#I mean the sky stutters anyway but it was moving so
planetnini · 9 months
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࿔・゚*࿐ You kept catching glimpses of Suguru around even after his death. Thinking it may have been a trick on your mind, you brushed it off but when someone that looks and sounds exactly like him shows up at your apartment, you have no other choice but to take matters into your own hands... that is until you find out that he still might be in there.
pairing. geto suguru x gn!reader
tags. angst,, like seriously angst (this hurts so much please listen to me), the first half is a trick there is no happy ending, shibuya arc spoilers!!! (kenjaku is a bitch), violence/fighting (i get a bit descriptive sorry) and of course,,, major character death :)
word count. 2.8k
notes. this idea came to me one night and bambi encouraged me to write it so here it is. i hope no one kills me for this, i also can't believe this is my first official fic of jjk... anyways, get ready to (c)rumble, thank you! <333
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“I thought I told you not to worry about me.” you said, phone tucked on your shoulder holding it to your ear as you took the grocery bag from the old lady giving a curt nod and smile. You moved the bags in one hand and pulled the phone out from your shoulder, pressing it against your ear.
“But then what else would I do?” Satoru whined, masking his concern with a playful question as you walked to the crossing, going to take the usual route home.
“Go bother someone else.” you teased.
Going for the dramatics you heard him gasp through the line, “You are so mean.” he replied and you don’t have to see him to know he is pouting. 
You chuckled, stopping in your tracks as you glanced over the scenic route through the park contemplating to take the long way home. Your attention is suddenly turned to the children with their parents, chasing each other around.
Your heart stuttered.
The mere sight elicited thoughts about your future; the plans you had come up with; the dreams you’d wish to share with Suguru that were torn away from you. The burdens of the jujutsu world were too much to handle alone, and you just know that if you were just a bit more attentive, you could have saved him.
“You need to be reminded that you’re not the only special grade sometimes.” you said, glancing at the way the soft cerulean of the sky weaved with a beautiful light orange. The sunset reminding you of days when Suguru would take you out after missions together.
“Do you think you’re stronger than me?” he chimed, and you rolled your eyes at his comment. Satoru was always like this but you knew that his voice was laced with worry and concern.
“I’m going to hang up.” you threatened as your feet move against their own will, deciding to take the long way home today. The cherry blossoms danced along with the wind, falling beneath you on the concrete as you continued down the path.
It is quiet for a moment and you think Satoru has hung up on you in response to your comment but when you hear him sigh, you can’t help but do the same.
It has been a rough few years for everyone, especially for Shoko, Satoru, and yourself. Not only had you lost your best friend the first time but you also had to lose him another time.
“Are you still there?” he interrupted your thoughts.
“Yeah.. I’m still here.” you replied as you let out an exhale, kicking some pebbles along your path.
“Are you still seeing him around?” he questioned, words picked out carefully.
You sighed, “you make me sound insane.” you responded as you stood at the traffic light waiting for the cars to pass by. Your eyes moved to the blossom leaves falling atop your head and on your clothes.
“I never said you were insane Y/N.” he grumbled and you can’t control the way your whole body relaxes at his words. You knew Satoru cared for you deeply and you had always appreciated it even if you didn't really show it. He had always kept an eye out for you, even before Suguru’s death, and while he was a handful, you knew he always had good intentions. “It wasn’t easy to be there." he added.
You thought back to that day where Satoru insisted you stay back as he went to find Suguru but one look at you and he caved. You wanted to go to find newfound peace but seeing him in this state did nothing for your closure, it only made your heartache worse.
Seeing him smile at you like he did the first day you met had sent butterflies all throughout your body.
Everything about him- every minuscule detail about him- had been exactly as you had remembered. He still had the same sweet and playful look in his eyes. He still had the same goddamn smile. He was still the same person you fell in love with all those years ago so it hurt. You cried, wept, and tried to be strong as you thought about the moments shared with him and how cruel it was that this was where you ended up.
You leaned down, and kissed his cheek as tears adorned your cheeks. Holding his hand and with three tight squeezes- a sign of sorry that you established as your relationship blossomed- he closed his eyes, prepared for the worst as a tear rolled down his face, and then he took his last breath.
“Satoru…” you uttered, completely speechless as you tried to clear your head, “I wanted to be there.”
There was a pregnant pause.
“Do you think it’s possible?” he questioned, uncertainty laced in his voice.
“That what Satoru? That by some miracle he’s alive?” you replied immediately regretting it.
It wasn’t just you that had to grieve the loss of Geto Suguru, and as much as you wanted to just go about your day without thinking about it, guilt would eat away at your bones for not constantly thinking about him.
“i’m sorry.” he sighed and you felt your heart clench at his apology. Why should he be apologising? It was unfair that grief was making you behave this way and you knew that sooner or later you'd need to talk to someone about it.
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I just don’t think my mind will let me forget it...” you sighed as you continued to walk slowly to your apartment.
The line is quiet and you don’t know what else to say. You don’t expect Satoru to even reply to you.
“You don’t have to forget. You can just live with it.”
Shoko had once told you that 'grief was love with no place to go' and while you hadn’t really understood it then, you did now. It was a way to understand the emotional ruins of grief as a continuation of the love you once had, even if the object of that love is no longer a part of your life. In a sense, Satoru was also telling you the same thing. He acknowledged that moving on didn't mean erasing the past and staying stagnant in the moment, but recognised that you can continue living a meaningful life whilst also carrying the grief with you.
You thought you were losing your mind and that seeing Suguru everywhere was a curse but maybe it was the world's way of letting you know that he was finally at peace. As you walked up the pathway to your apartment in a comfortable silence, you thought about his and Shoko’s words. 
Every single day you would return home to a place void of any remnant of Suguru. A place that is supposed to offer comfort now did the opposite but today felt different. Maybe it was a step towards another way of living and it wouldn’t be so hard to live with the grief.
“Where are you now?”
“Outside my door.” you spoke as you used a key to unlock the door.
“Okay. I’m glad you got home safe," he remarked, "I'll see you tomorrow?”
“See you then.”
“Stay safe.” he said and you know what he means.
“Love you too.”
You hung up the phone and took off your shoes before tossing everything onto the kitchen island and groaning as you stretched your back and neck. You turned to open the fridge, “Whoever you are, you have ten seconds to run before I kill you.”
You wouldn’t say you were the strongest, your abilities were nowhere to be compared to Satoru but everyone deserves a second chance, right? You let the entity decide its own fate. Don't say I didn't warn you...
“So... you’re the infamous Y/N.” 
That voice…
Your feet were frozen in place and you could feel your own heart sink into the pit of your stomach. There were words stuck in your throat as the nauseous feeling crept up and threatened to spill from your lips. This can’t be right… 
What felt like minutes passed by as you processed what, or rather who you just heard. The way your name rolled off their tongue was foreign. Was it really who you thought it was? Your mind must be going through it right now and although you know it’s not possible, you can’t help but hope it is who you think it is as you turned around.
“Suguru?” you uttered, eyes wide as the tears brimmed the edge of them as you stared at the man in front of you. 
“Bingo!” he chuckled.
You begged yourself to snap out of it. This was clearly a sick and twisted transformation technique but your heart betrayed you, standing there and not making a run for it.
“You’re probably thinking this is some illusion but thanks to your friend, I was able to obtain this body without much trouble.” he smiled and you felt goose bumps crawling up your arm at the strange sight. Despite how much this man looked and sounded like Suguru, you knew this was not the case at all.
Your jaw clenched, “What the fuck did you do to him?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” he said, standing up from your sofa as he trudged towards you, “My cursed technique allows me to transplant my brain into anybody," he explained and you're heaving as you tried to keep your rage at surface level, "I have access to all of his memories, his skills, and whatnot."
You don't have it in yourself to attack just yet.
"He lived a long time without you in his life but somehow," he paused, "you take up almost every single memory.” he sounded frustrated and the tears threatening to escape your eyes do so- whether he was telling the truth or not, they still hurt you immensely. 
“So why are you here?” you growled as your body allowed itself to move again and maintaining eye contact with him as you focused all your energy to charge your technique.
“You are a hindrance to my plans.”
His weakness.
You released your cursed technique at him immediately and launched him across the room and as you moved to the table to grab your phone. One of Suguru’s cursed spirits wrapped around your hands and restrained you and using your abilities, you managed to get away from it. You shot him a look as he tilted his head with a smile, “I gave you ten seconds to run but I have something else settled for you now” you snapped as you continued to use your technique to your advantage as you continued to fight him.
You would say that against Suguru, it had always been a close call of who would win in a fight but this time it felt difficult. Who was this guy?
You continued to attack the man, fighting back with all your might. He wasn’t actually Suguru, so you didn’t feel the need to hold back. He caught you off guard with a calculated move and knocked you to the floor. You saved yourself from further injury as you used your arm to break the fall, but you managed to hit your head on the furniture with your head in the process.
You winced pushing yourself off your elbow as the man walked towards you with his hands in front of you as he tried to force you up by the throat, “Suguru...” you managed to say before he could grab you. 
Before you can even process it, there is a twitch of his hand that came up to his throat, choking himself as his fingers pressed down against the side of his throat, ultimately stopping himself from putting a hand on you.
Your eyes widened as your breath caught in your lungs. Was he still in there?
Kenjaku’s eyes widened, as his vessel- Suguru’s body- fought against him, and a laugh that used to be full of joy now sounded like nails on a chalkboard as it echoed through your apartment, “This is impressive!" he spoke, amused at the action.
By no means was Geto Suguru still alive, but protecting you had become muscle memory; it was an instinct that has embedded itself deep within his soul, one that Kenjaku would never truly be able to understand..
You are still on the floor, blood dripped down the side of your head as you moved up from your spot. Using your technique, you try and catch him off guard by putting all your strength into your next move, attacking him when he least expects it, “In all my years, I have never seen anything quite like this and it is all because of you.” he cackled. 
“It sounds like somebody is scared.” you taunted, smirking at the imposter to try to size him up.
“Well, let me tell you this,” he cleared his throat, “When a part of the original host reacts, you know what that means?”
“What?” you seethed, jaws clenched as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
“He’s still in here.” he whispered, and t had caught you off guard.
You wanted to attack but instead your heart sabotaged your next move allowing Kenjaku to have the upper hand. You struggled to react as you felt the pain of something on your left side and suddenly, you are on the floor gasping for air and you can feel him hover over you.
He pinned you down to the floor and slammed you against it to stop you from struggling but you were already incapacitated so what was the point?
In terms of physical strength, Suguru would always win by a landslide and this is when you wished you had taken your training more seriously. 
There was a visceral reaction that tears at Kenjaku as he has you in his hands which entertains him once again, “You have some nerve calling yourself a special grade sorcerer,” he sneered, “Are you holding back?”
You looked up at him and tried your absolute best to move but the pain is too much to handle. You clenched your jaw as your breathing became erratic, “You will find no peace, so long as you live.” you choked out.
He laughed and wrapped his hand around your neck tighter, his right hand reaching over to your hand- you don’t know what he expected from you now that you’re bleeding out. "You're hilarious," he rejoiced as his hand intertwined with yours, “So let me make this easier for you. Just think about him...” Kenjaku needed you to suffer so that he could shake Suguru’s will to its core, stripping anything left he had. You don’t know what you expected but then you felt a gentle squeeze.
You forced your eyes open to look up at the man who squeezed your hand. It seemed that he was unaware at the action. This guy said he had all of Suguru’s memories so was he just doing this on purpose? Is this Geto Suguru or is this the imposter that is using his body?
“It is honestly so sweet just how much he loved you after all those years apart.” he chuckled.
Kenjaku continued to put pressure around your neck with one hand, feeling the exact opposite of what Suguru was probably going through- an intolerable, gut-wrenching pain, without exaggeration. He can’t do anything but squeeze his hand in yours again.
You can’t fight back, you have no will. Even if by some miracle, how could you possibly hurt the man in front of you? The man you once loved...
“Is that why you’re not fighting back? Do you love him too much to hurt him?” 
Suguru’s soul pleaded. 
He wondered why he couldn’t be strong right now for you and resist but it was no use. You could see a tear falling from his face now as the final fragment of his soul tried its best to push through.
You’re choking. You can't swallow. You can't breathe. You can only see the man you loved in blurry vision from the lack of oxygen and through tears. He was sorry...
“I… I.. forgive.. y-” you choked out, voice restricted as Kenjaku forced himself to push through with his execution, tightening his grip.The finality of it all settled deep within his soul as Kenjaku watched the life leave your eyes as you took your last breath.
