#I can’t think of the lyrics too hard or I throw up
kazzyboy · 6 months
Was minding my own business. Decided to listen to music. Came across Johnny Boy’s Bones by Colter Wall. Suffered
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thatsdemko · 1 year
love affair- a.leclerc & c.leclerc
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requested: n
pairings: Arthur leclerc x gasly!fem!reader & Charles leclerc x gasly!fem!reader
warnings: nsfw + not intended for minors + mentions of nudity + mentions of oral (f receiving)
a/n: mwahahaha I love creating chaos 😌 also the lyrics are from 5sos! I am well aware none of these men(and the beautiful y/n) are not English! it’s just part of the lyrics! this has zero to do with my previous Arthur x gasly!reader fic! feedback is always appreciated xx
《 the following content is not intended for minors. 》
It started on a weekend in May
I was looking for attention, needed intervention
his beautiful green eyes are glued to your body as you move across the hot sand of the beach. you begged your brother to pull over so you could take a dip, cool off, you said.
maybe it was your plan to get him to look, you were never going to say. but you felt those eyes in the passenger seat, he watched your breasts bounce up and down as you jog up to the car, the water that’s left on your tan legs glisten in the sun.
“don’t get your wet bottoms on my seats!” Pierre calls out as you dance around the hot pavement, Charles throws his jacket over the leather before you slip in.
“thank you, Charles.” you reach behind the seats pressing a friendly kiss to your brothers best friends cheek, Pierre groans trying to wipe the ends of your wet hair off the leather.
he watches you collapse against the burning black leather seats. little does he know that in exactly six hours he’d be crammed up in the back eating you out. he’d be shoving his hard cock into your swollen pussy, his hand gripping your throat while you choke his name.
Before I knew it, it was serious
Dragged me out the bar to the back seat of her car
you think you’re the only one awake. you still tip toe around the creaking old floors, you’re in nothing but your brothers old alpha tauri shirt and a pair of an ex boyfriends boxers. when you make your way into the living room you half expect to see someone else awake.
“my my, is this a sight to see.” Charles smirks, chuckle escaping his lips. he’s never seen in anything other than a tight shirt and a pair of bottoms that are way too short. even when you were kids your style was far similar to what it is now.
“oh fuck off,” you mumble slipping next to him on the love seat, and he extends the blanket over into your lap. two of you now watching whatever old black and white movie was on.
“can’t sleep?” he asks, voice in a hushed tone watching your body settle into the seats, thigh quickly brushing his before you pulled away. he can’t help but feel the nervousness scatter his stomach.
“not with my brother snoring in the other room.” you roll your eyes, as much as you love Pierre, his nostrils were the death of you every time you take this summer trip.
“why don’t you sleep in my room? Arthur doesn’t snore. we can swap beds.” he suggests, and you almost laugh knowing he doesn’t want to spend his nights in your pink and white wallpapered bedroom. as much as you know he’s in touch with his feminine side, you’re sure he won’t last the night with the pink colors mocking him.
“that or we could just piss Arthur off, have Pierre sleep in your room.” you suggest and he nods. the silence and crackling of the old film are what occupies the air, it’s almost unfamiliar to you both. this room was always full of laughter and joy, you hate hearing it so dead.
“why don’t you just sleep in my bed with me?” he’s half serious, the sleep deprivation was doing most of his talking right now. when he looks you in the eyes he doesn’t expect you to say yes, but you do. now you’re wrapped in his white linen sheets and the cool breeze from his window blows into your face.
you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t wish this was something more. part of you woke up because you knew he was down there shirtless lounging around in nothing but his tiny shorts. you’re not sure if it’s your own sleep deprivation convincing you that you needed him, but will you be thankful in twenty four hours for what god brings you.
“sleep well?” Arthur watches you nearly stumble down the stairs into the living room. you’re practically limping, it’s obvious you either hurt yourself at the club or whoever left all those hickeys on your neck left you disoriented.
“something like that.” you wave him off heading into the kitchen where the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast are coming from. your mouth is watering you’re so hungry, you almost don’t even catch your brothers glare while you scarf down two plates of food.
“do I even want to know?” he asks, fork gesturing to the purple and yellow bruises that scatter your neck. he can’t even look at you, he’s disgusted by whoever the man was that left his marking. little does he know the man is his best friend who just entered the kitchen mumbling his late good mornings.
“where were you for our run? I knocked on your door five times.” Lorenzo shoves a plate of food into his brothers chest half caring that some of the egg fell on to the floor. he’s disappointed in his younger brothers lack of motivation and discipline.
“I overslept.” Charles lies. that’s partially true, but while Lorenzo was knocking on his door at five in the morning, you were giving him a good morning treat before his run. he claims it to have been the best way to wake up, it’s why he skipped the run.
Pierre nearly chokes on his dry toast when he sees the nail marks against his friends back. they are still fresh and bright red, he’s surprised Arthur didn’t say a single thing when he walked by.
“and somebody was worried about not getting something this trip.”
“oh wow,” Arthur barely touches one of the marks on his back, it earns a hiss from Charles as he tries to swat the younger man to move along, “these are going to leave quite the mark for awhile.”
you try to hide the red hue that’s floating across your face. you’re lucky all of them are too focused on the nail marks and the details of his wild night. you didn’t expect them to be so obvious, but the acrylics were still fresh from the other day and sharper than you expected them to be.
“would you see her again?” Lorenzo asks sliding into the chair next to Pierre. the question brought you a wave of nausea, you get up instantly once he sits down. there’s no way you’ll be able to hear the truth or the lie. either way you know you crossed a line, and seeing Charles in that setting once more wasn’t an option for you.
“yeah, I would.”
“you don’t own a single thing that doesn’t compliment you, huh?” he takes your hand in his allowing you to twirl and show off the tight body con dress.
you shrug, sheepish smile spreading across your lips, “you like it?” you’re not sure what’s provoked you to ask, but he just nods tongue licking his bottom lip watching you saunter on over to find a pair of high heels to match.
his eyes trail after your body, it’s like he’s never seen an ass and a pair of tits as good as yours. everything about you demanded his, hell anybody’s, attention. every inch of you screamed perfection, it’s impossible for a man to look away, and right now it’s impossible for him.
“what’s on your mind, leclerc?” you bend down to pick up your black high heels and move to a chair to slide them on. he’s right at the edge of the coffee table doing it for you instead. his fingers pull the little string through the hoops, finger tips grazing your legs.
“you.” he says, watching you slide your leg off his thigh and stand up adjusting the dress down your thighs. his eyes follow your body with lust, you swear you’ve never seen a man wrapped around your finger so quickly.
you’re smiling, he’s so pure, you think to yourself, as you use your index finger to tilt his chin upwards, “I’m thinking of you too, Arthur.” you bend down, head dipping to press your lips against his. they’re sweet and soft just like he imagined them to be, he practically moans at the delicacy.
he runs his hands up and down your body, you don’t mind that they linger a little too long on your ass, you think it’s adorable how excited he is. little does he know he’d have you sucking on his swollen cock in the public restroom of the bar. you’d be on your knees listening to him moan your name and later that evening he’d be asking if he was just as good as the guy from last night.
he’d then take you to that same car, and just like his brother, his hard cock would be entering your throbbing pussy each stroke full of passion and intimacy. you could melt at how careful the leclerc’s take their sexual activities.
you can’t tell him who’s better, there’s no clear winner. but god forbid you would never tell him the man before him was his own brother.
When the lights go out, she's all I ever think about
The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain
I can't forget, my English love affair
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frenchkisstheabyss · 2 months
♥︎ ₵₳₦ĐɎ ♥︎
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♥︎ Pairing: lead singer!boyfriend!yuta x chubby!fem!bassist reader (you get mark & johnny as bandmates too so that's fun)
♥︎ Genre: rockstar au/fluff/angst/smut
♥︎ Summary: Joining your favorite band was a dream come true. That is until you fell for the lead singer who has no shortage of groupies throwing themselves at him. He says he loves you but can you really trust him? I mean, you used to be a groupie too after all.
♥︎ Word Count: 4.1k-ish
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♥︎ Warnings: Strong language. If you don't like curse words I'm sorry babes. I'm a potty mouth. Unprotected sex, creampie, shower sex, rough sex, a lil choking, nibbling, scratching, fingering, marking, oral sex (f receiving), tattoos/piercings, pet names (daddy, baby, etc), a lil drop of mutual possessiveness.
♥︎ A/N: I've really been trying to have more fun with my fics and just let my brain do it's thing so I hope y'all have fun with it too, darlings.
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“Yuta, I fucking love you!” an obnoxiously tipsy female voice screams from the crowd.
A bra comes soaring from the sea of bodies packed into the pit at the edge of the stage. The pink lace fabric lands at Yuta’s feet, draping itself across his scuffed black combat boots. Any band knows that when you stop the show to do something — tune your guitar, take a sip of water — it’s prime opportunity for anything to happen. And it almost always will. 
It’s not like you can blame her. Once upon a time you’d been one of those girls in the crowd, lost in the chaos of the night. There’s nothing like it, the rush that you get when your heart seems to sync with the violent bashing of the drums. The distorted guitars like electric coursing through your veins. Every lyric floats through the air, becoming more and more a part of you with each breath you take in. 
Then there was him…
Nakamoto Yuta. When your friends were all drooling over him you’d pretend you weren't interested. You’d never be so basic as to fall for the lead singer of the band. Maybe he did have the sort of voice that makes a girl melt even when he’s growling the filthiest lyrics. Especially when there’s growling. And maybe he did have bone structure to die for.
Then there were the tattoos, piercings, and the way sweat glistened on his chest halfway through a show. You weren’t won over by any of that. It was all about the music, one artist appreciating another. So when Yuta’s bassist quit the band and your manager broke the news that she’d gotten you an audition your intentions were purely artistic.
In this industry, a girl’s gotta work twice as hard as the guys to prove she can do half of what they can. You worked your ass off session after session, easily demolishing any other bassist their label could’ve suggested. You earned your spot in the band ten times over. Made sure no one could question why you were there. Then and only then did you let Yuta fuck your brains out. 
Before shows, after shows. Tour buses. Hotels. Airport bathrooms. Green rooms. Whenever. Wherever. However. In the studio and onstage it was still about the music but everything else? All of it was driven by how much you lusted for and, much to your dismay, loved one another.
Recalling the heavenly experience it is to be bent over a bathroom sink with Yuta so deep inside of you that you feel it in the back of your throat, you can’t really blame Ms. Pink Lace for tossing her bra at him. 
Kneeling down to pick up the bra, Yuta takes a look back at you. The most innocent face in the world, his baby angel, geared up and ready to commit murder. 
You can’t really blame her but—
Fuck it. You do. 
“I think she wants to come backstage after the show!” a guy shouts from the other side of the stage, garnering laughter from the crowd. Yuta smiles as he approaches the mic stand, the bra dangling from his fingers by the strap. “I think she wants my girl to kick my ass,” Yuta laughs, pushing his messy hair back out of his face.
“Kick his ass” Johnny whispers into his mic from the safety of his drum kit. Nearly spitting out the sip of water you’ve just taken, you toss the rest back at Johnny. The years of experience he has over you come in handy as he expertly dodges it.
“Boo, she doesn’t like to share!” Ms. Pink Lace shouts, not quite ready to back down.
Yuta steps aside and turns to you once more, “You wanna come answer this?” You unplug your bass and stroll to Yuta’s side with the sweetest smile on your face. “Do I share him?” you ask as if it’s the dumbest question you’ve ever heard in your life. It is. You lay your hand flat on his chest, running it all the way down to the waist of his pants. Looping a finger around his belt, you pull him closer and into a kiss deep enough to make you both forget you’re on stage.
When you finally break away, you borrow his mic for a quick announcement. “Our next song is called ‘In Your Fucking Dreams’!” Taking the bra from Yuta, you put it on over your dress. Ever the supportive boyfriend, he clasps it in the back for you and plants another kiss on your lips before you skip back to your spot. 
“Well, then…” Yuta sings, “This is ‘In Your Fucking Dreams’” Mark laughs, strumming his guitar to warm up, “In your fucking dreams, parenthesis, thanks for the new bra.” The crowd cheers, basking in the chaos of it all. You plug your bass back up, ready to shred hard enough that your fingers bleed. You’re pissed, all of the boys know it, but the show must go on. 
There’s no crying in punk rock.
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“Are you crying?” Mark asks, spotting you amongst the legions staff shuffling around the halls backstage. “No” you sniffle, wiping the tears from your cheeks, “The lights were just hot and—” He grabs you by the arm, turning you to face him. “You’re a shitty liar. You’re crying. What’s wrong?”
Overhearing the conversation as he passes, Johnny doubles back. “Are you—” Johnny starts but figures it out before he has to speak another word, “Wait, don’t tell me you’re upset about that bra thing.” Feeling cornered, you try to push them aside but they don’t budge an inch. “Look, no. I don’t know. I’m just—fuck just leave me alone okay!” you snap, another wave of tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
Yuta finally catches up, his exhaustion turning to concern when he sees you. If you’re upset, even over the tiniest thing, everything stops for him including the urge to pass out after a show. He takes you by the hand, bringing you into his arms. He’s sticky and wet but his embrace is comforting all the same. “Baby,” he says softly, petting your hair, “What’s going on? Talk to me.” With so many eyes on you, you aren’t quite sure how to admit that Johnny’s right.
You are upset about the bra thing. Upset, embarrassed, angry, hurt — every mixture of things — and you can’t make sense of any of it. “Can we just go back to the hotel?” you ask, gathering whatever composure you have left. Yuta hesitates but gives in when he sees your eyes begging “Please”. “Uh, yeah. You guys—” he sighs, looking to the others. Johnny and Mark nod, getting the hint.
Mark pats him on the shoulder before walking ahead, “Got it, bro. We’ll catch you tomorrow.” Johnny hangs back for a second, leaning in to whisper into your ear, “Don’t worry, he’s so whipped for you. It’s, like, super sad.” Johnny’s comment gets a giggle out of you which is all he needed to feel okay walking away.
Yuta leads you back to the green room where he stays glued to you as you wait for the okay from your manager to leave. You’re relieved when you can finally go, the fresh night air soothing the suffocating feeling that’s been terrorizing you for the past hour. The ride back to the hotel is quiet with most of your time spent zoning out in the kaleidoscope of lights cast on you as you pass the local shops.
You can feel Yuta watching you, his hand firmly and lovingly holding yours, but can’t bring yourself to meet his gaze. Not only are you the only girl in the band, you replaced someone fans already loved. Each night you have to fight for their respect, you knew this already. Now falling for him meant you had to fight for it in more ways than one. The girls will always be there in numbers your brain can’t even fathom, willing to do things that your brain, unfortunately, can fathom in nauseating detail. 
“A girlfriend to a rockstar is like a bicycle to a fish. Fucking useless.” 
That’s what one of the producers had advised him when you were supposed to be in the booth cluelessly recording your portion of a song. Those words crawled into the pit of your stomach, spreading doubt like a disease ever since. 
By the time you’re done spiraling, you’re upstairs seated at the foot of the bed in your hotel room. Contrary to popular belief, your band’s not the type to trash hotel rooms. That’s why you get to book places as beautiful as this with little to no resistance. Everything’s sleek and modern with large three-panel windows that overlook the city. Abstract paintings adorn the walls making it feel more like an art gallery than a place you sleep but the warm overhead lighting saves it from feeling too stuffy.
“Hey, uh, could you shower with me?” Yuta asks, drawing your attention to the bathroom door. It’s only now that you notice the shower running and Yuta standing there in a towel. “I’d shower alone but I have a fear of showers” he adds, “Shower phobia. I’ve had it really bad since I was a kid.” “And Mark says I’m a shitty liar” you tease, flopping back onto the bed.
You can’t see Yuta but you hear him shuffling across the smooth carpeted floor. He stops at your feet, dropping to his knees and laying his head in your lap. Almost on their own, your fingers find a way into his hair and silky strands swirl around them. Yuta breathes in deep, hoping what he says next will soothe you. “You’re enough for me. You know that, right?”
Time seems to freeze and you along with it. Something you love about him, his ability to seemingly always know how you’re feeling, has finally come back to bite you in the ass. Why can’t he just be content pretending nothing happened? 
“Yuta, I—” you say, sitting up enough to catch him staring at you the same way he had in the car. Only this time you don’t dodge his gaze, you let it pull you in. The man looking up at you isn’t the one in the magazines or on stage. There’s no act, only him and a heart pledged to you before you'd even known it. “What happened tonight, I’m sorry” he apologizes, “I can do better. I will.” 
