#I don't support art theft
jemichiart · 1 year
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I painted some of the most iconic large macaws known for their gorgeous, colorful plumages. I've always loved these birds and used to draw them a lot as a child. It was time to try that again! I think they look majestic in flight, so I wanted to paint them wild and free. It would be even better with a huge flock, but unfortunately all macaws are (some more than the others) endangered in the wild, so it felt sadly fitting to draw each one alone. But I'd imagine there are a few around, flying just out of sight or sitting on the tree branches nearby.
If you like this design, you can purchase any of these macaws as a print or many kinds of products on https://www.redbubble.com/people/JeMiChi/shop?asc=u
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Scarlet Macaw: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/134770878?ref=studio-promote
Blue and Gold Macaw: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/134587417?ref=studio-promote
Green-winged Macaw: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/134734754?ref=studio-promote
Military Macaw: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/134819592?ref=studio-promote
Hyacinth Macaw: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/134908757?ref=studio-promote
Made with GIMP Time: nearly 3 hours (+ 30 minutes or so for each design) For those interested in reintroducing macaws in the wild and protecting their environment by planting trees, check out the charity program by Chris Biro on https://www.birdrecoveryinternational.com/  and   https://www.birdrecoveryinternational.com/palms-for-parrots/   You can watch a video about the project on https://youtu.be/fmXC_0RJUK4 to see what it's all about and what kind of people are involved.
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viktoriamagrey · 3 months
I'm actually completely done having an even remotely "well, maybe, only if used correctly..." opinion on "AI" used for anything remotely related to design or creation (yes, even software development, yes, even essays, yes, anything). This stuff needs to be culled from existence, and I will never support it. I'm not touching it with a ten-foot pole. It is morally bankrupt from the concept alone. I literally don't care if we ever come to have the most "perfect" regulations, when the entire thing's only purpose is to never need artists OR HUMAN INPUT again. It spits on humanity and expects to be hailed as the greatest achievement, and then has the audacity to use the excuse that it will give power to random people when its intentions are the opposite. I don't know how much more clearly I can state that they want us all gone. If we're still around, it's because they're still in the process of how to replace us, and this keeps getting worse at an alarming pace. Art is literally the only remaining cornerstone of humanity that had been untouched by this bullshit and now it's in serious trouble, while people laugh at how funny their AI covers sound and how cute their automated, regurgitated art is.
(And even beyond that? For things such as writing? I don't know how you don't see the repercussions of literally having a machine do basic brainwork for you. I thought we laughed at this years ago!)
There is no immediate salvation except to reject this wherever it pops up while we still have a chance.
If you use AI for anything, even just "for fun", you're harming everyone, and I hope you know that.
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did you match with me just to say that
I match with a girl on a dating app
"hi! is fetishizing the Victorian era ever problematic for you?"
I unmatch with the girl on the dating app
(it's not that I'm unwilling to have this conversation at all. there's a reason "Vintage Style, Not Vintage Values" pins exist. I'm just unwilling to start a potential romance with an Internet argument)
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gyarucoded · 6 months
sorry to say this but like it's so infuriating when somebody posts a very clearly ai generated art of your beloved characters and yall immidiately go n praise op for the great "fanart" likee is the FANART in the room with us rn ?
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the-kings-of-games · 1 year
YGO fandom, stop reposting other people's artwork 2k23. It's not appreciation—it's art theft, and you should do better. Thanks.
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yamarts · 2 years
Can we collectively stop giving attention to accounts that only repost other people's content without a credit or permission?
It is simply extremely disrespectful and damaging for the content creators they are stealing from.
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madamepurple93 · 1 month
Did...did I just find Florkofcows ribbon on Aliexpress????
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brokenfoxproductions · 8 months
I'll never understand why so many people think that AI generated images are somehow directly plagiarizing pre-existing artwork. It just takes inspiration from pre-existing images, and most companies train their AI using stock images that are already freely available (like Getty stocks).
