#Glowing Della
An edit i forgot to post
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I'm a Della stan now, deal with it
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doodle-do-wop · 9 days
Alden and Della
(saw people drawing shirtless Alden and decided to hop in)
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Added Della because I wanted to
Zoom in under cut
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No water vers
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creativenicocorner · 1 month
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Chapter 9: “I Don’t Know” (Part 2.2) Arrow
Fic Summary: A strange case takes Reigen and Serizawa to a small (intimately so, a detail Reigen might be hesitant to comment on) village North in the mountains, where they quickly discover things are far stranger than they both realized. Not only that, but they might be more than just a little out of their depths.
Nature, the past, it all has a way of being heard - even to those reluctant to listen.
Reblogs, Comments, and Kudos are deeply appreciated ♡ (manga cap from Daisuke Igarashi’s ‘Little Forest’)
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minatist · 7 months
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added whiskers to my ducksona bc yes
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chanrizard · 7 months
they really said the cullens WHOMST move bitch we're gonna make you visible from space after we're done with the post-production process of this shoot ✨
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galaxygermdraws · 2 years
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Wouldn’t be a spooky themed month without arguably the creepiest thing in Hermitcraft Lore(other than. a lot of other things). This was supposed to be day 20′s piece, but I decided to post it as the day 17 piece instead. :)
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. I made an alternate version so I’ll put it under the cut. Thankyu)
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Thanking @micer2012​ for the over fixation on using CRT filters.
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holyghostflo · 1 year
Getting Better at Things
So you all know the saying "practice makes perfect"?
...and we all know the virtue to not look down on our small beginings.
Well, I've been spending today digging through an old sketchbook, and I gotta say-
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I think I've gotten better.
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auri-ace · 11 months
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An aesthetic of my girl Selina!! She is the moment, she can literally glow, that's awesome✨️
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stormofcats · 1 month
How the triplets were born (headcanon)
Finally finished the comic/art collab with my friend that I mentioned earlier! Here it is!! The context/explanation to this comic is below, just scroll :)
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So me and my friend were talking about how in the DT2017 show, they never mention Huey, Dewey, and Louie's father. Like at all. And ofc we all know Donald is the real father figure for the triplets and with the whole missing-parent arc completed, it would feel fairly awkward having another search for the father, so we concluded Della just somehow produced the eggs by herself. Then we had this silly idea that since the triplets are so oftenly associated with marbles in the show, that Della found some magic spell book (totally not written by Magica) that can turn objects into eggs. So she found some marbles and turned them into eggs, and that's how Huey, Dewey, and Louie were born. There we go. No parent nor any of that biology stuff required. Simple!
Script/who drew what:
Panel 1 (me): Della flipping pages of spell book Panel 2 (my friend): Pauses on object-to-egg page Panel 3 (my friend): Della with a lightbulb over her head Panel 4 (me): The marbles (red, blue, green) Panel 5 (my friend): Della holding the spell book and casting spell (with glowing blast of light) Panel 6 (my friend): Three eggs with Della doing a thumbs-up
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
MC: What business do you have with me, Headmage? I'm already running late for the ball.
Crowley: Please excuse my interruption, Madame. However, I have an update on why you were summoned here.
MC: Oh, you're serious? Is it interesting enough for you to bother me?
Crowley: Yes. It's actually quite significant. *guides her to the Mirror Chamber*
MC: This lousy mirror again.
Dark Mirror: I apologize for causing you such distress.
MC: It's too late. Now, what do you want to tell me?
Dark Mirror: ...
Crowley: Speak, Dark Mirror. She has to know.
Dark Mirror: As previously stated, you have a place in this world. At the very least.
MC: Yes. And I don't think you need to say it again.
Dark Mirror: The Madame wields enormous power. A power that should have died a long time ago.
MC: Let's get right to the point.
Dark Mirror: Madame, you are descended from Della Morte.
MC: Della Morte? *seems to be thinking* Go on.
Dark Mirror: A prestigious family known for their ability to manipulate souls, reincarnations, and the void.
Dark Mirror: And you, Madame, wield the Spectral dragon's power.
MC: ...
Crowley: It's easy to see now why it took me so long to discover your existence, Madame. Della Morte's records are extremely private, but thanks to the Dark Mirror, I was able to obtain this information.
MC: ...
MC: Assume that all of this nonsense is true. But do you think it's a good enough reason for you to bring me here without my permission?
Crowley and the Dark Mirror: ...
MC: Do you believe this information will make me feel better about the fact that you haven't found a way to send me home?