“What? No!” you gasp, bringing you both up so that you’re eye to eye, “Please don’t apologize. That’s not what I wanted.” Still on his knees, Yuta slips his hands beneath your dress, fingers massaging your plush thighs. Touching you isn’t always sexual. Sometimes he just wants to be connected to you. This is one of those times. Feeling your body warm against his palms eases the anxiety knocking around in his head. Even though you’re upset your body still responds with pleasure to him, giving into his touch. That’s how he knows he hasn’t lost you. The day it doesn’t—well, he tries not to imagine that. 
“Do you think I’d cheat on you?” he asks, catching you off guard with his directness. You place a hand on each of his cheeks, squishing them together so his lips purse like the cutest fish you’ve ever seen. Yuta makes little smooching noises and you give him a peck on the lips. “I know you wouldn’t do that” you sigh, relaxing your hold on his cheeks, “But there’s a million girls out there who want you. I’m only one. What if someday you meet a girl and she’s everything you never knew you wanted?”
Yuta says nothing in response, simply staring at you for so long that you want to shake him to see if he’s alive. “There are a million other girls…” he admits, “Which is good for all of the guys I know want you because there’s only one of you and you’re mine.”
“Oh, Yuta, come off it—”
“I’m serious. I don’t give a shit how many girls are out there. You never have to worry about me finding what I never knew I wanted” he promises, gripping your hips to bring you in so tight that your legs are already wrapped around him. His lips brush yours, hitting you with a wicked mixture of chills and hot flashes. “I know who I want,” he whispers, nibbling at your bottom lip, “Who I love. I choose you. No one else. Can you trust that? For me?”
The sincerity in his voice, how it trembles with emotion when he says that he loves you, resonates more than anything he’s ever sung. His hands ease towards your inner thighs and they part for him instantly. The pad of his thumb brushes your clit through your panties and you shudder. “Yes,” you moan between his lips as his mouth captures yours. His kiss is like quicksand, the more you move the faster it drags you in. But there’s nothing to be done about it.
You’re ravenous for each other, your tongues performing an intricate dance that tangles you together. The movement of his thumb against your clit quickens, your hips arching to beg for more. “You love me baby?” he asks, trailing kisses down your chin. Tugging your panties to the side, his fingertips tease the slippery warmth of your entrance. “Yes, I…” you squeak, shivering when his fingers plunge into you, “Love you so much.”
Yuta’s tongue tickles your neck, love bites marking his way to your cleavage. “Tell me I’m yours,” he says, making no attempt to hide how desperate he is to hear you say it. Your walls clench around his fingers. He flexes them in response, the stretch so satisfying that your eyes nearly roll back. “I want you to own it so say it” he urges, pushing in deeper, “Tell me I’m yours.” Your arms come around his neck, your best attempt at staying upright.
“You’re mine. All mine” you moan, the faintest hint of possessiveness peeking through. It’s music to his ears, turning him on to the point that the towel’s virtually useless now in hiding how hard he is. Reaching between your bodies, you take him into your hand to delight in what you’ve done to him. Stroking up and down you feel the blood rushing up his shaft — veins throbbing, his arousal decorating your chipped nail polish.
“Is this mine too?” you joke, teasing the head of his cock with light circular movements. “Fuck, yes. You want it?” he mumbles, his face buried between your tits. He can barely breathe, he’s probably lightheaded, and it’s worth it. Gripping him by the back of the head, you bring him eye to eye with you again. “I want it” you grin, the fullness in your lower belly intensifying.
Yuta sticks his tongue out, curling it to wet his lips. Catching you off guard, he grabs you by the neck and pushes you back on the bed. Keeping you pinned by your neck, his free hand tears your panties to the side. His mouth latches onto your clit, licking and sucking at the sensitive bundle of nerves. You’re completely at his mercy, only able to shake and moan as he devours you. His tongue runs between the petal soft lips of your pussy, your juices the best drink he’s had all night.
“Find someone else?” he scoffs, taking a handful of your belly, “Who else’s pussy tastes this good, hmm?” His tongue slams into you, the hand around your throat bringing you flush against his face.
 “Yuta, oh god — fuck — you can’t say things like that” you whimper, clawing at the sheets.
“Or what?”
Yuta pulls back, his face soaked with your juices, “Is my baby gonna cum if I tell her how good she tastes?” Refusing to wait for your answer, his tongue dips back inside of you. The ridges of your walls glide across his tastebuds, pulsing each time he swirls around and around. He’s relentless, letting up only for quick breaths of air. “So wet and so — mmm — fucking good” he groans, kissing your inner thigh.
When his tongue meets your core again you feel tingling in the tips of your toes and fingers. The tension in your stomach rises, your breaths growing shallow. Yuta releases your neck, locking his arms around your thighs to keep them spread. “That’s it, baby. That’s my girl. Cum for me.”
Pulling his tongue out, he drags it across your clit and sends you crashing over the edge. You throw your hand over your mouth, suppressing the incoherent moans that spill from your lips. Yuta snatches your hand away, holding you by the wrist just in time to hear those last few moans escape. Not missing a beat, he hops up and brings your limp body with him.
Disoriented, the rubbing of your thighs against your core causing some aftershock, you struggle to gain your footing. “You’re trying to kill me” you pout, leaning on him for support. “Why would I do that?” he asks, putting on his best innocent face, “We still have 10 more stops on the tour. The label would kill me.” 
“I can’t stand you!” you say, slapping him on the cheek as softly as you can. Yuta winks, pinching you on the ass, “You’ll live. Now about that shower—” Shaking off the post-orgasm brain fog, you manage to hold yourself up enough to lock lips with him. It’s the clumsiest thing. Kissing, caressing, peeling away your clothes. All while blindly making your way to the shower.
You step into the shower first, expecting Yuta to follow immediately after but he stops short just outside of it.
“Were you, like, serious about that shower phobia thing?”
“No,” he laughs, “I just want to look at you for a second if that’s okay.”
Standing alone in the shower, steamy droplets of water running down the curves of your body, you’re pure perfection. A vine of cherry blossoms travels across your left shoulder, riding your love handles, your hips, down your thigh. He knows how long it took to finish that tattoo. All of the tiny gorgeous details missed by the naked eye. It’s been a secret mission of his to explore every aspect of it. And of you. 
The admiration radiates off of him and you find yourself overcome with shyness. “Dude, come on. You’re making me nervous!” you say, hiding behind the shower curtain. Yuta jumps into the shower, hugging you from the side, “Oh my bad, dude. I call you ‘baby’ and I get ‘dude’?” Paying him no mind, you grab the body wash and begin to cover him in rose-scented bubbles.
“Don’t be a brat. I call you other things too. I call you baby—” Your fingers trace his collarbone. “I call you honey—” They travel across his shoulder, drifting down his back. You pause halfway down, “I call you…daddy.” You don’t even try to hide your amusement when your nails press into his lower back and he whimpers. “You—why would you do that?” Yuta asks, knowing very well why.
It does something for him when you call him that. Something that makes him want to tear you apart in the best way. Leaning against the shower wall, you play with his belly button piercing. “Did I do something wrong, d—ah!” Yuta lifts you up, bringing your legs around his waist. Catching your breath, you hold on tight, terrified to fall.
“I didn’t know you could do that.” Yuta giddily shifts your weight like it’s nothing, thrusting into you, “I know.” Still dripping from your last orgasm, he slips in easily. Almost too easily. There’s no teasing, no taking it slow. Every inch of him is buried deep inside of you. You can’t cover your mouth and the shower does nothing to conceal your overstimulated moans.
Yuta bounces you up and down on his cock. The water raining down on you causes a sharp slapping noise when your bodies come together. “Fuck me harder” you beg, knowing it’ll only make the sound louder. Always here to give you what you want, he fucks into you harder and harder. With every thrust you seem to get tighter, your body so needy for him that it can’t let go. 
They say there’s nothing like it. The rush that you get from a concert. Your heart syncing with the violent bashing of the drums. Well, whoever said that, has no fucking idea what they’re talking about.
Yuta presses your legs back, the head of his cock thick and throbbing as he stimulates your sweet spot. “Baby, it feels too good” he pants, knowing he’s on the brink of coming undone. Purposely clenching as tight as you can, you rock your hips down onto him and he can’t hold out any longer. Now this rush? There’s nothing like this.
The fullness as he cums inside of you makes your second orgasm all the more intense when it consumes you. The two of you float in a state of euphoria somewhere between being out of your body and being hyper-aware of it all at once. Kissing you on the neck, Yuta carefully sets you down on your feet. Unable to hold himself up, he sits down in the bathtub. He holds his arms out to you and you make your way down, cuddling up to him.
“I love you, dude” he mocks, tracing the petals on your tattoo. You groan, rolling your eyes, “Yeah, yeah. I love you too.” You share a laugh at your mutual silliness and then…nothing. Only silence. Your breathing. The running of the water. Your heart and his. You may be in the business of noise but together you’ve found meaning in just being. 
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“Our band doesn’t really have a concept, you know? We kinda just do what we want. It’s a vibe” Mark explains to the journalist holding a mic way too close to his face.
When your label booked you for a weekend at one of the biggest festivals in the country they failed to tell you that you had interviews lined up. Let alone ones this painfully boring. So here you are, half dressed outside of your tour bus baking in the summer sun with a camera pointed at your faces.
“And vibes are important!” Johnny throws in, “People…they need vibes because without vibes, who are we? Am I right?” Mark stares into the camera, his mind truly blown, “Bro, that’s…deep.” The interviewer nods, pretending that he understood any of that, “Vibes. Right. So you guys are on another level and—”
Just that moment a group of girls pass by behind the camera. Dressed in their skimpiest festival gear, it takes zero effort on their part to reel Mark and Johnny in. “We are so sorry” Mark apologizes, quietly flirting with the girls, “We gotta go get ready for soundcheck.” “Soundcheck, yes! Gotta keep that sound checked” Johnny says, throwing up a peace sign.
As Mark and Johnny ditch the interview to recruit groupies, the interviewer turns to you and Yuta who’ve been praying that he’d forgotten you were there. “Well, uh, I guess it’s just me and the happy couple, huh?” the man asks, plastering on a smile. The two of you are collectively unmoved, though you’re a bit nicer about it than Yuta.
Like a shark, the interviewer smells blood in the water and the mic is in your face next. “Some would say you’re pretty brave dating a rock star. Aren’t you worried someone might try to steal him away?” You and Yuta share a knowing glance before you snatch the mic from the interviewer.
“No. I mean, have you seen me?” you ask, almost glowing as Yuta showers you with kisses, “Next question.” But there is no next question. You hand the mic to Yuta and walk off to avoid saying something you’ll regret. 
“And then there was one. So I’m here with lead singer—”
“Yikes, sorry. I have…interview phobia? Yeah” Yuta lies, beginning to back out of frame before you get too far away. Nearly defeated and totally at a loss, the interviewer tries one more time to bait Yuta back in. “I was hoping we could finish this. Maybe I could ask a few more questions.” Yuta pretends to consider it for dramatic effect. “Better idea, you should pull out your phone and stream our new single ‘Don't Ask My Girlfriend Stupid Shit’.” 
Noticing that Yuta’s still holding onto the microphone, you run back to steal it. “Parenthesis, thanks for the brand new mic, asshole!” you cackle, holding the metallic purple equipment up like a Grammy. You disappear again, this time with some new equipment. Yuta just shrugs, waving goodbye to the camera, “Love of my life.” 
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burnthoneydrops · 10 months
Could you do a fluff Jamie Tartt imagine where the reader takes care of a drunk Jamie who forgets that they've been dating for months and thinks they're back in their crush phase after they and the boys went out celebrating a win?
Drunk in the Back of the Car (j.t. x fem!reader)
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pairing: jamie tartt x fem!reader
word count: 654
warnings: language, alcohol
a/n: here you go love! i hope you like it and requests continue to be open!! (also first time writing for jamie so pls be kind lol)
The early 2000’s pop music blasting through the speakers was about to make your brain explode. The boys were celebrating a great victory in their match earlier that day and had all decided to crash this club that Colin had found. The flashing lights and sticky floors were slightly off-putting but the boys just wanted to celebrate and Jamie had insisted you came along too. Keeley and Roy were somewhere, probably at a table stuffed in a corner as Roy hated anyone spotting him. Isaac immediately bought a round of drinks upon entry and thus started the flow of alcohol. You were just glad that you and Jamie had agreed that you would drive home so he could properly celebrate. 
Speaking of your boyfriend, he was nowhere to be seen. A group of you had been gathered in front of the bar, chatting and drinking and dancing- though somewhat badly- and then as the night aged on and people found different things that piqued their interests, the group dispersed into smaller groups across the club. You were clumped together with Colin and Sam, chatting about the opposing team from the earlier match, while Colin interspersed some lyrics from the rap songs that were playing overhead. While laughing at Colin doing this weird dance while rapping, you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“Your boyfriend is smashed,” Roy commented as he held Jamie under his arms. He was clearly having a hard time standing on his own and it seemed like Roy had dragged him from wherever they were previously stationed. 
“I’m fine grandad,” Jamie retorted, though slurred and he clearly had to put a lot of thought into the short sentence. 
“I’ll take him,” you smiled at Roy, silently thanking him for making sure Jamie got back to you. He nodded and passed Jamie over to you before he walked off, probably going back to find Keeley again. You grabbed one of Jamie’s arms and threw it over your shoulders, leaning his weight into you. “Looks like I’d better get this one home. Enjoy the rest of your night lads”. Sam and Colin say their goodbyes before going to find the other boys. 
“Woah, you better be careful there. I’ve got a girlfriend and I don’t think she’d like you touching me like this,” Jamie tries to stand up straighter to get away from you, but almost immediately tips back over. 
“I am your girlfriend,” you laugh. 
“No way,” Jamie says quietly, in an ‘I can’t believe it’ type of way. 
“Come on Jams, let’s get you home”. 
Despite the copious amounts of effort it took to get Jamie through your front door- which included him almost throwing up in the back seat of your car- you finally got him in bed in a semi-comfortable position. Once you were sure he wasn’t going to throw up in the bed, at least long enough for you to get ready for bed, you headed to the bathroom to take your makeup off and change out of your clubbing outfit. 
“Y/N?” You heard Jamie call from the bed. 
“Yes love?” you question, sticking your head out of the bathroom doorway. 
“How’d you get into my house?” 
“I have a key Jams,” you laugh. 
“Did I give you that?” He tilts his head. 
“How sloshed did you get Jamie?” You move closer to him, sitting down next to him on the bed. 
“Oh my god I’ve got Y/N in my bed,” he whispers more to himself. 
“I’ve been sharing a bed with you for the past two months, love,” you remind him, moving his hair away from his sticky forehead. 
“Holy shit, no way,” he mutters before passing out again. You laugh at his antics and go back to the bathroom, finishing your nighttime routine before grabbing some water and aspirin for the morning. You were so going to make fun of him tomorrow for this.
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rentsturner · 10 months
Alex Turner boyfriend headcanons
an: I haven’t written in a really fucking long time (if head canons count as writing idk?) so apologies if these are shit or there's typos and whatnot. Many thanks to @dropofdrool for helping me proof read and organise these, it’s much appreciated <3. finally, I know Alex is a real person but this is a work of FICTION and I have approached this as if writing for a fictional character - I am making no assumptions about Alex as a real person, just in case anyone wants to come at me. thanks for reading
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He smells like cigarettes and clean laundry
You call him Elvis to annoy him - he will sulk about it for at least an hour (or at least pretend to) until you relent and apologise
He secretly quite likes it though
Making him watch Love Island and him being so confused and slightly scared
‘Are they allowed guitars in the villa?’ ‘I would get so bored in there’
Eventually gets invested in all the drama and is hooked
Will watch it every night even if you’re not there (traitor)
You definitely get handwritten love letters left round the house (come on we’ve all seen the evidence)
eg when he goes on tour, you’ll find little notes hidden in the pocket of your jeans or in the back of your phone case
He knows so many obscure and random words that you’ve never heard of and he’ll just throw them into a conversation sometimes to annoy you
He’s always jotting lyrics in his notebook and you have to wonder if he’s writing about you
When you argue you proper argue cos neither of you likes to admit you’re wrong
You always end up sorting it out though (usually with alex buying you flowers and a good dose of make up sex)
Alex is a pro napper - he falls asleep so easy and anywhere, it’s a habit from all the time he’s spent on tour
One of his favourite things is to have a nap with you, legs tangled together, him softly snoring into your shoulder
When he wakes up his hair is all ruffled and his eyes bleary, but he’s never looked better
Both reading your books together before bed <3 (he defo has reading glasses)
Alex has tried to teach you to play guitar so many times, but it always ends in sex
Cos he thinks the best way to teach you is to put his hands over yours, and press himself right up against your back, and whisper soft praises in your ear when you don’t fumble a chord, and then he sees your soft skin just where your neck joins your shoulder and he can’t help but press open mouthed kisses there and then you’re distracted and then…
It’s obviously never going to end well
Obviously he tours a lot and most of the time you will travel with him, if he’s not busy
When he comes off stage he has two moods
He will either be so hyped and take hours to calm down, like will be constantly making some form of physical contact with you (holding your hand, pressing himself against your back, forehead kisses, normal kisses, randomly grabbing your hands and dancing with you)
Or he will be really quiet and tired, you can see it in his face that the concert has just taken it out of him
Usually when he’s like this, you just sit with him backstage for a while, just the two of you, sometimes in comfortable silence or sometimes just whispering sweet nothings to him and playing with his hair
You try not to let him speak too much cos if he’s in that mood then his throat is probably feeling rough
He usually just needs an hour or two to decompress, then he’s back to his usual self, he always apologises to you after for being like that, but you don’t mind looking after him, he would do the same for you
It's sometimes hard being away for him for so long when he’s on tour
like when he’s touring the day of your anniversary
He thinks you’re at home, he facetimed you that morning and had sent your present in the post to be delivered.
