#Edward Elric’s wand
shiny-huntress · 1 year
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So in @asthmaticbee FMA/HP crossover fic, The Truth Will Out (and you will pay your dues), Ed’s wand is one made of Ebony wood with carvings that remind him of the/his gate. Always a sucker for designing wands for characters from other franchises wands, I took up that challenge.
Btw, Ed has by far the most annoying gate to try and convert into wand carving. Like look at these three side by side and tell me Al’s would not be the easiest to turn into a wand
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Anyways, I chose the Madagascar Ebony for the species of wood due to it having a reddish tint to it. I also found a picture that made the color picking really easy and all the colors (not the yellow) for the raised and lower sections are picked from that picture and tweaked with darkening color effects and opacity sliders. 
I wanted the carvings to echo the many staggered circles of Robert Fludd’s interpretation of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, as do the raised feathers that are tinted a deeper red at the base of the wand, though I couldn’t include all ten of them. At the top, we get the crown, tinted yellow to stand out from the darker carvings around it and flames coming out from the top. The feathers also have little circles on them that I think are even more raised and are polished to the point of looking like stones are inlaid into the wand. I mean the wand is made by Truth, I can theoretically make it as extra complex as I want.
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year
I was at MCM Comiccon yesterday and among thousands upon thousands of cosplayers, including multiple Jesters Lavorre, Sophies Hatter and Edwards Elric, I saw a grand total of three (3) Harry Potter costumers. All of which barely counted as such -- a guy with a robe and a wand, and a couple wearing Hogwarts ties. No specific characters, and none of them had put in the time and energy to make anything, they were just wearing a little merch. Which, incidentally, I also did not see for sale anywhere. Harry Potter is dead and we have killed him.
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june6721 · 8 months
My thoughts on magic in VADD world
I'll be using a reference..
Have you ever heard of Fullmetal Alchemist series?
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For who aren't familiar - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - an anime from 2007. It's a story about two young boys who go on a journey to restore their bodies after a failed attempt to bring their mother back to life using alchemy.
I was able to draw in some similarities in the way Edward Elric manifests Alchemy and Penelope executes Magic in their world..
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One thing noticable about it is that Penelope can execute magic spells without necessarily a medium; (wand, amulets or cufflinks) and Edward could perform transmutation without the need of a pathway;Transmutation Circle
*you can skip the rest at 1:47
While it may confuse or surprise some and put off many, one of the explanations for this
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Is none other than the fact they are the medium or pathway for Magic or Alchemy themselves.
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irresistiibles · 2 years
okay okay!! hello here is a real quick plotting/starter call! i’ve got blurbs for all my characters so toss this a like to plot or if you just want to get some stuff started feel free to  reply with who you want things for/from. please only request THREE STARTERS per mun because otherwise i just will not have time for everything. in terms of pre plot drop things i do wanna keep some chill vibe and am fine doubling up on threads but i will probably pick and choose stuff to transition based on muse. feel free to transition any of our stuff as you see fit!
she’s fighting more than she should that’s for sure. she’s good with a bow and arrow, but idk how much that’ll do here. honestly i think she could do well with a gun if someone just gave her one. will try and help people where she can. open to injury
she can handle herself but boy is she tired of fighting. she’s always got a few weapons on her so she’s managing but she’s mostly trying to make sure her and her girlfriend are safe
fae are hard to fully kill in her world so she’s not too stressed. she’s small has a crossbow, and is going for it. will mostly be trying to help people in need and get them to nice quiet places
she is swearing that she’s never going out again. she’s got a pocket knife and spite to get her by, but realistically blue i gonna try and find somewhere to camp out.
not built for this at all! he is a nice guy with asthma pls he is so screwed. open to getting him killed to get his memroies back so if you want a plot involving that hit me up
idk how much i’ll get chichiro involved in this. realistically she’s been up and lost in a far corner of the white house for most of the night. if she does run into monsters she is unfortunately the type to try and talk her way out of a situation, but girl does know how to run if needed, which is what she’ll be doing.
scared, tired of this sort of thing, probably trying to get out of there, and when that doesn’t work is going to be smart and board herself up in a room somewhere
honestly he’s more comfortable fighting than dancing. worried about winry and al but also just everyone else. he’ll be on the helpful end of things and trying not to act too relieved to be back to something he’s good at
a freak she’s having fun. she wants some flesh samples of monsters if possible. they should be afraid of her, not the other way around.
man i don’t even know if she brought her wand she’s trying to find the fam and drag their aggressive asses to a quiet corner while hopefully not getting knocked out along the way. open to injury
not happy! she was having a good night!! and everything always gets ruined!! back to the pink bubble it is. will try and yank someone else in there but her magic has no rules to it so who knows if that’s even possible lmao
unhappy and scared, especially cause she does not remember her own supernatural experiences. will try and hide and pull people out of danger if possible. she is the protective sort but also just a normal gal so could get herself hurt trying to help someone else.
tipsy at the wrong time!! able to fight luckily but he feels less confident without fairy and is really missing his dog. stressed! very stressed but stubborn and will be fighting.
i kinda wanna bring some of her memories back without killing her so some big fighting for her definitely open to trying to help people or witnessing someone dying (cause that would trigger her memories lmao) definitely feel free to hit me up!
drunk, tired of shit happening to her, flinging spells around a little recklessly but doing what she has to do to stay safe.
she can fight but she doesn’t like doing it. she is much more comfortable behind people as i figure she got more comfortable night hunting alone later in life she’s definitely out of her comfort zone and a little freaked out
this man does know how to run and hide and stay safe when needed even if he doesn’t show it. not above tripping someone to get away safely. worried about himself and his brother and that’s it everyone else can rot for all he cares
also will trip people to get away safely lmao. honestly she can turn into a bug and hide pretty easily so i’m open to stuff with her but i don’t think she’ll be doing too much
horrible puppet man is amused by all of this he’s the worst. may purposely lead people into danger while claiming to take them to safety because he’s the absolute worst!! or is just taking advantage of the chaos to attack people. i would not recommend approaching.
he can fight! a little! he swears! but he’s drunk and has already had such a night he is attempting to get help and hide immediately. will shamelessly cling to anyone who seems like they can protect him
they’re a little disappointed things went south but qingxuan can take care of herself. if she took a bottle from the bar in the chaos that’s her business. another one who doesn’t love fighting, and is nervous, but capable enough with monsters just like this luckily
honestly! super excited loves a good fight this is so much better than some fancy lame dance! will protect people if the opportunity is available but is more focused on just knocking some monsters around
hiding. just hiding. are you kidding me? this is just a normal dude give him a break
unfortunately zagreus thinks fighting is fun and will be trying to keep track ofhow many monsters he can take out. if you want someone way too upbeat given the situation he’s your guy
another immortal not too worried about getting hurt. he’s more of the helpful sort though, and can create pretty powerful shields, and will do so to get people out of danger as needed. not fighting so much since he’s retired from that, but protection is definitely available from him.
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nat-space-obsessed · 3 years
A Harry Potter x Fullmetal Alchemist headcanon.
Roy's wand would be a phoenix feather core with redwood. Phoenix because fire and redwood because redwood trees are known to be resilient to fire and can prosper from it.
Alphonse would have a unicorn hair core and a palm tree wood. Unicorn hair because I headcanon that if he was in the HP universe that he would get along with everything (i mean EVERYTHING) in the Forbidden Forest. Palm wood because they are known for being flexible and being unbreakable.
For Edward, I had a bit of trouble. For the core, Dragon Heartstring for sure (because we all know his temper). Its the wood that gave me a hard time. I think that Willow wood could be good because it can symbolise letting go and healing and that fits with Ed because he has gone through a lot and the ability to rest and to be able to let go is something that he needs. The other I was debating was Birch wood. Birch trees are tough and they can symbolise rebirth or new beginnings. I just feel like that fits the whole vibe of Ed.
Please tell me if you have any other ideas!
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lichenslumber · 5 years
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Here is my complete  illustration for the @fmatarot !!! 9 of Wands!  It was a very nice project to work on, i wanted to experiment a little bit and i’m satisfied with how it turned out!
Please consider supporting the project on kickstarter ! 
Merry Holidays everyone!
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vivelatimoss · 6 years
Tomorrow's Halloween but the students in my school are Boring af not very enthusiastic about Halloween so I'm just going with a lowkey cosplay aka my old Edward EIric cosplay except with a black skirt + stockings just because I want to and I'm wearing the jacket more like a cape.
...By doing that though I accidentally made it look like Edward EIric comes from LittIe Witch Academia or something lol
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splittlipped · 3 years
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Is that JULIAN NOTT, the PUREBLOOD working as an UNSPEAKABLE? Some say the TWENTY-SIX year old is DEBONAIR, METTLESOME, GUILEFUL but they’d argue they are MERCURIAL, RECKLESS and PRIDEFUL. They look an awful lot like ARON PIPER. 
[ pinterest. ] [ playlist. ]
bruised knuckles, split lips, not needing your wand to get your point across, ‘goddamn right you should be scared of me’, not caring about your work, feeling at home in the shadows, a vault full of gold, ministry ambitions, false smiles, blood on your hands, a talent for duelling, quick with a wand and even quicker to anger, sleeping around, relishing a challenge, ‘may the bridges i burn light the way’, spending hours on a broom, a well worn bat and calloused fingers, shattered glass, scars you refuse to talk about, a smirk as sharp as a knife, thestrals in your vision, ‘anything you can do i can do better’.
Full Name: Julian Theophilius Nott Gender/Pronouns: Cis man | he/him Age: Twenty-six Birthdate: October 23rd Parents: Atticus Nott & Cordelia Nott (née Rosier) † Siblings: Felix Riordan Nott † Birth place: St. Mungo’s Hospital, England Height: 6″1 Weight: 88 kg Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual Demiromantic Body Alterations/Marks: An Augury with its wings spread tattooed on his right bicep fighting with an Occamy that twists and wraps in a spiral down that side’s forearm most of the time, a young Hebridean Black Dragon on the left guarding a shield emblazoned with the Nott family crest. These were done with magical ink and often move around his skin. Strings of runes tattooed across his collarbones, a sun and a moon, roman numerals XIII.IX.MCMXXI. 
Occupation: Unspeakable, Department of Mysteries Blood Status: Pureblood Hogwarts House: Slytherin Wand Arm: Left  Boggart: His younger brother, just as Julian last saw him, blaming him for everything. Pet: A crup named Montague but mostly calls him Monty Patronus: Grey wolf Wand: 12 1/2 inches, Red Oak, slightly yielding, Dragon Heartstring
You will often hear the ignorant say that red oak is an infallible sign of its owner’s hot temper. In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. Less common than English oak, I have found that its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Red oak wands are, in my opinion, among the most handsome.
CHARACTER PARALLELS: Prince Zuko (ATLA), Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders), Harry Bingham (The Society), Lip Gallagher (Shameless), Trevor Belmonte (Castlevania), Edward Elric (FMA), Daryl Dixon (TWD), Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows), Finnick O’Dair (The Hunger Games), Christopher Schistad (SKAM), Dean Winchester (Supernatural), Neil Josten (TFC), Diego Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy), Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls), James Cook (Skins), Ronan Lynch (TRC), Garrett Hawke (Dragon Age 2), Wolfgang Bogdanow (Sense8), Regan Abbott (A Quiet Place), Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You?)
The Nott estate, Ebongrove, is in a hidden valley northwest of Hollow Meads in the Lake District. Craggy mountains and hills filled with caverns bordered by beautiful lakes were the backdrops to his childhood, he has an extremely complicated relationship with his ancestral home. 
