#How to get grinders to work on servers minecraft
katzlynn27 · 10 months
A World of Magic: New Minecraft Servers with Enchanting Gameplay
Minecraft, the renowned sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, has always been a realm of endless creativity and exploration. With its diverse gameplay modes and features, Minecraft offers something for every player. For those seeking a touch of magic and enchantment, new Minecraft servers dedicated to enchanting gameplay provide a captivating and mystical experience that adds a whole new dimension to the game. Enchanting servers introduce unique gameplay mechanics, magical elements, and mystical realms within the Minecraft universe. These servers offer players the opportunity to delve into a world of spells, sorcery, and enchantments, adding an extra layer of depth and excitement to their Minecraft adventures. Joining an enchanting Minecraft server opens up a world of possibilities. Here are some features and aspects that make enchanting servers a magical and immersive experience: - Spellcasting and Magic Systems: Enchanting servers often incorporate custom spellcasting and magic systems. Players can learn and master various spells, harnessing the powers of fire, ice, teleportation, and more. Magic systems may involve gathering rare resources, unlocking spellbooks, or progressing through levels to access more potent and complex spells. - Magical Realms and Dimensions: Enchanting servers may introduce new dimensions or realms that are filled with magical creatures, unique biomes, and hidden treasures. These mystical realms provide an enchanting setting for players to explore, conquer quests, and uncover the secrets of the magical world. - Enchantment Customization: Enchanting servers allow players to customize and modify enchantments to suit their playstyle. This feature enables the creation of unique and powerful items that provide special abilities, enhanced durability, or increased efficiency. Players can experiment with different enchantment combinations to gain an edge in their adventures How to fix minecraft error cant log in to minecraft servers are down . - Alchemy and Potions: Alchemy plays a significant role in enchanting servers, allowing players to brew powerful potions with various effects. Players can gather rare ingredients, experiment with potion recipes, and concoct elixirs that grant temporary buffs, resistance to damage, or other magical benefits. - Magical Creatures and Mobs: Enchanting servers often introduce new magical creatures and mobs that roam the mystical realms. From elegant unicorns and majestic dragons to mischievous fairies and powerful wizards, these creatures add a sense of wonder and enchantment to the Minecraft experience. - Quests and Magical Challenges: Enchanting servers may feature custom quests, challenges, and adventures that immerse players in captivating storylines. Embark on epic quests, solve puzzles, and overcome magical obstacles as you progress through enchanting narratives designed to engage and captivate players. - Community and Collaboration: Enchanting servers foster a sense of community and collaboration among players who share a love for magic and enchantment. Joining an enchanting server provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, form alliances, and embark on cooperative adventures together. When joining an enchanting Minecraft server, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the server's specific gameplay mechanics, rules, and guidelines. Some servers may have specific requirements or limitations when it comes to magic systems, PvP (Player versus Player) interactions, or resource gathering. Understanding and respecting these rules will ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for both yourself and other players. Immerse yourself in the world of magic and enchantment by finding a reputable enchanting Minecraft server that aligns with your interests. Engage with the community, explore the mystical realms, and unravel the secrets of arcane arts. Discover the power of spells, unlock the potential of enchantments, and embrace the enchanting side of Minecraft. So, ready yourself for an extraordinary adventure filled with wonder and mystique. Embark on a journey through enchanting Minecraft servers, where magic flows through every block and adventureawaits at every turn. Harness the power of spells, uncover hidden realms, and immerse yourself in a world where the extraordinary becomes the norm. The enchanting Minecraft servers are calling, inviting you to experience the magic and embark on a truly enchanting gameplay experience.
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minecraft-cake · 3 months
When We Get Home: Main Navigation
A skulk-based minecraft apocalypse au, following the Outlaws Scar and Grian along with various members of the Hermitcraft and Life series servers!
Hello and welcome to my minecraft apocalypse concept! This has been in the works for well over a month or two so far in my personal documents, and I'm happy to finally introduce the first few details. Our first one is a spreadsheet revealing quite a few of the major characters, their infection status, and more! Underneath I'll be explaining the setting and how I've changed up the mechanics of the zombie apocalypse trope just a bit to fit it to minecraft mechanics and my personal taste :].
Status Board:
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If there are many changes to this board, it will be updated here! This image may change over time as information is revealed and new chapters come out. For now,
What is the setting?
This is a modern setting, with a minecraft twist! Think of all our modern tech and cities, but with the edition of minecraft mobs and mechanics. Things like government sanctioned hostile mob grinders for citizens to safely gain exp, fully lighted road systems and cities to create safe zones for non pvp oriented citizens, etc. Pretty much everyday normal life but I still want minecraft mobs and items to exist.
What is the "Skulk Virus"?
After the entrance to an ancient ruin was discovered in the outskirts of the capital, a research team was launched to investigate what historians and archaeologists were simply nicknaming “The Deep Dark.”  Not long after the team's investigation and boarding off of the location, outbreaks of a deadly virus began to surface in less fortunate areas of the city, soon spreading terribly from hospitals, slaughterhouses, government sanctioned hostile mob farms, and more. The cause of the outbreak was presumed to be the hostile mob exposure that occurred overnight in the research area due to limited lighting budgets, as the black lichen seems to latch onto life force (mobs, nonhostile or otheriwse) to power a possible hivemind. Despite vaccination and quarantine efforts– the original discovery team going as far as to encase “ground zero”’s entrance in concrete –the spread of death did not cease. Once infected, the “skulk” pathogen quickly overwhelms the brain, using the remaining energy to roam and infect living hosts to spread itself.  The symptoms of contracting the skulk virus itself are most commonly visibly characterized by large, black abrasions and loss of vocal control, along with active decay of the body. It’s theorized that the skulk may distort and/or reconfigure humanoid vocal chords, which is what causes the chittering and racket-y calls usually produced by infected. The virus can also cause minor bioluminescence and hypermobility.  The infected are considered kill-on-sight. The virus controls the body wholly, and any person still conscious will be very unlikely to be autonomous despite vocal claims. It reacts with disturbingly quick instinct, and will rush toward any distinctive indicator of human life. An infected is most dangerous at its earliest stages, as their sense of sight, smell, and taste have not yet deteriorated and the virus has more ways to approximate the location of future host bodies.  
Are there surviving settlements?
There were two main shifts at the start of the end of the world: the prolificacy of death, and the human sense of organization. 
