#I don’t really have an explanation for this lol
what-even-is-thiss · 2 days
Hi roman. I know this is very weird, but i've seen you give some life advice to other people, so i thought i could give it a try too. Don't answer if you don't want to. Anyway
Do you have any advice/tips for a 15 y/o who thinks they just have no control over their life? Like, my concentration is dog shit, i think my grades are slipping. My executive dysfunction so bad and i think i'm disappointing a lot of people. I have no idea how to handle anything in my life. I can't force myself to do the things i need to (not that that'd be any good, i'll immediately cry lol). I just, don't fucking know how i could make things better for myself. And i can't really talk to adults about it, they'll repeat the stuff i already know, and i am the worst person to put their feelings into words, so they'll prob never understand. Not in the edgy way.
Yeah so sorry for half venting into your ask box. Thank you in advance if you'll answer it, if it's too weird and you don't want to do that for whatever reason, that's ok. Peace and love <3
Dude, you’re unfortunately suffering from being 15. And possibly a learning disorder. Godspeed to you.
And I don’t say that to belittle your problems. In many ways as a teenager you don’t have control over a lot of things. You’re still under the control of your parents, you’re still learning how to deal with adult level emotions and ideas. A lot is expected of you and a lot of things are made to seem more important than they are. It’s hard to tell what’s actually important and what’s just adults blowing things out of proportion. It sucks and it’s frustrating!
If you can, you might want to talk to a counselor. If your parents or guardians are anti-counseling you might try to talk to someone at your school like a teacher or administrator or school nurse about the possibility of getting counseling without your parents knowing. Some schools have programs like that.
The adults closest to you might not understand but if you keep looking you’ll eventually find someone who remembers what it’s like to be in your shoes.
And I remember fully feeling like I’d never get control over anything. The end goal of life was graduation from high school and god only knows if I keep existing after that. But the thing is, you do! You keep existing and you figure a lot of stuff out. Wisdom does come with time, it turns out. And legally and practically you end up getting a lot more autonomy as time goes on.
And I know hearing things like this might not feel comforting. When you’re stuck, you’re stuck and no matter how much you logically know it’ll get better right now it sucks.
Just find ways to keep going. And try asking for help sometimes. If your family won’t listen, find someone who will. Take the time to write down your problems and how you feel if you can’t come up with explanations of what’s going on. Or find a friend to talk it out with so you can practice explaining yourself.
If there’s one thing I can promise you, when you’re a couple years into adulthood all of the problems from your teenage years start to feel small. At the time they were big and important though. And that’s what you’re going through right now. And a lot of adults forget about that. Hang in there, and when all of this is behind you, remember how hard it was and maybe someday you can help someone like you.
I’m sorry if all that wasn’t helpful. I don’t know too much about your individual situation. But ask for help when you can. Someone out there understands. You’ll find them.
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gratiae-mirabilia · 12 days
I saw your post talking about chewing on the Eucharist and I am still confused by it because I thought it was okay to chew it a little so if I was receiving the Blood that I wouldn't have the Eucharist all over my tongue, but it would be swallowed. So is using your teeth whatsoever bad?
hi this is a good question and I’m not entirely sure if it has an answer lol. obviously all of us should be consuming the Eucharist in a reverent way. if you choose to chew, just make sure you chew reverently (ie, not with your mouth open or making loud chewing noises or anything like that lol). my post was mostly a joke though, don’t take me too seriously :)
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quinn-pop · 10 months
genuinely i could not sleep until i drew this. sewing jokes ft a very confused kirby
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at first i thought this idea was silly but i mean. it probably would be a big deal for the prince of patchland to be made of synthetic fibers, so uh
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bonus doodle of me when i actually am sewing lol (sorry for the anatomically incorrect iron)
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
The reason I don’t make a lot of very insightful posts about studying characters and the world they’re in is because I don’t know enough about jean everything I have to say about Harry and Kim has already been said I feel like I don’t have as much to say about the student communists because I am a bad communist who hasn’t done any of the required reading (lmao) my only thoughts on the RCM as an institution arent very well-developed (and also are through an American bias of what police are like rather than how they exist in Elysium) and I don’t know fucking. ANYTHING about the innocentic system.
