#I have been reading way too much ot3 fic recently
mattie24601 · 3 months
I wasn't expecting to already see some OT3 evidence in Season 2 of Leverage, but The Future Job? Absolutely lovely. Hardison and Eliot fully ready to kill that dude for Parker. Brilliant, they should be canon
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 3 months
favorite ships other than style?
DUDE! I am such a multishipper it’s not even FUNNY and I have read everything under the sun even pairings that I don’t personally like!!!
So after style, bunny/kenjorine is a FAVE!!! And then creek, lord I love me some creek
AND!!! Bruh I have been DEVOURING most Kyle ships recently. K2 is probably my favorite for him (after style ofc), and then Cryle I do enjoy cryle, oh my GOD I’ve been into kystophe too, and tolkyle, kyvid, tbh the only Kyle pairing I can’t get all the way behind is kyman
By FAR my favorite Stan pairing besides style is mf STENNY!!! Platonic stenny is my bread and butter, but ROMANTICALLY?!? They are SUCH a fun pairing! I also think stary is super cute and stanchole and stendy are sweet!
Also… stylenny!!!! I’m not as into throuples as I am couples, but stylenny is the sp ot3
I ADORE bendy too! And tolkyde, jimchole, weidi, kendy, crenny, cryde, dude when I say there are very few things I don’t ship I’m not kidding!!!
I prolly got fic recs for most of these too lol THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING!!!!
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alister312 · 2 years
so you’re into gregstophe now and looking for good fics: a rec list by me, local gregstophe brainrot bastard
As might be obvious, I adore Gregstophe and I really want to get more of the SP fandom into them. But if you’ve already read my big fic Just Business (or even if you haven’t) you might be wondering: which Gregstophe fics should I read if I want to really get into this pairing? They may not be the rarest pair in South Park shipping, but finding good fics wherein they are the main pairing can be hard. Well, I’ve reread all of my old favorites from ff dot net recently and I’ve spent a lot of time going through the ao3 tag to now present you with…
THE Gregstophe fic rec list of all time (according to me)
A quick note: for a fic to be on this list, it means it is 1) completed, 2) in English, 3) Gregstophe-centric (i.e. they’re the main pairing), and 4) particularly impactful. There’s a bunch of incompletes I could recommend (such as Just Try to Remember and Moonheart13′s various AU fics), a bunch not in English so I can’t read them, quite a few that merely feature Gregstophe (Lex Talionis comes to mind), and many fics that I do truly like but can’t quite bring myself to seriously recommend because they’re too short or too tropey or too much porn not enough plot. Also, only fics on ao3 or ffn were considered and I didn’t include any OT3 fics (such as gregstophlovski ones). With these qualifications out of the way, let’s get onto the list!
Petroica traversi/effingbirds: so this isn’t an actual fic so much as an author but I consider her Gregstophe content to ALL be top tier. Both of her long form Gregstophe-centric pieces (The Fight and The Well and the Lighthouse) are wonderfully told. My favorites from her one-shots are Ocean of Noise and Ready to Start. Her characterizations of the two boys are some of my favorites, really emphasizing their complicated devotion to one another.
A Stupid High School Tradition Called Prom: This is such a classic fic to me. I read it years ago on ffn but it’s since been ported over to ao3. I personally find Christophe’s written accent to be a bit much (coming from someone who does enjoy writing and reading his accent) but I encourage you to give it shot even if you don’t like that. If you want fluffy Gregstophe (which is rare!), this is the perfect fic. It centers around Christophe being a dick (affectionately) and Gregory being frustrated with him (also affectionately) all while they play at being normal teens for once in their goddamn lives.
Bereaved of Light: If you’re into Gregstophe simply for that good good Angst that comes with being mercenaries, THIS is the fic for you. There isn’t a happy ending but sometimes you’re looking to get emotionally destroyed and that’s alright! Maybe you WANT to simply read about men being full of regret and love while dying. Valid. Read this fic.
Three Years of Gregstophe: Ok this is technically 3 different one-shots but they’re all very good! I really like the headcanon of Gregory going into the government but still doing mercenary business on the down-low via Christophe. That’s kind of the main link between each chapter, as well as Gregory being VERY oblivious about Christophe’s feelings towards him. And his own feelings towards Christophe in the final one shot.
97 Safety First: Gregory playing nurse/doctor to Christophe after missions is a very classic and vital Gregstophe trope. I think this fic handles it very well, along with having some wonderfully done dialogue. Snappy dialogue between Gregory and Christophe is my favorite and very in character for the two of them. Gregory is so insistent about caring and Christophe is so insistent that he isn’t worth caring about… one of my favorite topics to explore in their dynamic.
2am: Following along similar lines of “Gregory cares for Christophe after a mission”, we’ve got this fic! I may be a little biased bc Saturnpanther and I have talked at length about Gregory and Christophe and our characterizations of them are pretty similar. As such, I really love all of her fics but this one is just so classically them it had to be on here. It’s really all about the subtleties, hard to break habits, hesitancy… all that good angst.
Delayed: Yes, this is yet another “Gregory waits up for Christophe” one-shot... what can I say? It’s a classic!! That’s all!! Gregory being a nervous wreck about Christophe’s well being but trying so hard to stay calm and professional will always get to me. Plus, this particular fic has Kyle and Kenny mentioned! That’s another thing you may find a lot of within the Gregstophe fandom, stories with Kyle being a tech whiz and sometimes Kenny too being explosion fodder. The Kyle is more common, as is the ship Gregstophlovski, though that’s not in this fic. Mostly just a fun factoid.
Roses Ought to Covet Honesty: If you’re a sucker for Gregory “i did cotillion as a child” of Yardale and Christophe “fuck god, eat the rich” DeLorne, you’ll like this piece. It’s mostly Christophe being grumpy about being placed in high society while Gregory is very comfy with it… but also Christophe loves Gregory so he puts up with it. I personally really enjoy that characterization of them and I think this little one shot does a good job exploring their dynamic. Also it’s from Christophe’s perspective, which is surprisingly rare within Gregstophe fics.
Crooked: Speaking of the rarity of Christophe POV fics… there’s this fic! Very short but I think it does a great job capturing Christophe’s self loathing and doubt. His Catholic upbringing paired with his seemingly very religious mother makes his character ripe for ✨Catholic Guilt Angst✨. With how perfect Gregory likes to conduct himself, they make for quite the contrast. And Christophe really needs the pillar that is Gregory’s love to convince himself he’s worthy sometimes.
catching up: There’s a lot of Gregstophe fics out there about them having some sort of falling out, or one of them simply disappearing for years, only to suddenly come back into one another’s lives. This particular fic is one of the fluffier version of this trope and I think it’s very sweet. It doesn’t get super into their relationship, but it still does a good job with how short it is.
leave america, two kids follow her, i don’t want to talk about who’s doing it first: By the same author as the previous fic, this one has just slightly more angst but ends on a very sweet note! If you’re curious for a short peek into Gregstophe but in college, this is great for that. Even when trying to live normal lives, they face some struggles. This fic also has a really nice interaction between Christophe and Kyle as friends, which is always a super fun bonus in my opinion.
Puppy Love: I feel like there’s not enough exploration of Gregory and Christophe’s childhood friendship. They can know one another beyond mercenary/revolutionary work! This fic does a great job touching on that. It’s sort of a series of scenes of them growing up together and the slow development of a crush. Also, a heavy emphasis on Gregory being a revolutionary and Christophe just being along for the ride that is Gregory.
Gregstophe Week Entries.: Another series of one-shots rather than a whole story, but they’re all very good! Maybe I’m a sucker for happy endings and nice things, but I really like Day 4 and Day 7 the best. However, all of these are really just kind of a study into their relationship in different aspects, which is why I like them. It also makes me want to maybe do another Gregstophe week... 👀
Adrenaline: This fic is VERY short but still packs quite a punch. If you’re a fan of the more cold/calculating sort of Gregory, or possessive Gregory, I think you’ll like this one. I wish the author expanded a little more on the few things hinted at, but that last line of Christophe showing his true feelings and emotions, just a little bit, really does it for me.
When Tomorrow Comes: Gregory waiting on a hurt Christophe is very common, but this fic turns it on its head with Gregory being the one hurt! I’m a bit sorry to reveal that, because while it’s not quite a twist, it’s still not totally obvious that Gregory is hurt in the beginning. I think this fic in particular does a good job with balancing Christophe’s devotion, frustration, projecting of internal doubts, and soft side.