With the outbreak overwhelming major cities and spreading over oceans, Sanctuaries were made out of minor settlements to create safe areas. Usually dictated by some sort of warden, Sanctuaries are walled off communities that vow to be virus-free, safe places to harbor a semi-normal life. They have strict rules, even minor theft or endangerment is not tolerated, and all communities usually fight in groups of four or more. By law, anyone who endangers a Sanctuary is considered Outlawed. They are banned from all Sanctuaries, and their Outlawed status is documented on public forums on a digital record, along with their bounty. While death is not normally encouraged, Outlawed citizens are the exception. Most consider their removal a comfort, whether for revenge, or to deter others from defecting from the Sanctuary, but Outlaws are never kill-on-sight. For anyone hunting an Outlaw, the capture must be returned alive to the Sanctuary they were originally expelled from to face execution. This is to avoid fraud, as payment is usually given in a dedicated flow of supplies and armor to the hunter from any affiliated Sanctuary. 
Outlaw hunters are incredibly rare, and incredibly dangerous to encounter. Many have vowed strongly to protect Sanctuaries, and view anyone outside them as a threat regardless of their legal status. If you are not Outlawed, you are likely to be killed by a hunter to prevent the future endangerment of a Sanctuary. 
Fun Fact: Most of our main characters are Outlawed!
Like I said, this story will heavily follow the adventures of our two main Outlaws, Scar and Grian! It's going to deal with some pretty complicated relationships as well. I'll be taking my time to write these chapters thoughtfully and thoroughly.
We will have long term plotlines with a few of the characters on the board (and some that have been blocked out to avoid major spoilers), so stay tuned! I'd love to answer questions about the au if you guys have any :]. Feel free to check out Scar's Cassette Playlist up on my pinned! It's the music that was left downloaded on his phone when the apocalypse hit and most proper internet connections were severed.
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luigi-mcdingle · 3 months
a while back, out of sheer morbid curiosity, i went back to beta version 1.7.3 of minecraft (the earliest version i could find new records of people playing) yknow, to see what was different and if it was still any good that far back it was. um. not? i mean i guess i see the appeal but i couldn't play without the ability to sprint, no end, no enchanting, no hunger? but that's just me, again i see the appeal then, again out of morbid curiosity, i upgraded to version 1.0.0, expecting a similar experience i now have 142 hours on my 1.0.0 world. | v
this version of minecraft is, compared to today's vision of minecraft, simple so many things we tend to take for granted aren't there, like stained glass, hoppers, maps, item frames, villages, horses, stone walls... you get the point
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i didn't expect to put more than an hour or so into this world before going back to my heavily-modded 1.16.5 world or making a new 1.20 world, but something about it just kept me entranced there were simple goals and simple ways to reach it, but the basic gameplay was just so fun
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i've always thought modern minecraft was kinda bloated, and this really cemented that feeling; we didn't need frogs or ocean monuments or horses or redstone comparators or any of the stuff that has been added since that time
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yeah, it'd be nice for some of the modern quality of life features to be available like pressing ctrl to sprint or sheep being able to regrow their wool, but it's not needed minecraft became popular because the concept is perfect as is; your imagination really fuels things before i realized i was having so much fun, i was doing things i had never done before in my thousands of hours of minecraft, like building functional mob grinders, mining out slime chunks, and making elaborate redstone contraptions
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(the walls of the lower room in this pic ^ are made of mushroom blocks... that i had to manually push into the room one by one with pistons because silk touch only gave solid brown mushroom blocks, no red ones) when i decided i was getting bored of this world, i went to good ol curseforge and downloaded about a hundred mods for 1.16.5 and played that... for maybe five hours, then i went right back to 1.0.0. yeah, i know, those are kinda polar opposites in terms of content and bloat, but it says something, right?
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(yes that's the animal crossing train station) the one thing i ended up doing in this world that i had never done, that i honestly thought id never do, was go to the end and kill the enderdragon. yeah, in thousands of hours playing this game, i never once beat it. id always make a world, dick around for a while, then stop playing and eventually come back and start the whole process again... that or id play on multiplayer servers. remember mineplex? i should ramble about that one day...
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i had known about the ending poem, especially since the whole thing with it becoming public domain (have you read the author's blog post about that situation? where he talks about how he took a bunch of shrooms in the woods and God told him what to write, and the end poem was the result?) but i never read it because... well, i just never felt like it, really. reading it for the first time after my long playthrough of this simple, fun version of minecraft that i so quickly grew to love so much was... something else. id say you should read the poem (it's available online, obviously) but it really doesn't work nearly as well without the experience of a full minecraft playthrough backing it up.
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all this talk and im not really sure what my point in all this is. i guess it's something along the lines of "you don't need everything to enjoy life. limitation breeds creativity, and simplicity can bring happiness." or something. i dunno, it's fuckin' minecraft. maybe try making a new world. and having fun.
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oh yeah, also i never really got that "creepy feeling" most people seem to get in these older versions of minecraft. i got a little creeped out while strip mining but that's just me not liking corridors.
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herserenegrace · 4 months
I should probably remember to actually use this blog, shouldn't I?
Honestly, there hasn't been much to say over the past two-ish months. No big revelations, no major changes in how things are going with Her. I have been doing a bit of divination to narrow down what Her intentions are with things, which has been interesting.
Short version is that She wants to push me in directions I'm already trying to go in, though outside circumstances are limiting the amount of progress I can make on those fronts. I do appreciate the encouragement, though.
Also wound up figuring out a Tarot spread I've been using that's based on Minecraft fishing in a roundabout way. At some point I'll figure out how to do some fancy graphics to provide a visual explanation of it, since it seems to be pretty effective for answering certain types of questions. It's a fairly straightforward five card spread, so it shouldn't be too hard to throw something together for it.
Beyond that, the only other thing of note worth mentioning is a bit of minor confirmation of something that I don't consider particularly important, but which feels mildly interesting.
Early on during the current multiplayer Minecraft server that I've mentioned before, I kept track of how many fishing rods I went through before reeling in one with Mending (since that's the point when I'd have to stop replacing them), and wound up getting a Mending rod while I was on my fifth fishing rod. I made a note at that point that She's associated with the number 5.
The other day, I started up a fresh single-player survival world for the hell of it, and after a bit of initial wandering settled down somewhere that I thought was nice. Turned out there's a village not far from there, so I got a fletcher and a fisher set up so I could start trading to get fishing rods. (Caving gives me anxiety, and mob grinders are a terrible way to get string.) After a bit of grind involving growing giant spruce trees, managed to get a fishing rod (with Unbreaking I), and a bit later returned home to start fishing. Almost immediately after I started fishing, it started raining, and then the fifth thing I reeled in was an enchanted book. I'm taking that as a sign that the whole association with the number 5 thing is right.