It seems like the people perpetuating that misunderstanding are mostly small artists who think that AI will dry up their commissions despite the fact that people who are using AI usually don't have the money or ability to commission them, and despite their art styles being vastly different. The few who have claimed "that's my art style!" usually mimic the style of someone more famous, so they can't really claim originality anyway.
It just seems like people making excuses to hate something new and trendy, especially because it means people who they don't see as "real artists" or who have disabilities can express themselves without paying someone else for it. "Art theft" seems serious, so it draws people in, even though "art taking inspiration from things that the artist has seen before" is more accurate and much closer to what people do when they draw.
But if you want to find an art from that's literally just copying, you could look at flash tattoos, pixel doll bases, make up art, cosplay, the majority of romance era greats, Andy Warhol, most pop music, fashion dolls, Disney, most modern fashion brands....
Pretty much nothing is original. You'll never be as different as you want to be, even if you hate what you see as competition. Using the word theft out of context detracts from any actual criticism you have in my opinion.
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ave661 · 3 months
Post about art-theft, AI and tracing of my render:
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Unfortunately, one of my renders I made a year ago, was traced, copied, edited by AI by "brothers in arms" store and now sold as a merch aimed towards CoD fandom. They are currently sending this out to various cosplayers asking them to promote it.
As someone who is affected by this, I have to speak up about it.
(post about it on twt & insta)
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I found out about it by accident when I saw promoted post on my insta feed. When I started talking about it in my stories, this store sent me a private message saying they had been working on this design for weeks and had never heard of me so they definitely didn't steal anything, and offered me free stuff. When I disagreed with them and sent them files comparing our works, they stopped replying to me, so I continued talking about it again on my insta. Only when my followers started leaving comments under their post saying this is wrong, they decided to continue discussion on the next day.
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2. They mentioned that they could have been inspired by some pictures they found on the internet and showed me their "first sketch" of design… which was made by AI.
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3. During the conversation, they mentioned that their artist could have based his work on a picture he found on the Internet, but he defended himself by saying that they might not have known it was mine. But even if they didn't know about me, even if they found some fanart on the Internet - it doesn't mean you can copy something detail by detail and sell it as your own. What is most important here, their offer to solve the problem was to give me credits in their design. IF they worked hard on it, why would they want to give me credits? My offer was to remove it.
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4. Why do I mention that it could have been done by AI? because many lines are unfinished and a lot of details don't make sense.
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5. Below is a comparison of my render that I published on March 18, 2023 with their first sketch they showed me, which apparently they drew themselves:
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I am saying this so that the CoD community, which is very large, will be aware of this, because there are many people who have already bought it and after my insta story, they felt bad and said they want return it because they don't want to support art theft.
It's not just about me anymore - it could have happened to anyone who creates fanart and share it on the Internet just for fun. One day someone may use it for their own profit without us being aware of it. It doesn't matter if it's a 3D render or a drawing. All artists in this (or any other) fandom do not deserve to experience such thing, and we need to speak out about it to prevent it from happening in the future.
Reposting fanart is, as this example shows, dangerous and hurtful, so please respect artists and don’t do this. Especially on pinterest.
Their only proposal and offer to give me credits for the work they traced is something I will never agree to.
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vaspider · 2 years
I agree with you in principle about paying media creators, but the fact is that people who are spreading piracy stuff are often doing so because either 1) they don’t want to give money to the big corporations that control most mass media, or 2) they don’t have the money to give to creators of things they love. I agree that if you have the means to give proper support to things you love, you should, but not everyone has access to library resources (for example, not everyone is American/western and so not everyone has access to online pdfs through a library, or even libraries at all in some places) and it just feels very…. not extreme, but a bit harsh to equate reading a pdf with intentionally withholding money from creators. I’m sorry it this comes across rudely, that isn’t my intent, but it feels very unfair to generalise so harshly on a post about resources for when you can’t access certain things
You aren't entitled to someone else's labor just because it's art.
I'm going to repeat that, because people seem to be confused: you aren't entitled to someone else's labor just because it's art.
Just because you don't have money to pay a creator doesn't mean that you can take what you want and take money out of other people's pockets just because it's art.
