s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 month
OMG!! WHAT EPISODE??? I'm at episode 3 rn :DD I'm DEFINITELY not normal about gallavich😔🙌
I'm on S2 EP7! I took a small break to watch Cherry Magic (the anime) to counter the heaviness but yes! GallaVich has my entire heart
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yashley · 11 months
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crowcravesmore · 2 months
When I Get My Hands On You. (Soldier Boy Fic).
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Soldier Boy/Ben x F!Reader 18+
Summary: Slight AU + 'Still Awake'. After everything, Vought decides it's better to keep Soldier Boy out of the way instead of putting him back under. Out of the way is a McMansion out of the city, a plot of land, a mountain and all the time in the world. He's got everything he needs, and yet there's still something missing. He figures out what it is very quickly when you show up. What a lucky man he is.
Song This Fic is Based On: Superbad Mantra - JAWNY, Christian Blue.
A/n: I'm so excited to post this fic, it was so much fun to write, and my first time writing for SB. I wrote, and rewrote this fic a couple of times, and this plot + ending just feels right. Let me know what you think. -Kash
Word Count: 3.5k
Tags & Warnings: 18+ Only, Cursing, Ben wanting you BAD, smut, drinking.
Never in a million fucking years would Ben admit to being tired of it all. The fighting, the anger, the planning, the business of it. But he is. Ben’s tired of fighting. He never wanted to be mixed in with Vought new affairs. So he’s almost ecstatic when they decide to just keep him hidden in the woods instead of putting him under again. He’s their Golden God, (well he used to be) so their version of hiding him is a red brick Mcmansion 40 minutes outside the city. When he sees it for the first time he gets a wave of –I don't know– peace? Ecstasy maybe at the sight of it. 
Let me paint the picture of Ben’s newfound paradise. It’s on about 15 acres of land, surrounded by woods with a little creek tucked inside. When you come down the driveway there are rows of pine trees shading the pathway. To the east there’s a mountain, about a 40 minute hike to get to the base of it and an hour to get to the top. To the west there’s a river, a quarter mile wide and too long for Ben to guess. Big enough for him to fuck off on it for hours and still not see anyone. He gets a dock, a pontoon, plus a couple of trails all to himself. 
 All on the promise that he stays hidden, & out of the fray. 
If we’re being honest right now, even with all of this, Ben told them to fuck off. He isn’t a pet to lock away when he’s not needed, he has–had a life. He deserves a life. 
“We can’t guarantee you a life outside of what we’re offering you now, Ben,” Jeremy, Vought's coordinating agent for Soldier Boy says. He’s a weasley looking man, short with neatly parted black hair & wire-framed glasses. They’re standing on the back deck of the house, looking out to the river as the sun starts to set. His suit’s a little too tight, and not at all fitting for the summer heat. He keeps pulling at his tie, and dabbing his forehead with his pocket hankie. “All we’re asking is that you remain here for now, and once we’re able to settle our affairs and guarantee you a position without ..” He trails off. 
Ben already knows. “Yeah,” He’s annoyed. “ Once you can get my sperm mutant under control, I get it.” He nods, and mulls over the thought for a moment, taking a good look at the property. It’s honestly, truly, not a bad deal. He’s just pissy because—“I’m not stayin’ here without getting high, Johnny.” he says matter of factly. 
Jeremy doesn’t even miss a beat, he’s nodding immediately. “Understood, Vought is very aware of your extracurricular activities and we’ve already supplied you with a month’s worth of—” 
“I’m gonna need more.”  Jesus let him finish.
“Yes, sir,” Jeremy wipes the sweat from the back of his neck, and pulls a phone out of his pocket. “We have a delivery guy coming once a week with groceries, as well as anything else you may need. Just text this number with your list and we’ll send him over asap.” He hands Ben the phone and motions out to the water. “This is a great offer, Ben. No other Superhero is getting a set up like this, unlimited food, wifi, a boat—” 
“It’s a pontoon.” 
He ignores him. “And enough weed, coke, and whateverthehell else to kill all of Manhattan if you want it.” He locks eyes with Ben, smiles, & It’s quite frankly almost eerie. “Just stay here and let us handle the rest.” 
He sits on it for about 10 seconds, before nodding and turning the phone over in his hands. 
“How long?”
And that’s just the least of it. 
About a month into it, Ben starts to get a little….restless. Yeah, sure, that’s the word for it. He’s content with the land, and the food, and the drugs, and has even started a little garden. It’s not huge, but he’s already gotten a few sprouts from his potatoes, so that’s something. 
However, he’s still Ben. Still Soldier Boy. Still a man of needs, and cravings like he’s always been. Only now it’s panged with something like loneliness. Maybe that’s all it is. Maybe it’s the memories of his old life, and how everyone he loved turned against him. He was a son of a bitch, so maybe he deserved it. Whatever, anyways—
It’s a tuesday night when he finally hits fuck it territory. He’s been watching porn for three hours, and is–honest to God–tired of his hand & a screen. He swipes out of PornHub, and looks up the nearest Gentleman's club outside of the city. Because that’s what he is, a gentleman. 
He gets dressed and walks two hours into a small town and makes a beeline for ‘Synn’. It’s a ‘not too shabby’, but shabby, looking gentlemans club on the east side of town, right off the highway. It’s a one story concrete building with tinted windows, & nondescript except for the giant neon purple sign outside. ‘Synn Gentlemen's Club’ it reads, with the silhouette of a woman next to it. The inside does it a little more justice. It’s got dark purple walls, and an honestly very well stocked bar all on a landing, plus a few tables and chairs. The floor is scattered with stains, and the walls have a faint smell of cigarettes. The rest of the club is almost like one giant conversation pit, with stairs leading down to the main floor, & two main stages right in the middle of the room. Both stages have mirrors at the back of them, so wherever you are in the club you can get a view. God does he love the view. 
Ben loves women. I don’t know if you know that, actually I know you don’t know that, but he does. The way women talk, the way they walk, move their hips, their lips, their touch, their smell, their taste. Fuck, he loves the taste. He’s a bit more partial to older women, but lately he’s bent his own rules. Twenty-four is the youngest he’ll go, and even then it’s…iffy. Maturity is a big thing for him. 
Here he’s happy to bend his rule to accommodate. He sits in a darker corner, his hat pulled low, and just enjoys the show. An hour, and nine beers in, & He’s gained just enough confidence to catch eyes with one of the girls in the club. She’s pretty, not exactly his type, but pretty. Long blonde hair, and a tiny sparkly pink one piece that barely hides anything. 
Believe it or not he’s shy. Tonight Ben’s shy. Only because he’s sure he’s toeing the line right now being here, but he's feeling more hands on, so when she asks if he wants a dance, he immediately says yes. It lasts all of two minutes. He wants more, but not with her, and he can’t even put his finger on why he stops her from asking if he wants to go to the VIP room, but he does. He pays her and immediately leaves. 
Back to his hand. Back to missing….something.
A week later, right as he’s snorting enough coke to down two bull elephants off of his coffee table, the doorbell rings. He quick sniffs, and wipes whatever’s left on his nose onto his gums before standing up. “Shit,” he half groans as he wobbles. Everythings a little too turnt at the moment, so he immediately sits back down and puts his head in his hands. “Oooooh, shit.”
He’s about 40 seconds deep into an almost meditative state when the doorbell rings again plus five knocks. This time he hears a “Hellooo?” And a softer, “Fuck, it’s hot please hurry up.” from the other side of the door. He knows you don’t mean for him to hear it, he can’t help it. He wishes he didn’t. Everything is too bright, and too loud, and his jaw is starting to grind from all the coke so no, hearing you or seeing you for that matter is not on his list. 
Regardless, when you start knocking again he’s up. In three seconds he’s around the couch, and swinging open the front door. The heat hits him immediately and so does the sight of you. Oh God she's gorgeous. He’s gotta lean on the doorframe a bit to keep steady, and get a good look at you. 
You’re standing in the doorway with two arms full of groceries. He’d completely forgotten about …Matt? Max? The guy Vought hired to buy him groceries, toiletries, and drugs. The other day he let himself in when Ben didn’t answer the door fast enough. Ben was shitting, and didn’t hear the doorbell. Or the door open for that matter. He scared Ben when he walked into the kitchen, & Ben threw a chair at him. He–thankfully–only shattered his collarbone. Needless to say the poor bastard quit while being loaded in the ambulance. The important part of that story is you. Standing here now instead of Mr. Irrelevant. 
Ben smiles at you and silently thanks God for the summer heat. Your gray T-shirt is just tight enough around your chest that he can see the outline of your nipples. I promise he’s trying not to stare, so he’s gotta work a little harder not to let his eyes drag down body. 
“Excuse me,” He’s not doing a good job.You’re just so pretty, baby. Even when you frown like that. “I’m y/n,” You say it slowly and a little sarcastically. You caught him staring, he knows he deserves it. He honestly likes it. “Jeremy sent me to drop off your groceries since Jackson–” That’s his name! “–quit. I’d shake your hand, but,” You hold up the bags, & Ben immediately reaches to grab them out of your hands. You look too good to work at Vault. Long lashes, pretty lips, and the way your hips curve in those shorts. He’s gotta ignore how much he wants to-
“Let me help with those,” He cuts his own thoughts off. “Are there any more in the car?” 
You nod. “Yeah there’s a lot more, let me help you at least.” You turn to walk back down the pathway. 
He takes a few steps out, and too eagerly says “No, Ma’am. Let me get em’.” Ma’am.
You don’t even stop walking. You just wave him off and say “It’s alright, I want to help. Honestly if you want to relax I can get these unloa–” He’s not listening. He’s coked out & kind of dazed, but he’s still a gentleman. Sort of. He can’t help but to watch your ass as you walk away. Your shorts look perfect on you, and everytime you step your ass jiggles a little. 
He just met you and he can tell you don’t like him. He stares too hard, his hair is a mess, he’s wearing stained sweatpants and a stained tank top to match (Had he realized you were coming he would’ve gotten dressed), and boy does he like you. He already knows he’d devour you if you give him the chance. Give em’ the chance. 
It takes about six minutes to unload everything out of your truck, Vought’s truck as you tell him. They gave you something big enough to haul all of his things in. A shitload of food, clothes, toiletries, fishing equipment, new hiking boots, and a black duffle bag you weren’t allowed to look in. Ben helps as much as he can which helps speed the process along. Now, however, he’s just sitting at the kitchen island bouncing between small talk, and admiring you put his groceries away.
“So,” He puts his forearms on the countertop and leans in. “Are you from here or..” Ladies and gentlemen, Soldier Boy! Jeez, try a little harder.
“No actually,” You say, pulling a couple of cases of strawberries out of bags, before putting them in the fridge. “I moved to the city about a year ago when I got hired at Vought.” 
“And is this all you do?” You’re doing amazing, Ben. He cringes a little at himself for saying it like that. ‘All you do’ , it’s a little condescending. 