Cigarette Daydreams: By the same author as the previous fic, this one does a really wonderful job capturing their dynamic. There’s a lot of trauma they both need to unpack (mostly Gregory’s in this case), but there’s also a lot of love and tender fluffy moments. Plus, it’s always good to see someone who understands that Christophe is witty and a jokester.
Bath Time: A fic a little on the NSFW side, but containing the very classic trope of “My God, Christophe is filthy and must be forced to bathe” (with a hint of “Gregory is wealthy and bossy”). While there can definitely be a lot of tenderness in Gregory making Christophe take a bath (such as in 2am), there can also be fights! And sometimes fights are very fun, especially when it comes to these two. Christophe’s accent in this is a bit much but sometimes that’s just how things are.
The Rush: If you’re looking for the perfect mix of smut and story in one little fic, I wholeheartedly recommend this! The ticking clock incorporated in the first half provides a great sense of tension. It’s also one of the fics where Christophe and Gregory’s mercenary sides really shine and feel realistic. Even if you’re not into smut, you can just read up until the point where things get NSFW and still get an incredible short story!
Smoke: I think I really like this one because it reminds me of a somber version of my favorite Clybe one-shot. There’s just really something to be said about two characters coming together and having complicated emotions about a dead mother. Plus I love that Gregory is able to see through Christophe’s emotional walls.
Good Dog: Ok, I know I said that I’d only include finished works on this list but... there’s so few finished long form Gregstophe fics out there?? It’s kind of sad, actually. I pronounce this one finished enough, in the sense that the last chapter has them (basically) getting together. It’s also a darker fic, with Gregory being more on the controlling sadistic side and Christophe being rather emotionally broken. However, I think it’s got wonderful prose, good exploration of character, and a good bit of intrigue. You may be sad that the plot of the job itself doesn’t wrap up, but let’s be honest— it’s never actually about the job when it comes to these two.
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crimsonedquill · 7 months
Hihi! ^ ^ Again, thank you for the magnificent writing, it has so much character to it -- and the girlies are as charismatic! A gem, truly, gives awestrucks and will never stop keep on giving them, ever. :3c
I can only wonder how did you come around the very idea; as a fellow ot3 enjoyer, who'd fallen upwards to the girlies heavens and was slammed through the ceiling, I can only say, it was accidental and sudden --and started as, like, came for one ship, side-glanced at another, then stayed for ot3!-- and was, still is an absolutely zero regrets experience. :D
Wish we would've gotten the fully developed companion mechanic in the final game; it would be possible to run around the grounds and the valley with not just one but two companions, just imagining the friendly banter between Poppy and Imelda warms my heart a lot. ^ ^
The second question is going to be fueled by a concern, however: will you back The Two Snakes up, along with some other things, on AO3, at some point? :c Tumblr has just recently purged hogwartslegacyreactions and imeldafckngreyes blogs for no reason, so much stuff including wlw has been lost in just a week or two… :'c
I honestly think I could devote a whole novel to this like… yeah I kinda came from the same place, starting off shipping my Slytherin MC with Poppy (cause don’t even get me started on how Slytherpuff is simply the best pairing ever?) And then I got into my whole Imelda phase, and the more I started comparing them the more it made sense as in – two feisty smoll beans who are both passionate about what they’re doing and have this lowkey introverted side, though they gradually warm up to mc through the progression of their quests? They’re literally perfect for each other.
Then I started reading a bunch of Ominis x MC x Sebastian poly fics and I got inspired and the rest is history, really. And you’re too right, writing these fics has always been my way of bringing to life ships and interactions that I wish we could have seen in the game and it’s just so damn satisfying to do even though I guess it’s kind of niche? (but then again I write most of my stuff for self indulgence anyway, lol)
Also yeah, backing up my content to AO3 is a project I’m trying to get going in the near future!! I was so sad to see hogwartslegacyreactions and especially imeldafkingreyes disappear too, I never got to tell her but she’s lowkey the reason I got into writing Imelda fics in the first place ☺️
Anyway I absolutely mean for my writing to remain a safe heaven for the HL wlw crowd even if I were to eventually move on to other things, so expect some updates on this front soon. Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me that you’re enjoying my humble brainrot products 🖤
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abnerkrill · 1 year
Ani, I need your help! I recently started reading Stranger Things fix again. The last time I was reading ST fic was circa 2018, and I’m pleased to report that the quality of writing in the fandom is still high! Here’s the situation: I have not watched season 3 or 4. I’m not gonna let that stop me. (Confidently entering the discussion without having completed the required reading is one of my skills). But this means the only exposure to Eddie Munson I have had is through you posting about him. Which has lead me to understand certain things about his character, and now that I’m reading fic, I’m unsure what is the text of the show (Robin is a lesbian) the subtext of the show (whatever Will’s sexual orientation, they’ve used him as a temporary “bury yr gays”) and the fanon of the show (Steve is bisexual). So. I gotta ask. Is Eddie gay in the canon, the subtext, or the fanon?
omg hi I am so privileged to be your ST source!!! happy to answer any/all things!! the short answer is that Eddie’s sexuality is unclear in canon, but a couple things in the show point to gay eddie being very possible!
first—and I want to stress that this may have been either an accident on the costume department’s part—is that his costume includes a black handkerchief that might be an indicator as to his sexual preferences as a S&M top, as per the hanky code. however, I do not think that boy is an S&M top so I lean towards that not being intentional. but a lot of fans saw that and ran with it, which has fun possibilities (is he projecting, is he still figuring things out, etc.)
the second that a lot of his interactions with Steve are lowkey suggestive (everyone’s favorite: Eddie calling Steve “big boy” in the camper van……) but again I’m inclined to think this was either improv or just a way to further establish that the character’s a goof who stretches Steve’s capabilities as a leader.
some people interpret Eddie’s look at a shirtless Steve as kinda gay, but it’s also like, shock/surprise that Steve’s literally about to dive into a haunted lake to help him? Eddie’s very traumatized, I don’t think he’s thinking about hot shirtless Steve right at that moment. but again…. Interpretation’s pretty wide open. In the same vein, Steve and Eddie have a conversation about Nancy that some have interpreted as Eddie lowkey checking if steve is available, but I read it much more as Eddie being a nosy little shit & also genuinely trying to help Steve with his romantic issues. (much more about Steve’s arc than Eddie’s too—in this and other things, I think the ST writers forget that all scenes need to reveal or advance characterization for all parties involved, but Eddie’s involvement in this conversation never made a ton of sense to me.)
Eddie is also a character with a lot of “outsider” indications: not good at school and is repeating grades; poor; into metal and DND (and all the occult/Satanism accusations people leveled at DND in the 80s), and so it’s not a long jump from there to “he could also be easily seen as queer-coded”.
he does have what I would consider to be a flirtation/quasi-romance-arc with Chrissy, a cheerleader. that flirting is even more on-the-nose than any “flirting” with Steve, so I 100% headcanon Eddie as bisexual. @ people who forget that: why????? we could be having ot3s over here.
that’s a long way to say arguably subtext but mostly fanon, lol. hope this helps 😝
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braxiatel · 1 year
Writer’s Round-Up 2022
I made a post following this writer’s meme on New Year’s Eve last year, so I thought I would repeat it for comparison. It isn’t one you need to be tagged in to do, nor do you need to tag others if you do it.
Total Word Count:
I have published a total of 68,570 words! Compared to 2021’s 31,021 that’s 2.2x as much!
New Things This Year:
There’s three main things that come to mind.
I started writing Hermitcraft/Life series fic!
I made some new writing friends I think deserve a shoutout. First @stitchthesewords and @atherix, and more recently @sparksnevadas and @mochiwrites. I love their works and admire each of them for their craft and their style of writing, so making their acquaintance has been lovely.
Finally I have rediscovered the joy in writing. Last year is struggled so much with anxiety about writing and publishing fic, to the point that it was preventing me from writing. I think I am a lot more confident in my own ability now, and more importantly I’ve become more comfortable with my own shortcomings. All writers have room to improve, and the best way to do that is by writing. If it is too frustrating I stop, and if not I write it as well as I can and accept that my writing is best when I am enjoying the process.
Fic I spent the most time on:
Could I Be The Sky for sure. I spent about four months working on it, and I am so proud of how far I came through the process of writing it. As such I think the story gets stronger the further you read, and the third chapter + the epilogue are by far my favourites.
Favourite thing I wrote:
Hmm. See, the thing is, I like a lot of what I wrote.
