#Eventually there will be a little bit of story to go with this
angstigone · 18 hours
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 (𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩)
the title is a lyric from 'enter sandman' by metallica
𝗥𝘆𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝘂𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲! 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 (𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗔𝗨)
(A/N): hello there, lovelies!
before going any further I'd like to tell y'all that this might be turned into a series if I feel like it and if you'd like to see more, pls don't forget to comment and reblog especially. such a thing always has me reading and writing faster and better!
(also this is based on a low key true story - not having an hot neighbor - but me being unable to sleep).
have a nice day!
SUMMARY: there's something sketchy from the apartment beside your own, with a child constantly wailing. when you finally get to confront your neighbor you find that he's tall, big and especially... hot.
«… I am your… neighbor». «I could have gathered that» he commented grumpily and flashing you a sharp smile.  Shit, his canines were… quite sharp.  You wondered briefly whether he went around ripping people’s throat with those, as dread set in your gut. Maybe he was just a serial killer who used children’s cries to prey upon his victims and you were there - sleep deprived and in a Mermaid Melody pajama - looking death in the face. «… saw you around».
WARNINGS: suggestive (sukuna makes some sexual jokes to reader), this is just banter, I had such a fun time with them bantering, modern au, afab character, she/her pronouns, pre-relationship, getting together, baby yuji being the fussiest baby ever, slight angst towards yuji's family situation, sukuna is a wrestler.
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To say that sleep didn’t come easy to you would be an understatement.
As a light sleeper living in a crappy apartment complex on the middle floor, you were either startled awake by the early morning maintenance work or the crazy lady one floor above you who didn’t understand that she’d have saved up on neighborly glares if she had only finally gotten some hearing aids instead of blasting her TV at full volume either late in the night or early in the morning.
As if this situation wasn’t traumatic enough, somebody moved in the apartment next door and while the previous inhabitants had been students with a poor taste in music and too little money for good alcohol, you were by now sure that the fussiest baby in the whole world had moved in their place.
Everytime you came back home, he’d wail for a few hours - preferably late in the night - till you heard an ushering voice cursing underneath his breath in a clear indication of frustration.
Well, if his father was frustrated, you were ten times more and a bit worried: what could make a child cry so much? 
Was it possible that despite the good reputation of the neighbor, somebody a bit… sketchy had moved?
The thought had you shuddering but your common sense was definitely weakened by the lack of sleep you had gotten since the wailing child had moved next door and you thought to confront the situation.
If anything to assure herself that you had at least tried. 
You struggled with confrontation although - on the card at least - you were a fully grown adult and such an action would get you so many points with your therapist, although you needed a good pep talk and the reward of a steaming cup of hot cocoa in the morning before you brought yourself to knock on your neighbor’s door at one a.m. in the night.
You heard a curse and thought for a moment to bolt and blame it on the musician a few floors above who’d come late through the night from his ‘concerts’ - a pitiful ensemble of ten people, half of which his family, in a less than proper bar - but you eventually thought to hold your ground. 
You were in the right: a few days of crying were normal especially with a younger child but it was by now a few weeks not to talk about the fact that it was past twelve and according to the apartment’s reglementations - which you hadn’t ever read but searched out to assure yourself you’d be in the right - it was by far an infringement of the laws against loud nois…
«What is it?».
You shouldn’t have been so taken aback by the rudeness with which you were greeted as a mountain of a man showed up, opening the door only halfway and regarding you in the - less than flattering - light of the hallway. 
You realized only then that maybe showing up in your comfy pajama hadn’t been the best idea but it’d have been weird if you showed up fully clothed for work, wouldn’t it?
«Ahem… good… good morrow…» where was the whole discourse you had rehearsed while staring at the roof of your bedroom while the damned child kept on crying in the room right next to your own. 
Or so it seemed.
«… I am your… neighbor».
«I could have gathered that» he commented grumpily and flashing you a sharp smile. 
Shit, his canines were… quite sharp. 
You wondered briefly whether he went around ripping people’s throat with those, as dread set in your gut. Maybe he was just a serial killer who used children’s cries to prey upon his victims and you were there - sleep deprived and in a Mermaid Melody pajama - looking death in the face.
«… saw you around».
Well, you hadn’t, and you doubted that you wouldn’t have noticed a man that was past six foot, with bright pink hair and a body that had you feeling things, that weren’t just fear and unease. 
At least, you’d die horny, you had to admit.
«Oh» you shifted awkwardly thinking that it wasn’t too late to simply move back and pretend such a conversation hadn’t happened. 
He might be thinking it was a whole dream when the cries quadrupled in intensity and you inwardly cringed as a buddy headache pressed on your temples. 
Still, it had you regaining your strength and determination: this dude might be a serial killer, but you’d have committed a murder if he didn’t quieten the piercing noise.
«… listen, I don’t mean to… prod into your business…».
«Then don’t» he said, crossing his arms over his chest for a brief moment, before his hand went to the handle of his door, obviously intent on closing it «… it’s one a.m. in the late night. Some people do intend to sleep».
The slightly haughty tone - as if you were the one that made it impossible for this entire floor to sleep - was enough to send precaution to the wind as you adjusted your posture and came closer to the threshold of the apartment to block him from closing the door.
«Listen, whoever you are, I fucking need you to send that baby to sleep».
You expected, once your crass words left your mouth, to be at the very least flipped off because if this man seemed true to his own nature - a tatted body and crazy light in his marron eyes - he’d have at the very least cared little about your comment.
Still, it had you feeling lightly although it didn’t help with the noise in the slightest as the cries went further.
And yet, the man didn’t usher you away - nor threaten you - as a slight tired light shone in his eyes while he ducked his head low but for a moment of weakness, pushing his hands from the crossed hold over his chest onto his hips and squaring up, defensively.
«… if only it was that fucking easy».
«I do believe that it can’t be, but…» but had it been you, you’d have tried everything in the book - and on the Internet - to quieten a fussy child, while weeks were passing by and the sole improvement you got was wearing your noise canceling handcuffs throughout your nightly routine «… if I go another night without sleep, I swear that I’ll finally kill that bitch of Mark from accounting».
Although you were sure you might have sounded like a crazy person to anybody else, the man in front of you cackled at your bluntness and you should have definitely taken this as a sign that he wasn’t mentally stable.
«You think you are the only one who hasn’t been sleeping, sweetheart?» oh not the condescending petname that had you lightly clutching your thighs, and hadn’t you been sure that it was a trick of the light, you’d have believed he had noticed it much to your shame «… you don’t fucking live with the little screecher gobling».
«I live right next door and the walls might as well not exist» you protested not wanting to transform this into a pity competition.
«… well, they do exist or things would be funnier».
Had this arrogant asshole had the audacity to check you out? 
In your Mermaid Melody pajama? 
You were unable to fluster at the intensity of his gaze although you were quick to pout for his further amusement as he added.
«… I know that you won’t believe me, but… I have fucking tried anything. It’s like that fucking goblin has been set into crying mode since birth with no button to switch him off or lower the volume».
Well, if that wasn’t bad news and probably noticing your less than enthusiastic face the potential serial killer shot you a bawdy look:
«Want to have a go at trying to pacify him?».
«Well, it can’t be worse certainly».
You had meant it sarcastically, although again the lack of a filtering system between your brain and mouth due to your sleepy mind was enough was enough that the man grabbed your wrist - much to your protests, although you were aware that you were the soles ones on this floor and you doubted that anybody would have heard you in the floor above as they were all sleeping soundly - and brought you inside, closing the door behind you.
«Hey!» that’s how you died, because you had been a noisy neighbor. It seemed like the start of an Agatha Christie book and that was your sole consolation «… don’t… don’t fucking manhandle me!».
And you were far more startled when he was quick to release you at once as if burned by your genuine fear as he huffed lightly waiting for you to follow him as he set his marron eyes upon you with an hand on his hip, as a bothered mother waiting for her uncollaborative toddler. It definitely felt insulting and it did work in goading you to follow after him as you took notice of a tiny but cozy apartment.
