microsff · 7 months
"Did you know there's someone in our company who's called 'The Void'?"
"Yeah, I know them. Works at helpdesk in IT."
"Where are they from? It's a weird name."
"They are literally The Void."
"What, the Eternal Abyss?"
"Yeah. Takes all the calls from people who just want to vent."
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nkogneatho · 2 months
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ hey. yes, you. are you feeling as if writing is a chore and you are disconnected with what once used to be your favorite hobby? here might be the reasons:-
you are feeling constantly competitive with someone else who's more consistent and you just wish to be as energetic as them. or you are not writing for yourself but to please others. or you're overwhelmed by many things in your life and you want to write but you're burnt out.
now, how to fix these:-
— disconnect from your audience or the platform on which you post for a while. this is important because it helps you reconnect with your inner self and makes you realize why you started writing in the first place.
— don't turn your hobby into an unhealthy competition. it is okay to appreciate someone else but it is not okay to judge yourself. writing is subjective and differs for each person.
— explore new fandoms or topics. this will boost your brain because new pathways form in your brain as you learn new things or concepts
— change the environment. visit gardens, cafes or any other new place. notice people, how they act, how things work. this will aid you create scenes.
— lastly, do not force yourself. it is okay if you wrote one scene. a progress is still progress. give yourself time and be patient. you will soon start falling in love with your writings again.
hope you are having a good day. thank you for reading :3
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akcvance · 29 days
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How my morning started.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 4 months
ongoing issue
IFTTT is currently having trouble connecting to tumblr atm. i am unsure if this is permanent or temporary, hoping for the latter. i will be checking routinely until i have answers. the queue is also empty so there will be no fic posts until this issue is resolved.
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merrycrisis-if · 11 months
hey!! :) stupid question but do you know how to keep saved from getting lost in the browser? i feel so sad when all my saves get wiped… i use firefox, chrome and safari but no luck with either yet.
Ah hmm, not a stupid question at all, but I'm not sure if you can do anything about it! I think it's something about cookies/refreshing thing that the browser does.
@csgt has a built-in save function if that helps? (This is for mozilla firefox though, and I note you said you use ios mobile in your other ask though, so perhaps saving it before the goddamn browser refreshes using the dashingdon saves plug might still be your best bet).
But yeah, I know what you mean and yeah, it's happened to me for other IFs before :(
If anyone else more tech savvy than me has more to add, please chime in!
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umbrellacorphq · 11 months
Those suffering from lost eyesight or spider-like limb growth should lodge a support ticket through the helpdesk.
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lone-rhapsodist · 10 months
Some major updates...
I am going to try to sum up the things that have happened in the past few weeks. I am trying to get back on track and move on and I need to get a few things off my chest before I can do that properly.
This post contains major updates about my Classics project, my Discord server, and a few new and upcoming projects. This is definitely a very long post, so I will put a 'Keep reading' below to make it easier on your dashboard. If you do want to read it, please make sure you have a tea or a coffee on the ready. As always, thank you for your patience and support!
First, the 'no' news. I received no reply from Working Classicists. I know I should insist. I know I should probably send a second email before giving up. But the reality is, no one is interested in my project to create an online community for Classics. Not in the way that I intend it, at least. So, I am quitting. Or to put it more positively, I am shelving this particular project for the time being, if not for good. I know I could try reaching out to Asterion and other organisations, but to be honest, I am not convinced. I am not convinced that anyone is really interested in the idea, or willing to work with me to make it happen, or both. The only person who understood what I was talking about and wanted to support me was that ex lecturer of mine from university. She is the best, bless her. But anyone else, whether academic folks or not, has been largely unresponsive. Christ, even the people I started working on this project with abandoned me just after a few months. I have been working on this on and off for years now. What is the point of keeping on banging my head against this wall? I no longer have the drive to keep going. Therefore, I shall stop.
