utahlive · 2 years
Omg!!! Hello everyone in UTAH!! 👋😁 sir wilbur soot, What's your toughs on politics and those dictatorial presidents?
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Thank you for the question, ghostburface!
Due to the nature of the speech Wilbur Soot gave, we we’re unable to keep the remainder of this episode on air! The amount of profanity and political ideologies that I just witnessed is honestly a little bit terrifying! Tune in tomorrow for more!
[transcript below]
Caller ghostburface:
Omg!!! Hello everyone in UTAH!! 👋😁 sir wilbur soot, What's your toughs on politics and those dictatorial presidents?
Wilbur Soot:
Oh I’ll give you my ----ing thoughts-
[editorial note: rest of speech has been redacted].
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blitzgamev · 2 years
Happy four hundred and ninety-two months in limbo ghostbur :D
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johziii · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
my tumblr top 10 for 2023! happy new year’s eve/new year’s day everyone 🎉 i hope you have a great start to 2024 and that it provides you special memories to come 🤍
1. 1,466 notes - Aug 30 2023
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2. 983 notes - Dec 25 2023
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3. 947 notes - Feb 16 2023
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4. 803 notes - May 10 2023
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5. 750 notes - Jun 7 2023
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6. 726 notes - Oct 27 2023
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7. 706 notes - Nov 13 2023
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8. 700 notes - May 24 2023
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9. 678 notes - May 17 2023
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10. 668 notes - Jan 2 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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ariesbilly · 8 months
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I thought everyone's favorite goober deserved some extra love, and for his birthday no less! So I've put together a little appreciation week :) Prompts will be listed below but feel free to post whatever you like. You do not have to adhere to any rules except making Dacre content, whether that be gifs, graphics, video edits, fan art, whatever your creative mind comes up with!
And make sure to tag your posts with #dacreappreciationweek so that I can reblog your work/other people can see!
nov 16 - favorite role
nov 17 - favorite interview(s)
nov 18 - favorite photoshoot(s)
nov 19 - favorite quirks/personality traits
nov 20 - quotes
nov 21 - appreciation from fellow castmates
nov 22 - happy birthday!/free choice
Prompts can be interpreted however you like, I wanted to keep it vague. If you have any questions just message me. Also, if anyone wants to spread the word to instagram or twitter or other social media, feel free, just give me a heads up, since I'm not involved in fandom on those platforms.
The goal of this week is to just have fun and spread some love and positivity, so I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
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1: Baggin’ it with Balnor: Loud Libraries, Questionable Drug PSAs, and Staying Fit w/ Pendergreens (NADDPOD Aug 5, 2020)
2: Clash of the Corn Cuties (Fantasy High, Ep. 2)
3: “…AS ANY OF YOU” Blast from the Passed (Fantasy High: Sophomore Year, Ep. 15)
4: (finishes with “Only thing that could take us out was a trip to the zoo.”) Rolling up the Hill (A Starstruck Odyssey, Ep. 2)
5: (he misspoke, had to walk back everything, and didn’t remember what it was from. this was after 10 unrelated off topic minutes on the Flintstones.) D&D Court: Bonus Cases - King Robert Can Klump (w/ Ally Beardsley) (NADDPOD Short Rest Jun 24, 2022) [this is a Patreon-exclusive but it’s so unhinged i needed to include it]
6: (including writing a letter to his former wife and expecting her to read it while he watches, then ending the conversation with this song) Leap of Faith (Neverafter, Ep. 15)
7: Everyone else gave a number that was less than 5. Murph thought they were all crazy for saying numbers so low. He said sixteen. Hearthside Chat Q&A: What’s Your Clown Tolerance? (NADDPOD Short Rest, Oct 1, 2021) [this is also a Patreon-exclusive and it’s soooo goddamn ridiculous]
8: Cult of the Trident, thinking a child was named Nana, there’s literally too much to name Trinyvale x Bahumia Mini Arc: Eps. 1-3 (NADDPOD Feb 10, 17, & 24, 2023)
9: Donkey Kong One-Shot: A Bananksgiving Special (NADDPOD, Nov 27, 2019)
10: I’m literally so sorry there are so many moments, the man is insane. if you choose this, tell us what moment, and include the episode title/source/date so we can all enjoy the unhinged moment.
