#I am trying so hard to remember how to draw
psych3-delic · 3 days
Hi, I adore your family AU and am wondering if you have any plan on writing/drawing more of them? I'd love to see more of their daily life together, such as going on a picnic in the garden, shopping, or even little Charlotte trying to help out her dads in their respective jobs (like sitting on Ciel's lap when he does paperwork or helping Seb with making cake for Ciel). Also, just curious, who is stricter, Sebastian or Ciel? Thanks!
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Hiii, sorry for the late response! Tumblr literally didn’t send me any notifications 😞 i just happened to check my inbox. Here’s a pregnant Ciel as an apology 🫶🏻
Yes! I plan to draw more of them together! I have so many ideas of what to draw so I’ll keep the, coming hehe. As for writing…. 😅😅😅 perhaps not yet. I need to focus on Forks and Smothered 😅 god knows I have been putting the next chapter off! But I’ll sprinkle some lores in here and there with my drawing! Thank you so much for liking Charlotte 😭😭 that means a lot to me!
As for who’s stricter, I think Ciel is.
In regard to parenting, Ciel would have a lot of doubt as to how to actually be Lottie's parents. He lost his quite young, and whatever memory he has left of them both are glorified, remembered through the distorted lenses of grief and nostalgia of a better time. The adults around him are barely adults themselves, with their own problems. Thus, he has no role model or framework for what good parenting should look like.
This is where Ciel would sometimes draw away and become avoidant when times get hard. Like when Lottie misbehaved, newly testing out her boundaries; like when it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows... Of course discipline is needed, but every time she cries, or screamed "I hate you, papa" in response to his chastising, Ciel believed her. He felt like he failed her, like he was so fucked up he wasn't meant to be a parent after all. He would locked himself in his chamber for days and didn't come out.
Sebastian understands that trying to drag his husband out of these episodes would have the reverse effect; so he just gentle be there for him, hold him and told him he was doing a good job, and that he too, was learning. Even Lottie is learning through her tantrums. They were all learning how to be.
Some in-verse things in regards to this pic:
“r!Ciel is an Alpha, but his twin brother is an omega. When o!Ciel came back from the cult claiming the title and the name ‘Ciel Phantomhive’, he has to masquerade as an Alpha…
Things got complicated when he became pregnant with Lottie.”
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Again, thank you so much for taking interest in this AU! And pls send me more ask/suggestion! It helps my inspiration for the AU!
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welldonekhushi · 2 days
Womp womp. “Positive place” “no hate” my ass. If we looked into your past we’d see a different story. 
You likely don’t care to address it but you gravely hurt one of my dearest friends. I doubt you realise anything you did, before or after they broke it off. And with reason. You took so much interest in everyone’s characters and stories but theirs, instead devaluing their opinions, spamming their inbox with shit they didn’t ask for without bothering to send them even one question or prompt in return. 
I want to laugh that only after he cut you off did you start asking others even a bit more about their projects. Only after it was too late did you bother to make a change. It’s pathetic, really, that you must have been trying so hard to cover up your true habits, that falling into your blatant disinterest in him. He’s better off without you. 
Speaking of your covering shit up, don’t think your queerphobia has been forgotten. Don’t think he and I didn’t see you delete a reply saying your OC “wouldn’t really get along” with his, when meanwhile your stoic, guarded military man is out there making friends with literally everyone else. The difference being everyone else who isn’t openly gay. Don’t think we’ve forgotten when your muse cried and tried to guilt-trip my friend’s when the latter came out to her. 
You prop up Scarlet as a friendly-to-all but Strong™ Female Character but I know she’s not. She’s a homophobic, insensitive, spineless little bitch - sounds like someone, doesn’t it? 
Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is that there’s a third party who knows the truth. You’re fucking horrible. You might have other friends now but I hope one day all this comes to light, no matter how much you might have tried to change. Whether or not this letter ends up posted, I want you to read it once, twice, three times over. They say to forgive and forget but some of us never forgive and always remember. There is someone out there haunted by what you did to them and you can’t keep running from it.
