#Hes really trying NOT to eat straight garbage if he can
buwheal · 15 days
Anon that was probably saying sorry, I said sorry because I find what clown roll was saying judgy, it's not easy being broke and not being able to afford food, the last thing a poor person needs is a lecture on how unhealthy their lifestyle is. Like of course it's not healthy, you think someone would CHOOSE to live like that? To eat nothing but trash? Pretty sure if spamton could be eating something not out of the trash he WOULD, he doesn't need someone rubbing how awful his life is in his face when he doesn't really have a way to make it better, like "oh yeah just get some food not in the trash" for free??? Or if you're expecting him to pay, with what money??? I swear financially well off people seem to just forget you need money to do almost anything because of how much they have. If clowny roll really cared so much they should give him some damn money to buy something, granted maybe they can't because of askbox rules, but still.
THAAANKK YOU DUDE arrghhhhh,, frustrates me a little because theres some people in this box talking to him like he has a choice!!! HE DOESNT!!! I already did a WHOLE nasty thing with a whole bunch of the asks rubbing that shit in his face as if it were an apology,, reminding CONSTANTLY with stuff like "I had trouble finding sucess once!" sorry but that doesnt help guys... This isnt some one time thing where hes down in the dumps cause he got fired or smth HES HOMELESS... thankfully ive stopped getting those, but now its THESE ones about how unhealthy his lifestyle is............... like yeah......... hes not fucking stupid he knows....... they talk to him like hes a child waaghhh /lh Like, heres some examples, sorry to these anons, but if i had chosen your ask you'd get yelled at by Spamton AND the audience anyways,, so heres some that i think maybe... they forgot he cant really do a whole lot....
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...do you see the irony in this one......
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guuuyyyysss do you see the freaking issue here???? "EAT HEALTHER!"
But. Dont go after anyone,, esp Clowny Roll!!!!! I think a lot of them dont ....really think about it. I also have a tinge of a feeling that Clowny Roll has a bit of bait intention with theirs!! nothing wrong with that!
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Dating Veritas Ratio hc's
Out of all the hsr men, I'd imagine he'd be the most irritated figuring out he has a crush
A crush? A stupid little manifestation of his irrational emotions???
He'll stew over it a while, picking it apart like the most complex of equations, his stoic expression not wavering
So what if he's around you often? So what if he unconsciously seeks you out, it doesn't mean anything...
He'll hammer that narrative over and over until it becomes truth, or as close to truth as his mind will allow
You'll act like a married couple, though
He'll scold you without any real irritation, eyes narrowing as he pulls you closer to just fix the problem himself
A leaf in your hair? Your sleeve unrolled? Coffee stain on your shirt?
Honestly, how could you be such a careless mess...
Wait, no. No don't go, you're his careless mess—
It'll become a new normal to just have him occasionally once over your appearance, looking for things he can fix and doing so without a word
He also takes it upon himself to make you a healthier and more rounded person
No you're not eating garbage calories for the third meal in a row, yes you are drinking a full glass of water as he reads you excerpts from his book on how quantum chemistry applies to theoretical engineering under Nous's 63rd law of imaginary quantum information science, and there will be a quiz after so pay attention
If asked about why he's often seen by your side, he'll usually answer with a glare and an insult, commenting on the lack of even borderline decent conversationalists around
You're probably not really going to get an actual confession out of him, because that would force him to admit defeat to those annoyingly persistent feelings that just won't leave him be
If you take the initiative of backing him into a corner, you get to watch him flounder a bit, an expression of agitation and a growing warmth throughout his whole body as he skirts the topic with overly complex excuses
He's a big fan of doing different things in the same space, talking isn't necessary
Occasionally, when he remembers you're still there, he'll glance up from his book to see how you're faring, before getting back into it
He has a bit of a staring problem, in a way
It's just that he's so up in his head often, usually easily loosing sight of his surroundings, and you just happen to be the most pleasing thing to keep his eyes on
He'll look away when he notices you staring back, but it's not long before you feel his eyes trained on you again, as if studying every little movement as he works out equations in his head
Of course he does need alone time, usually spent reading in the bath
But that period seems to be getting shorter and shorter as his focus is constantly broken by unconditionally looking around to find you while deep in thought
He will absolutely use you as a blank canvas to throw ideas and thoughts on if he can't work through something in his head
By explaining it to you in mind numbing detail, he'll usually run headfirst into the solution, and it's a treat to watch his eyes widen ever so slightly as he pauses, immediately thanking you curtly before moving straight to writing
Your sense of curiosity is his favorite trait, the one he wants to nurture and encourage you to feed
He's not expecting you to be as smart as him, that would be an impossible expectation, but he will not allow you to give in to ignorance, to get in the habit of complacency, as it is the enemy of growth
He's an intimidating figure to most, both from his status and sharp tongue, so it's not uncommon for low-level scientists with something to prove to seek you out
Sometimes to get information on him, sometimes to test your intelligence, as if trying to prove themselves better than the company the great Dr. Ratio chooses to keep
He's quick to nip that in the bud, though
His crossed arm stoic faced glare would scare away anyone who isn't keen on being picked apart verbally
He'll claim it's all to avoid tainting you with their idiocracy, and that you really shouldn't keep such company
Tries to use selfish logical excuses constantly to get things he wants from you
"I've already chosen your hotel room for this trip, it'll be next to mine so I don't have to travel as far to compare notes in the morning."
"Honestly. You're coming with me to dinner so I won't waste my time working around your schedule later."
"No. You are absolutely not going to get a closer look at those monsters because I'm not cleaning up the mess you'll no doubt get yourself into by being so reckless."
"You're really going to waste your valuable time entertaining those IPC buffoons? They have more credits than brain cells. Stay here, lest their ignorance rub off on you."
He means well, under the insults and unapproachable demeanor
And, at a certain point, he really can't imagine the rest of his life without you close by
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To hunt or be hunted #3
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: The Vee's had the audacity to try to ransack the Hotel, Angel gets some tea and biscuits, the Terror makes herself present after 30 years of absence. Warnings: Blood, torture, sadism, Valentino's sick ass.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink
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“Who is she? The demon living in between the walls?” his severe tone made Charlie’s legs quiver, Alastor’s smile widened when he noticed. “Dad, what are you talking about?” she still tried to remain calm and cheery, “You know, I thought I was going crazy, but then she delivered tea to my room” ‘Fast, think Charlie’ she encouraged herself, her thoughts going through your bond straight into your ears.
“There’s someone living in the walls?” Angel asked at the same time as Vaggie and Husk, intensifying the princess’s panic, “Dad it’s just a spell I managed to learn, after the extermination I been working on my powers” a half-lie half-truth, but that seemed to do the trick.
Not because Charlie was any good at lying, but because the rest decided not to question her, why would them? Specially her father, who relied on denial, incapable to willingly accept his daughter’s lies, rather a consequence of isolation and desperation to have a good relationship with her, even if that meant that he would have to be lied to.
Meaning, a deep part of him was aware it was a lie, but the rest, decided to let it slide, painfully so.
“Yeah? Well your ‘spell’ needs work, it’s snappy” he joked, his mask better than his fake optimism. “I’ll see to it, dad” then she excuse herself to the kitchen, being followed by a dark figure.
“My dad saw you” she busted inside, closing the door and sealing the noise inside. You accidentally dropped the spoon you were using to sample the salt level of the broth, giving the startle, which the princess earned a grimace in return.
“Technically no, I was using my veil” she huffed, her horns growing on her head, “Did you tell him anything?” she was desperate to know, giving how much her hands trembled, “Only that he looked anemic, which it’s true, then he asked for who I am, twice” There was no point in neglecting lunch simply because Charlie was suffering from a tantrum due to lack of control over her own emotions, and a lie that was eating her soul.
“What did you respond?” she slammed her fist against the kitchen island, breaking the marble underneath, causing one or another shard to bury itself into her soft skin. “Just that it was none of his business” you lowered the heat under the pot, then turned to see the princess attempting to take the little pieces of stone out of her hand.
“This is bad” referring to the situation, she kept hurting herself, until you took her wrist and levitated the shards off and threw them in the garbage. “If you like them so much, why you keep lying? You’ve seen the worst of everyone, I don’t think they will judge you, they can’t anyway” the first aid kit levitated off the cupboard, eagerly opening its lid to reveal alcohol, povidone, cotton and bandages.
“How do you confess such a thing? I have two years left to convince you, and I still haven’t made progress” she spoke as she hissed from moment to moment, feeling the sting of the alcohol cleaning her cuts, then she watched as the bandages snaked from her wrist to wrap itself around her hand, then mimicked with the color of her skin, completely invisible.
“Is it really so hard for you to understand that I don’t need to be saved?” she lifted her sight from her hands to your eyes, “I can’t just give up on you” it’s funny how you understood her urge, but simply couldn’t put up with her selflessness (obsession) sometimes.
“You can, you just don’t want to” you looked over your arm, admiring the reminiscing of your deal tattooed to your skin, like a vine threatening to tear you apart. “Anyways, quit stirring your oatmeal around, you have to eat it” Charlie gave you a pout, you knew she hated it, but since you became aware of her habit, you made sure to give her a heavy breakfast, “But the texture” she whined, getting no reaction from you, “I don’t care”.
When she left, you noticed the deer demon’s shadow attached to the princess’s, you made sure to step on it to avoid an escape on its part.
It gave you a guttural whine giving the strength of your hold, “Tell Alastor that I’ll give him roasted venison’s heart as a treat if he holds his peace” he made a thinking face, then materialized words in the air, saying “My lips are sealed up tight as a drum, chérie” then your ominous buddy slithered under the door and out of sight.
Later in the evening, around tea time, while you were cutting the heart into bite size pieces, you heard a thundering  crash, a yell and things breaking. You let your nerves ease, Lucifer was in the building so he could handle things if they escalate to a mortal edge, so instead of worrying you let the meat marinate in a mixture of buttermilk, salt, lemon juice, various herbs, and spices.
“Y/n!” you heard the summon, “Valentino is in the hotel, please…handle the situation” you set the knife down, turned off the stove, “I’m on it” with that you disappeared from the kitchen in a swirl of smoke.  
The scene in the lobby was horrible, the moth demon had Angel in his grasp in any way possible, one hand on his chain, two hands handling all his arms, and the remaining one fondling him with the tip of a gun.
The star’s body was bruised up to no end, mouth coughing blood, and had cigarette burns along his hands and arms. Since he had a gun, there wasn’t much the crew could do, approaching Valentino would cause Angel’s death, no matter the strategy any of the present could think of.
