#I should probably update my blog
sonicchaoscontrol · 6 months
hi this is the at some random time check to see if you are alive and doing okay :]
are you alive? ☐
are you doing okay? ☐
please check each box that applies to you
*end of message beep*
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I'll check that first box, but not the second, because oops, here come the scales of consequence. Or rather -
Hangin’ in there, but only barely!
Enter, stage left: My horrible habit of disappearing off the face of the planet when things are too much. Everyone has been so kind, and so patient, and as it turns out, I didn’t plan this surprise break, either. The personal details don’t belong on this page, given that I’m trying to keep non-comic posts to a minimum, but the TLDR is effectively ‘I am currently in a rather dire financial situation, and have no energy to spare on this side hobby’.
It’s irresponsible of me to let things go so long without updates, but at the same time, I am overbooked and Big Stressy, and I have to prioritize my current IRL situation if I want to be able to eat. Thank you, as always, and this check-in was definitely appreciated.
I will continue to do my best to stay afloat, and believe me, I’m just as frustrated as a lot of readers are! Bear with me as I fumble with that mythical thing called ‘being a responsible adult’.
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jils-things · 1 month
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by the lighthouse.
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doodlebloo · 3 months
Hiii guys.
I've already been out of my mind busy for the past few months, and with midterms happening and my thesis defense soon I may not be super active here for a bit.
As it stands now I'm not leaving this blog. This has been my home for the past few years and I love the story too much to let go. I will assess how I'll talk about Tommy/Phil/Tubbo etc going forwards based on their responses, lack thereof, info on what is and isn't allowed to be said legally, etc.
If you're reading this I love you so so so much. I am at all times overflowing with love for the dsmp/mcyt community and what it's done for me. Some of the happiest moments I've had in my life were because of you all.
Also, if you're rebranding or moving blogs or w/e and we're mutuals I'd love to follow your new account even if we share 0 interests in common now, feel free to lmk where you're headed to (if you want) ❤️
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i don't really know what i'm hoping or trying to do with this post but i've been writing fanfic for a while—actually wrote for a while, then took a long hiatus and now i'm back to finish a fic—in the one direction/harry styles/niall horan fandom. but i'm hoping to dabble in steddie. (probably not until i'm done with this fic because i really just need to focus on completing it before i do anything else!) i'll probably just start with some little drabbles and oneshots but will hopefully work my way up to longer chaptered fics. so i just want to introduce myself to the steddie fandom! please say hello, talk to me about steddie, tell me what you love in steddie fics, anything! i'd love to get to know you!
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“I’m trying to think and I believe your story, but I’m being serious when I say it’s all coming up blank!”
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“But yeah. Look. I’m sorry about all the shit you’ve gone through, and I hate to say it but…”
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“Maybe I can jog your memory? Maybe -“
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Those words… they strike Flicker to her core. She… She herself had said such a thing before, didn’t she?
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lovely-v · 2 years
Literally THE BEST samfrodo fanfic trope is the thing that’s like ooobh the quest is over….so I guess we don’t need to sleep side by side anymore…but like maybe….it would be nice….because we’ve gotten so used to it….etc
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waspgrave · 3 months
ngl i do not understand how my little dnd oc got 1000+ notes and 50+ followers, but thank you all!! I want to draw more of them and introduce them properly since any appearance she's made on my blog has been fleeting over the years AND we've restarted our game so !!!
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Okay, I haven’t actually made a post in a heck of a long while. I’ve just been reblogging stuff, some of it being writeblr but most of it being off-topic. So it’s time to change that! I’m gonna rant about my writing progress for the next few paragraphs and subject you, my poor followers, to my rambles.
I'm taking a break from APS because working on it for two years straight with little to no off-time is giving me serious brainrot. Besides, I want to write more dystopian stories that touch upon important problems today. While APS does touch on some societal issues, it's not as emphatic or relevant to what I really want to talk about. I'm still going to be continuing it (and doing another slight overhaul on the book soon, because the first two times just weren't enough to satisfy my gremlinized brain) but I think it belongs on the backburner for a while.
In the meantime, I decided to expand on a new WIP idea that was intended to be a short story, but never got written and would work better as a series anyway. I feel like it focuses on issues that I really want to talk about and implement into my storywriting, and while I might not be the most advanced at using the dystopian genre to make nuanced, subtle critiques, this is definitely a step in the right direction. I'm going to talk more about this new (and untitled) WIP later, once I develop it further.
I've also been thinking about either self-publishing or traditionally publishing (probably traditional, because I'm broke as shit for self). Of course, this is definitely a bit of a stretch, so I'm still keeping online writing platforms in my pocket if needed (and it probably will be). Plus, taking a big leap like that is pretty scary, so I'd rather work my way up by submitting short pieces to, say, literary journals first; that way I can get a feel for what it's like.
That about wraps up everything I have to say. I'm gonna be more active on writeblr (hopefully, fingers crossed) because I feel like I've missed out on a ton.
So brace yourselves. Once I get my shit together on this blog, it's over for you all. (/j)
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jsunnyart · 1 year
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guinevereslancelot · 7 months
finally drew something so good i dont even want it associated w my tumblr im gonna sign my actual artist signature 🥲
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leviachansbaka · 7 months
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I'm slowly realizing that maybe, I do have a type, and I don't know how to feel about that...
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ehyde · 7 months
I went to grab the direct link to my askbox and wow, my Actual Tumblr Site that isn't just the dashboard really doesn't reflect my current fandoms...
*looks at cosplay photo on the sidebar*
...or gender identity...
*changes photo to a different cosplay photo from the same non-current fandom and makes no other changes* perfect
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instantpansies · 16 days
shit uhhh my blog's been marked as potentially mature bc i typed out the tag "nsfw" for a post. i did not end up tagging that post with nsfw, since the more appropriate tag is nudity/artistic nudity. i deleted the tag before posting. anyways afaik i do not have potentially mature content on my blog, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. may submit a complaint idk
to be clear, i don't really care whether my blog is marked as mature, except that it's not true. my blog is sfw, and i don't want minors who are following me/mutuals with me to be blocked from viewing content or to assume i'm posting nsfw
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tunaf1sk · 2 months
Was gonna use your latest Picayune Dreams piece for my profile on discord, but noticed you asked for credit and permission on your profile, so I'm asking here. I was already gonna credit but just need the permission part i suppose.
Go ahead! Thanks for asking :]
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devildom-moss · 3 months
Schedule Update
I'm going to be away from my computer for the next week and half or so. I've been really slow with writing. I didn't get much done last week despite spending multiple hours trying to catch up and get ahead, so I could just schedule the stuff to post on time.
Anyway, I am not going to try to write and format what will probably be a +3k word post (nor a second, probably longer post) on my phone. I still want to get the rest of the shorts requests done this month, and I'll probably do some work on them while I'm away. I'll try to get them up near the end of the latter half of the month.
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brendonloverurie · 3 months
I'm thinking that it's maybe time to update my tagging system. I literally can't find anything 🥲
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