#I sure would love a cannoli canon
frenchiefitzhere · 2 years
This concludes the "Marie Tells Ridiculous Stories to the Shaw Pack Kids" Trilogy based on Mad-Libs style suggestions. Thanks to @obsessivedino for the suggestions on this one!
*** Context: The collective Shaw Pack kids are the listener. The pack is coming back from a trip and got stuck in an airport. To keep the kids entertained, Marie puts on a puppet show. It is very silly. Genre: Fluff/Humor. Sleep Aid (?) *** Characters belong to Redacted Audio. Airport soundscape CC0 from freesound.org. *** "Script" ad-libbed by me (Frenchie). VA, SFX and editing: also me.
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wordsvomit101 · 17 days
Gehenna Worldbuilding Draft 1 (with some canon divergence)
Author Notes: this is for fun, don't mind me, I'm just having a spiraling from a hihi haha moment of thinking about Minhyeok's kink to writing this 4.2k words mess. Idk how I got here. ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
(At Gehenna's capital city, Malebolge - 8:40 AM IST - Time of Dawn's Embrace)
"So Minhyeok secretly stole your underwear, Miss Raon?" Ppyong needs to control himself. He shouldn't make assumptions about his best friend. Miss Raon only said that her underwear sometimes went missing before miraculously appearing in her cupboard again. At Minhyeok's house. Minhyeok is a super organized and charismatic guy. The cowardly pretty man who can't even show his best friend how those white juices are made. However—
If that is true? Minhyeok would have the worst teasing he ever had in his life from Ppyong and maybe a bit of bullying for his (possible) sneaky and perverted behaviors. Not that he has any ground to stand on, but he wouldn't miss that chance to make fun of Minhyeok. His idiot friend has been hard to read lately. It is hard to know what is going on in that guy's head anymore.
"W-Well! I wouldn't say he 'stole' it per se…" the lovely lady with violet hair who is sitting across from him, nestled between Sir Leraye and Sir Paimon, blushed in embarrassment and tried to think for her next words as the three men patiently waited for her. Until the waitress with curled pink horns on either side of her head and wide deer-like eyes with slits in them comes over to get their orders, her jovial voice as light and dulcet as usual.
"Good days to you all, esteemed patrons! What can I get you today?"
They're sitting in the most well-known bakery in Gehenna, called "Delights Bakery", which specializes in crafting decadent desserts and pastries inspired by the fiery landscape of Gehenna. It has been around for a long time; they still stand strong even in the midst of war. They offer a wide range of treats including Chimera Molten Cake, Vesuvius Tiramisu, Ojoshew Panna Cotta, Brimstone Biscotti, and Fairy Dust Cannoli Gelato.
The bakery provides a cozy and welcoming atmosphere where customers can enjoy freshly baked goods alongside a cup of fiendishly delicious coffee or tea. They also offer custom cake designs for special occasions like birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries, allowing customers to personalize their desserts to suit their tastes.
Ppyong's personal favorite from this place is Brimstone Biscotti, a devilishly delicious treat that pairs perfectly with a cup of the place's signature Infused Fire Coffee. These crispy almond biscotti are infused with the smoky aroma of brimstone from the eastern plantation of Gehenna and studded with common sparkling chili flakes, creating a bold and intense flavor profile that is sure to awaken anyone's senses.
"Alrighty! Your orders are coming right up, please be patient!" With a cheerful hum, the cute waitress walks back to her station with slightness in her hooves-like legs with blossom fur. A misleading appearance to a devil that ruthlessly stomped on several angels' heads yesterday and handled almost everything here before help came. She even asked to keep their bodies for new recipes.
Once they finished their orders, Sir Paimon reserved an order of Mystic Amaretto Affogato to give to Sir Astaroth since they would meet after this meet-up. They got back to the topic.
"I most likely forgot to wash them and... just left them around. He often does my laundry anyway when he comes over to visit, but…"
Sir Paimon's beautiful and cheerful voice adds, "There'sss stillll a possibilityyyy he isss usingg it forrrr his ownnn pleasureee withoutttt telling youuu, if sooo, don't youuu thinkkk he needed a bitttttt of a scoldinggg?", he ends his statement effortlessly cute with a wide playful smile, his heterochromia blinking innocently as if he didn't just accuse Minhyeok of wrongdoings, and his pretty long lashes flutter above his cheekbone like two pairs of Ethereal Emberwing to Miss Raon as if seducing her to agree.
"I- I mean he could be- No wait! He wouldn't! He never showed any signs that he would use them for anything other than washing them for me," Miss Raon said with a bright red face as she tried to defend her best friend's honor now that the conversation turned into this, unlike how she first brought it up.
"Then shouldn't he be more straightforward with you? I don't think it is a problem if you're ok with it. Shouldn't he be more honest with his temptation?" Sir Leraye innocently pulls the topic back where Paimon wants it, and his charming face frowns as he closes his eyes, deep in thought.
"Even I wouldn't say I wash his underwear for him in his face! It would be embarrassing! And it would be more believable if he said he liked women's fashion instead."
"Huh? Minhyeok do aye?" That is a surprising twist, though it seems more unexpected in Ppyong's opinion since he knows Minhyeok did ask for Miss Raon's panty for his white liquid creation process.
"Minhyeok doesn't seem like that kind of guy aye, I've never seen him show any interest in dresses and makeup too aye. If anything, I think he hugged his baseball bat in his sleep aye," like a good friend, he keeps that to himself and emphatically looks up to Miss Raon in consolation as the chance that her best friend is sniffing her panty in secret is more likely than ever.
"I'm telling you it's not like that!-", her sentence was again cut off by the bright voice of the waitress, "Sorry for the interruption! Here are your orders!" Without looking at the table, she still expertly set out their meals in the right order while smiling happily at them, "While I would love to listen to this lively conversation, I got more tables to serve. Enjoy yourselves, fellas!"
"Thank you!" they all said in unison at the preceding figure of the waitress before excitedly digging into their desserts. Ppyong's cartoonish eyes light up with anticipation, and he can feel the drool from his mouth. He reaches eagerly for the plate of Brimstone Biscotti. The aroma of roasted brimstone and dark chocolate wafts up to his nose, and he can't resist taking a bite immediately.
With a satisfied grin, Ppyong chews slowly, savoring the rich flavors dancing on his taste buds. "Mn! As delicious as always aye!" he remarks between bites, crumbs scattering on the table with each enthusiastic gesture.
Sir Paimon, the refined gentleman that he is, delicately lowers his spoon into the Ojoshew Panna Cotta. The creamy dessert yields with a gentle resistance before surrendering to his touch, letting him savor each scoop with a pleased and graceful smile.
"Mnhmmm, thisss is perfectttt forrr this fineee weatherrr, isn't itttt?"
On the other side of the table, Sir Leraye's enthusiasm knows no bounds as he plunges his spoon into the Fairy Dust Cannoli Gelato. His eyes sparkle with childlike delight as he unearths the hidden treasures within the velvety layers of frozen delight. His sunny expressions bring peace to the hearts of everyone who witnesses it.
"Yeah! It has been a while since we got to hang out like this and with Raon too! Oh! This is the first time for you isn't it Raon? What do you think?"
Between the two attractive devils, Miss Raon picks up her Vesuvius Tiramisu, her eyes marveling at its intricate presentation. The dessert resembles a miniature volcano, with layers of sponge cake and creamy mascarpone erupting from the center. She takes a tentative bite, and her eyes widen in surprise and delight as she savors the decadent dessert.
Her expression mirroring the awe of a child experiencing something magical for the first time. "This is incredible," she murmurs, her voice filled with genuine amazement. They all smile at her quiet joy and let her enjoy her meal as they begin to talk among themselves.
As Sir Leraye and Sir Paimon delved into their discussion about future assignments, their voices took on a bit more serious tone, yet their postures and actions felt relaxed and full of confidence.
Sir Leraye took a thoughtful bite of his dessert, savoring the creamy sweetness before chiming in, "You know, Paimon, after this, I'm thinking of heading over to Sulfur Springs. The streets are always lively there and my men have been struggling quite a bit recently. Do you want to join me after you meet up with Astaroth?" Sir Leraye seems sheepish as he subtly requests Sir Paimon's assistance.
Sir Paimon gently tilted his head, and a few strands of his silky blonde hair softly fell over his right eye, his gaze composed as he thought.
"Sulfurrr Springsss, huhhhh? Thattt doess sounddd enticingg. Buttt I've gottt myyy sights settt on Shadowspireee attt the Tailll of the Wolffff. I heardd there's hasss beennn some spewinggg commotionn undergrounddd in thattt nightt cityyy from Belialll"
With a false tired sign, he let his head fall gently on Miss Raon's head as he chewed on his spoon between his rosy lips. His pretty eyes are saddened as he looks at Sir Leraye.
"'mm soo innn trenddd latellyy. Evennn Hiss Majestyyy Satan calll for meee to thee southernnn provincess of Ashennn Citadelll tooo..."
Sir Leraye smiled in understanding and pat Paimon on the shoulder, "It's OK! It's just a suggestion! Don't worry Paimon, me and my men can handle it! So just focus on your work and enjoy spilling blood as usual!" the devil with the bright monocle said good-naturedly and lightened the mood with his light laugh at the last part.
"Awww~ Thankkk youuu Lerayeee~ You're a sweetthearttt as usualll~," Sir Paimon smiled sweetly back at Leraye and straightened himself up to look at Miss Raon, who had been drawn into the lively conversation between the two after she helped Ppyong slice the Brimstone Biscotti into a smaller size for him to eat.