In between Charlie’s pleas, Vaggie and Husk’s threats, and Vox’s amused laugh, the hotel’s phone rang. The sound drawing everyone’s attention, Niffty took the old looking phone off its base, “Hello? Oh hi! Yes, he’s here, It’s for you” Vox took a few steps forward, took the phone reaching it to his ear level.
What he heard froze every liter of blood in his body, his hands, the only skin visible, paled as the voice in the other side of the line, was one he thought no longer walked this earth.
“Child” you smiled, he could feel it, “Mistress” a crawling sensation invaded Valentino´s spine, nearly cracked his neck as he violently turned his head towards his friend, “There’s a total of three thousand five hundred and seventy-five employers inside the V tower” he tried accessing his tower security camera system, but there was no connection, there was a complete blackout inside the building.
“Truly the role of overlord turned into a joke” Vox felt a pang in his side and a nauseating sensation,
“Please, please, please, don’t-” begged a voice that turned into drowned screams, “The last time we had a conversation, I taught you a lesson, recite it for me, every word that you get wrong will result into the number lowering 10 employers each” Vox swallowed a lump of saliva, as he felt the cold traveling from his toes to his neck, every bolt in his body fighting to flow correctly as he tried to re formulate a speech from thirty years ago.
“The job of an Overlord-”he lost his words, on the phone he heard it, ten times a crunching sound ten times in a row, “Again” your voice brought him back, “The role of an Overlord sovereign, is not only to torment the souls he possesses. He must be disciplined, sane, cold headed, and have the will to care for those who grant him his position and power” of 37 words he had 6 mistakes, which resulted in seventy deaths, counting in the first ten.
“Do you or Valentino enter in such description?” his ego killed himself when he had to answer, “No”, that made you smile, “What are you now and what you’ll always be?” you had to admit, the view from the top of the tower was exquisite, the warm light from the city reflected on your figure, your axe glowing in the darkness drenched in tears, blood and saliva.
“An overpowered pest” Vox answered, being seen by his nemesis Alastor such a state of shame, being ridiculed in front of the king of hell himself, and what’s worse, his drone was angled in a way his little stunt was streamed live all over hell, that was truly a delicious sight.
“Good boy” Valentino felt sick hearing you take a different modus operandi, usually you were one to jump from nowhere and strike, not to sacrifice ‘innocents’ as a way of extortion.
“Let’s make it fun, mmh? Leave the star be, and maybe I’ll consider not paying your other V a visit” Angel heard most of everything giving that Vox made sure the phone was in between him and the moth, Angel was still on Valentino´s grasp so he was being obligated to hear the slaughter.  
“Val” the two overlord exchanged a look, Valentino groaned adding strength to the hold, making Angel cry in pain, “If I hear another sound of his throat I’ll knock down Velvette’s door” the two Vee’s heard their team mate voice at the distance, right in between your warning.
It all fell onto Valentino’s shoulders, but even him wasn’t that dumb, he walked forward with Angel, placing him at arms reach from Charlie, then he let go, “It’s done” you walked far from the door as you heard the bitterness in his voice, “Lovely, now, put Alastor on the line, please” he did as told, as the smiling demon hit him with an amused look on his face.  
“Vox” he placed the phone near himself, “I better don’t catch you lurking around in the district” when you wanted to, your voice could be as warm as a fireplace in winter, but also as cold as being buried alive under a snow avalanche. “Understood” he passed the phone to Alastor, shakily so.  
“Hello?” Charlie was stunned, Alastor’s mannerisms shifted, she wasn’t sure how, but they did. “Let me know when they leave” he heard the lack of amusement in your voice, the same you had back at his old studio. “They’re out” he said as soon as the door closed.
“Good, you’ll get your reward when I come back” You lowered the trinket that could be called a telephone, however the static of his voice caught your attention, “Vais-je m'entendre avec votre compagnie, ou me laisserez-vous manger tout seul ?” (Will I get it along with your company, or will you let me to eat all by myself?), Alastor caught Charlie then Lucifer’s stare, both surprised at the new voice he used when speaking French, smooth, velvety even.
“Will it make you happy if I joined you?” he wasn’t expecting you to understand him, but it pleased him to no end, “Oui chérie” (Yes darling), his antics made you miss the old times, “Maybe some other time, I am running late for dinner preparations” his smile didn’t faltered, but he was disappointed, “I’ll make sure to leave a glass of wine waiting for you in your studio, maybe in exchange of another song?” Charlie would have your head on the wrong end of her trident if you were to neglect your job.
“Merci chérie, which will that be?” you took a moment to process how attractive his voice sounded, before answering, “Surprise me” then you hang up.
Later that evening, Charlie repeated the way she wished to talk with you, busting the door open and sealing the noise, “What’s going on with you and Alastor?” ‘Straight to the point I see’ you thought while stirring the pesto sauce to fully combine it with the pasta.  
“Nothing, merely sympathy towards a comrade” perhaps that wasn’t the right term, but it was what you could think of, “You two had met already?” she made her way to the cupboard, taking out a few plates, “Not directly, but I like to think we both were aware of the other, but simply decided not to engage” it would’ve been deadly to have done so, perhaps for both Alastor and yourself.  
“Dinner’s ready, since I am not to be seen, I guess you can take it from here, make sure Angel eats it all” you left her even more confused than when she walked in.
Alastor made his way to his studio after dinner, finding the cooked little bits of venison carefully plated, next to a glass of Pinot Noir wine. He would never utter noises that would degrade his so beloved reputation, but at the first bite, he couldn’t resist letting a small moan escape his throat.
At 3 am, the so called ‘Devils hour’, a knock interrupted Angel’s poor attempt to patch his wounds up, “Charlie, it’s late for ya’ to be…who are you?” he opened the door, finding you, fresh from the shower, it may have been a bit insulting to show up in your ruined working attire all drenched in blood, so you thought best to freshen up before making an appearance.
“I believe you already know that” he recognized your voice, it made his breath hitch, “What are you doing ‘ere?” his courage faltered giving his wounds, but if he was going to die by your hand, he wasn´t going to go quietly.
“I been in your place before” Angel’s eyes fell upon the red tin box, then scoffed, “Yeah sure” his strength faltered, laid his side against the door frame, trying to make it look cool, but failing.
“Whether you believe me or not it’s not my concern, however, those wounds will get infected if not treated correctly, giving your line of work that would be a tragedy” Angel pondered for a second, in defeat he pushed the door to open it completely, granting you access.
“Exactly how you’ve been in my place before?” he asked, watching you take a seat in his bed, taking multiple things out of the box, “You are one of four demons with powers to the level of royalty, you own thousands if not millions of souls, you dared to challenge the fucking Goetia clan and won! I doubt you were ever in pain before” he sat next to you, your image above the rest popping into his head like an epic cinematic of a great villain arc.
He then had to snap out of it due to a sound, “You fucking laughin’ at me?” you held your laughter against the inside of your clothed elbow, making the spider feel embarrassed and a little scared. “I apologize, but your ignorance astounds me” you signaled him to wait, with a snap of your fingers there was a bowl of warm water and a cotton rag, applying an antiseptic to the water before starting to palp softly on Angel’s wounds.
“The correct terminology is ‘were’ dearest, I used to be that kind of demon, now, I’m just here to aid you” Angel found that hard to believe, but didn’t questioned you, rather enjoyed your care.
“Is it true?” after a long time of you washing him, he broke the silence, making you look up from the cigar burns on his hands, “Did you really murdered three Goetia?” that brought you memories, when you were young and hungry for power, almost nostalgic.
“What would make you believe me? Their severed heads or the scars on my body? Because I can only offer the latter” he hissed when the rubbing alcohol touched the cut on his eyebrow, “People say you had their heads hanged on your wall as trophies” you laughed again, people’s bad mouthing can get to be really impressive, imaginative even.
“I would truly be a monster if I didn’t offered my fallen opponents a dignified burial, don’t you agree?” You had challenged three lesser lords to duel, to death of course, which they had agreed to, spoken and in paper, you would never be as foolish as just bust the door open and kill whomever.
“Please don’t speak of my presence here, if you are good, I’ll make cannoli for tea time” he could see that you were in a similar situation as his, being owed, as well as your subtle urgency. “Sure toots, I won’t”.
“Hey, can I ask, why Axe-man?” he spoke, when you were finishing to brush alcohol on the cuts on his back, “The local paper and the New Orleans police named me that, I just didn't want to change it when I got here, and people respect a man killer more than a woman, or that’s how it used to be” he didn’t needed stitching, if Valentino wanted to really hurt him, you’d probably would have to sew limbs together.
“That’s it? I mean…I thought it was somethin a bit more dramatic” you despised (understatement) the Italian new York accent he spoke with, but he was nothing like the Italian mobsters of yesteryear, he walked with the grace of a runway model, proud of his looks, his fame, himself, but masked all his pain and self-loathing within. You felt as if you were staring at a younger version of yourself, so full of life, yet lacking purpose.
“Well at the time no one could think a woman was smart enough to participate in politics, much less kill someone, I embraced that alter-ego over time, it became a second skin…so to speak" it was wise to believe that last statement.
Angel hummed in agreement, getting a good look at you. Yellow-beige skin; the heel of your hand was hard and rough probably because of your lion looking appearance, big fluffy yellow ears on each top side of your head almost disappearing into your hair. Taking out the ears, the long heavy tail, and the black cat nose you have, you could pass for a human, or almost looking similar to Charlie.
He was so tempted to touch your tail, color that matched your skin and the ears, but you got up before he could reach.
“Now, take those pills, every six to eight hours should help with the pain and the swelling, I suggest you take it at a much appropriate time” he watched you as you gracefully poured tea into a white and pink tea cup, leaving it on his night stand along with a little biscuit.
“Thank you” your ears twitched happily, “My pleasure, dear, rest” never, not to any living soul, would you admit that you enjoyed being useful, but it made you feel lighter, like breathing fresh air for the first time.
“By the way, the butler aesthetic suits you, ya’ look hot”
“Thank you, I have to look the part, don’t I?”
Author note: No matter what type of body you have, you would slay in that outfit!
Part 4
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its-time-to-write · 6 months
I absolutely love your writing!! This is very self-indulgent, but could you write about the reader just starting at the gym,trying to be more healthy, and Jamie helping guide her with workouts and anxiety of going to the gym. If this doesn't speak to you, then no worries!
you asked, I obliged. thanks for requesting!
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feel it burn
Hardly any of the other WAGs are fitness gurus. They watch what they eat sometimes, sure, but you’d flat-out heard Isaac’s girlfriend curse out going to the gym. 
