#I love my tshirt and youtube company
elitehoe · 1 year
I really am having a very proud dad moment over aew this week. The spirit of All In is alive!! 🥹🥹
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shwazzberryswriting · 2 years
The First Time
Pairing: Yuta x Femme Reader
Genre: One Shot, AU - Non-Idol NCT/Yuta and Mark are Salesmen, Porn With Plot(ish?), Loss of Virginity (Virgin Reader), Fluff, Smut, Angst
Summary: Yuta gets an unusual request from a coworker at his new job
Word count: 11.2k
Rating/Warnings: Mature/Not Beta Read, Kissing, Alcohol Consumption, Talks of Drug Usage, Drunk Kisses, Talks of Virgin Kink, Explicit Sexual Content: Experienced Yuta/Virgin Reader, Vanilla Sex, Protected Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Multiple Orgasms, Nipple Play, First Time Sex, Dirty Talk
Minors DNI! 18+ ONLY
Author’s Note: Prompted from an Ask. Thank you for the request OP Nonny!!! 💖💕💖💕💖 This was another unintentionally long fic but I loved writing it so much!!! 🥰💗 Your message really makes me so happy! 💗 Thank you for sending in the request, trusting me to write a story for you, and I hope you will enjoy this fic!!! I love Yuta so much😭 he's always so much fun to write.
Thank you everybody always for reading!!
Apologies in advance for any mistakes! I try my best to catch errors. I hope I did justice to OP's fantasy! 💚
**EDIT[08.12.2023]:** I cleaned up the fic throughout, no major changes. Grammatical fixes, changed up a few words throughout the fic. **
Please let me know of any technical errors or if you have feedback/questions
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    “...and we all have to get drinks for Yuta!” Johnny Suh shouted, throwing his brown glass of beer into the air. “The 32% increase this quarter in sales, I know for certain, is because of our winning duo, Mark and our new man, Yuta!”
    People applauded, and Yuta smiled, soaking in the attention his coworkers were giving him. It was true. He’d only been working at LSM Publishing for a month, and he’d landed two multi-million dollar contracts for the company.
    “Yo, man! Congratulations on the deal!” Mark exclaimed, pulling Yuta away from the bar counter, grabbing his elbow. “I knew you'd convince Xiaojun to sign that exclusive deal! Taeyong and The Vision Bookstore! It’s gonna make us millions, man.”
    “I only had to wine and dine Xiaojun for a couple days.”
    Mark guffawed as Yuta threw his arm over Mark’s shoulders, squeezing his arm. If it hadn’t been for Mark’s friendship with Ten, the VP of the Vision Bookstore chain, there wouldn’t have been an opportunity for Yuta to meet Xiaojun. That was the magic in their pairing: Mark had the connections, and Yuta had the silver tongue to sell anything.
    They reached a large table - Mark making his way to the far end nearby a red and silver jukebox machine that controlled the music in the bar. He sat down beside a woman in a pair of jeans and a loose black tshirt. She had a kind smile, the apples of her cheeks bright pink, her hair perfectly set with a white headband.
    “Yuta, this is my girlfriend,” Mark said, throwing his arm over her shoulders. Yuta slid into the wooden booth set up along the wall, waving to Mark’s girlfriend.
    “It’s nice to meet you,” she said, holding a hand out to him, pressing her body up against Mark with one hand on his chest, unbothered that they were seated at a large table full of Mark’s peers. “Are you the new contractor who drove the company truck into a Starbucks? They covered that story on the news, right? Mark was watching all the news spots on YouTube a couple weeks ago-”
    “Babe, come on,” Mark said, his cheeks flushing.
    Yuta laughed, leaning over to pinch Mark’s cheek. Mark was Yuta’s closest friend, having been his trainer at his new job. He didn’t have a lot of people to hang out with at The GG Bar and Grill, Mark was the only person he knew well. It wasn’t a bad thing; Mark was easy going and Yuta was instantly charmed by Mark’s girlfriend.
    “I’m Lisa,” Mark’s girlfriend said as Yuta shook her hand. She had a firm grip. “It’s nice to meet Mark’s cool friend. He told me you know a dealer who sells shrooms?”
    “Babe!” Mark exclaimed. “My boss can walk in at any second.”
    “As if your boss is going to fire the best salesmen? Besides, it’s just shrooms.”
    Yuta bit down on his lip, staring intently at Mark smile awkwardly, hand touching Lisa’s cheek, leaning forward to listen to her say something into his ear. An old, dark feeling weighed down in his chest as he realized that he hadn’t had a girlfriend like that in ages. The type of girlfriend who shamelessly showed him affection, who went out of her way to let him know she wanted his full attention. He picked up his bottle of beer, taking a long drink, eyes glancing around the table.
    Yuta didn’t like to spend time outside of work with his coworkers. He preferred to start his weekends alone, maybe have a bubble bath as he listened to some music. But after getting an exclusive contract for their best author Lee Taeyong and the major bookstore chain The Vision Bookstore, he was talked into joining his coworkers to celebrate. Despite having no passion in being a salesman, Yuta was gifted in his profession. It guaranteed that he wouldn't have to worry about his lot in life…too much.
    As he set his beer down, a sweet lemony scent infiltrated his nose. A warm body landed to his right as a woman with her hair up in a bun was pushed into his booth. Her body slammed against the table, making his beer shake. His left hand steadied the glass bottle, right hand touching the stranger’s shoulder -softening her blow against the table- her white knit sweater soft against his fingers.
    “Are you OK?” he asked. Her lips were wet, downcast like her eyes.
    “Excuse me,” Mark called out, sitting up straight, his hold around Lisa’s shoulders loosening. The two men who’d knocked over the woman to Yuta stopped, standing beside their table. “You bumped into my friend. I think you owe her an apology.”
    The men exchanged glances, and then stared at Mark and Yuta, seeming to size them up. Yuta threw his arm around the woman beside him, her perfume making it hard for him to focus. Her body was rigid, but he pulled her closer to him, sliding her body right up against his, eyes focused on the two men standing beside the table. Running his free hand through his hair, he licked his lips.
    “Let’s have a good start to our weekend, gentlemen,” he said, eyes darting between the two men. “A simple mistake can be a simple mistake.”
    “Sorry ma’am,” the man closest to the table said, eyes shifting to the lemony woman.
    “It’s OK,” she said. When the two strangers left, she turned to look at him. “Thank you, Yuta.”
    His mind blanked. She knew him. But he had no idea who she was.
    How that could be possible, he was regretting it. Not only did she smell like delicious lemon flavored candy but she was beautiful, with a soft, warm body. She fit so well against his side. The way she said his name made him warm.
    He had to get laid.
    “[Y/N], where have you been?” Mark asked. “Are you OK? Those guys were assholes.”
    “I’m good,” she replied, smiling. Eyes upward, darting from Mark to Lisa. “Thanks for helping. I was texting with Moon Taeil. He’s coming in next week for a meeting with my boss.”
    “Do you know if he’s writing anything right now?” Lisa asked, leaning over the table. “I lost my shit when I read his ‘ Deadly Wolves ’ series.”
    “I don’t know anything outside of what sort of water and snacks Taeil wants for the meeting. He also likes all rooms he enters to be scented like lavender, to alleviate anxieties over his writings.”
    “Yo, I love working with Taeil,” Mark said, grabbing his beer, “but he’s eccentric, not gonna lie.”
    “His novels are good,” Lisa said. “It’s the eccentrics who write the best novels.”
    “Do you like working with Taeil?” Yuta asked [Y/N].
    Her face was glistening, beads of sweat building at her hairline with eyes focused on a plate of fries in front of them. Her shoulders were tense. Her shyness was an indicator of a secret freak or a virgin. He could read it all over the way her arms crossed over her chest with her eyes refusing to shift anywhere near him.
    He wasn’t oblivious to his effect on others. It took most people a few moments, maybe a few hours, to get over their initial shock meeting him. But there were a certain subset of people who just could not get over being shy around him. It took him a couple years to figure out that they often fell under two categories: Secret Freak or Virgin.
    Not that every such person he came across was a sexual conquest. He did have fun messing with some of them, even if there was no attraction or chemistry between them. The shy woman beside him seemed like she would be fun to play around with. Her arms pressed tighter around her chest as she looked around the place, away from him.
    “Taeil’s funny,” she replied, throwing her hands onto the table, her phone in her right hand. She looked back at the uneaten fries. “He was telling me about his trip to Atlanta last month. Have you ever worked with Taeil?”
    “I’ve only been here for a month so I only met him once. How long have you worked for the company?”
    “Like, um, two months.”
    “You’re new here too?”
    “Yeah.” He felt the tension in her shoulders loosen.
    “Do you like your job?”
    “Johnny Suh’s not a very organized man,” she said, head finally turning around to his direction.
    Her eyes were stunning, piercing into his, stirring something inside of him, his stomach feeling a tickle of heat. He sat up straighter, wiping the back of his hand against his mouth, suddenly worried that he had crumbs on his face.
    She’s a secret freak.
    “But he’s a very easy going boss. I hope to transfer to the marketing department soon. Being an assistant kind of sucks. Do you enjoy being in sales?”
    “Mark and I get to go out, sometimes we party with clients, so you could say that it’s enjoyable.” He grinned, watching her reach past the fries to grab a bottle of beer. Her body was noticeably pointed away from him, knees from her crossed legs turned toward the end of the table. The hem of her black pencil skirt was folded upwards against the top of her left thigh. He resisted the temptation to reach over and flick it back into place with his index finger. Instead, he ran his hand through his hair again as he glanced around the table. “There’s also the added perk of LSM Publishing always having something to celebrate.”
    “How many of these outings have you attended? Two?” Beer bottle tipped up to her mouth, she looked straight into his eyes as she took a long gulp. Her tongue licked her lips after swirling around the tip of the bottleneck of her beer, collecting the loose droplets at the rim.
    Secret freak.
    “Exactly two. How come I didn’t see you at the last party?”
    Her shoulders tensed as she leaned forward, her back no longer touching the booth. She set the beer down and looked away from his direction.
    “Are you serious, dude?” Mark said, cutting into their conversation. “Yuta, bro, you got so drunk [Y/N] and I had to carry you to your place. You’re lucky she was sober that night.”
    Yuta’s first night celebrating with his coworkers had been his fourth day on the job. He and Mark had closed a deal with a federally funded wildlife conservation organization. LSM Publishing had gained a new sales avenue with nonfiction printing.
    Yuta and Johnny Suh, one of the Executive Managers in Sales, had popped some pills in the gentlemen’s room right after they closed their multi-million dollar deal. He still didn’t know what drugs he’d taken that day, but he’d crashed hard at the end of the night, barely remembering anything after the company lunch.
    Staring at [Y/N], he finally solved the mystery as to how he woke up in bed in his boxers with a bottle of water and medicine beside him on his nightstand. His kitchen had been cleaned, too. Face burning, he removed his arm off her shoulders.
    The entire time he thought he’d done himself a couple favors in a drugged out haze.
    “Thank you,” he said, hand grabbing hers. Her fingers were in his hold, and she stared at their hands together on the table. “Had I known that you were my guardian angel that night, I would have thanked you much sooner.”
    He felt her body’s warmth radiate against his, making his nipples perk up. Her fingers curled in his palm, causing blood to rush up his face. He kept a cool demeanor as she pulled her hand out of his hold. A cold wave washed over him as he sat back in his seat. Her eyes were down at the table as she slid out of the booth.
    “Lisa, do you need to use the restroom?” She mindlessly scratched below her ear with her index finger.
    Yuta touched his own neck, catching her eyes with his fingers gliding over the front of his throat. He smirked to himself as she quickly turned her back to the table.
    When the ladies left, Mark began laughing, slapping Yuta’s arm.
    “Bro, you seriously forgot about that night?” Mark picked up a new bottle of beer, draining it fast as he tilted his head back. He set the empty bottle down gently before clapping a hand on Yuta's shoulder. “[Y/N] was the one who said that we should clean your kitchen sink when you threw up all over your-uh I mean, over the sink.”
    “Sounds like I created a memorable night for the two of you.”
    “Yo, Yuta, bro, you gotta do something to make up for what just happened. We’re friends, man, so it’s cool with me that you forgot, like whatever, but [Y/N]? Come on, man. She’s an assistant too. They don’t get to have fun like we do at work.”
    Mark was right. Yuta felt much guiltier than anyone probably thought possible. He hadn’t even known that his sweet guardian angel existed until she landed right beside him.
    Standing up, he walked over to the jukebox behind where they sat, across from the area where a small crowd of college kids were playing a game of pool. As he scanned through the music catalog, he wondered, what could he do to make up for being a fuck up?
    “Oh my gosh! They have Aaliyah!” Lisa rushed to Yuta’s side, finger pointing to a song listed on the bottom left corner of the machine. “Oh, Yuta, is there a song you want to listen to?”
    “No, we can listen to what you want.”
    “You need to be nice,” she said, grabbing his arm before he could press the button to play Aaliyah’s “One in a Million”. “If I was Mark or [Y/N] I would have kicked your ass already. It was shitty what you did.”
    “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I’m going to make it up to them soon.”
    “You better.” Her grip on his arm tightened. “Um, Yuta? Can you get me some shrooms?”
    He laughed, nodding.
    “Do you want me to drop it off at Mark’s place some time next week?”
    “If you can. Thanks.” She smiled sweetly, letting go of his hand. “You’re really cool, Yuta.”
    She returned to the table after paying for the song she wanted to play. Yuta followed her as the slow, heavy beats of “One in a Million” began. It was a sexy slow jam with Aaliyah’s voice effortlessly shifting between sweet and sultry. It’d been a while since Yuta had listened to old R&B. Motivated mostly by the scent of sweet lemons, Yuta held his hand out to his guardian angel.
    “Will you have this dance with me?”
    Her face remained facing away from him as she nodded. She put her hand into his, and he grinned as their eyes met. They stood beside the jukebox, the only ones swaying to the song. Her hands warmed his arms as he placed his hands on her hips. Her eyes were big, doe-like, with her chin tilted downward, seeming uncertain on where to look as her eyeballs darted between his face and his shoulder.
    “How long have you lived in the city?” he asked, trying his best to ignore the growing heat that kept rolling up and down - higher and lower - inside his chest the more they danced together.
    “Four years.” She straightened up, her body moving just the slightest bit closer to him. His stomach felt a lick of heat snap downwards. “I moved to a new neighborhood when I got my job working for Johnny, so everything feels fresh. You? Have you lived here long?”
    “I’ve only been living here for a couple months.”
    “Do you like it here?”
    “It’s a little lonely.”
    Her body warmed up his hands as she looked away from him.
    “You don’t have a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?” she asked, looking at him. Her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes scanned his face. “Really?”
    His face felt hot with her piercing eyes so focused on him. He was skilled at keeping his face muscles unmoved, though.
    “Do I act like a taken man?” Right palm on the small of her back, he pressed her body up against his as he gently rocked his hips against hers. His heart began beating faster as she pushed her chest up tighter against his, following his motions. Her eyes were going soft, eyes drifting down his face.
