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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Any felix crumbs? SFW, NSFW, whatever you prefer, i'm about to climb on the walls i miss him so much
Can't believe we started this hiatus with another Felix death I miss him so much QnQ
SFW here, NSFW under the cut, I have Felix things in my drafts!! I'll get to them eventually!!! I am so bad at keeping a steady work pace!!!!!
Someone said that Felix's accent is close to a British accent and I'm gonna agree! I'm thinking a royal accent for him. Also I just think him using British idioms would be funny so
He likes butterflies and moths! Taxidermies them! Usually after Stella hunts them down
He reads out loud sometimes,, does voices for the different characters,,,, nerd
Likes operas and musicals! Tried to bring Anisa and Sage once and long story short they both got banned from the concessions.
Hums while he works/studies.
Imagine like,, his old school asks him to come in to give like,, an alumni speech,,,, Escell probably makes him go,,,,,,,,,, does not help with his self-esteem that ask these people he graduated with when on to be important and powerful mages and he's just,, like,,, over here. His advice for the students basically boils down to 'be gay and do crimes'
Honestly I think that's just his life motto in general
Totally uses magic to get out of chores. Real Sorcerer Mickey-esque shit. That time Sage got stabbed with an enchanted broom? That was all Felix.
Actually I don't remember what the canon response Sage gave to that was so maybe it was canonically Felix???
Maybe it's because I'm listening to Pinball Wizard but,, idk I'm not saying he'd be good at pinball but I am saying he'd enjoy it
Stella catches mice and gives them to Felix,, Felix feeds them to random owls that show up at his window (who are attracted by his magic),,,,,, he just has owl friends now. Names them all. At least one is named Bernard
He would totally listen to Harry Styles
Is always cold,, walks between Sage and Anisa because they're warm
He and Tulsi have a Short Alliance. Aka a any time Sage bullies one of them for being short the other has to roast him for something.
Used to make his family mud pies and would cry if they didn't eat them. Escell and Scylla wisely just pretended to eat them. Florian ingested so much dirt,,,,,
Does he use an eye mask when he sleeps?I'm gonna say yes. A silk one.
Okay so he cast a translation spell on us at one point so,, like,,, cast a translation spell on Sage and Anisa to make it so they couldn't understand each other. No real reason why. He just likes tormenting them. Good for you babe.
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Silk underwear? Silk restraints? Yes
Giggles a lot when he feels good, especially when cumming. He tries to muffle it but,, does not do a convincing job of that
Would read 50 Shades but mostly to laugh at it
Monster fucker monster fucker monster fucker!!! If Rime was corrupted Felix was 10/10 fuck him
Felix,, has,,, helped Rime on his heat before,,,,,, he talks about it like he's a veteran describing a battle, with the thousand-yard stare and everything, but really he uh,,, yeah it was a good experience for him
Probably has a higher libido than anyone gives him credit for!!
Not the best at dirty talk. Sorry. Very good at praise tho
Obviously he's a brat. Even as a dom he still managed to be bratty. That's just Him In General.
Always cleans up after sex because he doesn't like feeling sticky.
