#Hideya Takahashi
slag0000 · 2 months
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田山メイ子さんの企画に2度目の出演です。前回と同じく、イツロウくんと3人で。普段とは勝手がかなり違うので、結構大変なんですが、前回よりは良くできるかな?と勝手に思ってます。 ●2024-05-22(wed) 成城学園前 アトリエ第Q藝術 "Q根たちの競宴 vol.6 第一夜" act: 〈MONO-NO-KE〉 田山メイ子 Itsuro1×2_6 高橋直康 〈両面宿儺-りょうめんすくな〉 三浦宏予 富士栄秀也 open 19:00 / start 19:30 charge 3000yen / 5000yen(2days)
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dorothydalmati1 · 7 months
Urusei Yatsura 2022 Season 1 Episode 22: Big Bottle, Little Bottle/When Love Strikes
Written by Yuta Suzuki
Directed by Yuichi Nakazawa
Big Bottle, Little Bottle:
Storyboard by Koichi Chigira
Animation directed by Yuka Harada, Tenkai, GRAND Guerrilla, Majin Bro & Roccia Nobili
When Love Strikes:
Storyboard by Hideya Takahashi
Animation directed by Kazayuki Ikai, Madoka Okazaki, Mami Takaishi, Mahmoud Moftah, Cyrus & Minoru Esaki
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ANIME GENERATION: l’autunno del canale è pieno di nuovi simulcast (e altri sono in arrivo)
Yamato Video ha appena iniziato a portare in streaming The Eminence in Shadow, Love Flops, il remake di Lamù, La Principessa Bibliofila e Fantasy Farm!
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Questa ve l’avevo sostanzialmente già passata tramite social e Telegram, ma ora che mi sento meglio, mi pare doveroso condividere l’annuncio in maniera un tantino più decorosa! 
Venerdì scorso, a ormai un mesetto dall’inizio della stagione autunnale, lo staff di Yamato Video ci ha stupito con il goloso reveal del nuovo palinsesto simulcast del canale tematico ANiME GENERATION, che vi ricordo trovate all’interno di Amazon Prime Video (attualmente c’è una prima prova gratuita di una settimana e poi si passa a 4,99 €/mese).
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Partiamo dalla action fantasy comedy di 20 episodi, tratta dalla light novel di Daisuke Aizawa, di cui è edita in Italia da Magic Press la versione manga.
L'adattamento è targato studio NEXUS (Darwin’s Game, Comic Girls, L'epopea del cavaliere ripetente) ed è in mano a Kazuya Nakanishi (direttore d’animazione nella serie di Darwin’s Game).
Minoru Kageno ha sempre ammirato i supereroi fin da bambino e nel corso della vita si è allenato per diventare più forte, ma una volta cresciuto si è reso conto che non avrebbe mai avuto poteri speciali come quelli che si vedono nelle storie, finché un giorno in seguito a un incidente non si è reincarnato in un altro mondo dove esiste la magia. Ora si fa chiamare Shadow e insieme alle ragazze che ha salvato affronterà malvagi e demoni per diventare l'eminenza grigia che controlla tutto dall'ombra.
La sceneggiatura è supervisionata da Kanichi Kato (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Those Snow White Notes) e il design dei personaggi è curato da Makoto Iino (Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town, Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage), mentre le musiche sono composte da Kenichiro Suehiro (Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, Shadows House).
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Nuova piccante commedia romantica degli equivoci di casa PASSIONE (Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World, Mieruko-chan), la cui storia originale si dipanerà nell’arco di 12 episodi.   
Il destino attira cinque avvenenti ragazze, provenienti da Paesi diversi, sulla strada di Asahi, che presto riceve non una, non due, ma ben cinque confessioni d'amore. Asahi deve seguire il suo cuore per trovare chi delle cinque possa essere la sua partner perfetta, altrimenti le sue fortune amorose potrebbero finire in un epico flop!
La serie è diretta da Nobuyoshi Nagayama (Smile Down the Runway. My Girlfriend is Shobitch), che per il progetto può contare su Midori Yui e Fujiaki Asari come assistenti di regia.
La sceneggiatura è in mano a Ryo Yasumoto (Steins;Gate 0), mentre il character design è curato da Kazuyuki Ueda (Hinako Note, Kiniro Mosaic). Per quanto riguarda le musiche, invece, sono realizzate da Kenichiro Suehiro (Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, Shadows House).
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Considerato che sul canale tematico ci sono già tutta la serie storica, con annessi lungometraggi e OAV, non poteva di certo mancare il moderno remake ad opera dello studio DAVID PRODUCTION (Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo: Stone Ocean, Fire Force, Cells at Work! Lavori in Corpo). 