However, the rest of the boys secretly fly you (along with a few of your best mates) out to the show and manage to get a place in the front pit
You bring a massive poster sign saying ‘SHEFF WEDS R SHITE’ which easily gets his attention after a few songs
He goes to shout something rude but then he sees your beaming face under the poster, he can’t believe his eyes
He goes on to play all of your favourite songs with the biggest smile on his face and literally can’t take his eyes off you the entire show
After the show you manage to get backstage to see him and he’s so happy to see you
‘You didn’t really mean what you said on the poster though, did you?’
Holidays all the time, Alex loves taking you away
Like when he’s touring, if you aren’t working or busy, he’ll fly you out to join him in whatever city he’s in
You’ll usually go out for lunch during the day and sit by the pool in the hotel they’re holed up in, then go and watch the concert in the evening
You see so many cities that you’d never usually go to thanks to him
When he’s not touring he loves going on adventure holidays - biking, hiking, horse riding, skiing, bungee jumping - if it involves thrills or good views, he’s down.
even if you refuse to do some of the scarier stuff, he doesn’t mind - he loves just having you there, and he needs someone to take the photos of course!
basically it would just be the dream life icl
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annymation · 6 months
I changed the song “I’m A Star” to fit with my rewrite of Wish
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Soooo yeah… I don’t have any song writing background so please be nice 😅
But I’m pretty proud of how it turned out. Think of it as “You Never Had A Friend Like Me” kind of song but sang by Star Boy from the concept art to Asha, explaining to her he’s there to help her out, but he can’t exactly make her wishes come true just with the snap of his fingers, because her wishes can only come true through her own actions
Hope you like it!
Lyrics in orange are said by Star ⭐️
Lyrics in purple are said by Asha 💜
The song has the same rythm as the original, but I recommend listening to the demo when comparing
I’m A Star (rewritten)
[Verse 1]
Have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?
Or blow dandelions in the wind? Asking them to better your chances
Why throw a coin down a well? Knowing well that's no spell?
Things passed down generationally, to you (yes, I hear)
And to some unbelievers those are simply fallacies
But have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?
Well, you don't have to look too hard
I'm here for all your question marks
If you're tryna figure out just who you are
Don't look far
In the sky, and your front yard
In your heart and in the scars
If you really wanna know just who you are
You're a star…
[Verse 2]
What! You just said YOU'RE a star! Uh-huh
Well, yeah, but you're up to par
Cause' while I do bring that sweet magic intervention
Only you can reach your own desti-nation!
See I'm more of that lil voice that suggests
Whenever you don't know how to handle all your quests
So even though I can't do the work for you
I can sure always help
You get it through!
[Verse 3]
A wish is a dream that comes from your heart
See, I’ve dropped in just to do my part
With my magic I'll make that dream go just as planned
But I'm sure that by now you already understand:
My wish coming true, depends on me?
For you don't have to look too hard
It's all around and not too far
If you're tryna figure out just who you are
You're a star
Do you know you're a work of art?
Even in the deepest dark
If you really wanna know just who you are
I'm a star!
[Verse 4]
Some say that's just too ordinary
Like us stars just ain't necessary
Cause’ I’m no genie legendary
Granting wishes one, two and three
Well friend, just between you and me
I think I'm more fun cause, you see
I'm here to guide and make you believe
YOU can write your origin story!
You don't have to look too hard
It's all around and not too far
If you tryna figure out just who you are
You're a star
No matter where you end or start
We're both each other's counterparts
If you really wanna know just who you are
I'm a star (Wooh)
Ooh, I'm a star
Watch out world here you are (Hey, hey)
You know who's lookin' sharp? (Who?)
Me, I'm a star! (Wooh)
Oh, you're a star
Watch out world here you are! (Hey, hey)
You know who's lookin' sharp? (Who?)
You! You're a star
Ha-ha-ha, wooh
Yes, wooh
Ah-ha-ha, ho-ho
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I had a lot of fun experimenting with this song! Please do send suggestions on how to improve it if you have any. Also I’m curious, if we had gotten Star Boy, who do you think should voice him?
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n is struggling to grasp the fact that she and jack have grown apart amongst his newfound nhl stardom
warnings: angst, neglectful jack, dying relationship, long intro (so sorry), alcohol
specific lyrics: “remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light. now, i just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time” and “how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?” and “how long could we be a sad song 'til we were too far gone to bring back to life? i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy and all i did was bleed as i tried to be the bravest soldier. fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me. i'm the best thing at this party (you're losin' me). and i wouldn't marry me either; a pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her. and I'm fadin', thinkin' "do something, babe, say something" "lose something, babe, risk something" "choose something, babe, i got nothing" (i got nothing) "to believe, unless you're choosin' me"”
notes: idk how i feel about this. it’s been awhile since i’ve written an actual fic so i think my writing is a little rusty. there will be no part 2 to this one! i know y’all love when i make part 2’s to my angsty fics, but some fics i just wanna keep as angst and this is one of them <3
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maybe we were naïve. young and innocent in thinking our love would last forever. that we could withstand everything the universe had to throw at us.
i could give us this; we did last past Jack’s rookie year. but maybe that’s when things started breaking. i couldn’t tell you for certain.
when we moved to New Jersey, we were going on three years into our relationship. we thought that milestone of three years meant we would be together forever.
we went apartment hunting, i opted to go into online schooling rather than on campus classes, late night whispers consisted of marriage and future children.
now, the last time i even brought up marriage, he told me he wasn’t ready for that. that he was at the peak of his career and didn’t want to spend time that could be used bettering his skills, to plan a wedding.
i spend most nights in an empty bed, the cold sheets serving as a harsh reminder that my boyfriend would rather go out with his teammates than spend time with me.
rather than the past early mornings of soft loving stares and cuddling on his bare chest, i now spend my mornings glaring towards my boyfriends sleeping figure; trying to calculate when he may have gotten home after i had already fallen asleep.
seven years. one-third of my life, spent with Jack.
no one ever said love would be easy; but no one ever told me it would be this hard either.
the mug in my hands is at risk of breaking from my grip, the coffee inside having gone cold. a cruel euphemism to how our relationship has cooled. the burning fire that it once was, now fizzling to dying sparks. but i still hold onto what’s left, because i’m not sure i know how to live a life without him anymore.
i sit curled up on the sofa, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the New Jersey skyline. i still remember the day that Jack and i decided on this apartment, this room was a deciding factor. we loved the lighting, the way the sun shone through the windows and cast a golden haze over the rest of the apartment.
now i sit in the darkness nearly every night, wondering if this was the end of our relationship; if it’s time.
the worst part is that we keep going on. keep playing house. pretending that our relationship is still as happy as it once was.
‘i love you’s never became a rarity, still uttered past our lips multiple times a day. but i know his words only hold an empty promise now.
how can he say he loves me when he can’t tell that this relationship is killing me?
that this dynamic of our relationship becoming a chore has slowly broken me down?
our life is robotic now. we wake up, he leaves for practice, i stay home, i do school, he comes home for a pre-game nap, he leaves for a game, i still stay home, i go to bed, he comes home, repeat.
even worse when he’s away. what once started as facetime calls whenever he was free on a roadie, slowly died until it’s nothing but a few measly unsubstantial texts.
at first i thought maybe we were just going through a rough patch, that we would get through this, but now i fear we won’t.
my eyes track my boyfriend at the crowded rooftop bar as i nod my head, only half paying attention to what Ryleigh says.
Nico’s surprise party has been a success. for Nico, at least.
i, selfishly, thought i would use this party as an opportunity to grasp Jack’s attention. i wore the dress that he used to say was his favorite, but not once did he mention it. i curled my hair because i knew how much he loved it, but he didn’t compliment it how he usually does. i dolled myself up in hopes that it would glue him to my side. maybe even spark that possessiveness he used to hold for me.
but instead, all i got was a measly and empty ‘hey babe, you look nice.’ when i arrived, before he chased Dawson down to discuss some new bar he wanted to check out after their next win.
i spent the next hour following him around like a lost puppy, standing by his side as he spoke to his teammates. if he hadn’t had his hand resting on my lower back, i would’ve thought he forgot i was there. but somehow being forgotten would’ve felt better than being ignored.
i’m the best thing at this party, or at least i should be to him, and he barely spared me a second glance.
eventually, i saltily left to find the other wives and girlfriends. for the past three hours now, i sit with Ryleigh and Darya. Ryleigh is currently recounting she and Dawson’s date night last night.
the party has been dwindling down, our group of people among the bar slowly dispersing, giving their final birthday wishes to Nico and going home.
“what about you and Jack?”
“hmm?” i perk up at the mention of my boyfriend, dragging my line of sight away from said boy and back towards my friends.
“i asked about you and Jack. when was your guys’ last date night? how was it?” Ryleigh is only trying to be polite, i know that. but she’s only reminded me that Jack and i haven’t gone on a date in what has to be at least six months.
“honestly? i couldn’t tell you.” i confess. “i don’t even remember the last time we went on a date.”
“well, that’s not right! we should do a double date soon! i’ll have Dawson set it up.” she smiles. “ooh triple date! you and Yegor should come!”
“we’d love that!” Darya chimes in. i let out a polite smile, but i know it won’t happen. i’ve tried too many times to set up a date night and nothing ever comes from it.
“hey, baby. you ready to go?” Dawson saunters over, planting a kiss to his girlfriend’s cheek. Ryleigh nods, bidding Darya and i goodbye.
“hey, y/n? i think Jack was looking for you.” Yegor tells me as he comes over next, gathering his wife to leave for the night.
“he was?” my voice is filled with a pathetic hope, an excitement over even the thought of my boyfriend seeking me out. but when i look back to where i last saw him, he still stands next to his captain, laughing over something one of them said. “thanks, Shara.”
he smiles, the both of them now saying their goodbyes. and then there was one.
i sit by myself, lazily chewing the straw in my drink as i watch my boyfriend and his friend.
i quickly lose track of how long i sit there, ordering drink after drink. eventually, i stop watching Jack, opting for mindlessly scrolling through instagram instead.
“hey.” my head snaps up at Jack’s voice, watching as he finally joins me. my heart thumps in my chest, like i’m a teenager again, at the thought of spending time with him. “i think i’m ready to head home.”
my mood deflates, my shoulders slumping, but i nod, gathering my purse as Jack sets some cash on the bar top to cover my drinks from the night.
i wobble slightly as i stand, Jack’s hand coming up to hold onto my arm, making sure i don’t fall. heat spreads from the site of the touch, shivers racking my body.
“you okay, babe?” he chuckles, pulling me into his side as we walk to the elevator, pressing the down button and waiting for it to arrive. “how much did you drink?”
“i don’t know. maybe three? i lost count after the first hour alone.” i shrug, my words are slurred, a product of my tipsy state. “i started off with sprite, but i switched to gin and tonics once Darya left.”
Jack is silent as we get into the elevator, his brows furrowed and him seemingly in deep thought. the whole ride home is quiet, the air charged. i spend the whole drive with my head turned to look out the window. but as soon as we reach the parking deck of our apartment, getting out of his Range Rover, he speaks up again.
“you could’ve come and found me? i was just with Nico.” i’m silent for a moment, picking up my pace to try and reach apartment faster.
“i didn’t feel like being ignored again.” i shrug as we step through the door, the alcohol giving me obvious courage that i never had before.
“what do you mean ‘again’? i haven’t ignored you.” Jack follows behind me into our bedroom, his eyes tracking me as i sit on the bed and begin unfastening my heels.
“stop.” i sigh.
“stop what? y/n/n, when have i ignored you?” his genuine obliviousness hurts more than i thought it could. the fact that he didn’t even realize he was ignoring me; that it was just a subconscious reaction for him to push me aside.
“every day.” i tell him. my eyes start stinging with tears, finally ready to have the fight that i’ve so desperately been avoiding. but it’s obvious that Jack doesn’t feel the same.
“i’m sorry you felt that way.” he tells me, barely sparing another glance my way before he starts grabbing pajamas out of the dresser.
“you’re losing me.” my words are choked out in a whisper, but i know he hears them because i watch as he stiffens, slowly turning around.
“Jack, this doesn’t feel like a relationship anymore. it feels like a job. a chore.” i confess. “it doesn’t feel like you love me anymore and i need you to just say it. because i love you too much to keep going on like this.”
“we barely talk, Jack.” i cut him off. “when we do, we’re struggling through empty small talk. you’re barely home, and when you are, you don’t try and spend time with me. i sit in this house, alone, even when you’re here.”
“what are you talking about? y/n, we’ve been together for almost seven years. we’ve been through so much together.” his words are harsh, defensive.
“exactly! i gave you all my best me’s- i gave you my teenage years, i gave you all of my best years! i gave you all my empathy when you were being called a bust. when you were struggling in your rookie year and at your lowest. i sat here and comforted you after every loss! i stayed here and cried and tried to be brave every time you were gone. i defended you to everyone!”
tears roll freely down my cheeks, my nose becoming stuffy and my throat tightening. i’ve risen from the bed now, still keeping my distance from him though.
“and what do i have to show for it? an empty apartment? an empty relationship? we used to spend hours talking about marriage and our future. now, the last time i tried to bring that up, you all but told me you didn’t want to marry me.” i scoff. “and i can’t blame you, i wouldn’t marry me either; a pathological people pleaser.”
“don’t say that, please.” he whispers.
“but all i wanted was for you to see me, Jack! i’m here! i have feelings! i know it’s hard to believe, but i’m a person too! i need love! not whatever this has been.” my words fade off at the end, breaking off into sobs.
Jack’s eyes are red, tears of his own slowly descending as we stand in silence.
“do something, please. say something.” i plead, furiously wiping at my tears. i swallow a lump in the throat as he finally takes a step forward.
“i’m sorry.” his voice is shaky, breaking midst sentence. “i’m so sorry i didn’t know you were feeling this way. i’ve been so wrapped up in hockey and the team that i haven’t been here. not fully, at least.
“i took you for granted. i guess you’ve been this dependable force in my life for so long that eventually i forgot that you need more than just my presence.
“i do love you, y/n. i can’t imagine my life without you. i’ll be better, i promise. just, please, don’t leave.” he begs.
Jack steps forward, closing the distance between us and taking my face in his hands.
“i need you. i’ll always choose you.” his hands shake on my cheeks as he pulls me into a kiss. he pulls away, heaving out a broken mix between a sigh and a sob. “i’m so so sorry.”
“we can fix us. i believe that. but please, don’t put me through this again.” i beg, laying my forehead against his.
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gingeraleluke · 7 months
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘅𝗲𝗿 ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: underground boxer!vinnie hacker x fem!influencer!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: it’s a night to remember!
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: SMUT!! , brief vomit, talks of drugs?, anxiety, brief talks of depression, negative self talk, abusive relationship, brief talks of cheating, gaslighting, homophobia if you squint?
𝗔/𝗡: HELLO!!! i’m back after a long and unexpected hiatus. i’ve been dealing with a lot of stuff and needed some time to heal before i could start writing again, so thank you very much for being patient and understanding (for those of you who were). i love you, enjoy.
“oh, god! fuck, i…i can’t…think straight!”
her face contorted, mouth hung open as profanities left her lips. the slight rocking of her hips against his face was elevating her chest to the air, throwing her head back, she tried her best to keep it from thumping against the hard wooden floor beneath her. her back was killing, but his tongue was too good for her to care.
“don’t think, just feel, baby.” he pulled away, gasping, before immediately diving back in between her legs. she involuntarily grabbed onto the back of his head for support, her fingers tangling into his hair. “fucking, so good, love. should have done this sooner.”
“fuck, please.” she could feel his tongue dance around her clit, his lyrical fingers pumping in and out of her mercilessly. it was rough, yet she felt taken care of at the same time. y/n’s neck arched, hitting her head on the back off the floor. the pain wasn’t nearly as powerful as her nearing climax that was shadowing her every move.