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
hrrrrrrrrrrr I'mmmm simmering with poorly suppressed rage
⚠️swears incoming
the teenage coworker is coming in to work to cover for the other guy today because he and the only other worker are out sick. And both of those guys keep trying to come to work sick too. I told the one guy who made it in to get lost yesterday morning because he looked clammy as hell and I ended up working an extra 2 hours. That's 10 f*cking hours of farm work, alone, in a 120F heatwave. My blisters have blisters. Started to draft an email asking the boss if I could pretty please be paid for the 2 hours overtime I worked and thought better of it. Because I'm starting to understand that's not how things work around here. And turns out the other guys informed the boss lady only to have her be like 'well if you guys want to handle this among yourselves that's fine but I don't want to hear about it.' And they all just go along with that?! F*CK. This is so f*cking stupid. 'We have a great healthcare plan' my ass. If your employees are pressured to work with a fever and a cough your health plan aint worth shit. So this stupid teenage coworker who told me yesterday she has 9$ in her account is driving her truck 2 f*cking hours to come in this afternoon to help me get the barn chores done--on her day off--for ZERO DOLLARS. She's like, 'it's the spirit of teamwork! :D' Honey bless your heart but f*ck that. Farm and ranch work doesn't always have money to give but the people who run this place live in million dollar mansions, work in air-conditioned offices, and doordash every meal-- and we're out here hobbling around on aching feet for ZERO DOLLARS PER HOUR? For the spirit of teamwork. Boss lady recently told me, "You should simply only work 8 hour days." "Great plan Sharon. Who's going to feed the horses on time when it's my day off and all the other workers have collapsed from exhaustion because they were naive enough to buy into your toxic unpaid hustle culture bullshit?" I already have 8.5 unpaid hours logged because that's what it took to take care of the damn horses I'm supposed to be caring for. That's more than a day of work they just decided they didn't need to pay me for. Goddamn us americans we are so f*cking stupid. Not like I can do anything about it when they're letting me live onsite and that's the only way I can afford to f*cking live. But I'm not 19 anymore! I'm not the stupid idealist who was happy to work for crumbs and 'the spirit of america' or whatever the f*ck. Because look what that got me. I got the whole damn community trying to f*cking murder me. Multiple times, in ever more creative ways. Oh, and kiddo tells me "it's fine, I'll probably have to work 12 hours tomorrow." Like f*ck you will. Honey it's supposed to be a job, not a free trial version of hell. You're not earning or proving shit by working this hard for a dollar less than a living wage. You think this company cares that you show up 30 minutes early every day? That you do your job well? That you genuinely care about doing good work? That you cover for sick coworkers? They never will. The company--every company--will chew you up and spit you into the dirt, and call you ungrateful for not working harder--NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Hun there ain't no promotions for best grindset in the real world. There's only getting fired or laid off because your usefulness ran out.
(f*ck you tumblr for limiting the size of my wall of angry text)
But I'm not a monster so of course I offer to pitch in EVEN THOUGH I know I just picked up a second art contract due in 15 days. Ya know, my work that actually would make me enough money to live above the poverty line if I could ever just get a stable living situation. I need a drink so freaking bad. I can't afford to drink because I don't have a single spare minute to unwind ever, obviously, but I can't be sober 24/7 in a situation this goddamn stupid and not implode with righteous anger. Damn it. Why can't they just pay their workers?!?!!? Y'all don't want me to be sober. I will start a f*cking revolt. "There's just no money in the business budget waaaaah." "Yeah well there are no fucks left in my cynical overworked socialist heart Sharon. Have the salaried office workers tried eating fewer goddamn avocados?"
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
thanks, I really appreciate it, like, literally. fluff fics are so good for making your heart warm and melt, so yeah, I understand the therapeutic part. do you have any kind of reaction while writing this? or do you have a face like this 😐 the whole thing? even if it takes forever to write this it still shows that you put a lot of effort into making this good even if it's just a few headcanons. I'm itching to just say that forever is composed of nows lmao.
your unfinished sentences are really more obvious, but I won't talk about that now because WHAT? YOU JUST... did you just use my phrase against myself??? I didn't think it was fair!
yeah, you managed to achieve this successfully. oohhh look at you being all mysterious again. hdjskakakk I just think it should've been cool to be 19 on the 19th. but wow, you really have something with 19 huh? even got it tattooed. I wasn't expecting this much of 19 in your life, and now I see that it's not random at all.
definitely has my support because this game ages like wine. 5 year olds with a tablet bigger than them are grateful for your attitude. If I'm not mistaken, there is something about the recommended age for letting children start using phones, isn't there?