Come vi avevo già accennato, questa nuova trasposizione dell’iconica opera firmata da Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma ½,  MAO, InuYasha, Maison Ikkoku, RINNE), sarà composta da 46 episodi in totale, che saranno però divisi in due parti.
Ataru Moroboshi è un cascamorto cronico e ci prova con tutte le ragazze che incontra facendo infuriare la sua amica d'infanzia Shinobu. La sua vita sarà sconvolta con l'arrivo della bella aliena Lamù che, a causa di un malinteso, si innamorerà perdutamente di lui e andrà a vivere a casa Moroboshi!
La serie è diretta da Hideya Takahashi (Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo: Golden Wind, Keijo!!!!!!!!), assieme a Yasuhiro Kimura (Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo: Golden Wind, 2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team).
La sceneggiatura, invece, è affidata a Yuuko Kakihara (Cells at Work! Lavori in Corpo, Asobi Asobase), mentre il character design è curato da Naoyuki Asano (Mr. Osomatsu, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!).
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C’è spazio anche per un po’ di romanticismo con la serie di 12 episodi tratta dalla shojo novel di Yui (se vi interessa c’è anche una versione manga), portata in tv dallo studio MADHOUSE (Chihayafuru, Overlord). 
Elianna Bernstein è ossessionata dai libri fin da bambina. Il suo soprannome non è "topo di biblioteca", come si potrebbe facilmente pensare, ma "principessa bibliofila". Il principe Christopher la ritiene eccentrica e interessante allo stesso tempo e un giorno le propone senza mezzi termini di fidanzarsi con lui. Il fidanzamento porta un reciproco vantaggio. Da una parte libera Christopher dalle lotte di potere tra le famiglie nobili all'interno della corte. Dall’altra Elianna può accedere liberamente all’archivio della biblioteca reale in quanto promessa sposa del principe ereditario.   Secondo l’accordo, sarebbe dovuta essere una "finta fidanzata" e per quattro anni i due ragazzi trascorrono le giornate nella loro routine quotidiana. Un giorno, però, a corte fa la sua comparsa l’estroversa Irene, figlia di un visconte, che inizia a stringere amicizia con tutti, entrando apparentemente in intimità con il principe Christopher. Elianna, convinta di essere solo una fidanzata di facciata, è pronta a rompere il fidanzamento. Tuttavia, il suo cuore è pieno di sentimenti contrastanti e si accorge che l’interesse e la passione che prova non riguardano solo la lettura. Cosa accadrà al "vero amore" tra Elianna e Christopher?
L'anime sta venendo diretto da Taro Iwasaki (One Week Friends, Sweetness & Lightning), della sceneggiatura si occupa Mitsutaka Hirota (Sweetness & Lightning, Rent-A-Girlfriend), mentre il character design è a cura di Mizuka Takahashi (designer secondario in Your Voice -KIMIKOE-).
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Concludiamo, con la commedia fantasy da vero pollice verde realizzata da STUDIO A-CAT (She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man, Getter Robo Arc), basata sulla novel di Shobonnu (che anche in questo caso ha una controparte manga).
Al Wayne ha un unico sogno: diventare un contadino provetto! Per questo il giovane decide di livellare al massimo tutte le abilità legate all’agricoltura. Quando ciò accade, però, Al diventa all’improvviso più forte di qualsiasi guerriero, e viene coinvolto suo malgrado nella gilda degli avventurieri del regno! La sua tranquilla vita in campagna è destinata a rimanere davvero soltanto un sogno?
Diretta da Norihiko Nagahama, la serie conterà in tutto 12 episodi.  Della sceneggiatura si sta occupando Touko Machida (Smile Down the Runway, Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan) e il character design è curato da Masami Sueoka, mentre le musiche sono ad opera di Takuro Iga (Asteroid in Love, WATATEN!: an Angel Flew Down to Me).
Quelli di cui vi ho appena parlato sono solo i primi cinque anime in corso di recupero, con già le prime puntate online in lingua originale e sottotitoli in italiano, ma questo venerdì ne arriveranno altri. Stessa modalità: annuncio e poi upload. Secondo voi quali altri hanno in caldo? Fatemelo sapere nei commenti!
