#I was proud how this drawing of him turned out!
anonymousewrites · 2 days
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Seventeen
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Seventeen: Delinquent Run-In and Teruhashi’s Home-Visit
Summary: Kaidou is scared of Aren because he discovered his past, and Saiki is scared of how the world gives Teruhashi whatever she wants.
            After school, which had been normal for (Y/N) but filled with Kaidou’s thoughts of how scared he was of Kuboyasu since he had discovered he used to be a delinquent for Saiki, the three headed back to their homes, walking down the same paths and roads.
            “Saiki, (L/N), want to grab some food?” asked Kaidou as they rounded a corner.
            “Hey,” said a boy in a group of four, much taller and muscular than Kaidou. The group grinned menacingly.
            “I know this is sudden, but could you lend us some cash?” said another in the group.
            Kaidou tried to back away, but one boy dragged him back. Two got on either side of Saiki.
            “You can’t escape either,” said one.
            (Y/N) took a step back, but the last one stepped towards them. “Not you, either!”
            Saiki, Kaidou, and (Y/N) stood in the center of the group of delinquents, cornered.
            “Give us your money!” One grabbed Kaidou by the collar, and Kaidou deflated in fear. “Don’t ignore me!”
            “Leave him alone,” snapped (Y/N), stepping forward.
            Don’t get involved! Saiki didn’t want them getting hurt.
            “Do you want some of what he’s having?” sneered the leader, shoving Kaidou back into a wall.
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes. They had a pretty good punch, but they saw the metal baton in one of their hands, and they knew they couldn’t do much about that.
            “(Y/N), don’t,” said Saiki, sending the words directly into their mind. He would step in if they got put in danger, but he’d prefer for them to avoid it altogether.
            “H-Hey, ignore them,” said Kaidou bravely (still shaking, though). He lifted up his wallet. “Here’s my wallet.”
            Saiki had to admit, he was proud of Kaidou for drawing the attention intentionally back to himself so that (Y/N) wouldn’t get hurt.
            “Wow, look at all this cash!” said the delinquents gleefully.
            “Now you two,” said another, stepping again towards Saiki and (Y/N).
            Saiki moved slightly in front of (Y/N).
            The delinquent reached out towards Saiki. Kaidou jumped in between and pushed the delinquent back.
            “Run, Saiki, (L/N)!” cried Kaidou, and the three took off away from the delinquents.
            “Wait! Stop right there, bastards!” cursed the boys, running after them.
            Saiki and (Y/N) kept their speed up, staying away from the delinquents, but Kaidou, thanks to his lack of physical ability, started falling back, and the boys grabbed him.
            “Kaidou!” said (Y/N) in alarm, preparing to stop and help him.
            They’re way too nice, sighed Saiki, slowing to a stop. If it was Kaidou, maybe he’d turn back since he helped him escape, but since it was (Y/N), he’d definitely stop.
            “Hey, Saiki, (L/N), what’s up?” Kuboyasu rounded the corner that Saiki had reached intentionally in his run. He paused as he saw Kaidou being held by the delinquents. “What is this?”
            “Kuboyasu, run away!” said Kaidou urgently. He knew Kuboyasu was strong, he’d seen it himself, but his instinct was to sacrifice himself for his friends (rather honorable). “Take Saiki and (L/N) with you and run.”
            “Hey, do you have cash, too?” said one delinquent, walking up to Kuboyasu as the other three kept an eye on Kaidou, Saiki, and (Y/N). “Did you think we would let you just go?”
            Kuboyasu back-fisted the delinquent. “I used to be a delinquent,” he said, letting the boy fall. “So after I transferred, I tried to be a law-abiding citizen.” He walked towards the next delinquent that went running towards him.
            “You’re dead!” he cried.
            Kuboyasu punched him, and he fell to the side. “But this path is tougher than the path of a delinquent,” said Kuboyasu. “I can’t stop myself if others are looking for a fight.” He punched and kicked the next boy. He approached the final delinquent who still held Kaidou tightly. “This is me.”
