be a blip on the radar now felt like a totally normal thing: dinners with him as the fourth seat and texts to him in the middle of the day asking if there was anything he was in the mood for.
“I just can’t believe I trust him enough to do that, I guess.”
“Y/N, he’s a good guy,” she laughed. “He likes your kids and he definitely likes you.”
“We’re not going there,” you said. “I have a house full of ten-year-olds and cupcakes to frost.”
“Okay, well, you’re not a psychopath. And there’s nothing wrong with having feelings for him.”
“Zoey! You are starting to sound like the psychopath!”
“I’m alright with that,” laughter through the phone when you told her you had to go. Love you, see you later, pinch Benny’s cheeks for me.
You were swept up in the excitement of the night. Your own pizza was delivered before 8pm, a movie turned on by 9pm. They decorated cupcakes at the dining room table and proceeded to eat more than they could fit in their tummies.
Maeve was in heaven, opened presents when you snapped pictures on your phone. Harry had texted to let you know they’d stop at Shelli and Irv’s before heading home. If CeCe came home in the middle of presents, she’d probably break down right there.
So when you heard the alarm signal a new entry, you hoped CeCe was too tired to argue with you about sleeping in her own room and not in Maeve’s with the rest of them. Your legs were folded beneath you on the couch, noise in the kitchen when Harry rounded the corner with CeCe asleep on his shoulder.
You stood up, eyebrows high when he smirked in your direction. “She’s out cold,” he laughed. “Fell right asleep on the way home.”
“It’s like a ten minute drive from their house,” you said, opening your arms to take her. “Sorry, here.”
“I can bring her up...just lead the way,” he motioned with his head for you to go first up the stairs. He followed you down the hall and to CeCe’s room, pink walls and a plush carpet underneath her twin-sized bed that still seemed too big for her.
He put her down when you flipped on a nightlight, watched when you tugged the duvet over her and kissed her on the forehead. You sighed when you stood up straight beside him, voice quiet. “I’m not waking her up to brush her teeth cause she’ll freak out and want to be included in the party. Am I a bad mom?”
He crossed his arms over his chest, smirked down at you quickly before looking back to her. “You’re a great mom.”
You elbowed him in the ribs playfully. “You have to say that.”
“I do?”
“I’m your landlord,” you laughed, leading him back into the hallway.
“I thought you were my friend?”
A sigh, the darkness a cover for your confusion and your fluttering heart beat. “Yeah, that too.”
He was quiet for a second, if it weren’t for the bedroom of kids down the hall you’d pull him into you despite better judgment. He stared down at you with a dimpled smile, but you took a step back.
“Thanks for taking her, and hanging out with her. You really didn’t have to.”
“I had fun,” he reassured you. “We got a pizza and ate in a park near Westwood Hills, then got ice cream, visited with Shelli and Irv,” he listed it off like it brought him as much joy as it did her.
“Hey, not to be weird or anything, but--how’s your house coming?”
He sensed the shift in the air too, but he didn’t know that it came from a place of fear. A question you had to ask: this was temporary, this wasn’t real, this was just a convenient set up and you couldn’t lose sight of that.
“Oh, yeah--I’m going over on Sunday to see it. Apparently there are still issues with the plumbing that have to be updated. They said it might be a few more weeks.”
“Okay, I just didn’t know.”
“Yeah, is that okay? I can try to find somewhere to stay if you need me out?”
“No,” you said it quickly. “I don’t need you to leave.”
“Okay,” he said, his eyes still on yours. He reached forward to brush a piece of hair behind your ear. “I like staying here with you guys.”
“...I like it too.”
“Mom?” Maeve’s head poked out of her bedroom. “Hayley spilled soda on the carpet!”
He stepped back from you quickly, like his reflexes were getting better each time. You laughed at his sudden movement, “coming!”
He smiled down at you and let out an exaggerated sigh once Maeve’s door was slammed shut and the music was back on, a magnetic pull between your chests that maybe he felt too. “Hayley, Hayley, Hayley.”
But again, a rush of uncertainty and self-doubt made you grateful for the interruption, your stomach weaving itself in knots when you stared at your ceiling fan and hoped that sleep would come.
Work picked up in the next week, Tristan was in your office most days with spreadsheets and graphs and to-do lists that made you feel like you needed a margarita at 2pm. On Wednesday Harry made dinner and CeCe had a meltdown when you forced her to take a bath.
Friday night entailed dinner at Shelli and Irv’s, the girls and Harry and Jeff too. You stood in the kitchen with a glass of wine in hand, Shelli watched as their chef sautéed something through steam. When Jeff pulled Harry away to show him a new guitar Irv had been gifted, you ignored the smile on Shelli’s face.
“How are things going?”
“Fine,” you said, casually and calm and cool. “How are you?”
“Y/N,” she smiled. “Does Jeffrey know?”
“Know what?”
“About you and Harry?”
“No,” you told her quickly. “There’s nothing to know, alright? We were drunk, it was not a big deal.”
“Alright,” she held up a hand, effectively resigning when she sipped her Pinot Grigio, a disappointed sigh before she asked: “How are the girls holding up?”
You sighed, unsure if she’d really drop it. You told her about Maeve’s birthday party and caught her up on the body wash debut. Deadlines were quickly approaching, the launch party was being scheduled and production was full steam ahead.
You almost thought you’d make it through the rest of the night without any drama--no more mention of Harry or the happenings between you. But eventually he and Jeff found their way back to the kitchen and you hoped that no one noticed how close Harry stood to you.
Jeff was in the middle of filling you and Shelli in on Harry’s album plans: they were wrapping up production and soon they’d announce the release date, his excitement cut off by a shout from the backyard.
“Mommy!” CeCe’s voice was shrill and desperate as it rang through the house. She let out a loud sob and when you looked up, you saw her clutching her elbow with a new grass stain on her shirt. She was fine, it was one of those moments where she thought the world was ending but everyone else knew getting knocked over by her sister wouldn’t kill her.
“She’s fine,” Maeve rolled her eyes, a quick look down to CeCe who’s eyes were already filled with tears.
“No I’m not!” she screamed back at her sister.
You looked to Shelli with an exasperated look, set your glass of wine down on the counter. Before you could make any movement, though, Harry’s hand hovered on the small of your back. “I’ll go, enjoy the wine. She’s fine.”
He was right, there was no question that CeCe would survive her scraped elbow and bruised ego. He moved towards the backyard and you were frozen in place when Jeff’s forehead wrinkled.
“What was that?” he asked, eyebrows strung together like tea lights once Harry was out of earshot.
“I don’t know--what do you mean?”
You looked over at Harry, now on the ground in front of CeCe who’s wails were much quieter. She wiped at her wet eyes, a little laugh escaped her lips when Harry brushed the grass off of her elbow and cracked a joke.
“Well, he seems pretty good with them,” Jeff leaned against the counter, the sliding door providing a perfect view as CeCe stood up and raced back towards Maeve.
“Yeah, I mean, he is.”
“He also touched your back in a funny way.”
Shelli raised her eyebrows and sipped at her wine again.
“And now my mom is making a weird face,” Jeff’s eyes narrowed when he looked at you. “Are you--is there, like, something going--”
“No,” you said quickly, a finger pointed at Shelli and another pointed at Jeff. “Do not say anything in front of the girls.”
Shelli stifled a laugh but managed to look incredibly innocent at the same time.
“Oh my god!” Jeff said this with a noise of shock, eyes wide when he looked between you and Shelli, then back out to the yard where Harry laughed with Irv. “Oh my god, and you knew?”
Shelli shrugged her shoulders, a don’t blame me look crossed her face when you took a swig of wine to calm the pounding of your heart.
Jeff had always been protective and caring and like a brother. Not in a weird way, not in the you can’t date my friends way. Just in the sense that he wanted to know who you were hooking up with and he’d been encouraging you relentlessly to stop picking assholes ever since you filed for divorce.
But this was different, this was a friend of his and a client of his. It was someone that his entire family knew and this was probably the worst choice of rebound.
“Please relax,” you said this with a look of warning in his direction. “I will explain to you what your lunatic mother is smirking about but you have about fifteen seconds to wipe the look of shock off your face before he comes back in here.”
“She’s fine,” Harry waved a hand once he was back in the kitchen. “And what look of shock are we wiping off of our faces?” The dimple was there again, the corner of his mouth pulled up and he scanned all three of you for any sort of information.
“Just that you are so good with the girls,” Jeff covered for you, a confident nod when he hoped Harry would believe him.
“That’s surprising to you?” Harry pulled his head back, an obvious look of mock offense. “I’m great with children. They love me.”
Maeve came in from the fading light, out of breath from running around with whatever ball they’d gotten their hands on. “Who loves you?”
“Kids,” Jeff replied for him.
“Oh,” Maeve said. “Yeah.”
“Yeah?” You looked down at her, unsure if she was agreeing or just voicing that she understood.
She shrugged, plucked a chicken skewer from a dish in front of Shelli. “I mean, I like having him around.”
Harry was practically tickled pink. “Thank you, Maeve.” He turned to rub this in Jeff’s face. “See?”
“He cooks well, plays outside with us, definitely funnier than mom,” Maeve kept listing things off, pulling laughter from the rest of the crew.
“Maeve!” You whined. “I’m funny!”
“You’re like, sometimes funny.”
“Sometimes funny is better than never funny,” Harry nodded in your direction, an attempt to soften the blow.
CeCe had wandered in behind her sister, she picked at the scrape on her elbow until you called her attention. “CeCe--do you think mommy’s funny?”
“Mmmm,” the thought on it for a second, put her finger to her chin and scrunched up her nose. “Sort of.”
Jeff let out a big laugh at that, Harry tried to stifle one and you dismissed the jabs. “Okay, well, it’s not like anyone here is a comedian.”
“Harry’s funny,” CeCe said with a smile. “He reads books in silly voices.”
Jeff’s eyebrows shot up at that again, amused and surprised by the fact that Harry was in on the bedtime routine. But it was infrequent, sometimes CeCe would beg for more time outside or another thirty minutes of TV.
If the tears got aggressive or the tantrum became too much, she perked up pretty quickly if Harry offered to read with her. It was way more exciting than reading with you, Maeve had explained.
After showering Harry with compliments, the girls were excited to sit on Shelli and Irv’s patio. Pink lemonade and a delicious dinner, though neither of them would even so much as take a bit of your salad.
They ran around some more while you sipped wine, Jeff and Harry had been talked into a two versus two soccer match and Irv laughed his head off when Maeve actually scored on Jeff. Darkness came and CeCe crawled into your lap, eyelids getting heavy until you buckled her into the backseat.
You’d taken one car, CeCe’s booster seat was too clunky to move over to Harry’s so you drove and felt slightly embarrassed about the crayons and coloring books scattered on the floor of the backseat.
“Mom, can I have another sleepover this weekend?”
“With who?”
“All of the girls from last weekend.”
“Honey, no, that was a big party for your birthday.”
“I’m aware,” she shot back quickly. “But we all had so much fun and we wouldn’t be as loud as we were last time.”
“I said no, Maeve. You can do something with your friends if you want but we’re not doing another sleepover right now.”
You’d been hesitant about it in the first place. A group of ten and eleven-year-olds? With Harry in the house? It felt like a recipe for disaster and aside from a few excited stares when they were first dropped off, you all escaped relatively unscathed.
You worried at first about the whispers from other moms--she’s letting a twenty-four year-old live with her children?--but you soon realized that they were almost more excited about sneaking a glimpse of Harry than their daughters were.
“You’re so annoying,” she quipped from the back. “You never let me do anything fun.”
Harry’s lips twitched up in a tiny smirk, a sideways glance in your direction. You’d already told him how awkward it felt to discipline them with him right there, a glass of wine in the kitchen one night and he teased you about your frustrated mom voice.
“Maeve--don’t be rude. You just had a birthday party and now you want another, basically.”
“No, I want to have the same girls over. It’s not my birthday so it’s not a birthday party.”
A left turn into the driveway. “But you want me to order pizza and make cupcakes and you want to drink a bunch of soda again?”
You pulled into the garage and cut the engine, turning to look at her. “Maeve, sweetie, I love you. But no.”
She let out a huff and shoved the door open, she typed in the entry code and slammed the door to the house before the rest of you could even climb out.
“The drama,” CeCe shook her head, tired steps towards the house.
“The drama is right,” you told her with a laugh. “Go wash up and I’ll come up in a few, okay?”