    Secret freak.
    He felt her heartbeat quicken even more against his chest as he licked his lips, leaving them parted. He tilted his head in toward hers, eyes fixed on hers. She was just about to close her eyes when he pulled away, mouth closing, giving her a smile. His stomach felt the lick of heat again as she looked down at the ground, bottom lip sucked inward before she released it.
    He needed to stop playing with her or he was going to pop a boner.
    “I need a smoke break, want to come with me?” he said when the song ended. Her body's warmth was leaving him as she took a step back.
    His chest swelled as she nodded softly. He turned his head around to look at her, making sure she was by his side when he felt her hands leave him. Clasping one hand with hers, he gently tugged on her arm as he began heading toward the back door, behind the pool table.
    Effortlessly, with one free hand, he pulled his hard pack of menthols from his front pocket, and flipped open the lid before retrieving one cigarette with his lips. After exchanging his pack of cigarettes for a plastic lighter, he looked over to see his guardian angel with a half grin, the right side of her lips curved upwards.
    They were alone together in the back alley of the bar, wedged between the building to the bar and another building behind them. The concrete was littered with cigarette butts.
    “I’m sorry,” she said, fingers uncurling from his hand. He let her go, feeling the cool night brush away her warmth from his palm. “You could have let me go.”
    After lighting up and taking the initial puff, he held the cigarette out to her. As he suspected, she shook her head, looking down at his hands. Crossing her arms over her chest.
    “It’s smart not to smoke,” he said before taking a drag. As he exhaled, he took in the way the light by the door made her sweater glow. If he squinted, the ethereal glow behind her lit her up like a real angel. “Bad habits are hard to stop.”
    “Yeah, I used to have a serious problem with shoplifting.”
    Yuta’s hand stilled, cigarette hovering beside his lips. The quiet, patient woman who couldn’t tell a few rude guys, “Excuse me,” used to shoplift? Dropping his hand down to his side, he grinned. He had to find a way to stop feeling so hot staring at her as his stomach rolled around like a fireball pinging through the pinball machine that made up his insides.
    “You can’t just stop talking after that.”
    She smiled, meeting his eyes as he pulled the cigarette back up to his lips. Arms uncrossing, she rested her back to the wall, tongue licking her lips slowly before she spoke.
    “When I was 14, I’d steal small things. Nail polish, jewelry, clothes. My mom began asking me where I was getting all my new stuff, and I almost got caught trying to swipe some socks from a Forever 21 once. That scared me away from the bad habit.”
    “Why’d you start?”
    She shrugged, looking down at her feet. Finger twirling the loose tendrils at her left temple, she sighed. Her lips were wet, making his lips tingle as his eyes were fixed on them.
    “I never thought too much about why I began doing it, but it was nice…like, a thrill knowing that I was doing something wrong, and I got away with it.”
    Feeling like he'd been placed into a sauna, Yuta looked down as he threw the cigarette to the ground. Put it out by pressing the heel of his shoe against it. He’d find out sooner or later where she fell on the scale of secret freak or virgin, but she was turning out to be much more difficult to read than he’d originally thought.
    “Want to get out of here? You can take me on a tour of the city. Show me your favorite places. Maybe we can see who can shoplift the most expensive thing at your favorite store.”
    “You’re quite mean with your teasing, aren’t you?”
    The way her lips glistened in the light, the sweet ring her laugh brought into his ears, her citrusy perfume, it was all perfect. She was perfect.
    He took a step forward, left foot planted between hers, placing himself close to her, almost as if they were dancing again. Before he could pull away, she placed her hand on his shoulder, pressing herself against him.
    “Can I kiss you, Yuta?”
    Her boldness made his body vibrate, like he was taking off on a plane.
    He kissed her immediately with a hand on her neck. Her skin was soft as silk, lips sweeter than candy. He needed more of her citrusy sweetness, body pushing her up against the wall, knee knocking her legs to widen.
    Tongue tracing the shape of her lips, he savored the soft whimpers she breathed into his mouth. The heat building in him shot straight to his cock, her lemony sweetness consuming him. He broke the kiss, forehead resting against hers.
    “Yuta?” She was breathing heavily. Eyes shut with the world spinning, he focused on his forehead against hers and his right hand planted against the wall to keep himself still, and standing. “I know this is going to be, like…weird, but…and I mean this in the most polite way, but you’re weird-” he breathed air out of the corners of his mouth as he chuckled “-so like, um, Yuta, I’m-I-I’m a…a virgin and-”
    His lips were against hers, the heat between them making it hard for him to breathe. Lips capturing hers, he pulled her body up against his with his hands around her waist.
    She’d read his mind. She was fucking around with him. Doing everything she could to turn him on.
    She grunted into his lips, hands pushing against his chest, making the heat in his groin build faster.
    “Let me finish!” she exclaimed, palms pressing against him harder. Fists grabbing the arms of his jacket, she pulled him back to her. His mind spun as he let her push him around. “Yuta, I know this is- will you take my virginity?”
    Her whole body was shaking. Tears formed in her eyes before she shut them, throwing her hands over her face. She was silent.
    The music inside suddenly came into sharp focus as he watched her bun fall apart, her hair bouncing off her shoulders and framing her face.
    If it had been anyone else in the world Yuta would be having the time of his life playing around with such an earnest woman. Kiss her cheek or speak in purple prose about what she did to his body, and wait for her reaction.
    Instead, the world had given him a moment to do her a favor. Pay her back for his missteps prior to their evening together.
    “Now?” He cupped her face into his hands, thumbs stroking her cheeks.
    “No!” She pushed him hard. His feet slipped on the concrete as he stumbled backwards. The ground swayed as he took a couple steps forward and rested his back against the wall beside her, hands planted against the brick wall. “Tomorrow night. My place. Give me your number and I’ll text you the time and place.”
    Silently, he took his phone out, tapped it a few times, and exchanged his phone with hers. He glanced at her as he put his information down in her contacts. Her mouth was closed tight, eyes narrowed.
She looked away from him when she thrust his phone into his chest. Returning his phone into his pocket, he touched her cheek with his free hand. She rested her head against his shoulder.
    “I’ll see you tomorrow?” she said softly, standing up straight.
    He nodded, and watched her walk back inside as he took out another cigarette. If she really was a virgin, trusting him to show her a good first sexual experience, he was going to make sure her first time would leave her blissfully pleased.
 * * *
    She stared at the red bra.
    The black bra.
    The white bra.
    Pink Bra.
    Lace. Silk. Cotton.
    What sort of bra would turn a man on?
    What sort of bra would turn Yuta on?
    Red. Red meant passion.
    No. Black. It was mysterious.
    She pulled on her pristine white wired bra. Running her fingers under the lining after she hooked it on, she adjusted the fitting. The lace fabric was itchy, but it wasn’t like it would be on for long.
    White was the correct choice. Pure. Innocent. Virtuous.
    Yuta would be best encouraged with reminders of her virtue.
    Not that his virgin kink was the only reason why she wanted to sleep with him, but a man into virgins would treat her well, hopefully. If his kisses indicated anything, Yuta was good at intimate touches.
    The push-up bra held her breasts up high. Much as it hurt to have the wires pressing against her chest, the way her gold silk dress clung to her body with a push-up made her feel sexy. She needed to feel sexy.
    Having grown up with an overprotective family, she hadn’t been allowed a lot of room to explore her more sexual side. By the time university passed and the post-grad work grind set in, she found herself having not had room for any romantic relationships, much less a sex life. It hadn’t been an issue for her until it was.
    The issue was Yuta.
    He’d shown up in her life, seated on one corner of Johnny’s desk, brushing his hand through his hair.
    He’d been laughing at one of Johnny’s "in-poor-taste" jokes (“ ...and I asked him, ‘What about DICK? ’”), his perfect smile shining in the light. Angular face with high cheekbones and dark, intense eyes that sparkled with his laugh. Eyes locked with hers, smile gone, he spent the rest of the time in Johnny’s office staring at her, running his thumb over his pouty bottom lip.
    It was a shallow crush, she knew it was a shallow crush because she’d never been around anyone as blatantly beautiful as Yuta, but the attention Yuta gave her had been thrilling. She’d wished Johnny would disappear so she could shove Yuta’s thumb away from his mouth and kiss him. That sort of urge hadn’t been a thing since she was in college when she’d had a crush on a classmate who began dating her roommate.
    Her phone buzzed, making her forget about her sad college years.
Yuta: Running a little late Won’t be long, promise 😜🤞 
    She was supposed to be presentable enough for Yuta in fifteen minutes, but all she’d managed to put on was her bra. A part of her began dreading (maybe hoping?) that Yuta might not show up after all. Maybe he realized that they’d been drunk, and that her request was a terrible idea and he’d already found something else to do. She would remain a virgin forever, with the added embarrassment of having been rejected by Nakamoto Yuta.
    After an hour of constantly fixing her hair and makeup, she checked herself in the full body mirror beside her closet, wondering if it was noticeable that the pompom tail from her thong was creating a bump at the back of her dress. The dress wasn’t going to remain on for long. She’d just have to be mindful to present her front to him as much as possible.
    Her cheeks flushed when she heard a knock at her front door. Stopping at the mirror next to the kitchen, she brushed loose tendrils behind her ears and touched her eyelashes, hoping the mascara had dried. Taking in a deep breath, telling herself to remain calm, she opened the door.
    The world disappeared and the only thing that mattered was before her. Yuta looked better than she’d ever seen him. No longer in a suit and tie, he was wearing a simple pair of dark denim jeans with his black tshirt and a loose black zip up hoodie.
    His eyes were bright, focused on her, as she greeted him. She took a step back to let him into her place, trying her best to ignore her heart rapidly beating in her ears. She looked away from him, feeling heat travel to her nipples as he took his shoes off, eyes refusing to leave her.
    “I hope my place wasn’t difficult to find,” she said, slowly walking backwards past her small kitchen and living room, down the short hallway toward her bedroom.
    “You look beautiful,” he said, his steps following her, gentle and steady. “Radiating more than I remember. Maybe alcohol made me forget how stunning you are. I can’t stop looking at you, angel.” She felt her back hit the door to her room as his body pressed against hers, his left hand on her hip, right touching her chin. Her body lit up, hot blood rushing to her nipples. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Hand slipping behind her hip, he groped her ass, making blood rush into her groin. “You’re so soft.”
    “Yuta.” Her hands slipped down his front, fingers gliding under his shirt. Her whole mind buzzed, adrenaline refusing to let her mind focus as her shoulders shook. Her face was hot, hands shaking. He sighed, eyes shutting as he tilted his head up into the air. Her fingers felt the shape of his abs, caressed his sides, trailed up his chest, fingers running over his nipples as they hardened. Blood was rushing into her groin and stomach, making her insides squirm with heat. “You’re soft too.”
    He kissed her, lips opening to taste her. His tongue swiped against her mouth, parting her lips. She placed a hand on his neck, wanting more of his kisses. He rewarded her by pushing his tongue into her mouth, the pointed tip pushing her tongue around. Closing her lips, she sucked on his lower lip before breaking the kiss.
    “Thank you for coming over.” She touched the tendrils that had fallen over his eyes, twirling them around her index finger. “Are we really doing this?”
    “Do you want to?” His breath was hot, tickling her lips.
    She shut her eyes, stifling a moan as his lips landed on her neck. Every touch sent boiling blood into her guts, making her joints loosen. She wanted to fall into his arms and melt into him. His heat hitting her front - hardening cock pressing against her - sent a hot shiver up her back. Heartbeat aching at her throat.
    “I do, Yuta.” She grabbed his wrists at her hips, making him look at her. Her chest hurt with how fast her heart was beating. “Will you please…be gentle?”
    “I will.” Her forehead warmed with his kiss. “I want to make sure your first time is going to be a good time. Nothing but good feelings for you. If you don’t like anything, say stop. We’ll stop.”
    She nodded.
    “Do you want to do it here?”
    “Yuta.” She raked her fingers through his hair, feeling her cheeks grow hot, her mind twinging in annoyance. Licking her lips, she failed to ask him to stop messing around and get to fucking. Her mouth refused to follow with what she wanted to say, her face turning hot, eyes unable to focus. “It’s not sexy to talk about sex, is it?”
    Her body lit up with goosebumps as all of his teeth appeared with a loud guffaw. Her face burned, her chest felt tight and she blinked hard, trying to hold back her nervous tears. His smile disappeared as he licked his lips, hand touching her cheek.
    “Talking about sex is a great way to start foreplay,” he said. “Your naivety makes it difficult for me to want to keep being a gentleman, sweet angel.” His fingers glided down her neck and down her front, across the cleavage of her breasts. “I’ve been daydreaming about what you look like under that dress all day.”
    “Yuta.” Her cheeks were on fire as he planted a kiss on her neck.
    “The moment you opened the door, I wanted to bury my face into your perfect breasts.”
    She moaned, hands touching the back of his head as his tongue trailed down her neck and chest. His hand cupped her left breast over her dress. Her insides' squirming intensified, her heat boiling.
    “Do I turn you on?” he asked, lifting his head up, pressing himself against her. She nodded, feeling his cock heat up against her. “I need you to say it. We need to be clear with each other.”
    Her body shook, adrenaline rushing up her back, her throat tightening up. He knew she was turned on. She’d asked him to sleep with her. They’d kissed. Why was it so hard to verbalize it? Taking in a shaky breath, hand on the door handle, she nodded again.
    “Yes,” she said softly, opening the door to her room as hot blood rushed up and down her face, “you turn me on, Yuta.”
    He kissed her, tongue delicately licking against her lips. His hands roamed up and down her sides and back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, fingers raking through his hair as she opened her mouth, letting Yuta taste her.
    When she pushed back on his tongue, she savored the taste of peppermint and Yuta’s special earthy musk that had hit her senses the previous night. It was addictive, pulling her closer to him, tighter, her tongue wanting to taste more of him.
    “You’re such a good kisser,” she breathed out when they stopped kissing. “I’ve never met anyone as beautiful as you, Yuta.”
    She ran her hand over his cheek, staring into his eyes, thumb touching his lips. His long elegant neck was smooth under her fingers, his Adam's apple throbbing against the pad of her thumb.
    “You speak of beauty when one merely needs to stare at you to experience it.”
    She laughed, grabbing his face into her hands.
    “Do women really fall for you when you speak like that?” His face turned hot, heating up her palms. Her heart beat rapidly as he looked away from her, lips curved up into the softest of smiles. Did she really manage to make Yuta shy?
    “I’ve never said that to anyone before.”
    His lips were on her neck before he licked her skin, making her shiver. He hummed into her neck, shaking her nerves as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He stood up straight, hands on her hips, eyes heavily hooded.
    “I have a confession to make.” She tilted her head, bewildered. He took in a deep breath through his nose before speaking again. “Last night, I suspected that you were either a secret freak in the sheets or a virgin. Right now, I think I’ve found my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”
    Heaving dry chuckles, her chest shook as she raked her fingers through his hair. Yuta was probably expecting her to be upset or embarrassed that he had a virgin kink. But she knew better. His eyebrows furrowed as she felt his hold on her loosen. She grabbed his chin with her right hand, thumb stroking his chin.