            “What?” said the delinquent fearfully.
            “Don’t touch my friends!” shouted Kuboyasu, punching him in the face.
            Kaidou stared at Kuboyasu, sparkles and tears in his eyes. “Kuboyasu…” he spoke in awe and thanks.
            “Come on. I’ll make sure you guys get home alright,” said Kuboyasu, turning away.
            “Thanks, Kuboyasu,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Saiki just nodded. (Y/N) had ended up alright, so that was enough.
            “Yeah, thanks,” said Kaidou. “I thought you’d be scary as a delinquent, but it turns out you’re still really cool.”
            Kuboyasu glanced at him in surprise. “You knew?”
            “Of course,” said Kaidou, puffing out his chest and returning to his usual self. “Did you think you could deceive my demonic eye?”
            “Really? I thought I blended in perfectly,” said Kuboyasu.
            “We don’t care about your past,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “Right!” said Kaidou. “What matters is who you are now and who you’ll be in the future.” He reached out, and Kuboyasu shook his hand.
            “What a nice moment,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Kaidou winced as Kuboyasu’s strong grip hurt his hand.
            “He’s weak,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “Still a nice moment.
            “Kusuo, why are we at your neighbor’s house?” said (Y/N). They had come over to work on homework with Saiki, but they had made a sudden exit from his house to the neighbor’s.
            “Yuuta needs babysitting,” said Saiki.
            “You don’t like babysitting, so why are we really here?” said (Y/N), grinning as they read him perfectly.
            “Teruhashi asked my mom to teach her to make cookies, so she’s coming over. I decided to watch Yuuta over at his house to avoid her,” said Saiki.
            “Got it,” said (Y/N), laughing since Saiki went to such trouble to avoid Teruhashi.
            “Hey, hey, come on, I want to watch TV!” said Yuuta. “Cyborg Cider-man No. 2, Cherry Blossom Lemonade, come on!”
            “Coming.” That show is just an ad.
            The doorbell rang.
            Yuuta ran up the mic to answer it. “Yes?” he said nervously. Clearly, he didn’t like strangers (but not enough to not mistake them for superheroes).
            “Sorry, I made a mistake.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened. It was Teruhashi’s voice on the other side. She had managed to get the house wrong but found the one where Saiki actually was. The universe really does look out for her.
            Yuuta opened the front door and peeked out. “Who are you?”
            Teruhashi panicked. “Sorry, I pressed the button by mistake.”
            Yuuta disappeared and pulled (Y/N) and Saiki to the door for “protection” from the strange lady. (Children were immune to Teruhashi’s charms, which got her frustrated).
            “Come on, Cyborg Cider-man No. 2, Cherry Blossom Lemonade! I need you two to make sure everything’s okay!” said Yuuta. “Someone suspicious is here.” He dragged them into the doorway.
            “Yare yare.”
            “Hi, Kokomi,” said (Y/N), waving. They were as friendly as ever, even if Saiki was disappointed.
            “Saiki? (Y/N)?” Teruhashi blinked in surprise.
            “We have no choice but to return to my house,” said Saiki to (Y/N).
            “I’ll stick with you, and you’ll survive,” said (Y/N) encouragingly.
            That made Saiki felt better.
            “Welcome, Kokomi!” said Mrs. Saiki, smiling at Teruhashi as she entered the kitchen. “And (Y/N), welcome back in. I was hoping you’d stick around, too. Would you like to join us cooking?”
            (Y/N) brightened. “I love baking.”
            That was true. (Y/N) wanted to be a confectioner, and Saiki had the honor to try some of their creations (absolutely delicious and made him fall for them more. The way to someone’s heart, especially Saiki’s, was indeed through their stomach).
            Darn it, I thought I’d get private time with Mrs. Saiki. If she likes me, then Saiki will like me more, thought Teruhashi. Not that it matters, but, after all, boys like a girl more if their parents like her, and I’m the perfect pretty girl, so of course Mrs. Saiki would want me in her family, and then she’ll say that to Saiki, and he’ll say “oh, wow!”