Other than CIBTS, which means a lot to me for a lot of reasons, I think the answer has to be one of the Equinox AU fics. However, because they are all part of one story I struggle to pick one. Possibly the latest, In the Darkness You Reap, or maybe the one before that Harbour Me, Guide Me Home
I also really enjoyed writing "We Double as a Drama Troupe" not least for the excuse to use a little bit of the 0.5 theatre degree I earned before dropping out of university. I think it’s funny, and that I got the characters pretty spot on.
Favourite thing I read:
Oh there’s so many. Genuinely.
I read less Warcraft fanfiction now than I did last year, but I still just want to give a shoutout to that fandom for the amazingly high level of writing quality. I specifically want to list @khadgarfield’s Convergence. I love the language it uses, especially for descriptions. In fact I think of it often while writing myself.
Another favourite was @milo-hypno’s Aftershocks of Divinity. This fic… wow, this fic. I don’t think I will ever read another romance/slowburn fic and not compare it to this. The way Aftershocks of Divinity treats the subject of love, of recovery, is genuine and poetic enough that it brought my to tears even as I was reading it for the third time - and it is one of those where rereading it adds to the story.
And lastly, I would be remiss not to mention the Midnight series by @atherix. Oh Midnight. I don’t even know where to start listing all the things I love about it. Atherix, friend, you are the master of world building and foreshadowing. Midnight is fun to read because it rewards paying attention to details. Oh, and then there’s the characterisation, of course. It has that perfect mix of accurate to canon and sensible in the context of the AU it is set within. This one is a masterclass in slowburn as well, and were it a little less late I would dig out a screenshot of me messaging the group chat full of people who do not read Hermitcraft fic, letting them know that the OT3 from the fic series I keep talking about finally got together.
Writing goals for next year:
There’s projects I want to start working on and ones I want to keep working on. Equinox and Kingdom of Boatem AU are the main two, but they aren’t necessarily a goal.
I think most of all I just want to keep working towards writing being something that brings me joy and creative satisfaction. I’ve come so far in 2022, I want to keep up that good work.
Finally, something I couldn’t fit in anywhere else. I have to give a massive shoutout to @loombarrow for all of your help with writing through the year. Love you, friend!
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mrssimply · 2 years
Until we Meet Again, the Making of
Recently, my big bang fic, Until we Meet Again, reached over 100 kudos. While this achievement might not mean a lot to many writers who do this every two fic, it does to me, for several reasons: 1) because this is now a small fandom, and while the interest for the OT3 (Kerry/m!V/Johnny) is growing, it’s still a niche ship, in a way, 2) because this fic is so damn long every time someone reads it I’m impressed and grateful that they gave it their attention - either binge reading it in a week-end or over a month, 3) because this fic is special to me, for reasons I’ve explained when I published it the first time.
To celebrate it reaching over 100 kudos, I decided to share the “making of”, and this is what you’ll read about under the cut.
1 - I always dreamed to participate in a big bang
Ever since I learned about the concept, I wanted to participate, and was under the impression Big Bang fics were to be over 100k words. The CP2077 Big Bang Admin Team set the bar at 50k words not to discourage authors and although I was a bit disappointed, I decided it was a good first step since there was a deadline for it, and as I’m not a english native I would probably need time to edit it so it was mostly clean by publication time (which was also an obligation for the challenge). But the word count didn’t impress me at all. I’m an over writer, which means my challenge is to keep the word count reasonable. I tried that challenge before the Big bang by opening prompts and trying to limit myself at 2000 words per prompt. I failed MISERABLY ahah. So, throughout the whole challenge, as I saw my word count rise, and rise, I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically because I reached well over the 100k generally set for a classic big bang event. For the rest, the experience was… underwhelming. A lot of authors dropped out in the middle, which I assume is normal for such events? But the communication between us authors was minimal, there was not the sense of community I expected and it felt rather lonely during the writing process, barring the fact I started working with @strandhai early. When @ophani joined the team it became a lot more fun! So I’m proud of what I accomplished, but wasn’t sure I would enter another big bang event at the time. While grateful for the work of the admin team in organizing things, I wished for a stronger sense of community.
2 - I hesitated between this scenario and a Cyberpunk / Pirates of the Caribbean fusion
I decided on the first scenario because I feared the Pirates of the Caribbean fusion would be too epic and request too much research work on my part. Looking back, I’m laughing at myself because for UMWA I did a lot of research too, except it was in the cyberpunk lore and not on sailing and pirates ships ahah. But imagine, Johnny as Davy Jones, with his heart in a locked chest, and V as Will, Kerry as Jack Sparrow (just as drunk, but meaner and less wobbly, maybe). 
3 - This fic was first named “The Ghost in Me”
@thornwild was writing the sequel of Chase the Morning for the Big Bang and (thankfully) early on we remarked our fic’s titles were very close: his was Ghost in the City of Night. Since we were both writing with Kerry/male!V/Johnny we both feared it would confuse readers. While the name of the fic seemed to match the scenario perfectly, I still went looking for another title, and brainstormed with Strandhai.
Other titles we considered were: Through Death and Beyond, Until Death Do Us Apart and Just A Love Story (this one because I felt that, at the core, UMWA is just a love story. Granted it’s epic, but love is the main theme and I enjoyed the euphemism of the title compared to the epicness of the work). But then Strandhai came with Until We Meet Again and looking back now, I think there could have been no more perfect title. Even The Ghost in Me didn’t match that perfectly. I loved the “we” in “Until We Meet Again'' because it spoke of their togetherness.
4 - I had two artists… and even a third one
You can admire Ophani’s amazing work, who roped her partner (now husband, I believe) into it to bring Johnny to life. She made several amazing pics, but was limited by the fact she didn’t have a V’s cosplay, nor the time to make one. She still did it for the cover, though xD, like the macgyver she is. But the “deal” was to have another artist who would be able to make at least an illustration of the trouble, since it was the main pairing. So Sam was part of our team, but for medical reasons, he couldn’t complete the challenge. As this news came quite late, we were a bit disappointed and unsure we could find a pinch hitter in time. Moreover, I sort of felt greedy asking for a pinch hitter when I already had so many pics from Ophani, but Strandhai insisted and I came up with a solution. I called my sister, @chastad to the rescue and she read the whole fic in a week even though it wasn’t really her pairing, and made this amazing illustration in three days, just in time for the deadline and gosh, I’m still not over it. I’m not over Ophani’s pic either, especially the last one, which is my absolute favorite.
5 - Each of the first three parts represent a character, consistent with the POV
The first four chapters are V (Birth), the next four are Kerry (Life) and the next four are Johnny (Death). In game V is associated with the fool, so new beginnings and new life. I associated Kerry with Life because of the chaotic energy and the will to live despite the great loss in his life, and Johnny to Death for obvious reasons. At first, of course, the fic was supposed to only be 12 chapters, and not the 20 it ended up with, so when I came to the end of the 12 planned chapters and realized I had written half of the story only, I was like… What do I do now? I could have added more chapters per POV, but the problem was I had planned on writing later chapters from Kerry or V’s POV and couldn’t change that… Which is how I came up with two more parts, each with four chapters (because I’m obsessive, yes): the Afterlife, which is roughly about them coming together, and The Future, which is about them being together and overcoming final trials as partners. Here the POVs change and mix, which I saw as a sign of them being together again, at last.
6 - I totally reused Five and Margaret from my other fic All of my Heroes are Dead
In my second long fic, I’d already named V “Five” because before I knew V’s real name was Vincent (and I could go on a fucking rant about how… stupidly plain that name is and I’m so glad people named their V something else most of the time. You could have called V John, at this point!) I thought it was a wink at V for Vendetta, where the character is named V because he was the subject number 5 of an experiment, so “V” as 5 written with a roman letter. I took inspiration from that in both Heroes and UMWA. But in UMWA, V is in reality named Beloved, a name given by his mother, Margaret. I love the name Margaret for its “posh” and classical side. Since Margaret is a trans woman in UMWA, she chose that name for herself, to match her personality and how she sees herself. I think she loved the 30’s era and adopted an Audrey Hepburn vibe in her outfits and hairdos. But you can also find Margaret in Heroes as V’s first manager before Jenkins, who was also something of a mother figure for him. The name Beloved is, of course, an illustration of her love for her son, and how much of her energy she put into bringing him to life, since she couldn’t with her own body. I also decided to use Original V’s design as model for this fic, believing it would be easier for readers to get into the story. Ever since I mostly used him, thinking him as Beloved.
