retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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utaesthetics · 26 days
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posted by Black Death Nostalgia
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aquatic-hybrid · 3 months
Hyperblast Cartridges
He has tested this type of cartridges over and over, loading them with a special type of pyromancy magic that focused more on overwhelming magical power. Over the course of time, Akio has blown himself up multiple times with them, sometimes causing more injury to himself than the actual targets. But today it was all going to change, feeling like he finally got the perfect amount of magic within it, now it was time to test it. And what better way to test such powerful cartridge than in a dangerous combat mission?
The mission itself was simple, a large mutated monster has been spotted on the lower parts of Zaun. Those who have bothered going down to hunt it have either never returned, or came back with more parts missing than before. A perfect opportunity for Akio and his dangerous level of confidence to be on display.
Akio wasn't wasting any time against this mission, the loud rushing footsteps of the Hybrid as he ran down the streets of Zaun. Occasionally jumping over boxes, rapidly hopping over a fence, and actually forcefully opening up a gated door with a shoulder check. All while he carried an overconfident smile and the rush of adrenaline of a combat encounter against something much bigger than him.
After climbing on a rooftop to scope out the path ahead, Akio took the time to talk to himself about the mission. "Okay, first step, find the area where mister monster man is. Second step, beat up any small, simple grunts that may be in the way. Third step, use the Hyberblast cartridges and turn the monster into ash! Is just that easy!" Akio hyped himself up, all before noticing a smooth and big enough rail going down directly to where he needed to go.
A brilliant idea spawned in his head.
With even less hesitation than before, Akio rushed over to it and instead of using the cart attached to the rail, he instead jumped on the cable itself and began sliding down further into Zaun. The mental map he had of the area was already highlighting the path to his destination. This way was much faster and allegedly better in every way possible.
"ALRIGHT!!" Akio actually yelled out loud as he kept sliding down this rail with nothing but his balance and reckless skill. The sparks coming under his feet, subtly lighting his path downwards before spotting something near the end of the path. A check point where a group of people seemed to be stationed. Which was odd, for all Akio knew, no one really kept an eye out for these things. While he was getting closer to the checkpoint at a rapid degree, he caught a glimpse at a sigil one of them had on their back. One that matched the graffiti that is being used to mark territory for this monster.
Just like that, Akio found the perfect path forward. There was never a time to think in these situations, and this was not going to be any different, as Akio was already aiming for one of the grunts to land on. True to his swashbuckling nature, an explosive entrance was the ONLY way Akio could start a battle.
Which naturally is what happened.
"Mercenary Second Class!!" Akio called out seconds before using the momentum of his rail sliding to jump. Aiming directly at an unsuspecting grunt who barely had any time to turn around along with the other four that were present. "Akio on the job-!"
Landing exactly on the grunt's chest, Akio's kick and momentum launched the poor sod and Akio himself so far down the alleyway that they crashed against some boxes. Causing a rather sizable cloud of smoke and dust to bloom out. While the other grunts were completely confused at what just happened. Within the smoke, very loud and very rapidly approaching steps were heard.
Coming out with a trail behind him, Akio caught a glimpse at the four remaining grunts in front of him. Two of them wielding metal clubs, One of them had a type of makeshift rifle on their back, and the last one carried with them a scrap-made machete. Nothing Akio couldn't really handle, all things considered.
Instantly reaching for his gunblade strapped to his back, he rushed the one that had the scrap machete. The grunt barely had time to unstrap their weapon from their hip before Akio already swung at them with a diagonal-down slash. A loud -click- sound came from his weapon before a trail of explosive fire followed him his swing, completely knocking the weapon off of their hand. Following the same momentum, Akio did a full spin and slashed upwards with the same force and -click- from his weapon. Creating an X trail of fire in front of Akio as he dispatched the grunt, such attack sent it flying towards the wall and fully took them out.
That's two down, three to go. Continuing his assault, he could hear the other three grunts quickly scrambling for their weapons to counter-attack Akio's ambush. The rifle grunt took a couple of steps back as they loaded their weapon and took aim, which directly became harder to do thanks to the two metal club-wielding grunts rushing Akio.
Quick with his reaction time, Akio went in to meet one of them with a weapon clash to block their swing with his gunblade. Leaving him open for a swing from the second club, at least that was the plan, as the second swing was caught by Akio's right hand. Redirected by a quick pull, causing the second club user to stumble to the side, using this movement Akio continued his assault. Deflecting the follow-up swing from the first club user with a well-timed parry, allowing Akio to retort with a pummel strike from his weapon. Landing the blow on the grunt's face, they staggered for a second, Akio clenched his right fist and landing a heavy right hook to their chin. Knocking them out
Three put to sleep, two still swinging. Akio kept tabs on his head of his opponents, the rifleman quickly firing a shot at him. But barely missing, as Akio was still mid-movement from his previous right hook. The second club wielder ran at him with clear lethal intent, yelling some sort of string of profanities before trying to land an overhead slam on Akio. One so incredibly predictable that all Akio did was side-step to their left, even adding a little flair as he spun while doing so. However, the spin wasn't just for show as it gave Akio an extra bit of power to the straight kick he was aiming at the grunt's side, causing their club to be thrown high up to the sky.
