osaka-ben · 10 years
✎out of accent
Yeah! I think I'm finally getting my Heiji muse back! I'm cramming in lots of DC episodes. I'm super excited because the next episode is the Jet Black Mystery Train. Literally everyone and their mom is on that train. crap i just remembered about bourbon 
Anyways, I think I have a few threads to write and start on here so expect those before the weekend ends! Thanks for being patient with me!
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osaka-ben · 10 years
✎out of accent
So I've been inactive due to vacation and didn't put myself on hiatus or anything. 
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But I'm ready to go. Just in time for ooc day. And always willing to rp. To all those who are new to aurp, welcome! If you would like to thread, chat, or anything else both Sanji's and Heiji's asks are open! Also, if you would like to drop a thread with me please feel free to tell me as well. Thank you!
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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I remembered an SNL skit and this happened XD
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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على مين بس يا كونان؟ 12
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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グワ…となったので by 藤芝
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osaka-ben · 10 years
 Heiji’s mind drifted far from the conversation being held. He thought back to the days where Ran was in a constant state of missing Shinichi. The thought of whether or not Kazuha was experiencing the same thing went through his mind. He held back a laugh, it wasn’t as though she was the type to wait like Ran. She would take action and try to find Heiji at all costs. 
 Current daydreams were popped with the theft of his fry. He blinked momentarily in confusion before giving his friend a piercing glare. It hadn't dawned on him that he held his fare in his fingers for far too long, now just the child-like pout overtook his face.
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 An eyebrow raised as Shinichi casually continued with his point. Just a simple call. Something that Heiji had frequently teased him about now, seemed like a plausible idea. A large, unexpected smile removed all signs of pouting on the boy's face. He attempted to keep the smile long enough to hide the sudden tinge of guilt that now began eating away at him.
   ❝ Heh... yer probably right there. Can't imagine her bein' too happy with me after jus' leavin' 'er behind. ❞ Quick, poor-planned, and hasty described his actions all too well; yet his mind had been set on not going back on his decision. ❝ I wonder what'd she say... Probably try ta convince me ta go back home. It'd be a pointless fight wit' that girl... not like I can jus' go back er anythin'. ❞
It seemed like his negative reaction to the mention of Ran was picked up by the other. While Hattori was often considered hot-headed and thick-skulled, Shinichi found his mind being read by the other easily. Mostly when they are solving cases together, but during these situations as well. He really did mean what he said before though. While he was pretty sure his relationship with Ran wouldn’t ever be the same, there were some remains. He just had to patch them up together and hope the outcome wouldn’t be too bad.
It seemed that the other wasn’t thrilled to have the question turned on him in return. Shinichi frowned slightly as Hattori explained. Surely Kazuha would be worried over Hattori if past encounters with her was anything to go by. And Hattori leaving without a word was pretty rash…even for a hot-blooded detective. Shinichi plucked the fry out of the other’s hand, it didn’t seem like the other was going to eat it any time soon anyways, and finished it in two quick bites.
"I’m sure she is doing fine." He said after a small sip of his drink. "Though, she would probably be doing better if you gave her a call or something." After all, Shinichi knew first handedly how much a simple call can do to cheer someone up when they are upset about the person leaving suddenly… "Though maybe not here since you guys are going to end up yelling and it probably would be best if we try to not get kicked out of places." He teased. 
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osaka-ben · 10 years
- - thread tracker
- Kyumei
- Kaito
- Kudou if you still want to continue
- Kudou (ValentineAU) if you still want to continue
- Luffy Birthday if you wanted to continue that
Everything else has been dropped as far as I know. If I was writing/plotting with you and forgot please let me know. If you write my a message and I don't respond within 24 hours please send it again, because tumblr probably ate it. As always I'm willing to plot with anyone. 
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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can I just
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osaka-ben · 10 years
Just a little note on the new update on the DC manga. Possible spoilers ahead. Nothing major just a little moment I needed to share. 
So I'm looking on my regular manga site for updates when suddenly...