7 - There are two easter eggs in the fic
Both in chapter 4. When discussing how V could reach the Afterlife, since it’s supposed to be a well guarded secret, Strandhai suggested using a ploy such as the white rabbit in Matrix and I was like: OwO, let’s make it an easter egg! So in the story, V also follows the White Rabbit on Judy’s shoulder to the Afterlife. The second is a wink at the TTPRG lore, and to Rogue and Johnny’s real names, Rachel and Robert. The mortuary that hides the Afterlife is named Robert and Rachel’s Mortuary.
8 - The whole fic leans heavily on the TTRPG’s booklet stories and the TTRPG canon
To go on on this theme, I was so inspired by Thorn’s knowledge of the TTRPG for Chase the Morning that I fell into it, though less intensely than him. I also discussed with @nightfurmoonr, which told me about The Hand. A lot of people tell me they love the use of The Hand in my fics, since I use it in nearly every one of them now. But the truth, that I never hid, is that it’s not something I made up, it’s in the TTRPG book: the Hand is nearly sentient and is actually the thing that makes Johnny get out of hiding and in front of Smasher in the tower. For obvious reasons, the game had a hard time incorporating that element, which is why few people know about it.
Another big plot element relying heavily on the TTRPG’s lore is the presence of Morgan Blackhand, once again a character I discovered through Thorn. Since we already have a lot of HCs in common with Thorn, I decided to go another way with Blackhand and make him a shaddier character than he did in Chase the Monring. Morgan’s not present a lot in the fic, but I did try to give him the vibes of being a pragmatic manipulator. Apparently in the TTRPG, the team led by Johnny in the tower was not aware they were actually used as decoy by Morgan, so I used this as the basis for his character.
9 - Since the fic was so big and had SO MUCH in it, I had consistency issues 
Strandhai them chased down, like the scars on V’s back and Johnny’s hair mainly. V gets a scar in his youth, caused by a severe punishment from Saburo Arasaka, and the man insists for the teenager to keep the scars. And yet I totally forgot about that in chapter 17 when he disrobes for the first time. Thankfully, Strandhai’s caught that and we actually turned this into a greate scene in chapter 17!
As for Johnny, I say at the beginning of the fic he’s got a white streak in his hair but never again mention it ^^’ and I clearly forgot about it since I pictured him as we see him in the game when I wrote.
10 - The sex scene in chapter 17 was so BAD I had to rewrite it three times ahah
By that time I was so fucking tired of this fic I was ready to vomit it. And when Strandhai read that sex scene, I could feel how she struggled to tell me it was bad with nice words. I think her sentence was “it feels a bit stiff”. So I rewrote it. And once again it was bad. Couldn’t find her comment but here is what I wrote to her after reading her comments about it: “from your comments, I can tell the sex scene is still a nightmare to read ahah” and after I wrote it for the thrid time, she finally deemed it good enough: “I have to say I like the scene in chapter 15. Its so much better that way than it was before”. I could have cried. This scene was SO complicated because V is very inexperienced here, and it’s the first time they rejoin as a complete unit, it’s awfully charged with desires, pain, and the will to mend things. There is a lot of dialogue happening too, and writing M/M/M is just hard because it can get confusing very fast. It not gonna be my best sex scene, but at least it’s not the catastrophe it was at first.
11 - It took me about three months to write it
I started before the official beginning of the challenge and you wouldn’t believe how many times I feared it wouldn’t be complete by the deadline. I’m also very grateful people still read it because as MyFoggedReality is going over the chapters now, I realize how many mistakes are still left. The problem was that Strandhai and I aren’t native speakers, so we did our best but… Anyway, hopefully, at some point the whole fic will be a bit cleaner!
And here are the main things I can tell you about the making of this fic, which remains to this day, my longest and most precious work. I don’t think it’s the best (If I had to select one, it would probably be the last one, The Long Way Home), but it has such a history, and was so heavy at times, it has a special place in my heart.
Conclusion: Thank you to the hundred and more readers who left kudos and comments on that fic. You rock!
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aftokrator-official · 6 months
K, O, U, X, and Y!
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
there aren't enough of us!!!! (World Trigger) But that DOES make it one of the most chill anime fandoms I've ever been in, so I mean, silver linings lmao. There's something very fun about the camaraderie in a small fandom and I definitely feel that here as well! I enjoy how chill everyone is and how everyone has made themselves comfy in whatever corner of this sprawling cast makes them happiest, but will also visit and appreciate OTHER people's particular fixations.
MP100 has its *cough* problems but frankly as a veteran of Promare circa 2020 it feels downright calm lmao. It helps that I pretty much exclusively spend time in the Shimateru niche these days, which is of course full of the coolest people in this fandom. My primary complaint is that I wish I could just enjoy seri-rei and shima-mine in peace without landing among a bunch of assholes but eh, at least there are some fantastic Japanese artists in those ships whose work I can enjoy without reservations. And it makes me pleased in a deeply petty way to write seri-rei but ONLY as a background ship to shimateru LMAO
Arknights is great. Bee and Mis are awesome. Wait what do you mean there are other people in Arknights fandom
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Shuffle gave me Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men, and now i'm thinking of Afto AU Utagawa/Kikuchihara and FEELING THINGS. ;-;
You're gone, gone, gone away, I watched you disappear All that's left is a ghost of you Now we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do Just let me go, we'll meet again soon Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around I'll see you when I fall asleep
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
in no particular order from current and recent fandoms:
Yuzuru/Chika (mostly as part of the Yuzuru/Chika/Izuho OT3 but I like them on their own too)
Enedora/Mira (specifically and especially in a "divorced but still hooking up" way)
Croix/Jakuri (Ar Tonelico 2, objectively THE best canon pairing in the AT series don't @ me)
Silco/Jinx (Arcane)
honorable mentions to Touma/Izuho (i like her with chika and yuzuru best but i Cannot deny the appeal of their agegap dynamic), Katori/Wakamura (so so SO divorced), and SeriTome (doesn't quite fit my headcanons for either of them but it's REALLY cute and makes a nice little agegap trio with shimateru and mobrei lmao)
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Shimateru from MP100
Tolnar from Arknghts
Jinyuu from World Trigger - i have several faves but I think this is the only one I don't really multiship
Y:  A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Hmm... The Expanse might count - I do admittedly adore the main canon ship of Holden/Naomi, but I never really got into any non-canon shipping for the series. I never did read much fic for it, but I was mildly active on Tumblr while the show was airing, so I guess it counts lol.
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avemstella · 1 year
Tumblr only just showed me that @ksjundel2003 tagged me with this just now, as technology does. I'll always take the chance to ramble (also thank u for the compliment ahhh :D). These ended up being essays hahahaaaha
1. Three Ships: Uhhh so I'm in a weird place where I'm not actively shipping anything. Like don't get me wrong I still love many ships (I'm a super multi shipper, I have no idea how people dedicate their online everything to one ship) I'm just currently not actively pursuing certain ship tags rn... Hmm hxh's return reminded me of how much I love Leopika, I got into fe3h in this last year and I've read a silly amount of dimiclaude. Also finally got around to getting into mp100 and Terumob is so cute.
Genshin thats what people are here for but if I'm honest while I still am very into the game, I haven't read genshin fic consistently for a while and thats how I interact with shipping the most. Like I love Chili, theres a reason I have plans for that ship, but I haven't read a fic with them in forever (and in the more recent examples it was me searching for found fam harb content). I also adore Kaebedo but same story. I love a lot of genshin ships, many 'contradictory' (love Zhongven as well for example), I just haven't been brainrotting about any of them for a while. God that sounds so morose pfft, its really me just letting my brain take a break and experience other things! Also just know I do think about the final planned Zhongli and Childe scene in this fic (well for the main fic at least) every once in a while and grin like a loon. Hehehe I love it so much and rip its so far away (though also once I get there it'll be right near the end and that thought makes me sad).
Also I think about my fic specific ships a lot too. Sandy and Nella for example have a scene that brings me much amusement in a couple chapters (those 2 always bring me joy). Also I've been recently thinking about the ot3 that's a big old spoiler. There's this angsty but also hopeful romantic scene that's been banging around in my head that I literally can't use in my fic it doesn't work with the timeline. But I love it, maybe an eventual bonus chap. (all I'll say on this ot3 is that at least 1 person is a harb). And taras x any harb that isn't his bro, my favorite running gag I take too seriously. Also Madame Volkov x Tsar, I can't wait to reveal why that ship cracks me up (also weirdly angsty).
uhhh that was way too long of an answer um sorry.