But I sure can tell you a lot about the skills and piss/fuck. Which isn’t actually a lot but boy I can tell you
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elizabeth-dicewielder · 9 months
Big fan of when stories provide no justification/explanation for why main characters have unique, insanely powerful abilities. The writer(s) really just said “Well of course they can do that, they’re my specialist little character. It makes perfect sense.” And they’re right
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dimitrscu · 1 year
I've been in enough fandoms to know that this whole "radahn was beating malenia" thing is going to be one of those "fandom delusions" that will keep going on and on no matter what. It will not die. If the discourse comes up again on Elden Ring's anniversary, the same people will bring it up once more. Just fandoms being fucking exhausting, like clockwork.
Oh yeah for sure I don’t expect this to ever go away or anything. The whole “this vs that” has been a thing in quite a few fandoms for me too. I still remember the witcher fandom back in the day with whole Yen vs Triss thing and oh boy was that exhausting.
It’s funny how all this died down and then all it took was the game award hype to bring it back up again. Mainly the discussion surrounding the game being nominated for best narrative. You wait it’ll win goty then it’ll all come up again
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
i love being told that i’m not really bisexual bc of how i dress/look 😃
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me-william · 2 years
so as we all know, you cannot sleep in the nether. you place your bed down, and it explodes.
why, though? why does specifically sleeping in a bed in the nether cause it to explode? not in terms of raw game mechanics, I mean why as in “give me your best narrative explanation.”
for example, I think the question of sleeping in the nether is often circumvented by an explanation like, “sleeping in the nether in general is a bad idea due to the dangerous conditions,” wherein a bed in a more secure location, say a cleared-out nether fortress, no longer poses a problem. no explodey. but in reality (or. the game, obviously), you’d still explode.
i think the next easiest explanation to go to would be something like, “notch specifically cursed beds to be dysfunctional in the nether,” which works, but isn’t as fuuun.
this brings up questions like, “well, what actually counts as a ‘bed’ in the nether?” and “what actually counts as sleeping?” i have some half-baked thoughts, likely with glaring holes, but i am as usual curious to see how other people might work around/think about this game-mechanic in a narrative way =v=
thanks @goldenblackhole for the worms I really appreciate it
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
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Using Sabine’s helmet as a way to remind myself Bobbie needs a damn face ASAP (gotta get dyes and more confident painting these things; bought some dollar tree knockoffs to experiment on), but…Mando!Bobbie, fun to think about
Also, she doesn’t have hands right now; the Curvy MTM body seems to have a weird problem with ‘em where instead of coming off without much of a fight, the little hinge in the wrist snaps and you’ve gotta pull the peg out with a pair of pliers, and now we’re waiting on the broken Rey to get here as a donor
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annarubys · 2 years
the kinsey scale is like a brother to me because we are allllll over the place like i’m bi but the single shred of evidence is a crush i had in MIDDLE SCHOOL and who knows if that’s even reliable because it was a decade ago. but also i don’t think it was comphet because i was obsessed with this kid to an embarrassing degree. but you would think there would have been maybe one other person post puberty. so then i was like okay i can be a lesbian i guess since at 13 i probably wasn’t a reliable narrator but then the boys aired and. well. there were five minutes where i did think jackles was maybe hot (an experience which i hated). anyway i am thinking about all of this because i am watching something with sebastian stan who i did routinely used to say was hot but he is really giving me nothing right now so maybe i was being a liar. the thing is i can’t remember
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buzzerdome · 7 months
Wasn’t the Fast and Furious franchise just about street racing at one point? Why is Tyrese Gibson in space? The Rock straight flexes his full arm casts off in at one point!?!?
And who names the movies and why is there no consistency in the titles??
I’m probably overthinking this 🤣
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starlightswait · 10 months
lolol okay!!!!
#personal#vent //#you don’t ‘have’ to cancel#you got a better offer!!!#actually i didn’t even offer today. this friend reached out and asked if i wanted to hang tonight#and then just texted to say that someone they have a crush on said they could hang out tonight#and it’s like on some level i get it.#but i also consider it really rude to initiate plans with someone and then cancel for different plans with different people lol#like i’d get it if it was just oh I’m not feeling up to it anymore or feeling sidk or whatever#like disappointed but whatever#but to very specifically know that it’s bc they would rather hang out with someone else!!! unfortunately rubs up on a very ugly insecurity#for me!!#and iknow it’s kinda pathetic but i’d literally rather not know that lmao#like in their head it’s like ‘oh see I have a valid explanation’ meanwhile this is the primary explanation that makes me feel like shit lol#like just lie! or say you’re not feeling up to it anymore!#i know that’s ridiculous BUT ALSO#anyway.#tbc i have zero romantic feelings for this person and our orientations do not really align lmao it is a platonic frustration#also if you are reading this there is zero percent chance it’s about you bc they don’t have my tumblr url#i’ll get over it but. shit hurts lol#edit: i’m also annoyed bc i already got ready so now my brain’s just In That Mode lol#anyway they said they were sorry but clearly not sorry enoygh to not do it so!#edit: also the text they sent me cancelling said ‘i hate to do this’ no you don’t!!!#if you hated doing it you wouldn’t lol#i’m mostly not that mad anymore bc it’s been like 3 hours and i need to Move On with my life#but. hh!