She scampered up the steps, you dropped your keys on the counter inside and then turned to look at him. “Do you have a second?”
He nodded, leaned on the counter. “What’s up?”
You didn't know if it was a good idea, but you'd spent enough morning drives to school lecturing about how honest is the best policy, so you figured you'd give it a shot.
“Uh, well--Jeff may or may not be suspicious about you and...me.”
Using the phrase made you nervous, like he’d laugh and think it was stupid. You and me.
“Oh,” he said, eyebrows arched. “Did you--why did that come up?”
“Well you went to handle my crying child, which is--you know--”
He laughed a little, “too boyfriendy of me?”
Your heartbeat picked up in pace, your face felt hot and it suddenly felt like he was watching you too closely.
“No--I don’t know--you touched my back and he just asked what was happening.”
He deflated at that, hung his head low for a second and then looked up. “Oh, I--uh--I’m really sorry, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“No!” You felt bad, that wasn’t the message you were trying to convey. If anything, you wanted to give him the out and the okay that he didn’t have to do this. He didn’t have to step into your family like some hero for you or your daughters. “You didn’t make me uncomfortable, I just--I don’t know where you are at, I guess.”
“And now Jeff is asking questions,” he laughed, a nod like he knew where you were going with it.
There was no label necessary. It wasn’t that type of thing, you knew that. “That’s what you walked in on after CeCe got hurt.”
Another nod, like the puzzle pieces were fitting into place. “Right. Got it. Was he--how did he seem? Did you tell him that we--”
“He put it together,” you cut him off, again careful of the words used around the girls even though they were upstairs and--by the sound of it--bickering in the bathroom. “But he was fine with it. I just think we need to be careful, you know. The girls...and this is temporary, and--”
“So, you know, just--”
An awkward silence. “I should go tuck them in.” You turned on your feet and headed for the stairs before he could reply, desperate to get out of the situation out of fear of having to find more words to string together in a messy jumble of emotions.
Another slammed door from Maeve when you reached the top of the stairs. You knocked twice. “Can I come in, please?”
“Maeve,” you leaned against the doorframe. Harry came up and offered an awkward smile. “Please let me talk to you.”
“I’m not talking to you!” She shouted.
Harry came over and knocked. “Maeve? It’s Harry--can I come in?”
Silence for a second, her footsteps were audible on the wood floor. The door opened a crack, she peered out with narrowed eyes. “Fine--but not her.”
You looked over at Harry, unsure of his game plan but also fed up with the theatrics and the overreaction. He shrugged his shoulders half-apologetically, a smirk in your direction before he slipped into the room.
Did you stay and listen? Was it weird? What would he even say to her?
You decided against it, headed for your own bedroom and tugged on pajamas after you flicked on CeCe’s night light and kissed her goodnight. At least only one of them was being dramatic today.
Five minutes passed, then ten. You tried not to look at the clock and focused instead on a book Zoey had told you was a must read.
Eventually there was a knock on your door, Harry pushed it open and smiled. “Do you want some intel?”
“Duh,” you said. “Come in.”
He walked forward and sat on your bed, a sigh when he brought his eyes to yours again. “Well, she said you’re annoying again.”
“Of course.”
“She’s just grumpy. Said Hayley wanted to have a sleepover this weekend because it would be better at her house.”
“Ah,” you nodded. “Some 5th grade rivalry.”
“Classic, really.”
You laughed. “Was she okay talking to you?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, eyebrows low on his forehead. “Opened right up.”
“Well, we do know she likes you more.”
He rolled his eyes. “She just likes that I’m not you.”
“Feels like that’s the same thing.”
Quiet for a moment when he angled towards you, scanned your face with his eyes.
“I guess I’ll go say goodnight.”
“Oh, I tucked her in.”
Your mouth tugged into a smirk. “You what?”
“She said she didn’t want you to come in.”
“So you tucked her in?”
He let out a laugh, explained the process like it should have been obvious. “Yeah--pulled up the blanket. Patted her on the head. She said she brushed her teeth.”
You leaned back against the headboard, the same buzzing feeling in your chest took flight when he asked: “why is it so shocking to everyone that I’m good with them?”
It slipped out before you could think of the possible consequences. “Because you’re young.”
“I’m not that young.”
“And Luke was just--not like that. He was pretty disinterested after CeCe was born.” You hoped this was enough of a redirection.
“You’re really caught up on my age, aren’t you?”
He raised his eyebrows and offered a look that said: bullshit. When he didn’t speak, you cracked a joke.
“Or...you are not hung up enough on how old I am.”
“Why should I care how old you are?”
“Cause you’ve had sex with me and you’re living in my house.”
“Both of those things I am aware of. And feel really good about both of them.”
You let out a laugh at his nonchalance, folded your arms over your chest when he stood up. “You’re something else.”
“I’m not,” you disagreed.
“I think you are,” he nodded, leaned closer to you and offered a challenging glare. His hair was messy, he’d been running around in the backyard with them at Shelli and Irv’s, a few glasses of wine in him seemed to loosen him right up to the point that he was ready to slide tackle your six-year-old.
He watched you for a second, almost like he was waiting for you to stop him. You didn’t, though, you wanted him to kiss you just as much as it looked like he wanted to close to the distance between your chests.
Instead of telling him you shouldn’t, instead of telling him that the girls were down the hall and this was risky, you pulled him on top of you, tugged him by the t-shirt until he flopped down on your bed with a laugh against your lips.
He lifted himself up after a clumsy moment, looked down at you and smirked.
“What?” You asked playfully.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever been so turned on by someone in my whole life.”
His words circled around you, pulled your body up to melt into his when his hand cupped your face. He laced his fingers through the hair along your neck, the warmth from his body made your pulse rise with each second.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this when they’re home?”
If the dimples on his cheeks weren’t enough, if the way his tattoos littered his skin wasn’t enough, if the look in his eyes right now on top of you was not enough to create a full-on mom fantasy in your head, the way he talked about your daughters was.
“Yeah,” you tugged him back against your mouth, felt the way your hips tilted against his without any thought. His hands moved to your wrists, holding them in place when he trailed his lips down your jaw, down your neck, pressing kisses in a line along your collarbone.
His hands were warm when they grazed your hips, connecting with skin beneath the fabric of your shirt. You grasped for the hem of his and tugged it over his head in a quick motion, eager to reconnect and feel his skin against yours.
He tasted like wine and smelled like summer, yanked your panties down to your ankles and used his fingers to pull quiet gasps from you like no one had ever before. He held onto your headboard and thrusted into you after you begged: please, please fuck me.
S’probably my favorite thing to do, he said.
The lights were long off and when your heart beats settled and you wiped sweat from your forehead, he laced his fingers between yours.
“Does Jeff want to kill me?”
“No,” you giggled, turned on your side to get a better look at him. The moon through the window illuminated his nose, his eyebrows, the specks of light green in his eyes as they devoured you. “But I’m sure you’ll get a talking to.”
“Should I not talk to him about it?”
You knew what he was asking, you knew he really meant what am I supposed to tell him? What does this mean?
You didn’t have an answer. You didn’t know what he should say or how you should address any of this, because at the end of the day you were a mom and a business owner and he was eight years your junior. He had an album to finish and tour and you knew how that worked.
You watched your dad’s busy lifestyle pull his marriage apart at the seams. Late nights, dinner parties, too much coke in the 80s before you were born and all of those signs pointed in one direction: this would never last.
It couldn’t last, nothing about the equation made sense. Harry + you = fling, rebound, a hook up or friends with benefits type situation that would eventually fade into a memory when he went on tour or when he got the call: your house is finished!
You didn’t have to answer him, though, the pattering of feet in the hallway as a little voice shouted mommy! had you shoving Harry out of bed and onto the floor with a thud before CeCe could push the double doors open.
“Mommy! I had a bad dream!”
“Hi, honey, oh, it’s okay,” you were upright in bed and welcoming her into your arms when Harry grimaced in the dark.
He mouthed a few swear words as you held CeCe, squishing her face into your shoulder to keep her eyes from landing on Harry. You gestured at him wildly with your free hand, ordering him to duck down and remain unseen.
“It was just a dream,” you told her, “you’re okay. Do you want me to walk you back to bed?”
“No,” she cried out quickly. “Can I sleep here?”
You hesitated, then nodded and looked at Harry in the dark. “Of course, yes, you can fall asleep here and then I’ll bring you back to your room.”
“Okay,” she said, the steadiness of her voice returning when she crawled out of your lap and to the spot where Harry had just been. She tugged at the comforters, pushed the pillow in different directions before she let her head rest atop it.
She let out a sigh, her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks and soon enough Harry poked his head up to look at you with wide eyes as you rubbed CeCe’s back.
You held up a finger to your mouth, gave him a threatening glare when he bit back a laugh. You rolled your eyes--it wasn’t funny. She almost walked in on the two of you and while she’d already endured some traumatic things this year, seeing her mom hooking up with the pop star from down the hall would be sure to take the cake.
When Harry caught your gaze again, you smirked, he giggled, clamped a hand over his mouth and watched you for a second.
“Be quiet!”
“You’re the one talking,” he laughed.
“Well she’s asleep now, but we can’t bring her back yet or she’ll wake up.”
“How long do we have to sit like this?”
“A while,” you told him with certainty. “This is called parenting.”
But he did, he sat on the floor on the side of the bed, watched you watch her and eventually, he picked her up from the mattress and followed you down the hall to her room. She softened into him, head on his shoulder and arms around his neck. The sight of it made you want to replay the earlier scene in your head over and over.
She didn’t stir, a few heavy sighs when you pulled the comforter back up to her shoulders, and once the door was shut behind you both, you smirked up at him.
“I think you should go back to your room.”
“Really? After all of that?”
“After almost getting caught by my six-year-old? Yes.”
He laughed and rolled his eyes playfully, crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine, but maybe we can do that again at some point and have it end differently.”
You nodded. “I think that sounds doable.”
He leaned forward, kissed you quickly, and then turned to head for his own room. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Harry.”
Harry came home from his house tour with good and bad news. The plumbing was fixed, which sped up their timeline, and yet the painters and interior decorator had gotten behind because of it, pushing the timeline out a few weeks.
You weren’t sure which part was good and which part was bad, because by now you were having trouble imagining what your house would feel like without him in it.
You got the news when he strolled in, athletic shorts and a baseball hat on his head when Jeff clapped him on the back. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Harry eyed him suspiciously, reached into the fridge for a juice box. “I live here…”
“Oh, I know you live here.”
“Hello, hi,” you waved at Jeff. “Please do not be weird.”
“That’s all he knows how to be,” Harry offered you a fake-apologetic look.
“That’s all he knows how to be,” Jeff mocked him. “Actually, I know how to be cool and not weird about the fact that my childhood best friend and my adult best friend-slash-artist are now, you know, involved.”
Your stomach did a somersault at his wording, a quick look in Harry’s direction, sure that he would deny the accusation or play it all down.
You found it hard to believe that Harry would be in support of labeling this as anything. Why on earth would a guy like him want to be tied to you with any sort of label or phrasing or word?
“Moving on,” Harry said with a nod. “Are we down to meet up with Tom and Sam tomorrow?”
“Yeah, and we have to do that phone call on Tuesday to go over tour dates.”
Maeve ran in then, a smile on her face when she looked up at Harry. “I have something to tell you.”
“I learned a new chord on the guitar. By myself.”
“You did?” He acted way more excited about it than he likely was.
Jeff smiled and then told Maeve: “If you learn enough chords maybe you can be his guitarist.”
“Really?!” She beamed.
“No,” you shook your head.
“Of course you would say that.”
“Maeve--you’re a kid, you can’t go on tour.”
“She’s right,” Harry said with a sweet smile, “You’re a bit too young for life on the road.”
“I’m eleven now, though!”
“I know! And very mature for eleven,” he complimented. “I’ll tell you what. You can for sure come visit and come back stage and maybe even bring a friend if your mother lets you.”
She looked to you quickly, excitement in her eyes when they all waited for your response. “Yeah--we can go at some point...see a show or something.”
“Hayley is going to die, oh my god!” She squealed with delight and then moved to sit at a stool beside Jeff.
He had half a sandwich on a plate, one he picked up on his way over for a boring Sunday afternoon of lounging by the pool. Maeve reached for a chip from the bag in front of him.
“By the way, mom, she invited me over Wednesday after school to work on a project, so can you bring me?”