I don't know if a person wanting to take children's phones is someone who you would say has a “great sense of judgment”, but yeah? I think so? 🤐
so you actually turn off your writer brain sometimes? interesting. the things you rewrite in your mind are something you consider better than the original script? 🤔 they're not important? but they are cool as fuck, how is that possible?? this is disrespectful and I'm offended, don't talk about my boy and my old man like that again😭 I see here a Caitlin's defender in its natural habitat, I heard that this species feeds on crumbs and that it hunts Caitlin's highlights frequently... this is a docile species, until we start talking about the injustices that Caitlin suffers... we will do more research on this rare species, that was today's animalplanet. (well, as long as we understand each other even when we're almost asleep, I think everything's fine lmao)
– 🌟
you don't have to thank me :) lmao, it certainly depends, i think the best emoji to describe how i look while i write is this one 🫠 i'm half happy and half overwhelmed because words are hard. i honestly never thought about it that way, i thought it was just annoying that i take so long to write like...ten sentences. that's such a good reference, i'm proud. and i absolutely adore that poem
how are you going to tell me that i am in fact obvious and then walk away like that??? are you trying to give me a small heart attack? i'm going to assume that means you don't mind those half-finished, yet obvious, sentences then. and of course, i used your phrase, it's not very fun when it's used against you, is it? welcome to my world. i didn't think it was fair when you used it the first time so 😶
i'm glad to hear that. it was very cool to turn 19 on the 19th, you are correct. it's very much my favorite number and it's cool to me that so many things in my life connect with it. it's mainly coincidental but it's still cool.
gonna start playing it instead of scrolling through tumblr in between writing sessions. god, don't get me started on those kids and their massive tablets, especially if they're using it to watch TikTok because wtf. i honestly don't know what the recommended age is but it has to be at least 10/11 because younger than that is...yikes.
it was just a joke! so, don't judge that person for a very funny joke. i think that person would take great joy in you saying that but idk 🤷
only sometimes because, believe it or not, sometimes i like slightly crappy/ridiculous movies and shows. although, maybe it is my writer brain that makes me like them because i can analyze them and find something good in them. i wouldn't say better, i would say gayer lmao. I MEANT THE IRRELEVANT CHARACTERS ON THE FLASH. my bad for not clarifying lmao. STOP, the way that little joke was so accurate i- 😶 i can't even try to argue because you're not wrong at all. [i agree, i think we're fine]
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hello, can you share your headcanons for LIs with insecure s/o please? from DoL
Now - I typically don't do school LIs, but since everyone's taking breaks right now I can feed some crumbs. You guys must miss them, huh?
Alex: Alex is gonna kiss your cheek first thing in the morning, as you both watch TV and drink your morning brews. If you've voiced your insecurities, they'll do this as a way of silently telling you "I love you and you're beautiful," without having to bring the topic up and risk you spiralling now it's in your mind.
If the insecurity is about skill, though? Alex is competitive. They don't lose easily, and never on purpose. But when you do beat them? They'll let you know how good you are. Because Alex is the best. That makes you the best squared.
Avery: Lets be real, unless you're fitting to their standards, Avery is going to be a tough person to be around. While at low anger they may not express anything out-right, the disapproving "Hm" they do when they see you do something they don't like is enough to let you know that they don't think you're good enough.
But they like that insecurity, because they can use it to manipulate you into being perfect. What may seem like a downside for others is a great boon to them. They'll use that and the money to keep you at their beck-and-call. Only once you meet the standards will they start complimenting you proper.
Black Wolf: What the fucks and insecurity and why do you even care about those things? You're a wolf, you should only care about helping the pack, having fun, and being free. And letting them take you when they need, because they're the alpha, but that goes without saying. No more petty human stuff. You're better than that.
Eden: Like Avery, uses it against you. But Eden love-bombs. They 100% want you to notice that they compliment you most when having sex, or when you do something for them. They want you to notice how bad it feels when you're left alone with your thoughts. You should crave them, crave to be at their cabin where they'll always return after a hunt and you can crawl into their lap for some much needed words of affirmation as you slip your hand down their pants.
