#I was a theatre kid yuh
Slime tutorials or ✨slime tutorials✨
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kalcium-yippee · 2 months
I feel like she would have a flat voice, but decently smooth. Very medium pitched and almost androgynous sometimes. The best comparison I have is Sara James (sarajamss) on tiktok but just flatter and less expressive lmao.
I think Aiden would have a cold voice if that makes sense. Compare to Ashlyn's i would describe as lukewarm in temperature. High-ish pitched that crackles maybe a bit. Very much a voice you'd hear regularly with kids his age but some sort of twist on it. Sounds more fem ig idk how to describe it. I have no real comparison.
She would have a higher pitched voice but talks and enunciates words as if she has a somewhat deeper voice if that makes sense. Temperature wise her voice would be chilly. Like cloudy 50 degree weather with a breeze (idk why I'm describing voices as weather but oh well). Best comparison is if Himeno and Kobeni from Chainsawman s voices combined.
Atp I'll just start w the temperature. He gives 60 degree weather lightly cloudy with a light breeze. Very average voice but there is something crinkly and welcoming about it. I feel like he would cut of the ends of some words and not realise it. Maybe like a young less theatre-y more spikey Jeremy Jordan?? but not really idk.
Angel Devil from Chainsawman English dub but..warmer. He has a warm voice so yuh. High pitched laugh. I really got nothing else.
When he could still talk his voice def would be something raw. Very warm temperature wise. Not warm like California warm like a NY forest in July. May be weird to say but like if a tiktok F-boy decided to crush his phone and live in the woods.
This barely made sense but the girlie who get it get and the girlie who don't aren't Chronically online.
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antisocialgaycat · 10 months
an intro cos i havent done one yet lols
hello fun funky fresh and fabulous people, i am elle or elliot and i use they/them pronouns. i am part of many fandoms but the only one ill really be posting abt is newsies because its been replacing my each and every one of my braincells with hc ideas since i first watched it. be warned: i am very much a theatre kid.
I guarantee
Though I crapped out, I ain't tapped out!
i also speak/am learning a hell load of languages so lets look at them shall we
english: which i am legally fluent in and i speak it pretty good but ask me abt the weather and i will not respond (cos i cant lol)
fronch: learning it through my school, its kind of slay but at the same time it also very much not (maybe cos of the teacher lol) fun fact about french sports: if it has balls, its masculine (i sincerely apologise but its true)
yiddish: my first language :) this is the language that my auntie taught me when i was young, i then forgot most but got in touch with my aunt again and regained fluency. she is dead now but i will make an effort to keep speaking it as much as possible
indonesian: i can speak the basics cos i did it with my ps and ive been to indonesia a couple of times
german: i know a bit cos yiddish is similar and i know some conversational basics and shit
one of the indigenous australian languages: i can say an acknowledgement to country in my local indigenous language but i wont say which it is cos then people could figure out where i live and thats not the vibes
italian, spanish, polish, portugese, hebrew, russian, german, auslan: i can swear in all of these languages plus the ones above minus yiddish cos my fam dont swear and i dont trust google translate (i also know at least one insult all the languages on duolingo minus high valkyrian or however its spelt)
so yuh. languages.
other things abt me that idk where to put so im making a list:
i am irl friends with @just-sarah-xx and @quackethh (i tag them as #bestieboowifeyforlifey or #shawty bae <3<3<3 and #bitch (un)affectionate respectively) and also @boywithabeanie and @elemelom and @justalittleegg and others but i cannot be bothered tagging them right now (sorry)
australia is better than new zealand and clarinets are better than flutes
i do way too much performing arts for it to be considered healthy
i play/played cricket, netball, soccer and ice hockey (thats a joke ice hockey is actual so bad normal hockey is so much better and i will die by that)
i am a demiromantic asexual non-binary lesbian (thats a lot of words woah) and i get the most hopeless crushes on people its not even funny (unless ur my friends then its fucking hilarious) (looking at u sarah)
i will tag any original post with #just a load of garbage so if u dont want to see all my thoughts then js block the tag lols
so yuh
thats my intro
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nogenderbee · 10 months
Idk if its too late but I like boys so😭 yuh
⊱ What nickname would you call your lover?:
Honestly their name because I'm too shy and wod get embarrassed so fast but maybe a shorter version of their name?
⊱ What are your hobbies?
I actually like to sing and dance but also write songs of my own and compose
I'm more of a creative person so arts and crafts, painting/art both digital and traditional and sewing
⊱ What's your perfect date idea?:
Maybe something like cute like an aquarium or a carnival/fair, some fun museum or just a at home thing?
just experience 😭
⊱ What's something you hate in others? (like a personality trait or behavior for example):
I can't stan unloyalty or selfish people. I used to have bad friends soo yeah😭
I also don't like people who put down others to make themselves feel better ykyk?
⊱ What are yours main 3-5 (or more if you want!) personality traits?:
1. I'm honestly shy but I'm improving to be a performer myself one day so introverted ig
2. Romantic/affectionate, I'm a hopeless romantic okay like j wanna give someone all the love I have to offer 💪😭
3. Fesity/sassy. I talk back to people 🧍‍♀️
⊱ What activity/hobby do you like?:
Singing and dancing, I live for Music.
Music is my life frfr but also theatre I'm a big theatre kid😭
⊱ What's activity/hobby you don't like?:
I'd say sports
You're not too late don't worry! And of course, since you prefer boys, that's who your pair is!
So I pair you with...
Rui Kamishiro!
⊱ for first nicknames! Let's skip the part that it'd be hard to shorten his name and just move to how he feels about it! He of course doesn't mind but he can't just skip the opportunity to tease you~
⊱ so of course he likes singing and dancing but he also finds the fact that you compose your own songs quite impressive~ few inventions definitely appeared because he got inspiration from your songs!
⊱ as for dates... his favorites are definitely either home or carnival/festival dates! Of course museum and aquarium are great too but those two just seem the most interesting to him! Home date is great because you two can just cuddle and really spoil each other with affection without worrying about others seeing you. And carnival/festival dates are just really fun! There are a lot of attraction and with Rui it'll only by double interesting!
⊱ as for personality traits, he adores them all! He loves your shy side because of how cute you are when you're in public~ But he also will help you work in your confidence and give you few tips for future performing. He also loves your side of hopeless romantic because he's really not any better and he'd love to just exchange flirt lines with you every now and then and see who wins~ And of course, he loves your sassy side because you two and really just be a bit silly together!
⊱ and finally, you're both just kind theater kids! He actually is a performer and you want to be one so of course he's helping you with anything he possibly can!
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You and Rui were sitting in his room and we're simply cuddled into each other while a movie was on but it seems like he was more interested in you than the movie itself. Now he was just going through your hair with his fingers and admiring your looks. And of course he also had to throw few cheesy lines every now and then because he's just a flirt it seems.
"Is movie this boring to you?"
"No, I'd say it's pretty interesting but it's hard to focus when someone so charming is sitting next to me~ You can't blame me for giving you affection... after all you enjoy it yourself, don't you~?"
And of course, movie kept going and he was still admiring you and even started kissing your cheeks from time to time. But of course, he'd stop if you tell him to! After all he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable!
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johnnycakesb14de · 1 month
Heyyyy for the ship thing:
Idk man I’m kinda cocky I get compared to two bit/Dallas the most for my own personality, I am usually cracking jokes about myself and my friends, teasing is my love language. But I’m super loud and your typical overdramatic theatre kid. I’m hella opinionated n stubborn.
Chin length red hair, color changing eyes depending on the lighting from blue to green, and there will be reference photos of what I typically wear at the bottom. I switch from masc to fem on a daily basis bc yk need to keep up my friend groups gender envy of me…. I causally wear crazy makeup out sometimes Anyway yuh 😎
What I like do do:
Makeup Art
Drag (drag king not races 😭)
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TWO-BIT !!!!!!
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James Wesley Headcanons (Part 1 million /j)
Play nice children.
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Summary: Me when you
Pairing: Me and your mom (Jk, just wesley man boy child)
A/N: Yuh
One time he was with his niece and fixing his hair and his niece just slathered a bunch of gel onto his hair. Wesley just “😀”
Was in fencing club in middle school
Dark Chocolate enjoyer /Freak (Affectionate)/
In middle school his Spanish teacher forced everyone to pick a Spanish sounding name, he was forced to be “Sebastian”. He got that teacher fired.
Mad good at baking gingerbread cookies
Says Macbeth in front of theatre kids
Broke a table once
Had the whole school at his finger tips when he was a kid.
Full ride scholarship kind of kid
Can’t swim
Had those play mats that look like a little town with streets and buildings.
Has soo many pens, all the colors, all the shades, so many colors.