    “You really have a virgin kink, don’t you?”
    He shook his head and let her go. She wanted to pepper kisses all over his face. Having him bewildered was a surprisingly euphoric feeling, watching his eyes dart around. Mouth hanging opening before closing only to open so he could lick his lips.
    “What makes you think I have a virgin kink?” His eyes locked with hers, the left corner of his lips up in a smirk.
    “Your book collection of virgin kink hentai porn was in your sink that night you threw up all over it,” she said, fingers pulling the thin straps at her shoulders off, letting her dress fall to the floor. Standing on her toes, arching her feet, she slowly twirled around to show her backside to him. It had been a terrible night when she took him home, but she didn't regret it. “I read a few pages of one of your books, and there was a virgin who had to wear a bunny outfit. This poofy tail on my thong was the closest thing I could manage in such a short time. So, here’s one virgin bunny for you at last.”
    The air was still. Her eyes were fixed on her nightstand. The small tableside lamp, with its lace lampshade, glowed a small, soft golden light into the room. It made the gold flecked white marble top shine like glitter.
    She hadn’t heard anything. Had her attempt at being sexy backfired and Yuta had dashed out of her place so quickly she hadn’t heard him?
    Before she could turn around, she felt his hands on her hips, slamming her back to his front. Hands roaming up and down her front, his mouth was furiously licking and nipping the back of her shoulders and neck.
    Hot flames licked deep into her core. Hands reaching behind her to feel his shoulders and hips, she breathed heavily as her whole body flared up.
    “You are-” he panted against her ear, left hand dipping between her legs to grab the inside of her thigh, “-full of surprises.”
    He planted kisses along her left shoulder and up her neck. His fingers trailed up her back, touching the band of her bra. Easily, he unhooked it, fingertips gliding her bra off her shoulders and arms, letting it fall to the floor.
    Her chest ached and her nipples hardened as gravity weighed her breasts down. Heat snapped into her core as his hands cupped her breasts, fingers rubbing her nipples, sending heat up and down her body. She bucked her hips against him, back arching before his arms pulled her tight against him.
    “Do you like that?” he asked before flicking his tongue against her earlobe. “You’ve got the situation wrong, my sweet angel. I don’t have a virgin kink, I have a You kink.”
    “Yuta!” She took in rattling breaths as fingers from his left hand stroked up and down against her clothed heat while his right hand palmed her breast. His clothed cock was hot against her ass as he thrust against her. Everything about Yuta was lighting her whole body up in flames. “Yuta, Yuta, please.”
    “What are you begging for?” he asked, hands moving to caress her sides. He pulled away from her. “Did I hurt you?”
    She turned around. His eyes were scanning her body from head to toe. One hand on her hip, the other touched her neck.
    “What do you mean I have the situation wrong?” She was having difficulty breathing evenly, one hand touching her chest.
    He laughed, sitting down on her bed. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed. She took his hand when he held it out to her. Her nipples ached as his eyes moved up and down her body. His focused gaze along with his pouty lips sent adrenaline coursing through her body.
    “Do you want to talk about this now?” he asked, parting his legs, positioning her to stand before him.
    She nodded.
    “So you don’t have a virgin kink?”
    “Those books were welcoming gifts from your boss. I forgot that they even existed.”
    “So why were you wondering if I was a freak in the sheets or a virgin?”
    His cheeks flushed and he looked into her eyes, hands caressing her hips.
    “You’re unusually shy with me. Most people who are like that tend to be secret freaks or virgins. You’re my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow because you’re both. I haven’t ever been with a secret freak virgin.”
    “How can I be a secret freak?” Her whole body shook with his eyes focused on her face.
    “You’re a pervert reading porn. Developing a crush on a guy you think is a pervert.”
    “But you are a pervert, Yuta.”
    He chuckled before planting a wet kiss on her lips. Grabbing the back of her thigh, he helped her straddle him on the edge of the bed, her crotch settling against his half hard cock. With her arms resting on his shoulders, she had difficulty concentrating on anything aside from feeling Yuta’s cock radiate heat onto her, his stiff member teasing her as it twitched against her. Her whole body vibrated with his heat, having never felt something so hot against her.
    “Secret freak virgin,” he said, thumb touching her lips, “and you’re such a sweet angel.” Tobacco and salt hit her taste buds as she sucked on his thumb, swirling her tongue around it as she began to gyrate against him, head flooding with heat as his cock grew harder, tightening the fabric of his jeans. “Did you learn that from the porn you read, angel?”
    Heat prickled her cheeks. Sucking hard, eyes fighting to remain open, she nodded.
    Strands of spit stretched out of her mouth as he removed his thumb, wetting her chin when they broke. Hand palming her breast, he circled his wet thumb around her nipple before flicking the sensitive bud. Blood flooding her head had her mind blank.
    “Yuta!” Hands grabbing his shirt at the front of his waist, she lifted it up, pulling it off of him as he released hold of her. “It’s not fair you’re not naked.”
    They worked together to unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans zipper, his knuckles knocking hers a few times, making her giggle softly. He kissed her, hand on her neck when she reached under his briefs to grab his cock. He hummed against her lips before opening his mouth, pushing his tongue against her lips.
    “You’re hot,” she said softly. She stroked down his shaft, the heat of his cock radiating onto her palm. He fondled her breast, fingers pinching her nipple, as his lips found her neck. “Yuta, I like that.”
    He sucked on her neck as he grabbed her wrist, making her let him go.
    “You’re not afraid of touching a little dick?”
    “It didn’t feel little.”
    He chuckled, hand on her left breast moving over to her right. His touch had her arching her back, pushing herself closer to him. Her core was hot and wet, wanting Yuta to touch her more.
    “You know what I meant.” Arms around her body, holding her securely, he moved her to lie down on her back, his body between her legs. The fuzzy pompom tail flattened under her. His hand stroked down her neck and chest toward her stomach, lighting her skin up as she shivered. “Is that the extent of your sexual experiences? Handjobs with exes?”
    “Yes.” She felt hot blood rush up to her face again. How was it so easy for him to read her?
    “Any exes have the manners to return the favor?”
    “Yuta!” The pads of his fingers sliding down her clothed slit sent a bigger rush of tingling heat up her body and into her core than her own fingers ever did. Her right hand gripped onto his wrist tight as his fingers dug deeper, her slick heat dampening her panties. “You’re my first. No one’s ever touched me.”
    “No one’s ever tasted you either?”
    Her body tensed up, hands touching her cheeks. He gave no indication that he cared but she still felt embarrassed at her lack of experience. They locked eyes. She shook her head. Yuta smiled, his eyes narrowing. Her body numbed as all the heat in her body rushed to her head, watching his tongue flick out and glide across the parting of his lips.
    “Do you want me between your legs-” he slid down, hands grabbing the inside of her thighs to spread her legs wide open “-eating you out?”
    “Yuta.” She took in a shaky breath as he kissed and sucked the sweaty delicate skin at the inside of her left thigh. “Yes, please, yes eat me, please.”
    “Let me know if you like it.”
    She lifted her head to see Yuta pulling the white fabric of her panties aside, exposing her pussy to him. Flat on his stomach with his arms weighing down on her thighs, he flicked his tongue up her slit, eyes locked with her. The heat from his mouth went deep inside, the sensations of his tongue’s touch was so overwhelming she threw her head back against the mattress, eyes shut tight. Mind unable to focus.
    Her stomach shook as adrenaline flooded throughout her body. Her fingers pinched her sides before she planted her hands against the mattress, Yuta’s tongue gliding up and down her slit, discovering a new crevice in her folds with every stroke. Without thought, she gave out a moan as her hips bucked gently against his tongue.
    “Yuta!” She thrust up hard against him when his mouth wrapped around her clit. A sharp snapping sting hit her abdomen as Yuta’s teeth knocked against her clit. His groan reverberated deep inside of her, rocking pleasure up her back. “Yuta!”
    She cried out loud, hands reaching out to find his hair to grab. He sucked on her clit, the snapping in her abdomen hitting her again. Her fingers curled into his hair, creating thick knots as she bucked her hips again, giving out another cry as heat rode up body again.
    A whole new wave of heat overcame her, making her stomach churn back and forth, twisting painfully before unwinding sweetly in relief, constantly as his tongue swirled around her clit. He flicked it up and down, making sure to go back in to suck on it with his lips when he wanted to rotate his tongue’s strokes. She mewled, hips shaking, as his tongue glided down, and his fingers were at her core, pulling her folds apart.
    “Your pussy is wet, my sweet angel,” he said, breath beside her clit. Her whole face was drenched in sweat, and her stomach was aching in tight knots, shaking. “You taste so good.” He kissed and licked the inside of her thighs, switching from right to left as she grabbed the comforter under her, his hands at her sides. “Do you like me eating your pussy? Do you like how I touch you?”
    “Yuta.” She lifted her head to see his eyes focused on her cunt as his thumbs glided up and down her folds, his left remembering to circle her clitoris every few strokes. The sight made fiery heat flood faster to her face, burning up her drenched face. Wondering why she bothered opening her eyes she shut them tight as she threw her head back onto the mattress. His thumbs sent heat rolling up and down her insides as his motions sped up. “I like it. I like it!”
    “What do you like?”
    Her mind was blank. All she knew was Yuta’s tongue shoving inside her cunt. The pressure was new, lighting up a heat that reverberated up into her chest. His tongue pushed around her insides, hot blood riding up her stomach as it hit new crevices and sides she’d never felt before.
    “Yuta!” His tongue was gliding up and down her slit, her juices and his spit gliding down her ass crack and thighs. Her chest shook as she tried to inhale through her mouth. “Everything, I like everything you do, Yuta.”
    He hummed into her, tongue lapping up and down against her clit, fingers spreading her folds apart. Yuta was the only thing her mind could focus on. His tongue was gliding down to her entrance again. She whined and thrust forward when his tongue flicked at her entrance, refusing to go farther.
    Humming a whine, she bucked her hips against him, palms warmed by her burning face. Indulging her, he pushed his tongue back into her cunt, gliding his tongue against her walls as heat radiated into her.
    “How do you feel?” he asked when his tongue left her, thumbs back to gliding against her folds. Her stomach muscles twitched as she tried to prop herself up by her elbows.
    “So hot,” she breathed out. She shut her eyes for a few moments, moaning, as his thumb circled her clit. “So good, Yuta. My-my insides are so-so-” she moaned as his tongue flicked against her clit, spit slickening up her hot bud “-Yuta! You’re torturing me now!”
    He sucked on her clit. She screamed before clapping her hand over her mouth. Her chest shook as her stomach muscles twitched, Yuta’s heat gone from her body.
    “You react so well to everything I do. You make such irresistible noises too, angel.”
    He bit down on his bottom lip as he stood up, naked. Back to using her elbows to sit up she tried to focus on his face. His full, flushed lips wet, sweat dripping down his pointed chin and along his sharp jawline.
    Her eyes traveled down his well toned chest and abs, his whole body shiny with sweat, the butterfly tattoo at the side of his stomach forced her eyes to drift straight to his hard cock. It was stiff, swinging in the air. His well groomed veiny cock was in his hand, and she flicked her eyes up to his face before going back to watching him stroke it.
    “Will that-” she gulped as she saw his milky precome leak out of the slick red tip “-Yuta, you’re so big.”
    “Fuck, my cock likes your compliments.” He groaned as his thumb circled the tip a few times.
    Flustered and turned on more than she’d ever felt in her entire life, she gave out a shaky laugh. His eyes were tiny slits as his mouth opened wide, his hand stroking his cock harder, faster. Her chest shook, the wetness between her legs smearing all over her ass and thighs.
    “It’s big, Yuta. You-your cock is huge. Will it fit inside me?” She bit her bottom lip before licking it, eyes staring at the tip twitch as he squeezed the base of his shaft, stopping his strokes. “Will it feel good?”
    “We’re going to get you ready,” he said, sitting down on his knees between her spread open legs. “Let me know if it feels good. If it hurts, tap my arm three times or tell me to stop. Ready?”
    His index and middle fingers began gliding up and down her slit. She shut her eyes, bucking her hips against the motions of his fingers. Heat flooded her mind alongside her core.
    “Yes, Yuta.”
    Fingers from his left hand spreading her folds apart, he pushed his middle finger into her cunt. Her heat radiated onto his finger, an overwhelming heat rushing out to her folds and up inside her walls. She opened her eyes, focusing on his finger pushing in and out of her gently for a few moments, savoring the heat that was building inside of her. Soft moan escaping her lips, she met his gaze as he lifted his head up, looking away from her pussy.
    “Yuta,” she moaned out as she began to thrust against the motions of his finger, “this feels so good.”
    “Do you want another finger?”
    She shut her eyes, throwing her head down as he pushed all the way inside, holding his middle finger inside of her. The pressure of his finger was creating a radiating heat that was beginning to itch her insides.
    “Yes, Yuta.”
    “You’re doing so good, sweet angel.” His free hand reached up and massaged her breast. He pulled his finger out, gently collecting her slick heat against his index and middle fingers. “Remember, three taps means stop.”
    “Yes, Yuta.”
    She shut her eyes, a calm flame lighting her insides as two fingers intensified the tingling pressure that continually pushed the heat deeper and deeper into her. Fisting the comforter, she thrust against his pushes again. Her cheeks felt hot enough to ignite fire when she heard him guffaw.
    “You’re such a natural, angel. Such a freaky pervert.”
    Her whole body ignited in flames, her stomach muscles twitched in their painful, sweet twists again.
    “Yuta, you make me a pervert.” She whimpered as his hand at her breast caressed the valley of her chest. His hand began to caress her sides and thighs, her body’s heat rising rapidly.
    “I’m just helping you reveal your true self, angel.”
    “Yuta!” His fingers were pushing against her walls, curling and uncurling, scissoring back and forth. Her walls shook as his fingers pushed against her, Yuta having created new sensations deep inside of her. “Fuck me, Yuta! Oh my God, that feels so good.”
    “Fuck, angel, don’t stop talking.”
    “Pervert. You want me to talk dirty?” She heaved heavy breaths as his fingers slowed, edging her away from a powerful heat that had been building in her abdomen.
    “Do you want me to fuck you?”
    “Yes, Yuta, fuck me. I want you.”
    She rolled her hips as his fingers continued to explore her insides, thumb and palm playing with her clit. His speed built up again, reigniting the addictive heat in her stomach.
    “You’re so fucking gorgeous, all wet and writhing your hips like that, sweet angel. Your pussy is so hot on my fingers, my cock is twitching for you.”
    Her face was burning, his words sending prickling heat up into her head. Her cunt was wetter than she’d ever felt it, her juices ruining her sheets. His fingers were gone as he got off the bed before picking up his jeans, searching around for a few moments before he pulled out a shiny silver roll of condoms, tearing off one packet.