Okay, anon. After reading your message, I would first like to mention that I don't know who you are, or the friend that you're talking about. So let's put the points together of what you said that you and the "he" you're mentioning feel.
First, you said that I'm queerphobic because I said that my OC wouldn't get along with your friend's OC because their character was "openly gay". It's the same meaning as saying "You hate me because I belong here." by directly coming to a conclusion, instead of not understanding the mindset they belong to or their indulgence in something that could be disagreeable to others. I don’t know who or which OC you’re mentioning, but If I said my OC would not get along with them, it doesn't mean I directly hate their OC (whoever they are). This doesn't make sense when I never disrespected or showed hatred towards anyone who presents their OC as queer. I have friends here who have queer ships with their OCs and canon characters and I support them fully by heart. I even had their OCs interact with them.
Second, you proceeded by saying that I never bothered to send your friend an ask, a question or a prompt. Can I be honest, anon? I have a life. I've always been busy with my uni and now I have finals on my head. I can’t even find time to draw, academic pressure is already stressing me out, and I don't even have inspo at times to be here and publish stuff here. If I happened to miss out on your friend (whoever they are), then I'll say sorry. Because it feels that they were only relying on ME to send them the prompts and asks, and not “the shit which they asked for” as you nicely mentioned. It seemed to me that they (whoever they are) don't really see the rest but me and me only, right? I'm sorry, I think their 'friend' got so busy that they tend to forget that the friend they have has a life out there, too.
Third, you proceeded to call my OC Scarlet a “spineless little bitch, homophobic, and insensitive". Huh. Seems like while proving your point, you thought to add some more spice to your heartfelt thoughts by shitting on my OC as well. You thought you cooked anon, but turns out your dish got rejected. Sorry, you are eliminated from the MasterChef Competition. (Talking about ‘spineless’ while hiding behind anon. The irony.)
Fourth, you thought I guilt-tripped your friend when they came out. Huh. I don't remember a day when I insulted or ridiculed someone for coming out when originally I'd be happy that they finally had the courage to represent themselves for who they are. If you're saying I guilt-tripped them, be a good anon, reveal yourself in the public to me and give me proof. If you're confident enough, then do it. I'll have no hesitation. I'll admit it was my fault. But show yourself first. It "doesn't matter who I am" but it does, because even if you're a person typing that, you're just an anon with no personality to me. No appearance. Nothing. Just blank. I explained who you are. Hope you're happy with that.
Fifth, you said that some forgive and forget, but some don't forgive and remember. Honestly, I understand how disturbed and angry you feel inside because of me, anon. Well, even if you say that I acted like that with your friend (whoever they are), so, here's the third time I'm saying this. If it makes you feel better. I am sorry. Instead, I feel pity that you might be feeling so frustrated because of my presence. If you don't want to forgive me, I'm okay with it. You have a right to do so.
In the end, sorry for you and for your friend. But I hope one day, you'll learn too that to 'forgive and forget', means to move on, letting go of the people who hurt you so you'd be happy as well. If I hurt you and your friend, you can block me, and move on. Be happy without me. I understand I wasn't a good friend to them, I don't refute you at all. Besides, you have every right to be angry. I'll not even say that you're all at fault here. I made a mistake? I'd fully admit it. But you accusing me for what I did while hiding behind anon is… unsettling for me. I don't know what else to say.
You thought you were making me scared and afraid by saying “Read it once, twice, three times over”, but no, you’re completely dismissed out of my mind when you come at me out of nowhere, attacking me with baseless accusations, and insults me and my OC. You’re just another hate anon to me. “You’re a horrible person.” Look in the mirror. I’m not the one sending someone a whole essay of a hate anon.
Have a good day anyway, anon.
