#Eliza interacts
postwarlevi · 21 days
Send me random aot questions. I'll send you some!
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strrwbrrryjam · 3 months
either treat abigail, molly, mary, with respect or die looking down the barrel of my gun
i'm being one hundred percent serious when i say i'm tired of people disregarding and disrespecting them to uplift their queer ships. it's bad and it needs to stop.
like i just read a jovier post where they have john cheat on abigail?what the fuck man.
his love for her is unwavering and he is incredibly committed to abigail, he's so devoted to her, working so hard to create a life for the three of them. john is willing to lay down his life to protect his family, and he does so, rescuing them is his whole motive for seeking redemption in the first game. he would never disrespect abigail like that, he's learned and grown, he's no longer the shithead deadbeat dad when jack was young, he loves her.
arthur still so clearly loves mary, his love remaining steadfast and unwavering even years after their broken engagement, it's so obvious on his face when he looks at her. his heart still yearns for her that when she calls, he comes, even if he's a little miffed at the start, he still goes. honestly, i believe if arthur didn't have other commitments in the gang, he would have run away with her when she asked him.
and while molly and dutch's relationship is tumultuous and dutch absolutely does not deserve her, molly is so important to dutch's character and the story as a whole. molly's loyalty to dutch highlights dutch's charisma and the ways dutch inspires loyalty throughout the gang. her existence also depicts the internal conflicts dutch has and the moral uncertainty of dutch's actions. her presence within the gang and relationship with dutch represents the internal strife and conflicts within the gang, highlighting the human cost of their choices and the sacrifices that are made in pursuit of a false freedom in the old west.
and let's not even mention the treatment eliza, annabelle, bessie and even susan receive, which is hardly any mention at all.
eliza, annabelle and bessie each play small but significant parts to not just their respective partners, but to the story as a whole.
eliza shapes arthu’rs past and motivations. her tragic death, along with their son, isaac, has a large impact on arthur and his present relationships, such as abigail and jack. their memory serves as a driving force of arthurs path to redemption.
annabelles fate fuels dutch's vendetta against colm and the o'driscolls, and adds personal stakes to the gang as a reminder of the consequences of their life as an outlaw.
and bessie, oh bessie, not only does she add depth to hosea and represents hosea's wishes for a more peaceful life, but hosea loves her so much that when coming to terms with his inevitable death, whether by gunshot or sickness, the mere chance of reuniting with bessie brings him so much comfort, despite the fact that he fears that bessie lives above, while hosea will be traveling down below.
susan is a very controversial character due to her treatment of the women in the gang and her murdering molly, who did not betray the gang, both of which i do not condone, but it is impossible to deny her importance to the story. not only was, from what we know, dutch's first woman, coming before annabelle and molly, she also served an important role in the gang, acting as an authority figure, maintaining order and discipline within the gang where tensions often rise. she serves as an emotional anchor, which is incredibly important when death is constantly looming over you and adds so much depth and complexity to the story of rdr2.
when you ignore and disregard these characters you are undermining the depth and the richness of the story, each of these characters are important to the story. if you wish to truly appreciate the storytelling of rdr2, it is important to recognize and respect each of these characters.
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woeyed · 1 year
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not a true skullgirls story mode unless nadia goes through it
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annn-starrr · 2 months
✧⁠*⁠。Women in RC that makes me giggle and tuck my hair behind my ear ✧⁠*⁠。
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y'all already knew about nafisa but yeah...
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poz-patrol · 5 months
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lilacwiine · 13 days
a closed starter for @angclnumber featuring eliza.
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"you asked to walk me home but i had to carry you."
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calista24 · 2 years
ENOUGH about The Quarry’s ending being anticlimactic or boring!!! You’re missing the point!
The entire Thing with Silas is that he’s just an innocent boy that the Hacketts tried to save, and it ended up cursing them. Silas is not supposed to be this huge villain to have an epic final showdown with! He’s a cursed boy who is fiercely loved by his mother!
Is it not enough to shoot a lost boy in the back while his mother begs you not to? Is that not haunting?
Not all games need some climactic battle with the final villain, that’s not the story that they were trying to tell!
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hellodahliah · 11 months
curious question:
what is your favourite club that came with get together? why is it your favorite club?
If you have created clubs yourself, what kind of club did you create?
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
library writing day today <333 jeremiahhhhh
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malo-le-squer · 3 months
Closed starter for Eliza @elizade-vil Rosalina Julietta Carolina Liddell
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"It was a bit boring honestly. Guy pretended to put on a tough act for a rough 0.3 seconds," you could hardly say that Malo had a terrifying presence, even if that was something he used to his advantage. Most did not expect it.
He sighed, flopping onto his back on the cushiony chairs they had set up for the important guests. He hadn't paid to be up here, and as such, he thought that should have earned him ten more seats than the idiots who did. "You've seen the protest in the front? The anguish." And by this, he meant, the absolute cringe.
"People really get so excited about horses or they're just here to lose money and get drunk?"
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feeling very weird about the last two episodes of Miss Scarlet (3.3 and 3.4), because I... actually really loved them?? and I know it was largely because of the absence of William.
which I find odd, because I actually DO like him!! he's a complex and interesting character, he and Eliza's spark off one another is really fun (and also lbr, infuriating, and that's a large reason why this show works; hence the title), and I just... genuinely do like the character. he's irksome as all get-out, he can be entirely insensitive and a touch misogynistic and sometimes I really do wanna break his nose. but I still like him! he has a part to play in this story and I understand that for what it is within the narrative, I really enjoy it!
and yet... I've felt like these last two episodes were some of the most genuinely well-written and especially well-character-written ones for a good while.
