lavender-witch128 · 11 months
Happy Father's Day to all the male characters I adopted as my dad.
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Yeah no forget about your older sibling telling you you're adopted. Andy & Ollie's brother straight up told them one of them doesn't exist
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ratguy-nico · 6 months
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For the previous post I ended taking so many screenshots, like an insane amont Spent more time than I'm willing to admit just seeing and giggling at young bob of the credits. Did I already said that Im in love with this man?
So here some screenshots.
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kiekiecarrera · 10 months
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day 6: fic to gif → 18 jiara fics I love + 2 shameless plugs
featured authors:
@alphinias (alphinia)
@brizzlovesyou (pennedbylynn)
@hmspogue (theystayalive)
@plutotwenty (pluto20)
@mayreras (falseungodlyhours)
@eye-of-the-storm (eyeofthestorm)
@rae-of-fricking-sunshine (raeoffrickingsunshine)
@ghostiewriter (ghostiewriter101)
@dayas (capulets)
@whitetrashjj (roseofwinterfell)
@sun-undone (sofwithanf)
@bobsfic (bobs)
@yoyokoolaid (lavenderblooms)
@kiekiecarrera (noos)
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odusseus-xvi · 10 months
Hello helloooo friend! Hi! I just wanted to say that I'll be going around and asking people about QSMP characters to avoid mischaracterization of said characters (in analysis, fics, and just overall fan interpretations). So if you're cool with it, can I ask you about the French streamers?
Like, can you tell me the mischaracterization you often see regarding their characters and how they actually are? I mean, ANY facts about them would be very very cool to know! I love all of them and I would really like to know more about them since I can't really watch everyone, ya kno?
Yes I would love to :D ! But also, keep in mind, I'm not immune to a bit of mischaracterization (that's how you write that right ?), sometimes I probably do a little bit, though I try my best not to. I have to admit, I don't see a lot, or just little things, and mostly from the english side of the community, cause over here with the french we are a really small part of the overall fandom, so I don't have a lot of interactions, AND it's our first (ever) smp like that (semi rp etc...), we never had that over here in France, it's a new thing both for us and the ccs, so we are getting our footing. But here we go I do have some things I can say : (wrote a fricking novel holy)
q!Baghera Jones : I see a lot of people characterize her as this hyper competent investigator that knows everything etc... In a way she is, she is a good investigator, and is always eager to solve the mysteries of the island ; What people miss most of the time is that she is also (it's not mutually exclusive) a Goofball : She sings randomly, she walks on mines and jumps off buildings willingly for the lols, some people say she witholds information, most of the time she actually just Forgor. Something that people do get most of the time is that she genuinely is really empathetic : She loves Walter Bob, two days ago she talked about how Cucurucho may be manipulated, she is worried about Quackity, about Cellbit, Foolish, Jaiden etc... And outside of petty rivalry (mostly with Forever, BBH, Etoiles, and a bit Cellbit) she is not a vengeful person at all. She is very understanding. Oh and almost forgot : She is surprisingly insightful ; She guessed what was happening to Cellbit as one of the firsts, she immediatly figured Gegg out the first day she met Slime, ElQuackity is VERY obviously another person than Quackity at first glance etc...
q!Etoiles : There was for some time a bit of mischaracterization in the way people saw him as a bloodthirsty killing machine, though it is fading steadily as we speak ; He is a really nice person that lifts up others, gift them things whenever he can, cares about the eggs, and is always reactive when it comes to saving or helping others. Also, he is a badass in the eyes of everyone (ccs and fandom) but people have a way to write that in fics that doesn't really match him : They write a badass and dark character that is mostly silent and cool ; Etoiles is NOT that (he is badass yes but not much the rest), he SAYS he is that, that he is "dark, and broody, and mysterious", but the guy is always cracking jokes, about others, about himself, he is very self-aware of his problems (social and health related) and likes to joke about it because "it puts smiles on the faces of people" (his way of cheering people up most of the time : "You are not useless, you put smiles on my and the people's faces, and that wonderful"). The moments that CAN be a bit dark is when he is asking for a fight ; most of the time it's goofy, but then there is moments like the dinner party when the codes revealed themselves, where he will be saying while everyone panics "Yeah... Yeah.. FINALLY ! FINALLY !!" and you realise he is not to be trifled with. He aslo tends to blame himself when something wrong happens ; to him, HE is the one that misplayed, that made a mistake.
q!Aypierre : Some people could see him as a relatively chill dude ; he talks calmly, never screams and very rarely raises his voice, but he is NOT chill : He is the most gremlin of the french, his favorite past-time in all the smps he's been in is pranking and breaking the servers : Two days ago in his 24 hour stream, he broke in the federation base three times, exploded a bunch of stuff in there, tortured Foolish alongside BBH, summoned lightning to make Foosh and BBH believe Gegg is still alive in front of his infinite Gegg generator, rickrolled Cucurucho etc... He is a every ingenuous guy with ways to build factories of everything. Most people, out of the french, would fear Etoiles because he is always begging for a fight, and fought and won against the code several times, but he is a nice guy, who they probably SHOULD fear, is Aypierre, this guy can be EVIL at times ; He loves contracts and deals, and using those against the others. He is not all evil though. He does care about Pomme, the french, and is willing to help others when they need him, though he likes to make exchanges.
q!Antoine Daniel : Antoine is probably the hardest to write or get when you are not used to him. He has such a way of speaking and a weird twisted humor that to someone not french, and not watching his streams regularly, it's REAL hard to get him right. He is an apreciator of dark humor and cynicism ; Joking about Bobby in front of Pomme is an example, though he is starting to be more compassionate about the eggs than he was at the beginning of his journey on the smp. Probably because of one of my posts and some others, a lot of people see him as incredibly paranoïd, and for a time he was, though he said himself (both in and out of character) that it was starting to get better because people came talked to him about it, there IS still remains though. What's interesting is that he can be both paranoïd, AND incredibly insightful : His takes are either the rambling of a madman, or scarily on point. Though he is rarely willing to help others (both because of his next to level 0 skills in minecraft and general air of "I don't care"), he is always on alarm and willing to help when it comes to the eggs, multiple times he ironically is one of the most reactive ones when it comes to realise there is danger or a problem for the eggs ; Though he is relatively self-centered, he is very compassionate and attentive of the eggs, with Pomme potentially being the person he trusts most. (everytime he acts aloof and cynical on his stream, to then immediatly worry about Pomme's well-being warms my heart.)
q!Kamet0 : AHAHAHAHAH ahAHaHhah, ahahah... ahah.. ah. oh. (he left for cigarretes)
(HOLY SHIT I WROTE A NOVEL. Sorry, didn't excpect to have that much to say. But here you go, hope that helps.)