            Yare yare.
            “It has been a long time,” said Teruhashi, smiling at Mrs. Saiki.
            “It has,” said Mrs. Saiki. She smiled. “Oh, and hello to you, too, Yuuta.” She laughed as she looked at (Y/N) and Saiki standing with Yuuta held by Saiki. “From this angle, you two look a married couple.”
            Teruhashi stared at (Y/N) and Saiki, and he nearly sighed as her thoughts spiraled, but his own embarrassment at his mom’s words kept him quiet. He didn’t mind the idea. Marriage was just existing with a person you care about and getting to spend time with them (and hug and kiss them), so that didn’t sound bad at all for Saiki. Not if it was with (Y/N).
            (Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and they chuckled. “I guess so,” said (Y/N), but they avoided Saiki’s gaze in case that made him uncomfortable. Still, the thought was a nice one. They really liked Saiki. They could spend forever with him.
            “I’ll get the ingredients ready if you two just wait here,” said Mrs. Saiki, completely oblivious to the reactions her words had elicited.
            “Of course, we’ll wait right here,” said Teruhashi, smiling as Mrs. Saiki walked away. She glanced at Saiki and found that Yuuta was staring at her strangely. What’s he looking at? Perhaps he’s experiencing his first love. Smiling, she said, “Hello, Yuuta!” He hid his face in Saiki’s chest, and (Y/N) had to smother a laugh at the intense reaction. This brat, thought Teruhashi. Fine, I’ll try something else. She straightened and picked up the box she’d put on the Saikis’ table. “I brought some cake! Do you want some?”
            “Cake?!” said Yuuta eagerly.
            “Oh, that does sound good,” said (Y/N), and Saiki nodded. Their massive sweet-tooths were always up for some confections.
            They sat down, and Mrs. Saiki rejoined them to open the box. Teruhashi had gotten pieces for herself, Saiki, Mrs. Saiki, and Mr. Saiki, but since Mr. Saiki wasn’t there and she had gotten an extra (due to being a pretty girl), she had enough for everyone.
            “I have an extra piece, so if you would like to, you can have some,” said Teruhashi, smiling.
            “Oh, they look delicious!” said Mrs. Saiki. There was a lemon cake slice, a yellow cake with strawberries on top, a cupcake, a chocolate cake slice, and a heart-shaped cake with “love” written on it.
            Teruhashi’s eyes widened in panic as she saw the last one. That was the free one she’d gotten, but she hadn’t seen it until then. What type of impression would that send to Saiki?!
            “Oh, who is this one for?” said Mrs. Saiki, holding up the heart-shaped cake.
            “Oh, I don’t know!” said Teruhashi quickly. “The chef picked them all out! It was a surprise! I guess he thought it would taste good! It doesn’t mean anything!” Her cheeks were bright pink as she panicked. “Everyone can take whichever one they want.”
            “Alright!” said Yuuta excitedly.
            “Thank you so much, Kokomi,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Thank you.” Saiki would never refuse a sweet.
            Why did he give me that cake? Teruhashi sat down. Still…I would like Saiki to eat that one.
            Her hopes were crushed as Yuuta eagerly bit into the heart-shaped cake.
            After they finished their treats, Mrs. Saiki smiled and said, “Well, thank you so much, Kokomi.” She looked at Yuuta. “Make sure you thank Kokomi. It’s polite.”
            “Thanks, ma’am!” said Yuuta.
            An arrow pierced Teruhashi at the old-woman (in her mind) term.
            Mrs. Saiki didn’t notice and continued, “Would you and (Y/N) like to get started on the cookies, now?” The phone rang before the two could answer, and Mrs. Saiki rose to answer it.
            Teruhashi glowered at Yuuta, imagining all the ways she could get her revenge in the future for him slighting her so terribly.
            Saiki decided to use this to his advantage.
            (Y/N) recycled the cake box and placed the dishes on the counter to be washed later.
