#Feline Mystic
southerndragontamer · 8 months
Egotober Day 1: Cape
“No capes!"
Jackie whined and pouted at Marvin's proclamation, and very good Edna Mode impression, as he stood in the magician's bedroom. Jackie crossed his arms over his chest and his pout deepened as he watched the magic sewing supplies being used on the mannequin for his new costume. After his last encounter with the glitch the last one had been basically shredded.
"But why not Marvin? You have one!"
Marvin raised a brow at Jackie as he looked over his shoulder. His cape ended just at his ankles, it was a dark shade of blue with glittery purple thread sewn in like constellations. There was a glint of bright blue at the seams of the fabric where he'd sewn in the enchantments. Then he looked back at Jackie and his reply was deadpan.
"I do not go galavanting around the city in hero work Jackie! I stay on the ground, on stage where I'm less likely to get anything caught. And with half the stunts you pull, you'd lose it ten times over! No capes!"
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shyblacksheep · 8 months
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Lu 🏵️
A side character from my comic in the works ‘New Wolf’. He’s a bakeneko and shrine guardian, age unknown (but is thought to be somewhat young). Lu also seems to be part of the same race as The Moon Beast, a Celestial (Yokais who aren’t dragons, but dragon kin, meaning they share some features from them and are usually really powerful), shown through his guardian form. His shrine is for good fortune.
⛩️ [ X ]
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Cat Woman by Vera Bousiou, 2024.
Female myths, mysteries, rituals, and empowerment inspire my art as well as thinking a great deal. A timeless and empowered femininity as natural cycles and seasons touch the collective psyche. I'd say that "The White Goddess", by Robert Graves, or "Women's Mysteries" by Esther Harding, are two of the influences for this artwork, an impression of ancient Minoan Mysteries or those of holy Samothrace. Please support original art.
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omegaphilosophia · 1 month
The Philosophy of the Cat
The philosophy of the cat is a playful and contemplative exploration of feline behavior, cognition, and their role in human life and culture. While cats do not engage in philosophical inquiry in the same way humans do, their enigmatic nature and unique characteristics have inspired philosophical reflections on various aspects of existence. Here are some key themes and perspectives within the philosophy of the cat:
Independence and Autonomy: Cats are often celebrated for their independence and self-sufficiency. Philosophical discussions on cat behavior may delve into the nature of autonomy and the balance between freedom and interdependence in human-animal relationships.
Hedonism and Enjoyment of Life: Cats are known for their love of leisure, play, and relaxation. Philosophical interpretations of cat behavior may emphasize the pursuit of pleasure, the importance of enjoying the present moment, and the value of simplicity and contentment.
Intuition and Instinct: Cats exhibit keen senses, intuition, and instincts that guide their actions and interactions with the world. Philosophical reflections on feline cognition may explore the nature of intuition, animal consciousness, and the limits of human understanding.
Mystery and Elusiveness: Cats possess an aura of mystery and unpredictability that has captivated human imagination for centuries. Philosophical musings on the enigmatic nature of cats may touch upon themes of uncertainty, ambiguity, and the unknowable aspects of existence.
Aesthetic Appreciation: Cats are admired for their grace, elegance, and beauty. Philosophical discussions on the philosophy of aesthetics may contemplate the aesthetic value of cats, the perception of beauty in nature, and the role of aesthetics in shaping human perceptions of the world.
Symbolism and Cultural Significance: Cats have held symbolic significance in various cultures and mythologies throughout history. Philosophical inquiries into the symbolism of cats may explore themes of mysticism, spirituality, and the symbolic meanings attributed to animals in human culture.
Coexistence and Interconnectedness: Cats share a symbiotic relationship with humans, often serving as companions, protectors, or sources of comfort. Philosophical reflections on the human-cat bond may touch upon themes of coexistence, interspecies communication, and the ethical responsibilities of pet ownership.
Adaptability and Resilience: Cats are highly adaptable creatures capable of thriving in diverse environments. Philosophical discussions on cat resilience may examine the concept of resilience, coping mechanisms in the face of adversity, and the capacity for growth and transformation.
