#I also don’t have a drawing tablet or anything like that
imaginewerecats · 7 months
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In the most frustrated, whiny voice you’ve ever heard: “DIGITAL ART IS HAAARD <(,>_<)>“
Anyway, I drew my usersona in my sketchbook like 3 months ago, and ONCE I FIGURE OUT DIGITAL ART I’LL REUPLOAD IT COLORED AND GOOD. But I just played chapter 2 of the Cloutchase friendsim last night and got all excited about it again!!! And!!! I’m too excited to wait until it looks good and digital to share it!!!
Tumblr user imagineWerecats wants to battle!
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askwilliamwisp · 8 months
wiwi whats ur favorite horror movie? or genre of horror?
Well, I don’t tend to watch horror movies all that often. They remind me too much of Deadwood, even if Deadwood has sorta desensitized me to some of the more fucked up things in horror.
I guess I like psychological horror, and my life already feels like a survival horror game half the time if that counts.
Not sure if this is a horror movie, but I like the Nightmare Before Christmas. Halloween AND Christmas? I’m pretty sure that’s better than prom night but I never got to go to prom so what do I know.
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lazyleafeon · 3 months
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[ID copied from Alt text: the first photo has the text, "sketch commissions for Gaza." Next to it is a drawing of the artist drawing on their art tablet.
second photo: 4 examples of commission prices and art, modeled by Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint in his demon king form. For one dollar: a rough chibi sketch. for 5 to ten dollars: a rough but more detailed sketch. there is more motion in his pose. for 10 to 15 dollars: a cleaner lined sketch with more detail given to the silhouette. for more than 15 dollars: a cleaner sketch with more attention to volume and detail in his outfit and wings. End ID]
For now up until March 10th I'm taking pay what you want sketch commissions for donations to Help Gaza Children, managed by @fairuzfan and Hussam, since from March 4th to the 10th all donations will go to families in Northern Gaza.
Their site is here where you can find more information, like their FAQ, and proof of purchases from donations they've received so far.
You can donate to Help Gaza Children's paypal here. The paypal link is also on their site.
To be upfront, I am a full time college student so expect a two month turnaround. I will give you an update around a month in and again at two months if I don't finish by then.
Please include a visual reference or detailed text description of the character(s) you want drawn, unless I've drawn them before and you're okay with me going with my design.
I can draw OCs, mechs, and furries.
I won't draw real people or anything nsfw.
I reserve the right to refuse a commission and may ask you to choose something else. If you want to know in advance if I'll take it, feel free to DM or send an ask.
Extra characters will be half the price as one character. Please only request up to three characters per category (ex: if you pay $35, you can get 3 characters: 1 for $15 and the other 2 for $10 each. if you pay $6 you can get 3 characters: 1 for $3 and 2 for $1.50 each)
don’t use these for commercial use. personal use (like as icons or headers, or like printing it for yourself) is okay
if you're paying in a currency other than dollars you can let me know and I'll try to adjust the pricing so you get a drawing equivalent to what you paid. I don't want people to pay the equivalent of $20 and get a rough sketch or something.
To get a commission, email me at desklamprey @ gmail.com with a screenshot of the receipt of your donation made after this post was made (3/5/24 at around 2 pm PST), and the details about your request. please censor any personal information in the receipt.
If you have any questions feel free to DM or send an ask!
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interiorleague · 1 year
I’ll try to keep this relatively short. My dad was hit in a near lethal car accident and is now almost completely paralyzed. He will no longer be able to work, will need to move to an accessible apt, and has a year of physical therapy ahead of him. 
We’re figuring this shit out day by day and are in the process of making long term plans to make sure he’s comfortable. We’re going to need all the financial help we can get. 
I’m doing digital and ink commissions, and commissions will be open for the foreseeable future. I won’t be able to fully start digital commissions until the 29th when I return to my apt where I left my tablet. I ask that anyone who commissions me be patient/have no strict short term time constraints. I’m really trying to not lose it and I promise you will get your art.
DM me to discuss commission details and please don’t take it personally if I’m short with pleasantries. I just need money and have been spending days in the ICU.
That’s it for now i think.
UPDATES/EDIT (June 23, 2023): i’ve made a p/ypal as well, p/ypal.me/cperplexa
(just make sure to NOT label it as a commissions/business transaction or paypal may freeze the money. Label it as personal and don’t put anything in the description that would make it look like a commission)
Also I am happy to accept donations through my accounts but I will eventually be posting a gofundme once we know more about our financial situation.
Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated and reached out for a commission. Drawing is a welcome distraction and I appreciate the kind messages.
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(Updates, July 5th 2023) Gofundme is up
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peony-flowerking7 · 2 months
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1. You can always ask or suggest me how you want your ocs to be drawn. But please keep it sfw no suggestive or nsfw themes. Please keep it PG as I know I have minors following me. But like I said you can SUGGEST HOW YOU WANT YOUR OC'S TO BE DRAWN! I'm not a mind reader so if you don't put anything on how you want them to be drawn specifically I will do it how I want it to be!
2. You can ask in the ask box for your ocs but if you already reblog this post with your oc or you have dm with your oc you cannot click on the ask button to ask me to draw your oc. You can only do it with a different oc. Is that understood?
3. You only have two chances, I don't want to spend much time on one person many requests because I won't be able to get to the others so you only have two chances to request. Oh and I forgot to add, the second drawing will be just a sketch
4. Only Lego Monkie kid Oc
Should I put more rules? Probably but this is all I have, remember. Pinning this temporarily. I'm adding rules as I go by life
Hey hey guess what! I got a new tablet, I want to practice it so please put give me your oc down below! I won’t be using Clip studio paint because unfotunately CSP SUCKS WHEN IT WITH IPAD WHY DO I HAVE TO PAID MONTHLY ON IT WHEN I ALREADY HAVE A LICENCE FOR IT! FUCKING HATE YOU FOR THAT SHIT! Praising procreate but I don’t have it.
anyways I am using ibis paint to draw, please put your oc below for me to test this new tablet. Also only Lego Monkie Kid oc please.
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feyspeaker · 3 months
Hi! I made an account just so I could follow your work. Your art is brilliant and honestly and inspiration to where I want to be. I’m an older artist who has all the anxiety when it comes to improving my process. I’m trying to get into digital portraits and I have so many ideas in my head, but it’s frustrating because I’m not where I want to be to make this happen. What are some tricks that help you/software do you use? Of course, you don’t have to share anything that makes you uncomfortable. I currently have procreate and an iPad, but I feel a little lost. Wondering if I need a different writing tablet and photoshop. Not sure. I just eventually want to find that 3D, but also artistic look you are able to achieve.
hey there! thank you so much!!
ultimately, I will sound like a broken record but I always recommend you sign up for local figure drawing or painting classes. have people pose for you at home and sketch with charcoal and paper. go to the zoo and sit down in front on an exhibit for an hour and try to draw the animals in front of you as fast as you can and fill a couple of pages, move on to a new exhibit and do it again!
nothing is more powerful of a tool to learn than whatever writing utensil you have in your purse and the back of a napkin when you see something you'd like to capture. I've spent quite frankly my entire rememberable life doing this. I used to spend every single day in middle school/high school/my brief failed stint in community college with a pack of cheap sharpies and a beat up binder full of old worksheets and homework to draw on the backs of.
drawing/painting from life will teach you better than anything.
I use a very outdated version of Photoshop, and only got a "nice" tablet in the past 7 months.
Also, a huge tip to you and anyone else reading this: do NOT get too focused on a "style" that you want. Obsessing over that just ruined me for years and years. I wanted so, so, so badly to be the next Matsuri Hino when I was a kid. I copied her work religiously and it NEVER looked right. Frustrated me to no end. And you know why my stuff never looked like hers? Because I'm not her! You can't force your art to come out any way that isn't natural, and the sooner you can accept the art your hand wants to create, the happier you'll be and the easier art will get for you.
The past couple of years before I started diving into this more realism based work, I was just shoving myself through trying to make what art I envied of others. Very stylized/textured watercolor comic book style stuff. And I just was NOT getting any better at it. I have always been more inclined toward realism work, but I've hated it and yearned for stylized work. Yoshitaka Amano? God, I just drooled over that artstyle and beat myself up for never being able to capture it in studies or otherwise.
