#I liked the story more on the 4th replay
gaiabloom · 1 year
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😌 that's my girl
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suchscary · 2 years
So I recently picked up a game called Project Zomboid, and while it activates all my old prepper/survivalist neurons I haven't used in years, you might also enjoy it. I've never played The Sims, but people often describe it as "The Sims with zombies."
Plus, the "This Is How I Died" trailer is pretty cool.
Ooh, never heard of this game before, it looks fascinating! But again, I don't like the genre that much (though to be fair, I only played, like, one survival game), but I'll keep this game in mind!
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My second playthrough of Engage is going well (just finished chapter 17) and I’m still enjoying the gameplay and have definitely had a better time getting supports with my knowledge of how to game the arena as well as having access to the new support-gaining options from the start. However I’m starting to worry about the game’s long-term replayability.
In most FE games, even if the gameplay is only so-so, I can power through several runs basically because of shipping - I’d play the game multiple times to get different paired ends. I’ve already complained about that a lot in other posts, so I won’t rehash it here beyond saying obviously that’s not possible in this case. Sure, you can get different paired endings for Alear, but honestly most of the pact ring scenes and ESPECIALLY the endings are weak. Even for the people who care more about the self-inserting and picking who they want to be with as opposed to matchmaking, I doubt this would be satisfying enough on its own to merit multiple runs of the game.
So if that aspect and reason to replay the game is gone, what’s left? Gameplay, obviously. And yes, the gameplay is good - great, even! This is the most fun I’ve ever had in an FE game when it comes to actually playing the maps. However I can already feel myself falling into complacent gaming - I KNOW from a previous run which characters are better (unless they get super RNG screwed) and which combinations of emblems/units works best, and I find myself defaulting to those rather than experimenting.
It doesn’t help that this game makes it kind of difficult/punishing to do so. There are A LOT of resources to track and use in this game, and they’re all somewhat limited. Up until chapter 17 you’re limited on how many master/second seals you can get, and even once you have unlimited access... they’re expensive! And more than ANY other FE game, this one makes it hard to get money. Even knowing NOT to spend as much money donating to the countries on a second run, you’ll probably run out of cash FAST between buying seals, weapons/staves, and forging the weapons.
There are certain units that basically NEED to be reclassed in order to perform well - in particular, Anna, Etie, Lapis, and maybe Clanne would be better in classes they can’t promote to naturally. But it’s hard to justify using them and wasting TWO seals (a master AND second seal) when the rest of your army only needs one seal to do well or comes as a VERY good pre-promote. That’s not even getting into how due to the relative lack of seals and their cost, I’m less inclined to reclass units just for fun or to see how they fare in radically different roles.
3 Houses had a lot of flaws and overall the gameplay is NOT as good as Engage, but I DID appreciate being able to build my starting class however I pleased. It was a tedious process, but it was rewarding to play the same route multiple times and use most of the same units, but with VERY different classes/roles. In particular, the more balanced, well-rounded units were SO fun to teach since they could perform well in almost any class!
Meanwhile in Engage, I spend a lot of time LOOKING at the classes available to everyone and thinking it might be nice/fun to reclass some people, but ultimately, they’re doing “well enough” in their default class and I can’t justify wasting the seal(s) just for an experiment that might not pan out. If I use that seal, either one more person doesn’t get to promote/reclass or I’m wasting 2500+ gold.
That’s not even getting into the scarcity of the forging resources or how quickly you can blow through your bond fragments (and in ways that aren’t ideal) if you’re not careful. With so many resources to manage, all of which you CAN technically gain more of but only through playing extra battles (which are at best boring or difficult, and at worst DEADLY on classic), it really feels like you’re discouraged from experimenting. You want to hold onto as many resources as possible for as long as you can, so you can’t throw them around for fun to see what works.
What this game needs (as several people have pointed out already) is some kind of new game plus. There NEEDS to be a version of this game where you carry over at least SOME of the things you gained/accomplished into a new game. Personally I’d like to see it carrying over your donation levels, emblem bond levels, and MAYBE bond rings and the weapons you had/forged (though obviously removing any engravings. Also probably still erasing all the special S rank weapons).
I don’t see HOW people are expected to “complete” the game without that, honestly. Donating to the countries is too much of a money sink for one contained run, but if you had multiple playthroughs to do it, it wouldn’t be an issue. Especially since you’d get a bunch of money at specific chapters each run, and if you retain weapons too, you’d spend less of it on forging. If you don’t retain weapons... well, at least the higher donation level means you’re getting more iron/steel/silver from every map from the start, so you don’t HAVE to do skirmishes just to get resources.
Retaining bond levels means you don’t have to waste fragments getting the SAME bonds and skills and conversations with the same units. Instead you can chip away at the CBA bond level for every Emblem/unit pair. As for bond rings, I’d mainly want to see them retained so you don’t have to deal with as much gatcha hell in getting all the rings.
And of course on a new game plus, with all the extra resources at your disposal and less ways you NEED to spend it, you’d be free to experiment more with reclassing units!
I’m just disappointed because I genuinely LOVE this game but there are so many ways it could be better and give me a reason to keep playing it. A lot of the characters are great and I honestly see a ton of shipping potential in the supports... but they all go nowhere without paired endings. The gameplay is the best it’s ever been for FE, and I’d love to experiment and come at it with different units and builds... but I’m so scared of wasting valuable resources that I’m mostly unwilling to experiment and instead stick to the units that are reliable as-is.
#fire emblem#fire emblem engage#fe17#we should be getting one more free update to go along with the 4th dlc#so there's a slim chance we'll get new game plus or paired endings then. but i wouldn't bet on it#it's just depressing because honestly EITHER ONE of those by itself would mostly save the game for me#either i could focus on shipping and replay for different paired endings#or with new game plus i'd be able to relax and actually use my resources. so the gameplay would get a shake-up#and every run being more unique i'd be able to get by more on gameplay alone. right now it's getting a bit stale#for the record i haven't bought the dlc so i don't know how much it impacts the whole resources issue#i know you get a bunch of free money which would be nice but... the story AND gameplay are SO tightly designed#around having specifically 12 emblems (plus the lategame spoiler)#HOW am i supposed to get into chapter 11 or 22 when I have an army of dlc emblems?#or 17 which is explicitly a 6-on-6 emblem war? but uh with dlc that's very much not the case#hell the final battle specifically wants you to have and use all 12 emblems. but if you have dlc you probably used some of them instead#i like the added CONTENT of the dlc - more maps and more characters that the units bond with#but i don't like how they break the story and probably also the game. so i've abstained.#i know i COULD buy the dlc just for the story. but it would feel ridiculous to HAVE these characters and powers and NOT use them
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usedpidemo · 5 months
What if there was a K-pop based game? Not a Just Dance K-pop edition, but an actual game? What would the gameplay be like? Would you play or buy it? And who should be the first cover idol?
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This honestly shouldn't be something I put so much thought into, and it's only scratching the surface, but there's so much material and concepts you could do with a K-pop based game. Other suggestions have already been tackled and explained tactfully, such as gameplay and Career/Story Mode, so here's a list of things and ideas I would like to see in a hypothetical game:
Cover idol:
I think if it’s not BTS or Blackpink, especially for the first game, you’d cause a huge riot. They are far and away the two most popular and recognized K-pop groups of all time, and are basically most Westerners’ gateway to the genre. It makes sense why not them, they’re currently inactive (esp. since BTS are in the military), but I’d argue that you should easily make two cover versions of the game—one with BTS, the other Blackpink. If it has to be one active idol, you could go with many options: Wonyoung, Karina, An Yujin, Yeji, Chaewon, Winter, Seulgi, Sana, Miyeon. It would be cool to have a foreign idol, but it has to be a Korean first, and I’d personally go with Wonyoung. For the Legacy/Legend Editions, I’d pick IU.
You could go three ways with a MyGM mode. Group based, company based, and music show based. All three will have similar gameplay elements, but have different ways and strategies to go about managing a successful group, company or music show. 
MyIdol could be you as a singular group’s manager, scheduling comebacks, concerts, days-off, and so on during a calendar year. There’s a stamina/morale system to balance between working them for profit/popularity and resting them so that none of the members get disgruntled and leave or be sidelined. You’d also have to make decisions for the members’ solo opportunities, line distribution, and more.
MyCompany is larger in scale—you now run an entire company or sublabel (good luck if you’re running Cube or SM lmao). You have to manage every artist’s comebacks and schedules, or else they leave or demand a contract termination. An addition from MyIdol is the ability to sign other idols/artists/trainees on the free agent market and you can add them to existing groups or create new groups with your current roster. 
MyMusicShow would basically be WWE 2K’s MyGM. You’re in charge of a music show/Korean TV station like KBS’ Music Bank or SBS’ Inkigayo and you have to compete with other networks for the best ratings of the week throughout a calendar year. You can negotiate exclusive contracts with other agencies so that their groups can only appear on your programs, as well as managing set designs/TV booking (who wins on your show)/screentime for the artists on your show. 
Universe Mode:
What it says on the tin: you have control over the entire industry and decide who are the top dogs, create special collaborations, send groups on international stages, etc.
Showcase Mode:
Depends on who’s the cover idol: you basically replay some of their most iconic/legendary stages throughout their career. If it were someone like Wonyoung for example, it would include her Very Very Very performance from PD48, that one Love Dive baseball stage, K-Pop Flex 2022, her 2022 Melon Music Awards performance, and so on. You could also do one for whoever’s on the Legend/Legacy Edition cover.
Depending on which companies are down for it, I expect all the current 4th/5th gen guys to be available from the start, while 3rd/2nd gen groups are labeled as Legends/Legacy and require some grinding to unlock (with few exceptions). Newer groups would probably be DLC or groups from prominent eras/releases (like 2018 TWICE or 2010 SNSD for example). TheLibrarian’s suggestion of having boy group/girl group only versions is also a possible option, but c��mon, if the NBA and WWE 2K games can include both their men and women’s rosters, I see no reason for the K-pop game not to do the same.
I put so much unnecessary thought into it for some reason, I even tried making concept covers of my own using my ideas and others (they're kinda bad XD). Sorry you had to read through all that.
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kelocitta · 4 months
RE: Saint, I honestly love your take on it being apart from the other campaigns and having its flaws, personally I saw it as it being an ending... for the player, not the world. Rubicon kind of feels like a nostalgia trip at the climax of a story before the ending as some rooms feel incredibly familiar when the memory of other campaigns is still fresh in your mind, and the player being stuck replaying Saint and all the other campaigns over and over without knowing what happens next could be why the ending is like that imo. Kind of a 4th wall breaker being more about what you feel (helpless in a world you now barely recognise at first, something familiar to first playthroughs of the game as Survivor or Monk, then the aforementioned nostalgia trip) than hard lore as a way to end the mod's story mode since Saint requires you to finish every other campaign first.