Serial killers weren’t definitely ever what you expected.
«… maybe he needs a woman touch» your neighbor muttered as he came to an halt to a second bedroom - you had passed by his own on the house tour, noticing no dark walls nor altairs to some forgotten divitiny to which you’d be sacrificed later - as he opened it to reveal an actual child sleeping in an appropriate crib with also a fish-shaped lamp holder still lighted up as the child fussed around.
Although that little shit was the reason why you hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep in the past few days, you couldn’t help but feel your heart clench at the sight, as he obviously looked at discomfort and then an idea passed your mind while you turned accusingly towards your neighbor:
«Did you… did you kidnap him?».
It was the sole solution, although you did notice that the baby and him shared the same soft tuft of pink hair.
«What?!» he seemed so offended that you thought you’d be pushed out of the house with a single shove «Fuck no!».
«That’s what a kidnapper would say!».
«If I had to actually kidnap a child, it wouldn’t be the one that can’t keep his mouth shut» well, that wasn’t ominous in the slightest although the man’s quiet rage turned into something different as he passed an hand on the back of his head as if to pacify himself «… it’s my brother’s child. His wife is… she is not doing well… gave birth to the child and is now in the hospital. He’s staying with her and he, obviously, had me babysit it!«.
«That’s now an ‘it’» you felt offense on the child’s part «… that’s your nephew!».
«Tomato, tomato» your neighbor promptly shot back «… alright, want to have a go or are you just satisfied with having cleared up that I am not a child kidnapper?».
«The jury is still out on that one» you humored him although you did believe this weird stranger with arms that could easily choke you was the child’s nephew since as the baby was within your sight you could see the similarities «… can I… can I pick him up?».
Although he might not be a kidnapper, you still thought it’d be rude to pick up the sweet child - when he wasn’t busy wailing he was quite cute - without the adult’s consent, although you received a simple grumble of assent as the sole answer and you moved to gently cradle the child in your arms, startled by the sudden realization that you hadn’t ever hold a baby.
Cousins and siblings had been passed around to you but you hadn’t ever taken care of a baby with the closest being when you had babysat a few neighbor children through a date their parents had gone on ‘to save the marriage’. 
Code for they were swingers who needed a night out and for their children not to know.
So, you couldn’t help but tense up immediately as you reminded yourself to hold the frail neck, while your eyes shot out to the one of the other adult in the room who didn’t seem to have any sarcastic comments for you especially as the child’s loud waning seemed to become far stiller till it became a soft breath.
«How the fuck…».
«Don’t curse in front of the child» one moment with that child and you were already feeling protective of his scrunched up eyebrows and sweet nose «… and I have no clue! I haven’t ever taken care of children that are so little!».
«… well, for a first-timer you are a miracle worker» the pink haired man commented, as he looked down at his nephew «… he never went under that swiftly».
A moment of silence - an awkward one - passed that you took as your cue to leave and go to your bed now that the little threat had been subdued, thinking that it had been a simple chance. Still, the moment that you made to lay down the baby in the crib it started fussing again and threatened to use his powerful lungs again.
«Shit» you cursed as the other man sent you a slight smirk before mouthing “don’t curse in front of the child” «… what… what are we going to do?».
«You have to hold him still he falls further asleep» well, thank you captain Obvious.
«I can’t» not only your arms would have fallen asleep but eventually the child would have realized that you weren’t… well, you weren’t his mother nor an angel. Or a miracle worker.
«Don’t tell me that you have plans right at…» and he shot a look at his watch «… one and half in the morning on a lovely Tuesday night?».
«Aside from being in my bed and sleeping without a wailing baby?» you shoved back the sarcasm as you also cringed at the realization that already half an hour had passed in what you had perceived as being such a little time «… not really, no. Thank you for asking, though».
Although he had been but a cocky arrogant asshole, your neighbor finally broke his pretense as he pushed his hands in the hair promptly mushing it all up in an adorable mop that mirrored the one on the child’s head. 
They were relatives without a doubt.
«… this is… this is the first time… in days… that he stops crying so… I’d… I’d appreciate it if you could stay… at least half an hour. The morning coffee is onto me».
«I don’t drink coffee» whether it was true or not, you were delighted in his surprised expression although you quickly surrendered to his idea. 
Not that you were any eager to spend the time with him, no matter the fact that past the threatening appearance he was quite handsome, in a ruggish way that was simply aided by the fact that he took care of his nephew.
«… but alright. I guess… not that I have much choice».
«If your arms fall asleep, let me know, I’ll switch you for a bit» well, wasn’t he thoughtful and also quickly sufficing you with a chair as you adjusted the child swiftly in your arms to be a bit more comfortable and he hadn’t yet stirred «… by the way… not that this can’t get any more awkward, but I am Ryomen… Sukuna… and this is Yuji, my nephew».
«Lovely to meet you, Yuji» you acknowledged just the child while a light huff of annoyance appeared right on his face «… I am…».
«Nice to meet you, neighbor» it was probably the nicest he had ever been, although the asshole held out his hand quickly daring a look at you holding his nephew as if he expected you to do the two things at once «… saw you around».
«You have already said it, and it doesn’t make you sound any less creepy» you ushered back «… do you make it a habit to lure women into your cave with your cute nephew?».
«Not really» again that shitty smirk that made him at least ten times more attractive «… you are the first one falling for it».
«… in all truth, he is more of a huge cockblock» he went onto adding «… can’t bring women home if he’s all whiny».
«You shouldn’t bring women home at all, with a child!» you were probably the least proper person to give indications about being a parent, still, it felt quite obvious «… please tell me that you have other relatives that can take care of Yuji».
«Obviously if the burden has befallen onto my shoulder it can’t be that way» his grin was slightly more grim and bitter and you did feel a bit guilty at the suggestion «… my grandpa is a bit too tired to raise another child after my brother and me, especially»,
«Can’t blame him».
«And my brother’s wife’s family isn’t that near to Tokyo, so I am forced to take a break from fighting till Kaori gets better or that spineless of Jin gets a grip» he added harshly, as your mind zeroed on a thought.
«You… you fight?» oh that was definitely going to go well.
«Professionally, sweetheart» oh the patronizing petnames how little you had missed them «… you have in front of you one of the best wrestlers in all Japan. Used to be the champion of my category…».
«And then what happened? Broke a leg and that’s your villain origin story?» no way you’d have stroked this man’s ego, although this explained his huge muscles.
«You are a smartass, aren’t you?» he shouted back less amused «… maybe that’s why you get along with the shithead in your hold».
«Would it kill you to be nice to your blood relative?».
«Would it kill you to chill out?» he shot back as you simply regarded him with sarcasm.
«It’s the lack of sleep».
He grimaced letting you have the last laugh.
 For the moment.
An awkward silence filled in as you couldn’t help but feel like maybe the banter - and the patronizing pet names - had decidedly been better than the awkwardness that spread especially as Yuji lightly fussed in your arms, turning onto his stomach adorably as he smushed himself into you.
«He tends to sleep a lot on his stomach, like Jin» you were startled by the slight fondness that filled Sukuna’s voice as you saw a tiny bit of affection «… this also means that when he farts and you are nearby to check onto him you get hit by a deathly gas».
«You are downright horrible».
«Ever been farted by a baby?» you shook your head «… then you can’t talk».
«I am holding your baby» and then swiftly realizing what you had said, you added «… I mean… well, I… oh well, I mean your brother’s baby».
Another silence threatened to loom onto the two of you as he begrudgingly spoke again.
«… what… what about you?» and at your confused look he added «… what do you do?».
«Research» you explained briefly unsure whether to give the story of your life to this weird stranger who got you flustered and annoyed «… library systems and such and before you say, I am - indeed - a nerd».
«I was going to ask whether you were a sexy librarian or a regular one considering what I have seen you wearing» you risked jostling poor Yuji at the startle due to his bold words.