A tear rolled down your cheek and your existence on the Earth came to an end.
Suguru was not really gone but he might as well have been. He will exist for a long time knowing that he was the one that killed you and that he couldn’t do anything to stop it either.
It was on that night for the first time that Kenjaku felt the overwhelming amount of agony from his vessel. His soul ached, cried, and wailed that night, longing to be with you but he couldn’t- that was just how things were meant to be for you two.
You hoped he knew that you forgave him and that you would love him endlessly but as for now, you would wait...
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tags! @stsgluver
i made y/n a special grade user because they could easily take down suguru if they wanted but just didn't do it hahahahahah
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ghcstao3 · 10 months
If I were to portray someone unbelievably pathetic and without any hope, would you give me another part of your #anyway mildly supernatural au?
I'll get down on my knees and pray to any god you want.
Just please give me more please.
do not even Fret i would have written more for absolutely nothing in return anyway because i just love writing AUs so much (if you could not already tell)
fun fact this is version 2.0 of what i wanted to write because tumblr didn’t save a draft and i lost everything 🫶 not edited
So much and so little time feel like they’ve passed simultaneously as John waits out the rain with Simon—and oddly enough, not once has he seen the bottom of his styrofoam cup of coffee in spite of the plentiful sips he’s certain he’s taken.
In any case.
He and Simon chat aimlessly to fill the minutes, hours, whatever it’s been—something just beyond small talk, though not by much. Not until Simon decides to face John with a rather puzzling question.
“So, then, what brings you here?”
John furrows his brow. “My car broke down,” he says slowly. He can’t help the confusion and tinge of curiosity that melt into his voice, nor can he help wondering why Simon would ask for an answer he already knows.
Yet Simon shakes his head. “No—what brings you here?”
A frown tugs at John’s lips, his eyebrows drawing ever closer. “Dinnae ken.” He shrugs helplessly, tries a different reply, “A road trip?”
Simon hums only as acknowledgment. It’s clear in the way he narrows his eyes and scrutinizes John’s face that it’s still not the answer he’s looking for.
“You’re lost,” Simon concludes.
John scoffs. “Am no’!” He exclaims, frustration laced in his tone as he folds his arms almost defensively across his chest. “I was followin’ a GPS!”
“You are,” Simon insists. “Just not in the way you think.”
With a huff, John drops his arms, instead reaching to curl his fingers back around the still-warm cup of coffee. His frown deepens. “How do you mean?”
Simon tilts his head, gaze ever-analytic. “You’re lucky,” he replies cryptically. “Or unlucky, depending on how you choose to look at it. Not many humans manage to get here.”
Now John is beyond confused. Of course, Simon had been all sorts of vague and avoidant throughout their interactions, but this? John is beginning to think this man might not be all… there.
“Human…?” John swallows. He shifts his weight between weary feet. “Why would I be anything but?”
Simon takes a step away from the counter, rounds past John only to stop at the large window looking out into a small, crumbling lot and the forest beyond the road, all blurred by heavy rain. John realizes with a start that he hadn’t really seen Simon move before that—hadn’t seen deliberate steps, the way he almost glides across the space; graceful, soundless.
It’s almost—dare John say—supernatural.
“Well, you see, Johnny,” Simon says with a mild air of amusement, and John has barely any time to process that Simon knows his name despite it never having been given as he continues, “there’s often a lot more than meets the eye in this world we live in. It just appears you’ve looked in the right place for once.”
“I don’t understand.”
Simon turns back to him, then, the glint in his eyes that same hint of unnatural as his movements. They flash, a glare almost like that of a cat’s in the dark of night.
“I don’t expect you to.”
Simon looks away from John again, a broad figure against the pale grey light that filters inside. John’s heart stutters even as he willingly brings himself closer to Simon.
“The rain will stop soon,” Simon states disinterestedly. It hardly appears like the storm would let up any time soon—the sky is still stained with dark and angry clouds—but Simon says it with such unimpressed, unwavering confidence that John thinks he may as well believe him.
“Will it?” John challenges anyway.
Simon shrugs. “Not unless you don’t want it to.”
John huffs out a quiet laugh. As strange as Simon and everything he’s said is, and as much as John has questioned everything else, he decides he’ll humour the man.
“Maybe just a bit longer, then.”
After all, John hasn’t hated lingering in the store. No harm in indulging in such silly thoughts as controlling the weather.
Simon nods. The corners of his eyes pull upward as if he’s smiling beneath the mask he’s still refused to remove. Briefly, John wonders what other things Simon may be hiding beneath it.
Simon concurs, “Then so it is.”
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love-lilly02 · 3 months
BTS: Messages from the Stars
A little 100 followers thanks! read into this how you will, it could mean anything 🌝🌝 (unedited by the way sorry for typos or inconsistencies)
the entire safe house was dead silent. all the lights turned off, and the soldiers hidden inside attempting to be quiet. 
Both Price and Gaz were half asleep, pretending to be “helping” with the watch that you had taken over long ago. Soap was less shy about his sleeping patterns and was out like a light on the floor, tossed haphazardly into Prices lap. Ghost had gone to secure the perimeter long ago, and you all had yet to hear from him. 
Something about that just didn’t sit right with you. 
Radios weren’t allowed, so you couldn’t talk to him that easily. Something about possibly picking up an enemy’s signal. 
And the big idiot had left his phone in his bunk. So you were truly at a loss for what exactly to do, opting to just sit on the windowsill and look for him. 
You weren’t sure how long you were sitting there, staring out at the sky full of stars. You weren’t really able to see them back at base, light pollution having taken over the view long ago. 
As a child you had attempted to learn to map them out, or rather you had watched as your father mapped them out and told you the names of the constellations. 
Now you wished you had paid more attention to his words. 
“Beauty, ain’t it?” 
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the words, your hand immediately going to your gun. 
“At ease, S’ jus me.” Ghost lurked in the corner, his brown eyes twinkling in amusement at having scared you. 
“Fucking- shit when the hell did you get back?” You demanded in a harsh whisper, looking at the others to make sure they didn’t wake up. If anything, they seem to have sunken further into sleep, and Gaz’s head rested dangerously close to Price’s shoulder. 
“Been here for a minute, checkin no one was hurt.” You nodded at him. 
“To answer your question, they are nice. Don’t get to see the stars at base.”
Ghost shook his head. In a few strides, he was standing next to you, and you watched as he took a seat across from you on the ledge. It looked absolutely idiotic, a large man like him balancing carefully on the tiny ledge, but you bit back your laugh. 
“Something funny, sergeant?” 
“No, LT.”
“Right then.”
And the two of you lapsed into silence. 
It was nice, really. You kept watching the sky for a while, staying in position till the deep black started to take on a deep orange with the sunrise. 
“You should sleep,” You told him. When you went to turn your attention on him he was already looking down at you. It made you blush slightly, but you covered it up. “Can’t give us orders if you’re half dead.”
“ ‘S alright. Don’t sleep much anyways, can’t see the harm.” 
You didn’t question the words. 
Instead of looking at Ghost, you turned your attention towards the rest of the team, who were all still asleep. Soap let out a disquieting snort, grumbling something in his sleep, and you had to fight back a laugh. Carefully, you walked behind Gaz and moved him so he could rest comfortably on Price’s shoulder. You missed his smile, even in his sleep. 
But Ghost caught it. He saw nearly everything, after all. 
“We’ll have to wake them at sunup, get out of here in time for evac.” He nodded at your words. 
“You’ll be okay?” You asked, standing in the doorway. Ghost just nodded again. You gave him a small smile, walking out of the room. 
He didn’t know exactly where you were going, and he did want to find out but he figured you deserved some privacy after nearly a week of being stuck with the boys on you constantly. Instead, he knelt by Price and pressed a small kiss to the older man’s forehead. Price stuttered awake, grumbling something quickly. 
“What happened? Where’s-“
“She’s safe, downstairs i think.” He sighed, leaning back against the wall again. Both of them watched Soap and Gaz, smiling to themselves.
“We were supposed to be helping with the watch.” Ghost just chuckled. 
“Lotta good you lot did, eh?” 
“If i could hit you I would.”
He laughed again. 
“Did she sleep?” Price questioned, taking his eyes off of Soap. His hands remained in the man’s mohawk, enjoying the almost purr like sound it got from the younger man. 
“Not that i know of,” Ghost responded. 
Price shook his head. “I worry about her, Simon.”
“We both do.”
They lapsed into another silence. 
“Hopefully one day she’ll allow us to worry.”
My Masterlist
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
|| I regret nothing pt 2 bc Yamato makes me wanna eat drywall /pos
[Heads up!: oral (reader receiving), pet names used (babe, sweets, Yama, dude), reader is not explicitly gendered]
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"What are you reading?" The chin that settles on your shoulder is familiar, as is the wind of arms around your waist, the tickle of ombre hair at your cheek. 
"A book," you answer, grinning when Yamato huffs, clearly unhappy with your answer. 
"I know that," he complains, squeezing for emphasis. "I mean, is it important?"
"Kind of. Why?"
Yamato huffs again. You know what he's like when he slips into these kinds of moods, words laced with a hint of childish petulance. He's bored. 
"I'll be done in a minute," you soothe, abandoning the page for a moment to pat at the side of his face. Yamato is quiet, and you think that'll be the end of it. But it isn't ㅡ he manages all of another sixty seconds before he's rubbing his chin against your shoulder. "Yamato."
"I'm not doing anything," he whines, "just trying to occupy myself while you read."
You roll your eyes good naturedly, deciding to let him do as he pleases. He will anyway, knows that you don't have the heart to stop him when all he's doing is being silly. 
He sighs and then hums some idle tune he'd heard a while ago, drums his fingers against your sides in rhythm. He is very bored. And from the way you turn another page, you've forgotten your promise to pay attention to him. 
He pouts, cheek pressed against your shoulder. "Babe," he begins, "how invested are you in that book?"
"I'm sorry," you say, tone apologetic. "I know I said I'd be done, but this part ㅡ"
"It's okay, I promise." His tone takes on a thoughtful edge, and the drum of his fingers moves to the hem of your shirt. "Just…thinking of something to entertain myself with." 
"And that is?"
Yamato grins against your shoulder, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Wanna see if that book is more interesting than me?"
The sly press of his fingers just underneath your shirt makes you shiver, pulse leaping. 
"I'm trying to read," you protest, but you know you're going to lose this battle, especially when Yamato kisses your neck.
"That's fine, babe." Another kiss, deliberate as he laughs. "Like I said, I'll entertain myself." He pauses, thinking. "Want you to read to me, though."
You blink. "Outㅡout loud?"
"Yeah," Yamato prompts, kissing your jaw. "Why not? Wanna know what you're so interested in."
His fingertips curl lightly against your skin, and you shiver. "Okay," you relent, and he grins into your neck, all sharp teeth against soft skin. 
"The desert was a thing of beauty. Powder andㅡ" Warm lips skim your ribs. "ㅡand earth yawned out under a canopy sky. Caramel dunes rippled, edges sh–shimmeringㅡ"
Yamato clicks his tongue. "Don't stutter, I can't understand you." How easy it is for him to say that ㅡ as if he isn't the reason you're having such a hard time focusing on the book in your hands. "Come on, sweets." He goads you gently, nipping at your skin. "Try again."
You inhale shakily, staring down at the top of Yamato's head that's steadily inching further down before you return your focus to your book. It takes a long moment to find where you were, wanting nothing more than to toss it aside and dig your hands into Yamato's hair.
He knows what he's doing, mischievous as he presses open mouthed kisses against the soft skin of your stomach, resting beside your navel as he peers up at you. "Aren't you gonna read?" 
His eyes gleam, laughter shimmering ㅡ and you huff, determined not to give in to him so easily, even as he hooks nimble fingers into the top of your pants.
"The roadㅡ" The tug of fabric and press of Yamato's lips to your hip makes your breath hitch. Sucking in another deep breath, you try again. "The road ran along the coast, where sands stretched and slid into a glistening sea."
Yamato laughs against the apex of your thigh. "Good job," he praises, pairing it with the pinch of his teeth, watches your reflexive jolt and muffled whine with a grin. "Gonna pay attention to me now?"
You stare down at him, the visual of your boyfriend nestled between your legs making need bubble further. The book slips from your grip, and Yamato muffles a laugh.
"Need me that bad?" Your answer is the slide of a hand into his hair, and he hums at the sensation. He busies himself with sucking a mark into the top of your thigh, eyes closing when you tug at his hair with a whine before he pulls away. "Changed my mind, babe. Pick the book back up."