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
I'm glad we can all still celebrate November 16th. Even with all that happened in the last weeks we can still stop for a moment to remember the end of the arc that made the Dream SMP so important to so many people.
We share art, memories, happiness and pain. And while last year my November 16th post was mainly about the story and Wilbur this time it's going to be about the community.
Raise a glass to everyone who cried or felt empty after the Nov. 16 stream,
Raise a glass to all the people that arrived later in the fandom but still felt the shadows of this event,
Raise a glass to all the artists, musicians and writers who made something special for the occasion,
Raise a glass to who still has energy to care,
Raise a glass to godsdamned Hamilton roleplay that was so much more,
Raise a glass to what is probably the end of it,
Raise a glass to all the friends we made through this fandom,
Raise a glass to all people who poured their hearts into making this community such a great one,
And lastly
@sootings thank you. What an amazing story your character had. Even with its flaws I will never forget it.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
Imagine this: Wesley makes a new friend and Joe is jealous of how close they are UNTIL he sees her for the first time. Suddenly, he can’t stop nagging Wesley about her.
ok so, i need everyone to understand that i do not know wesley or his mannerisms at all (obviously i do not know joe either, but we've established what my fictional joey's like) so i TRIED and it was AWKWARD for ALL SORT OF REASONS but i hope that you LIKE IT enjoy! (rewritten 16 nov 2023) Wordcount: 2.8K
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Inevitable Sparks
part one - part two - part three - part four - part five The noise of a soft ringtone cut through the conversation and made Wesley stop talking mid-sentence.
"Sorry, I have to take this," Wesley said when he saw your name grace his phone screen.
Sat opposite him, Joe made a face.
"Um, you literally don't?" Joe jokingly frowned in frustrated confusion.
"Hey!" Wesley answered, far too chipper for Joe's liking. He hadn't been in the best mood. Conversation had been fine, but sort of serious. This different version of his best friend that he saved for someone else rubbed him wrong, just a little.
".... yea, I'm not doing anything, what's up?" Wesley turned away from Joe, his full attention with you now.
Joe flung up both arms and shook his head in bewilderment. Couldn't believe what he was hearing.
What did he mean, he wasn't doing anything?!
Going for lunch with his friend, hanging out at home, even taking him on trips around the globe - his best friend seemed to always be talking to his other friend.
This other person who seemed to be replacing Joe on that number one spot fairly quickly - too quickly, because you hadn't known each other long at all, Joe thought.
But anytime Joe would call Wesley, he either didn't answer, declined his call and sent him to voicemail, or he would answer but he'd say he wouldn't be able to talk long. Would ask for Joe to make it quick.
"You up for dinner tonight, mate?" "Sorry, I can't do tonight, I've already got plans," "Oh, is it with her again?"
The fact that he was out having lunch with him now almost felt miraculous.
It was silly. Everyone had friends that their other friends didn't know, didn't they?
But this was Joe's best friend. And he was his too. Wanted it to remain that way. Too many things were changing already, and keeping this the way it was, always had been, felt important. Grounding.
But then Wesley talked on the phone for over ten minutes and didn't even seem that bothered that it was incredibly rude to Joe.
After a lot of humming, yes-ing, and even some loud, loud laughs, Wesley hung up, turned back to Joe and pretended the call had never even happened.
"So, Tokyo, you said? How was that?" Wesley took another bite of his lunch, falling back into their previous conversation, leaving Joe to squint at him.
"Yea, no... Japan was amazing... what the- how do you even know her, again?"
Wesley looked up from his plate at his friend, for a second unsure who Joe was referencing.
Like Joe hadn't just listened to him talk to you for ages.
"Oh," the penny dropped. "Um, we went to school together, did a film- a thriller, together for a class, and then I ran into her randomly, what, two, three months ago?"
"Mmhm, school, huh?"
"She did awful storyboard drawings of a girl being punched once, and then we made her be the girl, and she accidentally got socked right in the eye! We didn't even use the footage," Wesley recounted a funny memory and chuckled lightly.
"Almost didn't recognise her without the bruised face, but she recognised me, so," he shrugged, took another bite.
"Oh, she did, yea?" Joe acted up his hatred in rivalry with you, and it tickled his friend, but he swiftly moved onto another topic and didn't mention you again.
Joe took Wesley with him to events for his job all the time. They seemed the perfect pair: the film maker (you know, the camera guy) and the actor.