Not something I'm expecting is super significant, but still worth mentioning here alongside everything else. Also, it took me until I was writing this post to realize there might be a connection between the whole 5 thing and that Tarot spread I figured out working as well as it does to communicate with Her. I never claimed to be smart.
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transdrowned · 3 years
please do i want to hear them
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@salamencerobot @rutilated-quarz 8)
Well lads. The votes are in.
Tiny ones first:
Every living thing is sensitive to Glitches, which are entities that break the laws of their given World, IE Herobrine, Obviously, or someone who has a creative inventory despite being in Survival. Glitches have this sort of unsettling vibe to them, and it makes people avoid or be scared of them.
Illagers are actually extremely organized and cultured, and each World usually has several reigning noble or notable families. Villagers, however, are prone to living in independent communities from one-another, rather than band into full cities or kingdoms or the like.
Endermen call teleporting “blinking”, because that’s how it feels to them. (Get it. Cause pearls can be made into ender eyes. Eyes can blink. Ha.) (Also, I like using DND and other fantasy and RPG terms for Minecraft. Because it’s fun.)
Hostile mobs are intelligent and are having Slamacow parties when we’re not looking. I’m kidding. But seriously, several kinds of hostile mobs also have languages. Endermen who learn playerspeak sound very “fuzzy”, and Spiders and Creepers have some overlap in their very hissing-based languages. I just think it’d be fun for everyone to be at least capable of being friends, alright.
Respawn works for Everyone. Which means, yes, you Are killing the same exact skeleton in your mob grinder. How cruel.
And now. The Big One.
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I think… I think Minecraft should be technofantasy. For fun.
The world is, in fact, a program, The Program, if you will. It’s run by two Administrators, who are the closest things to gods the Program has, and we’re already familiar with them. I choose to think, in a roundabout way, that chapels in villages are meant for them. Mother Moon, Father Sun. Because I think religion is just neat, and so so human.
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The Program is a sprawling mass of redstone and command blocks and computers that hovers in a wide white gridspace, which occupies its own dimension. The Program grows, sometimes in independent parts which it grafts on over time, which is how it updates itself. It does not stop growing. Its goal is to be perpetual, always becoming new, upcycling code and existing forever. The Admins, Poets, whatever you’d like to call them, aid in this by overseeing.
A hot topic in Minecraft worldbuilding theories is the origins of man-made structures that exist in the Overworld and the End. My idea is that it’s upcycled or regrafted code.
Currently, the Program hosts all Worlds on their own separate servers. This was not always the case; there was once one singular world, with an Overworld, an End, a Nether, as well as all the Dimensions from the Infinity Snapshot; the Program could bear the load of hosting all these Dimensions, because it only had to do so once.
The inhabitants of the first World I will dub Worldwalkers; they were adventurers, scholars, a developed people rich in wanderlust and ideas and hungry to know more. They built and explored and lived their lives and wanted to know everything. And so, they managed to stumble upon the Program.
The Program was never meant to be accessed; it was meant to be insular, never tampered by outside unapproved hands, but there are holes in every firewall and the Worldwalkers managed to poke in the right place.
Their falling was the result of foolishness and hubris; destruction of the physical manifestation of the coding of their universe, resulting in the great Fracture.
The World split into thousands upon thousands, and the Program, struggling to bear the load, locked all Worlds into their three core dimensions and generated dedicated servers to host them.
Everything the Worldwalkers built was destroyed, but not deleted. More and more of their relics are grafted into every World as the Program updates. The End Cities have returned, Monuments and Mansions repurposed, and odds and ends scattered all over creations.
And the Worldwalkers themselves turned into something new, since what they were shattered. Something that still feels the call of wanderlust and now can travel almost completely freely. Something that can’t fit into the cities they live around, trying to build. Something that’s hypersensitive to seeing the codes of others, which drives them to rage.
The same is true for the Dragon. She’s forgotten her purpose. She ignores those she was born to protect, but still guards the End as her own, like a guard dog whose owner is long gone. It is her home, even if she is, for the most part, lost in purpose thanks to the breaks in her own memories, her own code. Shulkers are the same, defending empty homes. The worms… The worms are new.
And that’s where reincarnation comes in, too; since the Program never deletes code, especially for entities, it upcycles it into something new. Sometimes, it’s only a string. But sometimes… Sometimes there is enough of the old code to give you feelings, fuzzy memories that you can’t seem to grasp at. Like fog in the wind, curling away. Everyone and everything, when they die, becomes something or someone new. There is no true death of one’s code.
Endermen are especially prone to this feeling.
So! All Worlds are derivative of a single World that was Fractured beyond repair and glitched out so hard it split itself into thousands upon thousands. Worlds are on separate servers and cannot cross over.
Remember the Infinity Snapshot?
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The Program accidentally reloaded old rejected code that it couldn’t get rid of. You can’t give every World uncounted dimensions; the Program would fry.
So the solution is just one. Make each Dimension its own micro-server.
All servers that were not affected by the Infinity Patch [meant to repair this glaring hole in security and functionality] can still contact each-other, swap servers even.
They just need to be on the same Dimension at the same time.
PS: I have a former glitched Worldwalker OC that acts as a Moderator and Antivirus. Her name is Tek. I’m having fun and I’m aware this is all silly.
Sidenote: I will never count N*tch or any Mojang creators in my lore or headcanon ideas, I don’t care, I respect the people who make the game, I just don’t wanna do that. It feels weird.
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Dream SMP Recap (December 27/2020) - End of Week
Today on the Dream SMP: 
War Crimes, a tense confrontation, cat maids, Festival decorations, Mr. Beast joining the server, analogies about peaches and contracts to transfer the ownership of one’s bones to Tubbo.
Overall...just a normal day on the server, really!
As usual, a summary of the week’s total events is at the end of the post.
DISC UPDATE: Dream supposedly has the real “Cat” after being given it by Skeppy. ---
- HBomb gives Tubbo his Christmas gift: some mending books
- H and Tubbo play Hide and Seek With Murderous Tendencies
- Techno logs on and gets Tommy a turtle shell helmet and a disc as a gift. He took the materials from Ranboo’s gift too.
- Tommy logs on at his house. Tommy and Techno get back to Techno’s house and Tommy play’s Techno’s “Wait” disc. They sing it together. Tommy also shows Techno his “Pigstep” DMCA weapon. The ultimate power.
- They plan to sneak into New L’manburg to get to their wolves. They get spotted by Ranboo while coming through the portal.
- Tommy and Techno return to Tommy’s house and Tommy gets spotted by Connor while hiding in de walls. They engage in a homeownership dispute. They threaten Connor’s eyes with a fork and trap him in a box.
- They decide to kidnap Connor and hold him for ransom. They escort him back to Little Penis Land and get spotted by Ranboo again.