Second, the 'bad' news. I deleted my Discord server, SymForum. I had been thinking about doing it for a while. I was keeping it as an experimental platform, in the hope that things with other organisations would pick up and I would be able to move on from it soonish. In the meantime, it made sense to keep the server as a testing ground for ideas, to see what worked, what didn't, what to keep and what to throw away. Turns out, what to throw away was the whole thing. Because the server was basically dead. And so there was no point keeping it if it was just going to stay dead. I would like to point out, there is no problem whatsoever with that. If anyone on here was on it and they were just lurking, that is absolutely fine. I am lurker number 1 here. I lurk on Facebook. I lurk on Twitter. I lurk on Reddit. I lurk pretty much anywhere but here, and by most Tumblr users' standards, I reckon my activity on here is pretty much lurking anyway. I lurk on Discord too, especially since I've got nothing to contribute to most conversations. When I have something to say, I'll say it, but that ends up being like one time in a million, and then that one time is fine, but it's one in a million, so, it is what it is. Anyway, as a major lurker myself, am I really going to blame people for lurking on my server? Hell no. But am I going to blame myself for it? Hell yes. Because I'm supposed to run the show here. And I hate doing that. I hate being in charge of things. It's the story of my life, and I just can't do that anymore. So I deleted the server. And in my opinion, good riddance. If it was supposed to be a playground for my project, it showed that people are not interested in bringing in their ideas and asking for advice on how to develop them further nearly as much as I thought they would be, and that's fair enough. But if it was supposed to be a Discord server in the traditional sense, then there's already plenty that fit the bill, and I'm happy to recommend them: Classics Central; Miletos; The Cambridge Latin Discord Server; Tychon's Symposium; and for those of you who like hoarding stuff, the Classicists' PDF Society. There are also several subreddits that are valid, such as r/latin, r/ancientgreek, r/classics. I hope you find these useful.
Now, the 'good' news, at least for me, I guess. While I was damning myself with these questions about how to create an online Classics community in any way, shape, or form, something remarkable happened. A local Classics community popped up on my Facebook feed and I was invited to attend an event. Literally 15 mins away from my house. The timing couldn't have been better. While I was in the depths of my struggle, I had at some point contemplated the idea of moving this project of a Classics community from online to physical. I am not going to give away where I am based, but I live in a pretty big place, and it always struck me as odd that, amongst all these very official Classics academic societies, nothing existed that was more open to the general public. I did look into how I could get something like this started, but options seemed limited to using Facebook and word of mouth, and even then, I wasn't quite sure what the actual thing should look like. Online, I always wanted something like a forum, but in real life, what would it be? A monthly meet up? A book club? No idea. So, when this society came up on Facebook and I went to their first event, I was very impressed. The aim of the society is to promote Classics among everyone, through informal meet ups in which we read something in translation and then have a discussion alongside it. It's very chilled, very simple, and to be honest, very enjoyable. Our first meet ups have been about a few Platonic dialogues, and again, I was so happy with them -- we just sat down with tea and biscuits, took turns reading the dialogue, and from time to time had a pause to discuss what we just read and share our thoughts on it. From conversations I've had with the person who started this, it is clear to me that this is intended for anyone with an interest in Classics, with no need for prior learning, which I really appreciate. So, to me, it seems like a no brainer that I should invest more time into the society, and that I should help them develop further. I am currently applying to become part of their committee, and hopefully I will be able to join them soon. But even if for some reason I was unable to, this is a very valid project, and it makes sense that I should try to contribute to it, since it is very local to where I live, and it's perfectly in line with my job, and indeed, if there is any way in which anything even remotely close to my own original project could ever develop, it is through things like this -- grassroots approaches to Classics communities, similar to Working Classicists, grounded in reality, with real people, through real conversations. That's not to say that what happens online isn't real! But it is something I'm noticing, at least for myself, with all this 'online living' that I do, that because of it, sometimes I tend to lose touch with reality, and in turn, I end up not doing things in the real world that I would like to do, as if doing things online could be a replacement for that. Online can complement reality -- indeed, it is an extension of it. But online is online, and reality is reality. It's not easy to articulate, and I still struggle with the concept myself at times, but I do see a nuance, a difference, a distinction etc. I think that me moving the project from online to physical is a positive thing, and I look forward to exploring it further, and this not just for this particular project, but for other ones too.