Besides the hopeful networking Wesley maybe got to do, Joe was mostly happy to have a friend at these things; someone to ensure that he'd actually have fun and wouldn't just be a big ball of nerves throughout. Would say he was his PA if anyone asked. They never asked, it was always fine.
Sometimes, of course, there were moments when Wesley couldn't tag along, because of his own obligations.
Not a problem, there were plenty of other friends to ask to come to things with him.
It's just that... Wesley sometimes didn't have time for him because of you, and when he caught onto how annoyed Joe would get over it, he started mentioning your name loads. Just to fuck with him.
Like a couple of days later, hanging out at Wesley's place, spread out across the sofa, Joe and Wesley had the TV on in the background, but weren't really watching what was on.
"The absolute units of yachts they had over there," Joe scrolled through his phone gallery, looking for a picture to show his friend. "Just, ridiculous. No one needs a boat like that, really, do they?"
"You know who's got a yacht?" Wesley took a sip of his drink, eyes glued to his phone, before continuing, "Like, a sailing yacht?"
Joe turned his phone to show a picture he took in Newport Beach a couple weeks back.
Wesley peeled his eyes away from his own screen, looked at Joe's, and went, "Yea sort of like that one."
Joe tutted, immediately groaning, knowing Wesley was going to mention you again and it instantly made Wesley grin.
"Not her, she doesn't have a fucking yacht. Fuck, could you imagine? Someone our age with a massive sailing yacht?" Wesley said and let Joe visibly relax before continuing.
"Her dad does, though,"
"Okay," Joe slapped his knees as he got up from the sofa.
"At this point, is she even fucking real? What are you hiding from me?" Joe flung an arm about, slid his phone into his pocket and grabbed some shit from the coffee table he needed to throw out.
"I'm not hiding anything!" Wesley argued, but couldn't help laugh at his friend accusatory tone.
"So why haven't I met her yet?" Joe collected the empty beer bottles from the table too, and made his way to grab two new ones.
"You wouldn't- I just... I don't think you'd get along, you know? You're very different people," Wesley lied, not sounding as confident as he would've liked, and Joe poked right through it.
"What are you on about, mate? I get along with everyone!"
Wesley sat up and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, contemplating if what he was about to say next was the right move to make.
"People love me." Joe definitely didn't believe that in his gut, Wesley knew. But he also understood that... yea, people kind of always did really like Joe.
"Yea, exactly... maybe that's the problem,"
Joe turned around, jaw dropped, but eyes showing nothing but absolute cheek.
"Oh?" suddenly, Joe was intrigued, but Wesley was quick to hold up his hand.
"What was her name again?" Joe whipped his phone from his pocket, ready to look you up anywhere he could think to. Not being on any social media himself didn't have to stop him from googling yours for a quick look.
Mentioning you had bit Wesley in the ass, and he sighed in annoyance, knowing from the start this is exactly what it would eventually lead to.
How could it not have?
It was absolutely inevitable.
Joe was single, you were single, and hot but approachable. And also friendly, sweet, kind, fun. All the good shit.
Wesley was drawn to the same type of people. The amount of times he'd been hanging out with you and had thought to himself, wow Joe could've said that, or, Joe would've done the same thing, had really started stacking up.
So when you had a couple of friends over on a random Friday night, for drinks and chats with music playing in the background, you had also invited Wesley to mingle with this new group of people he suddenly was a part of.
Half way through the night, Joe'd facetimed him and Wesley had decided to answer this time.
"Joe," Wesley said upon seeing his friend's face fill out his phone screen.
He saw Joe's face go from utter shock and surprise, because Wesley never fucking answered his FaceTime calls, straight into a frown as his face get closer in the camera. He was obviously trying to figure out Wesley's surroundings.
"Where are you?"
Wesley grinned and switched the camera around to show your living room, aiming his camera to see out the window and Joe could see three people out on a balcony, smoking, drinking, chatting and laughing.
"Is that-"
Before Joe could get a proper look, Wesley had turned the camera back onto himself, hiding a grin as he took a sip from his beer.
"Wait, turn it back a second, I thought I saw something," Joe said, sounding so very earnest, but it just made Wesley laugh because he knew Joe just wanted to check again, see if one of them had been you.
"Why are you calling?" Wesley tried to shift the focus away from you.