I finally essentially restructured my entire career around making the art that makes me happy instead of what I "wanted" it to look like. I was extremely depressed, my life was falling apart, and I still needed to make art to survive but I couldn't "art" if I was depressed and hated doing it, so I just had to step back and stop worrying so much about what I thought I wanted to make, and started making what felt most natural.
there's no easy way, and art can be a soul destroying path at times, truly. your software and hardware should come very last place compared to practicing from life (it doesn't matter if you want to paint cartoony stuff of realistic stuff, always start from life). naturally you will find what makes your heart sing the most.
I get a lot of messages from people telling me similar stuff "oh your art is EXACTLY what I want to do!" but I promise you that kind of thought process is chasing a dragon that is likely to harm or drag your creative process down. art style is such a deeply personal thing, so of COURSE it's important to find inspiration, but the second looking at someone else's artwork stops inspiring you and starts frustrating you, put it away.
There are some artists who I love, that I do not check up on often because their artwork ignites, like, serious bitter jealousy in me. It's the truth. I get so mad at myself for not being more like them, and it's such a poison. I think more artists should be transparent about this feeling because I KNOW the art community has a lot of jealousy and ugliness in it.
A fact of being an artist is that you will never be completely happy with a piece you make. You are always going to see the flaws, and that doesn't change whether you'd been drawing for 2 months or 20 years. Occasionally, you will get one piece that you are like "how did I make that???" and then get frustrated that you can't recreate it lol! It's a tough beast.
It's just really important to step back and work on yourself and where you are at, because at the end of the day, the way your soul wants to express artwork might be WILDLY different from what your brain wants, and it can be really detrimental to let those two go to war.
I hope this helps. I'm very passionate about this, and when I started out I ALWAYS ignored the artists who gave the same exact tips as above. I thought they were so annoying and unhelpful, but now I /get it/.
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flowercrowncrip · 10 months
It’s so hard to find practical advice about learning to paint with your mouth.
Most of my Google results are tutorials about how to paint a mouth, which makes sense because there’s a hell of a lot more people painting mouths than painting with their mouths. More frustratingly the rest of the results are articles along the lines of “This poor crippled tragedy of a person paints with their mouth – isn’t that so weird and also inspiring”. I haven’t found anywhere talking about how to start leaning, what techniques to try or anything actually useful aside from a few photos of people’s set ups.
At the moment I think I’m going to start with my tablet and stylus. It’s also more forgiving (there’s an undo button), and I’m less likely to need help from my carer (the idea of trying to draw with someone looking over my shoulder doesn’t thrill me). I can also use voice control to help me move the canvas around which I can’t on paper. It also means I don’t have to go out and buy paintbrushes or an easel which is good.
The main things I need to figure out are:
whether I can cope with having the screen very close to my face or whether I need to find a way to make the stylus longer (preferably without spending £117 on a specialist device designed for mouth painting)
What the best screen angle is. And if needed is there a way to set up my tablet at 90 degrees to the desk
Figuring out a system for putting the stylus down and picking it up again after so I can take breaks, talk and use voice control and stay hydrated (preferably without help from a carer or paying £71.27 on a further specialist device)
What’s the best technique for controlling the stylus – this will be mainly trial and error but tips would be handy if I could find any
Hopefully I’ll be able to make do without the expensive equipment. I can’t justify spending around £200 on equipment for a hobby I may not even enjoy or take to long term. Many of the photos of artists showed them using standard paintbrushes, but most of them are sitting in ways that wouldn’t work with my body. Quite a few use what like improvised devices to extend paintbrushes, and a few use the expensive equipment.
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bekaroth-reads · 9 months
Astarion x Reader
[I’ve finally gotten some time to play the full version of BG 3, unfortunately not enough to get past what was available in the early release versions. Hopeful to write more characters when I run into them. For the time being, though, I’m more than happy to show love for everyone’s favorite vampire. Technically a x reader, but also sort of for x Tav too. Not proof read, my tablet’s about to die and I want to get this up, lol]
The rain was steadily coming down. It wasn’t flood levels or anything drastic like that, but there was enough that you didn’t want to go out unless you absolutely had to. You were thankful that the tent you had gotten ended up being a nicer one that kept all of the water out. You weren’t the only one thankful for that either.
Astarion, seeing how clouded over the sky was, refused to budge an inch. The others in the group wanted to keep going, not finding a chance of rain a good reason to stall progress, especially seeing as the next town was only about a day or so away. You had volunteered to stay back with him, using the excuse that you didn’t think anyone in the group should be left alone. In all honesty, you didn’t feel like being caught in the rain either.
It seemed like you made the right call too. You were wondering if you had been overly cautious like the others thought, but once things started to pick up you were glad you weren’t either trying to rush the rest of the way to the town or setting up tents in the rain.
Your vampiric traveling partner had himself sat snuggly in the tent, not risking getting caught in too much water moving too quickly. While Astarion did have a tent of his own, the one that you had gotten was more waterproof, so he insisted that he be allowed to stay in it. You didn’t have too much of a problem with that as there was enough room in the tent for both of you.
Or at least you didn’t think you did. Now that you were out here in the rain checking on the pikes that were holding the tent down while he was comfortable and dry inside, you were starting to think you weren’t too much better off than everyone else. Finally, after walking around the tent to make sure everything was still tightly fastened down, you finally went back inside.
“Oh, for-“ Astarion exclaimed as you opened the tent, “Close the bloody door!”
“The door?” You question as you take off your boots and your cloak off at the front of the tent.
“You know what I mean.” He huffed out and lounged back onto his bedroll. “I’m mean, really! I knew you could be dense but I didn’t think it was that bad-“
Astarion gave a comical, “oof,” when you threw your wet cloak onto his face.
When he pulled it from his face, his red eyes seemed to burn; you couldn’t quite tell with what emotion, but you did know something was coming.
It turned out that something was him as in a flash he had tossed the cloak aside, and pulled you down to the ground.
“Just like when we first met. What happy memories~” Astarion purred darkly as he held you down.
“I distinctly remember there being a knife involved.” You pointed out at the lack of things pointed at you.
“Mmm, you would remember that delicious, little detail. Should’ve known you were the type to enjoy that sort of thing.”
You swallowed at the lump in your throat, trying not to give him any indication that you were at all affected. You went to retort, but Astarion was quick to stop it.
“Shh, shh, shh, shh- Hush. Don’t even think about lying to me. In fact,” his hand moved up to cover your mouth, “how about you don’t speak at all. If you really want to feel something sharp of mine against your throat, duckling~”
Astarion leaned closer, grinned so that his pearly, white fangs peeked out from his lips, and hummed, “I’ve got the perfect, little tools right here.”
There was a slight gasp from his mouth when he opened it wide enough to properly bare his fangs that seemed to magically draw one from you. The chill from his skin sent a shiver down your spine as his cheek brushed against your jaw. His lips brushed against your neck-
-and his index finger moved up from your mouth to your nose, gave it a tap, and giggled a mischievous, “Honk,” into your neck.
Astarion leaned back to sit up and squished your cheeks. “Oh, you should see your face. Absolutely priceless.” He snickered.
Astarion groaned and leaned back onto his elbows, “Listen, I gave something a chance and it didn’t pan out.”
You shooed his hand away from your face and moved over to your bed roll and rolled your eyes. “Sure, if you say so…” then something struck you as you smirked yourself, “Duckling.”
He brushed his fingers through his mess of white curls, but stopped part way as he came to his own realization. “Or… perhaps it worked better than your letting on. It seems memorable at least.”
“Well, so was that dinner we had a few nights ago, but that doesn’t mean it’s good.” You retort.
“Fair enough.”
There was a spell of silence between the two of you with nothing but the sound of the rain hitting the tent with the occasional rumble of distant thunder. It was broken when Astarion gave a drawn out, dramatic whine.
You lied down on your bedroll and acted like you didn’t notice him staring at you. “Well, it seemed like someone should have taken the opportunity when he had it earlier.”
“Speaking of dinner,” he turned to look at you, his garnet eyes reflecting his hunger, “I’m positively famished.”
Astarion moved so that he was closer to you; while technically leaning over you again, it was more playful than predatory. He ran his hand under your chin to catch your attention and turn your head to look at him. “You have no idea how tempted I was to do so.” He sighed.