«I am a boring librarian» you shut him down promptly, although he had by now noticed your embarrassment and was smirking openly «… and don’t try to make fun of it, full-time nanny».
That got him exasperated.
«… I told Jin it’s only temporary! A few months!».
«Whatever makes you sleep at night» you said without thinking at your words and lightly laughing at them, alongside Sukuna, only realizing right now that throughout this conversation your whole body had relaxed and although Yuji was starting to become heavy in your arms, your hold on him felt… natural.
«By the way» you were startled by the terrifying news that you were starting to fall for this ‘concerned uncle’ facade «… are you sure you never held a child? I… I’d say you are a natural».
«Is that you way of recruiting me as your personal nanny?» you retorted, a bit flustered by the praise.
«I could pay you good» he went onto commenting as you raised an eyebrow.
«I don’t take payment in nature».
«It shows» your ears felt heated as you fixed him an angry glare «… what? Just saying you are so wound up, pretty girl. I wouldn’t be surprised if you just needed…».
«Little ears are listening to us!» you protested promptly, going to gently cover Yuji’s ears «… God, he has no chance with such an uncle».
«I am actually the fun uncle, I’ll have you know!».
And your whole night proceeded like this, and although you were tired, slightly irritated and with a heavy baby - what did Sukuna make him eat? - in your arm, for the first night in weeks you fell asleep right on the chair with your neighbor plucking Yuji from your arms to set him in the crib again. 
By now the child had fallen deeply asleep and he didn’t startle. 
Neither did you when Sukuna adjusted a blanket around your shoulders as he wasn’t sure whether you’d be able to walk back home although your apartments were one against the other.
And you looked far too peaceful in your slumber, compared to the harshness that marred your features through your verbal spar. 
Not that he minded, though. If anything, it was almost… reinvigorating to talk with somebody who could hold up his barbed wire, after having to deal with his nephew for the entirety of the day.
He gently shot Yuji one more look as he went to go to his own bedroom not wishing to startle either of you.“You scored a cute one, nephew” he muttered amusedly “... can’t believe that this is what I have been brought to do to get a girl’s attention”.
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credits for dividers: @/saradika-graphics
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@nonbinarylocalcryptid has put this au in my head so here are some headcanons for Odysseus adopting Astyanax instead of killing him
When Odysseus finally gets home, Astyanax is ten and Telemachus is twenty, about to turn twenty one
Astyanax is incredibly furiously jealous of Telemachus. He doesn’t know who this guy is or why Odysseus is so obsessed with him. He isn’t used to having to share his dad’s attention
He tries to come up w ways of getting Odysseus to focus only on him but he’s never successful. Either he gets in trouble for doing smth bad or he tries to start a game and it gets turned into a whole family activity
He gives up after a few weeks and sulks by himself exploring the palace and city. Odysseus eventually finds him and they have some much needed one on one time. Astyanax is ecstatic
Telemachus is incredibly furiously jealous of Astyanax. He doesn’t know who this kid is or why Odysseus is so obsessed with him. He isn’t used to having to share his dad’s attention
Him and Odysseus are trying to make up for lost time and Astyanax keeps bursting in and being super annoying. He’s so glad every time Odysseus shoos him away. He desperately needs this one on one time
Astyanax isn’t sure abt Penelope. She’s very nice, makes an effort to connect to him, and Odysseus hasn’t stopped raving abt her for as long as he can remember. But hearing abt someone in a story is different from actually meeting them. She a total stranger. He warms up to her after a while but for the first month or so, he’s very shy and apprehensive around her
He doesn’t consider her his mom tho, only Odysseus’ wife. He used to think calypso was his mom (she would be the first woman he would be old enough to remember and they lived w her for most of his life) but now he’s content to not have a mom. He only needs his dad anyway
After about a year or so, both Astyanax and Telemachus begrudgingly accept that they’ll have to share Odysseus. They’re both not thrilled abt it but they’re not angry anymore either
Telemachus is a self sufficient adult at this point and spends a lot of time doing his own thing. He’ll go on trips, go hunting, attend his parents’ court, try to woo maidens, debate policy and philosophy w the advisors (which can get pretty complicated when his parents join; his dad especially loves having battles of wits), etc
Astyanax is a preteen and very curious abt what Telemachus is getting up to and what the adult life of a prince is like. He followed him secretly at first but quickly got found out. Telemachus thought it was kinda weird at first but then was a little flattered
He started letting Astyanax accompany him (to an extent. Long trips and wooing maidens are off limits lol). But he’ll take him to court, on quick trips, to his fighting lessons, to intellectual debates, etc.
Penelope isn’t so sure but Odysseus is adamant that learning by experience is just as valuable as structured lessons and they should just be happy that they’re finally getting along lol
The only part he has a problem w is the trips. He’s already anxious when Telemachus leaves on his own but when he takes Astyanax too… The thought of potentially losing both his sons, them taking years to return, or them being harassed by the gods eats him alive. It’s terrible to watch. He doesn’t eat, barely sleeps, doesn’t do any work. The only thing he does is sit by the door to the palace and wait for them to come back. Not even Penelope can soothe him
It’s worse when they go on a boat. Even if they’re only taking a one day trip to the city next over, he’s literally shaking w stress. Instead of sitting by the door, he’ll sit in Poseidon’s temple and do nothing but pray for their safe passage, not stopping at all for food or sleep
Telemachus has offered to leave Astyanax so he feels a bit better but he insists that he’s fine. It’s more important that the two of them bond, form good relations w their neighbors that will benefit them when they’re the king, and become more worldly. He’s fine. He swears it. He’s fine
Telemachus has taught Astyanax how to shoot a bow, how to track animals, how to identify plants, and how to basically do anything that doesn’t involve living on a boat lol
They’ll spar too. Astyanax is much better than Telemachus was at his age and Telemachus is a little jealous abt it. If he didn’t win anyway bc he’s bigger and stronger, he definitely would be angry
It’s weird tho bc he’ll be like “how did you learn that move? It was super advanced." And Astyanax will just casually be like “dad taught me after we fought a harpy.” And Telemachus is reminded that this kid has spent more time w his dad than he has. He never got to have his dad teach him how to fight but this other kid did. It’s not fair. He pushes it deep down and ignores it
Astyanax is aware of what happened to his biological family. Odysseus told him when he was eight. He was a teary mess, barely able to get the story out, but Astyanax wasn’t distraught like Odysseus expected. Astyanax was quiet for a long time, thinking, then went off on his own for a while but by the time it was night, he seemed to have moved pass it
He didn’t remember that family so he wasn’t very upset. He definitely thought it was messed up that he was taken in by the enemy that killed his whole family and destroyed his city but Odysseus was nice and it beat being killed too so he wasn’t complaining
Sometimes he’ll lay awake and wonder what his life would’ve been like if he had grown up in Troy tho. How his biological dad would’ve raised him. How different his life would’ve been if he hadn’t been constantly moving around and fighting for his life. As a kid, he can’t even begin to imagine what that would feel like bc he’s never known it. But by the time he’s grown, it’s different
Telemachus is on the throne now; Odysseus retired and just hangs around now. There are rumors that he's gone mad and even tho it's 100% false, he does nothing to stop the rumors bc he thinks it's funny and likes to mess w ppl
Astyanax is in his mid to late twenties now and he's feeling like he doesn't belong in Ithaca. He looks different from the rest of his family, he's got a much darker and complicated past than most of them, and every time they talk abt war in the court he can't help but get angry and closed off
Tho to Telemachus' credit he's a very fair king and does his best to avoid war and getting involved in other people's wars. That's how he lost his dad for so long and he's not making Ithaca go through smth like that again
Astyanax decides that he needs to see Troy. What's left of it, any new civilizations that replaced it, anything he can find. He's a little worried about the trip across the sea but figures if he did it once before, he can do it again
There's nothing when he gets there. Most of the wood has rotted and the ground is black and charred. He can walk the Greek camp based off the burnt fire pits, the tent peg holes in the earth, and the rotted outlines of the thick wall. The field in between the camp and Troy is littered with swords, spears, arrows, shields, and the occasional chariot wheel. Troy is a ghost town. The only thing left are the great walls. The inside is baren and empty
When he returns, he's furious. His "dad" destroyed his entire civilization. Except for him, no mercy was shown. It was a horrible, monstrous thing to do. (He's forgotten the memory of how much Odysseus cried telling him what he did)
He goes off on Odysseus. Odysseus is partly resigned (he knew this day was coming and he’s in the wrong) but he’s still a stubborn ass who resorts to violence instead of talking things out so the fight gets pretty explosive. It stays an argument but only just barely
They both have swords in their hands when Telemachus comes in. He tries to talk them down and pretends he doesn’t know what the fight is abt even tho the whole palace can hear them yelling
Astyanax asks for Odysseus to be executed, banished, or otherwise punished in someway. Telemachus won’t do it. Astyanax is furious that he’s not taking his side. Telemachus didn’t see what he saw. He didn’t lose his whole family and get kidnapped by the man who murdered them. He has no idea how it feels to have your whole world flipped on its head
Astyanax debates fighting both Odysseus and Telemachus but decides against it. He storms out, gets on a boat, and goes back to Troy. He wanders around there for a while until he finds a civilization to join
Years go by. Odysseus dies, Telemachus has his own kids and grandkids. His hair is starting to go gray. Then one day a messenger runs in announcing the approach of a foreign army
Telemachus runs out to see the threat and a fleet of twelve boats is abt to enter Ithaca’s harbor. At the prow of the biggest one is Astyanax, torch in hand. He’s going to burn Ithaca like they burnt Troy
The prophecy is fulfilled
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dirty-droid · 22 hours
So I played through some more dbh last night and woke up thinking, God, there is a good reason Markus and Kara, and their respective companions never got as popular as Connor and Hank. Literally The Bridge is surrounded by the most *do everything for absolutely no reason* chapters, and there's no comparison.