Build those marble run contraptions, they’re really impressive
Hates Hell’s Kitchen with a passion (I know this is canon, just a reminder)
Has the occasional restless night and he spends the time looking at the sky
Probably took piano lessons before the middle school viola or whatever
Likes his niece better than his other children relatives because she’s just so unbothered that he only has the utmost respect for her.
Besides chocolate, his favorite candy are mints
Once scared a catholic kid by reciting the alphabet backwards (is no longer allowed in that church)
Banned from various public places in his youth, usually for something that he looks like he’d never do.
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
Hey, I was wondering if you have a book rec
Okay so in full disclosure, I have a really hard time reading books. My brain sometime around six years ago just decided that wasn't its style anymore, so I don't read a TON. A lot of these aren’t going to be recent releases. However, here are a bunch of books I would absolutely recommend checking out! I tried to include a variety of genres but I have uh.....five bookshelves in my apartment so if you're looking for more of a certain genre let me know!
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - Tom Stoppard
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
These are my two favorite plays - they're both absurdist, humorous, and have some fun things to say. They’re both by old white guys but like....I love both Tom Stoppard and Samuel Beckett DEEPLY and they have all of my love and respect.
Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum - this is considered a 'classic' on the psychology of racism, and was particularly helpful for me as a white person in arming myself against 'reverse racism' thoughts and in dissembling my own prejudices. This is mostly a rec for other white folks, but Tatum also addresses 'having the courage to sit at the black table' as a way of claiming your own identity outside of the stereotypes the dominant society expects of you.
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown - Okay listen I just really REALLY love Brene Brown, she is a therapist most famous for her TED talk about Vulnerability and this is just...listen I really like to read this book when I am sad and feel like shit because it makes me feel strong. I reread this book at least once a year.
Imagined Communities by Benendict Anderson - This is an absolutely fascinating read on the rise of nationalism. It’s a bit dry and wordy, but the ideas and use of history as propaganda, spinning the story of a nation to pit it against or on the same side as other nations, and the ways in which these tactics shaped cultural history is just!!!! Amazing.
Gay New York by George Chauncey - This is just one of the most informative and interesting reads of queer history in New York that I’ve ever come across. It’s one of the ‘must reads’ of queer history and has so many interesting tidbits that I have to recommend it. It’s a bit old(published in 1994) but I still find it relevant and interesting to read.
Personal Fiction/Autobiographical Fiction
White Girls by Hilton Als - I went to a reading of this book when it first came out. It was so much fun and so eye-opening for me as a baby queer in NYC that I bought the book there. I wanna be really clear that Als does not pull punches and a lot of people don’t quite like it, but I love Als’ style of writing. The stories and essays in this book are amazing and funny and heartbreaking and informative of queer experience - particularly black queer experience - that I always feel like...honored? to experience through writing? This is one of those ‘you’re gonna suffer but you’re gonna be happy about it’ reads - it can be hard to face because of how very hard the pills are to swallow but like....gosh I just love this book and it’s interesting and hilarious and great.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins  - this is my tin hat favorite. It hits....ugh. This is one of those books that came out and like every government agency freaked the fuck out over it. It’s an interesting look into the quote-unquote dark underbelly of capitalism; how and why countries manipulate each other through economic policies. Super interesting read with a nice style of prose.
The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to become the Smartest Person in the World by A.J. Jacobs Okay so full disclosure I have not finished reading this, but I’m far enough through to rec it. This book chronicles the author’s attempt to read the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica from front to back, and it is just as kooky and hilarious as it sounds. I am very incredibly and deeply offended this author stole both my schtick and my initials, thereby preventing me from doing this exact thing. I read through the phone book in its entirety when I was three. I had it in me. Anyway, this is basically the author just listing weird interesting facts he’s read about and connecting them to his daily life, but it’s a fun read, and you learn a lot of totally useless facts, which is absolutely my jam.
When Skatboards Will Be Free by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh - HI I LOVE THIS BOOK. I’ve read it maybe three times over. It’s so fun and interesting. You may notice that a lot of the books I rec are very absurdist in their humor, and this is no exception. This book is full of the dry wit and just weird goddamn shit you could only expect from the child of a revolution that never came. You want to read a book about someone who Went Through Shit? Read this book. It’s funny and heartbreaking and just. AHHHH. Seriously I cannot recommend this enough.
Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosch - FIGHT ME ON THIS. I love this book.....so much. Yes it’s technically a comic book but the stories are so INTERESTING and hilarious and full of exactly the dry absurdist humor I eat the fuck up. Also! Allie Brosch recently released a sequel of sorts called Solutions and Other Problems that I recommend without even reading it.
Pansy by Andrea Gibson - IF YOU ARE NOT READING THE POETRY OF ANDREA GIBSON WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING WITH YOUR LIFE. I cried seven times reading this book. There are only like 14 poems. Please please read this to break your own queer heart :)
Bloodsport by Yves Olade - This is a tiny book full of absolutely devastating poetry. Most of it has to do with the grief of relationships, but like....gosh I love all of Olade’s stuff. (Also!! This is available as a pay-what-you-wish pdf!!)
Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón - This book focuses a lot on the author’s experiences of loss, and knowing that loss is going to happen. I’m completely devastated every time I read this.
Science Fiction/Fantasy
The Bartimeaus Sequence by Jonathan Stroud - So what if I am a dumb millennial I love this series. It’s another dry and deadpan humor, with weird additions and Stroud’s use of footnotes to absolutely crack me the fuck up means I gotta rec this. I just gotta. Four(I think?) books following the deeply unlikeable Nathaniel and his Djinn Bartimaeus, who just wants to eat humans and have a deeply enjoyable enemies to lovers plotline with his arch rival.
The Magic's Price Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey - Okay I know I’ve recced this before. I will rec it again. This was the very first series I ever read that featured a gay protagonist and I was. Devastated? Reformed? I latched onto Vanyel Ashkevron and I am never letting this depressed emo boy go. Try me, I bite. Seriously, this book was released in the 80s and yet it is still relevant, I still cry - god i LOVE this series SO MUCH. And, MERCEDES LACKEY actually invented unbury your gays, sorry I make the rule on that one. :) Also there are magic talking horses??????? Seriously please read this series I love it so much.
Fire Bringer & The Sight by David Clement-Davies - This is another series that was absolutely formative in my baby lexicon. These are books about magical animals and their inner societal workings and both books address the ideas of good, evil, darkness, compassion and good will, and destiny. I am obsessed with these books, they are some of the most interesting of the genre I’ve read, and so incredibly intricately written. LOVE these books.
Vampire Earth Series by E. E. Knight - The Witcher before it was cool. Sort of but like...there are schools of Cat, Bear, etc and it has COOL VAMPIRES I LOVE THSI SERIES. Basically, earth has been taken over by a race of alien ‘Vampires’ and follows a human involved in the resistance. The writing in this series is...wow. It’s so intricate and interesting and involved. I own the whole series because I love it so much, including the after-series hardback novels. I’m so messy and I love it.
Kindred by Octavia Butler - You know how people are like ‘YOU SHOULD READ OCTAVIA BUTLER!!’ ? You should absolutely do that. This novel is mindblowing and interesting and the pace and narrative are so so so interesting. Heartbreaking, god, horrific. Butler is an amazing writer and this novel, while my personal favorite, is not by any means the only of her books I would recommend. STORIES. STORIES!!!!!!!
The Ballad of Barnabas Pierkiel: A Novel by Magdalena Zyzak - This book is so fucking good. It’s imaginative, funny, intelligent....it’s honestly one of the best fiction novels I’ve ever read. Again, dry, absurdist humor, this book sort of reminds me of Terry Pratchett’s style of writing.
The Call of the Wild by Jack London - This is a classic, a true classic. The social commentary of this book is so so good, London’s style flows and, personally, as a dog and animal expert, the anthropomorphisation of Buck and his fellow animals is just so well done. I love this book, it’s quite an easy read, and I reread it at least once a year.
Rolling the R's by R. Zamora Linmark - Okay. Okay okay!!!!!! I gotta take a deep breath about this one. This book is. Yuh. This is a bit younger leaning than the other fictions, focusing almost entirely on high school level characters, however the experiences and commentary is just so so good. Focusing on a diverse group of characters growing up in Hawaii in the 1970′s, this book addresses the intersectionalities of gender, sexuality, race, immigration, education, and how we define who we are. I’m obsessed.
A Separate Peace by John Knowles - A heartbreaking novel about war, innocence, adolescence, and how we hide from our truths. It’s...so good, this book hurts me a LOT okay. The prose is phenomenal, the story is poignant, and it feels like I’m ripping my own heart out with a fishhook every time I finish it.