“Careful, or I might start to think your getting attached to me.” You teased, but there was not bite to it.
Astarion chuckled, a mostly light chuckle with a twinge of a bitter aftertaste. “Don’t get too cocky. I’m never more than friendly acquaintance with anyone.” He pinched your cheek and gave it a little shake. “Even you, my little duckling.”
It seemed that the two of you had quickly formed an inside joke from his attempts at a pet name.
Still not to be completely overcome by his charms, you pushed back with, “Of course. That’s why you were so eager to be so close to me a bit ago.”
“A tactical maneuver.” He brushed it off.
“And, have been flirting with me.”
“What’s a little flirting between friend—ly acquaintances.” He cleared his throat to try and act like he didn’t almost slip up and show attachment.
“And, why you’ve been wanting to bite me the whole evening.”
“And, still do.” He rolled so he was once again pinning you, propping himself up on his arms so he could still look you in the eyes, his usual, suave demeanor making its return.
You instinctively placed your hand on the crook of his neck, which he adored in the secrecy of his own mind. Astarion was more than pleased that he seemed to have flustered you into silence as he brushed his cheek against yours, and whispered, his fang brushing against your ear,
“Now, be good and indulge me in a friendly, little,”
His lips moved to your hammering, stuttering pulse point as he purred,
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sun-stricken · 4 months
Some ideas for you! Take your pick!
Gray frequents the infirmary the most. In one of my ideas lately, after thinking about iced shell, maybe ice make makes the body a bit more…prone to cracking? Maybe he bruises easy and gets a lot of head wounds. It’s why he’s always in bandages longer. I like the idea of Porlyusica getting sick of him.
Team Natsu/the guild/slayers taking care of him, even when he doesn’t realise it. (Against pervs, against himself, maybe people are a bit racist (with him being not from Fiore).
Gray gets sad sometimes and dissociates.
Gray has night terrors so he has sleeping pills, but on missions he also has caffeine tablets to keep him awake so he doesn’t have terrors around them. Safe to say, they aren’t happy when they find this.
Lucy asks Gray about where he’s from, traditions etc, and the guild realises he might be homesick so they secretly try to learn things for him. (Over the years they’ve picked up swear words (Gray doesn’t realise he’s doing it and they’ve never told him))
Gray’s actually quite touch starved. His body temperature is cold so most people stay away/ don’t touch him (but don’t realise they’re doing it). The only one who can stand is Natsu because of his magic. Maybe it gets worse after becoming a slayer.
…also do you take spicy requests?
you cant just give me all these amazing concepts and tell me to pick☹️ i will do a little for all of them if it kills me
Also yes! i absolutely do take nsfw requests! feel free to ask me anything! im surprised it took so long to ask me that tbh
there is a lot here so vv
* Hes the single reason why the guild infirmary is always having to restock
* Due to Grays multiple usages of iced shell some of his body did turn to ice, most sections of his bones, it looks like a normal bones but it acts like ice, which means hes more likely to break a bone
* unfortunately, its not like a normal broken bone for obvious reasons. itll splinter and have hairline cracks all over the bones before it breaks.
* It takes less time to heal than a normal break, he just has to get it wrapped and limit his usage of his magic so it can ‘heal’ (as in, ice it over again) the breaks and cracks. It takes less time to heal and also less pressure to break, win lose situation tbh
* Which is also why head wounds are especially dangerous for him, skull fractures are more common for him than anyone would like, which is to say any at all
* His external body temperature is low and causes him to bruise like a peach, getting a friendly slap on the back can cause him to bruise for weeks, especially from Erza
* bro hasnt gone a day without a bruise in like ten years
* Hes been dragged to Porlyusica so many times now that anytime she sees him (on the field, in her office, even completely out of context and hes not visibly injured) its like second nature to check him out first
* if she could go a month, or even just two weeks! without seeing him she might consider changing her views on humanity (probably not but its the thought that counts)
* Also Gray has small sections of what people think is frostbite on his hands and feet. It doesnt hurt or limit him at all but theyre there, showed up some time post devil slayer magic
* ALSO! His blood runs slower and is darker due to his low body temperature, causes him only the vaguest of problems but its a thing (this is common in most powerful ice wizards)
* Gray likes to pretend hes good at taking care of himself, but hes not hes really not
* Luckily he has a lot of nosy and protective friends thatll do it for him (in their own ways)
* Natsu literally temperature exploding some guys glass at a bar when he got wayyyy too friendly and handsy with Gray
* they were kicked out but he was really proud of himself
* Rogue drawing shadows towards Gray if he needs to sleep and its too bright, or Sting creating a warm light beam when its dark out and Gray wants to embrace his inner cat and sleep in a sunbeam
* Wendy checking him over first bc she knows hes one of the people who wouldnt ask for help if he was injured
* hes had multiple people physically remove him from fights/training sessions because he was visibly pushing himself way too hard
* Part of the reason Gray learned Fioren so fast was because he was sick of people looking at him like he was stupid for not speaking ‘right’
* he mentioned this to the little slayer group they got goin on and from then on out they were like, hella hyper vigilant with anything that could make him insecure like that again
* It really scared him the first couple times he did it, it still does. He hates losing time
* It started happening during his time with Ur, he cant remember a lot of it, training, blink, fighting, blink, training, blink, training, you get the idea
* It doesnt happen often, and he tried not to think of it past the point of trying to get it to stop
* Its happens often when hes highly stressed but theres no immediate physical threat, his brain doesnt understand whats going on or why its so stressed but knows he doesnt need to physically protect himself yet so it mentally protects him (if that makes sense), usually when hes alone, or when a threat is gone
* he confided in Erza about this once, and now more times than not when he ‘wakes up’ shes there talking to him
* only part he feels is good about it is that it makes him exhausted and lets him sleep easier
* He doesn’t usually dissociate often, not that he has much of a choice, if he did it wouldnt happen at all, but it was a lot worse when he was younger, his memories of early fairy tail are all blurry and he felt like he was on autopilot even when he was ‘awake’
* he hates it
* After his team found out abt his vast array of pharmaceuticals they were so confused and concerned and probably borderline paranoid, because who needs that many medications for one person??
* Gray had been taking sleeping pills at a high enough dose to let him have a dreamless sleep for so long that most over the counter brands dont actually work on him
* but he kept all the old bottle that didnt work just in case he got desperate to sleep and they suddenly magically worked again
* The caffeine tablets were self explanatory after seeing all the sleeping meds, but he also (unwillingly) admitted he takes them on missions so he wouldnt wake them if he had a nightmare, and also for days when they were especially bad so he could go long enough without sleep hed just crash and sleep with no issues. Canr have a nightmare if you dont sleep
* His team was also extremely unimpressed by these explanations
* Erza and Natsu (and also Happy) strong armed him into going to Porlyusica for actual helpful solutions since he refused to go to his actual doctor
* While Lucy and Wendy disposed of the full fucking pharmacy (seriously, he coulda started a business or smth) he had in his bedroom
* For some odd reason he felt lighter and less moody when he was on actual helpful medication and was getting genuine rest
* how strange
* and if his team checks his house for another pharmacy in the making thats nobodies business but theirs
* Also Erza tried to ban Gray from caffeine while on a quest , or at least limit it, but he looked at her like she was absolutely batshit crazy to the point she got embarrassed and had to retract the ban
* But she will tie him to the bed to make him sleep on quests if she has to
* The first time Lucy asked where Gray was from was before Galuna, he ended up giving her a shady answer and redirecting the question to her (reminder, before galuna, before phantom lord) which she ended up also being a bit cagey about so she let it go
* But Lucy is nosy (endearing) by nature, so she asked if he had any different holiday type traditions sometime after Galuna, and to the surprise of, well, literally everyone, he did and gave examples
* which lead down a rabbit hole of the guild fretting a bit abt how to make him comfortable (even though hed been with them for a decade) bc he mentioned he used to be really homesick the first couple years, and sometimes still is
* Most the guild still had no clue where he was from so they were really just running in circles for awhile
* Levy tried to figure it out from the time he accidentally dropped, what she assumed to be colorful curse words, random foreign language bits
* didnt really work but she tried
* so for months he was bombarded with ‘subtle’ questions about his hometown and its culture, which got shut down most the time
* Thats not to say he didnt give them anything, he gave them enough that they were incorporated into existing traditions and holidays they already celebrated
* it was a very sweet gesture that Gray absolutely did not tear up at, so shut up—
* Gray is the most touch starved fool on the planet. ive always loved the idea of him liking touch a lot
* He grew up in a pretty affectionate family, his parents were always around to ruffle his hair, or hug, or hold his hand, or carry him, they were just very physically affectionate and he enjoyed it
* With it made him nauseous, guilty really, because Ur and Lyon were also physically affectionate but it wasnt them, it wasnt his family
* Also it was plain uncomfortable at times, part of learning ice magic was to almost numb himself to cold, but in the beginning numbed him to everything and it became uncomfortable to be touched because it was tingly and it hurt
* Early Fairy Tail he was completely closed off, couldnt stand being touched, didnt want to get cozy and make friends because he planned to leave anyways.