You don’t even let it phase you. “No, actually, I’m Jeremy’s assistant and team lead.” You say before dropping down to a squat to load a few cases of beer onto the bottom shelf of the fridge. “I’m just here because I haven’t had time to hire a new personal shopper for you. I’ll have one for you by next week though, I promise.” 
Oh, please don’t promise that.
He tries so hard not to watch you, but Jesus he can’t help it. He’s got his eyes locked on you. The muscles in your back move every time you pick another case up, & your ass is sitting so prettily as you sit on your haunches to balance yourself. You stand back up, languid and smooth and your legs are so fucking-
“Okay,” You say, turning back around. He’s looking straight at you, and praying you didn’t catch him staring again. Part of him hopes you did. “That’s about everything, I don’t think you need help putting your personal items away, do you?” 
He fights the urge to say yes. “No, I-I’m good, but are you busy?” What is he doing? 
You pause and your eyebrows raise. “Uh, well today’s my day off, but-” 
“Stay for a bit,” It’s a statement he says more like a half-question.  “If you’d like. I have a-uh pontoon, and I’ve wanted to take someone out on the river since I got here. It’s my thanks for you using your day off to come here.” He smiles, and tries not to be too obvious about how much he wants you to say yes. 
“That’s kind of you,” You say smiling back before walking around the island towards your keys on the table. “but I have to go, I have a few errands to run.”
He’s good at hiding disappointment. He shrugs a bit, and keeps a warm smile. He can’t help but like the sound of your voice, even when it’s letting him down easily. “Okay, well can I ask you for a favor?” 
You put your hands on your hips and look up at him. “Sure, what can I do for you?” 
Sweetheart, so much. What he actually says is, “If you have time, would you mind coming again next week instead of someone else?” Oh he’s bold about it. “I just-” He shrugs. “I like our conversation. More than mine & Jacobs.” 
You laugh, and it makes him wanna be good to you. “His name is Jackson, and I’ll see.” You look him up and down, and Ben swears you bite your lip a bit. “Let me see your phone, I’ll give you my number so you can let me know if you need anything else.” You hold your hand out, and he’s immediately passing his phone to you. 
Oh he needs a lot. “Oh I need a lot.” He says before he even realizes it. Fuck. 
You just chuckle and keep putting your number in. You’re cool, you’re so fucking cool, you know that? When you finish you hand it back to him, and his hand grazes yours. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t really like that.
“So if I text you tonight and say I need something, you comin’?” He says, saving your number.
“Nope,” You say matter of factly, walking to the front door. “But give me a week, if I can’t find someone for you, you’ll see me here again.” 
He follows right behind you, eyes burning a hole into the back of your head. He does a little jog to grab the door before you do, and opens it for you. “Don’t look too hard then, that pontoon is just waiting for a chance at you.” And so am I. You give him a look at that statement, but say nothing.
He leans against the door as you walk out, and follows you all the way to the truck. “Can I only text you for things I need?” He says before reaching to open your car door too. Again, Ben is a gentleman through and through. 
You sit in the driver's seat and ask. “Is there another reason to text me?” 
He’s standing between you and the door now, and if we’re being real honest, he likes looking at you like this. The SUV is high enough that you’re eye to eye now, and he’s got a helluva’ view. He steps in a little & you’re even prettier up close. Nice cheekbones, pretty lashes, full lips. He puts one hand on the truck and keeps the other on the door, and leans into you a bit. His heart, Jesus, jumps a little when you don’t lean away from him. His breath deepens when you start looking him up and down too. Fuck, this is a moment. 
Sweetheart, you’re givin’ him all sorts of ideas to hold on to, you know that? 
“Absolutely, I needa’ get to know you a little better. Seeing as you know where I live and all.” He’s all eyes on you. His voice is kind of low now, and he can’t even help licking his lips. “You sure you don’t wanna stay a little bit longer? Let me cook you somethin’, show you how much I appreciate you, Y/n.” He’s practically drooling it out. 
He’s–okay–he’s not even trying to hold back how much he wants you. His voice is too low, he’s too close, and looking you up and down too much for it not to be obvious. You clock it, immediately, and–against your better judgment–lean into him. So close that your noses almost touch, and you reach your hand behind him. 
“I appreciate the offer but,” You say, grabbing the door. “I’m a little busy tonight.” 
He wants you so bad it hurts, and he just met you. He can’t help it, he’s leaning into you, eyes closing, and–
“Ah,” You almost whisper, smiling and pulling back. This is so funny to you. “I’m not the one for that, but I appreciate the thought. Excuse me.” you look behind him to the door and he doesn't move at first. 
Instead he just eyes you. He’s never had a woman play with him like that, and he’s torn between wanting more and none of it at all. You are the one for that, you’re just not there yet. You will be. He steps back, and you close the door, starting the car before rolling the window down. 
“You have my number, Ben,” The way you say his name makes him want to howl. “Call me if you need me.” 
“I promise I will, Y/n.” He says as you back up, turn, and pull down the driveway. He doesn’t go inside until your suv is out of his sight. 
“Fuck, Y/n,” He moans, sitting back in his bed & jerking himself off to the thought of you. “Yes, baby, keep ridin’ it.” 
He’s panting, eyes closed, imagining you on top of him. Fucking him like your life depends on it. He’s never heard you moan, but he's imagining something sweet, and addicting coming out of you. He starts bucking up into his hand, and imagines you whining at how deep he’s going. 
‘Be-e-en,’ You’d moan, mouth open and drooling from how good he’s hitting it. You would grip his hair and bounce on him the way you know he likes it. ‘Ben, please baby, harder!’
He starts fucking himself harder at your imaginary requests. He’d do any–and everything you told him to, and quickly at that. “Fu-uck, y/n, you know I like that. You know I like that, baby.” He moans to no one, but the thought of you. 
He imagines you swirling your hips on him, looking him in his eyes while you say, ‘Fuck baby I’m gonna cum. Ben, please,’ & he can’t hold it anymore. You are, even in his imagination, just too much. He cums all over his hand and stomach, and moans your name a couple of times for good measure. 
And for a while he just lays there. Panting, eyes closed, mind full of you. Fuck ‘Synn Gentlemens Club’, you’re what he’s been missing. That thought really wakes him up. He just met you, and compared to the hundred other women he’s slept with in his lifetime, you knock him back a little. The way you talk, the way you walk, how you laugh, and even how you tell him no. You’re not taken aback by him, you don’t fear him, you toy with him a little bit and what’s worst of all is he likes it. He really likes it.  He likes it so much that he wipes his hand off on his stomach and grabs his phone. Immediately finding your name and texting you a simple ‘Hello’.
A/n: Thank you for reading <3 If you want to be tagged in the next chapter you can DM me or reply to this post!
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fleshbride · 8 months
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⭒ ݁ . ໒꒱ CW: one-sided enemies to lovers, rough sex, vaginal fingering, edging, ruined orgasm, degradation, choking, breeding kink, spitting, hairpulling, cervix fucking, size kink, dumbification, overstimulation, dacryphilia, dick drunk y/n & pussy drunk kashimo, pussy slapping, usage of the names princess, angel, baby, slut & whore. soft! kashimo at the end.
⭒ ݁ . ໒꒱ wc: 3.8k
⭒ ݁ . ໒꒱ i went a little crazy on this one to be honest. like genuinely, i went crazy and i could’ve done more. i actually loved this smut tbh! mean kashimo <3333
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He’s so annoying. It’s the only thought that’s in your mind as you glare at Kashimo Hajime — who might as well be the bane of your existence. He’s staring at you with the nastiest grin on his face; he had just tried to trip you in the library and gratefully, failed. You had quickly noticed his ploy and dodged his foot before he could swipe it underneath yours. “Are you fucking serious?” You snarl to him, plump, glossy lips pulling into a scowl. You two went to the same high school, and now — the same university. You wished that your dislike for each other would’ve dissipated when you two became adults; however, it didn’t.
To you, Kashimo is still as annoying and disgustingly cocky as ever. It’s only gotten worse since high school. He’s taller now — at around 6’4? 6’5? — compared to his teenage height of 6’1. Bulkier too. He still sports the same hairstyle, however; spiky shaggy cyan locks around his shoulders, with two small buns atop his head. His eyes are still that electric color that reminds you of fucking Sprite. As you glare at him, his face stretches into a grin. You curse the way your stomach tightens with attraction. Sure, you despised him — but you couldn’t deny the fact that he was attractive.
“Aw, don’t be mad at me,” he croons, head tilted, arms outstretched into a slight shrug, “I was… stretchin’ my leg, you know?” You tilt your head, pushing your box-braids off of your shoulder as you give him the nastiest stare in your arsenal. “Stretching… your leg. Shut the fuck up, Kashimo. My God.” Your voice is coated in both exasperated and irritation as you snap out, “We aren’t fucking sixteen anymore. Get a grip.” And as you pass him, you grumble out, “Stupid fucking bitch.”
Unfortunately, he hears you. “I beg your fucking pardon?” He questions, gripping your shoulder and spinning you around with little effort. He stares down at you, one perfectly chiseled eyebrow arched. “I’m a what?” Something pools in your stomach as he stares down at you. Your eye-view is with his chest and you have to tilt your head up to properly look at him. Your eyes trail over his face. He looks mad. For once, he drops that cocky ass facade. You made him drop it. A smirk spreads across your face. It’s your turn. “I said, you’re a stupid fucking bitch, Kashimo. I think you heard me the first time.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, unfortunately, I did hear you the first time,” Kashimo lets out a soft laugh as he runs a hand through his locks, eyeing you. It wasn’t his usual demeaning look, however. It was… closer to how you were looking at him. He gives you a small smirk and drops a heavy hand on your head, patting you. “I’ll see you later, ‘kay princess?” And he walks off, without another word, leaving your heart stuttering and mind confused.
It’s later that night when you’re in your dorm room, doing some studying. You’re in a flimsy tank-top and some small shorts that ride up the curve of your ass. Your textbook cracked open as you lay on your stomach, swinging your feet in the air, when someone knocks on the door. Your brows furrow as you question who could even be knocking at this time; it’s 12:13 am. However, you shuffle to your door and unlock it.
Kashimo is standing at the door, in nothing but gray sweatpants and a form fitting t-shirt. He tilts his head at you, looking you up and down. You frown; “What do you want, Kashim—” You’re interrupted by him grabbing your hips and pulling you into him, pressing his lips to yours. You’re shocked to say the least, gasping for air against his lips. Your smaller hands clutch his chest as you break away for a moment. “Kashimo,” you gasp out, staring at him with confusion, “What’re you—?”
“Shut up,” he huffed, picking you up and pulling your legs around his waist. He’s so fucking strong, you’re honestly concerned. “This what you wanted, right? Right, baby?” He was quick to move your textbook to the side, pressing you into the blankets. His hands are squeezing your tits, and your back is arching, and you don’t even realize it, but you’re mewling out, “Yes, yes, yes,” and you know you’ve lost.
