#Hope u guys liked this one; it was fun writing
suoshis · 2 days
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TOKREV BOYS CAGING YOU AGAINST A WALL. ft. izana kurokawa, takashi mitsuya, & shuji hanma x f!reader
sfw. 1K wc. i’ve been sooo excited to write for izana !! & my head’s been buzzing w so many ideas after seeing a bunch of maid-sama edits back on my fyp <3
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mild / soft jealousy & possessiveness, kisses
you wonder if izana can hear the rapid thumping of your heart as his arm comes to rest against the doorframe, his eyes looking intently into yours.
"who was that guy you were talking to?" his voice breaks the silence, tone laced with a hint of curiosity that sends a shiver down your spine.
you swallow hard, trying to compose yourself even though the proximity has heat rising all the way to the tips of your ears. "i don't know," you admit softly, your voice barely above a whisper, "he just asked for my number. and i said no."
there's a moment of silence as izana processes your words, his gaze never leaving yours. you hold your breath, waiting for his reaction, unsure if you should also add that you mentioned you have a boyfriend too.
"that's all?" izana finally speaks, his voice low and steady, but there's something in his eyes that betrays his calm exterior.
you nod. “that's all.”
he exhales deeply, a faint smile playing on his lips as he moves closer to you. his fingers brush against your cheek, lingering on your jaw for a brief moment before gently tilting your head to the side. “izana?”
"mhm," he hums softly, his breath warm against your skin as he presses gentle kisses along your collarbone, "that sounds right."
his lips move with a deliberate slowness to cover every inch of your skin, and you can’t help but melt into his touch as his lips ghost down your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses along the skin. his arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him, and you sigh in content. “that’s good,” he repeats to himself.
"don't pay them any attention," izana reminds you, his voice a soft murmur against your skin, "you're mine."
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recreation of that !! scene from maid sama (he gives u a hickey on your back), reader wearing a backless dress, ‘pretty thing,’ ‘princess’
“that’s a tiny dress you got on,” hanma muses, long arm resting just above your head as he cages you against the wall, his face coming to hover mere inches in front of yours.
“where’s a pretty thing like you headed tonight?”
“well, yeah,” you pout, adjusting the thin strap of your dress, “i’m going to my friend’s birthday party tonight.”
you struggle to read the expression on his face, amused eyes lingering on the simple design of your dress, ignoring the way you huff impatiently.
“yeah, backless. i’m leaving now.” with a quick tilt of your head, you try to gauge his reaction again, a part of you skeptical to whether or not he’s planning something this time.
he hums slowly, chuckling a bit when you rudely swat his arm off the wall, gaze following the natural sway of your hips as you mumble something in annoyance and walk away.
backless…he thinks.
that’s right— backless.
an idea pops into his head, his lips curling into a mischievous grin. without a second thought, he reaches out to roughly tug at one of your wrists, pulling you back towards him in one swift motion.
"the hell are you doing—" you snap, your voice trailing off into a sharp intake of breath when you feel his lips press against the middle of your back. “s-shuji!” you protest, heart racing as you feel the warmth of his lips against your bare skin.
there’s a pop when he pulls back slightly to look up at you, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.
“oh? you’re going? with that hickey on your back?” his voice comes out low, tinged with too much amusement for your liking.
“hope you have fun, princess.”
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he takes care of you when you’re feverish
“you shouldn’t be out of bed right now.” mitsuya’s voice breaks the silence, stopping you dead in your tracks.
there’s an exasperated groan from you, your hand coming to rub at your temples. of course he would be awake— you really thought you had waited long enough before trying to sneak downstairs.
“i want cake, mitsuya,” you whine, arms folding over your chest. ‘m not sick anymore. the fever’s gone down.”
"is that so?" mitsuya's tone is both amused and skeptical as he steps closer, watching the way you start to fidget with the sleeves of your shirt. you give him a quick and desperate nod to confirm, and it’s all a little too suspicious for his liking.
but before you can protest further, his arms come around you, caging you against the wall, and you suck in a sharp breath as he scans you up and down, his gaze focused and intentional.
"interesting," he whispers, his warm breath grazes your skin, sending shivers down your spine. "let me check."
“w-wait you shouldn’t—” your protests are halted as he leans even closer, until his face is just an inch in front of yours. he thinks it’s cute the way your eyes slam shut involuntarily, your heart pounding against your chest at the proximity. his forehead presses gently against yours, and you can feel the subtle warmth of his skin.
"liar," he murmurs softly, his lips brushing against yours in the most fleeting of touches. "you’re burning up.”
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hanni-bae44 · 3 days
Title: Secret Admirer (Mark)
Pairing- Mark x fem!reader
Genre- high school au, friends to lovers, fluff
Word Count- 3.2k
Summary- You had a secret admirer who kept leaving notes in your locker. And thanks to all the clues he left behind, it didn’t take much to figure out that the culprit was your friend— Mark Lee— all along.
A/N- For the sake of the plot, this fic takes place in an American high school, you guys will see why as you guys read :) Anyway, have fun reading, love you all <3
Another love note. 
You stood before your locker dumbfounded. It had been two weeks of finding a note in your locker everyday. Sure it was flattering, but what if they were not your type? Or worse, a creep? Rejecting someone was just as hard as getting rejected. Okay, maybe not as hard, but it was still difficult. 
What if it was someone you knew?
A friend? 
So far all the clues you had about the secret admirer was that they were a boy, owned pink post-its, knew where your locker was, and in one of your classes. You also knew some irrelevant details of the secret admirer but it wouldn’t help you to crack down on the suspect, so you pushed it to a corner in your head. 
For the past week, you'd been observing everyone in your classes but you still couldn’t determine who the culprit was. There was no lingering stare or anything unusual that made you suspect anyone.
“Another one?” Chenle beamed, interrupting your train of thought. It was as if he came out of nowhere, making your heart drop from his loud voice. He pulled the note out of your hand as Mark stood beside. “So who do you think keeps leaving you these cryptic notes?”
“I have no idea.” You turned, leaning against your locker. “Part of me thinks it's a joke, maybe someone’s messing with me. Maybe it’s Haechan, he’s always messing with me.” Yeah, it had to be him. He was always the prankster. 
“Haechan messes with everyone, I doubt anyone would go this far just to mess with you,” Mark assured you. “The notes look genuine to me. Maybe they like you but they’re just shy.” 
“I guess.” Looking back at Mark, you felt deflated at the nonverbal rejection. A part of you hoped it was him but you supposed not. Mark didn’t seem too bothered that you had a secret admirer either. Any thought of him possibly reciprocating your feelings flew out the window. You refrained from frowning. 
“Hey Mark, read this,” Chenle nudged him with a grin, “Roses are red, violets are blue, I wish I could tell you how I feel, but for now I’ll just write my heart in this note with a seal,” Chenle read out loud in a teasing tone, “Isn’t that cheesy?”
Mark shrugged, pouting at the boy. “I think it’s romantic.” Then he looked at you. “Don’t you think so, Y/N?”
“It would be more romantic if I had a face to match the words too,” you droned. 
You checked your locker between every class. Some days the notes would show up early in the day while other times, it wouldn’t be there until your last period. 
Today, it was the latter.
B- Before I met you I didn’t know I could like someone so much. E-  Eager to express my feelings, a friend suggested I be your secret admirer.  A- Afraid of rejection, I started leaving notes for you.  U- Upon being near you, I can feel my heart beat.  T- The thing is, I never thought my feelings would progress this much.  I- I wonder what you think of me.  F- For now, I hope these notes are okay. I’ll tell you one day.  U- Usually, I’d just suck it up and say it, but you're special to me.  L- Liking you is too easy, saying it out loud is the hard part. 
Love, your secret admirer <3
Another acrostic poem, this time instead of your name, it was of an adjective. And instead of a post-it note, it was on a bigger piece of paper. You scanned the ink again and again, hoping for some clues that would reveal the culprit. But so far, nothing. 
“Whoever this dude is, he has game don’t you think?” Jaemin smirked as he stood beside you. He had been reading the note over your shoulder while breathing loudly at the same time. 
“If he actually had game, he would flirt with her right to her face and not hide behind a paper and pen,” Chenle insisted, taking the paper out of your hand to read himself. 