Hearing the familiar chambering of a bullet being made, Akio instinctively turned around and placed the flat-end of his gunblade forward near his neck and chest area. The sudden push of a bullet being blocked by his weapon reminded him that there was still one more. Looking over at them, they were clearly frantic with their movement. Dropping the next bullet to the ground, shaking hands, Akio wasn't sure if they were actually panicking, or they were high on some drug at this point. Looking up, Akio saw the club falling towards him.
Without much thought, Akio reached out and caught the falling weapon, then looked back at the Rifleman just about to load a third bullet. "Hey buddy! Duck!!" Akio called out before throwing the metal club at the Rifleman, landing the throw right on their forehead with a satisfying bonk.
After being satisfied with this warm up, Akio stood up straight and his gunblade around his palm a couple of times before latching it back to the magnet on his back. Securing the weapon in place once more. "That's that, time to find mister big guy." Akio said to himself before starting to run down the path he cleared. Finding more graffiti that matched with the sigil he was after, meaning the monster from his contract was getting closer with each step.
The deeper he delved into this part of the city, the more he noticed the terrible conditions things truly were. It felt like the entire place was held together by poor welding and prayers. Regardless, this served Akio to practice his free running as he kept jumping, sidestepping and climbing over any obstacles on his way. It has been a while since he did such activities, ever since he left Bilgewater. So this was a very odd blessing in disguise.
Once reaching the edge of a street overlooking an apparent dumpsite for spare parts, Akio noticed how the place was littered by paper and graffiti of the monster's sigil. Meaning this must be the place it resides in, "Great, one small cut and I might need to get a new shot back in a Piltovian clinic. Gods know how filthy this place is." Jumping over the rail that kept any normal person from falling, Akio slid down the tilted wall and jumped at the last second to avoid landing on any metal junk.
Landing on the rocky dirt of this place, Akio began to walk around to find this monster. He could hear strange movement coming from the metal rubble, so it didn't take him long to find the source of the sounds.
What he saw was barely a monster in a more literal sense, what he was described was a reddish monster with tentacles and some metal protecting it. But what he is actually seeing is something very different. Before him was a rather large but skinny robot, the outer shells of it were clearly damaged and most of it was missing, revealing the thick red wiring within and the exposed electrical components.
Whatever it was running on was some sort of purple and red coolant, its face was fully mechanical and squarish, some lights on the front of it barely made a face to begin with, being mostly lights facing one direction. Maybe the reason they described it as a Monster and not a Rogue Automaton, was because of the way it moved. Due to most of the metal shell being missing and the already damaged parts being exposed for a while, the movements were sloppy, it was like seeing a noddle trying to walk. Akio was surprised it hasn't tipped over or collapsed under its own weight.
Regardless, it was time to finish the job and begin the battle. Reaching for his gunblade, Akio rushed the Mechanical Monster with his sights on the red cables exposed on its legs. In a sudden twitch of movements, the Mechanical being instantly locked into Akio as it stood back and slapped some metal sheets his way to stop his advance. Seeing the incoming projecticles, Akio quickly slashes a few of them out of the way but was forced to slow down to avoid anything else landing on him.
Strange broken noises came from the machine, the scrapping of metal and rubber clashed together to make a sounds barely resembling a roar of some kind. It was hard on the ears, but Akio couldn't let himself flinch at it, dodging out of the way as another set of metal was throw at his position. He needed to close the distance fast, still needing to be sharp enough to avoid the projectiles from the Machine.
The moment Akio was almost within reach of it, the Machine swiped at his legs with its jagged and barely hanging metalic arm. Forcing Akio to jump upwards to avoid it, doing a necesary flip to build momentum, Akio slammed his weapon down against the metal head of the Machine. Making a decent dent, but overall not that much damage to it, not before returning the favor and swapping Akio away from it. Thankfully landing on dirt, Akio rolled back to regain his stance and return to his feet.
Rushing once more, Akio circled around it to avoid direct swiping or metal being tossed his way. It partially worked, as the Machine now controted in an unatural way to swing one of its legs to Akio. Seeing the attack coming, Akio hopped over the attack and slashed down at the exposed caples. He did felt a bit of a zap from them, but the slash was enough to cause the Machine to retreat its leg back. Taking this chance Akio dashed forward. Blocking the downwards swing from one of its arms, Akio now realized a critical detail from this Rogue Machine. All the red that seemed to be staning it wasn't any type of coolant, but some type of blood as drops of it landed on his face the moment his blade blocked and cut some of the cables.