“How long have you wanted me, hm?” He asks, as his hands grip the hem of your tanktop, beginning to pull it off of you — you’re all too eager, lifting your arms up, breathing heavy. As he asks you that question, you have to think back in your past. The fleeting glances, the heat that coursed through you whenever he merely touched your skin. “High school,” you murmur, clearly embarrassed as you look away from him. The reality of the situation closes on you; you’re in nothing but your bra and shorts in front of Kashimo, who you hate. (Don’t really hate, it’s obvious now.) And also kissed.
This was splendid.
Your conflicted thoughts are interrupted by Kashimo himself, his hand wrapping around the back of your neck and pulling you forward. “Yeah, I know. You just weren’t gettin’ the fucking hint — baby’s a bit dumb.” His voice is condescending, but drips into your ears like honey. He’s pressing his lips against yours again, pulling you into his lap. You can feel the hardness of his length against your cunt, making you let out a whimper into his mouth. The kiss is messy, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth, lapping at yours. He pulls away slightly to nip at your bottom lip, holding your hips down firmly against his body. As the two of you kiss sloppily, you grind your hips down onto him, and he lets out a soft moan. “Fuckin’ slut,” comes his rasped voice, “Pressin’ this pussy against me. Can feel how wet you are through the shorts.” You didn’t realize how wet you were until he said something. Now that you’re noticing it, you can feel your slick, trickling down your cunt, pooling in your panties.
His fingers hook through your shorts and he’s multitasking; pulling them down, down, down while laying you flat on your back against your pillows. His face pressing into your neck, lathering kisses against your neck and throat. His teeth dig into your skin, as Kashimo sucks a hickey onto your skin while his fingers dig into your thigh. His fingers creep little by little to your pussy. Quite frankly, you’re a hypersensitive mess, nerves completely on edge. All at once, everything was moving too fast and too slow for you. “K-Kashimo, are you sure—?” The question leaves your throat, but he’s quick to shush you with his fingers gliding through your cunt. Your legs spread immediately as you whine.
“Shut up, Y/N,” he hisses, index finger circling your engorged clit, “I’ve been waiting for this, and your fuckin’ mouth isn’t gonna ruin it for me.” So, you listen and you watch as he rips your panties, the fabric still clinging to your skin. He peels it off, leaving you in your bra and him fully clothed.
“Shut up, Kashimo,” you hiss, your legs scrunching as he runs his fingers up and down your pussy. “And just fucking touch me.” He gives you a glare, cyan eyes flickering with irritation. “You wanna be touched so bad? Fuck, Y/N, you’re just a nasty whore, aren’t you?” Kashimo grips your thigh and lifts up one of your legs, sliding two of his thick fingers into your soaking cunt. He gave you no time to adjust to the stretch and immediately began to thrust and curl his fingers against your gummy walls. You let out a soft moan, hands gripping the bed intensely as he pumps his fingers into you with no regard for your sensitivity, fingers leisurely, yet quick.
“O-Oh, fuck, w-wait—“ You stumble out, but Kashimo wraps his free hand around your throat, thumb coming up to touch between your lips. You take it without protest, sucking on it and sliding your tongue against it as if it was a dick. “Just a nasty thing,” he utters, eyes heavy with lust as the wet squelches of your pussy fill the room. The rough pads of his fingers are curling just right against that good, spongy spot in your cunt, that makes you whine around his thumb and roll your eyes back.
“So there it is…” He grins, and suddenly his speed increases, making sure his fingers press against that spot every single time. And it’s disgusting the way your back arches and your legs thrash a little, his thumb sliding out of your mouth as your pretty, high-pitched moans fill the room. “Kashi, Kashi, oh shit, ‘m close,” you whimper, gripping his arm as you let out pants and desperate noises.
“Close?” He muses, an eyebrow raising. “Fuckin’ slut, creaming all over my fingers like this. Thought you hated me, hm? You just hated the fact that you couldn’t fuck me, didn’t you?”
Your pride was injured. You didn’t answer, avoiding the question — desperately focusing on your impending orgasm and the way your stomach tightened. You were right there, right fucking there… And his fingers stilled.
You let out an anguished whine as he pulled his fingers out of you. Tears filled your eyes at the loss of your orgasm. “Kashimo, why—?” You choked out, throwing your head back, trying to hold in your tears.
“I asked you a fucking question,” Kashimo snapped at you, before wrapping his lips around his soaked fingers. He released them with a soft pop before reaching his hands up to undo his buns. His hair trickles down the sides of his face like a waterfall. You’d admire him, if not for your ruined state.
He gets on top of you, lifting your back to undo your bra, tossing it somewhere. “I’m gonna ask you one more time, do you fuckin’ understand me? Don’t answer? Don’t cum.” You knew he was mean, but you didn’t know he was this mean. You let out a pathetic whine, disappointed in yourself for succumbing so easily, but you needed it.
You needed him.
So you nod, and Kashimo’s lips curl up as he snaps, “I need to hear a yes.” You let out a weak whine of ‘yes’ and he simpers out “That’s a good whore.” You feel yourself get leagues wetter. He pulls off his t-shirt, and you think you’re salivating when you see his pale abs, perfectly sculpted. He has a body gifted by the gods, a divinely sculpted v-line and a happy trail that reflects his hair.
He grabs your legs, yanking you so that your entire lower half is in his lap as his fingers slide back into your cunt. He’s slow at first, languid, before rapidly snapping into a ruthless pace, his fingers curling inside of you. You’re a mess, gripping the sheets and moaning, your slick soaking his gray sweats. All the while, Kashimo is talking you through it.
“Messy ass pussy,” he hissed out, his other hand pressing a slap to your clit, “Look at the way this hole is taking my fingers. You’re just so eager, aren’t you? Now answer my fuckin’ question, baby. All that hostility was because I wasn’t fuckin’ you, right? Angel jus’ needed that attitude fucked out, didn’t you, Y/N?”
And you’re agreeing, grasping at the sheets as you pant out, “Y-Yes—! Yes, ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry— Fuck, right there, please, please, pleeeease… So close, Kashi, s’close.” He smirks at your state, purposely curling his fingers against your g-spot and pressing against it. You almost cum right there.
“So desperate. Just pathetic, Y/N. But I can forgive you.” He shrugs as if it’s no big deal, as if his long fingers aren’t ruining you right now. “Go ahead. Cum.” And as soon as you get permission, you’re letting go — creaming around his fingers as you squeal and tremble, stars dancing in your vision.
And to Kashimo, you look all too beautiful. He has to confess; he had never really hated you like you thought. He was just a dickhead. He was also a sucker for pretty girls like you, he was just bad at showing it. And when you looked like this, mouth open, eyes teary, braids splayed across your bed — God, he’s never wanted you more.
And it’s so visible in the way he’s yanking his sweats and his boxers down, revealing his perfect dick. Even in your orgasm induced haze, you’re sure you’ve never seen a more perfect dick. It has a delicious curve upwards, pale, like he is, but his tip is pink and weepy, precum gliding down the head. He’s neatly shaven, and his balls are heavy. He’s long, too long, tip just shy of his belly button. His girth is about three of your fingers. How are you supposed to take all of that?
You don’t know, nor do you care right now, not when he’s slapping his tip against your clit, making you whimper and spread your legs for him even further. Your hands wrap around his wrists as he goes to cup your tits, nimble fingers pulling at your nipples. “Hajime,” you croon, and the usage of him so off guard that his cheeks turn pink. “Pleeease, Hajime… Need you s’bad, put it in..”
The way you were whining drove him crazy; he couldn’t ever deny you, and he knew it. “Someone’s needy,” he whispered, his voice husky. He was just about as needy as you, and it was evident as his dick throbbed in his hand as he rubbed it up and down your slit before prodding at your entrance.
You let out a gasp at the stretch as he slowly pushed his dick into you, your hands immediately clutching at him, gripping anywhere you could hold. He was stretching you, so much so that tears were budding in your eyes. Your pussy gripped and clenched around him as he slowly filled you up; by the time he was done, you were arching your back off the bed, cries escaping your throat. His tip was pressed against your cervix, making slight pain course through you with every movement, even the slightest ones.
He’s gripping your thighs as he hisses, eyebrows furrowing at the way you’re wrapping around him. “Fuck, Y/N, there’s no way your pussy should be this tight around me…” And you’re nothing but a mess, whimpering as he tries to adjust inside of you, while giving you the time to get used to him.
“I’m moving now,” he said, pulling his hips back so that his tip was the only thing left in you. He slammed his hips forwards and you let out a squeal, your legs scrunching as he began to thrust into you, setting a rough and fast tempo immediately. You were damn near catatonic in your pleasured stupor, his tip nudging your cervix with every thrust. Your mouth hung open as the moans caught in your throat, the euphoria you were experiencing causing them to come out slow and gasped.
“I know, sweet whore, I know,” Kashimo murmured, slotting his lips to yours in a kiss as he grabbed your legs, bringing them near your chest, folding you in half. Every time he pulled out of you, his dick was coated in your messy juices, the sound of him thrusting into you echoing across the room. His hands found your throat, squeezing slightly while the two of you kiss, his hips still rolling into your pussy, which attempted to suck him back in every time he pulled out.
You let out shrill moans into his mouth as he pounded into you, the vein on his dick rubbing against your g-spot, making your toes curl. “R-Right there—!” You whine, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. “Fuck, fuck, Hajime—!” Kashimo chuckled against your lips, hiking your legs up higher.
“Needy girl,” he titters, “So drunk on my dick. You’re close soon, aren’t you, angel? Yeah, I can tell with the way this slutty pussy is clenching ‘round me.” He slaps your clit with his fingers, making you jerk, ecstasy coursing through you.
“Yes,” you whimpered, your stomach tightening as your pleasure nearly reached its peak. “Gonna cum—“
“Don’t cum yet,” Kashimo hissed, looking down at you. “I was gracious earlier when I let you cum on my fingers. But you’re gonna pay for those years of that bratty ass attitude.”
“But—“ You started, but you were interrupted by a particularly rough thrust that had you moaning, legs trembling. He’s trapped you down with his body, one hand around your throat and the other flicking your clit. “But nothing,” Kashimo snapped, hand tightening around your throat, “Fucking take it, do you understand me? And if you cum, it’ll be the last time you do so tonight.”
You let out a pitiful sob, tears filling your pretty eyes as you nod helplessly. Kashimo wishes he could be soft with you; wishes he could coo and kiss your tears, but no — this is what you wanted. You both knew it. So he pressed your legs further against your body as he slams his hips into you over and over like a man mad. All the while, your tears are spilling over as you let out sobbed moans. He thinks his dick gets harder inside of you while watching this show, as you cry out his name and begs to cum.