* Ice mages (Fire mages also) temperatures can fluctuate depending on how they feel, for example, if they’re experiencing negative emotions their temperature and the space around them will get colder
* and Gray used to be so angry and upset all the time, and hed just beginning to learn magic so he didnt know how to fix it yet, which caused a lot of discomfort for people.
* People didnt stay around him long because the discomfort of being too cold, and what was he gonna do about it? ask them to come back?? hell no
* So he gained a reputation and people didnt want to disrespect a volatile childs apparent boundaries so they didnt question it
* He was fine with fighting being the only real prolonged touch hed get, totally
* But Natsus got this thing about him that makes him think he can do the impossible, which includes shaking Grays world view and comfort levels
* At some point in their teens Natsu would not let go of the alleged fact that Grays didnt like being touched for some reason, so he did what he does best and pressed the issue
* it ended with Gray being a puddle in his lap while he had a crisis about everything he thought he knew about himself while Natsu celebrated his victory against him
* Its not completely public knowledge but the guild most definitely knows at least a little about how much Gray is touch starved
* he doesnt openly welcome it with open arms but if its happening and he trusts the person hes not gonna say no
* he probably gets a euphoria high from a head pat or smth
* After getting his devil slayer magic is absolutely got worse, having two powerful ice magics, one of which he was still struggling to get the hang of, in one body made it difficult to control the temperature around him, and after long enough people would start shivering if he wasnt careful
* it sucked, totally and completely sucked
* Natsu still remained unbothered and would increase his own temperature to counterbalance Grays, which helped a lot
* he still gets all up in Grays space no matter how much Gray tell him to fuck off, he knows he needs it
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cursedcola · 5 months
TWST: The Hall Of Mirrors - Baby Update, January 24’
Guys I don’t think I’m going to be able to put art in the game because I lack a tablet. As much as I want to, it would require making *way* too many images.
So, I’m making the TW game a pure piece of interactive fanfiction as a text-based game only. I’ve poured so many hours into it and I think I would rather go extend the plot/add on details so you can visualize it rather than stress anymore about putting art in. I know I said previously that I was taking time off from it, but I actually spent a good chunk of my free time last month trying to get art to scan in. Twine does not like imagery. No, no it does not.
So I’m just going to take a wee bit more time and make the plot more detailed. I also really want to get back to writing more here >_<
Like I said, I’m taking more time to add in detail. Without art I feel that it needs more to make the visuals pop.
I haven’t given up on this bit quite yet. Since this is a fan game that isn’t getting monetized or anything, I don’t feel the need to make original music. I’ll see if I can find anything I like enough to fit the vibes
~ On that note, this is the last written update I’m giving. I might post some pictures when I feel it's in a good place, or ask if anyone would like to test the game out (catch any technical errors or bugs)….but yeah, I’m pretty much done now? I think? Hard to believe I’ve slowly been writing this since July. It’ll be weird to not work on it anymore, but also nice since I want to write other things hehe. I will say that this is the biggest thing I have ever made for any fandom, and I hope it's something I can look back on fondly.
(Small rant below about the art because I’m me and my perfectionism demands I offer an explanation)
Like, I did the math and it just isn’t feasible to do with what I have sadly. The game was going to have 15cgs for each route’s climax. I also got a bit crazy and even did base sketches for 15 cga for the after endings without really thinking about how rough it was going to be. You can customize your Mc by their clothing, body size, eye color, hair length and color, and hair type. If I had a tablet then I could make a singular CG as the base, and then basically make a bunch of copies where I make small changes so that the proper combination will pop up depending on the choices you made. It would have took a long time but I could have done it - although using a quick combination showed that there were hundreds of different possible combinations.
I mean, there are 2 clothing options, 4 body types, 8 eye colors, 4 hair types, 4 hair lengths, and i think 6 hair colors if I remember right. I also put in customization features that have you answer Q’s that I can’t predict to edit the cg with. Regardless that’s 2X4X8X4X4X6 = 6,144 possible combinations for ONE cg. That’s kind of rough even with a tablet, so without one is just like…death. It would be 2x4x4x4 = 128 different iterations of the image (as things that are not just color changes that can be quickly altered). That’s 128 versions of 15 images. That’s 1,920 drawings. Even if they were going to be in a very simple artstyle, heck even a sketch, it’s not feasible.
I love Otomes and have always wanted to play one where your customized MC is featured in the cgs. Making a game like that is one of my life goals - but not for a fan game. If I’m doing that then it’s going to be an original work.
I’m sorry for hyping it up and making false promises. I really did want to make it happen for my mini fangame, but this is kinda just my little side project and stressing over it was zapping the fun away. So now we’re going back to plan A and just sticking to a text game >_<
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amiz06-certified-b1mb0 · 10 months
Hey, another DBZ artist here!
Instead of using Aggie.io as a collaboration drawing app, you should try Drawpile.net, as in my opinion its better than Aggie. As you don't have to buy anything to get more brushes and features. Its also wider in possibilities and features, as you can do multiple other things that Aggie cannot do.
Hello, fellow DBZ artist!
Ooooh, I’ve recently checked it out and it’s quite impressive! The controls are more stable and there are so much more options.
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So far, it’s safe for me. There’s TONS of fun brushes to use and the brushstroke stability is way better! Also, it’s drawing tablet friendly. In Aggie however, the brushes can be rigid and shaky and when I moved the canvas without the ‘Hand Tool’, it’ll glitch like crazy. So, I’m glad I don’t have to worry about that in Drawpile.
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“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good”
Additionally, it has NSFW/SFW options so ppl are aware what will be seen. So, it has a nice touch consideration. No hate on Aggie and it’s users, it’s just a suggestion to try something new. :D
Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll be sure to try Drawpile for my next Group Drawing Sessions celebration! ╰(*´◡`*)╯♡
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nana-kom · 9 months
Hi 👋🏻
This is a weight gain fic, this contain: feederism, wg, masturbation, if you don’t like don’t read.
Delivery boy
For the first time in his life, Felix had moved out on his own - he'd lived with his parents all his life, and was finally earning enough money to buy his first apartment. He was really excited about the idea of living on his own and finally becoming an adult. You see, Felix was a photographer, but he also worked in photo retouching and often accepted requests from different people to retouch photos. This could mean removing people from photos, lightening, coloring... so he spent most of his days at home working. This didn't really bother him, as he really enjoyed his work and loved working on all types of photos and requests. After moving in, the weeks began to pass and it has to be said that he lived very well on his own, eating whenever he wanted, going out if he felt like it and enjoying inviting his friends over whenever he likes. He couldn't have wished for anything better. But something start to changes after one of his clients request, it all began with a very specific request of retouch a photo of his client’s boyfriend to make him look chubby.
At first, Felix didn't really understand the request, but since he needed the money, he didn't really feel like refusing. The next day, he set to work, taking out his tablet and starting to redraw the proportions of the face and make this person chubby. At first, he remained focused on his work, but the more he progressed, the more he didn't want to stop and was eager to see the result. As he passed his eyes over the photo, he felt himself harden and let out a groan. Why was he so excited to see this person get fatter? He then swallowed and put down his tablet before running his hand over his member and starting to stroke himself as he thought about what he'd just done. Seeing someone slim put on weight and drawing all this shape made him so aroused that he even wanted to make him even fatter, so he didn't take long before jerking off. Fuck, what is happening to me? He thinks before cleaning the mess and finishing his work.