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auspicioustidings · 2 days
Saw @eilidh-eternal posting their chaotic thoughts so please kindly find my unhinged red wine chaotic thoughts from last night (big darkfic energy ahead)
You are dating John Price, you say you want to meet his dogs that he speaks about which makes him very happy
He tells you the rules with his dogs are an eye for an eye e.g. they growl he will growl back, he hits them he should expect them to attack him
Oh no he has taken you to the woods
Oh no 2 those hounds are fully grown men in fucking dog masks
Oh no 3 Price is so happy for you to finally get to know his family, now go play
You get a headstart and are in essence hunted down, not realising it’s all a ploy for something much worse
You manage to fight off Ghost, he leaves you alone after you manage to smash a rock against him which draws blood
Kyle grabs at you but instead gets your necklace, snapping it off and then leaving you alone
Johnny agrees to let you live if you let him finger you which you do and then he leaves you alone
You find a cabin, Price is there and has you come in
He reiterates the rules - ‘what am I going to do with you?’ very fondly
Ghost was marked during the hunt, he gets to mark you (brand bby)
Kyle got your necklace during the hunt, he gets to give you one (he literally sews a chain into your neck)
Johnny got inside you during the hunt, he gets to have you inside him (he slices meat from your thigh and eats it, only after Price cooks it on the same fire that was used to heat the brand because come on mutt you know you can get sick with raw meat, remember last time?)
All 3 are horrifically sexualised encounters as it’s apparent how much pleasure they are taking in it
Price is very proud of you and his hounds getting along, takes her home
You try to get away and bite him hard enough to break skin
You've left part of your DNA in him, so he leaves part of his in you (breeding kink activate)
You obviously reports all this in the morning but oh no 4 they set you up and all the evidence around youe flat and the way they branded and hurt you makes it look like you had a manic episode and did this to yourself
You land in a mental institution
Eventually a therapist reassures you that this is the best place for you and that the centre is a good place, even the out patients come to group activities because they are so comfortable
Of course your partner for some socialisation is an out patient, a soldier being treated for ptsd apparently
It’s John - ‘oh luv, what am I going to do with you?
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sharkrocket · 1 year
m. maybe some............. burda neck kissing...................
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Eight years, one for each fallen human
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when i was in highschool one o my biggest coping mechanisms was drawing all the kids i hated getting killed and eaten and killed. and well. time is a slowly ascending spiral. you will find patterns.(i work as a blackjack dealer. gamblers are FASCINATING
#cw blood#luckys original content#ITS SMALL BUT ITS ART SO IT GOES ON THE ART BLOG#also wwaooooww its meee its my lil persona!!! i dont draw myself enough....#anyway i have bigger things in the works. im slowly but surely chipping away at a pd thumbnail for that pd thumbnail project#FINALLY COLORING. BUT COLORING IS SO HARD AND I HAVNT BEEN IN THE COLORING MOOD#SO IVE JUST BEEN MAKING RLY DUMB COMICS INSTEAD... OOPS..#idk if anything finished n polished will be posted here anytime soon. BUT i post wips of everything on my twitter#and i post jrwi exclusive wips on my slucky blog. you may look at those if u have Truck Art Wishdrawls. as many do. as many do#THIS BLACKJACK JOB IS RLY AWESOME BTW DONT GET ME WRONG#i work three 12-hour days ina row. i gotta take an hourlong bus up to the depths o the mountains and then#i get to stay in this delightful lil hotel that was built in an ooold hospital. its a whole casino town. and an OLD one at that#ITS GORGEOUS HERE. last week my bus home was delayed for 2 hours#so i finally got the chance to head to other casinos and try drinkin n gambling. lost ten bucks to a pretty girl. NOT the first time#i rlly wanna try it again!!! i love interracting w ppl and i love being inebriated in public bc im just so sweet and pleasant and friendly#and pretty girls LLOOOOVEE MEEEEE i think i just need to go to gay bars more#but theres fucking NONE HERE. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im collectin comrade queers up here tho#we wanna make a Group but we just gotta come up witha name first. i need something weird and strange#yknow i remember being in highschool. and being miserable n unmedicated. my mommas ultimatum was that;#if i dont drop out of highschool; i dont need to move out. she probably wouldntve kicked me out anyway bc my mommas sweet like that but#she REALLY wanted me to graduate. and i remember dreading that i might never do that#i remember feeling like the Resident Idiot. sweet but so so fucking dumb. it took me 7 years of strife n stress before i finally graduated#i remember worrying back then that i might not ever be able to handle myself out there. that i'd be too dependant on others#AND HERE I AM. DID U KNOW I WAS LOOKIN AT HOUSES A WHILE AGO? IM AN ADULT AND IM WWINNINNNGGGGGGG#IM RUNNING OUTA ROOM BUT HERES MY ADVICE TO YOU. BC I KNOW UR FUCKING SCARED TOO. THE ONE THING THAT SAVED ME.#THAT KEPT ME FROM SINKING INTO DESPAIR IS REMEMBERING ONE THING: ITS LITERALLY JUST LIKE VIDEO GAMES#MOST PPL YOU CAN JUST WALK UP TO N ASK A QUESTION N THEYLL ANSWER. THEYRE ALL NPCS THEYRE NOT REAL#LIKE IF U WALK INTO A BANK AND ASK HOW A DEBIT CARD WORKS THEY WILL HELP YOU#AND IF YOU THINK THEY HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES RELATING TO MONEY. YOU CAN ASK THE CUSTOMERS TOO. ITS JUST LIKE VIDEO GAMES#ANYWAY STAY SAFE KIDS HAVE FUNNNNN. IM GOING TO GO DO DRUGS NOW. HOPE U CAN DO DRUGS SOON TOO. I LOVE YOU
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chiropteracupola · 6 months
I like when books have Maps and Charts in them and I think that all books should have such things.
and books which already have them? I think they should have More Maps and Charts.
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chickenoptyrx · 2 years
I'm just gonna post this cause I lost the train of thought a while ago
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Thats as far as I got :T maybe I'll pick it back up later but. Eh.
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risingsunresistance · 10 months
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TRUE!!! the original post was just made in reference to things that had inspired my own design and a wish to see more variety among the masked long-haired braided human designs that were absolutely DOMINATING the place at the time (nothing wrong with that, love those ones and i've drawn a few myself, just came from a perspective of missing seeing the truly unique designs that made me associate the design with the artist ;-;) but yea it definitely applies outside of just him. and outside of just pigs, looking at random animals can be a great reminder of how varied and weird some stuff can actually be :D
one of my favorite ocs, who i have drawn a grand total of two times bc i have been very lazy with art lately, actually ended up happening only because i got inspired by my own post fkjdhg
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even tho it's a full year old at this point, still a pretty good drawing imo. i like his face :]
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babirusa btw if you couldn't tell. he's a zombie piglin who has been withered :0
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dandyshucks · 4 months
okay last post before i decide on what im going to do for the next couple hours but old lady crafting club is tomorrow and i don't have a crochet project decided on yet still fsdjkl
my options for continuing on WIPs are: dragonscale dice bag, isopod amigurumi, or a little stuffed pokeball
or if i want to start a new project instead of completing a WIP: strawberry hat i'm going to make for a friend, hand warmers/fingerless gloves, polar bear amigurumi, and idk if i have yarn for these (definitely not enough for a the second) but i also would like to make a junebug beetle amigurumi and a hood/scarf/hat combo garment thing
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sysig · 2 years
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He’s everywhere, this guy (Patreon)
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#Doodles#Deltarune#Spamton#More of him! The most even! Ridiculous#I had to draw him crying for many reasons#I mean does it even count if I don't draw a new muse crying? No. Also I was mad at him for NEO being such a hard boss fight lol#Big bubbly tears still falling down his cheeks even as he shuts off hmmm ♪#I don't fully remember why I had his cheeks smudgey there? Might be to do with my headcanon about his ''transformation'' but idk lol#I am rather pleased with how that set turned out even if I did draw him a bit too close in order so his nose got in the way haha#Going from clear to fuzzed but still in colour to just static was unintentional but I'm quite pleased with it#Happy accidents ♪#An isolated laughing Spam - hopefully the reaction that one's linked to will post sometime in the nearish future lol#I was very pleased with how his mouth and jaw turned out in that one and so continued it#For the one where he's pointing I was trying to do the Joker ''You wanna know how I got these scars'' but like#So I wrote that out and it looked too weirdly plain for Spamton dialogue so I changed it and now it's unrecognizable lol#I guess that's in keeping lol#Then a small lineup! Nice#I do honestly love how nerdy and unassuming AddiSpam looks there hehe ♪ He'd never do anything to anybody! Right?