Cordelia, Julian and Felix’s mother, was a part of the infamous Silver Spears duelling club. She was very considerate of Julian’s sometimes volatile temper but was overall rather cold and distant. He isn’t entirely aware but she would take a light sedative potion most days to cope with being a pureblood trophy wife who was pushed to manage their estate rather than pursue a further career and drank a bottle of wine minimum most evenings. Cordelia was a talented potioneer and herbologist, their gardens boasting all of the native potion ingredients as well as being beautifully landscaped. 
Felix, Julian’s younger brother, was sickly from the moment he was born. He showed no signs of magic until he was almost eight years old, when it did manifest it was completely chaotic and uncontrollable. The lad could never live up to his father’s expectations no matter how much Julian tried to shield and protect him. Despite this, the kid had a keen mind and a voracious appetite for knowledge that bemused his older brother into helping him fuel it. He taught him the precise notes you had to play on the harp above the mantel in the library to gain access to their Father’s private study which held many ancient, rare and sometimes dangerous texts.
Atticus is an eccentric academic, a foreign guest lecturer which is a cover for his criminal activities across Europe. The man is extremely neglectful and abusive but shows to the world a collected, charming and sophisticated genius. He held a post for forty years in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement under the Department of Intoxicating Substances which is how he knows so much about substances. Horrific anger issues. Teaches Alchemy. Julian would take the brunt of the abuse from a very young age, knowing that of the three other inhabitants of the house that he was the strongest, even then. Deliberately attempted to soak up the damage that his father’s rage and cruelty wrought behind closed doors. He was often scared of the fury that raged inside of him reminding him as it did of his Father and for many years, believed that he deserved the scorn he received.
A month before Felix’s ninth birthday and mere days from his Mother’s, Julian was asked by his younger brother to help him get access to both of his parents’ laboratories and experiment spaces. He agreed on the condition that he’d be with him the entire time, chest puffed up with pride at already heading into his second year of Hogwarts in a few weeks and so knew more than Felix about safety. They argued, Julian can’t even remember what started it anymore but it ended when he stormed out, locking Felix in the labs. 
Julian was gone for less than seven minutes, he counted, seeking their Mother and having to walk the length of the west wing to the main body of the house to find her. He hadn’t seen the tome that Felix had hidden under his perpetually baggy shirt, unknowing of the alchemical drugs his father had been experimenting with, refined down to extremely high potency. The majority of the equipment contaminated, not yet properly clean. Cordelia unsealed and opened the door less than two and a half seconds before the explosion which rocked the very foundations of the Estate.
The only clear memory he has was of peering around his Mother’s hip into the room, a tiny form’s silhouette bent low over a cauldron just a dark outline consumed by light and roaring blue, glittering fire. His Mother screaming as she ran to Felix. All of the windows shattered, the apparatus was hurled to the walls, some drifting strangely in the air but each were warped and mangled beyond use. Julian was thrown twenty feet from the doorway back into the wall at the end of the corridor. Their house elf was the one to discover the scene. One young master dead, utterly unrecognisable from the myriad of volatile substances catalysing causing a multitude of thoroughly gruesome magical effects. A few metres away, their Mistress had crawled mortally wounded and cradling a barely conscious Julian. 
Cordelia died leaning over him, blood and tears dripping down onto her eldest son’s cheeks. Atticus never forgave him and Julian never saw that House Elf again. In fact he didn’t see anything for two weeks, blinded by the blast and in a coma for forty-eight hours then a magically induced one for a further three days. Julian was left to navigate this completely on his own at the age of twelve and has a lot of worry about one day losing his sight again even though Healers were amazed at his recovery. Both hands and the majority of his forearms had the skin severely burned, quartz-like crystals jutted from his wrist and knuckle joints, fingernails turned to wood as just a few of the many injuries he sustained. Mentally, he was experiencing effects not unlike a beffudlement draught.
Over the course of the next few years Atticus’ abuse and ‘testing’ of Julian reached all new lows, especially when he began using his best product after years of abstaining. Julian spent most summers after fifth year carefully plotting so that he would return home as little as possible. However, he used to freelance for his Father under threat that he’d be cut off. At the time he started he still believed that his father was merely selling high quality, time sensitive potions ingredients to people from the house’s grounds and orangery when in reality his ridiculously quick flight times on his broom were being put to use for dealing. 
He found out the truth after being jumped, somehow still coming out as the only one conscious despite serious injuries. Atticus pulled him into the fold after that, for the first time ever insisting he was proud. At nineteen Julian orchestrated surveying his father, pulling strings where he could and using the man’s own shady tactics against him until he could leverage a rocky peace treaty by blackmailing him. 
Julian is very intelligent, though he worked hard to appear otherwise at Hogwarts. He seems quite easily irritated by helpless and meek people having been the only one to have his own back for many years. In reality he will bleed himself dry for you if you’re important to him. Chosen family takes precedence over real family even if he has to hide it. Probably would have been a pro-Quidditch player or worked with Magical Creatures if it wasn’t for the whole... family legacy thing. 
He was always cheeky and full of energy as a small child but he’s been carefully manicured down to a smouldering coal of roguish charm and quick wit, carefully holding the seams together to mask his anger. Less confrontational than when he was in his teens and channels a lot of that energy into Quidditch. Perfectly trained in your standard pureblood etiquette, had some of the best tutors before Hogwarts, money has always been a given in his life. 
Genuinely enjoyed being seen as a ‘bad boy’ type, seeming a little rough around the edges tends to ward people off commitments and he hates the thought of anyone getting tangled in with his Atticus mess. Whilst he will do what he can to not upset the status quo, he thinks Muggles are annoying in that they get so much of the world now but isn’t really invested in blood purity the way people hope he is. He will sleep with anyone and show them a good time, mixed blood or not. His Dad is as pure as they come and clearly, that did nothing to alter how he turned out. Not saying that he won’t pipe up with it, when prompted, to save face. 
Trains and does Quidditch drills four to five days a week, sometimes hosts a friendly league at Ebongrove. Still an extremely strong player, it’s the only way he can make himself exercise aside from duelling and the game is still pretty much the only thing that makes sense in his life, if he could he would be flying all day every day. He keeps up with fighting and duelling training out of begrudging respect that this routine his father instilled in him has technically helped him survive thus far and keep people he cares for safe since Felix’s accident. 
Julian sometimes struggles with impulsiveness, hedonism and putting himself at risk. He likes adrenaline, what he can do with it. Has been banned and then mysteriously unbanned from many venues for fighting, he is intimidating enough that it rarely escalates to all-out violence anymore but his fuse length varies day to day. 
He owns a flying motorbike, which he argues isn’t quite as thrilling as being astride his broom but he enjoys the power the engine provides. He has a dislike for flooing and apparition, he can do both with ease but prefers to take ‘the long way’ in most scenarios.
Montague, Julian’s Crup, is about five years old and was bred from the old purebred stock of the Notts. He has not docked the twin-tail from Monty, he thinks it’s fucking barbaric and instead concentrates extremely closely on glamour charms whenever Muggles are nearby. Monty often rides in the custom sidecar Julian created for his motorbike, when he was younger he would take Monty everywhere with him. Monty is a red tan, black & white-coated dog, with less white dominant in the fur than you’d expect from a Jack Russell. ( x. x.)
Even though he knows how attractive he is and uses it to his advantage and to his detriment frequently, Julian is usually covered from neck to toe in public. He has a beaten-soft pair of dragon skin gloves that he wears all the time apart from the height of summer, high collared robes that sweep the floor, everything sharply tailored to the contours of his form. It’s easier to keep up appearances that way and not show his extensive scarring. 
Riddle is nothing yet, just a kid but there’s potential. Maliciousness. Julian is a man of action and needs proof before he will believe anything anyone says, even Dorian. He finds the whole: one of his minions, little sycophant thing extremely entertaining though and he doesn’t give a single shit if laughing about it gets him in trouble. Dance Lestrange, dance. 
Trying to avoid staying directly under the watchful eye of many of his Father’s colleagues at the ministry, he decided to strike out entirely on his own by securing a position as an Unspeakable within the Department of Mysteries. He tells most people that he works in the Magical Games and Sports department. Even though the subjects that do cross him at work sometimes push him, he finds himself apathetic and having lost a lot of the drive that saw him impressing everyone six or seven years ago. 
Pledging allegiance to any cause isn’t something Atticus finds tasteful but under pressure he would have sided with Grindelwald, despite his son’s talent for all kinds of martial magic Atticus isn’t a particularly talented duelist. 
carefully spinning the sovereign ring around your little finger, thunderous skies, fingers combing through thick dark curls, draping yourself dramatically over a loveseat then peeking from behind your arm to see if anyone is watching, the sting in your nose from whiskey splashed tea, a sure hand hauling you out of windows to sit on cold roof tiles, righteous fury clenching your knuckles white, a dear friend slinging their arm around your shoulder, remaining standing through the agony of crucio, the half-cool touch of a chain dangling from your lover’s neck against your racing pulse.
eileen prince: a little afraid of julian, used to go to school together.
dorian lestrange: julian respects, follows his lead.
tom riddle: julian doesn’t really think he’s all that yet.
miranda goshawk: intrigued by, amused by her hidden spark.
lucretia black: enjoys winding up, used to be friends.
charis black: schoolmates, she’s totally irritated by him 
alistair mckinnon: former quidditch rivals, dislikes julian alot
nicolas mulciber: good friends, they hang out often
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
I would LOVE to hear about your version of jacob - lottelight
@lottelight Thou wouldst like to know more about my book-smart, people-dumb spaceman? *giggles like an idiot*
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1) Being an absolute disaster bi, poor Jacob Cromwell has never been very good at expressing his feelings to any subject of his affection, largely because it takes him a while to even acknowledge his feelings are romantic to begin with. (I pity his boy best friend Duncan Ashe SO much, I truly do.) He’ll frequently try to do stupid things or show off around people he finds attractive like a child acting out to get attention, sometimes consciously and sometimes not. One such example was when Jacob tried to impress a cute server at an Indian restaurant by ordering the hottest curry on the menu and then dousing it with the hottest red sauce they had available. All that, and the girl still didn’t give Jacob her number. D’oh!
2) Jacob may be an eccentric, daredevil scholar with a sloppy, “slacker” sense of dress, but contrary to his rebellious, devil-may-care image, his music taste is decidedly bubblegum. His favorite band and ultimate guilty pleasure is ABBA (sure-fire way to make this guy smile, sing, and/or dance: put on “Mamma Mia!” “Take a Chance on Me,” or “Dancing Queen”), but he also enjoys artists like Barbara Streisand, Don McLean, and the Osmonds.
3) If Jacob was confronted with his worst memories the way MC is in the Sunken Vault in-game (which, FYI, is very different to how I see the Sunken Vault), one memory would be his father, Evan Bach, losing his temper and saying that all Jacob ever does is cause everyone else trouble. Jacob was very, very shaped by that particular exchange, as well as what led up to it, more than he’d likely ever admit. As a kid, because of his temperamental childhood magic that was labeled as active misbehavior and Jacob plugging out from his classes and teachers in response to their unjust punishments, Jacob was seen as a no-good punk by just about everyone. When he received his letter and learned the truth about his magic, Jacob finally understood why he was so different from everyone else and was excited about the prospect of learning more about what he could do and reinventing himself into someone who could be a “winner” instead of the screw-up he’d been before. One of Jacob’s greatest insecurities is how much of a failure he feels he’s always been -- it makes it very difficult for him to acknowledge he’s unable to do something or put aside his own pride for the sake of the greater good.