“I have to bring CeCe to dance, sweetie.”
“Well I need you to bring me to the store to get supplies for this stupid poster-board thing we have to make! And Hayley’s mom said she had a question about Luna--something about a moisturizer or something.”
“I can take CeCe to dance,” Harry shrugged, almost like an onlooker in the room. “S’not a big a deal.”
“Are you sure?”
Jeff and Maeve crunched on chips between you, watching the exchange.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ll just need to put her booster seat in my car.”
“And bring her a snack for after--she’s always cranky and hungry.”
He laughed, “I can manage that.”
“What would we do without you, Harry?” Maeve asked, a smile on her face.
Jeff put his chin in his hands, teasing. “Yeah, what would we do without you?”
“No one would get anywhere, people would seriously be missing out on my chicken tacos, and this house would be a lot less fun to live in.”
Maeve nodded in agreement, another chip stolen from Jeff. “True, true, and true.”
A few nights later it dawned on you that Maeve and Harry were as close as ever, spending evenings in your dad’s old office while Maeve tried to wrap her arms around a guitar long enough to strum a few chords.
CeCe didn’t seem to feel too left out, she was more than happy to be an audience for Maeve when she’d come running into the living room: Harry taught me a G chord!
On Tuesday night after school it was CeCe’s idea to go for pizza, she chirped about it in the backseat the entire way home, and after learning that the body wash production was behind schedule, you weren’t in the mood to cook.
You took Harry’s car--showed him how to strap the booster seat in and make sure it wouldn’t budge. He wore a hat and sunglasses which both girls found hilarious, but to you it was almost disheartening. What did it mean for him to be seen out with your family?
He sat beside CeCe and cut her pizza into tiny bites so it would cool off, Maeve sipped Mountain Dew from a straw and filled you in on the latest with Hayley. This week was going well, though Hayley said something annoying in the cafeteria.
It felt normal, not weird for him to be sitting across from you, his feet against yours beneath the table and a smirk in your direction every once in a while.
Both Tristan and Zoey had been dying to hear more details. It slipped out one day in the office that okay...maybe it wasn’t just a one time thing, and now the group chat you had with them was blowing up every day.
They were excited for you, rooting for your comeback and rebound and eager for you to just admit that there was something there. But you weren’t able to do that, especially not when everything in your heart wanted to.
By the time you’d all finished eating, he dipped out the back to pull the car around front. You pointed at Maeve and told her to watch CeCe while you went up to the counter to pay for the pizza.
The woman behind the register smiled when you approached. Long acrylic nails, wrinkles at the corner of her eyes made it obvious that she could have been your mother.
“We had one large plain and one small with pepperoni,” you told her.
“Oh, you’re all set, sweetie, your boyfriend paid on his way out.”
Your head pulled back in surprise. “Oh--he’s--we’re not,”
She let out a laugh at your hesitance. “He was just as taken back when I told him he had a beautiful family--said they're not his, though."
You forced a laugh, if only to match the humor in her voice when you turned on your heels to head back to your booth. The thoughts started spinning when Maeve and CeCe climbed into the back of Harry’s car.
He smiled at you when you slid in, patted you on the thigh before he turned around to make sure both girls were settled--Maeve clicked CeCe’s buckle into place and then he put the car into gear.
Sleeping with Harry was mostly meaningless, right? He was attractive and living in your house and clearly you both got something out of it. Convenient, easy, fun. Most of your brain had you convinced that there’d never be any more to it. There was no way that Harry would be interested in sticking around: two kids, a business to run. You didn’t exactly come with no strings attached.
And he corrected the woman too--not my kids, not my family, not my wife, not my anything. Had she settled on the next step down when she called him your boyfriend, or had he offered the label to avoid an awkward encounter?
It felt immature, your heart beating with urgency as you thought about it the whole way home, beads of sweat along your hairline and not from the warm weather. He sensed it, eyed you from behind his sunglasses when he parked in the driveway. Maeve and CeCe raced to the backyard, leaving the two of you alone.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, all good,” you offered a small smile, the same response you gave to one of the girls if they caught you on a bad day.
He followed you inside, kept his eyes trained on you when you dropped your purse on the counter. “What?”
“You seem off.”
“I’m fine,” you lied again. What were you supposed to say? The woman behind the register at the pizza place is making me question the relationship we have and what it means?
You weren’t 17. You were 32. He was 24. All of these numbers swirled in your head when he took a few steps closer to you, eyes out the window quickly to make sure neither of the girls were watching you through the sliding doors.
He pushed a piece of hair behind your ear, lips turned down when he looked over your face. “You can talk to me, you know.”
“I know,” you caught his wrist and held on for a second, like if you let go he’d disappear and take everything between the two of you with him. You closed your eyes, knew better but still said: “the woman behind the counter called you my boyfriend.”
He let out a laugh, unaware that your words were actually a confession. “She called you my wife, said the girls were cute. I told her I couldn’t take credit.”
“Yeah,” you forced another smile.
“Is that--are you, did that bother you?”
“No,” you shook your head. “I just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I’m not,” he said, eyes still on you like he wasn’t quite sure where your head was at. He pressed a confusing kiss to your forehead but then said something about calling his sister. You checked work emails and night faded into morning like it always did, no matter how uncertain life was, you always had that.
The next afternoon you brought Maeve to Hayley’s, dropped her off with glue sticks and markers and a plethora of project supplies. A yoga class after that, had her home and with dinner on the stove by 6pm.
Eventually, CeCe burst through the door with a smile on her face. Her pink tutu was around her waist, her legs clad in light pink tights and her hair in a messy ponytail on top of her head. “I had the greatest time at ballet!”
You turned around in the kitchen, eager to hear about her day. “You did?”
“I did,” she nodded confidently. Harry came in the front door behind her, sunglasses on his face and CeCe’s unicorn backpack in hand. Maeve was sat at the counter with a pencil, growing angrier with fractions by the minute.
“Why’s that?”
“We danced to a fun song, and we played a fun game, and everyone loved Harry!”
Your eyebrows rose at that, eyes caught his when he lifted the sunglasses. “They did?”
“Moms, not the six-year-olds.”
This caught Maeve’s attention--she sounded almost disgusted. “Moms?”
“I guess ballet pick-up is typically a mom thing?”
You shrugged. “I mean--I don’t see a lot of dads there, so yeah.”
CeCe shimmied out of her tutu and then climbed up to a stool beside Maeve. Harry walked to hang her backpack on a hook by the backdoor, you questioned if it was even worth asking.
“Were they, like, hitting on you?”
“I mean, not really.”
“Not really?”
He walked over to the island and leaned on it, the dimple in his left cheek let you know he liked the hint of jealousy in your voice. “Maybe a little.”
Dinner simmered on the stove, evening sun brought a glow to the kitchen that made his eyes even more green than usual. When you didn’t reply he broke your gaze, let out a sigh and said: “I’m going to shower before dinner, yeah?”
“Sounds good,” you nodded quickly, embarrassed by the silliness of your question. Of course the moms were hitting on him, of course they were intrigued by his presence and of course they couldn’t help but say hi or even ask for a photo. It shouldn’t have surprised you in the slightest.
He was up the stairs and out of sight quickly, CeCe picked up an extra pencil of Maeve’s and started doodling on her agenda book. You pushed sautéed veggies around in a frying pan and pretended that all of this was normal.
“Hey mom?”
“Do you like Harry?”
You turned around quickly, Maeve’s eyes were inquisitive but not judgmental.
“Do I like Harry? Of course--he’s nice.”
“No, I mean do you like like Harry?”
CeCe didn’t seem too interested in your answer, she hummed to herself and kicked her feet back and forth. Maeve, though, waited patiently while you tried to piece together words that wouldn’t make the roof blow off of your house.
“Harry and I are friends, sweetie.”
“You’re not answering my question.”
You let out a forced laugh. “What is making you ask this?”
“You seemed jealous about the other moms.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” you defended. Were you really about to get into it with your eleven-year-old? Would you really defend yourself and make this the hill on which you'd die?
She watched you for a second, looked back down at the worksheet in front of her. “You seemed jealous.”
You were thankful for the fact that she wasn’t making any eye contact now. You let out a sigh and decided that not responding was your best option. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, had it been that obvious? Was she old enough to pick up on the undertones of your relationship?
You turned back to the stove, watched the vegetables sizzle in the pan as your mind started to cave in on itself. All of this was getting out of control, right? First the woman yesterday and the dizziness that overtook you when she said the word boyfriend. Now Maeve sitting at the counter with a curiosity in her that you couldn’t really blame her for.
The doorbell rang, CeCe’s head popped up in excitement. “Who is that?!”
“I don’t know,” you said. She hopped off her stool and took off the door as you followed behind her. You hadn’t planned on a visit from Jeff, maybe Tristan needed last minute approval on a product.
But when CeCe yanked the door open with both hands and an excited smile on her face, you didn’t expect to see Luke, hands in his pockets and eyebrows raised high.
“Hi sweetie,” he knelt down on one knee, wrapped his arms around her when Maeve made a noise of excitement before rushing over. She crashed into him, pushing her way into their hug.
“What are you doing here?” she asked excitedly.
“I wanted to visit, I was in the neighborhood,” he said with a shrug, eyes glancing up to you.
It was bullshit, he’d always been good at talking his way out of things or coming up with an explanation, smile sweet and words even sweeter. He backed away from them when they let go, stood back up and smiled at you, a quick nod in greeting.
“How’ve you been?”
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taleofharrison · 3 years
Summary: Calum doesn't hate Valentine's day anymore...or maybe he still does
Warnings: a really vague implied smut at the end
Requested: nope 
Word Count: 1082
A/N: For this year I will choose 4 different holidays and post an imagine, blurb or something with a different guy so the first one is today and Calum so enjoy.
It was of public knowledge Calum hated valentine’s day he didn’t see the point of this date when couples already made a fuss of their anniversary and if you love someone so much why do you have to wait until one day in the calendar to show your love for that significant other? Why only one date?
He didn’t like the pink and red hearts decorating every house in the neighborhood and every single place he had to go it was jus annoying a constant reminder of the most stupid holiday ever. Sometimes people would say that those were the words coming from his single ass, but Calum was sure that even if he had a partner to spend the holiday with, he would still think the same.
Little did he know that the girl who turned his world upside down would be making him anxious and nervous since it was their first Valentine’s day together somehow all the things he had said about the holiday were long forgotten at least by him because his bandmates were having a good time teasing him about how his views over this holiday had completely changed.
“I just don’t know what to do” he groaned again taking a seat next to Ashton who just chuckled at his friend’s exasperation.
Luke had excused himself to attend a call that had to do with his plans for Sierra, Michael had already ordered a roses bouquet and reserved a restaurant for him and Crystal, and Ashton had everything ready for a Valentine’s day in his house with Kay Kay just enjoying each other’s company and had a couple of gifts ready too. Everyone seemed to have the perfect plan but him and it was driving him nuts.
“Didn’t you say this was stupid?” Michael teased.
“That was before he met Y/N” Ashton continued the teasing “she has turned our Calum into a hopeless romantic.”
“Shut up” he mumbled “Just help me please.”
“Well, I don’t think there’s a single restaurant in the city that’s not full of reservations by now” Luke said entering the room putting his phone back in his pocket.
“So, the fancy restaurant is out of the question then” Calum groaned.
“Why are you so stressed about this? Luke questioned “you hate this day.”
“I just- it’s our first valentine’s day” he sighed “I don’t want her to think that I don’t care about small details.”
“Well, you’re not late to order some flowers” Michael offered advice.
“You said so yourself it’s your first Valentine’s together” Ashton tried to calm him “I’m sure she won’t mind a simple day together.”
When Valentine’s day arrived, you weren’t expecting anything you knew Calum didn’t like this day and you were fine with that you were never a fan of big gifts and over the top romantic gestures, so you were fine with just spending the afternoon at Calum’s place with Duke and maybe stay in at his place too.
It was Sunday so you didn’t have to go to work that day, you were expecting a chill day that until the knocking on the door interrupted your breakfast, you thought it might be Calum since the guys had to have this day for themselves and significant others studio work had been postponed until Tuesday.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” the delivery guy asked with a big bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“Yeah” you replied.
“This as for you” he handed them to you “have a nice day.”
As you closed the door you read the note that came with them.
<< Didn’t want my favorite flower to spend this day without a gift.
Meet me at my house later today.