"It'ss unfortunateee thattt we can'tt spenddd moreee timeee withhh youuu Raonnn. Don'ttt worryyy, we will droppp youuu with Zagan at Pitstoppp Plazaaa once we doneee, are youuu okkk with ittt?" Sir Paimon smiled kindly at Miss Raon as he asked her, and she smiled back in understanding.
"Of course! Please don't mind me and work hard. I also planned to ask for Zagan's help with my training today. Also," Miss Raon is now looking back at him, her face slightly red, "I will likely need, um, Minhyeok's 'thing' again. Ppyong, can you take the second portion of Vesuvius Tiramisu for him? He would like it."
A mix of eagerness and pride filled his heart. It wasn't just any task. It was a gesture of trust from someone he deeply respected. Despite doing so many times before, the simple thought of being chosen for such an errand brought a sense of validation, but also a touch of excitement to meet with his best friend!... and be rewarded with Fererere from the black-haired human.
"You can count on me aye!" With a proud grin and his chest puffed up, Ppyong determined to fulfill Raon's request with care and diligence. Also, Fererere is waiting for him!
Once they finished and dropped Miss Raon with Sir Zagan for their training, they parted ways and Ppyong made his way to the Teleportation Tower, or Nether Nexus Spire for fancy sake.
It didn't take long for Ppyong to see the towering building from miles away. The tower constructed from obsidian marble and adorned with intricate carvings of arcane symbols serves as the central hub for interdimensional travel within Gehenna. The tower is imposing and grand, with soaring spires reaching toward the sky of Hell. The exterior is adorned with flickering magic flaming bright chandeliers that dance along the edges of the tower, casting an eerie glow that illuminates the surrounding landscape.
Being a regular visitor, it doesn't take long for Ppyong to get past the inspection from the entrance and get in. At the heart of the tower lies a vast chamber filled with pulsating crystals of various hues, each one representing a different destination within Gehenna and beyond. These crystals serve as conduits for the teleportation magic that powers the gates, allowing travelers to journey to distant realms without getting themselves stuck somewhere in the void or getting wrecked from the torrent between spaces.
"Sir Ppyong! Good day to you!" a bright voice from the small goat-like devil rang over the hall before he saw the figure of Cock flying down from the third floor to greet him.
"To you too aye! Can you create a portal for me to Earth? I need to deliver something at Miss Raon's request aye," he said as they made their way to the vast ritual circle surface, etched into the polished obsidian marble floor. This circular platform serves as the focal point for the teleportation process, where technicians carefully select the appropriate crystal core to facilitate the journey to the desired destination.
"Oh? Another delivery? Miss Raon must cherish this human if she often sends him this many gifts!" Once the appropriate crystal is selected, Cock placed it in the center of the ritual circle, where it resonates with magical energy. The technician then channel his power, weaving intricate spells and incantations to activate the crystal and create the portal to the desired location.
"He is her best friend after all aye! Also, I should hurry too aye since Miss Raon will need his white liquid soon," he explained as the magic surged through the ritual circle, the air shimmered with otherworldly energy, and a swirling vortex of darkened hues materialized in the center of the circle. This portal serves as a gateway between realms, offering passage to those who seek to traverse the vast expanse of Gehenna and beyond.
"Of course, Sir Ppyong! Just a bit… Here you go! Have a good journey up there Sir!" With the portal open, Ppyong is free to step through and embark on his trip to Earth. Once he passes through, he is enveloped in a whirlwind of magical energy, his surroundings shifting and warping as he is transported to his chosen destination.
The boundaries between space and time blurred as he hurtled through the ethereal void, his body and soul becoming one with the primordial forces that governed the universe. Suddenly, the whirlwind dissipated, and Ppyong found himself facing the familiar sight of his best friend's room.
The noise of his landing surprised the man sitting at the study table beside his bed. He lay there for a moment, gathering his bearings, and enjoyed the softness of the blanket. However, he could hear the faint sound of muffled laughter coming from humans, and when he picked himself up and was about to give Minhyeok a piece of his mind, he stopped in his tracks by the sight before him.
"Are you... Minhyeok's family Miss...?"
Seated before him is a vision of elegance and beauty, their presence commanding attention with every subtle movement. Cascading down their back like an ethereal waterfall, waves of lustrous black hair frame their delicate features with a natural allure, each strand glistening like strands of jet-black under the gentlest light.
A soft pink jacket, impeccably tailored to accentuate their statuesque frame, draped over the shoulders of their crisp white shirt. A meticulously tied white ribbon hair tie added a touch of sophistication to their ensemble. Beneath the jacket, a pretty pink sailor-style collar adorned with a dainty bow hinted subtly at femininity. Completing their attire was a soft beige-colored jean mini skirt, its hemline fluttering just above their knees, creating an image of effortless delicate playfulness.
Subtle touches of makeup enhance their natural beauty, accentuating doe-like black eyes framed by fluttering lashes that cast soft shadows against their flawless complexion and faintly blushing cheeks. Their lips, painted with a delicate hue of rosy pink, curve into a pleasant and serene smile, radiating warmth and charm.
Completing the ensemble are sleek white thigh-high boots, their glossy finish contrasting elegantly against the soft fabric of their alluring black socking. Warm clothing for the current cold weather on Earth.
A familiar snort of a man from the breathtaking beauty before him gave him a shock all over his red body. The man then averted his enchanting eyes from Ppyong, engrossed in his reflection in the mirror. The soft glow of the vanity lights illuminates his delicate features as he continues to meticulously apply his makeup with his slender hand.
The array of skincare and makeup products is meticulously arranged on the elegant desk before the man shows his progress. The room is filled with the light sweet scent of perfumes and creams, adding to the air of luxury and sophistication that surrounds his every movement. The soft rustle of brushes and the gentle click of compacts punctuated the air as the masculine voice rang out from the looker's fetching lips.
"How terrible, you couldn't even recognize your bestie?
"Well, I wouldn't blame you. It's not every day people see this side of me. What do you think? You gave an eyeful earlier"
Ppyong's jaw practically hit the floor as he struggled to process the sight before him. His two black eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the breathtaking transformation of his best friend.
"What?!- What kind of shapeshifting sorcery is this?! Who are you and what have you done to Minhyeok aye?!"
He blinked rapidly as if trying to dispel the illusion before him, but Minhyeok remained seated before him, radiating an undeniable aura of grace and captivation. Gone was the familiar image of his friend in the casual and relaxed attire of a university student, replaced instead by this mesmerizing embodiment of a tall young attractive woman.
"I'm still me. This is just a practice for my friend's club drama performance. The leading lady's best friend role becomes empty because the girl has personal health issues and no one has time to take on another role. So I got the recommendation and the part"
Minhyeok explained as he gave his hair a fix-up and a once-over in the mirror. Minhyeok ran his fingers through his hair, flicking his wrist to fix a stubborn section that refused to sit properly. He peered at his reflection in the mirror, his dark eyes narrowed in concentration.
His fingers danced over his locks, deftly styling them into place. Each movement was precise and deliberate, like an artist working on a masterpiece. His face, usually relaxed and carefree, now held a touch of vanity as he admired his handiwork. The corners of his lips curved into a satisfied smirk as he gave his reflection one final once-over, the image of a spoiled young lady of a wealthy family getting ready for a night out reflected back at him.
"It's silly that they don't change the gender of the role and make me go around campus like this during the festival," he sighed, continuing, "but I do owe the club leader for that one time he helped me out." Ppyong didn't know what to think or feel now that he saw Minhyeok giving a cute little pout to himself.
"It's also best that I look like my own imaginary mute sister. A half-hearted effort would not help in the slightest"
At that moment, Ppyong couldn't help but marvel at the accuracy of Raon's suggestion to defend her friend, especially with how at ease Minhyeok was right now. They really knew each other like the back of their hands.
Yet Ppyong's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from disbelief to admiration. He couldn't help but admire the confidence with which Minhyeok carried himself, not bothered a bit by the girlish clothing he was wearing right now. It was beautiful and, for Ppyong, incredibly attractive.
Until he remembers what he's here for.
"Ah! That's right! The tiramisu, aye!" Opening the pocket of his stomach, Ppyong pulled out a box of Vesuvius Tiramisu that was bigger than himself and put it on the desk, sitting on it in front of Minhyeok, looking up and delighted as he got the attention from the gorgeous man above him. Though Minhyeok seemed to already guess who gave it to him.
"Miss Raon went out to have a snack with me and Sir Leraye and Sir Paimon today, aye! She bought a second portion for you and had me deliver it here!"
A radiant smile of pure joy illuminated his best friend's face, his captivating eyes brimming with tenderness and adoration. It was as if he were a devoted spouse receiving a long-awaited gift from his husband who is away from war, his cheeks flushing with a bashful delight as he attempted to conceal his beaming grin behind a delicate, carefully manicured hand.
Ppyong had to pat himself on the back as he marveled at the sight before him. His body shivered from a wave of longing washing over his entire being. Were there any other, lesser devils present to witness this scene, they would surely have shamelessly propositioned Minhyeok or openly leered at him. Perhaps the weakest of all would have boldly pounced on the ravishing man without a second thought.
"That girl, hehe, she should just worry for herself, risking her life down there but still has time for this? That dork, really..."
Ppyong could feel the love from Minhyeok's words as he opened the box and took a look inside, his smile pleased before closing the lids. Ppyong felt a surge of satisfaction knowing that he had managed to deliver Raon's thoughtful gesture to his friend.
"Thanks for having it delivered here, really, I appreciate it. It lets me know she's still well."
As Minhyeok expressed his gratitude, Ppyong's chest swelled with pride, his heart brimming with a new sense of joy knowing that he had brought a nice smile to Minhyeok's face.
