#Heartwarming and comforting all around 💗
elitadream · 4 months
What would you say to someone who finds Mareach boring?
Uh- Well I'd tell them this is quite unfortunate. 😶😅
Granted, people like different ships for different reasons. Some will prefer vibes that are either more ambiguous or more straightforward, have a sense of rivalry, or are playfully aggressive- and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!
But I do get rather dumbfounded whenever relationships that are deemed stable, healthy and soft are also automatically considered less relevant or less interesting by default. What about gallantry, and kindness, and mutual support? What about loyalty, and selflessness, and heroism?? Classical qualities the likes of which are found in fairytales have a timeless charm for a reason, and I can't imagine how any of those things could be perceived as boring. On the contrary, I find that they are inherently epic and inspiring, regardless of gender or narrative context, and they have my whole heart. 💞
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bratzforchris · 2 months
hi!! I was watching the new video and it reminded me so much of myself, so i was thinking, could you write something about Chris and autistic!reader going to a toy store and reader wants to buy so many of the toys because they never had that while growing up due to money reasons? maybe chris and reader end up buying some toys for little kids and once they're home they play with them together?? (it doesn't have to be age regression, mainly just inner child healing and lots autistic joy)
thank you if you do!! also i just recently followed you and really love the way you write, so i thank you for your service🫡
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Summary: Above! Thank you so much for the detailed request, butterfly <33
Pairing: Chris x romantic!reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: Mentions of financial troubles during childhood (?)
Word Count: 1k
A/N: This was actually such a heartwarming (and self indulgent) request to write, so thank you 🧸🎀💗 I hope you enjoy!!
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If there was one thing that you had loved your whole life, it was Barbies. Ever since you were a small child you had been captivated by the beautiful dolls with their outfits and long hair that you could brush and braid. Growing up as one of four kids and as a neurodivergent child that had required extra therapies and medications, there wasn’t always a lot of extra money to go around, so the few Barbies that you did have were hand-me-downs from the girls that were your neighbors. You had promised yourself that one day you would have an entire collection of dolls to call your own. After all, the special interest had started when you were around four, and had continued to this very day, which just so happened to be your twentieth birthday. 
You woke up to Chris peppering kisses across your face with a little ‘good morning, honey’, proudly holding a small plate of pancakes with a whipped cream smiley face on them. Your boyfriend eagerly handed you your plate, singing Happy Birthday cheesily. It was clear he was more excited about this than you were. 
“It’s just another day, babe.” You chuckled with a soft shake of your head as you started to cut up your breakfast. 
“It’s your day,” Chris insisted, poking your shoulder teasingly. “There’s gotta be something you wanna do.”
“Other than go skydiving, which we’ve addressed you’re not gonna do, there’s nothing.” You hummed, avoiding the thought in your brain to just ask him. 
Chris visibly paled at the mention of jumping out of a plane. “Yeah, that one’s a no. There’s nothing you want to do? Nowhere you want to go? Nothing you want to eat?”
“Well…” You trailed off, munching thoughtfully on a piece of pancake. “There is one place, but…”
“Which is?”
“Nevermind,” You shook your head, blushing. “It’s stupid.”
“It can’t be that bad, baby,” Chris said softly. “It’s your birthday. We can do whatever you want.”
“Promise you won’t laugh?”
Chris kissed your cheek gently, knowing that his stubble sometimes bothered your sensory issues. “I won’t laugh, honey. I promise.”
You looked away shyly, blushing as you picked at a loose thread on your comforter. “You know I’ve always liked like, the Barbie movies and stuff, right? And it’s kind of a special interest?” You paused, waiting to see your boyfriend’s reaction, to which he nodded for you to keep talking. “Well, there’s this new store downtown that sells all kinds of Barbies and I was wondering if we could…go? I’ve always wanted Barbies.” You rushed out quickly, face and ears red. 
Chris smiled, rubbing your hand. “I think that sounds like a perfect idea.”
“You do?”
“If it makes you happy, it’s always a good idea,” Chris kissed you gently and then stood up. “Get ready!”
For the entirety of the time it took you two to get ready, plus the car ride to the store, you were happy stimming. The mere thought of engaging with your special interest was enough to have you shaking out your wrists happily and playing with the small pop-it pin on your lanyard. Chris chuckled once the two of you got into the store, snapping a quick photo of your awe. 
Your eyes went wide as you scanned up and down the rows and rows of dolls. There were all kinds of Barbies from all different generations and you gently ran your fingers across them as you searched for some you liked. Chris followed you like an obedient puppy the entire time, offering his opinion on various dolls and enjoying the warmth that radiated from your happiness. After about thirty minutes in the store, you had narrowed your choices down to ten different dolls. 
“I dunno which ones to get. I like them all but I am broke.” You chuckled softly, running your finger over the smooth plastic of one of the boxes. 
“Get them all,” Chris shrugged. “It’s your birthday, honey.”
“Did you miss the ‘I’m broke’ part, Christopher?” You chuckled. 
“No, but this is your treat. It’s on me.” 
Even though you blushed and thanked your boyfriend profusely, you didn’t have it in you to argue with him about paying. You were so consumed by your special interest that all your mind could think about was going home and playing with the new Barbies. Chris led you to the register softly, his heart swelling at the beaming smile on your face as you hummed and let out little vocal stims happily.
By the time you two had arrived back home, you were bursting at the seams to engage with your new treasures. You pulled Chris into the living room, plopping down on the floor next to the coffee table. In a matter of minutes you had carefully opened all of the boxes, laying the dolls out in a neat line. 
“Will you, um, play with me?” You asked your lover softly, rubbing Chris’ fingers gently. 
“Only if I get to be Ken,” Chris scoffed playfully. “Dude’s ripped.”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes, passing the brunette the dolls. You both played for a little while, with you focusing more on brushing the Barbies’ hair while Chris acted out soap-opera level scenarios that had you practically rolling on the floor laughing. All was silent for a while, until your boyfriend spoke up again, suddenly seeming nervous. 
“We should make the Barbies get married.” he blushed. 
“Oh?” You cocked your head curiously, wondering what he meant. 