I don't quiet agree, but funny enough "Its more about the player" is actually (sort of) how I interpret Survivor's original vanilla ending! Especially with the "You have left this world behind" part of it, being more literally about Survivor and also about you finishing the game. Rain World doesn't ask you to beat it anytime soon and more asks you to explore the world and develop as a player; so for me part of significance of the void sea was that it's something sought out at the end of the journey. You choose to conclude Survivor's (yours) place in the world and move unto the unknowable after. Obviously people have achievement hunting and hunter and all that, so they return to the game, but its kinda a peaceful reading of yourself in a little alien pocket world that you can experience and, when you're finished, you put it to rest on your own terms and move on. It also makes for a cute addition where Downpour adding alternative endings where Survivor stays can be like an acknowledgment of people's appreciation for the world and how they want to continue experiencing it (You're literally playing a DLC after all!)
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rose-above-dark · 3 months
Tbh now that side order has been out for a bit I feel like I can speak my piece now, spoilers ahead!
Is anyone else. Just kind of disappointed with side order?
ITS NOT BAD!! It’s not bad, it’s good actually.
But I just kind of.. expected more? It’s a 4 star meal not 5. It kinda feels unfinished? Like there was meant to be more to it, but they couldn’t do so for whatever reason. The story was just. Not enough, order I just don’t think should have been the final boss. We get no info on him before hand like with tartar, we just get one cutscene with order for the intro and that’s it. That’s all we get. Sure we get more dialogue when we replay with different pallets, but it just dosent have the same thematic impact as tartar had. And I like smollusk don’t get me wrong!! I just wish there was more to it, that instead of a distant threat we
marina should have not been the first boss. She dosent play enough of a role for it to feel satisfying. The trailers had hinted to something big, something major with her. That she will play a key part in the gameplay and story, that you should always keep her in mind. But no. Instead we get order, who wasn’t even hinted to in the trailers or anything.
In octo expansion, we get to see background on her through her dialogue in the form of logs, and while we get that in side order too through the dev diary, it just feels like an afterthought this time.
The music is.. alright? I LOVE THE BOSS THEMES don’t get me wrong!! But the final boss theme, order / smollusk feels too minor to really be anything. It’s no fly octo fly, and even ebb and flow, the final theme, dosent hit the same as octo expansion’s ebb and flow.
And then the bosses. I just. Don’t like the bosses. They feel too short, or in case with the pinball one, too long. And the fact that there’s only 3 of them? In a game you’re meant to replay? It all feels the same after a while.
and then there’s the agent 4 problem, my biggest gripe.
Why isn’t agent 4 in side order again?
They seriously had so, so much potential. They were originally on team chaos, they were meant to be the protecter of the system, they could have been as good as agent 3 but with a different twist. Instead they get called a nobody and never show up again. “Wait, this is Pearl and Marina, they don’t know agent 4!”
Marina had designated agent 4 to be the protecter.
God I wish they were in side order, it would tie in thematically with everything, agent 3 in octo expansion, agent 4 in side order, agent 3 in this main story mode, agent 4 in the dlc this time.
Without them, everything just feels so disconnected, yeah I get that’s the point but I don’t think it’s a good point.
The gameplay itself is… eh? My brain began to melt after the 4th pallet. Again it all just feels so samey, and the weapons I actually want to play I only play once before there’s no reward and I’m just wasting my time. It makes me not want to replay it, it’s all the same.
Sorry this is incomprehensible I’m tired
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macaroonkitti · 9 months
No because there is so much missed potential with not having a totk DLC. I want to explore a new Hyrule as much as anyone but there are still so many questions about this one.
What happened to the rest of the Zonai? Did they leave and Mineru and Rauru just decided to stay? How far back did Zelda go? Because I don't believe it's like post-Skyward Sword (I would if it wasn't for the fact the Rito are there it's the only thing throwing me off oh my godddd) and it couldn't have been 10,000 years since 10,000 years ago was the first Calamity, and this whole thing with the Imprisoning War was a different event (although it would be super fucking interesting if totk Ganondorf was the last Gerudo male born before the first Calamity and was also the source for Calamity Ganon. The history of Hyrule's royal family is also the history of Calamity Ganon and all that).
Speaking of the Imprisoning War and Ganondorf, what about Twinrova?? Those two Gerudo in golden masks in the 4th and 5th memories have Koume and Kotake written on their shoulders, we could've done something with that?? And speaking of the first Calamity seriously could there be more of an explanation on the Ancient Hero's Aspect?? Please?? What is up with him??? They just dropped that and left???
And also there's still stuff going on with the current Hyrule. Where did all the Sheikah tech go? I can understand dismantling the Divine Beasts and guardians and the shrines and towers could have gone back underground but what about all the ancient gear and stuff?? Where'd that go?? Can it at least be mentioned??
Plus there's stuff with Penn, his story feels kind of unresolved. He left to Washa's Bluff but then just. Didn't do anything. No new story, he just kinda was There. And speaking of him and Washa's Bluff, where's Kass???? He's mentioned at least once by Genli but nothing about where he is. Maybe he's getting new songs but it would've been nice to know where he is. Plus he could've come back with some new songs about new stuff (especially since the Zonai language in the shrines kind of sounds like singing)
I'd also just kinda like more stuff on the sky islands or the depths. I don't go there much because I don't see as much of a reason to, I would have liked the sky to at least be more developed :(
I dunno I'm just spitballing stuff while I'm replaying the game because man. I'd like a dlc a lot. I'm excited for a new Zelda game whenever it comes around but there's still some stuff I wanna see with this one that I don't have to come up with myself.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Comment bingo - 5th line!
Andrew and I are so happy because we made another line and we are going to get a badge with our favorite colors! Courtesy of @feedthefandomfest (To be honest, Andy can't really see the colors but I told him those are my favorite and he agreed because he is a good friend!)
As always go give them some love to these fics if you want to! And keep commenting! A lot of my new entries are from The Harringrove Big Bang Collection! I still have to read most of them but they are all amazing!
Comment on a fic with under 50 hits: Dandelion Wishes by Carerra_os (@jellyfishloveletterghosts), rating T, WIP, Harringrove. This is a super sweet fic with child Billy and a very little magical Steve! And being part of the @bigbangharringrove it also has incredible art made by @raven-cl ! (now it has more than 50 hits like it deserves but I was lucky enough to be one of the first peole to read it!)
Theorize about world, character, and/or theme: and then you came by what_about_the_fish (@whataboutthefish), rating E, WIP, Harringrove. Another incredible fic from the @bigbangharringrove (so it has art as well! Made by LucaDoodleDoo) In a Dom/Sub universe Soft Dom Steve finds Billy, a Sub without a Dom that desperatly need one who took care of him like he deserves.
Epilogue comment: speculate on characters' futures: The Only Living Ghost In New York by beetlesandstars, rating M, complete, Steddie. A modern AU where Steve realizes that he is in love with Eddie... when Eddie gets married! It hurts so good!
Explain while the fic is better than canon: Let it happen by Romeren (@romeren), rating M, WIP, Harringrove, super sweet story written for bigbangharringrove and with beautiful art made by @lemonhitsu and @applewillowstone
Leave a long comment: Baby, I got sick this morning (heal me, darling)by TheRedHarlequin (@a-redharlequin) - rating: E, a lovely WIP with my favorite threesome: Steve, Billy and Eddie! Half sick fic and half magical AU! And it's not cheating if I put it again bacause it's a WIP and we finally got TO THE HOT CHAPTER and the world needs to know it! (Those are Andrew's the Octopus words, not mine, obviously...)
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The other fics that helped me fill my bingo card under the cut!
comment that is at least half keysmash: start by pulling him out of the fire by pricklywhicket, rating: E, complete, Steddie. This fic is SO good, I'm just at the first chapter but Wayne's characterization is amazing! If you are a Wayne lover (as I am) you have to read it!
Comment on a fic posted today: All I want for Christams is you, by LexiRoseWrites. rating: Teen and Up, Steddie, Complete. A sweet Christmas omegaverse fic!
comment detailing emotional devastation: hold me, scold me , by lydiah135 - rating: E, complete, Steddie. This fic has everythig! Transmasc Professional Dom Eddie, emotional pain and wonderful OCs! This is the 4th part of the series, I recommend to start from the first one!
revisit fic you read in the past & leave a(nother) comment: If I stare too long by brawls (brawlite) and ToAStranger, rating: E, complete- The first Metalsandwich fic I have ever read. It's hot, and fluff, and cute and it has incredible art!
Holy trinity: kudos, comment and bookmark: Sea of waking dreams by Oonionchiver, rating: E - Steddie, WIP. As everything that Azriel writes is intriguing, hot and supernatural!
Unhinged liveblogging reaction: Everybody wants you - Whataboutthefish - rating: E, complete - Harringrove. A sexy and painful song fic. It hurts so good!
Highlight & explains 3 favorite quotes: Baby, I got sick this morning (heal me, darling)by TheRedHarlequin - rating: E, a lovely WIP with my favorite threesome: Steve, Billy and Eddie! Half sick fic and half magical AU!
Find a comment you agree with & replay explaining why: The Long Night, by - Nox_Wiked - rating:E, another threesome Steve, Billy and Eddie and another WIP half survival and half unconventional omega fic!
Comment on a every chapter of a multichapter fic: Just add water by Just_my_latest_hyperfixation ( @just-my-latest-hyperfixation) -rating: E, complete, a super sweet Mermaid AU Steddie fic!
Comment on a WIP: To B, With Love by Triddlegrl (@fizzigigsimmer - rating: E, WIP an incredible Harringrove Omegaverse Western AU!
Comment on a fic posted at least 3 years ago: i think of you (i want you, too) i'd fall for you by To A Stranger - rating: E, complete, a Harringrove Criminal AU with hurt/comfort!
Leave a comment that is half emoji: what's mine is yours (to leave or take) by througheden - rating: M, complete, a Steddie sugary sweet AU with baker Eddie and nurse Steve and a lot of cakes!
Comment of a fic post in the last three days: Baby, It's Cold Outside by StitchedFox - Rating:M - complete, a Steddie Christmas fic about traditions and compromises!
promote a fic on Tumblr and/or Discord & tell the author so: All those fics!
