xanymex · 6 months
It's getting bad again😕
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villemel · 1 month
Shakespeare's Sonnet 29 is really resonating with me rn. His use of the poetic turn is particularly evident here, as he induldges in writing verse with a clear intention to stop negative thinking and emerge with a fresh state of mind.
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His repetition of 'state' as well as his reference to 'kings' all have profound meaning for a person who's fallen out of favour in a stratified society, and in this case the bard suggests turning to the remembrance of love to cheer oneself up.
Nb. the bust is of the Swiss politician George Favon (1843-1902) and the plinth reads 'no progress without social justice'
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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A Crow-Attack Winter’s Feathursday
On this last #Feathursday of 2022 we present a scene of winter conflict with American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) mobbing a predator Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) from the 1963 book Birds of Wisconsin by the Wisconsin nature artist Owen J. Gromme (1896-1991), published for the Milwaukee Public Museum, where Gromme was curator of birds and mammals, by the University of Wisconsin Press. The original painting is oil on canvas from 1956 and measures 24″ by 30″. Gromme writes:
The familiar feud between owls and crows is portrayed in this study of a Great Horned Owl and it assailants. Powerful and well armed though it may be, many a battered and befuddled owl has been temporarily bested by these persistent tormentors, until nightfall reverses the advantage.
He goes on to state that hunters often take advantage of this natural enmity and use owl decoys to lure crows to their death. Gromme states: “Sometimes hundreds of crows are shot in a few hours by the use of such a decoy.”
Why anyone would want to slaughter hundreds of these majestic animals is beyond our comprehension. Appalling!!
Read more about Gromme and his book.
View more posts from Gromme’s Birds of Wisconsin.
View more Feathursday posts.
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Can we stop blaming people who were bullied for the bullying?!?!
When you were the one who was bullied, people always blame you. Somehow its always your fault. When you were quiet when you were bullied then you "should have spoken up about it", when you were scared when you were bullied then you "need to toughen up" when you got angry and defended yourself its also your fault because "you were just provoking them to bully you".
Can we stop blaming people who were bullied and finally start blaming the people who's fault it actually is! The people who bully, the people who witness the bullying but decide to look away, the people who support the bullies!
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miss-unbreakabl · 11 months
Warum kämpfst du so sehr darum in einer Welt zu leben die dich eindeutig nicht haben will?
-Sweet Tooth
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gedanken-werden-taten · 10 months
Und wieder stehe ich hier!
Allein und einsam in der Masse der Menschen.
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brittajungmannsblog · 8 months
Kenn deinen Wert und lerne wo du geschätzt wirst.
Ein Diamant glänzt nicht auf dem Boden einer Höhle.
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longingforrotkehlchen · 4 months
Bird Log #034
Today birding was worth it because...
...A sparrowhawk entered Crowyland, and of course a crow was rapidly telling her to feck off. However, the sparrowhawk took no shit and angrily chased the crow back and attacked. The crow had to fend her off, but it did not desist. It did look surprised by the sparrowhawk's resilience, though.
Our crow friend was struggling, so a helping hand in the form of another crow joined in to continue mobbing that intruder.
The so-called intruder, however, reacted the same way with the second crow: Swiftly, steadily, angrily. The crow had to defend itself, but kept flying away from the area, and thus, took the sparrowhawk away.
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x-heesy · 14 days
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Ich erbitte erneut und energisch um Prüfung meiner Blog Einstellung eurerseits! Das grenzt alles sehr an mobbing!! Ich bin seit 2011 ein treuer User und habe dieses diskriminierende Verhalten eurerseits nicht verdient! Danke!? Alex
I once again strongly request that you check my blog setting! This all borders on bullying!! I have been a loyal user since 2011 and I don't deserve this discriminatory behavior on your part! Thanks!? Alex
𝙶𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚂𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚊 𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚢 🎧
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nevzatboyraz44 · 1 year
En büyük rakibimiz sandık güvenliği ;
14 Mayıs seni unutursam kanım kurusun!..
Devlet'imizin re'sen ataması sonucu sandık görevlisi oldum dün, hayatımın en zor görevi idi..