“Because if they represent us, well…” Chris paused and dug in his pocket, pulling out a small ring box. “I wanted to wait for a time that felt right for both of us, and I think that’s right now. You’re my absolute best friend, and this just confirmed that for me. I love you more than anything in the world. Will you marry me?” he asked softly, still burning red. 
You had been dreaming of a Barbie life ever since you were a small child, and this definitely counted as that. “Yes!”
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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lovelypham · 2 months
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ʬʬ prompt:where you were invited to your best friend's birthday party only to realize how jealous you'd get when seeing him with others girls,little did you know he felt the same way about you ✎wc:458 ✩⡱pairing:non-idol!bestfriend!jake X fem!reader ˳೫˚∗warnings: jealousy,fluff,kissing,confessing, mildly suggestive
╰┈➤song recommendation:Eyes don't lie-Isabel LaRosa ✩⡱
As you watched Jake,your best friend for more than 5 years who was also coincidentally your crush for the past 6 months,effortlessly indulge in yet another conversation with a girl at the bar, a sigh escaped your lips Despite knowing it was his own party and you didn't have any excuse to limit him from talking to girls,a feeling of jealousy tugged at your heart strings.
hesitantly agreeing to come after Jake quite literally begged you, you found yourself tucked away in a corner, sipping your probably ninth drink of the night,while shooting daggers in his direction. Laughter and music filled the air, and while everyone was having a good time you weren't.
When another girl got a bit too comfy with Jake, you decided to escape to the peace the unoccupied pool outside provided. The summer breeze messed up your hair, and the alcohol in your system blurred your thoughts as you stared into the night sky.
Suddenly, Jake showed up beside you, his presence bringing you both comfort and nervousness. "hey__" he murmured, his voice low while saying your name. "you seem a little distant. everything okay?"
You hesitated, caught off guard by the way he knew you so well "yeah, I'm fine," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant"I just needed to get some air I felt suffocated inside"you replied in an awkward tone
Jake leaned in closer, his eyes searching yours in way that made your heart beats race. "Are you sure?" he whispered, his breath warm against your freezing skin.
You swallowed a lump, feeling exposed under his gaze. "honestly, I'm just... feeling a little sick," your voice carrying uncertainty
A smirk tugged at the corners of Jake's lips as he leaned even closer, his lips touching your earlobe. "so you're not jealous,huh?" he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine you gasped and then quickly denied his allegations saying "what are you talking about jake?" . he said one thing "Eyes don't lie,baby"
Your breath hitched as Jake's words sent a jolt of electricity through you. Before you could respond, he closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a heartwarming kiss. It felt like the world around you faded away, leaving only the burn of his touch and the pounding of your heart
After you pulled away, both of you breathless he sighed and said"i was only talking to so many girls because I wanted to forget about you, we always promised ourselves to never date or catch feelings for eachother, because we believed it'll ruin our friendship"
you looked to your right to catch a glimpse of his face only to find out he was already staring at you
you took his hands in yours and layed them on your lap and with a comforting smile you told him "that's what i told my self too jaeyun, but love can't be hidden like any other emotion ,I've had a crush on you for as long ask i can remember and I always shrugged it off but I can't handle seeing you like this anymore" he then tightened his grip around your hands and replied with" do you wanna maybe be my girlfriend? " you quickly said"yes! omg of course jae" you then kissed him again but unlike the first kiss this one was hurried but still as meaningful as the first one
you suddenly heard loud cheering and screams, only to realize your friends have been watching the whole thing from the start
(note: this is my first time writing an actual fic so please go easy on me😭😭, I'll gladly take any constructive criticism of any kind just no hate💗)
this is all fiction and not meant to represent any mentioned idols as they are in real life
©lovelypham works 2024
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literary-motif · 3 months
I love you writing really really muchh!! 💗
Can u write something with kayson?
Thank you <3 I'm glad you like it :)
Under The Surface
Kayson x Reader
Warnings: implied issues of self-worth, overworking
You overwork yourself, but Kayson is there to take care of you.
You were dead on your feet. The past few weeks of lectures and exams had taken everything out of you, and whatever dregs of strength you had left after handing in your final essay were rapidly draining by sitting at your desk and preparing yet another presentation. 
The professors should be tired of them by now, but evidently, they got some twisted enjoyment out of forcing you to work past your breaking point. 
You sighed, checking your notes again and trying to fit the picture you had found into the little box next to the text. Powerpoint was not cooperating and you were increasingly getting annoyed. You were not even halfway done, and the urge to curl up on your bed and sleep for a week was growing harder to ignore by the second. 
Still. You knew you couldn’t. If you did not finish this presentation now, you were sure you never would. It took all of your self-composure and an iron-tight hold on your sense of duty to sit down at your desk and leaf through the textbook to take notes on your assigned topic. 
It took all you had left to start the presentation, and you knew you would break down sobbing the next time you would have to sit down to finish it. No, it was easier to do it now, and after you would get to relax. After you were allowed to lay down and finally, finally rest. 
After the work was done.
“Hello my spooky Ghost,” Kayson’s voice startled you out of your revision, making you lose the train of thought on how best to connect the subjects on the slides. 
You turned your head and smiled tiredly in his direction, too worn out to even mutter a simple greeting as you faced your keyboard again. You had to finish this.
“Hard day?” he asked softly, walking towards you and looking over your shoulder at the presentation. “Wow, this looks amazing,” he muttered, skimming over the slide you were working on and glancing at the pages of notes spread out next to your laptop. 
Kayson tilted his head to place a soft kiss against your cheek. You could feel the smile on his lips. The sheer joy radiating off of him when you two were in each other's company still had you perplexed sometimes. He was overflowing with love for you, that a simple thing such as seeing you walk across campus, hurrying to your next class while he had a free period, and shooting a small smile his way, had him beaming back at you, his eyes shining with adoration. 
His open affection was something you had not entirely grown used to, and the heartwarming feeling of being loved unconditionally — no matter what you did, no matter the worth of your work, no matter your intelligence or academic career — still had you tearing up when you thought about it too much. 