I would love to have more art from @fofoart, but I don't have the money to pay them right now, so you know what that means? I don't have more art from them. I would love to read Thistlefoot right now, but I don't have the money to buy it at the moment, and so you know what that means? I wait until I can get it through my library or until I have the money to buy it, because I am not entitled to someone else's labor just because it's art.
There are plenty of books out there which can be read without pirating books. If you sign up to Tor's website you often get emails about free books and short stories. Project Guttenberg exists. Writers often post free stories on websites. There are more legitimate and free books out there right now, in the genres that you like and want to read, than you could ever read in ten lifetimes.
You are not entitled to someone else's labor just because it's art. You are not entitled to fuck up someone's sales numbers or make a publishing house go "your books are pirated too much so we're gonna pay you less" just because you want to read that specific book.
I mean, you can do that, I guess, but you can't do it and be morally correct about it. You can do it and be an asshole, or you can not do it, read one of the many many free books in this world, and not be an asshole.
There are no other choices. You don't get to just say "well I don't have money but I want this" and fucking steal it and then act like this is anything but theft. It's theft! It's not justified just because you really wanna read it!
This isn't "not supporting creators," this is stealing from artists because you feel entitled to do so because "I want it."
That's toddler logic. Grow up.
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mdzsartreblogs · 1 year
Recognizing AI Generated Images, Danmei Edition
Heyo, @unforth here! I run some danmei art blogs (@mdzsartreblogs, @tgcfartreblogs, @svsssartreblogs, @zhenhunartreblogs, @erhaartreblogs, @dmbjartreblogs, @tykartreblogs, and @cnovelartreblogs) which means I see a LOT of danmei art, and I go through the main fandom tags more-or-less every day.
Today, for the first time, I spotted someone posting AI-generated images (I refuse to call them AI "art" - and to be clear, that's correct of me, because at least in the US it literally LEGALLY isn't art) without any label indicating they were AI generated. I am not necessarily against the existence of AI-generated images (though really...considering all the legal issues and the risks of misuse, I'm basically against them); I think they potentially have uses in certain contexts (such as for making references) and I also think that regardless of our opinions, we're stuck with them, but they're also clearly not art and I don't reblog them to the art side blogs.
The images I spotted today had multiple "tells," but they were still accumulating notes, and I thought it might be a good moment to step back and point out some of the more obvious tells because my sense is that a LOT of people are against AI-generated images being treated as art, and that these people wouldn't want to support an AI-generator user who tried to foist off their work as actual artwork, but that people don't actually necessarily know how to IDENTIFY those works and therefore can inadvertently reblog works that they'd never support if they were correctly identified. (Similar to how the person who reposts and says "credit to the artist" is an asshole but they're not the same as someone who reposts without any credit at all and goes out of their way to make it look like they ARE the artist when they're not).
Toward that end, I've downloaded all the images I spotted on this person's account and I'm going to use them to highlight the things that led me to think they were AI art - they posted a total of 5 images to a few major danmei tags the last couple days, and several other images not to specific fandoms (I examined 8 images total). The first couple I was suspicious, but it wasn't til this morning that I spotted one so obvious that it couldn't be anything BUT AI art. I am NOT going to name the person who did this. The purpose of this post is purely educational. I have no interest whatsoever in bullying one rando. Please don't try to identify them; who they are is genuinely irrelevant, what matters is learning how to recognize AI art in general and not spreading it around, just like the goal of education about reposting is to help make sure that people who repost don't get notes on their theft, to help people recognize the signs so that the incentive to be dishonest about this stuff is removed.
But first: Why is treating AI-generated images as art bad?
I'm no expert and this won't be exhaustive, but I do think it's important to first discuss why this matters.