First the Kara chapter wastes your time, she barely gets any small talk in with Luther, then the car breaks down, then you're just doing tiny tasks, doing a shitty sum up of her story so far when Alice asks you to make one up- they could have done something interesting with that story but they chose not to, literally anything specific anything that would function as a parallel to their journey would have actually had some value. Then you barely start a conversation with Luther, where are you maybe get a hint of his personality before we're back to just talking about the plot and Alice, but then it's over again and you meet the Jerries and you learn almost nothing about them.
It is a chapter where you do nothing interesting, and you learn almost nothing about the main characters, for a downtime chapter, I expect character development and get barely a sneeze of it. There is so much room and so much time for you to really push and question your main characters but it just doesn't get used.
Honestly I think the protagonists all could have probably really benefited from the audience getting to hear their internal monologues if they weren't actually going to talk to their companion characters, but even that would just be a substitute for decent writing.
Either way, after that, we come back to Connor and Hank, who do almost no tasks in this chapter, *but spend the entire time TALKING.* They talk to each other in a constant volley back and forth for the entire length of the chapter and it's probably one of the best chapters in the game, it's certainly one of the most important in their story. You spend the entire bridge scene learning more about Hank and Connor's inner worlds, and how they think, and how they feel, you spend the whole chapter learning so much about their perspectives, this chapter is all about asking the hard questions about both of their individual characters, and the tension is high, it's a straightforward chapter to play, and it really fucking feels like your choices matter here, there will be immediate consequences, not just walking through your environment trying to find the right answer, or being dragged through an interaction. It's just plain good.
And then Markus infiltrates the Stratford Tower, and you get the most boring and useless and frustrating chapter in the game that doesn't seem to serve any purpose beyond looking cool. If Kara's last chapter was only to gain sympathy and create some soft and fuzzy feelings, this chapter is only about looking cinematic. This is probably my least favorite chapter in the game, honestly I've just gotten lost on that yellow ass office floor building too many times, even though I'm very familiar with the game now I still managed to get lost again last night.
I will admit that eventually it does become an opportunity to decide between pacifism and violence but that seems to be the only real development for Markus, and it wouldn't have been hard to make that kind of opportunity in another setting. Because we get next to nothing watching him get past the front desk, or from walking around that floor, just some outfit changes and pretending to be a machine and a little more Android hate in the background, Markus is almost completely silent yet again, there is almost no talking with North once she appears. We actually get more about North's personality here than Markus', she just feels like she has more lines somehow, because sometimes she just talks without it being connected to the plot and Markus never does.
This bit is more speculative, but my fiance and I were going off last night about whyyyy did they have to break into the tower? We're never given any reason for what the steps are and why they are important, just usually pretty important in these mission impossible type scenes, they're usually explaining in a voice-over why they are taking the steps that they are taking. But we get no explanation for why he needs to go to the 47th floor or whatever, No explanation for why he needs to change into a maintenance Android uniform, why North was in the stairwell, how Josh and Simon got in, it's all just handwaved, and whyyyyyy they couldn't have just?? Made a recording and then hacked the station's broadcast remotely and basically just posted the speech? I don't know, it's just a particularly frustrating chapter to play, personally, but it isn't strong.
Either way, you've got two chapters with next to no character development, that just have a lot of empty space and time where the characters could have been talking or could have been doing something else, but didn't because the vibes were more important, sandwiching a simple scene with ten pounds of character development and it just feels weird. And once I noticed it, it just made the Kara and Markus chapters look incredibly weak and poorly written... And conversely, make the Connor and Hank chapter look much, much stronger in comparison.
It's like Detroit become human almost needs it's own type of Bechdel Test, just to show how much they fail Markus and Kara. "Do they talk about something that isn't the plot?"
"Do Kara and Luther talk about something that isn't Alice or getting to Canada?" "Does Markus talk about anything besides his speech for this chapter?" "Does Alice talk at all beyond basic communication with Kara?" "Does Markus or his buddies talk about anything that's not the revolution or just Markus himself?"
... They don't pass a lot.
It's just hard to take these characters above simply *likeable* when they just, don't, ever, talk. There's little to no development for Markus or Kara, and because they've just become deviants, there's hardly any character establishment in the first place, they barely even get the chance to just be flat, because if they don't really know who they are, we don't really know who they are.
Connor and Hank's friendship is more functionally the main plot, more so than the deviant investigation, and for Markus and the team, and Kara with Alice, that's simply just not the case, there is hardly any relationship, they're just in the same boat. This is why Connor got astronomically more popular, and why he and Hank have the staying power that they do.
Markus and Kara just don't ever talk, and Connor does. And I'm fucking mad about it. The amount of time that was just wasted in their stories, I could probably take a damn stopwatch to all the moments where there could have been a little something-something, and nothing was put there. It's not to say Connor doesn't get some quiet moments too but he always gets the chance to make up for it.
Even at the beginning of the Stratford Tower chapter, I noticed that they could have had Simon and North talking about something maybe unrelated when Markus walks up, but there's nothing, only silence until Markus comes in with a plan. And of course we know about every time Luther tries to bring up the fact that Alice is an android, only to be shut down and walked away from. It fucking kills me how much time Mark is has the focus of the camera but it's only so he could look cool for a minute, and share no thoughts of his own, none of his new feelings, everything is only implied and then followed by the action where he is only allowed to be the leader of the revolution and never just Markus. There's a tragedy in that, but they could have driven it home harder by *pointing that out.*
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canines-crown · 1 day
Today I got lost in the forest and those where the most beautiful four hours of my life.🌲🌿🪲
Here's the story of my adventure! Let's just hope Tumblr doesn't fuck up this post...
I didn't sleep much tonight and was very hungry, so I decided to just go to the forest, bring some food with me, and maybe even take a nap there! I packed my stuff and started on my little journey. My beloved cat Spike followed me until we arrived at the forest too! :3
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I was heading to my favorite part of the forest when I found a new path I had never seen before!
