#I may add more to this later on
2smolbeans · 9 months
Requests Are Now Open!
I'm opening writing requests, so feel free to take a look at the request info!
Please keep in mind that I have every right to turn down any requests I want.
I would also like to give a heads up that I am a slow writer/uploader, so it might take a while for me to post!
Fandoms I Am Able To Write About:
Obey Me!
The Price of Flesh
Boyfriend To Death
Inside Job
What I Tags/Topics I am willing to write about:
Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Character death
Depictions of murder/abuse/toxic relationships/torture
Yanderes (duh, of course. This is a blog that mainly focuses on them, after all ^^)
Any dark topics you can think of! (Ex. Forced drugging, amputation, or the whatnot)
Dark romance
Implied nsfw/dubcon
Prompts/headcanons- any thoughts you have that you want me to write as a small scene or oneshot, I am willing to do it! (Ex. "Imagine if (insert) happened!")
Things I will NOT write about:
Minors being put in any sort of sexual/fetish like sitatuon. I do not give a shit for the excuse of 'Oh, but they're actually 100 years old!' Or 'But it's just fiction!'. Fuck off, this is not a safe space for you.
Anything that has to deal with real-life political issues.
Anything that may be harmful or hateful to any groups/people in real life.
Pairings/ romantic relationships with huge age gaps. (Ex. 19yr reader x 30yr partner)
(I'm not gonna lie. I don't know what to put here since I don't expect anyone to request anything too harmful or bad.
Additional Notes:
If you have any questions regarding any of my characters, are unsure if I know a certain fandom, or want to know if I can write a certain tag/topic, feel free to ask!
I will also be happy to take any requests about any of my Ocs!
Anyways If you've gotten to the end of this post, thank you for reading! (*^^*)b
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watercubebee · 4 months
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Strangeeeeeeeeeeeee I have seen that face beforeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AUUUGHH
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horror-vampire · 1 year
u dont get it. phoenix wright means everything to me.
hes a firm believer in love and the goodness of humanity. he was a huge crybaby in college. his exes are all serial killers. he can't drive. he's bisexual and his taste in people sucks. anyone who associates with him is gonna end up being framed for murder, kidnapped or injured one day or another. he was a pianist in a shitty bar for a few years but couldn't play the piano so he played poker and always won; his job description was still pianist. he was an art major but he dropped everything off to be a lawyer cuz he was set on 'saving' this guy he knew for like, a bit when he was a child. he kept on sending letters to him For Years with no reply. hes catty and cynical as hell but he just mumbles it all to himself. he wears a blue suit cuz that's his favorite color, duh. when he loses his job he becomes extremely cryptic and mysterious just for funsies. he cross examined multiple animals in court. he ate glass unprompted. he fell off a burning bridge and only got a cold for a couple days. he has been tased, slapped, whipped and hit on the head with a fire extinguisher, all to unconsciousness. he temporarily lost his memory bc of the last one. he has been hit by a car and he just got up and walked away. he's poor as hell even though he defended multiple famous people. he's been attacked by a tiger and a monkey, on separate occasions.
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tea-space · 7 months
So I watched the TBOSAS movie today & I have thoughts. It is good as its own thing I think they did a great job to put the most important things into this one movie. Since they couldn't squeeze everything in the movie it took some liberties to cut off & change moments around a bit.
I think the changes they made to how the 10th hunger games play out was a great change. And I loved that they kept the violence.
The movie didn't show any of Coriolanus inner monologues which is a shame it's my favorite part of the book but having the audience come out and interpret how Coryo feels themselves isn't so bad either since Tom Blyth's portrayal as Coriolanus snow was magnificent.
The movie focused more on Coriolanus relationship with the prominent characters & sadly cut a lot of interactions with his other classmates. Especially Clemensia we don't hear or see her again after she gets the snake bite or even if she's still alive.
The chemistry between Tom Blyth & Rachel Zelger was amazing it really shines through to their character's relationship. Regarding the snowbaird relationship they added a new moment that wasn't in the book replacing a scene in the book. We got only one kiss from them in the movie contrary to the many kisses in the book.