“would have fucked you in front of everyone, sweetheart.” he removed his mouth, leaning forwards to look down at her. his fingers were making scissoring motions inside of her, making sure he hit every spot as deep as possible. “would have fucked you in the gym. i’d have taken off those boxing gloves just to play with you in front of your brother, princess. why didn’t you ask me to fuck you? it’s so obvious how badly you wanted me to.” his scissoring motions turned back into curled thrusts, pushing even deeper into her. she didn’t even know that he could go that deep until he did, letting the loudest cry leave her lips.
“wanted to taste you so fucking bad, didn’t care where you were, just needed to eat your pussy.” his words were unadvised and just so taboo that it made her want to release the coil in her stomach even more. “who knew i’d end up eating you on your floor.”
“fuck, keep going.” she begged, tears beginning to form.
“what a sweet girl. letting me play with her pussy like this, knowing how wrong it is. gonna let me fuck her in front of her boyfriend.” her eyes were screwed shut, but his eyes never left her face, spewing vulgar obscenities while quickening his fingers, hitting as deep as he could.
“god, please…fuck!” she whined, looking back down at him. he moved back down to the wetness between her legs and replaced his digits with his tongue, slowly fucking into her. his nose hit her clit in the most perfect way, while he reached up to feel her tits through her shirt. “keep going, i’m so fucking close, please.”
“mm” he mumbled, moving to wrap his lips around her clit. the vibrations sent waves through her body and he could tell from the shake in her legs that she was gonna cum. in the blink of an eye, his mouth left her pussy and his fingers were knuckle deep in her again. the constant switching was wrecking her insides, bringing her so very close and playing with pleasure points.
“do it.” he took his other hand to grab the back of her neck, forcing her face a mere inches from his. “fucking cum. cum on my fingers.”
“fuck, VINNIE!”
“there you go, say my name..good girl, my good girl.” she could feel her body weaken as she came onto his fingers, cries and whimpers leaving her body. she didn’t have time to calm down before vinnie’s tongue was in between her folds again.
“please, i can’t.”
vinnie mumbled, obscene slurping noises emerging from below her. “i’m gonna clean you up, and then we can go take a shower, yeah?”
“mmhmm.” she laid back, her hair laid out on the ground beneath her.
“gonna fuck you for real in there, so try not to slip.”
y/n woke up with the familiar pounding in her head and sweat clinging to her back.
“hey.” drakes hand was on her shoulder, cautiously looking at her. she looked shocked more-so than scared, but her shaking body and ragged breath was alarming to him. he looked over his sisters face while her unfocused eyes darted to random points in the room before her senses gave in and she could finally feel the heavy hand on her shoulder and make out the worried face in her view.
the minute her eyes met his, it was like she snapped back to reality. her thoughts could finally form again and the brief relief that washed over her was quickly replaced by the telltale feeling in her throat. her mouth quivered ever so slightly, her eyes shooting a warning-like look towards drake before she flew out of her bed and ran towards the nearest bathroom. she was sure to lock the door behind her, a weary drake turning her alarm off and following after her.
“y/n, are you okay?”
the sound of the toilet flushing was muffled through the door. y/n wiped off the side of her chin and looked at herself in the mirror for a split second before closing her eyes. tears pricked at the corner of her eyes and drakes voice droned through her ears. the feelings of guilt became draconian and her fingers gripped the ends of the sink. thank fucking god she didn’t sleep at flloyd’s, or else this feeling would have been way worse.
lethal probably.
her and flloyd had already been in murky waters since drakes birthday. she couldn’t bring herself to forgive him for allowing drake to take ketamine that night. the words that vinnie told her, rung in her ears like an alarm. how apparently flloyd had been going behind her back and indulging in substances himself. that thought made her skin itch.
never in a million years did she expect that from flloyd.
roman? of course. but flloyd?
he was always sweet. he always seemed to listen to her. all the times she told him how worried she was for her brother, and this is what he does?
in all honesty, she would have still been ignoring him if it wasn’t for the event tonight. she was way too anxious about the prom to ignore him. that would just worry her more, so fake smiles and pushing feelings to the side was the way she planned to go.
you’re a fucking cheater.
“no-no i’m not.” she shook her head, her face hot. she couldn’t feel her legs and it was as if she was hovering above midair.
all she could think about was that night.
“it’s not my fault. i-i didn’t choose to dream that.”
but you liked it.
her heart broke. how could she be so careless? flloyd was a sweet boy and this is how she treats him?
flloyd deserves better. so did freddie.
“no, flloyd lied to me—“
you really believe vinnie? yeah because he’s a real reliable source, god. look at you, y/n! you’re fucking sickening.
she shook her head, drake’s fists stopped banging on the door. “no, he was telling the truth.”
you’re dumber now than you were in high school. no wonder you believe vinnie, you’re thighs are clenching together just thinking about him. you’re poor brother outside, worrying about you. little does he know that his little sister is a fucking whore who is using his best friend.
“that’s not what this is, that’s not true.”
why do you think freddie cheated on you in the first place? why do you think brittany left you? all you do is use people and then use ur sad tragic backstory to guilt them back.
drake pressed his forehead against the door, calling out to his sister again, before leaving to find something to unlock the door with.
it’s just like he said. you’re a-
“fucking cheater!”
“that was wicked believable, i’m starting to take you seriously.” y/n laughed, a small ounce of worry in her stomach, boiling. she should have listened to it, but understandably she didn’t. i mean, the whole conversation was ridiculous, he couldn’t actually be upset by it, right?
“this isn’t a fucking joke, y/n!” he slammed his phone onto the table, the device sliding from the impact. “get the fuck out!” he slid his hands over his eyes.
“wait, you can’t be serious… baby it was only a dream-“
“yeah, sure. get out.” he laughed coldly, looking up at the ceiling of his living room.
“are you fucking serious? freddie, you’re fucking delusional. it was a dream, it was funny. she laughed about it and so did i, we didn’t actually do anything! why are you being such a baby about this-“ y/n was cut off by freddie roughly grabbing her wrist and cornering her towards the wall.
“call me that one more fucking time.” his breath was hot on her cheek and her heart rate was racing. it was hard for her to focus on his words, with the sharp pain shooting through her wrist. she swallowed, her eyes too scared to leave his brown ones. if she knew that he was being serious, she wouldn’t have laughed earlier. now she knew she was in dangerous territory, like walking through a field of land mines. she knew better than to behave like that when freddie was upset.
“you’re hurting me.” her voice was only a mere whisper, and he tilted his head back laughing breathlessly, his grip staying the same.
“i never cheated on you.” she said sincerely, her eyes watering. her face looked like she was about to sob, while freddie’s stayed the same. cold like always.
her entire being changed that second. everything inside of her suddenly felt like it was working against her and not for her. she was internally screaming at herself.
you ruined everything.
how could your mind be so sick and perverted to do something like that?
why would he ever wanna be with you now.
“bullshit. that’s not what she fucking said.”
“what are you talking about?” she wiggled her arm slightly, to try and break his hold on her, but it only pissed him off more, as he bended her wrist backwards till she stopped moving, a small whimper leaving her lips.
“oh please, y/n!” he raised his voice, making her body jolt under his touch. “she told me about the night you two spent together. how you kissed her, how you try to join her whenever she takes showers.”
he’s right, y/n.
you’ve always been close with her. too close. the pet names and the cuddling. nothing in that is domestic.
you’ve been cheating on him this whole time. who’s to say that maybe one time when you were applying her lipgloss, that you didn’t get too lost in her lips and press yours against them?
“i don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, that’s not true!”
“oh, okay, so she’s just lying?!”
britanny would never lie. atleast the britanny y/n knew.
she was her best friend. they’d been friends since they were kids and she had never been uncomfortable before. his words felt artificial as they traveled through her ears. she knew there was no way in hell that this was actually happening. when she told britanny that she had a sex dream about her, the two just laughed it off. it wasn’t nearly a big deal and y/n never thought to tell freddie about it because why would she? it’s just a dream and didn’t mean anything.
of course she would be uncomfortable.
you cling to her like a lost puppy.
she’s your only friend and by the looks of it, it’s gonna change.
watch, he’s gonna leave you too and so you’ll be all alone.
“i-“ freddie rolled his eyes and went to walk away but she pulled him back. “she is! she’s lying! i-i don’t know why but i swear, freddie it’s not true!”
she started crying. her mascara ran and her lips frowned and all she wanted to do was limp away like a lost little puppy. she had no idea what was happening. her brain couldn’t process it. he began going on about how he couldn’t trust her. about how embarrassing it was for him and how he couldn’t be the guy dating the only lesbian in school, but he said it in a much graphic and cruder way that she couldn’t help but be glad to have droned out. he eventually got sick of yelling at her to leave as she was frozen in place and left himself, towards the door.
you cheated.
all you do is hurt people.
look how upset you made him, he’s starting to walk away.
“freddie wait!” the door opening broke her out of her trance and she felt herself drop to her knees momentarily. she stood back up, taking deep breaths and trying to figure out what was happening.
britanny was betraying her. the very same britanny who she used to play on the playground with and share secrets. who she used to sleep over and eat mac and cheese with. who she swore she would be friends with forever.
there was no kiss. no romantic chemistry between them. she never made a move on her nor vice versa. this whole smear campaign was deeper of a betrayal than she saw coming.
her eyes darted to his phone vibrating on the table. he forgot to grab it when he ran off who knows where.
it was a squalid thing to do, going through his phone, in his living room inside his house. under any circumstance, it was deemed messy. well, any other circumstance.
she didn’t expect the notification on his phone to have her best friends name on it.
she unlocked it, knowing the passcode from the previous times she had seen him open it, and she tried to blink her tears away in order to reach the instagram message.
did you tell her yet? ❤️
it was all a plan. freddie was planning on leaving y/n for her best friend. her best friend had been plotting to steal him away for some time now and when y/n confessed her dumb sapphic dream she had about the two, she saw it as a chance to break them up. it made her sick knowing how meaningless the friendship was if she was willing to hurt her this badly just for another boy.
he’s probably on his way to go see her right now. why wouldn’t he? she’s so much better than you are. you’re a monster.
they’ll probably get married and have kids and you’ll still have a body count of one and zero friends, just like you deserve.
she wished she didn’t keep scrolling through their chats, but she couldn’t help herself. it got worse and worse, pictures and heart emojis became fuzzy as the tears came back. once she swiped out of the chat, she saw numerous others. all girls.
she didn’t even have to click on them to know what it was. the last sent texts had already proven it. tons of ‘you’re so fucking sexy’ and ‘she doesn’t have to know’ with a few hearts and water emojis littered in between.
the list was longer than she thought possible. he’d been cheating since two weeks into their two year relationship. just freshman year and she found conversations multiple classmates. her classmates. ones that she thought she could trust. everyone knew they were dating, how did no one tell her?
one date stuck out more than the others and it was a conversation with britanny’s old instagram account on the day that freddie took y/n’s virginity.
she shouldn’t have opened it.
i thought about you when i fucked her tbh.
the only physical sensation she could feel was the aching of her now-fucked-up ankles from the sixty minute walk home. it felt like her eyes never left the ground, as if the entire timespan was spent watching as her uggs got darker and darker from the rain. the puddles that she’d usually avoid, she treaded through. something about the sixteen year old and how she walked and felt that night, or more-so how she didn’t feel, haunted her. it was like she couldn’t move anything but her legs that were on autopilot. she imaged that she looked like a ghost, her robotic movements lifeless and her tears still kept inside.
the familiar coolness of the doorknob was the only indication that she had arrived home. y/n had never been so dead in her life. closing the door quietly behind her, she felt the harsh burning of her teardrops bundled behind her eyes and she could feel the sweet release of them falling any second. the sound of drake talking on the phone was cathartic, the tv playing quietly in the background.
he glanced behind him, all muscles in his face dropping at the sight of his baby sister. her lip quivered and a tear from each eye fell almost in tune. he didn’t even say anything to the person on the phone as he quickly hung up, y/n bolting towards him at the same time.
drake picked her up in his arms, her wrapping her legs around him and feeling his hands on her back as she sobbed loudly in his neck. she didn’t say anything for a while. she just remembered her brother holding her and bringing her to the couch with him as she wailed, her head laying on his lap for a while while he ran his hands through her hair. she’d never cried so hard or so much in her life.
he was so used to seeing her happy. even if she wasn’t happy, she’d want drake to think so. always strong for her big brother. it was a pain that was unbearable seeing her like this. he didn’t know what to do but his body was dying to do something and he had to convince himself to stay gentle for her. to do what dad would have done.
but god, did she wail that night. heart wrenching sobs that never seemed to die down.
she knew that freddie had anger issues, and would constantly try to convince herself that that part of him wasn’t real. that it was just in her imagination. that he was perfect. she’d put her feelings to the side. always dimming her glow just so he could shine, because she figured that’s how it needed to be. drake remembered the few times he’d heard freddie raise his voice at his sister a little too much for his liking. how badly he wanted to ring his neck then like he wanted to do now.
no man on the planet was good enough for drake havoks sister.
drake was a guy himself, he knew all men were the same. they would just taint her or hurt her and fuck her over, and god knew that drake wanted that to never happen, but he also knew how much she loved love. he couldn’t take that away from her, not when so much of her life had already been ripped from her grasp.
it made sense that he was fine with flloyd and y/n dating. if she was going to date anyone, he’d want it to be with a guy who he knows inside and out. one who’s predictable and knows how dangerous drake can be when he’s upset, especially when his little sisters involved. flloyd’s a smart guy, not super logical and a bit of a dipshit, but a smart enough guy to know well enough to treat y/n like a princess. anything less than that, and drake would tear him apart.
if he was sober at least.
he knew y/n would have to grow up and have her own teenage experience, once that drake would have to deal with and allow, but he had spent so long trying to shield her from it. doing whatever he could to make her appear like a normal girl. like she wasn’t being raised by her brother. letting her have sleepovers with kids, putting on his deep voice and pretending he’s her father over the phone. it made her feel good. it kept eyes from her, and made her less of a target. he even sold his guitar to help buy her uggs when they were in style.
he knew she was already cool but if she wanted to be the cool popular girl at school and needed materialistic things to do so, drake would do whatever he could to make it happen. no amount of money was too much for her. she deserved the things she wanted and more and it killed him that he couldn’t give her that.
that horrible, billowy feeling in his stomach, as the realization that prom was only in a couple days, made him want to break everything in sight.
everything but her.
she remembered holding freddie’s phone when his front door opened. his face held an expression different than before, softer than before, until it dropped at the sight of his phone in her hand. the texts shining on the screen.
to this day, she wondered whether or not he was gonna apologize. if he would have still been with her had she never seen the messages on his phone. maybe if she had just stood there and waited for him, he would have come back, arms open and a complete speech about how sorry he was and how much he loved her. maybe he would have kissed her and she wouldn’t have ever found out about his cheating. they would have worn their matching suit and dress to the prom that weekend and they would have never had any difficulties in their relationship ever again. happily ever after from there on out.
but that didn’t happen.
her glossy eyes counteracted his dim ones and she told him that they were over. that there was nothing left.
she remembered how much it hurt her to do so, and to this day she wasn’t sure where the courage and strength to walk out that door had come from.
she remembered crying that weekend, while scrolling through the numerous posts of him and britanny at prom. she didn’t go.
he still wore the suit she picked out for him.
she remembered seeing the familiar ‘x’ symbol next to britannys name, signifying that she had unadded her, and marking the end of their long friendship. losing the two closest people to her, with little to no closure.
she remembered the bruises on her wrist. the night of their breakup wasn’t the only time that he had inflicted bruises there. in fact, there were only brief periods of time when her wrists weren’t bruised. he’d always drag her down school hallways, and even if she told him to stop and that it hurt, he’d just keep doing it.
she didn’t know better though.
she was 14 and never had a boyfriend before. she didn’t necessarily have a representation of what a relationship should be as a kid. so, she just ignored it and would wear bracelets to hide them. they weren’t too pigmented, usually just a bright red at the start and then a dim purple, but the night of the breakup, her wrist had never hurt so bad.
they were bigger and didn’t start a bright red like they usually did. instead, they were an awful deep color, almost like if she had smudged eyeliner on her skin, before turning into a agonizing orange color. she couldn’t fall asleep with her wrist touching anything, or else it’d hurt her and keep her awake. she had even gone to the doctors to make sure it wasn’t sprained. ibuprofen was her best friend for a few weeks.
y/n went into a depression for the rest of highschool. she started going to therapy again and was prescribed meds to help her. up till graduation, she was miserable. the worst part was the nightmares though.
she couldn’t sleep without waking up screaming and crying. everytime she woke up it was like the morning after their breakup, all over again. she’d feel the betrayal and the pain and immediately look to her wrists, expecting to see bruises. she’d pick up her phone expecting to see texts from her now ex boyfriend, thinking that they were still together.
it got to the point where drake started sleeping in her room with her.
it was one night where he went to check on her to make sure she had taken her pills, a bottle of water in his hand.