    “You’re so big Yuta,” she said, eyes fixed on his throbbing cock. She didn’t know if she was imagining it but it looked bigger, veins pulsing harder down his length, than it’d been just minutes ago. Licking her lips, she nodded as she watched him unroll the rubber onto his massive length. “You said you’d be gentle.”
    “And I will, I promise.”
    He got back in bed on his knees between her legs. Hand fisting his cock, he leaned close to her, aligning his cock over her slit. The heat of his cock directly on her bare flesh lit her pussy on fire.
    Immediately, she began to gyrate her hips against his cock. Loving and needing the building heat licking up her folds into her abdomen. He moaned - hands grabbing her thighs - massaging them as he let her control the motions of his cock sliding over her folds.
    “Yuta, this feels so good.” She thrust harder, hips and ass leaving the mattress with every push upwards, hands planted hard against the mattress. “Does this feel good for you?”
    “Yes, angel, you have no fucking-” he groaned as he grabbed his cock, pushing it against her as he added a left and right friction to his cock sliding over her wet folds “-you feel so good. Keep thrusting like that. Let me know when you feel like your stomach is going to create a fire.”
    “It’s been like that,” she whimpered, fingers tugging her nipples, pain and pleasure rippling down her body. “You make me so hot, Yuta.”
    His hands were at her hips, directing her to stop gyrating. Hands continually playing with her tits, she watched Yuta slide his tip against her entrance. As he pushed in more, slowly, he hovered over her body, settling himself between her legs, left arm propping himself up against her body. His stomach was hot and sweaty, gliding against hers.
    “You’re so beautiful,” she said, hands reaching up to brush his damp tendrils away from his forehead, admiring his deep brown eyes. She shut her eyes, chest pressing against his as she arched her back, the pressure of his cock inside of her intensified. “Yuta!”
    “How do you feel?” He paused, one hand caressing her hip.
    “This feels good,” she said softly. “I’ve never felt this before.”
    He pulled out and back in, the small motion building heat inside of her. He kissed her shoulder before flicking his tongue up along her collar, mouth sucking on her throat when he made it to her neck. The small thrusting of his tip inside of her wasn’t as deep as his fingers but the heat and girth intensified the way she felt the motions - her focus only on the pleasure radiating through her.
    “I want more,” she said softly before giving out a soft moan, “Yuta. Will you kiss me?”
    Peppermint consumed her mouth as his tongue parted her lips. His cock drove in deeper, the pressure of his cock rushing up to her shoulders, making her mewl against his lips as he pulled back and pushed forward, hips heavy against hers.
    “How do you feel?” he asked, releasing her lips. His hand at her hip moved up to cup her cheek. He began to build a rhythm to his longer strokes, every motion burning her up.
    “Hot.” She shut her eyes, biting her bottom lip as a sharp ripple of heat rode up her back. “Yuta, this feels so good.”
    “You feel good.”
    His lips were hot, and she wanted more as she flicked her tongue against them. He hummed before opening his mouth to push his tongue against hers. Consumed with his heat, she squeezed his hips with her legs as he pushed in deeper.
    “Yuta, please don’t stop.”
    Eyes shut, she cried as he was deep inside, his rutting shallow. For a moment, she had enough room to ponder why she’d heard so many stories about first time sex being painful when Yuta’s massive cock was sending every fiber of her existence into heaven. Her mind flooded with Yuta when she felt fingers flicking her wet aching clit and his cock rutting fast into her, the left side of her hip smarting as his hand held her down.
    His lips were over hers with her arms wrapped around his neck. His tongue parted her lips as she grabbed his hair at the back of his head, holding tight. Her stomach muscles constricted so painfully she curled her toes as she wrapped her arms and legs tight around him. A sharp heat snapped into an almost unbearable pleasure hit her nerves, and she stilled, letting everything she felt take over, her mind gone.
    Yuta’s lips were sucking on her top lip before his tongue swiped at the parting of her lips. His long fingers were grasping her breasts, fingers tugging and twisting her nipples. His pace continued steadily, every heavy push of his hips over hers reverberating deep inside of her. Her whole body was ready to ignite and turn into dust, her walls constricting tightly around Yuta’s cock.
    “Fuck, you feel good, angel.”
    He grunted as he thrust hard into her a handful of times before stilling. His cock was radiating heat deep into her. Moments later, she felt it softening inside of her, the throbbing less intense. She shut her eyes as he pulled out, the tingling sensations rushing up her stomach to her nipples.
    Savoring the moment, her mind focused on how heavy and light her body felt. Deep inside everything felt heavy, like she’d worked out for hours.
    But on the outside, her skin tingled from head to toe, the airy bubbly tingles almost enough to make her float off the bed. She shivered, giving out a moan as she felt Yuta’s fingers glide up her thigh before drawing circles at her hip. He spooned her, his front warming her back as they lied down on their sides together.
    “How do you feel?” he asked, finger tucking her loose tendrils behind her ear before his hand caressed her shoulder. “Did it hurt?”
    “I feel tired, and so good.” She reached out behind her to touch his hip and thigh. “I mean, yeah, it sort of hurt but it was good. What’s this about painful, blood covered first time sex?”
    “Must be the blessed gift given to my sweet angel.” He planted a wet kiss on the back of her shoulder. Goosebumps traveled across her back, making her shiver. “You’re a secret freak, after all.”
    “Yuta,” she said with a laugh, “you made my first time good. Is sex really this good?”
    “You want to go for round two?” He began gyrating against her, his cock heating up her ass. She gave a soft moan, hand stroking down his hip. “What did I tell you about being a secret freak?”
    “You were right, Yuta,” she said breathlessly, wanting his cock inside of her, her insides instantly hot and wet. “I’m a pervert, like you . Show me a position you like that won’t hurt me, please?”
    “Want to sit on my lap?” he asked, mouth beside her ear. “Or how about doggy style? I want to see that fluffy tail bounce on your ass as I slide that sweet pussy of yours against my cock. Do you want that?”
    “Yes, Yuta.”
    His dirty language sent a familiar distressing chill up her back but it came with a sensual heat that made her core ache. The blend of the two sensations sent sweet heat up to her head, making her dizzy.
    He grabbed the roll of condoms from the floor - getting off the bed - as she sat on her knees on the bed. She reached behind her to try to fluff up the pompom tail at the back of her thong.
    “Why did the virgin have to dress up like a bunny?” Yuta stood behind her at the edge of the bed.
    “I don’t remember. Do you like dress up sex games?” Instead of replying, he slid his cock against her slit, left hand on her hip. She moaned, heat reverberating up inside of her, her clit aching. “Yuta, that feels so good.”
    “You’ve made me so hard already. Keep talking, angel.”
    “Your cock’s so hot.” She whimpered as she bent forward, standing on her hands and knees. “Are you going to fuck me, Yuta? I want to be your fuck bunny.”
    “So needy for my cock.” They moaned together as his cock’s veiny length throbbed at her entrance, pulsating against her clitoris. He began thrusting his tip around her entrance, letting her pussy get reaccustomed to his girth and heat. “Fuck, angel, your cute tail bouncing is driving me wild.”
    “If I let you, would you fuck me night and day like your personal fuck bunny?” She shut her eyes as the heat of his cock surged up her abdomen, sending sharp shocks of heat to her nipples. Being available whenever and wherever Yuta wanted to fuck her was heaven and she was only getting a glimpse of it. “Yuta! Deeper, go deeper, please.”
    Hands on her hips, he rutted her against him, his cock driving deep into her cunt. Eyes shut tight, mouth open wide as she gave out weak cries, she was consumed by Yuta’s cock snapping heat up into her. Her insides shook heavily every time he slammed her ass against his hips.
    “Come for me, sweet angel,” Yuta groaned, stopping balls deep inside of her. He thrust his hips hard against her, knocking the air out of her lungs. Her knees and arms shook as she grabbed onto the mattress to stop herself from collapsing. “Do you need me to play with your clit?”
    Before she could say anything, he bent over her, one foot planted onto the bed draped over her body. Right hand reaching under them, his thumb flicked her clit as he thrust into her, left arm wrapping around her waist, holding her against him.
    “Yuta! Yes!” She wiggled and shook in his hold as he rutted deep, shallow pushes into her with his right hand’s fingers pinching and stroking her clit. Her orgasm washed over her as hot blood rushed up to her face and down her chest, her pussy walls squeezing his cock. “I’m coming!”
    “You’re so tight.”
    He grunted as he held her body against him, hips thrusting furiously against her ass, punishing her writhing pussy walls. His cock lit up hot heat into her as she gave out heavy pants, savoring the sweet heat that radiated deep inside of her. He laid her down on the bed before removing the condom, and cleaning up.
    She sat up, the radiating warmth that had consumed her quickly washing away as she saw Yuta put his underwear and jeans on. He ran a hand through his hair as he scooped up his shirt from the floor, eyes avoiding her.
    A painful pit formed in her chest as she grabbed a pillow and threw it over her body. Despite her better judgment, she licked her lips before speaking, her mouth suddenly dry.
    “Are you going to spend the night?” she asked, feeling tears start to well up. She blinked furiously, refusing to look away from Yuta.
    After he put his shirt on with his hoodie draped over his left arm, he sat down beside her on the bed, eyes refusing to meet her face. He touched her cheek - eyes on her neck - sending heat down her back. Eyes closed, her body soothed at his warmth.
    “You were amazing,” he said. His lips warmed her forehead with a wet kiss. “I’ll see you at work.”
    Unmoving and mute, she watched him open the door to her bedroom and leave. Alone, the room felt much dimmer. The silence was deafening. Back pressed against the headboard as she sat on her knees, her arms remained wrapped around her pillow covering her body.
    They hadn’t agreed to anything outside of having sex together, but Yuta’s departure had left her feeling empty.
    Her crush had been shallow. She’d only wanted to sleep with him, and she’d gotten it. She hadn’t deluded herself into thinking that she wanted a boyfriend out of Yuta.
    She wasn’t looking to date anyway. Also, he was self centered. Narcissistic. Forgetful. Not an ideal candidate for dating material.
    But she’d wanted to cry when he left so abruptly.
    Lying down in bed, she shut her eyes and relived losing her virginity to Yuta. Hands roaming her body, she remembered the way Yuta’s hands and mouth warmed her body up. His fingers had worked her pussy so well.
    “Yuta,” she breathed out as her fingers slid over her folds, “you make me so horny.”
    Pathetically, she rubbed her clit furiously with fingers from her right hand as her left hand fucked her pussy with her middle finger. She reached her peak quickly, her body sensitive after Yuta’s handling.
    His musk was everywhere blending in with the smoky tobacco scent he’d left on her bed. She wanted more of him. She didn’t want him.
    She wanted both and she wanted neither.
    Lying down on her side, she shut her eyes, and finally let the tears fall out as the heat of her orgasm washed away, leaving her chest cold.
   “Why did I let Nakamoto Yuta take my virginity?”
Thank you for reading! 💚
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Alright time for an unpopular opinion
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I enjoy it. The BT21, tiny tan and webtoon, merch by bts. I enjoy it all. Do i think BTS is milking us dry with these things??? HELL NO.
It's an insult to their talent, their fame, their hardwork and input to say they shouldn't monetize every bit of themselves in a capitalist world where if even if they don't someone will for them.
I will gladly give BTS all my hard earned money if I didn't hate being poor. But don't try me cos I will. If there was a way to directly put my money in BTS's pockets I would cos when I say I support them I truly mean it with my whole heart. I love them very much and I want to see them be rewarded for all their hardwork.
What I hate to see is the company or third party getting a huge chunk of monies that's supposed to go to them. I hate that with a passion. If BTS had a Ko-fi I'd be donating everything to them because they earned it and they deserve it.
It's a capitalist world. People work for a living and they donate almost as much as they earn. BTS have achieved a lot and have put in the work and deserve a comfortable life and lifestyle as their hardwork can afford.
I won't lie, I enjoy the BT21 characters the tiny tans and the webtoons. I really do. If i could consume all my favorite artists in this way I'd be very happy. It's one way to immortalize the boys and freeze them and shelter them from the effects of diminishing returns.
If you don't see the value in this, if you don't want to consume BTS in this way fine don't but don't speak for some of us who do.
I buy bags and necklaces and bracelets and lingerie and perfumes and artwork and shoes everyday. I like the Gucci belts and I pay a lot for it even though it's fake and that's all I can afford chilee I'd rather a fake leather bag made by Taehyung.
If you think I'm not finessing my way into acquiring all these merch made by BTS you have another thing coming. May be its consumerism but I'd donate all my belongings to make room for these items in my closet.
That said please donate to my Ko-fi so I can get that Bag by Tae and whatever Jikook want to make. Do it for the culture✊🏽
Yall don't know but I read webtoons alot more than fanfiction and I'm really excited for this webtoon yet yall just killing my vibe😒😒😒😒
The have an audience for the things they do. If it's not you it's me. There's something for everyone. Yours is the music, mine is the indepth interviews, memoirs, documentaries, runs, and made by BTS.
I want BTS to write a book, I want Jimin and Hobi to create a workout routine, I want Jimin to create a skincare line, do make tutorials, model some gender neutral clothes.
I mean I see the youtubers create merch and tshirts and people patronize it why not BTS?
Rihanna quit music to make lingerie- wish she just combined the two.
In case anyone needs reminding, BTS are lifestyle influencers as well. They have opportunity to monetize themselves before their careers are over I want to see them do that.
They make good music that heals the soul. Yet some of us have other ways we want to consume them.
I've supported artists I didn't even like in the past and bought their merch how much more BANGTAN.
what's the point of being famous if they can't monetize it. People have multiple streams of income why can't they create other avenues for earning centered around their music??
Why should they confine themselves to only one income stream making music and earning royalties from that they finna split 7 ways minus tax.
Please let them milk me i don't care because even Bezos is rich and they have a shitty delivery system.
Everything they make we already consume in one way or another from other designers and manufacturers and I'd rather they made something I actually had a need of.
Fingers, I'm manifesting that bag Tae made help me baby Jesus.
If they decide to venture into sex toys I nominate myself and my gf for the trials and won't mind at all if JM wants to test his nipple clamps on my titties ✊🏽
Will gladly take one for the team.
'You are a daring girl....'
Yes zaddy I am. Spank me👅
BTS are doing great. They have new album coming up, Festa is my Christmas I don't give a fuck about actual Christmas. They can spit on me and I'll thank them.