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WILD KRATTS. Season 3 Review!!!!!!!!!!
One sentence review (1 being the worst-10 being a masterpiece) Hope you enjoy :)
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Hermit Crab Shell Exchange: WHY did Gormond call Chris "Green Pea" instead of "Green Grape"? However this episode have so many great moments to count. 9/10
When Fish Fly: I love the use of the "take a walk in my shoes" trope, it would have been cool if they stuck with the team switching roles until the very end but besides that this episode is iconic. See, finding creatures is like a piece of cake/10
Slider the Otter: How did Slider live that long? Cute episode but not the most memorable (sorry if you like this episode) 6/10
Mosquitoe Dragon: WHY Ya Hitting yourself?! Also not a bad invention by Zach completely backfired though. 7/10
Search for the Florida Panther: Wholesome in every which way, I loved the scene where Martin makes Chris go out and search for food, the live action part is also one of my favorites. 9/10
Osprey: I'm probably a bit bias but this episode is Amazing, fricking Jimmy loosing stuff is hilarious and not only do they make an episode of an animal that's the Mascot of my favorite football team ( though it goes by the nickname) they realeased it the year they won the superbowl and to make it even more amazing...Green and Blue are the team colors!!! 10/10 ( GO HAWKS 💙💚) ahem...anyways.
Bandito the Black Footed Ferret: Getting a bit of name dejavu and Martin not learning his lesson from the Googly Eye: The Night Guru episode tsk tsk tsk, good episode though. 8/10
Where the Bison Roam: The talking Bison are cursed, and they switched who was Lewis and who was Clark midway through the episode, a little rough around the edges but it's still good 8/10
Crocogator Contest: Very informative still remember the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile because of this episode also poor Jimmy. 7/10
The Amazing Creature Race: Team Fastfeet all the way babbbbbyyyyyy!!! Though we were cheated out of a Chrizelle moment, oh well 6/10.
Prarie Who: Just a fun episode, but what in the creature world was Koki doing? Also all those crash landings would have killed them except for Jimmy. 9 Yips/10
Mystery on the Prarie: I've been impaled the episode, poor Jimmy, Bush Chris needs to return and where is Moo after this episode? (Spoilers Moo wasn't full grown in the Christmas special) 8/10
Chameleons on Target: Bruh why was Aviva blaming the Kratt Brothers for that whole ring chip thing? The way they hid was funny. 7/10
Opossum in my Pocket: Gormond commits attempted murder on the Kratt Brothers. 8/10
Fossa Palooza: Best mothers day episode EVER, we saw Mama Kratt and their old neighborhood? 10/10
Mini Madagascar: 0_0 why they make the mouse lemur scary though. 7/10
Aye Aye: I love the pirate theme and why do Jimmy be lazy (I get it its a personality trait of his but still) but I mean Aviva could have done it also Aghhh. 7/10
Lemur Legs: Best episode opening in my opinion, they should have named one of the lemurs Zaboo instead of Bob but it was still funny. That sarcastic clap the WK crew did was also great 10/10
Under the Frozen Pond: Child endangerment and the WK team not playing fair at Hockey because they were loosing (but they were there first soooo) 7/10
Lemur Skink Fight: Tried a Tameron fruit before, it wasn't that great, unlike this episode, Also this was one of Donita's worse ideas she should stick to clothing. 8/10
Golden Bamboo Lemur: The dress looked better without the lemur, Why doesn't Donita utilize the hypnosis technology more often and I can't believe the Kratt Bros almost forgot Koki and Jimmy, Not cool man. 7/10
Tenric Treasure Hunt: Obi-Wan Kratt is big sad for loosing his Brother to the River. 8/10
Praying Mantis: I love this episode! Props to the animators for changing the "What if" animation to fit the live action bit, but what was up with that toy Monkey, still gives me the hebijibbies. 10/10
Capture the Fishmoblie: Technically not cheating if Aviva just handed it to them. 7/10
Back in Creature Time: THEY NEED TO MAKE A SEQUEL!!! Zach wanting to make the Kratt Brothers extinct is very dark I love it, also by changing where Great Grand daddy Gormond landed, potentially be a risk to whether or not Gormond would still exist? Also MARTIN WHY YOU SMUGGLING A TASMANIAN TIGER?!?! STOP. 10/10
Great season but I feel like after this season the writing changed...
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drawthething · 1 year
Really wanna say that I love drawing all of them burger muppets an equal amount but damn, such an lousy lie when you see me draw some of them like, all the time 😔 So uhhhh, made this list of my fav bb characters to draw (just for fun :D)
• Jimmy Jr: his stupid face, his little hair puff, his lisp, his outfits, I love him I love him I love him-
(quick, guys, pretend to be surprised)
• Andy & Ollie: 🥺🥺🥺 t-their baby faces! And- and tiny chubby baby body shapes! And I looove thinking of ways to let them mirror each other
• Louise: her design is too fricking fun, especially her bunny ears and hair and also that glorious chaotic face
• Tina: precious nerdy baby! Her head used to be so hard for me for some reasons but now it's just bam! boom! whoosh! Done!