            “Oh, I’m sorry, Kokomi, (Y/N),” said Mrs. Saiki, putting down the phone and looking at the two. “I forgot that I had a town council meeting!”
            “Oh, then I’ll come again,” said Teruhashi, bowing.
            “It’s no problem, we’ll do it another time,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Oh, no, no, you can wait here if you want to,” said Mrs. Saiki. “It should end in thirty minutes. Ku, keep (Y/N) and Kokomi company.”
            “I was the one who invited (Y/N) over,” said Saiki.
            I’ll be alone with Saiki! realized Teruhashi.
            (Y/N) and Yuuta are here, thought Saiki.
            “Bye, I’ll be back soon,” said Mrs. Saiki, grabbing her purse and heading out.
            Instantly, Yuuta turned towards Saiki and (Y/N). “Can I watch TV?”
            Don’t you have your own TV? griped Teruhashi inwardly, but out loud, she just said, “Let’s watch TV!” She turned on the TV for him. I cannot get angry at this child. If I can distract him and (Y/N), then Saiki and I can have a moment alone.
            “We’re going to watch TV to avoid Teruhashi, aren’t we?” whispered (Y/N).
            How do they know what I’m thinking? Saiki nodded, and the pair sat down on the couch.
            Teruhashi stared. They’re watching TV, too?! She deflated. I guess we can’t be alone.
            The only one I wanted to be alone with today with was (Y/N), and you interrupted that, thought Saiki.
            “What is this show about? It seems cool,” said Teruhashi, attempting to get Yuuta to like her again.
            “I’m watching this. Be quiet,” said Yuuta.
            Teruhashi was stricken as he rudeness towards her continued. She couldn’t take any more. Swaying on her feet, she turned towards the door. “I just remembered something. I need to go home. Tell your mother I’m sorry.”
            Saiki looked down at Yuuta and smiled proudly. The kid had done what he couldn’t and scared Teruhashi off. Now after Yuuta’s mom got back, he and (Y/N) could spend some time alone. (And maybe (Y/N) would bake for him…that sounded like the perfect day).
            Yuuta just stared intently at the screen as Cyborg Cider-man No. 2 and Cherry Blossom Lemonade fought Baron Cola. Then, a third superhero entered the scene, a woman with blue hair and a sweet smile.
            “I am Peach T Girl!” she declared. “And I am here to help defeat Baron Cola.”
            Oh no. Saiki watched as, in Yuuta’s thoughts, Peach T Girl appeared as Teruhashi—the two looking strangely similar. Not again. No.
            Yuuta leapt up with a grin. He could have all three superheroes here if he got Peach T Girl back. He ran towards the door. “Wait! Peach T Girl!”
            “The world loves her too much,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “More like Yuuta loves that show too much.” They stood. “Come on, if we move out of the living room, Yuuta will make her sit down and talk to him about being a superhero and distract her from you.”
            You’re an angel. Saiki stood and followed (Y/N). Maybe he would get some quality time with them without too many idiots around.
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antonitty · 2 days
༊*·˚ You drew Stars around my Scars !
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alternatively , how they react to your scars ༊*·˚
Contains ʚɞ insecurities , comfort , fluff , reader getting emotional, established relationship
(A/n)༊*·˚ In case you ever feel insecure about your scars , don't be <3 Scars , no matter from what they were caused , show how strong you were in the situation. As someone who also has scars , it's normal to feel insecure about them sometimes but learn to accept them , they're part of who you are and who you have become — a strong person <3
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༊*·˚ Shotaro
♡ When he first saw your scars , he didn't point it out because he knows that he shouldn't plus he didn't want to — if you wanted to tell him about your scars he'd gladly listen , but he didn't want to force you to talk about it just because he asked. ♡ but he did let you know that he saw them by small actions such as gently caressing your scars , leaving little kisses on them or just gentle rubbing his thumb across them while lovingly smiling at you.