4) Speaking of Evan, Jacob raised his younger sister Carewyn more than he ever did, since Evan dropped out of Carewyn’s life from an emotional standpoint when she was born and then abandoned his family when Carewyn was a toddler. When Carewyn was first learning how to talk, Jacob greatly enjoyed having passionate, spirited debates with her completely in baby talk.
5) Jacob has a long list of enemies, but one of the people who irritates him the most on that list is his old dormmate, Gilderoy Lockhart. Lockhart was always the most popular with the ladies out of the Ravenclaws in their year, and his arrogance, laziness, and vanity drove Jacob up the wall, particularly when Jacob easily ran intellectual circles around Lockhart in just about ever subject and yet Lockhart still acted like he was the most talented wizard in their year and in the whole school. Add on top of that that Lockhart was several inches taller than Jacob, who is akin to Edward Elric about his modest height of 5′7″...and yeaaaaah, one can imagine that Jacob loathed old Gilderoy. He never finds out that Lockhart modified Carewyn’s memory once, but rest assured if he ever did, there’d likely be an attempted murder. When Lockhart ends up in St. Mungo’s, devoid of any memory of who he is, Jacob takes vindictive pleasure in making fun of his old dormmate behind his back, referring to any time where someone forgets something important as them having a “Lockhart moment.”
6) After the Cursed Vaults and R are dealt with, Jacob becomes something of a vagabond wizard, traveling the world as a magical researcher and part-time Cursebreaker. His travels result in him crossing paths with Ellie Hopper’s grandfather Lugh @that-ravenpuff-witch, who ends up becoming something of a surrogate father figure for Jacob. As an ex-Gryffindor with a bold, adventurous spirit himself, Lugh takes great amusement from Jacob’s “daredevil scholar” attitude and frequently lets Jacob trip all the traps he can in whatever tombs they work on together, as he knows full well the younger man will probably get super excited studying how all of them work. Lugh and Jacob also both end up fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the Second Wizarding War. When Lugh dies while fighting four Death Eaters at once, Jacob Cromwell takes violent revenge, blasting Dark curses at all of the Death Eaters in the vicinity with his two wands. It takes Jacob a long while to calm down afterwards so that he can properly grieve Lugh’s loss.
7) Jacob Cromwell is close friends with Sarahi Silvers’s brother, also named Jacob @dat-silvers-girl. Dynamic-wise Akemi and I have compared their relationship to that of Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, with Jacob Cromwell being the more eccentric free spirit and Jacob Silvers being more down-to-earth and loyal. Jacob Cromwell is always the person to encourage and help out with Jacob Silvers’s more, er...“interesting” inventions.
8) After the Cursed Vaults are dealt with and Duncan is finally able to rest in peace, Jacob remains good friends with Olivia Green. He writes to her almost as much as he does his sister Carewyn.
9) Jacob is BIG on the King Arthur mythos. One of his favorite book series is The Once and Future King by T.H. White, and his favorite Disney movie is The Sword in the Stone.
10) Jacob’s wand is Aspen and dragon heartstring, 13 inches, pliable. Dragon heartstring as a core tends to learn new magics quickly, create powerful, flamboyant spells, and be somewhat more susceptible to the Dark Arts than unicorn hair or phoenix feather, all of which perfectly suits intellectual, but aggressive Jacob. Aspen wands have a reputation of belonging to talented magical duelists, and Jacob fits that image perfectly as well. As an adult, Jacob even studies under a Navajo wizard in America who teaches him how to duel with two wands simultaneously. From that point on, Jacob duels with both his Aspen wand and a second wand made of Blackthorn and Wampus cat hair.
10 Facts!
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COC Dec 4: Fluffy crossover one-shot ft. snowball fighting and post-canon FMA cameos.
(Tumblr confuses me but apparently it’s good to post shorter fics in their entirety so here :))
Rated: T (really G), M/M, 1000ish words
Characters: Simon Snow, Tyrannus Basilton “Baz” Pitch, Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Ebb Petty, Roy Mustang
Tags: Simon Snow/Baz Pitch, Future Roy/Ed but not here, Crossover, AU – Canon Divergence, Fluff, Snowball Fight, Hijinks and Shenanigans, One-shot, Carry On Countdown (Simon Snow), Carry On Countdown 2020
Series: The Watford School of Alchemy (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood/Carry On crossover in progress)
Baz and Simon’s animosity is beginning to thaw, unlike the ground. Forget alchemy class – today is a day for a snowball fight.
archiveofourown.org/ works/27873617 (w/out space)
I’m still not used to thinking of Baz as an ally.
What has it been – a month? My second-most-prolific source of mortal peril is now an ally. I know it sounds crazy, but he swore good intentions to Penny, and he really has been helpful.
Today, though, he’s definitely up to something.
He’s supposed to be halfway to Advanced Arrays by now – well, I should be too, but whatever – and he’s outside staring at the moat.
“What’re you doing?”
“Snow.” I seem to have startled him. Good.
“Playing hooky? Doesn’t seem like you.”
Baz scoffs. “I’ll be there.” His gaze softens as he looks around and past me. “But isn’t it beautiful?”
What? Oh, he means the snow. The ground is blanketed in it, the trees painted branch by branch. The moat is freshly frozen, by the looks of it. Flakes fall gracefully around us, and the merwolves are nowhere to be seen.
“It’s pretty nice,” I allow.
“Come off it,” says Baz, stepping closer. “Surely you don’t still think I’m up to something?”
My protest dies in my throat. Baz has been nothing but helpful lately… He’s got a point. Antagonizing you is as natural as breathing would not hold up in court. Oh, Merlin, I can see the snowflakes on his eyelashes from here. Have they always been so long?
“Ahem.” I act quickly. “Maybe I’m up to something?” And I lob a snowball at Baz’s chest.
Baz’s mouth drops open. “Crowley, you truly are an absolute nightmare.” The corner of his lip turns up and he grabs a handful of snow.
This means war.
Two minutes and many snowballs later, we are both out of breath and very much the worse for wear. By tacit agreement we’ve been sparring like Normals, though I think we both realize that I’m just as likely to melt the field if my Magick gets involved.
“Is that the worst you can do?” I manage to dodge this one, though the next incoming ball makes a snow cone of my bangs. I shake my curls and prep my next ammunition.
“Boys?” A shadow approaches our spot near the lake – a professor. This is it. This is the day I get chewed out for skipping class. I dread telling the Colonel that I traded my education for a snowball fight.
Oh, it’s just Professor Elric. This could go either way. Baz and I dust ourselves off as he greets us.
“Everything good out here?” Merlin, he’s short for a, what, twenty-eight-year old? But the professor’s eyes fill with mirth. We are clearly standing in a snowy battleground.
I look down at the snowball in my hand and make up my mind. It arcs through the air and splats on Professor Elric as Baz gapes beside me.
The professor’s teeth bare into a grin as he pulls out his wand. I don’t regret anything, not exactly, but this was a horrible mistake of a different kind.
“Let it snow!” He crows, and a crowd of small snowballs rise from the ground and launch themselves at us. He conveniently hasn’t taught us that one in Magick Words. A couple of the snowballs hit their mark, splatting my cheek with bitter cold, but I shake off the surprise. Placated that we’re not getting expelled or something, Baz and I duck and scramble to find more snow.
Two more interlopers arrive from the other direction. Alphonse Elric is here for a month or so to help Ebb with the goats, and apparently they heard the commotion. They take one look and grab their own snow.
“No fair!” Professor Elric pulls a face. “The weather outside is frightful!” The top layer of snow around him drifts up and gusts toward us.
Alphonse Elric claps his hands together and transmutes a shallow, snowy wall. Cool.
Mayhem ensues, featuring Normal snowballs, cold alchemic blasts and Magick. We duck behind the fort as needed. At one point, Baz looks like he’s about to be collateral damage of a flying icicle, so I listen to my instinct and dive.
“ – Snow!” We land on the cold ground with a soft thud.
My nemesis blinks up at me, and I’m struck by the strangest urge to kiss him.
Maybe I’m concussed? If so, he must be too, because for once he doesn’t look wary. His eyes are wide with what I figure is surprise.
I mumble out an apology for the whole tackling-him-to-the-ground-thing and he thanks me for the saving-him-from-impalement thing. I scramble to my feet and offer help, and his hand is cold.
Still a little dazed, I start to gather another snowball.
I hear a finger snap from the castle entrance and the wall melts. Oh shit.
The Colonel – my guardian Roy – walks over and quirks an eyebrow. “I heard there were a couple of students missing from class, and my 4pm meeting never arrived.” He looks pointedly at the snow-laden blonde.
“Physical education elective?” offers Professor Elric.
Baz snorts and then straightens up somberly, remembering himself.
Thank Merlin, Roy surveys the scene and a smile slips through. “All right, I didn’t see anything. Don’t make it a habit.” Ed moves, almost imperceptibly, and Roy’s alchemic glove is raised again in threat. “Don’t you dare, Ed. I have another meeting in five and trust me, I do not pull off the snow-swept look as well as you.”
Professor Elric looks at him innocently. Apparently, Alphonse and Ebb find this whole situation hilarious. They launch into a spirited retelling of the fight to Roy.
Once more spared from scolding, I chance a glance back at Baz. He’s also breathing heavily, and his cheeks are slightly less pale than usual. His long hair is askew. I can only imagine I also look like I’ve been running around for half an hour.
He catches me looking.
“Time to head back?” I mouth, and he nods.
I clamour to my feet. “We’ve conveniently just remembered that we have class soon, or, uh, now. And warming up is good for health,” I add. Subtlety is just not my thing.
“Thank you for being excellent teammates,” says Baz, “and worthy opponents.” I’m pretty sure that’s directed at me and Professor Elric. I’m not sure what my face looks like.
“Bye, kids,” says Al. (We’re not that much younger than him, come on). The others join him in waving us off.
Baz and I make it back to the castle, dripping and shivering. Despite all that, I still feel strangely warm inside.
“Rematch, next snowfall?”
“You’re on.”
(Img from Pexel)
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heartfeltheart · 4 years
Alchemy: Magic Vs. Science
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Chapters: 1/25 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter Rating: T Relationships: Edward/Winry, Lan Fan/Ling, and May/Alphonse. Primary Characters: Edward Elric, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Crossover, Teacher!Edward, BrOtp Edward/Severus. Sassy beyond measure. Series: Part 1 of 9. Summary: Magic and Science, are they the same or are they completely different? It just takes one person to point out all up and downs. Along with breaking the stereotypes that come up with being a wizard, alchemist and most of all being human. Thank you, @amynchan!
D/C: I do not own Harry Potter or Fullmetal Alchemist.
Discord: La Red(Mesh Mash of… stuff.): https://discord.gg/KYjmVAb Alchemy Series: https://discord.gg/DejEYNJ
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“English and Edward’s accented voice.”
“Amestrian or another foreign language.”
“Written notes.”
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“It’s Equivalent Exchange! I’ll give you half my life, you give me half of yours!”
Edward stared out the window with a wide grin, he hadn’t been able to stop grinning for the past couple of hours. How could he? He finally managed to tell the Winry his feelings along with asking her to marry him. What a way to start a journey. Now he just had to get her a ring…perhaps he’d find one in his travels towards the west.