"Hmph! Of course, this much is nothing for a great devil like this Ppyong, aye!" Despite his prideful words, he couldn't contain the childish giddiness swirling inside him at having the attention of this striking man, who often kept an invisible distance between them.
With a soft chuckle, Minhyeok put his face on his hand as he leaned on the desk. Ppyong couldn't help but take in the scent of light jasmine with a hint of soap and cotton underneath, and the proximity was making him tremble slightly.
"Sure, sure, you most likely came here for 'that'. I need to finish putting on the choker and earrings to take pictures in this. It will be quick, so just give me Raon's laundry and wait for me outside the bathroom."
"Can I help—?" His question was cut short before he could finish. "No," now the beautiful man coolly looked down at him and leaned back to open the drawer from his desk, taking out a black choker and silver heart-shaped earrings.
"Just be patient, or else I won't give you Fererere," the warning effectively shoved the protest back into Ppyong's mouth, and Minhyeok began to fiddle with the choker, trying to tie it around his pale neck.
"... Do you need help, aye?"
Minutes already ticked by as Minhyeok struggled in vain, on the verge of giving up in frustration. Suddenly, Ppyong's tiny crimson body darted over to Minhyeok's back. With an echoing pop, black smoke billowed from the point of contact, transforming into his high-ranking devil appearance. Surprising Minhyeok as his friend turned to look up at him.
"Just turn around, will you, aye? Come on, give that to me, aye."
Minhyeok reluctantly handed him the choker and Ppyong's hands deftly retrieved it from Minhyeok's grasp, his movements smooth and practiced. With a delicate touch, he began to gently secure the choker around his friend's elegant and seductive pale neck.
The choker rested against Minhyeok's skin, a dazzling accessory that added to his friend's already irresistible demeanor.
"See? You should just let me help, aye", before Minhyeok could argue, he quickly grabbed the earrings and stilled his friend's shoulder with his left hand. He let his gaze linger on the mirror before them, greedily taking in Minhyeok's flustered face as Ppyong towered over him.
As Ppyong delicately placed the shimmering earrings on Minhyeok's ears, a soft glow enveloped the room, accentuating the tension of the moment. Standing behind him, he caught a glimpse of his friend's reflection in the mirror, his features illuminated by the warm light. Minhyeok's black eyes met his crimson ones through the mirror, revealing a slight flush of pink spreading across his cheeks as he bit down on his lower lip in a gesture of bashful charm, unaware of the captivating allure he exuded at that moment.
'Fuck, he's lucky that it's me here and not other devils'
With a heavy gulp, Ppyong's muscles tensed as a wave of heat surged through his body, originating from the attractive man in front of him. Despite the tempting pull of desire, he resisted the urge and swiftly reverted to his usual Red Lump form once he was done, dispelling the charged atmosphere with the resounding volume of his voice.
"Ok! Here! Be done quickly and give me your white liquid and Fererere, aye!" he said quickly as he pulled out a bag of Miss Raon's laundry and threw it at Minhyeok's lap.
It broke Minhyeok from his daze, and he scowled beautifully at Ppyong before he gave an exasperated sigh and stood up from his seat. Ppyong expected everyone to understand his internal disappointment from not having the attention of the enticing man anymore. It didn't matter if it made him feel like those stuck-up devils from Hades.
"Fine, and wait for me to make some food for you to bring back"
"Sure! Hurry up then, aye!"
Minhyeok gave him a suspicious glance over his shoulder before retreating into his bathroom, the heels from his white boots clicking against the floor sensually, leaving Ppyong there on his bed. Once Minhyeok was out of sight, the red devil lay down tiredly as he dazedly looked up at the ceiling. The image of the vulnerable back of the pretty man lingered in his mind, wrecking him with arousal mixed with a good dose of guilt.
"...Crap, Miss Raon will not forgive me if she knows of this"
She would probably, very likely even without magic, squeeze him in her hands until he popped like confetti for even thinking of her friend like that.
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
I went to the effort of typing this joke out on Discord earlier and since I think I'm very funny and I've entirely run out of queue --
Regarding a potential inter-canon Gundam protagonist meet-up, we have:
Two psychic teenagers drafted into a war they barely understand who are either hitting things or having nervous breakdowns about it
One psychic teenager drafted into a war he barely understands who is just trying to goof off and/or get his sister back
Assorted soldiers in various stages of PTSD and dishonourable discharge
Some guy (also psychic), his girlfriend, the queen of outer-space, and their highly-strung boyfriend who is doing his best
One twenty-year-old master martial artist who gets nervous talking to his wife
Five teenage terrorists who are alternately incredibly socially-awkward (science experiment gone horribly right), massively over-compensating (traumatised Catholic goofball), just plain weird (clown), in desperate need of therapy (corporate Lawrence of Arabia), or massively over-compensating (sword-wielding reply-guy), and their plus-one, the acting president of the world
One probably-not-psychic con-artist who would like to get back to stealing shit, please, and his actually-psychic girlfriend who is just very nice
The sweetest guy you've ever met, the queen of the moon, the queen of the moon's doppelganger, the doppelganger's tom-boy sister, and the one Char clone with a functional love-life
The most unstable long-range polycule you can imagine and this random angry idiot they've adopted for reasons beyond anyone's understanding
One terrorist who wants to be a Gundam (and succeeds), one to two shooty Irishmen, a comicbook-style schizophrenic super-soldier, his equally-so girlfriend, and their boss, the world's most not-trying 'honestly a human being for sure'
I utterly refuse to having anything to do with AGE
A bunch of school-age nitwits playing some sort of cod-Shakespearean lost twin-siblings/secret heir sub-plot amidst an energy crisis and/or religious war
A shy hick and her business-major girlfriend, plus their assorted classmates who are totally failing to form a consistent genre
And then there's Tekkadan standing off to the side being like... yeah, so... no one's paying us to fight right now, would you all maybe like to sit down and have something to eat? A bit of light couples-counselling? Thump a punching bag until you feel better?
(Obviously Tekkadan are doing the catering. They have a cook and better access to fresh produce than anyone else. Which, I mean, Celestial Being has the budget but Tieria is definitely vetoing the unnecessary expenditure. Everyone else is just on military rations or school food.)
(@thedancingwalrus-blog would like you all know that Mikazuki is claiming every unguarded plate that someone has abandoned to go have a misunderstanding-based fight within, like, 0.5 seconds of it getting left behind. I'd insert a GIF of him deep-throating a cannoli here, obviously, only shockingly, I can't find one. Anyone have that? I feel like we should have that.)
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thunder-jolt · 23 days
time for my favorite CookieRun characters
uhh idk
I'm not into cr
but a thing I know for sure
is that my least favorite CR characters are
all the Disney characters
Ironically, most of my favorite Cookie Run characters are some of my OCs, but not just my OCs, since I'm an OC x Canon shipper, my favorites were often (or not) love interests.
Also, the order is not "most favorite to least favorite", all of them are my favorites. (Sounds like something a hypocrite would say, eh?)
Choco Ball Cookie
Goblin Cookie
Energy Drink Cookie
Peperoncino Cookie
Centipede Cookie (I know, a controversial one, yes, yes...)
Potato Cookie
Captain Caviar Cookie
Electric Eel Cookie
Cannoli Cookie (tied with S'More Cookie)
String Gummy Cookie
Cheddar Cheese Cookie
Blue Slushy Cookie
Royal Margarine Cookie
Sauna Egg Cookie
Black Pearl Cookie
And some other cookies as miscellaneous favorites:
Xylitol Nova Cookie (tied with Astronaut Cookie)
Tea Knight Cookie
Truffle Cookie
Currant Cream Cookie
Black Garlic Cookie (tied with White Ghost Cookie)
Peppercorn Cookie (once again, another controversial pick)
Longan Dragon Cookie (tied with ALL OF THE OTHER DRAGONS, not sure about Snapdragon, though)
Werewolf Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie
Twizzly Gummy Cookie
Black Lemonade Cookie
Golden Cheese Cookie
Capsaicin Cookie
Olive Cookie
Fig Cookie
Almond Cookie
Choco Werehound Brute (not a cookie, but is playable-)
Milk Cookie (tied with Purple Yam Cookie)
Cotton Candy Cookie
Pizza Cookie (tied with Sandwich Cookie)
And I... Think that's about it. Jesus, I have way too many favorites, and most of them are from a design viewpoint.