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Oooh~ Detective Conan updated. Well I'm not caught up. Oh man maybe just a peek...
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Oh shit, well you know people do fanart all the time and throw it in before the chapters, it's no big deal.
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No, no it isn't. This can't be...
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So anyways, that's the story of out i exited mangahere faster than you could say "bullshit". That is the end of my presentation. Thank you. GOODBYE.
sidenote: no i really did not continue reading. i stopped forever.
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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What're you doing? What're you trying to do to my Kazuha?
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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"Looks like he’s in a better mood" That episode where Hattori was trying to cheer up Conan. ( 239 )
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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平新平コ詰め by こがわ
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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In the first one, we have episode one.  The scene’s pretty much the same in the manga, but WOW do we get a clear picture here (regardless of screencap quality), and that’s what started me off.
Shinichi starts off as a kid who’s got very little real world experience, and does not know what his deductions do to people.  He’s good at figuring them out like puzzles, and then moving on to the next one. 
Like he says, they give him a buzz.  An adrenaline high.
For the third one (this and the second being from volume 16), you really have to open it up in full, because I couldn’t just crop it.  The page references the infamous Moonlight Sonata Case (vol. 7), in which he does, basically, do exactly that.  He continues on with his deductions without a care for what it might do to the people involved, getting someone killed in the process.  He didn’t want the killer dead, only to solve the case, but because of his big-headed adrenaline-high-seeking attitude, that’s what happened.
We also see just what that case did to him.  He’s clearly looking older than his (actual) years - especially since no one knows it was him, no one blames Mouri - who he was using as a mouthpiece - for what happened, and he feels, I have to only assume, like the murderer who got away with it.  Just a few pages back he said what you see in the previous page- have you ever killed someone.
The fourth one… that’s from vol. 19.  Three volumes on, and Hattori’s acting on what Shinichi had said before.  This is more Hattori’s character development than Shinichi’s, but I still think it bears mention.
And then more recently… the last one.  I’m adding that in because while it isn’t a perfect symmetry, it’s close enough.  He didn’t hound the person down.  He he went along with - and concocted his own - dangerous plans so that the least number of people would be hurt.  And the first time I saw this page, it just struck me.  This is who he’s become.  In all this time, each of his cases has taught him something important.  They’ve helped him become the person he is now.
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osaka-ben · 10 years
✎out of accent
- - thread tracker
I owe:
Kyumei (On Uryuu and Heiji)
Katara (Uryuu)
Szayel (Uryuu)
So that's all I have for replies at the moment. That's the important stuff, boring ooc stuff below.
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I was doing well with activity, and then I just dropped off again. But I actually only really have those replies to do. The end of the year is wrapping up soon so summer should give me lots of roleplaying time. I'm still excited to always write Heiji but I'm lagging on my poor Uryuu. Which sucks. It doesn't help that I really want to add a certain character to the group: which I'm actually very hyped to do. Not sure when I will try to put an application for him.
On a different note, I want to find a character to make ooc posts with. I'm not sure which character to do yet though. I will think about it though.
Anyways sorry if you read all of this random crap. Thanks!
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osaka-ben · 10 years
 Heiji hadn't expected the sudden raise in anger in response to his previous comment. They had, after all, been throwing back repeated comments throughout the entirety of the conversation.
   Had I touched a nerve?
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 He waited until she finished being angry and said nothing until the point of her final comment. Hopefully this was a sign that she had finally calmed down and understood the meaning behind his actions. He threw his hands in his pockets with a small pout of his own, unsure of which way to take the conversation. Tch. 'Whatever' she says....
    ❝ W-well as long as ya understand... ❞ Looking down at the stain and the near-empty cup that remained he spoke, mostly without thinking. ❝ Ya lost most of yer drink... how 'bout I buy ya a new one? ❞
 It wasn't an offer he would normally pursue. However, with the discussion they've had and the things he's said he figured it couldn't hurt to offer. 
Don't cry over spilt milk
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osaka-ben · 10 years
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Cafe Racer Design Source Yamaha SR500 @caferacerdesign
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