The last part in the forest cabin between Coriolanus & Lucy Gray felt really tense like they were about to kill each other right there & then I loved it. Tom Blyth's performance really shined through this part, the hurt & betrayal he felt after he got bit made him look scary.
The fate of Lucy Gray was left as ambiguous as it was in the book. But we clearly get to see Coriolanus shoot her down but nothing more other than the birds singing the hanging tree which paranoid him. I wished they addressed the part where they erased the records of the 10th hunger games but it wasn't mentioned.
The ending showing Coriolanus full transformation to a villain was chilling I can really feel he carried a different vibe then what he was like in the beginning of the movie.
Overall a great film to show the beginning of the hunger games & how it developed to what we know it as down the line. A villain origin story showcasing how Coriolanus experiences shape him & how he rose to power. Like Coriolanus said snow lands on top.
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vellichorom · 1 year
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uh oh. I can't imagine mixing a virus with a wayward executable can lead to anything good..... what do you mean it just gave him the flu,
FINALLY, at LONG LONG LAST; Thierry's OFFICIAL Lovebug AU rendition! in which the man quite literally gets bugged. with love! & with sick nasty
truly a lesson to all to watch what you download from your emails!
( the lovebug AU concept belongs to @things1do ~ )
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ragazza-paradiso · 1 year
okay, my personal thoughts on the jury vote/televote drama (as unbiased as possible):
i understand people’s disappointment when their favourite doesn’t win. i also understand how that disappointment can turn into frustration when it turns out that was the most popular entry with the general public, yet it didn’t result in victory.
for me, the presence of juries in the contest is non-negotiable. i think they help to recognise aspects of the songs that very often get overlooked by the viewing public - composition and vocal ability being the two most important. i think of estonia from this year, a song and performance that most definitely deserved the love they got from the juries to push them up the scoreboard. i think of albania 2018, switzerland 2021, portugal 2022 - all entries that deserved to be recognised, and were not given that by the televote.
all of that is not to say the jury is faultless. i agree with most, that the criteria the jury is told to judge upon should be modified/expanded. i think they should drop the focus on commercially successful songs to help level the playing field for songs in languages other than english (or popular languages like italian or spanish). they should also include people from more diverse musical backgrounds to appreciate alternative forms of music like rock, jazz, folk and music with ethnic elements etc. they could also make the juries larger (i think just doubling the size to 10 people would already make such a huge difference).
i think the biggest change the EBU needs to make regarding the juries is to be much more transparent. the general public has no idea why the juries exist, or what they are even judging on. each show the presenters should explain the criteria the juries judge on. because i’ve seen so many comments on social media over the past 12 hours which seem to fundamentally miss the fact that the juries judge based on criteria which is given to them by the EBU. they do not simply sit down and make a ranking of their favourite to least favourite.
the big point for me is that the jury vote is NOT supposed to be representative of the public vote. there would literally be no point to it if it were. therefore the jury having different scores, and ultimately a different winner than the televote, does not in itself mean that there is a problem with the juries. if you ask me, it means that the juries are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. they recognised the song which best fit the criteria they were asked to judge upon… tattoo.
and i would also add that tattoo was immensely popular with the public as well, it came second in the televote. and the juries placed televote winner cha cha cha in fourth position. so the argument that the juries are out of touch with the european public (at least when it comes to the top spots) just doesn’t add up.
since the juries were reintroduced in 2009 we’ve had 4 types of victories
• where the televote and jury vote agree on a winner (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017)
• where the televote winner has won overall despite not winning the jury vote (2011, 2018, 2021, 2022)
• where the jury vote winner has won overall despite not winning the televote (2015, 2023)
• where the winning song has won neither the jury vote nor the televote (2016, 2019)
so, in the 14 contests with the 50/50 jury televote system, only twice has the jury overridden the televote to decide the winner. the televote has overridden the jury vote double as much. in fact, the majority of times (8 times, if you include the 4th category since on both those occasions the winner came 2nd with both televote and jury vote) both have agreed on the winner. overall, the televote has gotten their winner to win the overall contest 10 times out of the 14 contests since the reintroduction of the jury.