#And then his glasses and his hair and his cheeks getting a bit of a colour~#And then finally fully opaque :3c Hm hm ♪ It pleases me lol#And then more silly puppet jaw shenanigans#If you're on desktop you can move quickly between the last three and it acts like a small animation :)#That first one makes me laugh haha he looks so blankly pleased#For the bonus I was thinking about OFF's little Spectre ''Haha''s y'know the ones#For some reason whenever I look at Spamton Pepper Steak All Levels at Once Remix plays in my head#Chaos
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#guess who's gonna bend themself in half to make a bunch of stickers for their little sister 🤪#lmao its me. i am. but like my sisters NEVER text me so like when she texted that she wanted me to draw something i was like 😭#my sister remembers i exists and likes the things i draw 😭😭😭#so im gonna try really hard to make them good. idk how many she wants#apparently theyre gonna be based off of places she's been. so im guessing a lot of landscapes but idk?#its gonna kill me bc digital art 🥲#but ive got until Christmas so that should be more than enough time to finish whatever she wants#if only i could ask my other sister to give me the same list#my other sister is the mean one but also we were closer growing up so i just wanna shake her like: help me understand u!!!#why r u like this! i wanna b ur friend! but idk we're all 3 very different ppl#i wish we were closer but the one is too closed off and the other is like miss social butterfly so shes got lots going on. at least#that's what i assume. im going back home in a few weeks so maybe i can work on trying to make my sisters my friends#lmao thats so sad#i promise we dont hate eachother. we just dont talk when not standing in the same room#ugh i cant help it im all soft and sensitive#me: im edgy! im edgy! i feel nothing. i dont need ppl#also me: i just want everyone to b safe and happy and i want ppl to understand eachother 😭#also i feel like shes gonna take a while with her list and im just gonna sit here like a gremlin like: gimmie gimmie. i wanna see my#prompts! i desire prompts!#and then everything gets increasingly complex and its like. draw? with what time?#u have 90 million other things u should be doing 😵‍💫#unrelated
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birdmenmanga · 2 years
no more speedpaints in queue after this one... girl help...
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purpleisnotacolor · 1 year
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buckleysbitch · 3 months
thank you @alternativess for the inspo 🎀𓂃 ࣪˖
reqs are open!!
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summary: bimbo!reader x abby. abby starts play fighting with you and discovers you enjoy being restrained.
warnings: nsfw under the cut, use of consensual physical restraint in a sexual situation, my first abby fic!!
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“a-abs! stop-stop-stop!” the incessant tickling from your girlfriends sturdy, strong arms was taunting you. trying your best to fight back, you slap her arm sheepishly.
“oh, that’s how you wanna do this, huh?” she smirks playfully, throwing her braid off her shoulder and lunging into you, beginning to play wrestle.
you couldn’t lie, the wet spot in your frilly pink panties was growing increasingly hard to ignore, especially if her muscles kept flexing so tauntingly close to your doe-ish eyes….
regardless! you do your best to fight back just to please her, because you two both know you don’t stand a chance, and she thinks it’s adorable. when you playfully go to bite her bicep, her fighting instincts kick in….
and her beefy, swollen arm has you in an unyielding headlock.
the pornographic whimper that erupted from you caused abby to loosen her grip, taking your jaw in her calloused fingers and guiding you up towards her sweat glistened face.
“got something you wanna tell me?”
you begin to shake your head no, but abby interrupts-
“if i take off those panties am i gonna find my girl wet?”
my girl.
well, if you weren’t wet already, she was definitely going to find you soaked now.
with one quick movement, she has you laid down on your back, your underwear in one hand, and another sliding into your folds. your mind goes completely blank, well, more than it already was, only craving abby’s vicious touch.