It was foreign, seeing the worth in yourself outside the things you accomplished. Kayson made you feel comfortable with yourself and helped you to accept the mistakes you would make in everyday life. “Not everything you do has grave consequences,” he had told you once, smiling sheepishly as you noticed a glaring spelling mistake in the email you had sent, “It doesn’t matter, relax. You don’t have to be perfect all the time.”
You knew that, of course. Perfection was an unattainable goal, but your brain somehow had not quite internalized that memo. That was why you had studied relentlessly for weeks.  That was why you wrote half a dozen essays for extra credit. That was why you agreed to do another presentation despite barely being able to string together a coherent sentence, worn out and exhausted out of your mind.
“I got dinner,” Kayson whispered kindly, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder, nuzzling against your neck. “And I hope you’re willing to eat takeout with me while we cuddle on the couch and watch one of these old horror movies you wanted to show me. That sounds nice, doesn't it?”
Humming in agreement, you kept typing. Kayson frowned, loosening his embrace to stand beside you and look at your face properly. Your eyes were dull, your fingers hitting the keys with only a fraction of the accuracy you usually had. The exhaustion he could see in your hunched posture, the tension he felt in your jaw as he kissed you made his frown deepen. He was worried about you. 
“Hey Spooky,” he said, nudging your chair to turn to face him. You did not comply, keeping your eyes fixed on the screen. “Can you look at me for a moment, please?”
“‘M busy, Kayson,” you mumbled, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment to fight off the burning, turning your vision blurry. How long had you been working? It didn’t matter, you were still far from done.
“Yeah, I know,” he said, the slight teasing in his tone was replaced with a quiet sadness that made your heart ache and you sighed softly, giving in to his wishes. Seeing him sad was a pain you always tried to avoid. When your eyes met, he gave you a tender smile, lighting up with his usual fondness for you. “Thank you,” he whispered, reaching out his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
The window behind him showed the darkness of the night sky, making you wince at the hours that must have passed ever since you sat down to continue your work. “Takeout is great,” you said, noting the distant hunger making itself known now that your nearly unbreakable concentration had lessened. “But later, I need to finish—”
“No,” he interrupted you, taking your hand to tug you out of the office chair, “Enough for today. I can tell you’ve been at it for hours, and you’re tired. You look exhausted. I know I call you my Ghost, but that doesn’t mean I want you to look like the dead!”
You tried to protest, but Kayson wanted none of that, sneaking an arm around your waist and leading you towards the couch. “Kayson, I really need—” you tried again as he drew you  to sit down on the soft cushions, making sure the pillows were arranged the way you liked them and the blanket was within your reach.
“Yes, you really need to unwind right now, I agree,” he said, looking at you intently with a stare that told you he would be immensely hurt if you dared to get up and walk back to your desk. 
You sighed, resolve breaking as you sunk deeper against the pillows. It was no use to fight Kayson when he tried to take care of you, so you just let it happen, allowing yourself to relax and trying to push away the nagging thoughts about your unfinished work.
Kayson smiled again, leaning over to place a chaste kiss against your lips before he got up, shooting you another warning glance to stay put. He returned a moment later with the food he had picked up, placing it on the coffee table in front of you before sitting down beside you again. 
“Do you want to watch a movie?” he asked, the care for you bleeding into his every word as he gathered you into his arms. You hummed in contentment as you felt him trace slow circles against your back, working out the tension that rested there. “Or are you too tired? We could watch a show instead and you can fall asleep on me. What would you like?”
You buried your head against his chest, mumbling something incomprehensible. Kayson chuckled, running his fingers through your hair before tilting your chin upward slightly to understand you better. “You decide,” you repeated tiredly, reaching over his lap to grab the takeout.
Kayson chuckled, taking the bag from you gently and placing a kiss against the back of your hand before handing you your food. “I’ll take care of everything,” he said, looking at you with a love so deep reflected in his eyes, that it stole your breath for a moment. “Don’t worry about anything. Just relax, Spooky. I love you. So much.”
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globaloppaaa · 10 months
matthew things .𖥔 ☁️ ݁ ˖‧₊˚ ⋅🌹
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just because seok matthew is AN ACTUAL SWEETHEART oh my gosh i just had to share some hc’s ab him
partially based off my experience attending and performing at kcon LA!
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- outwardly he may not enjoy the cute and baby comments made towards him, and he’ll try to dismiss them or change the topic publicly, but he’s totally hiding the fact at how much he loves the attention.
- when he’s alone with you or with close friends he’s the biggesttt softy. you can always tell when he gets blushy because his ears start to turn pink no matter how much he denies it.
- “happy virus” is the perfect dubbed name for him. he’s always looking for a way to make everyone smile. whether it’s through funny jokes, gifts, even embarrassing himself, if he gets a smile from you he’s done his job.
- on the topic of smiles, his is the most contagious thing. (this may be based off my personal experience 👀) you could be feeling any kind of emotion: anger, stress, nervousness, but one look at his bright smile comforts all of your worries.
- separate note for how his cheeks do that lil squish thing when he’s happy OH MY- you get the point.
- LOVES drives with you. idk something about him getting to showcase his biceps while jammin’ out really gets him going. doesn’t care when or where to, but i feel like the atmosphere of late night drives make him feel at peace.
- he’s gonna be respectful when he drives though, mama raised him right 💪���� He’d be nervous to reach over to you, no matter how desperately he wants to. It’ll take him a few months just to work up the courage to hold your hand against the gear shift.
- he soooo wants to rest his hand on your thigh but he reprimands himself bc that’s your personal space 😡
- he shows off so unintentionally… at least, he likes to innocently let it on in that way. yk that thing he does where he comments those heartwarming messages, followed by the most gruesome, whore-looking pic? it’s 10x worse when it’s just to you.
- “good morning sweetheart, i hope you rested well! i miss you love, my mind only thinks of you.” and he’s shirtless curling dumbbells 🥴
- acts like a toddler when your separated from each other. you could be going off to work and he’ll stay jumping at the door waving his arms until you’re down the street and out of his sight
- so later when you approach your doorway after a long days’ work, you better believe he’s running up to the door like a puppy just to give you the biggest welcome home greeting.