Seeing the sun beginning to set and his first stop still hours away, Edward looked away from the window to catch up on some rest. After this train ride, he would constantly be on the move, learning everything he could about Alchemy outside of Amestris.
Oh, how wrong Edward was about the whole entire journey if you could even call it that.
Edward sat outside of a café with a newspaper in his hand. He glared at it, searching for anything to lead him to what he was looking for. Nothing. From the start of his journey, Edward had found little to nothing about Alchemy in the time he had traveled. It was as if Alchemy didn’t exist outside other than from Amestris to Xing.
It didn’t help that Edward hardly spoke their native tongue. Little to no people spoke Amestrian, and the only language that was similar to it was German. Somehow, due to miscommunication, Edward had ended up in London. After this Edward decided to use only written and at times non-verbal forms of communication, coming to this conclusion after deciding that verbal communication had only brought stress onto him and the person he attempts to communicate with.
So far in Edward’s journey, he found nothing. He hadn’t even found anything that had piqued his interest. It was as if Alchemy didn’t exist outside of Amestris at all. Many would look at him as if he were crazy, a look of disdain or, what made Edward raised an eyebrow at, panic. Before he could even question the said person, they would quickly run away.
Taking a long gulp of his beverage, Edward slammed the cup back on the table and placed a couple of bills alongside it before he stood up. Picking up the suitcase that he had placed next to him and tucking the newspaper underneath his arm, Edward headed out. There had to be something about Alchemy in this country. If only just something to quench his thirst for knowledge.
Fortunately for Edward, earlier he had managed to get a lead about a bookstore. A small lead, but a lead never the less.
Pulling his coat tighter around himself, Edward cursed the terrible weather. He sped up his pace, wanting to get out of the weather, as well as get the information he was after quicker. Taking note of the street signs, Edward furrowed his brows as he continuously ended up in empty alleyways and seemingly dead ends. Having ended up in front of a brick wall for what seemed like the hundredth time, it was safe to say the former Alchemist was at his wit’s end. “Next time, Al is going west while I head east.”
Edward turned around and started retracing his steps. 'Nothing…NOTHING! Dead end after dead end. Just like looking for…’
Several loud crashes caught Edward’s attention along with loud cursing and apologies. Edward brushed against the wall and slowly approached the end of the alleyway, peaking out he saw a confusing sight. There were three people; all dressed in weird clothing. One of them appeared to be a man with greasy black hair, dressed in a black robe, snarling at the other two who looked around Edward’s age. Scattered around the alleyway were books, thick and ancient-looking.
One of the books had landed just close enough for Edward to read the title: 'Introduction to Alchemy: Beginners Edition’
Without even thinking about it, Edward stepped away from his hiding spot to reach down and pick up the book. He scanned the pages, and the more he read the more Edward scowled and started to grit his teeth at the sheer blasphemy he was reading. Everything about it was wrong. Just wrong to the point it made Edward’s blood boil.
A lost form of Magic…
“Magic?” Edward stared blankly at the word. 'What does magic has to do with Alchemy?’
“That book is mine…”
Edward looked over to see the man in total black staring at him with his hand extended out towards him. The other two strange-looking people were nowhere to be seen, the other books had almost magically been stacked neatly on top of a wooden box. From where he was, Edward could see that all the books had similar information.
Edward tilted his head to the side as the man stared at him pointedly. “Alchimie?”
The blacked haired man brows furrowed trying to comprehend what was being said to him. “What?”
The older man’s brows furrowed yet again as what was being said to him was repeated. After mentally repeating the word, a realization hit him. “Alchemy?”
Edward nodded, he grinned when he realized he had been understood. He snapped the book closed and pointed at it.
“Dis book…” Edward’s nose scrunched up as he attempted to come up with the proper words. “Not kood alchimie.”
The man stared at him as he took in the golden blonde’s words. Thinking as he processed the words. “How would you know this?”
Edward pointed at himself. “Alchimist.”
By far this was the most horrendous summer ever for Severus Snape. At the beginning of the summer Dumbledore announced that there was a petition for an Alchemy class for next year, and the teacher that normally taught the class was… well, from what Snape had heard down the grapevine, the former professor had gone on a vacation to a little unknown country and consequently disappeared without a single trace. Public story was that he decided to permanently stay in his home country for early retirement.
Now his actions had left the Hogwarts staff scrambling around for a new professor to teach an Alchemy class. As the rules state, if there are enough students interested in a class then they have to ensure the class is ready for the upcoming year. Right now, Snape was in charge of looking over all the textbooks that former professor previously used to ensure that they were all up to date and still useable.
Much to his distaste, Snape knew so little on the subject that he had decided to learn the basics to ensure they did not hire just anyone. After leaving the secluded bookstore that served to both the magical and non-magical community with a couple of books on the subject clasped in his hand. The moment he left the store, two former dunderhead students of Snape slammed into him. Which resulted in all the books scattered all over the ground and two very frightened teens.
After telling them off, Snape quickly picked up the books. His brows furrowed as he counted the books and saw that one of them was missing. That was when Snape saw an unfamiliar young man reading the book. Snape stared at him surprised, the young man’s total appearance made him pause momentarily. There was something about him, the air around him… seemed different.
Shaking off his surprise, Snape walked up to the young man and extended his hand out to him. “That book is mine…”
The Blonde’s head snapped up and stared at him, making Snape wonder just who he was. He knew no one with that shade of hair or eye color in the wizarding or in the muggle world. Remaining passive, Snape continued signaling for the return of his book. For all he knew, the male could be a muggle.
“Alchimie?” The young man asked, tilting his head to the side.
Snape stared blankly at him, not comprehending what was just said to him at all. “What?”
The blacked haired man’s brows furrowed trying to comprehend what was said to him. “What?”
“Alchimie.” That word was repeated again but this time clearer for Snape to understand.
Snape brows furrowed, he repeated the word under his breath and then again inside his head. 'Alchimie…’ “Alchemy?”
The blonde nodded, he grinned and then snapped the book closed pointing at it.
“Dis book…” The stranger’s nose scrunched up with his confusion. “Not good alchimie.”
Once more, Snape stared at him as he attempted to understand what had just been said to him. If only he could use his wand, whoever this stranger as he was making him tense. He was clearly not from the area, or country for that matter but still clearly understood what the book was about. What really got him though was that the male obviously knew what he was talking about. The book the blonde was holding was the one Snape had only bought as a joke, yet it appeared the young man knew what he was reading. “How would you know this?”
An hour and several headaches later after a small form of communication accomplished, Edward Elric and Severus Snape sat around a wooden table inside the bookstore. The same bookstore that Snape had just previously visited and the same one Edward was looking for. Books surrounded them along with stacks of blank paper as well as detailed notes and piles of pens that Edward pulled out of his suitcase.
“All vrong.” Edward pointed at a certain section of the book he was reading. He took a piece of paper and wrote down in English the correction of what he had just read along with what made the section wrong. “Dis hov should pe.”
Snape reached over and took the paper to read what Edward had written. For someone who could barely speak the language, Edward sure could write English. His eyes went wide as he took in what he had read and then reread Edward’s notes while comparing them to the text, said text that was highly sought out for those who decided to pursue the lost art of alchemy. Here was an unknown man with a vast knowledge of alchemy that could put any known alchemy master to shame.
The cogs in Snape’s mind began to spin, there were so many opportunities… Which reminded him…
“Why are you here in London?” Snape asked Edward.
Edward took a piece of paper and a pen to write down his response. “Research. My main goal is to go west and study alchemy while my younger brother went east. So far…I got nothing.”
“Where are you from?”
Snape paused momentarily. Amestris… why did that sound so familiar to him.
“Do you have mastery in Alchemy?”
Edward grinned but it seemed strained. “You could say that, but there is always room for improvement. That is why I am here.”
Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, staring out of his window, deep in thought. Today would be the Boy Who Lived’s ninth birthday. If everything had gone to plan then Harry should be with his muggle relatives treating him… Not what was to be considered humane in any terms.
With a chuckle, Albus turned around to face away from the window. He glanced across his desk, neatly piled in front of him was the petition for the elective class of Alchemy. There were quite a few of them. There was no way of sweeping this under the rug. If it was an alchemy class they wanted, then it was an alchemy class they would get. The only problem being the man that had previously taught the class was indisposed, permanently, if his Intel was is true. Now all Dumbledore had to do was hire a new Alchemy professor that would fit into the scheme of things.
The flames from the fireplace turned emerald green as Snape walked through it. “I may or may not have found our next Alchemy professor.”
This caught Dumbledore’s attention. He hadn’t actually believed that anyone, especially Snape of all people, to find someone. As far as he knew, the only true alchemist within the Wizarding World was Nicolas Flamel. The previous professor that had taught alchemy had never actually fit his standards.
“Who is it?” Dumbledore asked, raising a hand to signal to Snape to continue.
Snape stood by Dumbledore’s desk, avoiding any type of eye contact with the old wizard. “His name is Edward Elric…”
Dumbledore brows furrowed, why did that name seem familiar to him? “Where is he from?”
Snape hesitated, this was the sketchy part. “He hails from Amestris…”
“Severus…is he a muggle?” Dumbledore asked, the cogs in his mind starting to turn.
“That’s the thing…I don’t know.” Snape explained. “From what he told me he’s here in Britain to further his research in Alchemy.”
“Do you believe he is capable of teaching the subject?” Dumbledore folded his arms over his desk as he thought.
Snape snorted at that. “More capable than anyone else we’ll find. The only problem is that as far as I know…He has no clue about the Wizarding World or magic in general.”
Edward sat outside of the same café he had visited the other day, ordering the same cup of hot coffee, water not milk, and a bagel. A newspaper in hand, his suitcase beside him and a giant stack of books on the table with a single book open on a page that seemed to be about the properties of flowers and herbs. A routine that he had followed since finding that bookstore a few days ago with the help of Severus. Fortunately for both of them, Edward began to speak English better despite his thick accent.
Edward looked up with an eyebrow raised while sipping his coffee. There stood Snape along with an older man that looked even kookier than the kids Severus had yelled at the day before. “Zefferus…”
Edward rolled his eyes back towards the weird looking man. There was something about him that made Edward raise his defenses. It felt just like when the homunculi were around, the grandfatherly smile wasn’t helping either. Following his gut feeling, as it had saved him more times than he could count, Edward remained cautious of the old man. He was in a different country, no way to defend himself and no one from home knowing exactly where he was.
“Elric, this is the headmaster of the school I currently teach at.” Snape said gesturing at Dumbledore.
“Hello, Mr…” Dumbledore started to say, stopping midway as he fully saw Edward. He looked just like the previous alchemy professor. His facial features, hair and eye color along with the accent and nationality. “My apologies, but you wouldn’t happen to have any relation to a Van Hohenheim.”
Edward stared at Dumbledore with an annoyed look, Dumbledore swore as he looked into his golden eyes that something was blocking him out. The further Dumbledore attempted to get into Edward’s mind, the more annoyed Edward became.
Snape cleared his throat, effectively breaking up the stare-off between the other two. “We came here with an offer…To help further your research.”
Now that caught Edward’s attention, who then turned his focus back to Snape. “Really nov? Vy didn’t you zay dat in the first blace? Vat it is?”
“A teaching position.” Dumbledore answered him.
Much to the confusion of both wizards, Edward began to laugh. He slammed his left hand onto the table while the other clutched to his stomach in an attempt to hold himself back. It was too much for Edward. A teacher? HAH! “Dat’s fery funny, really. Vat is it?”