And that’s great for her, really, it is, you hate the gym too; but she has a personal trainer and you, well- don’t. 
It’s not a problem. You just decide to make a few changes. 
For example, YouTube Pilates when Jamie’s out of the house. 
Clearing out your secret stash of snacks. 
Putting the ice cream in the freezer into the garbage so deep that Jamie wouldn’t see it. 
It’s not like you wouldn’t go to the gym, you just don’t even know where to begin there. You’d like to, but the idea of asking for help?
And Jamie (god bless him) doesn’t notice a thing, just grins and treats you like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, and every day you bite back the urge to tell him that he’s got it wrong, that it’s the other way around.
But he won’t notice that you’re acting different and if he does, well, you’ll be in better shape. You’ll have a handle on this whole health and wellness thing, because that’s really what it’s about. Less losing weight and more of a lifestyle choice. 
You’ve gone a solid two and a half weeks without Jamie noticing a single thing, until-
“Where’re all the good snacks?” Jamie shouts from the cupboard. He’s practically all the way inside, rummaging around to where you typically hide your stash so Roy doesn’t fucking find it. 
“I dunno,” you call as you make your way to the kitchen. “Must’ve forgotten to restock.” 
It’s a lie, but it’s a lie you’re pretty sure you can get away with. 
Jamie turns around with an eyebrow raised. “Didn’t even notice the flakes were almost gone? That ain’t like you, babe.”
You lift a shoulder as you say, “Been busy, I guess.”
Jamie almost believes you, almost, but then your eye. Fucking. Twitches. 
“You’re lying,” he says, coming closer as if that’ll do anything. “You know where they are.”
“No I don’t,” you say as calmly as possible. 
Jamie places both hands on the side of your head so you can’t look away. “Say that again in a full sentence, looking straight in my fucking gorgeous baby blue eyes,” he says, and you realize that to him, this is just another funny anecdote in your life. A blip on the proverbial map, if you will. It’s not a big deal to him. 
But to you?
You’ll be goddamned before you’re embarrassed about your lack of athletic ability in front of Jamie fucking Tartt, young god on the pitch.
So in the end, you just look at him. There’s nothing to say that won’t end poorly, so you look into his fucking gorgeous baby blue eyes as they sweep across your face.
His grin slides away as he realizes that there’s something else going on here, something beyond the good packet of crisps being absent from their usual place.
“What?” he asks, still holding your face, and you shrug.
He shakes your head back and forth and says, “Nuh uh, what is it, love?”
You mumble something unintelligible, and Jamie squishes your cheeks together. 
“Try again,” he says. You sigh. Jamie’s giving you the puppy-dog look, and you cave. 
“I’m trying to be healthier,” you tell him. 
Jamie furrows his eyebrows. “So you threw out all our good snacks?”
“My good snacks that I sometimes let you borrow,” you correct. “And yes. I did. And I want to start going to the gym but I don’t even know what to do at the gym, and you’re there like all the time so there’s no fucking way I was ever going to ask you and-”
“I’m the best fucking person to ask,” Jamie interrupts. “I make it fun and sexy, like. We’d have a great time.”
“But I don’t know what I’m fucking doing,” you argue. “I’d look silly.”
Jamie makes a duh face. “That’s why you bring me. I do know what I’m fucking doing. We can go this weekend, yeah? But right now we’re going to Asda to get some more fucking crisps in this house. We’ll talk about fucking balanced eating tomorrow.”
Jamie says “balanced eating,” as if it disgusts him, but it’s mostly to make you laugh.
You do, and he kisses you once, short and sweet, before letting go of your face.
“You still won’t beat me at footie,” he says, “so if this is some sort of fucking… strategy it ain’t gonna work.”
“I’d never dream of it babe,” you reply as he grabs your hand and propels you to the car.
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thezombieprostitute · 4 months
Dream Come True - Part 9
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Summary: The “Garbage Men” are the guys in the mob who get the dirt on others and clean up after the higher ups. They have many different ways of gathering intel by running legitimate businesses. One such business is Jefferson/Jensen’s cyber cafe where you regularly go to work. You’ve actually become good friends with Jefferson’s daughter and Jensen’s niece. You even volunteered as their after-school tutor. One day, there’s a robbery attempt where you get hurt protecting the girls. This is how you are introduced to Curtis Everett, the guy in charge of the “Garbage Men”.
A/N: Reader is plus sized, femme. No other descriptors used.
Word Count: ~1800
Warnings: Bullying, Fat shaming, Insecure reader, VIOLENCE. Please let me know if I missed any!
Part 8 -- Part 10
Series Masterlist
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Curtis hears you whimpering in your sleep as you grip his arm tighter. Figuring you’re having a nightmare he gently wakes you up. You look around confused for a little bit before dropping his arm and apologizing. He reassures you with a smile as he massages his arm. You give him a confused look and he says, “you’ve been asleep for a few hours; my arm for a little less than that.”
“I’m sor-” you stop yourself when he raises an eyebrow. “Thank you,” you ventured. “Thank you for letting me sleep and letting me use your arm for a pillow.”
His smile grows, “it wasn’t a problem at all.”
“Have there been any updates?”
“Yes, not all of them good,” Curtis nods. “Ransom is in the hospital but he should make it. Lloyd’s co-conspirators are dead but he’s escaped. We’re working on trying to track him but he’s gone off our radar. We’re working with other families to signal us if they see him. In the meantime, no one goes out alone. Everyone travels in groups of at least two.”
He sees you tense at the information and unconsciously rub at your arm around where the bruise is. His eyes soften, “do you need an ice pack for that? Maybe some painkillers?”
“I think it might be a little late for an ice pack,” you whisper. “But, yeah, some tylenol or something wouldn’t go amiss.”
“Okay,” he says as he gets up. “Let’s go get you some.”
“Have you eaten,” your own stomach is aching and you don’t remember seeing Curtis eat anything before your nap.
“Not really,” he admits. “There’s probably some leftover pizza in the fridge. We can talk while we eat, okay?”
You follow him to the kitchenette area and, as you eat, you relate to him everything that happened to you after you left Ransom’s. It’s hard to believe all that you’ve been through in just 24 hours. Curtis never interrupts you but offers his hand when you have problems talking about your interactions with Lloyd. 
When you’re done he says, “that explains a few things we picked up from Ransom.” You give him a confused look and he continues, “Ransom told us that Lloyd was insistent on getting details about you. His co-conspirators were there with him because he had a potential security breach with you and they needed to see him clean it up.”
“Oh god, I got him hurt,” you whisper. “Fuck. I should’ve stayed at the hotel. Mr. Drysdale’s an ass but Lloyd is a monster. He doesn’t deserve that.”
“If you’d stayed at the hotel I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself,” Curtis admitted. “I wasn’t able to think straight until I got you back here. I really shouldn’t have left the team in the lurch like that. And I know I wouldn’t have listened to you if you tried to tell me to leave you there.”
“That couldn’t have been fair to the guys,” you complain. “I don’t think baking them some cookies will be enough to make up for it. They needed you and I got in the way.”
“Don’t,” Curtis chided. “Don’t speak about yourself like that. You’re a lot more important than you think.”
“I’m not much of anything,” you muttered. “I just fall into these situations. The nieces? Ransom’s signals? Lloyd? Things just happen and I react. Just like anyone else. You and your team are planners, able to think several steps ahead, able to keep safe in dangerous situations. Things don’t “just happen” to you. You’re able to prepare, think through possibilities. I just have blind reactions to everything in life.”
“You really don’t see your adaptability as a strength? Yeah, shit happens and blindsides you, but you’re able to keep your head above water. I have to do all of that planning because, as you’ve seen, being hit by an unknown throws me for a loop that makes me default to anger. And that quick switch you did to throw Lloyd off? That was incredibly quick thinking!”
“No,” you shake your head, “that was actually a bit of experience.” Curtis sits forward, concerned about the implications of your statement. “I wasn’t kidnapped before, nothing like that. I just…” you take a deep breath, “I’d go out with people I thought were friends. They’d get hit on all the time but I was definitely the ugly, fat friend. The guys who got turned down by my friends would occasionally get so drunk that they’d aggressively flirt with me. Not because they were actually interested, of course. They’d insist that they were being nice and doing me a favor. They’d frequently not take “no” for an answer because they couldn’t handle the thought of the ugly one not wanting them. The only difference between them and Lloyd is that Lloyd wasn’t drunk.”
“If you give me their names I’ll make sure they regret treating you like that.”
You give him a sad smile, “I already feel bad for getting Mr. Drysdale hurt. Even when people are assholes I don’t like to see them hurt. I’m weird like that.”
“You’re an angel like that.”
“I think it’s more, I wasted so much time with them that I’d rather not give them any more. Time is precious and I don’t want to waste it on people who don’t deserve it.”
Curtis hesitates, thinking on past interactions with you. “So, that day I called your prettiness a bonus?”
You duck your head close to your chest, “I overreacted. And for that I do apologize. You were just trying to be nice but I was hurting and I lashed out at you. I’m sorry.”
“If that’s you lashing out, I’m good,” Curtis chuckles. “All you did was accuse me of pitying you.”
“Still, you didn’t deserve my anger.”
“I think I got more anger from you when you were arguing about being overpaid. Or about the guys being overworked.”
“That wasn’t anger, Sir. That was debate and, well, stubbornness.”
“A stubbornness that seems to help people.” 
Curtis’s smile is broken by a yawn and you ask, “when was the last time you slept?��
“It’s been a while, I’ll admit.”
“You should really get some sleep, Sir.”
“I can’t,” he shakes his head. “Until we get some kind of update on Lloyd’s whereabouts, any sleep I get is going to leave me even more tired than if I never slept at all.”
“I suppose that makes sense,” you concede. “So, what do you generally do when you can’t sleep but can’t leave standby mode?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” he admits. “Usually there’s work to be done. Intel to verify, cleaning to do, garbage to dispose of. But right now all I’ve got is waiting and making sure you’re okay.” 
“Thanks for not leaving me alone,” you hum. “Thanks for bringing me with you. I know I was never supposed to know all of this. That I was supposed to stay on the legitimate side of things. But, even though I’m in the middle of the storm, I feel really safe with you.”
“That’s the greatest compliment I could ever receive,” he beams. “And I mean it.”
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You’re walking back to the kitchenette from the bathroom when you’re slammed hard against the wall. You barely let out a squeak before feeling your windpipe cut off. You open your eyes and see Lloyd, smiling wickedly and holding a butterfly knife.