It's how this works, right? You compliment them when doing stuff for them, too, like when you wash them in the bath. They do want more affirmations them self, but they know that they might not believe them if you do it too much.
Great Hawk: Also doesn't get it. Insecurities are only present in them when you refuse gifts, so they take it as meaning they did something to make you displeased. If so, then of course they should so everything ever to show their spouse how amazing they are!
Expect like, many gifts in the future. The tower will be overcrowded with gifts if you don't stop them and explain that it's a thing humans feel, and you just need to talk/cuddle/learn your thing better. They kinda get it after that, but still get confused.
Kylar: Feels like they did something wrong and likely cries about it when you voice an insecurity. They don't understand that they can't fix all of your problems and take it personally. Will try their best to cater to your needs after you voice them, but do beware that they're prone to go overboard and end up draining you.
Boundaries are an important thing in a relationship with Kylar. You have to be crystal damn clear when setting them, and reaffirm them when you need to. They will push it, because they think they know best.
Robin: Listens to your issues, and takes them to heart. They're just them, they're just Robin, and they them self have a lot of confidence issues, so they choose to share theirs's too, to help you feel better. See? You're not alone. They get insecure about Bailey calling them a waif, about not passing the next history exam, about not being able to protect you when you need it.
Their point is, it's normal. We all feel it sometimes, but you'll work on it together. At your pace.
Sydney: You're their pride and joy. Their saviour or corruptor. They can't be having this! But they don't have any relationship experience, so they go to the one who does - Sirris. Asks their parent all about how they helped their other parent through hard times, and once they get the gist of the situation (maybe they also asked Jordan, because Jordan's got some sound advice) then they'll come ask what you need.
Is a very supportive partner, and if it comes to academic stuff, they always offer to help you study while they work the library.
Whitney: Oh no. Oooohhhh no. They'll use it against you in the worst ways. They'll use it to insult you and make you feel lower than you ever have, just so you know how much power they have over you.
You're the slut, they're the master. But on occasion, when you're all alone and they think you aren't listening, they'll whisper a compliment about you to them self. That, and the fact that they punch people for insulting you because "Only they can say things about their slut," tell you that they do care. They're just shitty at showing it.
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eagles-translated · 3 years
They're giving Amie and Elias a slow burn and its absolutely killing me because I've lowkey been waiting for this relationship since season one! I know everyone talks about it and it might be becoming annoying but I honestly do not want to be disappointed! :( :(
I understand how you feel! I remember seeing this post from @sabrina-spellman way back before the show had even aired where they talked about the power Elias and Amie would have together (before we'd even seen them share a scene together!).
I think their chemistry is so palpable that the chance of us getting disappointed is very slim. I love a good slow-burn relationship because it's never rushed, which is probably why I prefer these two so much over Felicia and Ludde.
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Also, remember the Elias x Amie hints that we got from the Q&A that Stefan H. Lindén (the show creator) did?
The build up of Elias and Amie’s potential relationship from Season 1 does matter and will play a role down the line of the series. I can tell you that the story of Amie and Elias is far from over. There’s a thought-out path for them down the line. Will use a Swedish saying: ‘Den som väntar på något gott, väntar aldrig för länge’ which means ”The one who waits for something good, does never wait for too long” – I have always rephrased it to say “The one who waits for something good, always wait for too long” and with that said, we have not seen the last of Amie and Elias.
Not only this, but also all the little crumbs that Carl-Petter Montell (the director) has been feeding everybody on Twitter! It's clear that they know how many people want to see Elias and Amie together, and I'm sure they've been very careful with their scenes this season to not let anybody down when our expectations are so high.
Even if they don't get together in the third season, we've gotten so many more Elias x Amie moments than we ever did in season 2. And I'm pretty confident that if we don't see them together in season 3, they will definitely develop the relationship in season 4.