You blink dazedly, reluctantly slipping your hand from his hair to fumble for the book, then peer at Yamato. "Yama, what…"
He's undaunted by your confusion, sin and amusement clashing in his eyes. "Wanna see how long you can read before you finish." 
Your cheeks color. You still can't understand how Yamato can be so straightforward with things like this, but you'd be lying if you said it wasn't part of his charm. 
You struggle to find where you were as the last barrier of clothing slips down your legs, shivering as your legs are coaxed further apart, warm breath against your slick core. Yamato peers up at you, and you swallow a whimper. 
He has to hand it to you, you really do try. You manage a handful of words that he can definitively tell before it dissolves into a stuttered babble, encouraged by the slip of his tongue against you. 
He massages at your legs, spans his fingers out to pin your hips and keep you from shying away as he presses forward to taste you in earnest. The book slips from your grip again and this time when your hand finds his hair, Yamato purrs in approval. 
He lets you have a little bit of control, lets you guide his head this way and that as he curls his tongue, feeding off the increasingly desperate noises that you make.
"Yama," you pant, "Yama, please."
He likes it when you beg. He does it too, of course, but there's something heady in getting you this needy that all you can do is whine for him ㅡ and he doubles his efforts as you near that delicious precipice.
The dig of slightly sharpened nails into your thighs is intentional, pleasure-pain of it the little push that you need as your lips part around a garbled cry of what Yamato thinks might be his name.
He helps you ride out your orgasm, happy to clean you up until you're trying to pull away, whining about being sensitive. Pawing his way up a little, Yamato rests his head on your stomach.
"Dude," he says, watching your chest rise and fall, "you came like, a lot."
Your cheeks flush. "Hush."
"It was hot though," he whines, crawls up the rest of the way to kiss you, and your blush darkens at the taste of yourself on his tongue. "Think we can do that again in a little bit?"
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everydayyoulovemeless · 11 months
To Victory ↠ Danse x Reader
➼ Word Count » 0.8k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Summary » Danse has a crush on you and doesn't know how to communicate that.
"Get behind me, soldier!" Danse shouted, clicking the safety off his gun as he moved to shield you from the hoard of ferals sprinting your way.
"Why do you keep doing that?" You asked once everything had been killed.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You keep stepping out in front of me. I've taken on ferals before, you know? I could've killed them." You smiled as you spoke. For a while now, Danse had been quick to defend you from any slight danger the two of you encountered on your mission. It was nice of him to do and you appreciated the gesture, but it wasn't at all necessary.
"I―uh, I do it for everyone." He sheepishly said.
"For squires maybe, but I've never seen you do it for any of the other knights." You were trying hard to meet his gaze, but he seemed to hold it strictly ahead.
Your statement seemed to fluster him as he started to stutter, "I―are you sure?"
"I'm sure." You giggled, "Maybe I'm just special." You teased, grinning when you saw how embarrassed he was quickly becoming. "Anyway," You began, "what's first on the list?"
"Maxson's sent us to clear out a building in Lexington. We wipe out everything in it, and then we're done for the day." He recited, messing with something on the side of his gun.
You shrugged, "Sounds simple enough. Are you doing anything after? Maybe we could go get a drink or something?"
"A―uh, a drink? From where?"
"The Prydwen I reckon. Unless you wanted to go all the way down to Diamond City, but that's a far walk. I'd rather just alert a Vertibird to our location and fly back home, wouldn't you?"
"Yeah―let's get a drink after this."
You nudged his shoulder with your own as you walked―or more so his side as he towered over you in his power armor, "No need to be so stiff, we've shared a bed before, remember? What's going on?"
"Nothing's going on, I'm perfectly fine, soldier." He answered, still avoiding your gaze.
You hummed, "If you so say."
You coughed as the smoke signal from the Vertibird grenade floated upward into the sky, calling the two of you a much-needed ride. The Super Duper Mart was packed full of ferals when you entered, and completely empty when you left. It was easy work for the two of you, even if Danse was on edge the entire time.
"Good work out there," Danse announced, hesitantly placing his hand on your shoulder once the two of you border the large machine.
"Thanks, Danse. We needed something easy after the last mission at Fort Strong."
The bar on the Prydwen was clustered, full of your coworkers as it usually is in the late afternoons. Tons of people stood together in the singular hallway where the weapon and drinks were being sold, the majority being there for both services. You felt yourself being pushed into Danse on multiple occasions, having to apologize after every shove.
"Cheers to another victory?" You spoke, holding your bottle out towards your companion, resting your hand on his arm to stabilize yourself in the overflowing crowd.
He grinned at you, clinking his glass with your own, "Yeah, cheers to our victory."
You stared at him expectantly for a moment, watching him take a sip of his drink, "So, you gonna tell me what's wrong?"
"What do you mean?"
"C'mon, Danse, don't act like you haven't been acting stranger lately, you're all awkward and shit. What's going on?"
"I just―have a lot on my mind." He vaguely admitted, focusing his gaze on his glass intently.
"Oh yeah? And what's the big thing you're keeping secret?" You asked, leaning closer to the bigger man.
"Ask me again later." He responded, "I rather not be around so many people when I tell you."
The subject was then forgotten about as you rambled to him about your week, him adding his input as you went before the two of you went off to your respective bunkers. Danse's heart ached for you every step of the way as he watched you disappear out of sight. He'd tell you how he felt one day, it just had to be the right time. He just prayed that time would come soon, or never at all, that'd be nice. He wished he could just sweep it all under the rug and forget about it. He hated the way he worried for you, it did nothing but make him tense. You both had a victory on your most recent mission, but he still didn't make any more progress on admitting his feelings for you, it'd have to remain a battle for another day.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
everyone but her pt.7
a/n: guys we're boutta start the FEELINGS. we're getting there, i promise. if we keep this up we might even get a smooch before too long 👀
Word Count: 3.7k Warnings: swearing Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Masterlist)
@extinctspino @basichextechml @cfvgbhndun-new-blog @jinxscatbomb @awolfcsworld @n0p35 @suzhiman @gengen64 @eclipsesmoonshine14 @asters-abditory
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There was a habit you had that Wednesday was starting to pick up on, and she was not fond of it by any means. Somehow, by some cruel trick played by whatever spirits were watching over her that day, you always, always came by her dorm while she was busy. She was playing the cello? You miraculously dropped from the sky and started talking before she could even set her bow down. She was writing? You burst into the room with whatever stupid question was on your mind for the night.
More than once you had even appeared while she was in the shower, knocking to let her know you were there and then yelling through the door. It was times like that she almost wished you would get struck by lightening on your next flight.
Tonight, however, you had crawled in through the window because Wednesday had finally gotten the bright idea to lock the door. She should have known better.
“You seriously need to lock your window,” you huffed as you pushed yourself back up to your feet. There was a nice tint to your cheeks from the cold. Wednesday stared for too long, thankful for the fact that you were too busy brushing the dirt from your knees. “What if someone came in?”
 “Oh yes,” Wednesday sighed, “what if.”
“Anyway, with that safety lesson out of the way, here’s...” You dug around your satchel until you pulled out a book that Wednesday… didn’t remember loaning you. “Your book!” You handed it over with an obnoxious smile. A Tale of Two Cities.
“You stole this,” Wednesday said simply, though she still reached for it without hesitation. Her fingers grazed yours as she took it from you; your fingers were cold. Would you mind so terribly if she wished to warm them?
“It’s not stealing,” you huffed before throwing yourself face-first onto her bed. “It was borrowed without permission.”
Wednesday didn’t dare dignify your nonsensical excuse with a reply, instead just placing the book on her desk and flipping through it to find where you had left your mark. It came in the form of a single downy feather stuck near the last third of the book. She exhaled slowly and put it in her drawer; you weren’t even looking.
“The Rave’N is coming up soon,” you mused as Wednesday started writing. It gave her a welcome distraction from… well, from you. “You thinking of going?”
The clack of the typewriter stuttered for just a moment.
“I could not fathom a greater form of punishment.”
“Oh,” you said before covering it with a cough. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.”
Wednesday felt a twinge of disappointment. Her words had been no lie; there was truly nothing more miserable than going to a stupid high school dance. But if you had intended on asking her, then maybe, just maybe, she would have considered it. After all, it wasn’t like you would be going with anyone else anyway. Right?
She said nothing, just continued typing away at her novel. Out of the corner of her eye, you shuffled and moved around, grabbing her pillow and resting it under your chin. Your eyes bore holes into the side of her head; god, did you ever blink? Didn’t you have anything better to do than lay there and stare at her?
“Thing, you smell absolutely divine,” you said in the most Enid-esque sing-songy voice after a few agonizing moments of staring.
With the slightest turn of her head, Wednesday watched Thing crawl onto the bed and start showing off. A pose to the left, a pose to the right, showing off his good side. You would “ooh” and “ahh” as he turned and would make ridiculous faces at him. It was beneath you, yet Wednesday couldn’t stop from watching with a morbid curiosity as you egged him on.
“You simply must tell me your secret,” you said as Thing finally crawled up onto your shoulder. “Tell me, is it the bergamot?”
“Can you two take this elsewhere?” Wednesday interrupted Thing mid-gesture. You pouted; it was enticing. “This isn’t beauty hour.”
“You, Wednesday Addams, are a killjoy.” You pushed yourself up to your knees - you were getting your shoes on her bed - and stepped onto the floor, Thing holding tight to your shoulder. “We’ll continue this in my room.”
The blatant stomping as you made your way to the door was enough to get Wednesday’s teeth grinding. Your ability to set her on edge just by being a brat was impressive, she wouldn’t deny it. Yet it still made her want to reach out and strangle you, no matter how far she had to go to reach your neck. She watched you leave only for a moment, more than ready to turn back to her novel but-
You froze with your hand only inches from the doorknob. Your right wing twitched, drawing Wednesday’s attention to the feathers that were still growing back from your flight in the woods all those weeks ago. She stood up from her desk and walked over to you with slow, purposeful steps until you turned around and were face to face with her.
Well. For the most part.
Wednesday stared you down, reveling in the way your wings twitched and shook under her gaze. Their reaction always intrigued her, always activated her curiosity in ways very few things could. Her own fingers ached with the desire to reach out and brush against the smooth feathers.
Instead she just grabbed the sweater you were wearing. It was made of a rather particular pattern in some rather familiar shades. She hadn't seen it in a few weeks, but surely she hadn't misremembered it. There was only one real difference between then and now.
“This is my missing sweater.” Wednesday met your eyes and took note of the way they widened only for a second.
“Is not,” you said quickly. “Thing, is this Wednesday’s?” Wednesday shot Thing a glare, one that he knew the consequences of. Instead of answering, he just shrugged and scuttled around to your other shoulder. A true coward. “Told you.”
“My mistake,” Wednesday said before giving you one last look - you practically shrunk under her stare - and walking back to her desk. “Thing, be back by curfew.”
“See you later, Wednesday.”
Your voice echoed in Wednesday’s head long after you had closed the door behind you. It was impossible to count the amount of people that had said her name, and yet when you said it… it was different. Something about it struck a different chord in her cold heart.
Maybe it was the fact you were shamelessly wearing her sweater.
Hummer’s meetings, though necessary, were becoming the bane of Wednesday’s existence. It wasn’t Eugene’s fault, he tried his best to make them fun, but your snoring from the other side of the hive was enough to drive anyone insane. What were you even doing there anyway? Hadn’t you officially given up on Eugene’s inability to make friends?
A loud slap reverberated off the walls, followed immediately by a "fuck!" and a disgruntled groan. Eugene halted in his speech as they both looked at you, now wide awake with glassy eyes and a bright red cheek. You gave Eugene an enthusiastic thumbs up and a grin that would make anyone swoon.
Eugene smiled right back at you and continued whatever it was he was going on about. But Wednesday noticed the way your smile dropped and you rubbed your cheek, looking around for the culprit. Thing snuck up Wednesday’s leg and hid on her shoulder, as far away from you as he could get. Smart hand, she thought behind a smirk.
The meeting continued, and even though Wednesday had never started paying attention to what Eugene was saying, now she was downright distracted. By the way you would hold your hand out for the bees to land on, to your absolutely pitiful sneeze when a bee landed on your nose, to the loose feathers you left on the floor. Why couldn’t you just pay attention so she could pay attention?
“Hey, I gotta head out.” You stood up. “I’m late for practice.”
“Okay,” Eugene said with a look that gave away his disappointment. “Wednesday can fill you in later.”
“Nah, I’ll hear it from you,” you said, shooting him a smile that had no doubt made many a woman swoon. “I’ll text you.”