“Oh Pumpkin,” he sneers, “I told you not to run. Imagine my surprise when Pretty Boy finally confessed you were one of Everett’s agents? Fucker took my job, seems only fair I take his whore–”
His head is slammed into the wall you’re pinned against, barely missing you. The force is hard enough that Lloyd lets go of your neck and you drop, struggling to catch your breath. You’re able to register Curtis repeatedly smashing Lloyd’s head into the wall before Lloyd is able to push Curtis back. He spins to face Curtis, flashing the butterfly knife but Curtis doesn’t hesitate to charge as soon as he’s got his footing. 
You struggle to get away from the wall, not wanting to get Curtis hurt because of your interference. You find your phone in your pocket and send an SOS to Jake. You look up just in time to see Lloyd landing a kick to Curtis’s leg but he doesn’t even seem to flinch. He’s twisted Lloyd’s arm, making him drop the knife, before throwing him to the far side of the room. Curtis storms after him, not giving Lloyd time to get his footing, keeping him on the defensive, only able to focus on blocking or deflecting hits.
Curtis’s face is pure blood-lust and rage. You know you’re looking at Berserker. A small part of you knows you should be scared, but you’re not. He’s protecting you. Thinking you should return the favor and keep him safe, you look around for the butterfly knife. You’ve seen enough movies to know that it could come back into play against Curtis. You carefully remove it from the improvised arena and stay back.
Lloyd manages to get in a few punches but Curtis is relentless. When Lloyd starts flailing, clearly losing consciousness, Curtis pushes him to the floor before continuing to smash his face in.
“Curtis!” You cry out painfully in an attempt to get his attention. You’re quite sure Lloyd is at least incapacitated if not dead. He doesn’t seem to hear you so try again, “Curtis, please!” 
He pauses. You see him blink several times, seeming to come back to himself. He turns to you, “I’m so sorry. You weren’t supposed to see that.” He backs away from Lloyd’s body, running to the sink to wash his hands. He keeps repeating, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Curtis, look at me,” you gently plead. His eyes shoot up and you see he’s scared, terrified even. “Thank you, Curtis,” you whisper, voice hoarse from Lloyd’s attack. “Thank you for rescuing me.” His hands stop shaking as he searches your eyes for any sign you’re scared. But you’re not. You hold firm in that and it helps to ground him. You step closer to him and he melts into your touch as you hold him.
Soon after the others come by and clean up Lloyd’s body. The higher ups are informed and let out a breath of relief. 
When the business side of things is concluded you ask Curtis if he’d be willing to stay with you at your apartment for a couple of days. You’re certain you’ll have nightmares and having him there, even if it’s just on the couch, will be a great comfort for you. He wholeheartedly agrees that he’ll sleep better as well if he can keep an eye on you.
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Part 8 -- Part 10
Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would. 
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged.
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For the baker boys, what if reader tried out a new recipe one day and just absolutely butchered it. Destroyed. Came out awful. And this isn’t the first time. She’s tried to get this right so many times and simply can’t seem to get the hang of it. I can see sans “teaching” her how but really just flexing, red teasing, and skull eating it and straight up lying to her face that it’s good.
Funnily enough, it's not unusual for Mc to try a recipe and completely fuck it up. She just isn't blessed with the gift of baking.
Sans: He's generally more accepting of the fact that baking just isn't her strong suit. She appreciates his honest approach, he doesn't try to turn her into something she's not. He can always tell how she's feeling about her attempt at cooking ending so terribly, and he responds appropriately- when she's not bothered about it and clearly finds it all funny, he cracks jokes and pretends to die from eating it, making her laugh until she's crying. But when she's genuinely upset that yet another cake came out underbaked, cracked or burnt, flat or misshapen, generally inedible... he's calm. He doesn't quip or push.
... Usually, he asks her to make him a complicated coffee. Pulling it off flawlessly makes her feel a lot better.
Red: He's one of those bakers who can look at her failed creation and instantly know what she did wrong. She has no idea how he tells so quickly. A single glance, and he's got her all figured out. "you opened the oven while it was cooking, didn't you?" "... Y-yeah. Just once..." "doll. that takes all the air outta it." Unlike Sans' more 'live and let live' approach, Red does his best to teach her some tips and tricks if he can tell she's open to it at that moment. Don't open the oven while it's baking, wait until your ingredients are room temperature, put a lil' drop of lemon in your eggs to make the meringue whip faster... Red's got the magic touch of someone who knows exactly what he's doing. When they cook together, she's much less flustered and confused, and everything winds up great. Plus, baking is a perfect time to flirt.... though if he says 'nice buns' again he might get a spatula to the jaw.
Skull: It's a real effort to get Skull to not eat what she bakes. When she makes something crap, she has to either hide it or literally run for it, because Skull will have some. She doesn't understand why he'll turn down nice store sandwiches to eat whatever hot garbage she pulled out of the oven.
... There's a few reasons. A big one is not wanting to waste food. But honestly, it's mostly because he really does like what she makes. Her cakes, though not exactly a visual treat, are full of her emotions and labour. He loves her so much, and her food is like an extension of her. It doesn't matter how bad it tastes because as soon as he chews it he feels warm knowing it's hers.
... He also wants to show her that no matter how bad she thinks it is, just because it's imperfect doesn't mean it's impalatable.
Someone will always like it.
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crushedsweets · 5 months
OMG U DREW LAZARI AND JUDGE ANGELS!! i gotta ask how would they interact with the others?
OOOK OK OK so , when trapped in the forest, dina is constantly stalking lazari and other zalgoids (ann and lulu). she thinks she's god and wants to hurt them. but she's the weakest zalgoid, so...
meanwhile, lazari is hiding from everyone because she has no control over herself and is gutted with shame.
so, in terms of the others...
kate and toby just handle them the way they usually do - toby talks, kate attacks (crazy how toby's the 'mature' one by this point). dina would get really scared of kate, but completely disregard toby and think he's a pathetic joke.
lazari would also be uncomfortable with kate, just because the straight black hair reminds her of her mother - but she'd be fond of toby, especially if he's cool with jack
brian and tim are actually RARELY around by time Dina and Lazari come in. they're able to go months without having slender sick episodes, and mostly just come to check on toby and kate. so they're just kinda startled when they see two new demonic things wandering around, and dont talk to them.
natalie would get closer to lazari because lazari hangs around jack's cabin (to dig into his garbage and eat his leftovers). and natalie has a huge soft spot for kids, and she's very quick to sympathize and understand lazari has no control over her cravings. but she'd also not like dina, since dina is really bitchy and judgmental. dina would just stare and stare and stare at clockwork - this 6'3 strong woman who can't hold her tongue and will glare right the fuck back. dina cannot stand it
nina would also think lazari is cute, but dina resembles a lot of her bullies in highschool, so... she'd just avoid her. regrettably, dina floats around the outskirts of the forest until kate chases her back towards the mines... so nina has to see her a lot.
jeff, liu, and ben won't really meet them. if jeff does, he might do what he did to jane in IEPFB and be like 'hey... you should go kick toby's ass...' but dina and lazari would be freaked out by him and not listen LOL
sally would cling to lazari. sally's a bit of a mean kid, but she has nobody even CLOSE to her age besides BEN (whos a 14 yr old boy). she'd run off to the forest more often to meet her, which already stresses out the proxies and jane a lot. she would ignore dina
jane would be fond of lazari since sally finally gets a friend, but constantly fret. jane doesnt understand all of these ghost and demon and whatever shit, so she wonders if a demonic thing could hurt sally. the ghost girl has been relatively safe for so long, but...
anyway. jack gets especially close to lazari, sees his little sisters and himself in her - she's a part-human cannibal who cant control her hunger. literally jacks situation. he'd tell the proxies to back off and say he can handle it, which they're very grateful for - and he starts to house her, feed her, raise her. this isn't daily, as she often spends her time scampering around the forest and trying to escape, or harassing dina, or just bother everyone - she wants to be friends with EVERYONE. her mother always isolated her, so the freedom feels insane.
and similarly, he'd feel very sympathetic to dina. she's also in a similar situation, human turned demonic and trapped in a world she can't escape from. he wouldn't really know that dina tried to kill lazari, cuz lazari wouldn't tell anyone. but dina wouldnt want anything from him. she sees him as demonic, so........
overall, lazari is so friendly and warm, but so dangerous.
dina is so judgmental and closed off, but so vulnerable
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i-prefer-west-side · 8 months
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"It isn't funny, Castle," Kate snaps, kicking her shoes off and throwing her coat over the back of the couch. She continues to strip on her way to the bedroom, and Rick bites back a suggestive comment as he follows.
Having a bucket of well-done compost thrown on her as she tried to serve an arrest warrant had capped off an already bad day, and the last thing she needs is for him to poke at her more, especially after he accidentally snickered when she tripped getting out of the elevator.
She goes straight into the bathroom, dropping her soiled clothes in the tub and stepping into the shower.
He can't make out what she's muttering as she stands under the spray, so he gathers her clothes to put in a garbage bag. He'll work on them later, try to get out at least the worst smell and stains so he doesn't accidentally kill the dry cleaner. He calls in a delivery from Kate's favorite restaurant, and by the time she emerges wearing leggings and an old t-shirt of his, her damp hair curling around her shoulders, he's dishing it up with a very strong drink.
They eat on the couch, her feet tucked under his thigh, and when they're both done, he takes their empty plates and deposits them in the sink before returning to the living room.
"Mrs. Castle," he says, holding out his hand, "may I have this dance?"
Kate narrows her eyes, but he notices a smirk tugging at her lips. Between the food and the scotch, she's in a remarkably better mood. "Really? Dance?" she teases.
He just looks pointedly at his hand, and her smirk turns into a full-fledged grin when she takes it and lets him tug her into his arms. He grabs his phone from the side table and turns on music, switches it to come from the surround sound as she loops her free arm around his back.
He squeezes her hand, brushes a kiss to her temple as he starts to sway them to the gentle sound of their wedding song. "Better?" he murmurs in her ear.
She leans back just far enough so she can look in his eyes. "Perfect," she whispers, lifting her mouth to his.