Sandıkların etrafında oynanan oyunları anlatmaya kelamım yetmeyecek..
Ak parti ve MHP teşkilatı neredeydiniz siz nerede?
Sandıkları yetim bıraktınız, hepinize kırgınız!
Sandıkları yapa yalnız bıraktınız..
Oy kullananların verdiği bir mucadele vardı ki akla ziyan...
Sandık kurulmadan döndüm ki seçmen 07.50 de 150 kişi kuyruğa girmiş, savaşa gider gibi oy kullanmaya gelmişler adeta, kimi " ikinci tura kalacak zaten " derken " kimi de " bu adam kaç tura kalırsa kalsın gidecek, göndereceğiz ailecek gönderecegiz" sesleri..
Şiddetli bakışlar , gürültülü sesler , kargaşa çıkaran gençler "gidecek" diyor..
Şaşkınım ,çok şaşkınım.
Benim Türkiye'm de pkk gelsin ,Tayyip gitsin diye Yirmi beş milyon insan oy kullandı..
Benim Bayrağıma bu kadar düşman, Benim Asker'ime bu kadar düşman ,Benim Ezan'ıma bu kadar düşman, Benim Devlet'ime bu kadar düşman bir millet nasıl oluştu tartışılmalı..
Yahu pkk gelirse Selahaddin Demirtaş'a içişleri bakanlığını vereceğiz diyenlere baş kaldırmak yerine kabullenmek nasıl bir vatan severliktir!..
Sinan Oğan'a oy verenlerde bir enteresan idi... mecliste Kominist partisine ,cumhurbaşkanlığında da Sinan Oğan'a oy verdiklerini görünce de başka bir şaşkınlık yaşadım...
Mühendislik siyasetini artık istemiyoruz....
Muhendislik siyasetin mimarları sandık başında,cana can kana kan bir mucadele yaşattılar bize..
Kominist partisi , yeşil sol (hdp) partili gencler bize nefes aldırmadılar.
Avukat'larından gönüllü gençlerine kadar mobing uyguladılar,iş yaptırmadılar..
Okul yetkilileri ,Parti yetkilileri,sandık başkanlari ve görevliler bir daha gözden geçirilmeli
Oylar sayılmaya başladı "Ak parti dedi " sayan kişi ,oradaki Chp'li görevliler ve diğerleri "AKP diyeceksiniz ne Ak partisi size burada Ak parti dedirtmeyiz"diyerek oyları sayan MHP ve Ak parti temsilcileride "AKP" demeye başladı bir daha Ak Parti diyemedi sizin davanız bu muydu liyakatsiz ,samimiyetsiz ,ciddiyetsiz durumlarınız çok rahatsız edici idi..
Ve liyakatsız sandık başkanları korkudan ödünüz patladı bir anda..
Yahu adamlar algı ile sandıklara hükmediyorlar ikinci tura kalınacak diyorlar diye ikinci tura bıraktilar.
Ak parti de sosyal medya gücü yok ,muhalifler Sosyal medyanın verdiği güç ile seçimi yönetiyorlar..
Ak parti hizmetlerini sosyal medya da anlatamadı..
Gençlik çalışması fiyasko!..
" Yumuşak koltuklu jeep'lere binen ablalar abiler sizin makam derdiniz bitirdi. Allah'a hesabınız büyük olacak.."
Ne zaman gençlik çalışmalarınız fiyasko böyle olmaz dediysek, şiddetle karşımıza çıktınız. sosyal medya da yoksunuz dedik, gençler yok dedik şiddetle karşımıza çıktınız..
" Milletle örülen duvarlar tepeden bakma hallerinizin sonucu bu kanamayı başlattı.. "
Sandıkların başına her okulda chp nin avukatları ,yüzlerce görevlileri yüzlerce komünist partili gençleri çoğu ODTÜ den gelme, yüzlerce hdp'li...
... gençleri yerleştirmişler bize iş yaptırmadılar.