- Calum >>
It was weird, you loved the detail, but weird. When you went public with your relationship fans kept tagging you on memes and stuff about Calum hating Valentine’s day you didn’t mind them in fact you found them funny hence the reason why you didn’t expect anything for today. You decided to call Calum.
“Y/N baby” Calum greeted when he picked up the phone “did you get the flowers?”
“Yeah I did” you replied “Cal I wasn’t-“
“Just come to place later around 3 would be good” he interrupted you “we can have lunch, time for us today and then dinner. You can even crash at my place.”
“I have work tomorrow” you laughed maybe after all a quiet simple valentine was expecting you.
“Then bring in clothes for tomorrow I don’t care” he answered. “I just wanna spend the day with you.”
“Ok see you later. Don’t miss me too much” you giggled before hanging up the phone.
Your day went on as a normal Sunday not really doing anything exciting or beyond ordinary you just had to wait until it was to meet your boyfriend later that day.
“Y/N/N” Calum exclaimed when he opened the door “I cooked your favorite and later we can have dinner in the backyard.”
“Okay” you said as you greeted Duke who was so happy to see you.
“Wait why dinner there?” you questioned once you processed his words.
“I decorated it there as a small cinema just us we’ll be watching your favorite movies” he explained “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“I thought we weren’t doing anything special today.”
“Well, any moment with you is special” Calum smiled hugging you.
“Alright what’s going on?” you finally faced him “you’ve been acting weird lately.”
“Nothing is-“ he tried but the look you gave him made him sigh in defeat “fine what’s wrong is this stupid day.”
“The guys had great dates and stuff prepared for today and I felt pressured now that I have you” he continued “I don’t want you to think I don’t care about this kind of special moments.”
“Calum, you have proved you care about small things constantly” you assured him.
“Yeah” you nodded “you remember my coffee order and surprise me at work with it, you call me every night just to listen to my voice honestly Calum you have proved me you are a great guy more than enough times I love you so much.”
“I love you too” he said closing his eyes “sorry if I let all of this get to me.”
“Is okay” you told him “now we are going to enjoy whatever you have ready for today” you said holding his hand “and then we can fine a more fun way to spend Valentine’s together.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
and to my prior request i have like those round coffee house glasses if there’s any consolation on what glasses i’m talking about lol & can i be on ur tag list? i love ur writing!!
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a/n: i am so sorry this took so long! despite quarantine, i’ve been unmotivated lmao. hope you like it!!
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Relationships are all about connecting to another person, learning to love every single little thing about them. Because people were so unique, with deep personalities, this could take some time to do. Eventually, you may know everything there is to possibly know, which seems shocking. You still remember the plot line between Jim and Pam on The Office, in which Pam insists there must be something she doesn’t know about her husband. But, she does.
It’s difficult to think about for too long because you’ll find yourself becoming infatuated with the idea of learning as much as you can. So, in this relationship of just two months, you were letting things happen as fate allowed them to. You told Calum things here and there, and he reciprocated.
It would be when a morning when you showed up for breakfast that you learned he preferred tea over over coffee. There’d be a boring day at his house where you’d learn that he and Roy had a rotating chore list, shared in their text messages but sometimes written on the white board in the kitchen.
It was on a Thursday night when Calum learned you liked to be in bed on a work night at 9 pm. He’s wrestled with you, wanting to stay longer, but gave up when he realized how tired you truly were. Finally, there was that time at Ashtons, for a barbecue, when Calum learned you were allergic to strawberries after attempting to romantically feed you the chocolate covered piece of fruit.
But, there was still things neither of you knew about each other.
Friday nights were usually when you had the most fun. You’d spend all weekend together, and it kick it off with some late night Taco Bell runs or trips to Luke’s for a double-date, movie night with him and Sierra. Tonight would be spent in, watching movies, most likely going to get some type of fast food way-too late and, for the first time ever, staying the night at Calum’s house. It was going to be a learning curve for many reasons.
In preparation for your night in, you had already removed your makeup and contacts, coffee-house styled glasses framing your clean face. Your hair was in a bun, Calum’s green Empathy hoodie around your torso, and black leggings adorning your thighs. You drove to Calum’s house with the driver’s side window down, but now the sun was set, and you began to roll it up as a chilly gust of wind blew across the valley.
Soon enough, you were stepping out of your car, tugging the strap of your overnight bag over your shoulder, and shuffling towards Calum’s doorstep. You knocked three times before beginning to rock back and forth on your heels. The door pulled open and Roy grinned down at you.
You offered a polite smile as he stepped aside to let you in, “Hey, Roy. How are you?”
“I’m good, [Y/N], thanks. You?” He stood against the now-closed door, watching as you slipped out of your shoes.
Your voice dropped to a murmur with the lightest pink coloring your cheeks, “Nervous.”
Roy laughed, moving back towards the living room with, “Ah, you’ll be fine.”
As soon as he turned the corner, you heard the Duke’s nails tapping against the hallway floor. He came into the parlor, running as quickly as his little legs would allow. You crouched down, the strap of your bag falling down your shoulder. You shrugged it off further and picked Duke up in your arms. He licked your cheek, tail wagging against the crook of your elbow. You stood upright, moving further into the house.
“Hi, baby,” you nuzzled your nose against the soft fur of his neck, grinning at his comfort.
“Wow, Duke, so quick to abandon me just because [Y/N]’s here,” Calum rounded the same corner, dressed down in a Santa Cruz sweatshirt pulled over his blonde hair and pajama bottoms. He looked so cute, your heart almost melted.
You looked up from the dog, a shy smile adorning your features. “He just misses me.”
“Well, he’s not the only one,” Calum wrapped his arms around you, holding you as close to him as he could with Duke between the two of you. You pulled back slightly, bending down to set Duke on the floor. Calum brought you back against his chest, lips grazing your cheek in a sloppy kiss.
You giggled, writhing away from his lips. Calum’s mouth moved towards your nose, eyes shut, but he pushed so harshly because you were pulling away from him that he bashed his face against your glasses. They fell to the ground and you stumbled into Calums chest, laughing so hard your face burned bright red.
Calum was laughing, too, though it was being dialed down by his guilt and worry for the frames he didn’t even know existed. He managed to grab them from the floor, doing a once over to see if they were okay. They were, save a single Duke hair on the glass, so he handed them over.
You calmed down and slipped them over your ears. Calum’s eyes focused on them, admiring the way they fit your face. He, “didn’t know you wore glasses.”
“I do,” you pushed them up your nose, hand dropping to your side. “Do they look bad? I-“
He grabbed your hand as it moved back up at the frames, fingers intertwining with them, “No, they’re, like really cute. Like super adorable on you.”
You blushed again, chewing on your bottom lip, “Really?”
“I just wanna kiss your face, you’re so cute, Jesus,” Calum grabbed your waist with his free hand. You bumped into his chest, finding your footing with your forearm draped over his shoulders.
“Just dont knock them off again.”
Later that night, Calum drove the two of you to Taco Bell. It was chilly, but in spite of that, you cradled a slushee in your hand. Calum was holding the other, intertwined in your lap. He pulled off a road that didn’t lead back to his house, and didn’t answer your questions.
He parked the car on a hill overlooking the city. He pushed up the center consol to reveal the middle seat underneath. With a light tug, he had you under his arm, snuggled against his side. You leaned into him graciously, the scent from his hoodie matching that on his neck.
You closed your eyes for a moment, nearly falling asleep when you felt the slushee slipping from your fingers. A flash, also, woke you from your near passed-out state. Your eyes opened to a photo on Calum’s Snapchat of you and him, in the same position. He was grinning, eyes trained on you. They were flushed with pure adoration and you felt your cheeks redden, chest swell.
“Can I post this on Instagram?” He scrolled through his phone, which was still in your eyesight.
You were slightly taken back, thinking that you looked awful in your glasses, face red from the poor car lighting, and chin nearly doubled because you were so snuggled up. You shook your head of the self conscious thoughts, “Oh, sure, I guess.”
“Hey,” Calum set down his phone and turned so he could meet your eyes. “Youre beautiful, okay? I know it might not be something you agree with or feel and I cant force you to believe, but you are beautiful.”
“Cal, I,” you hesitated, “Ive just always been self conscious of my glasses. You can post the photo, Im just scared that the comments are going to reflect my thoughts.”
Calum opened his phone again, tapping on more buttons than needed. He turned off the comments. Added a caption that said, “My personal (and cuter) Harry Potter.”
You glanced back up at him, cupping his cheek with your free hand. You pressed a kiss to his jaw, holding him against you for longer than a moment. He jerked back only to press his lips against yours.
“I want to make you fall in love with yourself while I do.”
TAGLIST: @mantlereid
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Batboys with Ambitious S/O HC:
Dick Grayson:
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·      He met you one day while you were on the phone rushing to a meeting
·      Neither of you were paying attention
·      You bumped into each other and after apologizing and exchanging names cause both of you were both immediately like “hot damn” lol
·      Once you were finally out of your meeting, you saw that he had given you his number
·      It was dropped in his bag
·      Like Jesus you needed that trick with business cards or something
·      You texted him a few days later and he asked you out for a coffee
·      That was when he realized who he was dating
·      Your schedule was FULL and he understood that but like wow girl
·      Once you guys started dating he realized how dedicated you were with work
·      Was lo-key worried that you’d replace him with more work
·      You promised him, and yourself that you couldn’t do that
·      He’s really supportive
·      He is also always telling you to go tf to sleep
·      Doesn’t want you to end up like Bruce or Tim in that sense
·      Always there for moral support
·      Basically, like your personal cheerleader
·      The best person to go to when you get good news or even bad news but like
·      He goes nuts when you finally get where you’re going
·      Over all, a very supportive mother hen type, 10/10
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·      You guys had known each other before he died and were taken in together by Bruce
·      Needless to say, when Bruce found you and Jason, he had one wheel and you had the other
·      You guys had a great bond and he always knew you as the dreamer kind that always wanted more
·      You were so exciting to start school actually
·      You saw it as a step forward
·      Bruce knew about what you wanted to do because Jason would always talk about it
·      “Yeah Y/N wants to do *rambles for an hour*.”
·      Bruce wants the best for you and so he lets you do some more schooling first and then BOOM business is booming baby
·      Well sort of
·      I mean it obviously took a bit and then Jason died and that slowed things a TON
·      When Jay came back though, you were at the top
·      You hadn’t totally moved on from him at all and when he came back you were a mess for a few reasons
·      Took a vacation with him when schedule permitted
·      He doesn’t technically make you go to sleep
·      He just greatly encourages it
·      He is aggressively supportive
·      “Hell yeah Y/N, that’s my Gf/bf kicking the competition’s ass!”
·      “Jason, this is a formal event, don’t say that!”
·      “Sorry babe.”
·      You two are moved in together pretty much the moment he’s back
·      You two were best friends and always will be so yeah that was simple
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·      You wanted to make it big in the music industry
·      You’d come from a terrible position too
·      Grew up in Chicago with a very powerful family who was killed and went into an orphanage due to the mob
·      The moment you got out, you were making music
·      Good music too
·      You sky rocketed to the top of the charts
·      That’s when you started dating someone, got your heart broken and made a sad album and then after that a very independent kind of marching to the beat of your own drum album
·      He met you on the tour of that
·      You were his favorite singer and he related to you a lot
·      Met him as Red Robin when your hotel room got robbed in Gotham
·      He went to the next show to make sure you didn’t die or whatever and caught the bad guy sneaking on stage before taking him out
·      He got your number for that
·      After that you guys started dating and quickly you knew who Tim was
·      That’s when socials went W I L D when you posted a picture kissing his cheek
·      You dropped an album called “Lovely Little Mess” about catching feelings and whether or not it was a good thing or not
·      He goes to the studio with you and you have an apartment together
·      You’re both up late working whether it be you writing or planning out things
·      He helps pick album covers sometimes if you’re really stuck
·      Listening to new songs
·      He isn’t good with tour outfits or putting songs onto albums because he loves them all
·      Doing interviews together or always waiting for the other to get out of interviews
·      omg the pap LOSES it when you two go to events together
·      Actually, everyone loses it so yeah 🤷‍♀️
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·      You were class president of the grade you two were in at the time
·      You were the first student he met at Gotham Academy that he didn’t hate up front even if you didn’t catch that
·      You had to show him around the school
·      Came with curly, half up, half down hair, uniform pressed, and basically stood like a president or queen
·      He really expected you to be a pretentious snob but you were everything but
·      He noticed that even if you hated someone, you were still nice if they could give you a step up or anything really
·      “So, what else do you do L/N?” He asked as you two walked down one of the hallways when you were showing him around
·      “I’m not really a sports person, I have my own business about to start right now though.”