Please let's support everything they do if it's within your means to. But it hurts me when yall talk like they don't deserve it and what they are doing is silly when like everyone does it and it's actually a normal part of the work they do😒
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midasinc · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any hc's on how Les Mis characters would dress in modern times?
hi ! i absolutely do, my mental images of les amis are very particular lol
a lot of them i imagine living in sweats. they’re college kids for the most part, can you blame them?
courfeyrac wears a lot of comfy pants and crewnecks or hoodies. he has the ability to be stylish but at the moment he Doesn’t Care because school sucks so hard. when he actually WANTS to try, he has really good style. he has a lot of platform shoes and chunky sneakers bc i hc courf to be like 5’4 on a good day and he regularly tries to pass as 5’6. he also doesn’t mind feminine clothing, courfeyrac has this way of being confident no matter what he wears that’s really attractive to a lot of people. he also has pierced ears and at the moment is thinking about piercing his tongue !
combeferre has good style… but only when it’s cold. in the summer he wears like the same 4 tshirts and these awkward cargo shorts that go down to his knees and it’s… interesting. in the fall and winter, though? he has a lot of nice trousers and chunky sweaters and he looks SO good. ferre wears a lot of neutral colours, most of his sweaters and crewnecks are white, beige, brown, and so on.
enjolras is like a cartoon character in the sense that he wears nearly the same thing every day. he isnt literally wearing the same clothes, but his sense of style is very particular and he doesn’t dress outside the box. every day is his nice trousers, a button-up, a sweater thrown on top, and his puffer coat. he’d be easy to animate since he essentially is never seen jn public wearing anything else. at home he lounges around in sweats all day and likes to Stay Comf, but only a select few have ever witnessed enjolras in his Chill State. he also wears glasses! they’re huge, clear, square frames and they are pretty damn thick. he has some shitty ass eyes but he also loses his glasses at least once a week
feuilly dresses kinda like jesse pinkman on his off days. otherwise he’s in his work clothes bc to me in modern times he works construction and is usually very dusty and dirty and in orange. but on his own he wears very big and baggy clothes. he doesnt care about having a style he’s just a Dude
jehan is. hm. jehan dresses… okay. do you remember like 2017-2018? the hypebeast supreme era of style? that’s jehan. jehan is a hypebeast in the most derogatory sense. he wears a lot of gucci and supreme, because he can afford it but also because he’s delusional enough to believe that it’s actually high fashion. he has like the fanny pack, the sweats, the shoes, everything. jehan loves brands and he cant put them together well at all
grantaire is a fucking mess this dude only wears sweatpants that he refuses to wash and the same 3 hoodies. to me, modern grantaire is an animator and he does not have enough time in his day to think about clothing and looking presentable. he’s looked presentable maybe three times in his life: at his sister’s wedding, at the interview for a job at his current animation company, and at a fundraiser gala les amis held that… he was outrageously drunk at and genuinely ruined (im writing a ficlet about this so hey!). but yeah. you can take his ratty sweats out of his cold dead hands
bossuet is stylish. bossuet is SO STYLISH omg. bossuet loves actually fashion (full shade to jehan) and loves to dress both masculinely and femininely. he loves accessories and has a nose ring and wears lots of bracelets and dresses in vvv bright colours all the time. he likes skirts and he likes dressed and he likes trousers and corsets and platform boots and normal sneakers and man. if you ever need any article of clothing, bossuet probably has it. but he also liked to bum around and wear sweats on comfy days too. im tellin yall, these guys just love their sweats
joly dresses like every ftm trans youtuber in 2017. lots of button ups and flannels and such. courfeyrac made that joke one day and bossuet laughed until he cried
bahorel is a character. he comes from a bg of loving punk rock and during high school-uni, he was full blown 2007 emo. the weird vests, the button ups, the skinny black jeans, everything. now, he’s pretty comfy with what he wears. he still loves spiked bracelets and such and he has an “emo’s not dead” hoodie he wears religiously. he dresses mildly like a butch lesbian, according to éponine
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omg please drop all of your haircare knowledge, asking for a wavy/curly friend
So once upon a time I spent weeks on end on naturallycurly.com reading about wavy hair care specifically. I had just moved to Colorado six months before and my hair was Not loving the climate shift - the higher altitude results in dryer air and my hair was unmanageable and gross 100% of the time and I was sick of it. This article in particular was unbelievably helpful and it formed the basis of my research.
Here’s my before (spring 2019) and after (spring 2020):
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(I have not really been styling my hair and/or taking selfies since then because. Pandemic. Not much point in going to that much effort just to work from home lol)
Below the cut are more specific tips for washing/styling, featuring linked articles, tutorials, and products. I do want to acknowledge that these are adapted from the methods Black women have been using to care for their (type 4) hair for generations - the methods largely work for 2&3 hair types too, but with some modifications (e.g., white people don’t generally need to add extra oil to moisturize their hair between washes). If you’re going to buy products, buy from Black-owned companies whenever possible! Ecoslay and Inahsi are two of my favorites.
Some general tips:
Know the general state of your hair. Is it dense or thin? Are the strands coarse or fine? Is it damaged from color and/or heat? If it’s dense and/or coarse, you’ll want heavier products to penetrate the strands (like gels). If it’s thin and/or fine, you’ll want lighter products to not weigh them down (like mousses). If it’s damaged, you’ll want heavy stuff with a lot of protein to get it healthy.
Protein and moisture are key to balancing your hair. Protein deficiency/excess moisture results in hair that’s too soft and doesn’t hold a curl, while moisture deficiency/excess protein is when your hair feels crunchy without anything in it. Odds are if you’ve been using sulfate-heavy products you’ll need a heavy dose of both. My hair was so protein-starved that I had to do two gelatin treatments to build it back up but I haven’t had to do anything like that since
Ingredients: cut out sulfates and silicones. Sulfates dry out your hair and silicones coat the strands and weigh it down. Ingredient labels are your friends - sulfates are pretty easy to spot (e.g., sodium laureth sulfate) and silicones usually end in ‘cone’ (e.g., dimethicone). Some people also avoid heavy oils and butters (e.g., shea butter) but it really depends on how thick your hair is and how tight your curls are. I generally avoid them because they weigh down my looser curls but others with tighter curl patterns find them moisturizing and helpful. When in doubt, plug the ingredient list into Curlsbot to see what's curl friendly and what's not.
You do not need fancy products. I've linked some of my faves in here but there's plenty of inexpensive stuff available at drug stores. @coffeecurlygirl on Instagram has some highlights where she's reviewed curl-friendly drug store products. I am also American, so product availability may be different in other places. Curl Maven (based in Ireland) is a treasure trove of product information for Europe, as well as an excellent source for curly hair care in general.
The most important part of washing your hair and scalp isn’t the cleanser, it’s the friction. Some people find success with cowashing, which is when you use a conditioner to wash your hair. This moisturizes your scalp and prevents your hair from drying out with the cleansing agents. Others like having something more cleansing and use a sulfate-free shampoo (usually containing something like sodium olefin 14-16 sulfonate). I tend to switch cleansers whenever I wash - I like the As I Am Dry and Itchy Scalp cowash, Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle shampoo, and a medicated shampoo & conditioner 2 in 1 deal. (My scalp is dry 100% of the time, it’s a struggle.) I also recommend getting a shampoo brush to really scrub it in there.
Conditioning is probably the most important step in your routine. Again, knowing your hair is really important here! Conditioners come in a huge range of heaviness. I have relatively thick hair and I like heavy conditioners. You want one that you can apply to your hair and practically feel it detangle itself. I like Giovanni conditioners best - the Deeper Moisture and Tea Tree Triple Treat are both good. You want to avoid your scalp because that’s where buildup happens, so apply to the length of your hair and squish it in (tutorial) from the bottom to form your curl clumps and ensure it penetrates each strand.
Clarifying is also something you want to do every so often. You’ll end up with some buildup on your hair no matter what so this is when you need an actual cleanser to break it down. You can get clarifying shampoos (Bumble & Bumble has one but I’ve never used it) but honestly you just need a normal sulfate shampoo. I use Suave Daily Clarifying (do not use it daily) which is like a dollar and will last forever.
After clarifying you should deep condition to restore moisture to your hair. My favorite these days is Jessicurl, but when I first started out this whole thing I needed something super protein-heavy so I used Curl Junkie’s Repair Me. In the middle of the road is something like Inahsi which is relatively balanced between moisture and protein. It all depends on what your hair needs. Apply after washing, let it sit on your hair for 30-45 minutes (use a shower cap and ideally a heat cap for max effectiveness). Rinse and style as usual.
Don’t use a normal towel to dry your hair. Terrycloth is a one-way ticket to Frizz City. You can buy microfiber towels made specifically for hair but you can also just use a tshirt. Also don’t rub your hair when you dry it, instead squeeze the water out from the bottom to preserve your curl pattern and prevent frizz.
You probably don’t have to wash your hair as often as you think. I wash my hair once or twice a week and it gets the job done. It takes much longer for curly hair to get gross and oily than for straight hair - my sister’s hair is stick straight and she has to wash every day.
The products you use are much less important than the technique. Youtube is super helpful for demonstrations of how to apply products - reallife+curlygirl has my favorite channel for this.
Leave in conditioner is a must. I recommend finding something that’s intended to be a leave in, but some people just leave in some of the conditioner they used in the shower. Same deal, apply only to your ends, not the scalp.
After the leave in, here’s where the fun begins! Apply your styling products when your hair is soaking wet (like, immediately after your shower). I like to use a curl enhancer (eg Ecoslay’s Orange Marmalade or Uncle Funky’s Curl Magic) and then a gel over top (pretty much any drug store brand works - Aussie, LA Looks, etc.). Squish it in like you did your conditioner and use a lot of water. I legit have a mixing bowl that I keep in my shower and fill partway with water when applying so I can scoop in more water as needed. Squish until you can’t really feel the product anymore and then you’re good.
Plop your hair to set the curls (tutorial). Let it sit for 15-20 minutes. If you’re feeling extra you can add more gel once you take it down.
Diffuse dry (tutorial). DO NOT use a hair dryer without a diffuser, the direct heat is too intense and won’t give you good results.
Your hair will probably be a little crunchy after you’re done. Wait however long you want/can (at least until your hair has cooled down and it’s 100% dry) and then scrunch it out. No ramen noodle hair and your curls have set!
This can all be super overwhelming but is super worth it. You can see how much it's benefited my hair and I have no regrets. Most of these tips are things that have specifically worked for me, but if you want a more general (and better explained) quick-start guide for curl care, Curl Maven is a fantastic resource. There are a zillion places on the internet to get information, but I strongly recommend just sticking to a few: Naturally Curly, reallife+curlygirl, and Curl Maven are the best I've found and seem to cover the most ground. There's also a thriving Instagram community but proceed with caution - big Mormon mom energy over there, for whatever reason.
Finally, while the curls are great, the biggest change I’ve seen has been in the overall health of my hair. Washing less means my hair doesn’t get dried out as quickly, and even when I don’t style my hair (leave-in only and air dry) my hair still has some volume which is nuts. You don’t have to do all the styling every time you wash to get the benefits.
Hope this is helpful! Godspeed, my friend.
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infinityonhighvevo · 3 years
tagged by @and-the-glass-handed-kites thank you tyler xoxo
1. name: jean
2. gender: nonbinary
3. sign: pisces
4. height: legally, 5’4
5. time: 8:03 pm
6. birthday: feb 25
7. favorite bands: fall out boy, girl friday, the altogether, chef’special, KALEO, bears in trees, bastille, the mountain goats, mt joy, imagine dragons
8. favorite solo artists: patrick stump :), mitski, left at london, bishop briggs, CHIKA, charlie barnes, petal, avery chapman
9. song stuck in my head: potential breakup song (explicit) by aly and aj
10. last movie i watched: it’s a wonderful life
11. last show i watched: jeopardy :)
12. when i made this blog: march 2016
13. what i post: absolute jackshit it’s one third memes one third fob/charlie barnes/other music and one third mcelroys/polygon/bdg
14. last thing googled: shanghai circuit f1 (for research purposes)
15. any sideblogs?: yes. there are ten of them. they’re all listed here
16. do i get asks much?: not really, only when i ask for them/when i rb a game
17. why i chose this url: i am an ioh stan first and a human second but infinityonhigh was taken so i added vevo, the youtube music video company, because it made it official™
18. following: 907
19. followers: 514
20. average hours of sleep: like 8 or 9? i have no idea
21. lucky number: 2
22. do i play any instruments?: piano and tenor saxophone baby!
23. what i’m wearing: girl friday tshirt, coca cola boxers, one white kneehigh sock and one black knee high sock
24. dream job: something creative. i kinda wanna act i kinda wanna be in a band i kinda wanna write i kinda wanna live off of my podcast
25. dream trip: man fucking anywhere at this point i just want this damn pandemic to be OVER
26. favorite food: pasta
27. nationality: american
28. last book i read: oh man i do not remember it was probably some chekhov for class
29. favorite song: at the moment it is square by mitski but ask me tomorrow and it will be something else
30. favorite fictional universe: honestly? the carry on universe. rainbow rowell may be problematic i love those mf books and their world
tagging: @thecruciblegavemeyou @lovefooleds @weirdlittlegirls and @mutsugogo 💟
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Hi! I saw a while ago that you were making a quilt. How did it go? Also, how do you make quilts? I can sew off of a pattern pretty well but I have never quilted before. I want to make a quilt out of my old recital and camp t-shirts, but I have no clue how and pinterest is overwhelming me. Also, you are most approachable blog ever. Normally I hate submitting random asks because it feels so awkward, but you seem very nice and welcoming so thank you!!!
hi! yeah i do occasionally make quilts, I've made two full size ones and a few smaller ones and while i like it they kinda drive me crazy and there's so much math involved that i have to wait a few years between each one lol. the one you're thinking of is the one that i ended up making for my grandma, which turned out pretty good!
in essence, its pretty simple. most quilts have a pattern only on the front and then the back is very simple - a solid piece of fabric or only has a simple border. and the the middle is batting. 
so what i do when i want to make a quilt is come up with a pattern for the front. the easiest way to do it is in squares, so say you wanted your quilt to be 3 feet by 4 feet, you could make 12 squares each a foot big. and then if you want it to be bigger you can always add a border around it at the end. id suggest making a smaller quilt to start with just cause the big ones are complete pains in the ass. 
you said you wanted to make a t-shirt quilt? i made one of those for my college dorm (except the way i did it was super complicated cause i love testing my patience apparently). quilts are made out of 100% cotton fabric, and while most tshirts are too, you need to iron this fancy stuff called interfacing to the back of your t-shirts before you sew them into your quilt. there's a specific kind that you use for t-shirt quilts, one of which is Pellon Shape-Flex (sf-101). that kind of interfacing has a cotton woven back and makes the t-shirts stiffer and easier to sew. 
you can also mix your t-shirts with regular fabric, it doesn't have to entirely be t-shirts!
after you sew together the front and the back of the quilt you layer it with batting, which is the fluffy stuff that goes inside the quilt. i use batting from the warm company or hobbs heirloom which you can buy at joanns. sometimes they sell it precut to standard quilt sizes but if not you need to buy it off the bolt. 
then after you layer the three pieces together with the good sides facing out on both the top and bottom pieces you safety pin the quilt together. I'm pretty sure you can also use straight pins but i never have and i think they would stab you. then you either machine quilt or hand quilt.
machine quilting requires you to have a machine where you can drop the feed dogs and you also need a freeform quilting foot. i have a pfaff passport 2.0 which is really tiny and i have quilted two full size quilts on it (which i would really not recommend doing but its possible). the other option is to hand quilt which is definitely easier. this tutorial is really great for learning how to hand quilt. essentially you want to stitch the two layers together enough so that when you wash it it doesn't come apart. those stitches are what hold the quilt together.
then when you're done quilting it you take out all the safety pins and trim the edges so they're square and add the binding. this tutorial tells you literally everything you need to know about binding. 
and then thats it! thats essentially how you make a quilt. its pretty time consuming, the smaller one i made took me just under 2 weeks of nonstop work and the bigger ones I've made have taken up to a month. but it is fun and its very rewarding. youtube has better tutorials than pinterest so id try looking there if you need more help, or you can always message me!