MC: Or are you expecting me to hold a reunion with my... extinct ancestors?
Crowley: I... I apologize, Madame...
MC: Apologies after apologies. Headmage, don't you have anything better to do?
Crowley: *sulks*
Malleus: It's been a few hours since the ball started, but the Madame hasn't been seen yet.
Lilia: Don't tell me she's going to miss her own event. I hope not.
Sebek: Should I fetch her?!
Silver: Sebek.
A random student: Look! The Dark Mirror is glowing!
MC: *steps out of it gracefully*
MC: *looks at them with such dignified manner*
Ace: *approaches her* Madame! Why are you so late?
Deuce: H-Hey! That's not a way to talk to Madame!
MC: I had to go somewhere unimportant, unfortunately.
Malleus: I see. So that's her. We should introduce ourselves, Lilia— Lilia?
Lilia: *already walking to her direction*
Silver: Fa— I mean, Lilia? Where are you going?
Sebek: Master Lilia!
MC: *turns her attention at the slight commotion*
Lilia: *starts running then tackles her*
Ace and Deuce: !!!
*Both Lilia and MC falls to the floor*
Deuce: Mama! Are you okay?!
Ace: Hey! Lilia! Why are you attacking Madame?!
MC: *groans a little*
Lilia: *sniffles*
MC: ?
Ace and Deuce: Eh?
Silver and Sebek: Lilia!
Lilia: *raised his head, looking at her with tears in his eyes, like a child who has seen his long-lost friend*
Lilia: Oookyyy!!!
MC: ...
Ace: Oooky? Is that supposed to be a name?
Lilia: *sniffles* Oooky! I thought I was never gonna see you!
Deuce: H-He's calling Madame "Oooky"?!!
MC: *frowns* That's the worst nickname I've ever heard in my entire life. And get off me.
*All of the housewardens having a small meeting in one of the rooms*
Leona: So... That's Madame's nickname?
Riddle: Please. It hasn't been confirmed yet if they know each other.
Vil: However, Lilia Vanrouge wouldn't jump off on someone unless he's familiar to them.
Idia: D-Doesn't he like startling everyone?
Malleus: That's way of Lilia being approachable.
Idia: I-If you say so...
Azul: By the way, Kalim? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the Madame and see what's going on?
Kalim: She kicked me out.
Jamil: That's because he kept on laughing every time Lilia addressed the Madame with that nickname.
Riddle, Vil, and Leona: *frowns at him*
Kalim: Hey... But Oooky is a cute nickname, y'know...
MC: *walks into the room, together with Lilia* Definitely not, Scarabia housewarden.
Lilia: *smiling* It is, MC. Just like the old times.
Malleus: Madame, I would like to apologize on his behalf.
MC: You must be Malleus Draconia. Nice meeting you.
Lilia: He's your grandson by the way.
Malleus and MC: ...
Malleus: *looks confused*
Leona: That can't be right. What? Is Madame older than the Great Seven?
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femmenoir-red · 2 months
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Quanto è felice la piccola pietra” di Emily Dickinson
“Quanto è felice la piccola pietra
che rotola sulla strada tutta sola
e non si preoccupa della carriera
e non teme le esigenze –
il cui cappotto di bruno elementare
indossa un universo passeggero,
e indipendente come il Sole
si accompagna o brilla sola,
seguendo una volontà assoluta
con spontanea semplicità”.
“How happy is the little Stone”
“How happy is the little Stone
That rambles in the Road alone,
And doesn’t care about Careers
And Exigencies never fears —
Whose Coat of elemental Brown
A passing Universe put on,
And independent as the Sun
Associates or glows alone,
Fulfilling absolute Decree
In casual simplicity”.
-emozioni red
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worldsunlikemyown · 4 months
kotlc valentine's day hcs <3
Here you go!
Main crew first:
Sophie didn't really do Valentine's Day much before (what with being in high school at twelve years old) and honestly didn't get the point. When she found that elves had a Day of Love, she kept hoping one of her crushes would slip her something, but it's pretty serious among elves and a crush will, at most, send you a note because otherwise it's basically a declaration of eternal love. The first elf-Valentine's Day she has is with Keefe, when they go and sit beneath Calla's Panakes at dawn to share ripplefluffs that they baked together the night before.
Biana always gets hundreds of little notes at her locker (and grudgingly at least reads them all, because not doing so would be an awful thing to do). Her dream Valentine's Day is to be serenaded (which is unfortunate because modern-day elves aren't too big on serenading), and she's secretly relieved that nothing came of her crush on Keefe because his singing voice and musical skills really aren't that great.