He should be generous, he should give you grace, but no. No, instead he pummels into you, his hand between your legs moving to press down on your stomach. “Y’feel me, angel? I’m so deep inside of you..” You wail pathetically, black spots dancing on the edge of your vision and your pleasure becoming tinged with pain. He only smirks down at you, before tapping your chin. “Say ahhh….”
You obey, lolling your tongue out, and he spits directly down into your mouth. You should’ve been repulsed, disgusted. But you weren’t. You swallow without even questioning or protesting.
“Good whore,” he praises, and you feel yourself ascend a little. Maybe your good behavior will convince him to let you orgasm.
“P-Please—“ You sob, as your nails dig into his skin, and you suck in ragged gasps of air, “Let me cum… ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry, won’t be mean anymore, p-please let me cum..!” His tip nudges your cervix again and you dig into his skin so hard, he begins to bleed. You’re trying your best, you really are, but it’s becoming a struggle. Your pussy is throbbing, your stomach squeezing as you tremble all over.
Kashimo hums as he looks down at you. He just can’t deny you when you look like this. Edges sweated out, eyes filled with tears that spill down your perfect cheeks, all depraved and hungry for him. “Hm… Alright. Make a mess all over my dick, won’t you?”
You’ve never been more relieved to hear such words. You let go, pushed off the edge as your cream coats his length. Your back arches off the bed as you gasp, eyes rolled back. Your mind is a haze and you’re barely there, hanging on by a thread. You collapse onto the bed as Kashimo’s thrusts slow by a margin and he moves back to let your legs drop.
But he’s not finished with you, at all.
“Turn over, Y/N,” he commands you, and when you don’t respond, he grabs you and manhandles you onto your hands and knees. He pressed down on your back, forcing you to dip until your stomach is pressed against the bed nearly, but your ass is perfectly arched for him.
“W-Wait, ‘m sensitive—!” You gasp, as he thrusts into you with reckless abandon, hands gripping your hips. You squeal out a “Haji! Hajime, no more…! Too big—!” But he isn’t listening to you. He’s intent on ruining you to the fullest, and two measly orgasms can’t do that. His hand fists your braids as he slams his hips snugly against your ass, the clapping sound filling his ears with pride. He watches the jiggle of your plump ass as his dick splits you open.
You’re a drooling mess, head pressed into the blankets, muffling your incessant noises. He yanks your head up, snapping out, “None of that shit. Let me hear those slutty moans.” His lip is pulled between his teeth as he lets out a groan. Fuck, he’s getting close. But he wants to make you cum one more time before he does. He releases your hair and watches as you drop like a ragdoll, hands barely fisting the sheets. You squirm a little when he slams against your g-spot, and try your best to crawl away, but you don’t get far. He grips you by your hair and slams you back onto his dick, making you cry out. He’s grabbing you, scooping you up while sitting at the edge of your bed. You’re facing him and he can clearly view your face now.
Your eyes are glassy, mouth open in a small o. He grins. Look at you, reduced to nothing. He’s grabbing your legs while you’re in his lap, and with no care in the world, he begins to drop you down on his dick. You’re letting out noises mixed with a scream and a moan, arms around his back, acrylics dragging at his skin.
“One more, princess,” he’s groaning in your ear, even though you’re unsure how many times he’s pulled out of you. Three, right? You can’t remember; your head is foggy and the only thing you can focus on is the way his tip is pressing against your cervix, the way his big hands are cupping your ass as he drops you down on his dick.
And suddenly you’re gushing, creaming all around him, so hard and so forceful that it makes you collapse against his chest. But he *still isn’t done.* He’s still thrusting into you, his hips stuttering and becoming reckless. “Gonna fill you up, ‘kay?” He groans and you nod, nod, nod, babbling out, “C-Cum in me, please… Want your cum s’bad, wanna be swell with your cum—“
He’s hissing out moans as he slams into your cunt, “Yeah angel, gonna give you a fuckin’ baby with the way I’m gonna stuff you full of my cum—“ He lets out a choked out groan as he grips your hips, holding you down on his dick as he shoots thick, warm ropes of cum inside of you.
You collapse against him and his arms wrap around you, caressing your skin and pressing kisses to your forehead. “Good girl. So good f’me, Y/N..” Your eyes are closing, exhaustion creeping over you, when you hear him say, “Love you.. Gonna take care of you, princess.”
You fall asleep with a smile on your face.
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shipperqueen93 · 1 year
Let me tell you why I'm not worried as much anymore. They made a mistake.
Even if Vax and Keyleth died, BH made it out. Orym made it out. Orym saw the Champion of the Matron of Ravens compressed to save The Voice of the Tempest. And Orym has connections to Whitestone.
The second Vex finds out what happened? VM is all in. Gilmore? In. Kima & Allura? In. Zahra and Kash? In.
Yasha and/or Essek find out about Caleb and Beau? M9 is there. They could possibly even pull the dynasty in over the bastardization of their relics. Could maybe pull in Astrid and Wulf. Ending up at Uthodurn? Hi Reani.
Yussa? Well tbf he probably won't fight but he'll provide aid.
Not counting Vax there are 5 champions of the God's out there that BH have direct, or indirect, access to. The Gods are going to be pissed.
BH are too well connected now. They should have killed them first.
Ludinus fucked up.
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[Pairings]: Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
[Summary]: At the end, your fake relationship does not stop you from loving Tara Carpenter and you too, get your happy ending.
[Warnings]: Swearing, bad writing, not proof-read.
“Y/N! Are you ready?!”
“Yes! Jesus!I’m coming” You yell, coming out of your room to meet Kash.
When you come face-to-face, he is smirking. “That’s what she said:” Rolling your eyes, you slap his shoulder and walk past him.
“That’s not funny. “ 
He snorts and follows you out the door and down the stairs, leaving your apartment and locking the door. “Uh, yes it is?” You just shake your head, walking down the stairs. You arrive at the entrance and Kash opens the door for you, you  roll your eyes once again and walk out, heading towards Kash’s car.
“You know, if you roll your eyes that much it might get stuck in the back of your fucking head.”  He shrugs as he walks over to the driver's side.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Oh, which car is this now? Is it a new one?” You ask, sliding your hand over the hood before placing it on the door handle and opening the door.
He looks over before getting in. “No. I just haven’t used it in a while. I got it for my 20th birthday. “ You raise your eyebrows at him, but get in and close the door after you. Kash smiles. “ This baby is an Electric 1967 Ford Mustang. “ He brags as he starts the engine.
“Alright, alright. I get it, you’re rich. Now let’s get going before Mindy or Sam get mad at us for being late. “
“Oh, shit. Yeah. “With that, he drives out of the parking lot and speeds down the busy New York streets until he gets to your friend's apartment building. You see them at the side of the road, standing beside Sam’s car. A white peugeot 2008. Kash parks his car behind Sam’s and you  guys get out. 
Chad comes over to you and Kash, he hugs you with a smile and greets you. Then, he turns to Kash and gives him one of his bear-hugs too. As you look at the interaction, you smirk at Kash’s red face. When all of your friends greet you, Quinn speaks up.
“Ooh, I wasn’t informed that you were bringing your boyfriend, Y/N” Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Tara roll her eyes and put a deep scowl on her face, which goes unnoticed by you.
“Well, not my problem. “ You say, chuckling .
“Okay, everybody ready to go?” Sam shouts as she gathers their bags. Everyone nods and gets in her car. Huffing, you hold out your hand and Kash places his in it, leading you back to the car and letting go to get in the driver’s seat.
And, you start your journey to the beach.
– –
As you slowly arrive, you and Kash are still singing and dancing to ‘Manila’ by Ray Dalton and Alvaro Soler.When the song ends and you realize that you arrived, the two of you break out into laughter. You and Kash get out and he goes to get your bags while you join your friends. 
“Heyy, how was your ride?” 
Tara is first to turn around and your smile widens as you take in her appearance. A white tank-top with green cargo pants.” Hii, it was great, thanks! Yours? “ Her eyes sparkle as she smiles while looking at you, you immediately melt at the sight of her pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Good, Good. “ You mumble as you look away when you feel your face flush. Then Kash arrives and puts an arm around your shoulders then smiles at Tara. The others start going towards the sore and Kash gasps and yells at them to wait up. The three of you walk beside each other with you in the middle. Kash then looks at you and takes in your flushed state then laughs and looks at you teasingly. 
When you catch up with the others, you all start having funny conversations. You guys search for a good spot to lay your blankets out on for a while then you finally find one and settle down, everyone changing into their swimwear. Kash and you lie down on sun-beds beside each other and laugh about random things. When you quiet down, you catch him staring at Chad as he plays volleyball with Mindy, Anika and Ethan. Grabbing your magazine, you slap him on the stomach with it causing him to look at you.
You let out a laugh. “Stop staring at him. It’s weird. Ask him out! “
He sighs. “You know I can’t. Firstly, it would be weird, considering you are my ‘girlfriend’ and secondly, I don’t know how! “ He whines and you laugh.
As you continue talking, you don’t notice Tara staring harshly from the -not so far- distance. Instead, it’S Quinn who notices and nudges her friend's shoulder causing her to look at Quinn. “ What? “
“He won’t get swallowed up by the ground even if you glare at him the whole day, T” She lets out a laugh as Tara huffs and shifts beside Quinn, no longer staring at you guys. 
She puts her hands on her face and groans. “I knowwwww! “
“You should talk to her. “ Tara looks at Quinn with wide eyes.
“About what?” 
“Well, I don’t know, maybe about how you’re in love with her? “
Tara shakes her head in disapproval. “I can’t do that. What about Kash? He is a sweet guy. “
Quinn sits up with a serious look on her face. “Come on, T. I know that too. But It would be easier for you too. Don’t you think? “ Tara just shakes her head and Quinn scoffs, getting and leaning down to yank Tara up from the ground. “I don’t care. You are going to talk to her. Now.”  Then pushes her forwards.
Tara looks at her as she lies back down and glares, Quinn just smiles innocently and makes a whooshing sign with her hand. Tara rolls her eyes, but starts walking nonetheless. 
When Kash notices Tara walking over, he nudges your shoulder and points at her. “Oh, looks like I’m joining volleyball. See ya!” With that, he flies out of the sun bed and runs over to the others. Groaning, you fall back into your sunbed.
Tara arrives and sits down beside you. You turn and smile at her. “Hey, what brings you here? “ 
She rolls her eyes, but then smiles. “Quinn can be so annoying sometimes. “ At that, you let out a giggle and for a second or two, Tara is stuck, staring at your face, your lips, your nose, your eyebrows then she meets your eyes and you both blush.
Clearing your throat, you nod and smile at her. “Yeah, but that’s why we love her. Isn’t it? “ Tara nods while grinning then looks at the others. Sam is laying on her blanket beside Danny, tanning. Ethan, Anika and Mindy are at the bar ordering drinks, Quinn is where she left her, reading a book. And Chad and Kash are in the water, splashing it at each other.