Quickly falling back, Akio wiped away the blood from his face and focused back into the fight. While slashing the wires was a good idea, he couldn't keep letting himself get zapped in return every time. Looking at the dent that he left on the Machine's forehead, he assumed that destorying it would cause the machine to sieze entirely. Adding the fact that the dent itself showed that in can be damaged that way, the metal must not be as strong as he assumed.
So his target was now set, damage the metal head enough that it will shut itself down. Dashing towards the Machine again, Akio saw it swipe at his legs once more and forcing him to jump. Giving another perfect shot and flip at his head, this time however, the -click- from his gunbreaker went off with a trigger pull. Making the swing much harder now that it was empowered by his third pyro cartridge. Causing to stagger backwards without it being able to counter attack this time.
"Only two shots left before needing to reload" Akio thought to himself, aware that his two last Cartridges were unique. As the next one was one empowered by Noelle's magic, letting him have access to her magic could come in handy. And the last bullet being the Hyperblast one, if anything he needed to make that one count the most. Specially against the Machine.
His thoughts were quickly interrupted, the sound of loud crushing metal snapped him back to the Machine. Seeing it clutch some scrap metal with quite the ferocious strenght, Akio didn't want to know what it would feel like to be grabbed by it. He could hear some sort of valve or piston from within it that made its grab lethal to someone made of flesh like him.
Nevertheless, Akio met the projectiles head on as he was able to swipe away most of them. But the moment he cut the last projectile away, he was now in the way of a ravid charge from the Machine. Faced with a third swipe to his legs, Akio naturally jumped to avoid it again. Only to instantly realized that the Machine predicted his dodge this time, seeing its left claw reach over to grab him mid air. If he were to be caught by that, he would be in some serious trouble, a grab from this Machine would be crippling or even lethal depending on where he gets grabbed.
In a split second choice, Akio -clicked- the trigger of his gunblade to activate Noelle's magic. Allowing him to creat a semi-transucent magical step below him, letting Akio catch himself mid-air and channel some magic into it. Strong enough to allow him to jump again, something else came to mind. Recalling something his own wife taught him, Akio put some extra muscle into his jump and was surprised by how far upwards he went. Seems like a litle magic and muscle was truly the right balance for a jump that high.
As nature has it, all things that go up, eventually come down. And Akio was now diving straight into the Machine's head with gunblade in hand. The Machine barely had time to look up before Akio impaled its head by one of its lenses, shoving the gunblade a good distance before pulling the trigger one last time.
The massive explosive that came from the Hyperblast Cartridge was intense, it blew the body of the Machine clean into the ground, and the nearest wall, and most of the junk in the area. It even left an X mark under itself where the blast met hard ground. Meanwhile Akio was once again flying over the air, familiar with how this type of Cartridge makes him fly, Akio twirled mid-air to fix himself and land on his feet, parts of the Machine still impaled on his wepaon.
"That's is one hard shutdown for you bud." Akio commented as he dusted himself off and saw the absolute wreck the Machine became. On the outside, he was standing proud of his comment and combat, yet internally, he could feel his left arm very rapidly becoming numb after taking such an impact head on. But he won't let that stop him.
Right now, he collected whatever part of the head was left and stored on his jacket. This was going to be worth one hell of a reward back at the Zaunite mission center. And one hell of a story tell the others.
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estradasphere · 6 months
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saturniade · 2 years
the witcher books were the first books I managed to read on my own (grew up with b reading issues) and I am so excited to see someone making twbook content.... here is your crown queen 👑
waaaahhh thank you so much!!! it's so good to see fellow witcher book enjoyers you cannot imagine........ id been meaning to get into witcher for a while and finally started reading the books in march after i left my fail job (im still looking in the direction of the games but my laptop will not handle them i am pretty sure lol). honestly the books are VERY engrossing & great and i really enjoy sapkovkys writing style, tongue-in-cheek comedy and worldbuilding even tho the later plot-ful books were kind of overwhelming with characters, devastation & violence and fantasy politics. im glad you enjoy my silly little arts!!!!!! here are some bite-sized fancontents re:the book:
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^ a SILLY one for the whole gang!!! i like ciri when she's a little girl. the whole plotline with ciri's child was fucking no exagerration BONKERS and while it was caprivating i DON'T want to think about it too much. she shouldve had a childhood is what i think.
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^ this one i drew under the impression of that scene from The Last Wish where jaskier suddenly appears from a portal and geralts like JASKIER !!! and jaskiers like GERALT !!! and i remember half-distinctly the book mentioning they held hands in some way and that #bestie moment made me very happy.