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jennamacaroni · 5 years
Rules:  answer 21 questions and then tag other people
Nickname:  i don’t really have many.  a few include:  jc and j
Sign:  libra scales bish
Height: 5′6″
Last movie I saw:  in general:  crazy rich asians; in the theater:  on the basis of sex
Last Thing I Googled:  stenography (and watched this youtube).  i got to this because of this line i loved in the book i’m currently reading:  “Ray Brinkman, junior intellectual property lawyer.  Dorothy Cazaly, stenographer for a company that does work for his firm.  He can’t stop watching her as she takes dispositions.  The silent, fluid beauty of her manual ballet boggles him.  Appassionata Sonata, slewing out of her miming fingers.”  beautiful.
Favorite Musician(s):  ever:  bon iver / taylor swift;  today:  maggie rogers / colter wall
Song:  favorite all time:  roslyn - bon iver & st vincent;  this week:  issues - julia michales, plain to see plainsman - colter wall
Other blogs:  i technically have a side blog called ‘jennaspaghetti’ that were mostly only gifs from an app called phhhoto that the boomerang feature of instagram made obsolete
Do I get asks:  not really unless i’m actively writing fic which lol its been forever
Blogs following:  559 what the fuck
Amount of sleep:  i go for a full 8
What I’m wearing: black jeans, grey ‘new england vs everyone’ tshirt, patriots windbreaker
Dream job:  i don’t want to have to work.  free to do whatever i want, including lots of long walks with my dog through trees and along beaches, hours to read books while making bread, cooking for friends and family.  i’d also at some point like to work with my hands.  farming or ranching.  i’d like to learn to butcher.
Favourite food:  some include:  good bowls of ramen, crispy carnitas, whole grilled fish, sea urchin straight from the shell, lobster rolls, in n out cheeseburgers, a good northeast italian grinder (sub)
Languages: english, i have taken many years of spanish in school but never spoke it consistently enough to be any good.  but i have knowledge there
Random fact:  i inexplicably painted this very good portrait of my dog.  it sort of just came out of me as i’ve never really painted much before
Describe yourself as aesthetic things:  old spice, the beach, library books, baking bread, gray and navy tones, sports balls, candles that smell like boys cologne and sandalwood, family style meals you eat mostly with your hands
tagging:  @tarynlatx @kennamanenna @sarah-crewe @ididntmeanyou @lebanesetoaster @confusedanon @rivertalesien @gleerant @proudlyunicorn do the thing or, you know, don’t
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maetaurus · 5 years
30 questions
tag the person who tagged you
answer da fluffing question
tag 20 peeps
hi um i was tagged by @tackynackyandhappy
1. How tall are you? 5′3.5″ 
2. What color and style is your hair? rn it’s my natural hair color, a very dark brown, i have a messy quiff with shaved sides
3. What color are your eyes? they’re classified as grey which basically means they change between grey, blue, and green. for me they’re usually blueish grey but depending on lighting and my clothes, they change. fun fact: phil also has grey eyes, his just reflect more blue than mine
4. Do you wear glasses? yes, i’ve worn glasses since i was 1 year old
5. Do you wear braces? nope, never needed them
6. What is your fashion style? fuck i dont think i even have one honestly lol i just wear jeans or leggings and random tshirts that are usually nerdy themed
7. Full name? Scott Mae (that’s all you’re getting)
8. When were you born? April 24, 1995 at 9:30am EST 
9. Where are you from and where do you live now? I was born in Mississippi but I moved to Virginia when I was 1 and I’ve lived here ever since
10. What school do you go to?  none
11. What kind of student are you? typically i’m one of the quiet kids who doesnt talk to anyone and always turns everything in on time and i’ve always been great at test taking so i’ve never really had to properly study (yes, i’m one of those annoying people)
12. Do you like school? i loved school until i was 14 and then i went to high school and my life got shit and i no longer liked it. i started to like it again in college but my mental health was still pretty shit so it was hard to focus
13. What are your favorite subjects in school? hands down it was math until i got to geometry 
14. Favorite TV shows? Gilmore Girls 
15. Favorite movies? Lilo & Stitch, Mary Poppins, Sound of Music
16. Favorite books? Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens 
17. Favorite pass times? watching YouTube/Netflix, writing fics, reading
18. Do you have any regrets? too many to list
19. Dream job? being a preschool teacher and a book editor on the side
20. Would you like to be married someday? yes, i want to have a lifelong companion and imo marriage is that promise
21. Would you like to have kids someday? i can’t have kids of my own (probably) but i might adopt one day or i might not, kids aren’t super important to me rn
22. How many? probably 1-3 if any
23. Do you like shopping? yes but not for clothes because i hate being fat shamed by companies
24. What countries have you lived in? only ever lived in the US
25. The scariest nightmare you’ve had? flashbacks of real life events
26. Do you have any enemies? no?
27. Do you have a s/o? nah
28. Do you believe in miracles? idk, i guess it depends on what you think a miracle is. i dont believe in it in a religious way but obviously some things just happen when theres no obvious reason why or how, so i guess you could call that a miracle or just good luck
29 & 30 went missing
I tag: @adziedoodle @amazignphil @babyboyphan @chocolatesaucelester @capital-lester @deathclassic @freckliedan @freckliephil ​ @huphilpuffs @heartthrobphilly @hey-itsnxel @i-am-my-opheliac @obsessivelymoody ​ @phandomsub  @racheldaddow @satsuma-dan @transdimensional-void @thereisnobearonthisisland @twinkling-dnp  @yourfriendlyblogstalker
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mysmedrabbles · 6 years
Fourth of July with the RFA
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Happy fourth of July to my American followers!! Sorry this was written so quick I got this idea like 5 seconds ago and I have plans for today whoops not the best time.idk why jumins is always the longest tf?
!!!Said RFA member and mc are in America for summer holidays with an American MC!!!
-mod alex
-when you told him you were planning a party for the fourth he got excited
-mainly bc he knows how classy most of your parties turn out
-when he shows up to a barbecue grill out with tiki torches, too much beer, something called a “sloppy joe” and 99 cent store American flag streamers he’s more than confused and slightly appalled
-also because hes literally wearing his best suit to a backyard bash
-finds a way to look more casual (you know, taking off the jacket, rolling up his sleeves, no tie, shirt slightly unbuttoned, aaaand now im nosebleeding)
-at first doesnt understand why the heCK there are sloppy joes its a mystery to us all
- is his normal charming self with your relatives you better watch out, that pervy cousin is making eyes at jumin
-makes a speech about american independence bc hes an extra lil shit and ends it with, “so therefore, if the british had never given america independence...i wouldve never met the love of my life. Happy fourth of july.”
-everyones drunk tho so no one really heard that but you and the one overemotional 4′5 aunt who cries at everything
-sitting on the grass and watching the fireworks show
-him putting his jacket around you when you get cold, you just leaning your head on his shoulder as he kisses the top of your head
-he doesnt understand sloppy joes but likes spending time with your family
-vaguely knows what its about
-buys you red white and blue flowers
-you guys go with your family to a local festival
-going on a merry go round together? you betcha
-going on a ferris wheel? ofc. kissing her every time the ferris wheel booth you guys are in goes up bc shes mildly scared of heights? y e s
-you guys eat some of the weirdest things, like fried butter? bacon and maple donuts? sloppy joes? fried cotton candy?
-playing the expensive festival games that are obviously rigged
-little did they know that baehee had prepared for this moment by practicing devil tricks with multiple youtube videos lmao
-she wins you a small stuffed panda and you cherish it forever
-walking around with her, hand in hand around the festival
-getting red white and blue streaks painted on your guys’ face
-kissing under the fireworks
-is so excited for this holiday
-i mean he loves all holidays but hes never experienced the horror fun of an American holiday
-you guys buy some wacky red white and blue sunglasses with “Fourth of July” written on top as well as those obnoxiously tall fluffy America flag hats (yall know what im going on about)
-”look honey! a fourth of july sale!” “yoosung, love, its the fourth Walmart we've passed they all have sales”
-trying various themed recipes together (granted since youre here for holiday and are at your parents, your younger sibling often intervenes)
-"moooooommm mc and her boyfriend are kissing in the kitchen againnnnn"
-him back-hugging you as you stir fry some shit idk cooking lingo all I eat is doritos and ramen
-kissing your shoulder as you finish making the decor on the America themed cake
-him getting along great with your family and fitting right in
-it seems so natural, how easily he smiles and cracks jokes with your parents
-wants to help with the barbeque but thats your thing to do and you will stand by that
-him buying you roses
-both of you guys playing tag with your younger siblings and cousins you guys lost
-when the fireworks start he probably yells out a scream from shock
-flinches every time one of them goes off so you guys go inside and move the couch so that youre still facing outside but the door is shut so no noise
-making out when it gets dark
-he tastes like cake and strawberries
-with the fireworks in the back y'all look like youre in a disney movie
-stay in watching documentaries on the revolutionary war
-you guys just mute it at one point and he starts doing silly voice overs for the show
- “I’m mad at some dudes so I’ll lift up my hat at you while I row away with these big guns and all your husbands and sons hrrrrrr”
-eating red white and blue candy and drinking an inhumane amount of Dr.Pepper
-you drag him outside to the park to watch fireworks that the neighbors are throwing
- “look theres one!!” “ah did you see that one??” “that one was so pretty!” “damn you just missed a really big one”
-you guys would hang out in the park until three am just enjoying each others company
-yall would probably go on the kids playground and goof off, playing on the swings, going down the like,,, three foot long slide, just being little kids
-any holiday is the best holiday with him
-he sings the star spangled banner 😂
-he's got an amazing voice but youre p aure hes holding the last note just to show off
-you guys buy matching tshirts that say "sloppy joes come and get some this is AmErICa" with a picture of childish gambino dabbing bet you wished it said smtn abt sloppy joes now huh
-going down to the beach for the day
-getting one of those giant donut rafts and just chillin together y'all better hope you aint on the west coast w one of those
-a tickle war breaks out, resulting in you falling off the raft
-zen dramatically "saving you" its like 6ft of water people cmon
-him giving you mouth to mouth cpr even tho you dont need it so basically y'all are just making out
-going to a local restaurant for sloppy joes burgers and fries
-new drinking game: every time I say sloppy joes , take a drink
-going on the boardwalk at sunset and watching the fireworks from the cruise ships
-he cant stop staring at how gorgeous you look, staring at the fireworks like theyre magic
-cant help himself from kissing you
-late night pretzels
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ciaomichaella · 3 years
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I got my order of #TopOfTheMornin #coffees and #hotchocolates recently. Some of you may have seen a preview of it on my IG stories a few days ago. Here’s my #haul I basically got everything that was available on the website - coffee, a #mug #coldbrewcoffee #doublechocolate and #peppermint #hotchocolate as well as a #tshirt I prefer my coffee hot so after tasting the double chocolate I mixed in some cold brew and made my own #mocha It was #delicious I LOVE the mug not just because of the cool design but because it’s microwave and dishwasher safe. As some of you may know, I’ve watched hundreds, if not over a thousand hours of Twitch livestreams and YouTube videos the past year. It’s through the Among Us videos/streams that I found out about @jacksepticeye and his coffee company. I really hope he releases tea soon because I want to try those too. Top of the Mornin coffee is made of #organic Colombia single origin beans #carbonneutralimport from a locally owned farm and made in small batches. Today is Jack’s birthday so I wanted to send him best wishes and good vibes. I know things have been tough lately w/ the recent passing of his dad so my condolences go out to him and his family too. #happybirthdayjacksepticeye #spedicey https://www.instagram.com/p/CLBK1DlDd-n/?igshid=hvlzdxm0zep9
0 notes
redphienix · 6 years
Another tag game!
Tagger by @troloyunu Too kind of you :D
1. Gender: Male
2. Star Sign: Leo
3. Height: 5 ft 11 in unless I’ve shrunk or grown in the last year+
4. Favourite Band: It changes like the seasons but I’ll say Tally Hall for consistency
5. Favourite solo artist: Jonathan Coulton count for nostalgia’s sake? Or maybe CUP because I’m pretty sure that’s solo
6. Songs stuck in my head: None currently, but it’s usually some shit song from the 90s or early 2000s that won’t leave me alone. Or just Everything is Alright all the damn time. WAIT NO, REAL ANSWER, WORLD 1-1 MARIO GOES ON A LOT. I’M SORRY TO ADMIT THAT. Lately not so much, but FOR YEARS that was the case.
7.Current Favorite Song ; I don’t have a serious answer right now, but Somebody Once Destroyed Me is a classic. Sing along if you know the words.
8. Last movie watched: I... don’t remember. I don’t watch tv or movies often and I haven’t even been watching netflix etc lately. Just youtube lately.
The last I REMEMBER is Badder Ben. The Bad Ben movies are fucking hilarious and I love them. “Gahd Dangmit” is now a part of my lexicon thanks to the first movie.
9. Last TV show watched: The Office at my sister’s place.
10. When did I create this blog: A little before October 21st 2011 apparently.
11. What do I post: Mostly reblogs of stuff I like or agree with. What I POST is just enthusiastic thoughts (sometimes) and overly depressing groaning/moaning (mostly).
12. Last thing I googled: If you don’t count using google as a shortcut to link those videos above- I think I googled “Teostra Debuff” last night because my cousin said he heard Teo’s roar removes demondrug and since that’s never been the case before I wanted to check and sure enough I found nothing implying they added such a weird debuff to Teo’s roar.
13. Do I have other blogs: @retphienix @just-oki-doki  My game blog and ddlc blog.
14. Do I get Asks: I went 6 fuckin’ years gettin’ none. I also never posted personal posts of basically any value, heh. But lately I seem to get asks a couple times a week. That’s nice :) you’re all nice. And in no way is that directly tied to my needy ass posting ask-meme’s all the time. Nope. Not a link at all. 
15. Following: 823 (I think 600 of them are dead accounts though that I felt too nostalgic to unfollow)
16. Followers: 614 (WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE)
17. Favourite colour(s): Purple has been my favorite for a long time now (deep royal tones) but green is REALLY stepping it up. Also Bright orange and bright green is my favorite color combo of all time ever since I used it for Gay Greg my main and actual hero on Rock Band when I was a teen.
18. Average hours of sleep: 6-10. Sometimes I sleep shitty, sometimes I sleep shitty but too much also.
19. Lucky number: Don’t have one so I’ll say 69420. Sure it’s a large number (nice) and I’m saying it purely for the non-joke (nice) but sure. There’s my lucky number.