Oh, un’ultima cosa: per il momento non trovate questi titoli sulla GUIDA ANIME, perché non hanno ancora una periodicità precisa. Non appena avrà un’idea su come inserirli, la aggiornerò.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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thecrownbaltimore · 2 years
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Baltimore Anime Denizens present: Sunday 11/6 in The Crown Backbar: It's the moment all us older weebs have been looking forward to since it was announced last year... Urusei Yatsura (うる星やつら) 2022 | dir. Yasuhiro Kimura & Hideya Takahashi | 24 min/episode To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Shogakukan (publisher of Rumiko Takahashi's original "Urusei Yatsura" manga), a new "reboot" anime series has been produced and begins airing on October 13, 2022. Not much is notable about the lecherous Ataru Moroboshi, but his extraordinary bad luck sticks out like the horns in an alien's head. When Earth is threatened by a fleet of alien invaders known as the Oni, Ataru is selected to represent humanity in a duel against one of them. His opponent is Lum, daughter of the Oni's leader, who places her personal dignity above victory—as Ataru finds out by seizing Lum's bikini top and with it, victory. However, misfortune kicks in again when Lum mistakes Ataru's promise to marry his girlfriend, Shinobu Miyake, as the desire to wed Lum herself, and decides she rather likes the idea. Forced to deal with the consequences of his womanizing ways, Ataru must balance his crumbling relationship with Shinobu while keeping Lum happy, all the while flirting with every woman he meets. < presented in Japanese language w/ English subtitles > ----------------------------- 6 pm | FREE | 21+ (at The Crown) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjlJqqfOl34/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ljaesch · 2 years
The New Urusei Yatsura Anime Is Scheduled to Premiere in Japan on October 13, 2022
The New Urusei Yatsura Anime Is Scheduled to Premiere in Japan on October 13, 2022
The official website for the new Urusei Yatsura anime has announced that the series is scheduled to premiere in Japan on October 13, 2022. Hideya Takahashi and Yasuhiro Kimura are directing the anime at david production, and Yuuko Kakihara is overseeing the series scripts. Naoyuki Asano is designing the characters. Masaru Yokoyama is composing the music. The new Urusei Yatsura anime will adapt…
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jujutsukaiseninfo · 2 years
Death Note Creators' New Anime, Platinum End, Releases First Trailer
A new trailer for Platinum End, the new anime from the creators of Death Note and director of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, has been released.
The death note poster is a great way to keep track of your enemies. It is also a great way to decorate your home or office.
New details and trailers for the anime adaptation of Platinum End, the new series from Death Note creators Tsugumi Oba and Takeshi Obata, have been revealed.
As reported by Anime News Network, Platinum End's official website has been updated with a new trailer and new information about the upcoming series. The first part of Platinum End is directed by Hideya Takahashi, who has previously worked on anime such as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind and Pokemon Origins, while the second part of the series is directed by Kazuchika Kiss, who served as lead animator. Did. Ghost in the Shell and the Rebuild of the Evangelion series. The anime is being produced by Production IG's sister studio Signal.MD, which also produced 2017's Napping Princess.
Platinum & Mirai tells the story of Kakehashi, a young man who is saved from abusive foster parents by a literal guardian angel named Nasse. Nasse gives Mirai access to her supernatural powers and tells her that she is now entering a competition with 13 other contestants who have been granted guardian angels and similar abilities, to determine whether they have Who is worthy of becoming the new God of the earth? World. Mirai sets out to stop the other candidates while maintaining her sense of justice and morality.
The anime is scheduled to premiere in Japan this fall and will air in a continuous season of 24 episodes. The original manga Platinum End by Ohba and Obata was first published in 2015 and was completed in early 2021. ,
For more information visit our website Merch Fuse
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otakutale · 2 years
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2022 Urusei Yatsura TV Anime Slated for October - Visual, Cast, Staff & Promotional Video Revealed
The official website of the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Rumiko Takahashi’s Urusei Yatsura has revealed that the series will…
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girlfromtube · 5 years
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PHOTOS: http://girlfromtube.tumblr.com/post/183627850193 EPISODIO 12 Kaya Sakashiro: Potresti risparmiarti tutto questo dolore semplicemente inginocchiandoti o gettandoti in acqua. Nozomi Kaminashi: Mi spiace, ma una volta che ho deciso il mio bersaglio, non lo mollo per niente al mondo! Hikari Muromachi: Dorme come se all'improvviso le avessero tolto un peso enorme dalle spalle. Il guscio che l'aveva protetta finora si è rotto e finalmente puo' essere se stessa.
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Virtue and Vice マラソン (butai psycho-pass virtue and vice marathon)
you will be able to watch both shows @ niconama  (remember that you need to use a VPN to watch/get access to the show^^)
◎ 舞台 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Virtue and Vice (butai psycho-pass virtue and vice) [May 7th, 2021 ~ 9pm]
◎ 舞台 PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Virtue and Vice 2 (butai psycho-pass virtue and vice 2) [May 8th, 2021 ~ 9pm]
it’s FREE (full show for premium account members only)
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save-the-data · 5 years
why not the other one :{ 
But at least I buy this.  This title will be released on October 16, 2019. 
Birthday present. 