You swallow when you look at her fully. She is now wearing a black bikini, her skin glowing in the light of the sun. “Hey, let’s go in the water, yeah?” 
And with that, the two of you run towards the water at full speed then when you are far enough ,jump in while laughing and giggling. After that, you and Tara just float around each other in comfortable silence with smiles on your faces. 
Your heart is beating fast and your breathing is shaky as well as your voice when you speak up quietly. “Uhm…..I like you. “ 
Tara straightens up and looks at you. “Well I like you too Y/N. Where did that come from” She laughs nervously, trying not to read anything into what you said until you speak again.
“No, no. I mean I like like you, Tara! Hell even love you! “ You don’t know where this is coming from but you just go with it.
Tara smiles “ I… like like you too, Y/N.” Then it fades as she glances behind you at Kash, who is still fooling around with Chad. You follow her line of sight and let out a breath.
“L-Look, I know what you’re thinking. But let me explain. Okay?” Tara nods. “Okay.So, i’m actually Kash’s fake girlfriend  and he is actually gay, but he is scared to come out to her family, so when on one of the family dinners they asked him about his girlfriend that was non-existent and the next day he turned to me, so yeah.” Tara’s mouth is forming an ‘o’ shape as her eyes dance between you and Kash. “Yeah. “ You let out a breath, the slightly cold water cooling your body.
Then, you see Tara moving closer and you gasp when she is inches away from you. A smirk is placed on her lips then she pulls you closer by your waist, flushing your bodies together. A nervous chuckle leaves your lips then it’s muffled as Tara places hers on them. At first, you are tense, but you quickly relax and cup Tara’s face, tilting your head to the side, deepening the kiss. You let out a sigh as her mouth moves against yours smoothly, her fingers squeezing your hips before pulling away.
“Hhmm, I’ve been waiting to do that.” 
You let out a laugh. “Yeah, me too”
There is a beat of silence before your eyes meet and your lips clash against each other again. Her arm wraps around your waist fully this time and yours are around her shoulders as you guys kiss passionately. A smile makes it’s way on your face as Tara’s tongue pokes your lower lip before you open your mouth and it slides in, exploring your mouth and dancing with your own. She hums when you let out a low groan then pulls back slowly, just enough so your foreheads bump together.
“I… Love you”  She mutters shyly, panting.
“I love you, too” You're also panting slightly.
What you don’t know is that Kash and Chad already got out of the water and joined the others. Upon noticing you and Tara- and the others confusion- Kash explained the whole situation and he also didn’t miss the slight redness in Chad's cheeks.
Only when you and Tara hear a long wave of,  ‘whoo’s and ‘Yay’s is that you look up to see your friends jumping around and cheering, not caring about the hundreds of people staring at them.
Glancing back at you, Tara laughs and a second later you join too. 
A/N: it's kinda short, so sorry
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
mickey milkovich x nude, radiohead
i don’t think that anybody can disagree that 1x07 is the episode where we learn the most about mickey milkovich. no, i don’t mean he showed any development or anything like that, but we learned something about him that made him significant for the rest of the show. something that never leaves, something that is important to him. in 1x07, we learn that mickey milkovich is gay, and we learn that he is willing to sleep with ian gallagher (even when his father and sister are in the house).
in 1x06, mickey kind of has an interaction with ian that we later see and are like, “yeah, he’s totally gay”, but back then it wasn’t stated that mickey was gay. mickey steals shit from the kash and grab, and he tells ian, “you know where i live if you have a problem” kind of instigating that ian should come over.
but in 1x07, mickey has stolen the gun from the kash and grab, and ian goes to mickey’s house equipped with a tyre iron, ready to take it back.
the “i want the gun back, mickey” scene needs no introduction or explanation. we all know what happened. we all watched in awe as mickey stood over ian and both of their breaths evened out and they made contact and… bam! they’re getting undressed, just like that.
later on, we are no stranger to gallavich and fighting then fucking. it’s something many people know them for, the fact that they’ll literally beat the shit out of each other and then immediately get on each other. but here, it was supposed to be for shock value because shameless utilizes shock value. to those who didn’t know gallavich was going to happen, watching mickey, the thug who had literally just attempted murder on ian, undress and fuck ian was surprising. later on, we can understand why it happened, but we were supposed to be shocked.
so, here’s where nude by radiohead comes in.
terry wakes up from a nap and goes to take a piss in mickey’s room (there’s a bathroom in there, he isn’t just pissing in it, lol). in there, ian and mickey are naked under mickey’s covers. around them, we see a poster of a woman and we also see a drawing mickey made that says “fuck love”.
so when terry comes out of the bathroom and looks at them both, he doesn’t do what season 3 terry does, he simply says “put some clothes on, you two look like a couple of fags!” and it’s a comical scene because, what the fuck, terry, aren’t you a homophobic murderer? you woke up to grunts and crashes coming from mickey’s room, then when you came in he and another boy are naked in his bed… what do you think they were doing?
so when mickey does put some clothes on, he puts on a radiohead shirt.
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the shirt says “you’ll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking” and those are the last lyrics of the radiohead song “nude”.
so for those who haven’t listened to the song, here’s my analysis of why this song is associated with mickey milkovich and how it ends up foreshadowing his entire character for the next four seasons.
“don’t get any big ideas
they’re not gonna happen”
literally this scene. mickey caves and gives ian the gun back because lets be honest, it was really just bait. ian leans in to kiss him, and mickey has a look in his eyes where you can tell he wants to, but he can’t. he built this wall up years ago and he’s already cursing himself for letting it come down. terry instructed him to get dressed, and he puts on this shirt. and he’s trying to put this carefully constructed mask back on but he’s struggling. and so, he pushes ian away, “kiss me and i’ll cut your fucking tounge out”. there’s no malice in his tone, it’s a threat, but it isn’t threatening.
“you paint yourself white
and fill up with noise
but there'll be something missing”
mickey hiding in the closet, marrying svetlana, being a father to yevgeny, trying to act like the perfect son of terry. he still has this mask on and he tries to hide who he is but alas, he can’t. he loves ian too much and when he gets married and pushes him away, he’s still gay and in love.
“now that you found it
it’s gone”
upon being married, he tells ian that they can still bang. maybe being married to a woman makes him feel a bit more secure because although he despises it and it’s crushing him, he can keep his whole “king of the southside” thing. now that he’s married and unhappy, terry’s satisfied, and that’s all that matters- well, at one point it was. so he tells ian that they can still fuck, but suddenly, ian isn’t as eager and easy as he once was, and he leaves. he’s gone.
“now that you feel it
you don't
you’ve gone off the rails”
he’s out, he’s with ian, he has ian. things are supposed to be fine- but they’re not. ian’s unstable and has been hospitalized, and mickey breaks. he gets shitfaced and cuts his cheek and cries into ian’s jacket. that wall he once built up? the chest he puffed up, the posters he hung, the tattoos he got, they all mean nothing. it’s all gone. the wall and mask are gone, he’s more fragile than he once was. ian’s broken and it’s simultaneously breaking him too.
“so don't get any big ideas
they're not gonna happen”
this line is so mickey in s5, s6, s7, and s10. ian calling him and mickey running to see ian. he has hope. but no, ian breaks up with him, mickey is arrested, and when ian visits he desperately wants ian back. he tattoos ian’s name on his chest, specifically over his heart, and he practically pleads for ian to stay. then, mickey and ian are fleeing to mexico, and for a second, he has hope again. he fantasizes about he and ian at the beach, ian’s freckled skin being sunburnt, them swimming in the ocean together. for once, he can imagine his dreams being true. but they aren’t. he and ian are getting their marriage license, but ian’s hand wavers over the dotted line and he gives mickey that look and mickey breaks (…ian’s leg. lol). he keeps getting his hopes up and everytime he scolds himself for it because he just ends up hopeless.
then finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for,
“you'll go to hell
for what your dirty mind
is thinking”
it’s in the 1x07 scene i’m talking about. terry instructs mickey to get dressed, he does, and he puts on a shirt that says this. and in that shirt, he seems odd. the confidence we see him have in 1x03 is no longer there. he doesn’t necessarily look vulnerable, but he isn’t the mickey he pretends to be. he caves and returns the gun, which was just bait for ian to come anyway, and he refuses to make eye contact with ian, but when he does, it’s almost coy? he’s ashamed. he’s thinking of things he know would get him killed and he hates himself for it. terry will end him if he finds out, and yes, he has the posters, the reputation, the persona, the tattoos, the guns, etc. but in the end, it’s all an act, and we can see it. the way he licks his lips, the way his eyes won’t focus, his body language says so much.
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milk-o-bitch · 3 months
Mickey was screwed
The first time you do it is always a bit awkward specially if you're doing it with someone who wanted to beat you up hours ago.
Their first time wasn't the exception, it was also fast and angry. Ian was angry with Mickey for taking the gun from Kash and Mickey was angry with himself for letting the heterosexual facade fall. Plus they couldn't take their sweet time because Terry was napping in the living room.
Ian tried to put his face in Mickey's neck which earned him a smack on the head, and the same thing happened when he tried to hold Mickeys hand. They opted to not face each other which was far less intimate, something that Ian hated.
The second time was really uncomfortable because they were in a freezer. The cold didn't bother them that much (both of them at some point have had to shower with cold water) but doing it while you're standing up can get a little bit exhausting. This time Ian didn't get his head smacked when he placed his hand over Mick's, but touching his chest was a big no.
The saying goes third time's a charm and their third time was perfect. They wanted to go somewhere where you could get a little more privacy, so the abandoned building Mickey hanged out by himself when he needed time to think and de-stress was perfect. The coats were no blanket but it was puffy enough to lay on them.
It was getting cold but the heat of their bodies made it feel like summer. This time they did hold hands (for a brief minute) and Ian could touch him wherever he pleased. He would dare to think that Mickey was starting to like him.
What Ian didn't know was that Mickey craved his touch more than oxygen, he wanted to be caressed by Ian, hold his hand and even tenderly kiss him, but he would never admit it. Because that would change everything, it would be more than a hook up and the word relationship scared Mick (more than Terry).
After they finished he told Ian to go, to avoid being seen with him, but the truth was he needed some time to think. And the conclusion was that he was fucked, because he was falling in love with the freckled dork. He would do anything to stop feeling warm every time Ian looked at him, to stop feeling butterflies every time he touched his hand, and to stop the need to kiss him every time their faces got too close.
Mickey was screwed.
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mickittotheman · 2 months
hii 🤗 for the kiss trope: Gallavich and 11 or 49
Hi!!! 🤗🤗🤗
49. ...out of necessity
Ian sighs, drumming his fingers against sun bleached red plastic. Debbie pops out of the water for the millionth time, shoving her soaked hair out of her face and turning to beam at Ian excitedly. He gives her a stained smile and a halfhearted thumbs up.
Okay, yeah, he could probably be more enthusiastic. That had been a pretty impressive flip. 