2. First ever ship: God I don't know. Probably amuto from Shugo Chara (I was elementary/middle school, the age gap did not clock as weird then). However my first ship with taste was Soulsilvershipping from pokemon (god we need to bring back that ship name format, so fun). I didn't have fictional crushes the same way most seemed to, however what was close enough was Silver Pokemon my beloved. He spawned my love of grumpy long haired red heads so when I saw Diluc for the first time I remember going fuck I'm gonna love him (and I did haha).
3. Last song: uhhh fun fact I'm not a music person at all. As a child I hated it pfft, while I grew out of that I still have no idea what I'm doing with it. 90% of the music I listen to is from animatics (and back in the day from amvs) or musicals because plot. And u know u find a lot of musicals because of animatics its a cycle. However saying that I was listening to Ricky Montgomery, idk why.
4. Last movie: my parents were like we're watching a movie as a fam and in true Christmas spirit we watched Top Gun Maverick pfft. tbh the movie was fine but not the stunning piece of cinema everyone seemed to be saying... also super military propaganda but we all knew that
5. Currently reading? I'm catching up on the Ascendance of a Bookworm Light Novels (I'm on the last book in part 4 and I have part 5 #1 ready). I've also been really slowly reading through (and got back into after almost a year accidental break) Lout of the Counts Family. Also hunter x hunter (my brain is filled with Sheila theories, despite being the Harbinger found fam fic writer I don't care about the troop lol, just Sheila). I also have some DC comics open in my tabs because I want to watch the newest comicpop back issues episode. Its sort of strange I've been on a reading fan fic break of sorts haha, reading lots of original stuff.
6. Currently watching? uhhhh Mob Psycho though that just ended. Also me and my sis are watching Miraculous together. We used to watch it years ago and we are watching all the stuff we missed and cringing. I also am constantly watching lots of video essays, love a good video essay to put on while doing other things like playing genshin/art/etc
7. Currently consuming? We have a holiday party every year and my dad makes his amazing to die for lasagna (we are not remotely italian, but everyone we know says its amazing). So I've been eating those leftovers and having a time.
8. Currently craving? validation uhhh free time maybe. I had so much free time while I was away at school (well more like I should have been working on stuff time, but it was time I could organize myself). I'm home and between Christmas and parties and my grandparents/Cousins/feels like everyone visiting I've had no time for myself. I love seeing my cute baby cousins I don't get to see too often but its a lot. Also a job, I don't want to have to job but it'll get my mother off my case.
Well that ended on a too serious note haha. Also this was way too long and I have no idea who to tag and I'm anxious so uh, no one I guess. I must now return to my chaotic life, as one does.
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leonstamatis · 2 years
hi blink!!! how about top 5 comic recs and/or top 5 ballads?
oh god okay gonna start by saying as much as i love comics i’ve read very few of them okay let’s go
x-men: exiles. if you’ve ever wondered “hey, where did the name ‘blink’ come from, and also, how did you and jaz get to talking” the answer to both is in fact x-men, and exiles is my favorite. i haven’t read the shorter 2018 run (yet), but the earlier run is one of the first comics i ever read and clarice ferguson my darling is front and center so obviously it bangs.
x-men: x-factor. okay this one is great it’s a detective/noir setup with a bunch of great people including terry cassidy, my literal wife, and rictor and shatterstar - who are definitively the gay romance of all time. it gets uhhh less enjoyable as it goes in my opinion? but the first half fucking WHIPS and you just don’t get team-ups like this anymore.
hawkeye. yknow the matt fraction run. so like i’m a fake fan or whatever but i didn’t read this run until very recently and in fact i’m still working through it but i adore both the way clint is written and the way kate is written which is stellar because everything i’ve read with kate in the past has just been kind of. fine? she’s not the most compelling to me usually. but I love her in this one. she’s so so good. man.
red hood and the outlaws (2011). don’t read this one. don’t. it’s not good. for every one (1) panel showing the platonic ideal of a bi4bi4bi ot3 there are 70 panels of nonsense and bullshit (derogatory). instead, find a local bisexual who has read it and ask them to explain the best takeaways and plot points to you, so that you can ignore all the bad writing and poorly done plots. the version that exists in someone’s head is better than what exists on the page. even so, i am the local bisexual who goes feral over it. so like, it got me and it goes on the list.
birds of prey - once again. do not read this one. or at least don’t read the 1990s run because the politics are just. they’re so. questionable and in fact bad. and esp in the later issues the characterizations are very off. but what you CAN do is accept that dinah and babs were in love even before dinah knew babs’ name, and then go read the later runs by gail simone because that little factoid is all you need from any of the hundred or so issues written before ms. simone came along.
ohoho BALLADS. what if i just listed ballads (poems from Romantic authors) instead of songs. i’m not going to but i did consider it. i struggled with this one actually because like, technically ballads have specific meanings and i spent a while trying to find the narrative, abcb rhyming, folk songs. but that’s hard lmao so here have five slow love (?) songs regardless of genre.
“all the pretty girls” by kaleo. this is one of my top songs of all time actually which is why it’s on here, regardless of question specifications. OR. fuck. listen to “my fair lady” off their next album too. godddd god i lose my mind.
“weights and measures” by dry the river. everyone who knows me long enough has to eventually listen to me wax poetic about the album shallow bed (acoustic) at some point, i’m not going to get into it here again, but like. albums i can recite front to back and WILL at the slightest provocation. god this song. GOD this song!!! see also: bible belt and new ceremony. the fact that i use lyrics from any other artists for fic titles is a miracle.
“boy crazy” by dessa. okay listen, this is nothing like the first two songs and may not technically count as a ballad, i know. but, like. lie down in the grass and stare at the sky and listen to the live version from her performance with the minnesota orchestra. unlocks new emotions every time.
“nothing at all” by the crane wives. i wasn’t going to include it because it’s not quite right per the parameters set above but i keep circling back to it and going goddamn that’s a good one though,,,
andkfkgmhm i’m so. me. every time. okay go listen to “into your arms” by the maine. i’m sorry. the warped tour kid in me refuses to let this one go. music videos i watched on REPEAT in high school.
honorary mention to hozier, i told myself i couldn’t list him because everyone already knows all his slow love songs and that’s fine, but it’s weird not to put him on lists of favorites because. well. he is one.
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Dear Podficcer Letter 2022
Things l Love: Enemies to Lovers. Soulmate AUs. Trans characters. Asexuality and Demisexuality. Characters figuring out gender and sexuality stuff or just casually being queer. Mythology and Fairytale based AUs. Getting Together Fics. Fics in which people become friends. Found Family. Truth Serum. Humor. BDSM. Fix-it Fics. Modern AUs. OT3s and Polycules. Female Characters. f/f, m/f, m/m. Love a good “What if they were lesbians?” fic. Cis Swap/Gender Swap. Whatever it’s being called these days. 
I Don’t Like: HIGH SCHOOL AUS. Inscet. Permanent character death. Infidelity. OOC behavior can really bug me if it’s in a “this character is a nerd! why are you making him smooth! who is this???” situation. Let the dorks be dorks pls. Degrading talk/name-calling during sex. Piss kink. The egg laying kink thing that’s been gaining traction recently. I don’t know if it has a proper name, but every time I gave it a chance all I could think was “this seems like an unsustainable asexual reproduction. What are the biological implications of a species that does that?”  Age-play. 
Scum Villain Self Saving System: I’m here for the messy nature of this. This is where some peak weirdo4weirdo freak4freak stuff happens and it’s delightfully chaotic. Any combination of Shen Yuan, Luo Binghe, Mobei-Jun, Shang Qinghua is fun. I love the canon dynamics and I’m feel like there’s some real potential for fun rarepair shipping in there (gen fic is good too!). The dichotomy between being competent at their jobs and so incompetent/pathetic in their love lives is top tier (I’m obsessed with way Luo Binghe can scheme and be clever by faking tears and being a brat). Identity reveal AUs are great. I love things that make me laugh or go “oh shit these people have some Problems that years of therapy might not fix.”  
I also love Shen Jiu, but more in a gen fic way then any particular ship. Pls no fluff with Yue Qingyuan. That is an angst only pairing or a slow burn so slow that no one would want to podfic it for ITPE. Rarepairs with him are fine to be fluffy though. The man is just a complex ball of hurt and I want to comfort him while shaking him by the shoulders for continuing the cycle of abuse. 
The Untamed/MDZS: I’ve been leaning away from Lan Wanji/Wei Wuxian lately, due to the hundreds of fics for them I’ve read. However, if you have a good “they’re both girls” AU or one with Wei Wuxian very deep into his compulsory heterosexuality... Well... I’m weak to those. Platonic Lan Qiren & Wei Wuxian. Lan Jingyi or Jin Ling focused. Pairings amongst the older siblings are fun. Definitely more lighthearted for this fandom. 