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alitgblog · 20 days
reunion volume thoughts
first off oh damn goodbye Jin, Claudia, and Bea gonna miss yall so much 🥲😭
second, this was just such an anticlimactic way to say goodbye to all these characters lol
I'm not mad at them bringing in all the characters in groups so not everyone gets introduced all at once, but oh why did we start with Sienna and Hazel and then only at the end did we get Claudia, Theo, and Bea? Like I love a drama filled season, but even this I'm like let me take a victory lap with my friends first pleaseeee
I had enough gems so I was like ehh fuck it I'll listen to Hazel's airport drama but I did notice for more details about the same/related story later on you did still have to pay gems which is ridiculous and also if you didn't pay for at least one, then it's literally just them bickering for most of the reunion and then you get a little bit of free drama between your LI and some other dude. Like I think if you care less about the casa islanders' drama (which I absolutely understand bc I also care less about those islanders' stories), then this was a boring volume pretty much
small odd thing was that no other islanders showed up. like I get that not everyone would show if this was real and for the fiction clearly fusebox just doesnt want to draw the other islanders, but fusebox would only have to draw one dress for the missing islanders and it would make sense for them to show up. like Rachel is an OG where is she?? Felicity had some drama with the guys too how abou her?
Tyler's storyline didn't do much for me bc he gets dumped so fast that it's weird he has all these declarations about missing his connection with MC and wishing he had another chance. And it's sweet and tbh after playing this volume I do like Tyler's character more, but it's still so intense so fast. But also, if this whole storyline was for a reunion in s4 for Hazeem??? would love that. Like he got to know MC for a while but was pursuing Najuma and he realized too late he should've went for MC.
Oakley and Emel not making it on the outside was absolutely expected it went exactly how i thought it would but I do still wish they got 3rd or 4th place at least
Sophie and Jack together but unhappy and unpopular also something I would've predicted.
Sophie and Luna need to stopppp. I don't care for the other guys but I did pick Jack as the potential other man just to potentially piss off Sophie (unfortunately didn't really come into play).
why is Luna still salty though
althoughhhhh I did notice Luna and Tyler look good next to each other is all I'm saying. if both of them got more screen time I wouldn't be mad if they coupled with each other after MC stole Jin.
Claudia and Theo still together 🤦‍♀️
I'm so sorry Claudia I will replay for you 😘
Hazel is such a mess
I want whatever tf the remaining casa boys have. like in my game it's Shawn and Kyle and I'm like are they... together? what's going on there? I know Kyle and Hazel have a thing and Shawn and Sienna are no longer a thing but what's happening there? Also I have challengers on the mind so like.. heyyyy Shawn, Kyle, and Hazel, what's uhh the situation
Bea is barely in this. I know I've already said that but I'm so upset
Ngl the bit where Liam is teasing Claudia about hosting the game is kinda funny I wish all the characters had more fun in-character dialogue like that
I can't be bothered with the Max and Hari drama even though that seemed to be the main focus of the reunion and then you still have to pay gems for the whole story
and Jin's texting airport drama was so small too like it's really nothing and went exactly how I'd expect it to go
ok so general thoughts/fixes
the way almost everyone is single and you get a chance to run away with the og boys (plus liam) one last time doesn't really work for me (except Liam I guess his thing was fine, I do like the realism of him being like I came off as such an asshole I'm sorry but then also still being a little messy bc that's just him). I think maybe if there was an actual gap irl between the reunion getting released and the s8 finale it would feel better.
personally I think it could've just gone like the S1 reunion where it's a two parter, first of all. second, we get the scenery change whether it's Christmas in S1 or in S8's case, make it more autumn since it's been a few months. Again, just adds to the feeling like time has passed bc if it's just in the villa, it doesn't feel like we ever really left? THTH2 does this well too because they're still on an island vacation but they changed the backgrounds at least because it's a different location and I think that helps a lot.
I'd like less casa islanders drama and less dumped OG islanders drama
Literally would be okay if it was just partying and seeing like hey what are you up to? Is Hari's business going well? Is Jin booked and busier than ever as a model? Did MC and her partner move in together? Like we got a little bit from Liam's podcast news, Tyler traveling, and the broken up couples' relationship status, but that's it I think.
I'm trying to remember what made the other reunions so fun and I think fusebox gets close but not quite. So the first two revolve around weddings/proposals and S3 around a potential breakup, but I do like the idea of everyone hearing how one or two of the islanders slandered everyone on a podcast and they're all mad. It just also doesn't work because what if MC doesn't care? So it needs to be that plus something with your LI (for good or for bad), and then cut out most of the other stuff. Like we can include that apparently all the casa people hooked up with each other at one point but let's not let that be the main storyline or let it be less prevalent
you should be able to run away with Claudia or Bea if you're allowed to run away with the OG boys at the end. Like they can have the same storylines as the guys too, Bea being single and ready to move into a real relationship that she realized she wasn't really ready for during the show (like Tyler) and then Claudia yet again having doubts about Theo like the broken record that relationship is (like the guys in an unhappy couple with Emel/Sophie/Luna).
also ending in a big group hug is lame, it's very friend island energy and even s3 doesn't end like that. might as well copy S1 just end with your LI or running away with some other character while the person that was pursuing them earlier yells at you (does this only happen with Tim/Jen? I don't remember lol)
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deusvmachina · 7 months
So I was replaying Birds with Broken Wings for about the 4th time and got caught up in my head about something. So Mi would gift V with things throughout the story—the things most notable which aren't tied into the FIA op (but are more of a personal nature) such as unlocking the Relic's combat abilities, showing V her favorite spot in Dogtown that reminds her of Brooklyn and the Quantum Tuner along with a little souvenir trinket from Tycho. I found these gifts quite thoughtful of So Mi.
Then I got to thinking about V making the effort to do something nice for her in return. Unprompted. Something personal. V's used to receiving things of monetary value in return for gigs and stuff on the side, right? Yeah, yeah, the neutral matrix and the high stakes, I know but that's not the point I'm trying to make.
What if when they meet again (like V going to Tycho City or So Mi making her way back to earth), V sets something up? Like a nice getaway where they can eat scop dogs, enjoy a great view, see some twinkling lights and simply enjoy each other's company? Thoughts can take root where So Mi wonders if V's decision to push through to the end and save her life over their own wasn't only a selfless choice but because there was deeper feelings rooted underneath.
She considers maybe this person truly cares about me beyond what I'm capable of and could even love me like no one ever really has. Love has many different forms, expressions and meanings after all.
Maybe she attempts to speak directly about everything that transpired in Dogtown but V just shrugs it off with a little smile, tells her that the past is the past. What mattered is that they both were still breathing. There's a quiet "I'm sorry, V. For everything, truly," and a reply of, "There's nothing to forgive. Just glad we can see each other again. Kinda felt like our time was cut short so I guess this is me tryin' to make up for that." Cue V being the one to reach out and hold her hand, a quiet moment ensuing accompanied by smiles.
Perhaps I'm just being wishful but I think it would be really sweet if V did something thoughtful for her. Don't even get me talking about my feelings regarding V complimenting So Mi on her dress and the reaction it got along with the countless times they exchanged tender and reassuring touches. My heart explodes every single time.
Would love to hear people's thoughts in the tags or comments.
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alexseanchai · 7 months
I go back and forth on which of these I think is the Nishigori side and which is the Toyomura side, but I have come to the conclusion that one pair of the triplets' grandparents own or owned Ice Castle (and if fewer than both of them own it now, it's because one or both of them is dead and left their share of rink ownership to one or both of Yuuko and Takeshi)
and one or both of the other pair of the triplets' grandparents worked at Ice Castle when Yuuko and Takeshi were kids (and if both, and/or if one or both of them skated there a lot, then their love story revolves around that rink as much as Yuuko and Takeshi's does, for the exact same reasons), and that's who taught Yuuri's first skating lessons
I think we found out Takeshi's and the triplets' ages in deuterocanonical something or other, not the show proper? I know there's an official art, I think from the fanbook, which lists the ages of Yuuko, Takeshi, and Yuuri as of the earliest flashback as 8, 7, and 5
Yuuko of course we heard is two years older than Yuuri as of March in ep 1, when Yuuri is 23, so we can pin Yuuko's 26th birthday to sometime between that March day and Yuuri's 24th birthday in November, probably on the earlier end because the same official source that gives us her maiden name says she's 26 and if her birthday is during the first few episodes then she's 26 for most of the series
Takeshi's 25th birthday must also precede the 18th anniversary of that earliest flashback, while being after Yuuri's 23rd birthday, but could still be on either side of Yuuko's birthday
I like the idea I've seen in several fics (notably @diedraechin 's but I've no idea who thought of it first) that the triplets were born during the 2010 Olympics, because it entertains me greatly to envision Yuuko, late in pregnancy and knowing triplets are usually early but still not expecting to go into labor until March at least, sitting in Yutopia dining area because they have the better TV, with Yuuri because Yuuko and Yuuri both wanted to watch the men's singles live
(and the Ice Ado trailer pins the 2006 Olympics to Paris, not Torino as in RL, which means Lambiel's YOI Torino Olympic silver was either 2002 or 2010; because in RL he came in 4th in 2010 Vancouver and 15th in 2002 Salt Lake City, it seems much likelier that Lambiel's YOI silver was from 2010 Torino)
and it's like three in the morning because time zones, so Takeshi is sleeping in Yuuri's bed (he'll watch the replay later) and Takeshi sleeps like a rock, and Mari and Hiroko and Toshiya are all asleep in their own beds and Yuuri won't dare risk they're not rested enough for work in the morning
and that is how Yuuri ends up missing watching Victor's Olympic performance live because he's holding Yuuko's hand while the triplets are being born
and because Yuuko is exhausted and Takeshi isn't there (and Yuuri is too stressed to process that the people asking him questions are assuming he's Yuuko's husband and/or the triplets' father), that is how the triplets get legally named what everyone was calling them during the pregnancy
...and given the history of the Victuuri romance, Victor on hearing this story decides it would be really romantic if he and Yuuri named their first kid Flip
(Yuuri, who has at some point witnessed if not personally experienced what happens when people think somebody's name sounds like something that's funnier because it's more hurtful, has better sense than that, but he does agree it would fit the pattern and be really romantic, so the kid ends up Filipp or Filippa)
(Victuuri kid 2 can be Sara or Sakura or idk, something that makes it vaguely plausible they'd go by Sally or Sal, which are also conveniently short for Salchow)
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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
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Part 1
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Wardlow Masterlist ♡ Alternate Universe Masterlist
Warnings: Some swearing. Descriptive sexual acts. Minors do not read. Unprotected sex.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif & 2nd gif @junglehooks 3rd @warinhisname 4th @archbishop-of-maxlow
WC 3923
David - Dax Harwood ☆ Daniel - Cash Wheeler ☆ Professor Sopp - Billy Gunn ☆ Will - Powerhouse Hobbs
Summary: f/Reader & Wardlow are both students at Ohio State, growing up together, but f/Reader can't stand the Frat Boy Wardlow, that is until she must help pass a class.
I am walking through the quad, on my way to a place I have yet to step foot in since I started at Ohio State a few years ago.
The Alpha Gamma Sigma house.
They are one of the nicer fraternities on campus, but I have stayed far away from the house because of one person and one person only.
Michael Wardlow.