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yinuduonan · 6 years
[DL] Yuugeki DVD
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Yay, my DVD arrived two days ago but I was pretty busy so I just uploaded and share my DVD today! I include backstage too because I need someone to fangirl with me, the backstage is just about an hour but it’s worth to watch! The honpen (main stage) quality is better than the DMM one I shared before (and it has smaller size too hehe). Honpen is around 700mb and the backstage is around 700mb too, it’s less than 1.5GB for both videos, don’t worry the quality is still amazing for me ;) These guys are so…. weird…. BUT HANDSOME
Cast: Tachibana Kenchi Mikata Ryosuke Tawada Hideya Takahashi Kensuke Imari Yu Tanaka Ryosei Arisawa Shoutarou Miura Hiroki Isaka Ikumi Izumi Shuhei Araki Hirofumi
All casts are amazing, I laughed a lot, so I really recommended it! Feel free to fangirl with me or tell me what do you think of this stage. For the link, please read the rules first!
- DO NOT RE-UPLOAD ANYWHERE! especially to streaming sites
- DO NOT SHARE THE DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK! If anyone asking for the link then please refer them to this post
- Screenshots, GIFs, edits, short clips are okay
- Download link is in the post. Hint: cast list, the youngest actor in this stage :)
- Enjoy! 
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dorothydalmati1 · 7 months
Urusei Yatsura 2022 Season 1 Episode 23: The Tomo-1 Queen Contest
Written by Hiroko Kanasugi
Storyboard by Yūsuke Kubo & Hideya Takahashi
Directed by Kiyomitsu Sato & Yūsuke Kubo
Animation directed by Sachiko Mori, Sachiko Sugimoto, Madoka Ozawa, Ryo Kobayashi, Shin Hyung Woo, Satoru Kobayashi, Naoki Hiramura, Toyoaki Fukushima, Mitsunori Yamaguchi, Sakurako Mitsuhashi & Akane Imada
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seigaku9th-blog · 6 years
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YUUGEKI: Stylish Ghost Entertainment is an original stage play that tells the story of dead members of a crime syndicate trying to find closure with their loved ones and also stop hell from unleashing on the world of the living. it features an all-star cast that you’ll know from A to Z if you’re familiar with tenimyu, toumyu & kuromyu. Slick fashion, heart-thumping action scenes, well-timed humor, a surprisingly intricate story made incredibly emotional by the portrayal of bittersweetly beautiful relationships between the characters and fantastic acting by boys we all know & love made yuugeki my favorite japanese stage production of 2017.
As of such, I really wanted to buy & share this DVD with everyone! It would make me really happy if you could give it a shot, and if you enjoy it, then please support the production so we can maybe hopefully get sequels!!
→ Buy the DVD on Amazon, no matter where you live in the world!
CAST Tachibana Kenchi Mikata Ryosuke Tawada Hideya Takahashi Kensuke Imari Yu Tanaka Ryosei Arisawa Shotaro Miura Hiroki Isaka Ikumi Izumi Shuhei Araki Hirofumi
NOTES ◖Big thanks to @lungberg/meteoryte for ripping my DVD because i don’t have a computer nor a brain ◖ Feel free to send me an ask or hit me up on twitter if you have any questions regarding the production or the plot!! ◖If you want to share the download link with someone, PLEASE LINK BACK TO THIS POST, not just the mega link. ◖Please DON’T REUPLOAD this ANYWHERE, especially not streaming sites.
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reereezoku · 6 years
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When you’re a fan of 2.5d stage and you can’t choose “just one” favorite actor.
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Urusei Yatsura (2022) TV anime - PV1
Urusei Yatsura (2022) TV anime will premiere in October 2022. The 2022 TV anime will adapt selected stories from the manga and run for four cours (a full year).
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Key visual
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Hiroshi Kamiya as Ataru Moroboshi
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Sumire Uesaka as Lum
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Maaya Uchida as Shinobu Miyake
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Mamoru Miyano as Shūtarō Mendō
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Wataru Takagi as Cherry
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Miyuki Sawashiro as Sakura
Director: Hideya Takahashi, Yasuhiro Kimura
Series Director: 
Series Composition: Yuko Kakihara
Character Design: Naoyuki Asano
Sub-Character Design: Kazuhiro Takamura, Mikio
Mechanic Design: JNTHED, Yoshihiro Sono
Prop Design: Ryō Hirata
Art Design: Kaoru Aoki
Art Director: Masanobu Nomura
Color Key Artist: Ayaka Nakamura
CG Director: Kanji Ōshima
Compositing Director of Photography: Yuuichirou Nagata
Editing: Kiyoshi Hirose
Sound Director: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Music: Masaru Yokoyama
Animation Production: David Production
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otakutale · 3 years
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Platinum End TV Anime Adaptation Announced for Fall - Visual, Cast & PV Revealed
A stage event during the recent Jump Studio event has announced that Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata’s Platinum End manga…
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