Of course, technically speaking, the society does not (yet) fully replace the project, and in that sense, there are still some things which I would like to experiment with online, if at all possible, some more in an active way, some more in a passive one. An example of passive project is what I would like to refer to as 'Classics Helpdesk'. You know what a helpdesk is. It's a form of IT or other support desk that you go to or contact to ask questions about a problem that you need help with. That's what I want to do, but for Classics. Basically, the idea is to create a helpdesk where everyone who has any questions about anything Classics related (a text, a topic, a bit of Latin, university, work, you name it) can ask it, and I will respond, and I will try my best to help them with it, and hopefully it will actually help. It's essentially the idea that was at the heart of the project -- to help others develop their ideas about the ancient world -- but stripped to its core and reduced to something like "I'm a Classics person, ask me anything" as a service for anyone to use. I like it, because it requires no real work -- it will probably be just a pinned post at the top of my main blog, inviting people to send me any asks, even anonymously, or just message me, and I will respond, either publicly if it's an ask, or privately if it's a message. The details can be refined as I go, but basically that's the gist of it. Again, it would be good for me because it would require essentially no work, and I could just sit here and mind my own business, and then, whenever someone sends me a request for help, I can info-dump them with whatever they need, and hopefully make them happy, and definitely also make ME happy in the process, because let's face it, this is as much about making me happy as it is about making you happy -- with making you happy being more important by a pretty good margin, but still, it's a win-win. And don't get me wrong, this is not intended to rival or replace the already great number of brilliant people on here who also offer this kind of service. If anything, I would simply like to join their number in a more official fashion, by putting myself out there through my own helpdesk service, and hope that I can actually be of service to anyone. In the past, I've had a couple of people send me asks with questions about Latin stuff or Greek mythology, and it was so fun to sit down and respond to them, and I hope that I may be able to share again that kind of happiness with others in the future. So yeah. Classics Helpdesk. Please watch this space.
As for the more active side of the project, the one specifically about helping people develop their ideas about the ancient world… I think it's about time I faced the fact that the one person who really needed help developing their ideas… is me. So, one of my personal goals with this thing for the upcoming academic year -- yes, I still measure my year goals using the school calendar… I'm a teacher, don't judge me -- is that I should actually start, well, writing. And not give a fuck about it. Like, what it looks like, whether it's good or bad etc. This is an incredibly painful thing for me, and so far I have found it really hard to make the time to make it happen. But I just can't bear to keep not doing this any longer. So, here we are. The great idea to help me make this easier for myself is to do a bit like I'm doing for my Classics project and try to ground it more into reality. One thing I had considered was starting a podcast, because I noticed that when I talk about my ideas out loud with people in my life it's a lot easier to get the words out and make things make sense. However, lately I have been thinking that something that could work well for me instead is writing dialogues. This is something that goes back a long way for me personally, as dialogues were some of the very first original posts I ever wrote on Tumblr -- not on this blog, but on my old one, and in my native tongue. It was a great way to get thoughts out and do some self-critique without being too harsh or lenient on myself. As an informal way to explore my own ideas about the ancient world, I think it could work very well. Not to mention that dialogues are literally THE form of self- and collective reflection from the ancient world par excellence. So yeah, I cannot think of a better way to do this. I could still try other things. Letters are a possibility. Essays too. But first, I need to regain some confidence in my writing. I hope that this will help.
Lastly, I should perhaps mention that, at some point, you might end up seeing some of my own poetry on this blog too. This is mainly because Poetizer, where I first started posting my poetry, is now turning to a subscription-based model -- those bastards… So now I have to consider moving somewhere else. I always thought I would end up on Tumblr with my poetry too anyway, so I suppose this is just the sign that I need to make the move. I don't know when, I don't know how. I don't know whether to make another blog for it. I guess it would make sense. I already have neon-rhapsodies as an archive for my blogging, plus ideally that is where the dialogues would go as well. However, I do think that the poetry should be separate. I think I'll probably stick with the identity I had crafted for myself on Poetizer, but we'll see. In the meantime, it's exciting to think about all the possibilities that might materialise in the future.
Man, this was a long post. Thanks for sticking along for the ride. I am sorry if you were invested in my Classics project as it originally was, and wanted me to keep going with things as they were. I hope you can see why a change was needed, and that you will be happy to keep following any developments in this sense. I am grateful as ever for all your encouragement and support. Thank you, and take care.
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x-heesy · 1 year
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I protest 🪧
Public knowledge:
I don't know why you call yourselves a helpdesk, ignorance desk would be more appropriate & above all: honestly....
Anyway: my problems with your platform are still omnipresent:
My Messages tab hasn't been displayed for days
- I can't contact my friends anymore either
-searching my own blog is also no longer possible; similar posts are also no longer suggested below
-I don't see my own reblogs in the notifications center
Also, I'm in one of your dubious lists, don't speak explicitly, but there hasn't been any promotion on your part for months - only users who follow me or visit me directly or users who are looking for, reblogs...because????
Do you really need something like this? With all due respect: Kindergarten 💩
And being busy or not: Days or weeks of zero reaction on your part is not only extremely impolite but above all: highly unprofessional!
I've been a loyal user since 2011 and this is how I get thanked???!
Your apps will only become more and more profit-oriented, annoying and often very questionable system changes will simply be made overnight & without warning! =dictatorship
All this would be unthinkable in the real world!
It can't be that you ignore the laws and rules that prevail everywhere!