“Sounds good,” Eugene answered, and you gave him a thumbs up.
“See you later Thing. Addams.” You winked at Wednesday before heading out of the hive.
The way her stomach dropped was downright embarrassing.
The meeting continued to drag on for another 35 agonizing minutes. Wednesday’s only saving grace was at least they were harvesting a few of the hives so it helped pass the time. Slowly. By the time everything was finished, Wednesday wanted nothing more than to escape and get back to her dorm. This much socialising was exhausting work.
“Hey Wednesday,” Eugene called out before she managed to escape. She stopped in her place and turned to look at him. “Is Y/N going to the Rave’N?”
“How should I know?” She asked, but what she really wanted to say was why do you want to know?
“Think she would go with me?” He asked; his eyes went wide at Wednesday’s sudden coldness. “As a friend!” He defended instantly. “Only as a friend.”
Wednesday’s shoulders relaxed slightly. Only as friends, she thought with the most miniscule nod to herself. That was acceptable. Not that she would have cared, obviously, if you would go as Eugene’s date. But surely he wasn’t your type- she stopped her thoughts right there. She was not going to proclaim to know what your type was or that she even cared in the first place.
“Just ask her,” Wednesday finally said before promptly turning around and walking out of the hive.
A mix of emotions tumbled around in her chest as she walked around campus. Why had she gotten such a visceral reaction to Eugene asking if you would go to the Rave’N with him? It was a dance that she cared absolutely nothing for. There was nothing enticing about a room full of sweaty teenagers drinking spiked punch.
What were you doing to her? What was it about you that was different? She had yet to care about anyone the way she did about you. Her protectiveness over Enid, Eugene, Pugsly, it couldn’t even hold a flame to how she felt about you. And she couldn’t even figure out what kind of feelings those were. How was she-
-the sound of a piano caught her attention and froze her in her spot.
The door to the opera hall was open just enough for music to spill out into the quad. It sounded like a jumbled mess, the keys being hammered and played in a way that was reminisce of a child. Thing pointed through the doors, and with a roll of her eyes, Wednesday walked in.
The pitiful excuse for music got louder as she walked further into the opera hall, her steps almost silent on the carpet. A twang from the piano staggered her steps and she tilted her head. The riff played twice, slowly, then picked up speed again. With a singular nod to herself she continued walking until finally she could look upon the stage.
You sat there on the bench, playing away as if you had not a single care in the world. Your posture was absolutely horrendous, Wednesday noted as she eyed your hunched shoulders and bent neck. It looked like you were too big for the instrument even though your hands flew effortlessly over the keys. Jazz, it finally clicked as she listened to you continue.
At least, it was jazz until it wasn’t. Maybe she wasn’t entirely sure what you were playing.
But she stood there and watched dutifully as you played, a smile seemingly etched onto your face. You looked completely entranced, your eyes falling shut as a laugh fell from your lips. You looked- no, Wednesday would never admit to that. She stood up straight and moved as if to leave until she noticed something.
There, on your right wrist, were three black hair ties. Her black hair ties.
Somehow, she didn’t mind.
You were late.
You were late and Wednesday had already pushed back her writing time for you. Now, 37 minutes past when you were supposed to already be in the room for tutoring, you were still nowhere to be seen? Wednesday would’ve strangled you if given half the chance.
“She’s probably asleep,” Enid said after Wednesday had paced the room for the seventh time that night. “Just go wake her up.”
Still asleep? How? It was a late start, of course, but it was a Monday. What could you possibly still be sleeping for? That decided it, she was going to go find out for herself. She didn’t bother saying bye to Enid and Thing - who were having yet another manicure party - and walked out the door, making a beeline for your dorm.
How could you stand her up? Tutoring had been moved around a few times but you always showed up. Now, the week before the Rave’N, you were going to abandon her? To spend time with Enid? How very well dare you, you certainly knew better than that, did you not?
She knew your room by heart; not because she had ever been inside, but she had walked you back numerous times. So she could be forgiven for not stopping to knock on the door and instead just walking in, closing the door behind her.
“Where were-”
-her heart froze in her chest when she actually looked into your room. It wasn’t untidy by any means, but the amount of… things was rather impressive. Bookshelves were littered with pens, badges, coins, daggers - is that her dagger? - and whatever else the mind could imagine. In the far corner of the room was a pile of blankets and clothes, and you were resting face-down on top of it.
Your wings were outstretched across the pile - your little nest, she thought - and for probably the first time, Wednesday stared in awe at how large they truly were. Realistically she knew they had to be big enough to carry you around, but to see them up close just hammered the idea home. They were stunning.
There was a peaceful look upon your face, one that she rarely saw during the day. You were snoring lightly and holding onto a piece of cloth so tightly that Wednesday could see the individual tendons in your knuckles. If anyone else had seen you, they would’ve called you adorable.
But not Wednesday, of course.
Wake her up. But you looked so comfortable laying there, spread out for no one but her to see. How many people got to see you like this? Free, unbridled for everyone else’s convenience. We’re here for a reason. Does that reason matter when you look so at peace? This is pointless. It most surely is because she can’t bring herself to move or turn her head away from you.
A shift in your breathing pattern, and suddenly Wednesday was brought back to her current situation. Right. You were supposed to be tutoring right now. Your math test was in three days and you needed help, and she was doing nothing to ensure your ability to pass the test.
Wake her up. But she didn’t have to, because you shifted and suddenly Wednesday was met with your groggy, half-open eyes that struggled to stay open. In those first few moments of consciousness, what were you thinking of? Was your head filled with the remnants of a dream that would be long forgotten before you spoke your first word? Were you thinking of someone that brought such a stupid, childish grin to your face?
“Fancy seeing you here,” you mumbled with that same dopey smile. It was pathetic. Wednesday was pathetic for letting it affect her.
“You missed tutoring.” She sounded too harsh; good. There was no chance she was going to let you know what you did to her.
“I was out late,” you mumbled again, finally pushing yourself to your knees. Wednesday turned her head when your sleep pants fell low on your hips. “Give me a sec and we can get started.”
She couldn’t see you, but she heard you shuffle around until the bathroom door clicked shut, and finally she could breathe again. Everything about you was really starting to wear her patience thin. She had come here with a purpose and now she was busy trying to keep her breathing in check because of your sleep pants. You truly were a testament to her patience.
“Ready?” You walked out of the bathroom while still pulling a shirt down. Thankfully, Wednesday didn’t notice until you were finished and-
“-is that my shirt?”
You froze in your tracks. This was becoming a common occurrence, Wednesday realised. At the very least this was the third time she had noticed you wearing some article of clothing that had belonged to her. First the sweater on Parents’ Weekend, then the sweater when you brought the stolen book back, and now this? How had you even managed to get them?
It was while you were frozen and staring at her that Wednesday finally looked at the pile you had been sleeping on. And how she could pick out at least three things in it that she knew had come from her closet. A blanket, one of her secret pairs of fuzzy socks, a jacket. Her glare shot back to you, and the room was so quiet you could both hear you audibly gulp.
Were you going to lie to her and say it wasn’t hers? She would have loved for you to try and talk your way out of this one. Everyone else might buy your lies, but not Wednesday Addams. She could not be won over by honeyed words and convincing smiles, no matter who gave them to her. No, she wanted to hear what you were going to say.
“I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this-”
“-is it?” Her gaze never left yours. Say something.
“Not anymore.” You straightened up and crossed your arms over your chest. You had nerve, Wednesday would give you that.
She liked it.
“It looks better on you than it does on me.” Your eyes widened at her words before a blush rapidly ran down your neck. “Grab your book,” Wednesday said. You rushed to follow orders and made a spot for the both of you on your pile.
It was actually quite comfortable.
Wednesday went over everything she could with you in the time you had left. There was no doubt in her mind, you were still utterly hopeless at math, but by the end of the morning she had a little bit of faith that you would pass. That would have to be enough unless you could squeeze one more tutoring session in before Thursday.
“Hey, Wednesday.”
She stopped packing her things. She didn’t say anything, only turned her head just enough to look at you out of the corner of her eye. You were playing with your fingers; they seemed more pale than usual. Every time she would meet your eyes, you would find something else to look at.
“Eugene asked if I wanted to hang out with him at the Rave’N,” you said far too softly. “If I had no one else to go with, that is.”
Of course. The Rave’N was that weekend. It was coming up and you still hadn’t asked anyone to go with you. Why hadn’t you asked Bianca, or Yoko? Surely they would have enjoyed you as their date. What could have possibly been holding you back where you would consider going with Eugene?
Why did she like that you would consider going with Eugene instead of Bianca or Yoko?
“Enjoy the dance with Eugene.” She didn’t think she liked that so much either. Your attention would be on him, or Enid, or anyone else at the dance. What if she didn’t want to share your attention? What if she wanted it all for herself, just for one night?
“Wednesday.” Your huff brought her attention back to the look you were giving her. What was that for? “This is the part where you ask me to the dance and I say yes.”
“Why would I ask you to the dance?” Wednesday asked incredulously. And that was what brought a smile back to your face. An embarrassing smile that made Wednesday’s stomach twist into knots.
“Because Eugene and I have been trying to force you to ask all week,” you continued.
“He thought asking you for permission would force you to ask me yourself.” Your smile faded into nothing, leaving only a gleam in your eyes. “He’s not even going to be here.”
To say she was astounded at your planning was an understatement, but she was also amazed at your lack of execution. She never got the hint, so clearly your plan had been foolhardy at best. Besides, why would she be jealous of Eugene? It was clear you two were barely even friends to begin with.
But you were still standing there and staring at her, and you looked like you were waiting for a response. Did you truly think she would ask you to the dance? You knew how she felt about it, surely you didn’t genuinely expect her to ask. Did you? Then again, maybe a small part of her wanted to ask…
“Go to the dance with me.” It wasn’t a question. You didn’t seem to care.
“I’d love to.” You grabbed your backpack and started leading her out of your room to finally head to class. “We can work on your romance skills next time.”
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hello!!! Absolutely loved that last work or urs from my request! It was so cute!!
And umm I was wondering if u could do something with “When He Smiles.” for Monkey King Reborn as well pls? I was thinking something like reader complimenting him and just telling him how pretty his smile is? Like mans has the cutest and prettiest little smile and damn do I just wanna compliment him tell him how pretty he looks! But ya do with this what u pls also gender neutral or female reader is good 👍 whatever u prefer
I HAD STARTED THIS ONE FUCKING IMMEDIATELY AND OFC I HAD TO PUT THE GIF! LOOK AT HIM! (This is the reason I used this gif) I'm so happy that you enjoyed it so much, and I hope you love this one too. Thank you and everyone so much for all the love, support, and requests. ❤️
Had decided to make this the part 2. Here's Part 1.
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“I'll probably go back to the Celestial Realm,” you sighed softly, looking at the night sky with a small frown, something that made Wukong’s subtle content turn to a deep frown. 
“Not looking forward to it?”
“No, not really,” you looked at him with an awkward smile. “But, ya know, it’s home. Such is life,”
“Come with me,” his lips moved on their own. His words caught you off guard and when you looked at him, he was looking at you with slightly wide eyes as well. He quickly looked away and cleared his throat as you did. “I mean, if you want to.”
“I thought I was a nuisance?” you teased him, looking at the view. 
“Yeah, well. A nuisance I got used to,” he glanced at you as you did the same. 
“You really think you'll miss me so much?” you couldn't help but smile, but when he laughed a bit and smiled so effortlessly at you? You felt your heart go BOOM. Your poor heart felt like it would jump out of your chest when you saw him smile at you like that.
“I guess you could say that,” his smile shrunk a bit, somehow making him look even more adorable.
“I couldn't,” you blushed and shook your head, looking down. It wasn't the problem, though, you more than could… you just-  “I don't want to be a bother.”
“I'm the one that suggested it, idiot,” he chuckled and held your chin, making you look at him. “You think I'd ask you to stay with me if I didn't want you there?”
“Um… well,” you stuttered, looking into his eyes, unable to form proper words with your blood rushing to your cheeks. “Um…” 
“Well?” he smirked a bit and raised a brow. “Forget how to talk?” he mused. 
“No!” you said a little too loudly, which resulted in you covering your mouth. You both looked to see if your shout disturbed the others in their slumber, but it luckily didn't faze any of them. Pigsy turned on his back, yes, but that was about it. You both sighed softly in relief and stared at each other for a second before quietly snickering with each other. 
That was close.
“Didn't think you could be so loud,” he taunted, which didn't help with your blush.