I guess it's just because, with the Duke out of the picture, other characters aren't constantly being held up to him in one way or another. Moses, Detective Fitzroy, Mr. Nash, Detective Phelps--they're all given a chance to be developed as characters in their own right, instead of just supporting William/William and Eliza's relationship. and even Eliza grows and is a far more multi-faceted and, I think, genuinely enjoyable character when she's not reduced to simply her reactions to and against William.
I'm intrigued, to be honest. I know he's back in his usual spot as the second lead in the next episode, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens given the ~revelation~ in the very last scene of episode 3.4... but I'm already kind of sad that the rest of the characters I've so enjoyed getting to spend more time focusing on are going to once again be cast in the shadow of 'Miss Scarlet and the Duke'. despite that literally being the entire point of the show.
#idk what's up with this but. it's a weird feel?#and I'm probably not communicating it well...#I think it's just that I feel like after 2.5 seasons#those two are kinda stuck in a rut?? they're in a perpetual cycle of nonsense with one another#seemingly never getting a n y w h e r e in either their personal or professional relationships#and despite the fact that they CAN in fact make a FANTASTIC team together... they also kind of bring out the worst in each other#and so Eliza is often at her most combative and disagreeable and William is often at his most resistant and authoritarian#when they're together and clashing over whatever new issue they've found to argue about this time#and since Eliza really is the /most/ lead character#I feel like she's got a lot more room to breathe and grow and *be* the Lead Character in general whenever she's not constantly bashing#heads with William and she has other characters to interact with#other people who challenge her assumptions and test her willpower and her investigative skills and who provide her with a very different#sort of jumping-off-point to what William usually brings#it... adds enrichment to her enclosure? I think that's actually what I'm trying to say here?? X'D#I'm not going to be one of those people who watch a series just to bash on half the MC group or to anti the ship that the show turns around#but it's still really funny (funny like odd) to me that I feel this way about all this#miss scarlet and the duke#gurt says stuff
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postwarlevi · 3 months
Hi Eliza! Just wanted to check in on you and my moots today, how's it going? I love your Levi so much ajsdnkjdz I've always been a sucker for your kind of style
Sara hello! Thank you <3 We're just starting to get to know each other and I hope to continue :)
Things around my way are fine. Just fine, you know? I have my routines, which I need to revamp or break out of so I can get to other things. I don't know how to balance so while I do things like reading, or sleeping lol, other things suffer, like writing. I can't figure it out. One day! Hopefully soon.
I might be moving up the ladder at work which would mean a pay raise. Yay! I'm full time and move around a lot so that takes energy away so on work days I'm too tired to do much else.
ANYway, thank you for the kind words! I appreciate you saying so about my writing, and I do hope to start producing more, because I like writing and I like that others can enjoy it. IDK where the time goes?
Let me know how you're doing!
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loubella77 · 6 months
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wickedlehane · 1 year
@ncmcrcy gets a night shift starter, circa 2003
Night life meant a little something different in every city. Granted, she hadn’t been old enough to experience the most of it back in Boston (not legally, anyhow...) and nowadays a lot of her evenings were spent patrolling for vamps, demons, and now the newly activated Slayers. Faith loved the darkness and the night - there was something powerful about doing her work when most of the world was asleep. But those who didn’t sleep were the reason she had to work.
This particular greasy spoon was not exactly one of LA’s most famous, but those places could be overrated anyways. The Slayer found some of the best grub at the smaller places that were just happy to have a customer or two. And for her, food that baseline edible was still a luxury most nights. She’d started with a coffee (which her metabolism would burn through in an hour, tops) and probably had just enough change in her pocket for something simple to eat, but thankfully this patrol hadn’t been working up a massive appetite. 
Actually, eating was a part of the stakeout - Faith spied a lone vamp in a booth in the corner, away from the windows. A basic but solid place to pick up a bite if you were one of the undead, given there were few clients and the hour was late. Everyone was keeping their heads down mostly, save for the cute but tired waitress keeping pulse on the front of house. She needed a plausible excuse to sit and linger.
“Hey,” Faith said, breaking the silence with a voice that spoke of prison cigarettes to keep the hunger down, “If that guy back there gives you any guff, just holler at me. M’kay?”
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selfieignite · 1 year
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Karen Gillan retweeted me again - 3rd time!  (Tumblr post)
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petalsfm · 10 months
LOCATION: eliza's dance studio STATUS: closed / eliza @ofwishfulthinking
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achilles can't explain why he's constantly drawn to this dance studio. his ballet days were far behind him ( it's been almost four years since he burned his dance clothes before leaving seattle ). he hated ballet, and he hated his mother. still, ever since leaving... achilles had felt A LITTLE LOST. who was he if not a puppet at the hands of his mother? who was he if not a poised young gentleman with lots of promise? he'd never really had the opportunities to discover the real ACHILLES FAVREAU. how do you exist for almost THIRTY-TWO years on this earth and have no piece of yourself you understand? so, here he was, at this same dance studio. there's a familiarity in the air as he listens to different genres of music muffled through closed doors. his arms crossed, a finger tapping against a bicep as he picks a beat to focus on. he takes a deep breath in before deciding he's been here too long. one of these days, he's bound to get in trouble for just standing around with no real purpose in the building. he turns himself around to hurry out the door, but just so happens to bump into someone as he's doing so. "my apologies," he says quickly as he attempts to help steady her.
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