The Toss of a Lemon by Padma Viswanathan - This is one of those books I half recommend because it’s so good, and half because of the deep wealth of knowledge it presents the reader. The author’s use of her own culture is just....goddddddddd. Intricate and interesting and so delicately included in the narrative that you can feel the love the author has for it. It’s a long read and it took me almost a month to get through reading every day, but god. It’s so soft and amazingly written I both wanted to read it all at once and take my time with it. This is another one that deals with the duality of humanity and how we connect with one another. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
P.S. Your Cat Is Dead by James Kirkwood Jr. - I love this book I love this book I LOVE THIS BOOK. It’s fucking hilarious, entertaining, I literally laughed out loud at every single chapter. Hilarious and poignant and surprisingly deep, this book literally follows the journey of a man in which literally everything that could go wrong does. It’s fucking hilarious.
I hope that helped and gave you some new books!!! <3
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acciostorian · 4 years
mae reads the kane chronicles: the serpent’s shadow the red pyramid
(aka we see mae go through many emotions in the space of 2-3 days)
holy fuck ive only got to the contents and the chapters have those classic pjo click bait titles i’m so happy rn
WAIT IM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT- the serpent’s shadow is the THIRD BOOK. uh-oh i almost fucked this whole series over lemme change the book real quick....
i’m literally on the first page and i’ve already been sent on a mission, so the kanes are THOSE bitches
SADIE AND KANE ARE BRITISH???? omg yes please
never fucking mind they’re from LA
oh wait sadie was raised as a british kid. that’s very sexy of her.
carter be like, “you wouldn’t be interested in my dad’s lectures.” SHUT UP CARTER I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT EGYPTIAN PUNISHMENT
so sadie was raised in east london???? THATS SO SEXC BECAUSE ME TOO BOO
sadie has a british accent. a b r i t i s h a c c e n t.
“six years in london and she thinks she’s james bond” LMAO
sadie’s so emo/alt i love it. does rick always write his characters like this??
sadie pronounces it “mum” and carter says “mom”
it’s so refreshing to read mum ngl
sadie said bloke omg
i’m feeling carter’s pain. little sisters are shits and honestly sadie has the same vibes as my little sister and me and carter are quite similar. i hate this.
oh wow they really said sadie was too white for their family...
sadie did not HESITATE to be like, “yeah dad we’ll lock that guy in his office. mint.”
sadie telling the story is an experience
sadie said “maths” and “mates” in the same sentence. this is some refreshing shit.
sadie’s friends saying carter is hot is fucking hilarious. like it’s a classic piss-off to thirst over your mate’s sibling
LMAO AMOS WAS LIKE, “yeah we don’t talk about manhattan. they’ve got their own problems. *cough percy jackson cough*”
i read thoth the god of knowledge as thot the god of knowledge
carter is right, amos has undeniable swag
philip of macedonia. the crocodile. cool.
i love how the greeks and romans be like “if we don’t honour the gods we’ll get SLAUGHTERED” and the egyptians are like “you know what? fuck the gods me and my homies hate the gods”
sadie kane would stab you in a back alley and dance to mcr as you bled to death and carter kane would take you to a museum, tell you everything about everything and then commit a terrorist attack
amos really went “don’t touch anything, the cats in charge and peace out bitches” and then fucking jumped off the balcony of his five storey mansion
sadie made that door go BANG
that fucking clay statue came to life and not one of them screamed. I WOULD SHIT MYSELF.
i’m giggling, all the greek/roman gods have really long/scary/cool sounding names like tartarus and chaos and nyx but the evilest guy in egyptian myth is called set. S E T.
please make muffin some crazy badass animal like crookshanks or swiftwind.
i love carter sm, even tho he’s scared as fuck he still picked up that ancient sword and was like “ig i’ll bash some heads in whilst sadie holds the cat”
every cat in new york is helping them
bast jacked that car like it was nobody’s business
i used to think the greek gods were stupid for having so many things to control but honestly the egyptians are taking the piss, do you really need a whole scorpion goddess?
the kane siblings are written so well. like i actually BELIEVE they’re siblings
i think carters gonna become a comfort character now... like i relate on another level. little siblings always take the spot light and you have to act level headed and calm because the younger ones start shit and you’re like “i gotta be the good one because my family would fall to shit if i didn’t behave.” so big kudos to carter, i love you
zia was like “king tut?? ugh he was such a boy, there were waaaaay cooler tombs out there x x”
i read “nectanebo II” as “nintendo II” and i was like ??? when was that a thing
i drinking camomile tea whilst reading this and i feel so peaceful uwu
sadie really can do magic like THAT like bitch be like “i just copied what zia did and yeah it worked lol”
okay so i’m sorta feeling bad about sadies life rn but i’m still very pro carter
set’s laugh makes me uncomfortable. because when most villains laugh it’s usually described like “their laugh was like a knife, cold and sharp. i hates it.” but when sadie discribed set’s laugh she was like “it was warm and friendly. beautiful.” LIKE AAAA THATS A RED LIGHT
set: the god of theatre because gods dam is he a good actor
sadie saw some hot emo guy and was like “omg marry me”
iskandar be like “lmao imma speak in alexandria greek all the time but this girl bouta die? i switch to perfect english for dramatic effect”
woooOooaaaah SLOW DOWN THERE BUDDY, tongue tattoos???
zia: you guys will probably suck at this at first but oh well we all can’t be great
sadie: *makes fire first time* wooosh
sadie and kane: *doing cool shit* me and my tea: sluuuurrrp
bast is so sassy i love it
me when it’s a sadie chapter: okay ig :/
me when it’s a carter chapter: HOLY SHIT CARTER HEY OMG YOURE DOING CRAZY STUFF???? COOL. i love you.
bast: so yeah, you’d be stupid to teleport to paris, this is desjardin’s home territory
sadie and kane, lying in the streets of paris: oh cool cool
sadie: like i might die rn but i don’t care, as long as it doesn’t get filmed and put in youtube, that would be embarrassing
like ???? sis get your priorities together smh
sadie: *sees hot emo guy again in her spirit adventure, he hints that’s he’s dead or something*
also sadie: so will i see you again?
“no, an egyptian drink. you’ve heard of hot chocolate? this is rather like hot vanilla.” dam now i want some.
carter is an amazing older brother. he’s written perfectly and he’s a great character to relate to for me. even though sadie can make his blood boil, he dropped everything to calm her down when she was panicking about not being able to change back from a bird. i too have to do that for my little sister - sadie and ava are ironically the same age - so i find that very comforting that there is someone like me to relate to!
‘a businessman with a rolling suitcase was waiting by the doors. his eyes widened when he saw me. i must’ve looked pretty strange — a tall black kid in dirty, ragged egyptian clothes, with a weird box tucked under one arm and a bird of prey perched on the other.
‘“how’s it going?” i said. “i’ll take the stairs.” he hurried off.’ LMAO THIS IS WHY CARTER BABY I LOVE YOU
highkey pissed that carters like “i’m always edgy around the police. once i turned eleven they started giving me the Look. when it doesn’t happen it’s always a pleasant surprise.” LIKE FUCK NO HE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO WALK AROUND UNHASSLED WHATS WRONG WITH HIM
lmao bast be like “imma jump off this national monument. see ya at the airport in my finest clothes and jewellery x”
FOOD UPDATE: i’m eating a chocolate covered waffles and having some tea and i feel so happy rn sorry i know you don’t care but like aaaaaaa
bast called carter her little tomcat and my heart exploded
bast really likes convertibles huh
thoth: i hate rereading my old writing, my present self would never write like this now!! SOMEONE GET ME A RED PEN
are they... are they going to dig up elvis presley?
might put some elvis in for this part, y’know, to set the mood?
i cant stop reading ‘thoth’ as thot even though i know how to pronounce it
the captain with a axe for a head: my name is bloodstained battle axe 😸
yuh bast did some shit ...
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Okay, here’s a little ficlet for you guys!! We’ve brought Quinn’s summer in Arizona into the discussion; now let’s see it in action. This is also now posted as the newest chapter in my ao3 cricket ficlet collection.
In which: Quinn takes Nando’s little sister on a costuming supply run. And wholesome content ensues.
(Sorry, this got so long. Actually, I regret nothing, but I’m still sorry because this is a weird medium to post something that’s long.)
junior-senior summer | june
 Quinn has a special relationship with Joann Fabrics.
For him, being let loose in one is sort of like being a chicken nugget fiend of a young child and finding out your parent is going to stop and get you a Happy Meal on the way home from school. It evokes borderline euphoria in his subconscious, a youthful eagerness that he’s quite sure he’ll never shake. The thing is that those places are just… boundless potential, everything crafty that he loves all under one roof. He could quite literally lose an entire day just walking around the store, without buying anything at all.
So… you can imagine his excitement when, on the third day of production on The Wizard of Oz , the director of the Tempe Community Children’s Theatre hands him an envelope of cash. “Here’s half of your costume budget,” she tells him. “Let me know when you want the other half. There’s a Joann’s ten minutes away from here, if that’s helpful for you to know.”