“Anyway,” you tried to change the subject. “How come you offered to take me with you anyway?”
“Well, no one can make you go back to the Celestial Realm if you don't want to go,” he stated with an indifferent shrug.
“But Buddha-” 
“Did he tell you to not go anywhere else when you're finished with your mission?” He raised a brow. 
He got ya there.
“I guess not,” you rubbed the back of your head before looking at him a bit more determined. “Alright then, after we get the scriptures, I’ll go with you to Flower Fruit Mountain.”
“Okay,” he said with a slight and content smile.
“Okay,” you returned the smile before your brain caught up with you and you turned away. You both looked at the night sky in silence before you moved closer to the Monkey King whilst not looking at him.
“I guess the real reason is that I wanna spend more time with you,” he said stubbornly as he stole a glance at you.
“I'd like that too,” you smiled to yourself. 
“Good to know,” he nodded slightly, a tiny blush on his usually stoic face.
“Mhm,” you gave a curt nod. 
From there, let's just say that your relationship with Wukong got… far more interesting.
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queercontrarian · 4 months
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summary: rhysand and tamlin meet in the summer court. obviously they are just friends and neither of them wants anything more. they are totally normal about having feelings.
(that's it that's all you get. i suck at summaries)
cw: none but rhysand isn't very kind to himself
for @sjmromanceweek
It wasn’t hard to find Tamlin. It never was these days and it left Rhys wondering if he’d really become so familiar with him that he was somehow impossible to miss. It was already getting dark when he arrived on the beach and still it took only five minutes to locate the other prince.
To be fair, there weren’t a lot of people on the dunes near the shore of Adriata. They were just outside of city limits so there was no way the guard would know they were there, but Rhys still reached for his wrist and the band of pearls twisted around it. Just in case. He didn’t know how Tamlin had gotten them - a favor, maybe, from the princess - but they would get him out of all the trouble he could potentially get into tonight. A carte blanche.
He didn't get a greeting as he walked up to Tamlin, his friend only moved to the side to make space for him on the blanket, throwing his own jacket and bag into the sand next to him. There were some couples around, some families in small groups along the beach. It seemed like no one was paying attention to them but that didn't mean much. Rhys sighed and turned around to face the sea while his friend brushed the dust and dirt off of the blanket.
“Is anyone we know out here?” he asked, a bit louder than necessary to clear his throat.
“Haven't been recognized yet,” Tamlin replied, kicking his legs out again and leaning back. “Sit.”
Rhys cracked his knuckles, trying to distract himself from the way his heart skipped a beat or two. It was ridiculous to get this worked up over spending time with a friend, over hearing his voice, over a thing so small as a night out on the beach or a stupid charming accent. It wasn't normal - Rhysand would know; he had spent his entire life chasing “normal”. Tamlin was ruining years of hard work with a smile and Rhysand couldn't even hate him for it.
“I'll put a glamour up anyway,” he said, his voice steady as always as he got to work.
“I already did.”
“I know, and it's not good.” He could practically feel Tamlin rolling his eyes through the silence. It was true though. Tamlin had never been good with glamours, or any kind of learned magic in general. He could do the basics, and he was incredible with the magic he pulled from within but his hands were not made for the intricate work of spellweaving or any of the tricks Rhys had spent years of his life studying.
“You could always teach me how to do it better.” His heart stuttered again.
“Sure. I will, eventually,” he replied, the last threads of magic melting into the glamour. He threw it out around them like a net in the air and it shimmered against the night sky for a moment before becoming invisible to their eyes.
When Rhys finally turned around, Tamlin smiled. “Beautiful,” he said.
“Someone warn the ladies, the poet is out tonight,” Rhysand answered mockingly, glad that the sun was long gone so the blush creeping up his neck was hidden in the shadows. Tamlin ignored his comment.
“Maybe after the meetings end you can teach me, yes?”
Rhys sighed, unbuttoning his coat so he could sit. “If the meetings ever end. We've been at it for days; Dawn keeps blocking the vote.” He could feel how warm the sand still was under the blanket and for a moment he felt the urge to lay down, to take off his shoes and bury his feet in the sand. It wouldn’t be proper. It wasn't a normal thing to do for a prince.
“Well, Thesan isn't stupid,” Tamlin said easily.
“How would you know? You don't even show up to the meetings,” Rhys snapped, the frustration of the day bubbling out of him so suddenly it surprised both of them. He tried to soften his tone when he added, “I haven't seen you in a month. I’ve been here all week, you didn’t feel like coming over?” It was meant to sound playful but the hurt behind the joke stuck. Tamlin had been in Adriata for months, just a few miles across the delta from its sister city Apri. It would have been easy for Tamlin to winnow or to cross over by boat, hell, he could have shifted into a whale to swim the distance. But Tamlin only shook his head.
“With both Meilyr and Father in town? Not a chance.”
“So what, you just keep making me come to see you? That’s how it works?” Tamlin shrugged.
“You’re here, aren’t you?” he said, his sharp teeth gleaming for just a second under the moonlight as his lips twisted into a crooked grin.
“Oh fuck off,” Rhys groaned, leaning back on his hands just as Tamlin bumped his shoulder against his. The truth was that he didn't want Tamlin anywhere near his family. Here, he was warm and alive and happy, and Rhysand had missed him more than he cared to admit. He balled his hands into fists to stop himself from reaching out. Be normal.
“Don't take it so hard. Besides, it's easier to hide here where there are less people than in Apri. After all, we've already established that I suck at glamours,” Tamlin teased, brushing his long hair out of his face.
“I didn't mean it like that,” Rhys said, struggling to find a middle ground between apologetic and defensive.
“I know what you meant.”
They sat in companionable silence for a while. Tamlin seemed to be deep in thought and Rhys didn't quite know what to say without interrupting him or letting his heart jump off his tongue, so he just watched the crowd forming on the beach from their place high up on the dune. If this was fewer people than in Apri he didn't want to know what the streets there looked like. It was getting very dark now but he could still make out the colorful costumes the faeries were wearing, each one a hand-crafted, endlessly detailed masterpiece. Carnaval started tonight and he'd fully forgotten about it over setting up this meeting with Tamlin. He wondered if Tamlin had any plans to go into the city later to celebrate with his hosts. If he did he hadn't dressed for it, which Rhys hoped meant that he could keep him all night.
"Have you seen fireworks before?" Tamlin asked finally. Rhys cleared his throat, then nodded.
"Yes," he said quietly, "In Dawn. But it was only a small demonstration. As I understand, the spectacle tonight will be far more grand." Tamlin had never seen fireworks. His father did not care for them, and that was enough explanation. There were so many things the Spring Court missed out on because of the High Lord, and Rhys was set on introducing Tamlin to all of them.
Before he could dump everything he knew about the fireworks on Tamlin though his stomach rumbled. He'd skipped dinner to make it to Adriata in time and he was starting to feel it, even though he would never say. He didn't need to.
Tamlin wordlessly grabbed the bag he'd brought and carelessly tossed aside earlier. He opened it up with one hand and offered Rhys half a dozen small pastries wrapped in paper. His mind and his heart were racing as he accepted the food. Accepting food from a loved one - Rhys shook himself out of his stupor. Normal, he reminded himself. Just be normal.
"The one with spinach is mine, but you can have the rest."
"Are you serious?" Rhys asked, his voice measured as he carefully unfolded the paper. The smell alone made his mouth water: sweet and sugary and so, so delicious. Tamlin nodded.
“I know you like these and you never get to have them because your father doesn't eat them. So I thought I'd bring some,” he explained, finding the spinach pastry easily amongst the others and eating it all in one bite. Fighting down the fluttering in his chest, the feeling of all kinds of abnormal hunger, Rhys reached into his own pocket and dropped a small bag of dried fruit into the other male's lap.
"I brought these for you from Day." Tamlin swallowed so quickly Rhys feared for a second he'd choke.
"Candied lemon peel?" His friend ripped into the bag faster than Rhys could answer.
"Yes, and some other stuff. Figured you were running out again." He couldn't suppress his smile as he watched Tamlin pick through the sweets. He grabbed one of the pastries at random - blackberry, his favorite.
“I love you,” Tamlin said seriously, holding up a piece of candied fruit to the moon. “You're the best person that has ever happened to me.”
His heart stuttered again and Rhys tried not to choke on his pastry. It didn't mean anything. It never meant anything. The Spring Court was just like that. Tamlin used words like these all the time and it wasn't his fault that it meant more to Rhys than to him. He couldn't know the degree to which praise was earned in his family, how much love was based on conditions - presenting him with his preferred sweets was the very least Rhys was willing to do to hear those words from Tamlin's lips.
They both flinched when the first fireworks exploded over Apri, light and color bursting across the sky. Down by the water people were clapping and screaming, pointing at the display, the art unfolding high up in the air.
Rhysand blinked away the bright explosions, gaze slipping away to land on Tamlin instead. His friend was still staring at the sky, head tilted to the side.
"Do you like them?" he asked. Tamlin tilted his head to the side. Rhysand liked that Tamlin took the time to think things like these through. He liked a lot of things about Tamlin - too many things.
"I do," he said finally, "I just don't like how loud they are"
“Our stars are quiet,” Rhys said, “And twice as beautiful too.” Tamlin only looked up at him and smiled.
“Is that so?”
“Yes,” Rhys replied emphatically before lowering his voice into a forced casual drawl again. “You should come see them and convince yourself of it. It's nothing like this muted, tired sky.”
If he were honest he'd admit that he was dying to see Tamlin in his Court, under his sky. He wanted to show him the mountains, the Illyrian Steppes and the Rainbow in Velaris. Maybe Tamlin could write a poem about the beauty of the Night Court too. Maybe he'd learn to love it just as much. Maybe he could keep him there, make him a star next to his own on the firmament.
They were silent again, listening to the crowd shrieking with joy as the fireworks kept coming, the wind picking up the music played in Adriata and carrying it to the shore.
"I think there's a special kind of beauty in things that aren't made to be beautiful," Tamlin said finally. Rhys groaned.
"Oh, leave the poet at home for just one night will you,” he muttered, nudging his friend until he slipped off the blanket under them.
Tamlin chuckled but his expression turned earnest again when he said, "I would like to see them one day though, the stars you describe. They sound beautiful."
“I'll take you,” Rhys promised. He'd take him anywhere as long as he could be with him.
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deepwithintheabyss · 8 months
((no idea if you wanted someone to send you one of these or not, but! if you did, here’s one, otherwise, feel free to ignore :) ))
“that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” <- for whatever pairing comes to mind first~
24) “that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”
Added to ao3 as well (if you got tag suggestions please share)
Gotham rarely saw such beautiful days as this one.
The sun was up and shining, the sky blue with barely any cloud in sight. It was pleasantly warm, a small breeze carried with it the smell of fresh flowers and kept the air from going stale. The birds sang gently, and the buzzing of the bees added a nice background noise to it all. The atmosphere was almost serene, the silence only interrupted by the crunch of gravel under Jason's boots.
If he let himself think, he would have described it as almost poetic. But he didn't, kept his mind carefully blank, as he followed along the winding path. Didn't let himself feel the things the atmosphere wanted to dredge up. Hands loosely clenched in the pockets of his jacket, not breaking the skin of his palms like he distantly desperately wanted to.
Didn't let himself look as he arrived, only ensured he walked carefully onto the grass before he sat down in the shadow of a big tree. Mind too far away to even really care that the grass was still slightly damp with morning dew or that the smell of flowers was stronger now, almost sickening in its intensity.
He kept his gaze ahead, stared out into the open field, and let the silence speak for him as he tried to gather his thoughts, to figure out what he wanted to say, or to figure out why he even came here in the first place.
He had been invited by his family days before, but he hadn't been able to make himself come. Maybe this was an apology for it. Or maybe it was a way to speak about what he had never been able to say before, to finally lay it all out in the open.
"You're too smart to do things like that." he murmured finally, "And, I think we both know that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done." it almost felt like a sacrilege to break the silence like that.
"I feel like I should scold you for it, tell you off for being so irresponsible with your own life about how you're too smart to not have known the risks and remind you that there are many people out there that care about you." he sighed, "But I figured that you already got to hear that from them all."
He let the silence settle around him again, kept his gaze ahead, didn't dare to even glance besides him.
"I think we all forgot that you are just like us." he admitted quietly.
"You always calculated so precisely everything you do. Were so careful with your actions. Never seemed to struggle with anything. I think it made all of us forgot that you're just as human as we are. Just as vulnerable."