In the week that followed, Felix couldn't help but feel guilty. Whenever he opened his computer to research weight gainers, he couldn't help but masturbate to them. At first it was videos, then he came across drawings and fictions, all of which made him feel weird and guilty, but on the other hand the pleasure was too great. He began to think about what he wanted to do and wondered if he too could put on weight. He'd recently started eating more, but wondered if he could double all the quantities, and it wasn't long before he completely changed his eating routine.
Felix then started taking weight gain powder to stimulate his appetite for a week, and also began to eat in greater quantities, telling himself that if he wanted to put on weight he'd better order fast food and limit his sporting activities as much as possible. One evening he placed a large order at a fast food restaurant and was tempted by many things, including fries and onions rings, chicken fried as he loved it, four different burgers and doughnuts for dessert, as well as sodas to keep him hydrated throughout the evening. It had to be greasy, and he couldn't wait for all that food. When the doorbell rang, he hurried to the front door and came upon a rather cute delivery boy.
"Lee Felix ?" asked the delivery boy.
"Yes, that's me!" he said with a smile, and the deliveryman passed him several bags.
"Are you new to the neighborhood?"
"Hum...yes? How did you know?"
"Oh it's just that I often deliver here and this is the first time I've seen you so I was wondering...I didn't mean to be intrusive."
"Don't worry, something tells me we'll be seeing a lot of each other."
Felix then smiled before greeting him, then closed the door without the delivery man really understanding why. Felix then sat down at the table in his living room, and began to devour his meal, it must be said that the appetite stimulants were really taking effect and he often found himself hungry at any time of the day. He ate his burgers, enjoying every bite, feeling his stomach swell as he progressed through his meal. He had no idea that eating so much could be so exhausting. He needed to take breaks and found himself with the soda bottle in hand to wash it all down. He started to put his hand on his belly and feeling it so warm and swollen he groaned again and took a handful of French fries and shoved them into his mouth. The pleasure was too good for Felix and he hoped to see the effects of this meal on his body, he loved feeling heavy and fat. At the end of his meal, he couldn't help but let out a few burp and didn't even have the strength to get up. He closed his eyes, massaging his belly, which was far too swollen from the food he'd had to open the button on his pants to finish the meal, and fell asleep on the sofa, too lazy to do anything.
Over the next few days, Felix continued this routine and, as always, the delivery man was the same. They began to get to know each other, and this one's name was Chan. He was doing this to pay for his studies, and since he worked and lived in the neighborhood, it was very convenient for him. It must be said that Felix was always happy to see him, as he always brought his food. At first Chan wondered whether Felix lived with several people, due to the quantity of food, but he learned that he lived alone, and as the weeks went by he saw the impact of his meals on Felix's body. At first he noticed it in his cheeks, which looked puffier, but as time went by and the time it took to come open the door grew longer, he began to wear wider clothes and stopped wearing jeans and just jogging suits. Chan was surprised to see this handsome young man change, but he enjoyed every visit when he came, and the bigger Felix got, the more Chan was attracted to him.
Months went by and one day Chan received a large order and was not surprised when he saw Felix's address. He hurried to pick up the order, then went straight to the address he knew well before ringing the bell. He waited for several minutes without understanding what was happening, then heard a noise inside.
"Come in!" said Felix.
Chan frowned, but didn't ask any questions and walked through the door, only to find Felix sitting on his sofa. Or rather sunken into his sofa unable to stand up, he was huge, all his body look fat, his feet: his hand, his legs, any parts of his body couldn’t tell you he was skinny before. He was wearing a t-shirt far too small for him because his breasts talking all the part, Chan start wondered if he was wearing pants, since his belly covered his legs, his breasts fell over his stomach and his face was surrounded by several double chins. The arm of Felix were on his belly, too heavy to be somewhere else. The slim man Chan had known months before had disappeared to make himself a pig who did nothing but eat again and again unable to stop and it was clear that Felix had gone too far to pick him up.
"Sorry I didn't feel like getting up," said Felix, smiling.
"That's okay..." he said as he placed his order on the table some distance from Felix. "Will it be okay if I put it here or are you unable to move?"
"I can...try..." said Felix, reaching for the bag.
Chan didn't want to leave this apartment, he wanted to see Felix sweating just by making some movement to reach his food. Felix tried his best to retrieve the food, but he was just tiring himself out for nothing; he began to gasp for breath and sweat more and more.
"Look at you, unable to feed yourself without someone to help."
"Leave it to me, little piggy."
Chan then grabbed the food that Felix had ordered and began to feed him, Felix was too hungry to think about what was going on, and he ate again and again all that Chan could give him, he didn't care what he looked like and he just needed more.
"How could you end up like that?"
"More Chan....I'm still hungry..."
"You're just a little pig addicted to food how would you do without me?"
"You made me this way..."
"I was just bringing what you ordered...you're all dirty look at you." said Chan as Felix had food around his mouth and on his shirt.
"Bring me more next time...fuck...I can't get up...." say Felix trying to stand up.
"I'll take care of you if you’re a good boy..."
Chan then sat on Felix and started touching his belly, Felix blushing as he realized that the distance between them was because his huge belly was taking up all the space. He groaned as he felt Chan's hands roam over his body and into areas he himself could no longer reach. Chan then grabbed what was left on the table and fed him while he continued to touch him.
"Such a good pig. »
"Mmm...thanks..." say Felix, chewing the food.
"You're doing really good big boy. I can't wait to see how fat you're going to be."
" If you keep coming I'm never stopping to gain weight. "
" And I'm never stopping to feed you baby. "
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themsource · 6 months
Circus BSP AU
Soooo...had an idea that's been on my mind a while. Decided to share it because I know I haven't updated anything in a bit and I've been so busy with Secret Santas x_x
Anyways it's a long ramble from my ideas folder, not a real written piece, but I'm placing it below a cut ^^ This idea came to me while listening to Panic! At The Disco's cover of The Greatest Show a while back. I don't know if this has been done before but meh, just wanted to post my take on a circus au with the baddies
Rating: M
TWs: Mentions of torture, Kidnapping, Enslavement, Near Drowning
Nightmare and Dream own their own opposing circus rings. Dream recruits willing participants and their shows are always about love and positivity with graceful displays of athletics like ribbon dancing and aerial silk suspension, baton twirling and contortion, even godly fast speed painting with neon glowing soul magic to show an individual's ultimate dream even if they don’t know it themselves and store it in a personalized orb to take home as a memento for personalized viewing whenever you please. 
Nothing risky or seemingly life threatening/daredevil stunted. 
No, that’s Nightmare’s theme. 
In contrast he doesn’t recruit, he steals and binds individuals into contracts that can only be broken at his word or their untimely death should it occur. His ring has all the horrifying and thrilling shows that leave the audience anxious and on their toes, like sword swallowing/knife throwing/nail walking/fire breathing (Killer), Lions and Tigers - many dangerous animal performances (Horror), highwire/cannonball (Dust), and Motorcycle acts like the Wall of death and globe of terror (Cross). 
Nets and other safety precautions are ignored, this is the highlight and draw of Nightmare’s circus alongside the ability for one of your “nightmares” to be engraved on a stone tablet using soul magic so you never have to experience them again once the show is over.
Whereas Dream gives away positivity to spread through the worlds, Nightmare collects negativity in a personal vault for his own sustenance (the stone tablets) while still supplementing what he takes with the experiences his circus gives. 
This is the point of contention with the brothers. Dream doesn’t like how Nightmare still puts out negativity while also taking it away - it’s a selfish redundancy in his mind and perceived as unbalance, and Nightmare feels the same about how Dream puts out positivity with his circus but doesn’t take any away not only making his job more difficult to keep the flows even but causing him more suffering with how positive a world will be once Dream holds a performance.
The brother’s once owned a circus together but it broke apart with Nightmare’s downfall. 
Everyone was eager to see Dream perform but didn’t care for Nightmare’s escape acts and often boo’d and shamed him leaving the worlds they tried to equally balance always too filled with positivity. One day Nightmare almost died attempting to perform a dangerous escape stunt that he’d concocted to try and gain the audience’s approval, and just when it seemed to be working he ran out of magic (having not slept or ate well as he should’ve the night before when he’d been practicing) and nearly drowned. 