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alloutshirt · 11 months
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jentlemahae · 1 year
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seddair · 1 year
9-1-1 is great and all (would argue definitely less “great” and more just “good” over the last couple seasons but w/e), but Buck’s storylines ever since the shooting at the end of season 4 have been all over the place and shoddy tbh.
#idek what they’re trying to do with him anymore#it’s like they’ve realized he’s essentially the ‘main character’ of the show#and they’ve been scrambling trying to find a compelling storyline and romantic arc for him ever since#his whole relationship with taylor in season 5 was just… awful#and drug on for way way wayyyyy too long#yk usually with most romantic arcs they try to show the compelling and good parts of the relationship at the beginning#but they just… never really did that?#they had that one scene in 5x01 where they were happy sort of but even that got interrupted by taylor’s work#they started planting the seeds of their relationship being problematic just way too early#and proceeded to make the audience suffer through it the entire season lmao#and then the shit with lucy which was just really confusing?#like idk what the whole point of that was#i think she was supposed to make buck let loose but outside of 5x11 that just… didn’t happen?#and then of course there was the sperm donor storyline where they sl early decided to change gears randomly mid-season without explanation#and with natalia they seem to be just wasting a golden opportunity to really explore buck’s relationship with death but they abandoned+#all that in the last ep for whatever reason???#so i don’t think they have a fucking clue what they want to do with him#and it’s pretty infuriating to watch them trying and failing to figure it out in real time#ngl i think i’m ready to be done with this show after monday lol#i’ll probably continue to follow it from a distance during s7 maybe?#but with buddie essentially being dead and the writing getting more and more spotty over time#i just don’t think i have it in me to care anymore#plus based on what i understand about the actors’ contracts it’s hard to imagine they’re going to get anymore than 7 seasons so!#i’m ready to jump off this sinking ship methinks!#anyway
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luveline · 2 months
I love your writings about the marauders, and I recently had a thought about the boys first coming in contact with a vibrator or any sex toy really. Not even a like smut thing but just then walking into a muggle sex shop or they made a friend with a muggle girl and they stumble upon in some way lol idk, just a funny thought that’s been making me giggle a bit. If you have any thoughts I guess?? Hope you have a good day :)
this isn’t smut but it is explicit - mdni please! fem, 1k
“What is that?” Sirius asks.
You get yanked back. “God, sorry,” James says, letting go of your hand. You’d been in a weird fugue state of joy with his fingers twined in yours; it’s the first time he’s held your hand. You can’t tell if it’s platonic or romantic, you can never tell with the boys. “Wait, what is that?” 
“What’s what?” you ask, trying to follow their gaze. You’re on a crowded high street divided by a two way road. It’s so loud you can’t hear yourself think, and stopping as you have has diverted foot traffic around you poorly. 
“There’s a cock in the window.” 
Remus yelps a laugh. You smile, befuzzled, as he takes your shoulders into his hand and turns you bodily to the right shop window. “Oh,” you say. “Oh! There really is.” 
There is a vast array of the aforementioned appendage in the window, and in a variety of sizes and colours. A mannequin in dark lingerie holds a fifty percent off sign to the left, while a poster brags a multitude of ‘stimulating pleasures’ to be found inside. 
“What am I looking at?” Sirius asks.
You forget sometimes how sheltered they all are. They’d gone to a rather elite boarding school, and they all lived in rural England and Wales for their summers. This is as city as they’ve ever been, and you’d thought they’d seen everything there is to see by now, but apparently not. 
How are you supposed to explain a sex shop? Better, why is fate making you? They all turn to you for an explanation. 
“Remus, you’re twenty three,” you say hopelessly. 
“We’ve only recently relocated,” Remus argues. 