On the surface, it's PERHAPS harmless for someone to post AI-generated images provided that the image is clearly labeled as AI-generated. I say "perhaps" because in the end, as far as I'm aware, there isn't a single AI-generation engine that's built on legally-sourced artwork. Every AI (again, to the best of my knowledge) has been trained using copyrighted images usually without the permission of the artists. Indeed, this is the source of multiple current lawsuits. (and another)
But putting that aside (as if it can be put aside that AI image generators are literally unethically built), it's still problematic to support the images being treated as art. Artists spend thousands of hours learning their craft, honing it, sharing their creations, building their audiences. This is what they sell when they offer commissions, prints, etc. This can never be replicated by a computer, and to treat an AI-generated image as in any way equivalent is honestly rude, inappropriate, disgusting imo. This isn't "harmless"; supporting AI image creation engines is damaging to real people and their actual livelihoods. Like, the images might be beautiful, but they're not art. I'm honestly dreading someone managing to convince fandom that their AI-generated works are actual art, and then cashing in on commissions, prints, etc., because people can't be fussed to learn the difference. We really can't let this happen, guys. Fanartists are one of the most vibrant, important, prominent groups in all our fandoms, and we have to support them and do our part to protect them.
As if those two points aren't enough, there's already growing evidence that AI-generated works are being used to further propagandists. There are false images circulating of violence at protests, deep-fakes of various kinds that are helping the worst elements of society to push their horrid agendas. As long as that's a facet of AI-generated works, they'll always be dangerous.
I could go on, but really this isn't the main point of my post and I don't want to get bogged down. Other people have said more eloquently than I why AI-generated images are bad. Read those. (I tried to find a good one to link but sadly failed; if anyone knows a good post, feel free to send it and I'll add the link to the post).
Basically: I think a legally trained AI-image generator that had built-in clear watermarks could be a fun toy for people who want reference images or just to play with making pseudo-art. But...that's not what we have, and what we do have is built on theft and supports dystopia so, uh. Yeah fuck AI-generated images.
How to recognize AI-Generated Images Made in an Eastern Danmei Art Style
NOTE: I LEARNED ALL THE BASIC ON SPOTTING AI-GENERATED IMAGES FROM THIS POST. I'll own I still kinda had the wool over my eyes until I read that post - I knew AI stuff was out there but I hadn't really looked closely enough to have my eyes open for specific signs. Reading that entire post taught me a lot, and what I learned is the foundation of this post.
This post shouldn't be treated as a universal guide. I'm specifically looking at the tells on the kind of art that people in danmei fandoms often see coming from Weibo and other Chinese, Japanese, and Korean platforms, works made by real artists. For example, the work of Foxking (狐狸大王a), kokirapsd, and Changyang (who is an official artist for MDZS, TGCF, and other danmei works). This work shares a smooth use of color, an aim toward a certain flavor of realism, an ethereal quality to the lighting, and many other features. (Disclaimer: I am not an artist. Putting things in arty terms is really not my forte. Sorry.)
So, that's what these AI-generated images are emulating. And on the surface, they look good! Like...
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...that's uncontestably a pretty picture (the white box is covering the "artist's" watermark.) And on a glance, it doesn't necessarily scream "AI generated"! But the devil is in the details, and the details are what this post is about. And that picture? Is definitely AI generated.
This post is based on 8 works I grabbed from a single person's account, all posted as their own work and watermarked as such. Some of the things that are giveaways only really show when looking at multiple pieces. I'm gonna start with those, and then I'll highlight some of the specifics I spotted that caused me to go from "suspicious" to "oh yeah no these are definitely not art."
Sign 1: all the images are the exact same size. I mean, to the pixel: 512 x 682 pixels (or 682 x 512, depending on landscape or portrait orientation). This makes zero sense. Why would an artist trim all their pieces to that size? It's not the ideal Tumblr display size (that's 500 x 750 pixels). If you check any actual artist's page and look at the full-size of several of their images, they'll all be different sizes as they trimmed, refined, and otherwise targeted around their original canvas size to get the results they wanted.
Sign 2: pixelated. At the shrunken size displayed on, say, a mobile Tumblr feed, the image looks fine, but even just opening the full size upload, the whole thing is pixelated. Now, this is probably the least useful sign; a lot of artists reduce the resolution/dpi/etc. on their uploaded works so that people don't steal them. But, taken in conjunction with everything else, it's definitely a sign.