- confirmed golden retriever 🦮‼️
- he’s a sucker for romance, rom coms’, etc. anything that remotely reminds him of his relationship with you he’s obsessed with. matching outfits, hugs that sweep you off your feet, and those romantic phrases that leave you a blushing mess every time. 😵‍💫💗
- his pet names can be soo precious. with the way he comments to his fans i have no doubt it isn’t any less special for you. his favorites interchangeably revolve around baby, love, darling- (i can’t write any further i’ll cry).
- pet names with matthew can also be absolutely atrocious though. stink, booger, or some nickname from an embarrassing moment of yours seem very fitting to him. as much as he loves you, making fun of you is one of his top priorities.
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that’s all i can write without making it self-indulgent ✌🏼
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Forms of affection (Son Heung-Min x f!reader headcanons)
Summary: little things Sonny and you would do in a relationship to show affection for each other.
Warnings: established relationship
Author's note: okay so I'm not a writer, i literally just put some things on my phone notes when i'm feeling inspired and that's it ajskajskaj Sonny's got me feeling VERY inspired these days so i wrote these cause he makes me feel super soft 🤧 i hope you enjoy it though! It's all stuff i think he would do in a relationship because he's a precious smol bean 💗 and sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language 🥰
Holding hands
• Sonny isn't very comfortable with PDA
• He's very polite so he always tries to keep it respectful (and poor baby is shy too >.<)
• But one thing he absolutely can't just not do is holding hands
• It's his own simple way of telling the world you belong to him and he belongs to you
• Sometimes when he's with his friends and he takes your hand he blushes a bit because he knows they will tease him
• "Yeah, big boy, go get your girl!" - they tease him when you're not around
• But he doesn't mind because he's really super proud you're "his girl" 💗
• He likes rubbing his thumb over your hand too
• It's like he's saying "everything is okay, I'm here for you and you're here for me"
• And even if he can't hold hands at the moment, he'll always put his hand on the small of your back, just to let you know he's there for you (and to remind himself you're with him too)
Kissing the mole under his eye
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• Sonny has said it himself that he likes the beautymark under his eye so there's no need to hide you love it too
• You think it's sweet and delicate just like him <3
• You like kissing that spot too
• When you're having a day off and watching tv or just laying next to each other you love admiring his features and that tiny mole always stands out to you
• "Close your eyes" - you ask him softly
• When he does, you approach him and kiss right under his eye
• He laughs and when he opens his eyes he says "thank you, my love, but i was expecting that kiss somewhere else" - he says sheepishly
• You can't help but laugh out loud at how adorable he is
• "You're so silly" - you say smiling and then kiss him on the lips just like he wanted hehe
Kissing his wrinkles
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• Needless to say that Sonny laughing is one of the most precious things you've ever seen
• You'll do everything on your reach to make him laugh because it's seriously so heartwarming
• You think it's soooo adorable how his eyes get all wrinkled when he's laughing hard
• When he does that, you grab his face and shower his wrinkles with kisses because you really can't deal with that cuteness
• That makes him laugh even harder so you go on a loop of laughing and kissing AKSLAJSKAJ
• When he's back to normal he'll hug you and kiss you back because he really can't believe he ended up with a kind angel like you
Running your hands through his hair
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• Oh my God, let's talk about Eric Dier's goal Sonny's hair!!
• It's soooo fluffy T.T
• You want to touch it all the time
• When you're chilling at home and he lays his head on your lap or when you have those lazy days staying in bed you love to run your hands through his hair
• And don't get tricked, he loves it too!
• He says it's super relaxing and makes him forget about all the bad stuff
• He will close his eyes and just enjoy it, which is seriously such an angelic sight
• Also when you're talking and you're feeling flirty you'll stand in your tip toes, run your hands through his hair and give him a little kiss
• It makes his heart do a backflip
• "Nonono come back and kiss me again please" hahahah
Saying "i love you"
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• You say lots of "i love you"s but you'd rather show it
• Little gestures of caring that really show how much you love each other
• When he comes home after losing a match and you hug him tightly, he knows it's because you love and support him, and you'll always be by his side no matter what
• Or when you're feeling frustrated because of work and he picks you up, holding you tight
• You feel so safe in his arms and that's because you know how much he loves you
• Also when he scores!
• He wants to keep it safe for both of you, so he won't just let an "i love you" slip, but he'll always do the heart hands or blow kisses to you
• But you do say the words too
• When he's about to leave for a match
• "Go get them, baby, i love you!" - you say and he feels like he could conquer the world for you ❤️
• Or when he travels for the competitions and calls you because he misses you
• "I love you so much, do you know that?"
• Your heart breaks at that because you love him and miss him just as much
• But your fave is when you're in bed, late at night, his hands caressing your face and he goes:
• "(Y/N)?" - he asks, his voice almost a whisper
• "Yeah?" - you reply, nearly asleep
• "Saranghae" - he says, kissing your forehead softly
• That makes your heart feel so warm
• "I love you too, Sonny" - you get closer to him and fall asleep with a big smile and a fluttering heart 💗
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hi, I love your writing💗💗💗
Could I request Heisenberg with an MC who already has a daughter (MC adopted the child before they met Karl).
Maybe with the focus on how he would bond with that kid. Like, how he would act as a father, would he have found it awkward to be around her and so on.
Thank you in advance💗💗💗
Thank you!💖💖 I hope headcanons are alright! And I sincerely hope this is what you were looking for!
Heisenberg with an MC Who Already Has a Daughter Headcanons
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-Truthfully, he would be very uncertain about this whole thing. I mean, Heisenberg never views himself as fathering material, even if the child was his own by birth. So, to practically father someone else’s child gives him fear he’s never felt before.
-Heisenberg would have felt awkward to be around her, but it may or may not have been worse depending on how old she is. A toddler would be something he’d probably unintentionally avoid while a child he could talk to would be better for him to be around.
-But he doesn’t push her away because she is your daughter.
-In fact, you try to comfort his worries because your daughter is adopted. You aren’t her true parent either, so you both are kind of in the same boat. You always give him pointers to bond with her if he needs them.
-He would soon start to bond with her, and it would start after he finds her crying one day. Even though Miranda’s experiment changed him, there was still some human in him that when he heard a crying child, his heart tore and he wanted to comfort her.