·      *shook*
·      “And are you class president because you want to be or is this also a step up?”
·      “You ask a lot of questions Wayne.” You laughed, “Actually I do like this position but it also helps me get more opportunities at GA. Even when other colleges come around, they like to look at the class officers.”
·      He started making sure he was outside when you would go on morning bike rides since you live in the same neighborhood that he does
·      Or close enough to bike at least
·      I mean, you saw that every successful business person has a good schedule so now you hold yourself to that especially during summer
·      Bike ride before 9 am, cold shower, breakfast, some reading for school, any summer school work if you get any, and basically just having a good day (This applies except for weekends)
·      He got to know you more and more and fell hard
·      You were the dreamer type and it was beautiful
·      You had this look in your eyes every time you’d talk about something you wanted
·      Genuine rare person and he loved that
·      You guys stay up late together but he does eventually make you go to sleep
·      Gets worried when you don’t
·      He thinks it’s incredible, the things you do on top of a busy as hell high school life
·      He likes to show that off about you a lot
·      “My beloved is class president, president of 4 different clubs, runs her own businesses, and she is an over -all genius and will probably take over the world.”
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·      Is very proud of you and tells you often
·      Basically, that very supportive best friend
·      He’s someone that you can just go to whenever you’re stressed or just need a quick break
·      Will always make sure that you’re okay even if it’s just ranting about work
·      Goes to everything with you
·      He also lets you network at galas and stuff and is there for moral support cause that crap gets annoying
·      Talks about you 24/7
·      If you two are working late, I stand by this that he’s either playing Lofi, Khalid, or just chill vibey music
·      He is overall the perfect breath of fresh air from everything that goes on in work life and just life in general
·      Whenever something works out you guys go to a cool coffee shop and celebrate
·      Or a date somewhere
·      He’s also always putting notes or music recommendations in your bag so you find them when you go to work
·      “I noticed you seemed nervous so listen to *song* today when you can.”
·      It’s always the perfect song btw
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·      Both of you are very smart and ambitious
·      You two are probably running something together
·      Both working late
·      Very competent people
·      Put together lives
·      Best planners
·      Everything
·      It’s couple goals whenever you’re around each other
·      Even when you’re not tbh
·      He loves that you’re a hard worker and are always aiming for the top like he is
·      Very supportive
·      You have a very mature but youthful relationship
·      I don’t think he could be with someone that was really lazy and didn’t do anything at all
·      You’re perfect
·      Probably planning to propose already
·      He just knows you’re the one
·      He introduces you to the Batfam after a while and his father approves of the relationship which is amazing
·      Tag team couple
·      If one of you is down the other automatically goes into pick up mode
·      It’s really nice just to have someone to help you bounce out if you burn out
·      He totally won’t judge you when it happens or you just want a break from running full speed
·      He totally gets it
I hope you guys are having a great day and have had a great week! I stayed up wayyyy to late last night but I was watching a Yale lecture, doing my wall stuff, and then I got an entrepreneur toolbox from Dave Ramsay and I was really excited to get into it so that happened. I’m also so ready to be off my woman issue time so that I can go on a bike riddeee. I miss being outside but I’ll probably go tomorrow, we’ll see. Anyways, I hope you’re all doing great
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calumance · 4 years
Running Away - C.H.
Warnings: angst, some fluff at the end, tiniest bit of cussing.
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Stress is hard to deal with, it’s even harder to deal with when you bottle it up inside and hide it from the one person who know how to make it better.
A/N: This was requested from a anonymous person who sent me a message. I hope everyone likes it!! (and due to my lack of posting, I haven’t proofread this so apologies for the spelling errors!!) Feedback and requests always welcomed!!! (want to be tagged? Let me know!)
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           The office was dark, and absolutely silent. She was pretty sure everyone else in the office had gone home hours ago. Her head was pounding as she looked at the clock. According to the time, she should’ve been home two hours ago, but the new project her boss had put her on was making it so that she’s had to stay late almost every night this week. She lowered her head into her hands and sighed, all she wanted to do was go home and relax on the couch with her boyfriend. The project isn’t due for another few days, so she figured she could leave her work until tomorrow. With another sigh, she lifted her head and started to pack up her desk so she could head home.
           When she pulled into the driveway, all the lights in the house were off and her boyfriend’s car was gone. She let out another sigh and headed inside the house. Once she was inside, the only thing that greeted her was the black and white fluffy dog that she’s grown so attached to since she moved in six months ago. She flicked on the lights of the kitchen, immediately finding a note on the counter. “Hey baby! I had to go to Ash’s house to work on some demos, I didn’t have a chance to make anything for dinner, I left you some cash so you could order yourself some food. I might be home a little late, I love you, see you later.” She set down the note and eyed the cash on the counter. Suddenly, she was the opposite of hungry. She rolled her eyes and turned to the wet bar and poured herself a glass of wine before heading down the hallway towards the bathroom.
           The candles lining the bathtub were lit, and the water had a thick layer of bubbles on the top. Her clothes fell to the floor before she climbed in, closing her eyes and letting out a sigh of relaxation. After settling into the water, and taking a large swig from her wine glass, she grabbed her phone and started scrolling through some social media. Everything on her social media was incredibly hard to look at. Every time she scrolled, it was another attack on her or an attack on her relationship with Calum. This had been going on for a few weeks now, but she hadn’t had a chance to bring it up to anyone. She closed out her apps and opened the group chat with Sierra, KayKay and Crystal, typing a message saying, “How do you girls handle internet attacks? It’s been really bad this past week and work has been crazy and I don’t know how much more I can take.”
           The little grey dots showed up and quickly a message from Crystal came through, “At the beginning I’d get upset about it, but now I just turn off my phone and ignore everything until it passes, since everything does.”
           Another bubble showed up with a reply from Sierra, “I always talk to Luke about it. He always knows how to make me feel better. I never ask him to say anything publicly about it, but sometimes he does.”
           KayKay was the last to reply, but all she said was, “What’s going on? Are you getting attacked online?”
           “Yeah. I’ve been having some pretty rough days at work lately, and now I’m seeing all this shit about me online…it’s starting to be a bit too much.” Her fingers tapped furiously at the screen as the tears welled in the rim of her eyes.
           “Calum is here, do you want me to talk to him?” KayKay responded.
           “No, I’ll talk to him later. Going to order some food and then take a nap until he gets home. Thanks for talking with me, loves.” She ran a hand across her forehead before sending the message, putting her phone off to the side and settling down into the tub. Her eyes closed as she let out a breath in order to relax.
           After some time had passed, and she could no longer lay in the water, she got out and drained the tub. Trying to relief any bit of stress she felt, she put on her favorite lotion and her favorite pair of pajamas. Duke followed her out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where she reached down and grabbed his food bowl. After she set his bowl back down, she walked to the couch and pulled her knees into her chest. The TV played a mindless show as she sunk into herself, pulling her hood up and over her head. All she wanted to do was cuddle with her boyfriend and relax.
           It wasn’t until the front door shut loudly, and she jolted awake, that she even realized she was asleep. She sat up and rubbed her eyes seeing Calum walk into the kitchen hastily. There was rummaging in the kitchen as she pushed herself up and walked the short distance, pulling the hood off her head. “Hey, Cal. How was your night?”
           Calum’s head snapped toward her, causing her to step back, “Fine. Did you order any food? I’m absolutely starving.” She shook her head and Calum replied by rolling his eyes. “I was really hoping you had ordered food, I even told Ashton I didn’t want to eat there because you were going to order something. Man, why is it that you only think about yourself?” Calum ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
           Her eyebrows knitted together as she dropped her hands to her side. “I’m sorry, your note didn’t say ‘order food so we can eat together later,’ your note said ‘order yourself some food.’ I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t order anything. I literally did what your note said.” The rage inside her stomach started to boil, but she tried to keep it calm.
           His eyes focused on her as daggers came shooting out of them. ‘Well, maybe you would’ve thought about the fact that all you’ve been doing is staying at work late, so we never get to spend time together, but that’s all you think about, too.” His eyes widened as he spat the words out. A fire raging behind them that made her stomach turn.
           “I’ve been working my ass off so that I can move up in my career, my career is going to be there even when you’re not!” She raised her voice at him, “If you truly believe that all I care about is myself, then why don’t you go date someone who will look better in front of the cameras and get you all the views and see how much they care!” The rage inside her stomach had finally boiled over, the tears stinging on her cheeks and they rolled down. She licked her lips and spun around before letting Calum say anything. The next thing she knew she was running down the street, away from the place she thought was home.
           While she ran, she thought about where she was going. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure, but all she knew was she wanted to go somewhere she could scream. Scream as loud as her lungs would allow and no one could hear her. The ground pounded beneath her feet, her pace not slowing in the slightest. It wasn’t until she got to the top of a hill and reached a clearing, the city was in front of her, the lights twinkling in the night. Her breath was heavy, there was a chill in the air. She took one last final breath before screaming at the top of her lungs as he knees bent and she dropped into a squat, placing her hands on either side of her head. Suddenly, all the noises in her head and in front of her died down.
           Her head lifted from her hands as she fell back and sat on the ground, holding her knees to her chest. The city became blurry as the tears welled in her eyes. As she continued to stare at the lights of the city in front of her, she blinked and let the tears roll down her face. She stayed there until her breath evened out, and then a little longer, suddenly finding herself lost in the movement of the lights in front of her. It wasn’t until the uncomfortable sting of the dirt beneath her started to become unbearable that she realized she had sat there far too long. As she shifted, she blinked, clearing the haze from her vision, then pushed herself up off the ground to start her walk home.
           She had an idea in her head how far she had run just based on how far the city was from her, but it didn’t become completely clear until she found herself absolutely exhausted from the long walk back home. The lights of the house were still illuminated, and the brightness matched the pain in her feet. As she opened the door, all she could think about was falling into bed and sleeping, whether Calum wanted her to be there or not. The door shut behind her and she started walking towards the bathroom to strip out of her pajamas and put on something that wasn’t covered in sweat. Just as she rounded the corner to the hallway, she heard a soft voice call her name. When she turned to the left, she saw Calum slumped on the floor, back pressed to the couch, his phone clutched in his hand. The rims of his eyes painted red, and black circles tucked underneath his brown eyes. She stopped dead in her tracks, putting her hands in the pocket of her sweater. “I didn’t think you’d ever come home.” He said, pushing himself off the ground.
           Just as her shoulders lifted in a shrug, she eyes the clock on the wall behind Calum. She hadn’t realized she had been gone multiple hours. She pulled her lips into her mouth and dropped her gaze to her feet. “I don’t exactly have anywhere else to go.” She lifted her gaze back to Calum and squinted her eyes, “Listen, I just want to change and go to bed.”
           “Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been getting harassed online?” Calum asked, holding his phone up only a few inches. She pulled her eyebrows together, silently asking him how he found out. “What you said before you ran out, it didn’t make sense to me. I got online and I saw all the horrible things that were being said about you, and then I called Luke to tell him about it and Sierra told me that you were texting her today saying it’s been going on for a while, and with the stress from work,” He trailed off, his eyes starting to water. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
           Feeling the tears starting to well in her eyes, she pulled her lips into her mouth and looked at her feet as they shifted under her. With a shrug she responded, “Didn’t want to bother you. I can handle my own problems.” She didn’t look at him while she waited for him to respond. Instead of responding, though, he lunged towards her and threw his arms around her, pulling her as close to him as he possibly could.
           His lips rested on the top of her head as she hesitantly wrapped her arms around him, melting into his body and eventually letting out all of her pent up emotions. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know all of this was going on. I said you were the selfish one, but it turns out I was the one being selfish. How can I make it up to you?”
           She felt her body relax as he apologized and she shook her head against his chest. “I was being selfish too, I should’ve told you.” He nodded against her head, “You know how you can make it up to me?” She asked him, lifting her head from his chest. He hummed, waiting for her response. “Cuddle with me until I fall asleep, and then breakfast in bed tomorrow morning.”
           A smile stretched across his lips as he nodded, “It’s a deal.”