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A man who fully believes that he is above anyone on this earth. Even as children, people praised him for his athletic abilities. Teachers would make exceptions for him if a big game was coming up, and they would just pass him because they knew he would be the one to bring our school the win.
He never seemed to get in trouble for all the stupid pranks he pulled on me back in the day.
Like one time in Junior High, he filled my locker with shaving cream and ruined everything I had there. From my homework to my gym clothes, and yet, I was the one who got in trouble when I took a handful of shaving cream and shoved it in his face.
From that moment on, our teachers knew to keep us apart as all we did was bicker and fight. Once we entered high school, I had nothing to do with him.
I barely went to any football games as I was more concerned about keeping my grades up so I could get a full scholarship.
Which I did. I got a full scholarship to Ohio State that pays for everything. From my boarding to my books and supplies. I have kept my 4.0 GPA as having a full ride was the only way I could get into university.
I was so happy that I got the scholarship that when I found out that Michael also got a scholarship for football, I did not care in that moment and actually forgot that we were going to the same school, until I saw him on the first day of classes.
I froze when I saw him, and all he did was smile and wave at me, making sure to wink at me to just piss me off even more.
I continued on the unfamiliar path towards the Alpha Gamma Sigma house, replaying the words of Professor Sopp over in my head.
"YN, I know the history between you and Mr Wardlow, but you have the highest grade in my class, and he needs a tutor to help him with the exams."
And even though I loathe the man, I could never see someone failing just because I hate them, so I said yes to helping the Frat Boy, but as I saw the Alpha Gamma Sigma house come into view, I was slowly starting to regret it.
But I held my head up high, and I rang the doorbell, waiting for one of them to come to the door.
I heard someone yell out that they were coming and the door opened to the smiling face that is Daniel Wheeler.
"Well, isn't this a suprise. What can I do for you, YN?"
"I am looking for Michael."
Before Daniel could answer, a new voice piped up, "You will have to be more specific, YN." David Harwood said.
The two Frat Boys glanced at one another, silently communicating, and then they looked back at me.
"He is busy right now," Daniel said.
"I don't care what or whom he is doing. Just tell him I need to see him. It deals with kinesiology."
Daniel went off to find Michael, and David leaned against the doorframe as we had polite conversation.
"So how is Maria doing?"
"Maria is doing good. Talking about coming to your party this weekend."
"Yeah, but she isn't sure. Maybe you should text her or talk to her and see what she says. Maybe convince her to come."
"Yeah, yeah, I will do that."
The two of them have been dancing around one another for ages now, and they just need a push in the right direction. They have been on a few dates, but they keep going around in circles for some odd reason.
Our conversation died down once Daniel and Michael came around the corner, and I had to mentally slap myself as I stared at Michael's sweaty chest.
He may be a douche, but the man is built, and I do have eyes.
"What can I do for you, LN?" Daniel and David left the two of us alone, but I am pretty sure the two of them are just around the corner, listening in on our conversation.
"Professor Sopp asked me to help you to study."
"And you agreed to help me? Why? What is in it for you?"
"I may be a bitch but when I am asked to help someone so they don't fail a class, I will."
"Okay, well thanks. When do you want to do this?"
"Tomorrow. Meet me in the library at 6. Don't be late," He agreed to meet me at the library the next day.
Once the door was closed, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, wondering what the hell I am getting myself into.
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I was working out in the fraternities gym when Daniel came to get me. I was halfway through my set, barely paying attention until he said something strange.
"Who did you say was here looking for me?"
A smirk came over his face as he repeated her name again, YN LN.
"You have to be shitting me?" All he did was shake his head and said she was there to discuss Kinesiology.
But that asshole couldn't keep the smirk off of his face. He knew how I felt about her. One time, when I had a bit too much to drink, I told him about how much I like her and have ever since I pulled on her pigtails all the way back in the first grade.
I still didn't believe him as the two of us walked to the front door and saw David and her talking.
My two Vice-presidents left YN and I alone, but knowing those assholes, they were around the corner.
As I listened to YN explain why she was there, it dawned on me that I could use this time together to show her I am just not some asshole.
I agreed to meet her in the library, and I closed the door. Now, I am mentally trying to prepare myself for the next day.
The only word that was going through my head right now as I ran through towards the library was, 'fuck.'
It was 6:45 and I know YN is probably long gone from the library. People moved out of my way, not wanting to be run over by me.
I slowed down once the building came into view, and I came to a stop just before the doors to fix myself up, but Maria walked out, almost walking right into me.
"Oh hey Mike. Are you okay?"
I muttered yes and then went to walk by her, but she placed her hand on my arm to stop me. "She left about 20 minutes ago. Got sick of waiting for you."
I cursed under my breath. "Did you not bother to message her to say practice ran late?"
"I don't have her number."
"Come with me. I know where she is." Maria walked past me, and I quickly followed her, wondering why she was even helping me.
The two of us made small talk as we walked to where YN may be. I knew of Maria. We had a few classes throughout the years, and David is madly in love with her.
I saw that we were near Raney House, and even though I have spent many nights here, I had no idea YN even lived her.
I know Maria lived here as well, but I know she has a single room. "Does YN know we are coming?" She was already angry with me, and I didn't need another excuse for her to even more angry with me.
"She knows I am coming, but if I even mentioned you, well, you can imagine how that would have turned out." She said to me as we stepped onto the elevator.
I took note of the floor she pressed and the door number once we got to the floor. Maria knocked on the door, and we waited for YN to answer.
YN opened the door with a smile on her face, and then a scowl came across it the moment she saw that Maria wasn't alone.
"What is he doing here?" YN practically spat out as she glared at her friend.
"Football practice ran long for him, and he had no way of reaching you. I saw him running towards the library. YN. Maybe you two should exchange numbers just in case this happens again."
"I am not helping you today." She finally looked at me instead of Maria.
"YN, you two have a test coming up. Do not put this off just because you are mad at him. He needs to pass, or he can't play football."
"Fine. Shoes off Frat Boy."
I mouthed thank you to Maria as YN turned and walked into her dorm, leaving me to close the door.
"You owe me, Mike." Was all Maria whispered to me. I really did.
I went back to here place every day to study. We tried the library, but people kept coming up and talking to me, and like the people pleaser I am, I couldn't help but talk to them, but this seemed to work out for the best.
The first test I took after YN started to help me, I barely just passed, but my grade was higher than the one I got previously, so I called that a win.
"Why don't we take a break?" YN could clearly tell I was getting frustrated with this new topic. The one I have been dreading, Pathophysiology.
"Thank God," I practically slammed my textbook shut.
"You want a drink?"
"Just water, please." YN got us both a glass of water, and she let me calm down.
"You know this stuff, Mike." YN said after a few minutes of silence.
"It is just all the technical terms and shit. I know I know this stuff. It just comes to writing the tests."
"Maybe we have to figure out how to get you to relax during the tests. You psych yourself out. I know you could have gotten a better grade on the last test."
"I don't even know why I even took this course."
"Now that is a lie. You have had your whole life planned out since we were kids."
YN was right. I always knew I wanted to play football, but I wanted to have a fallback just in case.
"What made you take this course?"
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"Remember my Grandpa?"
"Yeah, one of the original Cincinnati Bengals."
"He got hurt during practice one day, I mean really hurt. They really didn't have the medicine they do now, and they thought he had a minor concussion."
That was the story that was put out to the media.
"So after a short time off and a bit of basic rehab, he went back out to play, but his brain injury got worse and worse. He died from chronic traumatic encephalopathy. That is what the autopsy said. I want to help football players with their injuries. That is why I got into this, so that way I can work in or open my own Kinesiology based Rehabilitation Centre."
"Oh." Was all Mike could say.
"Yeah, when he knew something wasn't right with him after he retired, he stayed home, not wanting his fans or even his family really to see him when the aggression was at its peak. He had other symptoms, too, like impulse control problems, memory loss, depression and anxiety, but the aggression is what really got to him as he wasn't that type of guy," I trailed off, hoping now we would can get back to studying.
"How about we call it a night and go and have some fun."
"Got a date or something, Mike?" I saw him roll his eyes at me.
"No, but there is a party at my place tonight. Come on, YN, it is Friday night, and we are studying. Let loose a little."
"Oh yeah, cause watching a bunch of Frat Boys and their groupies get drunk sounds like fun." I snorted.
"Why do you have to be such a kill joy? Fine, stay here, I was just trying to help." I watched as Mike grabbed his books and shoved them into his backpack.
I didn't say anything as he left my dorm. Why would I? It's not like he actually wants me there.
Mike called and cancelled the studying session for the next day. I figured he would, knowing him he probably has some girl in his bed and / or is too hungover to try and study.
So I did what I usually do on Saturdays, which is clean, shop, and relax after a stressful week of school now dealing with a Frat Boy who is just trying to slide by in class.
But as I opened the door, I was stunned to see his two friends standing there, one ready to knock on the door.
"And how can I help you, gentlemen, and how did you know where I live?" My eyes narrowed when I saw Maria step out from behind David.
"You really gotta stop telling people where I live, Maria."
"I know, but they need your help."
"My help?" I looked between Daniel and David.
"It is Mike. He hasn't come out of his room since he got home last night. Not even for the party, and he isn't opening his door."
"And what makes you think I can help David?"
"You were the last one with him, and for some reason, he listens to you." Daniel cut in.
"Fine. I'll deal with him."
I found myself deep in the heart of Alpha Gamma Sigma house. Looking at the men watching me as I knocked on their Presidents door.
"Go away, Daniel."
"It isn't Daniel."
I heard no noise, and then the door was open, and there he was, his hair a mess, no shirt and grey sweatpants on, and no socks.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Well," I pointed behind me, and Mike stuck his head out and looked up and down the hall, "your two friends got worried about you. My best friend brought them to me."
He hesitated for a moment and then stepped aside. I walked into his room as he closed the door behind me.
"What is the problem, Mike?" I asked him as he sat on his bed.
"I don't think that is true. I was told that you didn't go to the party last night. That you just stayed in your room."
"I had stuff to think about."
"And that is?"
"It isn't your concern now, is it YN?"
"I was asked to come here, Mike. You and the rest of your Frat Boys are wasting my time." I could feel myself getting angry, and I saw the anger in his eyes as he finally looked at me.
"Is that all I am to you? Huh? Some fucking Frat Boy who only thinks with his dick?"
"Oh please Mike, the minute you aren't thinking about football, you are thinking about your next lay."
"It isn't true YN. Yeah, I have fun and get laid, so what? I am the star football player, and I am the president of my Frat House. It is gonna happen."
"You have coasted by in your life. Never getting into shit for the shit you have pulled, just because you are good at some game."
"How the hell are you helping me right now? You need to leave YN."
"I am happy too. Oh, find someone else to help you study."