“You’ve known me for six months. You’ve lived here for eight.” 
“And yet we’ve never seen that,” James says, pointing at the lingerie. “You’re such perverts in the city. Why are there rainbow cocks in the window?” 
“Can we stop saying that?” you ask. 
“Sorry,” James says quickly. “Lovely girl, why are the dicks in the window?” 
“They’re toys,” you say, feeling a little part of yourself shrivel away in shyness, their eyes like heat from your face and neck. 
“For kids?” Sirius asks, disgusted. 
“No! God, no, they’re for grown ups.” You shake your head uselessly. “Are you messing with me? You’ve really never seen them?” 
“We’ve seen some rather tasteful underwear in our time,” Sirius says, to James’ delight and Remus’ derision. 
“Stop,” Remus says. 
“We have to go in. I must understand these toys,” Sirius says, ignoring him with ease. There’s something to his usually nice smile you don’t know, some burning excitement that will likely end in innuendos and teasings galore for you. 
You make your way into the sex shop, shoes dragging, cheeks hot. James and Sirius seem as though they could burst into laughter at any second, but Remus is more understanding. He offers you his hand when he realises you’re behind them. You don’t have the strength to refuse him. 
They’re the weirdest friends you’ve ever had, but also the best ones. They love holding hands and crossing legs and laying half on top of each other when they come around to watch a film. You’re pretty sure you saw James and Remus kissing a few weeks ago, but they’ve yet to say anything about it to you, so what do you know? You’d been jealous, but each boy has continued to love on you just a little too much considering the parameters of your ‘friendship’. 
This lies firmly outside of your parameters, you decide. 
Sure, you’ve thought about them sometimes as more than friends, but they don’t know that. Can you be blamed? They’re all so handsome in awful ways —Remus classic, Sirius Grecian, and James devilish. James. You shake your head in an attempt to dispel thoughts of their good looks while in close proximity to lacy knickers, turning your attention to the ridiculous gasps of awe the two idiots are letting out. 
“What is that?” Sirius asks delightedly, knuckling at a row of plastic sex toys, all with different functions. 
“That’s a…” You blow a breath up your face in an attempt to cool down. “Read the label, Siri.” 
“Most of this stuff is for girls?” James asks you. 
“I guess so.” You poke at the pink packaging of a glass massage wand. “I mean, not always. I think anybody can use all this stuff too. Or most of it.”
“What about that?” 
James points at a vibrator in clear blister packaging. “A vibrator? What’s that do?” He turns to you with a surprisingly innocent curiosity. 
“It vibrates.” You don’t want to say anything else, but they’re your friends. They’re nice to you, and they respect you, so it’s not like you think telling them these things will put you in an uncomfortable position. “You know how girls have a harder time finishing sometimes?” 
If they’re surprised to hear you say it aloud, they don’t show it. “Not in my experience,” Sirius jokes. 
“So the vibration helps?” 
“It’s very intense. It makes the… climax come much quicker,” you say. 
Remus seems very grateful for the energy your explanation takes, giving you a caring smile. He’s about to say something when Sirius interrupts, and asks, “Do you have one?”
“You don’t have to answer that,” Remus says, hitting Sirius in the arm. “She doesn’t have to answer that, don’t ask her stuff like that, it’s private.” 
Sirius’ eyes go wide. “I’m sorry,” he says to you, all joking gone from his face. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. Just forget sometimes that you have boundaries we don’t have.” 
You’re not expecting such a genuine and sudden apology, because maybe Sirius shouldn’t ask, but you totally understand what he means. You feel like you’ve known them all your life. “It’s okay, don’t worry. I know what you’re like.” 
“So it’s a good time, hypothetically,” James says. 
“What do you reckon that feels like?” Sirius asks, already moving on. 
“Sirius,” Remus pleads. 
“Sweetheart, can I ask you, hypothetically,” —Sirius taps his converse to yours, grinning— “what do you mean, it’s quicker? How does that even work?” 
You frown, “You don’t know how it works?” 
Remus and James laugh like bellows beside you. They laugh so much the woman behind the counter glares at you all, undoubtedly tired of people coming in here for a laugh. 
“Awful girl,” Sirius says, frowning. 
You smile back. “It just stimulates the nerves, Sirius. I don’t know how to explain it. I guess it’s kinda like magic or something.” 
“Magic can’t do that,” James says. Remus elbows him hard, and you’ve no idea why. 
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