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silverpen-and-paper · 6 months
loki season 2 episode 6 spoilers
woah?? the banner thing at the top of disney+ has three different ones for loki. one says “he’s bad,” the other says “he’s good,” and the other says “he’s back”
WOAH?? the finale episode is titled the same as the very first episode?!?
can we save victor now please we have the perfect chance
holy crap loki went WAY back this time (i say as if he probably won’t go back even further later on)
awwwwww ouroboros and victor meeting again 
sylvie is suspicioussss
for some reason ppl explaining things that are gonna happen during time loop scenarios also give me secondhand embarrassment so i’m just gonna [mutes] [subtitles]
“centuries later” THE FUCK. NO
victor please don’t die this time
ALMOST THERE YOU CAN DO IT VICTOR (he’s probably not gonna be able to do it)
hurry hurry hurry
so close so close so close
run victor run!!! come back!!
pumpkins?? skfhsk what’s that supposed to mean victor 
please don’t go wrong at the last second!!
noooooo it’s going wrong at the last second
and there he goes, even further back
ooooohhh dear even further back
oh PHEW he didn’t kill her. please don’t change your mind loki 
gaspppp he froze sylvie
gaspppppp LOKI froze sylvie
ew why did you lick your finger
wait if he who remains didn’t wanna stop being in charge of everything, then why did he “pave the road” for loki and sylvie to get there in the first place? was he just bored?
wait what WOULD happen to his friends
and there he goes, even FURTHER back in time
you know i really hate when stories do stuff like this bc unless they find a damn clever way to fix it, it makes it feel like all the relationships are unauthentic and lopsided
oh dear secondhand embarrassment time again
“comfort? there’s no comfort.” that’s a really good line actually, i really like that 
wait was that one hunter mobius?!
oooohh i really like that we’re getting this characterization in canon
but hold on this means that loki’s gonna kill sylvie
ohh sylvie figured out what’s up
“and who are you to say we can’t die fighting?” sylvie i love you
“sometimes it’s okay to destroy something” not sure which something she’s referring to here
what’s loki gonna dooooo
wait is he gonna break the temporal loom anyway?! no matter what hwr said?!
awwwwww loki’s smile at them i’m gonna cry
loki’s gonna go down the pathway?!?
the temporal radiation put fancy clothes on loki?!!?!!?!!
rainbow lights over the gang? they are all gay it’s canon now /hj
loki why did you grab one and turn it green???? what did that do???
ravonna at the end of time field??
woah what are those purple lights???
is mobius just gonna watch his other self?? what’s your plan here my guy??
i’m sorry but that rainbow lighting over mobius when he agrees that it’s weird that loki’s not there? 🏳️‍🌈
mobius you can’t just stalk your other self?? i still don’t know what he’s doing
i’m legitimately sobbing right now. loki’s all alone again. forever. for eternity. i hate it here
fuck “poetic cinema” or whatever they’re gonna say this is, this is the worst ending i have ever seen. all we wanted was for loki to not be alone. that’s literally it and they can’t even deliver on that
i just want to curl up in a little ball and die my blorbo is not okay
i’ve had loki as a spinterest since this show first started coming out. this is where it all started. and i’ve grown to understand their character better over the years, and while i didn’t like the show a whole lot once i did, i was still excited to watch it y’know and loki means so much to me and then they fucking end it like THIS 
yeah sorry for ranting but what the hell man
actually no i’m not sorry and i’m gonna go thru like ten stages of grief and broadcast it all to you
i’m not even mad about the ships. like i joke about lokius a lot but it’s not like. the main appeal y’know? it’s not like i really expected it to happen anyway. but i DIDN’T FUCKING EXPECT THEM TO LEAVE LOKI ALL ALONE AT THE END
first loki where mischief lies and now THIS
(loki where mischief lies was a good book and i’m not too mad about that one being sad bc it was supposed to be semi-mcu compliant and you kinda knew it would be sad before reading it but i feel like i’ve been punched in the gut a million times by now)
ripping and tearing at the walls i fucking hate it in here
somebody arrest marvel because they murdered me by violently tearing out my heart and not in the good way
i don’t know how i’m gonna recover from this. “oh he’s with his family now” WHAT THE HELL TRAILERS YOU LIED TO US
i was actually working on a series rewrite but after this i don’t know if i’m gonna be able to think about it at all. it just hurts and i don’t know how to rewrite all this pain
loki literally spent centuries trying to save their friends and be with their friends and yeah they saved the universe but they freaking AREN’T WITH THEIR FRIENDS
but NOOOOOO we just gotta have loki learn that they DON’T deserve to be alone actually AND THEN IMMEDIATELY MAKE THEM ETERNALLY BE ALONE
i can’t. i don’t know what i’m saying this about exactly but i know i can’t.
also what is this saying to all the people who relate to loki’s loneliness and struggles and saw hope for themselves through watching loki gain friends and happiness. oh wait silly me marvel doesn’t think about their viewers except in terms of money dispensers
before this finale i was like “well the loki series has a lot of problems but it’s not horrendously bad, it’s salvageable” well i spoke too fucking soon
(cough cough not to mention they STILL didn’t acknowledge that loki was genderfluid cough)
i’m going to explode i’m going to melt away into nothingness i’m going to grind up the mcu and use it for fertilizer 
they fucking ended the show on a shot of loki CRYING
pure RAGE
the #?? stages of this specific grief: sadness, anger, anger, anger, probably denial coming later when i figure out how to lock this series out of my brain
nunemaker’s parable by everybody’s worried about owen is a particularly fitting song for this. unfortunately 
i’ve kinda been a loki series blog until now bc "created it not too far from the show’s s2 premiere" + loki spinterest = loki show blog but i feel like this is gonna become a loki show hate blog now bc WHY WOULD THEY FUCKING END IT LIKE THAT
i was planning on rewatching the whole show and then writing a review on it but i just don’t know if i could emotionally handle that knowing this is how it ends
ugh. i just. what am i supposed to do now
i feel so empty and yet so full of rage and also sadness
ok rant over. for now at least. will probably rant about it later
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spirtuallycurious · 3 years
How To Actually Find Items -- Properly
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I saw a video a while back on Facebook about this guy who was telling a story about his mother and how she misplaces his father’s check. He said that she was saying something in Spanish and next thing he knew, she found the check.
Meet Saint Anthony. I personally don’t work with deities because the pressure of making sure you give them offerings, and keeping up with those offerings seem like a lot work to me, especially when an offering isn’t made the experience of working with them can go very south gives me anxiety. Plus, I’m truly forgetful so I’d be setting myself up for disaster, anyways, since I’ve been on my journey I found that you can work with the energy of a deity instead of actually working with one. By that I mean, instead of having them do things for you such as, helping with manifestations, possibly hexing someone, or working with a deity to help other people, which would then cause you to have to make an offering to them, you can somewhat work with their energy.
Not every deity will allow this and they will let you know but Saint Anthony, who worked and helped this sick and poor, his been really helpful in my journey especially when it comes to finding things.
A little back story on Saint Anthony is he was a Portuguese Catholic Priest who was raised by a wealthy family in Lisbon, Portugal and died in Padua, Italy. He was known for his expert knowledge in scripture, undying devotion to the poor and sick, and quickly became canonized saint in church history. His birthday is August 15, 1195 and past away June 13, 1231 which is also his feast day.
Saint Anthony is the Saint of lost or stolen items as well as other things because their was an incident that happened while he was in Bologna. He had a book of psalms where he had wrote his notes and comments he used to teach to his students. During this time books were hand-copied so this was a very valuable item at the time. When Anthony realized the book was gone he prayed to God that the book would be returned or found; the novice returned the book right to him.
Like I mentioned before I don’t work with deities, but the times I’ve asked Saint Anthony to help me find things I’d always make sure to thank him and to also not use him ALL the time too.
This is the prayer: 
Dear St. Anthony, please come around: something is lost, and it cannot be found
Tony, Tony, look around. Something’s lost and must be found!
Since Saint Anthony is helping us to find items, I think it’s only appropriate to honor him on his feast day which is June 13. The foods that are usually present on his feast day is pizza (like oven brick), peppers and onions, clams (but it’s like hard and round clams), arancini (which is an Italian snack consisting of a ball of rice coated with bread crumbs and then deep fried), zeppole (an Italian pastry that’s deep fried dough with powder sugar on top and filled with custard, jelly, cannoli style cream or butter and honey mixture), and my favorite gelato.
With everything else in life, make sure to do your own research on Saint Anthony because he is also the Saint of finding love, miracles, to make requests, and for healing.
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hoidn · 4 years
@ziparumpazoo said:
'esteemed colleague'. :D Tell me about five times cannoli?
yes, indeedy! although, for some reason my brain just decided to do this to this to me:
🎶 you’re once... twice... five tiiiiiiiimes cannoli and i loooooooooove yooooooooou 🎶  
you’re welcome, tumblr.
anyway, as you know, it’s my head!canon that vic makes cannoli, from scratch, but not very often and only for people she really cares about. your snippet is from time #1, aka the cannoli origin story, with six-year-old vic. (having not written from the POV of a six-year-old since i was one, i do not know how authentic this reads.)
She's in first grade the first time she gets sent home from school for fighting. And it wasn't even fighting. All she'd done was push Tony [lastname] away from her. It wasn't her fault he fell down. But her explanations fall on deaf ears.
"He wouldn't stop calling me Vicky! I said 'please' and then I told him to stop and he wouldn't!"
"You know it's wrong to hit, Victoria," says her mother. "Your father is going to be very disappointed in you."
Vic clenches her hands into fists and feels hot anger burn inside her. It's not fair. If it was one of her brothers then it'd be different. Her dad would be proud they were standing up for themselves. But even at six, she's had a lot of experience in the difference between her and her brothers when it comes to acceptable behaviour.
[stuff i haven’t written yet la de da]
Nonna takes her hand and leads her into the kitchen. "Today I’ll teach you how to make my special cannoli."
Vic eyes go wide. Nonna's cannoli is the best cannoli in the world. Everybody says so, even Mr [somebody] three doors down who never says anything nice. The recipe is a secret, though, passed down only to the eldest daughter in the family. This means it will be something special just for Vic, something none of her brothers can have or take away from her. Something not even her mom can do.
"Come," says Nonna, patting a kitchen chair sitting against the counter.
Vic clambers up and onto her feet so that she can see the ingredients laid out.
"Now, you must do exactly as I tell you, bella, and you will have to be careful and patient. Can you do that?"
"Yes, Nonna." Vic says very seriously.
"Good girl. So, what do you think the most important ingredient is?"
She bites her lip as she looks intently at each item on the counter. The pastry is what holds everything together, and that’s made with flour, but it's the filling that's the best part. "The ricotta?"
