#French news
belle-keys · 8 months
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France is banning the abaya, which is a loose-fitting dress worn by Muslim women (among other groups of women), in public schools. They claim the dress is an affront to French secularism even though it's not even a religious garment – it's a cultural garment that resembles pretty much any loose-fitting modest dress.
I can't possibly spell out for you how discriminatory and backward this is for a "modern, democratic" nation like France. Muslim women deserve more humane treatment and respect than this – being forced to undress more than they're comfortable with.
Photos taken from muslim on Instagram.
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straight-from-gaza · 13 days
Floran, a French national, had his employment contract with Groupe SNCF canceled for his support for Palestine and his opposition to the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
(Source: QUDS news network)
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
I'm not questioning Gabriel Attal's skills, we'll see what he does and maybe he'll surprise us, but what I am wondering is whether the President had an ulterior motive in appointing him Prime Minister? I find it hard to believe that, in the current political climate, he would appoint a man prime minister without thinking about his sex. And is it really a good idea to appoint someone to such an important position simply because he's a man? For that matter, why a man? Is it really important to ensure that men are appointed to such positions? Is this activism? I think there are other questions to consider. More important questions, in fact. And I don't think looking at a person's sex before their skills helped much.
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[ID and translation: French news article (from the 22nd of March 2023) with a headline that says "Mobilier national [National Movable Heritage] on strike: no red carpet for Charles III?"
Below is a picture of Charles III walking on a red carpet from another event.
Caption of the picture says: "Will Prince Charles have a red carpet underneath his feet upon his arrival in France this Sunday? Nothing could be less certain..."
On strike, the civil servants of the Mobilier national [National Movable Heritage] state they will not unroll the red carpet for the arrival of Charles III in France. /end ID]
This is admittedly quite funny and I've looked at the English news outlet that reported on this royal visit being impacted by our (french) general strike and this tidbit hasn't been mentioned, but I thought Tumblr folks might enjoy it.
The workers and their union are also empathetic about UK workers and notably commented: "Ce sera sans nous ! Nous sommes solidaires des travailleurs anglais, en particulier de la culture (British Museum, Wallace collection…), qui sont en grève depuis des semaines pour l’augmentation des salaires", a indiqué la CGT Culture."
[Translation: "This will happen without us! We are showing solidarity with British workers, especially those working in the cultural field (British Museum, Wallace collection...), who have been striking for weeks for better wages" said the CGT Culture (culture union).]
Another thing I find quite funny is our seemingly total lack of royal etiquette regarding vocabulary with old Charles never once being referred to as king :')
This wasn't mentioned in this particular article, but French people have also been upset because our president has planned a banquet in Versailles for Charles III and himself, and with the context of our general strike and Macron's authoritarian actions lately (he put something into law without letting our national assembly (aka parliament) vote on it and has since then pretended (during an official speech) that he was still very much working for the people and being democratic and has condemned the strike without acknowledging its reasons), this feels a bit too much and too royalist, and as we all know, French people don't like the monarchy very much (winkwink Revolution winkwink).
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head-post · 3 months
75,000 demonstrators protest across France against the immigration law
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of French cities on Sunday to urge President Emmanuel Macron not to sign a tough new immigration law they say tramples on French values.
The timing of the protests was crucial: on Thursday, the Constitutional Council is due to decide whether all articles of the law passed in December are in line with the French Constitution.
The bill would expand the ability to deport foreigners deemed undesirable. It would also reduce the possibility for foreigners to benefit from social measures.
Macron backed the law during its difficult passage through parliament but, in an unusual twist, said some articles appeared unconstitutional. Le Monde newspaper recently quoted an unnamed Interior Ministry official as saying that “a good dozen” articles could be overturned by the Constitutional Council.
Read more HERE
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ribstongrowback · 10 months
Nahel was 17
He was shot by a police officier after driving away from him as the officer had threatened his life and stopped him for bullshit reasons.
Nahel was 17. He's dead because he tried to flee from a guy who'd threatened him with a gun. To his head.
The police tried to keep things under wrap, but video footage disprove their version of events, and now France is rioting. A 20 years old ambulance driver leaked the identity of the shooter and his adress is getting 18 months in jail with 12 months probation. He was tried right away. The cop is still awaiting trial.
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Going freaking insane over all the french news channels somehow all agreeing on the fact that all minors (under 18) are delinquents in the making, that 10yo are outside at night terrorizing old folks and that the only solution is a curfew for them only.
Like, fuck, I don't even like teenagers. I didn't like em when I was one and I still don't, but if you treat someone like a criminal only because of his age, you’re wrong and shouldn't be a mayor.