Dream was able to pull him free and save him but it took the last of their dead mother’s apples which proved too powerful and shattered Nightmare who was left horrified at what he’d become - a true reflection of ‘a demon’ as people called him, and led to him abandoning Dream to go his own way as the too much positivity started causing him pain and to go into frenzied breakdowns that he’d frequently black out through.
Since then Nightmare has not performed an escape act again and now solely plays ringleader. His innate trauma when it comes to performing is what led to him deciding to bring others into his fold to accomplish his goals, though he doesn’t let anyone know that. 
He contracted Killer, Dust, Horror, and then Cross in that order. Stealing them away from their own personal hells he found them in when noticing how fearless they were in the face of horrors far worse than what he had devised, and how equally terrifying their own appearances and auras were and would contribute to the overall effect he was going for. To get them to sign, he tortured them in never ending loops of nightmares, uncaring for how it affected them until they agreed. 
Killer was forced to experience going numb and filling with emotion on and off again repeatedly, the pain of switching so rapidly sending him into a spiral until he begged to be freed. 
Horror was forced to watch his fellow monsters dust and suffer the insanity inducing hunger wracking his frame as if fresh over and over as his brother kept mutating before his eyes. 
Dust had to watch his brother dust before his eyes repeatedly at his own hand no matter how much he fought against it, the pain of which was always too much each reset he experienced in his own world but in the nightmare without the time to breathe between each death and no goal of stopping the human in mind Dust cracked. 
Cross was sent into isolation, only it was so much worse as he didn’t have the ability to communicate with himself (even trying to think to himself and hold an imaginary conversation didn’t work) and could only experience the slow crawling of time as a sharp cutting sensation across his bones.
At first the gang all understandably despise Nightmare and what he forces them to do but he’s uncaring of it. However slowly the boys begin to find actual enjoyment in their work and bonding together as they come up with new routine ideas which they loathsomely try to share with Nightmare. 
Nightmare begins to feel impressed, even enthused though he doesn’t show it at their forwardness and makes recommendations for how to better execute their ideas while approving them. This causes the boys to begin feeling a sense of freedom and control they haven’t felt in years even before being stolen away but they still don’t soften to Nightmare even as Nightmare begins to soften just a bit to them at their willingness.
It isn’t until Nightmare and his trope encounter Dream and his that the boys end up feeling anything at all other than hate to the dark lord. 
They witness the exchange between Dream and Nightmare, the hostility Nightmare has when he and Dream argue over who has the right to be in this world first as Dream speaks in passive aggressive words about Nightmare’s awful decision making and unbalanced influence which Nightmare scoffs at before turning the argument petty as he remarks over Dream’s soft and impassioned performances. 
The second Dream comments about how his trope is a work of art while Nightmare’s is nothing more than ‘a glorified torture show’ the boy’s hackles raise - offended, not liking how Dream assumes they hate what they do (not anymore at least) which makes his trope’s performances more genuine and better since they’re willing. 
The boys witness the face Dream makes of regret at Nightmare’s bitter parting (dream’s words having surprisingly irked him) but don’t say a word. Instead they sneak in that night to watch Dream’s so called ‘better performances’ and are left feeling bored, and commenting on how it’s too bright, too sparkly and how they can do so much better. 
‘at least with us the crowd are actually on their feet.’ Killer huffs. ‘yeah, screaming too.’ Horror drawls. ‘I like the ribbons, not gonna lie.’ as Cross tosses back a handful of popcorn and earns amused scoffs from the others. Dust gives a rare smirk. ‘i have an idea.’ 
Nightmare is in his room, staring down at an old faded paper article that looks as if it might crumble into ash at the faintest breeze while he tries to ignore the pain in his chest from the positivity flooding the air. It’s a headline advertising his old act, the one that led to his transformation, when Killer walks in. Killer notices the article before Nightmare manages to fold it up and slip it into a breast pocket. It twinges something in him as he asks about it and Nightmare feeling a rare moment of openness blandly tells him of what happened. 
Killer is surprised and sudden understanding clicks but Nightmare dismisses it with ‘nothing more than childish hopes and pointless memories, what is it you want killer?’ 
Killer smiles.
It’s the first time Nightmare has seen that expression on Killer’s face and his socket widens. He feels something precariously close to a thrill race his spine as Killer hums, ‘me and the guys were talking…”
Dream and his friends are beginning to perform the big finale when suddenly the lights go off and Killer comes on over the intercom, ‘well as much as i love that hello kitty and fluffy rainbow shit like the next guy, how about we get a real party started?’ and the lights strobe back on in a kaleidoscope of flashing colors as Nightmare’s gang appear round the top of the stage. 
Killer flipping a jewel encrusted knife, Dust spinning an iron balancing rod as if it were a small plastic baton, Horror posed tall and looming with his one ear’d white lion and black tiger, and Cross on his sterling silver colored motorcycle revving the engine.
‘UH, DREAM? WHAT IS–” Before Blue can finish the boys are descending and taking the stage. Horror crowds them off with his animals as Cross races around the arena pulling shocked awes from the crowd and Killer blows fire setting the hanging ribbons up into a blaze of glory, Dust using his balancing rod to propel himself into the air and land on the lighting supports much to many surprised shouts of awe and worry. 
Dream can’t help but stare silently along with Blue and Ink as the show is stolen from them and negativity begins to seep in from the shocked and concerned onlookers who can’t bring themselves to look away, even clapping as Horror narrowly dodges being attacked by his own lion to allow the beast to burst through one of Ink’s paintings.
Nightmare watches in stunned surprise, amusement, and dare he even think it…
When all is said and done the crowd goes home excited and raving about the unexpected twist and Dream is left fuming as he goes off about how childish and inappropriate that was. Nightmare shrugs him off as he glances over his shoulder at his smug trope and comments about how it was no decision of his own making. Sure he knew, but he didn’t tell Killer no, but Dream doesn’t need to know that. 
When they go home Killer and the boys all gain a new bit of respect for their ring leader, and even a bit of fondness at how he let them do as they pleased. It’s a slow crawl from there. Each of them taking the time to get to know Nightmare a little better after also being told by Killer about his past, even asking him to join them for dinner one day where Nightmare finds enjoyment watching and listening to them go back and forth like a bunch of rowdy roommates. 
Horror introduces him to the animals, and manages to calm the tiger enough to let Nightmare pet it. ‘her name’s mira.’
‘...You named her?’ 
‘yep, her and bosco.’ 
‘Is Bosco the lion?’ 
Horror looks oddly fond. ‘heh, no, he’s the gator. the lion is kimba, killer named him.’  
Dust invites him to help him as he works on repairing and calibrating his canon, handing him tools and reciting blueprints. ‘need better bolts, these are starting to strip.’ 
‘I never knew you were so…hands on, Dust.’ 
‘cross’ fault. i saw him babying that bike of his and got tired of having nothing to do.’ 
‘I see.’ 
There’s silence, an uncertainty. ‘...i want to repaint it. i don’t like the colors.’ 
Nightmare considers. ‘...Alright, what colors would you like?’ 
Dust’s smile reminds him of Killer’s. ‘heh.’
Cross takes him for a ride and shows him just how fast his bike can go. ‘SLOW DOWN YOU HEATHEN! THIS IS NOT A SHOW!’ 
‘c’mon nightmare! live a little!’ 
Nightmare shivers at feeling Cross’s hand guide his to his waist, his voice reminiscent of a whisper into his acoustics. ‘i won’t let you fall.’ 
Nightmare averts his gaze. ‘Falling is not the point!’ 
Killer…killer brings him outside and sets him on a blanket beneath the only tree for miles as he sharpens his blades, handing nightmare one after the other and telling him what kind they are like a teenager. ‘and this is a messer! it’s german for knife but looks more like a dagger.’ 
‘Interesting. You’ve taken care of these well.’ 
Killer smirks. ‘i take care of the things i care about.’ 
Nightmare raises a brow as he echos. ‘Care about.’ 
‘i don’t have to feel it to know that i care about it.’ The shrug he gives is indifferent, but the look is another matter entirely, one that brings a foreign heat to Nightmare’s cheeks. It feels like a flirtation, but it can’t be, he knows where he stands with him - with all of them. 
‘An even more interesting notion.’ he whispers.