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My Ultimate Reading List v2.0 Blurbs Part 2
A/N: As some of you have heard or seen, My Ultimate Reading List (in it’s original version) has crashed on desktop because of (as I realised trying to restore it) too big number of links, so I’m basically recreating the whole thing in a new format. This post goes for 2nd part of Blurbs. Here’s the 1st. There’s one more post for One Shots and Serieses. I’m really sorry for the tag notifs for the people who has been tagged already in a previous version. Hope it’s not much of an inconvenience. I’m also not going to delete the first version of the list, as it’s been liked and reposted a lot of times, it’s still working on mobile, so some might still use it. But all the updates are going to happen only on these two posts, which I’m going to put in my bio instead of an old one.
So, this list was created because of my crazy urge to reread favourite fics and blurbs from time to time. It was made purely for me, but if it helps you to find a fic or a writer you’d love, I’d be only happy. I tried to make navigation easy. For blurbs links go to my reblogs, for oneshots and full lengths links go to the original posts. I try to check links from time to time, but if you see that some of them don’t work, please, hmu.
* stands for the implied smut
*** stands for the pure smut
This list is far from finished, that’s just the first things that came to mind and/or were reblogged. Still have a ton to add. So will update it every now and then.
NOTE, pls: There’s no Michael content here! And that’s not because I don’t like him or don’t appreciate him enough. I guess, it’s quite the opposite tbh. There’s no Michael content here because I appreciate him too much. I love this cute little kitten, he’s the most precious soul and, most of the time I think, there would be no 5sos without Michael Gordon Clifford. I just don’t have any fantasies or images of him in me, don’t see him in any way romantically. That’s why I don’t read (or write for that matter) about him as main character. I understand, that I miss a whole lotta great authors and fics because of that. Maybe it’ll change in the future. But for now, it is what it is.
Cockwarming with Ash by @calpops
Teasing competition with Ash* by @i-calumhood
Being Luke’s friend and getting close with Ash by @babe-babylon
Cherry lollipop* by @i-calumhood
Dad Ash and his lil girl by @irwinkitten and @rosecolouredash
Power out*** by @cal-puddies
Ash coming home late at night*** by @talkfastromance4
Dad Ash and a sick baby by @ukulelecal
Taking baby boy Hood to Disney by @singt0mecalum
Hogwarts AU Slyth competitors to lovers by @burncrashbromance
Making love to Calum*** by @i-calumhood
Cal keeping you to himself by @i-calumhood
Ice skating first date by @calpops
Clingy baby Hood by @calpops
Cal’s daughter being bullied by @calpops and @rosecolouredash
Fratboy Cal helps you to get off*** by @i-calumhood
Telling Cal he’s going to be a dad on fathers day by @i-calumhood
Facetiming kids from tour by @babe-babylon
Meeting Cal from tour with kids by @i-calumhood
On to the second baby by @babe-babylon
Cal spending time with his baby boy by @calpops
Meeting Cal in the bar*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Toxic hate sex with Cal*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Taking care of Cal after tour*** by @i-calumhood
Parking lot by @calpops
Soulmates with firefighter!Cal by @angelbabylu
Cal giving you hickeys by @singt0mecalum
Cal’s son’s first gf by @babe-babylon
Bff Cal calling you his good girl*** by @singt0mecalum
Cal coming home with new tattoo*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Cal talking to your newborn by @babe-babylon
Bath routine with baby girl Hood by @babe-babylon
Cal singing to your baby bump by @babe-babylon
Soft and cuddly Calum by @vipclifford
Long distance with Cal*** by @i-calumhood
Cal finding out he’s going to be a dad* by @babe-babylon
Duke and baby Hood by @i-calumhood
Dancing with Cal by @calpops
Goodnight selfies by @babe-babylon
Rainy weekend in with dad Cal by @calpops
Mutual pining with bff Cal by @mutualmv
Grocery shopping by @calpops
Masturbating Cal*** and Masturbating for Cal***  by @cal-puddies
Watching porn with Cal*** by @cal-puddies
Friends in love by @flannelpunkcalum
Waking up with Cal by @calpops
Guys hear you with Cal*** by @cal-puddies
Walking in on roommate Calum fucking this girl*** by @ukulelecal
Having sex with roommate Calum*** by @ukulelecal
Morning blowjob*** by @ukulelecal
Calum confirms his love to you by @cal-puddies
Outing dating Calum by @cal-puddies
Dad Cal talking to his newborn baby by @calpops
Aesthetical opposites with Cal by @calpops
Sharing headphones by @currentlyupcalsass
Dad Cal and dating perspectives by @myloverboyash​
First time staying at Calum’s* by @calpops
Chosing a school with dad Cal by @calpops
Cal proposing by a tattoo by @calpops
Dad Cal and future drummer daughter by @ukulelecal
First kiss (enemies to lovers) by @calpops
Lazy day with Cal by @vipclifford
Dad Luke and teenage daughter by @babe-babylon
Sending nudes to fratboy Luke*** by @hereforlukescruff
Dad Luke coming from tour by @babe-babylon
Car sex by @flannelpunkcalum
Dad Luke and a newborn baby by @ukulelecal
504 notes · View notes
crownedbyluke · 5 years
In This House (Part Two/Finale)
Tumblr media
Ashton is trying to pick up the pieces after your breakup. He’s doing everything he can to keep on fighting through the pain and heartache that he feels in the now empty home.
Word Count: 1,600
Part One. Masterlist.
“Ashton what do you mean that you slept with her?” Calum shouted as he stared at his best friend.
“She showed up and I just, there was so much going on that I kissed her and then it lead to more and I couldn’t stop myself,” Ashton admitted, hanging his head. He had already felt guilty for sleeping with Y/N, but the pain he had felt when he woke up the next morning to empty sheets was worse. No note and no explanation of why she had left or why she had even come in the first place. It was something he wasn’t expecting and the moment it had ended, he had agreed to take her back, take all of it back, but the cold bed next to him told him what he already knew. She wasn’t his.
“Ashton, she put you through hell. She fucking got up and left you. She walked out of your life and after all the work you’ve put in to build yourself back up, you just let her ruin you again!” Calum yelled, the anger and disappointment coursing through him. The vein in his neck was strained and his fists were clenched. It was a rare sight, but nevertheless, here was Calum angry with Ashton.
“I know! Okay! Do you really think that I don’t know that? That I didn’t feel stupid the moment I woke up and she was gone?” Ashton fired back letting his emotions take over.
He had already done so much fighting in the past couple months that it had worn him down. There was basically nothing left to give and if one more thing happened, he was sure to break completely.
“She left?” Calum asked, clearly confused by the words from his friend’s mouth.
“Yes. We had sex, she fell asleep in my arms, and when I woke up, she was gone,” Ashton said, a hand running through his hair.
Calum crossed the kitchen quickly and wrapped his arms around Ashton.
“Fuck her okay? You deserve so much more than being treated that way. Ashton, look at me,” he said, resting his hands on Ashton’s shoulders.
Ashton slowly lifted his head, hazel meeting brown.
“You are not at fault for this. She’s a bitch okay? She doesn’t deserve you. She never did. You are such an amazing guy and if she can’t see that than she can fuck right off,” Calum said, almost shaking Ashton as he talked.
There were tears welling up in Ashton’s eyes, the pain starting to really hit him. Calum pulled Ashton against his chest and felt his friend release all the pain that had been building up. Ashton cried and clutched onto Calum, finding solace in the comfort his friend was giving him.
“That’s it, I’m moving back in,” Calum whispered as he held Ashton.
Ashton just nodded, not willing to argue anymore and really needing the extra person around.
“You know that means you have to bring Duke with you right?” Ashton asked, pulling away and wiping his bloodshot eyes.
“Oh my god. If you wanted me to bring Duke over, you could have just asked,” Calum chuckled, tossing Ashton the Kleenex box.
“Come on, let’s go get him and some things. Oh and I need some clothes if I’m gonna be here more often,” Calum said, picking up his keys and gym bag.
Ashton smiled weakly at Calum before grabbing his backpack and heading out the door.
Duke ran through Ashton’s house, his little paws scattering across the wooden floors. Ashton laid on the floor, watching the pup run and smiling every once in a while when Duke would slid over the surface. Calum was on the couch, laughing while watching Duke and Ashton bond. Duke ran right up to Ashton and licked his nose.
“He likes you,” Calum said, smiling at the video he saw on his phone of the moment.
“Yeah, he does,” Ashton said, his voice lighter than it had been earlier in the day.
Calum returned the smile and posted the video to his Instagram, secretly hoping that Ashton’s ex would see it and get the hint. Ashton kept playing with Duke for the rest of the day, until there was a knock on the door. Ashton’s head flicked up, nearly catapulting himself off the floor.
“Ashton! Don’t!” Calum called after him, trying to get to his friend before he made a mistake he’d regret again.
He was too late though, Ashton flinging the door open and finding Luke there.
“Luke!” Ashton said happily, like he had been expecting him.
“Ash. I wasn’t expecting you to be so happy,” Luke said, looking the older boy up and down before meeting Calum’s gaze behind him.
Calum shrugged, unsure what exactly had happened between Ashton crying into his chest and Luke showing up at his house, but here was Ashton acting like he was perfectly fine. It was weird, but Calum glanced down and saw Ashton’s phone light up, the familiar name making his blood boil.
“Are you fucking serious right now Ash? Are you texting her?” Calum asked, grabbing the phone from his hand and holding it up.
He didn’t care if he was treating Ashton like a child, he wasn’t going to let his best friend continue to set himself up for heartbreak.
“No. Jesus Cal. Look at the name again,” he said, the frustration written all over his face.
Calum glanced down, the name Andy lighting up the phone. He had misread Ashton’s phone, but he wasn’t really at fault. He knew it was something Ashton would do.
“Can I come in?” Luke asked, staring between his friends.
Ashton nodded, moving away from the door so Luke could walk in. He walked over to the window to open the curtains, needing the natural sunlight to brighten up his mood some more. He paused as the car he had become so familiar with drove by. He could see Y/N’s face through the window and watched as she slowed down a bit before she continued on. He felt his heart sink a little as she went by, a small part of him hoping she’d stop. He shook his head, remembering that he deserved better and turned back to his friends.
Calum had just fallen asleep on the couch, Duke in his lap, and Luke asleep in the chair across from them. Ashton couldn’t sleep though, his mind and thoughts keeping him awake. That’s when he heard it, the melodic knock of her hand against his door. He cursed under his breath before getting up and opening the door. There seemed to be tears in her eyes, her hair was in a messy ponytail, and her nails were bitten away.
“I left,” she whispered, her voice quivering slightly.
“I know,” he answered, frustration and anger building just under the surface.
“Ashton, I-”
“You said you loved me last night and I stupidly believed you,” he said, the anger clear in his voice.
“I do, but-”
“There are no buts for this Y/N. If you wanted to be with me, hell if you wanted to stay, you would have,” he said, gripping the door frame tighter.
“It’s more complicated than that!” she argued, wiping at her eyes.
He hadn’t seen the new tears forming in her eyes, let alone seen them fall.
“It shouldn’t be! If you love someone, you don’t just leave them whenever it gets rough!” he almost shouted.
Ashton didn’t want to wake Calum and Luke up so he closed the door behind him. It was slightly cold outside, but he couldn’t help but want to put his hoodie on her shoulders to warm her up.
“But you’re the best-”
“Don’t do it. Don’t say it Y/N because it’ll hurt more when you pick up and leave again. You can’t keep doing this to me. It hurts too much and it gets harder to put myself back together when you decide I’m not good enough anymore,” he said, wiping his own tears away.
Fighting with her always hurt, but fighting with her when he knew what would happen after hurt more.
“I don’t want to lose you,” she mumbled, reaching out to touch him.
He moved before she could, head snapping up and staring her down.
“You can’t do that! You don’t get to walk back in whenever you want to just tear me down again. It isn’t fair to me!” he yelled, clenching his fists.
She shrunk away from him, something she always did when he yelled. Not because she was scared, but because she hated knowing that she made him upset.
“There isn’t an excuse or reason that would make leaving me okay. You need to leave and stay gone!” Ashton said, bringing his hand back to his face.
“But Ash, I still love you,” she said, her voice still unsure of itself.
“No you don’t,” he said, turning away from her.
“Yes I do,” she said, her fingers curling around his shoulder.
He reached up, her touch igniting that same fire in him that it always did. He pulled her hand away, taking the fire with it.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I can’t keep playing your games and doing this Y/N. I can’t love you anymore,” he said, hanging his head.