- Tommy continues to use advanced interrogation techniques on Connor (torture) while Techno goes off to speak with Ranboo. Techno tells Ranboo to go speak to Tubbo about getting his items back, or Connor will die. Ranboo points out that Connor isn’t a citizen, but after some more talk Ranboo agrees to go get Tubbo.
- They try to waterboard Connor while they wait, but it doesn’t work since Connor starts to self-actualize and come to terms with his mortality.
- They argue over who is better at torturing. Connor says that all of this is taking a psychological toll on him and that both of them are equally horrible people.
- Tommy threatens to drop an anvil on Connor’s head. Ranboo arrives and says that Tubbo is ready to meet them. Tommy doesn’t feel like he’s ready. They bring Connor along, having broken his spirit. Eret is also there.
- Tubbo is shocked that Tommy would side with Techno. Tommy is shocked that Tubbo would try and execute Techno. 
- They do the trade and let Connor be free. He immediately dies to a spider.
- Techno tries to convince Tommy that Tubbo isn’t actually Tommy’s best friend. That Tubbo is actually a bad guy, that he’s not looking out for Tommy’s best interests.
- They return to the Nether portal and Dream is standing right there, looking at them.
- Dream tells Tommy that Skeppy gave him “Cat.” Techno says that Dream won’t be getting Tommy today, as he steps between them. Dream mentions the favor that he has yet to call in, but says he won’t be redeeming it today.
- Tommy tells Dream to go fuck himself and they return through the portal. Tommy even jumps into lava to show how it doesn’t affect him anymore.
- Tommy refuses Techno’s rocket launcher, as that’s the crossbow that killed Tubbo. He goes off on his own to listen to “Wait” as he watches the sun set over the Arctic.
- Fundy has come up with an idea for an epic firework show, the most explosive and amazing firework show ever. He wants to complete his mob grinder for gunpowder, so that he can create those explosives for the Festival in preparation for killing Dream.
- Fundy goes to the Mooshroom Biome and tries to convince Phil that he’s brilliant and that his plan for a grinder will work. Phil explains why Fundy is wrong by showing him a better example in his Hardcore World.
- Wheelza Minecraft.
- Dream and Mr. Beast mysteriously log on, Mr. Beast in Spectator Mode. 
- Fundy whispers to Dream that he wants to talk but Dream doesn’t respond.
- Ranboo works on games in New L’manburg for the Festival.
- HBomb becomes Fundy’s maid again for an hour due to Ranboo redeeming his prize from L’Cast. 
Ranboo: “It’s not torture, it’s content...forced content.”
- Tubbo gives his incredibly cursed speech about peaches to Fundy and gains contractual ownership over Fundy’s skeleton. The removal will take place Thursday morning.
Fuzzy and smooth, but never to be confused with hairy, of course. The surface of a peach.
Ranboo: “And remember! You can’t spell ‘fraud’ without ‘fun!’”
- HBomb helps Fundy move his fox. Mr. Beast and Dream log off.
- The fox falls off a cliff in the Nether and dies. Fundy is heartbroken.
- The two of them attempt to move Fundy’s cats to his home in Dry Waters. Fundy begs Phil for help in chat but Phil can do nothing to save him.
- Mr. Beast logs on again.
- They make it to Dry Waters with all the cats intact.
- H questions Fundy about why he has a picture of George’s lips. Fundy explains that he wants to kiss them but H says he thinks the true reason is something else. Fundy leads him to the Mooshroom Biome and tries to get him to help with the mob grinder.
- Tubbo and Ranboo call Fundy again to show him a song. 
- In order to keep Tubbo and Ranboo in the call to save him from HBomb, Fundy starts telling them a wild and very canon story about the SMP about dinosaurs, Dream being muscular, and many other things.
- As the time runs out on HBomb’s timer, Fundy and H look at what they’ve accomplished and Fundy stabs H in the back with his sword, killing him and ending it.
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Upcoming Events:
- The reveal of Pandora’s Vault at some point
- The L’manburg Festival will be held on Tuesday the 29th
- Mr. Beast’s event
12/21: Bad and Ant check on their Crimson experiments
12/22: Phil’s escape, attack mob in the Holy Land
12/23: Tubbo’s birthday, Tommy makes a path, experiments on the Crimson continue
12/24: Wilbur’s Christmas karaoke
12/25: Tommy and Tubbo chill non-canon stream
12/26: Lani’s visit, Tales From the SMP Pilot: “The Town That Never Was”
12/27: Connor’s kidnapping, Tommy and Dream’s confrontation, HBomb becomes Fundy’s cat maid again
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fl0ating-tree · 3 years
something i’d really love to see is a more fleshed out version of the afterlife/limbo/the void on the dream smp. with the fact that there are now 2 ghosts (glatt, ghostbur), and 3 revived characters (tommy, wilbur, jack), the afterlife can no longer be vaguley mentioned or theorized on. 
a lot of people have already commented on this, but as it stands the afterlife is this awful place. not a single good thing has been said about it. revivebur hates it, ghostbur’s suffering in it (though this is said on reddit and not in canon, so death of the author and all that), jack’s remarked on how terrible it was to pull himself out of hell, and tommy said it felt like a meat grinder and that it was traumatic. that’s just....kind of shitty. why route for these characters to win if, in the end and no matter how they die, the afterlife is torturous? why hope that the characters survive an early death if when they die of old age it’s still gonna be awful? the dream smp is a VERY sad story, if it wasn’t told through minecraft roleplay it would be incredibly graphic and honestly way too desolate to handle, but getting into this narrative where you have suicidal characters and characters who’ve died, and all of them are saying “not even death can save us, theres no escape” is a slippery narrative slope; and one that i’m not sure i want them going down.
i feel like this derives from the nature of the dream smp- a good part of the dialogue being improved, different perspective and individual arcs, etc etc. there’s been different versions of the afterlife explained to the viewers, and while all of them are bleak, not all of them line up. this is similar to how the ages and family relations work on the server. we’ve gotten different stories from different characters. ranboo and tubbo are married, but no its just for tax benefits, but no its platonic, but no that’s a joke. puffy is foolishes parent, but no that’s also a bit, but not that’s just as a parental figure. the afterlife is a painful void, but no its a neverending train, but no you can come back as a ghost. there’s a lot of inconsistences. not to mention i’ve had worries like this before, i was worried that tommy’s character wasn’t working well because he wasn’t going with wilbur’s bad guy mentality but that turned out to work very well for his character! there’s a good possibility that this will get elaborated on and hindsight will make this post obsolete.
but for now i just...really hope the story doesn’t go this dark once again
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zathechaosgod · 4 years
So on Phil’s stream he talked to Fundy about Fundy building a raid farm (and the dream smp is on easy mode, so this entire part of the stream was really funny 10/10 would recommend watchingback!) but it got me thinking because Dream banned villager trading hals and a while back I also watched a video on Dream threatening to kill Tubbo because he wanted to build an iron farm and...