Those are the two most obvious overall things - the things I didn't notice until I looked at all the uploads. The specifics are really what tells, though. Which leads to...
Sign 3: the overall work appears to have a very high degree of polish, as if it were made by an artist who really really knows what they're doing, but on inspection - sometimes even on really, REALLY cursory inspect - the details make zero sense and reflect the kinds of mistakes that a real artist would never make.
So, here's the image that I saw that "gave it away" to me, and caused me to re-examine the images that had first struck me as off but that I hadn't been able to immediately put my finger on the problem. I've circled some of the spots that are flagrant.
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Do you see yet? Yes? Awesome, you're getting it. No? Okay, let's go point by point, with close ups.
Sign 4: HANDS. Hands are currently AI's biggest weakness, though they've been getting better quickly and honestly that's terrifying. But whatever AI generated this picture clearly doesn't get hands yet, because that hand is truly an eldritch horror. Look at this thing:
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It has two palms. It has seven fingers. It's basically two hands overlaid over each other, except one of those hands only has four fingers and the other has three. Seeing this hand was how I went from "umm...maybe they're fake? Maybe they're not???" to "oh god why is ANYONE reblogging this when it's this obvious?" WATCH THE HANDS. (Go back up to that first one posted and look at the hand, you'll see. Or just look right below at this crop.) Here's some other hands:
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Sign 5: Hair and shadows. Once I started inspecting these images, the shadows of the hair on the face was one of the things that was most consistently fucked up across all the uploaded pictures. Take a look:
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There's shadows of tendrils on the forehead, but there's no corresponding hair that could possibly have made those shadows. Likewise there's a whole bunch of shadows on the cheeks. Where are those coming from? There's no possible source in the rest of the image. Here's some other hair with unrelated wonky shadows:
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Sign 6: Decorative motifs that are really just meaningless squiggles. Like, artists, especially those who make fanart, put actual thought into what the small motifs are on their works. Like, in TGCF, an artist will often use a butterfly motif or a flower petal motif to reflect things about the characters. An AI, though, can only approximate a pattern and it can't imbue those with meanings. So you end up with this:
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What is that? It's nothing, that's what. It's a bunch of squiggles. Here's some other meaningless squiggle motifs (and a more zoomed-in version of the one just above):
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Sign 7: closely related to meaningless squiggle motifs is motifs that DO look like something, but aren't followed through in any way that makes sense. For example, an outer garment where the motifs on the left and the right shoulder/chest are completely different, or a piece of cloth that's supposed to be all one piece but that that has different patterns on different sections of it. Both of these happen in the example piece, see?
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The first images on the top left is the left and right shoulder side by side. The right side has a scalloped edge; the left doesn't. Likewise, in the right top picture, you can see the two under-robe lapels; one has a gold decoration and the other doesn't. And then the third/bottom image shows three sections of the veil. One (on the left) has that kind of blue arcy decoration, which doesn't follow the folds of the cloth very well and looks weird and appears at one point to be OVER the hair instead of behind it. The second, on top of the bottom images, shows a similar motif, except now it's gold, and it looks more like a hair decoration than like part of the veil. The third is also part of the same veil but it has no decorations at all. Nothing about this makes any sense whatsoever. Why would any artist intentionally do it that way? Or, more specifically, why would any artist who has this apparent level of technical skill ever make a mistake like this?
They wouldn't.