Discrimination & branding is proven to be a clear violation of the law!
And please buy a dictionary and look up the word: community, and while you're at it, please also look up: mobbing & harassment 😉
All this borders on delusions of grandeur.... ashamed of others.... 👎🏾
I am a quiet fellow but such a treatment on your part is ridiculous !
I urgently ask again 🚨 for an exam!
Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous vous appelez helpdesk, ignorance desk serait plus approprié & surtout : honnêtement....
Quoi qu'il en soit : mes problèmes avec votre plateforme sont toujours omniprésents :
L'onglet Mes messages n'a pas été affiché depuis des jours
- Je ne peux plus contacter mes amis non plus
-la recherche sur mon propre blog n'est également plus possible ; les messages similaires ne sont également plus suggérés ci-dessous
-Je ne vois pas mes propres reblogs dans le centre de notifications
De plus, je suis dans l'une de vos listes douteuses, ne parlez pas explicitement, mais il n'y a pas eu de promotion de votre part depuis des mois - uniquement les utilisateurs qui me suivent ou me visitent directement ou les utilisateurs qui recherchent des reblogs. ..parce que????
Avez-vous vraiment besoin de quelque chose comme ça ? Avec tout le respect que je vous dois : Maternelle 💩
Et être occupé ou non : Des jours ou des semaines sans aucune réaction de votre part sont non seulement extrêmement impoli mais surtout : très peu professionnels !
Je suis un utilisateur fidèle depuis 2011 et c'est ainsi que je suis remercié ???!
Vos applications ne feront que devenir de plus en plus axées sur le profit, des changements de système ennuyeux et souvent très discutables seront simplement effectués du jour au lendemain et sans avertissement ! = dictature
Tout cela serait impensable dans le monde réel !
Il ne se peut pas que vous ignoriez les lois et les règles qui prévalent partout !
La discrimination et l'image de marque s'avèrent être une violation flagrante de la loi !
Et s'il vous plaît, achetez un dictionnaire et recherchez le mot : communauté, et pendant que vous y êtes, veuillez également rechercher : mobbing & harcèlement 😉
Tout cela frise la folie des grandeurs.... la honte des autres.... 👎🏾
Je suis un type discret mais un tel traitement de votre part est ridicule !
Je redemande urgemment 🚨 pour un examen !
No sé por qué os hacéis llamar helpdesk, el servicio de ignorancia sería más apropiado y, sobre todo, sinceramente...
De todos modos: mis problemas con su plataforma siguen siendo omnipresentes:
La pestaña Mis mensajes no se ha mostrado durante días
- Yo tampoco puedo contactar más a mis amigos.
-buscar mi propio blog ya no es posible; publicaciones similares ya no se sugieren a continuación
-No veo mis propios reblogs en el centro de notificaciones
Además, estoy en una de sus listas dudosas, no hable explícitamente, pero no ha habido ninguna promoción de su parte durante meses, solo los usuarios que me siguen o me visitan directamente o los usuarios que buscan reblogs. ..¿¿¿¿porque????
¿Realmente necesitas algo como esto? Con todo respeto: Jardín de infancia 💩
Y estar ocupado o no: Días o semanas de cero reacción de tu parte no solo es extremadamente descortés sino sobre todo: ¡muy poco profesional!
¡Soy un usuario leal desde 2011 y así es como me agradecen!
¡Sus aplicaciones solo se volverán cada vez más orientadas a las ganancias, molestos y, a menudo, muy cuestionables, los cambios en el sistema simplemente se realizarán de la noche a la mañana y sin previo aviso! =dictadura
¡Todo esto sería impensable en el mundo real!
¡No puede ser que ignores las leyes y reglas que prevalecen en todas partes!
¡Se ha demostrado que la discriminación y la marca son una clara violación de la ley!
Y compre un diccionario y busque la palabra: comunidad, y mientras lo hace, busque también: mobbing y acoso 😉
Todo esto roza los delirios de grandeza.... avergonzarse de los demás.... 👎🏾
¡Soy un tipo tranquilo, pero tal trato de su parte es ridículo!
Vuelvo a pedir urgente 🚨 examen!
Non so perché vi chiamate helpdesk, l'ignorante sarebbe più appropriato e soprattutto: onestamente....