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I followed it for a while until I got really hungry... Luckily I found some tree trunks and squeezed in between them. While I was enjoying my homemade meal, I suddenly noticed... Gunshots? A hunter I assume. I didn't mind, but they seemed to be getting louder, so I decided to flee for good measure.
I jumped across a dry field with stupidly high grass and hid in the forest at its end. I don't think people visit that forest often, as there were so many plants and trees that it was quite difficult to pass through.
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I decided to explore the newfound area and stumbled across a village. At this point I really didn't know where I was but I knew I'd find my way home, which is why I decided to just have fun
I wanted to go to a large looking forest in the distance, far behind the village. For that I had to cross a brook.
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My oh so trusted friend Stranger told me to just leap. Which I did! I then proceeded to land in the water. Rip.
With my shoes now wet and it starting to rain, I quickly hid under a tree. Barefoot. And decided to eat a bit more, now that I had "escaped" the hunter.
With my shoes now being more annoying then useful, I decided to find the way home, still barefoot. I had to make it across the brook again, and got lost in what seemed like an infinite amount of fields with stupidly high grass... The area started to feel familiar, but I was exhausted, which is why I decided on a small nap. Not only did I get harassed by ants, I also had to flee from a farmer and his tractor 😭
At least I saw a roe deer and a hare!
From there I found my way home eventually. Now I am very tired and my feet hurt, but I had fun!! Being in the forest felt really euphoric
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I also picked wild strawberries and got bitten by a tick 👍
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hey, i love your blog, you’re so kind for doing all of this. kudos.
i was wondering if you have advice on how to not be terrified of sharing your work with the world? i write a lot of fanfiction (and someday hopefully some original stories) but i get so so anxious about ANYONE reading them so they usually end up rotting in my google docs, and eventually i stop writing them because i don’t get the motivation that comes from reader responses
but the issue is i’m not sure how to tackle this anxiety. as someone who has published works, do you have advice for this?
Tackling the Anxiety of Sharing Your Work
For my answer, I'm going to cobble together some bits from previous posts and add some new stuff. ♥
Sharing our fiction with others is one of the biggest steps we take as writers, and it can be scary no matter what you write. But, if you want to be published, it’s a necessary step. As with so many things in life, doing something that requires courage is often just a matter of taking a deep breath and doing it. "Ripping off the band-aid," as they say.
However, there are some things that might help ease the associated anxiety a bit:
1 - Try to Pin Down Your Specific Fears - One of the first things you may want to do is try to figure out what you're specifically afraid of or what's making you the most anxious about the prospect of sharing your work. If you can find the root cause, it might be easier to tackle the associated anxiety. Are you worried people:
will think your writing is bad?
won’t like your writing style?
won’t get your story/characters?
will judge you for what you write about?
will think less of you for writing at all or what you write about?
will blab about your writing to others?
will steal your ideas?
will see similarities between your story and others?
will make you feel tied to a project you might not complete?
I tackle some of these in the writing-related-fears portion of my Motivation master list.
2 - Don't Rush It - If you take the time to properly revise and edit your story, you can be confident in knowing you've put in the time and effort to make your story the best it possibly can be.
3 - Start Small - If you can, try sharing your story first with an "alpha reader," or in other words a trusted friend, family member, or community member who can appreciate your story. In this case, you might say you're not looking for specific feedback but just a general impression of what they liked about the story. This way, it's not about getting constructive criticism so much as getting over the hump of sharing it and getting the little boost of what they like about the story.
4 - Gradually Go Bigger - From there, you might try sending to a couple of beta readers and opening up to a bit more feedback. The great thing about this is not only are you conditioning yourself to sharing and getting the opinions of others, you can potentially use the feedback to iron out kinks in the story if there are any.
5 - Use a Pen Name - You might want to consider using a pen name for anonymity. Pen names have many different purposes, but much like wearing a mask at a party, they can decrease your inhibition a bit because it creates a bit of a buffer between the real you and your writing.
6 - Post and Let It Go - Many writers get around the issue by simply not engaging with reader feedback, and if you're someone who cares what other people think or are likely to be daunted by the prospect of criticism, this may be the best route for you to go. Now, I know that with fan-fiction in particular, reader feedback is often used for improvement. But the truth of the matter is, you shouldn't rely on reader feedback for improvement anyway. Alpha readers, beta readers, critique partners, and editors are a much better metric for where to improve. When you get your feedback elsewhere, you can post your story and let it fly on its own without worrying about what others are saying.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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donutsupremacy · 3 days
Modern AU!Lyney Crush + Dating Hcs
"Headcannons of how everyone's beloved magician falls in love with you and what dating him might be like!"
Modern, College AU
Gender neutral!Reader
Other side characters mentioned
Unofficial headcannons and facts (Obviously)
Definitely 100% Ooc for the sake of AU
Lyney swooning every few seconds and simping for reader as reader also simps for him
The twins are still unrelated to Arle and Fremi
Lyney stalking reader's social media profile? Yessir
Is this technically a hc post if it's 50% story and 50% hscs
A bit of PDA (Public Display of Affection)
A twinge of angst? (A tad bit of the classic couples arguements with eachother)
Fluff, no nsfw this time unfortunately (I'm feeling family friendly ykykyk)
A/N: i wanted more lyney, so here is mor lyney before I go back sleeping in the dumpster for another 4 months :3
Lyney, Lynette and Freminet are still adopted by Arlechinno, who still owns the orphanage 'House of the Hearth', except there's no shady business. Just father being good ol' strict and cold but somewhat loving father. Just don't ask where the funds and supplies come from, no blood spilt at all/hj :)
Your romance begins here
[Crushing Hcs]
When Lyney first met you, you were sitting next to him in the lecture hall. Neither of you really exchanged any words at first, you were on your phone out of boredom while Lyney was chatting with his sister, who was sitting in front of him. The most interaction you both got from eachother were polite smiles and brief 'hello's.
Once the lecture ended, you were taking your sweet time packing up your belongings, but Lyney and Lynette had left in a rush for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, it seems like you and Lyney had placed your phones a little too close to the other, resulting in the latter accidentally picking up your phone and leaving you with his. By the time you were done packing up your belongings, you noticed your phone case seemed different and realized what happened.
You end up finding the blond and two others by the cafeteria. In his hand held your phone, questioning himself on how he accidentally stole someone's phone and his concerns about getting reported for accidental theft.
When you returned his phone and retrieved yours, he apologised before introducing himself and his siblings. His younger brother, Freminet, only uttering a soft 'hi' while avoiding your eyes. His sister, Lynette, just nods as a greeting with the same blank expression.
Lyney can be really persistent at times, insisting that he buys you lunch or at least a drink despite his siblings stating that they should be leaving in a rush. And once you finally conceded defeat, he bought you your favorite drink from the vending machine before he was dragged off by his siblings. He bids you goodbye a little too enthusiastically, but it was quite adorable.
And when they were out of sight, your phone chimes from your pocket. Your screen revealing a new text from... Lyney? Texting you about meeting up tomorrow to join him and his sibling for lunch. How did he get your phone number??
Meanwhile, Lyney was walking out of the building with his siblings, his eyes glued to the phone in his hands, a slightly anxious look on his face. He nearly walked into walls and fell off the stairs for being too focused on waiting for your reply, causing his sister to reprimand his lack of awareness because he found someone cute.
Before Lyney could retort, he was distracted when you eventually replied, agreeing to his offer. Lynette had never seen her twin brother grin with so much excitement since the first time they got an offer to perform a magic trick at an event, even Freminet got a little unsettled by how much joy Lyney was radiating.
Since then, you frequently had lunch with the three, most of the chatter coming from you and Lyney. He occasionally showed a few small tricks, just to hear your praises and applaud. Meanwhile, Freminet barely spoke much, although he was slowly warming up to you. Lynette... well, she just doesn't like to talk unless you asked her a question.