“can you stay with me?”
if it wasn’t the absolutely heart wrenching look on her face of desperation, he would have said no. he told her to scootch over and got under the blankets, which were blue at the time. they’d gotten the habit of watching friends together in her bedroom before she’d fall asleep, once he knew she was out of it, he’d slowly make his way to his room. although, often times he’d fall asleep with her.
once she turned 18, he began sleeping on the chair next to her bed, or even on the floor at times, since she was too old to share the bed with comfortably. eventually she got better and the nightmares stopped, but the rest of her school career, she spent nights with her brother, and because of it, it was difficult for him to date or talk to girls. it was as if he was a single father, the way his little sister had taken up so much of his life.
when she finally left the bathroom, drake wasn’t expecting the first words to be about their old friends marathons.
“are you okay?”
“do you remember when you used to sleep in my room?” she asked, seemingly a lot calmer than he assumed she’d be considering she had just threw up and ignored his shouting.
“yeah?” he was puzzled, his demeanor still on guard to make sure she was okay.
“thank you. for doing that. for staying.”
“of course..” she started to walk by him, towards her bedroom. “are you sure you’re okay?”
“yeah! i’m just nervous about tonight that’s all.” she stated with a smile before grabbing her skin care products and starting her morning routine.
y/n woke up earlier than usual that day, in order to pamper herself as much as possible in preparation for the night. she had been waiting for an opportunity like this for so long and she wasn’t gonna mess it up. she needed to look perfect.
at first, she was gonna wear something more casual of a dress, until kelsey sent her a picture of the dresses that charli and nikita were planning to wear. now, she was hoping her dress would be enough.
she had spent the day texting kelsey, frequently asking questions and pondering on about worries she had. she’d texted mo and even flloyd a few times, trying to push the image of her sex dream with vinnie to the back of her head.
she was extra jumpy, grabbing her bags and making her way to kelsey’s house. the girl had forewarned her that two of her friends, loren gray and brooke kier, would be joining them, which only added to her anxiety. they already were immensely popular and knowing that she would be spending the night with them, including getting ready in front of them, was freaking her out.
this could literally be the biggest day of my life.
10:30 AM
𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙠𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚𝙮
@ 𝙠𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧
prom anyone? <3
💬4.1K 🔁11K ❤️23K
@ y/n: 👀
@ iamlorengray: oh i’m so ready
4:40 PM
𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙮/𝙣
@ Y/N
@ hypehouse see you soon 👀
💬2K 🔁4.2K ❤️6.9K
@ userone: WHAT
@ userone: @ usertwo SHUT UP ILL LOSE IT
@ userfour: you better fucking post some tiktoks or i stg
when y/n arrived at the address kelsey sent her, her heart stopped. she’d never seen the outside of the british girls house, only ever seeing inside her living room and bedroom in the background of her videos. the place made hazels house look like a kmart, and that’s not even being dramatic. the modern building was in a strange shape that resembled a tetris piece, it’s white walls holding the square windows that y/n could peer through to see the somewhat familiar staircase and halls of the house. she grew even more nervous at the sight of multiple, super expensive, cars in the drive way, one she recognized to be kelsey’s.
she’d spent all day working on skincare and planning, trying not to let the anxiety eat her away, but now that she was here, it all truly sinked in that this was happening. kelsey’s house was an hour away, so she offered to have y/n spend the night there along with brooke, loren, and their dates. she obviously agreed, given the opportunity to make more friends in the industry, yet would be lying if she said she wasn’t terrified. she quickly texted the brunette to tell her that she had arrived and waited for her response.
Kelsey 😘:
hey! come through the side door, i left it unlocked. ❤️💖😘
here goes nothing
she ignored the icky nervous feeling that sat in the pit of her stomach, as she continued her way towards the house, slamming the car door and leaving some of her stuff in the car while carrying the smaller things with her. her fingers gripped onto the bags she was holding, forming a tight fist till her knuckles became white, as a way to release some of the immense and sickly tension she felt in her chest. silver rings were worn on almost every finger, in honor of the special occasion. the girl felt weird walking into someone else’s house, especially one she had never been inside before, but since kelsey told her to, she opened the slider door.
entering the lavish building, she was immediately met with the sound of loren laughing nearby. it was a welcoming sound, despite not even seeing them face to face yet. her giggles were adorable and were sent through the hallways, leaving a light echo that traveled along the interior of the large, unexplored building. kelsey’s familiar berkshire accent droned out the laughs from the blonde girl, and while y/n couldn’t make out exactly what she was saying, kelsey was never known to be quiet— her booming voice always draping over others and gaining everyone’s attention. even though some may find it annoying, y/n thought it was endearing the way the girl’s personality shone through her voice.
“she’s here!” kelsey shouted, hearing the slam of the slider door.
“hi!” y/n called out, a smile on her face as she walked towards them. the two girls were seated at a black granite counter that was off to the side of the kitchen, contrasting the white island of the kitchen. it was a different set up, as if there was a mini area with just a table that separated the kitchen from the living room.
there was make-up scattered around them, multiple cosmetic bags and two round mirrors with white lights around the rim. she noted the charcuterie board in the center of the counter with numerous fruits, all cut into different shapes, and while brooke arrived back from her trip to the bathroom and loren and kelsey got up to greet the girl, y/n felt her worries slowly get dimmer.
all of the blueberry’s laid out amongst the fruit, had been eaten by y/n by the time everyone was done getting ready. she loved her two new now friends, but loren was definitely connecting to her on a different level. brooke was sweet but seemed a lot more distant. they immediately did what they could to make y/n feel more included, which started by loren offering her to pick the songs that they played while getting ready. y/n mentioned one direction, knowing that loren liked them as well. truth is, y/n always liked them but after meeting hazel and knowing that she’s loosely linked to them, it made her wanna go back and listen to the heartthrob band again.
they made small talk while trying to get to know the girl, including them asking about who her date for the night would be which resulted in an awkward attempt at y/n briefly touching on vinnie’s existence— the one boy who the girl already couldn’t stop thinking about.
she felt like she had fucked him. obviously she didn’t, and it was just a dream—so moreso like her subconscious fucked him— but boy did she feel guilty. her entire body was pulsating with nerves about what it was going to be like seeing him again. it all felt so real. the way he looked up at her from between his thighs…and it was a clearer image in her head than most actual memories were. she had the feeling that he would be able to know that somethings up, he had a way of reading her like that, so she focused on the drink that kelsey’s boyfriend sebastian gave her and the eyeshadow brush in between her fingers.
her makeup was fairly simple compared to the other girls, but she opted for a blue eyeliner instead of a black one when applying her winged liner, which matched with her space cadet blue dress.
the dress was an a-line gown that was lacy and sheer at the top and had spaghetti straps to go around her shoulders. the dress was sparkly all over, so much so that it would shimmer even when in the dark.
loren had a dress a similar color, but was a lighter teal and hugged her body a bit more than y/n’s did. it was sleeveless and arched at the chest with a long slit down the side, and had more glitter than y/n’s dress did. she braided brooke’s hair back while brooke strapped her black heels on. brooke wore a hot pink satin dress that had ripples in the front and a trail in the back while kelsey wore a more casual bodycon dress that was a glittery black.
y/n’s dress was the most gown-like and because of it, she second guessed herself that she was overdressed, which prompted the girls to remind her what the other partygoers were going to be wearing which immediately shut her up.
the whole afternoon, she spent with her phone nearby. she told the girls that it was because flloyd kept texting her, but the real reason was that she was anxious about vinnie.
what if he comes in a pair of sweatpants?
what if he doesn’t show up at all?
am i gonna regret this?
her mind was going 5x speed through all of the possible outcomes that could happen, even as they all were leaving.
brooke’s boyfriend and loren’s date were going to meet them there, along with vinnie, while sebastian and kelsey sat together, hand in hand, in the center of the limo they were in.
“you really never went to prom?” her british accent cut through the girls thoughts as she mindlessly played with the multiple silver rings on her fingers, her nails blue with stars painted on them.
“no…i didn’t.” her lips made a thin line and she crossed her legs, looking at the other two girls who were smiling back at her. she sat beside loren while brooke sat on the end, kelsey and her date across from them. brooke and loren were drinking what looked like champagne and were playing some song from the speaker of their phone, chanting and clearly excited for the night.
calm down, y/n.
everything’s gonna be fine.
vinnie 🐞🤍
we just got here, are u close?
where are you
road was busy calm down i’ll be there in a sec
everyone is walking in vinnie where are you
hurry up i’m holding everyone up
i’m here
“i’m sorry, he said he’s here.” she turned around, walking forwards down the path towards the gate and peered over the bushes and the cars, trying to see him. she had no idea what his car looked like, so she was a lost cause.
y/n jumped at the sudden voice in close proximity to her and her startled legs shook in her heels, causing her to lose her footing for a second till a hand grabbed her waist to steady her.
“hey, woah. you good?”
“god, vinnie— you scared me!” she put a hand on his chest, the space cadet blue suit sparking her interest.
she couldn’t believe it.
she assumed that he would wear something simple, but boy was she wrong. the color was exact and it fit him perfectly. not only that, but his nails were painted black, a detail she noticed as he scratched his scruff.
he looked so sexy that it was borderline dangerous.
y/n suddenly grew wary of the girls around them, a territorial instinct twisting inside of her.
oh god, get it together the night hasn’t even started yet.
“something wrong?” he asked, prying her eyes to meet his instead of looking at his tattoos that shown on his chest beneath the opened up white button up under his suit, perfectly placed under his silver chains. she couldn’t believe what she was looking at, it was almost too good to be true. his lips were puffy as if he had been chewing on them nervously and he leaned towards her, waiting for her to answer.
“i didn’t think you’d actually come.”
“yeah, well-“ he scoffed, letting his eyes wander downwards to land on her body.
he immediately regretted doing so.
y/n was a stunning girl, that was obvious, but something about seeing her in a gown like a princess with her hair straight and put together behind her shoulders, was killing him in ways he never thought would.
vinnie had never really found dresses attractive like that before.
but y/n? seeing her in one is changing his mind.
he cleared his throat, “you have something for me?” motioning to the box behind the girls back.
“oh, yeah. here.” pinning the white flower to his chest, she then noticed the corsage the boy was holding. “you got a corsage?” she asked, trying to ignore the way he gulped as he looked down at her while she applied it to the fabric.
“well, yeah.”
“have you been to prom before?”
“oh…” the two started walking towards the entrance of the mansion, “me neither.”
after awkwardly introducing him to the girls and their dates, they made their way inside.
“wait.” vinnie blurted, causing his date to turn around confused. the look on his face showed that he truly wasn’t expecting the word to leave his mouth, but once it did, he couldn’t stop.
“you look really beautiful tonight.”
an immediate blush arose to the girls cheeks but she tried to play it cool, thanking him. “you don’t look too bad yourself.”
this is the event she got all worried about?
sure, the place was filled to the brim with influencers, but it was filled with even more camera crews with cameras that were only focused on the hype house members.
she could barely get a word in with how busy with the crews they were. she assumed that they were talking about whatever drama was happening for their netflix documentary, but they forgot about everyone else in at the party, or they just didn’t care.
it was honestly pathetic.
there wasn’t really meeting new people, instead it was just groups of already friends with their dates talking in corners while trying to hide substances from the cameras that were lingering around the place. while brooke and kelsey were busy with their dates, loren was single but that didn’t stop her from being in the center of the dance floor (if you could even call it that). as soon as they finished taking pictures at the photobooths, they all jumped to doing their own thing. loren stopped to make sure y/n didn’t wanna join her, but she opted to stay alone with vinnie and uncomfortably be in the corner away from the hectic mess.
it wasn’t very ‘influencer’ of her, but honestly? her brain was so broken from vinnie’s presence that she found it more exciting standing beside him than meeting and gossiping with charlie and dixie.
she thought that she was fine, but then she’d get hit with flashes of the image of vinnie shirtless on top of her, and she’d lose focus. instead of paying attention to what could be the biggest moment of her life, she couldn’t help but wonder how big her dates dick was and she swore he could read her thoughts with the way he kept eye fucking her.
it felt good seeing how his focus stayed on her rather than the numerous hot girls that surrounded him.
that was until it didn’t.
one girl in particular started chatting the boy up and even though he clearly wasn’t interested, y/n’s vision made it seem that he was. he knew that this was merely for business. that y/n would rather go with any other guy, but he happened to be the best fit; but that didn’t stop him from wanting to give her a good time.
it started with him dragging her more towards the action, keeping his distance while dancing to whatever lil wayne song was playing in the background, but he grew more and more aggressive throughout the songs.
what y/n didn’t know was that some hype house guy kept staring down the valley of her breasts whenever she would face his way, causing hacker to clench his jaw and redirect her so she was looking at him.
“you okay?” she shouted over the music. he insisted he was fine just to keep her dancing. vinnie’s brain kept repeating the same thing;
she’s dressed like a princess, she shouldn’t be ogled so inappropriately by fuckboys.
in fact, she shouldn’t be talking to any guys here as far as i’m concerned.
vinnie hacker? possessive?
usually not, but tonight he was.
♫ 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙗𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙗𝙮 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙣𝙤
“come onnnn..” he dragged out, barely any liquor in his or his dates system.
“you seriously wanna dance? to this song?”
i used to know but now that shit don’t feel right
it made me put away my pride
every one was slow dancing with their dates and vinnie saw the opportunity to do the same with her. after seeing how upset she looked watching all the couples kiss and dance, he figured she deserved at least one good dance.
“if you don’t dance with me right now, i will take my pants off in the middle of the dance floor, havok.”
“fuck! okay, fine i’m coming. i just..didn’t think you’d wanna dance to be honest.”
i’m wishing i could make this mine
his tattooed hands found themselves on her waist, and for someone who hadn’t been to prom, he seemed to know a thing or two about slow dancing. he was a gentleman to her all night, and she couldn’t believe it. no lewd comments or crude jokes; yes, he would imagine her without the dress on whenever she’d look away and memorize her body, but she didn’t need to know that, hence she was doing the same thing. the slim line between her dream and reality was becoming slimmer by the second and that look in his eyes when she’d talk to him wasn’t helping.
think about flloyd.
think about drake.
if you need it
we could make it
“it’s prom, of course i wanna dance. i’m not a loser.”
usually vinnie knows the things that make him tick. what to do to get him going and what to avoid thinking about, especially in public, but right now he had no fucking idea.
if you want it
you can have it
her chest was in such close proximity to him that he could feel her body heat. while the thought of her sex dream with him finally left y/n’s mind, vinnie’s just got dirtier.
maybe it’s the fact that she doesn’t try to change him. maybe it’s how she is honest with him or maybe how she’s his polar opposite.
but then again, it could also be how she looks like an absolute royalty just begging to be fucked.
whatever he’d have to do in order to have her then and there at that party, he would do.
they gon find you
gon catch you sleepin
her cheek rested against his shoulder and he concealed his thoughts as best to his ability. he couldn’t let her know what he was thinking, he needed her to think that he couldn’t care less. vinnie hacker at a prom? never, he’s too cool for that.
but little did she know that he was just about red hot in her arms.
now don’t you close your eyes
is there sex pollen in the air?
what is it that is making the boy so fucking horny for the girl he was holding? while she talked he prayed that she’d keep her face where it was, scared that the sight of her lips and her eyes looking up at him would snap the cord that was in his chest.
“i’m sorry for dragging you to this…it’s not as fun as i assumed it’d be.”
it was true. she thought that she’d be right in the middle of the hype house members, filming tiktoks with them and listening to their dirty secrets, but instead it was clearly just for pr. she wondered what a real hype house party would be like. one that wasn’t monetized and full of camera men. she assumed that she’d like it a lot more than this.
“i’m just glad that you’re actually making an effort and not fucking some girl on a bathroom sink.”
too late
you wanna make it right but now it’s too late
those words were enough to push him over the edge.
hearing her say ‘fucking’ and ‘bathroom sink’ made him think about how it felt when he hooked up with hazel after seeing y/n’s chest covered in water that she ‘spilled’ onto herself. he wondered how loud her moans would be against shower walls. would the partygoers be able to hear them through all the noise? he’d make sure that they did.
“jesus fuc-“ he lightly pulled away, y/n looking up at him confused.
“what’d you say?”
vinnie felt a buzz in his pocket, signifying that he got a text message. “nothing-no, i was just saying that you really owe me for this..” his hand went to the back of her head, keeping her against his chest as they swayed. he snaked an arm out to check his phone, cursing mentally about how perfect the night would have been if it wasn’t for his immense horniness;
that, and the fact that the text he got was from hazel who was outside of the hype house calling his name.