To be continued…
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catquarry · 4 years
Wavedwhelk’s FMA Fic Masterlist
This is what I’ve compiled in the last 9 years. A few of the fics are deleted but reuploaded by me (or others) so the reading format might be a little wonky
Also none of these feature ships (if they do it’s really mild edwin or royai)
PDF version of this list can be found here
Fic Status Key
Active - Updates reliably (Once every 1-3 months or more)
Dormant - Fic updates, but sporadically (Once every 4-12 months) with occasional updates from the author on other websites
MIA - Fic hasn’t been updated in more than 12 months and there’s no updates from the author
Dead - The fic hasn’t been updated in 2 or more years and the author seems to have moved on
Complete - The fic is complete
Harry Potter/Fullmetal Alchemist Crossovers
Circulus by Phenobarbital
Official Summary: 
They're still not sure exactly how they ended up on the magic side of a place called London, but Edward and Roy are not new to dealing with the unexpected.
Needing to find a way back to Amestris, back to their own time, together they figure out how magic energy works, and how it can work for them specifically and in the end, the decision to go to Hogwarts is a mutual one. Edward will have to go to high school and Roy will have to get used to using a wand.
Neither of them are prepared for what they find at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.
There are secrets, liars, murderers and too many people with very dangerous agendas, no one seems trustworthy, so naturally they should stick together...
...but then Ed starts lying to Roy.
My Thoughts:
THIS IS HONESTLY MY FAVORITE FIC. I don’t want to spoil anything but everyone is written SO well and the plot goes far beyond the standard “FMA characters stuck in the HP world”. Ed’s also kind of evil (partly an act and partly for real in his own Ed way) and that ups the suspense significantly. Basically if you’re not going to read anything else on this list PLEASE read this one
Fic Status: Dormant
Warnings: Tags mention pairings that will be revealed in the future, but for now nothing’s definitive 
The Colours of the World by MiaKusakabe
Official Summary: 
When Roy Mustang went to retrieve his eyesight from Truth, he wasn’t expecting to end up doing a job in exchange. It couldn’t even be an easy job, of course, because Edward’s assessment of Truth was a pretty accurate one.
My Thoughts: 
THIS IS MY FAVORITE ROY OUT OF ANY FMA FIC. GOD he is written so well here. Unlike most of the other fics here, Roy willingly chooses to go into the HP world, and because of that there’s less stress on Roy trying to get home and more on him living in the world and working around it. Overall a really incredible fic and I highly highly suggest reading it
Fic Status: Dormant - Occasional updates on the authors patreon
Harry Potter and the Eastern Sage by LiteratureWork
Official Summary: 
Nicholas Flamel was famous for creating the philosopher's stone, but like Lockhart's smile it was all a lie. Flamel stole a part of the stone and it took Edward 642 years to get it back along with the souls inside of it, one which was his brother. But after traveling to Hogwarts to retrieve it, Dumbledore has other plans for the ancient hero.
My Thoughts: 
A REALLY interesting take on a HP/FMA crossover. It’s a half-AU where Ed turns into a Philosopher’s Stone at the end of FMA:B (with everyone from Amestris in the stone) and him being flung into the Harry Potter world. The author put a lot of time into worldbuilding and carefully weaving Ed into the HP universe so it seems completely normal that he’s lived in that world for 1,000 years
Fic Status: Dormant
Cerulean Silver vs Amber Gold by hikaranko
Official Summary: 
Edward Elric has been put on his stupidest assignment yet: babysitting. Everyone else calls it undercover work. To Ed, it's babysitting. But there's more to this assignment than what's on file…
My Thoughts: 
A lighter and more fun HP/FMA crossover that centers around Ed and Draco’s interactions. Draco hates Ed and Ed hates his job basically. Not super plot heavy, but the character interactions makes up for it
Fic status: Dormant - Being rewritten on AO3
About a Boy by EstaJay
Official Summary: 
Portkeyed away on the night of his parents' murder, Harry Potter grows up as Roy Mustang. Magic is nothing more than another one of his aunt's stories but after the Promised Day, his past catches up to him. With the Elrics suddenly in London and his dormant magic finally and violently revealing itself, it's a cross continent journey to get the brothers back. If only wizard transportation didn't involve so many explosions…
My Thoughts: 
Was really unsure about this fic initially - the premise just seems too farfetched to enjoy, but after the first chapter you realize the author put in a lot of time to make sure Roy/Harry and the rest of the cast stayed in character. I think it’s a really cool twist on the standard HP/FMA crossover formula and definitely worth a read
Fic Status: Dormant
Penance by Laora
Official Summary: 
The Gate was opening; the black arms stretched toward him and Pride. Ed knew he had no say in the matter. He would be pulled to this parallel dimension, alternate universe—whatever it was—and Amestris would be left to die. Truth merely grinned.
My Thoughts: 
It’s been a couple years since I read this, but I remember I really liked the twist that Pride was stuck in the HP universe along with Ed and Al
Fic Status: Complete
Playing God by The Flamel Cult
Official Summary:
 I thought the dull aching was something other than my demise. As it turned out, I was sorely mistaken. Perhaps I should listen to Alphonse more; maybe then there wouldn't be another bloody tragedy that would, inevitably, end it all. For good.
My Thoughts: 
There’s a twist in this fic that I LOVE, and while I refuse to spoil it I suggest reading just to find out what it is. It rocked my world the first time I read and I’m pretty sure I cried for like 3 days
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: I haven’t read this since 2013/2014, so just be warned if you decide to check it out
Other Crossovers
More Than Just a Murder by AkitaFallow
CSI/Fullmetal Alchemist Crossover
Official Summary: 
As bodies pile up and evidence remains scarce, the CSI team has to fight against increasingly strange circumstances and an even stranger suspect in order to solve what is likely the most complicated case they have ever encountered.
My Thoughts:
 I know this seems like a weird premise but hear me out: this fic will Change Your Life. It’s so incredibly well written and the character development is phenomenal. If you don’t like CSI (I personally didn’t when I started reading) you can easily substitute random forensic scientists in and it works just as well. The real sell to this fic is watching Ed stumble through 2009 Las Vegas lmao
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: This fic follows FMA 2003 ONLY, so if you haven’t seen that yet I highly suggest waiting to read.
AU’s (Alternate Universes)
Disorient by Esama
Official Summary:
 Who was he, what had happened to him, why did he have automail - and how was he there, in the past? 
My Thoughts: 
One of the best time travel fics I’ve ever read from any fandom. There’s so much time put in to fleshing out Ed’s new character (Nicholas) as well as his relationship with the younger version of Al and himself. Less plot heavy and focuses more on the day to day life of Resembool with Nicholas there
Type of AU: Time Travel + Amnesia
Fic Status: Dead
Warnings: This was a fic that got deleted in 2012 that I managed to grab before it was gone. If this list goes outside of my own circle and the original author wants me to remove this I will gladly do so (just message me @wavedwhelk on twitter or tumblr). 
A Boy Named Ed by BelloftheSea
Official Summary: 
Ed knew he was different. It wasn't just that he was smarter than the other kids or even that he had automail. No, it had more to do with the way people would occasionally look at him, like they were expecting somebody else. It was the way his mechanic cried the day she met him. It was the way his dad would sometimes slip – and call him Fullmetal.
My Thoughts: 
What I really love about this fic is that it’s a reincarnation AU that makes SENSE in the FMA universe - it doesn’t give a half-assed reason for why it happened, but rather works within the confines of the universe. Also I really love watching Ed go to school and pretend to try and be a normal kid while hiding the fact that he’s the Fullmetal Alchemist
Type of AU: Reincarnation (kind of)
Fic Status: Dead
My Master Ed by Blue Teller
Official Summary: 
Slave number Twenty Three didn't know what to make of his new Master. The strange boy was nothing like other slave owners. Short on both height and temper, yet strangely kind to him, Master Ed seemed to know something about him that he didn't himself. Just what was it?
My Thoughts: 
One of the best fics that takes place in the Xerxes time period IMO. I don’t want to spoil too much but you see a lot of the consequences for Ed’s actions and it can get really really intense (but in the best way)
Fic Status: Dormant
Type of AU: Time Travel
Warnings: This gets surprisingly deep. Prepare Yourself
Men and Angels by Laora
Official Summary: 
Trisha can't understand; she's terrified, but she has to stay calm. Her boys are gone, replaced by her sons from the future...and something, she knows, is terribly wrong.
My Thoughts: 
A time travel fic that changes time for both current Ed/Al AND past Ed/Al (when they were 6). I think my favorite part from this fic has got to be how Mustang’s team reacts to (and tries to take care of) the frightened baby Elric’s. There isn’t a ton of plot but the character interactions drive this fic - if you care deeply about these characters you’ll really enjoy this
Type of AU: Time Travel
Fic Status: Complete
we haunt ourselves by sekalaista
Official Summary: 
"There's something funny about that kid," Maes says. "I just can't put my finger on it."
My Thoughts: 
Literal perfection jam packed into 1000 words
Type of AU: Canon divergence
Fic Status: Complete
and then it wasn't by GentleTouchGinger
Official Summary: 
When Roy notices his smartest student is struggling, he does some snooping and discovers some startling truths about his home life.
My Thoughts: 
Probably one of the best modern AU’s that I’ve found so far for FMA. It follows a pretty normal structure (Ed and Al are in foster homes, Roy notices something’s wrong, etc etc), but the character’s are kept true to their in-canon personalities and the plot is interesting enough to keep you on your toes. Also I cried once I finished reading it so there’s that
Type of AU: Modern/School AU
Fic Status: Complete
Truth Revealed by Fallen Crest
Official Summary: 
A lesson without pain is meaningless...to save their future, they will suffer through the truth. Brought to a room to view FMA:Brotherhood, the FMAB characters learn the dark secrets that surround Amestris. Follow the drama, the suspense, the laughs, the friendships that grow, and the pain they suffer in exchange as their future is laid out before their eyes.
My Thoughts:
 I’m actually right in the middle of reading this right now (it’s 2,500+ pages…...be ready) and it’s SO fun. Not really the kind of fic I ever expected myself to like, but everyone’s in character enough to enjoy their reactions and the interactions in between watching. The pain factor also makes things more interesting. Overall I really suggest checking this out even if it seems like something you wouldn’t enjoy
Type of AU: Characters reacting to the show
Fic Status: Dead (Destroyed by copyright)
Warnings: This fic was taken down due to copyright, but luckily some people managed to save it and upload a download link
Project Rainbow by Missy Skywalker
Official Summary:
 It took him coughing up blood on five different occasions for Edward Elric to finally give in and see a doctor.
My Thoughts: 
I cried for 2 hours after I read this and that’s all I’m saying
Type of AU: Ishvalan!Ed and Al
Fic Status: Complete
Number Twenty Eight by Sevlow
Official Summary: 
As of today, Edward Elric had been missing for four months, two weeks, and five days.
My Thoughts: 
I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW DARK THIS FIC GETS. It’s probably the darkest FMA fic I’ve been able to sit through in its entirety. WITH THAT BEING SAID...if you can manage to read it all it ends on a happy note. I don’t want to spoil too much but basically: Ed gets kidnapped, experimented on, and turned into a dog chimera
Type of AU: Chimera!Ed
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: REALLY DARK, mentions of rape (not explicit or shown), animal death
Misanthropical by nebluus
Official Summary: 
Alfonse and Eduard are best friends living in Germany. When an experiment gone wrong brings in a new yet familiar face, it will be up to them to get their friend home...and not get killed in the process. 