“It’s nice. I just wish I had a face to think off when I read it,” you sulked. “Am I that intimidating?” you asked your friends.
“Not particularly. You could ease up on that resting bitch face though." Jaemin said while shrugging. Chenle stifled a laugh while you scoffed. “Anyway, update me later on who the lover boy is, I gotta go,” Jaemin added quickly before jogging towards the direction of the buses with his other friends.
You supposed you should start walking to the buses too before you were stuck walking home. Chenle and you both began to move your feet.
“You still haven’t told Mark yet have you?” Chenle whispered as he nudged your side. 
“Don’t say his name,” you angrily mumbled, eyes scanning the crowd in the hallway. “People could be listening, and no I haven’t. If I tell him and he doesn’t feel the same, it’s going to be awkward, we’re literally in the same friend group.”
Chenle was the only one in your friend group that knew about your crush on Mark. You never wanted to tell anyone, especially Chenle since he was a blabbermouth but you were dumb. You left your diary at his house while doing homework together and he read all your private thoughts. Chenle could keep a promise but he also often spoke before thinking. The amount of times he accidentally spilled a surprise or a secret was too many to count. 
You stared solemnly at the concrete sidewalk ahead. 
Chenle snapped you out of your thoughts, placing a hand on your shoulder as encouragement. “Things only get awkward if you let it be. Plus, I doubt he’ll push you away if that’s why you’re hesitant to confess. You should tell him how you feel before it’s too late. The next thing you know we’ll all have graduated and he’s with someone else and you’ll be wondering ‘what if’ for the rest of your life.” 
“You’re one to talk,” you scoffed. “Don’t you like that one girl in our first period? If you don’t tell her, you’ll be stuck wondering ‘what if’ for the rest of your life,” you repeated his wise words back to himself. 
“That’s different,” Chenle narrowed his eyes. 
“Not really,” you deadpanned. 
“Whatever. Don’t tell him then. He has girls lining up to confess. He has options. Can’t say the same for you though.” 
“You suck." You lightly smacked his arm.
I rewatched the Spiderman movies yesterday. (The ones with Tom Holland) And it made me wonder if Peter Parker hates watermelon as much as you do. I promise it’s so refreshing if you get past the texture. You’re just like a friend I know, he hates the texture of fruit too. Except it's only cute when you hate it :’)
Another note. 
You found it weird with why he randomly mentioned watermelon— a topic that came up in the cafeteria yesterday. This had to be someone within your proximity during lunch. You’ve only ever mentioned your distaste for that watermelon with your friends. Was it an eavesdropper? Or was it someone at the table? 
You weren’t sure, but at least that lowered the possible suspects down.
At lunch, you brought up the topic of movies but no one mentioned Spiderman. Your friends were all too fixated on some new video game to care. Frustrated that your effort became fruitless, you began to chug your chocolate milk before taking a bite of your burger.
“Why do you care so much about what movie everyone is watching anyway?” Mark asked from beside you as he took a bite of his sandwich. 
You took the folded note out of your pocket and showed Mark. “My secret admirer just watched the Spiderman movies. He also likes watermelon apparently,” you sighed, watching as Mark read the note.
“Oh.” Mark handed the paper back to you then fiddled with the sleeves of his hoodie. “Well, I’m sure when he’s ready to reveal himself, he’ll tell you.”
“That’s not reassuring,” you deadpanned. “I want to ask everyone here right now if they're my secret admirer but what if I confront them and they’re too shy so they say it’s not them and the notes stop? Then I’ll have to graduate without knowing who the admirer is. It’s driving me crazy, I just want to know who it is, hell, I might even like him back, this is all just so annoying.”
“Trust me, you’ll know before graduating,” Mark smiled weakly. 
“How are you so sure?”
“I just know."
The blue dress you wore yesterday looked so pretty on you. The colour brought out your eyes. I tried to tell you in person but the words didn’t come out. For now, I’ll just admire you on paper. I hope you have a good day today. 
You reread the note over and over again, then you notice it.
The spelling of ‘color’ was in UK English and not American English which your school taught. You didn’t know anyone from the United Kingdom at this school. Could it be someone from Australia? They used mostly UK spelling but you didn’t know anyone from there so no. Could it be someone Canadian then? Canadians used a hybrid of American and UK English spelling to your knowledge so it was definitely plausible.
Come to think of it, some of your past notes had common words spelled differently from what you were used to too. You initially thought it was the cursive-like writing but then it hit you, it wasn’t misspelling it all, it was just the way Canadians spelled certain words. 
“The secret admirer has to be Canadian don’t you think?” you asked Jaemin, leaning against your locker with your arms folded over your chest.
“It makes sense.” Jaemin reread the note again. “Well we know Jacob Bae, Keeho Yoon, Mark Lee. Kevin Moon. Who else?”
Could it be Jacob Bae? That didn’t make any sense since though you weren’t close to him at all. He also had the second lunch break. There was no way he could’ve known about your dislike for watermelon.
Keeho also had second lunch.
It couldn’t be Mark though right? He sat near you during lunch but there was no way he liked you back.
Maybe it was Kevin Moon?
You had Kevin in your musical theater class but you rarely talked to him. He was also close with your friends and sat at your lunch table. But could he really be the secret admirer? You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look at you or care enough to start a conversation. He wasn’t a shy dude either, he just had tunnel vision, only talking with the people he was close with. 
“Maybe it’s Kevin,” you confided to Jaemin. It had to be. If not, who else would it be?
After lunch, you pulled Kevin aside from the students rushing out of the cafeteria. 
“Hey, so I know we don’t talk so this is a bit weird. I was just wondering if you were the one that has been putting these notes in my locker?” You pulled out the notes and showed him. 
Kevin looked genuinely surprised. “Oh no, this wasn’t me. It does look like Mark’s handwriting though.”
You took the note back and examined it. “Do you really think so?” 
"Yeah, I borrow his notes all the time and he writes his 'q's weird."
You nodded. “Thanks. Can you also do me a favor and not tell anyone about this?”
“Yeah, no problem,” Kevin said. 
Later that day, you had economics with Mark. He sat beside you, being your only friend in this class. 
“Can I borrow your notes?” you asked your friend, trying to see if the handwriting matched. “My handwriting is too messy and I forgot what the teacher had on the powerpoint yesterday.” 
“Sure,” he handed his notebook to you, then went through his bag for his other supplies.
You hovered over him as he dug through his bag, trying to line up more similarities that would prove Mark was the secret admirer. You watched as he reached inside his pencil pouch for a pen then you saw it. The pink post-its. The ones the secret admirer used. Your mind stopped working for a bit. Mostly because you couldn’t believe it was actually him all along. And that he actually liked you back. 
“Mark?” you muttered, brows furrowed. 
You wanted to confront him. You really did. But then he looked at you with those soft eyes and you couldn’t. Your mouth opened then closed again. 
Maybe it was just a coincidence?
He wasn't the only Canadian you knew and pink post-it notes were common. Right? You didn’t know what to think. When it came to Mark, you were always scared of crossing the line hence why he was just a school friend and not a close friend.
But then you thought about it. Your secret admirer seemed to like Spiderman. And Mark Lee loved Spiderman. He even dressed up as it for Halloween last year. The realization hit you like a truck.
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly as the bell rang.
“Nothing,” you smiled weakly. “Thank you for the notes, I appreciate it.”
“You still don’t know who the secret admirer is?” Chenle asked as you walked alongside him to the buses. 
“I think it’s Mark,” you whispered. 
Chenle dramatically covered his mouth in shock. “Really?”
“Yeah, his handwriting matches the one on the notes.” You began to tell him the whole story from beginning to end of how you found out that the secret admirer was Mark, not leaving out a single detail.
"Did you confront him yet?"
“Why not? You like him too."
“I don’t know, I guess I was starting to like the notes in my locker.” You sulked.
Chenle chortled. “Man, you're like a broken record. Him too.”
“Can you blame me— wait what? What do you mean him too?”
“You know what? I’ll just tell you since you already know. That poem your secret admirer wrote to you? The one where it said his friend suggested he write notes to you? That was me. I knew Mark liked you so I gave him a little push. But don’t worry, I didn’t tell him you liked him or anything.”
Chenle had to be kidding. He knew all along yet kept entertaining you as if he didn’t. Who knew he was such a good actor? 