"Just checking to see what you were doing," Joe feigned being incredibly bored, speaking through a dramatic sigh.
Joe could see his friend look over his phone for a second as someone asked him something. Then Wesley's eyes scanned his phone, and Joe was shocked when his friend muted himself so he couldn't hear what was going on.
Shut Joe right out by muting the audio.
He saw Wesley talk to someone off screen, then look at Joe when leaning to show someone who didn't step into the camera's vision enough for Joe to see.
It was obvious he was showing Joe's face to someone in the room. To the person he was talking to about something Joe wasn't allowed to hear.
Fucking muted.
What the fuck.
Then Wesley laughed, raised his eyebrows questioningly in that same direction and then nodded before turning back to his phone and unmuting himself.
"You want to come over?"
Wesley texted your address, and about half an hour later, you were stood out on the balcony when you heard the buzzer go inside. You knocked on the window and interrupted Wesley's conversation with one of your other friends, gestured for him to open the door.
You'd seen Joe walk up to the building and knew it was him who'd rang your doorbell.
You knew what Joe looked like, it was almost impossible not to in the year of our Lord, Eddie Munson, 2022.
But you also remembered meeting him once on a night out when you'd just turned 19 and you'd been out with a bunch of people from uni. Wesley had brought Joe along, and you only remembered that he'd been goofy. Sort of didn't really fit in with the group, but was funny enough for people to enjoy and appreciate his presence.
You didn't know if you had actually spoken then, but a swift plow through countless now hidden Facebook photo albums showed you weren't in any photos together.
A shame, you thought, because Joe was handsome.
And Wesley had been a little bitch for weeks about having the two of you meet.
It's not like you hadn't been pushing for it. A little.
"Are you gatekeeping Joe?" you had asked him, more as a joke, but you did wonder. Wesley talked about Joe all the time like they were joined at the hip, but you had yet to meet him.
"Absolutely." Wesley had thrown a bag of nuts into your shopping cart.
You snorted. You had expected him to deny your accusation, to come up with a million different excuses, but instead Wesley jokingly confessed and you couldn't help the giggle that escaped you.
"What possibly for?"
"Joe's.... he's sort of... I don't know, you won't like him, I think. Joe's weird," Wesley'd scrunched his nose to really convince you.
"Wouldn't that make you weird by default?" you'd laughed, referencing the fact that they'd been friends for years.
"No, it's like... like, I don't know. He's just weird. Joe likes wallabees, you know those shoes?" Wesley had raised his eyebrows at you, making a point.
"Oh, ew," you'd grimaced.
"See? He's a weird fucker. Best to steer clear of him." Wesley'd concluded, and you had agreed to put it to rest, but you couldn't lie.
You'd seen pictures of Joe on red carpets looking sharp.
In your opinion, he was allowed to be weird and like wallabees if he wore suits like the ones you'd seen him wear every other week, no problem.
When you saw Wesley walk him into your flat, the first thing you did was pan down to see what shoes he was wearing.
Sneakers were fine.
They didn't match his outfit, but, they were fine.
Wesley pointed at you, and you smiled and waved at him from outside. Joe did the same, small smile, small wave, and then you turned back to your friends, turning away from the window completely.
"Shit," you whispered, making two of your girlfriends turn to see who you had just waved at, and they chuckled when they saw Joe.
"Shit," Joe said softly under his breath upon seeing you, his hand still stuck up in his wave, even after you'd turned around and faced away from him.
"Okay, let's go," Wesley said, dragging his friend into the kitchen. "We've got to talk."
Whilst getting Joe a drink from the fridge, he sighed deeply.
"There's no way..." he started, handing Joe a beer bottle, but not letting go of it just yet. "You're obviously each other's type, so there's no way I'm going to be able to stop this," Wesley looked his friend in the eye sternly.
Joe was just about to object, but Wesley was quick to speak over him.
"But if you fuck this up," his grip on the bottle strengthened. "She won't want to be my friend anymore, and then I won't want to be yours." Wesley warned, finally letting go of Joe's drink.
"Mate, nothing's gonna happen," Joe reassured, obviously lying to himself and to his best friend, planting a heavy hand on his shoulder and making Wesley scoff loudly.
Who was Joe trying to fool here?