༊*·˚ Eunseok
♡ When he first saw your scars , he just stared , a little perplexed as a thousands thoughts run through his mind. He snaps out of it though when he saw you shifting, feeling a little uncomfortable with his stare. ♡ He'd quickly apologies and pull you into his arms , as much as he wanted to know , he didn't ask from where you got those scars from. He'd reassure you and mumble soft apologies , kissing your forehand and telling you how proud he was of you and that you were his strong , pretty girl
༊*·˚ Sungchan
♡ Another one who was a little perplexed and didn't know what to do . Was it okay to ask? Would it be too much if he'd ask? But thankfully , you noticed his expression and chuckled a little — explaining that the scars were old and what had caused them. ♡ his heart would swell when you told him about it , he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him about it as it could've been a touchy subject for you. Also someone who'd subconsciously caress your scars when the two of you were cuddling.
༊*·˚ Wonbin
♡ the first time he saw them was when the two of you were getting intimate for the first time. He noticed that you weren't undressing until the lights got turned off , which he had no issue with. But what really made him realize why was when his fingers grazed the bumpy skin, his fingers twitching a little at the feeling. ♡ He panicked a little when you started to feel insecure and mumbled little apologies , telling him that he didn't need to touch your skin if he felt disgusted by them which he quickly shook off. He asked you if this was the reason why you wanted the lights off to which you replied with a small "Yes" before he asked if he can turn them back on again. When you asked why , he replied by saying "So I can kiss each and every single one of them"
༊*·˚ Seunghan
♡ He found out about them while you were sleeping on top of him. Since you only wore his shirt which was huge on your frame , it had moved and revealed your skin while you were moving in your sleep. ♡ He just smiled solemnly and gently caressed them , kissing your forehead while you were sleeping but he didn't mention that he saw them when you woke up.
༊*·˚ Sohee
♡ He gasped when he first saw them. Not because he was disgusted or shocked , no no , in his opinion — your scars were cool! They showed how strong you were no matter what had caused them and he'd tell you that as soon as he saw them with that bright smile of his. ♡ He didn't want you to feel insecure about them so whenever you did , he would draw little stars or flowers on/around them. He even bought band aids with a cute print on them so you could cover them in case you felt really insecure about them.
༊*·˚ Anton
♡ He first saw them when the two of you were supposed to go swimming in his private swimming pool. You were gone for way too long for just getting changed in your swimsuit so he went to check up on you — just to see you standing in your swimsuit , crying. ♡ His heart stopped the moment he saw you crying so he immediately asked what was wrong to which you simply turned around. His eyes would roam around a little to see each scar but his eyes held nothing but love. He pulled you into his arms and reassured you , telling you that you could've just told him that you didn't want to swim and didn't had to force yourself like this. He'd kiss your forehead before kneeling down , kissing your scars softly and telling you that you were even more beautiful to him now — your flaws made you more beautiful in his eyes because it reminded him that you were also just a human , a strong one.
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Tagging༊*·˚ @minhosimthings
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hannahssimblr · 2 days
can you put on your creative director / marketing hat and talk about the cover art for lucky boy (and/or both) 🎤
!!! I've actually never been asked about visuals before this is so fun!!
Okay! So here's the cover in question
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Honestly I love this and I was really proud of how it turned out.
The raw & more detail is below the cut
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Alright! so the idea for this was that it's simply an image of Jude: finally free!
Here he is backpacking in Thailand which he hasn't done yet as of the date of this post, but Lucky Girl readers will know that he eventually Does Do That.
You can tell by his hair here too that he's older. He has this haircut when he reunites with Evie briefly in 2012, so I imagine this trip took place sometime around summer-autumn 2011.
To be honest the whole purpose of Lucky Boy was as sort of an extension of the original story for Lucky Girl readers who wanted more in-depth detail about Jude's life, more than what he ever had the time to tell Evie during her portion of the story, so for that reason the story is filled with little hints of what we know will happen, as well as nods to specific things about him that some have already learned - Like, how the story opens with him getting both ears pierced. The fact that he was a boy with two (and eventually 3) piercings was something that Evie found particularly cute and unique about him, and it's something he references in jest from time to time. ("haven't you seen my cute little earrings?")