“I can’t believe you kept this from me! You knew who it was all along and just played dumb?!” You lightly slapped his shoulder. 
“Hey! You should be thanking me for being a good friend. Without my smart brain telling him to leave notes in your locker, you'd probably be crying right now just because you saw Mark talking to another girl.” 
You lightly smacked his arm. "And that's exactly why I am not thanking you." It was just one time that you cried watching Mark attempting to flirt with a girl last year. And Chenle would never let you live it down.
Wanting to have some fun, you decided to be a secret admirer for Mark. You even disguised your handwriting and slipped the note into his locker during class to avoid suspicion. 
The bell had just rang, and from afar, you watched as he opened the note then approached him.
“Looks like secret admirers are popular these days,” you said singsongly as you reached his locker.
Mark folded the note, then looked up at you. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“What does it say?” There was a bright smile on your face as you watched how he seemed so confused.
“Nothing.” He tried to hide the note behind him, but you managed to snatch it anyway. 
You look gorgeous today Mark. I wonder how we would look together. Have you thought about me lately? Because I couldn’t get you out of my head. Love, your secret admirer <3
“No way,” you beamed, “Who do you think is your secret admirer?”
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter.” He frowned. 
“Of course it does,” you teasing him. “It’s a lot of fun to guess who is writing to you. Imagine if it was a stranger talking about how good looking you are! Trust me, I spent all my free time just watching the people around me, hoping it wasn’t a creep saying he liked my clothing choices. It was thrilling!” you rambled in a sarcastic tone.
Mark looked tense, a bit guilty at that. “About that,” he sighed, hands running through his hair. “I know who your secret admirer is.” 
“Mark, I know you’re my secret admirer,” you finally said, tired of dragging this on any longer.
"Oh." Mark looked so cute as he chewed on his bottom lip.
“Why didn’t you just tell me that you liked me? Instead you watched as I stressed over who it was.”
“I’m sorry. I really never meant for it to get this far. I honestly thought you would’ve figured out it was me within the first week… Are you mad?”
“No, it was just annoying because I thought this guy was going through a lot of effort just to be rejected. But I’m glad it was you instead. You know how relieved I felt?” 
“Yes, because I like you too Mark. And according to Chenle, you liked me too?”
“He told you?” He whined. The tips of his ears turned red too and he looked so cute flustered. “I can’t believe it, he promised me.”
“Well to be fair, I already knew before he told me. I guess I just liked knowing you were the one behind the notes so I wanted to pretend for a while longer.” 
“So you’re really not mad at me?”
“No, I just wish you would’ve told me yourself. And by the way, that note you’re holding, I wrote that. I just disguised my handwriting.”
Mark relaxed as he looked at you with betrayal. “You’re so mean,” he pouted. “I thought it was from a stranger. It would’ve sucked to reject them.”
“Oh come on, you watched as I pulled my hair out trying to find out who my secret admirer was, and I’m the mean one? I just wanted to have some fun too.”
“What I did was cute and romantic, not revenge... I really didn’t mean for it to last for a whole month though”
“It is cute and romantic. Once I figured out that it was you and not some weirdo.” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. Without the secret admirer thing, I don’t even know if we would have our feelings out right now. You’re too shy to say anything and I’m too awkward. So I guess we have Chenle to thank.”
“I guess so.” Mark smiled.
“How about we meddle with his love life too?” you beamed, eyes sparkling with mischief. It was time for payback. “You know how he likes that one girl in our first period? He’s always encouraging us to confess yet he’s even more hopeless than us. How about we give him a push too?”
“Oh I like that,” Mark smirked, impressed with how your mind worked. “Let’s do it.” 
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natasha-in-space · 2 days
Hello Mia! I would really like to read a headcanon with suit saeran where he gets very jealous to see how he would react, please!!
"...I don't like them all ogling you."
Saeran's voice was a strange combination of a growl and a grumble, not nearly as loud and boisterous as you would usually anticipate from him. If you had not been standing just inches away from him, you would have been unable to hear him at all. Not with all the muffled chatter and music flowing throughout the vast ballroom and sneaking its way into your every sense. When you looked over at him, his face was turned away from you, his bangs framing his delicate facial features in a way that highly limited your vision from your current spot. However, the way he crossed his arms tightly over his chest was a clear indicator of his sour mood.
Which was... rather ironic, considering your circumstances.
A ball was not what you would expect to see in this place. Nevertheless, that's the closest term you could come up with to describe the odd event you were obligated to attend. Soft classical music was filling the large space you were all cooped up in. Shiny marble floors so clean you could see your own reflection in them staring back at you with all the confusion and unease that's been plaguing you for the entire duration of this odd get-together. Fancy suits and dresses twirling around the spacious room in an elegant, practiced fashion that looked almost fake to the eye. As if those were just dolls gliding about, under the mere pretense of being fellow human beings. All of it was as beautiful as it was uncomfortable, in a very subtle, anxiety-inducing way. You couldn't quite understand the importance or meaning of it all, but you weren't in the position to ask any questions in the first place.
You definitely wouldn't expect to see a ball, of all things, unfolding in this place. Nevertheless, that's the closest term you could come up with to describe the peculiar event you were obligated to attend. Soft classical music was filling the large space you were all cooped up in. Shiny marble floors so clean, you could see your own reflection in them staring back at you with all the confusion and unease that's been plaguing you for the entire duration of this odd get-together. The fanciest of suits and dresses twirled around the spacious room with elegance and ease that looked almost fake to the eye. As if those were just winded up dolls gliding around, only pretending to be alive human beings. All of it was as beautiful as it was also uncomfortable, in a very subtle, anxiety-inducing way. You couldn't quite understand the importance or meaning of it all, but you weren't in the position to ask any questions in the first place.
Saeran suddenly entered your room a few hours earlier without any warning - not that he would ever give you any - threw some clothing on your face, and demanded that you get dressed right away. He only left you alone for your privacy once you directly expressed the need for it. And you were pretty sure you could see a hint of red flush across his face as he stomped back out into the corridor, grumbling under his breath something about you having some nerve to order him around like that.
This man was a mystery that you still had to solve, it's certain.
It wasn't a surprise that the outfit he gave you was black. Despite this, it was still a noticeable contrast to Ray's undeniable preference for soft, pastel tones that would always complement the pinks and whites scattered all throughout your room. Saeran's choice, on the other hand, was a bold one. Standing out so sharply among the softer shades of your environment, instantly bringing your attention to its deep black hue, pulling you in. Nevertheless, it possessed both a stylish and formal appearance to it. The fabric was both thick and smooth to the touch, and the color gave it a sense of poise and elegance when you slipped into it. It was rather pretty once you did put it on and looked at yourself in the mirror. The outfit fit snuggly around your hips, hugging you in all the right places and exaggerating your figure in a way that left very little to imagination, but still maintained a subtle sense of humility to it nonetheless. Ray's tastes were quite different from this, with soft fabrics flowing freely all around you, almost drowning you in the light frills and lace. Saeran chose the opposite, whether it was intentional on his part or not.
Though, what was rather surprising to you is... the cut. Specifically, in the chest area. It wasn't anything straight out vulgar, but... well, denying that the neckline was of the lower variety would be rather stupid of you. Despite everything, you were very fond of how it looked on you. It fit you perfectly, and you certainly felt quite attractive as you looked over your own reflection thoughtfully. But it still made you think and ponder. The plunging neckline exposed a lot of skin, especially around your collarbones and teasing just the slightest of glances at your chest.
You contemplated whether it was intentional on Saeran's part or not. However, this would be a rather strange outfit for any normal believer. But you doubted you would get any earnest answers from him. And if he did choose this outfit specifically for you, he would never admit that, anyways. Over his own dead body, maybe. Still, the thought made you laugh to yourself.
Either way, Saeran's reaction once he did see you was... rather stilted, surprisingly. So far, he hasn't said anything to you much all throughout the night. It would have been less polarizing for you if he didn't talk your ears off whenever he entered your room to fill his boredom. Saeran was many things, but quiet wasn't one of them. Actually, he barely even looked at you. Besides the initial wide-eyed look he gave you when you first left your room, that is. For the past few hours you have been here, his face has been stubbornly turned away from you. Yet, he refused to let you wander off on your own either, always barking at you to stick close and grabbing at your arm to drag you after him whenever he needed to get somewhere.