"All right, well, we'll see about that,"
"Hi!" you stepped into the kitchen, and very obviously walked in on them talking about you. Both heads turned towards you and you were met with four big, bulging eyes and silence. You stared at them for a second, eyes going from one to the other, until you cleared your throat loudly.
"Hi," Joe snapped out of it and smiled his warmest of smiles before reaching out a hand and bowing his head down slightly as he shook yours.
You smiled back and silently told yourself you'd been right all along.
Joe really was handsome.
And cute?
How could you describe him... handsomely cute?
Joe was pretty.
Yes, pretty felt right.
Wesley formally introduced you to each other, but you couldn't even hear what he was saying.
Inside your head you heard classical music playing- a full orchestra, loud with violins and flutes and harps. Several harps, very romantic.
You held onto each other hands for far too long for it to be normal, and Wesley's eyes darted back and forth between the two of you.
"That's um... that's a lot of prolonged eye-contact, guys," Wesley spoke, his voice slightly hesitant, like he knew he was intruding.
"Yea," you sighed, still not breaking eye contact.
"Yea," Joe agreed and his smile grew wider, almost impossibly so.
"Greaaat... yea, this isn't making me uncomfortable at all," Wesley sarcastically elongated his words.
"Yep. yep. Great, this is just great. Well, I trust you guys will let me know if you need anything," Wesley's voice sounded uncomfortably constricted as he took awkwardly big steps to tiptoe around you as he stepped out of the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone.
"I've um... I've heard a lot about you," you said, finally snapping out of it.
"I've heard a lot about you too," Joe replied before taking a swig from his beer.
From outside on the balcony, Wesley and your two girlfriends watched as you and Joe chatted, exchanging pleasantries with flushed faces, pursed smiled, and probably painful cheeks from suppressing your grins so much.
It was an adorable sight to behold, and it made Wesley chuckle a little.
"I am either going to have to write two best-man-speeches for their wedding, or I'm going to be the deciding factor in who gets the dog when they break up," Wesley said, making your friends laugh as he shook his head.
He wasn't joking though, and inhaled a sharp breath before taking a sip from his drink.
There was no other choice for him but to stand back and watch this unfold.
We'll see how this pans out, he thought.
We'll see.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @dirtyeddietini @mybffjoe @harrys-tittie @chaoticgood-munson @harringtonfan4 @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @xeddiesbattattsx @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland - add yourself
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rstarsims3 · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
As today is the last day of the year - and my birthday 🥳 - it’s time for a retrospective. This year has been difficult to say the least, as I had to face a lot of loss (some irreplaceable) and conflict in real life, What has helped keep me grounded and focused has been creating for TS3 and sharing my work with simmers who are just as passionate as I am. 
So I want to thank you for your likes, comments & reblogs on my posts; thank you for using my stuff in your games and for creating a community I’m happy to be part of. 
Also, a big thank you goes to my patrons and Ko-fi supporters! 
Hope the New Year will  be infinitely better for everyone! Have a fun, fulfilling and happy 2024! 🎉🎇⭐
1. 1,004 notes - Jan 19 2023
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2. 911 notes - May 21 2023
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3. 906 notes - Aug 3 2023
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4. 692 notes - Jul 17 2023
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5. 609 notes - Nov 14 2023
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6. 504 notes - Oct 12 2023
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7. 489 notes - Apr 18 2023
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8. 476 notes - Feb 16 2023
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9. 474 notes - Dec 14 2023
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10. 471 notes - Apr 12 2023
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Created by TumblrTop10
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54 notes · View notes
tumbleweed-run · 7 months
On Nov 6 2007, my husband and I started dating. I was 16.
I’m now 32 which means as of roughly 8:30 this morning I have lived more of my life with him than without him. This seems a very strange thing to say (let alone say on tumblr which I joined sometime in 2008)
I am very happy with my life, most of my choices. He is my best friend and listens to me info dump about the strangest things without complaint (I return the favor). That being said I 100% do not recommend it to anyone.
Grow up.
Date 100 people. Date no one.
Get to know yourself first.
Don’t misinterpret, I’m happy and definitely in love but it is so hard to grow and change as an individual if you’ve always been part of someone. And EVERYONE changes (especially between 16-32 holy cow).