Linh, just like Sophie, wasn't big on Valentine's day in the past, but Marella was -- not just because she was a prolific sender of notes (half to crushes, half as pranks), but also because who was giving whom notes was big for the gossip chain. Marella simply sends Linh a note in the morning, as traditional, and they meet up at the beach later to have an Aurenflare by the beach.
Fitz entertains hopes of doing something really dramatic for Sophie, but things don't end up working out (as we know). He gets a hail from Dex in the evening, who comes over with some shiny new gadget that Fitz accepts. They sit talking for a long time into the night.
Grady and Edaline like to take some time away from work -- they often go away on a hike in some secluded mountains.
Alden and Della are not too big on the whole event, but they usually go on a nice evening date, and end up coming home a little tipsy and glowing.
Cassius does take Gisela out on dates -- very grudgingly, and it's clear they both hate it (both of them are secretly relieved when everything is out in the open because they don't have to suffer anymore).
Juline and Kesler are always very whimsical about it. They dye their hair fun colours, go to whatever the elf equivalent of theme parks are, and generally end up having a self-contained, civilised riot (and then a less civilised riot once they get home).
Brant wrote sappy letters to Jolie, and she responded in kind. They'd get each other little trinkets and leap to the top of a mountain to kiss in front of a breathtaking sunset (or sunrise).
Cyrah always used to make Prentice little brooches, and he wrote poetry for her. Nowadays he doesn't particularly like celebrating the day, because it was really special for him and Cyrah. Tiergan comes over every year, and they often end up reminiscing long into the night.
Fintan and Vespera are prolific gift-givers even on normal days, so elf-Valentine's Day is basically them trying to one-up each other on their dramatic and beautiful gifts. It usually ends with them curling up on a couch together and reading, petty lovers' rivalry forgotten.
Vespera and Luzia were all about dramatic gestures, so they had the most incredible dates -- some of the big ones were in caves decorated with light, and on a snowy mountain made to look like a ballroom where they danced alone together to soft music.
Fallon is the one who actually serenades his wife properly (Biana only got the idea from seeing the delight on her something-great-grandmother's face lol). They go on picnics in wooded clearings, culminating in an almost glowing Fallon playing the harp for his wife as the moon rises.
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rimarkka · 3 months
DT17 x Encanto AU
I already see some Ducktales x Encanto AUs and they were really good
But I want to present my version of this AU
I want to bring dt17 characters into the Encanto’s world. It’s still a family concept with magical gifts in a magical house.
Could Duckworth move into the house and revive it?
Speaking of assigning roles
♪ Wait, who’s a sister and who’s a cousin? There’s so many people How do you keep them all straight? ♪
Scrooge as Abuela 
Have you noticed that the Miracle Candle and the Number One Dime play a similar role in the plot?
♪ We swear to always Help those around us And earn the miracle That somehow found us The town keeps growing The world keeps turning But work and dedication will keep the miracle burning And each new generation must keep the miracle burning ♪
I think he’s more concerned with the Number One Dime the Miracle Candle by helping the townspeople through deeds and adventures than by helping people itself
Donald as Pepa
Pepa is emotional and with her mood changes nature. Donald is no less emotional
♪ My tía Pepa My tío Donald
Her mood affects the weather When she’s unhappy Well, the temperature gets weird ♪
Daisy as Félix
She has no gift, she became part of the family by marrying Donald
♪ She fell in love with Family Madrigal McDuck And now she’s part of the Family Madrigal McDuck ♪
June and May as Dolores and Antonio
The biological daughters of Daisy and Donald
♪ Cousin Dolores can hear a pin drop <…> Antonio gets his gift today ♪
Huey as Luisa
They both take greater responsibility for the well-being of their family
♪ I’m the strong one, I’m not nervous I’m as tough as the crust of the Earth is I move mountains, I move churches And I glow ’cause I know what my worth is ♪
But for both of them, this responsibility is a cause for concern. Their gift weighs heavily on them. Luisa has it as a nervous tick and a song
♪ Give it to your sister, your sister’s older Give her all the heavy things we can’t shoulder Who am I if I can’t run with the ball? If I fold to ♪
And Huey has the Duke of Making a Mess
Dewey as Isabela
They both focus more on image than on gift.