Tian Guan Ci Fu. I’m not actually finished reading this, so if you go there I ask you tip toe around spoilers (tbh i have spoiled some stuff for myself due to looking up fanfiction before. But I still don’t know exactly how all the big reveals happen). Just AUs for that fandom, to let me keep some of the mystery pls lol. Hua Cheng/Xie Lian. 
The Penumbra Podcast: I rarely go to fic in this fandom, because I just love the original so much. I guess I read a lot of fix-its in other fandoms and I don’t have that urge here. However, I’ve been having Some Feels about Rita and Jet and the Second Citadel OT3 (Damien/Rilla/Arum). Gen fic for this fandom would be lovely. 
Haikyuu: Iwaizumi/Oikawa, Akaashi/Kenma, Kenma/Kuroo, Asahi/Nishinoya, Akaashi/Bokuto, Bokuto/Kenma, Bokuto/Kuroo, Iwaizumi or/and Oikawa with Ushijima. OT3s and Polycues are welcome. I’m just not listing them because there’s so many out there. 
Captive Prince: Less emphasis on romance and more emphasis on Laurent being snarky. Anything with him being or becoming friends with someone. 
Past Fandoms That I’m Not Active In But Like: Snow White with the Red Hair, Star Wars, Yuri on Ice, Avatar the Last Airbender, Fullmetal Alchemist,  
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destinationtoast · 2 years
How does my brain choose fandoms??
Tbh, earlier this year, I half expected to be an all-Wheel of Time blog at this point in time. (This point in time being in the aftermath of the series launch on Amazon. I have some mixed feelings about the series so far that I was going to get into here, and I'll probably get into those in some other post.)
Instead, somehow I'm falling down a Ted Lasso rabbit hole...??? After ~eight years since my last big fandom swoon, the one that brought me into participatory fandom, it seems like possibly I have a new fixation and new OT3. Maybe. At least, I felt compelled to feverishly write 10K about them, and I haven't done that since Sherlock. It's fun! And weird. And my fondness for the show isn't nearly as intense as my adoration of Sherlock S1-S2 was... But neither of them is the kind of canon I expect to fall for (though Sherlock is certainly closer).
Because it's not like I haven't been fannish about other stuff, in very different ways. ASOIAF were my favorite books for many years, and GoT was one of my favorite TV shows (despite many issues). But I just wanted to lurkily read theories about where the books might be going, and reblog the occasional fanart or gifset. I didn't feel called to read or write much fic. I didn't really have any ships (which also made it harder to find fic that spoke to me). And similarly with a bunch of my other favorite books/series -- e.g., Watership Down, Earthsea, His Dark Materials, Imperial Radch, Murderbot -- I just seem to want to consume the canon (and hear others' thoughts about what details they particularly liked or what themes they noticed) but not to transform it. And I guess despite my having a lot more ambivalence about WoT than most of those, that series is also pretty firmly in the category of stuff I don't feel the need to transform. (Though I still would like to read lots of nonbinary and agender WoT fic. And some better approaches to polyamory across the various cultures. But I don't feel any desire to transform any of the canon characters/relationships, despite the myriad problems with them, and in the absence of that, I'd rather just write my own original fic than try to fix the messed up gender dynamics of that world.)
Someday I need to figure out why my favorite books are all SF/F series, but I don't seem to feel compelled to be in transformative or even very participatory fandom for those. Is it because I'm more content with those works as they are? (I have so many issues with WoT, though, despite my love of it. And with the later ASOIAF books, too. And even though I don't have issues with Watership Down, I'd love to have more of it.) Is it because I don't seem to ship non-canonical ships very often or strongly in those works (and why is that)? Is it because my favorite books spend a lot more time closely in the characters' heads, and leave far fewer spaces in the canon to wonder about and want to fill in? (I suspect that's a lot of it, and also I guess that likely contributes to why I don't generally develop non-canonical ships... The characters' thoughts don't leave me room to do so.) I also have loved a lot of SF/F shows that weren't based on books (e.g., Battlestar Galactica, BtVS, Firefly, and in a fairly different way Star Trek), and I've never felt compelled to transform any of those, either. But I think I could imagine doing so more easily than for my favorite books. So maybe it's more about the bookness and the amount of character interiority than it is about the genre?
(There's been a lot of non-SF/F TV that I've loved, too, and that I also haven't felt compelled to read/write fic about. E.g., I'm currently pretty obsessed with Succession. And I recently finished and adored Halt and Catch Fire. And Black Sails was amazing. I even had multiple polyships in Black Sails -- but they were canon!! 😍 So I guess again, I don't feel like I need to mess with canon in these cases... I just want to obsess about it lurkily.)
IIRC, I didn't actually feel a need to mess with Sherlock S1-S2 either, at first anyway, or with Ted Lasso (not that I don't have criticisms). I think in both cases, I started out quite liking the canon, and admiring things about it, but not obsessed. And then I didn't think about it too much for a while. And then SUDDENLY I HAD TO GO LOOK ON AO3 RIGHT NOW because I abruptly had to know if anyone had written any fic about a particular ship that got into my head. (Spoiler alert: there was a lot more Johnlock fic out there than Roy/Keeley/Jamie, ahahahaha.) And from that ship sprung a more general fandom obsession, and a desire to write the particular character/relationship dynamics that I wanted.
But?? Idk, that's also kinda weird if it's maybe my involvement in participatory fandom is exclusively ship-driven?? Not weird in general or in a judgy way, just unexpected for me -- I read books/watch shows for so many reasons, and obsess about them for so many reasons, not just for romance or sexytimes. And I don't know what made me fasten on these particular ships to be super horny about; I often turn to other media besides fiction fanfic when I want erotic material, and it's often kinkier than most of the fic read/write for these ships. Except for the several years in the past decade when I read and was turned on by almost nothing but johnlock(ary), why did that suddenly become my main kink, shrug emoji?? Does this mean that I'm about to spend who knows how long only fantasizing about a dumbass soccer player and the duo that he truly does not deserve??? We Just Don't Know. (For that matter, maybe I only have one K/R/J fic in me, and this thinking is all premature... But they sure are extremely different from S/J/M, and I'm so intrigued by that!)
I guess the biggest question for me, if shipping is indeed my key to fandom -- why haven't I shipped lots of non-canonical ships this hard? There are so many canons out there that I've liked that could benefit from more queer and/or poly dynamics! And lots of those canons have interesting gaps to try to address with fic, even if a few of my favorite books don't leave as much room for that.
A final piece of this puzzle may be my mental state... I was in a deep, deep well of depression and anxiety when I found the Sherlock fandom, and it was a welcome escape. But despite the fact that I've been going through some Intense Heath Stuff lately, and changing jobs, and going through other big life changes -- not to even mention the motherfucking pandemic, ahahaha, sob -- I feel like I'm coping so much better now, and I'm so much happier. I don't need to escape. Still, that's a heaping serving of stress, and maybe I just self-soothe best by diving into a ship/fandom?
Clearly the true statistical answer is that it's pointless to try to generalize from this ridiculously small data set of N=2 transformative fandoms. (Though far larger if you count all the negative examples.) But sparse data is not going to stop me from being curious about and trying to model and understand my own fannish brain! 😹
Curious to hear others' experiences of what differentiates for them a fandom that they want to read/write fic for vs. one where they just obsess over the canon.
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years
i recently read a mini fic and its sequel where m&m take in a drunk and vulnerable verosika and now it has become my new ot3. Anyway, wanna share some Veroxillie OT3 headcanons?
Wow I had never even thought about those three together, but upon doing so it makes a lot of sense. I love how this fandom can do that, make up a ship which somehow tends to work well, any way sure thing! OT3 head canons away!
Veroxillie OT3 Headcanons
Verosika mellows out a lot after she starts to date them, she'll still support Millie's occasional rage fueled rampage, but she's much more calm and collected, and just nicer in general.
Moxxie get's ganged up on by his two girlfriends who just go out of their way to fluster him, he enjoys it but if he's doing something else it is really distracting.
They kinda decide to keep it a secret from Blitzo at the start, knowing how much he hates Verosika, but that immediately fails since he is still stalking M&M so he finds out pretty quickly and he asks them about when there leaving work the next day, both exchanging a glance that just says "Oh shit"
He eventually comes around to the idea, he's not too happy about it since he doesn't trust her but after some boundary setting, and Verosika threatening him for him to stop the stalking, he accepts it really isn't his business who his employees date. He'll still tease Moxxie about it a bit though.