My Thoughts:
 I ended up finding this fic back in 2012 but it’s surprisingly held up pretty well. It was unfortunately abandoned pretty quickly into its plot, but the worldbuilding that’s there is really interesting and makes it worth it to read
Type of AU: Dimension Travel
Fic Status: Dead
Warnings: This fic takes place in the FMA 2003 universe ONLY, so if you haven’t watched that I highly suggest you don’t read yet!
General Fics/Non-AU’s
Firstfruits by toosolidcuuj
Official Summary:
 For the past eleven years, Edward Elric has been raising his family and recovering from the Promised Day. Some memories are easier to talk about than others, but he's made his peace with them. Of course the one that comes back to haunt him is the one he tried to forget about completely.
My Thoughts: 
This fic treats the topic of rape with nuance; the author admits that they don’t struggle with PTSD, but have reached out and done as much research as they can on the subject. I ended up really liking this fic for what it was setting out to do and what it accomplished, and while I did find it difficult to read at times due to the subject matter I still found myself appreciating it 
Fic Status: MIA
Warnings: This fic deals with the trauma that comes along with rape, however it’s never described in detail and the focus is solely on how the character copes with it. Please mind the tags and rating (mature)
Skin Deep by Batsitousai
Official Summary: 
Trisha and Van's first child, Edith, was born a beautiful, healthy girl. The only problem? Ed knew he was a boy.
My Thoughts: 
IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR TRANS ED I don’t want to say too much but I found it really heartwarming (especially the conversations between Mustang/Hawkeye and Ed) and just overall a really strong fic
Fic Status: Complete
Anything but Normal  by DAsObiQuiet
Official Summary: 
Fifteen years after the Promised Day, Selim Baker leads a life like any normal human. Then an attempt on his life throws his world into chaos and begins to show him just how much of a monster he really is.
My Thoughts: 
I’m not usually one to read fic’s that don’t revolve around the protagonists, but this peaked my interest enough to check it out. The author does an amazing job in fleshing out Selim (both his human side and Homunculus side) and it’s interesting to see how Selim reacts to things post-canon
Fic Status: Complete
An Overbearing Legacy by Missy Skywalker
Official Summary: 
Elicia Hughes was tired of trying to live up to her father's reputation, so on the night of her thirteenth birthday, she decided to run away. Luckily, she gets interrupted by someone who knows what losing a parent is like.
My Thoughts: 
I don’t have a ton to say but I found this fic really sweet and I enjoyed getting to see some character development in an older version of Elysia
Fic Status: Complete
At the Very Ports We Blow by baka deshi
Official Summary: 
Edward Elric has made his way to the University of Munich, where he faces a new challenge in the eerily familiar face of his peer and colleague, Alfons Heiderich. There's just one problem: the two of them have to get along.
My Thoughts: 
This has gotta be one of my favorite CoS compliant fics. I really love the idea that Alfons and Ed actually hate each other leading up to the events of CoS and have to actively work on themselves and their friendship before they can work on the rockets
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: This fic follows FMA 2003 ONLY. If you have not seen it, I highly suggest waiting to read. 
Where The Corners Meet by sahrmael
Official Summary: 
The year is 1934. The change in the Amestrian government has finally brought great peace and prosperity to the nation. But one eager boy, the son of former State Alchemist Edward Elric, has made it his duty to uncover the tragedies of his father's past, and to correct the mistakes of his own.
My Thoughts: 
Like the warning says, I remember really liking this fic, but since I haven’t read it since 2012 I can’t remember if there’s anything weird in it or not. I’ll reread it soon to make sure
Fic Status: Dead
Warnings: I haven’t read this fic since 2012 and debated whether or not I should even add it on here, however I remember REALLY liking it back then so I ultimately decided to. Basically proceed with caution because I can’t remember all of what happens in this fic
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temnurus · 4 years
10 favorite characters game
Name 10 favourite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people
1. Severus Snape / Harry Potter series 2. Chihiro / Spirited Away 3. Harry Crewe / The Blue Sword 4. Edward Elric / Fullmetal Alchemist 5.  Phèdre nó Delaunay / Kushiel’s Legacy series 6. Elizabeth Bennett / Pride and Prejudice 7. Roland Deschain / The Dark Tower series 8. Kohaku / Wish 9. Rosalind Hawkins / The Fire Rose 10. Kestrel / Queen of Wands
I was tagged by @ghosttrope to participate in this fun tag game! I had to think about it for awhile before I came up with my answers. I guess I’ll try this tagging thing. @crazyconglasses, @avaeryn, @quacklinq, and @blue-rose-smalls if you wanna do the thing, cool! If you don’t, no big deal!
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What Harry Potter fanfiction would you rec?
First off, I’m so sorry for the late reply on this ask. Here’s HP fic recs. I hope you enjoy! 
1.) back to work by TheTartWitch. On ao3. Oneshot. Rated T. Summary: The day the Minister is killed, Percy is filling out paperwork at his desk.The day Voldemort dies, Percy has successfully retained his life and his job. Unfortunately, his ability to trust anyone ever again and his family count among the things he's lost.
2.) Something to stand on by Aethelar. On ao3. Oneshot. Rated G. Summary: Newt Scamander is not just a magizoologist, he’s an inventor.
3.) Seeing the Invisible by thesometimeswarrior. On ao3. Oneshot. Rated T. Summary: She has always had the ability to see things that noone else could see.Two moments in the life of Argus Filch. Or: The effects of unexpected kindness.
4.) Like a Phoenix by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel. On ao3. Series. Rated M.  Summary: The one where Anakin Skywalker wishes for a second chance as he lies dying, and is reborn as a boy named Harry Potter.
5.)  Harry Scamander by DuCali. On ao3. WIP. Rated G. Summary: A bleeding, screaming, magical child left on a muggle doorstep in the twilight hours of a November morning?No, Newt Scamander isn’t going to stand for that.
6.) Houses by thesometimeswarrior. On ao3. Oneshot. Rated G. Summary:  The fact is, if Gellert had gone to Hogwarts instead of Durmstrang, he would have been in Slytherin.Albus knows this, but pretends not to.
7.) Fading Footsteps by stickmarionette. On ao3. Series. Rated G. Summary: Edward Elric's quest for home takes him to Hogwarts and into the life of one Tom Marvolo Riddle.
8.) Brothers by ami_ven. On ao3. Oneshot. Rated G. Summary: “You thought I was going to hit you, didn’t you?”
9.) pthese little powerless bones by dirgewithoutmusic. On ao3. Oneshot. Rated G. Summary: littlebastardreviews posted the collected facts from the 2014 UK Editions of Harry Potter: and this fact caught my eye.'Only one non-magical person has ever managed to get as far as the Hogwarts Sorting Hat before being exposed as a Squib.'
But, gosh it just makes me want a story where a squib did make it through. So here's a drabble about a squib with a quick mind and a hand-me-down wand, who refuses to be denied her birthright.--when the hat drops over her eyes it asks, 'well what do we have here?'
she’s got a forged hogwarts letter with penmanship that’s perfect down to the ink splatter; she’s got a complicated string of owls, only half of them forged, from parents to administration to ministry that’s so complicated her name ended up on the first year roll call anyway. she’s got ten arguments, four pleas, and one smothered threat on the tip of her mental tongue for why the house that comes out of this hat’s brim better not be 'squib 'she’s got a lighter up her sleeve and an eight and a half inch wand in her belt that will never, ever work for her. 
'well,' says the hat, 'better be slytherin then'
10.) The Sum of Their Parts by holdmybeer. On ao3. Completed multi-chapter fic. Rated: M. Summary: For Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter would become a Dark Lord. For Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter would take down the Ministry or die trying. He should have known that Hermione and Ron wouldn't let him do it alone. (This is the only Dark!Harry fic I will ever read, enjoy, and recommend.) 
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schrijverr · 5 years
Professor Elric?
After The Promised Day Edward is sent on a miliary mission to Hogwarts where he will teach Alchemy to his students. He is told not to interfere with their business, but he has a hard time not getting involved with this weird Voldy prick.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Chapter 3 out of 10.
“How was Colonel Elric?” Harry asked when Hermione joined their table.
She frowned and said: “I really don’t know what to make of him, but he is very strange. Did you know he’s seventeen?”
“What? He should be in his seventh year!” Ron exclaimed, “He’s the same age as Fred and George and I know that that is not mature enough to teach.”
“Exactly.” Hermione said, “And he’s not even going to teach us yet. He wants us to train our body before he trains our minds.”
Ron gave her a disgusted look and she snapped: “His words not mine! Anyway, that’s not even the most peculiar thing. He has this riddle, and it’s not even formulated in a riddle-like fashion, but if we don’t have an answer in a month you can’t follow the course. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to teach.”
“What’s the riddle?” Harry asked.
““All is One and One is All”” Hermione told them.
“What does that even mean?” Ron asked out loud.
“That is what we’re supposed to figure out, Ron.” Hermione replied with a sigh.
Ron shot her a dirty look, but didn’t comment. Harry redirected their attention by changing the subject: “We got Umbridge next, I wonder what the Ministry will teach.”
Umbridge was Horrible with a capital H. She didn’t want to acknowledge what happened to Cedric and that Voldemort was back. She didn’t believe in preparing them for the real world and she didn’t believe in using wands. Using wands was one of the most important things in DADA. They were at a loss.
Hermione was listening to Harry complain about her and silently agreeing, but her eyes kept wondering to the teachers table. Colonel Elric was sitting next to Professor Umbridge and he didn’t look like he was enjoying it, but to be fair every teacher who sat close to Umbridge wasn’t enjoying it. Yet it seemed like the Alchemist was double annoyed.
He kept shooting her glares and Hermione could see that Umbridge was trying to have a conversation, but Elric was having none of it. He ignored her every time she spoke until her face contorted and she snapped something angrily. His head shot around to look at her and his face got angry.
It seemed like everyone had noticed what was going on, because the moment he snapped back the entire Great Hall was quiet and everyone could hear the Colonels reply: “No, you stupid ignorant witch, it doesn’t work like that. Bringing someone back from the dead can’t be done with Alchemy and if you suggest that to me one more time no one will find your body. Human transmutation is a taboo and I will not have you accuse me of such things.”
And with that statement he stormed out of the hall.
When he was gone chatter burst out all around them. Hermione quickly completed the puzzle and turned to Ron and Harry, she said: “She is trying to figure out if Voldemort used Alchemy to return and if Colonel Elric is involved, which means they do believe he’s back, but they don’t want to do anything about it.”
It was quiet for a second, but then Ron said: “Fuck!”, which encompassed all their feelings quite nicely.
Edward was seething, how dare that bitch accuse him of bring back this ‘You-know-who’ person. He didn’t even know who that dude was, so that name was completely unjust, but apparently he was a bad dude or something, which made it even worse.
He had spend the last few years making sure no Alchemist or monsters or bad people walked through Amestris. He had sacrificed a normal life for it and now this troll was accusing him of putting thousands of people in danger. And not just accuse him of it, no accusing him of using human transmutation to help. She didn’t know anything, how dare she. Just how dare she.
He kicked hard against a door he was passing. He accidentally used his automail foot and it went right through. He cursed some more and clapped to quickly fix the door. As he did he heard a gasp, so he checked the corridor, one boy was standing there. He recognized him from his fifth year class, the boy who had asked what his teacher had done. He looked pretty scared of Edward, so he used that to snap: “What are you looking at? Scram.”