"sizi şikayet edeceğiz savcılığa, geçersiz oy çıkamaz "
...diyerek 7 saat mobing uyguladılar.
...gecersiz oyları geçersiz saydırmadılar.
Saatler gece 11 iken sınıfı otuz kişilik kominist bir grup sarmaladı tutanağı bitirmemize izin vermediler.çıkarmadılar okuldan bizi...
Sandık başlarına dişardan hiçbir şekilde seyirci oturtulmamalı, temsilci de başkaları oturtulmamalı bu sandığa saldırıdır.
Benim tutanaklarımı fotoğrafladılar, imzalarımı fotoğraf çektiler buna izin veren okul yetkilileri de hesabını vermelidir.
Manda zihniyeti ile büyük bir mücadele verdik...
Oylar sayılmaya başladığında okulu gezeyim dedim; kaç sandık başkanının hüngür hüngür ağladığını gördüm..
Uygulanan psikolojik şiddetinin hangisini yazayım..
Allah bize uyanışı,direnişi ve birlikteliği nasip etsin..
Ona tuzak kurmak istemişlerdi de biz onları en fazla hüsrana uğrayanlardan kılmıştık.(21/Enbiyâ 70)
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Konu ile ilgili cimer'e başvuru yapılmıştır. İnşallah hayırlısı olur
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diam0ndsayings · 1 month
I hate that I have to heal from things that are not my fault.
- words I can't say out loud
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foreverlostinmylife · 9 months
Es zerreißt mich.
Wegen Menschen die mir das schlimmste angetan haben, musste ich nicht nur den Moment erleben wie mein Herz rausgerissen worden ist, sondern auch merken wie in meiner Zukunft mein Herz einfach nicht mehr in mein Körper passt.
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Help Bring Down the Cybergang
As a disabled citizen in America, I am remotely hacked & wiretapped, electronically harassed with electronic warfare/ V2k (voice to skull technology) , silent sound, voices, and written off in the world. The campaign was started Mary Cummins, Jeannie dusetzina, Robin Jasinski and Nathan Sokol.. The people who conduct these acts are right in your neighborhood, they portray themselves as pillars in the community when they are not. And they have very good covers for themselves and a very high IQ.
The organized stalkers lied to get me off my ADHD medication. They killed my cat. They sabotage all my opportunities. My room is broken into repeatedly. I have had clothes and other stuff stolen from me. They slander my good name. They stole all my money.
Organized stalking is very hard to prove. Sometimes I get depressed because no one will believe me when I speak out about these crimes and my family has been stalked as well. I am starting this blog for everyone who have experienced this injustice as well as for the civilian people who may be dealing with this issue. I have reported this stalking to every organization in the United States and they have been of no assistance and their are no reporting procedures in existence as of now, so I am reaching out to my fellow Americans to help in ensuring these crimes do not go uninvestigated and get addressed in some way or form.
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thegossip-guy · 5 months
The resurrection of Miss K
In english class, someone brought up Miss K.
Miss K was the class teacher of the 9b when they were in 5th grade. It was her first and last year at the school, and there are rumours of the former 5b to be the reason for it.
After someone randomly bringing her up, E said she saw her a bit ago. Responding to questions, E said she is still flat land, meaning she still had no boobs.
M asked if Miss K didn't cry once, because someone of the now 10th graders called her 'flat land', and others agreed to the statement, adding that she also cried multiple times, because if the 9b themselves. The reason for that was a so-called 'Anti-Miss-K-groupchat'. M said that L.Z. and Z snitched and told Miss K about the group, only for someone else to deny it and say that Z was the leader of the groupchat and also the one who created it.
After that, the topic wasnt brought up again.
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gedanken-werden-taten · 9 months
Ihr fragt warum ich mich immer in eine Traumwelt begeben habe? Naja weil die Realität einsam und kalt ist und ich wenigstens in meinen Träumen glücklich und geliebt mich fühlen konnte.
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brittajungmannsblog · 4 months
Meistens sind diejenigen, die im Leben ständig drangsaliert wurden, diejenigen, die am Ende triumphieren werden.
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