20. Instruments: A mean mean recorder (nope forgot how to play that)| A MEAN MEAN plastic guitar with the rock band or guitar hero logo on it. (hell yeah)
21. What I’m currently wearing: Pajama pants that I only wear during the day because I hate pjs for bed, and a tshirt.
22. How many blankets do I sleep with: Three of em.
23. Dream job: Heck if I know at this point. My old dream was making games but I lost all interest in coding so what’s left for me? I’ll file this under “Figuring things out” and will use a made up job of “Playing games in a room with friends while talking about silly things and enjoying each other’s company” as my dream job.
24. Dream trip: I don’t really have one, but I know a good fill-in answer~  Australia. To be with my gf because I love her. Heck yeah.
25. Favourite food: GOOD FUCKIN’ RAMEN. DON’T EVEN KID. Or tacos. Like, homemade stuff where I can make my own or a really good Mexican place. American-ized is fine if it’s a good place though- mixing styles is never inherently bad for food. It’s just that ‘americanized’ generally means ‘fast-food-ized’.
26. Nationality: USA.
27: Dream House ; I used to joke that I could happily live in a big trailer or RV and be happy so long as my stuff fit- and the concept still kind of remains though I don’t think I could enjoy THAT housing. Basically a place big enough to feel comfy, with room to maybe grow a vegetable garben for fun would be really nice. Meaning it doesn’t have to be too big actually. Location never really crossed my mind heh.
28. Crush: Not particularly? I’ve mentioned it in passing but really the only thing keeping me from ever talking things out and going poly is that my heart is flooded as is. I love Ari more than anything and aside from physical attraction (because face it, you’re all beautiful and wonderful and that’s a given) there’s not a whole lot else going on outside of our relationship romantically or ‘crush’ wise.
29. Animal: Just favorite? Frogs. Frogs and Toads. HOLY SHIT they are my favorite. IT’S UNBELIEVABLE how much I love those suckers. Holy shit. Just thinking about them is making my joyful as hell. My entire childhood down in Tennessee was spent playing gameboy/NES and catching toads and tree frogs all the time. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. I would get a flashlight and a box and go catching frogs. There was a park nearby my home that we often went to that had these ITTY BITTY SMALLER THAN A DIME FROGS all the time and I LOVED THEM.
30. Hair colour: “Dirty blonde” says the guy with clearly brown hair that he won’t accept because it used to be much more blonde as a kid.
Tagging: I’m just going to tag some people I recently followed and they can completely ignore this with no pressure because I understand and couldn’t mind if I tried :D
@wub--wub @car--jpg @anetspucoatl @particularlymischievousvoid @waitingtorespawn @nanaki--kazuaki @beepbeepsora
That’s plenty :)
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dentalrosie · 4 years
By Rosie Connell
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The worst feedback I ever got from a dentist in my first year, was ‘Rosie, you don’t talk enough’
The best feedback I ever received from a dentist, was 3 years later; ‘Rosie, you have the best patient communication skills I’ve come across, you can really talk about anything!’
This example is a testament to self reflection, continuing professional development and good practice.
So, there was a gap in my skill set, and this just would not do! I considered why this was true of myself, and I put it down to a lack of confidence, an introverted personality and inexperience. To be honest, I remember thinking, ‘oh I didn’t even realise I needed to talk that much?!’ I was focused on cross infection, notes, stocking up etc etc. I didn’t realise I was Neglecting one of my main responsibilities: patient focus and care. I thought I was doing okay, I mean, the patient was alive..but that dentist wanted more than just a living patient (honestly! so demanding)..she wanted a calm, m welcomed, and entertained patient whilst she reviewed notes and xrays, or waited for LA to take effect. So according to this prescription, I just started talking..about anything. But be warned, it takes practice and not all patients are gifted in holding a conversation, so sometimes you have to do most of the work.
There’s no secret course you can take to get better at filling these awkward silences with strangers, you just have to put it into practice. It may take some time but if you persevere..you’ll be so good at talking, people will wish you would just stop!
Most dentists like you to speak with patients to help ease any anxiety and allow them to focus on diagnosis and treatment. I have found that it builds a rapport, not just fills a silence; you get to learn about the patients, they get to learn about you and they have a more pleasant experience overall. I’ve had some great feedback after developing in this area from patients and dentists. It has made my working day so much more enjoyable, I have more genuine reasons to smile and laugh and it allows me to directly contribute more to that patient’s experience.
Here are my chatting tips to get you started or improve your already great chat game:
1. Be confident – you don’t need to be loud or over the top, but a quiet confidence will instantly make this possible stranger want to engage.
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A great little tip for appearing confident is to let your hands and body move freely. When you use gestures and body movements as you speak, you come across a lot more confident than if you were to be super still. Also, research has shown having your hands visible, makes you instantly more trustworthy, which is a big factor for our patients, especially if they have never seen you before.
Here’s a link to a great YouTube video I learnt this from: https://youtu.be/PMmnPpjtU7c (You might notice that the speaker does not stop moving her hands, she’s a wizard!!)
2. Smile - don’t be scary though, only use a genuine smile when you would naturally. And you can always use your eyes to ‘smize’ like Tyra Banks says!
3. Make eye contact – as in any social interaction, avoiding eye contact is a sign of distrust. Make natural, friendly eye contact when talking and remember to blink!
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4. Let your personality shine – develop your own style whilst remaining professional. If the conversation leads to, and you are happy, you can share your interests and personal stories with the patient. It helps you become more human and relatable in their eyes.
5. Have a work persona – I’m not at all shy but I do gain more energy alone. So at work, I tend to play a bit more of a chatty character. At home, and with friends, I’m a lot quieter. Developing a work persona, sets your intentions for the day, so you can remain consistent with patients and colleagues alike. Then I go home..and recharge with more silent escapades like reading.
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6. Stay away from taboo topics-politics, religion, brexit, football (I just don’t like that one) avoid any subjects that can get you caught into giving personal opinions. Keep the conversation light and fun.
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7. Be tactful and genuine- like in any good conversation, don’t just talk willy nilly. React to what the patient says and go with their flow. If a patient tells you he lost his wife, take time to react genuinely, gauge how many follow up questions they feel comfortable with answering and then try and give them a positive outlook and then take their mind off it. (never skate over something this personal, it may take practice to feel comfortable in this situation, but it will come, if the patient is sharing with you, let them and offer sincere replies)
8. Examples of conversation Starting phrases:
(Some weather alternatives)
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‘Busy day today?’ – I call this the taxi driver special but it just opens up the conversation so I know to ask about work or not. (Not everybody works due to individual circumstances, and sometimes making wrong assumptions can lead to an awkward exchange) I learnt this the hard way when I asked an 16 year old soldier if he was going to see his family at Christmas, but he had joined the army from a children’s home. I learnt to ask open questions instead like ‘what are you doing for Christmas?’
Or ‘What are you doing for the rest of the day?’
If a patient is wearing a company sweatshirt or piece of clothing, you could ask them where they work.
(I do these kind of things so often because all the pleasant and memorable medical appointments I’ve had, the doctor or nurse has asked me something not related to the appointment and it instantly put me at ease. It seemed they genuinely were interested and for one little moment you can forget why you are there. I believe that’s what sets turns a routine appointment into a great experience)
9. Examples of Reaction phrases:
(sometimes a patient can bring up a topic that you might not know much about or have much interest in. So the following are some phrases to keep the conversation ticking along, getting the patient to do most of the work)
‘That must be interesting!’ – this skips out of having to think of a direct questions but let’s the patient continue.
‘Id love to be able to do something like that’ – you can’t be interested in everything, but you can sure fake it for the team
‘Wow, I didn’t know that’ – let the patient become the expert, most likely they will want to show their knowledge, mission complete!
Plus all the positive little nuggets you can offer to bolster a patient:
‘That’s great’ , ‘you must be really good then’ , ‘how impressive!’
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10. Tips for children:
You wouldn’t always ask your 6 year old patient how the weather is, so you could instead, start a conversation about what they are wearing or about their toys, or teddies that they bring for comfort. (Limit this to 1 comment about their appearance, such as their hairstyle or a character on their tshirt - you dont want the parent to think you are excessively oggling their child!)
1. A child with a teddy – you could say ‘wow who’s this? Are they getting their teeth checked too?’ (directed at the teddy) I usually ask to take the teddy ( if the child allows me) and pretend it’s whispering something to me. To a child, this is pure magic, never underestimate these kind of seemingly, simple gestures.
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2. ‘Oh I like your T-shirt, do you like unicorns?!’ (I remember one patient just said ‘no’) this usually works better with sports jerseys or on small children! Unicorns are so last year!!
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3. If a child will not talk with me, I usually say ‘oh you arent talking to me today? Now I am going to be upset’ by the end of the appointment, I can usually get one word or if I even get a smile, I’ll finish it off with ‘are you my friend now?’ Mostly it’s a yes!
So there you go! My tips and tricks for making conversation with patients. I hope you find something useful here. Next time, I’m going to be talking about dealing with difficult patients as a dental Nurse.
Ciao for now!
Rosie x
For enquiries: [email protected]
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a2zawareness · 4 years
How To Make Money Online For Free | 16 Passive Ways
Welcome to A2Z Awareness. You want to make money online so you want to invest in some online programs or you want to start your own business online but you are afraid because you heard that there are ten times more scams on the internet than the offline market. What if I tell you that you make tons of money without taking any financial risk. Yes, that’s right in today’s article, I am going to talk about how to make money online for free.
Who doesn’t want money in today’s world? Well, this is a question which has only one answer. There are so many opportunities out there on the internet that can help you with your money problems. In this article, I am going to talk about 16 ways to make money for free. All of these opportunities have one thing in common which is that all these opportunities are risk-free opportunities. Which means you don’t need to invest any money to get started.
Little Disclaimer:
I can only tell you the path to the well, Drinking water is your problem. What I mean by saying this is that I can only tell you what’s possible, it is on you if you take benefit of the information I share with you. So, I don’t give any guarantees whatsoever that you will be rich or even if you make a single dime if you do any of these things. The only thing on my end is to give you information. So, if you want to know how to make money online for free, read this article completely.
One thing more before going into detail. i.e. in this article, I will be discussing 16 ways to make money online and I will discuss each one briefly. Don’t expect complete step by step detail for each opportunity in this article. In future, I will be writing a complete article for each of them.
Here is the list of topics that I am going to talk about in this article.
Get Paid To Test Websites & Apps
Get Paid To Review Songs.
Get Paid To Surveys.
Get Paid to Transcribe.
Get Paid To Watch Videos.
Get Paid To Write Articles.
Get Paid To Write An Ebook.
Get Paid To Design Tshirts.
Get Paid To Design Printables.
Get Paid To Tutor Online.
Get Paid To Proofread.
Get Paid To Translate.
Get Paid To Sell Stock Photos.
Get Paid To Be An Influencer.
Get Paid To Be A YouTuber.
Get Paid To Create A Course.
1. Get Paid To Test Websites & Apps:
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I took web testing service as #1 in the list of how to make money online for free because you will be surprised to know that there are many websites that pay a lot of money to just test different website or app performance. Website & app testing is a type of job that you can do from your home for free. What you need is just an internet connection and some time to spend every day and you can earn from $5 to $75 daily or sometimes even more than that.
Some very popular websites which pay a handsome amount for testing
Why They Pay This Much for Testing?
You might be thinking, why would somebody pay you this much to test website. What do you think about a website which is not userfriendly? Obviously, it will not attract a good amount of customers. When you create an online business presence then you try your best to create an awesome and catchy website or app or store so that the visitor converts immediately.
But no matter how hard you try you can’t think of the perfection so you need some real-time users to tell you if there is any betterment you can adopt or is there something your website is lacking e.g. if the fonts and colour combination is good, is navigation userfriendly, if the pop-ups are good, if there is any bug that you can identify, is the content boring etc.
Everyone wants profit and these faults can impact the business growth badly so they are happy to pay other people to have a deep look at their site for them and provide feedback.
You can be one of those people and get paid. You just go online, click on a website, take a few notes and you’re done. What you need is to have a good skill to see what is good for a website or app and what is not. Look for broken links, styling and colour combination etc. Find errors, do testing and that’s it.
2. Get Paid To Review Songs.
Next in the list of making free money online is reviewing and rating songs for money. Not many people know this that you can make a lot of money by listening to music and writing reviews on it. Among the 16 ways to make money online, I am placing “Get Paid To Review Songs” on the 2nd position. The sites mentioned below can help you make money online for free.
Why are these sites paying you?
As we talked in the previous topic that businesses pay you to test their websites similarly people and new musicians especially want to see if their music is worthy production and what is the likeness of the listeners. So they list their music or songs on such sites and ask these websites visitors to take their time reviewing the song and get paid. These feedbacks help musical artists find the direction needed for their songs.
Just open the sites given below and create your profile. Some websites require pre-approval for your account. Once your profile is approved, you are supposed to do two things: Listen and review. Listen to new and upcoming artist’s songs and write reviews about them. The more you listen, the more money you make.
Below is the list of sites that pay you to listen to music and radio
Music Xray
3. Get Paid To Survey:
3rd in the list of making money online for free. is Get Paid to Surveys? This is also the same kind of way to make money online for free as the above. If you want to make some extra money but also, you don’t want to do a fixed part-time job, then this is one of the best ways for you to make money on the internet.  You can work as much or less however you want. You can make anywhere from $5 to $75 per survey.
What is a Survey?
Mostly a survey is a kind of Question-Answer session that lasts anywhere from a minute to sometimes 30 minutes an average. Companies and businesses in the world make this questionnaire that help them to improve their customer relationship and to improve their product quality and post it on these surveys offering websites that allow their users to complete the surveys and in return they pay them.
All you have to do is to signup to these websites and complete the surveys. There’s mostly no restrictions about how many surveys you can complete every day. It all depends on you that how many surveys you want to complete per day. Also, the number of surveys you receive every day in your dashboard depends on the country/location you live in.
Survey Websites:
You can make a lot of money with these survey websites. Some websites even pay in the form of discounts and gift cards etc. Below are some of the most popular websites that are guaranteed to pay you on time.
Opinion Outpost
Smart Panel
Survey Junkie
Inbox Dollars
Small Business Knowledge Center
20 Cogs
4. Get Paid to Transcribe:
What is transcription?
The word by word written form of an audio file with timestamps, speakers names and in dialogue to dialogue form is called Transcription of that audio file. Mostly it is used to produce subtitles of a certain video when talking about podcasts or interviews videos etc.
If you have ever done this before or you think you can do this then you can make a lot of money online for free with transcribing. One thing that you need is the typing speed and that’s it. Transcription sites hire transcriptionists who can do accurate, high-quality work. When you work as a transcriptionist online, most of your work involves watching the videos you have been provided or listening to the specified audio files and then typing exactly what you hear.
Basic requirements for this job are good typing speed, hearing fluency in the language you want to transcribe and good grammar skills. Transcription requires listening carefully and accurately to what you hear.
Below is the list of best transcription sites that pay well for the job.