Nonna shakes her head. "Ricotta is important, yes, but the most important ingredient, my bella, is love. From the moment you begin, you must have love in here.” She lays her wrinkled hand on Vic’s chest, over the place where her heart is beating. “Not anger or hurt or any bad feelings. That is the secret. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Nonna."
"Good. Here's how we begin."
and then there are four other times, only two of which i’m sure of. one of them is walt, naturally.
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okimargarvez · 4 years
Original title: Tempting.
Prompt: Penelope tries to follow the diet but Luke doesn’t help.
Warning: mention of Italian and Puerto Rican dishes.
Genre: funny, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: part 82 in Garvez canon Life.
Legend: 💏😘.
Song mentioned: none.
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 He feels the gaze of his girlfriend on him, but decides not to give her attention and to wait until she explodes on her own. He doesn't have to wait that long, actually. -Shouldn't you always support me?- she asks with disappointed and resentful tone. She still doesn't get any reaction and her nervous grows. -Are you my boyfriend or not?- she asks, knowing that he will be obligated to reply to this.
Luke limits himself, however, to a fleeting glance, certainly not something he does usually. -Of course I am, and I am supporting you.- he continues to do what he is doing, then he gets up, going towards the oven; he opens it and seems satisfied with what he sees.
-Bullshits.- Penelope insists, observing his every move. -You know that for me this diet is important.- the man still gives her his back. So, she doesn't find a better solution to get his attention than to give him a very light nudge. -Luke, are you listening to me?- when he finally turns to her, he notices that the woman has folded arms.
-Yes, I listened to you.- he only limits himself to reply, walking beyond her without even touching her, grabbing and wearing oven gloves, embroidered, of course, with two heads of sparkling pink unicorns.
-So why the hell did you cook the Papas Rellenas?- he notices the certainty with which she guesses all the accents of the dish that his abuela had made her discover, of course, a day that she had told her about the Puerto Rican origins of the Alvez family. -You know I love it, but I have to pass it up, at least in this period.- Penelope's eyes struggle to break away from what is basically nothing other than potato and eggplant croquettes, seasoned with avocado sauce. Amalia hadn’t had any problems when she discovered that her nephew's girlfriend was a vegetarian and that Luke had become it too. In her day meat was certainly not a constant and it was not even so necessary, she had added, increasing the blonde's love for her.
In the present, Luke smiles with a pinch of wicked irony. -Oh, I didn't remember it. Even this?- he opens the refrigerator door to show her two Coconut flans resting in their caramel bed. When he turns again, Penelope's eyes are two flames of fire. -I didn't understand.- he shrugs. -Not bad, I'll just eat it myself.- he serves himself a good portion and moves his hands in front of the steaming plate, pushing the aroma towards her. -Can you smell it?- he continues.
Penelope first looks at her empty and shiny plate, then the one before her boyfriend. -You're a bastard of epic proportions.- she murmurs quietly enough to sound like a growl, but loud enough that Luke can hear it. Luke lifts his eyelids, pretending to be surprised.
-Why? You're the one on a diet.- he points out, starting to eat.
She tries to kick him from below the table. -A stupid diet, that's what you meant, right?- he doesn't answer. -It is easy to talk when you have a nice six-pack.- she adds in a less angry and sadder tone, which has the power to dissolve the mask of coldness of man.
He stands up, kneels at her height and takes her face in his hands. -Penelope. Hey, love, look at me.- she obeys. -You're perfect as you are.- he says in the most convinced, serious and sincere tone he knows. -Not only for me.- he adds. -It's an incontrovertible truth.- he almost snatches a laugh from her.
She sighs, looking away. -I know, but... I would still like...- she gestures without being able to find the right words. -...to get better.- she finally concludes.
-Can you improve perfection?- he asks her, with the precise aim of making her smile.
-Luke, stop it.- she replies weakly. -No one is perfect... not even you.- she points her index finger at his chest. -In addition, perfection is boring.- she says.
-Ouch, that hurts me.- but Penelope doesn't bit. -So are you really sure?- he asks.
-Yes, despite what you think, I'll make it.- she says firmly.
 A few days later
As much as he likes his work, his favorite cases are those that don't force them to move away from Quantico. He keeps the door open for her and watches her go by. -What you think if we go out to dinner tonight?- he asks, reaching her for the usual greeting to Roxy and Sergio.
-And where?- she answers with another question, getting to his feet.
-I was thinking of that place Rossi told us about.- he says, wrapping his arms around her waist. He feels the woman's body tense instantly.
-Italian food?- she exclaims, as if he were talking about poison. -Pasta, lasagna, risotto, eggs...- she lists, -You are trying to sabotage me.- she concludes, turning to face him.
-Me?- he raises his arms like an innocent person wrongly accused. -No, look, the Mediterranean diet is considered among the healthiest in the world.- he points out in Reid style.
-Mmm.- she curls the lips. -And the desserts? I won't be able to eat anything.- she speaks to herself.
-It's a pity, because there is a wide choice: Neapolitan babà, Sicilian cannoli, castagnaccio, baci di dama, tiramisu, cantuccini, Neapolitan pastiera, strudel... do they have very particular names, don't you think?- she frees herself from his grip and pushes him away.
-That's enough! You will not ruin everything! I wouldn’t even drink a coffee, with you.- she adds, resolute.
But he doesn't seem offended. -Perfect, it will mean that I will have to settle for Cynthia.- he says.
Penelope looks at him intently. -You wouldn't do that.- she challenges him, but she falters.
-Do you want to bet?- he replies in the same tone, wearing another jacket.
-Ok, go ahead.- she replies. -I don't care.- she tries to convince herself. -I'm not so jealous.- maybe repeating it aloud will make it real. Luke doesn't answer her. -And do you go out like that?- she asks.
He turns to admire himself better. -Why, don't I look good?- but that's not what she means.
She just gets sad. -No, you're... perfect. Goodnight.- she turns around. -Have fun, say hello to Cyn.- she says, but then she can't do it. -Right you, who are Catholic, you should under-stand the meaning of a small sacrifice.- she adds.
-Yes, to humiliate and feel guilty needlessly.- Luke replies. -You can also call it overthinking.- he approaches. -I'm not a fan of this practice, as well as indulgences and relics.- they look at each other in silence.
-If you grandmother could hear you!- she reaches out to push him away but she get caught.
-So, do you go out with me?- he asks her with a persuasive tone, continuing to hug her.
-And Cynthia?- Luke shrugs. As if they both didn't know he hadn't even called her yet. Penelope chuckles. -You're bad. The Mediterranean diet is really so...- he silences her with a kiss.
-Yes, search on google if you don’t trust me.- he answers a few minutes later. -And if I were wrong, I will give up baseball games...- he hesitates -let's say for a year.- he exhales for the effort.
-This really looks like a small sacrifice!-
Note: here the dishes I mention in this ff. I chosen Puerto Rican for Adam’ origins and Italian for my nationality. I don’t know which of these is know in United States and other parts of the words (I mean, the Italian cousine, especially the desserts). The funny part? I never had a good relationship with food, but I’m not a fan of diet (if you don’t consider the fact I’m vegetarian as a diet, for me is more than this). I haven’t try all of these desserts (and not even the Puerto Rican dishes), but I think they are all good at least to see. You eat before with eyes, don’t you?
-Puerto Rican dishes:
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Papas Rellenas.
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Coconut Flans.
-Italian dishes:
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Neapolitan babà.
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Sicilian cannoli.
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Baci di dama.
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Tuscan cantuccini.
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Neapolitan pastiera.
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Trenitino strudel.
TAGS:  @arses21434 @martinab26 @reidskitty13  @thinitta  @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan  @pegasus-scifichick @paperwalk​  @inlovewithgarvaz​ @the-ellen-stuff​ @astressedwriter​ @kdramanmore​ @kamieshep​  @sk1l4targ​ @ilovecatswwehp​ @isaurebnnd​ @symphonyashley​ @jess-the-introvert​ @atomicbisexual @perfectly-penelope​ @everythingisanidea​ @blackb-ird​ Tell me if you want to be removed from the tag list ^^
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peaceandcows · 6 years
thanks for tagging me @only-freakin-sunflowers and @cicinicole-14 <3
1. what would your last meal be?
omg my mom’s baked pasta. literally the best thing ever.
2. Do you have any pets? (what are they/what are their names?)
Yes I have a cat and his name is Logan.
3. If you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be?
hopeless fountain kingdom by Halsey for sure!
4. Can you/are you a good baker?
lmao maybe i could be if i put any effort into it.
5. what is your favorite kind of cake/dessert?
i love cheesecake, cannolis, and coconut cream pie.
6. Baby bottle pops or push pops?
i havent had either in so long but i guess baby bottle pops??
7. Starbucks, dunkin donuts or Tim Hortons?
I love Tims and Starbucks but Tims wins for me.
8. what is your favorite fic you’ve read?
Okay so I’m terrible at remembering specific fics and authors but I love fluff, hurt/comfort, and angst with a happy ending kind of fics. Also i prefer fics that exist in the canon universe than au’s (really unpopular i feel). And I usually don’t read fics that are really long or have many chapters cause I tend to lose interest.
9. what is your favorite song that came out in 2005?
Definitely Fix You by Coldplay. 
10. Do you use your own Netflix account or is it someone else’s?
I use my own Netflix account, but my parents pay for it lol. 