Which the boy did, very quickly. Edward sighed and rubbed his face. This couldn’t wait a month, Mustang had to hear about this shit. It wasn’t just a one way intelligence mission, they were trying to figure out if Amestris was involved in some war they were having, although the government was apparently denying it.
He sat down at his desk and grabbed a pen, he was glad he had packed those, because trying to combine automail with a feather and ink, no thanks. He started to write:
Mission report: 3 September
From: Colonel Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist
Commanding officer: General Roy Mustang, Flame Alchemist
Mission: Hogwarts allegiance
Our intelligence mission is not just one sided. There appears to be a “Dark Wizard” running around and he is apparently very bad, but the government is publicly denying his return. There is a government official appointed as a teacher, Dolores Umbridge, I don’t like her.
She is telling her students this “Dark wizard” isn’t back, but asked me if it was possible to bring someone back from the dead using Alchemy, so she doesn’t believe he is gone herself. She is trying to figure out if we are also helping this “Dark Wizard” guy.
She is even accusing me of personally bringing him back and infiltrating the school.
If the seal has been broken this letter has been read.
Edward put away the pen and admired his handiwork. He then sealed the letter with Alchemy, it was a precaution he had invented to prevent spying on classified letters. The seal could only be broken by someone who had seen the gate, so that left Mustang, Al and teacher.
When he was satisfied he went up to the owl tower and tied his letter to one of the communal owls. This still was way too weird. He watched as the owl left and wondered how much crazier his life was about to become. He tiredly rubbed his face again and cursed himself for snapping so loudly at that Umbitch. Everyone had heard that, before he knew it the rumors would be flying around. What a shitstorm he had found himself in now. Sighing he sat down and decided, what the Hell, I have owls might as well write Al for a bit of advise. Then he wondered why they didn’t just send his brother on the mission (he knew it was because Al wasn’t in the Army, but that hadn’t stopped Mustang or anyone else before and to be honest Al would have been a much better fit.)
Neville was running up to them now. He stopped and asked: “Did someone make Colonel Elric mad?”
“Yeah, Umbridge accused him of bringing someone back from the dead with Alchemy or something. He yelled and stuff, seemed quite upset with the notion, if you ask me.” Ron told him.
“Why do you ask?” Hermione asked, wondering how he could have known if he hadn’t been in the Great Hall when it happened.
Neville shuffled a bit and said: “I saw him angrily kick in a door.”
“What!” the three exclaimed.
Neville flinched and said: “I don’t think he meant to, he was cursing and stomping, he looked really frustrated and upset.”
“Could you show us the door?” Hermione asked.
“No, sorry.” Neville shook his head, “He fixed it right after, I think with Alchemy. It was quite cool.”
“Really!” Hermione said, interest immediately piqued, “How so?”
“Remember how he told us about the circles?” Hermione nodded and Neville went on, “Well, he didn’t use any. He just clapped his hands and touched the door, there was blue lighting and then the door was fixed.”
“Are you sure?” Hermione asked.
Neville nodded enthusiastically. Hermione frowned and bit her lip, then she slowly said: “I wonder why this foreign army official would lie to us and I wonder how powerful Alchemy can become if you train long enough. Lets go to the library, there must be some books about Amestris or Alchemy for that matter! Oh, wasn’t Nicholas Flamel an Alchemist? There must be something in his section.”
Harry and Ron exchanged a suffering look and dejectedly followed after their eager companion. Both thought, goodbye fun outside with the nice weather.
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literature-works · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Eastern Sage Chapter 17
Story Summary: Nicholas Flamel was famous for creating the philosopher’s stone, but like Lockhart’s smile it was all a lie. Flamel stole a part of the stone and it took Edward 642 years to get it back along with the souls inside of it, one which was his brother. But after traveling to Hogwarts to retrieve it, Dumbledore has other plans for the ancient hero. HP book 2/Brotherhood. Please Review.
Chapter Summary: Edward manages to leave Hogwarts but the wizarding world is not finished with him.
Chapter 17
The Wandmaker
 The clock chimed loudly in his room causing him to look up from where he was fully engaged in his story. It was two in the morning, definitely not a time that many people wished to be up for. He had been sucked into telling his story he had lost track of time. He lowered his hands from where they were spinning their tale and leaned back tiredly into the couch.
“Well, I guess that’s enough,” Edward muttered as he rubbed the exhaustion out of his jaw. Neither Minerva nor Harry cared to mask their disappointment.
“But what happened next? There is so much-“ Harry started to argue but a yawn cut him off. Edward smirked tiredly as he watched him.
“I told you it was a long story. You can’t tell a thousand years’ worth of things in one evening. To sum it up, it took a while for the professors to accept I was in Ravenclaw. Even Professor Ravenclaw had trouble adjusting. However, I ended up learning a lot over the years from all of them, even Slytherin. The tensions between the muggle and wizarding worlds grew to new heights as Morganna, you probably learned about her in history of magic, aligned herself and a small following of wizards with a rivaling kingdom and forced King Arthur to go to war. The professors tried to protect me as long as they could but Professor Slytherin sold me back to Arthur to fight in the crusades. It was…. Well that was not a story I think you should visualize,” Edward stumbled as he remembered the gallons of blood he spilt alone just fighting for his life. He could still hear the clashing of metal and the horrible screams of the war horses. He closed his eyes and took a small breath. “Well Merlin defeated Morganna at the cost of his life in Carmarthen then Arthur was assassinated post war, leaving me free to do go about my business. The wizarding world disappeared from the eyes of the muggles as did I. I traveled, went to many different schools, earned 25 college degrees, met Sir de Mimsy-Porpington, and became a hermit until Nicholas Flamel found me and begged me to teach him. The rest of the story is history-“
“The entire story is history, brother,” Alphonse said lightly making Edward laugh at his attempt at humor.
“But… Professor-“
“Potter, let him be. It is a long story and this has been more than he wanted to share to begin with. We should let him rest,” Minerva reminded the boy calmly but froze as she remembered exactly who she was talking to. “And you should be getting to bed! Sneaking out all night and fighting! You better have a good nights rest for your detention tomorrow! Get back to your dormitory Potter!” she screeched and the kid stumbled up, grabbing his wand and his cloak as he fled the chamber room. The fear in his eyes clear as day. Minerva muttered something to herself about making him clean the armory as she straightened out her robes. Edward chuckled lightly though his exhaustion nearly defeated his attempt. Minerva glanced down at him, her anger with Potter dissipating. She took out her wand from her robes and waved it in the air quickly. Alphonse jolted up from his seat to stop her, afraid that she was going to harm Edward but froze as she chanted a word they have been waiting too long to hear.
“Vacatio” she whispered and touched both Edward and Alphonse with the tip of her wand. It was like a heavy chain was lifted off his shoulders and Edward sighed in relief.
“Thank you,” he breathed, finally free from his imprisonment. He looked down at his hands as if he expected to see loosened shackles there. Of course, there was nothing.
“Mr. Elric, I feel like you are far too acquainted with being restrained,” Minerva said with a heavy voice. She looked tired after hearing his story, but Edward could hear the level of sympathy to her. She was upset for what had happened to him, past and present. Feeling that much emotion would tire anyone.
“Minerva, really, thank you,” Edward struggled to elaborate. “I know it must have been hard for you to do this.”
“I might be friends with Albus and Severus, but that doesn’t mean that I am unwilling to put them in their place every now and then, especially for another professor,” Minerva said tiredly. Edward felt a smile spread over him. He had thought that everyone was just tearing him apart, but now it really looked like Minerva considered him a friend, or at least someone worth sticking out for. A warm feeling spread inside of him and he felt tears come to his eyes. He wiped them furiously away. He did enough of that this evening. With a deep breath, he held his emotions at bay and nodded gratefully at her. Seeming to know that it was about time to go, Minerva picked up her things and made her way over to the door. She opened the portrait but before stepping out turned back to look at where Edward was trying to compose himself.
“Edward, I know you will probably be leaving in the morning, but do consider coming back to teach. I do still believe that something good might come of you staying here, even if it is just a few acquaintances. I also don’t imagine anyone of us would be able to put Lockhart in his place as well as you do,” she said hoping to make his leave more similar to one of parting friends than that of betrayal and corruption. It seemed she still had some faith in Dumbledore, and Edward didn’t expect any differently.
“I will think about it,” Edward replied quietly. “See you at breakfast.” Minerva brightened a little that he wasn’t going to be leaving in the middle of the night and left on that note. Edward watched the portrait door close and collapsed back down onto the couch he was resting on. He massaged his face slowly in his hands, trying to sort through everything that happened and then everything that he would have to do. He didn’t know where he stood in the mess of things, but he had a feeling he would see it through. He felt the couch dip beside him and peeked between his fingers to see his brother waiting patiently beside him.
“What are you planning on doing?” he asked. Edward groaned as he deeply massaged his face one more time before drastically dropping his hands down to his lap. He only wished he knew the answer to that. He dropped his head and stared at the coffee table where the rest of the wizards wands were. There were four left, all of which he didn’t want a part of.
“First things first,” he muttered. “I am going to have to return these.”
The morning came only a few hours later and Edward quickly got dressed to head out. He wore his travelling cape and held only one small bag he had alchemically make shifted from his old clothes. It held only a few photographs, one journal, and of course, the iron mask. Edward felt the overwhelming need to chuck the thing into the river but refrained. If he did, it would have undoubtedly been recovered by the headmaster and used again. He needed to take it away so that they couldn’t attempt to use it. Unfortunately, the only way to do that was to take it with him.
Edward shuffled down the stairs with the heavy steps of his brother trailing behind him. He felt the time to pull him back was nearing, but he wanted his company for when they left the castle. When he reached the Entrance Hall there was a large gathering of students gathered in the walk way, whispering and gossiping to each other. The fight last night was loud, and the entire castle must have heard it. The students were getting the latest scoop on what happened, whether their stories be true or tall tales. The instant they saw him come they quieted down and moved away. It seemed that they still thought he was the monster who wrote the bloody message. Edward rolled his eyes and pushed his way through the crowd. They would have made him self-conscious of his stay there, but he knew he wasn’t staying that long to care.
Edward skipped right towards the large ornate doors of the castle. He felt the nice fall breeze flow through the doorway and inhaled deeply. It was such a nice feeling, he had almost forgotten what it was like. Edward only hesitated once to pray and step through the doorway, as he was afraid that the counterspell that Minerva gave him didn’t work. However, as he stuck his hand through, there was nothing to stop him. It passed right through the doorway and into the bright morning sunshine. A smile spread across his face as an overwhelming feeling of relief flowed through him. He really was free.
“Master Elric,” he heard the horribly familiar voice call out to him. The joy he had felt was immediately wiped from his face as he turned to look over his shoulder and saw the headmaster standing there, the other heads of houses behind him. The professors were standing smaller than usual, their normal bravado having left with their wands. Edward pulled his hand back in and crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at the teachers. They all looked like children who were being scolded. Seeing that he got his attention, Dumbledore walked up to where Edward was. Alphonse made a move to stand in between them, but Edward stuck his hand out to stop him.
“Paracelsus,” the man repeated, “I know you must want to leave but I have to convince you to-“ The man did not finish his sentence before Edward wound his left arm back and punched him straight in the face. The old man’s head whipped back and he staggered back to the floor, a roar of gasps and cries escaping the crowd of students. Blood gushed out of the old man’s face where his nose broke from the hit. Edward shook his hand out, relishing in the satisfying feeling of punching the old man. Alphonse did not move to stop him, nor to apologize for his actions. They were done.