A pause
"But you knew this, didn't you? Knew how vulnerable you are, how vulnerable we all are, and made this decision anyway."
The silence was almost deafening now. It didn't feel judging.
"I thought about thanking you. But I know you didn't do this for any thanks or gratitude."
His fingers itched for something to fiddle with, he buried them in the moist earth instead.
"You're so brilliant it hurts sometimes." he whispered.
His fingers dug deeper. He tried to work out how to keep going.
"Bruce put me to work on some of your cases. To pick up the slack, heh. I wouldn't have touched your stuff otherwise, swear it. Says it's important now that, well yeah." he trailed off awkwardly. Winced at how terrible this was going but kept moving anyway.
"You just care so much, I can see it now." huffed out a quiet laugh, "Well I mean I knew you did, no ones does what we do without putting at least some of their heart into it."
"But I can see it more clearly now." His breath stuttered slightly. "I never knew just how deeply you cared, about all of this, Gotham and its people. All of us."
He scoffed, "Hell, you cared even about me, when you had all the right in the world to hold a grudge against me. But that was never much like you, was it? I can read between the lines at least that much. To see how tirelessly you worked on all of it. Poured every fiber of your being into it. Your love for this city went so deep."
He couldn't help the sad smile that settled on his face "It makes a man really want to know what you saw in all of it. To make that future you wanted for all of us a reality, just to see your smile."
He didn't know how long he sat there silently after that. Smile slowly slipping from his face as his thoughts turned sadder. A coldness seemed to seep into him that wasn't related to the weather.
The silence still didn't feel judging, so he mustered up the last dredges of his courage within himself.
"I love you," the words slipped out almost so silently that he thought if anyone else had been there, no one but him would have been able to hear them.
He let the settle into the silence for a bit, before he finally stood up, knowing he'd never get an answer of any kind.
He dusted off his pants and let his eyes wander to the side for the very first time. Took in solemnly the grave besides him, let his eyes wander over the inscription praising and thanking him for his sacrifice. The many flowers that adorned it from friends and citizens alike that wanted to personally thank their savior and honor him.
Jason was glad that at least now, in death, Tim got finally the appreciation he deserved.
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eternally-smitten · 9 months
Selfshiptember: Stargazing
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pairing: Roman x Natalie
summary: Natalie steps outside for a second in the dead of night to admire the scenery
word count: ~1.3k
author's note: i missed writing for Roman so I did this prompt like 2 days early for him 😭
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It was weird sharing a space together. Especially with the odd hangups both Natalie and Roman had. 
After dating for a while, he awkwardly asked her to move in – in his own way. 
"I'm uh, sure you're sick of that sad little barn you call an 'apartment' so uh, yeah. You have a place with me."
Of course, Natalie was fluent in his second language, insults, so she knew he was genuinely asking her to move in with him. She accepted, saying she would only consider it if he paid for the move-in truck. He accepted the deal and that was that. 
Neither of them considered how awkward it would be the first few weeks, though. Everything still felt so new, even though it had been a while since they started dating. They still struggled with trusting these romantic feelings for each other and allowing themselves to be comfortable with it. It was nice but it was strange. Sharing a bed was the worst part since both of them were so used to sleeping all alone. It always started sweet with a small conversation, maybe some hand holding, and always ended with one of them waking up in the middle of a tug of war battle with the comforter. One of them always stole it from the other, leaving them freezing cold in the fall air. Or, sometimes, one would accidentally hit the other in the face while tossing and turning. It was definitely something to adjust to. 
Tonight was one of the nights Roman woke Natalie up. She checked her phone after she was startled awake to see what time it was. 3:15 in the morning. That weird hour where you're dead tired but can't fall back asleep no matter how hard you tried. Silently, she snuck out of bed and grabbed one of her worn out, oversized cardigans and stepped outside on his balcony for some air. It was crisp and cool, the kind of breeze you thought of when you heard the words "autumn weather". It made her shiver slightly but it felt comforting. She pulled her cardigan closer to her and leaned against the gate. The city before her still glittered with neon signs and headlights flashing, which was something she never thought she'd come to appreciate when she moved here. Then, her eyes moved on from the ground to the sky and admired that despite all the lights below, the stars still twinkled brilliantly. 
"Hey," A tired, disheveled Roman yawned behind her. For once, he was too tired to say something witty. For now, anyway. 
"Oh, hi," She responded, "Sorry, did I wake you? I tried to be quiet."
He shrugged and stood beside her, "Funny thing, as much as I'm not used to sharing that bed with you, I'm not used to not sharing it with you. Does that make any sense?"
Natalie nodded, "It does. I think I feel the same."
"So, uh, what's with the whole sneaking-off-to-wistfully-stare-out-into-the-sky thing?" He asked, finally feeling awake enough to be a smart ass. 
"Dunno," She whispered, "A certain someone slapped me in the face while turning over and woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I came out here, I guess."
"I wouldn't have hit you if you weren't in my way." He smirked, resting his elbow on the gate. 
"Are you saying you want me to move back into my little hole in the wall apartment you loathed so much?" Natalie quipped, raising an eyebrow at him, "My landlord was fond of me, so I'm sure if I just call him real quick, he'll-"
Roman loudly cleared his throat to interrupt her, "That isn't what I was saying at all."
"Uh huh, sure."
"What I'm saying is, uh…Maybe if you were, I dunno, closer then I wouldn't hit you so easily." He bit the inside of his cheek and watched her with wide eyes, secretly hoping he didn't sound dumb to her. 
She tilted her head, "Are you saying you want me to cuddle with you?"
"I mean," He stuttered slightly, "It just makes sense! If your head was closer to my head, then my hand would probably hit the pillow and not you. It's logical, Nat."
She brought her face up to her hand to cover her mouth while she laughed at him, "You can't just ask me to cuddle you like a normal person?"
Roman threw his hands up in defeat, "I regret asking you any of this already."
"No, no! Please? I'm joking, I'm sorry." Natalie stiffled her laughter and hesitantly grabbed his hand, "Yes, I'll cuddle – er, I mean, lay a little closer to you."
"You're an ass."
"I learn from the best."
Roman only sighed and gave her a small smile, "I guess you do."
She turned her attention back to the sky, still holding on to his hand. Her eyes felt so tired from being awake so early in the morning but she didn't want to leave her spot. The stars were still shining brightly and they looked like something out of a dream to her. 
"So, uh, ready to lie down a little closer to me?" He shyly asked, gesturing towards the inside of his apartment. 
Natalie shushed him quietly and pointed upward, "Not now, look!"
Roman followed her finger and caught a glimpse of a shooting star. It was gone almost as soon as it appeared, but he was happy he was quick enough to see it for a short second. He chuckled, "Alright, you saw your star. Back to bed."
She shook her head, "Um, hello? You're supposed to make a wish."
"Isn't that just from cheesy Disney movies?"
"You're no fun." 
"Ugh, fine! Fine." He stood still and closed his eyes for a bit, trying to come up with a good wish. Finally, after not being able to think of anything he wanted to say, he opened his eyes, "And…Done. Now, can we please go back to sleep? I feel like I'm about to collapse at any minute."
"What did you wish for?" Natalie ignored his comments and looked at him expectantly. 
He furrowed his eyebrows, "Won't it not come true if you tell anyone?"
"No, that's for birthday candles."
"What's the fucking difference?"
"Just tell me your wish already!" She laughed, once again covering her mouth as she did so.
Roman sighed, "Well, I'd wish you'd stop doing that every time you smiled or laughed or whatever. I…I dunno, insert some gooey crap about me liking your smile and face."
Natalie squeezed his hand and smiled at him, reluctantly holding back the urge to cover it again, "Is that really what you wished for?"
"I mean, other than you finally coming back to bed with me? No, can't think if anything else." He yawned, "And what about yours?"
"He's already here, so I didn't really need to wish for much." She inched herself a little closer to Roman. Both because she was chilly and because she just wanted to be near him. 
"Wow, okay, you're gonna make me get a cavity or something, I swear. Where did this sickeningly sweet stuff come from?" He jokingly scoffed at her. 
Her shoulders slumped a little, "Fuck me for trying to be cute. Fine, let's go back to bed."
"I guess my wish came true, too." Roman followed her inside, "I promise not to hit you the face again but I can't really say anything about possibly kicking you in my sleep."
They both snuggled back into their bed, stretching out and getting comfortable again. Natalie scooched herself closer to him so that her back just almost touched his chest. She didn't fully lean into him just in case he wasn't necessarily ready for that sort of contact yet. But, she was shocked when he pressed himself up against her and lazily wrapped an arm around her waist. As her eyelids slowly got heavier and heavier, Natalie thought about how maybe sharing a space like this wasn't so bad when little moments like this were so special.
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Tag list: @rainy-day-ships @bobmckenzie @wanderers-wife @cherrypieships @hollandmarchsdork @williameaston @danireblogs @gideongrovel lmk if you want to be added/removed! :)
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psych0-str1ngs · 7 months
Pretty Boy- David Sylvian x f! reader
Authors Note: This is my first time writing for David, so if this exactly his personality, or doesn't fulling seem like him, I'm sorry.
Warnings: uh, cussing? If that's even like a, warning.
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There you were, sat on a couch in the recording studio. You smiled, listening to your best friend's band play. You kept your eye on one specific member though, that being the infamous David Sylvian. You had a major crush on him, and have for a while now. There's something about his complex aura that allured you. Whether it was his long bleach blonde hair that fell down his shoulders, or his river-like blue eyes, or maybe it was just all of him.
You were pulled into some sort of trance, your eyes burned from not blinking enough. You hadn't even noticed that the band had stopped, their manager calling a fifteen minute break. Richard, the keyboardist, as well as your best friend walked up to you.
"Are you crying?" He looked down at you.
"No," you laughed sheepishly. "I just forgot to blink"
"Ah," He smiled, "You bloody idiot"
you nudged his side after he sat down next to you, David on the other side of the studio, his gawked at you. You lock eyes with him for a split second before looking back at Richard and blushing.
"I'm gonna go outside for a smoke," you said. "You wanna come?"
"Nah," He said. "Don't blush too hard next time you make eye contact with Dave yeah?"
"hush," you rolled your eyes at him, and walk out, not forgetting to grab the cigarettes.
you take a few strides out to the stairs that led to the door of the roof. It wasn't much of a walk as the studio was on the last floor anyways
You open the door, immediately sighing. Chairs and small tables littered the roof, you happily waltzed over to the side of the building, the brick wall came right up to your upper stomach, right below your chest. You pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a match and shoving the carton back into your pocket. You stared at the London sky line, Pinks, and blues as well as purples painted the sky, the sun just barely behind the tall buildings of the city.
"You must really like it up here huh?" A familiar voiced asked, getting closer.
You looked behind you, blush creeping on my face.
"Yeah," you smile at him. "It's quite peaceful you know"
"Yeah," David smiled down at you.
you offered him a cigarette, he took it gratefully. He lit it up, staring out into the sunset.
You stared at him, taking in the way his face looked in the orangish pinkish light. His eyes shone brightly, his face twitching ever so slightly. You watched the way his lips dragged the cigarette into his mouth, you were pulled into yet another trance.
"You alright?" He asked, looking at you, you could've sworn he was blushing"
"Well I uhm," you stuttered. "I'm sorry, I'm not meaning to stare, you're just really pretty."
"Thank you," His blue eyes stared into yours. You both stare at each other for a split second, time stopping dead in it's tracks. He leaned closer to you, you doing the same. He set down the cigarette on the wall, letting it still burn. You followed, blushing.
"Can I kiss you?" His eyes had a certain glimmer.
You nodded, letting his arms wrap around his waist, you put your arms around his shoulders gently, your lips falling onto one another's. David pulled you closer into him, your hands moving to caress his cheeks. He pulled his face away from yours.
"I think it's safe to say I like you, y/n," His soft English voice spoke out to you.
"I like you too," You giggled. "Do you possibly want to go on a date with me..."
You stared at him, your eyes glossed over, slightly widened.
"Only if you kiss me again," He left out a small chuckle.
You stood on your tippy toes and gave him a small kiss, before grabbing the almost finished cigarette, taking one last drag before putting it out and walking back to the door. You looked back at him, running back to him and kissing his cheek. He smiled at you.
"I'm gonna go home, call me after rehearsals?" You asked.
"Of course," He winked.
You then left, grabbing your stuff from the studio, all the guys staring at you knowingly. Richard opened his mouth.
"Shush" You said before walking out and giggling.