11. Who was the last person you hugged?
My friend Emmaline when I was leaving a fan convention today. 
i tag: @wonderdaysoflunacy, @itskatmcnmara, @immortal-husbands, @magnusbicon, @shadowhuntersmarvel, @harryshugjr, @rowansdagger, @bilightning, @msalexiscriss, and @captain-onyourleft 
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Lesser Known Fluff Fics
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Sleeping Next to You by Perpetual Motion (perpetfic)
(530|General Audiences|Complete)
Sonny talks in his sleep. (prompts: pralines; yellow shoes)
dreadful need in the devotee by bby_bxrnes
Rafael and Sonny have been taking it slow, taking each step of their budding relationship seriously, and both of them are ready to take the next major step. Despite how desperately Rafael wants Sonny, wholly and completely, he’s unsure about the other man seeing him without any barriers.
Sonny refuses to let Rafael doubt himself for long.
With no aim by mforpaul
(5118|General Audiences|Complete)
Rafael and Sonny have a lazy weekend together. They just love each other so much which is the only thing that matters.
Wishes upon the stars by Subaruchan192
(3272|Teen and Up Audiences|Complete)
"Oh, the things he did for love and for Sonny. Things, he would never think he would even consider. Stepping out onto his rooftop garden in the middle of a winter night, when it was -10 °C, snow covering everything in a thin, white layer of innocence and immaculateness to watch a shower of burning astro-garbage to burn to its inglorious death, turning into insignificant dust was definitely one of those things."
Or Sonny convinces Rafael to get up in the middle of a winter night to watch a shower of shooting stars and then, fate takes an unexpected turn of events and Rafael can't imagine a better place to be than with Sonny in the cold.
Ventricular Contractions by barbaXcarisi (barbaXbenson)
(1639|General Audiences|Complete)
“Hello, Mr... Carisi.” The doctor, a handsome man with streaks of gray through dark hair, and a lab coat over a crisp white shirt and gray and burgundy striped tie, looked up from the tablet in his hand. “Or should I say Detective?” He asked, clocking the badge at Sonny’s hip.
He felt a little foolish sitting here in his dress slacks and white t-shirt, but the shirt he’d been wearing earlier in the day had been removed so the nurse could get to the cut on his arm. He was pretty sure it was a goner anyway, considering the ripped sleeve and the bloodstain. It was unfortunate. He’d really liked that shirt.
“I’m Dr. Barba,” the doctor continued before Sonny could respond. “What seems to be the problem?”
Honeymoon Extension by soul_writerr
(2000|Teen and Up Audiences|Complete)
Sonny and Rafael are home from their honeymoon, but they're not ready to go back to real life, so they do something about it. Cue a bubble bath, champagne, and Sonny being handsy.
With You by asmodesgold
Barba psychoanalyzes Sonny's reaction to the West Virginia incident in exchange for coffee.
Se Non è Vero è Ben Trovato by Java_Genie
Rafael hums. “Right, yes, the punishments in hell being the opposite of the sin. Remind me what fate befell our fellow sodomites?”
Sonny snorts and rubs at his tired eyes. “Ah, yeah, that’d be an eternity of being pelted with hell fire.”
“Well, I suppose it could be worse,” Rafael says and Sonny just slowly shakes his head.
Disclosures by adrianna_m_scovill
Barba and Carisi disclose their relationship to Benson and Rollins.
Christmases, Cannoli, and a Card by Larkin21
This story isn't meant to fall in any particular year in canon. It's just an angsty Christmas apart for Rafael and Sonny, with a look back on their one Christmas together.
Two Little Ken Dolls by AvenuePotter
Barba & Carisi decide to dress each other in their own style before heading out to work.
Chasing Viridian by keraunoscopia
For as long as he could remember, he had been drawn to creation, his hands moving in certain rhythm, shaping paper and graphite, or crayon, or ink into new worlds. There was something therapeutic about capturing snapshots, moments, instants on paper, recorded for time immemorial, not the way it was, but the way he saw it.
A Pleasant Gale on our Lee by sisterthreads
Rafael had never been on a sailboat.
He had been on a boat. That boat had been in the water, technically. Okay, it was a yacht, and a fairly large one at that. Not exactly sailing over the bounding main or anything.
Sonny, on the other hand, had grown up sailing.
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kyluxtrashpit · 7 years
Feel-Good Kylux Rec List
I’m having a not very stellar time in brain land right now and kylux may not have the most comforting tropes traditionally speaking, but here’s some fics from the softer side that I like to read when I’m having a sad
(Most of this is h/c and touch starvation stuff. Lots of angst with a happy ending and graphic descriptions of caregiving. So ymmv because I know I have weird tastes in what I find comforting lmao. A lot of these also have mental health issues themes, so please heed the tags on each individual fic)
Sustenance by @kyloknightofhux - M, Canon, 7.8k
Hux discovers something unusual about Kylo, and his curiosity gets the best of him.
Okay guys this is THE touch-starved Kylo fic. Like if you’re into that at all and you haven’t read this yet, please stop right now and do yourself a favour and read this instead. I’ve probably read it north of 10 times and I know it’s an older fic, but it still surprises me that I’ve never seen it on a rec list before. Seriously, read it. Beautifully in character and though it’s definitely cannoli kylux, it still does the trick for me every time
Literally anything by @starsshinedarkly77 - T-M, Modern, 1.7-11.8k
(please tell me your name is the same on both and I didn’t just tag a random person who also happens to like kylux lmao)
Seriously, literally all of their fics hit that spot I need when I’m sad. Some of the softest kylux around and yet they always feel fully in character. If you’re having a bad day and you have the time, just read them all, you won’t regret it. For a specific rec, try:
a fool for lesser things by @acroamatica, @starsshinedarkly77 - M, Modern, 8.1k
Kylo’s whole life is a series of bad decisions, starting with saying yes to accompanying Hux to a work Christmas party, as if he were the kind of person who did that.
Hux deals with the aftermath as best he can. He doesn’t understand. But perhaps he will.
Heartbreakingly beautiful. Starts out incredibly sad, but ends on such a great note that it always leaves me feeling better. Some of the things thought/said feel like they came right out of the darkest recesses of my brain. This fic is the written form of one of those rare cleansing crying sessions that actually make you feel better after
If You Should Fall Into My Arms by @cut-off-the-grain - M, Modern, 5.9k
“Hux is so close, pressed chest to chest, and he again catches a whiff of the spicy-sharp scent of Hux’s cologne, but underlaid with the scent of warm skin. Delirious, overcome, he starts to lean forward to kiss Hux, his hands aching with the urge to slide down and cup the slight swell of hips, but he stops himself, forces himself to remember that Hux is not wrapped in his arms like a lover because he wants to be, no matter how cruelly close this is to what Kylo yearns for.”
Kylo wants what he can’t have. (Or does he?)
I am such a sucker for this exact sort of thing. Kylo’s perspective on things actually hurts to read because I know that feel so hard, but the way everything works out is just so gratifying that it’s worth it. It’s like a candy that starts out sour but then gets sweet once you reach the middle
Opia by @humanveil - G, Modern, 3.7k
Kylo is a professional cuddler. Hux is a lonely, touch starved, thirty something with cash to spare. 
It’s Hux’s turn to get the touch-starved treatment and oh, this is just such decadent fluff. Despite nothing in the fic being inherently romantic, though there is some underlying subtext of it, it’s so wonderfully intimate. As soft and sweet as a freshly baked cookie
Exhibits by @deluxekyluxtrashcan - T, Modern, 3.3k
Phasma talks Hux into going on a blind date with Rey's ugly cousin, Ben Solo. Ben is, by all accounts, an unattractive, undateable guy, so Hux has very low expectations for their short date. 
Ugh, this is just such a great first date fic. Ben’s low self-esteem is heart-wrenching, but Hux getting invested and managing to turn it around is brilliant. There is literally nothing here not to love. The dynamic is just so sweet and soft, there’s no way you can make it to the end without smiling
Lull-lull-lullaby by @sithofren - T, Canon, <1k
Kylo can't sleep. 
Funnily enough, I reread this one a lot when I’m plagued by my own insomnia demons and that’s pretty much exactly what it’s like for me. Hux trying to help even though he doesn’t know how is just wonderful and then the acceptance and validation is just the cherry on top. A beautiful little treat
Aromatherapy by @mini-mantis - T, Canon, 1.6k
"Why don't you ever get in here with me?"
In which Hux, with rolled up sleeves and sponge in hand, washes the grime and Kylo's insecurities away.
Look, if you’ve read my fics, you probably know that bathing and, specifically, hair washing is my ULTIMATE WEAKNESS. So this fic just fucking slays me in the best way. The bickering is funny and cute, but the underlying feelings are too adorable for actual words. Incoherent noises are more appropriate
Affection by @theweddingofthefoxes - T, Modern, 3.6k
Hux has had a crush on his friend Ren for awhile now, and when disaster strikes, he learns that Ren's willing to go further than a typical friend would in order to make sure he's okay. 
A second touch-starved Hux fic, because that trope will never, ever, ever get old. Kylo is such a good friend and I really like that it highlights how something can be a disaster and affect you deeply despite you thinking it’s nothing major and that it shouldn’t. And oh, that delicious, wonderful pining
i will reveal you by @huxcrying - T, Canon, 1.7k
Kylo is self-conscious about his new scar.
This is such a good. Like really. Kylo being self-conscious and hiding, Hux hunting him down and being his usual asshole self until he thaws and melts and shows he really does care. So so good. And if I wasn’t already sold on the entire premise of it, the pet names at the end did me in for sure
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
I want… I want to know… all of them. All of the answers from the ask game.
what a greedy little asker you are!! /pos
🤦🏻 A fanfiction/chapter you are embarrassed about having written?
Oh, well, if I told you that, it wouldn’t be anonymous, now would it? /hj But there are definitely a few I don’t feel totally comfortable having out there with my name attached. And yes, they’re spicy. And nearly all of them involve a certain academy president.