Lyney seems to cling onto you a lot, even dragging his siblings along because he wouldn't fuction properly if he was alone with you. He's a little touchy as well, a few playful pokes and pinches to your warm blushing cheeks, patting your head, even wrapping an arm around your shoulder in an affectionate manner. Did he mention you smell really nice?
When someone jokingly asked Lyney if he had found a lover with how often he's texting on his phone when he was supposed to be helping around in the orphanage, it was Lynette bluntly awnsering with your name, causing embarrassment for her flustered brother a barrage of questions was asked about you.
At one point, Lyney got caught stalking your social media profile by Freminet. 2 whole minutes of awkward silence and staring, before Freminet quickly flees as Lyney frantically chased after him, trying to explain himself.
It was a slow, agonisingly painful 2 years of Lyney constantly pestering to hang out with you every second of the day and his siblings tiredly listening to his rambles in the middle of the night about his time with you. Each day, the young magician fell more and more for you.
You're cute. You're gorgeous. You're hot. You're amazing. You're talented. You're smart. (Did he mention you smelled really nice? Well once wasn't enough.) There weren't any words in the dictionary that Lyney could find that would match up to your... well, as he states— 'everything'. You had him wrapped around your little fingers. He'd follow you like a puppy would to it's owner, except this was much more than just 'puppy love'.
What was it about you that attracted Lyney anyways? Was it love at first sight with how pretty and cute you were? Your personality that had him on his knees each time you rambled about what your interests? Your voice that he could listen to for years on end without getting bored? Your quirks and so-called 'flaws' that made him see you more flawless and unique as ever? Oh, Archons, at this point Lyney knew more about you than yourself. Even Lynette thinks he's becoming a stalker.
Of course, you got closer to Freminet, treating him like your own little brother as he finds your presence rather nice. You got along quite well with Lynette too... who honestly knew more about you than you think because of Lyney.
Eventually, you had caught on by now. Lyney was heads over heels for you. And... well, it depends on whether or not you decided to play around a little by prolonging your decision to ask him out, just to tease him about his crush on you. Or if you're just as incredibly oblivious as Lyney was because of how often you swoon over the blonde as well, how could you not?
And when you manage to muster up enough courage to ask him to the movies with just the two of you... oh, it was a sight to see the aspiring magician turn a bright shade of red and speechless. Because that was only the start of your blossoming relationship with Lyney.
[Dating Hcs]
Dating Lyney at first... was definitely a ride. Lyney had placed you as his first priority over everything.
New magic tricks? He invites you to be the first person to see it privately. Craving something? He's already making a break towards the nearest store for you. If you've suddenly text him in the middle of a meal? He can feel Arlechinno's glare at his lack of manners, but it was worth it to see you asking him out on another date. Even Lynette was getting a little jealous that her brother was paying more attention to his sweetheart than his sister.
Noticing Lyney behaving more distracted than usual, it's no surprise Arlechinno summoned him to her office personally to discuss what was inhibiting him from his usual duties around the orphanage. Even the younger orphans miss their 'big brother'.
When Lyney hesitantly awnsered that you had been on his mind 24/7, her eyes softened ever so slightly. It was quite a pleasing thought that Lyney had found someone that truly makes him feel like on cloud 9 just by thinking about them.
Though, Arlechinno still can't simply forgive Lyney for getting so distracted over his love. To kill two birds with one stone, she sends Lynette to secretly invite you over to have lunch with the House of the Hearth, this way Arlechinno will get to meet you and punish Lyney's misconducts by having the children embarrass him.
That was a day to remember; Lyney's panicking and flustered reactions at your sudden arrival, with you getting overwhelmed by meeting all of Lyney's 'family', and let's not forget the way you got exhausted from playing with the younger orphans while the older ones wanted to tell you every one of Lyney's embarrassing moments when he was little.
The dinner was just a tad bit chaotic, you never felt more tense before with practically hundreds of eyes all on you and Lyney. You even met Arlechinno, her cold gaze settled on you, each and every move under her scrutiny.
Though, when you end up alone helping with the dishes, she notices how diligently you're trying to prove yourself by helping around the orphanage, even with something so small when you offered to wash the remaining 50+ dishes so she could tend to the younger orphans. You've got a long way to go to get her blessings, but you're making progress at least. She no longer glares at you, rather, giving you a nod of respect.
Lyney has gotten more clingy than ever before, it's a habit that he comes over to your place after lectures so that the both of you could discuss about the assignments and projects. Though, it would usually end in cuddles, Lyney finds it quite stress relieving when he gets to hold you in his arms and bury his face into the crook of your neck. You still smelled amazing.
Dates with Lyney... are quite messily planned. Lyney had hundreds of ideas, but it was hard to pick just one. He tailored and planned the date to suit your preferences so you could enjoy it to the max, even if he wouldn't have as much fun, your happiness is his happiness. In the end, Freminet and Lynette come to his rescue... after a bit of begging.
If you were okay with it, he'd sometimes asks you to be his temporary assistant in magic shows in public events. It gives Lynette some time to relax, Lyney to do something he loves and spend time with you. Win-win!
Sometimes, Lyney gets a little too fussy when you don't have time to spend with him if you're busy with something else. The deeler your relationship got with him, the more obstacles came across your paths— Namely, the time for eachother.
Don't be mad if Lyney seems to sulk and pout while waiting for you to make some time for him, he just misses you a lot when neither one of you had any free time on the same day. He's busy helping with the orphanage and performing magic shows as a side gig, you're busy with your own business as well.
If you ever got a little stressed, Lyney would be there to lend you a shoulder to cry on, listen to your worries and rants, maybe give a bit of advice even if they weren't the best. Whatever it is, just say the word, and Lyney will be there for you.
Arguements with Lyney are few to none, mostly playful banter and petty bickering over small topics. If either of you really got heated and needed some space, Lyney would send Lynette and Freminet to check up on you and confort you if he ever hurt you. And if he did... expect to see Lynette and Freminet more often, delivering flowers and gifts until you feel better enough to talk things through with Lyney. After all... he's always on your mind just as much as you were on his.
You were Lyney's first crush, his first and only love... and one day, you'll be his spouse in the future. Perhaps... the parent of his children? Even if you couldn't conceive, adoption is always a choice. It was a dream he wished to turn into reality— a life where you and him had officially tied the knot, spending the rest of your days together just enjoying life to the fullest, growing old together.
And Lyney couldn't wait until the day for you call him your husband.
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Do you have many Rohirrim OCs? Or any, for that matter? If possible, I'd love to know more about them 😊
I do! While my favorite hobby is to write for little known/underappreciated canon Rohirrim (which means they function much like OCs because Tolkien gave us so little), I do also create my own people along the way. There are a *bunch* in my current Guthláf and Wídfara fic, mostly background friends and family of my main (canon) guys. But my most substantive Rohirrim OCs are women, since Tolkien gave us almost none of them.
Éomer was married to Mereliss in my world (my one real canon deviation!). She was Elfhelm’s daughter and was Éomer’s best friend from the time he moved to Edoras as a boy. They got married after the war, and (since he learned a thing or two about not putting women in a box) she wielded real power as queen. I’ve got nothing against Lothíriel and enjoy a bunch of interpretations of her, but I’ve always wanted to see Éomer with a strong Rohirrim woman – I feel like Rohan shouldn’t need to keep going to Gondor to get queens for themselves!
Théodred was engaged to Eadlin at the time of his death. She was a flower merchant from Aldburg who didn’t even meet Théodred until they were both in their late 30s. She came to live with him during their engagement (they were both old enough to be over being told what to do), and she was a real ride-or-die for him – if she ever thought you had hurt him in any way, she’d have nothing to do with you ever again. She was the first to connect the dots that Gríma was involved in Théodred’s death, and he had her imprisoned as a result. Éomer got her out, but she left Edoras embittered toward Théoden and unwilling to hang around where her memories of Théodred were most vivid and painful.