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Tokyo Mew Mew New ~ Nov 2023 Cast Booklet - Translations by Page
[Part 3]
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Page 16: Aina Suzuki (Miwa)
“Tokyo Mew Mew New~ Thank you for the hard work!!! I was glad to be able to appear as Miwa in my beloved Mew Mew! I’ve always loved you <3” In the speech bubble: “Finished Congratulations”
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Page 17: Iori Saeki (Moe)
“Tokyo Mew Mew New~ I was so happy to be able to watch Ichigo as Moe <3”
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Page 18: Akira Ishida (Seiji)
“I’m glad the Earth was saved. After all, Seiji’s efforts alone will not solve the problem. I look forward to your continued support of Mint, and my friends at Tokyo Mew Mew.”
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Page 19: Saki Nakajima as Sakura Momomiya
“Tokyo Mew Mew New~ Thank you for your hard work! It’s been 20 years since I played the first Ichigo … I never thought I’d be able to play the role of Sakura, her mother … I had such a joyful time <3 It was fun to be able to record with the wonderful cast and staff! Really really really really!!! Thank you very much! Tokyo Mew Mew New <3 I love you!” To the side: “My signature cat was based on the Mew Mew cat, and it was created with my teacher’s advice! Thank you!!” At the bottom: “Thank you for transforming Sakura into Mew Sakura!”
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Page 20: Satoshi Hino as Shintaro Momomiya
“I was happy to be able to contribute to this work!! It was such an important role for me!!”
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Page 21: Hisayo Mochizuki as Pudding’s Mother
“Tokyo Mew Mew New~!! I love it!”
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Page 22: Asami Saitō - Color Design
“Good job everyone! It was difficult to create color changes because each episode moves to many locations, but I had fun working on it! I hope everyone has enjoyed watching the show! Thank you very much!”
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Page 23: Kaoru Chiba — Art Direction, Masahiro Satō — Art Setting
“Thank you for your hard work on Tokyo Mew Mew New~! When I think of Mew Mew, what comes to mind is Cafe Mew Mew. The exterior is different, so there’s a gap between the interior and the exterior. It’s a fun memory.” (? This is likely mistranslated, sorry!)
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localsharkcryptid · 7 months
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Happy Nov. 16 Everyone :]
And today I give one of the first looks at Ouroboros CWilbur, or well, Soot. He's a Skywing of sorts- I have some stuff I'm working on with him but Soot is simply a bit special.
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sprinklewinkles · 4 months
im going to post my thoughts here too... Genuine thoughts to the UC changes. From my perspective. For context i own 16 ucs, that i have gotten via trades, gifts and adoption apps. My first UC, given to me as gift, to trade (which i kept) in March 2019. I have 1 VWN UC the rest are DN -> VBN name formated. To put it out there. I think im okay with this.
My UCs i havnt owned for as long some other folks around for sure, and honestly in the time that ive been trading the announcement that UCs are "coming back" in some form had been around since 2021. So my PC trading period had been spent more in the years leading upto this release vs not.
Trading for UCs was honestly a blast, ive met so many cool people and made many friends over the years. Many whom i speak on a daily basis still. Though it was tough. It was had as fuck. When you start with nothing (i joined neo my first account april 2008. 1 year after conversion) there were so many points in time where i wanted to quit and give up and just convert my UCs pound them and close my accounts. I trained like 5 pets to lv 250 1500hsd. To trade into ucs with. I timer trained with NC training cookies, had FQCs going aswell and ruined my sleep schedual for months. Just to have the quickest outcome to jump into UCs again to work toward the goal of the cat clowder. I dont regret it. And pending on the price of the NC tokens for the upcoming UCs release, i could wager i have spent more NC on training and quest cookies to BD train pets to break into UCs with VS what the tokens will cost. But i had fun doing it! And updating the friends at the time with the progress and where i was going with it!
Honestly i would never wish upon anyone to do the grind to work for an UC it was all consuming (an addictive personality doesnt help here lol) I cannot even bring myself to train pets now, like i have had Sprinkle since Nov 2019 she had lv100 and 300hsd when i first got her. I only got her to lv250 late last year. And shes ment to have been my main BD this whole time. The burnout of the grind was so real. And the struggle and obsessive hours spent trying to work toward a funny little creature. So yeah i dont wish it on anyone. I wish for it to be easier for folks to get their cool art pet, bc not everyone has been as lucky as me to get UCs.