therefore i find the conclusion that the jury is tainting the results of the contests’ winners not based in reality.
now, all of that is simply the opinion of one girl who likes eurovision. you can take it or leave it. i don’t think this will change anyone’s mind if they are dead set on the juries needing to perish in hell fire to atone for their sins against euro pop music. but more so i wanted to explain my reasoning behind still valuing the juries as an important part of the contest.
and, two last very important notes:
• käärijä not winning the contest doesn’t mean that he’s lost. it doesn’t mean that you can’t go back and watch his performance a thousand times and revel in the joy it gives you. it will always be there. music is subjective, just because a certain song wins a certain contest doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best. he has thousands more fans now and you can always support his future career.
• being disappointed with the results of the contest however does not give you the right to send abusive messages and hate towards other contestants. käärijä himself said after the final yesterday that he cannot complain about the rules and he was happy for loreen. this is the same guy who was so distraught when he received one hate comment that he deleted all his accounts on social media. he wouldn’t want anyone to be doing the same towards his fellow artists. the contest was about being united through music, and sending hate won’t change the results, and it won’t make you feel better either.
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gradelstuff · 1 year
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Slowly collecting all the League of Villains group art I can find;
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
bro, bro do you understand, they hated each other it was always me or him, no and. they were pre pubescent and squeaking about he pushed me i pushed him back it was nothing it was just an inchident. they were like mortal enemies or some overdramatic shit cooked up under a mop of monagasque hair like bruh you were three, any puddle was proportionally the size of the pacific. now fast forward to when theyre like three and a half and it's smiles it's the best fun of my career it's i want this for another fifteen twenty years it's i know how strong he is it's touching hands and necks and arms and looks, really really soft looks (soft_wilted_cabbage.img), and it's nice (what's nice??) bc it means we know each other well (is it nice that you met so early, is it nice that your lives met the way they did again again and again, are you glad for it????) . they went from we didn't even say goodbye to we say hellow now to try and stop this middle-of-the-media-pen debrief and we couldn't stand each other to complete tunnel vision on that podium(tm) - miss ma'am did you see those fucking smiles, that grin, the pure elation, the ecstacy - and our relationship wasn't that great to laughing together and holding each other and respecting - admiring - each other to unshakeable degrees, we have a good relationship, from literal scowls to immediate smiles when asked about the other person and from never giving a single inch on track to understanding that, to loving that, to seeing it as a mirror and loving that too, and from, from grr to like, love heart love heart, likw- DO YOU UNDERSTAND—
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themoodydoodles · 8 months
Calling it now, this mf is Jack.
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I’m not just saying this because Jack and ‘Kaufmo’ are two of the several characters (e.g., the shapes or the black tentacle thing in the teaser) that we know little to nothing about, but I actually have evidence.
Here is exhibit A: The Wacky Watch trailer, where Jack was first introduced. In one of the brief moments Jack are shown, we see him covering a cardboard cut-out of a clown of some sort.
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Coincidence? Well obviously not
This clown is Kaufmo. How can I tell? Though Jack covers most of the cutout, we can see a goofy ass pair of feet and a party hat with a sphere topping it. Who else has a hat just like that? Who the bloody hell else but Kaufmo?!
Exhibit B: They both scare the living shit out of me
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look at these motherfuckers
they cannot be trusted
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or maybe Jack is just a joke and I read into it too much
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noxious-fennec · 2 years
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For someone who vibrates if he thinks about the guy for too long, I don't draw ctommy nearly as much as I should
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monarchisms · 8 months
so this is the unintentional part two of that summary post i made with geoff talking about the end of achievement hunter. for this post, i'm going to try my best to sum up what michael, trevor, and joe (but not alfredo because he was sick at the time 😔) have said about what will happen in the future on the penultimate episode of off topic, #403. there won't be a transcript this time as i am busy with schoolwork and stuff, so i'll try to make this summary as filled with as much accurate information as i can to make up for it :)
so basically,
trevor starts off by saying they'll be doing the last of various series to wrap everything up. he also notes that some of these finales will be "more nostalgic"
one of the series finales that's up right now is vs episode #150: joe vs BK. the game they played is cooking mama!