“Oh, my goodness!” Quinn looks into the envelope— there’s plenty here to accomplish what he wants with it; he’s used to costuming on the Grand Rapids Summer Players budget, which, if you must know, stretched him very thin most seasons. “Thank you so much, Erica. That is immensely helpful for me to know. Is it okay if I go tomorrow?”
Erica is tall, tan, middle-aged, and constantly wearing a shawl as part of her outfit. A lot of people on the tech team are scared of her, but Quinn isn’t in the slightest. “You can go whenever your heart desires,” she replies, with a smile. “Keep me updated with what you’re putting together.”
“Thank you.” Quinn nods his head a little, clasping the envelope behind his back with both hands. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
She waves. “See you, Quinn.”
That’s the key with directors. You have to kiss up a little, and then you’re on their good side, and life is easy.
Rosa and Gabriella are both waiting for him by the bench outside the auditorium. The program operates out of Tempe’s high school, whose theatre is better than the one back in Michigan but nothing near Kiersey's Beckett Center.
“Ready?” he asks the two girls. They jump off the bench in near unison.
“Ready!” Gabriella affirms, and Rosa just nods.
They’re identical twins, but it’s not hard to tell them apart. Gabriella’s hair is always braided, and Rosa wears glasses. Not to mention their personalities are entirely different. They each look so much like Sebastián, and their mama, too. Quinn has been in Arizona for three weeks, almost four, but the resemblance still strikes him every time he looks at them.
Quinn picks up the canvas bag that holds the girls’ stuff; right now, it’s not much, except Gabriella’s ballet shoes and some snacks, but closer to the actual production, they’ll be bringing more back and forth.
Gabriella skips over the linoleum floor, landing only on the blue parts in its multicolored pattern, like the rest of it is lava. “Good news, Rosa,” he says, as they start for the door. Rosa looks up at him, sticking close by his leg. He tells her, “We get to go to Joann’s tomorrow,” and her face lights up.
“Who’s Joann?” Gabriella asks.
“It’s a store , dummy,” Rosa replies. “You know, with arts and crafts?”
She leaps to a new blue square. “Like pom-poms?”
Rosa nods. “And sequins.”
“Why do you need to go there?”
“To buy supplies to make the costumes,” Quinn tells her. She wobbles on one foot as she hunts for another blue patch. “So you’ll look pretty onstage!”
“Ooh!” This seems to pique Gabriella’s interest. “Can you buy me a crown?”
“You’re a Munchkin ,” Rosa says. “Munchkins don’t wear crowns.”
“Well, maybe I’m a Munchkin princess!”
“Those don’t exist.”
“Yes, they do.”
“Nuh- uh .”
“Quinn?” Gabriella stops at the double glass doors to look back at him. “Do Munchkin princesses exist?”
They each survey him intensely, and Quinn, by principle, is scared of absolutely no one, but being selected as the judge for their debate is intimidating. “I… am not sure,” he settles for, “but maybe we can do some research in the real Wizard of Oz book and find out.”
“Yay!” Gabriella cries, and Rosa doesn’t look disappointed— Quinn knows she’s a book fan, so this seems to satisfy her, too.
It’s the little things.
The next morning, although they haven’t yet figured out if Munchkin princesses exists, Quinn is dialed in and on a mission. He has a rather lengthy shopping list for the Joann run, and he packs some of his own money, too, into the side of his bag, just in case something in there strikes his fancy. Which… it definitely will. He’s incapable of going in, even for a costume-related trip, without emerging with something for himself.
“For the road, mi amor ,” says Sebastián, pressing a travel mug with a teabag in it into his hands. “I’ll finish the cleanup.”
Quinn glances beyond him, to the small stack of dishes next to the sink, and winces a little. “Are you sure?” he asks. “I can stay another few minutes.”
“No, no— go; I don’t want you to be late.” They’ve handled breakfast, as they do most mornings, for themselves and the girls; Mrs. Hernandez is working a weirdly timed shift at the hospital. Sebastián has work today, too, at his tio’s restaurant, but it’s not until later; he’s still in his sweats. “I don’t mind,” he adds.
Quinn smiles up at him. He still has some curly bedhead, and the facial hair he shaved after his playoffs in the spring is coming in again. Mornings with him in his childhood home are domestic in a way Quinn has never known. “Thank you,” he says, wrapping both hands around the tea. “And breakfast was delicious.”
Sebastián beams. “Of course, baby.” He takes him by the shoulders for a quick kiss, and it’s no more than three seconds long, but right then, from out of nowhere, the ten-year-old relationship police descend upon them.
“Sebastián, yuck !” Gabriella is walking across the kitchen, fresh from the go ahead and put on your shoes, then we’ll go to rehearsal mission that Quinn sent her on two minutes ago. “No kissing in the kitchen.”
Sebastián rolls his eyes at his sister, still grinning lopsidedly. “Who said that’s a rule?”
“I did.” Gabriella huffs, then grabs Quinn’s shirt on the way by. “C’mon, Quinn, we’re going.”
Quinn laughs, as she pulls him toward the front door, and Sebastián raises his eyebrows. “Well, you sure told me, huh,” he says. Rosa, fresh from upstairs, crosses the kitchen without fanfare, and joins them at the door.
“He doesn’t have time for you; you’re gross,” Gabriella says to Sebastián, like so there , and Quinn makes eye contact with him as he’s being wrangled to the door. Sebastián raises his eyebrows and mouths, She really showed me .
Quinn grabs the keys off the hook by the door, still laughing, and waves to him. “I’ll see you later, honey.”
“Bye!” he calls, leaning against the counter. “Have fun at Joann’s!”
Quinn has been thinking about this since yesterday, and yet the reminder makes him smile like he’s remembering it for the first time. “Oh, I will!”
Sebastián winks at him, which is just cause to smile further.
“My brother is gross,” Gabriella tells him, as they walk down the front path towards the car. “He’ll give you cooties.”
If that’s the case, it’s far too late. “I suppose so,” he replies. “But it’s a good thing he’s sweet, too.”
Gabriella makes a gagging noise. “Love is yucky ,” she says, and Quinn laughs.
Getting out of the house in the morning has been a feat since he got here. The twins are chaotic— well, Gabriella is chaotic; Rosa just adds another person into the mix— and it was a little easier when they were sending them off to school, but now that Quinn is bringing them to the theatre, he’s directly involved in the child-wrangling. Mrs. Hernandez is sometimes working and sometimes not in the mornings, but he and Sebastián have taken it upon themselves to do the morning routine so they can give her a break.
It… feels like home. Quinn could get very, very used to this.
At the high school, he drops Gabriella off with the other kids for stage rehearsal, and then rejoins Rosa in the lobby, where she’s waiting dutifully. “Are you ready?” he asks her, and she nods, with a big smile he’s not sure he’s ever seen from her.
“Let’s go to Joann’s,” she declares, and he smiles.
“Indeed,” he replies, and they start back for the car together. “Let’s go.”
He wonders, as they set off in the car, if Rosa will be shy. Although the past few days with starting out Oz have placed them in one-on-one contact, because Rosa is his wardrobe assistant for the summer, those are the first times he’s been alone with her, without her much more talkative sister or Sebastián or Mrs. Hernandez in the mix somewhere. He knows that Rosa is shy; he’s witnessed as much, since he arrived here. He’d love to get to know her.
But he doesn’t want to push her, either, and especially doesn’t want to do the grown-up thing (goodness, he’s a grown-up) where you accidentally make a kid uncomfortable because you ask too many questions. So as he listens to his phone navigate him in the direction of the store, he keeps mostly quiet, with the radio on low volume.
Then, about three minutes into their drive, her small voice breaks the silence. “My mama says you’re staying with us this summer because my brother loves you.” As he looks over to her, she pauses. Her eyes are on him, behind her purple-rimmed glasses. “Is that true?”
“Well… yes, that’s true,” he replies, because it’s the most watered-down version of the truth. You can’t really tell a ten-year-old that your grandparents kicked you out directly because you love said ten-year-old’s brother. And boys. As a concept. “I do love your brother very much,” he adds. “And I’m very grateful to be here with you this summer.”
Both these things are true. If it weren’t for Sebastián, he has no idea where he’d be staying right now. He has nowhere to go.
It was a big and awful truth when he first faced it. But that was months ago, and he’s all right now. There are people who love him, who support him— even if they’re not blood family.
Rosa nods, like she’s a lawyer, and he’s on the witness stand. In three hundred feet, continue onto East Broadway Road , says the GPS. She folds her arms, but not in a standoffish way, and asks, “Why didn’t your mama and papa want you to come home and see them?”