It isn’t until he stumbles upon Horror pining Dust to a wall in a small forgotten hallway with Dust’s legs around Horror’s hips as they kiss that Nightmare realizes there’s a deeper bond between the members of his trope that he never noticed. One that they’re starting to willingly let him see as he spots Cross and Killer not long after training together with Cross pinned to the knife board as Killer sensually traces patterns across his bones with the tip of a finely oiled blade. It’s shocking how they managed to get away with this, hiding the fluctuations in their emotions from his notice.
The understanding spurs something in him that’s…genuine. 
On equal footing.
Killer notices his staring and holds eye contact just out of Cross’ line of sight as he kisses the other skeleton. The emotions are there now, raw and unfiltered. Desire, want…teasing. 
It’s an invitation.
Nightmare turns away and hides in his room thinking. He doesn’t know what he feels, not yet. But he does find himself wanting to, maybe, get a little closer to them. To know them, just as they’re obviously trying to do with him. 
He likes watching Horror train his pets, he enjoys seeing Cross flip over ramps and twirl his bike beneath him mid-leap, he finds amusement in Killer trying to paint the sky with words made of fire, and he can’t resist staring as Dust pretends multiple times as if he’s going to fall only to stand back upright confidently and with poise. He can’t help wondering if this is what friendship is, companionship. He thought he’d known that once with his brother but he’d been wrong. The feelings are too different.
So he…takes the risk. 
The dinners continue, the quality time, with him contributing by inviting them to let him read aloud of his books and going out to explore the worlds now before performing, but it all starts to weigh heavy on him and this manifests in him one day suggesting as Killer and Dust put forth a duet idea to suggest they use netting…in case of an accident.
The boys go silent, staring at him. 
Nightmare feels judged, and it’s made clear that he is when Killer says rather carelessly, ‘since when do you care about our safety?’ It’s then made clear to Nightmare that no matter how hard he tries, and no matter what they open up to him and he them, that he can’t be more or get closer. 
They will always see him as nothing more than their owner, their master. 
‘Forget I said anything.’
Nightmare is left torn, does he put everything on the line by offering to release their contracts in the hopes that they’ll stay when it’s far more likely they’ll run if given the chance? Or does he hold on, and get left standing alone to watch as an outsider on the bond between them just as he’s always been to the universe at large.
He tried to run before he could walk. This is the obstacle between them and the first step that he knows has to be taken, the rest of the moments they share are empty so long as the contracts exist. And not only that but the leagues he’ll have to go to make up for what he put them through when he first found them, if they dare to even give him the chance.
There’s a bitter, terrifying, decision to reach. 
Nightmare is in unfamiliar waters as he feels the sting of indecisiveness that he hasn’t felt since he was a child.
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onionpainter · 1 year
I have a question about your prep for oil painting, or more like when ur practicing. Do you use a specially treated paper to practice with oils (studies, quick thumbnail sketches, etc) before using canvas or do you just sketch ideas, layout on canvas and then under paint? I enjoy the medium a lot but I actually want to sketch and do studies in oil (without much drawing involved) but don’t want to waste canvas. Also hate painting gesso over stuff repeatedly. Is paper something you have tried? Any advise would be appreciated o wise onion painter
Ok, so as for my personal habits, I tend to do "Practices" digitally [I have a tablet and SAI] or sometimes on paper like so: [garlic is pencil on paper, rest are digital]. I do draw thumbnails but they are usually in marker or pencil in my sketchbook, and are little more than like, very stylized symbols representing subjects or different compositional patterns. Most of my painting planning and composition happens via digital photo collages.
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The rest of my very long answer is under the readmore
I'll do colour studies occasionally if I'm feeling particularly anxious about a picture, OR if it has a colour range that I am yet unfamiliar with. I have done a couple colour studies for my current big picture with the cattle, one I did on location so I could have an example of the colours present in the landscape to my eye, and another of a seascape because this cattle picture will be my first significant effort to include the blue colour range into my vocabulary, and also to spend some hours painting clouds to get a feel for them. [for context, when I began with my current method of painting I began only painting white objects against back fabric with a value range from chromatic black to titanium white and then added in new colour ranges one by one once I was fluent in all of the preceding colour ranges] When it comes to your practice [and I mean "Practice" as in everything you paint overall] I think you might find canvas panels very helpful, as they take up very little space BUT they are still rigid and therefore don't need to be taped to a board or anything. They also come in a really wide variety of sizes and are very affordable. If you enjoy using canvas paper then you should continue what you are doing, but try different kinds of surfaces. Some people prefer to do oil paintings on sheets of copper. There will be a material that suits your style and your personality, you just have to find out what it is. I like belgian linen, but others may prefer gesso'd particle board.
You have several points going on in your question, so I will address them individually:
Not wanting to "Waste Canvas" Canvas is not a precious commodity. It is a raw material which can be used in the process of painting, therefore, its value lies in the work hours and expertise of the craftsperson who uses it. One of the most common uses of canvas is in art training. So you are not "wasting canvas" by using it for the purpose of learning the skills necessary for painting: that is a perfectly acceptable use for canvas, and all other materials. I'm not "wasting" a pair of hiking boots by walking at the bottom of a mountain, I'm using them, and if I don't use the boots at the bottom of the mountain I will never get to use them at the top.
Putting Gesso over oil paintings Don't do this. Gesso is a water based paint so it dries much faster than the oil beneath it. If you want to paint over a painting you can either paint over it with a neutral oil colour, OR, just do the new painting over it without the middle stage. Some things to watch out for if you reuse canvas this way: Ridge lines [bits of textured paint from the previous painting sticking up through your new painting might take away from it], oil layers [remember the fat over lean rule when choosing a canvas to paint over. if you have high concentrations of oil, aka fat, on the canvas already, it might be better to choose a different canvas], dryness [try to only paint over pictures that have had a good amount of time to dry.] Basically all of these warnings are to prevent cracking and other conservator problems with your paintings. A good painting can happen to your canvas at any time and it would be a shame to paint something you really like and have it crack later from poor application.
"Without much drawing involved" Painting is "mass drawing" [shapes not lines] with colour, so you can't really avoid drawing if you want to paint. This doesn't mean you have to use pencil or other dry mediums if you don't want to though, painting a value study [mass drawing] with oil is a very popular technique which many employ. I'd recommend that you look into "imprimatura" and "grisaille", two methods of value painting used for oil.
In conclusion, I don't want to get all "just be yourself" in here, but i'd recommend you research the different techniques and materials available to you and pick the one that has the fewest barriers to your work flow, feels the best to work with, and creates the final product that you want to create. If you were me I would tell you to work on belgian linen stretched canvases and occasional cotton canvas panels, but you may prefer something different so that advice may not be helpful. Keep at it!
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
Tumblr media
I know this is a lot of words so just skip through the fun colours until you find what you need
I go by Nine my pronouns are He/they/it. I am a disabled artist who mostly draws OCs and fanart of South Park
I use procreate on my ipad and clip studio paint pro on a Huion 16 KAMVAS tablet, I also use i krita for most animations i make.
Also you can check out my instagram! (I’m trying to post on there more)
compilation of info about me:
- I am a minor (so just— don’t be weird)
- my special interests and current hyperfixations are TV shows/movies as a whole (with a special love for horror), batman, zombies (i dont care that it’s technically horror i adore zombies) and mythology
- my favourite colour is green, specifically swampy greens
- I’m a baby punk (of about two months at the time of posting this)
- I will say queer, fag and tranny (as a gay and trans person) so if you’re not good with that, this is your warning
- as cool as i think furries are, I personally do not identify as one (despite my persona being a spider creature)
- i have POTS, because of that i mostly use walking sticks/canes (Glados and p-body). I also have one with a crow head named Wesley
- i’m trans, aro/ace, nonbinary and gay
- I’ll take little requests but eventually i would love to have commissions open
(I’ll likely add more to this later)
My tags:
Soursart (all of my art)
Soursvoice (most of the things I’ve said but not all of them because that’s too much work. Everything recent)
Headcanons (self explanatory)
Sourisdisabled (all of my posts on disabilities, mostly focused on my own)
Pronouns update (if you want to see how frequently I realize I’m not comfortable with my pronouns)
i want this blog to be a safe space for everyone so if you have anything against 2SLGBTQIA, BIPOC or disabled people existing you will be blocked <3 (this is also a safe space for furries and therians love you guys. Be nice to them)
ALSO proshippers just— fuck off. again, if not you will be blocked
+ anyone who thinks being a pedophile or zoophile is the same as being queer
I’ll answer any questions y’all have as long as it’s not too personal
(Especially HC questions or questions about my characters i have so many things to say)
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captain-mj · 1 year
angels of digitalism part two please very very pretty please
Done!! Part 1 is right here
Soap pulled into the parking lot the next morning just in time to see Ghost fly by and park. Without Roach. He noticed a car he didn’t recognize and assumed they must’ve came separately today. 