• Zeke: I know what I keep saying about drawing his hair but like, I love his expressions and body languages so much (bean mouth bean mouth bean mouth-)
• Bob & Linda: been rolling around with boblin week pieces and genuinely having a blast (especially Linda)
• Gene: I'm always reluctant to draw his hair tbh but aside from that? Baby boy 😭
• Tammy: she's slowly becoming one of my favourites to draw :D Thinking of sassy expressions and sassy hand poses is so fun
• Jocelyn: cute and precious! Her hair 😭 And aesthetic iconic outfits
On a side note favourites to draw and favourite characters don't 100% necessarily overlap so I guess there's a reason why I don't draw my other favourite weirdos as much as I want to :/ (I failed you, Mr. Branca 😔)
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rambleprism · 9 months
Choosing a song for every letter of my URL 🎵
Hey I got tagged by @raptorbricksart/@raptorbricks (who is based for choosing an Efteling song, let's go)! I love music and I'm glad I get to ramble about songs I like :D
(original post) -------------- R - Ruler of the Mountains (Rayman 1) - Love the vibes of this world so much. Rest in peace, Remi Gazel. A - Album You've Been Waiting For (Brentalfloss) - This guy's music is super nostalgic for me, for some reason I keep coming back to this one original he did. It's just hecking fun and upbeat ✨ M - Mmmmmmanta, the darkness one (Mario+Rabbids Sparks of Hope) - HOW IS THIS ABSOLUTE BANGER JUST FOR A TUTORIAL STAGE. Good game, gosh DANG B - Bob's Burgers Movie Sunny Side of Summer (no I'm not cheating, shut up) - feels like warm memories of driving and singing along loudly. Watch the movie dang it, it's lovely L - Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow (Freddy Mercury) - Yeah I feel like crying today crank the jams man uuuaaaghhhghgh ; v ; E - Ehhhh lots of songs by David Wise! Like Klomp's Romp (Donkey Kong Country 2) - Love the calming water sounds and gentle buildup P - Pac-Steps (Pac-Man CE DX) - Something so majestic about it that gets you into the zone, Pac-Man has a lot of bangers but this is beautiful R - Reala's theme (NiGHTS into Dreams) - Jammin' 🎸 I - I'm sorry (I'm not) (this is in my favorite music playlist) (I wish I was joking) (I should probably be on a watchlist but it's so fricking funny though) S - Sonic Runners' entire soundtrack - gets me so pumped, seriously one of the best and most overlooked Sonic soundtracks M - Mimi's Delivery Service (Good Kid) - favorite band aaaaaa (M Alternatively - suffer 😊) ------------- Thanks for the tag, that was a lot of fun! My taste in music is weird and all over the place, but listening to music is a huge part of my creative process and feeling like a person. Thanks, music. Gonna tag some cool people, feel free to do this too! @ajthebumblebee @heayn @ryemanni @acarrcreations @ikkeforeal @jakiwashere @raygirlramblings @duckduckington @nebulaaurora @discozombiess 🎵💙
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poetryinsilence · 2 years
Bob:(oh my god, oh my god, I love you so fricking much, i would die for you right now) Hey.
Y/n:(i could kiss you right now until we're both out of breath and we'd do it all over again) What's up?
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Zeke & Jimmy Jr ♥️ (you'd get the vibe. you'd get ittttt)
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ratguy-nico · 4 months
Forget I wanted to include this in the Jingle section of Genuary Robot/Jingle
I really hope Gene becomes and amazing rock/pop star musucian but as a second best carrer path is definitely them becoming a Jingle writer for silly commercials
I know they would love it
And hey, they have the talent
By the way I'll never get over the "They make a cute couple" and Bob like "They are certainly standing next to each other" XD my man was brutal
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Random prompt idea for you, my dear! The song Ticks by Brad Paisley (because that song just screams Jake to me every time I listen to it! 😆) and while I was going to originally ask for the werewolf au, I realized it would also work for the Colts au!
The Colts are in Texas for a game (either the Houston Texas or the Dallas Cowboys, it doesn't matter to me which one!) and the Colts win so the team decides to go out to celebrate. Maybe this ends up being the night Ronnie & Jake hook up for the first time? Or maybe this is post-baby and Ronnie doesn't think Jake finds her post-baby body attractive and this is Jake telling her that he most certainly does still find her attractive.
You pick! 😊
oh frick yes motherforking nfl au BABEY !! I decided that this is the first time they hook up and I hope you enjoy love 💕
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word count: 2074
warnings: football player jake, alcohol, being drunk, EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI (size kink, just the slightest praise kink, unprotected pinv, public sex, outdoor sex)
It was Mickey who convinced her to come. There was something to celebrate after all. They just beat the Texans, on their turf. It was a game everyone predicted that they would lose. But somehow, they pulled it off. Only winning by one touchdown that all-star tight end Jake Seresin just so happened to score.
So when Mickey, along with the rest of the guys who decided to go out after the game, knocked on her door and gave her those undeniable puppy eyes — Ronnie agreed. 
Jake decided on the place. A little country bar in the middle of nowhere just outside Houston that he used to haunt during his college years. The place had pool and darts and the bartender didn’t kick them out immediately for being Colts. Just another win on this fated night. 
It only took a few tequila shots to get Ronnie out on the dance floor. And Jake watched her from the booth he decided to occupy as he nursed his beer.
She wasn’t wearing athletic gear. It was the first time any of them had seen her in jeans. And Jake had to admit she looked good. With those jeans and that tight shirt and brown hair falling around her shoulders instead of tied up or pulled back. In her six months of being Jake’s coach, this was the happiest he had ever seen her. She was dancing and singing and joking around with the guys. Her smile took up her whole face, her laugh her entire body, and Jake liked that.
Jake liked even more the sway of her hips, the shape of her mouth as she sang along to the country songs she knew. He supposed he knew from the moment he first saw her that she was beautiful. But it was hitting him like a linebacker now.
His coach was so fucking pretty. 
Draining the rest of his beer, Jake pulled himself from the booth and joined the rest of his teammates on the dance floor. They all cheered as he walked up to them. Most were just standing around, holding their various drinks and talking about the game or upcoming games. But a few were dancing. Ronnie moved away from the dance floor to take up the last of the shots she ordered, greeting Jake with a smile. 
Ticks by Brad Paisley came on over the loudspeakers and Ronnie screamed with delight before downing the shot of tequila.
“God, haven’t heard this song in forever!” she laughed as she moved to the beat, head bobbing and those hips moving.