I swung the door open, and it bounced off the wall. I heard Mike yell at me, but I ignored him as I stomped out of his room and past his housemates like a brat.
I walked past Daniel and then took a few steps back, so I was standing in front of him. I jabbed my finger into his chest as I spoke, "Leave me the fuck alone. I am through with helping him. Good luck at the next game if he doesn't pass the test."
He didn't pass the test.
He didn't pass the makeup test that Professor Sopp nicely gave him.
From what I know, he just failed, a few more correct answers, and he would have passed the test.
"YN, you are the only one who can help him with this." Maria tried to say to me.
"People need to stop giving into him. He gets whatever he wants, well it is time he learns that not everything can go is way." I said to her as I walked away from her. People were glaring at me, knowing I was the reason why Mike couldn't play.
"He is going to lose his scholarship, YN." That made me stop. I looked at the ground, fighting an inner battle with myself.
"They wouldn't cut him off with him almost being done school." I turned around and looked at her.
"His scholarship is football. He doesn't play. He loses it."
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David, Daniel, Dante, and Darius, two of the younger members, were trying to help me study, but nothing, and I mean nothing was helping.
They have no idea what any of this stuff is, and them mumbling under their breaths is not helping me.
I was so focused on trying to study whatever was on the page that I didn't even hear someone knock on my open door.
"Oh, thank God, YN." I looked up at David's voice.
"I see that you need some help."
"You came back." It wasn't a question, just a fact.
"Yeah, guys, may we be left alone?"
The four of them practically ran from the room, David and Daniel kissing her on her cheeks on the way out, slamming the door behind them.
"Before we start, I want to apologise for everything." I was too stunned to speak.
"I know you are smart, and you just don't think with your dick. I am sorry.
"I am more than just a Frat Boy, YN. You seem to forget that."
"I know. I have to let go of the past between us so that way you pass this class and don't lose your scholarship."
I watched as she held her hand out, "Hi, my name is YN."
We are now starting fresh.
YN stayed with me and helped me study. I passed with the best grade I have gotten so far in the class, but we didn't stop there.
She helped me with the midterms, and I passed those with amazing grades. So much so that they thought I actually cheated.
YN made sure to inform our professors that she was helping me study.
I finally got her to come to one of our parties after coming back from the holidays and it is a big may be is she does.
It took a lot of convincing for her to come, and I was practically on my knees.
"Come on, YN. This is one of the last big parties before we really crack down on the end of year stuff. Please."
"Fine, but,"
I didn't even let her finish, I picked her up in my arms in a bone crushing hug. "Can't....breathe," I loosed my grip but didn't put her on the ground. Our faces were close together.
I waited for her to pull back, but she didn't. YN was staring at my lips, and I just decided to go for it. Just as our lips were about to touch, her phone went off. The two of us sprung apart, and she quickly grabbed her phone.
I keep wondering if we would have kissed or not. I wonder if she would have slapped me or if it would have gone further.
"You have been looking into the mirror for the past two minutes." I turned my head and saw the woman that has haunted my dreams ever since we were children.
"Just trying to decide what I should do with my hair." Was the first stupid thing that I blurted out as I sat on my bed.
"You don't have much ever since you cut it." She said as she walked closer to me.
"I still want to look good, YN."
"You always look good, Mike." I saw her eyes widen as well. I don't think she meant to say that. 
The air in the room felt thick as she stood between close to me, as she tried to do something with me hair.
I tried to focus on anything but her breasts that were in my face. "There, perfect." She went to drop her hands, but I caught one and held onto it.
"Mike, what are you doing?"
"YN, I am...what I mean to say is," but we were interrupted by Will.
"Hey Mike, Dante got caught in the library with his girl."
"Fucking kids man," I muttered under my breath as I let go of YN's hand.
"Thanks, Will," I said to him as I also narrowed my eyes at him as well. I could see his eyes looking YN up and down.
"Hey YN, if you ever want to meet up."
"She is taken Will. Go and be with your girl." I quickly said as I stood up and in front of YN, trying to block her from him. All he did was chuckle and walk away.
Will and I aren't exactly friends. We play football and are fraternity brothers, but we don't go out of our way to hang out with one another.
"Taken? I am no one's property, Mike." I could hear the anger in her voice as I turned to look at her.
"I know that, but I know how some of these guys are. They would try to get with you."
"Look, YN, I am just trying to look out for you."
"I don't need you too, Mike. I can take care of myself, I have been doing a fine," I cut her off by crashing my lips against hers. I expected her to pull back and slap me, but she wrapped her arms around me.
I placed my hands under her ass and lifted her as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
The next thing I knew, the two of us were in my bed, naked. YN on her knees, ass up in the air as I slammed into her. The two of us moaning as I fucked her. She turned her head so she was facing the mirror, and I almost came from the looked on her face. Her mouth opened, letting out little moans. Her coming all over my cock and I was just about to finish, when she opened her mouth to let out a scream.
But it was just my damn alarm that woke me up.
I woke up with a start, groaning at the feeling of my come soaked boxers.
This is going to be a very long day.
Tag List: If you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @nicoleveno14 @1rsolideranna @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekittycat @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @tahiri-veyla @malakaiblacksgirl1989 @wardlow
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skysometric · 6 months
my 4th favorite game that i played in 2023 is...
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The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
"but sky, didn't you already play this when it came out?" yeah, and that was almost 20 years ago. bite me.
if you didn't see me stream Phantom Hourglass already: before this year, i hadn't played or seen the game AT ALL since it came out. i loved it as a kid, i 100%ed the whole thing! but all the opinions i've read ever since suggested that it's one of the more… polarizing games in the series. maybe kid me was just willing to overlook the bullshit? who knows!
now that i've replayed it, though? god DAMN, it might be one of my favorite Zelda experiences in recent memory! especially as, once again, the newest releases (BotW and TotK) didn't really do much for me.
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first off: i actually like the touch screen controls – especially for what it does to the items. every single one of these items is at its most unique! drawing a path for the boomerang, connecting things with the grapple hook, and remote controlling the bombchus are some of the coolest item concepts in the entire series. even the swordplay goes beyond just "tap an enemy to kill it," which i was genuinely surprised by!
as a sequel to Wind Waker it hits all the right notes; the condensed sea makes sailing a delight, with tons of things to do that keep sailing from becoming a glorified loading screen. each island is explorable and re-explorable, especially when paired with the map system, which makes taking notes highly engaging and ADHD friendly. it's inspired me to take more notes IRL!
the story is FULL of charm from top to bottom; Toon Link's animations made me laugh out loud on several occasions, Linebeck is the perfect type of loveable curmudgeon, and the rest of the characters are full of soul! i was genuinely sad to let them go at the game's close.
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even the Temple of the Ocean King, the most dreaded dungeon in the entire game, the one you are required to return to over and over again throughout the story… really surprised me with how well laid out it is! it's full of shortcuts and treasures that require the new items you get along the way, meaning no two runs ever felt the same to me. that's a HUGE accomplishment for one of the most criticized dungeons in the series.
so all of the internet's complaints can go jump in a… well, scratch that actually. to be honest, all the complaining made me go into Phantom Hourglass like it was a grand mystery that needed solving. will i like it? or will i have grown up too much? in the end it captured the kid in my heart, and that made this revisit all the more special.
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disturbedbydesign · 2 years
Take Me Home - Part 11
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PAIRING: Dennis Baker x Reader
SUMMARY: It’s been nearly a year since your ex-boyfriend dumped you and left you with a laundry list of insecurities, and you haven’t been able to really put yourself out there since. But when Dennis shows up at the adoption fair you’re running for your job at the animal shelter, there’s just something about him that makes you feel like you’re ready to try again.
WARNINGS (more to come): Body Issues (Dennis and Reader), References to Past Animal Abuse, Emotionally Abusive Exes (Dennis and Reader), Mention of Past Domestic Violence (Dennis’s Evil Ex), Dry Humping/Thigh Riding, Two Idiots In Love Making Out In A Car, Oral (M&F Receiving), Titjob, Cum Play, Fingering, Sexting/Nudes/FaceTime sex, Mutual Masturbation. 18+ only, no minors.
TAGLIST: @littlelioncub43, @whatinthestyles, @filthy-gorgeous, @justile, @valhalla-kristin, @elrw24, @janaev4ns, @ysmmsy, @ronearoundblindly, @in-umbra-gratia, @vayollie, @thornsnvultures
*Taglist is open to 18+ readers (no blank blogs) who comment, reblog, and/or chat with me via asks. If you just want to read lowkey, that’s cool and you do you, but the taglist is reserved for the lovely people who want to interact with me and my story :)
Series Masterlist
Part Eleven
This week is going to be absolute chaos. You’re working extra shifts to cover for Jack and Betsy, who are visiting her parents to give them the good news of their engagement in person, and you thought maybe you’d get at least one night with Dennis, but when he arrived at work this morning, he’d learned that one of his coworkers had quit and so his week has gone from normal to crazy as well. You’re more upset than you probably should be—after all, it’s only five days—but as Monday drags on, that feels like an eternity.
You try to focus on the fact that this weekend you’ll be having your first sleepover at Dennis’s place. You always take Badger out of town to your parents’ house over 4th of July weekend because fireworks give him horrible anxiety and your parents’ HOA strictly forbids them, so your plan is to drop him off with them on Friday, stay the night, and then head back bright and early Saturday to help Dennis get ready for the barbecue. You know he’s nervous about it—especially because he doesn’t really have close friends of his own to invite—but as he kissed you goodnight last night, he swore to you that he really does want to do something for the holiday.
“I can't remember the last time I even went to a party, nevermind had one of my own,” he’d said. “It’ll be fun. Everything is fun with you.”
If you can just get through this week, you know you’ll be rewarded handsomely, but you’re addicted to Dennis now and you don’t know how you’ll survive five whole days without him. You try to focus on work but you’ve been replaying last night in your head all day. You hadn’t expected that from him. You’d figured that Dennis’s first time going down on you would be awkward for both of you—you with your insecurities and him with his own, distracting the both of you and making it hard for you to finish. All that aside, he’d made it sound like you were going to have to teach him everything, and you absolutely would have (and done so with all the patience and kindness in the world), but turns out he didn’t need that much instruction at all. It makes you smile thinking about Dennis reading sex-tip articles, a look of deep concentration on his face as he committed everything to memory. Thinking about him watching videos, though… that makes you feel a different way entirely. The thought of Dennis watching porn and thinking about you—the things he wants to do to you, the way he wants to make you feel—has you clenching your legs under your desk.
Five fucking days. This is going to be hell.
You somehow manage to make it to your break in between your day and night shift, and you call Dennis to check in as you walk to the pizza place a few blocks away. He picks up on the second ring, like he’d been sitting there waiting for you to call.
“I was just thinking about you,” he says. 
“Oh yeah?” you reply. “And what exactly were you thinking about?”