But he’s tired, and he’s bored, and he feels like he’s cooking in the sun, the shade of the ripped umbrella above him not nearly enough. By the end of the summer, he’ll be nothing but one big freckle. 
It's a good gig. They need the money. He’s been trying to avoid the Kash and Grab, trying to avoid Kash. The pay is decent, and his siblings get free admission. He’d been excited about the prospect of maybe helping someone, maybe saving someone, maybe being the hero for once.
So far, he’s only had to save the occasional bee, and, on one notable occasion, a rat.
He sighs again. Gazes at the water longingly. He wishes he could jump in. He wishes something exciting would happen.
He scans the surface again, scans the perimeter, looking for trouble. It’s busy today. Crowded. Probably because it’s hot as fuck.
There’s a few people from school he recognizes, but there's one group in particular he’s been eyeing, one person in particular.
Mickey Milkovich.
Ian’s never actually talked to him before. But he’s seen him. 
He leaning his back against the fence, smoke wafting up from his lips to the “No Smoking” sign posted just above his head. He’s hot as fuck– in every sense of the word. He’s wearing all black. Black tee with the sleeves cut off, black ripped jeans, black heavy boots. He’s in the shade, but Ian can see the sweat glistening on his skin from all the way over here, and it’s kinda making his mouth water.
He swallows. Looks away. Inevitably looks back.
Mickey’s sister is sunbathing face down on a lounge chair, a skimpy black two piece on her steadily reddening skin, a handful of boys drooling over her, only kept at bay by Mickey’s glare. One of the other Milkovich brothers is there– Iggy? Colin? Ian can never tell them apart– but he’s preoccupied, having ditched guard dog duty in favor of rubbing sunscreen onto some college girl’s back.
He forces himself to focus on the water again. If a kid dies because he was too busy thinking with his dick he’d never live it down.
He’s trying so hard not to look. He blames that on why he misses the initial commotion. When he finally glances over at the sound of raised voices Mandy is standing up, a red mark the shape of a handprint on her ass and a murderous expression on her face. Mickey is already decking the one Ian assumes is the culprit.
Ian fumbles for the little whistle around his neck.
Mickey whips around at the shrill noise with a glare, and the other guy seizes the opportunity to shove Mickey into the pool and run.
There’s gasping. Some yelling. A few people scatter, not wanting to be around for when Mickey clambers out and goes fucking ballistic.
But Mickey doesn’t clamber out. He sinks to the bottom in a mess of flailing limbs. 
Ian is in the water in a heartbeat. The shock of cold against his flushed skin is jarring, but he barely pays it any mind. Mandy had jumped in too, and together they manage to haul Mickey up and out and onto the searing hot pavement.
“Shit, Mickey, come on you stupid shithead,” Mandy mutters, smacking at his face.
“I need you to move,” Ian says, and he’s distantly shocked by how calm he sounds.
She doesn’t put up a fight like he was expecting, just scrambles back to give Ian room.
He’s only ever had to do this on crusty foam dummies, but miraculously, muscle memory takes over. He starts compressions. Quick, quicker than you think they should be but not too quick, deep but not too deep. He reaches thirty. Moves his hands up, tips Mickey’s head back, ducks down.
He barely has his lips sealed over Mickey’s when Mickey gasps.
It’s not as romantic as it is in the movies. 
The first thing Mickey does is turn his head and cough up a mixture of chlorinated water and bile. The second thing he does is start biting out curses and kicking.
“Shit,” Ian hisses, scrambling out of range of Mickey’s heavy boots.
“Mickey, Mick, stop,” Mandy scolds, slapping at Mickey again. 
Mickey’s gaze darts around, taking in the situation, the way Mandy is pale and wide eyed, the fact that his clothes are soaked through, the people standing around gawking. 
His skin goes pink. He scowls mutinously. “What the fuck are you people looking at?”
People look away so fast, Ian wouldn’t be surprised if they had whiplash.
Ian laughs, nearly giddy with adrenaline and relief. “Come on. I can get you a towel.” 
And some privacy, goes unsaid, but Mickey picks up on it anyways. He drags himself up, unsuccessfully trying to bat away Mandy’s and Ian's arms as they hook under his shoulders. 
They find the second lifeguard in the locker room with a fresh hickey on his neck and a giggling blonde clinging to him. He goes wide eyed when he sees them, shoves the girl away unceremoniously. “Holy fuck. What happened?”
Ian rolls his eyes. “I’ve got it covered. Will you please just go do your fucking job while I handle this?”
“Don’t need your fucking help,” Mickey grouses. Ian and Mandy ignore him and wrangle him into sitting on one of the benches. “Where the fuck is Iggy?”
“He went to chase after that guy. I’m gonna go grab our bag before someone steals it.” Mandy pats Mickey on the shoulder once. Turns to the door. Pauses with just one foot out to look back.
She bites her lip. Drags her gaze up and down Ian’s form, lingering on his lips, on his still heaving chest, on where his wet swim trunks are clinging to him. “Thank you. For saving my brother. I owe you one.”
“Oh. Oh.” Ian feels his ears go red. He occupies himself with fumbling around in his locker for his towel. “Uh, thank you, but it was nothing, I–”
The door slams shut, Mandy already gone.
“Shit.” Ian sighs. Closes his eyes for a moment. Rubs at his forehead.
Mickey eyes him skeptically and snatches the towel Ian holds out to him. “You know by ‘owe you one’, she means a blowie, right?”
Ian burns even redder. Doesn’t quite manage to keep the grimace off his face. “Yeah.”
“What? You think you're too good for her?” Mickey sneers, bristling like a porcupine.
“No, no! She’s just. Uh. Not my type.”
Mickey glowers at him. Scowls. “What are you, a fucking fag or something?”
Fuck. Mickey wouldn't kill the guy who just saved his life, right? 
Mickey scowls even harder when Ian flounders. Brings his tattooed fingers up to rub at his mouth. “I oughtta cut your fucking tongue out for putting your goddamn lips on me like that.”
“Trust me, I didn’t exactly enjoy it,” Ian snarks, and he swears, he swears, he sees something like disappointment flash through Mickey’s eyes. Something like hurt. 
His breath stutters. He swallows hard.
“I mean. I didn't exactly get the chance to.”
Mickey freezes.
Ian holds his breath.
Mickey stands abruptly. Tosses the towel towards Ian's chest. Stomps towards the door. 
Ian deflates a bit.
Well. Could be worse. Mickey could have straight up murdered him.
Mickey pauses just inside the doorway, one foot out. Looks back. Shoves his tongue out to lick at the corner of his mouth. Looks Ian up and down with a cocked brow. “I owe you one.”
Ian’s eyes widen, but Mickey’s already gone.
send me a number~
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youngcreatorlady · 9 months
It always starts with a fight
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Warnings: gun, Female reader, Y/n used, stealing, slight implications of smut. TW: KASH,nickname
 Pairing: Mickey Milkovich x Fem! Reader
A/n note: I'm sorry I've been so on and off lately! My job started up and I'm going back to school! But I'm back on writing finally!!
Requested (y/n): yes Hey girl!Could you make a Mickey Milkovich x Fem reader?Where the reader works at the Kash n grab, and Mickey comes in and keeps stealing, but at some point the reader surprises him by standing up to him. You can take it from there 
- Samantha ❤️
Request made by: @samantha-rae-velcher
It was a long day,and you were already fucking tired and upset. Kash had cut your pay in half because Mickey fucking Milkovich had been stealing while you were on shifts.
Thats why, today when Mickey walked in, and walked over to a basket, you got ready to grab the gun you had under the counter.
"I'm just gonna take my stuff and go, alright sweet pea? Alright sounds good" Mickey told you,and you gritted your teeth.
He didn't wait for an answer, and just kept walking around grabbing stuff. A Pringles tube, some sour cream, a hot dog packet, and more things you didn't have memorized off the top of your head.
He came up to the counter,smirking at you.
"Now,how about…hm…50 bucks from that cash register?" He asks, although you knew he wasn't asking.
You sighed,and made it look as though you were grabbing the money, before cooking the gun and aiming it at him, clicking off the safety as you did.
"How about you stop calling me fucking sweet pea,and you put the shit back" you demanded,cocking an eyebrow at hom,and motioning to the aisle where he got most of the stuff from.
That, was a mistake you didn't realize you were making.
He grabs the butt of the gun from you,wrenching it out of your hands and turning the barrel of the gun on you, and chuckling.
"Aw sweet pea, did you really assume that you could pull a gun on me?" He scoffed,and put some chips in the bag.
"And those too, sweet pea" Mickey hums out,to which you bit your lip and glared, opening the cash register.
You grabbed the money out of the register, before setting it down,watching as he reached out to grab it,to which you grabbed his hand, flipping him around and pushing him against a wall flipping the neon 'open' sign to 'closed'.
His face switched to one of surprise,which he quickly masked with a cheeky smirk,grounding against you slightly.
You gasped,your eyes widening as you let go of him in sheer surprise, to which he grabbed your waist,pushing you against the wall heavily.
"Never.underestimate.me.again. got it, sweet pea?" You nodded slightly,your eyes still wide as your breath was knocked out of you from him pressing you against the wall.
He grabbed you, the gun, and the cash,slipping the cash into his pocket.
"Thanks for the fun game" mickey hums out,grabbing the groceries and walking up backwards.
You calmed down for a bit before you realized something
"You son of a bitch,gimme my gun back!"
❤Reblogs are always welcome!
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 7 months
I really want to write a Shameless AU where the day after 'Cascading Failures' Mandy wakes Mickey up and is like "Fuck this shit we're leaving" and she has a plan to move in with an Internet friend in Indiana but Mickey physically can't leave because Ian Ian Ian so Mandy takes him to the Gallagher house (where Fiona is freaking the fuck out about getting her kids back) and practically begs Fiona to take her brother in like she took Mandy in (not really because they were always fighting but also Fiona never kicked her out so.....)
Fiona's obviously like "Fuck this BS I've gotta get my kids back" and Mickey says that he'll help. Because he remembers what the system is like. Being alone. Fighting every second of every day. Being in a constant state of fight or flight. And he doesn't want that for Ian. Or any of the little Rugrats.
So he stays in the basement and keeps out of the house whenever social services stop by, and cleans and learns how to cook (pizza bagels and burnt eggs) and Fiona gets him a job (because he's not staying at her house with no money coming in, and Mickey doesn't want to work at the Kash and Grab with no Ian) and he works at the Alibi because his dad doesn't come around too often (he owes too many guys money or they owe him a boot to the face) but when Terry busts through the door Kev shoves Mickey under the bar like a little kid.
Mickey goes to the court hearing, because why wouldn't he? And Ian sees him walk in with Fiona and Mickey's looking at the ground and shuffling his feet because he knows that this is too much. That he's caring too much. But Ian doesn't say anything and just sits, glued to his side, until Fiona finally gets her kids back for good and everyone's jumping up and down and Mickey's just smiling but also a little sad because he's never known a family like this.