It goes without saying that his gruff comment left you feeling rather bewildered. You looked around the ballroom again, trying to determine who specifically was 'ogling' you, as he seemed to say with such certainty. And aside from the occasional glances in your general direction, you didn't catch on to much. And, anyways, isn't it natural for people to look your way sometimes when you're at a party? Then again, Saeran seemed to lack any experience in parties.
"I... don't think anyone is paying much attention to me, Saeran," you acknowledged, peering over at him with a slightly raised brow, attempting to gauge his response. He puffed out his cheeks and tightened his arms around his chest, indicating that he did not really like your answer.
What was his deal today?
"Uh-huh. Sure," Now he sounded downright sarcastic and even a bit angry. This man's mood swings were incredible, that's for sure. He gave you a quick glance that seemed almost offended. Thus, only confusing you further, "I'm sure you are just ecstatic to finally get out of your room and have everyone staring you down like the prince/ss you are. Makes you feel all high and mighty to get all the attention, doesn't it? So much better than dealing with me, is it not?"
Well, now he has completely lost you. He was annoyed, that was clear, but why or what exactly did you have to do with it was way beyond your understanding. It's not like you even came here on your own volition. He was the one who dragged you out here without as much as asking you or informing you of anything beforehand. And now he's being all petty and even insulting you for that?
"With all due respect, Saeran, I have no idea what you are talking about. No one is staring at me, and it's not like I even had a choice on whether or not I should attend... whatever this is," you gesture around the ballroom briefly, your eyes squinting slightly because of the bright lights coming down from the shiny chandeliers above. Frankly, if you had a choice, you would rather stay in your room. Being around this many people you didn't know made you far too nervous for your liking. So him acting so accusatory with you for nothing did get on your nerves a bit.
After all, you may be patient and on the quieter side of things, but that doesn't mean you would let him unfairly disrespect you like that. If it came to it, you could stand up for yourself just fine, and he wouldn't get any confrontational response from you, either.
In a way, it almost felt like dealing with a needlessly snarling cat.
A low grumble rumbled deep in his throat, almost like a growl of sorts, but it seemed like he was much more subdued in his behavior at this event. It's possible that he didn't want to create a scene in front of everyone. Or, in front of someone specific in particular. Either way, the cold glare he shot your way could probably turn you into stone if he had the ability to do so. You remained calm and quiet despite his unspoken threat, meeting his stare with a calm and quiet demeanor. You weren't about to get angry and petty with him in return, but entertaining his blatant disrespect that seemed more like he was just dumping his sour mood onto you was not something you would just shut up and take, either.
You had respect for both Saeran and yourself.
For a long time, the two of you just stared into each other's eyes without moving or speaking. A scene that probably looked rather bizarre from an outsider's perspective, now that you thought about it. Especially with how increasingly irritated Saeran looked, wordlessly seething at your refusal to back down under his intimidating presence. While also not giving him a chance to lash out at you fairly, since you weren't doing anything hostile or outright disrespectful. From time to time, you seriously contemplated whether he actually wanted you to snap back at him for any reason or another. Well, whatever that reason may be, you were not about to satisfy those desires of his.
Eventually, his gaze lowered before yours does, traveling down your body, and you realized that he was, in fact, now staring at your chest. A notion that felt both bizarre and flustering in a way that made your heart skip a beat and your cheeks heat up significantly. But, you remained still. Mostly out of pride. Or maybe you had a deep sense of curiosity, wanting to see where this will lead you. It was Saeran who first backed off, which was unusual. You saw his throat bob up and down as he swallowed and took a step back from you, once again, turning away from you. For the countless time today.
You began to think that he was intentionally doing this.
"...You could have put on a jacket with that, you know," he muttered rapidly in your general direction without actually focusing on you. Then, he cleared his throat awkwardly, his hand tugging at his collar a bit, in a way that looked like he was merely adjusting it for more comfort. Only, you never saw him fiddling with his collar like that before. No matter how much of a tight fit on him it was.
That was when it dawned on you.
You glanced down at yourself, examining your outfit from your own perspective. Certainly, it was quite revealing. But definitely nothing extreme. However, it was, undeniably, the most amount of skin you've shown in front of him so far.
...Was he embarrassed, perhaps?
The idea seemed amusing to you. And, for some reason, his more reserved demeanor tonight gave you a small boost of confidence you don't usually possess around him.
"-Why? You told me to put it on, so I did as you asked. I figured you wouldn't like me putting my own spin on it," you smiled, leaning slightly closer to him, in a way that would let you lightly touch his arm. And the small shiver his body gave out in response to your action was one that did not escape your watchful eye, "You did say I have bad taste in clothes. Doesn't it satisfy you to see me following your orders with no issue?"
He tightened his jaw, giving you another pointed glare. He was even more furious than before when you called him out like that: "Don't put words into my mouth, toy."
Despite it sounding like a warning, it was a warning you intentionally ignored.
"I thought you wanted an obedient toy, no?"
Your jab seemed to be causing him to snap. He grabbed your elbow and started to drag you away from the bright lights and happy chatter you were bothered by beforehand, without giving you a chance to react. All you could do was yeep from surprise and stumble after him, though you did not try to put up a fight regardless. In fact, you found yourself... grinning ever so slightly as you followed him along, the flutter in your chest increasing in its intensity and making your legs feel lighter with every step you took. In a way, you obtained what you desired. A break from all the randevu you were desperate to escape from.
And maybe you were really a bit weird.
Suddenly, you're in a dimly lit hallway, your back pressing against the wall, and Saeran's breath warming up your cheeks from his hypnotic proximity. The party's muffled sounds reach you just over the door, but they feel like they're so far away at the same time. The party is the last thing you thought about when those cat-like mint irises of his were boring into yours inches away from you, making you want to drown in their alluring hue without a second thought.
"-Oh, so now you're suddenly all quiet," Saeran's words reached your ears with much delay, and your head went blank as you felt the intensity of his presence so close to you, clouding your every sense with him and him alone. He seemed to enjoy your frazzled state of mind, though, judging by the cocky smile on his lips that he gave you.
You gulped. Then, you found yourself saying the very first thing that came to mind without even thinking twice about it: "...Just enjoying the view, is all."
There was another pause where you two just stared at each other's eyes. This time, he seemed to be baffled as he blinked at you repeatedly and didn't have an immediate response to your little quip. You couldn't help but think of how pretty his long lashes looked as he did that.
He got you to act stupid for him exactly as he wanted, and he didn't even realize it.
"Don't be coy with me," Saeran eventually hissed out, seemingly deciding to take a head-on approach to try and hide his puzzlement with your behavior. He leaned even further into you, his chest now brushing over yours from his proximity, and some of his hair fell onto your forehead, tickling the skin with every tiny brush. A strong scent of his cologne filled your nostrils, making it impossible to focus on anything but him. He took up your every sense. Vision, hearing, scent, touch. He was filling all of it.
It wasn't as bothersome to you as he seemed to think.
"That kind of trick may have worked on Ray, but it will not fool me. So don't even try charming your way out of this, you brat," he carried on with his tirade, completely disregarding the impact he was having on you.
"-You seemed rather interested in my chest earlier, though."
You were clueless about what you were doing, God. It seemed like all the sense of fear and apprehension had disappeared. And while your mind did comprehend that you were probably getting too bold for your own good, you just... didn't really care at all.
Saeran's dumbfounded wide-eyed look was a sight to behold. Part of you had the urge to pull him even closer and kiss that look off of his face.
Maybe then he would finally understand how much you liked him, not just Ray.
"I- You-" The way he stumbled over his own words was almost endearing. You definitely surprised him with that one. But you did not push it any further, nor did you tease him about it. Instead you just watched him closely. Your figure was almost subconsciously glanced at again, and then his face flushed dark crimson and he pulled away abruptly, covering the lower half of his face with his palm and looking away. His reaction was so typical that it was almost cute in some strange way, "Y-You've got some nerve! What is there to look at, anyway!? It's just some skin. You must be very arrogant to think so highly on yourself."
The denial has arrived.
Surprisingly, you did not oppose it. You merely shrugged and gave him a small coy smile: "It's okay, Saeran. I would find myself staring, too, if I could see some of your collarbones peeking out. It's natural."