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cassidyyswift · 2 years
lover || eddie x fem!reader
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Summary - Eddie has recently developed a crush on you, and he invites you to Hellfire. You've had a crush on him since middle school, but he doesn't know. When you find out he likes you, you continue to flirt in hopes of one day becoming his lover.
Word Count - 617
A/N - this is just a bunch of fluff, no smut! (had to make something for the fluff lovers) also this is my first time writing one of these so hopefully it isn't too bad!
You walk into the cafeteria scanning the room to see who you want to sit with when something–or someone–catches the corner of your eye. Eddie is waving his arms around like crazy and looking right at you so you decide to run over. "Hey Eddie! Dustin, Mike, Gareth, Jeff. How's it going?" The whole group smiles up at you as you take a seat beside Dustin. "I was thinking you could sit beside me, y/n." Eddie says. "Move!" he says, pushing Gareth over. "Hey, just because your like in love with her or something doesn't mean you get to push me around like a doll." gareth replied, annoyed. He smiled, "Don't worry Gareth, you'll always be my number one." he winked at Gareth and then looked over at me "Sit!"
"So, y/n.. I wanted to ask if you wanna join Hellfire." Eddie looked at me with a soft look, like he truly genuinely wanted me to join. "We've been friends for all this time and you're just now asking me? Of course i'll join!" His face lights up as he stands up and gives me a big hug. I blush, hugging him back. A bunch of "Ew!" "Gross!" "Get a room!" comments come from the table and I laugh into Eddie's hair. He still hasn't let go. I feel one of his arms leave my shoulder and I come to realize he's flipping them off. Classic. He finally lets go and I sit back down and I realize everyone at the table is watching me.
I sit down cautiously at the picnic table, the one notorious for being the hotspot of eddie's drug deals. "What, you afraid to be seen with me y/l/n?" he asks as i roll my eyes. "i don't want people to think i'm buying drugs from you, that's all." i say, knowing we're publicly friends "Anyway, you really had to bring me to your dealing location? You really shouldn't have, i'm very flattered!" I joke. "Only the best for you, sweetheart." The nickname makes my heart flutter. "Oh you're such a douche!" I say, fake punching him across the table. "Ouch!" he yelps, falling back off his seat as if my fake punch hurt him. "I totally forgot my punches are brutal!" i continue with his joke. I run to his side and pretend to be worried. "Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! Don't die on me Eddie, I never got to tell you how much I love you!" I say dramatically, beginning to fake cry.
"You love me?" he asks, stopping his acting and sitting criss-cross in the grass. "Well-Uh-" I stutter. Am I ready to tell him yet? "Spit it out, y/l/n" he laughs. "You know what? Fine. I've kinda sorta maybe liked you since middle school." He looks at me, wide-eyed and surprised. "You know something funny?" He asks laying down in the grass and looking up at the sky. I scoot over to where i'm right beside him and lay down too. "What?" I say in reply. "I liked you in middle school too. And the even funnier thing is, I still like you. Now. Like right at this moment." I look over at him. He looks back at me smiling, and I really want to kiss him. Before I can make up my mind, he grabs my face and kisses me. It's not a rough kiss, it's sweet and passionate. I smile into the kiss and he laughs. "What is it?" he asks me, breaking apart for a second. "I've been waiting for this for years." I reply. "Me too." He says, grabbing me for another kiss before I can say anything else.
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frozenjokes · 9 months
Signing Back In, Apparently - 19
Cleo moved swiftly and without thought, rocking the right side of Scar’s head with the hilt of her sword. The only sound that followed was his sword clattering on the deck before he crumpled to the ground beneath her. The world seemed to freeze, all three of them stuck in a silent state of shock.
Grian let out a shuttering wail, the sound piercing Cleo’s ears in all the worst ways until it was promptly muffled in a tight hug from Impulse. Cleo exhaled, something long and shaky, before turning Scar over, making sure he hadn’t fallen on his sword. He hadn’t. She took the sword, as well as the pistol and his daggers.
“What the fuck is wrong with you,” a whispered note, a sentiment expressed before they even knew they even speaking. Scar’s eyes were lidded and bloodshot, rolled mostly back. Cleo couldn’t stop staring at them, looking for something, trying to figure out why Scar looked so wrong. It was with a jolt that she realized the wings were still moving. She looked back to Scar’s face, his eyes, a sickening certainty falling over her. He was watching. No, not Scar, Scar was unconscious. Something else. Scar’s mouth twitched, something so small, formless, but Cleo just knew it had tried to smile. She turned him back over.
“Right!” Cleo yelled a little louder than they meant to, startling both Impulse and Grian. “I don’t know when he’s going to wake up, but in the meantime, I’m going to need some help. Ghosts can see through fog better than I can, and given that I have to use the walkie and steer, I’m going to be distracted. I need at least one of you watching for rocks, and preferably the other looks out for Merlin.”
“Do you think he’s unconscious? Merlin, I mean,” Grian stuttered, looking meek.
“I don’t know, but I’m not planning on stopping and finding out. I’m gonna have to haul Scar around once we get there and I’m not going to be able to do that effectively if a big moth monster is trying to kill me at the same time. I’m going to slow our course, so keep an eye out.”
“Cleo,” Impulse stepped forward, setting his hand on top of hers where it was sitting on the wheel. He winced back as his hand sunk through, like he had forgotten they couldn’t touch, “I.. thank you. For everything. I know you don’t really know us, and you don’t really know Scar, but.. I don't even know what I’m saying,” Impulse laughed a little, what looked like tears falling over his cheek. “I’m overwhelmed, that much I’m sure of. This means more than you know.”
Cleo shrugged, feeling awkward. She pushed at Impulse’s shoulder, of course, falling through his form, “You sap. It’s nothing. Just trying to look out for a friend and my home, that’s all.”
“A friend?” Impulse looked a little surprised, and then more than a little worried, “Cleo, you have horrible taste.”
Cleo laughed, caught off guard, “On that, we agree. Listen, if I was any amount sane, I’d have stopped visiting this island a long time ago. I’ve got a thing for the eccentric you could say. I’m a pirate, my life expectancy isn’t too great anyway.”
“But he- Cleo .”
“I can just about guarantee at least a couple of the ghosts on the island are just as bad or worse. Don’t go convincing yourself I’m any good either."
Impulse looked like he was struggling quite a lot with that idea. “Just, be careful, okay?”
“Sap! Sappy pirate!” Cleo pointed sharply, laughter in their tone. Impulse threw up his hands in defense, a small smile crossing his face as he looked the other way.
“I can’t help it!”
“And there’s nothing wrong with that!” Grian pushed forward, giving some sort of gesture Cleo couldn’t quite decipher with his oddly shaped hands, but was probably supposed to be a returning point.
“Sappy pirates, both of you , a whole crew of saps! And you’re distracting me, so let’s get to work before Merlin catches up. Impulse, you’ll scout the rocks for me and Grian can keep an eye on the sky.”
The three of them stopped short when Scar groaned, but after another couple moments of silence, they got to work. Cleo produced her walkie, an annoyed sigh leaving her as she switched to the main channel and pressed the button, one hand set firmly on the wheel.
“This is Cleo, I’m on my way with Scar and his ghosts, but we have a bit of an emergency, and I need everyone’s input. Can I get some confirmation you all can hear me?”
“Scar’s with you?” Cub’s voice rattled over the walkie, “Hey, can you tell him to stop telling people the place is named Ghost Fucking Island, I got what I needed and let’s just say some ghosts aren’t pleased about the name change. You can tell him we decided on a new name though, Hermit Island.”
Cleo pinched the bridge of her nose, “ Why- No. Scar is unconscious- did you not hear me when I said this in an emergency ?” Small waves of relief washed over her as she got some assent from the available ghosts.
“What’s wrong, Cleo?” Xisuma spoke firmly, and Cleo was grateful that he actually sounded concerned.
“Right. Well, two of Scar’s ghosts, Mumbo and Pearl if you remember, got- well it’s unclear to me exactly how it happened, but they’ve turned into some sort of moth-bug monster. It’s big, it’s very angry , and it wants Scar dead. Probably. It hasn’t gotten the chance to attack him yet, but it did destroy half of the Kestrel Island on its way to finding him. The problem is that whatever soul link they share got stronger when they both became a monster, and they share pain with Scar. Injuries and such. We think if Scar dies, Mumbo and Pearl will be destroyed as well. Does anyone know anything about this or how to stop it?”
“More details, please. Specifically on how it happened?” Zedaph said, sounds of rustling paper coming through before he let go.
Cleo hesitated, looked back to Impulse and Grian. “You stay,” she gestured to Impulse, “Grian, come explain please. I’ll hold the walkie, you speak into it.” Grian looked a little startled, then nervous. Impulse looked ready to trade places, but Grian gave a little nod before stepping forward. Cleo pressed the button for him.
“Uh, hi, this is Grian,” he said before clearing his throat and pausing, “This happened before with us, with me, actually, when Scar.. Well, when we get really worked up, angry, you know.. Sometimes our forms kinda.. shift? If it gets bad enough, we change into something else. Well, today Scar went and told Mumbo why he killed all of us and Pearl was the one who found him after. We don’t know exactly what happened, but I’m guessing Mumbo told Pearl? I mean, she’s always said she didn’t care about why, but who knows. We think that when they were both really upset and angry together and their forms were really unstable, they fused?” Grian hesitated before quickly adding “This is worse than with me, though. A lot worse. They don’t recognize us and we- I- I don’t know how to tell them it’s going to be okay . And Scar- he-” Grian’s voice broke, and Cleo let go of the button, bringing it back to their face.
“Scar has had a bad day,” she spoke flatly, glancing at Scar’s unconscious body, “We think if we can subdue the monster, we’re calling them Merlin by the way, that we can calm it down, but it’s highly aggressive, and it’s very likely it’ll wreck parts of the island before we can get things under control.”
“You’re telling me season nine might end because the island would get destroyed by a kickass monster?” Ren’s voice this time, sounding just about as excited as Cleo would have expected from him, “That’s insane dude. Doc! Do you still have that big net in the Perimeter?”
“It’s somewhere,” Doc replied, sounding amused, “Help me look for it.”
“On my way!”
“You think we could put Merlin in Decked Out?” Tango snickered to various panicked responses, the walkie turning to static as multiple ghosts tried to talk at once.
“I think you guys are severely underestimating how big Merlin is. She is not going to fit in Decked Out, or a net.”
“ You’re underestimating the size of our net,” Ren countered. Cleo could practically see him sticking his tongue out at her. She rubbed the stress out of her forehead.
“So are we cleared to dock? I’m serious, this could be destructive. I don’t know if Merlin could actually end season nine alone, but they’ll do a number on the shopping district at least. Impulse looks like he’s going to have a heart attack over here, I’m gonna need some verbal confirmation.”
As uncoordinated as always the ghosts of the newly named Hermit Island gave their approval, some more hesitant than others, but the consensus always seemed to be that Mumbo and Pearl’s lives were more important. Seasons always ended with unfinished buildings anyway, they just usually didn’t get a heads up beforehand. Impulse looked just about ready to explode with anxiety but Cleo shook her head, chuckling as messages continued coming in.
“Impulse, the ghosts here have lived through cycles of loss and new beginnings for years, decades even. It’s ritual, it's spiritual even. They make events out of The End, they worship it, it’s the common thread that ties them all together. The end of a season is special because they get to start over. Find new adventures. Christ, and an event like this? One that brings them all together for the purpose of a shared goal? They’re probably losing their minds excited right now.”
Impulse looked unsure, his eyes wide, but relaxed slightly at Grian’s hand on his shoulder. The silence was heavy, but not uncomfortable. Well, at least until Scar started talking. It was barely audible, probably nonsense, but the stress of Scar waking up while Cleo was trying to focus on not sinking the boat before they even docked was not appreciated.
“I can’t leave the wheel right now, one of you check on him. If he tries to get up, tell me.”
Grian moved at their command, cautious and careful, “He’s not moving..” Grian trailed off, and Cleo saw him lean over to listen out of the corner of her eye. “His wings are flapping, they’re going kinda crazy actually,” he paused again, listening, “He’s saying something about.. uh..’It’s here,’ I think he’s saying. Yeesh. I don’t think he’s awake?”
“Impulse, keep your eyes forward,” Cleo ordered, turning around to examine Scar for a moment. She shuddered, seeing he’d managed to turn his head, those blank eyes still watching. No, it definitely wasn’t Scar speaking. She didn’t have a chance to reply before the water behind the boat rippled and then exploded, spraying the entire deck as a massive form broke the surface, eyes dark and malicious.