@justalostgirl @obliviatevamps @letsjustbeourselves
@starslcve @bakerkells @mrs-woodwesleyobrien
@isabelleforest73 @creepytoes88 @wrldofspice
@soapiaa @tremendousalpacawitch @devilsbooksworld
@lidiyabest @maurauderswhxre @tranquiiit @etleseraphin
@heizenka @radioblah-blah @eilishbby @laylasbunbunny
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maplemind · 6 months
Ok I’m having thoughts about the Uther / Arthur dynamic…
I think that Arthur was entirely raised by wet nurses / nannies / etc because Uther’s negative feelings were too strong.
I think for most of Arthur’s youth, Uther resented, regretted, and somehow blamed Arthur for the loss of Ygraine. And I think Uther essentially avoided his own son as much as he could get away with.
I think he got so desperate for an heir (and of course the problem couldn’t be with him, it had to be Ygraine’s reproductive system that was faulty), that he didn’t do his research, or didn’t listen to warnings, or somehow believed himself above the potential consequences.
I bet he knew that a life would be taken, but he assumed it would be some peasant of Camelot, maybe a knight, maybe one of his lords, but thought he and his family would be immune and would obviously be spared. Because, y’know, he’s the king of Camelot.
And I think he blamed Arthur for some messed up reason (I mean, ok, grief does weird things to people).
And I think every time he realised Arthur isn’t a carbon copy of him, isn’t the perfect heir (impossibly strong, talented, and stoic) he resents him and regrets that he traded the love of his life for “this disappointment”. Surely magic should have given him the absolute perfect heir? And person so amazing they’re beyond all human comprehension, right? Like Hercules, or Achilles.
Also, the way Uther loses his godamn mind when Morgana is dying in S3, the way he waxes lyrical about how important she is to him, how he can’t live without her… yet Arthur has been dying twice by this point and Uther gets no where near as upset. In fact, he sits with his dying son once, admits that his death is inevitable, then goes about his day without a second glance…
And because of the way his father couldn’t even spare him a glance, let alone a hug, or comfort, or an “I love you, I’m proud of you”, I don’t think Arthur knows what affection really is. I don’t think he truly understands how love feels.
I think that’s why he was so off-balance when he went to save Ealdor with Merlin and saw the way he and his mother interacted. It threw everything he’d ever known into doubt.
Maybe he thought that kind of love, affection, and physical comfort is for poor people, because that’s what his experience told him.
And maybe it made Arthur think - “what if my mother had survived? What if my father’s life had been taken instead?”
And what if Ygraine had lived and Uther had died? I mean, the spell gave Uther an heir to take over when he died, and he got what he wanted, right? So if Uther dies right away… well, you’ve got your heir you wanted, he’ll take your place like he’s supposed to!
Arthur has lived his whole life feeling like he wasn’t wanted - that’s what all the evidence told him. Then he finds out he’s “the reason” his mother is dead and his father is a heartless, emotionless, bitter man?
Holy shinsplints Arthur. No wonder he couldn’t accept the affection Merlin and Guinevere clearly had for him. Maybe that’s why he kept freaking out and throwing it back in their faces, getting angry, pushing them away.
He was scared because he had absolutely no idea how to react to it - no blueprint, no examples, no evidence that his own upbringing and his father’s mentality isn’t normal.
But my god did he try and give out all the love he had stored in his heart, all the love that was wasted on his father and was never reciprocated. My god did he try.
Bless you, Arthur. My heart aches so damn hard for you.
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firstelevens · 3 months
and if yes, then for the taylor swift lyrics prompts: sambucky and nr. 13 and 14 (not necessarily combined, more so you can choose which one you like best or do both, i don’t know :)) 🩵✌️ btw I love, LOVE your sambucky f1 au 🫡
This is part of a canon divergence AU that I'm hoping to write more of this coming year. It just fit the spirit of the prompt, if not the letter of it, so I had to throw a little standalone prologue out there. Hopefully you'll see more of this soon!
13. never called it what it was
“You don’t have to do this, you know.”
The voice comes from behind Sam, and he mentally congratulates himself for not jumping out of his skin in surprise. He knows that Bucky almost can’t help how quiet his footsteps are, but if Sam keeps getting snuck up on like this, his blood pressure is going to suffer.
“I know,” says Sam, and leaves it at that. He and Bucky have had this conversation a hundred times in the past two days, and the hundred and first is unlikely to be any different. He keeps his eyes on the lake in front of them and changes the subject. “Pretty sure it’s bad luck for us to see each other right now.”
“Pretty sure that only applies to real weddings,” is Bucky’s quiet reply.
Sam doesn’t know how to reply to that, so he doesn’t. He has the stray thought that they should work on the communication thing, maybe. His parents could have whole conversations in a single look across a room, in one touch of the arm. Sarah and Aaron would tie up the phone line for hours when they were first dating, even Sam and Riley had developed a language entirely their own.
In fairness, Sam thinks, those relationships had all had years to grow, and until forty-eight hours ago, Sam had no idea that he was getting married at all, much less to whom.
Privately, he thinks he might have jinxed it. After a five day period in which he’d re-materialized into existence, fended off an apocalypse, attended a funeral, and watched his best friend disappear to live seventy years of life without him, Sam had been certain that nothing could catch him by surprise anymore.
Then a woman in a crisp pantsuit had appeared at the lakeside property where they were hunkering down, carrying stacks of paperwork and photocopies of birth records from a hundred years ago. She’d sat down in a meeting room and reported to them what she’d discovered five years ago, right before being Snapped out of existence: that Bucky might have been from Brooklyn, but he hadn’t been born there, or anywhere else in America, and that the information had been easy enough to find that Ross’s people were sure to locate it as soon as the motion for a pardon was submitted.
It wasn’t hard to make the leap from there. Calling Bucky’s citizenship into question would be silly, but it would be enough of a distraction that Ross could mire the proceedings in bureaucracy and take Bucky back into custody in the interest of public safety. Sam didn’t imagine it would take too long for the paperwork to suddenly get lost after that, and with it would go any notion of Bucky’s freedom.
He remembered watching the Raft rise up out of the ocean for the first time. His whole life, the water had been home to him, but the desolation of that place had warped it somehow. 
That’s what Sam had been thinking of when he wracked his brain for a solution. That’s what he’d been thinking of when he turned to the lawyer and asked, “Well, what if he was married to an American citizen?”
Bucky, who’d spent the entire meeting until now sitting concerningly still, had suddenly whipped around to look at Sam, eyes wide. He’d felt Rhodey’s eyes on him, too, but the lawyer hadn’t blinked. In a few seconds, she’d sketched out a game plan on a legal pad, laying it out on the conference room table alongside all the other options she’d presented.
The first ‘You don’t have to do this’ had come shortly afterwards. Sam’s response had been the same then as it was now.
He feels Bucky come to stand beside him, his left hand resting on the railing a few inches from Sam’s right. The gold threaded through the vibranium sparkles in the sun, and he has the childish urge to trail his fingers over it.
“I’m disappointed,” says Sam, just to stop himself from reaching out. “I would’ve expected Princess Shuri to make a flashy black-tie addition to your arm for the wedding.”
“She added strobe lights, but they only work when it’s dark,” says Bucky, dry as a bone, and it startles a laugh out of Sam.
“At least we know the reception will be fun.”
Bucky hums in what he assumes is agreement. It’s quiet again for a moment, but he can sense Bucky shifting uncomfortably and he knows that there’s more.
“While, um– while we wait for the strobe lights to kick in, she did make us these.”
A crown of flowers suddenly appears in front of Sam, jasmine and jacaranda woven together with some kind of vine. He gingerly takes it from Bucky’s hand.
“Is…is this traditional? For a Wakandan wedding?”
“No,” comes another voice from behind them, and this time Sam does startle, nearly dropping the crown in the process. They both turn to Princess Shuri, dressed for a wedding and grinning cheekily at them both. “They’re not Wakandan tradition, but they are the kind of thing that Americans do when they get married abroad. I thought it might make the wedding pictures more believable.”
Sam laughs and perches the crown on his head. “You really do think of everything.”
Shuri’s mischievous smile softens. “I’m glad you’ve joined us here, Sam Wilson,” she says. “Nobody else appreciates my foresight.”
“Putting a bluetooth speaker in my arm is not foresight, Shuri,” says Bucky. “It’s just the product of a weird dream you had after staying up for forty hours in your lab.”
“It could be both,” protests the princess, laughing, and Sam can’t help but look over at Bucky, tired of sticking to peripheral glances.
He’s got the flower crown on his head, too, purple and white just like Sam’s is. His suit is a deep burgundy to complement Sam’s rust colored brocade, and Sam can only guess that Bucky received a visit similar to the one that Sam got from Ayo this morning. He’d opened the door to his quarters to find her holding a garment bag. She’d offered it to him and told Sam that she would be honored to see him marry James—it had taken Sam a moment to remember that his husband to be wasn’t actually named after a college mascot from Wisconsin—in the reds of her tribe. Sam, who’d spent the morning missing his family something fierce, had almost been too overwhelmed to thank her. 
Now, he can see that it was a two-pronged attack, and while Sam’s suit fits him pretty well, there’s clearly a tailor in Birnin Zana who had all of Bucky’s measurements stashed away on file somewhere, because the way that that jacket sits on his shoulders and hugs his arms could not possibly happen by accident.
When Sam manages to tear his eyes away, he only barely catches the end of Shuri’s sentence.
“...whenever you are,” she’s saying. “But I can stall, if you two want another moment here.”
“I think we’re good,” says Bucky. “How much time does anyone need to get ready for a fake wedding, anyway?”
Shuri tsks at him. “Perhaps you shouldn’t ask that question to someone who knows how long your spent on your hair this morning.”
Bucky makes a face at her, and Sam’s pretty sure that she blows a raspberry in response, but he’s distracted. Something about Bucky’s words feels wrong, even though all he’s doing is telling the truth.
He can’t get all caught up in that now, though. Instead, Sam turns to the princess. “I’m all ready to go, too.”
“Good!” says Shuri, clapping her hands decisively. “I’ll escort you in, Sam, if you will allow me. Bucky will follow shortly with Ayo.”
Sam tells Shuri that he’d be honored to walk with her and offers her his elbow, which she takes. They start to make their way to where the ceremony will take place, but Sam hesitates for a moment, looking back over his shoulder.
Bucky’s name comes out of his mouth before he can stop himself, and Bucky’s gaze immediately lands on him.
It’s not a fake wedding, Sam wants to tell him. You marry someone because you want them to stay and I think you should be able to stay. That’s not fake; that’s as real as anything else.
But he loses his nerve and just taps the flower crown on his head. “Your crown’s crooked. Just so you know.”
“Oh,” says Bucky. “Thanks.”
They look at each other for another beat, and Sam is so sure that Bucky is going to say something, but then he looks away, reaching up to fix his crown, and all Sam can do is let Shuri lead him away.
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agentmmayy · 5 months
2023 monthly music rotation
it's been a hot minute since i've made one of these, but here are all my favorite songs from each month of 2023!
one i wanna be with - trella: oh bop!!!!!!!!!!! this ENTIRE SONG just makes me so happy!!!!!!! it’s so full of love!!! every lyric hits but especially i can’t help but wish we met before we did.
antiques - holden laurence: god the desperation in this makes me want to claw my chest open and rip my heart out. the beat fucks in this jaunty rhythm that’s such a juxtaposition to the haunting lyrics and vocals. then the bridge?????? i promise to be strong i promise to believe in love that lingers on i’ll see you in my dreams. I’M CALLING THE POLICE. this is a tess/joel song. not only because of how apocalyptic this feels (which is a whole other discussion) but also meet me in the space between all the words unsaid when we could not speak meet me i’ll be waiting for you there. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
borderline - tove lo: HOT. listen. everything tove lo writes and sings is inherently sexy i don't make the rules. this one especially wtf!!!!!!
unrequited night - lily kershaw: i- please respect my privacy at this time. this is a masterpiece. immediately a song i listened to laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. VERY tlou coded. (but then again every song i listened to in feb/march and lbr this past year was) AND THE GASP AT THE END GETS ME EVERY TIME.
flowers in my hair - calista garcia: sweet, slow, and syrupy. i love this song and how it feels like a breath of fresh air. it’s achingly romantic and has got me singing along and twirling my hair and kicking my feet. though, at the same time it’s so intimate i feel like i’m intruding. 
labor - paris paloma: the intensity of it still continues to blow my mind. it’s unapologetic and awful. it’s incredible. i felt every lyric in my gut. i don’t want to over explain it since i can’t do the song justice but it’s so brutally honest in describing and dismantling traditional roles placed upon women and girls. the entirety of it is like poking at a wound that never closes, a wound that’s been gaping and bleeding for centuries and it makes me so angry. the visceral reaction i had to the lyric ‘if we had a daughter’ girl i- ouuuuugh. i got sick to my stomach. i was screaming crying throwing up etc etc. anyway this song is a masterpiece. still haven’t recovered from it. also it’s a fucking bop. 
‘i’m just learning how to make peace with feeling small’ ‘but i might drive off if it gets too hard’ ‘there’s always a sunset that i wanna run into’ ‘i’m searching but i’m not lost’ and my all time favorite lyric that put me on the floor when i heard it the first time- ‘i’m a growing tree a few missing leaves i can’t shelter you don’t sit under me’ HELLO????? 
vagabond - overcoats: THIS song. this song has been the one i played the most in may because one it’s an absolute banger and second of all it read me for filth and the lyrics are so beautifully crafted and honest and pure and delivered impeccably. it’s a sweet, slow melody and coupled with the lyrics it reached into the depths of my soul and pulled out everything i can’t say and put it into this song like.
fireworks - JOSEPH: now for ANOTHER song that read me for filth. lately i’ve been feeling this exact way since all my friends and people around me have reached certain milestones in life- such as getting married, settling down, etc- that i haven’t and i’m left even more alone and bereft. but THIS SONG said that’s okay!!!!!!!! this song understood!!!!!! it said i’m not alone feeling this way!!!!
every lyric absolutely sent me through the roof but these especially:  ‘all these long songs might be no good for me’ ‘how long will i wait to be happy all my friends ask me’ ‘what if i’m wrong wrong to think there’s more to this story’ ‘an act of faith even though it hurts to shut that door am i holding out forever?’ ‘am i headstrong or foolish every night waiting for lighting to strike whole you’ve got blue skies?’ and my favorite- ‘i wish i could just flip a switch and accept your kind of muted bliss’ WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again HOW did they put it into words!!!!!! this song has such a special place in my heart. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve not only listened to it but also screamed along and cried to it 
also, JOSEPH always creates the most compelling and just fun to listen to songs and this is no exception!!!!!!!!! the harmonies are delicious and the music dropping at certain points is incredible and the beat has me dancing around the room. filed right under beach music! 
moonlight - madison rose: i wore this song into the ground!!!!! AMAZING beat and vibe. liberating rejuvenating sexy etc etc.
cowboy take me away - the chicks: me personally!!!!! my favorite version of cowboy take me away. i DO wanna touch the earth and break it in my hands but i ESPECIALLY wanna look at the horizon and not see a building standing tall!!!!!!!!! every summer is cowgirl summer but this song just turned the dial to the max. never have i ever wanted a cowgirl summer more.
satellites - emi larraud: this one was interesting! VERY 80s themed. it's funky. it's powerful. it's just groovy.
wicked game - ursine vulpine, annica: alright i'm a sucker for these intense ballads especially when they remind me of the 100 but seriously. it's sensuous. it's an experience. the vocals are out of this world.
pretty boy - LEON: of course i had to put a LEON song on here. while this isn't my favorite of hers it was just so nice to get a new song from her again. i felt like a wilting flower getting watered. to no one's surprise it's a bop and delivers lines that absolutely wreck me such as you can't outrun getting old, that hidden place where hope lives, well that's the last it goes. ma'am!!!
moonburn - dani sylvia: feeling very seen rn thank you!!!!!!!! literally spongebob leaning against rock.jpg every time i listen. it's- ough. this song has layers and i am peeling them back like an onion. when does the healing start if you leave before daylight. saying SO much in one line!!!!!!! it's the inversion of the typical light vs dark trope for me! and the chorus is immaculate.
super graphic ultra modern girl - chappell roan: chappell hit it out of the park with her first album and THIS SONG SPECIFICALLY. the absolute journey @152glasslippers and i went on listening to this... especially at 22 seconds in. WHEW. super graphic ultra modern girl IS THAT GIRL!!!!!!! SHE IS THE MOMENT!!!!!
honest mistake - bears den: screaming shaking crying throwing up etc etc. bears den always writes songs that lift me by my ankles and shake me until every humiliatingly private thought comes tumbling out in the lyrics of their songs. also i love how consistent they are with the aesthetics and formality of their songs. it's very soothing while ripping me up inside.
mars - noelle: listened to this 60 times in a day. you don't understand i found this song 10/17 and spotify stopped tracking 10/31 and it was my most listened to song of the year. it's dreamy. it's sweet. the vocals are stunning and the music is fantastic.
heart to heart - now more than ever: banger. when that beat dropped i was shook!!!!!!!!!! it's a very early 2000s emo vibe but also delightfully contemporary? the vibes are there. oh and the lyrics and the way they're sung is amazingly bittersweet.
swimming pool - jack kane: one of my favorites of the whole year. if spotify didn't stop tracking before november this would have been my top song. it is 100000% a slow sad groove bop. every time i listen maybe not physically but spiritually i am girl at table.jpg. formally this song is delicious and lyrically it is devastating.
scorpions - distance sprinter : okay this one might be a contender for top song. impeccable. there's crack in this. the beat is OUTSTANDING. i literally can't play this in the car if i'm driving because i will start dancing. the vibes are off the charts. at no point in this song do you expect what's next. the lyrics are heartbreaking and beautiful. there's so much i can say about this song but i am gnawing on the words it's just so good.