“Didn’t know you liked country music,” Jake said as he watched her. 
Ronnie grinned up at him and he wanted her to look at him like that all the time. 
“Grew up in the middle of nowhere Southern Indiana, I kinda had to like country music if I wanted to survive,” she replied. 
“You know how to line dance?” 
“Why the hell would I know how to do that?” Ronnie laughed again. 
Jake jerked his head over to the dance floor. “Come on, I’ll show ya.”
“Nah, think I’ll just order another beer,” she said with a shake of her head. 
“Oh, come on, Coach! Dance with the man!” Javy encouraged with a broad grin and a wink tossed Jake’s way. 
Jake felt his face heat up at the implications of it. He thought he wasn’t being that obvious. But he just wanted to be close to her. Wanted to feel her skin and her heat and have her smile at him with her whole face. He didn’t know if the alcohol or the high from winning was doing this to him or what. But he wasn’t about to practice self-control. 
That was something he never had been good at. 
The guys standing around them started to chant dance, dance, dance, dance and finally Ronnie relented with hands raised in surrender. They cheered as Jake offered her his hand. 
“Coach.” He smirked down at her as she slapped her hand into his palm. 
“One dance, Seresin,” she said and he nodded. 
Leading her out onto the dance floor, he showed her the moves he learned from all those barn dances his sisters used to drag him to. The two steps and little kicks, swaying her around with his hand on her waist, spinning her out and back into his chest. One dance turned into two and into three. Neither of them making any move to stop or rest as they laughed and twirled around the dance floor. Ronnie was a fast learner, and even drunk she kept a good rhythm and followed his lead.
At the end of their third song, Jake spun her out and then back into his chest again. Her giggles like bells in his ears as her hands came to rest on his shoulders. Of their own accord, his hands slipped to hold her hips — tug her closer against him. It was hot in the bar and they were both sweating but Jake didn’t care. He had seen her sunburnt and sweat dripping from her nose and yelling at him for being an idiot. He had seen her at four in the morning, barely awake with heavy bags under her eyes from watching game day footage until three. She looked beautiful then and she looked beautiful now. 
“I wanna go star gazing!” Ronnie suddenly gasped loudly right into his face. 
Jake looked down at her with a furrowed brow. “Like — right now?”
“Yes! Right now — immediately!” She grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd. “We’re in the middle of nowhere! It’s perfect!” 
As they moved through the people, Ronnie asked anyone who would listen to join them. Talking loudly about how they were in the city too much, that the light pollution was going to make them go insane. Her ramblings went ignored or were denied — the other players too drunk or just not caring in the slightest. But Ronnie’s grip on his hand never relented, never faltered, as she dragged him towards the door.
He went gladly, though. The alcohol fuzzing his brain, making all his thoughts blurry and just out of his reach, didn’t let the usual warning bells go off. The bells that told either of them not to spend time alone together. That told them that anything more than a player-and-coach relationship between them was against the rules. That told them it could never be, no matter how much they thought about it.
The Texas air was slightly chilled as they stepped out onto the bar’s porch. Ronnie let go of his hand as she marched out into the gravel parking lot, head thrown back at a sharp angle in order to look at the dark sky. 
“Ugh, still can’t see anything! The lights…” She gestured over at the lampposts that illuminated the parking lot. 
“I’ve got blankets in the back of my truck,” Jake said, “We could drive a ways into that pasture over there.”
“Drive a ways,” she repeated with a smile. “Gettin’ more southern by the minute.”
“What can I say, Texas brings out the best in me.” He stepped closer, cowboy boots crunching in the gravel, and she laughed with her whole body.
“Wouldn’t that be trespassing, anyway?” she questioned.
He shrugged. “Not if we don’t get caught.” 
Ronnie agreed with a wicked grin he had never seen on her before, but he liked it. He liked that he now knew she could be mischievous, that she couldn’t stop giggling when she was doing something she knew she wasn’t supposed to. They got into his truck and drove out into the unfenced pasture just across the road from the bar. Just enough to where they couldn’t hear the music and even the lights from the street were dim. The blankets were old and dusty, but they would do as they spread a few out across the truck bed and climbed inside. 
They laid so closer their arms were pressed against one another. The feel of her skin against his own was electric, burning hot. It was like every nerve in his body was solely attuned to the places in which she touched him. And he watched out of the corner of his eye as she crossed her arms behind her head and sighed. 
Ronnie’s smile really was beautiful. And Jake found himself looking at her more than the canopy of stars. More than they ever got to see in Indianapolis but he didn’t even care. Stars were a dime a dozen, but her? Right now? With those moles on her cheeks and soft brown eyes and pink lips he wanted to kiss. That was one in a million. 
“I haven’t felt this happy in a long time,” she suddenly whispered as she continued to stare at the sky. 
Jake craned his neck to look at her better. “What d’you mean?”
“I mean…I don’t know. I got my dream job, right? I’ve wanted this since I was a kid. Football has been my whole life and I love it. But now that I’m here…” She sighed, arms unfolding from behind her head to rest at her sides. “It’s not all I thought it would be. Everything I do is watched and scrutinized and I…Like did you know? There’s an entire twitter account that’s just a countdown to when I’ll get fired. I guess I knew going in it would be hard, but…I just feel like I can never be myself. I can never relax cause if I slip up even once…”
She sighed again, that joy Jake had come to appreciate slipping away from her eyes. Without thinking, he reached down and took her much smaller hand in his own. She looked over at him for the first time since they crawled into the bed of the truck. 
“Do you feel like yourself right now?” he asked. 
“Yeah…I do.”
Jake could see the stars reflected in her dark eyes. He glanced down at her lips, parted sightly as her thumb passed over his knuckles. He wanted to kiss her more than he wanted to breathe.
Suddenly he was leaning in, and she was leaning too. Suddenly their lips met and it wasn’t enough. Suddenly he was on top of her and his hand was beneath her shirt — feeling as much of her as he could before whatever bubble they had found themselves in popped. Suddenly she was moaning into his mouth and tugging at his belt. 