Oh. This one is harder to dodge. Quinn takes a second, smoothing the front of his hair, before he replies, “Well… I don’t see much of my parents, actually.”
“Are they dead?”
It’s so quick, it almost gives him whiplash. He forgets that Rosa and Gabriella lost a parent; they’re well familiar with death. “No,” he says, gently. “They just aren’t around.”
“Oh.” Rosa hangs her head. “Sorry.”
“Oh, goodness,” he says. “Don’t be sorry. You didn’t hurt my feelings or anything, I promise.”
“Okay.” At least she takes this at face value, and Quinn can relax again. In 2.3 miles, turn left onto South Dobson Road. He knows she’s still looking at him, and for some reason, he can tell she’s going to ask him another question before it comes. “Is it true you can’t hear without your headphones?”
Quinn smiles a little. He taps the hearing aid on her side and nods. “They aren’t headphones,” he says, “but yes, that’s true.”
She cranes her neck to look over the console. “Are they magic?”
He laughs. “In a way, I suppose. They let me do some things, but I’m just as much myself without them.”
“What kind of things?”
“Like listening to music.” He pauses. “And speaking English. It’s like your glasses help you see; these help me hear.”
She touches her purple frames again. “But when you did your play last summer,” she says, “some of the actors were deaf like you, right?”
“Right!” He smiles fondly. Tour seems like a lifetime ago, but he’s still in touch with some of the friends he made.
“So you used sign language,” Rosa says. “Instead of singing.”
“Combined with singing,” he replies. “It was really lovely.”
She frowns a little. “How come we couldn’t go see it?”
Oop . Gabriella has asked him this same question before. Sebastián wasn’t even sure about letting Mrs. Hernandez see the show, let alone his then-nine-year-old sisters. “Um… because it’s— well, it’s for grown-ups.”
Rosa huffs, but she doesn’t sound mad at him . Just frustrated. “That’s what Mama said.”
He’s glad she doesn’t stretch that topic any further, because he would have no idea how to explain Spring Awakening to a ten-year-old. Instead, she shifts gears. “Next time you do one, can it be for kids?”
He smiles at her. “I’ll be sure of it.”
For now, this ends Rosa’s interrogation, but she doesn’t get shy again. It’s pleasant, actually, to hear her say more than a few words at a time— from then to when they pull in at Joann, she talks about Oz , and doesn’t go quiet until they walk up to the automatic doors. Quinn grabs a carriage, because they’re definitely going to need one, and pulls the list out of his pocket.
The doors slide open, and he takes a long breath in.
It’s time.
“ Wow ,” Rosa says, from next to him, as she takes in the sight of the store in all its fabric and craft glory. “We could make, like, a million costumes in here!”
“It’s the greatest place.” Quinn might be crying a little. He leans down to her, list in-hand. “Are you ready to be my little helper?”
She actually jumps up-and-down at this. “Yeah!” she says, and it’s the most energy he’s ever seen out of her. “What should I do first?”
He brandishes the list. “Follow me.”
It’s an absolutely religious experience.
It takes two hours, and not a second if it is wasted time. Rosa is the greatest help, always asking what’s next for her to do, and he moves through the aisles on a mission. He is in his glory, and he regrets absolutely nothing.
They stock up on the basics— tulle, yarn, and cotton, plus sequins and gingham, a few different rolls of ribbon, buttons and thread. They fill the entire cart. Each moment spent inside the store is like free serotonin to last Quinn for months.
Checking out at half of the cash in the envelope, he marks it down as an extremely successful trip. “Great job!” he says to Rosa, as they walk back into the parking lot. It’s baking-hot outside, but the heat is dry, and it’s tolerable for now. “We got everything on our list.”
Rosa is smiling, ear to ear, and has been for most of the past two hours. “Wow,” she says. “I love that place.”
“We’ll definitely be back,” he says, with a glance over his shoulder at the storefront. “But this should get us started for now.”
“ Yes ,” Rosa says, and it sounds like it’s maybe just for herself, a quiet little celebration.
He puts the bags in the back of the truck, returns the carriage, and punches the directions back to the high school into his phone. As they’re pulling out of the parking lot (he looks both ways three times, because he, as a gay, really shouldn’t be driving at all), Rosa, still in good spirits, says, “That was fun.”
“That was very fun,” he says, then holds up his palm. “Give me a high-five?” She nods and smacks it eagerly. He smiles. “That was a good one.”
“That’s because teamwork,” Rosa says, very wisely, and he nods his agreement.
“I’m really glad to have you as my helper,” he tells her. “We’re going to have fun with these costumes. And then they’ll look very pretty on stage. Just you wait.”
Rosa nods. “I like costumes,” she says. “It’s like being a fashion designer.”
He is really glad she finally opened up a little. He considers this trip a success on a number of fronts.
He looks to her. She’s giving him the lawyer stare once again. “Yes?”
She takes a short breath, then asks, “Are you and Sebastián getting married?”
He isn’t adequately prepared for how sweet the question makes him, and he feels his face get warm, like he’s blushing at the mere thought. Which, on one hand, could be embarrassing, and he’d most certainly be getting chirped or fined if Ben or Remy were around— but it’s just him and Rosa, his maybe future sister-in-law, in the car, and she’s asking honestly, and gosh, if the idea of that doesn’t make him soft all over.
So he answers honestly. “Yes,” he says, because they’ve talked about it plenty. They may not know exactly what comes after graduation, which, mind you, is still a whole year away— but they know, without a doubt, that they’re doing it together. “Not just yet, but someday.”
Rosa smiles. She nods, and folds her arms again. She’s not looking at him when she replies, but the words touch Quinn all the same. “Good.” She pauses. “‘Cause I like you.”
Now he’s definitely red in the face. This little girl is the sweetest.
Gosh, Quinn wants to be a dad someday.
As he drives along— the roads in Arizona are all straight, and they line up like a grid, like a much more stretched-out New York filled with cacti and palm trees instead of skyscrapers. He keeps thinking, being here these past few weeks, that he could see himself living here.
At the edge of his vision a ways up the road, he spots the golden arches, a giant towering advertisement. And he gets a very good idea.
“Rosa,” he says, evenly. “Do you like chicken nuggets?”
“Um, yeah ?” She doesn’t seem to have spotted it yet, but she looks over at him like he’s asked the most obvious question in the world. “What kind of a person doesn’t like chicken nuggets?”
Quinn laughs. “Fair point,” he replies, then starts to signal. “Do you want a Happy Meal?”
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xlazyunicornx · 5 years
all of them pls
99 gay-ish asks
1. how tall are you?
- 1.65 m
2. what is your body type?
- I have an oval body shape
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
- My back
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
- Yes
5. are you more outgoing or more shy?
- I'm something inbetween, it also depends on the people I'm with/confronted with
6. are you more femme or butch?
- Femme
7. are you tol or smol?
- I'm again something in between
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
- Vodka aunt
9. weird habit?
- Biting the insides of my cheeks
10. favorite meme?
- I love vines, especially the "Is there anything better than pussy? Yes, a really good book" one
11. do you sing in the shower?
- No
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
- Yes
13. are/were you a theatre kid?
- No
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
- No
15. do you think musicals are cheesy?
- No
16. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
- No
17. favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
- I have sadly never played that game
18. last movie you watched?
- Pokémon Detective Pikachu
19. behind the camera or in front of it?
- Behind
20. favorite tv show?
- Almost anything on the channel TLC
21. meaning behind your url
- Well, I've had this username on twitter, instagram and snapchat already, which I all created when I was between 12-14 years old so I just went with it...I thought I was a unicorn because it was very popular to do so + like everything was unicorn themed and yuh
22. reason you joined tumblr
- To find better fanfiction (I'm coming from Wattpad)
23. who’s your closest tumblr friend?
- I don't have one I'd say I'm the closest to, I'm very close to a lot of my mutuals
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
- The smell of gas
25. have you ever taken narcotics?
- No
26. have you had sex?
- No
27. have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
- Not really
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
- I can't remember
29. describe your passion without mentioning it.
- I don't really have a passion
30. describe your best friend.
- I don't have a best friend, I see all of my friends equally
31. give us one thing about you that no one knows.
- That I'm probably gonna be jobless after finishing school in July lol
32. how do you feel right now?
- I'm okay, not feeling anything negative
33. what is your biggest fear?
- Heights and depths
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
- Bounce Back by Little Mix
35. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
- To remove toxic people from it
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
- Heeeeeell yeah
37. something you fantasize about.
- Very slow, passionate, vanilla sex; I imagine it to be very intimate and I love the idea of it
38. last time you cried and why
- November 21 because my friend told me face to face that her mum has cancer and I imagined how it would be if my mum had cancer and we basically cried our eyes out for a good half an hour
39. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
- Not a thing lol but my mum
40. do you really, truly miss someone right now?