TOP SONGS OF THE YEAR: these have 5 stars. to me. 6 stars even.
antiques - holden laurence
unrequited night - lily kershaw
vagabond - overcoats
fireworks - JOSEPH
moonburn - dani sylvia
swimming pool - jack kane
scorpions - distance sprinter
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websterss · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Luke’s new girlfriend stands front row of your concert, and you can’t help the green monster growing inside of you.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): Some angst, pettiness and jealousy
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Luke Patterson x fem!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! ♡
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Los Angeles, California, 1995.
You never really thought to talk about your feelings. You would have rather cried it out in the shower. A therapist always seemed like the solution, but so was screaming and shouting out hatred lyrics till your voice gave out. At this point you could only roll your eyes hearing the phrase girlfriend slip past Luke’s mouth.
“The crowds can get rowdy, so whatever you do, do not try crowd surfing alright.” Brian, your bodyguard, informed the band as you all sat around in the dressing room. You noticed that the room grew silent, causing you to get out of your daydreaming. You looked up to find Alex, Reggie, Brian, Bobby, and Luke staring at you.
“You catch that, Y/n?” Brian eyed you, sternly.
“Somethin’ bout crowd surfing?” You gave a tight lipped smile.
“Yeah, don’t do it!” He sighed. “I don’t need to be ripping you off from anymore prying hands.” 
“The only prying is the girls that think they have a chance with these three.” You gestured to Bobby, Reggie, and Alex.
“Hey!” Reggie and Bobby made a noise of complaint. “She’s got a point.” Alex pointed at you with his drumsticks. 
“What about me?” Luke exclaimed.
“You’re taken, almost seventy percent of people dig that. You might want Brian on stand by tonight. She won’t like it.” You joked, getting a laugh out of the boys, except Luke.
“Uh yeah no, we hired Brian specifically for your crazy ass.” Luke fired back.
“I’m perfectly tame!” You scoffed.
“Oh yeah? Remember the Orpheum.” Alex stated. You all looked up as the memories flooded back.
“Keep dreaming like we’ll live forever. But live it like it’s now or never….” You ran forward diving into the crowd who caught you. The guys all watched in bewilderment as Brian noticed a guy’s hands getting too close to your bra. The cut sleeved shirt that was Luke’s being the cause for attraction that night. To say the least the guy ended up unconscious that night.
You began to intercept but Reggie beat you to it. “The club on Main…” Reggie added.
You were singing the chorus when someone came onto the stage from your left. Your back was to them, but Luke was there to stick his foot out to trip them, which only backfired as they fell into you. You ended up pushing them…off the stage, and they too ended up unconscious. 
“Okay but-” You let out a nervous laugh.
“How about the bra incident in vegas.” Bobby smirked.
During the bridge of Long Weekend. A bra had been thrown onto the stage causing you to lose focus on the lyrics. You laughed, as you picked it up. You made a joke and handed it off to Bobby, saying that it was for him. You being the wild child that your parents grew to know that they couldn’t control forever, put your mic down and unclipped your own bra. Your/Luke’s ripped tee still on. The crowd went crazy as you tossed it onto the crowd.
“Hey if they can do it, I can too!” You argued, putting your hands up in surrender.
“That’s just it though! You keep doing things that get a reaction. Not only are you putting yourself at risk, but the guys as well.” Brian hardly raised his voice, but when he did he meant business. You looked down playing with the laces of your black boots.
“Look, my job is to keep you, and the boys safe. I can’t do that if you keep being reckless.” 
“Okay…I won’t do anything crazy.” You sighed. You didn’t have to look up to know the boys were throwing pity stares at you. You could feel that it was going to be a long night.
You head banged your head to the last beat of Alex’s drums. Your chest rising and falling, indicating just how hard you put your energy into this song. You glanced at your boys, watching their faces stained with smiles. Finally free was always a good set that drove the crowd crazy. Much to your amusement the crowd ate up the said chemistry you and Luke radiated. Luke just had chemistry with everyone.
Only this time it gave him some serious chemistry with a blonde. Who was eyeballing him the whole four sets you just played. You could not believe that he had invited her to your concert. You hardly ever saw the blonde haired blue eyed gem. Most times you did though, your blood boiled with envy. Whether it be because her hair may have looked better than your careless styled do, or the way her clothes fit her well, while you hid behind an oversized hoodie and tee. Then there was the real reason for your envy…Luke. She had, well, Luke’s heart. You’ve tried to gain it for two years, but the subtle hints weren’t so subtle to him. All you had was a heartfelt emotional single that sold millions in just under the span of two weeks.
It was the perfect fifth set.
“Okay folks, we’re gonna switch gears. How my ladies doin’ tonight?” You talked into the mic getting a commotion of cheers as your fans raised their hands in the air. “Yeah! Let me hear ya!” You pointed your mic out into the crowd. Cheers and screams sounded out. “Sing along if you know the words, I know ya do, okay.” You laughed. “How many of you have ever felt a little bit of…jealousy?” You smirked and trailed off. You turned to Reggie who played the opening of Jealousy Jealousy on his bass.
The crowd went crazy recognizing the intro. You swayed to the beat as Alex picked up the rhythm on the mounts, and cymbals. Tapping your fingers on the mic in your right hand. Then you sang out the first verse. You walked up to your mic stand and placed the mic in its place. “Kinda wanna throw my phone across the room…’cause all I see are girls too good to be true.” You closed your eyes, then licked your lips. “With paper-white teeth, and perfect bodies. Wish I didn’t care.” You shrugged. “I know their beauty’s not my lack, but it feels like that weight is on my back, and I can’t let it go…”
Luke looked over to you, catching your eye. He nodded you over with that winning smile of his, but you felt the need to stay put. You just didn’t feel like playing into his teasing and friendly smile tonight. No tonight your jealousy got the best of you.
“Com-comparison is killin’ me slowly…” You dragged the last word. “I think I think too much…‘bout kids who don’t know me. I’m so sick of myself. I’d rather be, rather be. Anyone, anyone else.” You rolled your eyes and swayed your body in the movements of a drunk person. “My jealousy, jealousy started followin’ me. He-he-he, he.” You smiled as you stuck out your mic to the crowd who sang back.
“Started followin’ me. He-he-he, he.”
You bobbed your head to Alex hitting his drums onto the second verse. You were vibing with the song and so was the crowd. Yet that burning rage was building closer and closer as you were soon getting to the bridge…the whole reason the song was written. The lyrics just hit home personally.
“And I see everyone gettin’ all the things I want…” You breathed out. “I’m happy for them, but then again, I’m not.” You shook your head no for show. “Just cool vintage clothes and vacation photos. I can’t stand it!″ You rolled your eyes. In the corner of your eyes you saw Luke move up to the edge and play his guitar in front of her. “Oh God, I sound crazy!” You eyed them. The way their eyes lingered on each other. You wished you had his attention. “Their win is not my loss. I know it’s true, but, I can’t help gettin’ caught up in it all…” You slowly made your way with purpose across the stage.
“Com-comparison is killin’ me slowly. I think I think too much…’bout kids who don’t know me.” You eased your way up to Luke and pulled him away from the edge. He caught himself from the shove and eyed you like you were insane. “I’m so sick of myself. Rather be, rather be. Anyone, anyone else. My jealousy, jealousy…Yeah!” You shouted.
“Y/n!” Luke tried calling after you, but your pettiness was making its debut.
You walked up to the edge of the stage right in front of where she stood, and knelt down as you sang the bridge out harshly.
“All your friends are so cool, you go out every night.” You gave her a fake smile. “In your daddy’s nice car, yeah, you’re livin’ the life.” You nodded innocently. You reached forward to caress her face. Her eyes wide and her mouth opened agape. She didn’t know what was going on.
“Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend, too.” You winked at her, then threw a nod over your shoulder gesturing to Luke. “I wanna be you so bad and I don’t even know you.” You ruffled her hair, messing up its perfection. “All I see is what I should be…” You stood up and quickly made your way to the center of the stage. Then started running forward.
“Y/n, what are you doing?” Luke frowned, shouting after you as you passed him, but you ignored him. His voice was drowned out by the instruments anyway.
“Y/n!” Reggie yelled this time, trying to stop you. 
“Is she serious?” Bobby mouthed to Reggie.
Alex continued the beats as he stared after you in concern. His eyes widen as he sees you grow closer to the edge.
Yup, you were seriously jumping…
“Jealousy, Jealousy!” You shouted out the last two words of the bridge and threw yourself into the screaming and happy crowd, who caught you. You laughed, you felt the rush run through your veins. Then continued singing as the crowd made sure to move you across the stadium without dropping you. “All I see is what I should be. I’m losin’ it, all I get’s jealousy, jealousy.” Brian watched in disappointment, letting his arms fall to his sides. He shook his head…he wasn’t getting paid enough for this.
You opened your eyes again, as you looked up at the stadium’s ceiling. It felt like time flew in slow motion. The crowd cheering, the stage lights, your bandmates on stage with you. It was a moment to take it all in. These were the moments you cherished every time you crowd surfed. You knew you were gonna get your ass chewed out by Brian. Bigger crowds, bigger safety risk, yadda yadda yadda. You laugh one more time. Then bring the mic up to your lips.
“Com-comparison is killin’ me slowly. I think I think too much…'bout kids who don’t know me. And I’m so sick of myself!” You threw your head back and belted out. “ Rather be, rather be…” 
“Oh, oh, ohhh.” Luke and Reggie sang, each eyeing you with different expressions. Reggie with concern, and Luke with annoyance.
“Anyone, anyone else…” You let your head fall back as the fans finally brought you to the stage. Brian there to help you onto it with a half stern expression. You smiled up at him. Nudging his gut as you skipped back to your spot in the center.
“Anybody else..” Luke sang back.
“Jealousy, jealousy….Oh, I’m so sick of myself…I’d rather be, rather be…”
“Oh-oh-oh.” The boys echoed you.
“Anyone, anyone else. Jealousy, jealousy..” You looked over your shoulder to find Luke already staring at you. Then back to the front row. You stepped back from your mic and walked over to Luke. “Started followin’ me…” You breathed out. Then tugged the front of his shirt smashing his lips onto yours. He grew stiff, as his last note played out. You pulled back, only to have his rough hands place themselves at the back of your neck pulling you back into him. The stadium roared, as your jealousy faded, and hers grew.
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bookscandlesnbts · 5 months
Jimin, Serendipity, and Me
I’ve been wanting to make this post for a while. I had to wait until all the dust settled from MS and I could type this without crying. It’s no secret that Jimin is very special to me, which sounds silly to say because I don’t actually know him in real life, but I feel connected to him. Hear me out.
Even after all of the amazing solo songs that Jimin has gifted us, Serendipity is still my favorite. Between the concept of serendipity itself, the sweet meaningful lyrics, Jimin’s delicate angelic vocals, the lofi production, and last but not least, the choreography, I can’t imagine Jimin releasing a song that I like more. Well, he’s Park Jimin so obviously he could, but I don’t think I’ll have the same emotional connection to it let’s just say.
Now the concept of Serendipity is also meaningful to me. The dictionary definition is as follows: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
So how do Jimin and Serendipity connect with me? Let me explain.
For many of us, Jimin is our comfort person. I personally do not have a partner (not a pity party I don’t want to date anyone) but I do have close friends. And I have Jimin. So, when Jimin went off to MS, I knew I would lose those moments of Serendipty where he would surprise me with his goregous presence and soothing voice when I needed him. I’m talking about Weverse Lives here and formerly Vlives. We know in Jimin’s case that lives are planned and not at all spontaneous like Jungkook. And, we know last year these were few and far between. He’s usually at Hybe or in the car coming to and from work, so when these lives lined up with big moments in my life, it was true serendipity.
1. My “big girl” job interview. When I interviewed for a faculty position (current place of employment), I was extremely nervous. I was still in graduate school, hadn’t defended by PhD yet and had no idea what to expect. I woke up really early and when I started doing my make up, I got the notification on my phone that Jimin went live. It was a much needed confidence boost and what timing.
2. My actual PhD defense. A few months later, the same thing happened again. Morning of my PhD defense I was awake super early and putting my make up on and Jimin went live and I watched and listened to him talk the entire time I got ready. It was the good omen that I needed and serendipitous that the random time Jimin was live again was on the morning of my PhD defense.
3. This example was in 2021, but it still counts. I was with a friend at Disney and it was 1:00 am and she randomly got sick and was throwing up in the bathroom. I am petrified of throwing up. No, I’m not the friend that is going to hold your hair back; I’m going to have a panic attack instead. While this was happening, Jimin went live (I remember he was in the car) and listening to him and focusing on him really calmed me down.
In conclusion, Jimin has unknowingly supported me through some huge moments in my life. And it was especially hard coming to terms with him not being here this year. Fortunately, no major milestones should be happening this year for me, but it was always interesting seeing when we would get to see him. This was more cathartic for me to write than anything. But given how special Jimin is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has serendipitously been there for you too.
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dudadragneel · 10 months
🦄 Okay so I was thinking about taking care of Chan with a migraine but he keeps trying get work done and gets frustrated because he has deadlines and he doesn’t like making you feel like you have to take care of him because he feels like a burden. But he ends up having a panic attack and throwing up and can’t go to practice the next day 😓
Well, here it is! A surprise Chan sickfic!
Another comeback was just around the corner for Stray Kids, which meant everyone was overwhelmed with stuff to do, ones more than others because of some solo activities. Pre comeback time was specially hard for Chan, since he was the main producer of the group, the weight on his shoulders doubled, tripled.
He had to make new demos, lyrics and everything and it was taking its toll on his health.
While working, he developed a rather strong migraine, that obviously wasn't going to get better because he was always glued the screen and had headphones on. And to top that, the kids were specially hyped.
- Hi babe, how are you?
- Hey, honey, I'm good. What's up? Is everything okay?
- Yeah...uhmm...actually no...I need to work on some new songs and I got a migraine and well...the kids are too loud and I don't want them to stop because of me. Can I come over?
- Of course, babe. I'm at the grocery store right now, what me to pick you up?
- If it's not too much trouble hehe
- I'll be there in five.
He packed his stuff and told the kids you invited him over. He hated having to lie to the members but he didn't want them to feel bad for being too hyped.
You arrived at the dorms and called Chan to come down. He entered the car, gave you a kiss and you left to your house.
You put on some music to try to lighten up the mood a bit since it was rainy and gloomy outside. He was enjoying it, bobbing his head to the beat, which you couldn't help but find adorable.
But you noticed that from time to time he brought a hand to his head and squeezed it, as if trying to control the pain.
- Is it that bad, honey?
- What? Oh, no. Just a little hehe. It stings from time to time.
- Did you take anything?
- No. The medication usually makes me feel sleepy and I have work to do.
- Take it later, please.
- I will.
You arrived at your house, he carried the grocery bags up and helped you sort everything out. And then he went to your study to assemble his mini studio to start working on the songs again.
You asked him if you could keep him company to which he answered yes with a bright smile. The study had a cozy sofa so you just lay there going through your phone, reading and looking at him working.
You noticed how frustrated he was becoming because things were turning out the way he wanted to. He'd squeeze his head between his hands and eventually his frustration got even worse.
- Fuck!
You got startled to see him swearing, which was a rare thing for him, so it meant he was really annoyed.
You got up from the sofa and made your way towards him, you stood behind the chair and massaged his shoulders and he grabbed your hand and kissed it softly.
- I'm sorry, babe.
- It's okay. Why don't you take a little break?
- I can't, honey. I gotta get this done...
- I know but you're only stressing yourself right now.  Come on, let's eat something and relax a bit and then you continue with your work. I'm not asking.