♪ My older sisters brothers <…> one graceful Perfect in every way ♪
He acts like he’s good at everything, but he’s really worried that his gift isn’t enough
♪ I’ve been stuck being perfect my whole life ♪
Louie as Camilo
Louis in the series is shown as a skilled manipulator, actually (not in a bad way). He knows what to say when to smile and so on
♪ Camilo shapeshifts ♪
I believe it’s his gift
Della as Bruno
♪ We don’t talk about Bruno Della! ♪
I want to see this song in the context of «don’t talk about her so as not to piss off Scrooge», and not «don’t talk about her so as not to cause trouble from her»
♪ They say she saw the future, one day she disappeared ♪
It’s all canon. Della is gone. They don’t talk about her. The end.
Just kidding, I’ll tell you about her fate later
Beakley as Julieta or Agustín
Beakley is not bound to this family by blood, she entered it like Agustín, but not by marriage, but as an approximation.
I couldn’t choose one character, as I found it interesting that even without the gift Beakley would have the skills of cooking and «magic» to even be able to prepare healing food
Webby as Mirabel
Mirabel has no gift, and Webby is not tied to the McDuck family in blood, so she has no gift either. In fact, nobody even allowed such a thought, so they even didn’t try. I’d like to end the story with Webby’s becoming the new the Number One Dime the Miracle Candle’s keeper. 
As far as their family ties are concerned, everything here remains like the cartoon, and does not change under the state of affairs in Encanto. Beakley is still Webby’s grandmother. Scrooge has just become the father of Della and Donald. Donald and Daisy are the parents of May and June. Dell is the mother of triplets.
It’s not that the relationship between Webby and Scrooge is that important. I love this storyline twist in dt17 and it can be in this au too, but I can’t say that it is absolutely necessary, it seems to be superfluous
The main character will be Webby. On the day of receiving gifts, May and June, born on the same day, were afraid to go alone and refused to do it without Webby.
Ugh, going all the way up to two doors knowing that she would never be a part of the family and get any gift... it must hurt
It was Webby who noticed how the house began to collapse, because there was discord in the family. With their quarrels, the gifts weaken. So she intended to help everyone.
Their main conflict was Della, or rather her disappearance. So the Webby began to reveal this secret.
She found a prophecy by which Della flew away and suffered a plane crash. Unlike Bruno, whose poor predictions were not believed, Della herself did not believe her predictions. She believed she had the right to change her fate with her gift.
I don’t really want to take a flight into space because a rocket crash is too much
Why did Scrooge cover it up and get angry at every mention of his daughter? Because he kept Della’s faith in the ability to change her destiny. But after the crash, he changed his mind. For this reason, he ignored Webby’s words about the destruction of the house because he had seen the prophecy about it, and he was convinced that fate cannot be changed.
Scrooge broke it. But Webby collected it and saw herself in the end against the background of the destruction of the house.
Webby loved her family so much, so she decided to go out on emotion to prevent it. But during the escape, Della caught her. She was quite alive, ha
Della had indeed crashed the plane, but she had survived with the loss of her leg. She lived inside the walls of the house, unwilling to return.
She gave an answer to Webby’s questions. It was not only Scrooge who looked at the prediction incomplete. Della dropped the memory first, splintered from it a small piece that did not allow one to look beyond the image of Webby. There was Della too. And just like Webby, she loves her family too, but she thought it’s better without her
Kinda similar, right?
It’s only then Webby realized how stupid and wrong they both are when they run away
They rerun Della’s gift and watch the entire memory to learn how to prevent it.
Della looked at the girl condescendingly, seeing herself in her, but allowed her to. Because if the outcome is predetermined, her efforts will not make it worse.
Webby really saw how she helped her family, in particular, the triplets who first quarrelled when they began to slowly discover the secret of Della.
At this time, Gosalyn as Mariano came to court with Dewey.
I don’t mind them as a couple, but I just want them to feel like friends in that au
Later, Webby extorted the confession that Dewey did not want to marry, he did not know if he loves Gosalyn in that way
So… Webby was trying to make up with everyone and she’s even doing it well until Scrooge told her that he didn’t see the good in her actions
How do those words of Abuela resemble those of Scrooge "you are not part of the family!"
And the house collapsed…
Webby escaped. Scrooge talked to her heart-in-heart. They found an understanding. Della jumped on the donkey, said it’s her fault, she had predicted it. Tearful reunion of father and daughter. Repair of the house. Webby is a new keeper.