💔 Least favorite ship you have written about?
(Oh, I’m gonna get shit for this, and let me tell you how much I care: zero.) I’ve only written one piece that was really for Vincent/Lovely, and I’m not gonna get into why Vincent is not my favorite. But he’s just not. And the piece had less to do with them and more to do with what was going on with me at the time, and it’s really more about Lovely’s turning.
❤️‍🔥 Favorite ship you have written about?
*does a little dance* Obviously: Marie and Colm Greer. I love them (in case you couldn’t tell by the 81K words). I proudly gave them their backstory. And I am downright fucking GLEEFUL over that shit.
📃 Ever written something inspired by someone elses fic?
Why yes! My song “By the Lights” was directly inspired by @teafairywithabook’s fic “Feels Like Home”
⛰ Hardest fic to write?
The current one about Imperium James.
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic)
I’m not sure which came first, but back in the 1900s /PeePaw voice…
I probably wrote at least a dozen Lois & Clark and Gargoyles fics. I’d share them but they’re a) handwritten and b) unfinished.
💻 The first fanfiction you posted?
Tabula Rasa (Imperium!Damien/Angel). Because what happened immediately after that first Imp!Damien video?
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic?
I have a few playlists, all instrumental.
For Caelum and other fluffy content
For Colm and Marie (instrumental covers of 80s classics)
For baddies 
🔬The fic you had to make the most research for?
@ejunkiet and I really dug deep to make sure “An Honest Man Like Yourself” (Milo & Colm) fit the canon timeline and fit it with everything in “Cannoli Canon”
🔥 Hottest fic you ever written?
Oh, I took it down from AO3. But it was a weekend in the country with President Moore and his trusted self-insert. I mean, his trusted assistant.👀 (I still read it sometimes. It’s for me, honestly.)
👽 Strangest fic you ever written?
New Kindred. I always wanted to go back and develop this storyline more but the characters seemed like they wanted to belong to their own universe and not really be in a fic. And it’s the only time I wrote a song to go with a fic
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
I want to write a Sandman + Redacted Elliot or Blake crossover sooooooo bad.
✍🏽 How much do you plan your fics beforehand?
Lol. I wish. Usually they happen very organically. In fact, I often start without any idea where they’re going.
😚 A fic you liked writing more than other fics?
It’s my not-so-secret cult favorite: An Unsettling Settlement (Imperium Adam & Imperium Lasko.) 👌🏻 The fic that took the fastest to write?
If we count them as fics (and I do), then most of the voicemails and phone calls I do as Marie happen in 10 minutes or less. I essentially ad-lib them and then just edit slightly. 
🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about?
Character backstories. I love filling in the blanks within canon.
Childhood/school sweethearts is my favorite romantic trope.
📬 The best comment you ever received?
Umm…I will collectively say that any time y’all are like “FRENCHIE IS MARIE IT’S BASICALLY CANON” and the like… I’m not gonna lie: I screenshot all of those and keep them in a special smile file.
🔪 The fic/chapter that hurt the most to write?
The final chapter of the Cannoli fic (Sorry Marie! Sorry Milo! )
💾 The longest fic you have written (either with most chapters or most words)
“Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli” (32053 words). My opus to Milo’s parents.
I also may have Imperium Sofia’s backstory written. Good luck, Investigator. 
🏚 A fic you more or less abandoned?
I have two, but one I might actually finish. “Bye Bye Blackbird” which is a “through the looking glass”/crossover thing with Canon!James in the Imperium. Unfortunately, I’m not sure I know where to go with that one post-Cataclysm. The other is where Imperium!Lasko decides to get turned into a vampire. That one actually still works…maybe even better given the ending of Cataclysm, but I’d have to go back and change some things.
😅 Was there a fic/chapter that you were nervous about posting? Why?
I’m always nervous about posting anything even remotely spicy because even though I’m a whole-ass adult, I’m also a professional person with a job and stuff so I’m always paranoid about being discovered.
📺 Any references to other media that you put in your fics?
I will always and forever enjoy the way Marie compares Colm to George McFly after their meet-cute.
🥚 Any easter eggs you put in a fic that you hoped people would notice?
For “An Honest Man Like Yourself”, @ejunkiet and I decided Colm Greer's title at DUMP is “Deputy Investigation Commissioner for Central Services:
Also, several of the Marie/Colm fics (not just the first one) have lines from The Godfather as a title. (I guess that counts as an easter egg and a media reference!)
😮 Anything you included in your fic that you didn’t expect people to like?
Seriously, Marci. My very first OC in my very first fic. She was really only there to usher people into Imperium!Lasko’s office, but now she has like a whole arc with him. They banter. They…do other things together. Also, I liked her so much that she also exists in the canon universe. I wrote a very fluffy one for that: “Welcome to Doughlia”.
🏳️‍🌈 Do you write the most m/f ships, f/f ships or m/m ships?
I try to mix it up. For the Redacted listener characters, I never write them gendered, regardless of how I conceptualize them.
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
Since I kind of count my songs as fics, I’m gonna say: a song for Morgan. I love Morgan, and obviously he doesn’t have a ton of content. And content is the hardest thing to work out when I’m doing any song. (Characters can’t just sing: they have to sing for something and/or about something.)
😊 The fic that you’re the most proud of?
I actually think it’s my anonymous posted Imperium!Sofia one. It focuses on political intrigue, which is not a genre I read much of, let alone writing it, so the fact that I came up with something that I actually think is entertaining and builds the suspense while also answering some questions, I was very happy with that.
🪡 The scene you worked the hardest on in any fic?
The final scene of “An Honest Man Like Yourself”.  Wanted that bridging experience to be juuuuuust right. 
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in -insert fic-?
I love WhiteKnight!Colm. I love him. So I love the first chapters of “Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli”  and “Rosie”. They are very dear to me.
💩 The scene you hated to write the most in -insert fic-?
Let’s just say the comparative study between why Michael is a schmuck and a loser and Angel’s 1000x better off with Davey  was based on real life, so me writing that Michael scene out was really more like me writing in a diary and that was… at least it was cathartic…
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
Even when I’m writing a traditional, prose fic, if it has Marie in it, I usually start brainstorming by ad-libbing into a voice memo. :) 
🎨 Show us a sneak peek from a WIP! “What do you think, Prince Firecracker? You’re the expert,” Collins laughed bitterly. “He smell like flames to you?”
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munroes · 7 years
HC + emily
ooh boy,  do i have a lot to unpack re: our favourite stubborn emily davis.   a little preface that this will get long,  and is entirely based on my own ideas   +    headcanons of them,  so although founded on canon evidence,  they can and likely will differ from other interpretations   !
mike and emily as a dynamic are hugely important to me because they’re clearly a very centric relationship in the game.    in many ways,  they’re direct parallels of one another.   i’m pretty sure they’re the only two characters to share two introduction traits,  being intelligent and persuasive.   they’re both morally questionable in more ways than one   (   see: them cheating on their individual partners,  mike being a complete jerk,  emily being a complete bitch,  etc.   )   and both pretty similar in terms of generally being arrogant and self-centred.
i’d also like to quickly note that when they’re initially introduced,  they’re mike’s   /   emily’s ex respectively,  as opposed to matt’s girlfriend and jess’ boyfriend.   there’s a lot of ongoing tension still evident in-game,  and i’ll get to that much later in this response.
however,  they also act as complete foils to one another.   where mike is a little more lenient,  emily is downright stubborn.   when mike wants them to get the fuck off the mountain,  emily wants to hide out until dawn   (   ha   )   and wait for emergency services to arrive.   mike prefers to avoid conflict,  surprisingly taking on the role of mediator on more than one occasion,  while emily is quick to bring out the venom with jess,  seemingly without remorse.   this is most evident in fights with jess and matt respectively,  where emily won’t hesitate to escalate the situation,  while mike initially attempts to diffuse it.
let’s talk about them pre-game.   i’m of the idea that their aforementioned likeness is what brought them together in the first place.   they’re both smart students who care way too much about reputations,  and are both looking for the same thing,  regardless of if love is included in the mix.   i personally don’t think mike was looking for more than a social standing within his relationship,  but whether emily had feelings for mike or was hoping to pursue something is honestly down to other people’s interpretation.
i see them as very much a power couple pre-game,  flaunting one another off at parties,  taking over social media,  arguing a lot mostly due to emily’s stubbornness and mike’s joker personality and flirting.   but i don’t think this was really an issue pre-game,  only adding to a kind of back-and-forth inside joke between the two that only they knew.   they were similar but apart,  and it worked for them,  in a weird   ‘   we’ll stick together and be mean to everyone else around us   ‘   kind of way.
then the prank happens.   and it’s their differences that drive a wedge between them once the twins go missing.   i don’t think the prank’s execution itself was an issue to emily   (   although i do think mike found hannah attractive and possibly cared for her to some extent   )   because she was equally amused as the others until shit went down.   i see afterwards being the issue,  with a variance in coping mechanisms between them.
emily withdraws into herself,  becomes even bitchier,  putting up an icy barrier between herself and those close to her.   mike has the complete opposite response,  and seeks to surround himself with people in an effort to find a distraction   —   his involvement in the prank was major,  and he holds a lot of guilt on the situation from the moment hannah gets upset.
this is where him and jess get close.   i won’t touch on it too in-depth,  since this is re: emily,  but it is important to set straight.   mike and jess share the experience of being shut out by emily,  girlfriend and best friend respectively,  and i see them as sharing similar coping mechanisms.   while jess is ditzy and self-conscious,  she’s a party girl at heart,  and it’s that energy that mike needs to be around.   they hook up,  it’s awful,  emily finds out,  you know the story.