In summary, the philosophy of the cat offers a lighthearted and contemplative exploration of the multifaceted nature of feline existence. While cats may not engage in philosophical inquiry in the traditional sense, their presence and behavior inspire reflections on autonomy, enjoyment of life, intuition, mystery, aesthetics, symbolism, coexistence, resilience, and more.
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archer-ko · 4 months
I noticed that missed out on these OC. And they represent my VK group. Today I decided to change the design there and put these cute characters back where they belong. I went minimalist, and I like how it looks on the design! (●ˇ∀ˇ●) Later, I'll show you another design element and long-standing art on these OC's(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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⬇ Commission [OPEN] ⬇
Feral $10 USD (Pokemon|Pony|and other animals) Chibi $15 USD
More information on Humans, Humanoid, Anthro:
❥ Headshot $10 USD ❥ Thigh up $15 USD ❥ Full Body $20 USD
*Price per background from $5 to $20 USD
I draw: Feral, Pokémon, Pony, Mythical creatures, Humans, Humanoid, Anthro I don't draw: Hard fetishes Deadline 7-14 days Payment by Boosty (you can pay with Paypal or card) or PayPal (+10%**)
**I got PayPal, but it's double commission for me there, so +10% to the price
*If you have any questions, please ask me
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viajeroindomito · 14 days
Título: Recorridos y Estilos 🌄🌠
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Saludos a todos :3/! 💚
Les comparto en esta ocasión un nuevo pixel art, el cual se compone de dos iconos, los cuales, incluyendo sus respectivos marcos componen un total de 52 píxeles cuadrados. Uno está inspirado en el estilo de Undertale y Deltarune, y el otro en el que suelo utilizar de Game Boy Color 🧡 (ambos de mi fursona). Además, abajo hice dos paisajes, uno inspirado en algunos pueblos mágicos de México, y otro en un hogar en el bosque junto al cielo estrellado 🌠🍉.
Fue un pixel art bastante curioso el cual disfrute bastante hacer ^w^ 🐆💫.
Con cariño, Viajero Indómito 猫 🐆💫.
Redes de Arte 🧡🍂:
La Obra fue concluida el día 19 de Mayo del 2024 🍉.
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Out of pure curiosity’s sake, logistically would Jellicle Cats be pregnant for the more realistic 2-ish months that actual cats are, or would they be more like the human 9-ish months, or somewhere in between?
(One thing you have to know about me is that I will put so much unnecessary time and thought and energy into a potential throwaway line, and if that doesn’t describe me as a person idk what will)
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animasmagic · 1 year
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thefloofyfurret · 9 months
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Here's Koban~!
Koban is © KONAMI
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ancient-cats-unite · 2 years
An Ancient Thanksgiving!
The Ancient Eggs celebrate Thanksgiving. Surely nothing will go wrong, right?
The Ancient Eggs were enigmatic cats. Which cat isn't though? With the arrival of the Behemoths, these cats were tasked to slay them. As expected from cats that were unsealed from isolation, they were always learning about this new world. So, these beast slayers could use downtime for this new holiday. That's why we bring you to this mismatched house they call home..
The Behemoth Slayers sat down at a long dinner table, cracks covered neatly by the crimson dinnercloth. Everyone was hungry, waiting for Exorcist to finish the meal. Haniwa Cat got to chewing on the assorted cutlery already. Mushroom Cat got uneasy by the glances others gave him.
Most were expecting Exorcist was making an elaborate five star feast. Exorcist takes pride in being the chef of the family, considering how some cats can't be trusted in the kitchen isn'tthatrightcourier. They didn't bother trying to rush Exorcist, they knew they would get a "you can't rush perfection!" type comment.
Courier's stomach growled. He hasn't eaten anything besides a small lunch. Even though he was famished, he didn't want that to dull the night. Being the host he is, he tapped the rim of his painted glass with his spoon.
"Attention everyone! I know Exorcist is putting lotsa time into our Givingthanks food, but lets try to distract ourselves. How's our new pals?"