There were no thoughts. Only some animalistic need. Her shirt rucked up beneath her armpits and one breast spilled out for him to get a taste. Both their jeans pulled down just enough. Neither of them asking any questions that would slow them down as Jake went inside her.
He groaned at how tight her walls gripped him, at her blunt nails digging into his shoulders. He hadn’t realized until that moment, with her caged beneath him in the bed of the truck he had owned since he was sixteen, how much smaller she was than him. He bet if someone were to look at them now, they would hardly be able to see her. He knew he was a big guy, as a tight-end he had to be. But it had never occurred to him that Ronnie could be this small. He felt his dick jump inside her as he was finally buried to the hilt. 
“Shit, good girl, takin’ me so well,” he muttered in her ear as he began to move with shallow thrusts. 
“Mm, J-Jake — so big,” she babbled, eyes unfocused as her fingers scrambled for purchase on his biceps. 
“I know, I know.” He kissed the side of her head. “Doin’ so good for me. Fuck, feel so good.” 
Suddenly his hips were working at a brutal pace and she was crying up to the heavens. Suddenly his thumb thrummed at her clit, wanting to feel her squeeze him impossibly tighter. Suddenly she was coming with a silent scream and her head thrown back. Suddenly Jake was spilling inside her before he even realized he was close. 
They both panted for breath. Sweat cooled on their skin as Jake kissed at her neck. He could see her smile, lazy and stuck in a haze as she looked up at the stars. 
Then she went stiff beneath him, her grip on his shoulders deathly tight. 
“Oh, fuck, what did we just do?”
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kawaiisugarsweets · 4 months
Since I posted and been improving and fleshing put the character I wanna show the other concept when I first got into Spooky Month
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First concept of how she was she was gonna have the Ink manipulation ability like my Sona in Zodiac Oasis (My AU) but it was scrapped out plus the color scheme was every where
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Second concept, I was trying to make her look like a chilled girl, but it was kinda confusing since this version of Inks is a subject for an experiment she was in, and this is where her tail showed being this swirl later to just normal stripes.. But where I was trying to get the hang of Sr Pelo still that was iffy.
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Third concept it was mainly trying to doodle Inks friend who were also subject of the same experiment but the AU was still in progress, like how the world works in it.. So the story was iffy
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Not really a concept but some practice on a character, which I chose Bob Velseb of BV cause well been awhile since I drawn different body shapes and BV is a sorta fun character a cannibal that tells facts. But the funny thing I kinda made look younger in these doodles, also THROUGH THE DOODLES OF HIM I FRICKED UP HIS EYES
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This is the last one, and basically I was literally using my Sona for Insanibeast in Spooky Month but I scrapped and and reworking it cause I want to separate the difference of Insanibeast in Zodiac Oasis and Spooky Month also it was also in time where Sr Pelo couldn’t access the forum.
So yeah that’s all the old doodles and concepts I had with this character which I was funny how her color palette change from Spooky Month colors with the greens purples organs and black, to how you see her now in latest concepts.. But ye I’m glad I got into the Spooky Month fandom and phase since it helped my with different art style and different shapes, and seeing other artist in the fandom how they made there’s
But that’s all hope ya’ll have a lovely day
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kariachi · 9 months
Who wants nearly 3500 words of Kevin and Irene's first meeting and date?
Doesn't matter, you're getting it anyway, they're precious.
“Oh, that’s a good one!”
It was probably a good thing that Kevin started at the statement, his shrink would have things to say about ‘getting past the need for hyper-awareness’, but he still felt like a fucking idiot. Adjusting his grip on the book in his hand, he turned his attention to the Lenopan who had just a few minutes ago joined him in the aisle. Done up in contrasting colors like a poison dart frog, they seemed to have realized they’d said that out loud and retracted their mass in embarrassment.
“I hope so,” he found himself saying, “the selection out here’s normally pretty crap.” That was the problem with moving to a new station, if there were stores for something it was probably only one and it probably was casting a wide net. With a galaxy so varied as the Milky Way, that meant it was harder to find, say, any one book that fit your tastes.
“Tell me about it,” they said, desaturation rolling swiftly over their body. “Irveh has an amazing grasp of words though, and the poems were written in Gal Standard so you don’t get any of the issues that come with translations.” Kevin blinked. He hadn’t known that, and it definitely affected his opinion.
“Awesome. Translating’s rough, I know, but fuck is it nicer to read something in the original language.”
“You lose something in the cultural differences,” they said with a bob of the head, “but not in language ones. Seriously though, the one on page… Frick… Can I?” Reaching out a bit of mass, they gratefully accepted the book and flipped to the table of contents in the back. “Yes! Page sixty-two. I spent at least five minutes splayed out on the floor, you’d think I’d been dropped there.”
“Probably shouldn’t read it now then, huh?”
“I can guard the aisle for you.” Kevin gave a snorting laugh as he took the book back, prompting a chuckle from the Lenopan.
“Wouldn’t waste your time.”
“Lucky you, there's next to nothing here worth sorting through so I have it to spare.” Their colors shifted to something a touch more desaturated. “I want to support local businesses, but…” Huffing a sigh, Kevin nodded.
“But they gotta at least try to meet a fucker halfway.”
“At least we’ve got a bookstore though,” the Lenopan admitted with a sigh. “I keep having to order my art supplies on the ethernet and that gets expensive.” Immediately Kevin’s interest was piqued. He’d been enjoying the conversation before, but didn’t meet other artists in person very often. Mostly because he’d only begun openly working on his art again when he moved out there and, well, no supply store to meet people at. Tucking the book under his arm, he smiled widely at them.
“What sorta art do you do?” Their colors shifted again, richening with the new topic.
“Photography and painting, sometimes sketchwork. Most of my stuff is digital anymore but, sometimes you just need to slap some paint on a canvas, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” Not specifically paint, but he knew. “I got back into sculpting a few years ago and depending on what I’m making getting new materials is a fucking bitch.” Metals he could do, there was a place for parts on the outer rim of the station, but wood, glass, stone? All had to be ordered in if he didn’t want to pull from preexisting work.
“Oh? I haven’t met a sculptor since college. What mediums do you work in?”