Some more nonsensical patterns, bad mirrors, etc. (I often put left/right shoulders side by side so that it'd be clearer, sorry if it's weird):
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Sign 8: bizarre architecture, weird furniture, etc. Most of the images I'm examining for this post have only partial backgrounds, so it's hard to really focus on this, but it's something that the post I linked (this one) talks about a lot. So, like, an artist will put actual thought into how their construction works, but an AI won't because an AI can't. There's no background in my main example image, but take a look at this from another of my images:
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On a glance it's beautiful. On a few seconds actually staring it's just fucking bizarre. The part of the ceiling on the right appears to be domed maybe? But then there's a hard angle, then another. The windows on the right have lots of panes, but then the one on the middle-left is just a single panel, and the ones on the far left have a complete different pane model. Meanwhile, also on the left side at the middle, there's that dark gray...something...with an arch that mimics the background arches except it goes no where, connects to nothing, and has no apparent relationship to anything else going on architecturally. And, while the ceiling curves, the back wall is straight AND shows more arches in the background even though the ceiling looks to end. And yes, some of this is possible architecture, but taken as a whole, it's just gibberish. Why would anyone who paints THAT WELL paint a building to look like THAT? They wouldn't. It's nonsense. It's the art equivalent of word salad. When we look at a sentence and it's like "dog makes a rhythmical salad to betray on the frame time plot" it almost resembles something that might mean something but it's clearly nonsense. This background is that sentence, as art.
Sign 9: all kinds of little things that make zero sense. In the example image, I circled where a section of the hair goes BELOW the inner robe. That's not impossible but it just makes zero sense. As with many of these, it's the kind of thing that taken alone, I'd probably just think "well, that was A Choice," but combined with all the other weird things it stands out as another sign that something here is really, really off. Here's a collection of similar "wtf?" moments I spotted across the images I looked at (I'm worried I'm gonna hit the Tumblr image cap, hence throwing these all in one, lol.)
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You have to remember that an actual artist will do things for a reason. And we, as viewers, are so used to viewing art with that in mind that we often fill in reasons even when there aren't. Like, in the image just about this, I said, "what the heck are these flowers growing on?" And honestly, I COULD come up with explanations. But that doesn't mean it actually makes sense, and there's no REASON for it whatsoever. The theoretical same flowers are, in a different shot, growing unsupported! So...what gives??? The answer is nothing gives. Because these pieces are nothing. The AI has no reason, it's just tossing in random aesthetic pieces together in a mishmash, and the person who generated them is just re-generating and refining until they get something that looks "close enough" to what they wanted. It never was supposed to make sense, so of course it doesn't.
In conclusion...
After years of effort, artists have gotten across to most of fandom that reposts are bad, and helped us learn strategies for helping us recognize reposts, and given us an idea of what to do when we find one.
Fandom is just at the beginning of this process as it applies to AI-generated images. There's a LOT of education that has to be done - about why AI-generated images are bad (the unethical training using copyrighted images without permission is, imo, critical to understanding this), and about how to spot them, and then finally about what to do when you DO find them.
With reposts, we know "tell original artist, DCMA takedowns, etc." That's not the same with these AI-images. There's no original owner. There's no owner at all - in the US, at least, they literally cannot be copyrighted. Which is why I'm not even worrying about "credit" on this post - there's nothing stolen, cause there's nothing made. So what should you do?
Nothing. The answer is, just as the creator has essentially done nothing, you should also do nothing. Don't engage. Don't reblog. Don't commission the creator or buy their art prints. If they do it persistently and it bothers you, block them. If you see one you really like, and decide to reblog it, fine, go for it, but mark it clearly - put in the ACTUAL COMMENTS (not just in the tags!) that it's AI art, and that you thought it was pretty anyway. But honestly, it'd be better to not engage, especially since as this grows it's inevitable that some actual artists are going to start getting accused of posting AI-generated images by over-zealous people. Everyone who gets a shadow wrong isn't posting AI-generated images. A lot of these details are insanely difficult to get correct, and lots of even very skilled, accomplished artists, if you go over their work with a magnifying glass you're going to find at least some of these things, some weirdnesses that make no sense, some shadows that are off, some fingers that are just ugh (really, getting hands wrong is so relatable. hands are the fucking worst). It's not about "this is bad art/not art because the hand is wrong," it's specifically about the ways that it's wrong, the way a computer randomly throws pieces together versus how actual people make actual mistakes. It's all of the little signs taken as a whole to say "no one who could produce a piece that, on the surface, looks this nice, could possibly make THIS MANY small 'mistakes.'"
The absolute best thing you can do if you see AI-generated images being treated as real art is just nothing. Support actual artists you love, and don't spread the fakes.