Ad ogni modo: i miei problemi con la tua piattaforma sono ancora onnipresenti:
La scheda I miei messaggi non viene visualizzata da giorni
- Non riesco più nemmeno a contattare i miei amici
-anche cercare nel mio blog non è più possibile; anche post simili non sono più suggeriti di seguito
-Non vedo i miei reblog nel centro notifiche
Inoltre, sono in una delle tue liste dubbie, non parlare esplicitamente, ma non ci sono promozioni da parte tua da mesi - solo utenti che mi seguono o mi visitano direttamente o utenti che cercano, reblog. ..Perché????
Hai davvero bisogno di qualcosa del genere? Con tutto il rispetto: Asilo 💩
Ed essere occupato o meno: giorni o settimane senza reazioni da parte tua non sono solo estremamente scortesi ma soprattutto: altamente poco professionali!
Sono un utente fedele dal 2011 ed è così che vengo ringraziato???!
Le tue app diventeranno sempre più orientate al profitto, le modifiche al sistema fastidiose e spesso molto discutibili verranno semplicemente apportate dall'oggi al domani e senza preavviso! = dittatura
Tutto questo sarebbe impensabile nel mondo reale!
Non può essere che tu ignori le leggi e le regole che prevalgono ovunque!
La discriminazione e il marchio hanno dimostrato di essere una chiara violazione della legge!
E per favore compra un dizionario e cerca la parola: community, e già che ci sei, per favore cerca anche: mobbing & harassment 😉
Tutto questo rasenta le manie di grandezza.... vergognarsi degli altri.... 👎🏾
Io sono un tipo tranquillo, ma un simile trattamento da parte tua è ridicolo!
Chiedo di nuovo urgentemente 🚨 per un esame!
#xheesy #glitchmylife #glitchmafia #artsyfartsy #artfuckery #expressyouself #iphoneart #popart #appforthat #punksarentdead #newcontemporary #worldoffmusicon #trallala #Digitaloriginal #photoart #photoartist #photoartwork #photoartistic #photoarts #blissfulphotoart #photoartistique #photoarte #photoartistry #contemporaryphotoart #photoartists #photoarty #photoartgallery #photoartspirit #urbanphotoart #darkphotoart #photooftheday #photographylovers #aesthetic #photographylover #ilovephotography #photographyart
Pinion by nine phucKing nails on Vimeo ☠️
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hoodiegal · 10 months
So I've been working at my tech support job for a few weeks now and. I am both surprised and scared by how many people don't know their passwords to critical things, like email accounts, and think that this is completely fine, because "I'm logged in on my phone already" or because they simply don't seem to care? They call in and treat it as if it is a huge inconvenience that they need to know their own fucking password. It's wild.
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singletutor · 1 year
How can you write a business case study
Business case studies usually describe real-life or fictional firm crises. Case studies help students apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to business issues. Business case studies demonstrate business concepts.
Business case studies can boost marketing if done right.
​They're time-consuming to design, but they can help you gain new customers.
Unfortunately, many people struggle to start creating material for them.
Business case studies are beneficial. Top four:
Case studies help businesses tell stories about their products.
A case study is a terrific way to demonstrate a service or product to potential customers. Like a good tale, a good case study has a beginning, middle, end, conflict, and resolution. It's an efficient way to bring difficult ideas to life and can boost consumer satisfaction.
Case studies show peer influence.
Case studies give the customer's perspective, which is crucial for peer-to-peer persuasion. The case study is about a customer's experience despite being published by a company. Direct quotes, figures, and other components help potential customers understand a business.
Case studies show examples.
Case studies go beyond customer reviews, which boost conversion rates. Customers will feel more confident buying your product after seeing it in action and reading rave reviews.
Case studies boost word-of-mouth.
Because a company must get a customer's authorization to use their data in a case study, brand evangelism can boost your firm's visibility and conversion rates.
You're stuck on a case study! Start with this guidebook.
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wordpressmore · 2 years
Complete customer support can only empower struggling companies in gaining back lost clients. The failure of small companies can only be blamed to their failure to select better customer support software.
Effortless communication is essential to business. And for this reason, having reliable support ticketing systems is crucial. The market has a wide variety of help desk tools.
We will examine Awesome Support and Fluent Support, two wordpress support ticket plugins, in-depth in this post to let you know what each of them has to offer.
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itech07 · 2 years
How to download EAadhar card online telugu.. for latest tricks and tips subscribe our youtube channel
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firstprince-ao3feed · 4 months
IFTTT issue update! a fix has been implemented and being monitored by IFTTT. I hope it works okay and the queue runs smoothly
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infraonmarketing · 2 days
Enhance IT Efficiency with Leading Asset Management Software | Infraon
Enhance IT operations with top asset management software. Discover the best asset-tracking solutions and software asset management best practices.
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Technical Support Experts
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