"Huh huh! I luv friends! I luv you!!!"
Mushroom hugged Haniwa. The statue hugged back, a little awkward.
"Ducky likes you too! Honk honk!"
Supercar pushed the horn of his vehicle, making the duck screech the souls of the damned. Silence reigned once more, before being broken by stomach growling.
"Was that you, Surgeon?"
"Yeah, because I'm frigging starving and that priest won't serve us food!"
Surgeon banged on the table angrily. Courier had to think of a plan to make everyone happy, and FAST. Luckily, Gas Mask offered a solution.
"For God's sake, check up on Exorcist, anyone! Cactus! Go see him! Gobbles don't take this long to cook!"
"Mewn! Of course! Maybe his Gobble will MEAT our expectations!"
Cactus toddled off cheerfully while everyone groaned.
Exorcist hacked over the black smoke rising out of the oven. Exorcist took out a tray of burnt meat which looked like charcoal more than anything. Exorcist sobbed, Cactus tugging on Exorcist's apron.
"Another Gobble, ruined!"
Cactus looked around in the fridge. Milk, myster brown stuff, leftover stew.. aha! Some SLOTH was saved in the freezer.
"Can't you make some Behemoth meat? It's your top recipe!"
Cactus toddled onto the counter. She pulled out Exorcist's cookbook. He flipped past chapter after chapter, stopping on a lilac colored paper.
"Look! You can cook some FOLIVORIAN filets instead!"
Exorcist pondered, brainstorming how he could prepare it.
"I suppose so.. thank you Cactus."
Cactus got a pat on his face. It sounds awkward, but thats the only place without spikes. Cactus meowed appreciatively, before leaving out of the kitchen.
"So, whats up with everyone?"
Courier made an attempt at starting more conversation. The silence was deafening.
"Me and Armoured Firefly are migrating to the same place soon. We'll leave around December."
Catarzan nudged the cricket cat on his left. Firefly glew defensively, still in full armor.
"Ooh! Me and Raquet Cat went shopping!"
Supercar perked up. Catarzan retorted back, disgusted by the idea like it was a crime.
"How about we don't bring up the cat the begins with R? On second thought, where is she? Only asking because she didn't say something totally obnoxious."
"Be nice! I heard she was busy, maybe with a game."
Surgeon fidgeted with her paws, giving the wild cat a slight glare.
"Oh well, I wanted all the new slayers to come, but she can do whatever she wants."
Courier Cat's ears drooped a little. He played with his painted cup.
Cactus came back to her seat. Everyone looked over to hear what happened in the kitchen. Cactus preened her multicolored flowers.
"Exorcist is almost done! He's preparing his speciality!!"
All the cats rejoiced! That put them in a good mood.
This seems like a cozy get-together, yes? Not bad for some outsiders. Unfortunately, it all goes downhill from here.
//Happy Thanksgiving folks! I will be posting a Part 2, I'm just not in the mood.//
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kissycat · 2 years
Just remembered jellicle songs for jellicle cats. That was so true
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southerndragontamer · 8 months
Happy Birthday Anti
There’s few days that will give someone or something power, Halloween or Samhain depending on the circles you know is the most well known for giving power as the veil between the human world and the spiritual plane is at its thinnest. The Equinoxes, Eclipses, Turning of the Year possibly.
But none of these are as powerful as the day of one’s birth.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you~
Chase felt like he was going to throw up, he was filled with anxiety to the point he’d almost had an asthma attack just getting breakfast from the local diner and he didn’t know why. It kept him pacing around his apartment and a hand on a weapon he hadn’t used in years. It felt like he’d forgotten something extremely important but for the life of him he couldn’t remember what it was. At least he couldn’t remember until there was a flash of green static across his phone. Until his heart felt like it burst and he scrambled to dial the others. Only for the flood of static through his veins from the contact to turn everything dark as a familiar giggle rang out in his apartment.