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
The scene between Maya/Andy/Carina felt somehow off, like forced, but I kinda love Carina and Andy by themself, they are both fierce and say things how they are, they are stubborn and passionate, I think Carina is more aware of her own problems than Andy tho, Andy needs therapy ASAP whilst Carina seems like she’s doing that already and done it for a while, she reads people very well and she’s aware of everything around her and always gives good advice , she’s not perfect but I like how both are so human, Maya too, flawed characters are what make us feel closer to them.
Whatever happen or didn’t bts, I really really miss Andy & Maya (and Vic)and the little talk they had about being first female chief was a nice callback of they friendship, they are giving us crumbs, I hope whatever happened it can get better cause it’s like the engine or Station 19 isn’t running smoothly and we can all see it.
It was just another level honestly
Give me back Maya Andy Vic that’s all I wanted for Christmas (I’m Jewish but I’m going with the flow I guess lol)
Barrett is just on another level dude, I want Danielle to get some Drama storyline and I want to see them back acting together more than 0.5 sec, and feeding each other lines and pushing their acting up, like good actors can do!
Andy needs some some joy, give her something else to care about, but please she’s becoming annoying and repetitive must be boring for an actor to be stuck in the same storyline over and over again…
Yeah, I felt that too. You could kinda feel the tension/awkwardness, which is sad. Something clearly happened and it's not our business but when it's affecting on screen stuff...it sucks. I really feel like that's also a reason Andy is at Station 23. Which is...also not good. Or the reason they're dragging it out this long anyway. The Carina/Andy stuff was really good though and you're right, Carina is definitely more self aware and I think Andy could learn a lot from Carina and do good by spending more time with her. And also going to therapy!
It's not good if you only have so many females to begin with and now you can't really show their on screen friendship without something feeling off. And they haven't really tried until this episode and it even felt weird with another person there. But I still don't understand why they won't develop Maya/Vic more, especially since Danielle and Barrett are close. They're both such great actresses too. It makes no sense. There's only one reason I feel like they wouldn't but it's kinda mean so I won't go there lol
I want Maya to get something dramatic too because Danielle is great at that stuff, Barrett has been great with her content this season. Andy is honestly so much better this season and it's because she's away from Sullivan. If she wasn't constantly around the annoyance that is Season 23, I would actually really enjoy her but I can't. She's definitely more likable than she's ever been though. She needs to do something else and hopefully they're done doing the same stupid stuff for once.
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Oh nice sounds like the baby will have a very loving support system and family with all of you around! OMG I cackled at the Monica Gellar reference and I understand your pain hahaha.
Oh god I hate flying, which is surprising bc of how many times I've done it now. 10h+ flights are the worst haha. Ah then you'll love the -30C Canadian winter temperatures haha. 🥶
I think making Dani a scorpio makes sense bc of how thirsty she is haha 😂 and the jealousy 👀. SLS is my favourite of yours btw! Think I left you a comment on AO3 practically begging you to continue working on it hahaha. (And you replyed saying you would update it eventually ty!)
Oh so badgers are kinda like opossums then. They're called texugos in Portuguese (we have them here too) which I've heard of before but never seen one irl. Honestly boring sounds great, better than having to run into wild animals and having to survive that haha.
Oh God I'm sorry you had to go through all that in the middle of a pandemic or at all actually, and I'm glad you survived and are doing much better now!
Idk I feel like I'm in a dilemma bc part of me is excited for any kind of representation of sapphic relationships but then I kinda feel like they're feeding us crumbs when we deserve so much more. It's not that I don't want to see tragic wlw stories (and they're all wlw bc apparently nb people don't exist) it's more like that seems to be the only kind representation we have and that's painfully close to reality already.
Ah now I'm curious to know what you sound like haha. And hey it's never too late to learn new languages! You might struggle more that's true but it's not impossible. I think Dani's accent is cute but I think it's bc I'm into VP more than anything 😅.