“Mostly metal and stone, you’d be amazed what you can do with that stuff, and some of the colors you can get.” Whoever had said stone was just boring grey had been an idiot and possibly colorblind. The Lenopan bobbed their head again.
“I’ve had to do metallics on commission before, the range can be amazing.” Kevin chuckled with a nod.
“And I’m guessing that was without heat treatments. Steel does awesome stuff over a fire.”
“Really? Cool! I’d love to see, if you have pictures?” Without even a second thought- and wouldn’t that hit him later, that he hadn’t had a second though about getting close- Kevin pulled out his tablet and went searching for a piece as he moved to their side. Eventually he settled on a butterfly Rad had commissioned for his mother, colored in a host of yellows, blues, and purples.
It struck him, as they ooed and ahhed over his work- far more than he felt it deserved, he could see a million problems he wished he could reach into the picture and fix- that he didn’t know who the fuck this was. They were a painter and a photographer who liked poetry and was also annoyed with the lack of shopping options on the station, that was it. But here he was, showing off his art. For a moment the thought that not having names was good darted across his mind like a spooked deer, but he shoved it back.
“Kevin Levin, by the way,” he said. “Pronouns he/him/his.” The Lenopan’s attention was pulled from commending the detail he’d managed to Kevin himself. They tilted their head, just slightly, and a ripple of discordant color change flashed over their body.
“Middle name Tevin, maybe Jevin?” He snorted.
“Ethan.” There was enough quiet for a heartbeat before they broke into gurgling chortles.
“Kevin E. Levin,” they said, “the man is a pun.”
“What can I say-” Kevin grinned and shrugged- “-I’ve got good taste.”
“Yes, you do,” they continued to laugh, something going light in Kevin’s chest at the approval. Before the pun had been his mom’s choice and so he’d been pitied, but anymore people, sometimes affectionately, judged him for keeping it. “Irene Beyer, pronouns she/her/hers.” Ah, one of the Earth population. The head tilt had had him wondering, he didn’t know if it was a general Lenopan thing. But there were more important things, like the name being familiar.
“'Irene'. Like, ‘Princess and the Goblin’ Irene?” She perked up like she’d just won a prize, tendrils wriggling, colors going wild and bold.
“Yes! Exactly! Nobody ever knows it!”
“It was everywhere when I was little,” he said. The Princess and the Goblin, plus its sequel, were among the books his mom used to read to him, and his dad had of course been going to buy him the movie where singing and music held the power that saved the day. “I don’t think I’ve ever met somebody whose name was pronounced like that though.” Irene drew herself up proudly.
“Well, somebody other than you had to have taste.” Feeling that much more comfortable, Kevin burst into snorting laughter, Irene following behind with her gurgling tones. More than likely they attracted the attention of anyone else in the small store at that point, but neither gave any indication of noticing or caring. As they died down, Irene sunk back into herself, colors toning down. Her tendrils kept wriggling though.
“Um… It’s getting to get that time,” she said, “…can I buy you lunch?” As he caught his breath, Kevin considered the offer. When was the last time he’d been on a date that hadn’t involved him flirting out of hunger prior to it? Since leaving Gwendolyn he’d been a lot more focused on his mental health than on his love life and only had a sparse few attempts at relationships. But, he was enjoying himself, Irene seemed nice, and most importantly he was comfortable.
Standing tall, he grinned down at her.
“Lead the way.”
Did he shoplift the book rather than waste time not talking to her? Yes. Did she say anything about it? No.
They ended up at one of the annoying number of restaurants on the station in comparison to things like art supply stores. An Appoplexian place that sold the most unctuous braised meat Kevin’d had outside of Osmosian cooking and a fried fish so hard you had to soak it in soup or crack it like bone. He ordered both sorts plus the meat- he'd gone hungry too often in his youth to pass up a chance to load on calories and no matter what anyone said any pudge he managed was a gift- while Irene went the meat, soupy fish, and something akin to a British pudding Kevin had never bothered to try.
“So,” Irene asked as their waiter, a young Lewodan, left with their orders, “um, what do you do for work?” In a heartbeat Kevin decided to have some fun.
“I’m a spy,” he said, pulling on all his con experience to not grin while he did it. Not that it mattered, it was a wild lie and Irene smirked as she leaned partly over the table.
“Why do I not believe you?”
“Just an untrusting soul, I guess.” He shook his head sorrowfully as he said it. “Major character flaw.” She just chuckled.
“If you get to be a spy, then I get to be a model.” Snorting, Kevin let the smile back out.
“I bet you’ve been in every major magazine.” Irene hummed.
“I mean, technically… My work has been in a lot.”
“Wait, really?" Kevin was honestly a little impressed. “What sorta work?”
“I’ve done some freelance photography,” she said, drawing in again, “but most of the time it’s just ads and things. I’m a graphic designer by trade so… Most of what I put out is logos and posters, stuff like that. I do commissions on the side sometimes though.”
“Cool. Remind me to buy something off you sometime.” Snorting, Irene flashed brighter colors for an instant.
“At least see my art first.” She pulled out a tablet- from where Kevin had never asked Lucy and didn’t intend to ask her- and poked through it a moment before sliding it across the table at him. He couldn’t help a small whistle as he flipped through the folder she’d brought up. She clearly played heavily with mixing colors, outside of a few simpler pieces he assumed were day-job related, and seemed to prefer broad, textured strokes. A closer look showed a propensity towards swirls that he vaguely remembered maybe being a facet of traditional Lenopan art? One pair of nearly identical images felt entirely different because, he realized, one using swirls and curves to give it a lightness and sense of movement while the other felt heavier and still with only, in truth, straight lines.
“Yeah, I’m buying something,” he said, flashing his throat as he gave the tablet back. “You’re good.”
“I- Thank you,” she said, stowing the tablet away again. “I’ve been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. Even went to school for it.”