Verosika helps out with their earth disguises, mainly lending her makeup skills since neither Millie or Moxxie are too great at it, and if Blitzo or Loona can't lend a hand she's got the supplies and skills to spare to help out.
Date Nights are... annoyingly complicated, They can't really go out in public without someone noticing and blabbing, and considering how Ozzie's went, Asmodeus finding out wouldn't be good for any of them. So it's mainly just hanging out at M&Ms apartment, or wherever Verosika lives
There all really protective of eachother, Flirt with one of M&M, You have a high heel stabbed in your foot, Flirt with Verosika and it's a coin toss if you get a knife or a gun in your face, depends on who's faster on the draw.
Verosika doesn't really care she isn't married to M&M even though they are to eachother, she see's the difference it just doesn't really matter to her, besides if anyone saw her wearing a ring all the time the rumor mill would have a field day.
I hope these were good enough, I've had an odd day so I might have a been a bit off, hope you enjoy these Anon, and feel free to ask more stuff.
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deadlyglacier · 3 years
20 Questions tag~
I was tagged by @mythicamagic thank you senpai~<3
How many works do you have on AO3?
40 right now, plus 1 that is still hidden because of the SOFA Exchange event.  (I’m still a lil fish.)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
486,920!  That’s so amazing to me!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
InuYasha - A Feudal Fairytale (18)
FullMetal Alchemist (18)
Mass Effect Trilogy (3)
Let’s Play (Webtoon) (1)
Kingdom Hearts (1) But I hope to write for many more fandoms in the future!  I have ideas for fics for Castlevania, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Last of Us Part II, and more!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1.  Stardust FemShep/Garrus, Mass Effect Trilogy, Rated Explicit. A retelling of the Shepard/Vakarian love story, with lots (and LOTS) of sexiness, from Garrus' point of view. Starts from before the Omega-4 and will end sometime after the end of ME3. Trying to stay as true to the game as possible, while adding some things happening off camera and a new ending.
#2.  Flamingo Sess/Kag, Inuyasha, Rated Explicit Kagome's method of beating the summer heat attracts a certain demon lord...
#3.  Hawk Sess/Kag, Inuyasha, Rated Explicit Kagome and Sesshomaru discover they have a mutual attraction for each other after a battle and a slight comedic incident brings them together. At first their relationship seems entirely sexual, but eventually evolves into something real. What will this romance mean for Naraku? Or even the future?  *TRIGGER WARNING FOR CHAPTER 6! MAJOR VIOLENCE AND TRAGEDY* Very, very loosely based on "A Mere Digression" by elle6778
#4.  Daisy Sam/Charles, Let’s Play, Rated Mature Sam wakes up somewhere unfamiliar with a splitting headache with no memory of the night before. Takes place right after the S2 finale.  First chapter was my prediction for what would happen next, and then three other “wishful thinking” chapters happened, lol.
#5.  Chemistry Ed/Winry, FullMetal Alchemist, Rated Mature A look at how the relationship between Ed and Winry developed after Brotherhood ended.  Cute, sweet, funny, and hot (eventually—y'all that know me know I gotta have some NSFW in there).
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to everyone, especially when a fic of mine has just been posted, but sometimes I just forget.  If I haven’t responded to your comment, please know it’s just because I’m a big dumb and forgot!  I love getting comments, and I reread them all the time!  I just feel like there’s a time limit to when I can respond to them--if I let too much go by, it’s awkward if I reply.  Gah, but that’s just me getting in my own head, I guess.  I’ll do better!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oof, definitely Psychology, a fic I wrote for RoyEdOTPoly this year.  The prompt I got was dark, and I didn’t see any way around an angsty ending.  Read at your own risk!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Well, aside from the last fic, I try to write happy endings for all my fics!  But, if I have to name names, I’m torn between Zoology (another FullMetal Alchemist fic, RoyEd, for RoyEdOTPoly this year) and Stardust (my Mass Effect fic, which is long, but so worth it, in my opinion).  Both are very fluffy in the end!
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Argh...  I don’t really like crossovers, to be honest.  I actively avoid them when looking for fics to read.  But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought of writing them myself.  (I’m a total hypocrite, I know.)  I had an idea for an Inuyasha x The Sims fic, years ago, that I never did anything with.  The premise was basically Inuyasha and Kagome would get trapped in the game somehow (via the jewel or magic or something), and they’d be controlled by Souta, Kagome’s friends, Hojo--all sorts of different people who think the fact that Kagome and Inuyasha are in the game is just some kind of silly mod.  I probably won’t write it, so if anyone is interested in that crazy idea, have at it!  You have my blessing. <3 I also have a crazy crossover idea for what I call an “Ultimate OT3″ of mine that I’ve mentioned to my friends, but I haven’t actually written down yet:  Sesshomaru/Alucard/Sebastian Michaelis.  So be on the lookout for that!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wouldn’t call it “hate” so much as “mansplaining,” but I have gotten a couple of comments that made my eyebrow twitch on Stardust--both on AO3 and FFN.  Just dudes (and I’m fairly certain they were dudes, just from their tone) trying to explain why a certain plot twist wouldn’t work, or tell me how to save Sidonis in the actual game (which I already knew, that person just didn’t read what I wrote). I’ve also gotten a comment on one of my more controversial fics, Hippology, on FFN, where the person asked me if I thought my summary was K-Rated (which, admittedly, it does need to be for the site, and mine wasn’t--because of a single word).  I changed it and messaged them saying it was fixed.  Going to that commenter’s profile, however, proved to be fairly enlightening...  They’re nuts.  They have another profile, too.  Read at your own risk.  Yikes. There’s also a team of people on FFN who make it their life’s mission to report stories with rule violations.  I’ve gotten a comment from one of them as well.  These people are not mods, they just like to pretend they are--one of them even made their name look official!  “CU Administration,” gtfo dude. I also recently got one of my fics removed from FFN.  It wasn’t even one of my sexiest ones!  They put me in timeout for 48 hours, and when I was finally able to publish something new on the site again, I posted Hippology (my centaur smut), and it’s still up as I type this.  (Wonder how long it’ll take them to notice?)  And since the fic that got taken down was a SessKag fic, I’m thinking it might have been a petty SessRinner who reported it to the “authorities” of FFN, because another friend of mine got hers taken down not long after mine, and it was also SessKag.  Just my tinfoil theory, anyway!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, yes, yes.  It’s practically all I write.  I do all sorts of smut, from romantic, sensual stuff, to specific kinks, to monsterfucking--all that good stuff.  Can’t change me~<3
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so.  No one has asked me if they can translate one, anyway.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet!  I’m open to the idea, and I’ve had little discussions with my fic-writing buddies about it, but nothing’s come out of it just yet.  Keep your eyes peeled!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh, now come on!  I can’t pick just one!  But I’ll give you a top 3 (in no particular order, because they change places a lot, depending on how obsessed I am with them at the moment). Inuyasha:  Sess/Kag FullMetal Alchemist:  Roy/Ed Mass Effect:  Garrus/FemShep
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a couple of stories that I deleted from my original FFN account that I’d like to re-write and re-post on AO3, but I don’t think I’ll ever get around to it.  There were a couple of Inu/Kag fics I had in-progress, and then a Koug/Kag fic.  I recently rewrote and reposted my SessKag fic from years ago, Hawk, on FFN, AO3, and Dokuga!  So maybe all hope isn’t lost.  I’m even writing a sequel for Hawk! All the stories I have in-progress right now I plan on finishing.  At some point, lol.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, without a doubt.  It’s my favorite thing to write, aside from smut, of course--which is another strength of mine.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, ugh.  I try to do them well, but I always feel like they get stale.  So I keep them somewhat vague, because in my mind, I think readers will fill in the gaps themselves whether you describe something immaculately or not--they’ll see what they want to see, and that is totally fine in my book!  Or maybe I’m just making excuses, lol.  I’ll only describe something in a lot of detail if I want the reader to focus on that--usually an outfit, accessory, or weapon--otherwise, I leave it up to their imagination (I don’t want manipulate it too much, I suppose).
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Wildly unnecessary unless that author speaks the language as well, or if certain words already exist in the fandom’s translations (ex. “youkai,” “alkahestry,” etc).
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha, and the fic(s) I wrote in the beginning were terrible.  I want to burn all traces of them off the face of the earth.  I was in middle school.  I was young and stupid.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I gotta go with Stardust.  It’s the longest fic I’ve ever completed at more than 160k words.  I was so immensely proud when I typed “The End,” and I was able to say to myself “I did it.”