"-Don't be gross. And I know you're lying, anyways," he frowned at that, giving a look that seemed almost offended, in a way. He huffed, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked away from you again, seemingly not wanting to meet your gaze for whatever reason. You couldn't help but think that his posture looked less threatening and more closed off this time around, "I'm not like you. And I don't need you to pretend to fawn over me, either."
That caused you to frown a little.
Did he... not think that he could be attractive to you? That thought caused you to feel sad. Before you could think about it, you took a small step towards him and reached out with your hand.
"You are very beautiful, Saeran. I'm not lying," you said, your fingertips brushing over his tie just a slight bit. It's likely that he wouldn't even notice that touch beneath all that fabric of his suit. But it's the gesture that counted.
He stared at you again, for the countless time today. However, it didn't last long. With a small huff, he grabbed at your wrist and pulled your hand away from his chest. His touch was far gentler now, though, his fingers just slightly squeezing around your skin.
"You are an idiot," you heard him mumble, followed by a rustle of fabric as he let go of you completely. Before you could voice your rebuttal, a dark form flew into your face, making you squeak from surprise.
It's soon apparent that the mysterious form was not a ghost, but rather Saeran's suit jacket that was flung carelessly over your head. As you pulled the clothing down, you heard him grumble again, though this time in a more commanding tone: "Put that on. And I want you to wear it on you for the rest of the night, you hear me?"
As he got closer to you, his finger abruptly pressed into the center of your chest, making you slightly gasp.
"-That," throughout it all, he maintained direct eye contact with you while muttering, "-is only for me to see. Got it?"
You nodded without hesitation, feeling your heart beating in your chest like a million horses galloping down the race track: "Yes."
"That's a good prince/ss."
That smirk he gave you as he pulled away made you feel as weak in the knees as it frustrated you. You were planning to get him back for that. Your momentary obedience did not mean you were going to be some perfect doll for him. You were merely enamored by the brief but undeniable spark of connection between the two of you. He may have been a tough guy to crack, but you were persistent.
Though, as you went through the remainder of the night, you couldn't but ponder...
...Was that the first time he called you 'prince/ss', without it being a mockery of Ray's pet name for you?
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sunafc · 23 hours
accidentally in love - 18, war is over
taglist: @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @gigiiiiislife @phoenix-eclipses @needtoloveoutloud @azharyy @dearneverland @sleepystrwbrryy @oliwiasworlds @iluv-ace @rrosiitas @staygoldsquatchling02 @p4ndawrites @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @loveliepa @nnnyxie @iluvaquaphor @juliluvhz @kodzuken-hoe @luvvmae @sunset-venuz @xiakyo @xxoperatexx @mfcherry
if u want to be added to the taglist let me know in the comments 🩷
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‘Y/n you can leave now, if you want,’ your coworker tells you.
‘Are you sure?’
She nods, ‘Yeah I just need to close the cashier and we’re done, besides...’ she smiles at you and tilts her head towards the door, ‘I think your boyfriend is waiting for you.’
‘What?’ You look outside and you spot Oikawa waiting just outside the bookstore, ‘He’s not...’ you sigh, ‘Whatever, thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow then,’ you grab your bag and wave her goodbye.
You exit the store and Oikawa’s eyes quickly find yours.
‘Can we talk?’ He asks, eyes pleading, ‘I need to tell you something.’
You were planning on talking to him tomorrow, might as well do it now.
‘Yeah,’ you fidget with your bag, ‘Let’s sit in the park.’
There’s a park close to the bookstore, you always see moms with their kids walking by the store to get to it while you work.
The walk to the park is silent and you can feel Oikawa staring at you from time to time but you don’t dare looking back. When you get there you look for free bench a little more far away from all the other people.
‘I know you said you need time,’ Oikawa says, ‘But I missed you,’ he drops his gaze, ‘And before you can say anything please let me say this one thing,’ he turns to you, runs his fingers through your hair, ‘Okay I’m just gonna say it,’ he lets out a deep sigh and his shoulders fall, ‘I accidentally fell in love with you.’
Your friends did tell you there was a good chance he would reciprocate your feelings but you weren’t expecting him to tell you know, like this. And mostly...
‘Accidentally?’ You ask almost letting out a laugh, all your worries disappearing.
‘Don’t laugh at me, Y/n,’ he pouts.
‘I’m sorry, I’m not, just... what does that even mean?’
‘You told me not to fall for you,’ he says, ‘And I didn’t mean to, so it was an accident.’
This time you do let out a chuckle, ‘Alright well, I didn’t mean to tell you this way and I didn’t mean to tell you today but,’ you smile, ‘I also fell for you, Tooru.’
He’s grinning and he almost pulls you in for a kiss, he gasps almost too dramatically, ‘You told me not to, just for you to fall for me?’
‘I know, that’s pretty stupid...’ you look at him in the eyes, ‘Must have been an accident on my side too.’
He laughs, he pulls you closer and makes you sit on his lap. You’re facing each other and you can’t hide the grin creeping up on your face. You’re feeling all warm inside.
‘I also need to apologize,’ you say, ‘I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly last week,’ Oikawa cups your face and you lean into his touch, ‘And also for not texting you at all and yeah I should’ve just told you everything before.’
‘Aw, Y/n, it’s alright,’ one of his hands holds the back of your neck and the other grazes your cheek, ‘I just hope you know I’m never letting you go now,’ he gives you a peck.
You giggle, ‘I wouldn’t want it any other way,’ this time you lean in for a sweet kiss.
Oikawa doesn’t let you break it off too quickly, pulling you closer and closer. He kisses you and you can feel all the feelings you didn’t share until today in they way he holds you.
‘Mhm, wait,’ you hold him back, ‘We’re in a park, Tooru, there are kids.’
‘Killjoy,’ he pouts but quickly smiles again, ‘I’m so happy,’ he lets his shoulder relax, ‘I love you.’
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• makki definitely starts fan wars on twitter all the time for fun and giggles i just know it
• finally they got it together!!!!! are u guys happy ⁉️
• if there are typos in the written portion don't mind them pls 🙂‍↕️
• for the people who asked to be added to the taglist but don't see their names: tumblr won't let me tag u for some reason so i'm sorry abt that 🙁
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crystallizsch · 2 days
Hey! i'm new to the twst fandom, and i love ur work! is there any blogs like urs, that does art or writes /reader fics that u would recommend?? i'm trying to find some more to follow! thnx 💕
and welcome to twst fandom!! i hope you have fun during your stay and find the perfect corner of the twst fandom that is right for you!
also i'm so happy that you trusted me with recommendations??? 🥺🥺🥺
im not sure if you lean more into my general twst stuff (and by general i mean 99% jamil LMAO) or my oc x canon stuff
i guess i'll get you started with blogs that i personally like!! and i hope you can go from there, especially since i don't know what type of content you're particularly into 🙏
anyways i rambled on for too long ;; let me get to it below the cut:
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(i'm not going to tag anyone i'm too shy and terrified so i'll just link to their profiles instead; also they are not recommended in a particular order)
(and if you see yourself here uhhh hi ily guys (platonically) 🫶🫶🫶)
(i wish i have the words right now to individually gush about each and every one of them but the brain is not brain-ing right now and i really shouldn't hold this ask hostage for too long 🙏)
/reader fics: - natsukishinomiyaswife - viperwhispered - diodellet - rooksamoris - twstbookclub - twstowo - kalims - yaksha-lover
art/ocxcanon: - midnightmah07 - jovieinramshackle - oya-oya-okay - skriblee-ksk - cheerleaderman - boopshoops - twstgo - fell-fell - egophiliac - terristre - thecoolsquirrel - rizdoodls - cheekinpermission - flipppyflopp - daily-trey - medicine-san - pointy-spiral - mintmoth - lico-arts - offorestsongs - 0honeybones0 - ashipiko - r-aindr0p
honorable mention to these blogs too if you'd like to read info about twst in general!