I'll be leaving you alone for a while now (finally haha) bc I've taken more work than I can handle (yet again) but I'm looking forward to seeing more of your fics in the future! Take care!👋 ✨
The baby is gonna have so much love and such a strong support system seriously they don't even know how much yet but when they get older they're gonna be so shocked!! Haha that's genuinely how I feel haven't had to live with a boy since I lived at home and my dad was still alive and my brothers were at home too I've just lived with women for so long now I am not ready to have to live with another boy/ man I actually really loved flying and with my first one being a long haul flight I feel like I could handle a lot of things with flying now it's a shame you dislike it so much!! Oh yeah that sounds like my kind of weather I would LOVE that!! Haha I'm glad it makes sense especially for that story!! Awwh thank you for saying it's your favourite that makes me happy!! And yeah I will definitely update it again eventually- the next chapter is one of my favourites so far it's a pretty long one but a lot happens in it and also there's a great shoutout to a movie musical in it that I recommenced to anyone that will listen and it's gonna be recommended in the next chapter haha but the songs in it are gonna be something that really makes Dani think about what she wants in life I've never seen an opossum they're not something we have here I don't think I'd love to see one though we don't have raccoons either which is a shame because they're my favourite animal!! I mean... I've been chased by some animals like swans, and geese, and ducks, and cows but never anything really scary haha Yeah it was a really scary time for me but I powered on and made it out the other side alive so I can't really complain too much and I'm doing a lot better now too which is great!! Yeah I feel the same!! I think we need more trans representation, both trans women/ men and nb people like there is hardly any representation out there for trans men or women and even less for nb people and that just sucks!! The LGBTQIA+ community needs better and happier representation I'm sick of seeing LGBTQIA+ characters being killed off of the relationships being unhealthy or them cheating like is it too much to ask for to give us positive representation and more of it? Haha I hate my voice and accent so I doubt I'll ever show anyone what I sound like (maybe if I had a really good reason to) but I just hate the sound of my voice like so much!! I just struggle really but I am gonna see about taking some classes after work maybe when I start my new job and see if I can learn a new language because I've always thought it would be fun!! How many languages do you speak? Dani's accent is adorable and her voice is just so lovely too!! Haha I get that feeling I am into VP no matter what character it is that she's playing like I am just really into her haha Don't say finally!! I've loved these little chats we've had they've been so nice and a lot of fun!! No I hope work goes okay and that you're still taking plenty of time to take care of yourself!! Awwh thank you, I really hope you like them when you read them and I hope you take care too!! ☺️💜
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xiazoxio · 4 years
Chapter 1 - "Flicker"
Word count: 1.2k
A/n; oop- part 1 omg! I made it only 1.2k words because I was busy being a 🤡 hehehh-
There's a surprise moodboard at the end c:
I've finally come to the realization that maybe,after all these years, she wouldn't be coming back.
I placed the cup I was previously holding back onto the counter. My tears felt suffocating at this point, they never stopped. Salty and bittersweet sorrow was always a nostalgic feeling no matter how many times I've tried to impede it. They were always reminiscent of the fact she was never coming back. 
I took in a deep breath, like I could breathe only when my presence was accompanied by sadness.
I leaned back on the cool wall, jolting me up a bit,from the contrast of the warm bed. I started thinking. 
Was that dream real? Or was it just another one of those stupid,stress nights?
I unconsciously looked at the gently swaying window, reflecting the orange hue of the rising sun, the curtains dimming the light from completely blinding me. There, a slit between the curtains and the window was present. Beautiful cotton skies,swirling with intricate clouds and vibrant dream-like colors of hints of pastel blues and indigos. The clouds forming a beautifully ornate pattern across the sky after the rain, something I'd seen for the first time. 
The little plants growing beside the window frame were luminous with life. They gave off a fresh scent that made breathing a bit easier. The lovely scent pricked my nose, chuckling a bit at the thought. A few chirping birds passed by, a mother and her child, her children emulating her,singing sweet songs.
The little window gave me just the tiniest bit of hope of restarting.
I was holed up in this apartment for the rest of the day, having been given a holiday due to heavy rains for the past weeks. Of course, I continued on lifelessly until today, where I wanted to do some activity.