It hurt like hell to say the words out loud, but he couldn’t keep doing this to himself. He was done climbing just to fall for her again. It was time to rebuild. He heard her car door close and the sound of her engine start. She drove off and as Ashton stood there, he felt the relief flood over him. There was no more fighting and finally he felt like he could breathe on his own.
tag babes: @24kcalum @bbycal @thruheavenandhighwater @notoriouslyhood @qualitylu @a-little-international @thebookamongmen @cashton-queen @irwinsx @tommossoccer @norawashere
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My Ultimate Reading List v2.0 Fics
A/N: As some of you have heard or seen, My Ultimate Reading List (in it’s original version) has crashed on desktop because of (as I realised trying to restore it) too big number of links, so I’m basically recreating the whole thing in a new format. This post goes for One Shots and Serieses. There’s one more post for Blurbs. I’m really sorry for the tag notifs for the people who has been tagged already in a previous version. Hope it’s not much of an inconvenience. I’m also not going to delete the first version of the list, as it’s been liked and reposted a lot of times, it’s still working on mobile, so some might still use it. But all the updates are going to happen only on this post, which I’m going to put in my bio instead of an old one.
So, this list was created because of my crazy urge to reread favourite fics and blurbs from time to time. It was made purely for me, but if it helps you to find a fic or a writer you’d love, I’d be only happy. I tried to make navigation easy. For blurbs links go to my reblogs, for oneshots and full lengths links go to the original posts. I try to check links from time to time, but if you see that some of them don’t work, please, hmu.
* stands for the implied smut
*** stands for the pure smut
This list is far from finished, that’s just the first things that came to mind and/or were reblogged. Still have a ton to add. So will update it every now and then.
NOTE, pls: There’s no Michael content here! And that’s not because I don’t like him or don’t appreciate him enough. I guess, it’s quite the opposite tbh. There’s no Michael content here because I appreciate him too much. I love this cute little kitten, he’s the most precious soul and, most of the time I think, there would be no 5sos without Michael Gordon Clifford. I just don’t have any fantasies or images of him in me, don’t see him in any way romantically. That’s why I don’t read (or write for that matter) about him as main character. I understand, that I miss a whole lotta great authors and fics because of that. Maybe it’ll change in the future. But for now, it is what it is.
Heartbeat by @gigglyirwin [Classic fluff and one of my all time faves]
Our Shining Star [Dad!Ashton] by @myloverboyash [Special thank you to @lashtoncurls for the tracking down the runaway author lol]
Blindfold*** by @cal-puddies​ [Cashton smut which is too hot for this world]
Ain’t nobody got a drummer like mine*** by @myloverboyash [Drumming and banging 👀 at the drum kit]
I Can Love You In The Shower*** by @myloverboyash [Cute giggly shower sex with a little bit of trauma]
Will We Always Be Pretending*** by @myloverboyash [Bff to lovers AND fake dating in one fic, what else could you wish for???]
Wherever You Are*** by @myloverboyash [childhood best friends to lovers]
Let Me Be The One To Save You pt 1 and pt 2 by @myloverboyash [prince!Ashton Au by which I am intrigued and I AM WAITING PATIENTLY, SKYLER, LOL]
Noticed Nights by @calpops [Artist!Ash and another masterpiece by Eve]
The Little Spoon by @gigglyirwin [Classic fluff] 
Valentine’s Day*** by @angelbabylu
Lucky Shot In Paradise*** by @cakesunflower [Bartender!Cal]
Heartbeat by @uncrownedqueeen [Dad!Cal]
All These Years by @felicitycal
Blindfold*** by @cal-puddies [Cashton smut which is too hot for this world]
No chemistry*** by @novacxlum [Heartbreakingly great college enemies to lovers]
Where were you in the morning?* by @snapbackcake [If this ultimately truthful but sad af one won’t make you cry, consider asking for help, because it’s too sad but also beautiful as hell]
Let me good to you*** by @snapbackcake [The description says it’s 6.8k words of absolute filth, and I have nothing else to add besides of what a great filth it is, so, 18+ kids]
Road Trip: Cake*** by @softforcal [Er, Cake threesome, idek what to say here]
Redamancy by @cakesunflower [Heart wrecking fluff]
Birthday Getaway by @etherealhood [Cuteness and romance overload]
Ghost of you by @myloverboyash [Super angst, prepare to cry your eyeballs out, and i’m still in my feels, Skyler, how could you???]
Picture this by @currentlyupcalsass [One of the best college au’s ever]
Best Friend’s Brother*** by @lukescaboose [Nerdy Cal and soft smut]
Another Ride*** by @babyloontrash [Another Cal smut which is like, really hot]
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth*** by @i-calumhood [Wonderful enemies to fuck buddies to lovers with an asshole college!Cal]
Ice*** by @morningfears [Super hot enemies to lovers with hockey player Cal aka an ultimate dream]
Ka Hopena by @wildflowergrae​ [Soulmate AU, surfing and Hawaii, what else can you ask for?]
We Got That Good Love*** by @myloverboyash​ [Sex in the shower and like wet Calum)]
Balloon*** by @currentlyupcalsass [one of the most precious things I have ever read in my entire live! realisation of love to Calum of mc and absolute happiness for you]
First Concert by @ukulelecal [dad!Cal and kids visiting 5sos concert]
Eleven*** by @babyloontrash [fwb with breakfast]
Boyfriend’s little brother*** by @lukehemmingssmut  [There was also a second part promised, sooooo ^.^]
Fuck me like you hate me*** by @myloverboyash
Baby*** by @lukescaboose [Sweetest ever bff to lovers with soft boi Lu]
Hashimoto by @burncrashbromance​ [special for Disabled!Sos]
Full lengths and Serieses
Hate sex Series*** by @irwinofficial Tell Me How Much You Hate Me, Our Kinky Secret, Good Enough, No Longer A Secret  [one of the best Ash smuts ever 👀]
Side chick*** by @cal-puddies [Beautifully filthiest smut with cheating, all the wrong choices and Cashton love triangle] part 1, part 2
Sugar Coated Pain by @cakesunflower [Boxer!Cal] [That’s what I lost my 5sos-fanfiction-virginity to, so, hey, Summer, thanks for the experience lmao]
Cigarette series*** by @cal-puddies [Best friend!Calum and a lot of hot smut 👀] Cigarette, Corona, Rolling Papers, Black on Black, Stuck [which was later replaced by the next part, but I’ll put it as long as it exists on the original list of parts, but don’t get confused], Navy Button Down, A Hotter Touch, Pancakes, The Second Thing, Ours, Losing You, Little toes, Holy Water, Date Night, Me, You and Little Hood, Five Years Later
Wherever you are by @mysticalhood [Long distance with Cal and tons of tears with me]
Dates With Cal by @calpops [this is so cute i higkey don’t want it to end like ever] First date, Second date, Second date pt, Third date, Calum cooking part one and two, The next evening, Cuddling and meeting guys, Worrying about ‘his girl’, Being her only guy, Meeting Mali, Soft nights, Talking about her family, Not everybody liking her, Tropical getaway, Being smitten around guys, Leaving talk, Night before the tour, Being away from each other, Cal coming home, Saying ‘i love you’, Cal being jealous of Duke, Watching her in the morning, Taking a bath together, Talking to guys about taking a next step, Grocery shopping, Asking her to move in, Choosing a house, Packing her stuff, Packing his stuff, First night in the new house, Unpacking, Finding out habits
Business Blurbs by @calpops [series of blurbs of Calum and Ash being owners of a record shop, Luke keeping an antique store and Mike having a bakery]
Masquerade Made by @calpops [fake dating college AU blurb series] First party, Fighting in a philosophy class
Veiled Valor by @calpops [pirate!Calum, runaway princess, heart wrecking mutual pining and writing style deserving 19th century prose] Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Versace on the Floor by @singt0mecalum [Dad’s friend Calum, age difference and *supposedly* hottiest content] Intro chapter
819 notes · View notes
My Ultimate Reading List
So, I’ve been thinking about making this for a long time. I’m exactly that reader, who likes rereading favourite stuff. But even though I reblog things I would like to come back to, tumblr is still a lil shit with searching through my tags, esp with 18+ content.
This list was made purely for me, but if it helps you to find a fic or a writer you’d love, I’d be only happy. I tried to make navigation easy. For blurbs links go to my reblogs, for oneshots and full lengths links go to the original posts. I try to check links from time to time, but if you see that some of them don’t work, please, hmu.
* stands for the implied smut
*** stands for the pure smut
This list is far from finished, that’s just the first things that came to mind and/or were reblogged. Still have a ton to add. So will update it every now and then.
NOTE, pls: There’s no Michael content here! And that’s not because I don’t like him or don’t appreciate him enough. I guess, it’s quite the opposite tbh. There’s no Michael content here because I appreciate him too much. I love this cute little kitten, he’s the most precious soul and, most of the time I think, there would be no 5sos without Michael Gordon Clifford. I just don’t have any fantasies or images of him in me, don’t see him in any way romantically. That’s why I don’t read (or write for that matter) about him as main character. I understand, that I miss a whole lotta great authors and fics because of that. Maybe it’ll change in the future. But for now, it is what it is.
Heartbeat by @gigglyirwin  [Classic fluff and one of my all time faves]
Our Shining Star [Dad!Ashton] by @myloverboyash [Special thank you to @lashtoncurls for the tracking down the runaway author lol]
At the End of Night by @bringmethehorizonandpizza
Surprising Turn of Events* by @bringmethehorizonandpizza
Blindfold*** by @cal-puddies​ [Cashton smut which is too hot for this world]
Finding Joy by @bringmethehorizonandpizza [You, Ashton and adopting a cat drama, love love love]
Ain’t nobody got a drummer like mine*** by @myloverboyash [Drumming and banging 👀 at the drum kit]
I Can Love You In The Shower*** by @myloverboyash [Cute giggly shower sex with a little bit of trauma]
Redamancy by @cakesunflower [Heart wrecking fluff]
Birthday Getaway by @etherealhood [Cuteness and romance overload]
Valentine’s Day*** by @letsfuckndance
Lucky Shot In Paradise*** by @cakesunflower [Bartender!Cal]
Heartbeat by @uncrownedqueeen [Dad!Cal]
All These Years by @felicitycal
Blindfold*** by @cal-puddies [Cashton smut which is too hot for this world]
No chemistry*** by @novacxlum [Heartbreakingly great college enemies to lovers]
Where were you in the morning?* by @ snapbackcake [If this ultimately truthful but sad af one won’t make you cry, consider asking for help, because it’s too sad but also beautiful as hell]
Let me good to you*** by @snapbackcake​ [The description says it’s 6.8k words of absolute filth, and I have nothing else to add besides of what a great filth it is, so, 18+ kids]
Road Trip: Cake*** by @softforcal​ [Er, Cake threesome, idek what to say here]
The Little Spoon by @gigglyirwin [Classic fluff]
Boyfriend’s little brother*** by @lukehemmingssmut  [There was also a second part promised, sooooo ^.^]
Fuck me like you hate me*** by @myloverboyash
Full lengths and Serieses
Hate sex Series*** by @irwinofficial Tell Me How Much You Hate Me, Our Kinky Secret, Good Enough, No Longer A Secret  [one of the best Ash smuts ever 👀]
Sugar Coated Pain by @cakesunflower [Boxer!Cal] [That’s what I lost my 5sos-fanfiction-virginity to, so, hey, Summer, thanks for the experience lmao]
Cigarette series*** by @cal-puddies [Best friend!Calum and a lot of hot smut 👀] Cigarette, Corona, Rolling Papers, Black on Black, Stuck [which was later replaced by the next part, but I’ll put it as long as it exists on the original list of parts, but don’t get confused], Navy Button Down, A Hotter Touch, Pancakes, The Second Thing, Ours, Losing You, Little toes, Holy Water, Date Night, Me, You and Little Hood, Five Years Later
Best Friend Pact Series by @calumh-excess [I’ve been crying like a baby over it] Best Friends, To Lovers, And Now Parents, But Never Forgot They Are Human
Wherever you are by @mysticalhood [Long distance with Cal and tons of tears with me]
Dates series by @calpops [this is so cute i higkey don’t want it to end like ever] First date, Second date, Second date pt2
All 4
First responders!5sos series by @calumsendgame and @heartbreak-5sos  
Character template
Police officer!Ashton First meeting, Meeting under cover, Late night at her apartment part1, part2***, Kitten’s Kitty, Ash being overprotective
Firefighter!Calum Coming home after shift*
Paramedic!Luke Coming home late, Exam preparation
Dad!5sos series by @calumsendgame 
Dad!Calum Working at home, Baby boy Hood can’t leave Duke
Cashton besties by @myloverboyash [I’m still crying over this]
Farmer!Ashton series by @calumsendgame HeadCanon, Losing the baby, Levi’s at the hospital, Willow’s teenage depression
Pregnant with a werewolf!Ash by @flannelpunkcalum
Valentine’s Day sex*** by @softforcal
Cashton threesome*** by @paqueretteash
Overstimulation*** by @paqueretteash
Telling Ash you’re pregnant by @paqueretteash
Dealing with a teenage daughter by @i-calumhood
Accidental injury by @i-calumhood
Friend to lovers by @myloverboyash
Pregnancy cravings by @i-calumhood
Ashton and Joy by @bringmethehorizonandpizza [second part to Finding Joy]
Cuddle buddies by @i-calumhood
Best friend!Ash staying over under any possible excuse by @i-calumhood
Ash leaves you his clothes before going on tour by @asht0ns-world
Being pregnant with twins by @i-calumhood
You leaving surprises in Ashton’s baggage by @i-calumhood
Ash being nervous about kissing you by @angelbabylu
Riding Cal for the first time*** by @i-calumhood
Cal eating you out by @flannelpunkcalum
Your picture on Cal’s home screen* by @softforcal
Giving Cal head while he’s on the phone by @softforcal
Shower sex*** by @i-calumhood
Cashton threesome*** by @paqueretteash
Calum realising he’s in love by @permntvacaticn
Fighting with Cal by @cakesunflower
Calum comforting you by @honeycombcal
Surgeon!Cal blurb, second one and third from me by @cakesunflower [One more million thank you’s for letting me write for it!]