- raven-at-the-writing-desk - yuurei20 - mysteryshoptls
these are my admittedly not-100%-objective recommendations bc half of them are friends/mutuals and i genuinely enjoy their content <333 and i tend to particular about stuff that i like 😭
so like i said, i encourage you to look for others beyond the blogs that i recommend! and don't forget to have fun while you're in the fandom!! 💖💖💖
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 year
~ Ticklish Twins ~
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Ler’s: Donnie🐢💜, Leo🐢💙
Lee’s: Donnie🐢💜, Leo🐢💙
Warnings: None :) 
Summary: Ever since Leo and Donnie were little, they always argued over who was the older twin, which caused lots of fights throughout the years. But now Leo, being the smartest of the two (obviously), has a solution on how they could settle this once and for all…
“Nardo! Give me back my book!” 
“Oh what? You mean this book?” Leo grinned, examining the book he “stole” from Donnie, who was desperately trying to get it back. It was around evening and the two twins were sitting on the couch in the living room, earlier making a deal with each other that they wouldn’t bother one another unless it was important. Which Leo definitely did not keep. But what did Donnie expect? 
The two were wearing they’re signature sweatshirts, Donnie’s purple while Leo’s was blue. Now, originally, Donnie was going to get back into reading more advanced books, after the Invasion, lots of places were closed including the library. And if you knew Donatello you knew that he absolutely despised novels online. Sure, it makes the book you’re looking for easier to find, but it eliminates the whole purpose of getting a book itself, like actually in your hands. 
So now with stores finally opening up again, Donnie was able to purchase a book! But he didn’t even make it through the first chapter- let alone the first page as Leo swiped it from his hands. 
“Oh, come on, little bro. I was just poking fun!” Leo smiled, giving Donnie back his book that the softshell snatched out of his hands, glaring. Leo relaxed on the couch and pulled out his phone from his pocket; starting to watch YouTube videos on it. “I’m older than you, dipsit.” Donnie said, putting his book to the side and straightening his posture, which he only did when he was going to go really in depth with something…eugh boy.
“Pfft- since when?” Leo asked before Donnie could go into a 39 hour rant on how much he was right and how much Leo was wrong (he’s speaking from experience). “Since always! Were you not listening to Draxum’s 3 hour long summary on how he found us?” Donnie asked. Leo rolled his eyes, putting his phone on the arm of the couch. “Nope!” Leo said, making an exaggerated pop noise at the end of it. 
“Wait! I have an idea!” Leo beamed, clapping his hands together and turning to Donnie completely. “You…have an idea?” Donnie repeated, examining the person in front of him to make sure his twin didn’t get abducted by some aliens or something like that. Because when Leo has ideas, which is rare, they never turn out good- like…ever. 
Donnie sighed, pinching the space between his eyes and nose before looking back up at Leo, face. “Enlighten me, brother.” Leo grinned, tightening his mask on his head, while turning to Donnie fully. 
“Let’s compete! We’ll have a tickle fight on it. Winner is the older twin.” Leo smiled, grinning at the absolute genius idea and grinned only wider as he saw the evident nervousness on his soon-to-be-already-is-younger brothers’ face.
“I am not doing that.” Donnie said, crossing his arms; trying his absolute best not to sound nervous as he did so. Leo’s grin only widened at the softshell’s response, slowly inching closer to Donnie wiggling his fingers. “Aw~! But why? Is it because you're too ticklish for it? Is that it, Dee?” He teased, poking Donnie’s sides causing his purple-loving twin to squirm in his seat. “Is the Great Donatello Von Ryan too ticklish for this~?” Leo said, chuckling when he saw his brother’s cheeks flush a bit. 
“Oho gi- gihive me a break. Everyone knohows that you're the mohohost ticklish out of all of us.” Donnie said, wanting to punch himself in the face for laughing at Leo’s wiggling fingers. Speaking of Leo’s fingers, they were scaringly inching closer and closer to his sides…
“Well you’re gonna have to prove me wrong on that one, Tello!” Leo laughed, practically launching himself onto Donnie as he scattered and scratched along his sides. The softshell put both his hands over his mouth, determined to not laugh at. all. Because, has this tactic worked? Covering his mouth so he doesn’t erupt into laughter? No. No, it hasn’t. But oh well- Donnie was desperate and desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Oho my gOHOD stAhAh- PFFT- STAHA! GeHet OOHOFF!” Donnie cackled, his laughter sounding muffled against his hand as he kicked his feet. “Nope! None of that, you know better, Tickle-Tello!” Leo teased, removing Donnie’s hands from over his mouth as he kneaded his upper thighs.  
“NAHAHA! LEEHEEHEEO! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE!” Donnie squealed, hugging his middles and trying to squirm away from his sibling, Leo absolutely beamed at the reaction. “No can do, Don! Just admit it! I’m the older twin!” Leo grinned, now doing a whole spider maneuver with his fingers on Donnie’s neck, which caused his purple loving sibling to crunch up his shoulders and do a high pitched squeal, almost like a 6 year-old girl, or worse…Mikey. 
The sound startled Leo- who drawed his hands back and after a couple seconds descended into small snickers. “Woah, I’ve never heard that noise before~!” Leo laughed, going back to gently tickling Donnie’s neck where he squealed; gleeful at the reaction he just received and wanted more. 
“SHUHUT IHIT. YOHOU HEHEHEARD NOHOHOTHING!” Donnie yelled, pushing at Leo’s arms but the red eared slider did not budge even an inch. Leo went to the extra ticklish spot on Donnie’s neck earning another high pitched squeal from his scientist brother. “Oho, really? That cute little shriek of yours doesn’t sound like ‘nothing’ to me, Don-Don~!” Leo smiled, not only because he was 100% sure he’s got this in the barn but he was also smiling because he was spending some quality tickle time with his favorite twin (his only twin- but still), win-win!
“Just say I’m the older twin and I’ll stop, Tello~!” Leo said, now gently tracing the sides of Donnie’s shell. And if you weren’t in the room at this exact moment, you probably would have thought the soft shell got stabbed- or even killed! Donnie absolutely screamed as Leo started poking and prodding his sensitive softshell. Leo really wanted this “Older Twin” title huh? Going for his shell?! Oh this man is playing straight up fucking dirty. 
“NOHOHO! NOHO *hic* NAHAT THEHE SHEHELL! LEEHEEHEEO PLEHEHEASE!” Donnie cried, trying to kick Leo off of him but the blue banded turtle stayed on Donnie’s waist, making sure the two didn’t fall off of the couch but also making sure to tickle the absolute hell out of Donnie so he can claim the Older Twin title. 
“Awh! There’s a little design of your shell that has a heart! That’s so cute! You don’t mind me taking a closer look at it, do you?” Leo smiled, not even waiting for Donnie to answer as he traced over the heart design on Donnie, as the softshell descended into more squeaky cackles. “NAHAHA! NAHARDO *hic* DOHOHON’T! IHIT’S SOHO *hic* BAHAD THEHERE!” Donnie cried, still trying to squirm away. Now Donnie is really really starting to regret leaving his battle-shell in his room.  
“You’re not even fully fighting back like you normally do, Don. You must reaaaaally like this, huh?” Leo teased, going back to poking different parts of the side of Donnie’s shell. Donnie didn’t respond but just wheezed with laughter as he twisted and turned trying to get Leo off of him. 
“MIHIHICHAEL! RAHAPH! REEHEEHEE! HEHEHEHEHELP!” Donnie yelled, trying to be as loud as he could to get saved or something. Which… probably won’t happen because it’s just him and Leo in the lair as of right now. The others were running errands around the city. Worth a shot…
“Uh uh! This is a fight between you and me, mi hermano~!” Leo smiled, blowing a raspberry on the softshell turtles’ neck while still tickling the sides of his shell. Donnie gasped at the new sudden unexpected sensation at his neck, his laughter starting to sound hiccupy.  Donnie pushed on Leo’s plastron trying to break free from his grasp.
“NAHAHAH! NAHA- *hic* NAHARDO!” Donnie squealed. “Dooonnniiieeee~” Leo teased, mimicking his twins cry, sitting up but now hovering his hands over Donnie’s stomach, wiggling his fingers. 
“Hmm…I feel like TummyTello is feeling a tad bit left out from all this tickling, don’t you?” Leo asked, not to Donnie in particular though, the softshell knew he didn’t really have a say in this matter anymore. But Donnie couldn’t take anymore and completely PANICKED.  