“How good you taste.”
His voice is low and gravelly and your whole body is buzzing with yearning.
“Dennis, you can’t say shit like that when you know I can’t see you,” you say. “You’re being so mean right now.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” You can tell by the gleeful tone of his voice that he isn’t. “I could come by for lunch tomorrow…”
A brief mental picture of Dennis sweeping all the shit off your desk, laying you down on it, and burying his head between your thighs flashes through your brain but you shake your head to get rid of it.
“I have a lunch meeting with the ASPCA rep tomorrow. And you’ve got your appointment with Dr. Porter on Wednesday night, right?”
“I could cancel,” he says.
“No,” you insist. “That’s important. And besides, I think the Doc would probably have something not so nice to say about me if I let you cancel your therapy session for a date.”
“He definitely would. And you’re working Thursday night again and then off to your parents’ place Friday, right? Fuck. I just… I really want to see you this week.”
“I do, too.” You can hear the whine creep into your voice but you can’t help it. You want to stomp your feet and throw a tantrum like a toddler. “This sucks.”
“It really does,” he replies, “but we can talk and text and maybe even…”
He trails off but you think you know where he was going. “Maybe even what, Dennis?”
“Nothing,” he says, coughing to clear his throat. “Nevermind. I gotta run. Boss just came by with another stack of Gary’s work for me to take home with me. Call me later?”
“Just… call me later, sweetheart. Bye.”
“OK, bye.”
You hang up and grab yourself two slices and a soda to bring back with you, and as you eat at your desk, all you can think about is that “maybe even…” and how much you want to hear him finish that sentence. You know exactly what he means, of course, and you’re completely down. After all, you and Dennis had exchanged a few racy texts before, and if you’re going to make it through five whole days, you’re going to need something to see you through.
By the time the overnight staff arrives, you’re practically asleep on your feet, and you shoot Dennis a text on your way out to your car.
Y: Leaving now. I’ll text you when I get home. Don’t want to wake you if you’re sleeping.
You get a response almost immediately.
D: I’ll be up. Call me when you get in.
The apartment is quiet when you get home; the only sounds are Badger snoring from your bedroom and Mal’s white-noise machine indicating that she is actually home and in bed early for once. You toe your shoes off at the door and read the note she left for you telling you that Badger is all set with his walk and nightly business, and when you get to your room you give Badger a scratch behind the ear (ignoring his grumpy Bitch I’m Sleeping growl) before changing into a tank top and clean underwear. You should shower the day off you but you’re just too fucking exhausted to do anything but crawl into bed and call Dennis to say goodnight.
“Hey,” he says.
“You didn’t have to stay up,” you reply. “It’s after midnight.”
“I wanted to hear your voice. I miss you.”
“I miss you, too, but I’m so fucking tired.”
“That’s a shame,” he says, a hint of mischief in his voice.
You laugh. “I want to, but not tonight,” you say, and you hear him whine.
“Please?” he begs. “You’re gonna make me do this all by myself?”
“I’m sorry, baby,” you say, a big yawn hitting you mid-sentence. “I just can’t even keep my eyes open.”
“Alright,” he says, his voice soft and sweet. “Go to sleep, sweetheart. Call me in the morning.”
“I will.”
“Oh, I know you will.”
You don’t get a chance to question him before he hangs up, and you’re too exhausted to even think clearly, so you just put the TV on low, hit the pillow, and pass out. When you wake, it’s almost 9:30—way later than you usually sleep even on days after you pull a double. Badger is standing over you looking miffed that his morning piss and breakfast have been delayed.
“Sorry, buddy,” you tell him. “Mama was tired.” He nudges your arm with his snout and you laugh. “OK, OK, I’m up.”
You throw on some sweats and a t-shirt and take Badger for his morning stroll, and once he’s done with breakfast, you grab your phone to call Dennis. Before you have a chance to call, you see you have a text from him that wasn’t there before you left for Badger’s walk, and when you open your text chain, you see it’s not a message but a video; the thumbnail is R-rated and well on it’s way to X.
He didn’t. Oh my God… he did.
You throw the living room TV on for Badger and rush into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you, and then you hit play.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” you hear Dennis say, but all you can focus on is the tented sheet in his lap. He pushes it down his thighs, revealing his massive cock in his hand as he strokes it slowly. “I wish you were here with me. Miss you so fucking much. Miss having your pretty lips wrapped around my dick.”
“Holy shit,” you say out loud to no one.
Even though Mal is at work, you grab your headphones so you can hear the deep timbre of his voice as loud as possible in your ear. You lay back on your bed and crank the volume all the way up, and the rumble of his low moans has you spreading your legs and shoving one hand down your sweats and underneath your panties.
“Been thinking about your perfect little pussy all day, baby. Got so fucking hard at work.” He squeezes his bulbous tip and you watch the precum drip out before he gathers it between his thumb and forefinger and smears it all over his head. “I want you so bad, sweetheart. Wanna see your pretty face when you cum for me again.”
He grabs a bottle of lube from somewhere off-camera and squirts a generous amount on the tip of his cock, letting it drip down the length of him before grabbing himself by the base and stroking it up and down. His hand is a blur on the screen and the schlick schlick schlick of his lubed-up strokes has you rubbing your clit in quick circles. You don’t even know where to look: his thick, muscular thighs, his abs tensing and relaxing as he moans and groans, his pecs bouncing just a tiny bit in time with his strokes. His body is absolutely sinful and—as you can hear him telling you—it’s all yours to do with whatever you’d like.
He tugs and massages his balls as he licks his lips, his neck veins straining so hard you think they’ll burst as he throws his head back and moans, “God, I can’t wait to fuck you. Just want to be inside you, sweetheart. So fucking deep inside. Oh, fuck.”
Just thinking about having that big, beautiful cock in your guts is enough to bring you to the edge, and as Dennis strokes himself to completion, your name on his lips as white ropes of cum paint his abs, you speed up your own ministrations and cry out through gritted teeth. Your chest is heaving along with Dennis’s as he comes down, rubbing his spend into his skin. You wish you could lick him clean, wait the .5 seconds it would take for him to get hard again, and then ride his cock until your body breaks in half but you can’t.
Four fucking days. 
“Talk to you in the morning, sweetheart,” he says, and then the video cuts.
As soon as you can get a grip on yourself, you call Dennis.
“Morning, sweetheart,” he says, and you can hear the amusement in his voice. “Did you get my present?”
“I honestly don’t even know what to say,” you reply.
You can feel his vibe shift through the phone. “Shit… should I not have-”
“No, no,” you tell him. “You definitely should have. That was so fucking hot. Like… do you have a secret OnlyFans that I don’t know about?”
Dennis laughs. “No. That was just for you. I don’t know what got into me last night. I’m sorry if it was too much, I just-”
“Dennis, stop. I loved it. I just came so hard watching it and I’m probably gonna watch it, like, 100 more times this week until I get to see you again.”
“I can make you another one. I mean, if you want…”
“Yes,” you say. “I want. I very much want.”
Dennis chuckles and you know that he’s blushing and you just feel so lucky to have found this sweet, sexy guy that can go from being the biggest dork to the sexiest hunk of man you’ve ever seen in your life and back again in seconds.
“Hey, Dennis?” you ask.
“I don’t care how tired I am after work tonight. You. Me. Facetime.”
Four days. Four more days before he can get his hands on you. Dennis had been a little nervous to send you that video, but if he can’t be with you, he wanted to show you exactly how much he wants to be with you. He’d never done anything like that before, but something about you just makes Dennis think things and do things he never would have dreamed about before you walked into his life and shattered the picture he’d had of himself. Dennis thought he knew who he was, and it was a person he didn’t particularly like: a weak man, afraid, powerless. Now, though, he isn’t so sure. It’s scary, this journey of discovering himself—at his age, a man should have a pretty good idea of who he is—but after meeting you, he realizes he has no idea who Dennis Baker actually is. He’s starting to see just how much outside influences have shaped his opinion of himself and the way he lives his life. It’s terrifying and exciting in equal measure to know that maybe he can be whoever he wants to be with you.
And he knows who he wants to be. He wants to be a strong, confident man who isn’t afraid to show you how much he wants you, who isn’t afraid to tell you how much he loves you—the type of man who would believe you if you say you love him, too. He wants to be the type of man you want to marry and start a family with, the type of man you would never get tired of loving. He wants to be the type of man who can tell you all these things—and he’s close now, he can feel it.
But this week isn’t the week. He isn’t about to tell you he loves you through a fucking text message or call or even FaceTime. No, he wants to tell you with your beautiful face just inches from his, because he knows you feel it, too. He knows you’ll say it back. He needed that bit of reassurance from Mal to fully know, but he knows now and it’s killing him to have to wait.
Four more days.
It’s about 5:30 and Dennis is wrapping up his day, packing up all of the extra work he’s got to take home with him since Gary’s abrupt departure. He liked Gary, too. He was one of only a few people at work he would consider anything close to a friend—not that they ever really hung out, but he was a nice guy, invited him into his Fantasy league (which for a long time has been his sole source of social interaction), and they could shoot the shit about baseball and the boss being a dick and all those surface, bullshit things that you talk about with a work friend. The extra work is just the icing on the cake of Gary leaving, but it isn’t anything he can’t handle. Putting in the extra hours this week wouldn’t have bothered him in the slightest before he met you, but now every second he spends doing Gary’s job is a second away from you and it pisses Dennis off a little.
He’s about to text you to see how your lunch meeting went when his phone dings. He smiles because it’s you, but when he opens your text his smile fades and his mouth drops open as a deep guttural sound bubbles up from somewhere in his chest. You’ve sent him a series of pictures, each one more titillating than the last. He recognizes your office as the backdrop of all of them, and in the first, it’s you in just your bra and jeans. In the second one, the jeans are gone and you’ve got skimpy little panties on that match your bra. In the third one, the bra is gone, and the fourth… 
“Fuck me,” he moans under his breath, taking in the sight of you bent over your desk, your gorgeous ass on display with just a sliver of pussy to tease him.
Dennis grabs his things and practically sprints to his car, holding his backpack in front of him as he goes so that none of his colleagues notice the growing tent in his khakis. The second he gets the door closed, he grabs his phone and pulls up that fourth picture, zooming in to get the best look he can at that heavenly place between your legs. There’s about a million things he wants to say to you right now—all of them absolutely filthy—and he doesn’t even know where to begin.
D: Jesus Christ I almost just came in my pants in the middle of my office
Y: Poor baby. Just giving you a taste of your own medicine…
D: Why don’t you ditch work and come give me a taste of something else?
Y: Can’t. You’ll just have to make me another video…
D: You’re a real bad girl taking nudes at work
Y: Come punish me then
D: That why you bent yourself over the desk? You need a spanking?