-That’s how things started, and he would make some animal shapes out of metal to run around her head. In fact, he uses his powers a lot to bond with her. After all, he can make all sorts of shapes.
-You would just pop in one day to see him telling a story and using a bunch of metal to make props and such. It was an extremely heartwarming sight.
-Heisenberg would be a fiercely protective father, even if the child wasn’t his own. If he can form a close bond with a child, or just anyone in general, he vows to protect them from anything. Heisenberg just has really strong protective instincts.
-He’d leave more of the actual parental care to you, still not really knowing how to be nurturing. But he would always keep a close eye on her, making sure no harm ever comes to her. 
-Perhaps as they bond, he will get better. But just like all things, he would need a lot of time.
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jjkeverlast · 10 months
No cause I've been inactive for idk how long, but i missed you sm😭 and honestly I'm so stressed about some roommate situation i have going on rn idk how is it gonna get okay!
But anyways i just thought i gotta push it away and gocus on positive things in life and good people i have that I'm grateful for.
Also after this experience with roommate, i feel so damn happy about Jk having his Hyungs at that early period of age, i mean he says it that he had good people around growing up I'm so grateful for that🥺💜
Idk whem will get some peace of mind here but imma be okay.
I haven't been too active but your cute small updates make me soo at peace some times, thanksssssss😭
Ik I'm rambling but i needed to tell you this, you've grown on me 😭💜I feel so much better whem i talk to you even though we have a hugee barrier but it's so cool that you connect to people u Don't know, or just idk ily😭🥺
Also, Tannies keep me sane😭💜 i miss them sm 😭
How have you been doing? Did you do something new recently? And how's the job i hope it doesn't tiers u too much
Stay hydrated and healthy ✨️ keep on updating about cute little things like u always do💜
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awww bub it’s okay to be inactive!! tumblr isn’t supposed to be your whole life. we have other things besides it! i’m sorry to hear you’re stressed regarding a roommate situation. ☹️ good thing is that situations come and go and this one will pass in not so long so you’ll get better soon! i’m glad you’re focusing on positive things rather than letting this tear you completely down. that’s really great to hear 💘💘💘
jungkookie growing up with his hyungs is definitely heartwarming cause they truly raised him to be his best self 💗💕💓💗💗💕💖💞 i’m grateful for it too!! right behind you on that.
you’re definitely going to be okay. here to give you a warm hug through the screen whenever you need one! 🫂🫂🫂
my updates make you at peace??? i— i’m gonna sob in the train jesus christ omg 😭😭😭 i had no idea me rambling about fucking nonsense would ever bring comfort of some kind to y’all. i’m so happy they do please, all i want is for everyone to be okay and feel safe on here.
omg baby i love youuuuu!! i feel connected to all of you as well. you guys are on my mind non stop!! i truly love you and thank you for wanting to be on here and follow me along the way. i love hearing from you, brings me such warmth and comfort so thank you 🥺🥺💞💗💖💘
i miss bts as well, so so much!!!! i still watch try not to laugh with bts videos whenever i’m feeling down 🥹
i’ve been a lot better!! my treatment went well so now i’m meeting a friend and afterwards i’ll finish the thursday drabble and upload 🤭🤭 my job is okay, not too stressful but i’m gonna be looking for new jobs! so that’s gonna be exciting!!
i’ll keep you guys updated with anything. no worries on thaaattt 🥹🥹
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fatuismooches · 4 months
Hi!! It's my first time ever slinking over to the Ask box but I just wanted to say—your writing is amazing and it's always makes me kick my feet and giggle like a kid when I come home from studies and see u updated!!! Honestly, I was once an athlete until I had an accident concerning my right foot where I tore all of the tendons in them during a freak fall. I now sort of walk around with a slight limp and struggle walking long distances after a period of no support for my ankle or just in general.
Reading about these short(and LONG) snippets of comfort characters genuinely caring and trying their best to support sickly!reader is sooooo heartwarming that I can't even help but twirl around in my blanket and get cozy laying on my pillow!! Ur such a talented storyteller, don't stop doing what u do!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
ANONNNNN 😭💗💗💗 Thank you so so much for your kind words! They mean a ton to me! I'm very sorry about your accident :( but I'm glad my writing can make you so happy! Your comfort characters would 100% try their best to help you and make your life easier, they wouldn't rest until you've reassured them that it's okay (canon i was there!) I hope to continue to make you twirl around in your blanket :3
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from-izzy · 8 months
about me, myself and i
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call me » izzy or isabelle 💐 she/her
age » 19 🤍 04' liner who shares the same bday with mark tuan! 🎂
location » in your hearts 💘 and in australia 🦘
fluent (but questionable) languages » english, indonesian (writing is VERY questionable)
favourite trope(s) » cliche (is this a trope...?), f2e2l, e2l, rivals2lovers, f2l
kpop fan since » ~2009 (we're in 5th gen? 💀 i'm a fossil)
full-time supporter for » nct (gotta go get 'em!) 💚 tbz (solid gold) ❤️ woodz (you like to be mine?) 💙🧡
part time supporter for (no particular order) » super junior, shinee, snsd, 2ne1, sf9, cravity, seventeen, red velvet, boynextdoor, 2pm, riize, bts, exo, twice, (g)i-dle, aespa, ateez, bigbang, iu, bolbbalgan4, btob, clc, got7, everglow, the rose, gfriend, stray kids, superm, got the beat, pentagon, ikon, monsta x, nu'est, kard, mamamoo, nmixx, oneus, onewe, p1h, verivery
my loves outside of kpop
anime! 💕 haven't watched it for a while but it's a concrete part of my life. all time favs: ansatsu kyoshitsu 🎓 koe no katachi 👥 durarara 🐱
music 🎶 classically trained pianist 🎹 was a contemporary singer but switched to opera! ❤️‍🔥 it's such a big change 🥹😭
languages 💬 all self-learnt (except for english, indonesian and korean!) isn't it interesting how a word has to be changed and can be interpreted differently around the world? 🗺️ next language to learn: australian sign language!
reason for writing!
because of school 🥹 specifically english atar 💔
was averaging ~50-60% (a danger zone) but i didn't want to spend money on tutoring 💸
soon developed into a hobby! 📝💗
now i write because i need to physically see my thoughts 💭 also it's fun to share it 🤭
what kind of author do i want to be?
the one where my readers could think: wait...this is so touching and heartwarming ❤️‍🩹
i want to write stories that could comfort you, make you feel like you're not alone 🫂
on the other hand, maybe have you kicking your legs and punching the air because it's cute? 💗💕
as an author...
i want to 'experiment' with certain topics (not sure how to explain it...kind of like mixing real life situations...?)
i guess in a way...they heavily relate to me (basically using writing to vent out my feelings)
what kind of topics? well...guess you'll have to find out!