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
you can go ahead and laugh at this all you want, but I could totally see Sevika with a chihuahua.
this is stupid but i can't stop thinking about it
enjoy! love,
men and minors dni
she's one of those people who claims to hate animals. she says pets are a pain in the ass, just another mouth to feed. she shoos away strays on the street and stares down gaurd dogs until they run away with their tails between their legs. she doesn't mind cats as much, but she gets a scratchy throat and itchy eyes if she spends too much time near them, so she avoids them.
but one night walking home from work, she trips over this itty bitty puppy. it squeaks in fear and curls into a little shaking ball to hide and Sevika grumbles about it until she gets a good look at the tiny dog. It's not even old enough to walk straight, vision probably still developing, and Sevika tries not to melt. she really does.
but the little puppy is so pathetic, and as she gently kicks away the garbage bags it was living in, she can't find it's mom. she rolls her eyes and looks down at the little black and white furball, cursing it's watery brown eyes, and scoops it up in her arms. "c'mon jackass. i've got some salami at home you can eat."
she tries not to fall in love when the puppy falls asleep curled in her arms. she tries not to fall in love when the puppy scratches at her door that night until she lets it in to cuddle with her on her bed. she tries not to fall in love as she tucks the puppy into her side satchel on her way to work. she ignores the breaking in her heart as she shoves the little gremlin in Silco's arms.
"what's this?" he asks. she shrugs.
"something for Jinx."
Silco raises an eyebrow. "Jinx is allergic to dogs." he says. Sevika huffs as he hands the puppy back to her.
"well what the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing then?" she asks like she's not relieved to have her little buddy back in her arms. "i don't have time for a dog." Silco sees right through her, raising an eyebrow and trying to bite back his smirk at the sight of his best brute gently scratching underneath a 2 pound puppy's chin.
after a week of halfheartedly trying to pawn the puppy off on her coworkers, she finally gives in and accepts that it's hers now. she takes it to the vet, gets it spayed and vaccinated. when they ask for a name at the front desk, she panics and picks the first thing she can think of. "uhh... Slayer..." she says. she ignores the judgmental look the receptionist gives her.
she'll deny it to her grave, but she spoils the little fucker to no end. it's a tiny little chihuahua, always shivering and whining, and she can't fucking help herself from buying Slayer festive sweaters and onsies. she keeps the puppy dressed to the nines, changing out collar colors to match the sweaters. the dog has a bigger wardrobe she does.
Sevika's apartment, once barren and simple, is now littered in dog toys and plush beds. and she is a sucker for puppy eyes. she doesn't even try to discipline little Slayer, always giving her baby a bite of her food when she begs and letting her up on all the furniture.
Slayer tries to be as tough as her momma, seemingly unaware of the fact that she's not, in fact, a wolf. completely in tune with Sevika's emotions, Slayer growls at everyone and everything Sevika doesn't like. she loves to bark at big dogs on her walks, always looking for a fight. it always makes Sevika chuckle to see her little fur baby pick fights with dogs that could kill her in an instant. she scoops her up in her arms and kisses her on the head, admonishing her and trying to explain the food chain to a chihuahua. Slayer, for her part, always watches Sevika intently while she's getting lectured like she actually understands what she's saying.
never in a million years did Sevika think she'd have a pet. But as little Slayer buries herself under the covers beside her human companion every night, Sevika can't find it in her to be too upset about the little addition to her life.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
hii! for the tickletober prompts, how about lee dipper with day 12? like the ler (they can be whoever you see fit!) knows/discovers he is really weak to them so they get him. hope you're doing well!
TickleTober Day 12 - Nibbles/Bites
Thank you! I had a helluva time picking a ler for this, but I think Stan fits best. I need to write for him more anyways. This idea ironically happened less than 10 minutes after I finally chose Stan. My brain is weird like that (TvT). I hope you have a fun spooky season, Enjoy!
Lee: Dipper
Ler: Stan
Summary: Dipper is stressing out over the summer spooky season. Stan decides he needs a visit from a special kind of monster.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Once again, the Gravity Falls Summerween store opened its doors. The odd tradition began again for the year, residents joyful as they picked out candies and decided on costumes. Well, every resident but one.
A certain brown-haired, blue-hatted tween was sitting in the Mystery Shack gift shop, biting at his fingers. Ever since the whole "Summerween Trickster" fiasco, Dipper had been wary of the town's strange holiday. He would never forget the scene of Soos eating that thing…ugh.
Stan was taking inventory, making sure nobody had nicked any of his moderately overpriced merchandise. His eyes eventually drifted over to his worrisome great-nephew. That kid would worry himself into the ground if Stan let him…
"Hey picks-a-lot, those cuticles taste good?" He walked over to the teen, flicking the bill of his hat. The older man didn't mean anything malicious by it. He's just unapologetically mean sometimes. Dipper was used to his Grunkle's antics, brushing the comment off.
Dipper tucked his hands in his jacket, looking down at the register. "Sorry Stan. Just thinking about…stuff." He hadn't realized he'd been biting his fingers again. It was an old habit, one he wasn't keen on picking back up. Yet there it was.
The uneasy expression on his face was barely hidden. Stan didn't really know what to do about the kid's nerves. Normally, he'd sick Mabel on him. The tween was out with Candy and Grenda, so that wasn't an option. What to do, what to do…
"Uh…look kid. You want the rest of your shift off? I've got the shop covered, and you look pretty dead." He gave it to the kid straight. Dipper looked like he was one loud noise away from snapping, his fraying nerves and general high-strung mindset on overdrive. Stan could handle the almost empty gift shop, Tuesdays were always slow.
Dipper nodded, hopping off the creaky cashier stool stool. "Yeah, please. Thanks, Grunkle Stan." He lumbered up the steps to the attic, gently closing the door to his shared room behind him.
What was Stan gonna do with that kid?
The next few days weren't any better. With the rapidly approaching local holiday, Dipper's nerves only grew. Mabel didn't really notice, too enamored by costume ideas and trying to figure out Waddles's measurements.
He didn't really know the absolute cause of his worry. Was it the chance of Mabel getting hurt? The possibility of another garbage candy monster? The fact that he still can't unsee Soos eating his way out of the monster? All are good guesses. He just wished he could pinpoint which one it was.
His antsy demeanor hadn't gone unnoticed by the other Mystery Shack residents. Soos had tried to get him to play some arcade games at the mall, but he just wasn't up for it. Wendy had little to no luck, her attempts to get him to loosen up going nowhere. It was up to Stan…and he had no idea what to do.
He had tried things that worked before, offering him an extra break and listening to his rants about the Journals. Dipper just wasn't up for infodumping at the moment, and he just got lost in thought on his breaks. On the morning of SummerWeen, Stan finally threw in the towel. He did the only thing he had left; asking Mabel what to do.
When he opened the door, Stan was met with Mabel trying to put a superhero suit on Waddles. She was dressed in similar attire, her cape dragging behind her. "Oh, hey Grunkle Stan! You come to see the best heros this side of the Falls kick some butt?"
Stan chuckled, shaking his head. He felt a bit bad for the pig, he doubted those tights were comfortable. Better Waddles than him, though. "Nah, I'll be quick. What should I do to get your brother to loosen up? Kid's been freakin' all week."
Mabel's eyes widened as he said this, her brain quickly piecing together the signs she hadn't noticed. "Crud…he has been anxious." She fidgeted with her hair, giving the pig a moment to nibble on his cape. "I normally talk him down, but if that hasn't worked…maybe make him laugh?"
Stan sighed as she said this. He considered himself a pretty funny guy, but his humor normally made Dipper groan or question his existence. Not the best for making Dipper laugh, though it always gets a chuckle out of himself
His thoughts wandered to the times he had made the kid snicker, landing on a few well-timed zings and one-liners. The last was when he had been messing around with Dipper in the gift shop. He poked his great-nephew's side, and he squealed. He hadn't done anything then, but now? Oh, it's perfect.
"Hey Mabel…your dorky brother is stupid ticklish, right?" She nodded, a smile slowly forming on her face as she figured out her Grunkle's intentions. Waddles nudged her arm, showing off the lovely slobber stain in his cape fabric. "Silly guy, now I gotta redo your cape! Grunkle Stan, do you think you can get Dipper to be less Dipper-ish by 6:30? Our costumes this year are super, heheh"
Stan rolled his eyes, his mischievous mind racing with ideas of how to get Dipper back to normal. Well, as normal as the tween gets. "Yeah, alright. If you hear girlish screaming, cheer me on." He shut the door behind him, leaving his grand-niece to her silliness. That kid never fails to make him smile.
Dipper was in the living room, a costume hung on the chair in front of him. Mabel's costume idea that summer was super heros, with him being the villain. It was actually kinda cool, with the utility belt of fake gadgets he and Mabel had put together. The only problem was him.
He was worried about putting the costume on. First off, it would mean going out and trick-or-treating with Mabel. Nothing's wrong with it, his brain was just telling him it's childish. There's also the fact that he's worried the Trickster might come back. Black licorice was bad enough before, but now he can't look at a stick without getting shivers. They very easily could've died.
Stan was creeping in the doorway, watching the tween's inner dilemma. If he wanted to be mean, he could've scared the crap out of him. But, showing a shocking amount of restraint, he knocked on the doorway. Stan walked over to him, ruffling the boy's hair. "Anybody home up there?"
Dipper, successfully snapped out of his daze, swatted at his Grunkle's hand. "Stan! Knock it off!" The older man chuckled, pulling his hand away and smirking down at the tween. That look…he knew that look. The look that meant Grunkle Stan was up to absolutely no good. "Stan…?"
He barely gave Dipper time to think before he snatched his great-nephew in his arms. It killed Stan's back, but it was worth it to hear the shocked yelp and protests from the kid. "Put me down! Stan- get off! Mabel!"
Stan flopped down in his recliner, holding Dipper in his lap. No help was coming for the boy. Mabel was in on it, as he quickly learned, and nobody else was at the Shack. It was just him, Stan, and the evil look on the older man's face as he wiggled his fingers. Crud.
"You worry too much, kid. You're gonna have more grays than me, and I put up with all'a you!" Those wiggling fingers were getting a bit too close to his stomach for comfort. Dipper squirmed, but with the way Stan held him, he was trapped. "Always thinkin' about these monsters and crazy creature things. You're so stuck in yer head, you didn't even notice the monster right in front of ya…"
He tazed Dipper's side, making him squeak at the unexpected touch. "Stahan, wait, plehehease-" He was so unbelievably screwed. "The TICKLE MONSTER!" Stan finally put his wiggling fingers on the boy's stomach, clawing and digging into the ticklish area.
Dipper squealed, shoving at his Grunkle's hands and writhing in his lap. His negative and anxious thoughts quickly faded to fuzzy, ticklish surprise. He hadn't expected this from Stan of all people. Mabel, absolutely, but Stan? He didn't really know how to react. "STAHAHAN! WHAHAHAT ARE YOUHU DOHOIHING?!"