“Don’t try and act civil with me, Albus!” Edward yelled at the wizard. “You had your chance to do that before you trapped me here! I told you that I am done with your childish games. I am free now and am leaving. It is in your best interest if you do not follow me or else you might have to worry about a few more broken bones than your nose.”
“Don’t say anything, Severus,” Edward hissed, stopping the man in his tracks from where he was trying to approach him. The man looked ashamed but hid it too well, probably from years of practice. Edward had once thought that they could be friends. They had similar minds and because of that they were similarly stubborn. However, they chose different sides and now a sea separated them, the other shore too far to see. Edward looked at the other two professors, they were in a similar position. Edward reached into his pocket and pulled out the bunch of wands he was hiding there. He casted them down to the floor and they hit the ground, a hollow tinkling sound thundered across the silent hall. The wizards flinched but none moved to pick them up.
“Take your wands and your magic. Lord knows you value that over the people around you.” Seeing as none of the professors had anything to add, Edward knew that the argument was done, he was going. Edward turned around with a whirl and stepped through the doorway of the castle. The gentle breeze hit him in the face and he inhaled deeply. It felt like he was breathing for the first time. He took a few steps down the path, looking behind him only once to see the professors standing there in the doorway.
“If I come back to Hogwarts it will be on my own doing and in my own time. Not because of some divinations and prophecies,” he scolded lightly. Just as he was going to turn away, he heard a call from the crowd of people gathered in the doorway. Minerva pushed her way through the growing crowd of students.
“Edward!” she called out to him and ran down the steps to where he was standing. She was carrying something long and shiney in her hands. It took only a second for him to realize that it was his old sword. His eyes widened in shock as she handed it over to him. “You told me you were not leaving till breakfast. Now you have an old woman like me running a marathon to catch you!” she scolded him haughtily. “I believe this is yours.”
Edward took the handle, the weight of the sword far too familiar in his hands. He looked upon the ruby encrusted blade at the delicate writing. He hadn’t gazed upon the sword since the day he buried it over 600 years ago. It was exactly as he remembered it when Godric had given it to him. It was the embodiment of bravery, something that Edward felt he was lacking more and more of every day.
He didn’t even know that it had returned back to Hogwarts, though he should have expected it. That bastard was still stealing his stuff. He glared over Minerva’s shoulder at the headmaster. The man stood unwavering though a glimmer of surprise was in his eyes. Albus was surprised that Minerva would steal it back from him. Edward was surprised as well. He knew that Minerva was still struggling with her decisions the previous evening, but her will to do what she thought was right was strong.
“Bravery and loyalty, Paracelsus, that is what I stand for,” he remembered Godric saying to him when he received the sword. “It isn’t the bravery on the battle field or the loyalty to a power that counts. It is the loyalty to a belief and the strength to stand up for it that is the true weight of a man. However, having a sword at your side never hurts.” He glanced down at the sword once more. There was a reason why everyone was sorted into their respective houses. Edward straightened himself out and pushed the sword back towards Minerva.
“Take it. I think it is about time that this was returned to the house of Gryffindor. It has been with a crusty old Ravenclaw long enough,” Edward said. The woman looked absolutely shocked as the weight of the sword rested in her hands. She opened her mouth to retort as if the mere thought of giving her such a piece was blasphemous but no words came out.
“I don’t know if I will be back, but wizards are nosy. I don’t think the wizarding world is done with me yet,” Edward reassured her.
“How will we know when to expect your return? I am sure the students would want to have a warning before you barge in again,” Minerva said. Edward shrugged, a small chuckle escaping his lips.
“I guess you will just have to wait to find out. Say goodbye to Nick for me. Tell Helena to jump into the whomping willow.”
“Brother!” Alphonse gasped slapping him on his shoulder.
“Ouch! Al! I am joking!.... kind of,” he growled. “Seriously take care.” Minerva said her good byes and Edward did likewise. He gave one more wave to Minerva and a rather obscene sign to Albus before turning to begin his walk down the pathway. He had a long ways ahead of him to get to where he was going. He needed to make the most of it.
“Brother, where are we going to go now?” Alphonse asked him, his armor clanking beside him. Edward closed his eyes and stretched his arms behind him, basking in the warm sun. He had traveled so long without the familiar sound of his brother walking beside him. It was calming to know that he was there once more.
“I think I am about due a stop in Carmarthen. I think its about time for me to pick up magic again.”
Edward took the train down from Scotland to Wales, returning Alphonse back to the stone when they started to reach muggle populated areas. Though the armor figures were strange to wizards, they would have scared any muggle who fell upon them. The trip took a few hours and the farther Edward drew from Hogwarts the more settled he felt. Back on the road and back to routine. He had chased after Flamel for 600 years and now he was back to travelling, luckily with more company. The people in the stone discussed and retold the story of Edward punching the headmaster. It seemed that all of them were waiting for that bomb to go off. It finally did and they enjoyed it.
“That little brat deserved it. I would have used your automail fist though, Fullmetal,” Roy said, the smile very apparent in his voice. Edward smirked as he stepped off the train.
“When I see him again I will be sure to correct my mistake.”
“Brother, are you sure you will be able to find your wand? It has been a while since you have been here. Carmarthen probably changed,” Alphonse said with concern. It had been a few hundred years since Edward had given up magic. He was so adamant at the time to never go back he did everything but snap his wand in two. He had buried his wand beneath an old oak tree, or rather Merlin’s grave.
People liked to imagine the fight between Merlin and Morganna in the crusades as the largest and most infamous battle in both wizarding history and muggle legend. Morganna casted a powerful curse on Merlin, who was a second too late to deflect it. The result had killed him and turned his corpse into a mangled oak tree. That tree had stood on the wooded battlefield for centuries, unmarked, but deeply remembered by wizards, muggles, and Edward. He had visited the oak in secret since the crusades, the last time being 700 years ago after the death of Sir Porpington when he had discarded his wand. Edward thought it was about time to visit him again.
Edward snatched a map of the town from a nearby brochure stand and unfurled it. Alphonse was right that Carmarthen had changed since the hundreds of years he had been there. However, the town’s layout resembled a ghost of the town he remembered. He should be able to find his way though it was best if he did not get lost. He wound his way through the maze of streets until he got to the little corner of Oak Lane and Priory Street. However, it was nothing how he remembered it. Instead of being the edge of a small wood, the entire place was paved over with insignificant looking houses and a church. In the distance he could see fields of farm land where sheep roamed their pastures. No trees in sight. Edward let out an exasperated cry and threw his map to the ground angrily.
“Where in god’s name did he go!” he growled angrily. “He was supposed to be right here!”
“Brother, Wales is a primarily muggle town. They probably levelled the forest not knowing about Merlin’s tree.”
“But they knew! Muggles knew! It’s in their legends and stories! Arthur had it marked off!” Edward exclaimed.
“They probably didn’t care anymore about some fairytale.” Edward cursed and spat, kicking the map he threw in rage. This is what he got for giving up magic.
“It’s my life! It’s not a fairytale! He was my friend!” he shouted angrily, some passing muggles turning their heads to stare as he screamed at nothing. Roy scolded him to calm down to prevent raising suspicion. Edward growled as he dropped down and sat on the curb with his bag, holding his head in frustration. He did not know whether to be upset and mourn the loss of his friend or to be frustrated with his current predicament of not having a wand. Edward sat there for a few minutes trying to calm himself down. He felt like he had lost his friend all over again.
As he was about to try and address his situation, there was a loud pop from an alley beside him. Edward jolted to his feet and looked around on high alert. He didn’t think that anyone from Hogwarts would have been dumb enough to follow him. However, other people he knew might be desperate enough to try. As Edward braced himself for a fight, footsteps shuffled to the mouth of the alleyway to reveal a wrinkly old man. He was short, years of age weighing on his spine, but his eyes sparkled with the intelligence and curiosity of youth.  
“My father, my father’s father, and several generations before that have waited to find you here. I was wondering if I would see the day,” the man said with a smile as he hobbled towards him. Edward took a step away from the man, but didn’t run away as he approached him.
“Who are you?” Edward asked cautiously. He was sure he never met this man in his life though it was apparent the man knew him.
“Garrick Ollivander. Forty generations ago you would have met my ancestor Gwenoviere Ollivander. She made your wand! Though it was her husband George who sold it to you,” the man said as if he were there to have witnessed the event. Edward’s eyes widened as he remembered the day he levelled Diagon Alley. Professor Ravenclaw had taken him out shortly after being sorted to gather supplies and a wand. It had taken him ages to find a wand that wouldn’t explode on him. The Ollivanders were very helpful and seemed more than eager to help a rather tricky customer. This being their great-etcetera-grandson, was probably over excited to help again.
“But… how did you know I was here?” Edward asked confused. The man looked at him as he seemed to not understand why he was perplexed by his appearance. Then suddenly a light turned on in his head as if he were remembering something.
“Oh yes, yes, yes,” he breathed. “I apologize. Eleven and three quarters inch white pine with threstral hair, whippy.” From beneath his robes, the man procured a slender box which within Edward presumed his wand resided. He knew the measurements of his wand like the back of his hand. It was the only one of its type. Edward guarded himself as the man held it. How did he know where it was? How did he get it?
“What do you want?” Edward interrogated. There was no way the man was returning his wand out of the goodness of his heart. However, the man stood him wrong.
“It is my family’s job to supply wizards with wands. In this case I do the same. My ancestors were drawn towards your wand and found it beneath Merlin’s tree. They decided to hold onto it knowing that you would return one day. Now you have! So I give this back to you. Let me say it’s a very peculiar wand. Threstral hair is extremely powerful and yet it is matched with a horribly yielding wood. I have been examining this wand my entire life trying to contemplate why my ancestors would have made this asynchronous monstrosity but I still could not have figured out why.”
“I was extremely powerful, as you could have imagined. I needed a powerful wand but not one that would cast more powerful spells. Just one to absorb my own magic and distribute it properly. Gwenoviere explained that to me, though it took me years to actually understand it,” Edward answered him.
“Threstral hair is legend to be wielded by a master of death. I suppose that legend started with you,” the man replied. He seemed satisfied to have a long question answered. He delicately handed Edward the wand box. Edward opened it to see his old wand, the delicate craftmanship crumpled and worn down, the ends of the threstral hair sticking out the top of it. Years have not been kind to it. He dared not pick it up in fear that the wand’s magical balance deteriorated with it.
“Unfortunately, it has been centuries and even with the most meticulous maintenance we have done to it, the wood and the core are out of use. It tis a shame when a wand falls to disrepair,” Garrick said. Edward cursed under his breath as he closed the box up once more.
“I thank you for returning this to me but I am still in need of a wand. I don’t even know where to get one this day and age.”
“If I may, I am a wandmaker, just like Gwenoviere was back in your day. Surely, I can make a new one for you?” the man asked, eagerness overwhelming him. Edward raised his eyebrow and looked him over. The man did not appear to be of ill intent. He had returned his wand to him of no charge. It appeared to him that the man was simply obsessed with wands and wandmaking. He was helping him out of the pure need of a new project.
“Very well, but I am probably going to be the hardest wand you ever had to make.”
“Wonderful!” the man exclaimed as he grabbed Edward by the hand. He didn’t have time to move before the man whipped his wand in the air. There was a loud bang and Edward felt a pull behind his nasals. Before he knew it they were gone and Carmarthen was left undisturbed.
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