Okay so I have like,,, three main points on why Dream seems so against anything that isn’t just mining for diamonds and iron and tries to fight them about it? And they’re all connected together but let’s see.
1. Dream is the server owner/ god
Dream is (as everyone knows) the owner of the Dreamsmp (duh), and thus also has access to all the commands and can block anyone if they don’t keep to his rules. But then why doesn’t he use it? Because, in the end, the dreamsmp is all about content. And that brings us to the second point.
2. Dream is an awkward dork who can’t roleplay. at all.
This is also partly inspired by a tweet/post about dream begging the others to let him join in on the roleplaying lol. So basically Dream is really bad at acting. Take for example what I would argue is his most iconic line of all so far, where he stops Tommy when he tries to steal Wilbur’s tnt. Even there he sounds like he’s reading from a piece of paper AND STILL MANAGES TO TRIP OVER HIS WORDS
And I don’t want to diss Dream too hard, but he might be the server owner but Wilbur and Tommy are the reason the Dreamsmp is what it has become. And he knows it as well. That’s why he’s never really on their side, because by creating conflict he is also creating relevant content for himself.
So he doesn’t, cannot, ban any of the main characters of the stories, because then he would literally take away some of his own content (even if he doesn’t livestream/post videos of his own a lot, EVERYONE who watches any dreamsmp streams knows who he is. Ruining his own server would ruin his reputation just as much even if it doesn’t impact his own videos).
So he does what he can do within this set limit: And there’s something he is good at in the dreamsmp server: killing anyone who tries to break his rules in game. But still a question remains: Why? Why is he so against farms? And this leads to my final point:
3. Dream is a speedrunner
Dream, at his core, has build his entire reputation around his speedrunning, whether his world-records or his manhunt videos with the added pvp.
For him, minecraft starts and ends with a single goal: killing the ender dragon, and doing that in as little time as possible.
He is used to getting barely past iron armor before doing so, and even with up to four people hunting him down as he does so.
When is the last time he used an elytra outside of MCC? What’s the last time he set foot in an end city? When has he build a farm that went beyond a field of crops or a basic mob grinder?
And this is kinda where we return to the first two points. Dream most likely has very little experience in end game minecraft. And if other people build those farms, get their endless enchantments, resources, elytra? What happens when the server reaches a point beyond his expertise?
He loses his only form of power. He cannot use his server operator powers, so he needs to find a way in-game to keep his power over the other players. And the only way to keep this in-game power, is by preventing the rest to get to the point where he doesn’t have the upper hand anymore.
It’s honestly making me really curious as to how long this is going to continue, and if he’ll keep setting more and more limits as to which farms are allowed.
(Also phil revealed dream is working on a video on fighting other cc’s in minecraft, only dream doesn’t wear any armor during the duels. He beat at least two people 6-0, but lost to Phil, although barely. This also means that most likely, even in endgame minecraft like i just mentioned, he could still kicks everyone’s ass lmao)
TLDR: Dream wants to prevent the server from reaching endgame minecraft because he’s not as familiar (and thus powerful) with endgame things like proper farms etc. Also take all of this with a grain of salt because he can still beat your favs without even wearing armor :)
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frostiifae · 5 years
what does the wfo cast think of minecraft? what are their playstyles?
thanks for my life i love this ask
everybody loves minecraft! 
rei is a very methodical, thoughtful builder. she thinks up storylines for the builds she’s working on and commits very thoroughly to them. she prefers to play in creative, but almost everyone else plays survival so she joins them there instead because she wants to be a good sport. has a tendency to forget that mobs exist and has lost a lot of lives to creeper explosions, phantoms knocking her off of scaffolding, etc. she also does a lot of technical builds and lends her redstone/game mechanic knowledge to everyone else, but that means she tends to start huge personal projects and then never really gets the time to finish them : (. she most readily compares to xisumavoid on HC. 
naomi is a big adventurer. she loves seeking out dungeons, fortresses, end cities, strongholds, mineshafts, mansions, etc. she thinks mob grinders kind of ruin the fun of the game and prefers to get all her materials by hand but hasn’t put it together that that’s how rei and eliza can do all of their crazy scale builds. she kinda tries to make castles everywhere she goes because they’re cool but she’s not very good at it, but fuck it she’ll do her best anyway! maybe she’ll get better one day! naomi fucking LOVES ultrahardcore and/or Super Hostile maps and is fantastic at them, but she likes minecraft especially for its cooperative nature and how it feels like she’s working together with her friends!
eliza is a redstone mad scientist and an architectural genius who puts hours upon hours upon hours of casual thought into the biggest craziest superstructures you can think of. despite her building-oriented playstyle, she swears by survival because there’s “no point” to building in creative. she makes a big show out of not caring what anybody else is doing on the server, but also makes sure that any farms she needs for her builds are community available and does upkeep/fixes/quality of life changes if anyone finds them hard to use, so everyone knows that she’s actually happy to help out. it’s just as a general rule she spends most of her time doing something batshit crazy out in the middle of nowhere and you’ll only really appreciate her talent once it’s finished. she most readily compares to docm77 on HC.
gwen makes landscapes and cozy builds and befriends lots of sheep and cows and wolves. she likes to roam around with her wolves and pretend she’s in a wolf pack, though she feels silly about it if anyone ever finds her and makes up something else to be doing. she tends to get kind of lost in lategame minecraft because she’s easily pleased by simple builds, but she’s happy to help out on larger scale projects when asked. has a special talent for landscaping, not unlike scar, which both eliza and rei frequently make good use of. she is also the most likely to start a prank war, but all her pranks are really silly and harmless and she also helps you clean them up.
phobos: *walls off a section of tunnel, puts down torches + furnace + bed, throws a bunch of eggs to make a small chicken farm* cabe hous : )
aplistia probably enjoys minecraft the least. she has the same sense of grandeur and scale as eliza does, but is too spazzy to hold on to a mental image of her designs for very long and has trouble expressing them in reality, so even in creative she isn’t really able to make much. she’s a little too prideful to ask for help and a lot too prideful to let a half-finished or low-quality build stay, so she tends to go through cycles of “build something / tear it down / brood for a while / repeat”. if someone offers to help her, though, she readily accepts because she loves spending time with friends and she treasures any part of a build that someone else contributes to. she will get better at minecraft… it just might take her a while!
parias is the third, softest-spoken master player. she has decent redstone knowledge but an excellent sense of architecture and block placement. however she doesn’t build houses, or at least not for herself; she builds roads, pathways, waterways, etc. she admires the natural beauty of a freshly generated world or a pure landscape build just fine, but to her, she feels happiest when others use the pathways she builds and enjoys them, and she gets much more out of that than building an enclosed structure that people only have to go into every once in a while. if you look around the area where you’re building and can’t find any pigs, it’s probably because parias has been nearby recently and needed to eat. 