"What's it feel like I'm doing, ya goofus? I'm tickling the snot outta ya. Now hold still." He spidered his fingers across his belly, making sure to get a few scratches in his belly button. "GEHEHET OFF! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHAN!"
Dipper kicked his legs, wishing the recliner was bigger. He barely had any room on Stan's lap, his legs nearly hanging off the armrest. Stan had him positioned so that his midsection was almost unprotectable, his arms practically pinned to his sides.
The tickling, as unexpected as it was, wasn't awful. He'd never tell the old man, but he was having a bit of fun. It was nice to let loose, to let his worrisome thoughts melt into giggles and squeaks.
The boy's laughter was, in Stan's eyes, adorable. It was nice to see the nervous kid laugh like that. Thinking of the night to come, he imagined the kids' costumes and candy-grab ideas. Candy...an evil idea bloomed in his mind. An evil, ticklish, awful idea. "I'm getting pretty hungry, Dipper. Might just have a quick snack…" He pulled up Dipper's shirt, waiting for the teen to catch on.
And catch on he did.
"Stahahan- Stan don't! Nonononoho!" Dipper's eyes went wide when he figured out Stan's plan. There's no way he could handle those. The tween desperately tried to get away, kicking out and trying to grab his Grunkle's hands.
His Grunkle easily pinned Dipper's hands, smirking down at him. It was almost too easy. Stan lowered his head, nibbling on his great-nephew's poor belly.
Dipper shrieked.
"NAHAHAHA! GRUHUNKLE STAHAHA- STAHAHAP!" He tossed his head back, kicking and thrashing under the ticklish nibbles. Stan's old man stubble wasn't helping. The scratchy texture made it so much worse.
Stan was enjoying himself. Hearing the kid's laughter reminded him of the stupid things he and his brother would do as kids, the fun they'd have. Before it all went south, they'd do this all the time. The best part was that he knew Dipper didn't mind it.
Just to be a jerk, he started making little "nom" noises as he nibbled the boy's stomach. Dipper twisted and shoved at his head, but Stan wouldn't budge. The tween resisted the urge to hit at Stan's head, instead gripping his silver hair. He didn't tug, but just grabbed on, needing something to do with his hands.
The nibbles traveled across his midsection, going from his stomach to his ribs, then back down to his belly button. Dipper was in stitches, the simple action reducing him to a cackling mess. He could barely think, his mind reeling at the assault on his nervous system. It wasn't bad, but it was mean.
Dipper managed to last for another two minutes before reaching his limit. The boy's laughter had taken on a breathy edge, his thrashing slowed with exhaustion. He patted the top of his Grunkle's head, tapping out.
Just like that, the torturous sensations stopped. Stan chuckled, raising his head and rubbing his great-nephew's midsection to try and ease the phantom tickles. Dipper curled into himself as he giggled out the leftover buzz. "Youhuhu…you suhuck…"
That got him a poke to the side. "Watch it, giggles." And Dipper, not having much of a choice, giggled. Stan let him go with a knowing smirk. The tween quickly slid off his lap, rubbing his sides. The clock read 5:30, just in time for him to get ready. "Your sister wants you dressed in an hour. Don't be late."
He left the room, leaving Dipper alone with his costume. Stan knew it wasn't a permanent fix. The boy was always stressing about something. He just hoped that the playful moment eased his worries for the night. Those kids deserve a good night.
The tween looked over at the suit, a small smile still on his face. The negative thoughts from before were gone, replaced with a light and happy feeling. He picked up the dark fabric, sliding the mask on over his red face. Maybe the night wouldn't be so bad after all…
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cinnamaow · 11 months
☆ team chris is really, really, really, really hot incorrect quotes ☆
tyler: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
noah: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
owen: I recorded the dumb stuff.
izzy: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
noah: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything? 
owen: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies 
tyler: Socks are Feetie Heaties 
izzy: Forks are Stabby Grabbies 
owen: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties 
tyler: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies 
izzy: Stamps are Lickie Stickies 
alejandro, annoyed: You are disappointments
alejandro: Anyone d- 
noah: Depressed? 
izzy: Drained? 
owen: Dumb? 
tyler: Disliked? 
alejandro: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
izzy: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what owen will and will not eat.
noah: Grass? Yes!
izzy: Moss? Yes!!
noah: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
izzy: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
noah: Worms? Sometimes!
izzy: Rocks? Usually nah.
noah: Twigs? Usually!
izzy: tyler's cooking? Inconclusive!
alejandro: How did you… test this?
izzy: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
alejandro: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
tyler: The floor is lava! 
izzy: *helps duncan onto the counter* 
alejandro: *kicks owen off the sofa* 
noah: *lays on the floor* 
tyler: ...Are you okay? 
noah: No.
izzy: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
noah: No.
owen: I did not.
tyler: I may have actually forgotten one.
duncan : Also no.
izzy: Oh good, neither did I.
alejandro: *Exhausted sigh*
owen: Just be yourself!
alejandro: Really? owen, I have one day to win over tyler’s parents. 
alejandro: How long did it take for you guys to like me? 
duncan: Couple of weeks. 
izzy: Six months. 
noah: Jury’s still out. 
alejandro: See owen? ‘Just be yourself,’ what kind of garbage advice is that?!
alejandro: Are you trying to give me a fucking aneurysm? 
izzy: Pretty sure we all are. 
owen: I wasn't. 
noah: I was. 
duncan: I was trying to stop them, for your consideration. 
tyler: I just cause aneurysms naturally.
alejandro: Bye tyler! Bye noah! Bye owen! Bye duncan! Bye tyler! 
noah: You said ‘bye tyler’ twice. 
alejandro: I like tyler.
alejandro: noah, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.
noah, wearing a hoodie that’s way too big for him: Spooky.
izzy: oooh bisexual lighting!
duncan: nope! that is the cops! :)
duncan: That's greatly offensive to my people. 
noah: College dropouts?
alejandro: We have fun, don’t we, owen? 
owen: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
alejandro: Are we really going to let noah keep owen? 
izzy: We kept tyler.
tyler: Is the pink panther a lion? 
noah: Say that again but slower. 
tyler: I don’t get it. 
noah: He’s a PANTHER. 
tyler: Is that a type of lion? 
noah: No, it’s a fucking panther. 
tyler: *googles panther* They aren’t pink? 
owen: I’m so excited! 
izzy: We’re gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy... 
owen: And have the biggest stomach aches ever! 
izzy: Yeah!
owen: Isn’t it a bit dangerous? 
izzy: owen, please. We’ve in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt. 
owen: ... 
izzy: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt. 
owen: ... 
izzy: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.
noah: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am. 
alejandro : I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
noah: If I had a face like yours, I'd put it on a wall and throw a brick at it.
alejandro : If I had a face like YOURS, I'd put it on a brick and throw a wall at it.
owen: Hey, noah? I need advice. 
noah: I’m pretty useless at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?
alejandro : What are you eating? 
noah: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty. 
alejandro: I like you, don't I?
alejandro : Ew. What kind of tea is this? 
duncan: I boiled gatorade.
owen: It was me... 
noah: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
izzy: I’ve only had owen for a day and a half but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
noah: I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed for you. 
tyler: This is a sports-related injury. It makes me look cool! 
noah: Tripping over a basketball on your way to the bathroom is not cool.
duncan: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway. 
duncan: Vroom vroom, come out already.
izzy, to noah: When was the last time you let someone hug you? 
noah: *thinking* 
noah: 2012. 
duncan : 2012…? 
noah: Yeah. I almost died and it really freaked owen out so I let him hug me.
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cetaceans-pls · 3 months
Might I ask for your thoughts on brujay doing incredibly inane and domestic activities like making hot chocolate in these cold and trying times?
hey anon! this is rather late (you would not, uhm, possibly Could Not imagine the 2024 i've had) and is neither inane nor domestic BUT it does involve hot chocolate so i hope this meets your desires:
They really should be better stocked, for how often they do this kind of thing. Fresh out of a scene, regardless of Bruce's personal preferences (to be left alone in the dark and quiet in a manner most unhealthy), Jason's pretty insistent on topping (!!) up the man with something warm and sweet, in the instances where he can't maneuver him into eating a 4 course meal.
UNfortunately, today's fun little aside took place at Jason's place instead of the Manor, and while he takes pride in a well-stocked kitchen, he does not have a sweet tooth. There're porcinis and pie dough, black garlic and Iberico ham in the fridge, but nothing sweet and nothing already made.
God, never mind Bruce, Jason's inching near a drop at the Concept of an un-well-fed man.
"It's no issue," Bruce says, bundled up in Jason's minutely, marvelously larger pyjamas. He's drinking tea, just tea, on account of Jason's trying to get him to dry-swallow warmed honey.
"Babe, it's an issue beyond belief." Jason's pacing, upset and getting upsetter. He's nursing a hot cup of coffee; this is likely ill-advised, but he needs to be alert. If he'd been Alert when he went grocery shopping on Tuesday? This wouldn't have happened!!
"Jason," Bruce says, gentle hand at heavy elbow. "Stand ready."
And Jason does, hindbrain kicking in, widening his stance and squaring his shoulders, perfectly set up for a wide receive. Bruce slumps into him, a happy lazy weight. "The bodega's open," Bruce says, face smashed into Jason's bare arm. "Let's get some snacks."
It's cold and wet outside, a classic Gotham February evening, but the bodega is genuinely genuinely 1.5 minutes away, and the hem of their pyjama pants barely barely get wet by the time they roll in.
Sergei's at the counter, and puts down the bat when he sees Jason's face, lights up and waves instead. It's a loving friendship! It's built on mutual trust and very warm affection (they took down a robber together while Jason was in for a beer at 2 AM years and years ago, but the robber had turned out to be a particularly tall 15-year-old kid trying to get some cash before school starts so's he could get a new bag for his sister so instead Sergei'd closed shop and they'd sat on the back step eating ice cream sandwiches. Jason Venmo'd some cash for a nice backpack and then some, and Anton comes by for time-and-a-half shifts on Thursdays and Saturdays, and had in fact gotten both Jason and Sergei some cute-as-shit Christmas ornaments little Shayla'd painted for them, my god, my god)!
Bruce, in classic Bruce manner, has shuffled off straight to the quaint little magazine rack. If their luck turns for the better, he might even find a, a Sudoku puzzle book, or something, God. Jason pulls out his shopping bag from his back pocket (it's bright blue with little sailboats, and it was a gift from Damian after he'd gone on a little school little trip to the Cheasapeake bay, and it's damn near his most prized possession, my god, my god). He's not very discerning about what he grabs, just makes sure he can make 'em warm and he can make 'em sweet.