And then it's peaceful and domestic for a while, Mickey blends into the family. Makes friends with Kev and V. Becomes an dependable ego-check for Lip, a weird cousin/older brother for Carl and Debbie, a helping hand to Fiona, and a boyfriend to Ian. And it's some cheesy Brady Bunch shit but he lets himself love it because he's gone two decades without feeling safe.
Then, of course, Terry finds him. One of his cousins tips him off. He catches Mickey walking home from the Alibi one night, really lays into him. Mickey tries fighting back but finds himself paralyzed by that old, solid fear in the pit of his stomach. So he's just hit, again and again, in the street in front of the Gallagher house.
Until Fiona's on top of Terry with a bat, and Carl's got a blowtorch, and Lip's calling the cops because getting Terry sent to jail will make everyone's life easier, and Ian's kicking the shit out of him, and Debbie's holding a pillowcase full of bricks but she's more focused on making sure Mickey's cuts aren't deep enough to do lasting damage.
And that's enough to get Terry put away for a while. Tony makes sure of it, as due to some personal revelations he's definitely not a supporter of gay-bashing. And Mickey's lying on the couch, feeling like a sack of shit. A burden on the Gallaghers. He contemplates running down to Indiana, but Mandy has seemed happier based on her infrequent texts and social media posts, and he doesn't want to bother her. Because that's what he is. A bother.
But then Ian's sitting down next to him and turning on a movie. And slowly the rest of the family trickles in. And then it's just a normal night with leftovers and action flicks and Ian's arm wrapped around him. And Mickey falls asleep, knowing that when he wakes up the next day, it won't just be a dream.
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blorbologist · 1 year
THings I Noticed:
There's KAYLIE!! My girl!!! Shank your dad for me! I love her hair
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Grog fighting a Goliath, or otherwise some member of his herd. Could it be Kevdak?
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GILMORE ISN'T CHARBROILED! Thank Fuck! There's Cass and Yennen too!
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These seem to be the Raven Queen and Purvan's Tomb - she and her likeness both have stars on theur foreheads. Hadn’t expected it to be a red dreamscape!
EDIT; Thank u Burr for pointing out the blood pool, so that's the Raven’s Crest!
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Kiki are you in love, tripping balls or both? Did they add something new to the Aramente, or does this tie in with the 4SD 'Percy needs some fucking weed and his bestie's likely gonna get him the good stuff'?
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Bonus: Percy being a complete (flammable) dork. My brother was kinda Eh on him after his angst during the Briarwoods arc, this one line (+ me sharing a few of his silly quotes) completely turned him around
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secret-gallavich · 7 months
Shameless Whumptober Masterlist
just a list of all the shameless whump fics i wrote in october
Safety Net
tw suicidal thoughts
Mickey has always been there for Ian, even when he's in Mexico and Ian wants to jump off a bridge.
Solitary Confinement
tw mistreatment of mental illness
Ian’s meds were bound to get out of whack at some point in their prison stay.
Made To Watch
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced child abuse
Ian and Mickey go to a couple’s therapist once a month.
tw implied/referenced rape/non-con , implied/referenced underage sex , child abuse
Laura Milkovich is 19 years old when she gives birth to her third baby, Mikhailo. It’s the 10th of August in 1994, her husband is in jail and she’s a mother once again
You Said You'd Never Leave
tw suicidal thoughts
Ian comes home from the hospital and Mickey isn't there.
Mickey thought he was just having trouble adjusting to the new surroundings of living in the Westside. He’s not used to the quietness, he’s feeling homesick or the moon is too fucking bright.
Mickey’s never felt…normal when it comes to Ian. Ian makes him weird and do things he’d never normally do. Like get a tattoo of his name on his chest in prison.
Makeshift Bandages
Mickey hides an injury from Ian while working at the Kash 'N' Grab
Leave Me Alone
tw horror, mistreatment of mental illness, murder, dead dove: do not eat, paranormal, major character death
Ian's convinced something is haunting their apartment. Mickey realises he's telling the truth when it's too late.
tw drugged, date rape drug
Mickey’s started going to the club with Ian just to make sure no one takes advantage of him. He lets Ian do his thing, give out lapdances, sweet talk them for some extra cash but he’s always stepping in when they go too far.
Floral Bouquet
tw major character death
Ian passes by a flower shop every day on his morning runs but can't bring himself to go inside.
You Will Regret Touching Them
tw implied/referenced child abuse
S03E06 but it goes differently.
Mickey feels like he’s going to throw up at any second.
He’s got a boy spending the night with him. Not just any boy, Ian. Ian is staying the night and he’s trying to play it casual but he can’t stop glancing over at the red head just to make sure he’s really there.
Don't Move
Mickey is allergic to bees and fucking hates spring
Who's There?
tw thriller, horror
Mickey is home alone and starts hearing noises outside the house.
tw implied/referenced rape, child abuse, internalised homophobia
Mickey's feeling post S03E06.
The hooker is still here, looking just as scared as he is and putting her purple dress back on under Terry’s watchful eyes. He throws her a bag of coke and she fumbles to catch it. Terry won’t stop glaring at her and Mickey takes it as his chance to look at Ian’s empty spot. He’d taken his clothes, wasn’t sure if Ian was allowed to get changed here or if he left in his boxers.
You Look Awful
tw gay bashing, hatecrime
Ian laughs next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and tugging him close and Mickey laughs back and turns his body into Ian’s. Adrenaline is running through his body and he feels so fucking good right now, it’s the best high he’s ever had.
Mickey's feelings post coming out
Bloody Knife
Ian wasn’t expecting their little trip back to the Southside to end up like this.
‘This’ being the emergency room because Mickey somehow got himself stabbed.
Borrowed Clothes
tw suicidal thoughts, psych ward
The first 24 hours are the hardest.
It’s full of regret on his own behalf, self-loathing and running thoughts of ‘what if’. What if he had been paying more attention, what if he wasn’t so focused on work, what if Mickey had been a good husband?
Body Modifications
tw implied/referenced child abuse
Mickey's always had a love hate relationship with his knuckle tattoos
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p4rallel-universe · 1 year
brokeback (pt.2)
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(Lip Gallagher x male reader)
summary: part 2 to my previous fic of the same name. Lip and Y/N deal with the aftermath of their kiss in different ways, and they both find they have questions that need to be answered.
it's saturday and Lip hasn't slept a full night in 4 days. between school and work his head is too full. and of course, something else is plaguing his mind. but he'd rather not think about it.
he feels like a dick, really he does. because he's been avoiding you, and it feels different to when he'd blow off Amanda, or even yell at Mandy. because then, he was angry with them, or just didn't care. but with this, he's just angry at himself. he smokes and smokes and doesn't feel any better about it. which is a new experience.
you, on the other hand, can't help but think about what happened. and you don't want to not think about it. it was the type of thing you just can't fake, or explain. you haven't slept much either. Ian's wondering what's going on and you can't not notice. thankfully, his very-straight brother having a passionate encounter with you isn't the first thing that comes to mind when he thinks of reasons why Lip is avoiding you.
a hot cigarette makes the cold morning better for lip. standing in his tank top and boxers, in his old bedroom where the boy he doesn't want to think about has been sleeping. behind him he hears movement in the hallway and the sound of Ian grunting in the doorway. he turns to see him doing pullups. which is a good thing, because it means this is a good phase (as long as pull-ups doesn't turn to 3 hour runs, which turns to 3 hour drives, which turns to another stint in the psych ward).
"yo," he says, flicking his cig out the window, Ian nods, as he counts to himself in grunting whispers. Lip considers a second before asking a question,
"hey, so when you were, uh, growing up, how'd you know about the uh...gay thing?" he cringes as he asks, because it's never really been something they talked about,
"what?" Ian pauses, taken aback and Lip covers for himself,
"i mean uh, c'mon you were like 14...15?- like, what made getting screwed by your 30 year old boss so appealing, ya know? i guess i always wondered that, how you knew." he hopes this make it sound more like a jokingly invasive question than a plea for advice,
"i dunno man, guess i just...felt different. then when i reached puberty i knew i couldn't get it up to girls. you know, Kash wasn't really my first choice, he was just there." Ian looks solemn for a second before he resumes his efforts on the pullup bar.
"yeah, fucking creep..." Lip chuckles and pauses, and he's really cautious now,
"look, and what's the deal with Mickey? you, and the roughest catch on the southside. he your boyfriend? or are you just fuck buddies?" Lip tries to sound insulting instead of curious, and it works, because Ian withdraws for a second,
"i don't really know, i guess we hang out." his jaw hardens and he strains to lift himself up again,
the room goes quiet of voices for a second, before Lip speaks up, "you love him?", and Ian drops off the bar,
"look, why do you care anyway?" Ian looks puzzled, and rightly so, because Lip has never taken an interest before and has no reason to now. Lip shrugs in an attempt at nonchalance,
"i like how he smells. and his face, like, his eyes or something. his hair when he wakes up. it doesn't mean i love him, i guess we just hang out." and then he leaves.
Lip mellows in that for a bit, and he sits on the bed next to where he's been stood. his eyes fall to a discarded shirt on the floor which isn't Ian's and isn't his, so be guesses it must be yours. he picks it up and holds it close to his chest, he closes his eyes and breathes for a bit. "i like how he smells."
it's later on that night when you come home, walking through the door just as Ian's heading out, away to see Mickey - who you've heard so much about, but not actually met - and he says hello and goodbye before shifting past you. it's another rare quiet night in the Gallagher house, which you've gotten very used to. it feels a lot like a home should - but it's not like you'd really know.
"hey," a voice startles you, "not seen you around today." it's Lip, and this statement is pretty funny, because he's the reason he's not "seen you around" today. or any other day this week. but you're not angry, really, you can't be.
"was just out." you reply and he nods. you raise your eyebrows a bit because it honestly looks like he's studying you. probably some pretentious college class excersise, "analyse your roommates faces and unlock the secrets of their psyche". "you good?" you ask, because for the first time in days, he's not just meeting your eyes but really looking in them. like he's trying to find something he lost there.
"yeah, yeah." and it's like he snaps back to reality. you secretly hope this means what you want it to mean. Lip, on the otherhand, has just memorised everything from your lips to your y/e/c eyes. "his face, like, his eyes or something."