Anyway, Thailand is where he gets that rather meaningless forearm tattoo, but it's also a place where he spends a lot of time alone. He does travel with a friend, but said friend is holed up with food poisoning for a significant chunk of the trip, which makes me quite certain that Jude spent a lot of time doing a lot of thinking. I'll explore this more in the actual story when I get there, but it's worth pointing out that when Evie meets him after this trip she notices a certain calmness in him, and like he's lost a lot of the boyish energy ("I realise I am looking at a man"). I feel like this trip is somewhat responsible for that.
He's also, clearly, facing away from the camera, which is probably self explanatory. In the chapter with Jen's birthday, as they take the train to the aquarium in Bray he waxes lyrical (as usual, yawn!) about his preference to sit facing the engine, never looking back. It's the same in this image. He is always moving forward.
YET - that is his school bag. (It is the wrong colour, yes, i didn't have the recoloured version when i made this poster lmao) so there's a sense that he's still in some way tied to childhood, to the things that are unresolved. Lucky Girl readers already know what (and who) those things are but I'll develop all that further from my controllers seat here inside Jude's brain.
"It seems like we wanted the same thing (...) Not to grow up too quickly, like, to be allowed to just be a kid.”
Also - the toy attached to it represents Ivy. It's never explicitly stated in the story, but I think it's probably not in his character to have something like that on his bag unless it was gifted from someone important. So, he's carrying her with him too on his travels.
Now, for the artistic stuff (eek!)
I chose this pinky purple as the base colour by messing around with some hard light blending and the colour balance adj. because it creates that kinda fantasy feeling, like wonder and/or enlightenment is ahead, which hopefully for our dumb boy, it is. Purple is also often used in graphic design to indicate creativity, which is apt, seeing as he's an artist and all that.
I slapped in some sun in the corner ala 3 year old child's drawing, and added the text in yellow for no reason other than it's a complementary colour, and it picks up some of the yellows in the image.
Then added a text gradient to blend it in better and a little drop shadow effect
And finally some grain, paper texture and rounded corners because I wanted it to feel tangible, that sweet, nostalgic 35mm camera effect, or like a postcard.
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and that's it!!
This was so fun, you know I love 2 yap and you gave me a platform to do so.
Thanks so much for your question!
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scooped michael afton gives me gender envy . i need his gender Now.
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Michael Afton, the epitome of gender
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mintjeru · 2 months
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"but there is nothing more beautiful and terrifying than innocence."
open for better quality | no reposts
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dabunnyvm · 1 year
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Ending 2: Doe loved you too much.
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im-smart-i-swear · 11 days
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kuron voice do i look like i was born yesterday
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puddleorganism · 9 months
Pondering a new rancher au (yes the giant fucking bird is Jimmy) - rambling/explanation under the cut
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[Image IDs:
ID 1: a digital drawing of Jimmy/SolidarityGaming and TangoTek, in which Jimmy is a massive approximately 20 foot/6 meter tall bird-like creature. He’s standing idly (to show off his design) with a nervous smile on his face. He has a long neck and long legs that make him look like a dinosaur, but he is covered in light golden-brown feathers and has wings. His wings are huge, the primaries/tips sticking out behind his back. They’re modeled after a turkey vulture’s wings. He’s got a grey hooked beak that is mostly covered in feathers. He’s also got long tail feathers that look just short of skimming the ground. His legs are dark grey with huge talons. All over his legs, wing tips, and tail feathers is a dark grey ash. Tango’s sitting cross-legged on his back/shoulders, hunched over and looking at one of those map books you usually have in your car. (Note: the next image is of Tango, so to avoid redundancy I’m going to describe his appearance better there.) /End ID 1
ID 2: a digital drawing of TangoTek, a humanoid with fire for hair and a long, thin tail tipped in fire; like how a lion’s is tipped with fur. He’s standing idly (again, to show off his design) with his hands in his pockets. He’s got light tan skin with freckles on his nose and wrist. He’s got what look to be black scales on his ears - which are long and pointed - cheeks and nose that have glowing orange cracks in them like burning wood. He’s wearing a red handkerchief over his nose and mouth and has red-tinted goggled pushed up on his forehead. He’s wearing an off-white sweater, a worn leather jacket with red accents, grey cargo pants and black boots. He also has a pale gold and brown messenger bag slung over his left (the viewer’s right) shoulder and back behind his arm. He’s also got two scuffed, worn pins on his jacket; a small, round yellow one and a tiny polyamory flag. He’s also covered in ash - even more so than Jimmy - to the point where his boots, sweater, and handkerchief are stained with it, and are almost more grey than their original colors.