“ Fuck! Someone- shit- !” Cleo lunged for the sails, adjusting them to pick up speed then jumped back on the wheel, turning with all her strength as Merlin dove, crashing into the water in a near miss. The splash soaked everything on the boat clean through, the waves knocking it off course. She swore through the chorus of cursing coming out of all three of them she heard Scar giggling. Impulse launched himself forward as Cleo tried to get a hold of the boat, positioning himself above the water. Cleo wasn’t exactly sure what his plan was, but it didn’t go over very well when Merlin shot out of the water again, sending Impulse ragdolling into the sky. Grian flew forward and attempted to draw Merlin’s attention, diving as it snapped at his legs. Impulse appeared next to Scar, dazed looking, before flying up again to join Grian.
Cleo gripped her walkie, speaking fast “Emergency! Merlin surprised us and we’re gonna need help at the dock! Will also help with Scar, he might be- fuck-“ Cleo stumbled as another large wave smashed against the side of the boat. Merlin roared as Grian tried to hold onto its antennae, “He might be possessed,” they finished, gritting their teeth.
“Really?” Cub spoke, sounding just about as excited as he possibly could, “I’ll take care of Scar, I’ll be there.”
Merlin dove again as Cleo veered from the path of a spiked rock, her grip on the walkie capturing her and the ghosts’ flurry of yells and curses, as well as the splintering crack of the ship brushing against the rock as they cruised past. The water from Merlin’s splash slammed so hard into Cleo it knocked them off their feet and sent them crashing into the ship’s railing, which cracked under their weight. The last thing she managed to yell before losing her walkie was “NOT. CUB.”
Cleo gasped, the wind stolen from her lungs, but forced herself forward on all fours, lunging for Scar who had also been thrown to the side. She coughed and wheezed after getting a strong hold, using the mast to pull the both of them up. Their chest screamed in protest, making Cleo wonder if it was the railing that had cracked, or their ribs. Dizzy, she fell back onto the wheel, Merlin’s roaring falling into the background. She dropped Scar, holding him tightly between her feet so she could grip onto the wheel with both hands. Focus. She knew these waters. She knew these rocks. Don’t get turned around now. Cleo spotted a specific outcrop they recognized, pulling tight to the left to avoid it with a sigh of relief. Should be a straight shot now. Fastening her hold, she let her head rest on the wheel’s tip as she struggled to catch her breath.
“ Cleo!” Grain’s screech ripped through the air, but Cleo only had time to look up before the sound of fracturing wood filled her senses, so loud, she couldn’t hear her own scream as she was thrown from the ship. There was no time to gather themself before they were careening into the sea, the water hitting their face like a sack of bricks while the rocky seafloor treated them in kind. Cleo was vaguely aware of blood, possibly missing teeth. Perception sharpened with her aching lungs, panic sparking through her limbs as she flailed for air. A hand broke the surface, terror seizing her as something grabbed hold. There was no air to scream, so she thrashed, hardly aware enough to breathe as her head broke the surface.
“Cleo! Cleo. You’re okay. I’ve got you, I’ve got you. You’re okay, I need you to hold on.” Joe’s words, Joe’s voice. How he held her, she didn’t know. She couldn’t see or move or do anything but struggle for breath that wouldn’t agree. Her chest was on fire, her lungs shot, but she did her best to hold on as instructed, latching around Joe’s waist. It was awkward, it hurt, but apparently it worked well enough. Cleo felt themself being pulled through the water. Slow, rhythmic. It was nice, relaxing almost. Her grip slackened. She felt Joe’s hold on her tighten to compensate.
“We should do this again sometime,” she said, or at least, she tried to say, but what came out was more wheeze than words.
“Save your strength, Cleo. Focus on holding on, focus on your breathing.”
“I’m trying , you’re just slippery,” Cleo really tried to force the words out this time, but they weren’t sure if they were successful. Hopefully their annoyance made it through, because Joe was being ridiculous. How was she supposed to hold on to a ghost. She should really tell him that, really let him know. Suddenly dizzy, her grip slipped completely, but Joe held fast, not letting her fall. Cleo tried looking up, tried thanking him for never letting her fall, but she was so tired. Her gaze drifted to the water instead. It was the wrong color, too dark, too red. Her awareness sharpened just long enough to recognize gore and bone.
“Come on, Cleo. Come on. Hold on.”
Oh, he didn’t mean literally. That made a little more sense. She tried to breathe, she really tried, at least one last time to let him know.
“I’ll be okay.”
“You’ll be okay.”
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plexflexico · 1 year
I don't see your name on my phone...
Do you enjoy angst? Do you relish in putting your Blorbos *through some shit*? Do you enjoy it when other people put your Blorbos *through some shit*?
Well! Have I got a deal for you! I can put blorbos through shit with startling efficiency.
Length: 744
Rating: I dunno. I don't write for kids. This is strictly over 18.
Warnings: Angst. More angst. Some angst. There's an ending. Said ending may or may not be happy.
It's only when I'm lying in bed on my own...
Simon was already awake when the sun tore at the horizon and began to leak red into the early morning sky.
His own bed felt unfamiliar. Hard in all the wrong ways. Pillows not quite right. Blanket not enough in the morning chill but far too hot last night.
He'd slept little, waking often to the feeling of dread seeping into and out of his bones. Living stone breathing misery and miasma underneath his muscles, tormenting him with discomforts beyond the physical.
...and I wake up and I don't see your name on my phone...
Days later and Simon has learned a routine to keep himself occupied enough that he could be mistaken for a functioning person.
The silence is deafening, and there's far too much of it.
He digs out his earbuds, put away months ago in favour of being present and in the moment instead of locked away behind a wall of sound.
A morning workout, pushing until the sweat soaks his clothes and every inch of him burns.
A shower. Perfunctory and militarily precise. Rinse, scrub, rinse. No need to linger.
The days unspooling without haste, he works on his car, cleans his weapons, mows his little patch of grass and cleans the gutters. Goes next door and does Mrs. Hastings' for her, too.
As long as he keeps moving forward he doesn't have to look back at what's behind him.
...it's in the moments when I think that I'm better alone...
A week has passed since— well, since.
His bed feels like his bed again, or so he's acquainted enough again to not find it strange. He called to get internet hooked up, but he got frustrated partway through and simply hung up.
Maybe next week.
For now, though, the hamper is full so it's laundry. A new bottle of detergent is sitting on the shelf above the washing machine. A different brand that he's never tried or seen.
It doesn't mean anything.
He's down to the last few items and he pulls out a shirt.
...that's when I remember, that's when I remember...
Simon didn't understand why he couldn't breathe, why his heart felt like it was stuttering.
The world tilted sideways, then righted itself.
He didn't trust his legs and sank to the floor.
For the first time in so, so long Simon cried as if his heart had been broken into a million pieces.
Because it had been.
...every time I walk past your house in the rain...
It's late. Simon knows he shouldn't be here. Here he is anyway.
He hadn't been able to sleep. The sound of cars on wet asphalt and the endless tap-tap-dripping of water had him on edge.
So he got up, got dressed, and went out walking.
An hour. Two. Treading everywhere his feet knew to go without his mind being involved.
The lights are out.
Of course they're out. It's three in the morning. Anyone sensible was in bed hours ago.
...and I tell myself that you were my biggest mistake...
Simon finally felt the rain. He could smell the dark brown and green of the wet bushes that lined the pavement. The breeze wasn't blowing right through him.
He could feel the pain settled inside, but it had made a comfortable nest and it no longer worried at him with needle-teeth.
He wondered idly how long it would be before he came out the other side of this— and then wondered if maybe there were no more 'other sides' left for him.
He wasn't sure it mattered.
...and just when I think that I'm doing okay...
He thinks he's sleeping, maybe. Dreaming.
"Simon, what are you doing here?"
Not dreaming.
Not. Dreaming.
"Couldn't sleep. The rain was keeping me awake. Making me think about Las Almas—"
Simon shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, silently cursing himself for bringing it up, but knowing at the same time that he owed Johnny the truth.
Blue eyes framed by dark, wet lashes met his gaze steadily, "Me too, so come in for tea. Warm up. Don't go."
"Johnny— Johnny I—"
"No, Simon. I should have begged you to stay. I shouldn't have let your goddamned pride and mine get in the way. Don't go. Please. Don't ever go."
...that's when I remember, that's when I remember...
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jessepinwheel · 1 year
42k or chapter 5
42k puts you somewhere in maul's physical therapy arc
Eventually, Maul got through all the first-connection procedures with a certain air of grim dignity. The physical therapy, on the other hand…not so much.
"Why is this so difficult?" Maul snarled as he tried to rotate his legs and could only get an abortive stuttering motion.
"It's because your brain is trying to operate muscle groups, not motors," I said, pulling his legs straight again. "And because of the way synthneurons are connected semi-randomly, most of the connections are scrambled now."
Maul tried to move his legs again, to no better success. "You mean my nerves aren't even connected to the right parts of the leg? What idiot designed uplink this way?"
"The same idiot who realized having full fusion uplink was more important in the long term than trying to graft each connection to the exact right place. Old uplink methods caused chronic nerve pain and neural degeneration--modern auto-grafting methods don't," I said. "And trying to connect the right nerves to the right parts of the limb is pointless anyways. Motors and muscles don't induce movement in the same way."
"Is this really the time for another lecture?" Maul snapped back.
chapter 5 is another one of the early detective obi-wan and maul chapters
I leaned back, looking up into the deep red sky. Even in my darkest moments, I had never been as angry and cruel as Maul had been, chained to the Dark and the Sith the way he had. Still, I knew what it was like to kill innocents, and to kill in anger or desperation. I had done too many things in my war that were unforgivable, and after years of regret and frustration and guilt, I had moved on from them. Not forgiven or forgotten, but let go.
I could never erase my past, but I was a different person now, and that meant something.
"I don't have the power to forgive you," I said. "And I know you've hurt more people than I ever want to think about. Maybe it was because Palpatine forced you to, or maybe it was because you wanted to, but those are actions you'll carry with you for the rest of your life. Chances are, you will never be forgiven for the pain you've caused and the lives you've taken, nor should you be.
"But forgiveness has nothing to do with your ability to change. No matter what you've done, you can move forward. You can stop hurting people. You can be better. And I think you do want to be better, you just don't know how."
Maul snarled. "Don't presume to know anything about me, Kenobi."
"I guess that is a little presumptuous of me," I said. "But to more directly answer your question, I care because you're someone I can help, here and now." I smiled at him softly. "And because in a big strange galaxy full of strangers, I could use a friend, too."
"You are soft."
I shrugged. "It's not a bad thing to be kind or to reach out, Maul. I always wish I were better at it."
I honestly don't know what people think is going on in race con from these out-of-context teasers. There is just So Much that happens in race con. so much, my dudes.
send me a number between 1 and 116 or a chapter between 1 and 19 and I'll post a teaser from race con
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claireunoia · 2 years
mean!rebel!nancy sneaking in your window at 4 am she totally plays it off and is like “yeah i was just bored. thought it’d be fun to scare you” but she misses you and your kisses. such a softie!
THIS JUST IS— SO$;&,&:&.& you seriously got mean!rebel!nancy down to a tee nonnie babe!!! she would so do this
-ˏˋ ❀ ❀ ❀ ˊˎ-
it was beginning to set into the dark night sky at the wondered city of hawkins.
sun setting and the moon coming up to introduce itself as you continued to read at your desk. moving to turn on your little desk lamp when you saw the natural light had began to fade away by the seconds.
when you had left your window opened for some fresh breeze, you did not expect to see your close “friend” popping up behind the barricading glass with a startling “boo”. making you damn near fall of your chair and right on your ass.
“god, how much of a idiot are you to leave your window wide open?” you hear nancy’s voice inquires, you could practically smell the eye roll radiating off of her during that sentence.
“jesus fucking christ, nance. i almost had a heart attack” you walk up to your window sill to see nancy’s tiny grin with a little look littering across her face at your exclaimed cursing.
“jeez, i’m really rubbing off you huh? little princess cursing”
“yeah, yeah guess so. anyways nance why’re here? what’s wrong?” you ask as you began to help the wheeler girl climb into your room completely, once she was in you saw her shrug her shoulders.
“i was just, i thought— i was bored and decided to come scare you is all. don’t make it such a big deal” she added after seeing the cute realization expression appear on your features, you knew she was lying. ‘bored’, yeah right. she had missed you like crazy and couldn’t contain it anymore.
“nancy love, were you just.. stuttering?” almost immediately nancy shot you a warning glare. her sharp jaw tightening due to the sudden clenching of it.
“i will hurt you.”
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