- Okay.
You cooked a nice meal for both of you and he loved it. You managed to get him to relax a little in the living room before he headed back to the study to keep on with his work.
Just like before, he didn't want to take anything for his migraine and kept on working through that intense pain.
But the pain only got worse and worse and he wasn't happy with anything he was producing. Nothing was coming out the way he wanted. He took off his headphones and lay back on his chair letting out a heavy sigh. You made your way to him again and once more massaged his shoulders.
- Honey, I think that's enough for today, no?
- I can't babe. I have a deadline, I need this ready as soon as possible.
- I know you have deadlines, but working with a migraine it's not gonna do anything good. You're not satisfied with what your doing I can tell. If you insist on working like that you'll only frustrate yourself even further.
- But I can't rest now. Everyone is waiting for these demos and samples. I-I need to- to finish this-
Suddenly, his talking started to sound low, he could feel his heartbeat increasing rapidly and he was starting to hyperventilate. He was having a panic attack. You noticed the change in his behavior and kneeled in front of him grabbing both his hands.
- Chan, what's wrong?
He tried his best to breathe but it was like no air was going inside. His heartbeat kept increasing and he was sweating as if he had been under the sun for the last few hours.
- Honey, you're having a panic attack. I need you to focus on me okay?
- I-I- can't...I can't do this...
He was starting to break down in tears and it only made his panic attack even worse.
- I-its too much... Everyone is d-depending on me...the producers, the kids, STAYs, you...I c-cant let them down-
- Chan! Stop!
You said firmly as you held his face in your hands.
- I'm right here. You can feel weak. I'm going to protect you.
You squeezed his hands, reassuring him you were there and he was safe.
- Now, look at me. I want you to keep looking at me, okay? Can you feel my hands?
- Y-yes
- Okay. I need you to do it exactly as I say now, okay? I want you to breathe with me. Come on. Breathe in 4, hold it 7 and breathe out 8.
He tried to follow as you said but at first it was difficult, his breathing was too labored and he was too nervous.
- Come on, babe. Look at me. Pay attention to the way I'm breathing. Do it with me. Breathe in 4, hold it 7 and breathe out 8.
He started to pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing and followed your instructions. In a few minutes his breathing was back to normal and his heartbeat lowered as well.
- There we go. Do you feel more calm now?
- Yeah...thank you...
The panic was gone but it was replaced by an awful feeling in his stomach. Nausea built up just as quickly as the panic went away. He felt everything inside his stomach twisting around, before he knew, saliva was starting to fill his mouth.
He ducked his head down and squeezed your hands, to which you reacted surprise, frowning as you looked at him.
- What's wrong?
- I think I'm gonna throw up...
- Oh god.
You quickly grabbed the bin beside the desk and placed it on the floor directly beneath his mouth. You noticed how he was still shaken up by the panic attack and didn't really want to let go of your hand, so you kneeled in front of him again. You didn't care if vomit was going to get on you or not, his well-being and comfort was your priority now.
- Let it all out. It's okay. I'm right here with you.
You squeezed his hand reassuring your words. He squeezed them back as he felt liquid coming up his throat. He closed his eyes and tried to hold it in.
- Don't hold it in, babe. You're okay. It's just you and me. You dont need to act strong.
He trusted every word you said, he knew you meant everything.
His stomach contracted, making his arch his back as a thick wave of partially digested food gushed out of his mouth.
- That's it. You're doing good.
You moved yourself to be on his side and kept holding his hand while the other rubbed his back up and down and then in circles.
He squeezed your hand as another thick stream of vomit came out, mixing with what was already inside the bin.
- I-Im sorry...
- It's okay. Don't apologize. Just focus on letting everything that's making you feel sick, out.
He arched his back one more time as a rather strong contraction sent another thick stream of vomit.
Your heart hurt seeing him like this. You knew how much pressure he put on himself and how he basically carried the weight of the world on his shoulder. You wish you could take that to yourself, but you could only be by his side and reassure him it was okay to feel like this.
He wanted to throw up again but he felt as if something was choking him and not wanting to come out. He kept gagging but nothing was coming out.
- Babe, can you help m-me? There's still something bothering my stomach.
- Sure.
You stopped rubbing his back and instead you brought your hand to his stomach and rubbed it a few times before gently pressing down on it.
That helped him throw up the remaining contents that was still making him feel sick. He spat out thin streams of saliva a few times.
- Are you done?
- Yeah...
- Here. Rinse your mouth.
- Thanks...
- Let me get this away from you.
You took the bin to the bathroom and disposed of the vomit inside it and placed it on the shower so you could properly wash it later.
You came back with more cold water for him and kneeled again taking a good look at him.
- How are you feeling?
- Better...I guess...tired...
You wiped away his tears with your fingers and then gently cupped his face.
- I love you. I'm right here, okay? Always count on me.
- I love you too.
- Come on, let's get you to bed. You need to rest.
You helped him to the bedroom and lay him down and then got him some stomach medicine. He took it and he was so exhausted from everything he was fast asleep in minutes.
You covered him up and left the bedroom for a few minutes to clean the bin and call the members.
- Hi, Minho.
- Oh! Y/n! How are you? 
- I'm good. And you guys?
- We're okay? And Chan-hyung?
- Not really... He had a panic attack and threw up after. I don't think it's wise for him to go to practice tomorrow...
- Really? Is he okay now?
- Yeah...he's asleep.
- I'll tell the manager, don't worry. Tell him we want him to get well soon. And also that we're sorry for being too loud today, we didn't know he was feeling that unwell...
- He doesn't blame you guys... He was worried about you, that's why he wanted to come here. But I'll tell him. 
- Thanks.
After the call, you went back to the bedroom and lay beside him. He was half-awake for a brief moment and cuddled with you, while you gently rubbed his chest, to keep him relaxed after such a tiring afternoon.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Can I ask like Glitched Red x Npc reader
Reader was just like a normal npc but they starting releasing that something wrong,like why are saying the same lyric or why they ask some random boy to make they quest.
When reader was trying to do their quest by their self or trying to say something else they feel pain in their body,after some time reader like Red being removed from game.I just wondering how would Red react when he saw someone else that understands that their in game?
“Hi, Mom..if that’s even who you are.”
"RED, if you drive your Pokémon too hard, they’ll dislike you. You should take a rest.”
“I can’t rest. I already told you that. Can you say something else for once?”
"RED, if you drive your Pokémon too hard, they’ll dislike you. You should take a rest.”
"....do you even love me?"
"RED, if you drive your Pokémon too hard, they’ll dislike you. You should take a rest.”
“...screw you.” Red glared at his “mother”, sighing heavily in agitation as he stormed out of the house, wondering why he even bothered coming here to begin with.
Maybe it’s because he hoped that at some point, any of these stupid NPCs would start talking to him and actually perceive him as a real person. But just like them..his “mom” was just made up of codes, programmed to repeat the same damn script every time he interacted with them.
And he slowly began to realize that they were completely unaffected by whatever he said or did to them.
He could be rude and say the cruelest things, scream in their faces, cry about why they get to live in ignorance while he suffered, and even threaten to kill them....yet none of their responses would change a bit.
It was all pointless, much like his existence in this cursed game.
Why did it have to be so goddamn boring?
He thought he’d get used to the loneliness now, but it still hurt like hell.
Instead of venturing to Glitch City like he usually did, he decided to fly into Lavender Town--a place that he found some bit of comfort in. It’s a town built from sorrow and mourning.
And in a way, Red was mourning all the time; mourning for the life he’ll never get back; mourning over how his own fate is predetermined by the players..and how they frequently torture him for the sake of “fun”.
They haven’t come around in a while, which meant he was leaving a real-world impact on them to deter them from playing this game. He wished they would just stop and move onto other things...even though it killed him to know he was essentially abandoned.
He didn’t know which was worse: to be alone in this broken world or in the company of his tormentors.
Shaking his head to clear the thoughts, he entered the Pokémon Tower, seeing the usual NPCs paying their respects to their dead Pokémon. He simply scoffed as he passed by each one and spat on the nearby grave of a Raticate, knowing that nobody would be shocked because they weren’t programmed to react to him in any other way-
“Red? Is that you?”
Stopping at the staircase leading to the next floor, Red froze to look over his shoulder, wondering if he was hearing things.
But no, out of the shadows of the dimly-lit room, you appeared to him with a Gastly at your side. You looked just like one of the normal resident NPCs, with the exception of glitchy particles being around your body and Gastly’s smog being replaced with purple glitches as well.
You..actually saw what he did? And you responded?
How was that possible?
He couldn’t believe it. His eyes only grew wider as he turned around, watching you step closer. “You..can see me?”
“Yeah, I’m just as shocked. But I-I-I---I-I think Gastlys are misunderstood. I want one, but I’m not good at throwing pokeballs. You seem brave, so could you catch one for me-e-?” 
You winced, the glitches suddenly jabbing your body like Beedrill stingers; they hurt for a few moments, but once the pain subsided, you exhaled shakily, eventually calming down. “Ouch..s-sorry about that.” You chuckled, embarrassed that he had to witness that. “Just ignore that stupid side quest, I got this Gastly all on my own-”
“Y-You’re...talking to me..” Red whispered, still in utter disbelief. “How is that possible?”
You blinked as he suddenly glitched in front of you, his hands keeping a tight grip on your shoulders as he stared at you intensely. “How are you...h-how can you understand me?! Are you trapped too? Do you know where you are?!” He could feel his eyes stinging as he questioned you nonstop. “For so long, nobody else in this goddamn game could hear me...so..why you? Why now?”
Then he paused, lowering his head; the shadow over his face grew even darker. You could feel the poor guy’s hands trembling, which proved that he was very real to you, just as you were to him.
As terrified and confused as he was, it felt..liberating to finally have someone to talk to--someone who could respond to him normally and not spit out the same dialogue like a broken record.
“I don’t get it..am I going crazy? Is this some sick prank they’re pulling on me?”
“No. You’re not crazy, and..I don’t think anyone’s pranking us, Red.”
Looking back up at you, his gaze was exhausted, desperate for answers. You could see the whites of his eyes tinted red, along with the bags underneath them, revealing just how upset and lost he truly was.
You smiled sadly. “I don’t know why I can only see you now, but..I’ll tell you what happened to me. Let’s sit down somewhere.”
“So you’re saying that...you asked yourself why you’re giving a random kid some stupid quest, and then it all went to shit?”
“Pretty much, yeah..” Nodding, you finished sharing your backstory with Red.
To sum it up, you were a hidden NPC within Pokémon Tower. Your “quest” involved having the protagonist catch a Gastly for you since you’re apparently inexperienced at throwing pokeballs, and you were supposed to reward them with a TM.
Then one day..you suddenly wondered why you couldn’t just go catch it yourself. You don’t even know where such a thought came from--it simply popped up in your mind and made you question a lot of things.
So you tried going off on your own to find a Gastly. But clearly the game didn’t take that too well as you experienced excruciating pain just from taking a single step away from your programmed spot. Though you kept going anyways, forcing yourself to find that damn Gastly and finish your own quest.
And once you did..the world began breaking, allowing you to see the truth in it: that it’s all just predetermined by code.
Next thing you knew...they tried to delete you, keeping you and your side-quest out of future versions of Pokémon Red. But you weren’t completely erased and made your home here within Lavender Town, wondering why you were the only one to gain free will...and whether the other NPCs around you will “awaken” someday. But you had doubts about that.
Never did you think would you cross paths with Red, of all people, who was apparently just as aware as you were. Though it’s a relief knowing you weren’t alone in this situation anymore.
“That sucks..” He muttered, unsure of how to exactly comfort you.
“Yeah, well..it is what it is, I guess.” Smiling, you patted your Gastly on the head, who purred as it nuzzled against your palm. “So the only question is..where do we go from here? How do you kill the time in this game?”
"Dunno.” He shrugged and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Sometimes I train my Pokémon even though it’s pointless...other times I just wander, waiting for a change that’ll never come.”
“Oooh, that’s pretty deep. But I suppose I’m that change now.”
“...yeah.” Nodding, he managed to smile back at you a little bit. “You’ve ever been outside this tower?”
“No, but I’ve mastered glitching between floors so..I got that going for me. I wouldn’t mind seeing the rest of Kanto with you, though.”
For some reason, the way you said that made Red’s heartbeat spike, and he coughed awkwardly as his glitches began pricking his flesh. But they were only mild, albeit noticeable as you frowned in worry. “You okay, Red?”
“..y-yeah...I’m alright now.” Flustered by his coughing fit, he cleared his throat and stood up. “C’mon. Let’s get out of here.”
You grinned and jumped to your feet, returning Gastly to your pokeball and eagerly following him out of the tower.
Even though this doesn’t change the fact that those people will eventually be back to torture him, nor will this give either of you any hopes of escaping or resting...
At least you’re together.
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Does he still love me?
I’ve been feeling for a while that Runaan and Tinker argued before he and Rayla left on their mission. Argued hard, over him taking Rayla with him. Maybe over other things, too--the mission itself and some less-related issues. Behaviors. How, from Tinker’s perspective, Runaan always does what he’s told. Never thinks for himself. Refuses to accept responsibility for what he does, for the results of his own actions. (The Dragon Queen this, the Dragon Queen that) How he’s going to take Rayla, a fifteen-year-old unblooded assassin, on an assassination mission, because he can’t think his way out of it, and on some level doesn’t want to. How can he sit there and think that anything about that decision is okay? Because he’s not deciding. He’s abstaining. He’s dodging, using that DEX 18 for things it was never meant to be used on.
“Runaan, you can dodge swords and arrows all night long, but you can’t dodge this responsibility. You’ll get Rayla killed! You know she’s not ready!”
And Runaan just. Can’t. See. Where Tinker is coming from. He can’t. He’s trained himself too long to be hard enough to do whatever it takes, and that means shutting a lot of options out. He can be flexible as hell on missions, in every way possible. But he can’t think himself out of a wet paper bag when it comes to civilian decisions. Runaan’s honest-to-the-moon too hard. 
Runaan and Tinker have often understood each other on several levels at once, and even when they don’t really see where the other is coming from, they trust each other. Moonshadows earn trust slowly, but they keep it close to their hearts once they have it. These two have been through a lot together. But Runaan taking Rayla on this mission was just too much for Tinker. He couldn’t stretch his mind far enough to see what Runaan saw, and that scared him. Runaan had a place so quiet and deadly, so calculating, that Tinker couldn’t reach it. Couldn’t reach him when he went there. (this is where VIren lives, btw, that cold, calculating place--Runaan can absolutely go there too)  And Tinker had to decide: Do I turn cold and calculating in order to understand Runaan, or so I draw a line?
Tinker drew the line. Runaan’s the Slytherin, and Tinker’s the Ravenclaw. Only one of these will do whatever it takes, at any cost, and that’s the point where they found themselves. That’s the point where Tinker had to step back and say No. He wasn’t willing to risk Rayla’s life, even if Rayla was. That’s not how you treat your child. But in that moment, saying No to Rayla’s mission meant saying No to Runaan’s plan, and to Runaan. The plan to take Rayla was a reflection of who Runaan is. Runaan felt rejected along with his plan when Tinker objected. 
And so they argued. Maybe they separated. Do Moonshadows break up? Separate? Divorce? Somehow these words don’t seem nearly dramatic enough for the breaking of such a hard-won trust between two elves who love each other deeply, but who fundamentally disagree. What did they do?
*whispers* Runaan, Tinker, what did you do?
Does Rayla know? I guess we’ll find out. But at some point before Runaan’s lotus sank, Tinker lost a stripe on his right arm, a gem from his left horn, and the ringed horn tips he was wearing earlier. Did he set them aside with cool logic and hope that Runaan would come to his senses? Did he yank them off, pry that gem out with a screwdriver, and throw them all off a cliff into a raging river? Did he cry? Did he lock himself in his workshop and build things for a week straight? Did he protest the mission, yell at the Dragon Queen? 
A few lyrics selections from their songs:
(Tinker) [”I Am All That I Need,” Fleet Foxes] So it's true, I've gone too far to find you And the thumbprint scar I let define you Was a myth I made you measure up to It was all just water, winding by you 
(Runaan) [”Kiss From a Rose,” Seal] I've been kissed by a rose on the grey And if I should fall, will it all go away? 
(Tinker) [”Quelqu’un M’a Dit,” Carla Bruni] I am told that destiny is making fun of us It doesn't give us anything and it promise us everything It appears that happiness is within reach So we reach out and we find ourselves crazy However someone told me that you still love me It is someone that told me that you still love me Would it be possible then?
(Runaan)  [Full Moon,” The Black Ghosts] 'Cause all I want is here and now but it's already been and gone Our intentions always last that bit too long Far far away, no voices sounding No one around me and you're still there Far far away,
[unfinished tdp meta]
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