“oh…sweet girl….tell me. was it that headlock? don’t. lie.”
the desperate moans that are bubbling from your plump pink lips would be fucking embarrassing if you weren’t already so drunk on her touch, your hips hopelessly rutting into her resistant fingers.
“words, angel.”
“y-ye-y….yes!! yes abs!!”
the menacing chuckle she exhaled was enough to make you buckle, but you knew better. had to keep your eyes on abby.
“does my girl get off on being hurt? bein’ restrained?”
“remember our safe word?” she goes soft for a moment, and you nod in agreement. as soon as she gets confirmation, this girl just starts manhandling the fuck out of you. fingerprint shaped marks decorate your hips and ribs as she positions you in the headlock once again, her bicep throbbing against your ear.
“gonna make you cum, yeah baby? no tricks this time, swear. jus’cum fr’me angel….” she cooes, as her previously mocking fingers finally…finally….fill you up completely.
“abs!! a-abs!!!”
“does my girl love my muscles? hgnh- loves how my arms are bigger than her stupid slutty brain?”
“y-yes….ys’ abs! always!”
the pace she’s drilling into you at is relentless, slick drooling down her knuckles and your pillowy thighs. your cushiony walls are throbbing around her thick fingers, only persuading her to go harder, to tighten the death grip on your neck, little veins popping out.
“g-gna’-“ you moan nearly pathetically, abby immediately understanding before you even opened your mouth, because of course she does. this girl knows your body better than anyone, the patterned pulses of your pretty pussy swallowing up her fingers signaling your orgasm.
“go ahead, sweetheart. cum fr’ me.”
your vision nearly goes black as the grip around your neck tightens, and her fingers curl up into you. everything is fuzzy for a few moments, but abby’s comforting touch soothes your senses, effortlessly picking you up and tenderly placing you in her lap.
“come on, baby. gonna draw a bath for you, yeah?”
god, you love abby anderson.
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txtistheloml · 3 months
inexperienced!reader x soft dom!soobin (smut, mdni.)
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warnings. implied fem!reader, kissing, dry humping, slight idea of corruption, oral (fem rec.), daddy kink, fingering, overstimulation, petnames (baby, good girl)
just thinking about you seated on soobin’s lap comfortably as you make out, soobin guiding you as he softly moves his lips against yours, starting so gently and sweetly. your hands are interlaced with his big ones, trying your best to follow his pace. he pulls away with giggles, dimples on display as he coos at you. red tints your cheeks as you mumble out soft apologies, s-sorry, am i really bad? soobin reassures you that you’re doing good with a peck on the corner of your lips, but all he can really think of is how cute you are, never even kissed anyone else other than him. he feels like a pervert, feeling so aroused at your sweet innocence, knowing he’s going to corrupt you and make you all his.
sweet makeouts turn into heated and needy kisses, with you gripping onto his shirt, shyly attempting to move your hips against his for the slightest bit of friction. soobin offered to help you, his big hands gripping onto your hips, setting the pace for you as you rock against his hard-on, sweet whimpers and moans spilling from your lips. one thing leads to another and soon enough, you have soobin laying you down on your back, stripping you of your clothes but not without compliments here and there that you’re so pretty. experimental kitten licks to your clit has you letting out soft gasps, and breathy pants of more! pleaseplease.. how could soobin have the heart to say no to you when you asked so sweetly? he gives into you, ravaging your pussy like it was his last meal on death row. the orgasm he gives you leaves you shaking and panting, but you can take more right, baby? gonna give daddy another one? i know you can, always such a good girl~
soobin easily slips a finger inside, drawing a small whimper from your lips. he pumps his finger in and out of you so slowly it pains you, and the squelching sound of your pussy so easily heard it would embarrass you if you weren’t so fucked out and eager for more. his finger gently presses against different spots inside you, and he isn’t satisfied until he presses against a spot that has you moaning out loud. his eyes practically light up as his lips curl into a smirk of satisfaction before his fingers speed up erratically, abusing your g-spot over and over again. his lips latch onto your pearl of nerves, sucking and licking alternately which has you seeing stars.
all you remember is shaking and gasping out pleas from overstimulation, and the rest of the night is a blur to your memory.
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