Stealing his clothes by @sweetcherrylu
Dad!Cal teaching his son to play bass by @paqueretteash
Cheek kisses by @i-calumhood
Kids cuteness by @i-calumhood
Small kisses by @calumh-excess
Sickness and sex*** by @heartbreak-5sos
Hammock cuddles by @heartbreak-5sos
Wide awake at 1 am by @reallycalum
Hot morning by @i-calumhood
Angry sex*** by @i-calumhood
5am by @saintlaurentcalum
Morning by @cakesunflower
Moving in by @i-calumhood
Duke being protective over your bump by @ singt0mecalum
Duke being a cockblock by @i-calumhood
Dad!Cal with your little girl at Disneyland by @c-sainthood
Dad!Cal with shy lil girl by @c-sainthood
Luke making Cal awkwardly confess by @etherealhood
Cal fucking you till you tear up by @flannelpunkcalum
Taking care of Cal when he’s stressed by @i-calumhood
Unrealistic scenarios by @i-calumhood
Hate fuck at college*** by @i-calumhood
Brownies and board games by @rip-lukes-balsamic
Calum confesses he wants an eternity with you by @i-calumhood
Lounging on the couch with Cal and Duke by @calpops
Brining your newborn baby girl home by @sublimehood
Dad!Cal reads to your baby by @c-sainthood
Fuck besties with Cal*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Calum leaving for tour and you’re a mess by @myloverboyash
Dad!Cal, kids and pancakes for mommy by @i-calumhood
Quickie before leaving for the party*** by @sublimehood
You’re drunk and Cal takes care of you while you confess your undying love to him by @i-calumhood
Coming home to Cal and baby sleeping by @c-sainthood
Car sex*** by @i-calumhood
Cal calling you ‘my girl’ by @calvmofficial
Cal taking you backstage from a crowd to fuck*** by @sublimehood
Duke protective over baby hood by @singt0mecalum
Baby hood playing with Duke by @singt0mecalum
Cock warming with Cal*** by @calpops
Clingy Cal by @i-calumhood
Sex with dad!Cal while kids are sleeping*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Jealous fwb Cal and hot bathroom*** by @honeyedhood
Calum wakes you up to go stargaze by @myloverboyash
Fake kisses at the coffee shop by @rip-lukes-balsamic
Talking about marriage and kids by @calpops
Saying the L-word* by @softforcal
Coming home to a sleeping y/n by @rakkaroses
Cuddly Cal by @rakkaroses
Running away from an event to eat french fries by @i-calumhood
Waking up to an empty bedside by @reallycalum and her anonymous
Waking up to a shirtless Cal by @i-calumhood
Calling Luke Buttercup by @i-calumhood
Fake dating by @c-sainthood
Breastfeeding by @i-calumhood
Riding Luke in a bus bunk by @hereforlukescruff
Blowing Luke while he’s in a suit*** by @hereforlukescruff
Post-divorce dad!Lu fluff by @calumh-excess
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My Ultimate Reading List v2.0 Blurbs Part 1
A/N: As some of you have heard or seen, My Ultimate Reading List (in it’s original version) has crashed on desktop because of (as I realised trying to restore it) too big number of links, so I’m basically recreating the whole thing in a new format. This post goes for 1st part of Blurbs. Here’s the 2nd. There’s one more post for One Shots and Serieses. I’m really sorry for the tag notifs for the people who has been tagged already in a previous version. Hope it’s not much of an inconvenience. I’m also not going to delete the first version of the list, as it’s been liked and reposted a lot of times, it’s still working on mobile, so some might still use it. But all the updates are going to happen only on these two posts, which I’m going to put in my bio instead of an old one.
So, this list was created because of my crazy urge to reread favourite fics and blurbs from time to time. It was made purely for me, but if it helps you to find a fic or a writer you’d love, I’d be only happy. I tried to make navigation easy. For blurbs links go to my reblogs, for oneshots and full lengths links go to the original posts. I try to check links from time to time, but if you see that some of them don’t work, please, hmu.
* stands for the implied smut
*** stands for the pure smut
This list is far from finished, that’s just the first things that came to mind and/or were reblogged. Still have a ton to add. So will update it every now and then.
NOTE, pls: There’s no Michael content here! And that’s not because I don’t like him or don’t appreciate him enough. I guess, it’s quite the opposite tbh. There’s no Michael content here because I appreciate him too much. I love this cute little kitten, he’s the most precious soul and, most of the time I think, there would be no 5sos without Michael Gordon Clifford. I just don’t have any fantasies or images of him in me, don’t see him in any way romantically. That’s why I don’t read (or write for that matter) about him as main character. I understand, that I miss a whole lotta great authors and fics because of that. Maybe it’ll change in the future. But for now, it is what it is.
All 4
First responders!5sos series by @calumsendgame and @heartbreak-5sos  
Character template, Guys talking girls
Police officer!Ashton First meeting, Meeting under cover, Late night at her apartment part1, part2***, Kitten’s Kitty, Ash being overprotective
Firefighter!Calum Coming home after shift*
Paramedic!Luke Coming home late, Exam preparation
Dad!5sos series by @calumsendgame
Dad!Calum Working at home, Baby boy Hood can’t leave Duke
Cashton besties by @myloverboyash [I’m still crying over this]
Farmer!Ashton series by @calumsendgame HeadCanon, Losing the baby, Levi’s at the hospital, Willow’s teenage depression
Pregnant with a werewolf!Ash by @flannelpunkcalum
Valentine’s Day sex*** by @softforcal
Cashton threesome*** by @paqueretteash-deactivated201905
Overstimulation*** by @paqueretteash-deactivated201905
Telling Ash you’re pregnant by @paqueretteash-deactivated201905
Dealing with a teenage daughter by @i-calumhood
Accidental injury by @i-calumhood
Friend to lovers by @myloverboyash
Pregnancy cravings by @i-calumhood
Ashton and Joy by @bringmethehorizonandpizza [second part to Finding Joy]
Cuddle buddies by @i-calumhood
Best friend!Ash staying over under any possible excuse by @i-calumhood
Ash leaves you his clothes before going on tour by @asht0ns-world
Being pregnant with twins by @i-calumhood
You leaving surprises in Ashton’s baggage by @i-calumhood
Ash being nervous about kissing you by @angelbabylu
Ash and his kid missing mommy by @i-calumhood
Ash helping you study by @i-calumhood
Riding Cal for the first time*** by @i-calumhood
Cal eating you out by @flannelpunkcalum
Your picture on Cal’s home screen* by @softforcal
Giving Cal head while he’s on the phone by @softforcal
Shower sex*** by @i-calumhood
Cashton threesome*** by @paqueretteash-deactivated201905
Calum realising he’s in love by @permntvacaticn
Fighting with Cal by @cakesunflower
Calum comforting you by @honeycombcal
Surgeon!Cal blurb, second one and third from me by @cakesunflower
Stealing his clothes by @sweetcherrylu
Dad!Cal teaching his son to play bass by @paqueretteash-deactivated201905
Cheek kisses by @i-calumhood
Kids cuteness by @i-calumhood
Small kisses by @calumh-excess
Sickness and sex*** by @heartbreak-5sos
Hammock cuddles by @heartbreak-5sos
Wide awake at 1 am by @reallycalum
Hot morning by @i-calumhood
Angry sex*** by @i-calumhood
5am by @saintlaurentcalum
Morning by @cakesunflower
Moving in by @i-calumhood
Duke being protective over your bump by @singt0mecalum
Duke being a cockblock by @i-calumhood
Dad!Cal with your little girl at Disneyland by @c-sainthood
Dad!Cal with shy lil girl by @c-sainthood
Luke making Cal awkwardly confess by @etherealhood
Cal fucking you till you tear up by @flannelpunkcalum
Taking care of Cal when he’s stressed by @i-calumhood
Unrealistic scenarios by @i-calumhood
Hate fuck at college*** by @i-calumhood
Brownies and board games by @rip-lukes-balsamic
Calum confesses he wants an eternity with you by @i-calumhood
Lounging on the couch with Cal and Duke by @calpops
Brining your newborn baby girl home by @sublimehood
Dad!Cal reads to your baby by @c-sainthood
Fuck besties with Cal*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Calum leaving for tour and you’re a mess by @myloverboyash
Dad!Cal, kids and pancakes for mommy by @i-calumhood
Quickie before leaving for the party*** by @sublimehood
You’re drunk and Cal takes care of you while you confess your undying love to him by @i-calumhood
Coming home to Cal and baby sleeping by @c-sainthood
Car sex*** by @i-calumhood
Cal calling you ‘my girl’ by @calvmofficial
Cal taking you backstage from a crowd to fuck*** by @sublimehood
Duke protective over baby hood by @singt0mecalum
Baby hood playing with Duke by @singt0mecalum
Cock warming with Cal*** by @calpops
Clingy Cal by @i-calumhood
Sex with dad!Cal while kids are sleeping*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Jealous fwb Cal and hot bathroom*** by @honeyedhood
Calum wakes you up to go stargaze by @myloverboyash
Fake kisses at the coffee shop by @rip-lukes-balsamic
Talking about marriage and kids by @calpops
Saying the L-word* by @softforcal
Coming home to a sleeping y/n by @nocciolohood
Cuddly Cal by @nocciolohood
Running away from an event to eat french fries by @i-calumhood
Waking up to an empty bedside by @reallycalum and her anonymous
Waking up to a shirtless Cal by @i-calumhood
Cal cooing over his baby daughter by @i-calumhood
Cal kisses you to hide from your ex by @calpops
Sexting Calum by @calteahood
Dad!Cal and kid’s jealousy by @calpops
Dad!Cal and Easter by @i-calumhood
Giving tired Cal massage by @i-calumhood
Cal taking care of baby Hood mama by @i-calumhood
Baby Hood hears 5sos song in a shop by @babe-babylon
Dad!Cal and nightmares by @babe-babylon
Bffs to lovers by @calpops
Clenching on Cal’s tee and one more by @i-calumhood
Cal coming home to you and Duke by @calpops
Jealous Cal by @calpops
Slow sex with Cal*** and one more*** by @flannelpunkcalum
Eloping with Cal by @calpops
Cal holding his daughter for the first time by @i-calumhood
Calling Luke Buttercup by @i-calumhood
Fake dating by @c-sainthood
Breastfeeding by @i-calumhood
Riding Luke in a bus bunk by @hereforlukescruff
Blowing Luke while he’s in a suit*** by @hereforlukescruff
Post-divorce dad!Lu fluff by @calumh-excess
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