after the series finale of off topic (#404 lol), the final AH video ever will be a let's play in the remastered version of burnout paradise, and the cast will consist of geoff, jack, trevor, and michael. this is a callback to the first ever AH video they did back in 2008, and it's already been filmed! trevor says it was more emotional then he thought it would be :')
michael explains that the video will essentially be a ~70-minute podcast. in it, they'll talk more about the end of achievement hunter, where the cast members have went/what they've all moved on to, and new projects that they'll working on. he also says that he thinks that people will call this video "cathartic" while comparing the vibe to their old gta v series, sunday driving
not as important, but michael said that he was mindlessly driving and turning in burnout paradise in the same way that he'd run and jump in minecraft because he "fucking hated" playing minecraft lmfao
as said before, they decided to close AH and start something new with dogbark instead of continuing like they used to. michael acknowledges that in the last few years, most of the crew had already left rt in some way or moved on to other stuff within the company, leaving just michael, trevor, alfredo, and joe as the most consistent on-screen talent by the end. *bonus bit that wasn't mentioned until later, but alongside these 4, jarren from the post team will be their channel manager for dogbark :)
as this group makes videos for dogbark, michael says that their stuff will be both "tonally different" and "very fluid" as they're still figuring it out as they go, noting that they were balancing it and AH/let's play content at the same time
michael also talks about how he's been doing what he's wanted to do at AH for a long time, but there were some things he still couldn't do within the constraints the AH crew had put on themselves
while there will be some gameplay stuff on the dogbark channel, as mentioned in this episode and the channel trailer, they will primarily focus on live action content. trevor makes a point by saying that the style/theme in the trailer will "not be pervasive throughout the entire brand", and michael adds on to that by saying the trailer "is at 100, but every video won't be at 100"
michael and trevor make a point by saying that there will be more variety, as in "a dozen little formats", not necessarily like the shows/series they made at AH, with joe saying that they're not trying to "tie themselves down" to strict uploads and such, like they were when they were previously fitting into a mold at AH
trevor says that he has seen achievement hunter, and rooster teeth as a whole, having a unique challenge ahead of them. he refers to making content that appeals to an audience who had been following them since the early days while trying to also find new faces, both out there in the audience and internally at the company, in order for AH to stay around
he also points out how difficult it is to do that with a long-standing brand that has had different eras of content, since there would be an audience with differing expectations for them. with that, it became hard for the AH crew to balance said expectations with the authenticity they tried to show in the content they created. the crew has changed as people alongside their audience, and the stress that came with it was challenging
michael stresses that the group not only chose to make a new channel completely, they also had to fight for it for a while, and wanted to slow down on AH content before properly closing/archiving the channel to create dogbark. beyond the struggles of creating something new from scratch, they now have the challenge of preparing the audience for the jump from AH to dogbark while thinking about all the pros and cons before going forward
this week (the week of september 18th) and next week (the week of september 25th) are the last weeks of new AH content. after that, there will be a 1 or 2-day break before dogbark properly starts making new content on october 2nd. trevor feels like people will get a better idea of what dogbark is after a month or two of them uploading content
finally (subject to change, of course), they want to aim for full uploads every monday and friday, with patreon-like exclusive videos with rt first every wednesday and saturday. one of the confirmed things to expect is a first-exclusive podcast. the first week dogbark officially starts, all that content will be public as a sample of what to expect, and every week after that will follow that schedule
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batfossil-fr · 8 months
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twirls him around in my arms
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theharlotofferelden · 2 months
So I was checking out Greg Ellis' IMDB page to see if he's been in anything recently. I mainly wanted to know if the whole blowup between him and Mark Darrah 3 years ago that resulted in him making a YouTube video speaking in Cullen's voice while beseeching the Dragon Age fandom to rise up against Cancel Culture affected his career in any way.