Henrik couldn’t stop fidgeting, couldn’t stay still. He paced in his office, down the halls of his clinic, clicked his pen or ran his thumb over his scalpel. His mind whirled as he didn’t remember why he had to obsessively check that Jack was alright, why he felt like he was going to fall into a panic attack if he didn’t move today. Or that’s what he attempted to do, as he tried to make another round his foot caught on what he assumed was the IV line for Jack. He looked down to dismantle it and found strings, there was a skipping from his heart in terrified realization. His attention snapped up as the heart monitor raced. And then went green as he felt familiar pressure coil around his throat and everything started to dim.
Jameson was a mess and he didn’t understand why. He hadn’t stopped shaking since he’d woken up this morning, he’d almost spilled hot water over himself making tea. He had his watch clutched in a death grip, the ticking clock should’ve been reassuring but it felt like each tick was a hammer blow against his sanity. He froze completely as there was the rising static in the air, as he felt the ticking go out of sync, inner workings started to break. There was a flood of utter fear as his aura snapped out and tried to freeze time to protect himself but he still screamed in his mind as control was yanked away from him.
Jackie panted for air as he paused on a rooftop near Henrik’s clinic. He felt like he needed to keep everyone in sight, like he needed to check on the city for something. His lungs burned and power flared in his veins with the pounding heartbeat fueled by adrenaline. The need to protect drove him as he started another circuit close to where the other Egos were. He felt like there was going to be an attack but he couldn’t know where it would come from. There was a flood of fight instinct as a neon sign went green. It suddenly hit him and the fight mixed with the urge to defend as he worried for the others. As he threw a punch, it was caught and his nerves lit up in pain before he had time to scream.
Marvin’s magic couldn’t control itself today, it flared and hummed to be used but for what he didn’t know as he sketched out runes on the ground in the forest. He needed to do something today, anything, or he’d thought he’d lose his mind, so he was going to do what was supposed to be a simple summoning for elemental forces to thank them. It was October after all, Samhain was going to be this month and it would be easier to do this now rather than then when they’d all be more powerful.
The magician’s ears twitched as he thought he heard something on the wind, it sounded almost like voices but he couldn’t make them out yet. He guessed it was spirits, excited for the same reason as he finished the circle and started to chant and push his magic into it.
Only everything went horribly w r o n g.
The circle flooded with bright green, the wind picked up, dry lightning cracked down around him as static hissed in his ears. Instantly Marvin cursed in Gaelic an he tried to stop the ritual, to break the circle by disrupting the runes, there was an explosion of power that threw him back.
Then a clawed hand wrapped around his throat like an iron clamp and lifted him up as glowing green eyes locked onto his. As a familiar twisted grin showed all the glitch’s fangs as it stretched over his face.
Marvin struggled wildly, clawed at the glitch’s arm and tried to kick from where he hung in the air. His eyes wide and panicked, how was he this strong?!? He shouldn’t be this strong it was only the beginning of October they still had time-
He felt an absolutely freezing chill of realization run down his spine as it hit him like a freight train. The beginning of October, the first in other words-
He heard the whispering again, but clearly now. It sounded like millions of voices singing in different tones and ranges.
Happy Birthday, Dear Anti~
Anti purred as he pulled the magician close, as he relished in the utter terror on his expression at how they’d all forgotten. He didn’t know that the glitch had made them forget just so he could see it, and he’d do it again for the next year after he was finished. Oh he was going to have so much f u n today~
“Happy Birt’day ta me~”
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elgaberino-mcoc · 5 years
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Deac's Picks - Infinity Warps Ghost Panther
Our last Warp Pick. If I had to add just one, Ghost Panther. He is my favorite. He looks badass and would look soooo cool in MCOC. Ghost Rider and Black Panther if you couldn't tell. Hey @xgabo , Phullease!!!!!!! You know you want to.
- Deac
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akannuoli-aatteet · 2 years
All dogs go to Heaven but only one cat per year will see the wonders of The Heaviside Layer.
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muzzero · 4 months
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open your eyes by muzzero
canvas mounted print / pullover sweatshirt / cap
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archer-ko · 2 months
I created an icon with my characters
You can use it on the FA Coffcat
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