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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SerpentGaming [SMP] [PVE] {Custom Enchants} {Towny} {Jobs} {Quests}
Serpent Gaming is a Towny survival server with a strong focus on the economy and how players shape it. We offer players Custom Enchantments to enhance all your tools beyond the capabilities of Vanilla Minecraft and the ability to truly become OP in our world. With Towny you can either join a preexisting town or create a town of your own for $10K in game, towns house communities of players that help each other out by contributing to the costs of creating farms, mob grinders, etc with a common goal of making more money.
We also offer our players a quest system where you can do grindy tasks, chat with NPC's, or simply bring NPC's items and you'll be rewarded with sums of money Quest items that can be used for special gear down the road, or even access to more commands like player vaults or extra /sethomes! The jobs system on Serpent Gaming allows you to choose 2 jobs and perform the actions listed in the description of the job to earn money and gain Jobs EXP, which will gradually rank your job up resulting in more money from each block you break, sheep you sheer and item you enchant! Jobs tie into the /sell hand command quite well too as anything you obtain from collection jobs you can sell back to the server for even more money. This /sell hand command combined with the quests and jobs have set a minor foundation of what economy is like so that players may build upon it themselves make items valued at prices they think are fair for the work it takes to get them, rather than listening to the server and sticking to a single price. We've decided the best way to operate this would be through Chestshop a plugin that allows you to turn chests into shops in which you buy or sell items to other players.
Rules: - No Griefing - Respect others - Cheating, exploiting, or hacking in any way will not be tolerated - What staff says is final, if the staff member is being abusive report it to a higher-up staff - Use common sense - Refrain from spamming the chat, or typing using all caps
IP: Serpentgaming.me
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Stonewick [SMP]{Whitelist}{18+}{1.12.2}{DynMap}{Dedicated Server}{No Resets}
Stonewick - Semi-Vanilla Tight-Knit Community
💖 Heart of Our Community 💖
Our spawn was inspired by small-town living like the play style in beloved games such as Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. We like to love things like jobs, townships, player shops, and trading. Our goal is to provide vanilla-feel, with a few semi-vanilla benefits that make it a little easier and more fun. Some like to call it "vanilla with sprinkles". We just call it fun! ;) We are constantly having monthly holiday events and weekly get-togethers, game nights, build contests, and PvP events. We try to have something for everyone and teach those who want to learn.
  We are a tight-knit group of players from all around the world who are looking for similar players to join our minecraft family. We keep active players in the range of 60 - 80, this means we sometimes close applications. We enjoy being a medium sized server as to not be overwhelming, but still maintain activity during all hours of the day. Because our players are so diverse, that typically means we are active at all hours of the day! We provide a fun atmosphere for players in the US, UK, Canada, Europe, Australia and China on a dedicated server hosted in New York.
  Our player base is well balanced, roughly 50/50 male/female and between the ages of 18 - 65 (so far). The majority of our players are between ages 25 - 50 and we also have a strong community of mature university students ages 18 - 25. Stonewick is co-owned by a married couple (jellyplz & pointyy) who are young at heart and hope to meet new friends on this journey! Our staff is well balanced with mature players both male and female from all over the world.
  We aren’t just building blocks, we’re building friendships. The majority of our players are coming from console to PC or are just coming back to MC after a hiatus. We're a very warm, friendly community and patient with all questions! It's more fun to learn or relearn a game with friends to help along the way. :) We are a community of mature adults who enjoy wholesome fun in Minecraft and other video games.
  We are proud of our reputation as a mature server with a welcoming community of good, honest people.
    Key Aspects
✔️ Balanced Semi-Vanilla We offer minimal plug-ins, all of which offer cosmetic/fun elements or grief prevention.
✔️ Adults 18+ We are all adults, absolutely no exceptions.
✔️ Dedicated Server We have dedicated hardware, hosted in New York.
✔️ No Map Resets We know how much work you put into your builds, we aren't resetting our map.
✔️ Multi-World We offer Creative, UHC/Resource Gathering, The End 2, and Special Maps.
✔️ Snapshot Server We are hosting an additional 100% vanilla snapshot server for your to try the latest snapshot!
✔️ Active Staff There is always an admin or helper available!
✔️ Wholesome Community No religion, politics, or ragefests; just a peaceful, friendly environment.
✔️ Professional Leadership We strive to remain professional and inclusive.
✔️ Active in All Time Zones Players from all over the world!
✔️ A Place to Relax After Work We like to chill and Netflix, yo.
Discord/Server Integration
Sleep Percentage (15%)
Player Shops
Player Crates
Better Chairs
Custom Shopkeepers
Decorative Heads
For 1.13 we will be removing 50% of these plug-ins to focus on a more semi-vanilla approach. Despite the "1.13 lull", we've been surprisingly active so we decided to open applications up again with the understanding that there will be changes so we may quickly be able to go to 1.13 when we're able to. You can read more about that here: http://stonewick.net/stonewick-changes-1-13-beyond/
Hosted in New York
Intel Xeon E31240 Processor
16 gb ram & SSDs
  Game Rules
MobGrief is OFF
Firespread is OFF
Keepinventory is OFF (enabled when donation goal is met)
TNT is disabled
    Our Rules
Players must be ages 18+.
Be kind and respectful to all players.
Keep chat relatively family-friendly and wholesome.
Recruitment of the server is the sole duty of admin and staff.
Discord is mandatory. Voice chat is not required.
X-ray, flying, hacking mods, or the use of in-game (vanilla or plug-in) exploits are strictly prohibited. Land
No lying, griefing, or stealing – free or lootable items will be marked as such with a sign.
Be courteous and only build close to players if you have permission.
Mine on your claimed land or near your claim.
Extra land claims should be used for building / projects.
Mining across the map or building highways, railways, or roads are not allowed in the overworld without approval.
Keep the map pretty. No floating redstone machines, stray torches, floating trees, lava placement, abandoned boats/craft benches, or 1×1 towers in the wilderness.
Do not overpopulate animal farms or mobs.
Redstone machines and mob grinders must be controlled by an on/off switch and not left on when not in use.