This was swiftly forgotten, however, due to the fact that I got really caught up in the wall of text that is his Mini Bio.
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It's a lot, right? Usually when I see bios on IMDB they're less than a paragraph. But what got me was the inclusion of all these weird details. How Greg "mastered the Rubik's cube at 12" and that he's "skydived 10,000 feet above the earth" (so? ppl skydive, man, why is this important). But then there's this mention that he has over 20 action figures of characters he's portrayed in film and television. Like... seriously? This is really worth including in your IMDB Bio? Then right at the bottom it says the Bio was written by PR which lol
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Anyway, I didn't post on tumblr dot com just to dunk on all the questionable details Greg PR decided to include in his IMDB.
What I wanna talk about is this lil detail here:
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Now, I've read his IMDB bio a couple times over the years and have never really questioned whether Greg was truly nominated for an Emmy. Like, who tf would lie about being nominated for an Emmy? But then I started wondering what the Emmy was for (seeing as how he neglects to mention it in his bio) so I decided to do some digging into what he was nominated for.
Doing a general google search turned up nothing so I decided to try his website to see if he supplies more details, and he does.
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Again, he neglects to mention what the nomination was for, but says that he was nominated for his role on 24. So naturally I did a search for 24 Emmy nominations.
It is at this point I become aware that the Emmys have not only dedicated pages for shows that have won Emmys, but also a search function.
Guess whose name isn't listed on 24's Emmy Award page?
Guess whose name doesn't reveal any results for even something as basic as an Emmy nomination?
Even under his legal name? Or the other version of his legal name?
Okay, so maybe they just neglected to add him on the 24 page. If Greg was nominated for anything, it would most likely be under "Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series" as he was a guest actor for 9 episodes of the show (as Michael Amador) between 2003 and 2004.
He's not listed in the nominees for 2003, 2004, or even 2005 (just to be generous). And since I bothered to look it up just to double check, here's a YouTube video for every year in this category: 2003, 2004, 2005.
While all this may seem like a bit much just to emphasize that Greg is lying about an Emmy nomination, I need it to be understood that I did my best trying to verify its existence. On the off chance it turns out the nomination exists somewhere, let it be known I'll delete this post and apologize for misinforming people.
But I just gotta say, if it's not on the Emmy's website or even his own Wikipedia page, then where tf is it? Like, I get that Wikipedia isn't a totally reliable source, but Gregory Itzin, who actually was nominated twice on 24 as a supporting actor, has it not only mentioned on his wikipedia page, but also has one of his nominations sourced (if you click on the link it will download a PDF).
So until proof that he was ever nominated turns up, I'm going to assume he's lying about it. Which is funny when you consider he's not even lying about winning an Emmy, he's lying about being nominated for one. He's lying about losing an Emmy. Like, could you imagine if Tommy Tallarico lied about almost being on MTV Cribs?
Anyway please reblog this post and feel free to steal it because I find this extremely funny and would love it if someone asked Greg why the internet isn't turning up results for his Totally Real Emmy Nomination.
ETA - Adding a link to @aidanchaser pointing out that it seems like Greg is claiming he was nominated under the categories for "outstanding casting in a drama series" and/or "outstanding drama series" based on what he says about the nomination on his website, along with my reply as I was aware of those nominations but didn't make the connection between them and what he says on his website.
I'm only going to add here that his claim to this nomination is a huge stretch because, by similar logic, if 24 actually won either of those nominations, basically anyone who worked on 24 could claim that they're an Emmy award winning guest actor or production designer, which entirely misrepresents the award being given as it hollistically takes into account various parts of the casting and production. Like, there's a reason there's separate categories for this stuff, and the fact that he seems so comfortable making this claim on his IMDB that he's an "Emmy nominated actor" based on those nominations is such a wild stretch.
And it's clear to me this obfuscation was intentional because he could've easily said that he worked on the "Emmy award winning show, 24" because that's more accurate to the truth of his involvement with the production (i.e. that he worked on a show that won muliple awards). But specifically claiming he was "nominated" lends credence to the notion that he was nominated specifically for his work while still technically being true (despite that claim being bullshit).