ID 3: simple digital sketches of the above characters. From left to right they are: Jimmy laying down with his head bowed, and Tango standing on his tiptoes to lean against Jimmy’s head. Both their eyes are closed and their foreheads are pressed together. The next is of Tango with his goggles on and looking confused at the map book, which is folded in half in his hands. Jimmy is leaning over his shoulder to look at the map as well. Two question marks float by Tango’s head. The last is of Jimmy standing upright, one of his talons held up near his chest. In his talons he’s holding Tango who seems surprised and is kind of doing that thing that cats do when you pick them up under the arms. This sketch is captioned with the word “hold”. There’s also a small bit of wing from a drawing that’s been cropped out in the corner. /End ID 3
/End IDs]
Ok rambling time!
So it’s set in a that was similar to the modern day, but after in a post-apocalyptic world (recent enough that they both would’ve known the world before). Not a zombie apocalypse or anything, though. There may be Foes but probably not.
I’m not exactly sure what the apocalypse that happened actually is yet, but it’s left the world an ash-covered wasteland with few ruins and even fewer survivors (survivors being organisms in general, not just humans). I want the landscape to be kind of surreal and bizarre, but I haven’t decided if that’s because of the apocalypse or not. Maybe it was just Like That lol.
Anyway, one thing you may want to know more about, is why the hell is Jimmy a giant bird? And the answer is: I like giant birds. In all seriousness though, he’s cursed! Don’t know why. He was a normal ass dude. Now he’s a bird.
Tango might also be cursed? Depends on how edgy I end up wanting this to be lol. He might be an undead wraith or something who knows.
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milkbreadtoast · 2 months
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DREW MY NEW OC AGAIN...!! tried to make his outfit(uniform) look a little more coherent this time... heheh... for someone who sucks at designing clothes this doesn't look too bad...?! 🫣
+ here's the first drawing again for comparison☺️:
i like his face/hair here but yea wanted to improve the placeholder outfit... kept the colors tho!!
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doodle17 · 6 months
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I am enamored with drawing this goofy ass man
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marcmorrigan · 2 months
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@fenglianweek day 6: memories/growing up
the best thing thats ever been mine
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who-is-riley · 2 months
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BG3 ballpoint doodles today
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genshinfamdynamics · 22 days
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I wore an ao dai for the first time in years, so obviously the only logical thing to do was draw the Kaebedo fam with ao dais and Vietnamese accessories (individual shots under the cut)
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skialdi · 2 years
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A moment of joy~
This little comic was actually inspired by the tags that @secretsolarsystem left on my other Obi-wan doodle. It’s not quite the same, but I just wanted some more laughing-wan.
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automatonknight · 1 year
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id: a digital drawing of sol badguy, based on the x plus challange illustration for guilty gear x. he has his back facing the viewer, but he’s looking back over his shoulder with his sword leaning on his arm. his other arm is next to his side. he’s grinning and sticking his tongue out. the sword is producing a cloud of smoke, which is flowing to the left and off-frame. the background is turquoise.
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mintjeru · 29 days
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may you always have sweet dreams 🌼 happy birthday xiao!!
open for better quality | no reposts
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