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^ this is a crossover vision of mine and i do like it plenty (jaskier and yennefer established relationship !!). to add to the tweets, geralt would be a many-times-reincarnated vampire hunter and ciri would be a fresh and new vampire hunter who is also a vampire cause she's awesome like that. regis is a vampire in this au too but he doesnt do much he is basically geralts weed dealer and a cool guy to hangout with.
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pekodayz · 1 year
(blinks like chameleon) i got nothing done today
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I kinda hated "Slaughtering the Faithful" when it came out, and it's still my least favorite of Pessimist's albums, but I came back to it recently and honestly it's pretty great for what it is... Just a gnarly slab of trillion-mile-per-hour vaguely "Blackened" hyperblast, cut from the same cloth as Krisiun, "None So Vile" era Cryptopsy, and early Kataklysm.
First two groove way harder, but I dunno... Sometimes you're just in the mood to blast as fast as humanly possible and that's fine too.
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mobofficial · 1 year
what can i say about mogami keiji that has not already been said !!!!!!!!!!!! he serves as a really well written foil to mob and introduces concepts and ideas that- while he does execute to the extreme due to his inability to accept change or offer chances of redemption instead of teaching permanent lessons- do hold some valid points muddled within his whole nihilism deal that resonate within mob and are important to the story actually.
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like this is really interesting!!!! granted mogami keiji is hyperblasting projections onto mob due to the way he lived in life as a victim of circumstance compared to mob who had people who loved him to fall back onto struggling with slightly similar gripes surrounding his psychic powers that mogami is insane about but he does sort of make a point here.
whether mob really realizes it or not despite his attempts to live as psychic power free as possible when it comes to his interpersonal relationships they DO have an effect on his life and mentality. subconsciously he does have a last resort when it comes to solving his problems and the mogami arc really focuses in on mob learning to embrace this part of him that others have chosen to show kindness to. while having psychic powers doesn't make you more or less special and doesn't determine your worth circumstances can change how prominent or significant it is in your life. leading back to the message about how others who love you unconditionally will love every part of you and embrace them as a core part of you rather than see them as obstacles or things to be wary of.
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also really interesting is how. genuinely sad mogami's worldview is. for all we know this might not even be the case and spirit powerscaling could rely on something completely different emotional response or not but the way mogami turns completely towards stress and negative emotions being the cause for immense spiritual power using himself as an analogy has a lot to say about how miserable he is.
a big chunk of mogami arc is focusing on how stewing in all the negative aspects of the world and refusing to embrace change makes you. a sad person. life is about living girlies and making attempts to heal and be vulnerable and honest to others to form emotional connection is something difficult but brave. and to value the connections already established in our lives is something to be grateful about and cherish
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lot to say about mogami keiji being a victim of circumstance and his unbridled pessimism taking over both his life and afterlife until he starts to pursue settling grudges as a way of self validation and gratification under the guise of vengeance but what i will say is that though bad people exist in this world good people do too and to cherish those who treat you kindly will do you many favors
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love you mob psycho forever and always. anyways uhh uhhhh your qualities don't make you special or determine your worth but they do impact how you live your life and the connections you make with other people both positively and negatively. and it's important to cherish people who accept these qualities as parts of you and embrace you as a whole because i don't know go live laugh love
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omgnoabsolutelynot · 1 year
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I had an idea of Bao-Dur listening to the angriest, screamiest, nastiest metal imaginable to focus while he’s meditating. This was probably way funnier in my head, but ah well, enjoy Bao-Dur smiling anyway.
(If you’re curious, he’s listening to Pandemonic Hyperblast by Anaal Nathrakh - https://youtu.be/lS3xmhxhKS8)
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tumbwr · 1 year
Fire-Lightning Hyperblast btw
Eats it . effortlessly
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utaesthetics · 1 year
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studiousbotanist · 27 days
starting to think I shouldntve been nervous and told my doc I wanted something for anxiety And depression but it had been so long I worried I was gonna hyperblast my noggin 😂😭 but I think since my anxiety is starting to feel more controlled the depression is hitting harder . I might just be tired though
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lp-23 · 6 months
What is Hyperblast vs. Worthy&Cautious?
Who is longevity, proworks, and dash of chaos?
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theart2rock · 9 months
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MELODIC DEATH INFERNO In den letzten 30 Jahren sind die kanadischen Hyperblast-Pioniere Kataklysm zu einer führenden Macht im brutalsten und kraftvollsten Genre des Heavy Metal geworden. Die italienischen Kollegen von Fleshgod Apocalypse begeistern die Szene derweil mit ihrer raffinierten Mischung aus technischem Death Metal und symphonischen Elementen. Gemeinsam werden die beiden Bands im Z7 für eine infernalische Metal-Sause sorgen. Quelle: Z7 Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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