The end :з
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styxiegoesinsane · 8 hours
hello ! nonsense
absolutely none of this was edited or reviewed and so it is likely precisely what the title says. just wanna stick it here so if by some chance im right i can look back and be like 'look guys! i guessed it! heres my post from befoe it all went down!'
many interesting things to come from this episode! i feel like we have been finally given the hint that things are about to get real because idk it felt more important
robert hooke studied under robert boyle i believe or something simaler -boyle was a pioneere of modern chemistry and experimental scientific method
-hooke recounts the last time thre protocol was enacted was during the Great Plague of London -'i confess purgation of tat most dangerous and unfit knowledge was both necessary and good' what does THAT mean ?? ' it was only through the Protocol that we were spared from that Dread emission' VERY important note - both dread and protocol ARE CAPITALIZED AS NAMES. what does 'spared from Dread with a capital D' MEAN !!!
isaac claims to have created the perfect 'Dianas Tree'. Dianas Tree was a earlier instance of something alike to to the philosophers stone
relevent things hooke was interested in/researching/discovered : light refraction, small living things [small tree [dianas] full of life and fruit? a mile long reach i think but oh well]
isaac said he had perfected work of wilhelm homberg - wilhelm homburg observed on how to prepare/extract phosphorus, but the process itself [phosphorus was accidentally discovered by hennig brand so they werent quite sure how to extract it i believe] was discovered by robert boyle and johann lowenstern-kunckle. phosphorus is a chemical element. the phosphorus boyle and kunckle isolated in 1669 was white phosphorus. white phosphorus gives of a faint glow when exposed to oxegyn and its name was taken from greek mythology, after the god Phosphorus who appears as the morning star [venus]. the name means 'dawn-bearer' or 'light-bringing'. INTERESTINGLY, the word 'lucifer'in latin, though uncapitalized not meaning as in the name of the devil, is used as well to mean or refer to the morning star, venus, or the 'bringer of light'. to get more to the point: the latin word to refer to the morning appearance of venus or 'the morning star' is lucifer, and the greek is phosphorus ~
shoehorning this in, a friend of robert boyles was named frederick clod?? i dont know ? maybe its freddie ??? more shoehorning beneath and on this line, isaac newton wrote a book on opticals and refractions of light , from wikipedia [sorry]: "The book analyzes the fundamental nature of light by means of the refraction of light with prisms and lenses, the diffraction of light by closely spaced sheets of glass"
robert boyle co-discovered the process of isolating white phosphorus, which glows when exposed to oxegyn, robert hooke [author of letter/statement] studied?? under him and it is to him whom the letter is addresed; isaac says he has perfected the observations of wilhelm homberg, who was making recordings on boyle & others process of phosphorus extraction, meaning he has perfected the act of isolating the light emitting chemical ~ the tree is dianas tree but like, evil [arbor philosphorum = philosophers tree = dianas tree] . dianas tree was a precursor to the philosophers stone, having all the same properties in such as its ability to transmutate ores to precious metals, and philosophers often brought it up in discussions about the existance of life within minerals; its a VERY BRIGHTLY SHINING dianas tree, having something to do with phosphorus, a chemical named after the greek god who presents as 'the morning star', latin name for such appearance being lucifer
giambattista della porta, a 16th cent. playwright and scholar described dianas tree this was "And in the space of a day there will spring up a most beautiful tree from the bottom, and hairy, as made of most fine beards of Corn, and it will fill the whole vessel, that the eye can behold nothing more pleasant" [did NOT fact check this sorry go forth with that knwoledge]
and i dont think its out there to say that 'bla bla the eye looking back was man and it knew me or whatever the hell it was' about the dog is certainly messed
dogs name is diamond ? i dont know those kind of shine [grasping at straws] refract LIGHT
this was only a bit after the great fire of london, so maybe THATS what the protocol is, it burns everything?? isaac newtons lab DID infact burn down, particularily by his DOG cough cough, so its almost certain that this 'protocol' just kind SCORCHES and purges everything. they had to use it during the plague years, and the reason he was so dire that he did not enact it was because it was DISASTEROUS and to purge a city wide plague everything would need to burn. i mean. you known how the great fire of london went. i am VERY interested to learn more about where they go with isaac newtons oh so fucked up dog using this protocol and burning his lab and work or maybe the dogs a cover up? who knows. and well after all that feel its very fair to assume this is what happened to the magnus institute as well oh my god i see it now
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rotting-ink · 5 months
Romance Options First Appearance
Written for if the player is bisexual. If the player chooses only female love interests, then all the RO's are all women. Same as for if the player chooses only male love interests. 