- No
41. who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
- My two friends that I met when I changed schools
42. the last time you felt broken?
- When I found out one of my friend is in hospital and he texted me saying he feels like dying
43. are you starting to realize anything?
- Yes, that I'm probably jobless after finishing school in July yet again lmao
44. are you more dominant or more submissive?
- More dominant
45. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
- Show respect towards me, are honest, are reliable, are loyal and make me laugh
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
- Girls: The same age as me and younger
Boys: The same age as me and older
But I honestly am not picky, I take whoever catches my eye
47. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
- Well, I'm having this on-off crush on him, which isn't his fault, I'm complicated. He's taller than me (ca. 1.80 m), quite lanky and he has a deep voice. We went to the same primary school together and now are in the same grade again. He's very intelligent and he's tutoring me in business studies. He's super loud while speaking and talking. Confident indeed but not in an arrogant kind of way. He's a funny dude as well.
48. do you have any kinks?
- I haven't been sexually active yet so I don't know what I like to be honest
49. first thing you notice in a person?
- Teeth, hands, voice and manners/behavior
50. how can someone win your heart?
- By being respectful, loyal, honest, reliable and funny
51. been rejected by a crush?
- Heeeeeell yes
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
- Heeeeeell yes
53. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
- No
54. is trust a big issue for you?
- Yes but I'm working on it
55. did you hang out with the person you like recently?
- No
56. is confidence cute?
- Yes
57. what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
- I would be happy for him, I'm in no position to be angry towards him. Of course, I'd be a bit sad but it's my fault for not confessing.
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
- No
59. does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
- No
60. ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
- Yes
61. do you want to get married?
- No
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
- Lie to someone that means a lot to me (for example my mum)
63. three things that turn you on
- Humor, loyalty and honesty
64. who do you hate?
- I don't hate anyone, hate is a strong word. Nobody comes to my mind either.
65. favorite term of endearment?
- hugging and cuddling
66. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
- 100% CL of 2NE1
67. intimidating girls or kind girls?
- Kind girls
68. what do you look for in a possible partner?
- I'm repeating myself a lot, lol. But honesty, reliability, loyalty and humor.
69. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
- feminine or androgynous girls but yet again, it doesn't matter
70. are you good at flirting?
- I'm okay at it
71. who was the first person you came out to?
- My ex best friend
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
- Yes
73. is your crush wlw?
- No
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
- No one
75. write a short love poem to your crush/self
- I'm not good at writing poems
76. do you fall in love easily?
- I've never been in love, it was just crushes until now
77. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
- Oh yes
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
- It depends but usually yes
79. are you a forgiving person?
- Yes
80. what is your “type?”
- Generally look at question 68. But for girls, I like ones that are smaller and shorter than me too. For boys, I like boys my height or taller.
81. fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
- Depends on how tired I am. If I'm really tired fall asleep in her arms, if not rub her back until she falls asleep in mine.
82. tall girls or short girls?
- Short girls but I honestly don't mind again
83. hugs or kisses?
- Hugs
84. twirl her around or get twirled?
- Twirl her around
85. tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
- Tummy kisses
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
- Neck kisses
87. play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
- Stroke her tummy
88. making out or soft kisses?
- Soft kisses
89. hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
- Hugs around the waist
90. how confident are you in your sexuality?
- Very confident
91. when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
- I get butterflies in my stomach
92. have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
- No
93. how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
- I was 15
94. most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
- Probably trip
95. do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
- Yo, I love the concept or Jihyo and Sana, oh my God. Or Hwasa and Wheein. Those ships are most likely not canon but who knows? We might never find out.
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
- There hasn't been anything yet
97. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
- Just a bit more than a week ago
98. what is love to you?
- When a person brings out the best in you and supports you and you do the same.
99. ask me anything. > would you kiss on a roof or in a car?
- Both
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scige-archive · 5 years
Tumblr media
welcome 2 my twisted mind ex dee !!
PREFERRED NAME — james :o)
PRONOUNS — she/they
AGE — 20 whole years i am aging rapidly
DISCORD —  sniff#3644
TUMBLR (PERSONAL/MUSE/RPH) — svrgcnts is my muse / rph except im rly lazy n don’t do shit
OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE — i like the attention on twitter but i’d prefer 2 b im’d for that ,,, it’s got my Face on it ,,,
MYER-BRIGGS — istp or w/e the fuck ,,, used to be infp or smth tho
HP HOUSE — i ,,, i don’t know ,,, i always get a different answer ,,, u tell me
ZODIAC — [burps] aquarius
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? — no ... ? like ... it’s just a fun ol’ thing but i don’t base my life around it ... i won’t scorn u if ur a gemini or smth
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED RPING ON TUMBLR — uhh ... 19 i think ?? off tumblr it’s been a whole decade tho
WHAT YEAR WAS IT? — 2018 :/
NAME A RANDOM ROLEPLAY THAT STICKS OUT IN YOUR MEMORY — it was a closed group but we had an rp based out in the desert / loosely based on killjoys where ppl would build big ol’ robots and fight them in an arena n it was like ... dystopian. i had a gal named uuuhhh ... nora maybe ?? her granddad was the local fortune teller n she was one of the engineers
WHAT WEIRD ANIMAL WOULD YOU HAVE AS A PET IF IT WAS REALISTIC — are raccoons that far off .... from being realistic ... i’ve seen it done before ...
NAME A BOOK THAT YOU READ IN SCHOOL THAT YOU SURPRISINGLY LIKED — uuhh ... fucking uuuhh ... what books have i liked ... pride and prejudice or the great gatsby b/c i always hated assigned reading but i’m a whore for mr. darcy n i liked daisy buchanan probably too much :/
NAME A BOOK YOU HATED THAT MOST PEOPLE LIKED — uuhhh ... fuckin’ ... i didn’t like mice of men ?? i don’t know how popular that was. don’t like the hazel wood by melissa albert or w/e but does Anybody lmao ... i don’t rly know ... hated this book i think called splinter and it was like alice in wonderland meets scene kids and i thought it was fuckin’ stupid.
WHAT TV SHOW DID YOU RECENTLY BINGE? — i haven’t binged any tv show recently ! i watched howl’s moving castle and shrek back-to-back though :/
FAVOURITE QUOTE — i’m big stupid ... i don’t know ... feed me anne carson quotes ...
DO YOU WRITE OUTSIDE OF RP? WHAT DO YOU WRITE? — rarely but i usually write urban fantasy ... big fantasy slut here
THREE YOUTUBERS YOU STILL TRUST — jenna marbles, emilia fart, sidney lavin, and BONUS youtuber joana ceddia
A CELEBRITY CRUSH THAT JUST WON’T QUIT — um ... uuh ... anne hathaway ... i think there’s another celebrity that makes me feel a certain way but i just. cannot remember atm.
EVER MEET A CELEBRITY? SHARE YOUR STORY — no but my mom’s friend dated lenny kravitz in high school
WHAT’S YOUR PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHT? — this ... but without anxiety
A CONSPIRACY THEORY YOU KINDA BELIEVE IN — princess diana was mc’fuckin’murdered :/
PLAY ANY PHONE GAMES? WHICH ONES? — lily’s garden atm
WHAT’S A FILM YOU LOVED WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG AND RECENTLY WATCHED, ONLY TO FIND OUT YOU DON’T ANYMORE — i actually ... don’t like spirited away as much as i used to as a kid which makes me :/ still love howl’s moving castle though
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? — sea shells and pretty rocks, books, random knick knacks, lighters, condoms except that one was accidental
WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BUT YOU’RE TOO LAZY? — i wanna learn ... some cool nature science shit ... animals and shit ... i’m not lazy i’m just poor and 2 stupid 4 a science major
THREE LANGUAGES YOU DON’T SPEAK, BUT WISH YOU COULD — italian, spanish, and like ... arabic maybe
MOVIE YOU’VE WATCHED MORE THAN 5 TIMES — shrek ... princess diaries ... uuhhh ... halloweentown and all the sequels ... maybe legally blonde
NAME A FICTIONAL CHARACTER FROM TV/FILM/MOVIE/GAME/BOOK THAT YOU FIND YOURSELF PROJECTING ON / YOU RELATE TO — [sticks fingers into my nostrils] uuhhh ... veronica mars, scott pilgrim, molly from booksmart, kelso, penelope garcia, mike myers’ cat in the hat, dr. evil, scooby doo
PLUG A TV SHOW / MOVIE / BOOK / VIDEO GAME / ETC… YOU WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD CHECK OUT — miss fisher’s murder mysteries ... very good if u like detectives but hate bbc sherlock. six of crows 4 a book. deponia (the complete journey) for a video game ... check out big fish if u wanna see danny devito’s bare ass
WHOSE BRAIN WOULD YOU LIKE TO PICK, ALIVE OR DEAD? — elon musk’s ... i don’t like him but i need to Know.