“Hey Ghost!” Soap beamed at him as Ghost slipped off his helmet. He just had a neck gaiter on so Soap could see his fluffy blond hair. It was clearly bleached, having the unnatural platinum that came from doing so, 
“Johnny.” Ghost tilted his head at him and Soap almost tripped over air.
“Don’t remember telling you that name.”
“It was on your resume. Would you prefer I stick to Soap?” He looked at him, tilting his head. Ghost had the most puppy dog brown eyes that Soap had ever seen. It didn’t help that his hair fell in his face and that he could only be described as pretty. 
“No. It’s fine. Only you can call me that though, alright?”
Ghost’s eyes crinkled like he was smiling. “I’m glad I’m your favorite.” He started walking and Soap felt flustered as he started to walk after him. 
Soap looked up at him, hands going behind his back. “You uh… have any plans today?”
“Mostly rigging checks. I put the wires and harnesses up myself so I’m going to make sure they’re all solid.”
Soap frowned. “Don’t the venue owners handle that?”
“Don’t trust them. A lot of them don’t follow the same standard. Not putting Rudy and Roach at stake because of that.” 
“Also you. You’re also doing the fancy tricks this time right?”
Ghost shrugged. “Not the same. I fall, I recover. They fall and they… crack. I threw Rodolfo onto a bed once and it sounded like pop rocks.“ He sighed. Soap had to pause and really think about that. 
Did he have it wrong? Was Ghost dating Rodolfo and Alejandro was dating Roach? Where did that leave Alex? Was Alex dating anyone? 
Maybe if he was single… He was a strapping young man. 
Soap laughed and decided to change the subject. “You hurt your wrist so bad you can’t play guitar.”
Ghost was silent for a minute and Soap was wondered he offended him before laughed. “Fair enough. I did…” He rubbed his bandaged wrist. 
“How did you hurt yourself anyway?”
“Scraped it up on my bike. Someone pulled out in front of me too fast and I skidded across the road. More embarrassing than anything honestly.” 
Soap frowned. “You were in a fucking accident?? And that’s all that happened?”
“No. I’m just lying to you.”
“Also, don’t trust any story Alex gives you about losing his leg. 50/50 chance he’s lying to you.” Ghost patted his shoulder and held the door open for him. 
Soap nodded and just got to work. He perched on the edge of the couch since Rodolfo was lounging on it, headphones in. Occasionally, he’d speak in spanish so Soap assumed he was on a call. Made sense, he was the manager. 
Soap started to draw again and tried out different methods and styles to see what might look best. 
Rodolfo sat up after a while and used the couch properly. He kicked his legs out and took his headphones off after saying goodbye in English. 
Soap hummed. “Who was that?”
“Alejandro Vargas. He’ll be dropping by later. You can ask for an autograph if you want but no pictures.” Rodolfo started to work on his tablet.
Soap shrugged. “Might get one for a friend of mine but I don’t actually like his music that much.”
“Me either but he’s a friend of everyone here.” 
Soap nodded and showed him what he had so far. 
“I like it. This it?”
“No. This is a rudimentary sketch.” Soap frowned, wondering if they seriously considered that worth the amount of money they were paying him and decided not to ask, lest his feelings get hurt. They didn’t really seem to get how art like this worked.
Rodolfo nodded and handed him roughly 40 bucks. “Coffee again. Need me to text it?”
“Nah, I still have the texts from yesterday.” Soap took the money and did a two finger salute. He once again got all of their drinks and handed them out. When he got to Ghost, he paused. “Uh, where is Roach?” He was trying not to look at Ghost who was hanging upside and shirtless. After working up there for the past hour, he must’ve gotten hot but that logical explanation did not erase that Ghost was fit and scarred and so damn attractive Soap was worried he’d get hard right then and there. 
Ghost glanced around. “He might be working with Alex. I think they were doing something with his outfit for the vocaloid.” He twisted himself in the ropes so he sat upright and took his drink. The position spread his legs and put a little strain on his arms, making them tense. Soap’s knees started feeling a little weak. 
Ghost drank some more and tilted his head. “You okay? You look really flushed?”
“I’m fine.” Soap smiled, noticing the tattoos circling Ghost’s arm. They were clearly covering some scarring. It looked rough, a bit like a dog or something had attacked him. “I’ll go find Roach.” He stepped away and went in the direction that Ghost pointed out to him. 
Soap watched Alex grab Roach’s hips and move him. Roach’s back arched a little and the image on screen just didn’t move. Alex sighed and put his head on Roach’s, almost pouting. 
Were they dating?? 
Alex glanced over, hand going around Roach’s waist. Roach leaned into him and they both either didn’t realize the position or simply didn’t care. Soap wasn’t sure how to handle that considering just yesterday Roach and Ghost had been tangled together. He stared for another minute before Alex snapped his fingers. “Hey, Soap, you alright?”
“Yeah. I’m good.” 
“Cool.” They took their drinks and got back to debugging the vocaloid. Roach would do certain moves and the vocaloid would just stop and freeze until it would snap into whatever position Roach was in. Alex was quickly getting annoyed and it was obvious. They went back and forth on it with them either moving around or standing still. 
Alex groaned. “Soap. Wear the costume.”
“Wear the costume.” 
Roach started to strip and Soap stared blankly. “Why do I need to do this??” When he was down to his underwear, he handed them to Soap. 
“I need Roach to help me at the computer so someone has to wear the suit.” 
Soap slowly took of his own clothes and quickly put on the outfit. Roach was a little slimmer than him so it was tight over his shoulders and ass. It was just leggins and a long sleeve shirt with wires so it wasn’t the most revealing, it was just tight. He listened to Alex’s explanations and watched Roach sign back at him. Roach had no shame in continuing to stand there in his underwear. It was hard for Soap not to look at him. They were musicians and performers, it made sense they were attractive, had to be honestly, but it was ridiculous just how hot Roach was. Slim figure, the exact opposite of Ghost, nice thighs and an even nicer ass. And the entire time, he’d bend over the laptop, back arching slightly. 
Was everyone here trying to kill him? What next? Alex taking his shirt off and pouring water over his head? Rodolfo speaking to him in spanish?? 
Was this flirting? Or were they just oblivious? They couldn’t be, right?
After a bit, the vocaloid followed the movements like they were supposed and Roach beamed at Soap. He reached up and lightly bonked their heads together before helping Soap out of the clothing. It felt more like he peeled the shirt off and it made him really flustered. Roach’s hands were very cold and they brushed against his back before he politely handed Soap’s shirt to him. He was clearly smiling and that made Soap even more flustered when he pulled it on. Soap nodded at him and fled, running back to his couch and his laptop. 
Except… Alejandro was sitting there. He was playing what looked like a knock off of candy crush and completely ignored Soap as he walked past him. 
Alejandro nodded at him. He sipped his drink and Soap picked up the tablet to get to work. The silence was… actually kinda nice. Soap wasn’t usually one that could handle sitting there without talking, but he was deep in his art and Alejandro was deep in typing whatever it was he was typing. 
Ghost reappeared and Alejandro wolf whistled at him. “What are you doing walking around like that?”
Ghost glared at him. “Fuck off you slag.” 
“Not my fault you’re a fine piece of ass.” Alejandro grinned and Ghost rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt back on. His back muscles flexed as he did. 
“You’re so annoying. Why are you here?”
“Tour just ended so I’m hanging out with you guys. Obviously. Why? Don’t love me anymore?”
Ghost shook his head and sat between them. Three big men on a couch was a bit of a hard fit, but Soap wasn’t going to complain. 
Soap showed Ghost who leaned into him to watch him draw. The silence was slightly less comfortable so he started explaining what techniques he was using. Ghost didn’t really seem to get it, but he listened nonetheless. 
Soap was coming to terms with the fact they were all a lot less cool than he was expecting, but it was nice. Maybe they could be friends when this was over.
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