Bryttalif was married to Háma. She was a midwife in Edoras whose father was a big deal in the king’s guards. When Háma and Brytta met, she was pregnant herself and unmarried (an unhappy story she does not like to go into) so she was a bit of a scandalous figure. But she and Háma hit it off right away, as he immediately recognized her kindness and gentle spirit. He adopted her daughter as his own when they got married, and they had another on the way when he was killed at Helm’s Deep. Brytta was there (midwives are good at pain management and triaging bleeding problems, so she was asked to come along to help deal with the wounded), but was prevented from seeing his dead body because it had been so desecrated. She was crushed but slowly put herself back together, raised their kids, and kept working, and eventually she delivered Éomer and Mereliss’s first baby.
Anyone who’s interested can find more about them all in my pinned post — the stories are organized by main character, and you can find each of these ladies heavily featured in the Éomer, Théodred and Háma fics that are there.
Thank you for asking!!! People like you who show interest in and support OCs are so valuable to the fandom!!! ♥️
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cadrenebula · 4 months
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egophiliac · 15 days
i love your riddle design so much, he's so pointy and british. so gracious. do you think he would enjoy a brazilian goiabada
thank you! ❤️🖤❤️ it's just. important to me on a level I can't explain that Riddle have an extremely pointy nose that he can stick into everyone else's business.
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also goiabada is sweet and fruity and red, I think he would like it very much indeed!
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not me stealth-editing because I forgot his antenna whoops
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Hello, I am alive haha.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 21 days
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From the depths of the studio - where darkness prevails and the voices of the puddles grow louder - a message is echoed to the rest of the world. A promise filled with hatred and,at the same time,with conviction. Words coming from someone who was more than confident that their blasphemy would come true.
A message that is directed to one creature,and one creature only...
"I will become the very being You never could be"
----- "A Promise Sent from Below" - Return to the Studio AU.
Oh hey, I have an AU, I forgot about that (lie)
I've had a similar idea in my head for a month now. It wasn't possible to do it last month, but no problem. May would make more sense. I did something with this little guy for 414 last year, and I wanted to do something with him again. April 14th of this year would not be possible, but May 14th or 15th? Oh yes. These dates are better because it was between these two (actually it was the 14th I think, but I consider both dates) days that I created this guy above! Consider this drawing a celebration made for…well, me. Of course, he wasn't created with the design above in mind. His original, main design is quite different from this alternative (and less original) iteration. The drawing above shows his current situation in the "current" moments of the RTTS AU.
His creation, which dates back to 2020, was the result of some Bendy-related thoughts of mine intersecting on the day. These being about new things in canon lore that came out at the time (plus speculation about this new information), a theory that at the time I started to understand better (which maybe based on the drawing, you probably know which theory I'm talking about ) and a funny bug found in one of the games (do you remember Ghost Bendy by any chance?) And then,boom. I created Atlas. I remember at the time I was thinking of other names for him because Atlas was just a codename that I had in mind to refer to him while I thought of a definitive name for the guy. But the codename ended up sticking. Plus, Atlas is a cool name and I wanted to give an OC that name.
Even though some details changed over time, I think I eventually managed to solidify his place in the AU. Not that his story is 100% thought out and completed. Hell, my AUs that I have are still not 100% thought out either, so what to expect from their characters. But I think that, currently, I have at least decided on the general idea of his place and purpose in RTTS, and I am happy with what I have come up with.
I don't know when the next time will be that I will show him again. In general, showing things from my AUs is not and probably will never be my strong point lol. But I'd like to draw him again eventually. So uhhhhhhhhhhh, one day. When that "one day" will be, it's up to you to decide
Happy Birthday Atlas. You and your other 2 alternative versions are cool to think about. Here's to another 4 years of chaos for you. 🙌
I can't believe it's been 4 years now, damn.
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liquidstar · 2 months
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a friend who'd wait :)
#im posting this very late because i was sort of weary of how it came out and ended up messing w it until it was like 4am oops.#and i have plans tmrw so... oh well! i did my best and ill put it out while i can!#and i tried to make the scene match barnard's colors lol#finn's ocs#finn's art#i know i said id do more sillay stuff with the simpler screentone only style but i had a couple more of these in me#and this is the first piece im making thats like an actual part of the story too rather than just setting stuff for fun#i wanna write something to go with it too but for now ill just sort of briefly explain the context in the tags here:#barnard has a pretty bad case of OCD and his compulsions have made it difficult to make friends in the past#he was never outright bullied or anything but people just didnt really have the patience to deal with it#he has compulsions that include stuff like walking through doors until it feels right and needing things to be perfectly aligned#which in group settings has lead to people having to wait for him to finish his rituals and join them#they might find it tolerable at first but eventually they grow impatient and hes just... not invited to stuff anymore#but juno is a newer member of the guild who ends up frequenting the same library. hes also kinda a little weird#and they dont become fast friends or anything but just sort of naturally spend time in the same place#though they never plan meetups they eventually fall into a routine. around the same time theyd just both be at the library#and read next to each other. and maybe talk a bit. and eventually they end up walking back to the guildhall together#since theyre going to the same place after all. and juno always waits for barnard outside the door#eventually barnard asks if this bothers him. juno kinda just tells him 'of course it does' without any malice or anything. just a statement#barnard is surprised and apologizes and juno says not to. but the next day juno doesnt show up at the usual time.#barnard assumes hes committed somekinda more by bringing it up. he ends up staying there late reading to get his mind off it & not ruminate#but when he leaves juno is in fact still waiting for him down the hall (see pic) having collected a bunch of books literally abt ocd#he fell asleep bc barnard stayed later than expected. and hes an eepy guy generally. and also one very bad at expressing himself#but now barnard gets that juno's 'of course it [bothers me]' had the implication of 'but its worth it' which no friend has previously done.#and from the interaction juno was also able to understand that this isn't something barnard just does for the hell of it so. he studies.#and checks a bunch of stuff out because he thinks it could help his friend too (theres ocd workbooks and such- i remember working w them)#and thats the point where they became more ''friends'' than ''pleasant library acquaintances''#from there on they also do get into juno's problems. whole other bag of worms. but this specific scene is more about bernard from his pov#sorry about when i said briefly explain. i lied </3#but compared to the whole sequence im picturing its brief so shhh
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0fps · 12 days
really loving wuwa so far, it still lags a bit here and there but it kinda feels like it just has to marinate for a while? first 10 minutes are painful but after it seems like it has its assets cached or something and it isn't as much a problem anymore. it also looks like kuro games has been working overtime putting in patch fixes asfdjlkadfsj god speed to the devs fr
#0.txt#i'm all about combat gameplay and exploration so i'm having LOADS of fun on that front#i don't really have any opinions on the story yet tbh. its not bad but it's not amazing but i never have high expectations for#early game story to begin with. or gacha games in general tbh ajkladsf#i DO really like the world building in the sense of everything being made up of frequencies. it helps tie a lot of the lore together imo#my only thing is like. honestly if i didn't know who the fuck i was or where the fuck i was why would i go on this puzzle hunt for#some magistrate who i haven't even met in person. but whatever ig lol#character wise i'm running sanhua / yangyang / mortefi#sanhua is the fave here i love the charged attack mechanic where you have to release at the right moment#yangyang's cc is really useful and mortefi is also just fun lol#from trials i REALLY like using jiyan and lingyang so i hope i pull them eventually. still need to try out others though too#in general i definitely prefer the melee characters waaay more than others. i haven't liked a single rectifier yet ajskdlaf#(i got encore off the beginner banner)#my only gripe with the combat is that the range definitely feels a bit small like if you're a little too far away you won't hit the enemy#i'm eager to actually figure out proper playstyles though. i do actually like that effectively just button mashing also works#but it's also super satisfying understanding a character's exact gameplay mechanics#i have not even looked at character building though that is a whatever until it suddenly clicks fadkflaf
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volatilechemicalz · 3 months
elaborating on my bad end theater blakeworth au more because its driving me insane a little bit . spoilers for both bad end theater [kinda?? barely] and vtsom . also long [like seriously I was not expecting 2 write this much about it] ft. my writing of questionable quality
So victor n vincent's incidents happen on the same day here for plot convenience , I haven't really figured it out yet so . shrugs . anyway victor gets taken somewhere 2 get his prosthetics n vincent goes 2 the basement n gets turned into a cyborg like usual but the thing is vincent is gone for a whileee . Like half a year ish . n victor has no idea where the hell he is so after staying at the mansion n waiting 4 vincent 2 come back 4 a while he goes out to look for him because he doesn't believe [or doesn't want 2 believe] that vincent is dead [he's right not 2] . so he doesn't come back for a bit . in that time vincent comes back to the mansion n has a huge what the fuck moment because he has no idea how long he was gone since there wasn't a calendar or anything in the basement obviously so he was expecting victor 2 be there so now its his turn to freak out . but he doesn't wait at all n immediately leaves to try n find him since he assumed something happened . oh also neither of them know about eachother's incidents .