LAST MOVIE SEEN IN THEATRE — once upon a time in hollywood. it sucks and i hate feet but all the girls ? hot as fuck.
DO YOU STILL READ? — uuh ... kind of ??
IF SO, WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? — last book i was reading but haven’t finished and haven’t ... gotten around to reading more of ... is strange the dreamer which is a really good book i’m just shit for brains
ON A SCALE OF 1-10, HOW MUCH DID YOU HATE FILLING THIS OUT? – like ... a 5 i think ... my back hurts and i have 2 pee
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faunahudson · 5 years
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What is your Mark?
I’m a known and dangerous submissive.
How do you feel about this being your Mark and would you change it, if given the chance?
Well I always just kind of knew that I would be a submissive, because it’s hot when people order you about you know. Plus I really like being the little spoon. I wouldn’t change my mark, but I’d love to change some peoples perception of it.
What is your age range?
I’m 24 baby, so I’m in my mid twenties now
What is your occupation?
I’m a surgical intern right now, hoping to be a resident someday soon.
What is your dream occupation?
I want to be the head of paediatric surgery at the best hospital in New Eden 
Do you drink?
If so, how often?
Whenever it’s fun or I need to forget something
Do you smoke?
Nope. All of my medical training tells me that it’s a super bad idea
If so, how often?
If I did I would probably only do it for the funsies, you know the whole try anything once mentality
How often do you participate in a scene?
When the opportunity presents itself or I have that looming biweekly deadline coming up. I like to try and be spontaneous about this kind of thing so I wish there wasn’t so much pressure to like ‘get it done’ as if it’s some kind of chore to explore our desires.
Do you have a regular partner that you scene with?
What are some of your favorite ways to conduct or participate in scenes?
I like to keep things as fresh as possible and make sure that I’m trying everything new that comes my way you know. However I kinda like Daddy kink sometimes, a bit of spanking and definitely being teased. Honestly I’m up for giving most things a go as long as my partner is up for it.
Moving away from the topic of scenes! What is your favorite thing to do in New Eden?
Probably hit up some of those weird pop up theatre events and see a really terrible play written by art students, or go to one of the art museums or.. oh um go and check out some of the abandoned buildings in the city.
Where do you like to go to relax after a stressful event, not including restaurants or bars?
My bed, or like an arcade?
Where is your favorite place to grab a meal or drink? Probably this old fashioned diner near where my parents live, it reminds me of when I was a kid and they do the best burgers and fries.
And finally, who is your favorite fictional character?
Annabeth from Percy Jackson, she is one badass young lady and she’s the daughter of Athena.. get it bitch
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dangertronic · 6 years
Since Ao3 wants to be a bitch today. Here is the Stenbrough request for one darling @agrimny
Treat as super secret bonus chapter to Not A Monster that just focuses on these guys.
Date Night
Living in a closed minded town such as Derry did not leave a same-sex couple much choice in dates, and Stan absolutely hated it. He could not, no matter how hard he tried, understand just how what he felt for Bill was wrong, but according to ninety-percent of Derry that’s exactly what it was.
Not that he let that bother him.
The small ten percent of people who didn’t care about who he was attracted to were the only ones that mattered, so they were the only ones he ever needed to talk to about it.
Though sometimes he wondered how Richie and Eddie made it through an entire school day without touching each other or kissing, because sometimes Stan wanted nothing more than to be able to hold Bill’s hand walking to classes like he saw other couples do.
“It’s all about discretion, Staniel!” Richie had said one day when Stan had asked him about it.
They were standing on the bleachers of the football field, Richie sitting on the bar of the fence that lined the top of them with a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he watched the football team training.
“You just gotta…” Richie shifted the cigarette to corner of his mouth, far away from Stan. “Okay so like, you’re in the cafeteria sitting together at the table, yeah? And it’s perfectly normal and okay to do that because friends sit together so you just gotta slide your hand under the table and rest it on theirs, or on a leg. Discretion, Stan my man! You have to find the little things you can do in-between the moments you can ravage either other!”
“Do you have to be gross about this?”
Richie raised his hands in defence while simultaneously taking a long drag of his cigarette. “Okay, okay, sorry. But seriously, it helps. Especially in this backwards fucking close minded town.”
“Yeah… so… what about…” Stan paused, seeming unable to say the word, his attention still fixed on the field where Mike had just performed the most brutal tackle he’d ever seen him do.
The person on the receiving end of the tackle, Charlie, was limping off the field while laughing and giving Mike a thumbs up to assure him that he was okay.
Richie cocked a brow, removing the cigarette from his mouth and delicately tapping a single finger against it to remove the excess ash from the tip. “Dates, Staniel? Well… let me tell you, that one was the hard part for a while but… movie theatres are pretty dark, you know?”
Stan glanced to Richie, arching a brow. “If you make this disgusting –”
Richie chuckled, placing his hands onto the bar either side of his legs before sliding off. “Staniel.” He stressed, pressing his hand to Stan’s shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “They’re dark and people can’t see if you sit too close if you’re in the right place, or if you’re holding hands. It’s the ideal secret date.”
“You didn’t make it disgusting. I’m impressed.”
Richie took a bow. “You’re welcome Staniel! Cleaned it up just for your sensitive little ears, I did!”
Stan shoved Richie who let out a chuckle before he started his descent down the bleachers, long legs making the step across each bench easy.
Didn’t he know how to use stairs?
Friday nights had quickly become Bill and Stan’s date nights.
They would eat dinner at home and then spin some lie about studying or hanging out with the whole group before heading into the main part of town to the movie theatre to see whatever movie was currently playing; not that they ever paid much attention to it.
This Friday, however, was different.
With their upcoming senior exams a couple of weeks away, Stan was pretty much on lockdown because of his parents, studying late into the night to try and retain some kind of information, which put a large dent in what little time he was actually able to spend with Bill.
He hated it.
It was around one in the morning when a noise at the window startled Stan, who had been sitting on his bed surrounded by an array of text books.
“H-how the fuck does Ruh-Richie do this?”
Stan couldn’t help the smile that came to his mouth, dropping his pen onto his notebook as he looked up at the open window. “Are you kidding me, Bill? We all know Richie built like a damn spider.”
There was a grumble outside on the garage roof that stretched out under his window, and then Bill was there, slinging one leg into the room. Stan raised a brow as he caught sight Bill, half in his bedroom window with a paper bag hanging from his mouth from the local fast food place, complete with a drink in each hand.
“Do you –”
Bill shook his head before Stan could finish. “Igotit.”
Finally managing to plan his foot onto Stan’s floor, Bill steadied himself and swung his other leg into the room, twisting his body as he did so he didn’t somehow manage to topple back out of the window.
Once safely inside Stan’s room, Bill stood and crossed the space between the window and the bed, holding one of the drinks out to him. Stan took the Styrofoam cup from Bill, allowing him to remove the paper bag from his mouth.
“Eh-Eddie said you’ve been driving yourself insane studying until two in the morning.” Bill said, nudging some of Stan’s books aside with his knee and taking a seat on the bed. “I thought I’d come keep you company since it is technically our date night.”
“And this?” Stan asked, shaking the cup.
“One struh-strawberry milkshake.” Bill dropped the bag onto Stan’s open history book. “And food because I’m pretty sure you keep forgetting to eat when you’re in study mode.”
Stan smiled, and Bill saw the all too familiar fond look that Stan gave him at times like this; when Bill showed just how well he knew him because he was so damn attuned to him after all these years.
“Thanks Bill.”
Bill returned the smile with a grin. “Nuh-no problem. Now take a break and eat before I fuh-force feed you.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll take a break.” Stan chuckled, closing his notebook and moving it to the side while Bill opened the bag to distribute the food between them.
They were silent while they ate. Stan hated the sound of someone eating and talking at the same time, something he often berated Richie for doing, and was thankful that Bill wasn’t like him. Bill chewed slowly and carefully, looking down at the open text book that was upside down in front of him.
He swallowed, taking a quick sip of his own milkshake before glancing up at Stan. “So do you reh-reh-really need six books open at once?”
Stan shrugged, balling up the wrapper that had been around his burger before tossing it into empty paper bag. “Probably not, but I take breaks from one thing and study another for a while. It helps information from the previous thing sink in better… or so I’m told.”
“Suh-sounds like something Ruh-Richie would tell someone.” Bill commented, scrunching up his own wrapper and dropping it into the bag. “I miss our night, you know.”
“Me too, Bill.” Stan sighed, adjusting his position slightly.
Hunching over the books had really done a number on him, and he supposed it was his own fault for locking himself in his room between the hours of four and two while he killed his brain with his studies.
“Tha-that’s why I came over. That and tuh-to make sure you’re actually eating.”