Redstone machines must not cause lag.
Iron farms should be compact. No gold farms. No end farms (we have a public one).
    What Makes Stonewick Unique
The first 10 hours playtime earns a player 1 command block warp
Lag free server with 99% uptime
Unique spawn with easter eggs and prizes hidden
Active and easy to use spawn with road addresses, wiki page, and custom districts
Dedicated warp and nether hub area
Monthly and weekly server events
We keep our map clean and enjoy the 100% vanilla generated terrain
Weekly in-game gazette with server info and funny articles
Weekly NPC trades to earn money collecting/trading various items
Monthly enderdragon fights hosted by the server
Heartwarming community of friends who genuinely care <3
Eula Compliant & Fun Server-wide Donation Rewards
Player Created Towns and Nations
Professional and trained helpers who are ready to help!
  Apply If
You are 18 or older (no exceptions!)
You love /r/wholesomememes
You are easy-going and mature
You enjoy making friends (we are a very friendly bunch)
You like a tidy map (no floating trees or craftbenches)
If this song describes what you're looking for in a Minecraft Server
You are a laid-back, goofy person. (No passive aggressive grumps, plase)
You like cool server events, prizes, and trophies
Rules about redstone and respecting players don't bother you
You enjoy world building
You love the idea of working together as a community
  💎 Apply Here 💎
    Find Us
Website www.stonewick.net
Forum www.stonewick.net/forum
DynMap www.dynmap.stonewick.net
Wiki www.stonewick.net/wiki
Instagram www.instagram.com/stonewicksmp
Twitter www.twitter.com/StonewickSMP
Discord www.discord.gg/BU8qZUk
Whitelist Application www.stonewick.net/apply
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Stonewick [SMP]{1.12.2}{Whitelist}{18+}{DynMap}{GriefPrevention}{Economy}{Multi-World}{Dedicated Server}{No Map Resets}{Community Focused}
Stonewick - Semi-Vanilla Tight-Knit Community
💖 Heart of Our Community 💖
Our spawn was inspired by small-town living like the play style in beloved games such as Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. We like to love things like jobs, townships, player shops, and trading. Our goal is to provide vanilla-feel, with a few semi-vanilla benefits that make it a little easier and more fun. Some like to call it "vanilla with sprinkles". We just call it fun! ;) We are constantly having monthly holiday events and weekly get-togethers, game nights, build contests, and PvP events. We try to have something for everyone and teach those who want to learn.
  We are a tight-knit group of players from all around the world who are looking for similar players to join our minecraft family. We keep active players in the range of 60 - 80, this means we sometimes close applications. We enjoy being a medium sized server as to not be overwhelming, but still maintain activity during all hours of the day. Because our players are so diverse, that typically means we are active at all hours of the day! We provide a fun atmosphere for players in the US, UK, Canada, Europe, Australia and China on a dedicated server hosted in New York.
  Our player base is well balanced, roughly 50/50 male/female and between the ages of 18 - 65 (so far). The majority of our players are between ages 25 - 50 and we also have a strong community of mature university students ages 18 - 25. Stonewick is co-owned by a married couple (jellyplz & pointyy) who are young at heart and hope to meet new friends on this journey! Our staff is well balanced with mature players both male and female from all over the world.
  We aren’t just building blocks, we’re building friendships. The majority of our players are coming from console to PC or are just coming back to MC after a hiatus. We're a very warm, friendly community and patient with all questions! It's more fun to learn or relearn a game with friends to help along the way. :) We are a community of mature adults who enjoy wholesome fun in Minecraft and other video games.
  We are proud of our reputation as a mature server with a welcoming community of good, honest people.
    Key Aspects
✔️ Balanced Semi-Vanilla We offer minimal plug-ins, all of which offer cosmetic/fun elements or grief prevention.
✔️ Adults 18+ We are all adults, absolutely no exceptions.
✔️ Dedicated Server We have dedicated hardware, hosted in New York.
✔️ No Map Resets We know how much work you put into your builds, we aren't resetting our map.
✔️ Multi-World We offer Creative, UHC/Resource Gathering, The End 2, and Special Maps.
✔️ Snapshot Server We are hosting an additional 100% vanilla snapshot server for your to try the latest snapshot!
✔️ Active Staff There is always an admin or helper online!
✔️ Wholesome Community No religion, politics, or ragefests; just a peaceful, friendly environment.
✔️ Weekly Events Build contests, pvp competitions, or group activities!
✔️ Professional Leadership We strive to remain professional and inclusive.
✔️ Active in All Time Zones Players from all over the world!
✔️ A Place to Relax After Work We like to chill and Netflix, yo.
Discord/Server Integration
Sleep Percentage (15%)
Player Shops
Player Crates
Better Chairs
Custom Shopkeepers
Decorative Heads
Hosted in New York
Intel Xeon E31240 Processor
16 gb ram & SSDs
  Game Rules
MobGrief is OFF
Firespread is OFF
Keepinventory is OFF (enabled when donation goal is met)
TNT is disabled
    Our Rules
Players must be ages 18+.
Be kind and respectful to all players.
Keep chat relatively family-friendly and wholesome.
Recruitment of the server is the sole duty of admin and staff.
Discord is mandatory. Voice chat is not required.
X-ray, flying, hacking mods, or the use of in-game (vanilla or plug-in) exploits are strictly prohibited.
Circumventing the AFK timer kick is prohibited, this includes fish farming. Land
No lying, griefing, or stealing – free or lootable items will be marked as such with a sign.
Be courteous and only build close to players if you have permission.
Mine on your claimed land or near your claim.
Extra land claims should be used for building / projects.
Mining across the map or building highways, railways, or roads are not allowed in the overworld without approval.
Keep the map pretty. No floating redstone machines, stray torches, floating trees, lava placement, abandoned boats/craft benches, or 1×1 towers in the wilderness.
Do not overpopulate animal farms or mobs.
Redstone machines and mob grinders must be controlled by an on/off switch and not left on when not in use.
Redstone machines must not cause lag.
Iron farms should be compact. No gold farms. No end farms (we have a public one).
    What Makes Stonewick Unique
The first 10 hours playtime earns a player 1 command block warp
Lag free server with 99% uptime
Unique spawn with easter eggs and prizes hidden
Active and easy to use spawn with road addresses, wiki page, and custom districts
Dedicated warp and nether hub area
Monthly and weekly server events
We keep our map clean and enjoy the 100% vanilla generated terrain
Weekly in-game gazette with server info and funny articles
Weekly NPC trades to earn money collecting/trading various items
Monthly enderdragon fights hosted by the server
Heartwarming community of friends who genuinely care <3
Eula Compliant & Fun Server-wide Donation Rewards
Player Created Towns and Nations
Professional and trained helpers who are ready to help!