“I considered that,” Kevin said, “but I never ended up doing college so…” He shrugged. Gwendolyn had encouraged him to go, but the only things he was interested in learning more of had been the arts, which he had been uncomfortable engaging with openly at the time. It had all felt very private, and he’d known that Gwendolyn would have expected to, insisted on, being allowed to engage with his work. When he’d left he’d moved to the Saturn Station and, well, it wasn’t worth the effort of ethernet classes, even if he was already doing therapy that way. “Mostly I do engineering, some writing and sculpting on the side.” He chuckled. “I’ve been considering combining the sculpting and the machines. When I was little I always wanted to do practical effects like in movies, the animatronics and stuff. Figure it can’t hurt to give it a try.”
“You should! If that butterfly was any indication you’re really good at the sculpting part, and if you’re engineering without a degree you’ve got to be good at that too. You could be the next big thing!” Irene’s colors got more saturated as she went, perking up and tendrils going again.
“Can you imagine,” Kevin laughed. “Finally make a fucking name for myself.” Outside of the crime, at least. Irene didn't have to know about the crime. If things got serious she’d have to, but he had no intention of scaring her off just yet. “Not getting recognized isn’t so bad though. I’ve got buddies everybody knows and they’re always bitching about it. Well, expect for Argit, but he could turn a mosquito bite into a mountain, get a publishing deal for being the first one on it, and get me to write the book for him.” Chortling as their drinks arrived, Irene mirrored him in a polite ‘thank you’ before asking
“Why do I think I’d like him?”
“He’s a complete asshole,” he said, taking a long sip of his soda as she dipped some of her mass into her own to soak it up. “He’s also my oldest friend, first mate, and the most reliable guy I know on a personal level so long as his tail’s not on the line.” Her head tilted again, slight tension in her mass.
“‘First mate’?” Oh, he hadn’t even been thinking…
“I don’t have kids,” Kevin assured, “not yet at least, but…” For a moment he questioned whether to admit to being Osmosian. The information wasn’t hard to find, but well over a decade of people enslaving him had made him wary. He’d started this though, and he wanted to trust her. “I’m Osmosian, we take a lot of mates at a time, share rights and responsibility for any kids. Sorta we’re married? Not like, legally but...” The tension drained away, tendrils giving a wriggle.
“We do the same sort of thing, but it’s not considered a marriage of any kind and sires don’t really have a right to their children.” That made things so much easier.
“Is there anybody I should know about?”
“Not right now,” she said. “I’ve always been kind of… wary, with my dating choices.”
“And you went for me?!?” Clapping a hand over his mouth, Kevin went red. He had not intended to say that aloud. Even if it was a valid question. He'd seen himself. Irene tucked herself away again.
“You seem nice, and fun, funny, smart. And unlikely to try to murder any of my other suitors.” For a long moment, Kevin was silent, mouth hanging open.
“I will try not to- did that actually happen to you?!”
“Not to me,” Irene said, her colors evening out as she leaned in, Kevin mirroring her as was proper with gossip, “but my uncle’s other brother’s cousin. She started seeing a human Plumber and her other suitor lost his shit. I mean, yeah he was a Plumber and this was right at the end of the whole feud, and the only other human I know of that courted a member of our community was a complete asshole, but still. Bit of an overreaction to somebody deciding to be serious with somebody.” As she spoke, things clicked into place in Kevin’s mind.
“You wouldn’t happen to know a Lucy Mann, would you?” She went still, eyes narrowing suspiciously.
“Yessss.” Figured.
“Yeah, the human side of that family can be iffy. My clan and my mom’s are this far from starting a feud with them themselves.” Irene sighed.
“I wish I was surprised. I mean, she did follow in her grandpa’s footsteps and become a Plumber of all things. People are still talking about it, the only positive comparison to her I’ve ever gotten is I don’t associate with them.” Kevin cringed.
“How close does it have to be to be ‘associating’?” She slumped.
“Tell me you’re not a Plumber.”
“I am not,” he assured her, “I was pressured into becoming one like a decade ago but I only lasted like three months before I quit. Couldn’t do it, nearly ate my boss.” A chuckle, a good sign. “I’ve got like five relatives who used to be Plumbers too, but the only one who didn’t quit was my dad and he both died and only joined because he’d received a holy vision about dying.” Her eyes went wide.
“And the others?”
“My mom joined as a mole for her gang after they threatened to toss her in prison and quit after my dad died, my other mom joined normally but quit after like six years when she found another job she could feed my brother with that wasn’t morally bankrupt, my brother joined because he wanted to be like mom and dad and quit when his partner died, hated every minute of the job, and my cousin Molly joined as a mole to keep an eye on that side of Lucy’s family because I was dating one, quit as soon as we broke up.”
“I repeat, damn.” Irene heaved a sigh. “If this lasts my family is going to throw their biggest fit yet.” Kevin snorted despite himself.
“So, we’re good, despite the history?” She drew herself up, colors going monotone in seriousness.
“Depends, what’s your opinion on the Plumbers as a whole?” Oh that was easy, his opinion had been drug around a while as life battered him in every direction, but in the end…
“Corrupt, ineffectual, bigoted by design, untrustworthy. Looking back, I can’t believe I dated someone who liked them nonetheless became one.” He chalked it up to just how shit his mental health had been at the time, combined with social pressure and expectations from the Tennysons. Whatever the cause of the base issue, his words caused tension to fall off Irene in buckets this time, color returning to her mass as she gave him a smile.
“Then we’re good, as long as that’s the case. And you’re okay knowing my family’s probably never going to like you as a result.” Kevin shrugged.
“I’ve been hated for worse reasons. How often can I expect it to come up?”
“Well, I moved out here,” she said, throwing a gaze around the place, “and they’re still on Earth, so… For my species, this is about two steps from just disowning them entirely.”
“So, they’re assholes.”
“They’re assholes.” Nodding, Kevin sat back in his seat and took another sip of his drink.
“Okay. Assholes I can deal with.” He smiled at her. “Promise as long as you treat me well you’ll probably make a good impression on my family.” Irene gave her gurgling chortle again.
“But will I make a good impression on your mate?” Kevin snorted, perking as the waiter headed over with their food.