Donnie suddenly kicked Leo in the foot, causing both of the twins to fall off of the couch, but Donnie, being quick on his feet, was able to take the upper hand as he went on top of Leo. He pinned Leo’s arms above his head as he straddled his waist, the slider squirmed under Donnie, not liking how quickly the tables had turned.
“Ahahany lahast words, Nardo?” Donnie smiled, still giggling from the attack from Leo but happy he was able to get the upper hand as of right now. And seeing how quickly his brothers’ cockiness and smugness faded made Donnie feel even more victorious. 
Donnie didn’t waste any time and immediately started kneading Leo’s knees, a well-known death spot for him. Donnie smiled as the slider threw his head back letting out squeaky cackles, snorting every now and again as his legs stomped on the floor. “DEEHEEHEE! NOHO WAHAHAIT! PLEHEHEASE *snort* IHIT TIHIHICKLES!” 
“Ohmigosh…really? I didn’t notice.” Donnie said sarcastically, suddenly stopping to give his brother a breather. Leo groaned throughout his laughs, glaring at his twin who just smiled innocently at him. “So~! Ready to admit the inevitable?”
Leo narrowed his eyes at his twin, oh he thinks he’s so smart. Well Leo’s not giving up that easily. “I already did! I’m older than you, remember?” Leo grinned as Donnie only chuckled, not saying anything. 
Donnie started scribbling his fingers on Leo's side, causing the slider to giggle a bit and lightly kick his feet. “Ahare yohou even trying to tickle me?” Leo asked, knowing that was probably the wrong thing to ask and couldn't help himself. Donnie sighed, now scribbling his fingers in Leo’s belly. “Oh Nardo, Nardo, Nardo…my dearest and dumb twin…” 
“I know something you don’t and the position you're in right now makes that extremely unfortunate for you.” Donnie smiled as if he wasn’t being absolutely evil. Leo swears- Donnie is scary just being himself but once your at the mercy of his tickly hands he’s terrifying. “Whahahat ahare yohou tahalking about…?” Leo asked. But as soon as he did Donnie started nibbling his stomach, making hilarious noises that had Leo in stitches. 
“AHAHA *snort* AHAHAHA WAHAHAIT!” Leo screamed, because if anything, Leo thought Donnie was going to abuse his knees again- not start nibbling at his stomach. He wasn’t prepared for this whole new ticklish sensation on his belly! This was completely unbearable…and the little “nom-ing” noises Donnie was making did not help. Guess Donnie took notes on where Leo was ticklish and how to tickle him there.
Or he just asked Raph, since he gives ticklish nibbles to him all of the time. 
“TEHEHELLOHOHO! NAHAHAT *snort* THOHOSE!” Leo cried, he tried to kick Donnie off of him which only caused the softshell turtle to nibble at his tummy more softly. Obviously causing his brothers' laughter to increase. “Donnie said no, no, no~” Donnie playfully said, holding Leo’s arms up higher and holding on tighter, laughing as Leo’s laughter increased in volume. 
“Oh, I bet that tickles, doesn’t it Lee?” Donnie chuckled, and only laughed harder when he saw Leo shake his head and stomped his feet on the floor. Leo couldn’t take it anymore. 
It tickled too much. Leo can’t even defend himself, which automatically makes this extremely unfair! So much for being the older twin, I guess…
“OKAHAHAY! OKAHAY! *snort* YOHOHU’RE OHOHOLDER! *snort*  YOHOU’RE OHOHOLDER!!!” Leo screamed. Oh dear pizza supreme in the sky, he was never gonna live this down. But to be fair, admitting being the younger twin is WAY better than dying by Donnie’s tickling hands, that’s for sure…even if Leo’s pride would be a tiny bit damaged after this.
“Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t quite hear you…” Donnie smiled, still nibbling at Leo’s stomach; which some might call mean- or even evil considering the slider already practically screamed bloody murder about freaking FINALLY admitting Donnie was older than him. But the scientist needs to make sure his little ticklish brother understands 
“Nardo, you’re gonna have to speak up~! I can’t hear you.”
“Alright, alright! No need to scream!” Donnie chuckled, getting off of Leo and crossing his arms triumphantly. Leo glared at him, puffing his cheeks out, pouting. “That was so unfair…” Leo whined, sitting up and sitting next to Donnie on the floor. Donnie looked at Leo and chuckled, raising his left eyebrow in amusement. “You’re the one that wanted it to be a tickle fight, idiot.” 
“Yeah! I know that! But I thought I would win!” Leo whined more loudly, slumping his entire body on Donnie’s lap. Donnie only chuckled, pulling Leo in closer, hugging them. “It’s not my fault you're a walking tickle spot.” Donnie argued.
Leo got up from his lap and crossed his arms, copying Donnie. “I am SO not! YOU PINNED MY ARMS UP! I COULDN’T DEFEND MYSELF!” Leo yelled which only caused the older of the two to snicker at the complaint. “Sounds like a walking tickle spot to me, still…” Leo rolled his eyes, sitting next to Donnie and resting his head on his shoulder as the two held hands, enjoying each other's company. 
“You…do know that if you won I’d still be older, right?” Donnie said, looking back to Leo who only wetly chuckled. “Pfft- I know that, Dee…” The slider said, because it was true, Donnie was older than Leo- by a month. After Draxum got accepted into the family, he had told them the WHOLE story on how he got them, including they’re exact ages. 
“But it’s just that…” 
“It’s just what?” 
“I just…missed this…messing around with you and stuff. After the Invasion, it hasn’t been the same, y’know?” Leo said, rubbing his fingers together trying to figure out the right words to say. “And I dunno, this might sound stupid but these moments with you are really fun…”
Donnie looked at Leo before smiling softly, giving him a hug and resting his chin on the top of Leo’s head as he melted into the embrace. “As it is true, you and I will not live on this Earth forever…knowing that, it is important to enjoy our time here while it lasts. And I’d not have anyone else other than you and our family and close friends spending that time with.” Donnie smiled, now both of them hugging each other and enjoying one another’s company.
Also, yes I’m an Older Donnie Twin Truther fight me 🤪😤 /j /lh
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canneddolts · 9 months
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
┊ ⋆˚  about this blog !
— first and foremost, this is a male reader blog !!! i only write male reader inserts, the usage of she/her pronouns will never, ever be applied to any of my works that involve an insertion of yourself into the scenario. that being said, i don't really think i can/will enforce that those that read my work are only those that use he/him prns. so let's say, if those who use she/her pronouns decide to read my work, i won't purge them off of this page (i don't think i spend that much time on here to even do that) and burn them at the stake. all i very POLITELY ask is that: you don't interact malignantly with me or my posts. i don't tag my work "x fem reader", only "x male reader" and "x reader" so there shouldn't be any worries of my work "cluttering" (<- lmmmffaaoooooo) your tags of "x female reader"
— of course this ^ can be subject to change and become stricter if i start gaining negative attention from fem-alligned readers. so NOT SAYING IT'S SET IN STONE because that how i feel about this just right now.
— i plan on using this blog to just broaden the reach of one of my fanfics (keep safe) with the occasional posting of a smau/modern!au post every now and then.
— every now and then i might post a yandere drabble, oneshot, headcanon, etc just wanted to put that here since i know that it's not everyone cup of tea and wanted to disclaim this. some of the yandere headcanons already exist on here, but i think (i hope) i tagged it all appropiately....(i hope)
alright, that's all thank you for reading <3 jaime
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yaekiss · 7 months
[throwing all my kinktober prep behind me]
GAH my bad the wanderer fic took forever... hit the worst mood flop + writing burn out BUT I hope you guys enjoyed the fics IEBFKJBWEK and tq for sticking around ^^
OH ALSO if you guys ever want to see all the lore or the prep/lil notes I leave for myself for these fics lmk! Always fun sharing progress stuff,,,
(I can tell you what fics the other poll choices were meant for too if you'd like :3c)
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compacflt · 1 year
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wip wednesday: hoping to have all the fic revisions up by saturday (long shot tbh) or wednesday!