Fuck (bis), but if *I* could understand on my own at the tender age of THIRTEEN that some youth have NO CHOICE but to hang out outside, not to terrorize adult passerby, but because they don't have the luxury of a garden and a large house to spend time in, why can't YOU, as a journalist, a mayor or a politician, do the bare minimum of research expected for you job and realize it too!?
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an-onyx-void · 4 months
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culturefrancaise · 5 months
Comment on en est arrivés là ?
Selon les premiers éléments fournis par le procureur de Rennes, "l'élève est venue en cours armée d’un grand couteau avec l’intention semble-t-il de tuer sa professeur d’anglais." Pendant le cours, "elle a brandi le couteau vers la victime qui s’est enfuie en courant. Elle l’aurait suivie avant d’être désarmée par le personnel de l’établissement. "Selon nos informations, l'adolescente s'était récemment vue confisquer par l'enseignante le téléphone portable qu'elle utilisait pendant la classe.
L’incident s’est produit jeudi dernier. Alors que la professeur de français présentait à sa classe le tableau de Giuseppe Cesari, des élèves ont détourné les yeux en affirmant que ce spectacle était contraire à leurs convictions religieuses. Des collégiens de confession musulmane ont expliqué que l’enseignante les avait interrogés sur la toile dans le but de les mettre mal à l’aise et qu’elle avait tenu des propos racistes. Les rumeurs ont rapidement été démenties au cours de la journée et les élèves se sont excusés auprès de la professeur.
Ca ne fait que continuer... Comment c'est possible ?
Il y a des tensions pour raisons religieuses, des fausses accusations de racisme, et parfois le problème c'est que la prof a confisqué un portable... Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel ?
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mask131 · 10 months
Sorry for a new quick outburst of French political anger but...
Fuck the Traore family. They’re a criminal clan, a drug-dealing gang. Assa Traore managed to make her brother, Adama, into a “symbol” of “police brutality” and “racism in France”, yes... But she did so by pushing him above and over all the other victims of police brutality. Every time she speaks it is “My brother this, my brother that, Adama this” and then she adds “And the others, and all the others, and all our dead”. You’re going to say “Yes, but it is her brother, it makes sense”. Maybe - but when it came time to do the march for Nahel’s death, the Nahel’s protest, she managed to place her brother’s name right next to Nahel. I heard as much of Adama’s name during the protest as of Nahel’s name, because she was leading the movement and had overtaken it.
It was the same thing that happened when she manifested for George Floyd’s death in France - she made it all about her brother’s death. If you believed her words, George and Adama were one and the same. Dead for the same reasons, in the same way, at the hands of the same police. 
There are so many other victims of police brutality, so many other victims of actual racism - so many innocent victims... But do we know their name today? No. No because every time their case is presented, every time there is a march or protest for them, Assa Traore and her group “Truth for Adama”/”Justice for Adam” slides in, and takes over, and makes it all about Adama. She made him a symbol yes - but by erasing all the others, and “fusing” them within her own brother. Her brother part of a group of thieves and drug-dealers who were feared in their own neighborhood - a brother that was killed when the police came in to arrest his older brother for attested drug-dealing and extortion business - a brother that was recognized by the justice as guilty of sexual assault during his time in prison. 
She literaly published on the Internet the names of those that had brought testimonies against her case - and was brought to court for that, as she had posted these names saying they were purposefully doing that to “block the truth”, that they had lied and were in some sort of conspiracy. Because this is the Traore’s family (seventeen siblings born of four mothers, since her Malian father praticed polygamy) main obsession and claim for years and years: there is “another truth”, Adam was an innocent victim brutalized to death by the police out of racist reasons - for them this is the truth and there is none other, and whoever claims anything else (be it the court, the police, the actual testimonies of people on the scene) is lying. This is why their social-political group is called “Truth for Adama”. They insist on having the “truth” - but they have already planned their “truth” ahead, and they also willingly occult their own “truth”, such as trying to hide or defend as much the criminal activities of some of the Traore brothers. 
But what really enrages me is how Assa Traore and her group manage to confuse everything and mix everything. She has all of the anti-racism associations and activists in her pocket, and it is a noble thing for her to manifest and protest against racism and racist deaths... But when you look at the facts as they are, at what she truly does, outside of any context - she is literaly hijacking other marches and other protests to make it all about her brother, she places her brother’s name BEFORE those of other victims (listen to the protest she leads - each time it is “Adama” first and then the other name listed briefly before “Adama” goes back and is repeated again and again). When you listen to the news, you notice that day after day, Nahel’s name is replaced by Adama. Same thing with George Floyd - Assa made all of the news in France about her, and made any protest in France tied to Floyd into a Traore case. 