Bill saw the fond look return to Stan’s face before he spoke. “I appreciate it, a lot, though I’m surprised you didn’t do it sooner.”
“Duh-didn’t wanna bother you. I know this is important.”
Stan frowned, his brows furrowing before he leaned over to place his drink onto the nightstand next to his alarm clock. “You know, Bill, you’re hardly Richie who is loud and distracting. You could have come over at any time. Just because I’m on lockdown doesn’t mean I can’t have study partners, or did Eddie neglect to mention that since he was here just two days ago?”
Bill snorted, leaning back on the bed. “Eh-Eddie’s brain is either oh-on stuh-studying or Ruh-Richie.”
Stan chuckled, reaching over and starting to close his textbooks. “True. It’s a little worrying sometimes.”
“Yeah it – what are you doing?”
“Getting rid of these books.” Stan said as though it were obvious, stacking the books one by one into arms as he closed them. “They’re all over the place if you didn’t notice.”
“Yuh-you don’t need to stop juh-just cause I’m here.”
Stan smiled, leaning over the bed to place the books onto the floor. “I want to. I’ve been studying for hours, Bill, and it’s rude to ignore a guest unless that guest is Richie.”
“He been annoying you again?”
Stan rolled his eyes, dropping onto the bed with his head in Bill’s lap. “He’s loud and hasn’t mastered to art of sneaking into my window. He kind of just… topples in every damn day.”
Bill smiled, reaching out and running his fingers through Stan’s hair. “He’s coming over here a lot?”
Stan nodded, rolling onto his back to look up at Bill. “Eddie is getting a little testy. Everyone is, actually. Richie said that Eddie’s been getting snappy at him more than usual and that Jess and Lucille had an argument one night because they’re so tense. I hate finals.”
Bill’s other hand joined the first on Stan’s hair, and Bill enjoyed the way Stan relaxed under his touch, a small content smile on his face as his eyes closed. “You don’t seem testy.”
Stan chuckled sleepily. “It’s probably because I’ve been avoiding everyone during my study hours.”
“Except Ruh-Richie.” Bill said, amusement in his voice.
“He breaks into my room Bill!” Stan practically whined, throwing his arms up into the air. “He wakes me up and then topples into the room! He paces around like some kind of malevolent gremlin and vents! Then he topples back out of the room!”
“Huh-how has he not broken a leg?”
“I don’t know, but next time he comes into this room after midnight I’m breaking one for him. He’s taking advantage of this warmth forcing me to keep my window open.” Stan huffed, dropping his hands to his stomach. “I hate it.”
Bill smiled and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of Stan’s nose. “I’m guh-gonna get you a fuh-fan so you can lock your window at night.”
“I’d like that… a lot.”
“Okay, so we’ll get you a fan.” Bill said, pressing another kiss to Stan’s nose.
“Thanks Bill.” Stan said, shifting to lie more comfortably on the bed. “You know, this isn’t our usual Date Night but… I’m really enjoying it.”
“Muh-me too Stan.”
Bill smiled again, moving to awkwardly kiss Stan in their position. “Shu-sure thing. I’ll stay.”
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ageofevermore · 3 years
I am so annoying omg! but you do give off major theatre kid vibes (and believe me, theatre kids are the best)🤍
please do i? i know so many theater kids and they’re so annoying so yuh, i can see how it’s translated haha. sigh, what is this, my seventh year of active theater? oof.
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clynnra · 3 years
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My friend Laura & I saw “Minari” today. A very beautiful film with strong performances by the whole cast. Steven Yeun was wonderful as Jacob as well as his costars Han Ye-ri as Monica, Youn Yuh-jung as Grandma, and the kids Noel Cho (Anne) and Alan S. Kim (David). Will Patton as Paul gave a very unique memorable performance. The movie was written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung. Very beautiful and evocative shots of the landscape while telling a story that most people can empathize with while also telling it from a Korean immigrant’s perspective. There were moments I laughed aloud and gasped, too. It was just a very engaging movie anchored by strong performances. Also, don’t be dissuaded by subtitles. I got so engrossed that they did not distract. I was surprised by the movie in that I assumed certain things would happen based on what was shown or said in the movie, but I was pleasantly surprised they did not happen. It did not feel like a Hollywood movie, and that was a good thing. It was a slice of their lives and it was good to see a story from a Korean perspective. I also noticed that Brad Pitt’s Plan B production company was involved so admiration for Pitt as a supporter of diverse storytelling. Go see it if it’s safe to do so in theaters or watch it streaming. I hope this movie gets some Oscar nominations. Thanks to my friend Laura for a good movie pick. 👍👏 (at Consolidated Theatres Pearlridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLlBefajTPY/?igshid=4jz10hp036jn
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On The Go - Luci’s Wild Ass Day
So I’m a theatre nerd. Started as actor, became teacher, becoming writer, with aspirations of being a director. And one of the ways I achieve my aspirations is by diving in to opportunities to develop those skills head on. And as of September this year I started directing a young theatre ensemble from Mustardseed in a piece called Duelling Voices. It’s an amazing play written by Trinidadian Zeno Obi Constance about inappropriate romantic relationships between a student and her teacher and the fall out of that, in a Caribbean context.
It’s a fun ass play that has given these young performers aged 15-18 some really meaty roles and some hard questions about society’s role in sexualizing young girls especially and the ways in which w demonify young girls while barely holding the men who exploit them accountable. 
Like I said, it’s a good play with a strong, talented group of young people to perform it and this morning we had an amazing rehearsal.
Then I went straight from that rehearsal, home, to don my doc martens, my rainbow eye make up & my placards of ruthless LGBTQ unapologeticness and headed straight (haha) to a counter protest that a few close friends and I organized on Wednesday after reading an article in the newspaper stating that a Christian group was intended “to bring hundred’s of young people to the street” in order to protest our nation’s declining morals and reclaim the rainbow. 
First of all, “the rainbow aint yours to reclaim.”
Secondly, “our sexuality should not in anyway affect your morals.”
Thirdly, “stop RH hating”
And we went to it, all ten - fifteen of us, with our rainbows and our signs &our super gay! selves and we walked behind the march, providing solace and solidarity to all the young people who saw and heard the Christian message and knew there was a coded message of intolerance to queerness. To every person who’s face went from upsetment, and pain when they heard the original protestor’s message that then changed to nods of support and smiles of happiness, or thumbs up of appreciation, yuh all, we were there for you. For your smiles.
But the mad thing was they didn’t say anything outwardly homo/transphobic. It was almost as if our presence was enough to police any potential bigotry. It was almost as if seeing that we were real people with faces, and laughs and friends stopped the usual rhetoric of “homosexuals are the cause of our moral decay”. Like literally NO one said that, or of that ilk. The closest we got was protect us from “sexual perversion” but queerness isn’t a perversion so SWERVE!
After that, the organization then confronted us asking why we came.This then transcended into a conversation about how the church and LGBTQ+ groups can start a dialogue rather than a constant conflict and antagonizing discourse. At this point the group reminded the leaders of the church’s responsibility to LGBTQ people (especially young people who may feel marginalized in their congregation) as representatives of a faith that preaches love and compassion. 
And you wanna hear something yuh all, these leaders of 4 men listened to us and showed us true care and compassion. 
They invited us onto their stage and prayed, not for us to be “healed” - as we warned them that if they tried it, it wouldn’t end well - but for the church’s forgiveness in having a large part to play with the marginalization of queer people in our nation,  they prayed for guidance to become more welcome and non-judgemental individuals especially in relation to the LGBTQ community and lastly they thanked us for being in their presence and basically making them check themselves then blessed us as inidividuals that all our endeavours may succeed and that we be protected.
Growing up as a queer kid in a Christian Caribbean society aint easy fam. And to stand, alongside my friends and fellow activists and see about 100 people looking back at us, and knowing that your existence is against their literal bible.... ting but yet here they are, with their arms up praying that you have a great career and all the successes in your love and life. 
And my friends did that. My bad ass friends with their bad ass selves came out, handed out stickers, made placards, and challenged church leaders to do better by their congregation and do better by their faith by embracing, with open arms the LGBTQ+ community in Barbados and for one night, they did. 
And that was one hell of a success. 
So I salute you all rockstars, and hope that this little recount of what went down can inspire someone out there that once you make a stand in what you believe in, magical things can happen. 
And it’s like that damned adage I heard over and over again just the other day  “not everything faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed unless it is faced”.
The very last thing I did after that, was co-host Poetry Lime which is another space for a different kind of bravery and I love the community of people who go and listen and share their art there. They constantly inspire me to do better, to make more platforms for them to express themselves, and navigate their lives together as artists and art lovers. 
But more talk bout that another day. So yeah...
It’s been a wild ass day. 
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