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1d1195 · 11 months
i just got the chance to catch up and read the last two chapters of traditional and ugh i dont know where to start. i dont even think i have or will ever able to find the correct and accurate words to describe how much i love this whole story. my heart feels so full, i absolutely admire the way the story developed, how you carefully crafted their characters and let them ever so slowly show their feelings for each other. it was/is such a beautiful process to read. because what i appreciate most about all of that was how natural it ended up being, they didnt confess anything in an unnatural or unfitting way, everything flowed so smoothly, fitting their characters, just *chefs kiss*.
i am absolutely dead serious when i say this is one of my absolute favorite stories ***ever***, not just on tumblr, like ever. period. and i dont just know but i will make sure that i come back to this story every once in a while to re-read it.
as angsty and heartbreaking some parts were, it also gave a great amount of comfort when things got rough, which was so so so heartwarming and felt like the biggest hug. because whenever her heart broke apart they found their way back to each other and knew how to comfort each other. and when her heart broke even more and shattered into the smallest pieces she fortunately again found her way back to him and they worked it through, his hold and hug around her pushed all the fallen pieces back to its place. she could breathe and smile and feel again.
i am gonna stop my rambling and long ask now. i am excited to read more of your fantastic writing and even more excited for the rest of this story and maybe hopefully even some extras in the future to re-visit them. nevertheless, thank you so so so much from the bottom of my heart for taking time to write and publish your stories, you are doing an amazing job, and i hope you have as much joy writing as we have reading!!! sending you hugs and kissies, mwahhh xxx
<333 💗💗💗
You are the sweetest. Please, please, please ramble as much as you want, whenever you want. This is so so lovely. I'm so grateful you're enjoying. I know it doesn't seem like much to send a message, but I do not get as many comments/likes as some of the other writers on tumblr. I know it's not a competition but I try REALLY hard to share my ideas as much as possible just because I like to make people happy and just forget about everything but Harry for a while.
I do really enjoy writing. I had no idea this couple I've been writing about would be so popular! I'm so glad you're enjoying the progression of their relationship. I certainly have been falling a little more in love with them each time I write about them.
Thank you SO much for reading and sending such a kind message. Messages like these are why I keep posting even when I feel like my writing isn't doing as well as I hoped.
I'm hoping to post the next part tomorrow and I hope you enjoy it (but it might be a little angsty)!
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heyitsdoe · 2 years
Heya Doe! 💗 I am sliding in your askbox to put in a request, if I may? 😊 May I please request how the mochi husband Katakuri, Killer, and Mihawk (totally not requesting your favorites so you can be self indulgent hehe) would react to a s/o who showers them in love and affection, like compliments and physical touch? No worries if you don’t want to do this request ^^ Thank you so much! ❤️ Not gonna lie, I was tempted to request NSFW but I’m trying not to be horny today
Heeeey, sorry it took me so long to get around to this one! I have done a similar one for Mihawk on this post, but here are Killer and Katakuri for you! ^_^ (And for me, lol)
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Charlotte Katakuri
After years of keeping people an arm's length away--both to protect his family and to protect his secret--Katakuri is in desperate need of a lot of affection. He's starved of it, and if you're more than willing to provide, dear lord he's grateful.
That's not to say he knows what to do when you actually do show him all that love. He tends to freeze up when he feels your fingers on his skin, your warmth against his body. He's always just a little overwhelmed, because how did he get so lucky?
He does try to hide it, but that scarf doesn't cover all of his face. Give him compliments--ones that don't have anything to do with how strong he is, especially--and you'll see the tips of his ears go red. He'll probably try to deflect all of your kind words back, saying that you were more deserving of them.
In private, he can be less stiff about accepting your advances, where prying eyes aren't watching. He feels more comfortable showing you--just you--that every touch, every kind word, he keeps close to his heart and cherishes it so much.
Through particularly stressful days, he remembers every moment. And when he finally gets a chance to be with you, alone and in the comfort of home, he relishes the new touches, the new compliments, and he smiles big just for you.
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What can he say? The big guy is a sucker for some physical affection. The mask keeps his expressions hidden, so you can't always be sure that you're getting a reaction out of him, but rest assured he's blushing.
He gets a little confidence boost, to know that you're so affectionate all the time. Even with the mask in place, that you still love him so much. He needs that reassurance, every once in awhile.
His favorite are your hugs. The long ones, even the quick little ones that you give right before you have to go and do something else. It stays in his head, the way you squeeze him just before you let go.
He'll try to tease you back, since he feels he has to keep up the strong and unaffected face in front of the crew. As if they don't already know how much of a softy for you he really is, but they let him pretend otherwise, if only to preserve his badass reputation somehow.
Killer is very doting on you in return, when he finds those little private moments during the day. He loves seeing the way you react, loves knowing that you find it just as heartwarming as he does. God, he just loves you.
Tag List: @mythyme20, @undercoverweeeb, @reokyu14, @sagethebootythrasher, @dirtydiavolo, @doubleohsandwich, @rosiinante, @m00nlight101, @lilmilkmaiden, @byjessicalotufo, @miss-taura, @mochidoll57, @musgozoro, @bottlepiecemuses, @starrybrujita
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tommyfroggie · 2 years
Petey🥺{Peter Parker}
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Word Count: 700
Warnings: periods, a whole lot of fluff, one mention of sex??
Summary: On one of those days, where you feel intense pain, all you want is to cuddle Peter and sleep.