And I won’t even mention the other forms of discrimination or racism within the movement “Justice for Traore” - from the fact they insult the Black policemen of France of being “traitors” for just being in the police and working as policemen (because in their mind all Black people should work against the police, and not in it), to the incident everybody seems to have forgotten of antisemitic messages on flags and signs during some of the big Traore-led protests... 
Assa Traore seems to be a bit of an “attention-hog”, if you excuse me this very nasty expression. The way she puts herself forward in every manifestation, the way she makes every other man’s death at the hands of the police about Adama (men “of color” of course, not white men, because against for her the fight against police brutality and the fight against racism is one and the same - hence why they called Black policemen “traitors to the cause”), the way she mixes together police-caused deaths between countries, the way she made her brother the synthesis of numerous other victims, and she places herself as the only true activist against racism in France... I don’t know but I doubt about her true intentions. She was not a political or social activist before - she did help take care and reinsert delinquant youth before her brother’s death, but she wasn’t a public figure in any way, and ever since Adama’s death she received prizes, and she was given positions in several magazines and medias, and she got involved with many political groups, and she is now out there in every manifestation... But it is especially the way she literaly drowns the names and cases of other police-caused deaths under the name of Adama that makes me tick. 
Anyway I’ll stop there because I won’t go back about everything... This is all becoming such a mess. All I want to say is Nahel is not Adama, and it truly makes me angry that they are making all of this about Adama, and not about Nahel. Every time people start to talk again about the Nahel case, about what happened, about the exact things - boom! Assa and the Traore group arrive and put Adama in the front. They did so with all the other cases of “police brutality”, but it wasn’t as obvious because these cases weren’t as heavily mediatized - but now that we have a clearly mediatized and big case with Nahel, it becomes obvious how they are just pulling the cover towards themselves. 
End of my rant (for now. I can’t promise you another won’t come out, because this is a time of anger and madness and chaos in France)
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haute-lifestyle-com · 9 months
L'évacuation des ressortissants français du Niger illustre indirectement l'influence croissante et déjà bien affirmée de la Russie et de la Chine sur un continent appelé à devenir un nouvel espace de compétitions économiques et d'oppositions diplomatiques.
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atheostic · 1 year
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miraclemaya · 2 months
this is problematic of me (joke) but i really enjoy the splashing of french into english speech or writing. just adds a pizzazz
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hard--headed--woman · 11 months
Today, French feminists protested in Marseille in front of the concert venue of a rapist and sexual abuser who is also an actor and singer, Gérard Depardieu. They sang a radical feminist song, "On est fortes, on est fières, féministes, radicales et en colère". (We're strong, we're proud, feminist, radical and angry).
As well as disrupting the concert and those attending it, the aim of the demonstration was to denounce the impunity of sexual abusers, who are punished only in the rarest of cases, and the fact that someone who has committed such acts can walk free and give concerts, funded and supported by many people.
Some have tried to say that there is no proof that this man is guilty, and that we must wait for the verdict of the courts, but as feminists have pointed out, 14 women have accused Depardieu of rape and sexual assault, and over 98% of rapists receive no sentence anyway.
Over 100 women attended the protest.
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(You belong in prison, not on stage)
(Spectators, you will be cheering on a sexual abuser)
(Victims of Depardieu, we believe you)
(This concert is an insult to the victims)
(No producer for rapists)
(Gérard, the black eagle is you) (=a ref to the song L'Aigle Noir by Barbara, that tells the story of the singer, raped by her father when she was a child. The black eagle represents her father, and she mentions the horrible things he's done to her, while asking him to take her back to the time when he hadn't done it yet, and when they had a normal father/daughter relationship)
Of course, mysoginist channels like CNEWS immediately cried foul, accusing feminists of being hysterical and overreacting, of being a danger to democracy, of not respecting the sovereignty of justice and the presumption of innocence. One of them even accused "this" feminism of being "feminicide".
But we don’t care, parce qu'on est fortes, on est fières, féministes, radicales et en colère.
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thevvitchbitch · 1 month
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head-post · 4 months
Tensions between Scholz and Macron could derail EU action against Houthis
Tensions between German leader Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron could damage the European Union’s position on the Houthis, GB News reports.
The reason for the deterioration in relations has been energy financing issues, as well as the states’ stance on China and Ukraine.
On Monday, Scholz issued a statement saying EU member states were not sending enough aid to Ukraine, in what appeared to be a jab at Macron, whose level of support lags far behind that of Berlin.
If the deterioration in relations between France and Germany continues, the EU’s joint action in the Red Sea could be jeopardised. Diplomats fear the spat could prevent Berlin from persuading Paris to back an expansion of the French-led EU anti-piracy mission around the Strait of Hormuz.
Read more HERE
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