Speak Write (Avg. $0.005 per Word )
Speechpad ( Avg. $15 Per Hour )
Rev ( Avg. $24 Per Hour )
Scribie Avg. $5 Per Hour )
TranscribeMe ( Avg. $15 Per Hour )
1888 Type It Up ( Avg. $30 per Hour )
Quicktate ( Avg. $0.002 per Word )
GoTranscript ( Avg. $30 Per Hour )
5. Get Paid To Watch Videos:
We all love watching videos on youtube. What if I say someone wants to pay you to watch their videos. How will it sound to you? Crazy right??? Well, this is true. You can make money online for free by just watching videos.
There are many companies out there on the internet that will pay you to watch videos and TV. Visit these sites to start making money from watching videos in your spare time.
Take a look at the sites below to decide what’s important to you. Each site has different options, such as cash payment, that you can choose from to start making money while watching videos.
Nielsen Digital Voice
6. Get Paid To Write Articles:
Do you love writing? If so then this free online money making opportunity is the best fit for you. This is one of the easiest and most paying ways to earn money from home. There are a lot of companies on the internet that provide article writing services and pay you money for each word you write for them.
Being able to write and make money online can be very rewarding. You can choose to work with the customers or sites that interest you most. This job also lets you enjoy working at your own pace, setting your price (as your writing demand increases). By the way, this job is only for those people who love writing. Not everybody can do this. But if you don’t want to do anything else and have no other options, you can choose this one. You just learn to write and then visit the websites given below, apply as a writer and that’s it.
If you want to make money by writing online for others, here are sites where you can get paid to write your own articles.
Wow Women on Writing: ( Avg. $50 Per Article )
Strong Whispers: $50 – $150
Link-Able: ( Avg. $100 Per Article )
Cracked.com: ( Avg. $100 Per Article )
B. Michelle Pippin: ( Avg. $50 Per Article )
Metro Parent: ( Avg. $50 Per Article )
Sitepoint: ( They have No Fixed Pricing. )
Uxbooth: ( Avg. $100 Per Article )
7. Get Paid To Write An Ebook:
What is an E-book?
An ebook is a digital form of a book that can be published directly through the internet. An ebook can be about kids stories, novels, motivational, tutorials, science fiction or non-fiction book, depending on whatever you want to write. After writing your e-book, you can sell it on various online platforms.
Here are the ten best places to sell ebooks online.
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
Book baby
Google play 
8. Get Paid To Design Tshirts:
Do you love making designs and creative arts? Are you looking for some skill opportunities to make some extra money for free from home by working in your spare time? Or, are you designing a standalone Tshirt looking for sites that will pay a fair amount for your design skills? You can be a technical director, a 3D artist, or a painter; you can sell design skills and assets to specific companies.
You don’t have to spend a good amount of money and time creating and operating your own online store selling shirt ideas or design work. Many e-commerce sites already want to buy the designs and artwork from you. This is how you can make good money without spending any money online.
Here Are Companies That Can Help You Make Money By Designing Tshirts:
Many online sites allow you to design shirts and sell from their stores. You get attractive commissions. You can sell your designs on these sites easily and make some cash. There are many websites and tutorials from where you can get trending designs and topics which you can use in your designs. In this way, you can make not only new, unique and beautiful designs but also, can sell them at a good price.
Here is a list of some websites that offer you to sell your designs.
Society 6
Gear Bubble
9. Get Paid To Design Printables:
Printable designs have a huge online market. Documents that can be printed and used by consumers. Nowadays people need help with organization, planning and more, and they buy print items to make these tasks easier.
Below are the printables you can make and design for free:
Calendar Planners
Project Planners (i.e. DIY home repair or business social media planning)
Meal Planners
Financial Planners
Diet and/or fitness planners
Trackers (i.e. weight loss, debt repayment, etc)
Colouring sheets (for kids and adults)
You can sell these all printables online and can make tons of money for free. You don’t have to be a graphic designer or have some technical knowledge to create them. The tools you need to create and sell your print items are almost free. It is a passive income option by creating it once and making money from it over and over again.
Creative Market
Design Cuts
Art Web
Big Cartel
This is a Limited Edition
Artist Shops
Society 6
Design By Humans
10. Get Paid To Tutor Online:
Teaching and tutoring is always the best solution for your financial issues since it costs nothing. What if I tell you you can tutor online to tens of thousands of people and can make a lot of money online from the comfort of your bed for free. There are many opportunities for online tutors and mentors whether you are a retired or active teacher. Even if you are a housewife and can’t go out to work, a student or a teenager with knowledge of a particular subject or more. Below are some websites that can help you make money from your home in your spare time by teaching others.
You don’t need a part-time job for your financial issues. Just visit these websites, apply for tutorship and start earning handsomely.
Aim-for-A Tutoring
My Tutor 24
Revolution Prep
Homework Help
11. Get Paid To Proofread:
What is proofreading?
Proofreading is a grammatical review of a document thoroughly to check if the document is grammatical-error-free or not. Proofreaders check spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, highlight and remove the errors. Proofreaders shield the documents or articles for any mistakes.
The foremost goal of proofreading is to make the files as error-loose as humanly possible, be it typing, grammar, spelling or punctuation.
What are the requirements for proofreading jobs?
A most important requirement for a proofreading job is that one must have strong grammar skills and error detection skills. There are many online companies that use proofreading without experience, but some require experience as well. So if you have good grammar and you think that you can do this job then you should start creating some sample content or offer free proofreading and build your portfolio etc. You will have to be a strong self-learner if you want to get your first job without experience. All you have to do is to visit the websites links given below and apply for the jobs.
How much money does a proofreader make?
On average a full-time proofreader can earn around $40,000 per year. If you want to start your own proofreading team then you can earn much more than that. By the ways, the earning amount depends on the efforts you put in.
Online Proofreading Opportunities:
Many companies rent proofreaders at home, and the payment is different for each company. Below are some very famous proofreading websites that pay handsomely and on time.
Scribe Writing
12. Get Paid To Translate:
The internet has opened doors to work from home anywhere anytime. Next in my list of online free money-making opportunities is translation work. One of my university friend named “Muhammad Asad” is already doing this and he is earning over $5000 every month in profit after cutting his all expenses. He has only 2 employees who work for him and he pays them monthly. Plus he recently hired a project manager who takes care of all the project coming. More importantly, he has no office no bills etc. His employees work remotely from home and he barely gives time to his business.
Interesting thing is that he is providing only English to German and German to the English language. Now think about it, if Asad adds more language translations services, he can easily leverage his business to the next level and multiply his profit.
Where to Start?
Easiest and free to start approach is to start as a freelancer. Asad started the same way and you can too. It is free of cost and you can do it from your bed with just an internet connection. But freelancing takes time and if you don’t like freelancing like me than have a better solution for you. Join these websites and become a translator for them. Working on these sites will not only make you money but also, you will learn a lot. More importantly, you will build a portfolio which will help you get big projects in freelancing as well.
Start with one language and when you make some money, hire an employee who can translate into another language and in this way, you can leverage your business.
Of course, if you grew up in a real bilingual household, you will have more chances in this market.
Most agencies that handle translation work will require you to perform fluency tests before they are employed, and you must show that you are accurate and accurate in your translations. After all, if the agency gets you a job, they want to be assured that you will not let them down.
Below is the list of online companies that handle translation services.
CSC Translation
13. Get Paid To Sell Stock Photos:
Are you a good photographer? Do you have a good amount of photographs or pictures? If yes, then Let me assure you that as a microstock photographer you will have many chances to earn. You have the opportunity to start making money right from the start.
Most microstock agencies offer commission rate, which means that once you have a particular amount of images sold or you reach some percentage of the approval rate (for submitted images), you enjoy a higher commission rate. However, as a beginner, you should try using the
To start selling your stock photos and to make money with your images and photos online for free, visit the top 5 Microstock websites:
Adobe Stock
14. Get Paid To Be An Influencer:
Who is Influencer?
An influencer is someone who is popular and has a good amount of followings who listen and follow him. An Influencer is a person whose influential power dictates the purchasing decisions of his followers because of his authority, knowledge, position or relationship with his audience.
What are Social Media Influencers?
Social media influencers are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic on social media. They publish regular posts on this topic on their favourite social media channels and create large followings of enthusiastic and engaged people who pay close attention to their opinions.
How to Become An Influencer?
This is a very simple thing but needs a lot of Patience plus hard work. To become an influencer. Think about something about which you have the knowledge, sign up to a social media like twitter Instagram or Pinterest and start sharing your knowledge. Gradually you will start getting responses and you will start to build the audience.
Once you start getting responses and likes and shares and comments, you can then start promoting anything you want to sell or you can promote other brands products and charge them for that.
 15. Get Paid To Be A YouTuber:
This is the most common way to make money online for free. Almost everybody on the internet knows this and if you do not know it already. More than 500 million videos are watched daily on youtube. Users spend an average of 40 minutes on a single YouTube session.
There are many opportunities for everyday people to make money from youtube, creating great video content on their youtube channels. There are many ways you can earn money with your youtube channel. Here is the list of ways you can use to earn money with youtube for free.
Earn Money with Youtube Monetization.
Earn Money With Affiliate Marketing.
Earn Money With Brand Promotions and Shoutouts.
Selling Your Own Products
Promoting Your Own Services or Brand
Earn Money With Private Sponsors
16. Get Paid To Create A Course:
Last in the list of how to make money online for free is to create a course. This is not only one of the free ways to make money online but also, it is one of the passive ways to earn money online. People are earning thousands of dollars monthly with just a couple of books they’ve written once in their life.
There are many platforms on which you can publish your book, set the pricing, promote and see the money rolling in. Here is the list of some popular books publishing websites. You just need to create your account and start publishing books.
MindStir Media Publishing
Kindle Direct Publishing  (KDP)
Lulu Publishing
Rakuten Kobo Publishing
Barnes And Noble
Apple Books
BookBaby Publishing
That’s it for today’s article, I tried my best to give you information about 16 different passive ways to make money online for free. Also, I gave you different weblinks to get started without searching for the best websites. Now it’s on you to take advantage of the information I just shared with you.
I try my best to share knowledgable stuff for you on this website A2Z Awareness. So keep visiting our website for more updated content.
The post How To Make Money Online For Free | 16 Passive Ways appeared first on A2Z Awareness.
source https://a2zawareness.com/how-to-make-money-online-for-free-16-passive-ways/
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moderndaycirce · 7 years
Okay so I was talking before about new media and how i’d love to write essays on it for a little bit longer so I thought I’d get some thoughts down, so this is about youtube and advertising
Youtube started as just a video sharing platform. Most people can remember it’s use as literally just a platform for funny videos, and I honestly can’t say who the first person to start vlogging was, but I can think of quite a people I remember from the early early days. (I’m talking pre Zoella, pre PewDiePie here, that’s how long I mean)
It only took around two years for the people who run youtube to realise that they can actually use the people making videos for them to make money (after Google acquired it of course, because we all know how much Google likes $$$), which you can see now in the use of YoutubeRed. Youtube TV and the fact you can pay to stream movies (honestly who even uses this service?), and management companies were set up to manage popular youtube faces. More on this later, because this was all clearly driven by the want to make more money.
This is where things get interesting. Suddenly companies have a new way to advertise their products, and it’s not regulated the way that television advertising is. People didn’t have to specify that they were advertising something, and of course, companies lept at the chance to throw free things at vloggers, in the hopes that people would buy their products. Ever wondered why those beauty bloggers were going on about how AMAZING a product was? That’s probably why. 
With the introduction of management companies, you can see where things get just... insane. Channels grew at a rate that hadn’t been seen before, there was a full year where the most popular type of video was a collaboration tag, and if you look closely at this time you can see who belongs to which management company (cough the big british youtubers versus the more “alternative” british youtubers are a great example of this cough cough just look at the sudden growth of literally anyone who popped up in 2012-2014 cough). Up until around a year ago, these people’s content was amassing millions of views and millions of views meant a bigger audience to sell to. 
Book deals were made, people made music, people sold tshirts, people went on tours, literal conventions were held, which just reinforced the idea of this new status of “youtube celebrity”. Videos were sponsored, Affiliate links were created and almost no part of that website has remained untouched in this quest to make money. And people didn’t notice for a very long time. A lot of people probably still don’t notice that a sponsored video is basically just an advert for a company under the guise of “look at us helping you out, we’ll give you 10% off if you use this person’s link!” It all links back to the capitalist society that we live in and the fact that people realised that the people who watch youtubers have the right amount of expendable income to spend on anything that their favourite content producers create. And that’s the messed up thing, that a lot of people might be making money now, but that can so easily be taken away. 
Interestingly, because of recent changes in the website, a lot of content producers are noticing a massive dive in views. Which brings me to my final thought. Content Creators cannot last forever. People need backup plans to fall back on if they decide to quit their day jobs to produce content full time. I have literally seen people who drop out of university to become youtubers, or leave good jobs to pursue literally just making tag videos. People have begun looking elsewhere to make money, and I can name quite a few people off the top of my head who have projects or have used youtube as a platform to spring onto a different career path. It’s a very volatile industry, and very easy to lose everything after making one mistake. 
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Peppa Pig Thrasher Shirt
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Peppa Pig Thrasher Shirt
  Wasn’t there this weird trend from a while ago where vids on YouTube tagged under ‘Peppa pig’ ended up being really weird violent/art house type shirt? I remember one channel pegged as I think a kids channel and Peppa Pig Thrasher Shirt and it was actually all just shirt of Russian women smoking. There’s a line in this article that literally says “no matter how gangster Peppa Pig is Peppa Pig Thrasher Shirt…” and I think of you every time I see Peppa Pig because you drew here for that pig drawing personality test team builder thing . Hasbro has been trying to transform itself into an all-around entertainment company for several years now. The “Transformers” movie franchise and “My Little Pony” cartoons are examples and Peppa Pig Thrasher Shirt. It was unable to buy DreamWorks, so this purchase fits nicely. Peppa Pig Thrasher Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Peppa Pig Thrasher Shirt Classic Ladies
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Peppa Pig Thrasher TShirt Hoodie
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Peppa Pig Thrasher TShirt LongSleeve
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Peppa Pig Thrasher TShirt Sweatshirt
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Peppa Pig Thrasher TShirt Unisex The file available for download is one layered file in TIFF format, with transparency Peppa Pig Thrasher TShirt . This is perfect for DTG printing. But if you are a pro at screen printing you can request o layered file in PDF format.Vlad’s designs seem like a whirlwind adventure in a parallel world, where you can almost touch cosmic energies, where the landing on the Moon is casually accompanied by Godzilla and Nefertiti in the background. Trippy, isn’t it? You gotta love his boundless imagination and courage to suggest a variety of eccentric ideas that may come against popular belief.Font design is intricate, essential to a good impression and very often needs to be practical. Fonts vary based on theme, what you want to communicate and the “etiquette” required in certain situation. So, in short, context is fundamental, which means there are no good or bad fonts. It is true that the level and quality of ligatures and kerning pairs, as well as alternates vary for each of them, marking the difference between free fonts and those with a price tag, but it all boils down to how you use and combine the resources. You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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