"i'm, uh, going to bed." he mumbles. and then you're alone in the living room, and feeling very fucking confused. because seriously, what is this guys deal? he kisses you till your lips are bruised, then ignores you for days, now he stares at you like some fancy painting and seconds after just runs off? it should piss you off, but it doesn't.
it's 1 AM, you can't sleep and everythings too quiet. you can't stop thinking about Lip. his blue eyes when he was staring at you. his strong arms you held onto when you kissed. his mind and how he thinks, and how you can't for the life of you figure him out.
it's this train of thought that brings you to his bedroom door. you don't really bother to knock. you open the door and there he is, sleeping. and it's honestly really attractive how boyish he is in sleep. limbs splayed, his already messy curls even messier. the urge to shake him awake and kiss him fills you. that's when you decide there's nothing to lose, really. either way you'll get the answer you need.
you walk over and stand over him for a second. you admire his face and how young he looks. without really thinking, you reach out a hand and run it through his hair, over the side of his face. you think maybe you shouldn't wake him up, because this is too perfect. but this won't last forever, and you can't hang in the balance. you just want to know how he feels, even if it isn't what you want to hear.
you shake his shoulders gently and he stirs, his eyes open when you whisper his name. he looks at you, confused,
"Y/N, what the hell?" he rasps, voice groggy with sleep. everything you had planned out in your head to say or do escapes you. so you just kiss him. and he kisses you. hard.
he pulls you ontop of him, his hands traveling up your back. your hands are in his hair, it's needy and a bit rough. which is understandable, because you've barely spoke for days let alone come close to kissing like this. and when you want someone like this, when you can't even sleep for thinking about them, you can't just kiss them once and not want- no, need to do it every second for the rest of your life.
when the kiss ends, it's you who pulls away. you're both breathing heavily, and Lip has his hands clasping your face like he's scared you aren't really there. he looks into your eyes and it's like the whole world becomes blue.
"i'm sorry-" he starts, panting,
"no, no, it's okay. it's okay, look, just tell me what you feel." you kiss him quickly again and he holds your face tighter,
"i just- i want to be with you." he kisses you this time, and again, and again.
"that's it then." and you don't really need to say much else about it. he kisses you again and this time you just don't stop
the next morning, Lip wakes up first, and looks at you, asleep next to him. he thinks you're beautiful, really. in a way no girl ever has been to him. you stir and he chuckles,
"hey, morning." and you smile at him, too tired to reply yet. he notices how your hair sticks up and falls on your face, boyishly. he smiles to himself as you rub your eyes. "his hair when he wakes up".
something about this morning makes Lip feel so much better. like he doesn't need a cigarette, or college, or to break anything. like it's okay to just sit a while.
he thinks that's pretty fucking great.
A/N - i've always really loved the scene where Ian tells Carl he and Mickey "hang out" and that he likes how he smells. i thought it really applied to a lot of mlm relationships? especially in brokeback mountain, where the title ofc comes from lol. so i figured i'd include it kinda as it adds to the plot lmao.
(also, @thehermitsaltar, p sure you wanted a pt. 2? well here you go👍)
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astaraels · 4 months
Day 8 — Femslash February — Kiss/Secret Relationship
fem!gallavich, van kiss. (ao3)
@m4ndysk4nkovich @holymurdock @lovekenney @callivich @echosluvr
Mickey was always good at keeping secrets. She had to be, growing up in the Milkovich household. The threat of pain and violence was always hanging overhead if she or any of her siblings ever set one foot out of line. So when she and Gallagher started hooking up, Mickey knew it had to be secret, locked up tighter than anything. It didn't make things easy—landed her in juvie twice, even—but now she was back, and they were together again like Mickey had never even left.
Well, almost like she'd never left. They weren't boyfriend-girlfriend, never had been exclusive—Mickey still fucked guys sometimes, to keep her reputation—but now Ian had some geriatric sugar mama who bought her things and ordered room service for her at fancy hotels. Not to mention that, according to Ian, wasn't afraid to kiss her on the mouth. Fucking dumb as hell, if you asked Mickey. She never saw any appeal to dating old people, anyway. Ian did, apparently, and she'd looked Mickey dead in the eyes, her bun having fallen into a ponytail that trailed along the back of her shoulders, gaze as fiery as her hair. Standing there with that fake rifle cocked on her hip, white t-shirt tight across her shoulders, Ian knew exactly what kind of picture she painted. All Mickey could do was take a long drag off her cigarette and fiddle with the safety on her gun.
Why did Gallagher have to go and get so pushy? Usually Mickey didn't mind it—she liked when Gallagher got a little rough, it made the sex a lot more fun. Ever since the day they'd gotten caught by Frank, though, Gallagher—Ian—seemed like she was determined to get more out of Mickey than she knew Mickey could give. And…well.
It's not like Mickey didn't feel something for her, too; she wouldn't keep going back to Gallagher if there was nothing there, regardless of how good the sex was. They had fun together. Last summer when they'd been working at the Kash and Grab had been one of the best times of Mickey's life, if she really had to admit it. They'd become friends—really good ones, too. It made the boring-as-fuck job not quite so boring, and after work they had usually spent time together drinking, smoking, shooting the shit, not to mention fucking their way up and down the South Side of Chicago.
But all that got ruined when Mickey got herself sent back to juvie. Just proved that nothing good could last, no matter what Gallagher wanted to think. She was so fucking naive, with her dumbass freckles and her big green Bambi eyes and that stupid goddamn ponytail that Mickey liked to hold onto when they fucked. And now some cougar lesbo had gotten her claws into Ian, who didn't seem to realize how gross it was. So she'd thrown down the fucking gauntlet, and now it was all on Mickey. Goddammit.
And sure, she'd thought about kissing Gallagher before. Of course she fucking had. Pink pretty lips that looked good whether she was smiling or scowling—what wasn't to like? But kissing another girl wasn't allowed. Gallagher should know better than anyone how queers got treated around here. Just because she didn't give a fuck about being out apparently meant she thought it would be fine and dandy for Mickey, too. Nothing could be further from the truth, though. Not a goddamn bit.
So maybe she'd bashed on Ian's sugar mama a little bit. Bitch had it coming, though, giving Ian and Mickey both a look like she wanted to eat them alive. Nasty as fuck. Mickey didn't feel bad about punching her in the face, or kicking her in the stomach, or letting the heel of her boot connect hard with the bitch’s kneecap. If Gallagher hadn't stopped her, Mickey would have given her a lot more than that. She deserved it, too. Ian was too…too good for that sort of thing. She oughta have something better than some asshole who just wanted a young, pretty, naive thing like Ian.
But now here they were, doing a stupid goddamn favor for the cougar; the only reason Mickey had even agreed was for the chance to rob the bitch. Sounded like fun, if you asked her. Get back at the sugar mama and show Gallagher exactly what Mickey could do? How she was the better choice? Fuck yeah, Mickey was in.
They'd sat together in the front of the van all the way to the North Side, Ian giving her sideways looks and dopey grins the whole time. Mickey was just glad that Iggy and their cousins were too high to notice anything, otherwise she and Gallagher would be having fucking words. Keep that shit under lock, and all, but…part of her liked it, in the same way she'd liked how Ian had run off with her after Mickey bashed the cougar. Liked that it meant she was the one who'd come out on top, that she had been the one Ian chose in the end. Mickey didn't have much going for her, but Ian Gallagher saw something in her worth sticking around for. She rubbed her face, cheeks growing hot at the very thought of it, and hoped Gallagher didn't see anything.
Then Ian was backing the van into the driveway, Mickey's cousin opening the door so they could all hop out. No one was supposed to be home, so this should be an easy in and out, and maybe afterwards she could convince Gallagher to go up to the abandoned warehouse with her and they could have a celebratory fuck or two. It didn't even dim Mickey's spirits when Ian told them they didn't need to take any guns, although Mickey's self-preservation instinct still told her it was better to have a gun than not. Whatever. Maybe she was a little bit pussy-whipped, because she did what Ian asked and made sure her cousins did the same.
The other three headed up towards the front door of the house, and Mickey began to follow them, but stopped halfway up the path. Her mind raced as she weighed her options, thinking about Ian's words that day. She isn't afraid to kiss me. And here they were, robbing that very same bitch’s house, and all Mickey could think was I'll fucking show you who's not afraid. She ran her hands through her hair to calm her nerves, then turned back around. Gallagher was sitting in the driver's seat of the van, smoking a cigarette like she didn't have a care in the world. Mickey swallowed nervously, and jogged back over to the van, opening the passenger door. Before Ian could say anything, Mickey braced her knee on the seat, leaned over, and pressed her lips against the other girl's own in a firm kiss.
They were just as soft and warm as Mickey had always imagined, and she could taste the nicotine still lingering there from Ian's cigarette. Ian's lips parted in surprise, but much as Mickey might have liked to, she didn't push things further. She pulled away and smirked at the look of joy and disbelief on Ian's face, mouth still hanging open slightly like a damn idiot. Gotcha, Mickey thought, adrenaline surging through her. As she ran back up the front pathway to the door of the house, she had to take a moment to fight the grin on her face. She had kissed Ian Gallagher, shown her that a Milkovich never turned down a challenge. And for a moment, she didn't feel afraid at all. Her heart pounded in her chest, her stomach turned with butterflies, and she let herself think about the way Ian's lips felt pressed against her own.
For a moment, it felt like victory.
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invisiblequeen · 17 days
Noe Bodi Gameplay, Day 41 Part 2
Didn't I tell y'all we weren't done?
Blair Carter (@spurgees), Noemy Ortiz (@beebeesiims) and Adwoa Kofi (@saturngalore) were just casually standing next to Rory Oaklow in WOLF FORM. (Don't mind Noemy's stone face, she's been mentally preparing herself for the BMB2 reunion. 👀)
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Townie Nalani was the only sim to run out of the club. Guess werewolves don't come to sulani often.
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I guess Townie Lou Howell was smelly or something because Noemy's face looks too scrunched up for any other explanation.
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And hey look! Kash Monet (@saruin), Riaan Angel (@wibblywobblytumblywumbly) and Detective Martin Davies (@starjira) are here too!
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Bless their hearts, they came rather late in the game, so the sun had started rising. And as you know, when the sun rises, the club closes.
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But I was able to get Noe a few more connections with the neighbors she hadn't met yet. Like Adwoa!
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And these fine ass townies Wayland (@rhdweauni0) and Samuel Steed (@cinamun).
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Jeremiah (@seulvgi) showed up at the last minute, so I got them to formally introduce themselves too! And right in front of Townie Jason (@rhdweauni0) just smiling vacantly.
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...And then these two showed up.
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Nekkid ass townies Kenji (@cinamun) and himbo Jack (@kazuaru) , with Pax Ramey (@theosconfessions) walking right past them into the now empty club without glancing once. What a legend.
I don't know why that happened. I will fix it in CAS later.
But true to form, Noe Bodi still gave them a respectful introduction.
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But I think Kenji started trying to kick game to her because she noped the fuck out right after that.
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At home, she stuffed herself with fruit salad to fill her hunger need...
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...and promptly fell out five minutes later.
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I want to thank every single simmer who has taken my sim requests and allowed me to fill this save with unique and diverse characters around my simself to interact with. You guys are the real MVP's, and are the reason I pulled myself out of the rabbit hole of CAS-Only Play and set on the road of gameplay. I'm enjoying the daily life of sims again, thanks you you all. <3
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