emily gets with matt:  a more or less vindictive rebound on her behalf,  as i see matt and mike being on the same football team.   not super close or anything,  but enough for emily to try and leave a mark.   it doesn’t really work too well,  since,  unlike emily,  mike isn’t exactly one to hold a grudge.   but he does care for her   (   romantically or not   )   and there’s always the possibility of her thawing out a little again,  and jess isn’t really similar to him in many other ways.   so they start getting in touch.
i see mike and emily talking again before the game’s events.   i also interpret emily’s confession of cheating on matt with mike as genuine,  and think that on a standpoint purely based on their personalities and general attitudes towards things,  they’re pretty much made for each other.   they click in a very abnormal way,  and while mildly dysfunctional,  there’s a level of understanding shared between them.
mike knows emily on a personal level   (   you always get like this   )   and despite still being intimate with her,  doesn’t try to sabotage her relationship with matt,  even trying to lighten the mood between them.   emily,  on the other hand,  clearly feels betrayed by jess,   and their fight is what pretty much leads me to believe that emily developed feelings for mike somewhere along the way,  as well as her complete change in demeanour when mike threatens to shoot her.   which brings me to my next point.
i don’t think mike would shoot emily.   he’s intelligent,  for crying out loud.   while circumstances can account for pretty much everyone’s minds to be a little scrambled in the situation   (   and i can see him initially aiming the gun at her   )   i think he’d eventually choose to wait it out and see.   his cheating on emily is by no means a reflection on him being willing to kill her,  and thus the path i follow in-game is the one where he chooses not to shoot her.
post-game, i see them reconciling.   i don’t think romance is something mike is really capable of,  especially post-game,  so nothing like that,  but i do think they’re bonded by something greater than their original connection now,  and dependent on who else dies,  may only really have each other to console.   the most i can really see is them cuddling together at night,  steadying one another’s nightmares,  but it’s not really a romantic or sexual thing anymore,  so much as a comfort that they can provide given their history.
i don’t rly like ending things on an angsty note so   !   cute lil headcanons for them in general:
one day when em’s giving mike an exceptional cold shoulder,  he buys her a lil dog.
em asks mike to look after her earrings one day when she goes swimming with jess at the beach.   mike loses them,  and goes on a frantic search online with jess to replace them before emily can throw a fit.
em watches his football games,  and he puts his helmet on her at the end of the match.
em picks up a lot of dumb sayings from him that stick long after they break up   (   see: holy cannoli   )
their social medias are pretty much consumed by one another:   emily deletes all the pictures when they break up.   mike leaves them up.
mike knows all emily’s little quirks: her fave coffee,  where she gets her nails done, her lipgloss brand,  her phone password,  her class schedule,  her handwriting,  he’s observant re: little things.
mike uses recycled pick-up lines on emily: she notices,  he gets slapped.
mike likes to change the lyrics of the song valerie to emily when she’s ignoring him: his tactic is annoy her until she gives in.   it usually works.
em’s Big on marking her territory: red lipstick on his cheek is pretty much a must-have for parties.
a Mood for them is mike lying on his front reading while em massages his back.
alternatively,  they curl up on the couch to watch movies: she throws popcorn in his mouth,  maybe hits him in the eye.
they stay at mike’s most days.
em likes to hint for stuff she wants mike to buy for her: if he doesn’t catch on,  she gets pissed off.   needless to say,  he learns fast.
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Christmas 2017
Tumblr media
Make My Wish Come True by notmyyacht
Sonny comes home to find Rafael singing.
Figurines & Hope by ilovedrwilson
Sonny gets Rafael a meaningful gift. Christmas presents, religion, adoption and Star Wars. In a universe of my own.
Disfraces y un Ferry by Sherlockian221B
El viaje a Staten Island normalmente era una pesadilla, ahora sumarle el estar disfrazado, las miradas de los demás y los pedidos de los niños para tomarse fotos con él, este viaje fue el infierno, el cual Rafael estaba dispuesto a cruzar solo para ver la angelical sonrisa que Sonny tendría en su rostro al verlo.
Christmas Engagement by Tubas_Rock1967
Rafael finally proposes.
Fairytale of Staten Island by mnemosyne
Carisi takes Barba home for the holidays and predictably, both of them have Feelings.
My True Love Gave To Me by mrbarbacarisi
A love story told through five Christmas gifts of ridiculous and not so ridiculous cufflinks.
Christmases, Cannoli, and a Card by Larkin21
This story isn't meant to fall in any particular year in canon. It's just an angsty Christmas apart for Rafael and Sonny, with a look back on their one Christmas together.
I Won't Even Wish for Snow by chickcheney, rafaelbaseball
Rafael’s brow creases as he stares down at his skates with intensifying concentration. “Fine, this is the worst idea you’ve had since we started dating.”
“You know what, though,” Sonny says, pausing to steal a kiss on Rafael’s cheek, “dating you has been my actual best idea since we started dating. That, and the bourbon-spiked brownie cake.”
Or: The one where Rafael gets hurt ice skating and Sonny takes care of him. Then gives him a Christmas gift two days before Christmas because he has no self-control.
The Highly Suspicious Loss of Christmas Spirit by cuphugaddict
When Barba gets called in due to a case on December the 26th, he and the squad meet a completely new version of Carisi: Carisi the Grinch. Determined to find out what had caused the considerable decline in the detective's usual Christmas Spirit, Barba is going on a mission to get to the bottom of this.
If You Say So by Astronaut_Milky
He leaned casually against the counter, giving Rafael a quick moment to appreciate his long form. “Just because it's the holidays, doesn't mean everything has to be sweet.”
The much younger man smiled, and Rafael's knees went weak once again.
“I don't know about that. There's something to be said for enjoying the sweet stuff.”
Five times Sonny and Rafael weren't a couple on Christmas Eve, and one time they were
Every Mother's Child by Robin Hood (kjack89)
“Barba, would you just spit it out?” Carisi asked patiently.
Barba looked borderline panicked as he blurted, “Will you have Christmas dinner with my mother and me?”
Carisi was pretty sure his mouth dropped open in surprise. Wherever he had thought Barba might be headed with this, it was not there. “Well, sure—” he started, but Barba cut him off, if possible looking even more distressed than before.
“To be clear, you’d be — well, you’d be posing as my date.”
If You Can't Say it at Christmas by Robin Hood (kjack89)
“Well, I’m sure we’ll be getting to know each other quite well, Det. Carisi.”
“I sure hope so,” Carisi said, a little too eagerly, and instantly looked horrified by how unreasonably excited he had sounded at the prospect. “Shit, I just meant—” His blush deepened. “And now I’ve said shit. Twice. I’m making a great first impression, huh?”
Barba hid his smile. “It’s fine,” he said. “You could’ve said ‘fuck’ and then we’d have been in real trouble.”
Carisi grinned sheepishly. “Thanks,” he said. “I had the worst feeling this morning that I was gonna fuck up on my first day—” He broke off, and the assembled officers had difficulty hiding their laughter. “Goddamnit.”
Instead of Flying Off, He'll Stay by Syrus07
Sonny's life was not a Hallmark movie. He just had to get Barba to fall in love with him before Christmas Eve.
Since We've No Place To Go by barbaXbenson
“Carisi will be there.” Olivia added casually when he didn’t respond.
He forced himself to remain unphased. “I’m not entirely sure why you think that’s going to help your case.”
Liv just tilted her head at him with a “please, I’m not an idiot” look on her face, and that’s how Rafael found himself in the Poconos, checking into a ski lodge with the SVU squad - sans Fin, the lucky bastard - plus Lucy, Jesse, and Noah.
Lawyers' Christmas Party by adrianna_m_scovill
Carisi feels a little out of place at his first lawyer/judge Christmas party, and he can't help but notice the way Barba seems to jump to his defense all evening.
Santa goes downtown again by SonicGavel
Based on a Tumblr post AND the original Miracle on 34th Street, a Salvation Army Santa Claus (who really has magic but can't prove it yet because though he uses December magic, it's not completely ready for full use until Christmas Eve) gets arrested for breaking and entering when he's found in the bedroom of a little girl who was desperate for a Christmas present, but the parents just think he was a perv and he gets arrested additionally on charges of attempted molestation. Barba takes the case to prosecute, but Carisi, because he's a kid at heart, and with Liv's permission because she and Amanda had just taught the kids about Santa, takes time off SVU to defend him to prove his competency. The case gets dropped because the kid testifies despite what the parents think what's best and because the judge (let's pretend he's a Harry Stone at heart) listens to all ages and has grandkids of HIS own, Rafael has no choice but to drop the incriminating charges against him and the parents have to treat the kid to whatever she wants for dinner and dessert, but there's still the deal with Santa's competency...Wait and see for THAT!
The Holiday by tobeconspicuous
“Fine, sign me up.”
“Pardon?” Rita couldn’t quite believe the words that fell from her friend’s mouth.
Rafael gestured to his laptop before he picked up his glass. “Now, before I sober up and change my mind.”
“To Staten Island,” Rita raised her scotch with a refined cackle.
Rafael clinked his glass against Rita's before he gulped down the rest of his scotch.
“Staten Island.”
Step Into Christmas Town by rai87
Sonny's plans to coast through the Christmas season untouched by holiday cheer are disrupted when he inherits a Christmas tree farm and finds himself falling for the handsome lawyer managing the estate.
Barisi Advent 2017 by jamesgatz1925
My now annual Barisi Advent! This year every fic is based on a Christmas song. 
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