I tag: @glassesmcfancyhair @willowsrain 
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whiskeyjack · 3 years
top 10 fics?? are you kidding me??
Thank you @00gangfriend00 for probably one of the hardest lists I’ve ever had to make. I also haven’t gotten around to reading anywhere near enough of the fics I want to, my bookmark list is getting dangerously long. I have many favourites, so please note this list is off the top of my head and if you asked me in a month it would probably be different. This was not an easy list to make in the slightest, this fandom is absolutely brimming of incredibly talented authors. In making this list I’ve also realized the true extent of my negligence for not commenting on some of these fics (especially the early reads) - so I will be rereading some of these to drop you lovely authors my thoughts and appreciation 💖 In no particular order:
A Rational Choice by @fireinsideforfun (tumblr?)
i think this was one of the first fics I read in this fandom and my life has forever been changed because of this fic. i’m not sure if it’s still a WIP (boy I hope so) or if it’s been abandoned, but either way this fic is full of angst! tortured and vulnerable sexy times! plot! aka everything i look for in an indulging read.
Until Long After She Takes Her Final Breath by @watermelonriddles (@emilykolburn)
this was another early read of mine, and it was a fucking painful one. my heart physically hurt while reading this fic, and tbh i want to go back and reread it but i’m not sure i physically can. goes to show the amount of talent it took to write this one, and how emotionally provocative it is. this fic lives rent free in mind, and forever will.
Thirty Pieces of Silver by @riosnecktattoo (@riosnecktattoo)
alas, this fic will always be on my list because of where i was in my life when i read it. i think this is the first (completed) fic i read where i felt a full on wave of catharsis from the show so powerful that i just sort of… had to stop and stare around thinking about what i had just read. @riosnecktattoo i will never be able to thank you enough for the relief i had reading this fic. i’m also just always so blown away by the fact that this was your first fic… you are so gifted. i love love love the absent-minded scar touching, the 20 questions, the sheer vulnerability… everything about it. completely breathtaking.
a song inside the halls of the dark by @ms_scarlet (@mego42)
ok yeah so. this is a fic that’s very high up on my list, and will forever remain there. i could talk for years about how much i love the characterizations, the plot, character and relationship developments, the smut (the SMUT!!) , the vulnerability, and the angst in this fic. @mego42 you captured my attention right off the bat with this fic and i’ve always been so blown away by your ability to give me shivers with your comparisons to natural disasters and just perfectly concocted imagery. this fic also does contain my #1 brio smut, it’s just… so vulnerable, desperate, possessive and perfect. i’ve probably reread this half a dozen of times now, and i always need time to recover because of how fucking powerful this piece. also my heart literally breaks every time i get to the end. do I still reread? god, yes. thank you for writing this piece of art, truly it is magnificent.
i will collect and capture you by @foxmagpie (@foxmagpie)
i absolutely adore this fic, it has a very special place in my heart. it is complete with so much angst, on point characterizations, incredibly talented written humour gently weaved into moments (hospital bed//casket!!!), fucking phenomenal smut, and heartbreaking metaphors. it also has a precious lung! spleen! shoulder! moment that I won’t been forgetting for a very fucking long time. @foxmagpie thank you for writing this fic, it is so remarkable, and you are so talented i truly feel like we are living in Rio’s mind during this fic. word of warning if y’all haven’t read this one yet: be careful you will go on a fucking ride. i learned so much about my emotional bandwidth while reading this… and it hit my limits.
It Hurts When I See You Struggle by @BourbonOnTheRocks (@bourbon-ontherocks)
an amazing post 2.13/s3 fucking piece. this fic has it all: so! much! angst! shards of perfectly placed comic relief! vulnerability! rio chuckling! and amazing metaphors (tapestry!!)! i love how beth gets caught in her own bullet for rio, and @bourbon-ontherocks you write it in a way that’s just so utterly full circle, i let out a physical sigh of relief from the resolution these two go through. “I need you//I think I need you too” will be forever imprinted in my brain, it’s just incredibly flawless. your words always provoke such an emotional reaction while reading, i’m constantly just in awe that English isn’t even your first language. i have read this already a few times, and guarantee will be back for more.
Bringing Down the Neighborhood by @s_t_c_s (@sothischickshe)
certainly one of my favourite resolutions post 2.13. this fic is absolutely full of snark, idiots being idiots and VERY sexy times that are just so humorous, i couldn’t breathe from laughing quite a few times. the characterization is absolutely on point and accurate to the point that i could full out envision this fic taking place in canon (if it wasn’t so sexy). seriously @sothischickshe I just love how you used talking/kissing as important markers in their relationship in this fic, it felt just so true to canon, you nail them to a T. i’m also such a sucker for the idea that rio holds on to beth’s rejection of desk sex with him. yes. undeniable. fucking marvellous.
Ain’t No Sunshine by @MissMaxime (@missmaxime)
another recent read of mine, and tbh? i’m v sad i didn’t read this fic before now. this fic righted my world in a way i didn’t know it needed to be and i truly am walking around believing that this full-out happened in canon. i absolutely love how beth’s ptsd (and turner’s!! thank you @missmaxime for pointing that out post-read) is explored in very unique (and HOT!!!) ways. very phenomenally done @missmaxime , this was such an amazing read. i will forever be thinking about beth looking for scars on turner’s chest that aren’t there.
It’s All About The Game (and how you play it) by @sdktrs12 (@sdktrs12)
another perfect fic that is incredibly indulgent on my part and an absolutely treat to read. the characterizations of not only beth & rio, but of mick, annie & ruby are just so accurate. @sdktrs12 i love how you play with beth & rio being thirsty idiots in front of the others, all while inserting perfectly placed and in-character comedy. i am super obsessed with the idea of the ot3 playing monopoly with rio & mick and you fucking nailed it. this fic made me feel lots of things, what a wonderful read that i will come back to often.
Dancing in the Dark by @gangfriend (@00gangfriend00)
um ok. this is a really indulgent fic that I have recently read and left me with a stupid big ass grin on my face, as well as a massive craving for chinese food. @00gangfriend00 you have such a gift with words, and yours painted such a realistic lovely picture in my head. your annie is on fucking point - napping/suiting up to impress gangbangers are gold!! I don’t usually read too much fluff but you really integrated the intensity of their relationship into such a soft and in character interaction. amazing.
Yes. So. Similar to what Kat said, so so so many lines from all of these fucking pieces (AND. SO. MANY. MORE.) live rent free in my head. Seriously, I’m so impressed by the sheer amount of giftedness and talent exist in this fandom, I can never thank anyone enough for how much reading their writing has gotten me through this pandemic and provided such a significant source of relief and escape in these uncertain and hard times 💗
@spiceesweetness @missmaxime @yellowhammerga @mamey2422
Tag, you’re it 🙈
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its-all-ineffable · 2 years
Fandom Focus #18
The Witcher - Still number 1, what can I say? I am now shipping Geraskefer, they are my OT3, but still shipping Geraskier separately. I keep reading so many fanfics, watching loads of fanvids, and planning my own fics, and I am just obsessed. I will be for a while. Especially with Jaskier.
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Spider-Man (MCU, TASM) - So, I watched Spider-Man No Way Home. Three times. Then I watched all the OTHER Spider-Man films after my first viewing, and, while I'm not fond of the Maguire films, I fell in LOVE with the Amazing Spider-Man films. Genuinely, I love them, I love Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker, I adore Gwen Stacy, hell, I even liked their version of Harry Osborn! Just great, and he and Maguire were great in NWH, and I live for the Spider trio!
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Night at the Museum - So I re-watched these films recently...I'd forgotten how much I liked them! They really are just the best thing aren't they?! Also, never realised, but I actually ship Jed and Octavius and always have, I just didn't know that that was what I was doing! Also, read fanfic for them for the FIRST TIME after my re-watch! And I can't get enough of Rami Malek as Ahkmenrah. What a pretty boy.
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The Mandalorian - Yeah...I've watched the original Star Wars films (I class the first 6 as the originals). C-3PO and R-2D2 were the best parts of them. Wasn't fussed. And then I watched the Mandalorian, cause my friend loves it. And now I love it. And Din and Grogu. I even watched the last 3 eps of Book of Boba Fett because they were in it. I love the tired space dad and his son. That is all.
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Also been loving the DCEU still, and the rest of the MCU too (I re-watched TFATWS and Eternals recently)! Also Downton Abbey is on my mind, what with the new film soon and re-watching it, as is Enola Holmes, especially after that new teaser we got! But those are the main 4 above.
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