Y: That’s exactly what I need. That and your big fat cock in my mouth.
D: How am I supposed to drive home like this, huh? You’re killing me, sweetheart. Please let me come see you.
Y: Can’t. FaceTime later. Gotta go xoxo
“Christ,” he says to himself. “Four more days. Four more days.”
He repeats it like a mantra, wiping his brow because he’s actually sweating now and he has no idea how he’s going to get home with the massive erection that’s threatening to tear through his pants. He’s trying to push all thoughts of you out of his head in the hopes it will settle down when he gets a call from the Boner Killer herself. In any other circumstance, he would have let it go to voicemail, but he decides to pick up, if only to rid himself of his increasingly painful erection.
“What do you want, Karen?”
“Listen,” she says, her faux-regretful tone an unpleasant reminder of just how many times this has played out before, “I want to apologize for the way I acted the other day. I was just angry and I didn’t expect you to have… company. So, yeah, I’m sorry, but we need to talk about this alimony situation like adults, Dennis. I know you’re mad at me, but that doesn’t give you the right to cut me off.”
Dennis sighs: another fake apology after another drunken outburst in a bid to get what she wants from him. Same shit, different day—but it’s not the same now. Now Dennis has a reason to push back, to fight for his own happiness.
“Look, Karen, I appreciate the apology and all but I’m not doing this anymore. We’re going to court and the judge is going to decide. If the court says I have to pay, I will, but I’m going to fight like hell not to because you don’t deserve another goddamn cent from me. I want you out of my life. For good.”
“This is about her, isn’t it?” she spits, voice dripping with malevolence—there she is, the real Karen, it never takes long. “You don’t actually think she likes you, do you? Please tell me you’re not that stupid.”
“No, Karen, I don’t think she likes me. I think she loves me, and I love her, and I’ll see you in court.”
Dennis hangs up, more determined than ever to tell you how he feels. If he could say it to his demon of an ex-wife and believe it, he knows he can say it to you. He shoots an email to his lawyer, asking after the court date, and heads towards home. All he wants in the world (besides for you) is to take Jax for a nice long after-dinner walk around the neighborhood and think about how exactly he’s going to tell you.
Work clothes exchanged for his sweats and a t-shirt, Dennis walks Jax around the neighborhood, taking the longer route and letting his pup sniff leisurely as he has a good think. He knows he wants to tell you on Saturday, after the 4th of July party is over and everyone has gone home and he finally finally has you alone. Dennis knows you’re staying over that night but he tries not to put any pressure on himself about what that might mean. Of course he wants to have sex with you and he’s pretty sure you want to have sex with him, but he has to give himself some grace—leave room for the possibility that it might not feel right, or he might not be ready, or you might not be. He doesn’t want to force it; he wants it to happen organically, to feel as natural as waking up in the morning, but he knows that’s impossible—that of course there are incredibly high expectations on both sides and the first time probably won’t be some sort of magical, soul-stirring experience. He can hope, though, and he can be prepared.
Even though you were candid about the fact that you’re on birth control for your cramps, he’d bought some condoms anyway. He’d got himself tested after Karen told him she’d been fucking around on him and his results were all negative (and he hasn’t been with anyone since) but he doesn’t know about you and he can’t bring himself to ask. It wouldn’t matter to him, of course, and he knows that he should just have the conversation ahead of time like adults and go from there, but he’s just got so many other things going against him when it comes to sex that he can’t add one more awkward conversation to the mix. He’s operating under the assumption that, when and if the time comes, he will use protection, and he’s more than happy to wrap it up if it means he gets to be inside of you. It’s not what he thinks about when he thinks about fucking you, though. He thinks about fucking you raw and pumping you full and watching you drip with him. It’s what he thought even before he knew you were on the pill, and if you’d let him, he would do it even if you weren’t. But that’s another conversation—one he knows he has to have with you but that he’s not ready for. 
Because Dennis wants a family so desperately; he always has. Karen pretended to want the same thing but, like everything else, it was all bullshit. Once they got married, it was all “let’s wait a little while” and then a few years later it was “I never wanted kids—you knew that.” She actually managed to convince him that he’d misunderstood her, that she had always been honest with him about her lack of desire for motherhood. He understands now, thanks to Dr. Porter, that it was textbook gaslighting, but for a long time he thought it was his own fault he wasn’t a father.
Dennis doesn’t know what he’ll do if you don’t want to have children because it’s one of the few non-negotiable things he needs from a relationship. He doesn’t care in the slightest if he has a biological child or an adopted child; he just wants to be a dad. It’s one of the things he knows he needs to discuss with Dr. Porter tomorrow and he’s dreading it, but he feels in his heart that you want the same thing as he does. He’s never met someone with more love to give than you, never met someone so patient and kind and caring, but Dennis doesn’t want to make assumptions—not every woman wants to be a mom, and that’s perfectly ok. He just can’t put his heart and soul into one that doesn’t. Not again.
But he’s getting way ahead of himself—thinking about marriage and babies when he hasn’t even voiced his feelings for you. He has to tell you he loves you, but how? The over-the-top cheesy romantic in him thinks briefly about a fireworks display, but that would be a nightmare for Jax (who will probably already be freaked out by whatever the neighbors have going on) so Dennis quickly axes that idea. He wants to do something, though. He wants to make it special. He wants you to know that he’s felt it for a long time—that it’s not just something he spits out without thinking.
By the time he returns home with Jax, he’s still coming up empty, but if he has to wait four—well, basically three—more days to see you, at least that gives him time to come up with something perfect. Because it has to be perfect. It has to be, because you are and it’s what you deserve. He’s run out of time to focus on it now, though. He needs to get his/Gary’s work done so that he can cut out a little early for his appointment with Dr. Porter tomorrow. He fixes himself a little something to eat—the lemon spaghetti you’d taught him to make, which is his new favorite thing in the world because it’s delicious and reminds him of you—and then he gets to work with ESPN droning on in the background and Jax napping next to him on the couch.
He finishes up around 10 and takes Jax for a quick night walk before getting ready for bed. He knows he’s gonna have to wait for you a while—the overnight crew doesn’t start until 11:30 and you won’t be home before midnight—but even though he’s exhausted, all it takes is a few moments studying the pretty pictures you’d sent him earlier to have him wide awake. He lets Jax up on the bed and scrolls Netflix, deciding to start watching Schitt’s Creek because you’d told him it’s one of your comfort shows. He’s on the third episode when you finally call. 
“Hey, baby,” you say, and Dennis doesn’t know what to focus on—all he ever wants to do is look in your eyes, but you’ve got your phone tilted so that your tits take centerstage, and he can see your nipples through the sheer baby-pink bra you’re wearing. “You have a good night?”
All Dennis can say is “Fuck me.”
“I’m trying to,” you reply, panning your phone down so he can see your matching panties—if you could even call that miniscule scrap of fabric that. “You like?”
“Sweetheart, I love. But you know you don’t have to dress up for me.”
“You want me to take them off?” you ask, and Dennis doesn’t know what to say—because of course he does, there’s nothing better than you totally naked—but also you look so fucking cute in this pretty pink set you’ve chosen to wear for him: it’s somehow innocent and sinfully sexy at the same time, just like you.
“Keep them on,” he says. “You look so fucking gorgeous, baby,” Dennis says.
The hand not holding his phone reaches down to pull his cock through the hole in his boxers, and you notice, because of course you do.
“Lemme see it,” you plead. “Please? You know how much I love it.”
“You really do, huh?” he responds, and you nod. “You really love my dick that much?”
“I’d do anything for your cock, baby. Anything. Tell me what you want me to do.”
Dennis takes a moment to think about it because there are various scenarios running through his mind right now and he doesn’t know which one to pick. He decides to have you recreate the position you were in earlier because oh did he like that.
“Turn around,” he says. “Shake your ass for me.”
“So you liked that last picture, huh?” Dennis watches as you get your phone into position on your nightstand before crawling back up on your bed and sitting back on your knees. “Thought you might.”
“It was a fucking tease is what it was.”
“You want more?” you ask, running your hands up your body.
“I want everything,” he replies. “Show me.”
You flash him a naughty little smile as you reach behind you and unclasp your bra, holding the cups (as if they really hid anything at all) before you slowly let the garment drop. Dennis groans as you roll your nipples between your fingers and take your bottom lip between your teeth. He’s got the base of his cock in a death grip and its already throbbing in his hand before you even turn around. When you do, you get on all fours and look over your shoulder as you wiggle your ass at the camera. Only the tiny fabric strip of your G-string is keeping Dennis from getting exactly what he wants.
“You like that, baby?” you ask.
“Fuck yes. Now take your panties off, sweetheart. Nice and slow for me.”
You rise up on your knees and slide them down slowly as requested, only it’s painfully slow and it seems like an eternity before you’ve got them down to your mid-thighs and you’re bent over again with your knees spread wide.
“God, I love your pussy. So fucking pretty. Spread it open for me.”
You press your face to the bed and reach around on either side of you, and Dennis moans as you spread your lips apart and start to throw it back and forth slowly. Dennis starts to stroke himself at the pace you’re setting, imagining himself behind you as you fuck yourself on his cock. 
“I’m so fucking wet for you Dennis,” you moan.
“I see it. Fuck. I just wanna taste you, baby.”
“Soon,” you say. “Tell me what else you want.”
“Wanna watch my dick slide in and out of that gorgeous fucking pussy, all soaked in you. God, I need to fuck you, sweetheart.”
“I need it, too, Dennis. I need your cock so bad. I feel so fucking empty.”
“Turn around,” he says. “On your back. Wanna watch you play with that pretty little pussy until you cum.”
You grab two pillows and place them at the end of the bed, laying back against them and spreading your legs for him again.
“Lemme see your cock, Dennis. Please.”
Between the sight of you splayed out so beautifully for him and the urgent need in your voice, Dennis’s skin feels like it’s on fire he angles his phone down to give you the look you’ve been begging for. He grips the base and pushes it forward a little, and you make a hungry little mmmph sound when it twitches and jumps back a bit in his hand.
“You’re so fucking big and thick, baby,” you say as you start to circle your clit. “What if I can’t handle you?”
Dennis knows you’re just dirty talking him but he can’t say it isn’t a concern of his. He knows his dick is big, even if he doesn’t quite know what to do with it, and you were so tight around just his fingers that he’s legitimately scared he might hurt you. But he’s done his research—the importance of foreplay and lube, the best positions to make you comfortable and put you in charge of how deep he can go. The last thing in the world Dennis wants is to hurt you in any way, in the bedroom or out of it, and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep from doing so.
“I’m gonna take good care of you, sweetheart,” Dennis promises. “Gonna go nice and slow, stretch you out with my fingers first, make you cum on my tongue, get you nice and juicy and ready for me.”