Anyway both of them r panicking n looking 4 eachother all the time with no luck @ all . vincent is still plotting his revenge against myers but he knows he needs some1 2 help him [cough cough victor] 2 fully carry out his plans . So that's kinda put on pause temporarily . anyway theater time :]
I haven't fully figured out why vincent makes the theater yet because it doesn't fully make sense but it's like . partly because its something 2 do so he doesn't fucking lose it [escapism] partly because he's a cyborg n needs human flesh 2 survive n this would lure people in [also possibly victor might come here but that's a maybe 2 him] n partly because he was probably a theater kid you can't convince me otherwise . Anyway the stories play out a little differently 2 be metaphors 4 what happened @ myers but the characters n stuff still have the same roles n every story still has a bad ending . He doesn't wanna get recognized because his involvement in the g4 cyborg incident is all he would hear about n he did this to escape not be reminded of all that shit . So he goes by Tragedy n wears a mask to conceal his face [hey wow just like tragedy in bad end theater . see what I did there]
Eventually victor goes to the theater n as soon as vincent starts speaking he recognizes his voice but isn't sure + this guy doesn't really act like vincent [stage personality] so he'll wait n see . Also I'm aware that vincent can't lie to victor 4 shit but the mask also conveniently covers any sort of telling facial expression . Anyway at first vincent wants 2 just go out n say that it's him n all that but also he's afraid how victor will react to what happened 2 him n the things hes done 2 sustain himself if he finds out . Also he's surprised at seeing that victor has robotic arms/eyes now since he still doesn't know what happened 2 him in the time gap . He wants 2 question him soooo bad but he'll wait . Mostly because if he questions victor that means he'll be questioned in return n that is the absolute last thing he wants .
Everything would play out as it does in bad end theater [going through all the different storylines n fighting Tradgey] except when the mask breaks some of vincent's cyborg parts[??] are visible since as seen in chapter 4 it looks like his body deteriorates pretty easily under stress n it's painfully obvious what he is now . But he's still him , so all of that is basically ignored when victor realizes that he was right and this is vincent and holy fuck he is alive n right here in front of me ‼️ so uh . reunion yayyyy . Questions come later which isn't fun for either of them but it doesn't matter because oh my god they're together again n alive . anyway reunion stuff .
They hug . a lot . for wayyy too long . but when it's been over a year since you've seen the best person in your entire life you're gonna b a little clingy . Not much is different about their relationship after all of this they just do not want 2 leave eachother alone 4 a while because . well . widely gestures to The Everything . After that they just sit in the empty seats [absolutely nobody else is there] n talk . it's pretty casual 4 now , neither of them r in the mood 4 anything else . Vincent explains that he's closing the theater down after this . he doesn't want it anymore n people don't come here anyway so it would b a waste . He wants everything 2 go back 2 how it was before . victor suggests that they go home n vincent says they should . They probably kiss r whatever @ some point as a treat its been 2 long . Also sometime later they have a conversation about being stuck in the past n everything since victor obviously noticed the glaringly obvious parallels between their experiences n the characters' . vincent explains that he had this whole revenge thing planned out but maybe this is okay [4 now @ least] . Holy fuck pixle writes a happy ending it's a miracle [it's more bittersweet but . shhhshush]
Hi if you somehow read all of this congrats . here's some extra little details
-the parallels between vincent n tragedy r the main inspiration 4 this since they're both hyperfocused on the past n their partner is more focused on moving on/the future it makes me ill
-the theater isn't around for long, maybe like a month or two ?? A little more ??? This timeline is really fucked. shrugs
-also nobody really comes there, only a few once in a while n half the time vince has 2 kill them anyway because yk . the whole eating flesh thing . so he doesn't have many regulars . not that he really cares about this much anyways . also he wonders what victor would think of it allll the time .
-the cats r fine b4 any1 asks victor took them with him n before then they probably have automatic feeders n water stuff [also vincent is extremely happy 2 see them again]
-vincent is extra bitter towards myers because of the whole separation thing
-night terrors after they get back . Soooo many 4 both of them it's not fun
-draco still exists because vincent already kind of started his plans with winston but he didn't have any memories 2 use n didn't want 2 use winston's since he doesn't really know what's in there so eventually he convinces victor 2 lend some because its kind of awkward 2 have a lifeless cyborg/clone just lying around + I just wanted him 2 be here because he's 1 of my favorites . sue me [don't . I do not have money]
-The plot of vtsom doesn't happen after this because vincent decides that it isn't worth it 2 go after myers n he's tired of all this shit n he has victor again so that's all that matters + victor convinces him not 2 during their conversation when leaving the theater . that doesn't mean he won't murder a few of the core members though teehee . I cannot write anything w/o murder sorry its a condition <3
-when albert calls vincent in one of the endings in twdak [don't remember the number but yk the 1 .] he doesn't answer because he's not there but eventually he calls back after a bit because why not n they talk . not entirely important just something i thought about . also they still hate eachother obviously nothing has changed about that .
-not a detail but I do plan 2 make a playlist 4 this eventually , if/when I do I'll just link it here or post it separately idk . [update I did that check reblogs if you want it] also I do have a tragedy vince somewhere that i need 2 post . victor looks basically the same I think idk what I would change
-also I'm calling this cyborg theater for brevity not sure if I'll keep that name or not but we'll see
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victorluvsalice · 29 days
Surprise -- it's video time! Rather pixelated video time, but there's not much I can do about that -- this is a straight upload of a video I took in my Chill Valicer Save a little while ago, and apparently this is the quality that it's in. *shrug* Besides, it's not the video that I'm so interested in sharing as it is the sound --
Because, as you might have guessed from the title, the whole point of this 17-second clip of my game is to share what my Smiler actually sounds like. Back when I first posted the 2013 Alton Towers Firework Show for a "Song Saturday," I mentioned that the surprisingly deep voice they used for The Smiler stuck with me as what my Smiler should sound like. And while the Sims version doesn't sound quite the same as the coaster, it's close enough in my ears. At the very least, it gets the point across that their voice is deeper than you might expect coming out of them! So yeah. Enjoy your new knowledge of Smiler's voice!
(Oh, and if you want context for the clip, this was recorded when I sent the trio to Chestnut Ridge for SimCity Founding -- that's a few Chill Valicer Save updates in your future, though!)
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maudiemoods · 2 years
JAJSJJSJSJDJSJ I PROMISE ILL STILL DRAW HIM SJUAUSHSJAJJA that doodle was a scene around the end of the story so we still got a while! Eventually he has to go back to the daycare! He misses his job and his bff sun! Hate to say it but if moon wasn't fixed before the deadline, both him and sun would have been scrapped/repurposed :) can't have a light sensitive animatronic shifting into an empty shell when the lights go out!
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