He grabs toaster waffles (for toasting), grabs Nutella (for the waffles), grabs pastelitos (for himself). He's mulling over 3 different brands of shitty garbage glorious hot chocolate when there's a quiet "Stand ready," and a heavy weight falls unto him.
"My ol' ball and chain," Jason says with a snort, with so much damn embarrassing affection. "Which of these do you prefer?"
"Please don't make me drink something with a cartoon character on it," Bruce says glumly, knowing full well what Jason's going to do.
"Nesquik it is," Jason says heartily, saying hello to the bunny boy. "I'll whip up breakfast for dinner when we get back, and baby you're gonna eat all of it. Anything else you want?"
A brightly-coloured crossword puzzle book gets slid into his shopping bag so stealthily he almost misses it. "Anything else?"
"Mmm," Bruce murmurs in a low hum, relaxed in the extreme because Sergei's seen far worse than this from them, and they too have an unshakeable bond (Bruce helped a lady give birth by the 'fresh' veg aisle literally 3 weeks ago). "You did a good job," he continues, leaning even more heavily, a big cat asleep stood up. "You're doing a good job." He presses a kiss to Jason's temple, to Jason's chin, Jason's nape. "You're my good boy."
Boy, boy oh boy, oh oh boy. Jason shudders so hard he almost dislogdges his guy, ouagh. Turns out what stops a drop better than a 4-course-meal is the shitheaded love of your life whispering something nonsensical (something loving) into your ear, oh my oh my oh my.
He's also now, uhm, more than a little hard. "You're such a jackass," Jason says, turning to the side so's he can give some kiss-kiss-kisses back.
"Too much hanky-panky!!" Sergei bellows cheerfully from behind his bulletproof glass, and Bruce just laughs and steps away, hands held up in gentle apology.
"Hurry up, Jason," Bruce says, stepping towards the register with a crooked smile. "Night's still young."
Jason barely resists baring his teeth. It's 2 AM, and he's gonna have Bruce drink his Nesquik, then have breakfast for dinner, and then he's going to fucking Destroy him (my god! my god!).
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
What was aonung reaction when spider just absolutely collapsed because he pushed himself to hard how did he react exactly what were his thoughts better yet what was tonowari Ronal and tsyrea ( spelled her name wrong) reactions
so to preface this, I think spider quickly connected to his adopted family before they even thought of adopting him, because they were fated to be a family. so he and ao'nung were basically insperable right off the bat after a little bit of friendly fire and hazing.
ao'nung respectfully flips the fuck out. he had sensed something was wrong with spider, though he knew nothing of skypeople, he was seeing straight through spiders strong facade and excuses, he just had no idea just how poorly his friend was doing (and the sully's are gonna get a word from him for not noticing, cause if he noticed without even knowing what he was looking for, how did they not see it, jake was literally a dream walker, and he didn't notice his son was literally burning himself out).
he'd have been right next to him, had made sure to stay close until he figured out what was wrong with his brother. I think his first thought would be that he was dying, that he was losing someone else. he doesn't even think before scooping him up and throwing him on an ilu. He tries to keep a strong face while the other na'vi are within eye and ear range, but the second he's got some distance he's flipping out. big fat tears running down his face as he cradles his seemingly dying little brother, who's struggling to breathe, coughing up something wicked, burning like hearth stone, whining like every little move he makes hurts. its terrifying to see someone already so small, look so much smaller with sickness. he'd pray to Eywa not to take him too, that he's already lost a brother (neteyam), and he can't do it again. his yelling at spider for being stupid, he had told him to go home, offering to take him back himself; he had asked him time and time again if he was ok. but all the while he's holding him like he's something fragile, coaxing him to breathe easier, trying to comfort him as he writhes in his arms.
He wouldn't let anyone separate him and his brother, not even his own parents. he sits at spiders side, doing his best to comfort him, but again, his terrified. Considering malnutrition, especially sudden malnutrition, can cause shaking, clamminess (pale, sweating, chills), fast heart rate, and slurred speech it would literally look like he's dying. overworking himself like he had would most likely cause pneumonia from constantly being in the water, letting his injuries (like inhaling water or fumes during the battle) go untreated, and general immunocompromisation from the malnutrition/dehydration/sleep deprivation. basically he would look like total garbage and for a kid who has already lost a friend, seen war, and doesn't understand the human body, it would look really bad.
he would most likely go with spider when max and nomr came to take care of him, and he would be pretty defensive. he doesn't trust any of the humans after they let spider get this sick, so he sits at spider's bedside questioning everything they do, barring his teeth and hissing if they caused him to so much as flinch. He wouldn't let jake near him either, he's got a bone to pick with him, but would hesitantly let the sully kids see him (they just lost their brother, he won't be cruel).
like i've said before, I think he's spider physical protector, so he would be the one most invested in his recovery. he's there everyday, pushing spider to get better, holding him when he's cold or weak or in pain. he helps him eat when he feels to sick to do it himself, he helps him through the coughing fits and muscle weakness when he starts having to do physical therapy to regain his strength. he gets him to smile and laugh again, he makes getting him out of bed easy when its a chore for everyone else. he gains spiders trust to be vulnerable with him (he get spider to talk about why he let himself get this sick).
he never lets anyone question him or try and shift the blame to him for not taking care of himself. he doesn't let him punish himself for being a 'burden' and he certainly doesn't let him continue his self-harm anymore.
tsireya joins her brother(s) most nights, so her brother can have a break to sleep and someone can stay up to watch spider (that aren't the scientists that let this happen). that's really when the emotional protector aspect of her as a big sister starts to show. spiders got all this trauma and ptsd/cptsd (cause the boy has plenty of both) that's being brought to the surface and twisted in a million different directions by his sickened mental state. she helps him through nightmares and panic attacks as he works through all his baggage.
this is around the time tonowari and ronal take interest in the boy. both are shaken by the turn of events and the effects its having on their son. tonowari had been worried about the boy since he saw him at the funeral, and had been sharing his worries with ronal ever since, but seeing spider laid up in a makeshift hospital bed is what pushes them to make the decision to adopt him. they visit him daily, making sure he is in fact receiving the best care possible. they follow through on Ao'nungs bone to pick, and they begin the custody battle to take spider in as there's.
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Diamondhead - Will clean up after himself and probably ends up doing all the dishes.
Cannonbolt - Very responsible, will probably end up breaking a few plates by mistake.
Ripjaws - Sees a problem, fixes it. Ends up asking the rest if they have any more dishes in their rooms while he’s doing it.
Frankenstrike - Sees the dishes, sighs and does them without a fuss though he’s slightly annoyed at everyone else.
Way Big - Happily cleans the dishes, even though most of them ain’t his and he ain’t even that hungry.
Grey Matter - He’s too busy to do the dishes (he’s got science to do) and just ends up ordering something. Does this way too often.
XLR8 - Why do the dishes when it’s way faster just to run to a restaurant and just order something? Asks everyone else if they want something too.
Heatblast - He will do the dishes later, he promises. But right now he’s hungry and just wants to eat.
Snare-Oh - Same with Heatblast, just wants to eat. Probably ends up doing the dishes right afterwards or even while he’s eating. Multitasking pro.
Eye Guy - Doesn’t like doing the dishes, gets soap in his eyes too often. Feels guilty for not doing them though so he does it later.
Upchuck -  Honestly rarely eats anything on a plate so it doesn’t bother him anyway.
Wildmutt - Why eat with cutlery when hands are all you need? If his hands gets dirty he’ll just lick them clean afterwards.
Blitzwolfer - Prefers to eat with cutlery and on plates but has no problem just using his hands.
Articguana - Just shoves his whole head into the pot and eats it that way but only if no one is watching. Feels slightly ashamed.
Four Arms - Has never done the dishes (does he even know how to?). Always just picks random objects to use as plates and bowls. Doesn’t see the big deal.
Stinkfly - You think he cares about what he eats out of? He would eat straight out of a garbage can if you let him.
Wildvine - As a plant, he doesn’t really understand the big deal with plates and stuff and doesn’t quite understand it.
Spitter - He’s hungry, there’s no clean dishes so he grabs the nearest dish-like object and uses that instead. Quite logical, isn’t it?
Upgrade - Sure, he COULD fuse with the dishwasher and just get it all over with but that would be against the point? The point? He doesn’t wanna do it.
Ghostfreak - Sees himself above doing the dishes. Will try and pester someone else into doing it for him.
Ditto - Doing the dishes is no fun so he won’t do it! Creates some clones to do it for him but they won’t do it either (obviously).
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maximwtf · 1 year
“When the sun sets.”
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                                            Pearl x reader
words: 1300
google docs pages: 2
Warnings: sleeping problems, think that's it
opening: You’ve had trouble falling asleep recently, but no worries. Pearl is there to spend time with you in the dark hours of the night, and wait for you to fall asleep. 
AN// Reader can be any gender. This is a really short one, but I still wanted to write it you !
                             “When the sun sets.”
While tossing and turning on your bed again, the thought of how amazing it would be to be able to sleep comes to mind. A while ago the blame of keeping you up had been placed on the ‘bed’ you’d been given, but it wasn’t that. The couch was actually very comfortable to be on, but you just couldn’t catch sleep. 
As you turned to your back, the rays of sunshine from the rising sun seemed to have come back. Another night spent without an ounce of sleep. A long but a rather quiet groan escaped your mouth. You pushed the soft pillow from the couch onto your face, hiding from the light of the day. What you couldn’t see, wasn’t there. 
It didn’t take long for Steven to start waking up. You heard his sheets move, and soon he was making his way to the kitchen area to make breakfast. Peeking from under the pillow, you could see him start to prepare something. “Morning…” You mumbled, letting the pillow fall onto the floor. The dark haired boy looked a little startled at first but soon calmed down, seeing that it was only you talking. “Morning!” He chirped, before seeing the condition you were in. Tired and worn out, barely any sleep for a while. “Are you…okay?” He asked carefully, tilting his head a little. You sat up, stretching straight after. “Okay, yes. Tired, also ‘surprisingly’ yes.” Steven hummed, as if to say that he understood but also as a sign that he felt bad. “I’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to help. How do you sleep so well?” You asked the boy, turning to look at him again. Steven kept preparing his food as he replied. “I guess it comes naturally to me.” He said, then quickly turning to look at you. “I’m sorry for not being able to help, really.” Poor boy, he was still quite young and somehow felt bad because you couldn’t sleep. “It’s okay.” You took a hold of the edge of the pillow, and pulled it back onto the couch. Pearl hated when you left them on the ground.