Still having the reminder that rain will be pouring down later this day. 
I started planning on what to do. I counted the stakes this was just a lucid dream, or it wasn't. I've never had these dreams, half of the excuse that I hadn't been able to snap out of my own haze of ignorance. 
If it really was real, I started planning ahead.
My heart ached for a minute as I stared at the word I'd written down. It was almost on impulse my mind acted upon, but it was showing that I had started to think about this more rationally than an emotional view.
I brainstormed for steps to start, my hands not fast enough to keep up with my mind, a reason for my messy handwriting.
I need to start thinking about our old,happier times instead of mourning for the ones we won't be able to spend together.
This sentence alone made an appearance of a bittersweet smile.
I may not remember those times too brightly, because back then, we didn't know we were making (lost) memories, we just knew that we were having fun.
5:36 PM
It was the same dream I'd gotten last week.
The same road I'd inevitably run down, the same pattern of warm blood that'd slip through the cracks of the jagged road, the dreadful feeling of fear creeping up on my back as I came to a screeching halt in front of me.
The pitiful stares of people around me as shock stilled my body.
But then I woke up.
A dry path of drool still embedded on my skin as I lifted my head up to see the papers around me, small pictures of us scattered on the grey,cold desk. I fell asleep. 
I stared at the ticking clock for a few minutes,confused thoughts still clogging my mind. I slowly processed what was happening around me and stood up.
I turned right,hearing a loud purr.
Munko laid on top of my bedside drawer,dangerously close to pushing the lamp off,but taking more interest in the stray fibres of my pillow cover. I walked over trying not to startle her and slowly picked up the lamp, keeping it beside the drawer. Munko stretched out onto the space the lamp had previously taken over, as if mocking its victory over the space. I laughed at her antics and picked her up, making sure her claws weren't tangled within the fibres of the pillow cover.
I walked out of my bedroom, leaving the half written papers on my desk to fly with the outside wind however they wanted,hoping they wouldn't fly out the open window.
I slowly let her down from my arms onto the floor. She walked towards her food bowl that laid empty,with only small crumbs of the dry food I'd feed her at times. I remembered to feed her and walked over to her to pick up the bowl. She'd instantly meow as loud as possible whenever there was her bowl in my hand, because she knew I was going to feed her a bunch.
I kept the bowl on the counter and,like muscle memory, completed the task before I knew it. I was still thinking,however, about what I should exactly do. Enko's instructions were quite vague, only to "move on".
Of course, I had the internet too. But just as a precaution,maybe I should wait for her instructions. It is her undying wish, after all.
I picked up the bowl after Munko had eaten and licked it clean to pour in some water and get her to drink some,even if only a little.
Making sure she'd drink at least some, I searched for my phone. The apartment was too silent,too tormenting for my thoughts.
I searched for my phone, located it and sat on my bed, browsing through my music playlist searching for some background noise. It'd work even if it was static, I can't handle silence for long. 
Music was like a form of comfort.
I'd always find something related to my problems, having something to relate to and knowing that person who sang it was also going through the same thing always gave me some form of reassurance. It comforted me.
But music only helps you so far. 
There are times when even music can't read your feelings. Feelings are complicated and hard to understand. They're always deeper than the surface. No words can describe, whether unique or common, no word could ever.
People say that a person who understand the depth of your emotions is your soulmate, and to hold on to them with a death grip.
However, this concept was quite a mess to me.
I put my phone down as beautiful rhythms emitted from it. 
I was lost, for once. It was a new feeling. A mix of stress, confusion yet excitement and thrill. It felt refreshing. Life was seeming vibrant and colorful for the first time,new fluttering feelings dancing in my chest, and my heart pounding in happiness as small flickers of thrill run down my spine.
Is this what living feels like?
I don't want to lose these feelings, this new feeling of ebullience, a ball of child-like happiness. 
I want to make everyday count,every day to remember, and every moment to be filled with contentment.
Maybe I'll try something new tomorrow.
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