Thanks for your time, everyone. Good luck avoiding AI-generated pieces in the future, please signal boost this, and feel free to get in touch if you think I can help you with anything related to this.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I deeply do not understand fandom creators who try to get people to stop reposting their creations on platforms where the OP doesn’t have an account. Asking people to credit them - absolutely! It’s reasonable to want credit for your work. But to insist that the work only be appreciated by people who have accounts on the exact platform the OP has? And to ask followers to harass any re-posters en-masse until the re-poster and all rebloggers delete the content? I’m baffled by this.
How is fans sharing your work and linking fellow fans back to your account a *bad* thing?!
Are you new?
Most creators don't want their work reposted. They may appreciate shares from Youtube and the like. They certainly do not appreciate someone making a separate video upload or whatever.
Fandom creators are even warier, particularly about their work escaping its intended context and finding hostile outsiders. Of fucking course they do not want their work on some other platform. That's the way to get waves of harassment sent back towards that fandom creator. It also often involves lots of asspats for the reposter and nothing for the creator.
I have no sympathy for reposters crying that they got harassed over art theft. Stop stealing if you can't take the heat, asshole!
Maximum audience is what shitty influencers want. It is not the ethos of fandom. Some people seek fandom fame more than others, but there has always been a strong sense of finding your corner, not of trying to get your shit out to the entire world.
WHY THE FUCK would I care about people needing the "convenience" of my fic on their own platform of choice? I use AO3 because I support AO3. I loathe Wattpad and will certainly not want to increase its popularity with my free labor and my content.
Yes, it does annoy me when people screenshot this blog and put it on twitter. I am intentionally not on twitter because twitter is garbage. I have no desire for my own writing to increase twitter's relevance. Fandom should stop treating twitter like The Place To Be. If people feel like they're missing out by being there and not here, good!
And obviously, I roll my eyes when some attention-seeker posts my shit to reddit and gets eighty billion upvotes. If you love me so much, go give my reddit account that karma. (If you're doing your own hobbydrama writeup or something, that's different though. I'm talking about c&p posts with little of your own content.)
There are different ways of sharing, and some of them are more annoying than others. Some platforms are irrelevant to a creator, while others they actively oppose being popular. Nobody is going to know or care if you post some fan art to a private discord with your friends.
Have some god damn sense, anon.
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burtoo · 3 months
Today I learned of Tumblr's plan to begin (or continue) selling user content to OpenAI and Midjourney, which is the last straw for me and my presence on the site. Regardless of their claims that users can opt out of this, I frankly just don't believe them.
I've used Tumblr since 2010 when I started photography, and this blog is the largest existing archive of my work on the internet. It's a liability for me to continue to allow it to be hosted on a site that is now actively contributing to the theft of art, directly from artists. I know my photos have already been stolen, repurposed and claimed countless times over the years from Tumblr and other sites, but I have to draw a line here. I will unfortunately be removing all my past work from this blog, perhaps something I should have done when the suspicions first arose about Automattic's greed.
Many aspects of my creative career have been negatively impacted by AI already, I just see this as one less path in which to be exploited.
That being said I want to thank all of you for the support over the decade plus I've been active on here, I stuck around much longer than most because of my appreciation for a website that was a huge influence to my early creativity as a kid. I still think it was the best format for social media, and I really am going to miss Tumblr and the creative community it used to be.
I will still do my best to utilize this blog as a place to make announcements about any new projects, such as my upcoming book I aim to release at the end of the year.
You can still find me and my (Glaze/Nightshade protected) work elsewhere on the internet at Instagram, Twitter, and my website.
So long,
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8pxl · 3 months
honestly, thank you for being so vocal about the AI issue. it's affected so many artists, smaller ones too, who don't have a large platform and people that rally behind them. seeing that this fight means something to all of us, and seeing the positive responses to your posts, has made just that much of a difference to me that i've fought for my local group of painters to donate to nightshade and raise further awareness among non-artists on how AI theft is affecting us and our livelihoods. your art is rad as hell, and so are you as a person. <3
aw thank you, you sound like a badass! way to organize for change. i’d like to think that the average person supports AI just because they don’t know any better, so education and spreading awareness is key 🥰
part of having a large platform is using it for what u believe in and honestly i’m way too spicy to not speak up. some think im abrasive n confrontational but i just give ppl the same energy they give me and tbh i never want to dehumanize myself. i like showing that im a passionate person even if it’s ‘inappropriate’ to some.