Pairing: Peter Parkerx Avenger!Reader
It was hell. Actually that's a bit of an understatement. It was the second day of your period and it was absolutely unbearable. It felt like your stomach was twisting itself. Horrible.
So you were here, curled up on the couch, on top of Peter. You were laying on his chest, both your legs tangled together. You lay there listening to his heart beat, and for a while, it worked wonders to distract you from the terrible pain.
He ran his hands through your hair, soothing you. Your eyes were closed, while he was staring at the TV right in front of him.
You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your stomach and you whined looking up at him through teary eyes. It had never been so worse.
The moment you told him you got your period yesterday, he was all caring and soft like any other best friend would be. He loved you and truly cared about your well being.
He looked down at you and he felt so hurt to see you like this. It hurt even more knowing, there was nothing he could do to make the pain go away.
"Petey" You whispered, tears dropping down your face.
"Aw noooo Y/n, I'm so sorry" He sat up, bringing you along with him and you burried your head in the crook of his neck, silently sobbing.
He caressed your head and whispered sweet nothings to calm you down.
You and Peter had always been very touchy. It's just how your relationship was. You would always comfort him in his low times as well. Like that one time when he came to know that MJ had a boyfriend. You held him in your arms and let him be sad there all day. You told him he deserved better and it's true, he did.
So yeah, even though you both have made it abundantly clear that you are just friends, seeing you both so close to each other, every person in the Avengers tower teases you two. And damn, one time Bucky asked you guys if you have had sex, that was awkward. So it becomes too much some times.
"I'm really, really sorry sweetheart. I- Is there anything I can do?" He asked softly, still holding you. That was a nickname he picked out for you throughout the years
You calmed your sobbing a bit and looked at him through teary eyes, "I just wanna go to my room and sleep. Cuddles please?"
"Of course, Angel" He kissed your forehead and wiped your tears away. He picked you up, holding you firmly, on his way to your room and then Steve spotted you guys in the hallway. You were already dead asleep in Peter's arms by then.
Let's just say Steve's a huge shipper but he was also like a father figure to you ever since you joined the Avengers. The moment he saw you he was about to make some sort of comment when Peter interrupted.
"She's on her period... so just, don't"
Steve nodded in understanding, you looked really peaceful in his arms and he wanted to let that be so he moved out of the way but before Peter left, he whispered something in Peter's ears.
"If you ever go for it and ask Y/n, you have my blessing"
And Peter ran away before he had to come up with a reply. He just hoped you didn't hear or see that, he was blushing mad.
"You know I'm really lucky to have you. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you so much" He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He opened the door with his foot and gently let you rest on your bed, still asleep.
"Might just take Mr. Rogers up on that offer. Some day..."
He put the covers up on you and got underneath with you, placing his arm around your waist and slowly massaging until he too, went in deep sleep next to you.
There were moments like this that were so heartwarming, you both wished you could hold on forever.. And hopefully, soon, Peter musters up the courage to ask you out ;)
This is pure fluff. lemme know ur thoughts. Reblogs are appreciated💗
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crescentfool · 3 years
that ryomina knitting scene (and some headcanons)
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i love this screencap of ryomina knitting together as a part of the helper’s club montage.
one of the immediate observations one can make about this scene is how ryoji and minato are knitting with the color that’s central to each other’s design. ryoji is working with minato’s blue, and minato is working with ryoji’s yellow.
but my personal favorite takeaway from this tiny moment is seeing how proficient ryoji is at knitting. i feel that it just offers some nice food for thought about ryoji and some soft ryomina headcanons.
i like to interpret knitting as a peaceful type of hobby- one that is soothing and comforting. so in my eyes, knitting could be a comfort hobby for ryoji! when placed in context of his relationship with minato- i can see ryoji treating it as a love language of sort, in which he likes to give minato personalized gifts that affirm his existence.
and as such- i like to think it could’ve been possible for ryoji to knit a matching scarf for minato (he could have possibly knitted his own scarf, perhaps!). none of minato’s outfits featured in the movies feature any scarves to keep him warm, and maybe this is just my own bias toward winter fashion, but it’d suit minato! nothing beats ryoji going to the effort to make a personalized gift for minato to help him stay warm.
on a tangentially related subject- i also think that if these two were to live together, it’d be really cute for them to adopt some kittens/cats. and ryoji’s proficiency with knitting could also extend to them as well.
now, lastly, some december ryomina thoughts (continued under the cut for anyone who would like to avoid spoilers):
with the headcanon that ryomina have matching scarves (courtesy of ryoji’s very wonderful knitting), i like to think that the scarf that ryoji knitted for minato would act as “tangible proof” that their relationship existed and was real. as ryoji disappears on the full moon at the start of december- the scarf becomes the only remnant of ryoji that minato has.
and as such, minato decides to safeguard the scarf by wearing it at all times. this way, it’s as if ryoji is still with him and at his side. i find that handcrafted items and the like often carry a personal meaning- it’s the essence of love as there’s no other item quite like that.
when ryoji finally returns on december 31st to ask minato what his decision is- i think it would be a heartwarming from his perspective to see that minato has still held onto the scarf. it’s one of the ways that their relationship has manifested itself into a physical form, and proof of their bond.
and that’s all! i love the knitting scene even if it only lasts for a few seconds. please let ryoji knit to his heart’s content because the dude honestly seems like he’d enjoy stupidly simple things in life. he’s so earnest and i think he places a lot of value in the beauty of humanity thanks to his time spent inside of minato as pharos! i think he’d enjoy being around humans and learning the simple pleasures of life.
thanks for coming to my ryomina ted talk, this had no right to be this long but alas it is. feel free to hmu with your own hcs too or share posts with me! i’d love to see them and i’d definitely like to make more posts like this in the future. 💗
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x-nephophile-x · 3 years
For the prompt list, could i please request
25. “I think you’re beautiful.”
For Johnny and a plus sized female V?