“I’m ready for you now,” you say, working your clit harder and faster as your hips start to jerk a bit. “God, I wish you were here.” You grip your breast in one hand as you move your other hand from your clit to your entrance, slowly sliding two of your fingers inside. “My fingers are so fucking small compared to yours. Fuck, I need you, Dennis. Please.”
Dennis strokes his cock faster as he watches you fuck yourself on your fingers. “You’re so fucking sexy, sweetheart. Keep going.”
“I don’t know if I can cum without you,” you whine. “I need more.”
“You got any toys?” Dennis asks, desperately hoping that you do because he would kill to watch you fuck yourself with something bigger than your fingers.
“I have a vibrator,” you reply.
“Get it.”
Dennis watches your breasts sway up close as you pull your vibrator out of the drawer in your nightstand. He’s slightly disappointed to discover that it’s something small and egg-shaped and not something he can watch you fuck yourself on—he doesn’t know much about the different types of sex toys except that, according to Karen, they were all better than him—but he’s still absolutely salivating at the thought of watching you use this thing on yourself.
You turn it on and the sound is surprisingly low as you tease your entrace with it. When you bring it to your clit, you throw your head back and curl your toes and shout, “Fuck.”
“That good, huh?” Dennis asks, his eyes locked on your face as it twists up in pleasure.
“Yes,” you whisper. “Oh, God, Dennis. I’m gonna cum soon. Talk to me. Tell me how you wanna fuck me. Please.”
Dennis decides that, for the purpose of talking you through your orgasm and because he is almost ready to bust himself, he’s just going to let his inhibitions go and tell you exactly what he wants to do to you. None of it is realistic, of course; he doesn’t know if he can do any of these things (and he certainly can’t do them yet), but when he fantasizes about the ways he wants to fuck you, he doesn’t have to be realistic.
“I wanna fuck you from behind,” he begins, “hard, and I wanna watch your pretty ass bounce as I give you those long, deep strokes that have you clawing at the fucking sheets and screaming my name. I want to fuck you so good you can’t think, can’t fucking breathe, and then I wanna flip you over and throw your legs over my shoulders and bend you in half and fuck my cum so deep into you that you’ll be leaking me for days.”
“Oh, fuck. Oh my God. Yes. Yes. Keep going. I’m so fucking close.”
“I’m not gonna stop, either,” he continues. “You know I’ll get hard again when I’m still inside you and I’ll just keep fucking you and fucking you until you can’t cum anymore, and then I’ll make you cum one more time just because I can.”
Dennis watches your thighs tremble as you cum on your toy, your eyes staring straight at the camera—at him—and your mouth open wide with the sweetest sounds coming out of it. That’s all it takes to finish Dennis off, and as he shoots a load onto his stomach he thinks to himself that he’ll never get tired of looking in your eyes when you cum.
“Jesus Christ,” you say, chest heaving as you pull yourself up onto your knees and then flop down on your stomach, grabbing the phone from the nightstand. “You’re, like, really good at this, you know that?”
“I’m discovering new talents with you,” he replies, feeling a little smug, if he’s honest with himself, because he really is kinda good at this, huh?
“Three more days, baby,” you say.
“Three more days,” he replies.
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zehecatl · 4 months
2024 media thread part JANUARY :D
1st January: Super Mario Bros. Movie
finally got around to watching this, and okay, yeah- it was a lot better than i expected. a good time! really fun to watch! it definitely felt like actual fans worked on it, or at the very least, that Nintendo kept a real close eye during production. loooved the little nods to canon; when Pauline showed up, i literally paused to excitedly tell my mom about who that was, haha. also LOVED the difference uses of power ups!! tanuki suit AND cat suit my beloved :]
Bowser was definitely the high point, like!! that IS my little guy!! Jack Black did SUCH a good job, and man. the ANIMATION. the bits where he got all snarly was SO good. would have loved to watch those on the big screen. Luigi was also very Luigi, which i always appreciate. Mario was... eh? not bad! Chris Pine did an okay job, and while i would have preferred something more, it was... fine. and Donkey Kong was a whole lot of fun, actually? tempted to check out his games, because i did really like him
meanwhile, my BIG BIG complaint, is Peach. like, holy fuck. they absolutely butchered my girl! like, yes- as characters, none of them have a lot of personality to work with, but they're archetypes. you're supposed to push within the archetypes- they even did this with Mario. but they just- they completely abandoned who Peach is, as a character. straight up just wrote Daisy instead, which is. really frustrating! and i dislike it A LOT, because there is so much you can do with Peach as a character, and they didn't even try
but otherwise- fun movie! could have been so much worse!
4th January: Outpath
really relaxing and chill game, where you basically just run around collecting resources, upgrading stuff, and unlocking more island. definitely one of those 'put on some music and zone out for a bit' games. that is not a negative
really liked the graphics, and it was fun to just- run around? you get more movement upgrades as you go along, and it actually plays really nicely. also some tasty environmental sounds
i'm not a 100% done with it yet, but i hit the end credits, so. not sure i'll get all the achievements, but i do intent to go back and clean up some loose ends. also really like how it incorporates some idle elements, like you still getting credits(/money) while being offline. makes it more rewarding to open it up and vibe for a bit
i do think there was an.. attempt? at some kind of story, but i entirely missed it, so i guess that's my only real critic. it was just a fun chill game to sink like, 25 hours into lol
9th January: Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight
i've had this game in my library for literally who knows how long, and it's one i've always been aware of, since it was really big back in the day, and oh my god. oh my god, why did i not play this sooner?
it's rather short, took me around 7 hours, but it just- it nails what it wants to be, this tough little game with so much moodiness and tragedy, and i'm so enamoured. i tried playing the original one before this, but it wasn't quite hitting, but man. this one just. it hit so fucking good
there's so many layers here, so many unspoken little details. so so much tragedy you could really dig your fingers into, and as a Tragedy Enjoyer, ooooh it hits good
i'm considering either replaying it myself, or watching a LP and then writing some fic, because there is a little thing hiding here, something i want to put words to. it's good, can't wait to check out the rest, and the upcoming sequel/finale. also, the game is gorgeous
18th January: Switch OVA
so Switch is a two episode long 'adaptation' of a manga, and while it very much just drops you into the middle of the plot, it- works? like, i personally wasn't missing anything, and the case they chose to adapt works really well as a teaser for the manga, because i did leave it considering checking out the manga, and while the whole thing isn't anything to write home about, i did enjoy myself
(i also watched the whole thing on my phone, curled up in bed, so that did maybe increase my enjoyment. it was cozy! what can i say!)
funnily enough, i did walk into this thinking it was a yaoi, and while i don't think it is, there really was nothing to disprove me of this assumption. there's literally a moment where protag guy gets told 'he likes' the other protag guy, and he bLUSHES. LIKE. STRAIGHT OUT OF A YAOI FR FR
all in all, it was honestly just a really cozy time. it wasn't long enough to lose my interest, and there was enough in it to keep it- and i really like the design of the red haired guy! very simple, but really appealing too. i genuinely might check out the manga, my interest is definitely piqued
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e17omm · 4 months
So I got this idea recently, but I might do like a "HI3 retold" or something. Because first of all, for a while I've been feeling like HI3 missed out on more and more little (and big) things, like explaining WS' structure which didnt really happen when Mei joined, or Mei's shift from "we cant retreat, must solve the eruption before Kiana arrives" to "nah Kiana's got this" happening off screen, to most of Elysium Everlasting and basically all of New Project Stigma. But even things like, an epilogue to HoS and a setup chapter to HoDom. Not rushing through Herrschers as fast as we did.
And second of all, I've been wanting to replay HI3 but haven't found the justification reason for doing so. "I wanna replay" just isnt enough for me in this case.
So I've thought of going through the chapters and writing as I play. Taking each arc by themselves before I publish my rewritten version of the chapters.
Now, most chapters would be basically unchanged. Will of the Herrscher? Mwah. Arc City? Mwah. Sea of Quanta? Mwah. Nagazora? Mwah. (From what I can remember of them at least.) But there would be things like, a chapter or EX chapter after 17 to cover Mei joining WS, some of its structure, how it operates, etc. Extending the HoDom arc to four chapters so the fakeout happens at the end of the second chapter making it a bit more believable.
Like, this is a broad overview of the first 4 chapters which will be biggest difference from canon excluding the final chapters;
Chapter 1: big aircraft ship crashes towards the city. Kiana and co are sent to stop it. Its been damaged from a battle with the 4th Herrscher, so everyone onboard has turned to zombies. Hence why its crashing towards a city. It would basically play out the same, with more zombies, more Honkai beasts, and less mechs. And no wierd code quest thing for Kiana that is never relevant.
Chapter 2: flashback. Still need the tutorial. Chapter 2 is basically the same, except instead of a test at the end, they get an alarm that the events of chapter 1 are happening. I also figured I could explain the type chart by making it Schicksal propaganda "oh look, AE mechs are just good against Valkyries. They dont want to fight the Honkai with us blah blah blah". Rita can still be sus and foreshadow things, I think I can squeeze it in before the test. (Or just have the test but end the chapter on the emegency)
Chapter 3: instead of going at the start of the 4th Eruption, Wendy is the 4th Herrscher before the game even starts. So instead we are sent here as backup. See, Wendy has been fighting basically non-stop. Schicksal keeps sending in competent aircraft and Valkyries to wear her down, and theyre chasing after her. So Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Himeko and Theresa on the Hyperion is sent to keep the 4th Herrscher occupied until Durandal can arrive to finish her off. Then Kiana and co get lucky, can still get through to Wendy somewhat, and since its established that Wendy is worn down, makes their Herrscher defeat more reasonable. Then the ending can happen basically the same.
Chapter 4 would also be pretty much the same at this point.
"Broad overview" my ass...
What that would do is establish Herrschers like these big threats that the main cast is currently too weak to fight against. They only took down a tired and worn down Herrscher after 3 chapters of basically being the background cast to the fighting.
So, you know, when Kiana turns into the Herrscher of the Void three chapters later, it is a much bigger "oh fuck" moment. But also an "oh god what is a Herrscher at full power like?" moment, which pays off as HoV shows what a real Herrscher can do before theyre worn down and tired.
Because like, what is the point of the 1st chapter in the grand scheme of things? It is a really cool opening, but thats all it is. Its never relevant again. You could start at chapter 2 and the rest of the story stays unchanged.
So why not make it part of the 4th Eruption fighting and put Kiana, Mei, and Bronya's starting strength at "can barely take down a weakened and tired Herrscher" in chapter 3 to "can fight the most powerful Herrscher head on" in the final chapters.
Of course this is me though. Any oppertunity I get I will axe New Project Stigma, replace it with the Old Project Stigma, have the heroes stop it, and then have a proper fight against the Herrscher of the End which was foreshadowed since the 2E manga - that we also never got to see in-game. Just the Kevin knockoff.
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