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kandavers · 10 months
Kandavers Nation, I’m very sorry to say, but this Art Theft thing has been stressing me out a good amount lately... I used to feel very Happy and Safe being able to post artworks without the need to put a large/noticeable watermark on them, but now I’m embroidering my username onto the characters’ clothes and everything, and though it’s a Cool and Fun Idea, it really is actually out of spite. As a result, I feel like the Love I put inside my Art has plunged significantly because of it :(
I’m not saying I’m quitting Art or going to stop Drawing Welcome Home content or anything (Although I actually considered it for a second...), but, once again, I am Kindly requesting you to report this thieving channel. And one more thing you can do for me is go onto each of their reels/videos and comment asking them to at least give proper credits to the artists they stole from or take the videos down. Mention the artists, if you know them. For example, "this art is originally made by kandavers! this account is a repost account so please stop supporting them and support the real artist instead!"
PS. PLEASE DON'T ATTACK THEM! Just kindly tell them to take the video down, okay?
i feel like if a lot of people comment smth like that, the more likely for it to surface at the top of the comment section and more ppl will see
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The pure disrespect they have for me is unreal. They post shorts with no captions, no nothing, and get tens of thousands of views they dont deserve. And not to mention... the poor choice of audio... and overall extremely low quality editing... It makes me sad. There was no justice for me.
I would usually have no problem with comic dubs or edits, or anything, but please please please ask me first and have the basic decency of properly crediting me!
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And someone even had the gall to reply to my post about an art reposter and say I'm the bad guy for wanting to get the videos where someone stole my art taken down. I literally can't with these people.
"What did they even do to you" Umm... They stole my art? This person with the gacha life Wally x OC pfp wanted people to report me for wanting to take down a repost account. I can't do this anymore 💀 They probably don't realize that if I ever stop drawing, half of the repost channel's content will be gone. Literally. Imagine defending reposters and then insulting my emoji usage too. (This is why I hate minors /hj)
Usually I wouldn't pick fights or escalate things when I don't need to, but this is genuinely upsetting me and I literally filed a takedown to YouTube so that the reposts will go away.
In the meantime, I think I'm going to need a break for a couple of days to gather myself again. However I managed to cook some art for you to enjoy over this weekend! Hopefully that will fill your Kandavers Art Needs while I am away.
Thank you for your help! And see you soon.
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revolutionarypossum · 5 months
Hi ! i'm an industry artist (animator storyboarder and background artist) And i'm here to tell you something :
In a time when AI users are constantly trying to pass as real artists, you're not and will never be The Asshole for asking an artist online to prove they're not using AI.
I've been asked that question myself. I'm not saying it made me feel good, but here's the thing : when you *don't* use IA, it's actually pretty easy to prove it. Even without a speed paint. And i'm not ever going to get mad at someone for asking me to, because I would WAY rather have people be too suspicious than them being easily duped into supporting lying, art-thieving assholes.
It's really easy for real artists to provide proof of their process by showing the different layers of their digital art pieces. (and for now AI-bros are still struggling to make their immitations of that convincing enough).
For exemple, here's my whole step-by-step process vs the final piece (done with photoshop 2022) :
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here's another simpler sketch vs final render comparaison :
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Of course it sucks that as artists we have to "prove" ourselves like that. But unfortunately in 2024 we can't trust ANYTHING we see on the internet. And it makes it our responsability to be extra critical with every image we encounter, even in fandom spaces where we're supposed to be relaxing. And trust me, I hate it. But the only other option is normalizing the use of AI in those internet spaces that are supposed to be havens of creativity and self-expression, and in my opinion it's way worse.
Reminder that (re)generative "art" is only possible through huge ammounts of art-theft, terrible for the environment, and lazy.
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