Im just so in my feelings about the bastard man i want to scream, plus i love your writing! It was so hard to pick only one prompt 😩💗
So, I’m plus-sized in real life and I carry most of my weight in my stomach. I have always been self conscious, but some days are just worse than others. It was actually, in a way, both really difficult and really eye-opening to write this?  I don’t know, I went through a journey trying to crank this out because I had imposter syndrome (Gasp, but what if I’m not plus-sized enough to call myself plus-sized???? As if that makes a lick of sense), then I had worries that it was too focused on V being plus-sized, and then I felt like I really wanted to run with this comforting thing that was opening my eyes to maybe not being so harsh on myself for how I look and my recent bad day over how I look to the point that I just wanted to cry, and I don’t know, it was a Wild Ride, hoo boy.   So that’s my rambling done, I hope this is okay!! I ended up using my recent bad self-image day as inspiration so its a lil angsty, lil hurt/comfort-y, lil heartwarming? (but like what else do I write???) oafkeoafk take it off of me pls
“Fuck’s sake,” V finally mutters, hands slipping underneath the hem of the tank top, yanking it up over her head roughly and tossing it behind her, where it lands helplessly on the tile floor, sure to be a bed for Nibbles given a few minutes.
“Agreed.” Johnny mutters, materializing by the closet doors, his eyes aimed at the front door. “You’ve been digging in there for ten minutes, just pick something and let’s hit the road.”
“Shut up.” V tosses casually, then holds another shirt up. No, the material is tight, breathable sure, but it’ll hug her too much. She shakes her head and tosses it to join the first. “I’m going to see the Peralezes, I wanna’ at least look nice.”
“So, pick something.”
“Nothing looks good.”
“Jesus, V.” Johnny sighs, turning to eye the abandoned shirts. “What’s wrong with these?”
“They’re too… I don’t know, form-fitting.”
“And the problem with that is…?” Johnny teases as she tosses a glance over her shoulder at him, sees the small smirk on his lips. She scoffs, turns to eye the closet once more.
“Johnny, you have actually seen what I look like, right?”
“Is that a trick question?” Johnny questions, his voice drifting over her shoulder as he takes steps to close the distance.
“I just—” She wants to say she doesn’t have the confidence today. Normally she doesn’t give a fuck about how she looks, she adores her body, as she should, and then other days, well, other days she just wants to hide under a large, baggy hoodie and say fuck it.
Her nerves are lit up, her stomach in knots over this damn meeting, which doesn’t help. Going into biz with corpos always feels like entering a shark tank, and somehow it always makes her feel both too small and powerless and far, far too obtrusive, like she doesn’t belong. That, on top of her thoughts whirling as she eyes the mirror, unsure if she can stand herself, feel like too much for one day and its only 10 A.M. It’s a bad self-image day, she knows that, can feel it in her bones, but it isn’t like she has a lot of time left to waste, so she can’t conceivably call Elizabeth and reschedule; you just don’t do that with a client if you can help it, especially one in Elizabeth’s position.
No, today is just one of those days where she feels too big for every shirt she considers, like she’s taking up too much space in the world, and all it makes her want to do is to crawl inside herself.
“No, I felt that.” Johnny says too quickly, and then a wave of regret hits her out of nowhere, an echo almost, and fades just as quickly as it came, so quick she can believe she imagined it from the start. She turns to face Johnny fully, arms wrapped around herself to hide from someone inside her, the very concept making her feel downright crazy for it. She meets his dark eyes, which are wide and dart away, unwilling to meet her gaze.
“I felt that little…twinge as you changed your mind…I think.”
His words are enough to freeze her in place and dry out her throat. “Oh.”
A beat passes, both unwillingly to address the emotions that they sensed, until Johnny finally breaks the silence, completely willing instead to change the subject. “What were you gonna’ say?”
“Nothing, you-you wouldn’t get it anyways.” She finally says, uncrossing her arms to eye the shirt in her hands as her fingers play over the dark fabric, press into the faded letters on it.
“Try me?” Its not a command, it’s a request, one he gives as he leans on the closet to urge her to meet his eyes, hand reaching out to gently stroke her shoulder.
The warmth it gives, however imagined, its enough to finally draw the words out of her.
“I mean, I don’t know, I wanna’ look… confident maybe? Pretty? Threatening? All three? Going into this thing but… I don’t know, look at me.” She finally settles on that as she lets her arms fall to her sides, her words pouring out in a stuttering way that makes her sound like a child.
Johnny does as she asks though.
His eyes linger, roll their way up from her legs to her thighs to her stomach to her breasts to finally meet her eyes. “You look all three to me as it is, so let’s head out, you dressed like that. That’ll definitely impress the Peralezes.”
She scoffs, face hot, too hot, and she wonders if he can feel it too. She ducks her head, brings the shirt up to eye it again. “It’s just one of those days, Johnny, I just…”
She tries to put it into words and then stops, instead just focusing on the feelings, like she’s too much and not enough, being told what to look like, what to achieve to feel beautiful, what it means to be beautiful, how she just isn’t—
“Oh V,”
Before she can even address it, she feels his fingers caress her cheek, slide gently down to cup her chin, urging her to meet his eyes. Reluctantly, she does and the look he gives her isn’t pity, it isn’t judging, it’s kind, open, adoring, and full of so, so much love that the very feeling radiating off of him, through her—
“I think you’re beautiful. You are, and nothing, no one, should ever make you feel like you aren’t.” He says softly and it brings the veil of tears to her eyes.
She reaches up to grip his wrist, run her fingers over his skin and the feeling of love overwhelms her until she can’t help but smile. “Thank you.” She finally says, meeting his gaze.
He snorts, cups her cheek with a smile. “C’mon, wear your favorite shirt, dress, jeans, whatever, fuckin’ own it. Who cares what the hell anyone else has to say about it? And if anyone does say anything, well, put me in the driver’s seat and I’ll gladly knock their fuckin’ teeth out.”
She lets out a laugh that sends her head back. If anyone had told her that she’d be laughing like this with this damn tapeworm in her mind, Johnny fucking Silverhand himself, she’d have punched them in their face. But this? This is warm and nice and everything she could ever ask for in a friend, a lover.
“Now that I’d pay money to see.” She finally says, reaching in to grab her favorite tank top, slides it on and eyes herself in the mirror. Fuck what anyone says, thinks, especially her mind on the bad days. She can do that.
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