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transmalewife · 2 years
things they don’t tell you before top surgery
most top surgery guides i've seen list the same stuff like button downs and a pillow to put under your seatbelt etc, and those are certainly helpful, but I wanted to compile the things i rarely or never see mentioned. please feel free to add your own
you will go insane. i’m not saying you’ll regret it when faced with the recovery, i didn’t. what i mean is this is very likely going to be the most traumatic thing your body has ever gone through, especially if you’ve never had any kind of surgery before, and you should be ready for the psychological toll that will take out of you. there's a reason decent hospitals offer to have a psychologist talk to you before and after any surgery
you’ll need more than one person taking care of you. even if someone is able to take time off work and be with you 24/7 in the beginning, you should have a backup in case they have an emergency or just need a break. make sure they aren't squeemish, there will be blood and other nasty things involved.
it hurts less than you’d think. this is of course very personal, but i’d never had surgery before, i had very large tits so my incisions go pretty much from the center of my chest up into my armpit, and yet i did fine on otc painkillers. This is not necessarily a good thing, as it will make it easier to push yourself too far. Remember your limits even if you can't feel them.
you might get phantom pain, or at least phantom sensations. For me it's mostly when i'm on my period or running down stairs. It's been 10 months now and i almost never get them anymore
ask yourself how bad would things have to go for you to regret it. how uneven the scars, how difficult the recovery, how painful etc. choose a surgeon accordingly
all your shirts will get longer, not just wider. shirts that used to fit perfectly in a binder before now have the breast pocket around my bellybutton.
prepare food beforehand. Freeze a few containers of soup, or buy non perishables that you'll be able to prepare alone.
transfer all essentials to lower shelves, you won't be able to raise your arms above your head
account for a physiotherapist in your budget if you can. large scars can mess up your posture and cause pain and skilled massage is really important to deal with that. ask your surgeon how soon you can go
also account for dressings and medication and antiseptic etc. more than you think you'll need
take pictures when you change your dressings. They may help your surgeon if there's a problem later, and you can look back on them if you feel your recovery has stalled and see how far you've come
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creaturefeaster · 2 months
Wiiirrreeee, is there a swamp on theia?
Oh absolutely!
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A very large portion of the lower east convex vertex in the focus continent is just a bunch of swampland. Along the rivers are a bit less stagnant but much older swampland, whereas the vast majority of land is stagnant overflood. Most of the water and plant life in the area is heavily endowed with the same magical essence you can find north west of the region, where Michael & his friends live.
A lot of the terrain is not considered habitable by most, and it's in these regions that you find a lot of plant people, treeple, fish people, pixies, or any other race that's heavily in tune with the earth & water.
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wild-magic-oops · 6 months
Thinking about Gale and Durge living in Waterdeep together. Durge doesn't hide his origin, so it's a pretty well-known fact that he's a bhaalspawn. Reformed, allegedly. He's polite, helpful, loving to his husband. People have good opinions of him. And then murders start happening all over the city. Bloody, cruel, horrible, and decidedly worshiping in nature. And no amount of previously good opinions can save Durge from being the immediate suspect.
After the first murder people start to avoid him, and avoid Gale as well. Gale's reputation at the Blackstaff Academy immediately suffers as a result.
After the second murder a week later, some people start being nasty to Durge, openly so. Many still remain quiet, but don't oppose the loud ones. Gale has to take leave from work until the investigation is complete. Parents have already been complaining and threatening to take their children out of the academy if he continues to teach there. No one wants their child to be taught by the spouse of a brutal serial killer, after all.
Durge feels like shit. No matter that Bhaal's blood doesn't taint him anymore, no matter how hard he's worked on himself to be a better person, his origin will always haunt him, dog every step he takes. And worst of all - Gale suffers for it as well.
After the third murder a week later, Durge isn't surprised that the authorities come to take him away. The investigation is still ongoing for what little that matters when everyone have made up their minds anyway.
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