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Luther looked over the hall filled with members of his pack milling around the hall, eyes narrowed on a piece of paper slipped to him earlier that morning. His people chattered amongst themselves, sitting along the low tables, sharing food and drink. Fireplaces were lit. Cubs were playing with each other in little groups or nestled into their mothers’ sides. Harmony. He made this.
He rubs his calloused thumb against the ink, long since dried. He leaned back in his chair, catching the attention of his sister, Emilia. She seemed to bristle at his very movement and Luther folded the piece of paper with a low sigh.
“What?” She snapped, tugging at a lock of her dark hair.
Luther dragged his tongue over his teeth, eyes narrowing. Even the hall quieted as her outburst. She was getting too unruly for her position. Any day now she was going to make a mistake that he wouldn’t be able to save her from.
“Your little friend.” Luther said after a moment. “Is dead.”
Emilia froze up, turning around to stare at him with her lips slightly parted. Luther settled back into a comfortable position in his chair, turning away from her to let the piece of paper flutter from his palm, into the fireplace by his legs, being eaten up within seconds by the flames.
“... Luther.” Emilia whispered. “What did you do?”
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Sienna reclined on her sofa as her guests gushed about her wonderful party, the entertainment, the food, all so wonderful! She just watched them, running her perfectly manicured thumb over the rim of her wine glass, swirling the dark red liquid around.
God, she was fucking bored.
She’s done it all before. Again and again. The parties, the games, the drinking, the sex, the spending. She was starting to feel old. And there was nothing Sienna Della Rovere hated more than feeling fucking old.
She watched her guests dance and gossip and coo. She watched them eat her food and enjoy her singers and whisper about how one of these days their host simply must marry one of the eligible bachelors constantly hanging around her.
They too, were fucking boring. Every day was so… Fucking… Oh?
One of her little assistants was stumbling over themselves to get to where she was languidly lounging, their little face pale with shock.
“Baroness Della Rovere! Baroness!” The little thing tottered to a stop in front of her, panting.
“Yes?” Sienna replied mildly, a perfect eyebrow raised.
“I… The… The Clerk… He’s been found dead.”
Sienna’s mouth parted in a perfect shocked expression but the edge of her lip twitched.
Finally, some fun.
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Victor got home late. The best time to get home. Silence. Nothing but the fireplace crackling with a flame that was lit specially for him. It was hard to remember a time when he wasn’t living such a life. Not that he couldn’t remember, it was that it was a time that felt like a glowing ember to try and touch without hurting yourself.
So he didn’t. So he lived the good life, with a crystal glass of brandy held in his palm, a book open on his knee. So, he enjoyed his new life.
Then he heard them. His spouse. A few thumps upstairs and muffled movement. Victor stilled and glanced towards the ceiling, as if it would let him see through the wood, watching as they trotted around and bumped into things as they tried to pull on their evening robe. His lips thinned but as he heard their footsteps make their way down the grand staircase, he schooled his expression into something warmer. By the time the door to the study swung over, he looked downright loving.
“My dear.” He reached out for his beloved spouse to rest their leathery hand in his. “You needn’t come down to greet me. You should be resting.”
Their cold eyes bored into him before they slowly parted their lips.
“Victor… That boy is dead.”
He blinked at them a few times.
“Luke. Luke is dead.”
His stomach tightened, the whiskey curdling in his gut. The glass slipped from his fingers and smashed on the floor.
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Zaniyah was cold. So fucking cold. She was always cold these days, but it didn’t mean that she ever got used to it. That she’ll ever want to get used to it.
Her black skirt drags on the ground as she walks, leaves and dirt staining the hem. Hard to remember a time that she’d ever cared about what the hem of her frock looked like. There was once upon a time that she’d gain stares and whispers about the state she was in. Now she glides through crowds and groups and no one takes notice of her. No one yells at her for bumping them, no one grumbles when she steps on their foot, no one yelps when her umbrella smacks their face.
Bliss. If only she wasn’t so cold.
She glides past the elderly lady at the desk, squinting through her clouded spectacles. She descends the stairs, pausing a bit as the doctor ascends the stairs, rubbing his eyes wearily. Zaniyah admires his profile, tilting her head. When he’s out of sight, she continues her way, perfectly buckled, muddied shoes making neither a sound or a stain on the tiled floor.
Then she arrives. And there he is.
The body lying on the white slab, a slender, greying pinkie poking out from under the tarp.
“Hello, Mister Buckley.” She murmurs and slips her notebook free from her jacket.
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