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padfootastic · 1 year
should just dedicate myself to miss imp’s blog because here’s another- thing i wrote based off her prompt. @impishtubist thank u for always getting the creative juices flowing for me 💀
(this summary sounds like a whole bunch of nothing bc i was having fun being all ~whimsical and shit, but basically: harry becomes lord black, the tapestry repairs itself, and he finds a surprise addition on it)
Magic was a fickle thing. No one knew where it came from nor how it operated. But ignorance is not the same as irreverence—every wixen in the magical world was brought up with the knowledge that Magic was to be both feared and respected. There was a sentience to it that was beyond the scope of mortal comprehension and there were warnings—stories of grave misfortune bestowed upon those who neglected this fact. 
Under the broad gamut of Magic, however, lies one particularly under-studied field of Family Magics. Not much is known about it, except that families who have a long lineage to call upon have some…quirks to their magic that others don’t. Certain types of magics come easier to them, an affinity, if you will. That’s not to say that others can’t have any of their own. The Malfoys might be relatively newblooded—despite their attempts at rebranding—but their propensity for Charms hasn’t gone unnoticed. The Weasleys and their fertility magic has, despite their social status, impressed a community with such low birth rates. 
So, it is fair to say that Family Magics are alive and kicking, distributed by a power unknown to everyone. The Blacks, at the height of their power, were feared by everyone—friend and foe alike. Their prowess with offensive magics was nigh unbeatable and even now, with its current state of disrepute, the old guard talks about the family in tones of awe and trepidation. 
It’s what makes the fates of Sirius and Regulus Black particularly tragic. That these two, heirs who were the envy of every single family, ended up fading into notoriety and obscurity, respectively—leaving behind a family crumbling into ruins. 
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black…reduced to a house elf and a dilapidated house, both on the verge of falling apart. 
That is, until now. Fate and Fortune colliding to breathe new life into old blood. With some personal discoveries along the way. 
Tap for the full ao3 version!
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hyuuukais · 4 months
chapter three of look up to the stars has been finished at 6.2k :3 i think the next will be a bit closer to 7k bc there's quite a bit to happen in it, or at least something that would take time to get through for them
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dandyshucks-moving · 6 months
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woah rare other system part sighting lmao, here's a Guz drawn by not-Juno
#I was working with the base they laid out so I had to fudge some shit because they'd laid out the neck and shoulder weirdly RIP#like the head is too far over to the right lmao but I didn't feel like erasing a bunch of it to fix that#the hand behind the wrestling box corner thing is also goofed lmao#turning rbs off but Juno (Dandy is vaguely a cross-system name so it feels weird calling them that) might post the art later better#I don't know how they edit their photos but I think I maybe got close lol#this guys fun to draw tbh love a rough n tumble boy lol he's got the same body type as one of my OCs except Stasis is mostly a robot LMAO#dandyshucks#dandy doodlebugs#<- I'll add these just in case ig ?? idk Juno do what u want with this even if it means deleting it lol hope this is fine for me to post#ALSO THIS WONT BE A REGULAR OCCURRENCE LMAO I was just super bored tonight and happened to switch in during Juno drawing this guy#probably won't ever happen again lol#our drawing styles arent super different I think but also this is using a base they laid out so I would've done it differently lmao#maybe it is different though - apparently I'm not a good judge of shit like this bc they say I write and play accordion differently somehow#but I thought I was doing a pretty good job the other day of doing it like they do lmaooo but nah they said it was all noticeably different#I'm chatty tonight sorry lol been a hot minute since I've had any time in front but I'll scoot off now#💜so good at being in trouble
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8bit-mau5 · 1 year
What stuff would you most like asks about and/or who’d you most like asks for?
I honestly am Not picky about the asks I get! I love having an opportunity to talk about or for my characters, and it's easier to list what I DON'T enjoy writing for: delving into sexual stuff, having my OCs mocked or having their struggles/etc made into a joke, or in-depth worldbuilding type stuff (i just dont do much of that and have little to say for it). (the only exception may or may not be coming soon. im very. whats the word. i hold what little i created for this world very close to my chest because of unsavory past experiences. so idk if i WILL share my fleet stuff here yet or not..)
I've told some of my friends this already, but seldom do I get any asks and so almost EVERYTHING yall see on my blog are months or even years old. (I am VERY grateful to the people who Have gone out of their way to send me stuff before :’3)  I take a while to answer cos I hold onto asks and quite literally ration them out so I can have Something to write for at least once a month askdjhdhdh
That being said I'm happy with anything (so long as they arent the above mentioned stuff). Some characters will lie, some characters will skirt around a subject, but most anything you want to know about my characters and the plots + stories theyre involved in Can be found out through asks. I try REALLY HARD not to put everything about a character on their page but. I get a lil excited to talk abt them lol. Ask them their fave color, their fave music genre, their hobbies, their fears, prod them on sensitive subjects, go wild honestly. Hell you can even just Greet Them TBH
EDIT: FORGOT TO ANSWER THE REST OF THIS UHHH. For WHO is rlly hard cos um. Essentially i get so few that I’d love asks for ALL my trolls at some point. But right now I’d love to be able to use Opal, Kieulo, Geniva, Viserys, Cyrell and Samael’s sprites more. ESPECIALLY the first two. 
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@whump-queen I'll absolutely tag you if I do tbh I kinda want to draw him now... writing depends on if I'll be able to settle on a good situation, but I kinda like the idea of showing him off at a fancy gala or smth of the like. Maybe with a subtle little leash, delicate gold chain or something of the like to keep him reminded that he belongs to them... could be linked to something to let them trigger the shock collar if he steps out of line, just to rub it in.
A fancy little show of what fortune that his owner's had, to have something like him fall right into their lap. Whumptober fills've been kinda eating my time recently but I can think of two that it might be fun to link it to. Depends if I want to go all in on the subtle restraining accessories and no chance of ever being anything more than an accessory or have him forced to stand there with a strained smile, desperately hoping he's got a chance at escape, desperately hoping that he'll be able to run before he's trapped here forever.
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space-prophet · 2 years
Rant in tags do not clown
#boom- gay#ok. ill say it. steddie doesnt have any chemistry at all. i legit can not see it. it feels like the newest mash too hot guys together ship.#if you like it thats cool and i hope you have fun with it but what???? they have like q handful of conversations and none of them seem like#'flirting' like everyone in the tag is saying. stg we have to take the word queer bating away from u people bc youll use it anytime a ship#isnt canon that you like. sherlock? queer bating for sure. stranger things??? u have robin but shes wlw so no one cares much beyond#complesionist shipping ronance. the top ships in this fandom (aside from byler which isnt queer bating its queercoding will jesus christ)#are like steveXbilly and steveXeddie aka the hot guys everyone wants to fck for thier own weird gratification. what if it was murry and hop#huh?? two middle aged traditionally unattractive men who had arcs abt being gay? what if it was lucas who came ojt and realized he loved#like idk some random kid at school it kinda feels like the love for solangelo but worse bc stedi not even together and have satisfying arcs#im just tired of shipping culture and the wierd gaze fans have towards hot white boys who they can put in mlm ships. i want ugly gays. i#want a well crafted story like wills where its obvious he's figuring himself out. i dont want steve and eddie to out of nowhere in a time#and place where theyve never even taken time to think over or adress thier sexuality to like make out in a situation#wherw thier main focus is to look after thier very-young-child-friends. it would not be a well crafted or#compelling narritive for anyone. i hate#i hate straight ppl writing in queer ships for fetishistic gazes. you want well written queer rep in stranger things#we have robin and will- will whos arc this season was abt tackling his feelings for mike through body acting and subtlety- smthng#yall cant handle i guess#and robins queerness is adressed this season as well very very openly multiple times. stranger things is not abt queer life but it tries to#be respectfully inclusive. not every show can faithfully and respectfully be heartstopper or ofmd and st has never had that intention.#in fact it needs more diversity in other areas first i think.#anyways if ypu like stedi fr fun thats fine but some ppl have been so fuckin insane abt it that its made u lose your minds!!! i get it i#ship byler and elmax (potential ellumax) but im not expecting them to beome canon bc the show is truing to explore other things at the mome#nt. that is not queer baiting and the duffers are not evil for having a different plan for thier show#idk i only got q few hours of sleep cut me some slack for being ungraceful.#tldr: have fun shipping but dont be like thatTM when you know that youre blowing things out of proportion#sending the duffer brothers fucking threats for queer baiting will make them not want to be inclusive for fear of the tumblrrnas sherlockin#shit up#personal
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