“Treat me well and buy him jewelry, you’ll be set.” The table became awash with ‘thank you’s alongside pleased rumbles and purrs as lunch arrived. Immediately Irene downed her pudding with a slow swallow he could only describe as luxurious, while Kevin set to work tearing his meat into pieces he could lay over his fish. “So, got any pets?” Her colors dimmed slightly.
“No, I’m in one of the blocks that doesn’t allow them. I’d trade one of my sisters for one though. I have three, it's fine.”
“Lucky them I’ve got a baskurr, then, huh,” he chuckled, warming at the way she perked back up.
“See, I knew asking you out was a good move-”
Kevin could feel a deep purr rolling in his stomach alongside lunch as the two of them exchanged contact information. It had been a while since he’d been on a proper date, and longer still since he’d been on a date with somebody he took to this readily and this fondly. Irene’d was fun, sweet, so smart, and aside from the brief Plumber situation hadn’t judged him on a single thing. Even eating that fish like it was a cracker. It had been nice, chill, in a way that still felt fresh when it happened.
Certainly didn’t hurt he was even then thinking of what he would use to get the rich, bold colors she was showing in a piece.
“Call you tomorrow,” he asked, mindful of the plans she’d mentioned that evening and the nap she intended to go home and take.
“Text me,” she said, “my schedule can get weird and, it’s just easier that way.” Nodding, Kevin stowed his tablet away and gave her a smile he hoped warmed her like the pleased wriggling of her tendrils did him.
“‘kay, I’ll make sure to.” With a not-negligible amount of effort he took a step back. “See ya, Princess. Sleep tight.”
“I’ll try to avoid any peas,” she chortled with a little shake of her head. “See ya, Kevin.”
The smile wouldn’t leave his face as he turned and walked away, heading for the rim of the station on a few more errands. He already wanted to see her again. But no, she had things to do, he had things to do, and he didn’t want to come off as creepy. He could wait, text her maybe around dinner, just to say hi. There was a Khoron romantic drama playing in a few days, he could invite her out to see it with him, pay her back for lunch. Until then he had errands, projects, and a brand-new book to read.
He got the feeling he was going to love it.
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that-girl-glader · 1 year
I'm actually so bored, so here is my doodle predictions of TSATS because I'm magic like that. (STill haven't fricking read the book yet so please, don't don't, AND PUT SPOILER ALERTS PLEASE!!)
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Firstly you can see a sun and a star, and as you can see they look alike because they're the same thing, but they are kinda different because symbolism, bro. Like the traits be the same, but people treat and view them differently,idk.
I drew like a skeleton because idk it was very likely, but also i wanted to see if I could yk. Cause I actually suck at drawing skulls, so I was like screw it. But also it could be significant. Who knows.
The butterfly is self explanatory i feel like because butterfly like. Just butterfly. Idk how, when, where, just butterfly.
For the flower I really believe there will be a flower that is important? or who really knows. I'm not a future/predictor person...(just reminds me of rapunzel, which just makes me believe even more that Wills gonna pull a rapunzel, which drains him. Like maybe Nico almost died, who knows.)
I drew the cat like without tiny bob in thought, and I only realized after. Which makes me think I really am so cool, and good at guessing stuff.
The bat is because I love the way i draw them, and I think Nico could be the next Batman,bro. Maybe he has a whole army of bats. Who knows. You who read do so, yeah..
The cake is their to be a cake. I think maybe if they go to the jacksons they have like cake of sorts. Those are cherries on top by the way, but the cake doesn't have to like... be exactly like that.
notice their is a deadish tree with smokey stuff, that is a magical tree, that might be in the underworld most likely.
The crown is because who knows, I think they will be a crown idk. Maybe it symbolises a ruler of sorts. Maybe it doesn't.
The most important one to me is the mango, I'm hoping there is a mango. Hopefully enchanted. It was either a mango or an orange. Idk. But the mango spoke to me. And there has to be a mango, bro.
The lady in the fire is not being burnt by it. Idk wether they are a threat or not. But that's what's there. I think they are important somehow who knows.
The dog is just decoration, but who knows, who knows indeed, and ofcourse we have the one eyed creature thing(I saw that on the tshirts, but Idk much other than a few minor spoilers I'm not gonna mention)
The broken heart is because who knows. I think they will have a fight, like a proper real fight, but don't worry your pretty little noses. They will be solid again. Or who knows maybe someone breaks up(hoping it's caleo even though they aren't really supposer to be in the story)
and last, but not least. There is a ring. I actually thought maybe nico loses or gives or something with his ring or they find one, Most likely Neeks ring. (I got a minor spoiler about something maybe, idk I usually skip those, but it makes me excited when my doodledictions come to fruition.)
I'll leave you with this: what if python, bro. Who knows. And what if they kill cupid, hahahahHAA.
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butchbarneygumble · 1 year
Blease dump the info
Hi I love you
Episode I saw just now: "WE GOT A TIP FROM AN ANONYMOUS SOURCE NAMED SEYMOUR SKINNER" Clancy has two brain cells and they're named Lou and Eddie
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Listen I just think he's adorable. He's so round. Like one of those Squishmallows everyone is obsessed with. You know that gif of the lady pinching Tom Nook's tummy? That's me. That is entirely and totally me. He's a hardass but he's also soft? Giggling over silly little things... making silly little noises. ahuhhh I wanna boop his piggy snoot
He's been on my mind for a few months now. I desperately crave a big soft man to lean onto, and he's got a sense of authority and none at all at the same time. He's like the ideal mix of haha silly and shoulder to lean on. It's perfect.
I am obsessed with the lil moments he gets when he banters with Lou cuz he gets so sassy. They've got a super fun dynamic and I'd watch an entire episode that's just them going out for coffee after work.
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he's canonically just a super cuddly guy which just makes my heart happy. Like. Why did he do this? I don't fricking know. He just saw Marge and Homer making out and decided he wanted to be part of it. Lookit that FACE.
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I strongly hc him as bisexual and when I selfship I kind of have him in a polycule with his wife and me. Ralph loves having a dad, a mom, and a dadmom.
(please note I am wholly against police brutality irl and strongly want them to be reformed. He is fictional. Me liking him isn't any worse than people liking Sideshow Bob. Stay safe though. <3)
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