I see alot of folks saying as soon as they get the token they will be pounding their less then VWN UCs in favour of a name they create etc. Which is so valid for starters. But idk the BN names have so much charm. And ppl talk abt UCs liking the nostalgia factor with this change, But like the nostalgia factor could also b the name too. Like SprinkleWinkles is so cute. DN by PC standards. Stinky_minky_2004 has so much funny charm but BN. I wanna know what was stinky in 04 for a kid to make this pet. Love_u_4ever like i just have the name nostalgia w them. I choose my UCs for the names first. Theyre all just funny and make me smile. But the other way is so valid too. Im not discrediting that either. And old pets get a trophy too. Im assuming if theyre older than conversion so april 27th 2007. Which isnt a bad thing!
Idk ive waffled on. But i think im happy w the change and UCs being more accessible. Esp if theyre going to be at a good price point, which a comment from tnt ivy saying she was "plesently surprised" with the price from her as a PCer player whos going to buy them. Going to be providing critical but constructive feedback on thin lined UCs as they come out though cause those will likely be the most changed UCs.
Ive been so done with UC trading for years. And im so ready to get my final 3 UC cats and complete my clowder x3 And im so ready to see other folks get their goal UCs and funky lil pets
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ducktoonsfanart · 5 months
2022 Tumblr Top 10
1. 234 notes - Apr 29 2022
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2. 48 notes - Nov 2 2022
Unfortunately no one likes my drawings. :(
3. 48 notes - Apr 7 2022
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4. 39 notes - May 27 2022
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5. 38 notes - Jun 10 2022
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6. 38 notes - Jun 5 2022
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7. 37 notes - Oct 31 2022
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8. 36 notes - Sep 27 2022
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9. 35 notes - Dec 31 2022
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10. 34 notes - May 16 2022
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These are my drawings from last year, 2022. I've been testing a bit though as it's been quite a while, so I'll post some drawings and there are links where you can see more about it. Thank you all for your support and happy holidays to everyone!
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sammerific · 5 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
1. 578 notes - Oct 26 2023
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2. 266 notes - Dec 6 2023
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3. 168 notes - Nov 21 2023
spn hates me personally for not leaving in the scene where sam is on his hands and knees scrubbing blood off the floor of the...
4. 131 notes - Nov 2 2023
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5. 109 notes - Jul 27 2023
maybe the reason why sam sleeps on his stomach is to protect his vulnerable underbelly
6. 99 notes - Sep 24 2023
long story short is about Sam being the final girl actually... (amv)
7. 77 notes - Sep 16 2023
John Winchester // Superman (Taylor Swift) Happy birthday @samrubygf!! Here's an amv of everyone's favorite Papa Winchester (amv)
8. 73 notes - Nov 23 2023
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9. 72 notes - Nov 19 2023
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10. 65 notes - Jun 18 2023
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9 notes · View notes
ariesbilly · 7 months
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It's about a week before the event starts so I figured I'd get a new post circulating just as a reminder/announcement for anyone who's missed the first post. The prompts are:
nov 16 - favorite role
nov 17 - favorite interview(s)
nov 18 - favorite photoshoot(s)
nov 19 - favorite quirks/personality traits
nov 20 - quotes
nov 21 - appreciation from fellow castmates
nov 22 - happy birthday!/free choice
Be sure to tag #DACREAPPRECIATIONWEEK so your posts get seen/I can reblog (hoping tumblr's tag system works)! All post types are welcome; gifs, edits, videos, art, whatever you come up with. You don't have to adhere to specific days/prompts. This week is really just about Dacre positivity, so interpret that however you will :)
If there's any questions just send me a message. Hope everyone has fun!
67 notes · View notes
2022 Tumblr Top 10
I forgot last year (also figured it wouldn't be interesting enough with only a few posts), but here's my top 10 for 2022! A happy 2023 to everyone!
1. 412 notes - Nov 16 2022
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2. 313 notes - Oct 31 2022
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3. 296 notes - Dec 6 2022
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4. 284 notes - May 23 2022
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5. 244 notes - Aug 21 2022
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6. 235 notes - Feb 6 2022
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7. 228 notes - May 1 2022
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8. 220 notes - Sep 10 2022
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9. 215 notes - Apr 21 2022
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10. 208 notes - Sep 10 2022
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Created by TumblrTop10
62 notes · View notes