The door behind the warp pad opened, and Amethyst walked out of her room. “Morning.” She said, making her way to the kitchen, seemingly looking for something to eat. The gems didn’t have to do that to survive, but somehow Amethyst was the only one who chose…who wanted to take part in it. Though she went above and beyond with it. She would often be seen making an egg salad in the garbage disposal, which you’d never in a million years do, nevertheless eat it afterwards. 
You were brought back from your thoughts by Amethyst waving her hand in front of your face. “You there, buddy?” She said, and when your eyes moved to hers, she sat down next to you. “Sorry, I haven’t really slept.” You apologised, trying to erase the slight blush that had creeped onto your face. 
The next one to appear from their room is Pearl. She sits down on one of the kitchen bar chairs and soon her gaze lands on you. “Stars, you look terrible.” She blurts out, soon fixing her wording. “Not that- I didn’t mean it in-” You giggled, making the pearl stop explaining herself. “It’s okay. I do look like I’ve been through a car crash.” Pearl tries to laugh too, but fails to do so, as she clearly feels bad for you. She despised most human traditions, but she was still understanding. Humans needed sleep. 
The rest of the day went on with you staying inside most of the day, not having the energy to go out or do much for that matter. The sun was setting yet again, which to you indicated many restless hours that were ahead yet again. 
Steven was putting himself to bed and the gems had gone to rest. You began to unfold your blanket, when Pearl turned to look at you. Not feeling her gaze, you tried to lay down, eyes open like they were taped up. A soft sigh came from the other side of the room, as quiet steps came closer and closer. “You don’t look like you’re ready to sleep, no?” Pearl’s voice said as she sat down next to you. “I won’t be any time soon.” Pearl furrowed her brows as she watched you move back to a sitting position. She didn’t say a word for a moment, an oddly comfortable silence falling between the two of you. Only the usual nightly sounds surrounded you for that moment. The sound of Steven breathing in his sleep, a clock ticking and the wooden house creaking when gushes of wind blew past outside. A quiet ‘erm..’ came from Pearl’s side before she spoke up more properly. “Would you like me to spend time with you? If that could help?” She ended up saying, a little awkwardly. You turned to look at her for a short moment, surprised by the offer. “Sure, go ahead.” And with a soft hum you leaned back against the back of the couch. 
Pearl’s gem started to glow and soon a book appeared in her hands. After that the glow died down and the room was dark once again. The spine of the book made a little crackling noise as the pale gem opened it up. Without saying anything, she started to read it quietly. Not loud enough to wake up Steven, but just so you could hear it too. Slowly, as the story went on page by page, you started to lean more towards the gem. At some point she had lit up her gem to function as a reading light. Her gem was placed perfectly, for her having to only look down and the light pointed nicely on the pages. 
Some time later your head had slumped down against her shoulder. It felt like the pale gem had tensed up for a moment but soon relaxed, not mentioning anything about it. She kept reading, and at some point into the book she had pulled the blanket back on top of you. It felt comfortable. Comfortable to be warm and have her around. 
Pearl started to be near the end of the book, and it might as well have been hours or a shorter amount of time, you couldn’t tell anymore. She had placed her free hand around you, to make sitting more comfortable. Your eyes had grown heavy, and with the sound of the pages turning sleep finally overtook your mind and body. Pearl only noticed this after she had closed the book and put it down. It almost felt like a crime to move now that you were finally asleep, but maybe…maybe if she moved just carefully enough you wouldn’t wake up. 
With slow and to her style usual, elegant movements, she was able to get up and let her human companion sleep in peace. She observed your sleeping form quietly and moved a stray hair out of your face. The glow from her gem had disappeared a while ago, leaving the house dark once again. A faint smile appeared on her face as she took long and quiet steps towards the door at the back of the house. Before entering her room she made sure to check that you were still asleep, and then disappeared from the house. 
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makur0 · 2 years
I am BEGGING for nsfw dom hiyori fic💔 my boy has no fics of him being dominant it's so sad HAHA. can you do dom!hiyori with a gn!reader? Like he gets whiny and pouty about the reader spending too much time with jun and so he, out of jealousy, starts giving off vaguely sexual hints to the reader that ends up in them getting into it once they get home. He ends up being a little mean and denies the reader an orgasm as a small punishment :((( can you include after care too<33? TYSM!
Pay attention to me!
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synopsis — tired of being thrown in the dirt, he decides to give off sultry hints to you to rile you up. of course it works, but you need to learn a little lesson… [hiyori tomoe x gn! reader]
content warnings — nsfw, mdni. dom! hiyori, semi-exhibitionism? (public teasing), face riding, orgasm denial, begging + teasing, jealous sex (in a way), crackfic at beginning
author’s note — I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIYORI YALL DONT UNDERSTAND IT- ahem. but thank you for the req, i had so much fun!!
word count — 1118
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It really wasn’t.
“Jun, look at this!”
“Oh my gosh, Jun, watch!”
“Jun, Jun, Junnnn~”
Hiyori had graciously let you tag along on Jun and his’ weekly shopping spree because he wanted to spend time with you. But by the looks of it, and much to his irritation, you were attached to Jun’s hip for at least an hour now. 
Jun-kun was supposed to be the third wheel, not him. It wasn’t fair.
“Ne ne~ [name]-kun,” Hiyori jumped in between you two, his bright smile trying to hide his increasing attitude. “How about we go check out this new clothes shop I found? I bet there’s a lot of cute things for you and I!”
You brightened, opening your mouth to respond, but a loud growl interrupted you. 
Jun coughed loudly, mortified. “I- ahem, sorry.”
“Are you hungry?” You said, turning away from Hiyori as he gazed at you forlornly. “It is around lunchtime... how ‘bout this, let’s go get something to eat, and then we’ll continue shopping!”
Pay attention to me! Not him! Not Jun-kun!
“No no no,” Jun rushed, his eyes flitting to a quiet Hiyori. “I- I’ll get something myself, why don’t you and Oshii-san check out that store?”
“I’m hungry too!” You chirped, hooking his arm with yours and marching away. “Now off we go!”
Jun desperately glanced back at the other, his throat drying as his gaze looked dark and hurt, his lips in a pout. This really wasn’t going to end well, wasn’t it...
The male was dangerously quiet at the cafe, only speaking when spoken to. Jun was just waiting for him to explode, but on the other hand you didn’t seem to care, happily eating your lunch with Jun.
Unbeknownst to you, Hiyori was trying to find a way to regret ignoring him. Because how dare you don’t pay attention to him, one of the best and prettiest idols? How dare you make him feel insecure, unwanted? And how dare you hang out with Jun, right in front of him? For sure, he was going to make you pay.
“Oh and then one time...” You chuckled, grasping your drink. “There was- huh? Hiyori?”
He had gotten up and made his way over to you, lightly grinning. “Oh, don’t mind me, [name], I’m just going to be a good boyfriend and throw out your trash~”
Your breath hitched. He had leaned right over your shoulder, his lips grazing your ear as he grabbed your garbage from the table. Poor Jun, he almost choked on his drink watching this. Nope, not today-
Hiyori stood back up straight, throwing you a knowing smirk as he pranced away.
“Bro,” Jun said, his sandwich halfway to his mouth. “Not in front of my lunch.”
You forced out a laugh, but soon slouched over, your eyes wide. “I- there’s no way he did it on purpose, right?”
“You haven’t been hanging out with him all day,” He reasoned. “Of course Oshii-san gets jealous. You should know this by now.”
Shit. You should.
You had to cut the conversation as Hiyori came back, your face still flushed as he sat down next to you.
“Well!” He clapped his hands together. “Shall we get going?”
You were a complete mess. And he was relentless.
Subtle groping, breathing down your neck, even flashing you when he tried on clothes- you were reduced into a red, blushing mess. The more you grew quiet, the more vocal Hiyori was, even going as far as to ask you: “Oh, my dear [name], what’s the matter? Do you have a fever?”
The trio walked out of their last store for the day, the green-haired male looking triumphant, Jun looking done with life, and you contemplating your life choices.
Hiyori giggled. “Oops, sorry. I just saw something I liked in that lingerie store, so I had to check it out! Sorry, Jun-kun~”
“It’s fine,” the said idol grumbled, struggling with the bags. “Can we just- go home now?”
“Of course!” He chirped. “If you don’t mind, though, me and [name] are going to head back to their apartment. Can you-”
“Yep, yes, absolutely,” With renewed energy Jun grabbed all the bags, sending you a ‘good luck’ face before pacing away from the two of you.
Great. You turned to Hiyori with a knowing expression, him himself giving you a shit-eating grin. 
“Oh, my dear [name],” He purred, petting your hair. “You really fucked it up this time, haven’t you?”
You sighed shakily. “Yup.”
Eh, fucking up had its perks.
“Y-yes!” You moaned out, grabbing his hair and pushing your ass further into his face. “More, please-!”
Hiyori hummed loudly, his violet eyes staring straight at you as he devoured your sex. Perfect, it was absolutely perfect. As soon as you two stepped into your apartment you were all over him, begging for him to touch you. Your hair askew, your eyes unfocused, and your cheeks a strawberry red, how could he say no to such a cute thing like you?
Such a little slut, he thought, his eyes narrowing at your panting figure above him. Thinking that they can get away with this... they really think I’m helping them, heh.
A sharp gasp left you, your hips jerking as you grew close to your orgasm. “-yori, Hiyori, I’m-m close~!”
You shoved your ass closer to him, but much to your surprise he turned his head sideways, his hands pushing at your thighs as he ripped his mouth away from you. “Mm?!”
He spat into your thighs, looking back up at you. “You really thought that I would let you orgasm? Little whore~ thinking that you can take whatever you want...”
“Please!” You begged, frantically threading your fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry- sorry! I should have b-been paying more attention to you, I know! Just please, I wanna come, I wanna come!”
Hiyori stared at you with narrowed purple eyes, humming against your shaking leg. “...At least you admit your faults. Well then~”
He dove right back into you, sucking more harshly on you. Immediately you screamed out in pleasure, your back arching as you collapsed in a mind-numbing orgasm. Hiyori continued to ravish you, only stopping as you tugged on his hair a bit too roughly.
You let out a shaky breath, slouching over as he encased you in a tight hug.
“Oh, my precious little bean,” He drawled, pressing kisses against your now-drowsy face. “I’m sorry for that~ just make sure that I’m the most important to you in your eyes, alright?”
“Alright...” You mumbled, pressing your face against his chest. Hiyori chuckled, rubbing your back tenderly as both of you drifted off into sleep.
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