  Apply If
You are 18 or older (no exceptions!)
You love /r/wholesomememes
You are easy-going and mature
You enjoy making friends (we are a very friendly bunch)
You like a tidy map (no floating trees or craftbenches)
If this song describes what you're looking for in a Minecraft Server
You are a laid-back, goofy person. (No passive aggressive grumps, plase)
You like cool server events, prizes, and trophies
Rules about redstone and respecting players don't bother you
You enjoy world building
You love the idea of working together as a community
  💎 Apply Here 💎
    Find Us
Website www.stonewick.net
Forum www.stonewick.net/forum
DynMap www.dynmap.stonewick.net
Wiki www.stonewick.net/wiki
Instagram www.instagram.com/stonewicksmp
Twitter www.twitter.com/StonewickSMP
Discord www.discord.gg/BU8qZUk
Whitelist Application www.stonewick.net/apply
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Stonewick [SMP]{1.12.2}{Whitelist}{18+}{DynMap}{GriefPrevention}{Economy}
✨ Stonewick ✨ - 🌟 Semi-Vanilla Tight-Knit Community 🌟
💖 Heart of Our Community 💖
Our spawn was inspired by small-town living like the play style in beloved games such as Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. We like to love things like jobs, townships, player shops, and trading. Our goal is to provide vanilla-feel, with a few semi-vanilla benefits that make it a little easier and more fun. Some like to call it "vanilla with sprinkles". We just call it fun! ;) We are constantly having monthly holiday events and weekly get-togethers, game nights, build contests, and PvP events. We try to have something for everyone and teach those who want to learn.
  We are a tight-knit group of players from all around the world who are looking for similar players to join our minecraft family. We keep active players in the range of 60 - 80, this means we sometimes close applications. We enjoy being a medium sized server as to not be overwhelming, but still maintain activity during all hours of the day. Because our players are so diverse, that typically means we are active at all hours of the day! We provide a fun atmosphere for players in the US, UK, Canada, Europe, and Australia on a dedicated server hosted in New York.
  Our player base is well balanced, roughly 50/50 male/female and between the ages of 18 - 65 (so far). The majority of our players are between ages 25 - 50 and we also have a strong community of mature university students ages 18 - 25. Stonewick is co-owned by a married couple (jellyplz & pointyy) who are young at heart and hope to meet new friends on this journey! Our staff is well balanced with mature players both male and female from all over the world.
  We aren’t just building blocks, we’re building friendships. The majority of our players are coming from console to PC or are just coming back to MC after a hiatus. We're a very warm, friendly community and patient with all questions! It's more fun to learn or relearn a game with friends to help along the way. :) We are a community of mature adults who enjoy wholesome fun in Minecraft and other video games.
  We are proud of our reputation as a mature server with a welcoming community of good, honest people.
    Key Aspects 🗝️
✔️ Balanced Semi-Vanilla We offer minimal plug-ins, all of which offer cosmetic/fun elements or grief prevention.
✔️ Adults 18+ We are all adults, absolutely no exceptions.
✔️ Dedicated Server We have dedicated hardware, hosted in New York.
✔️ No Map Resets We know how much work you put into your builds, we aren't resetting our map.
✔️ Multi-World We offer Creative, UHC/Resource Gathering, The End 2, and Special Maps.
✔️ Active Staff There is always an admin or helper online!
✔️ Wholesome Community No religion, politics, or ragefests; just a peaceful, friendly environment.
✔️ Weekly Events Build contests, pvp competitions, or group activities!
✔️ Professional Leadership We strive to remain professional and inclusive.
✔️ Active in All Time Zones Players from all over the world!
✔️ A Place to Relax After Work We like to chill and Netflix, yo.
  Plug-Ins 🔌
Discord/Server Integration
Sleep Percentage (15%)
Player Shops
Player Crates
Better Chairs
Custom Shopkeepers
Decorative Heads
  Hardware ⚙️
Hosted in New York
Intel Xeon E31240 Processor
16 gb ram & SSDs
  Game Rules ⛏️
MobGrief is OFF
Firespread is OFF
Keepinventory is OFF (enabled when donation goal is met)
TNT is disabled
    Our Rules 📜
Players must be ages 18+.
Be kind and respectful to all players.
Keep chat relatively family-friendly and wholesome.
Recruitment of the server is the sole duty of admin and staff.
Discord is mandatory. Voice chat is not required.
X-ray, flying, hacking mods, or the use of in-game (vanilla or plug-in) exploits are strictly prohibited.
Circumventing the AFK timer kick is prohibited, this includes fish farming. Land
No lying, griefing, or stealing – free or lootable items will be marked as such with a sign.
Be courteous and only build close to players if you have permission.
Mine on your claimed land or near your claim.
Extra land claims should be used for building / projects.
Mining across the map or building highways, railways, or roads are not allowed in the overworld without approval.
Keep the map pretty. No floating redstone machines, stray torches, floating trees, lava placement, abandoned boats/craft benches, or 1×1 towers in the wilderness.
Do not overpopulate animal farms or mobs.
Redstone machines and mob grinders must be controlled by an on/off switch and not left on when not in use.
Redstone machines must not cause lag.
Iron farms should be compact. No gold farms. No end farms (we have a public one).
    What Makes Stonewick Unique 👋😊
The first 10 hours playtime earns a player 1 command block warp
Dedicated warp and nether hub area
Monthly and weekly server events
We keep our map clean and enjoy the 100% vanilla generated terrain
Weekly in-game gazette with server info and funny articles
Weekly NPC trades to earn money collecting/trading various items
Monthly enderdragon fights hosted by the server
Heartwarming community of friends who genuinely care <3
Eula Compliant & Fun Server-wide Donation Rewards
Player Created Towns and Nations
  Apply If
You are 18 or older (no exceptions!)
You love /r/wholesomememes
You are easy-going and mature
You enjoy making friends (we are a very friendly bunch)
You like a tidy map (no floating trees or craftbenches)
If this song describes what you're looking for in a Minecraft Server
You like cool server events, prizes, and trophies
Rules about redstone and respecting players don't bother you
You enjoy world building
You love the idea of working together as a community
  💎💎💎 Apply Here 💎💎💎
    Find Us
Website www.stonewick.net
Forum www.stonewick.net/forum
DynMap www.dynmap.stonewick.net
Wiki www.stonewick.net/wiki
Instagram www.instagram.com/stonewicksmp
Twitter www.twitter.com/StonewickSMP
Discord www.discord.gg/BU8qZUk
Whitelist Application www.stonewick.net/apply
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